There will be times in your life that you question or forget your self-worth. You might be going through a hard time or have fallen into a pattern of negativity. Either way, the best affirmations can help you remember your self-worth.

These affirmational phrases serve as a reminder that you are valuable and worthy of good things. Using affirming statements first thing in the morning can help set you up for a good day. The positive phrases stick in your mind throughout the day, helping you focus on your self-worth.

Twenty Best Affirmations to Remember Your Self-Worth

Make a habit of using the best affirmations during your morning routine. Then, when unfortunate or disappointing situations occur, you’ll already have the positive words in your mind. With the phrases on your mind, you won’t be as likely to question your self-worth at all.

Best Affirmations for Self-Love

best affirmations1. I embrace my good qualities and unique characteristics.

You’re different than anyone else in the world, and those differences are what make you special. Embrace your good qualities and make a note of them whenever you can. Likewise, embrace your unique characteristics because they make you the person that you are.

If you struggle to embrace your qualities and characteristics, your self-worth suffers. Boost your self-worth by learning to appreciate the things that make you different.

2. I know I have a purpose in life.

Even if you can’t identify it right now, you have a purpose in life. You are on this earth for a reason, so start treating yourself that way. When you can affirm that you have a purpose in life, you will feel your self-worth increase quickly.

3. I feel good about who I am.

When you feel good about the person that you are, your sense of self-worth can increase. Sometimes, all it takes to boost your confidence and help you see your value in the world is feeling good about yourself. If you repeat this self-affirmation each day, you’ll notice that you feel better more often.

4. I prioritize my health and well-being.

When you make your health and well-being a priority in your life, you’ll remember your self-worth. Taking care of yourself is an essential aspect of feeling good, so use this affirmation each day. Implementing this positive statement into your routine helps keep your health and wellness at the forefront of your mind.

Affirmational Statements to Boost Self Confidence

5. I attract positive opportunities and experiences.

This affirmation will boost your self-worth and help you remember your value. When you tell yourself that you attract positive opportunities, you’ll open up to the idea. Then, you’ll notice that more experiences come your way, helping reaffirm your self-worth.

The experiences were always there already, but this affirmation helps you watch for them. Plus, once they come your way, you’ll know that you deserve these moments.

6. I am confident and can push away my fears.

With confidence, you can do anything that you want to do. Remember your self-worth and push away any fear that makes you think you can’t do something. It’s ok to feel fearful, but you can’t let the feeling make you feel like you aren’t worthy.

7. I am worthy of good things in my life.

If you ever question your self-worth, you might think that you don’t deserve good things. You might tell yourself that you only deserve what you already have, holding yourself back in life. If this is a problem for you, try using this affirmation to remember your self-worth.

Use this affirmation each morning to set you up for a positive mindset all day. When you know that you’re worthy of good things, you’ll be on the lookout for them, too.

8. I am heard, and the things I say are important.

Sometimes all it takes to remember your self-worth is acknowledging that people hear you. Reassure yourself that the words you say are important and that other people are listening. When you feel like your words matter, your self-worth will quickly increase.

Positive Thinking Statements

9. I think positively in all situations.

With a positive mindset, you’ll remember your self-worth. Everyone experiences negativity sometimes, but that’s where these best affirmations come into play. Repeat this phrase each morning to help yourself think positively throughout the day, no matter what happens.

10. I am a valuable part of my loved ones’ lives.

The people who love you and care about you value your presence in their life. If you ever start to think that you don’t make a difference in your loved one’s life, then use this affirmation. It’ll remind you of how valuable you are to the relationship or friendship, and you’ll remember your self-worth.

best affirmations11. I love myself in every way.

Practicing self-love is the best way to remember your self-worth. When you love yourself, you won’t question your value. You’ll always feel good and confident in your skin.

12. I focus on self-respect and building self-esteem.

When you respect yourself and build self-esteem, your self-worth will increase. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, focus on self-respect, and you’ll notice an overall improvement to your well-being. Repeat this affirmation each morning so that it can stay on your mind throughout the day.

Best Affirmations to Succeed

13. I overcome challenges and obstacles.

Challenges and obstacles are an unfortunate but unavoidable part of life. Even still, you can remember your self-worth as you work through these problems. Remember that you can do anything you set your mind on, including overcoming unexpected situations.

Anytime something undesirable occurs in your life, don’t waste time before repeating this affirmation. Even if nothing bad has happened, you can still use this positive phrase in the morning just in case something happens during your day.

14. I attract good people into my life.

The people you surround yourself with play a role in your sense of self-worth. If you spend your time with negative people, you won’t feel good about yourself. However, if you choose to have good people in your life, you’ll feel better about who you are.

Use this affirmation during your morning routine, and it’ll help you from the start of your day. Then, as soon as you head out into the world, you’ll attract good people while remembering your self-worth.

15. I am worthy of success and achievement.

Don’t let opportunities pass by because you don’t feel worthy of taking them. Use this affirmation to remember your self-worth and embrace every opportunity that comes your way. You deserve success and achievement, but you must know that you are worthy of it.

16. I learn from mistakes so that I can become better.

When you learn from your mistakes, you’ll remember your self-worth. By learning through each experience, you develop and grow into a better person. Then, your sense of self-worth continues improving as your confidence and knowledge increase.

Best Affirmational Statements for Emotional Intelligence

17. I deserve love and respect from the people in my life.

If you surround yourself with people who don’t respect you, then you’ll likely suffer from a lack of self-worth. However, by spending time with people that love and respect you, you’ll quickly remember your self-worth. Eliminate anyone from your life that makes you question your value because you deserve more than that.

18. I am determined and motivated in all aspects of my life.

With determination and motivation, you’ll surely remember your self-worth. When you work hard toward something, you’ll recognize your value and see that you are worthy. It’ll make you feel good about yourself, boosting your confidence and sense of well-being.

19. I make the best decisions I can and feel confident about them.

When it comes to making decisions, you never know which one is the right one. All that you can hope for is making the best decision for your life without outside influence. Once you’ve made a decision for your life, remain confident about what you chose.

By making the best decisions you can, you’ll remember your self-worth. Plus, by feeling confident, you won’t spend time questioning your choices and value.

20. I find happiness in every situation.

No matter what is going on in your life, look for the good things in your situation. Even during hard times, you can find small moments of happiness to boost your mindset. When you always look for joy, you can easily remember that you are worthy of good things.

best affirmationsFinal Thoughts on Best Affirmations to Remember Your Self-Worth

Everyone experiences times in their life when they question their self-worth and value. When you find yourself in this situation, refer to these affirming statements again to help you. If it’s a common problem for you, consider putting these affirmations in places you’ll see each day.

The best affirmations to remember your self-worth are ones that make you feel more confident. With confidence, you will know that you are valuable in all areas of your life. Even during hard times, you are worthy of good things and happiness.

As you work to remember your self-worth, focus on keeping a positive mindset by using the best affirmations. Positivity will help you see the good things in your life, including your positive qualities and characteristics. Anytime you find yourself struggling, recite these affirmations again to help you get through.