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Fitness Trainers Explain How to Reduce Muscle Fatigue

Fitness Trainers Explain How to Reduce Muscle Fatigue

Muscle fatigue can affect everyone, but not all of us know how to reduce it. You might experience muscle fatigue after running extra miles or increasing weight during your fitness routine. However, there are other reasons it can happen and many ways to reduce the soreness.

Many believe this soreness is necessary for fitness progress, but that’s not entirely accurate. Instead, it can disrupt your future workouts and cause discomfort. Muscle fatigue can make it hard for your muscles to generate strength and stimulate contraction.

If you experience muscle fatigue, there are things you can do to reduce it. You can ease pain in the present and prevent soreness in the future.

Muscle fatigue often sets in when you least expect it, but it commonly occurs during workouts. Understanding what it is and how to overcome and prevent it can make all the difference.

What is Muscle Fatigue?

When you first start a fitness program or doing a strenuous activity, your muscles likely feel strong and prepared. During your repeated movements, they’ll become weaker and worn out. This process is known as muscle fatigue, which can happen to anyone.

The fatigue can make it so your muscles can’t perform anymore, leading to a state of exhaustion. You’ll gradually feel weaker, and your movements can decrease.

While muscle fatigue is often the result of exercise or strenuous activity, it could indicate other health conditions. When you know the cause, it can help you address the experience and start feeling better.

muscle fatigue

What Causes Muscle Fatigue?

Muscle fatigue involves acute-onset muscle soreness and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Acute-onset muscle soreness happens during and post-workout.

The fatigue manifests as muscular pain and intensifies most during the 24 to 48 hours after exercise. After that, the pain decreases, and you’ll likely feel better after a few days.

Pain that occurs during the 24 to 72 hours after exercise is known as DOMS. This type manifests as muscle stiffness and tension that doesn’t ease after stretching. DOMS can also occur because of micro-tears in your muscle tissues, interfering with what holds your muscle tendon fibers together.

Muscle soreness can occur because of inflammation or injury. It can also happen from straining your muscles too much during physical activity. Your age can also play a role, as you’re more susceptible to muscle fatigue during physical activity as you get older.

Aside from physical activity, other causes of muscle fatigue include:

  • infections and viruses
  • disease anemia
  • botulism
  • medications
  • anxiety and depression
  • cerebral palsy
  • dehydration
  • illness
  • chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
  • lack of exercise
  • muscular dystrophy
  • muscle inflammation
  • pregnancy
  • lack of sleep
  • nutrient or mineral deficiency
  • hypothyroidism
  • fibromyalgia

Five Symptoms of Muscle Fatigue

While muscle pain and soreness are the most telling symptoms, there are other signs to watch for. These signs include:

  1. shortness of breath
  2. trembling
  3. twitching muscles
  4. a weak grip
  5. cramping

How to Reduce Muscle Fatigue

While tired muscles are uncomfortable, you can reduce and prevent them. The treatment depends on the cause and symptoms, but these tips can help reduce fatigue caused by your fitness regime.


You’re less likely to experience muscle soreness if you stretch before and post-workout. It can also help ease any pain you feel in the present.

Experts explain that stretching can reduce soreness but doesn’t always prevent DOMS. When you experience DOMS, do your stretches again for some relief. It loosens your muscles and protects you from injury.

Go Swimming

Swimming works most of your muscles and relaxes them simultaneously. The water movement helps stretch your muscles and reduces their heaviness. Swimming in cold water is best because it can prevent stiffness and inflammation, promoting a quicker recovery.

Take in More Fluids and Eat a Balanced Diet

Consuming plenty of fluids is one of the best ways to reduce muscle fatigue. Drinking water can help your body maintain its natural balance and prevent strain. It hydrates your muscles, helping them overcome fatigue faster.

Drinking water also helps eliminate toxins and waste, promoting recovery. Apple juice is also beneficial because it contains polyphenols that prevent fatigue and increases strength.

You also must consider the food you eat because your nutrients and minerals play a role. Focus on consuming enough protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates before engaging in physical activity. After the exercise, consider hydrating snacks to help you feel good and restore electrolytes.

