Are you researching to find natural depression treatments to replace prescription medications/

If you suffer from depression, you know the ups and downs of how you feel. It can steal your motivation, your joy, and your sense of hope. Depression affects your life at every level. Today, doctors believe that some natural treatments can fight depression. Medication is the most popular treatment and sometimes the best one, depending upon your depression.

What does depression look like?

Here are some common symptoms of depression that you may experience.

  • Loss or significant change in appetite-eating too little or overeating
  • Loss of interest in life, work or social activities
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Feelings of irritation with family, friends, and co-workers
  • Loss of purpose, feeling hopeless or guilty.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Loss of joy
  • Trouble focusing
  • Everything feels like it takes a lot of work or effort.
  • Insomnia or sleeping all the time
  • Headaches
  • Aches and pains

depression treatments

Natural depression treatments

Although medications can be helpful to fight depression, there are also natural things you may try to ease the symptoms of depression. Never go off your prescription cold turkey. Talk first with your doctor. They can help you ease off the medication. Don’t try all these natural treatments at once, try one or two, then add a couple more if you feel better. If you’re feeling worse or experiencing thoughts of suicide, contact your doctor immediately.

  1. Exercise

Studies show that physical exercise is an effective way to help treat the symptoms of depression. This reasoning is valid not just because it helps your body, but it also helps your brain function better than well as release endorphins that improve your mood. You need to do aerobic exercises that pump your heart and get your blood moving. These seem to work better than low aerobic exercises, although you can mix the two. The top training to help depression include:

Cycling-Cycling is good for depression because you’re using your motor skill that keeps your brain active. Whether you use a stationary bike at your home or you are biking out on a country road, cycling is a great antidepressant. Increase the amount of time you cycle to increase your stamina and to get a full workout.

Running– Running helps depression, ADD, and ADHD. It enables you to control your thoughts, calms you down, and lifts your moods. Many runners find it helps them focus on their work and makes them more peaceful.

Aerobic exercises with machines-Using stair master, elliptical machines can rev up your exercise routine.

HILT-This cardio exercise includes short bursts of hard workouts that last only  20 to 90 seconds amid your aerobic workout.

depression treatments

  1. Keep a routine

Simple life routines can help you fight depression. Having regular times to eat, exercise, work, socialize, and sleep can bring peace of mind. It’s a simple thing to do for your mental health. Why does a routine help fight depression?

  • Routine provides a more relaxed life since you don’t have to make decisions about what to do next. Just expending the mental energy to figure out what to do next can cause anxiety. A clear, simple routine gives you peace and eases you through your day.
  • A routine gives you time within the day to rest without guilt that you should be doing something. You know your schedule; it allows you to get everything done. Rest is as vital as busyness. So having small segments of time to rest is essential for helping you fight your depression.
  • You’ll sleep better if you have a routine. Routine keeps you busy, so you’ll sleep at night. Being up and active in the day and sleeping at night is a healthy way to fight depression.
  • Routine helps you get things done. Scheduling keeps organized, so you’ll get everything done. This habit will make you feel successful and have a purpose.
  • There is a natural routine in nature that we can mimic. The sun rises and sets naturally. Seasons are predictable, flowers bloom and trees drop their leaves predictably. It only makes sense that we function well in a regular, routine way.
  1. Therapy

If you suffer from depression, consider getting professional therapeutic help so you can better deal with the troublesome symptoms of depression. Therapists are trained specifically to help people who have depression. They can teach you helpful techniques to cope with your condition. Plus, therapists are trained to listen. It’s great to have someone with a listening ear, which is unbiased and has good suggestions for you. Your insurance may cover these depression treatments, so you aren’t burdened with extra expenses. Local churches sometimes offer counseling at a low cost by professionals. You can also check out your community for other places to get free depression counseling.

