In life, people often look at our circumstances from a “glass half-empty” perspective, seeing everything that isn’t there rather than what IS there. We judge ourselves and become our own worst enemies, expecting perfection and nothing less. We compare our lives to others and decide that ours must be a life of weakness that is less appealing or gratifying. However, you are probably much stronger than you think, and here’s why:
5 Signs You’re Stronger Than You Think
You Focus on What You Can Change
Unhappy people always dwell on what they can’t change, but happy people take advantage of the changes they can make. Unhappy people give every reason why something is impossible, but happy people understand that they can transcend any limits with positive, determined thoughts. If you realize what changes you can make and take active steps toward creating those changes, you have discovered one of the best ways to feel true happiness: by taking responsibility for establishing positive change in your life.
You Don’t Care What Others Think
If you feel comfortable living beyond the confines of societal norms and couldn’t care less what others have to say about how you live, you are part of a rare group of people. Many people never allow themselves to flourish because they worry too much about how others will perceive them, and don’t pay enough attention to how they perceive themselves. The day you stop caring what others think is the day you start living. If you have surpassed the need to seek approval and live life according to your own ideals, you have unlocked one of the gates to happiness.
You Aren’t Afraid of Failure
This goes along with the previous point, because living without regrets often coincides with having no fear of failure. Leaving the comfort zone behind means that you focus more on the experience rather than the result of that experience. If you accept failed attempts as part of the learning experience here on Earth, you probably live a pretty happy life because you understand that growth can’t happen without failure.
You Have a “Yes” Mentality
Adopt this mindset, and you will have a whole new outlook on the meaning of “no.” No just means that the universe is redirecting you to another opportunity, which means that a “yes” is inevitable if you just hold your intention. If you already have this mentality, you actually love the answer “No” because it challenges you to keep following your path despite the obstacles you face. Having this mentality means you say yes to life, even if life may not always say yes to you.
You See the Value in the Little Things in Life
Most people rush through life without slowing down every once in a while to take in all the beauty around them. If you can look at a flower growing in a bed of weeds and smile, you have a pretty good outlook on life. In the same way, if you can sit in a sea of cars on your way to work and feel thankful for the chance to gain patience, this shows you can find the silver lining in any situation.