Take a Day to Rest

Sometimes muscle fatigue is a sign that you need to take time to rest and recover. If your soreness lasts for several days and doesn’t seem to be getting better, you might need a few days off.

The lasting fatigue indicates systemic inflammation, likely caused by working out too much. Most times, fatigue will ease with rest, so make sure you take the time to recover.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough uninterrupted sleep can help prevent and ease muscle fatigue. It helps your body recover and repair muscles during sleep.

However, avoid eating before you go to sleep. Protein synthesis happens in the gastrointestinal tract, breaking down muscles to send amino acids to the stomach. If you’re sleeping when this occurs, it decreases the chance of muscle repair.

Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is beneficial for reducing muscle fatigue after a workout. It is a technique for stretching called self-myofascial release (SMR). Experts indicate that it can ease DOMS, helping you feel better sooner.

If you haven’t used a foam roller before, you’ll start rolling each muscle group for thirty seconds. It can break up some of the soreness in your tired muscles. Don’t worry if the process is uncomfortable; it shouldn’t become overly painful.


Get a Massage to Reduce Muscle Fatigue

While getting a massage isn’t a daily option, you can utilize it sometimes. It can help relax your whole body and ease tight muscles. Research shows that it can improve symptoms of DOMS, encouraging blood flow and circulation.

Contrasting Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and cold therapy can help reduce muscle soreness, easing inflammation and discomfort. It requires alternating between heat and cold and can help you feel better quicker.

Cold therapy can decrease the temperature of your tissues and encourage recovery. Your body will respond to the cold by narrowing your blood vessels, and experts indicate that it can also reduce:

  • tissue metabolism
  • oxygen utilization
  • Inflammation
  • muscle spasms

There are different forms of cold therapy, including submerging yourself in cold water. You can also consider an ice tub or cold shower.

It can alleviate symptoms of DOMS while improving muscle recovery. Other options involve ice bags, cold gel packs, or localized ice compression garments.

On the other hand, hot therapy involves exposing your muscles to warm temperatures. It heats your tissues to promote recovery. Hot therapy widens your blood vessels, increases tissue metabolism, and improves how well your connective tissues stretch.

Make sure to drink plenty of water during hot therapy because it can make you lose electrolytes. One form of heat therapy is submerging your body into hot water. You can also use a sauna, a hot shower, heated blankets, heating pads, or heated compression garments.

When you alternate between hot and cold, it can create a pulsing sensation in your muscles. It stimulates constricting and widening of your blood vessels, promoting quicker recovery.

Try Acupuncture

Experts indicate that acupuncture can help relieve muscle tension and soreness. It can decrease symptoms of DOMS, helping you feel better after experiencing fatigue.

Your body releases endorphins when the acupuncture needle gets inserted into your body. As your body’s natural painkiller, endorphins help with relaxation. When your muscles relax, the soreness will ease.

Be Mindful of Your Current Abilities

You might want to push yourself beyond your current abilities if you have fitness goals in mind. It’s good to challenge yourself but stay mindful of your strengths.

Don’t overexert yourself and do things you aren’t ready for. You can build up as you get stronger without rushing it. Consider setting goals that build up to the fitness level you want to achieve to avoid pushing too soon.

See a Professional About Your Muscle Fatigue

Consider visiting your doctor if your muscle soreness doesn’t ease with other techniques. Likewise, it might be time to seek medical attention if you struggle to perform daily tasks. It could signify an underlying health condition that requires more help.

If the muscle soreness becomes debilitating pain even after a short time, you should consider discussing it with a professional. You don’t want to return to your fitness routine before knowing what’s happening.

Your doctor can help you find a treatment option that promotes recovery. They can also help you increase your strength and mobility. Plus, they can check for underlying conditions contributing to muscle fatigue.

muscle fatigue

Final Thoughts on Fitness Trainers Explain How to Reduce Muscle Fatigue

Muscle fatigue can be hard to deal with, but these tips can help you reduce it. If you don’t reduce it, you’ll experience a decreased force when using your muscles.