  1. Yoga

When it comes to alternatives for depression treatment, Yoga is a proven means to fight the condition. Yoga means union in Sanskrit, a prominent Indian language. Yoga was established in India as a spiritual and physical meditative disciple. It involves breathing as well as exercises. It’s very popular today to improve balance and promote wellness. Yoga serves as a natural remedy for depression by:

  • Making you feel more relaxed and less stressed
  • Improving your mood
  • Soothing your mind and soul
  • Giving you exercise
  • Giving you more energy
  • Encourages deep breathing
  • Meditation can help ease depression symptoms
  1. Acupuncture

Studies suggest that acupuncture may be a helpful natural remedy to ease some symptoms of depression. There are still more studies to do on this topic, but it’s safe to say there are some noticeable benefits. Acupuncture is the use of narrow, tiny needles inserted into specific areas to stimulate your body to heal. Some acupuncture practitioners use heat and pressure, too.


  1. Supplements

These four supplements have been found to help with depression. Follow the directions on the labels, and don’t take all these at once. Try one supplement for a month to see if it provides relief from depression symptoms. If not, try another supplement for a month.

  •  Fish oil-Studies find that your brain is especially nourished by polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-6 and omega-3 oils found in fish. Omega-3s may be the most helpful with potential benefits to fight depression.
  • Vitamin D-You get Vitamin D from sunshine. This natural remedy can help fight depression. Some people suffer from low Vitamin D, especially in the winter or climates where there is less sunshine year-round.
  • Folic acid- Folic acid can help improve your mood. Studies show that folate or folic acid deficiency is conventional for people with depression. This outcome makes sense since when you’re depressed your eating habits change so, you may not get adequate nutrition.
  • SAMe-This supplement helps your brain cells by increasing the serotonin levels in your brain. Studies are still ongoing to see its total effectiveness. Never mix this with other anti-depression herbs like St. John’s Wort or an over-the-counter antidepressant due to serious side effects.
  1. Support from family and friends

Having a healthy family and friends support network is essential when you’re depressed. If your family or friends aren’t supportive or feel like depression is just a simple fix, you can’t rely upon them for help. Instead, surround yourself with those people who get it. You want people who will listen and be emphatic but will encourage.

  1. Eat a healthy diet

Diet can’t cure depression, but eating healthy foods helps your body function and can help you feel better, which in turn improves your mood. Studies show that these nutrients are antidepressants:

  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Selenium
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin B6
  • Thiamine
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin A
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C

Eating foods high in these nutrients are natural remedies for depression. Meditteranean diets are rich in these nutrients. Here’s a list of some of the highest antidepressant foods you can eat. 

  • Oysters
  • Clams
  • Crabs
  • Mussels
  • Octopus
  • Spinach
  • Mustard greens
  • Beet greens
  • Lettuce (red, green, romaine, swiss chard)
  • Kale
  • Chicory greens
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  • Lemon

These foods are noticeably the highest antidepressant food sources noted by NIH. Of course, you should add other highly nutritious foods such as

  • Low-fat meats like chicken
  • Beta-carotene rich vegetables like sweet potatoes or carrots or acorn squash
  • Whole grains like whole-wheat breads or brown rice
  • Berries such as blueberries and strawberries.
  1. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant. Drinking alcohol when you’re depressed, makes your depression worse. It’s best to avoid it altogether, or if you can’t do that, to at least cut back drastically. Find ways to relax beside an alcoholic drink—mix seltzer water with wine to create refreshing spritzers without being high in alcohol. You can also buy seltzers with lower alcohol. Find activities that don’t center around drinking. Ask your friends or family to hold you accountable, to stick to one glass of wine.

  1. Faith

Studies found that having religious beliefs and practicing these may help you cope with your stress and depression. Having faith gives you meaning and hope, plus you have a group of people supporting you as you walk through the depression. Of course, having faith can’t cure you of depression, but it’s a useful tool for self-care and finding motivation in your life as you fight depression and its symptoms.

pop memeFinal thoughts on utilizing natural depression treatments in lieu of prescription drugs

All these natural remedies may help treat your depression. Remember, these aren’t cures, and if your depression symptoms get worse or you feel suicidal, contact your doctor right away. Incorporating healthy eating, exercise, and Yoga will give you enormous benefits right away. Find support from family or friends and, if possible, locate a therapist to help you walk through your depression. Take it a day at a time and enjoy each day as a new chance to feel a bit happier.