Sometimes in life, you just need to stop whatever you’re doing and hit the reset button. We get so lost in the motions at times that we don’t even see how destructive we’ve become toward ourselves. However, we can simply reclaim our power at any time and start over fresh again.

The people below have found the reset button in life and totally transformed themselves for the better. We hope their stories inspire you to make changes in your life if you feel you need to.

Here are 25 people who hit the reset button in life:

1. This man lost 150 pounds in a little less than 2 years. Amazing progress!

[deleted by user]
by inpics

2. The people in the gallery defeated anorexia and proved to everyone that you can always climb your way out of the darkness.

3. This man lost 80 pounds in one year!

Lost 80lbs in a year today. Progress Pics (3/9/17-3/9/18)

4. Look at that beautiful smile!

Girl has life changing jaw surgery

5. Giving up alcohol and adopting a healthy lifestyle can do wonders for your mind and body.

3 Years In To My Weight Loss/Sobriety Journey. Down 155 lbs Face Progress and Body Progress

6 This guy literally looks like a different person after his weight loss!

C’mon man, everyone else is doing it.

7. It’s a long road to get where you want to be, but it feels so good when you finally get there.

Before and After dump!

8. Many of us out there would like to put on some muscle, and this guy went out and did it. So awesome!

Weight gain (49kg to 55kg)

9. This woman followed the keto diet to lose 140 pounds!

Three years ago I changed my life. I don’t miss my glasses at all … or the 140lbs

10. There’s a six year difference between these photos and they look like entirely different people!


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11. 110 pound weight loss looks great on this guy! He definitely hit the reset button.

Lost 50kg (110lbs) in 18 months after a rugby injury, started rowing for my university, got my MSc in mathematics
byu/Teddyzander inuglyduckling

12. 55 pounds down in 9 months!

55lbs Weight Loss in 9 months

13. This woman wanted to run a marathon, so she started training and lost weight in the process. Way to go!


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A post shared by Emily G (@emrunsonketo) on

14. That’s some serious dedication.


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A post shared by ?To Lose Weight??FollowUs Now? (@fitbodypowers) on

15. When you hit the reset button, amazing things start to happen.

My Transformation

16. What an inspiring transformation!


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17. Three year transformation despite struggles with diabetes.

Fuck Diabetes

18. Weightlifting can definitely help you reset your life in the best way possible.

From 540lbs to 315lbs, 3 years of endlessly lifting things up & putting them down

19. This woman lost over 400 pounds!

My 600-Pound Life – Before and After

20. He looks much more confident and happy now.

It’s been a year today since my lazy eye operation. My previous posts inspired lots of people to have the same procedure, so here’s my final one…

Inspirational quotes

21. Eating disorders CAN be overcome with the right support system.


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22. This guy kicked his addiction to the curb and got his eating disorder under control.

M/28/5’10” [119lbs – 147lbs] 3 months sober after struggling with addiction and an eating disorder.
byu/owengraemearmstrong inprogresspics

23. You can hit the reset button at any time!

F/23/6’1″ [326>156=170] (two and a half years so far!) This has been a wild journey but I’m finally starting to like the person I’m becoming 🤘💫💖
byu/coconutscentedbitch inprogresspics

24. She looks so much more vibrant now!

F/22/5’6” [296>165=131lbs] sometimes I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror. I just needed a reminder today…
by inprogresspics

25. This man really meant it when he hit the reset button on life. Amazing!

M/35/6’3”[534>217=317lbs] Lost more than I weigh right now.
byu/dusty_lost_300lbs inprogresspics

Which of the transformations was your favorite?