While muscle soreness is common after exercise, it doesn’t always indicate a beneficial workout. You don’t have to feel sore post-workout, although it’s not always bad if you do.

Everyone’s body is different, so the methods that work for others may not work for you. Try multiple strategies for reducing muscle fatigue until you find the ones that work for you.

Doctors Explain 7 Foods That Are Bad for Lung Health

Did you know certain foods can cause poor lung health? You may not associate food with your lungs, but it can affect how well they function. For instance, if you have asthma or lung cancer, your doctor may tell you to avoid salty, processed foods and red meats. These foods can exacerbate symptoms such as bloating, shortness of breath, and inflammation. In general, processed, sugary foods create disease in the body, while fresh, whole foods promote health and well-being.

Therefore, eating a well-balanced diet is essential to enhance lung health and create harmony in the body and mind. Below, we’ll list a few foods to avoid and ones to include in your diet for healthier lungs. Remember that many unhealthy foods can cause other diseases, so you should limit or avoid them for overall health.

Eight Typical Signs of Poor Lung Health

Identifying the early signs of poor lung health is often challenging–you can easily mistake the signs for another ailment. Here are some common indicators of poor lung health that you should be aware of:

  1. Shortness of breath or wheezing
  2. Chronic cough that lasts for more than a few weeks
  3. Chest tightness, wheezing, or pain
  4. Increased mucus production
  5. Blood in your mucus or when you cough
  6. Frequent respiratory infections
  7. Fatigue or weakness
  8. Bluish tint to the lips or fingertips
  9. Difficulty performing routine activities due to breathing difficulties

If you experience these symptoms, seeking medical attention to diagnose and treat any underlying conditions is essential. Some common causes of poor lung health include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, lung cancer, and pulmonary fibrosis. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, exposure to air pollution, and a sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to poor lung health.

lung health

Avoid These Seven Foods To Improve Your Lung Health

Take these foods off the menu and replace them with whole-grain and plant-based options.

1.  Salty Foods

Eating foods high in sodium can cause fluid retention, which may lead to bloating and inflammation. All that extra pressure on your lungs can make breathing more difficult. You can avoid excess salt by not adding any to your food. However, many processed and packaged foods already contain salt as a preservative or to flavor the foods. Therefore, eating fresh foods without added salt is best to improve your lung health.

2. Soda and Other Sugary Drinks and Foods

It’s a popular myth that sugar causes cancer since cancer cells feed on glucose for energy. However, all the cells in our bodies require glucose for fuel, not just cancer cells. Moreover, no studies have linked natural sugar consumption (i.e., fruits and complex carbohydrates) to increased cancer risk.

But some studies have found an association between fructose and increased cancer risk. While fruits have high levels of fructose, they also have abundant fiber to help stabilize blood sugar. However, isolated fructose found in high fructose corn syrup, a common ingredient in sodas, can lead to diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

So, if you want better lung health, limit or avoid foods and drinks with added sugars. Remember that even though fruits have high sugar content, they also provide essential nutrients to fuel your mind and body. In comparison, added sugars in processed foods or drinks cause insulin resistance and offer no nutritional value.

3. Fried Foods Can Worsen Lung Health

Fried foods like french fries and tater tots may taste delicious but harm the body. For one, they’re loaded with unhealthy oils that can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, making breathing more difficult. Also, regularly eating these foods can lead to other health issues like high cholesterol and blood pressure, exacerbating symptoms for people with lung disease.

If you have asthma or lung disease, doctors advise avoiding excessive consumption of onions, garlic, and beans. That’s because these foods have a high fiber content, which may lead to gas and bloating for some people. As we said above, this can create immense pressure on the diaphragm and cause breathing issues.

