If you had all the riches the world could afford and didn’t have joy, what good would they be? The good news is that you can have a happy day every day without spending a dime. It all depends on your attitude and habits.

10 Habits That Can Make Every Day a Happy Day

There will be days that the rainclouds will cover the sun. However, keeping a positive outlook and finding joy in the ordinary can motivate you. Here are ten habits that can make every day a happy day in your life.

happy day1. Keep a Positive Attitude

It’s a mark of maturity when you realize that some things in life are beyond your control. No matter how much you worry and fret, you can’t change them. However, you can change your attitude about the unchangeable and inevitable.

Refuse to listen to negative self-talk and try to be more positive. A positive attitude sees reality and makes the best of it.

2. Practice Good Posture

Have you ever noticed when somebody is feeling down in the dumps, their posture mimics their mood? When you are having a bad day, you might slump a little in your chair and look toward the ground as you walk. Not only does bad posture dampen your spirits, but it also causes problems for your bones, joints, and muscles.

If you want to have a happy day, remember to keep your chin up. It’s hard to see the sunshine when your face is toward the ground. Try to practice good posture by keeping your spine straight, your head up, and your arms naturally at your side.

You needn’t look like a tin soldier. Just avoid slumping and pick your feet up when you walk. Even when things aren’t going so great, you do your body a favor when it’s poised correctly. Maybe the spring in your step is what you need to feel more positive about your day and the situation.

3. Give the World a Smile

There’s something about a genuine smile that makes you and others around you feel better. According to an article published by Federal Occupational Health, flashing your pearly whites has a plethora of benefits. These include boosting your mood, easing stress, and possibly benefiting your immune system.

Another benefit of smiling mentioned in this article is that people may change their attitude about you. When you see somebody smiling at you, you’re more apt to consider them friendly, outgoing, and even trustworthy. Smiling not only makes your day brighter, but it can uplift the spirits of others you meet in your day.

4. Practice Gratitude

Sometimes, even adults are like children making a list of holiday gifts. You may tell yourself that when you have a certain amount of money or have the dream home or luxury vehicle you’ve always wanted, then you will be happy. Unfortunately, the more you get, the more you want, and it’s a vicious cycle.

It’s a learned habit that society pushes into everyone like children. Keep up with the Jones, and more is “more.” If materialism can bring fulfillment, then why are so many wealthy people in the world miserable?

A study published by Child Development found that although Americans are better off than they’ve ever been, rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among the elite have soared. As people get more materialistic, explains the study, they are less satisfied with the beautiful things they have.

Instead of grumbling about the things you don’t have, you can be thankful for the many things you do have. Practicing gratitude every day can lessen your need for more materialism. You begin to cultivate the joy of intangible blessings that money can’t buy.

Journaling is an ideal way to give you a dose of happiness. You can record your thoughts in a notebook or save them on your computer. When you feel down, review past journal entries, and notice how it renews your joy and gratitude.

happy day5. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

It makes for a happy day when you do something nice for somebody, especially a stranger. According to an article from the Journal of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants, the phrase “random acts of kindness” has been around since the 1980s. You can feel good about doing something out of the abundance of your heart.

One of the most popular ways of showing a stranger kindness is to pay their meal ticket without them knowing. Such generous actions often happen in fast-food drive-throughs. The next time you want a lift in your spirits, try treating a stranger to a meal or a cup of coffee without them knowing their benefactor.

You might also drop a few coins in someone’s expired parking meter.

6. Volunteer

One of the mantras of joyful people is “pay it forward.” In other words, use the blessings you have to bless others. Giving your time is just as precious as giving money or other resources.

Just about any social or religious organization depends on volunteers to help the people they serve. No matter your interests, you’re bound to find a local organization that could use your help. Whether it’s reading books to your local Head-start classes, visiting seniors in nursing homes, or caring for animals at a shelter, anything is appreciated.

Volunteering can bring more life satisfaction and a sense of well-being, especially for senior volunteers. When you bring happiness to others, you get the same in return.

7. Learn How to Say No

Do you consider yourself a people pleaser? We all like to help our family and friends when they ask. Maybe you are one of the thousands of people who are worried that saying “no” is unacceptable and will hurt other feelings.

Yes, you do feel a sense of joy and satisfaction when you lend a hand. However, being a chronic people pleaser can have the opposite effect. Instead of feeling joyful, you may become tired, frustrated, and resentful.

If you want brighter days ahead, then learn to say “no.” It’s okay to help others when you can, but don’t allow people to take advantage of your kindness. Anyone who cares and respects you will understand when you must decline a request.

Are you tired of being stepped on or feel like you must lie to a constant taker? You’re within your rights to smile and politely tell them that you’re sorry, but you can’t help them this time. No excuses are necessary, and those who care for you will understand.

8. Be Good to Yourself

Have you always tried to abide by the “Golden Rule” and treat others how you want to be treated? The implication is that you should do for other people what you do for yourself. How many friends would you have if you treated or talked to them the way you do yourself?

Self-love and respect do not equal selfishness or narcissism. You deserve the same compassion and consideration that you give to others. If you’re only living for other people’s gratification, it will affect your happiness and well-being.

Use compassionate self-talk and avoid negativity. Give yourself time to relax and enjoy some of your favorite past-times. It will enrich your life, and you’ll find that you’ll have more happy days.

9. Kick the Clutter

In the whirlwind of materialism, you may be up to your eyeballs in “stuff.” All the things the media says you must have can eventually suffocate you. It’s time to step back and take inventory of what matters most in your life.

Remember, the cardinal rule of decluttering is if you don’t use it within six months, get rid of it. Whether you sell, donate, recycle, or pitch, decluttering your space can help clear your mind. You may find a few things you didn’t know you had.

As a daily habit for happiness, try to keep only those things that bring beauty and joy into your life. When you bring one thing into the house, get rid of something else. Not only will you clear some space in your home, but your donations can help others in need.

10. Gather Around Happy People

It’s been said that joy is contagious, and it’s true. Have you ever been in a foul mood and sat for a while with a positive person? As you both are talking, you may soon feel that grumpy spirit lift.

According to the law of attraction, positive people will draw other positive people. Conversely, negative people will attract more negativity and can ruin the whole atmosphere. The more you spend around positive people, the more you’ll notice a change in your attitude.

Final Thoughts on Habits for Happiness

Life is too short to be pessimistic and dreary. When you include some of these helpful habits into your daily life, you’ll notice the difference. Your happy day can be as joyful and fulfilling as you make it.