People with kind hearts lead happier, more rewarding lives.

Think about it.

Does it seem like people have forgotten the “Golden Rule” these days? Wouldn’t it be nice if one of the soft drink companies could come up with a kindness cocktail or a niceness nectar for people who need a boost of humanity? A Harris Poll found that only one-third of the population considers themselves happy.

The study gave a survey to 2,345 U.S. adults. It was shocking to see that two-thirds of the population isn’t content with their lives, jobs, or overall well-being. These numbers are awful, and something must change. A happy person is usually someone who is kind and looks out for others.

Why Kind Hearts Are Happier?

While the number of joy-filled people may be lacking, those who are kind tend to live longer lives. It’s a novel concept to think that showing kindness to your fellow humans could make you live longer.

Why would being happy affect your longevity on the earth? Here are 15 reasons why kind hearts tend to stick around longer than those who tend to be melancholy.

kind hearts

1. Being Kind Boosts Happiness

When you’re doing something for others, it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Everyone is busy and has a hectic schedule, but when you take a few minutes to be kind even when you don’t have to, it gives you a whole different outlook.

Imagine how different the world would be if people automatically loaded groceries for senior citizens, opened doors for mothers with infants, and just did random acts of kindness for no other reason than the feeling of warmth and happiness it brings. It feels good to help others, and it puts a bounce in your joy-filled bounce in your step.

2. Luckier in Love

Have you ever seen a couple that is so in love that they ooze with mushiness? Then there are those people who tend to be so unlucky that they find every narcissist and toxic person along life’s highway. Why are some people so blessed with good relationships while others struggle?

The key to being lucky in life may be having a kind heart. There are all kinds of people that you date when you’re playing the field. However, the one you choose to marry or commit too is always the one that completes you.

It’s the person that makes you want to do better and work harder. Perhaps, it’s the person who is kind to others, and you see their heart before anything else. Generous people tend to be happier in love because they attract people with like minds.

Being kind and having a big heart are attractive features that everyone wants in a spouse.

3. Engage in Philanthropic Activities

Some many charities and organizations reach out to those in need. Doing philanthropy work tends to get your mind off your troubles and focus on what matters most.

It’s hard to complain about your sore knees when you see someone who lost their legs due to a disease. Benevolence helps you to view the world through a different pair of lenses.

When you have a joyous existence, you count your blessings instead of pinning for your wants.

4. Don’t Suffer from many Health Problems

Harvard Medical School recently did a study regarding the health link to happiness. Happy hearts generally don’t have as many health problems as those who tend to be negative and pessimistic.

True happiness is learning how to free yourself from stress. When you are under constant duress, your cortisol and adrenaline levels are too high. Having these hormone levels at accelerated heights causes your heart to work overtime.

Lowering your stress levels decreases your risk of heart attacks and strokes, not to mention other muscle tension issues. A joy-filled heart is like good medicine to the soul.

5. See the Good in all Around Them

How many times do you look at the good around you? You might look at your home and see a dripping faucet, carpets that are worn, and lights that need to be replaced. However, kind hearts and happy people will be thankful they have a place to lay their heads.

You can extend kindness to others when you see the blessings you have and think of those who are less fortunate.

happiness quotes

6. Tend to Have Many Friends

When you’re in the market for a friend, you want the kind, loving, and eager person who is willing to help you. No one wants a needy friend who keeps the relationship one-sided.

Kind hearts attract the masses because everyone wants to be their pal. They’re the ones that you can count on when you need to vent, and they will be there at a moment’s notice when you call anytime day or night.

7. Take Time to Enjoy the Simple Things

Kind hearts love to enjoy the simple things. They find grounding in the beautiful aroma of a rose or the splendor of rainbow after a storm. They have an infectious manner that brings everyone into their simple life.

These people tend to be laid back and don’t allow the simplest of life’s pleasures to pass them by.

8. Never too Busy to Help Someone in Need

Martin Seligman wrote a book about how to have a meaningful life. For this story, he conducted a study. He wanted to see who was happier the people who chased after their pleasures or found pleasure in helping others.

He dubbed the study “Philanthropy versus Fun.” The first group sought happiness by self-pleasure, and the second group found contentment by doing charitable acts. The results were remarkable. The group that helped their fellow man was happier for longer than the group that sought to please themselves.

Happy hearts are never too busy to read to the blind, work in a soup kitchen, or run errands for the elderly.

9. Would Give the Shirt off Their Back to Someone

Happy people would gladly give you the shirt off their back. They are not stingy with their possessions, and they will gladly share. They’re the person that always has a small gift or token to give you whenever they see you.

They may make crafts or baked goods for a new neighbor moving in. Sometimes, they are often a doormat because people take advantage of their generosity, but they don’t let these negative experiences stop them from being kind.

10. Forgiveness Comes Easily

Their forgiving heart is apparent in life’s troubles. These people usually don’t hold grudges or stay mad too long. They are easy to forgive and forget about the past because they don’t want to let it affect their future.

11. Believe Life Comes with Purpose

Someone who has joy chooses to live their life with purpose. They are not content with getting up in the morning, going to work, and returning home. They want to live each day to the fullest. Therefore, they look for opportunities to give back and to make an impact every day.

12. Never Stop Chasing Their Dreams

Just because kind hearts want to help others doesn’t mean that they ever stop chasing their dreams. These people are often goal-driven. They can set goals and make sure they accomplish them. Their tenacity and drive are attractive to others.

13. Always Put Their Family First

Family is an integral part of life. A kind person makes sure to see their mom on Mother’s Day. They send cards to everyone on their birthdays, and they would never miss a family function. They put family first and try to be actively involved with their close and extended relatives.

14. Are Accountable for Words and Actions

Being accountable for your words and actions is a big job. Kind hearts would never want to hurt you for anything. If they feel they have hurt you, then they would be the first to apologize. Though they try to do right, they will admit that they’re not perfect, but their ability to quickly resolve wrongdoings makes them a joy to be around.

15. Prioritize Relationships over Possessions

Worldly possessions don’t mean that much to someone who puts their investments in relationships and experiences. They don’t find joy in new cars or bigger homes. Rather, they make connections and people a priority.

It’s a blessing to be around someone who has their priorities straight and doesn’t spend time trying to keep up with neighbors and family members who seem to have more money. It’s refreshing to find someone that can find contentment in the things they have.

kind heartsFinal Thoughts on How People with Kind Hearts Always Seem to Be Happy

Every day when you get out of bed, you make choices. You select the clothes you will wear, decide what cologne or perfume to put on, and pick out your food for breakfast. Additionally, you choose whether you will be happy or sad.

You decide whether you will help the lady struggling to load her groceries at the supermarket, and you choose whether you will blow up at your spouse for leaving their dirty clothes on the floor. Make a conscious choice to take joy over sadness and happiness over sorrow.

You have the power to change your entire life by simply altering your mindset. Be the person that everyone wants to be around and the one that is considered one of the kind hearts.

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