4. Processed Meats

Most doctors recommend avoiding processed meats if you have COPD or asthma, as the nitrates in deli meat may exacerbate symptoms. Other studies have found a link between processed meats and increased cancer risk, including lung cancer. Cured meats include salami, chorizo, bacon, pepperoni, and cold cuts. However, fresh meats with no additives, such as chicken, beef, or pork, have not been shown to cause poor lung health.

lung health

5. Dairy Products May Harm Lung Health

Experts often advise people with asthma, COPD, or lung disease to lower their consumption of dairy products. As the body digests milk, cheese, and other dairy products, it produces an opioid peptide called casomorphin. During this process, the body increases phlegm and mucus production, leading to breathing difficulties for people with lung disease.

However, studies have found that some people don’t experience increased mucus while consuming milk. You should avoid dairy products if lactose intolerant since they can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

6. Foods That Contain Sulfites

Sulfites are commonly used as preservatives and additives in foods like dried fruits, pickled items, and alcohol. They’re also found in shrimp, bottled lime and lemon juice, and maraschino cherries. Most people can consume them without a problem, but if you have asthma, it can cause an adverse reaction.

7. Foods That Have Salicylates

Salicylates are compounds in many fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. This compound contains black tea, coffee, red wine, and beer. Finally, they’re added to various pain relievers and fever reducers, such as aspirin. Unfortunately, some people have a salicylate intolerance, which can cause symptoms like asthma, rhinitis, nasal polyps, and gastrointestinal irritation.

Three Foods That Enhance Lung Health

  • Studies show that apples can lower asthma risk and enhance general pulmonary health. They have a powerful antioxidant called quercetin, which can reduce COPD risk and even reverse lung damage. The research suggests eating at least five apples per week can improve lung health.
  • Pumpkins contain high concentrations of carotenoids, such as beta carotene, which can improve lung function in young and older adults.
  • Leafy greens. Leafy greens like Swiss chard, bok choy, spinach, and kale are rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, and antioxidants. These nutrients can reduce inflammation and help lower the risk of various lung diseases.

Foods like tomatoes, beets, peppers, turmeric, and blueberries can also enhance lung health. These fruits and roots contain potent antioxidants that can protect your body from oxidative damage and inflammation.

Five Other Habits That Contribute to Better Lung Health

Maintaining good lung health requires healthy habits, including adjusting these habits:

  1. Make regular exercise part of your routine
  2. Enjoy a generally balanced diet, even if you still consume the foods listed above
  3. Avoid vaping, smoking, and secondhand smoke
  4. Reduce your exposure to environmental pollutants
  5. Follow any treatment plan a healthcare professional prescribes to manage any underlying conditions.

By being aware of the signs of poor lung health and maintaining good lung health, you can improve your overall well-being and reduce your risk of developing serious respiratory conditions. You will also live a more vibrant life if you can breathe easier.


Final Thoughts on How Food Affects Lung Health

Most people never consider how the food they eat impacts their lung functioning. However, certain foods like sugar, fried foods, and dairy products can impair lung health and even contribute to diseases. Processed meats and salty foods can also increase inflammation and lead to asthma and possibly lung cancer.

Stick to fresh, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, roots, nuts, and grains for better lung health. Eating nutritious foods will positively impact your entire system, not just your lungs.

Study Reveals How Climate Change Reduces Sleep Quality

When most people think about climate change, they probably don’t consider how it could impact sleep quality. Previously, most research on how climate instability affects human life focused mainly on global economic and societal consequences. Few studies have investigated the effects of climate change on fundamental physiological and behavioral human processes, such as sleep.

Many people already suffer from sleep deprivation without accounting for climate change. Sleep disorders such as insomnia have become so widespread that many experts call them a public health crisis. Therefore, examining global warming’s impact on sleep is critical to start working on adaptation and mitigation strategies.

The Study That Connected Climate Change to Poor Sleep

In a study published in One Earthresearchers found that higher ambient temperatures negatively affect sleep quality worldwide. According to their findings, uncomfortable temperatures might reduce annual sleep per person by 50-58 hours by 2099. Additionally, the team discovered that sleep loss due to warmer temperatures disproportionately affects lower-income countries, the elderly, and women.

