tIntroverts have some behaviors others might consider odd. They might chuckle if you ask an introvert if this is a good thing. Being an introvert can be a gift, but that depends on who you ask. To extroverts, the thing an introvert does seems weird. To introverts there is a very good reason why they do what they do.

There are many things people would never guess about introverted people. Even introverts may not know others do the same things until they read about them. Here are some widely unknown facts about introverts.

15 Facts About Introverts Most People Don’t Know

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1. They Make Themselves Laugh

They prefer their own company at times. That’s because they like their ideas, love daydreaming, creating, reading, watching a movie, and relaxing, and genuinely laugh at times. They will make you laugh too. But only if they feel comfortable enough to share their humor with you. Many comedians are introverted, which explains why they notice things others rarely notice.

2. They Need to Be Alone to Recharge

Introverts need to be alone to recharge. People tend to think introverts are socially awkward, shy, and uninteresting. Nothing could be further from the truth. They value genuine relationships and will have deep conversations at length. They’re not shy, but they want to avoid meaningless interactions. This is why they dislike having many friends merely for the sake of having friends. They need to be alone because being around numerous people and putting on a front is draining.

3. They Like People, and They Don’t

They love the good things in people, get to know the real them, and feel comfortable being around them when nothing is said. Mos like getting to know the real side of themselves. They don’t like fake personalities, keeping up with gossip, talking about the weather, or anything else that is not conducive to creating a better tomorrow. This double-edged sword creates a world of always wondering which category people fall in. An introvert wonders, “Should I get to know you or should I not?” Introverts quickly know who they want to be friends with and who they don’t.

“I’m very picky with whom I give my energy to. I prefer to reserve my time, intensity, and spirit exclusively to those who reflect sincerity.” – Dau Voire Click to Tweet 

4. They Wished Others Loved as Deeply as They Do

Since an introvert thinks deeply and cares about genuine relationships, an introvert loves deeply. An introvert often loves their partner more than their partner loves them. It is said that an introvert is usually paired with an extrovert, which explains why an introvert would love their partner more. They think about their partner many times throughout the day, they want to know them better and understand why they are the way they are, and think of ways to do little things for them.

5. Loyalty Is a Big Deal to Them

If an introvert takes time to know you, you mean a lot to them. Friends aren’t a dime a dozen for them, which means they invest a lot of time, love, kindness and more in you. They want you to stick around and be a true friend, which means you shouldn’t blow them off, trivialize their friendship or otherwise betray them. This means that if you turn against an introvert, it will cut them deeply. They choose their friends wisely. If you have a friend who’s an introvert, they love and respect you tremendously.

6. They Don’t Like Unexpected Visitors

They don’t like anything unexpected. But they especially don’t like unexpected visitors. They have their time mapped out. Every day, they set out a plan. They don’t like distractions. They have put a lot of thought into how they want their day to go. If you unexpectedly visit, you throw it all off. They might not have the energy or be ready for someone to visit either. Avoid unexpected visits at all costs.

7. They’re Not Necessarily Bored, Even if They Look Like They Are

An introvert can have fun without jumping all over the place. In fact, an introvert is rarely bored because they’re deep in thought most of the time. Their thoughts keep them from boredom. They’re creative types that get energized and focused from solo activities. Rest assured; they’re not bored. They can be thrilled while sitting still, and you wouldn’t know the difference.


8. They Love Spending Time With Their Kids, But They Need Downtime Too

Kids come along with their personalities, meaning they can be extroverted. It’s fun to watch extroverts in action and witness how people interact, but an introvert still needs alone time from their kids to recharge. Being introverted makes one a great parent: They’re able to answer the whys of life’s mysteries, they are patient, love their kids tremendously, and are fun to be around. Just give them some alone time, and they’re good.

9. Every Once in a While, They Need to Get Out

Introverts don’t like to be alone all the time. Every once in a while, they like to go out and see new sights. They like to hang out and have coffee but are not into superficial friendships and small talk. After they’ve been out for a while, they need alone time again. After a few days of being a hermit, they’re ready to get out again.

10. Attention-Seeking Behaviors Annoy Them

They don’t like being the center of attention, and it annoys them when people act fake to get attention. It’s a bit ironic too, because introverts are deep thinkers and have a lot to teach people. They don’t like to have everyone’s eyes on them necessarily. However, they make excellent speakers because they’re witty. They generally don’t like talking to people from the crowd after a speech.

11. They Won’t Answer the Phone if They Don’t Know Who’s Calling

They also won’t answer the phone if they sometimes know who it is. It’s nothing personal, but they might not want to talk right then and there for several reasons. They could be going through something and need to think about it. They might be in the middle of a project. Or maybe they’re not in the mood to have a lengthy conversation. They might not answer if the call is not scheduled. They also hate small talk. So they’ll avoid 30-minute conversations about vegetables if they can avoid it. They’d rather text something that will take a couple of minutes rather than talk on the phone about the same thing because it will take abundantly longer. If they take your call, take it as a huge compliment.

12. They’re, Usually, Not Judging You

An introvert is quiet, observant, and in deep thought most of the time. When they’re out in public, they usually look around at everyone. They might people-watch to see what’s going on. At times, it’s amusing. At other times, they get a feel for what’s happening. This causes extroverts to think an introvert is secretly judging them. Most of the time, this isn’t the case. On a rare occurrences, an introvert might be annoyed by a behavior so they may be judging another. An introvert doesn’t like wasting energy on matters like this, and the annoying behavior is quickly forgotten.

13. They Get Distracted Easily

Too many stimuli is not a good thing for introverts. They enjoy working in quiet environments, away from others. They get distracted by certain noises, which can include water dripping from a faucet, non-rhythmic clatter and various sounds that become annoying. Soothing sounds don’t bother them. Movement in their range of sight can serve as a distraction too. People staring at them or standing behind them while they work also serve as distractions and annoy them. Don’t stand behind an introvert when they’re doing something.

14. They’re Not in a Bad Mood

An introvert is usually thinking about something. They think about things all day long. Their brains are constantly on the go. When someone sees an introvert, they invariably believe they’re in a lousy mood when nothing could be further from the truth. If you ask introverts if they’re happy, they’ll usually tell you they are. If you get to know an introvert and they consider you as a true friend, they’ll be one of the most exciting people you’ll ever have a conversation with.


15. They Can Be the Life of the Party, Sometimes

It doesn’t mean that they necessarily want to be the life of the party. They might do so out of politeness, because of needing to be a good host, or because of some other obligation. An introvert can entertain people. They don’t always like doing so. It takes effort because it does not come naturally, which is why they appreciate genuine friendships and honest conversations. You have to talk about trivial things and resort to the surface material to entertain a crowd at a party. It requires grand gestures and exaggerated facial expressions. An introvert is capable of all of this, but it can make them cringe over having to do it.

It’s important to realize that you can’t say “all” introverts or extroverts do this or that. Some people are more introverted than others. You might find that you share some of the above qualities. Celebrate whatever makes you unique. Both introverts and extroverts can be amazing people. You need to have patience with an introvert to discover what lies beneath. It’s worth waiting for. You might get a kick out of their “weirdness,” too.

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