Have you ever experienced a manifestation of celestial light beings? How can you learn to communicate with them? To start, there are a few things to do to bring yourself to a higher vibration that will optimize your ability.

The more you purify your triune being, the closer you bring yourself to spiritual realms. This means that you treat your body like the sacred temple it is, and you’re careful what goes into it. Holistic care can rid your body, mind, and spirit of the toxins that block effective communication with light beings.

If only one of the three aspects of your being is out of balance, it affects the other two. When you begin paying attention to your mind, you are more likely to discover ways to improve your body and spirit. All three working together is the essence of your well-being.

Bring Light to Your Mind

The most common way that higher beings communicate with humans is telepathy. They use the little voice in your head to send messages of love, inspiration, and gentle guidance. Sometimes, they will warn you of unforeseen danger.

Imagine your brain as a giant switchboard. If all the circuits are busy or frayed, it isn’t easy to make successful connections. Beings of light respect your free will and won’t force themselves on you. When you free your mind of undue stress, needless guilt, and anxiety, you’ve cleared the path for their loving connection.

While it’s impossible to erase all stress in your life, you can learn how to minimize it. Meditation is an ideal way to ease your mind and open your heart to the messages from the spiritual realm. An article from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health states that meditation can calm anxiety and fatigue and boost your moods.

Journaling is also helpful for sorting out your feelings. It can be as simple or elaborate as you like. As you learn how to record events and emotions in your journal, you may sense light beings’ presence and inner voice more clearly.

light beingsBring Light to Your Body

How do you feel after you’ve eaten a large, calorie-laden meal? Most people describe an overhaul of heaviness and overwhelming fatigue. Does that sound familiar?

If such overindulgence becomes your regular eating habit, you put yourself at risk. According to an article published by Family Doctor, you are more at risk for diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Eating overly- processed food can make your body feel weak and sluggish. It’s hard to be physically active if you are exhausted and hurting all the time. When you are coping with these physical issues, it’s nearly impossible to focus on the spiritual realm of light beings.

It makes sense that eating a balanced diet of whole and healthy foods will help lighten your body. As your body gets the nutrients it needs, it can heal and bring in more “light.” Pair good eating habits with daily exercise, and you are paving the way to optimal health and more precise communication in the spiritual realm.

Bring Light to Your Spirit

It’s a common mistake to assume that religion and spirituality are synonyms. Religion is a system of cultural beliefs, practices, and traditions that often overlap with spirituality. However, you can be a “spiritual” person who communes on a higher plane without being a “religious” person.

Many religious traditions address working with spiritual beings, such as angels, deities, ascended masters, etc. The good news is that you feel connected with light beings no matter your religion or lack thereof. These benevolent energy beings are fascinated with you and have your best interests at heart.

Meditation and journaling are also rich sources of spiritual enrichment. Both are ways that allow you to hone your intuitive skills and discern spiritual messages. When you are open to the spiritual realm, your spiritual growth can be limitless.

Four Other Ways to Make a Connection With Light Beings

Beings of light aren’t waiting for you to be “perfect” before they make their presence known. They love you just as you are and have been with you the whole time. The reason for bringing light to your mind, body, and spirit is to remove or minimize obstacles that block your spiritual senses.

As you reconnect with yourself and your spirituality, you’ll experience higher awareness and more focused intuition. You’ll notice how beings of light have always been at your side and how they interact with you. Here are four suggestions for you to effectively communicate with light beings.


Read how to connect with angels.

1. Focused Meditation

Once you’re in the habit of meditating, you’ll learn how to use mindful breathing to calm your body. It takes some practice to concentrate and allow random thoughts to be acknowledged and passed along with compassion. Soon, you will develop psychic skills to “feel” messages that are meant for you.

It’s during these focused meditations that your mind is open, and you hear the soft, inner voices of light beings. Don’t be surprised if they begin to appear in your mind as bright shapes of pure, loving light. They can be just like starlight or in the form of a glowing humanoid.

You may feel in awe or a little frightened. However, these energy beings are the purest form of love and won’t harm you. They are polite and will wait until you welcome them into your sphere before they communicate.

In turn, be loving and respectful to them, as you would a beloved friend.

2. Dream Working

Since the beginning, humans have made the connection between human dreams and the spirit world. Sacred traditions across the globe have relied on dreams to commune with the divine. Many of these traditions include working with ascended masters and other energy beings to find the path of destiny.

If you are an empath or spiritually sensitive, you probably are a vivid dreamer. Perhaps you’ve learned to separate ordinary dreams from those that are spiritually significant. Maybe you are one of the countless people who remember their dreams and record them in your journal.

If this sounds like you, you have another valuable tool that will help you communicate with beings of light. They will often manifest themselves in your dreams. It may be subtle at first, and then, you may have more occurrences as you become acclimated to their presence.

Did you know that dreams needn’t be random and that you can train yourself to control them? If dreams are a portal to another dimension, you can connect with spiritual entities. Dream working involves meditation and visualization.

About half an hour before you go to bed, go into a meditative state to relax your body and open your mind. As you practice mindful breathing, invite your beings of light to join you in your dreams. Drift off to sleep peacefully, and soon these benevolent spirits will be at your side to enlighten your spiritual understanding.

3. Manifestation

You needn’t wait to be in your dream world to communicate with energy beings. It’s possible to open a portal within the ethereal veil that divides our world from the spiritual realms. Beings of light can manifest to you, and your spirit can travel to their world.

Again, you must invite them kindly with the purest of intentions. They don’t manifest like a magic genie to grant you three wishes. Celestial beings are attracted to your pure love and desire to do more work on a spiritual level.

During your focused meditation, visualize a beautiful golden door standing before you. Only you have the power to open or close this heavenly portal. Before you reach for the knob to open it, ask the Divine Source to shower you in protective white light.

Request that the only beings that can enter your sacred space are benevolent ones from the Light. You’ll be lovingly protected by spiritual prowlers who don’t have the best intentions. Keep meditating and breathing as you open your third eye to see your celestial visitors.

Beings of life are sacred shapeshifters and can take any form that would make you most comfortable. They can take the shape of angels, aged wise people, or even animals. Sometimes, they are just a radiant sphere of light.

As they communicate with you, most spirits of life will reveal their name. Others are just as comfortable with allowing you to name them. You may be visited by one or several, depending on your comfort level. Remember that they won’t try to overwhelm you.

4. Astral Projection

When you’ve established a working relationship with beings of light, they will be easier to manifest in your dreams and meditations. As with earthly friends, you may also receive celestial visitations to their domain. It’s a friendly invitation that you can accept or refuse.

Throughout history, many spiritually gifted people have recounted brief visits to other worlds. This is known as astral projection, which allows your body to travel throughout the infinite spiritual dimensions. Many describe the experience as “leaving the body.”

Beings of light intuitively know your comfort level and won’t offer experiences that will overwhelm you. If you become more familiar with astral projection, you never know what astonishing spiritual visions you’ll have.

light beingsFinal Thoughts on Communicating with Light Beings

Communicating with spirit can be rewarding and inspirational. All it takes is an open heart and a willingness to make contact. You’ll find that these bright beings can enlighten your life in ways you never imagined.