“Our results indicate that sleep–an essential restorative process integral for human health and productivity–may be degraded by warmer temperatures,” says first author Kelton Minor of the University of Copenhagen. “In order to make informed climate policy decisions moving forward, we need to better account for the full spectrum of plausible future climate impacts extending from today’s societal greenhouse gas emissions choices.”

Researchers have already established a link between dangerous heat and increased deaths and hospitalizations. They also know that warm weather reduces productivity levels. However, the biological and behavioral mechanisms producing these effects aren’t well-established.

Recent self-reported data from United States residents implies that subjective sleep quality decreases during heat waves. But before this study, the effects of rising temperatures on sleep outcomes worldwide remained a mystery. The groundbreaking research marks the first to make a clear association between climate change and disrupted sleep.

sleep quality

Study Discovered That Rising Temperatures Reduce Sleep Quality

“In this study, we provide the first planetary-scale evidence that warmer-than-average temperatures erode human sleep,” Minor says. “We show that this erosion occurs primarily by delaying when people fall asleep and by advancing when they wake up during hot weather.”

For the research, investigators used anonymized global sleep data from sleep-tracking wristbands. The data included 7 million nightly sleep records from over 47,000 adults spanning 68 countries on every continent except Antarctica. The sleep trackers used in this study recorded wakefulness and sleep measurements for each participant.

The study suggested that on sweltering nights (greater than 30 degrees Celsius, or 86 degrees Fahrenheit), sleep duration decreased by 14 minutes, on average. The likelihood of sleeping less than seven hours increased as temperatures climbed higher.

“Our bodies are highly adapted to maintain a stable core body temperature, something that our lives depend on,” Minor says. “Yet every night they do something remarkable without most of us consciously knowing–they shed heat from our core into the surrounding environment by dilating our blood vessels and increasing blood flow to our hands and feet.”

He added that humans only transfer heat effectively if the external environment’s temperature does not exceed ours. If the room where we sleep is too warm, our bodies must work harder to regulate their internal temperature.

Initial controlled studies in sleep labs investigated sleep quality in humans and animals. Researchers found that both stifling and freezing temperatures resulted in worse sleep. However, the team noted that the research doesn’t reflect how people would react outside the lab. In houses equipped with air conditioning and heat, humans change the thermostat to improve their sleep quality. For the best results, consider a reliable service like RC Air Conditioning to ensure your system is well-maintained and operates efficiently.

The World’s Hottest, Poorest Countries Affected the Most

The current research showed that people seemed to adapt to colder temperatures rather than warmer ones. After all, you can always add more blankets when you start to shiver. But you can only remove so many layers if you’re too hot.

“Across seasons, demographics, and different climate contexts, warmer outside temperatures consistently erode sleep, with the amount of sleep loss progressively increasing as temperatures become hotter,” Minor says.

Researchers made another important discovery: climate change seemed to impact people in developing countries severely. They believe that the lack of air conditioning in most low-income countries plays a significant role in the discrepancy. Still, the team couldn’t conclusively state the reason since they didn’t know which participants had air conditioning access.

However, the data provide convincing evidence about the unequal global impacts of climate change on sleep quality. Therefore, researchers noted that future research should focus primarily on vulnerable populations in the world’s warmest countries. That way, world leaders can allocate more resources to low-income countries that lack access to air conditioning.

In light of these findings, addressing the lack of air conditioning in vulnerable regions becomes increasingly urgent. Installing air conditioning systems in these areas could significantly improve living conditions and overall health. Lee’s Air offers expert installation and maintenance services that can help bring relief to those in need. By providing efficient and reliable air conditioning solutions, they play a crucial role in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change and enhancing comfort in homes and communities across the globe. Investing in such services ensures that individuals in the warmest and most affected areas can benefit from improved air quality and temperature control, aligning with the broader goals of global climate adaptation and resilience.

The team hopes to partner with climate scientists, technology innovators, and sleep researchers. They aim to expand the range of global sleep and behavioral analyses to include other populations. They also want to investigate how higher outdoor temperatures affect the sleep quality of incarcerated people in warm climates.

