Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils to consume, apply to the skin, and use on the hair. Many people already use it for hair to get rid of dandruff, but what many don’t know is its ability to repair damaged hair and assist in its regrowth.

Another great use of the oil involves the management of diabetes, treatment of seizures, maintenance of a healthy heart, and more. Dozens of studies prove consuming coconut oil for health works.

Five Reasons to Give Coconut Oil a Chance

Here are five reasons coconut oil is excellent for your health.

oil pulling

1. Skin Care

Coconut oil works well for skin. According to a study carried out in 2018 by Dr. Lily Zhong of California State University regarding the impacts of plant oils on the skin, it was discovered that oil from coconut has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties. It can also assist in treating many skin conditions like:• Eczema & psoriasis: Topical application of virgin oil from coconut minimizes the severity of this problem.

• UV radiation:

According to research by R. R. Korac, K. M. Khambholja shows that the use of oil from coconut safeguards the skin against the dangerous impacts of UV radiation.

• Dermatitis:

According to a study by Peter A. Lio and Allison L. Goddard, coconut oil is more effective in relieving symptoms of atopic dermatitis than mineral oil. Another research discovered that virgin oil from coconut could be utilized as an efficient way of managing this condition.

• Skin Wound:

The oil can assist in speeding up the healing of wounds.

• Dry Skin or Xerosis:

Agero, AL and Vermen M. Verallo-Rowell M.D conducted a research that concluded oil from coconut to be an effective and safe moisturizer for your skin. Pure, non-GMO, cold-pressed, and organic oil from coconut is an exceptional massage oil that can be utilized for all skin types, including dry skin.

• Antimicrobial activity:

Monolaurin is an active ingredient of coconut oil that is antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. It safeguards against the harmful impacts of bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus that leads to pimples and other skin conditions.

• Burns:

Use of oil from coconut aids in offering relief to patients with burns.

• Other:

It also assists in repairing the skin barrier.

Unlike mineral oil, the application of oil from coconut does not have any adverse side effects. For this reason, it has been used for centuries to prevent flaking and dryness of the skin. Hence, it is a primary ingredient in various body care products such as soaps, creams, and lotions for skin care.

Additionally, the oil can make you look younger by delaying the skin sagging and the appearance of wrinkles.

2. Hair Care

Because of coconut oil, females in tropical coastal regions have bright and long hair. Women in tropical coastal areas use the oil for their hair almost daily. The oil is thick and butter-like and aids in healthy hair growth, and offers shine to the strands.

coconut oil

According to the Journal of Cosmetic Science, a study by R. B. Mohile and Aarti S. Rele discovered that oil from coconut is very efficient in minimizing loss of protein, which, if not monitored, can result in numerous unhealthy hair qualities. As a result of low molecular weight, the oil can penetrate the hair shaft and safeguard against hair damage.

For this reason, it is utilized as a hair care oil and produces numerous dandruff relief creams and conditioners. The best variety of oil from coconut that is perfect for healthy hair is organic and extra virgin. You can use a coconut oil hair mask or apply it topically to the hair.

Coconut oil for the health of your hair is perfect for treating damaged hair. It is an excellent conditioner and aids in the regrowth process of ruined hair. It also offers the critical proteins needed for nourishing and healing damaged hair.

According to research by Ruetsch SB et al., TRI/Princeton states that oil from coconut offers more excellent protection to hair from damage resulting from hygral fatigue. Using the oil to massage your head regularly will enable your scalp to be free from dandruff, even when it is chronically dry. It also aids in keeping your scalp and hair free from lice infestation.

3. Improved Heart Health

According to a review study by Lauren Boateng et al., it was discovered that 50 percent of fats present in coconut oil are MCTs like lauric acid. These acids are easily absorbed in the intestines and can be utilized by the body to produce energy. Additionally, the MCTs fail to participate in the biosynthesis or transport of cholesterol.

According to a study carried out on 116 patients of coronary artery disease, it was found out that a diet rich in extra virgin oil from coconuts resulted in improved good cholesterol levels and decreased bad cholesterol levels. Another study by Dr. Alan Feranil et al., of the University of San Carlos, shows that consumption of this oil can assist in the maintenance of healthy lipid profiles in pre-menopausal women.

If you are utilizing the oil for consumption purposes, be sure to monitor your cholesterol levels regularly. It is best to stop consuming it extensively if you detect an increase.

4. Better Brain Function and Fewer Seizures

Alzheimer’s disease is the most typical cause of dementia worldwide, mainly in older people. In patients of Alzheimer’s disease, there seems to be a minimal ability to utilize glucose for energy in particular brain parts.

According to research, ketones can offer an alternative energy source for malfunctioning brain cells and minimize symptoms of Alzheimer’s. In a particular 2006 study, intake of medium chain triglycerides resulted in improvement of brain function in individuals who had mild Alzheimer’s disease. But research is still early, and there is no evidence to show that the oil itself assists with the condition.

Research is being conducted to find out the ability of very high fat and very low carb diet to treat various diseases. The most popular therapeutic application of the diet is to treat children for drug-resistant epilepsy. The diet involves consuming a few carbohydrates and massive amounts of fat resulting in high levels of ketones in your blood.

For an unknown reason, the diet greatly minimizes the seizure rate in epileptic children, including those who have failed in the use of various drugs that treat the condition. Since coconut oil’s fatty acids convert into ketones in the liver, they can help epileptic patients induce ketosis while giving room for some carbs in the diet.

5. Other Benefits

The Coconut Research Center states that consuming coconut oil for health will kill the viruses that lead to measles, herpes, influenza, hepatitis, SARS, and other severe conditions. Also, it kills bacteria that lead to ulcers, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, pneumonia, and throat infections. Additionally, the oil can assist in eliminating yeast and fungi that lead to ringworm, thrush, diaper rash, and athlete’s foot.

The oil has fatty acids and medium-chain triglycerides that assist in preventing gallbladder, liver, and kidney diseases. The oil is also essential in maintaining the health of the pancreas by offering relief from pancreatitis. But further research is needed in this area.

The saturated fats like monolaurin and lauric acid in coconut oil have antiviral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. These properties can assist in dealing with numerous parasites, fungi, and bacteria that lead to various health problems.

Pure coconut carrier oil used for aromatherapy is extra soothing and aids in removing stress. Apply it to your head before massaging it gently to assist in eliminating mental fatigue. A study by Dr. Swee Keong Yeap et al. states that virgin oil from coconut offers relief from stress and gives antioxidant properties.

When you consume coconut oil for health, it will assist in controlling blood sugar and boosting insulin secretion. Also, it aids in the promotion of effective utilization of blood glucose. Hence, it assists in preventing and managing diabetes.

Oil from coconut boosts the body’s ability to absorb vital minerals. These minerals include magnesium and calcium, which are essential for bone development. Hence, the oil can be handy for females susceptible to osteoporosis after middle age.

Athletes, dieters, and bodybuilders usually utilize oil from coconut because it has fewer calories than other oils. Its fat content converts to energy quickly. Thus, it fails to accumulate fat in the arteries and heart. Additionally, it aids in boosting endurance and energy and enhancing athletes’ performance.

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Final Thoughts on Coconut Oil

The use of oil from coconut will offer dozens of benefits for you. All these benefits will work to manage a child’s epilepsy, keep your parent’s Alzheimer’s disease in check, keep your hair and skin in fantastic condition…and more!

Applying the oil is easy since you only have to use it on your skin and hair like any other lotion or hair conditioner. When it comes to consumption, use it to cook in place of the normal cooking oil. Using it to cook food will help you to avoid the unhealthy fats that put your heart at risk of heart conditions.

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