It doesn’t cost a penny to perform an act of kindness, yet the world seems lacking in this department. We all get caught up in our busy lives and often fail to consider what someone else might be going through. However, without the support and friendship we find in each other, we couldn’t survive. We depend on each other to get through life, because we all know by now that this journey can get quite tiresome. In order to push through, we look to each other for inspiration, motivation, and compassion.

Below, you’ll find 11 strangers who went above and beyond to make someone else happy. You might call them heroes, or just human beings doing the right thing for their fellow man.

Here are 11 times the simple act of kindness changes someone’s life:

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca 

1. “I saw a man on the train who noticed an older man struggling to find directions on his phone. He asked if he could help and spent the next 20 minutes teaching him how to use google maps, gps, and direction services. What a stud!”

I saw a man on the train who noticed an older man struggling to find directions on his phone. He asked if he could help and spent the next 20 minutes teaching the him how to use google maps, gps, and direction services. What a stud!
byu/Dex2Dex inHumansBeingBros

2. What an amazing act of kindness. Keith Urban deserves a round of applause for sure!

3. Because this apartment complex thought about how to include everyone when designing their pool, those in wheelchairs didn’t get left out. Way to go!

This apartment complex has pool access for wheelchairs.
byu/hootersbutwithcats inHumansBeingBros

4. For all the plastic that we dump into the ocean, offering an act of kindness like this to a seal is the least we can do.

Good humans..gotta love them! from r/HumansBeingBros

5. This dog got a second chance at life after this amazing human came to his rescue.

Saving a life from r/HumansBeingBros

6. Sometimes food companies surprise you with this act of kindness instead of turning the homeless away.

Little Caesars helping the homeless eating scraps from dumpster
byu/dwall1604 inHumansBeingBros

7. When it gets cold and snowy outside, anyone who picks up a shovel and gets to work clearing a path is much-appreciated.

This man voluntarily shoveling snow at my bus stop to clear the paving for the blind (Zwolle, Netherlands) from r/HumansBeingBros


8. When you can’t count on your government, you can count on the civilians to have your back.

Saudia Shuler, the owner of Country Cookin in Philadelphia, bought and distributed groceries to government employees who can’t afford to buy them due to the government shutdown. from r/HumansBeingBros

9. Sometimes an act of kindness like giving someone a free drink is all they need to feel better.

Taco Bell just gave me a free drink! Had a rough day and it helped.
byu/Rinzler_123 inHumansBeingBros

10. Kindness begets kindness.

Moved in to a new place a few months back and we just recently got hit with around 11 inches of snow. Both neighbors on either side are elderly, so I shoveled their driveways. Found this in my mailbox today.
byu/Imjustsosososotired inHumansBeingBros

11. This guy went all the way to Ghana to make a difference in the lives of children at an orphanage. Surely, this act of kindness will never be forgotten.

This year’s random act of kindness.

Have you ever witnessed or performed an act of kindness? If so, please share it with us in the comments! This world definitely needs to start a “kindness train” so that everyone can get on board and feel the love! Imagine what we as humans could accomplish if we all loved and respected each other! We would all probably feel a lot happier and less stressed out.

If you see someone struggling, find out what you can do to help them. What they need might not always cost money; maybe they just need a hug, someone to talk to, or motivation to keep going. As humans, we can do so much better, and it all starts with adopting an attitude of giving rather than receiving.

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