To mitigate the adverse effects of rising temperatures on sleep quality, especially in the world’s warmest regions, it’s crucial to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of HVAC systems. A a reliable service like ac tune up eastmont wa is essential in this endeavor, ensuring that air conditioning units and ventilation systems perform optimally, even under extreme conditions. Also, a trusted service like air conditioner repair gig harbor wa can provide the necessary expertise and maintenance to keep these systems running smoothly. Regular Air duct cleaning Westminster is also recommended to help improve your indoor air quality and your hvac unit’s efficiency.

Snook & Aderton HVAC Supply offers a wide range of superior components, such as advanced cooling coils, robust compressors, and energy-efficient motors, which can significantly improve the reliability and effectiveness of climate control systems. By integrating these parts into existing HVAC systems, we can better support vulnerable populations who suffer the most from climate-induced sleep disruptions.

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science and the Independent Research Fund Denmark supported this research.

Five Tips on Staying Cool (Even Without Air Conditioning)

If you don’t have a cooling system in your home, you can still find ways to beat the heat. However, if your outdoor ac fan not spinning, it could be a sign of a malfunction that needs to be addressed. These genius tips will help keep your home comfortable, even during a heat wave.

  1. Make sure your ceiling fan spins counterclockwise to move air around more efficiently.
  2. Use thick curtains to block unwanted sunlight from getting into your home.
  3. Open your windows during the evening to release stuffy air from your living space.
  4. Buy 100% cotton sheets and comforters rather than polyester and other synthetic fabrics.
  5. Create a DIY air conditioner by placing ice blocks in front of a fan. Try this to improve your sleep quality on warm summer nights!

climate change

Final Thoughts on Study Linking Global Warming to Poor Sleep Quality

Most of us have experienced climate change, from monster hurricanes or excruciating heat waves. A new study found that warmer temperatures may even reduce sleep quality, especially during the summer. People in the hottest countries who lack access to air conditioning are especially vulnerable to climate change. The researchers hope to learn more about the impacts on these populations in the future.

If you live in regions without air conditioning, please don’t lose hope. You can still find ways to stay cool with straightforward solutions, like installing a ceiling fan or using heavy curtains.

Doctors Explain 6 Things That Cause Swollen Ankles (And How to Fix It)

If you experience swelling in your legs and ankles, you may wonder what’s causing it. Usually, swollen ankles don’t mean there’s anything seriously wrong with you — it’s just your body’s way of saying you need more physical activity. Water and fluid retention often pool in the lower legs and ankles due to sitting for prolonged periods or not exercising. Sadly, many people in the modern world don’t move their bodies enough and may experience fluid retention.

Swollen ankles, also called edema in medical terminology, usually heal themselves. However, they can sometimes signal a more serious underlying condition that requires medical attention. Either way, ankle swelling can feel uncomfortable and even painful, so it’s essential to understand the causes so you can treat the problem. Below, we’ll discuss some common causes of swollen ankles and ways to treat the condition.

The 6 Most Common Reasons For Swollen Ankles (and How to Heal Them Naturally)


1. A sedentary lifestyle

One of the most common reasons for ankle swelling is physical inactivity. Sitting in the same position for hours causes fluid retention and inflammation. Also, being sedentary decreases blood circulation, meaning blood begins to pool around the extremities. In some cases, this can have life-threatening consequences, as it can lead to blood clots or venous insufficiency. If you have a blood clot, you may experience swelling or leg pain in the affected area.

However, avoiding blood clots and other serious consequences caused by a sedentary lifestyle is simple. The CDC recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of muscle strength training weekly. If you can’t exercise that much, do the best you can. Walking for 30 minutes daily can improve your health by lowering blood pressure and increasing circulation.

Also, compression socks can enhance blood flow from the legs to the heart by applying gentle pressure. If you sit for long periods for work, consider purchasing these to feel more comfortable. Finally, elevate your legs periodically to reduce swelling and lower your risk of developing blood clots.

2. Eating excess salt

Eating a high-sodium diet can cause fluid retention in the ankles and other areas of the body. Your body needs salt to balance electrolytes, but overeating salt forces you to retain water to dilute the excess sodium. This can lead to unnecessary kidney strain and potentially cause additional concerns, like heart disease and high blood pressure.

Plus, many foods high in salt, such as fast foods and processed items, tend to have more calories. Eating an unhealthy diet can cause more problems than just swollen ankles — it can also promote weight gain and obesity.

Try cutting back on salt if it’s causing swelling or fluid retention. Even swapping a bag of chips for an apple daily could make a difference in how you feel. These healthier habits will likely encourage you to change your diet and exercise routine dramatically.

3. Pregnancy causes swelling  of the legs, feet, and ankles

Many women experience swollen ankles during pregnancy, as a growing baby puts immense strain on the body. The baby presses on the mother’s veins, which can reduce blood circulation and cause fluid retention. Also, pregnancy leads to hormonal changes in a woman’s body, which can sometimes cause swelling in the legs and feet.

Elevating your feet and wearing comfortable shoes can help reduce fluid retention. It’s also important to avoid standing for long periods so excess water doesn’t pool in your extremities. Finally, light exercises like walking and sleeping on your left side can alleviate the swelling. Lying on your left side reduces pressure on the inferior vena cava, the large blood vessel that transports blood to the heart.

Drinking water does more than reduce ankle swelling but also contributes to living longer.

4. Being overweight or obese

Carrying around excess weight puts intense pressure on the body and decreases blood circulation. That can cause water to accumulate in the legs and ankles, leading to swelling and other serious health problems. In some cases, being overweight or obese may cause neuropathy, osteoarthritis, gout, and lymphedema.

Lymphedema occurs when the lymphatic system cannot adequately remove lymph fluid, leading to chronic swelling. When this happens, it may even increase infections since the lymph contains white blood cells that protect the body from disease.

Increasing physical activity is the best remedy for swollen ankles caused by excess weight. Combined with a healthy diet, this can drastically reduce swelling around your ankles and overall inflammation.

5. Taking certain medications

Some medications, like antidepressants, steroids, blood pressure medications, hormones, and NSAIDs, can cause swollen ankles. If you believe your medicines are causing fluid retention, talk with your doctor to discuss alternatives. They may prescribe another medication, lower the dosage, or recommend a diuretic to eliminate water retention.

6. Having an injury

Finally, having an ankle or leg injury can cause swelling since blood rushes to the impacted area, creating inflammation. Usually, time and proper rest will heal the wound and reduce swelling. Keeping your legs elevated, applying ice, and using compression bandages can speed your recovery.

If you experience ankle swelling due to these factors, it’s ordinarily reversible with proper care and lifestyle changes. However, fluid around the ankles can signal heart, kidney, or liver disease.

These conditions cause fluids to accumulate in the body tissues, which can have serious consequences. In the case of heart failure, the heart becomes too weak to pump blood to the lungs. This causes blood to accumulate in the veins, pushing water into the tissues.

If you have kidney disease, excess salt in the blood causes your body to retain water. With liver disease, the liver cannot efficiently filter toxins, which leads to fluid buildup in the extremities.

If you suspect an underlying medical condition, immediately make a doctor’s appointment for proper treatment.


Final Thoughts on Causes and Treatments for Swollen Ankles

You’re probably concerned about what’s causing this strange symptom if you have ankle swelling. Understandably, you’d want to get to the root of the problem to seek the proper care and treatment. It’s best to make a doctor’s appointment so they can identify the cause and help you formulate a treatment plan. However, it can also come from lifestyle habits, including a lack of exercise or a salty diet that causes water retention. You might reverse the problem by engaging in physical activity and eating fresh. In that case, whole foods will often correct the problem. Remember that, most of the time, getting back to the basics of health can eliminate diseases and restore balance in the mind and body.

15 Ways a Female Friend Reveals Her Secret Interest in Romance

Making the step from friendship to romance can be an impossible challenge – especially when you don’t know if your friend feels the same way! But expressing your feelings is a challenge worth overcoming. Some of the deepest love stories began as friendships. If you are already friends with someone, you likely have things in common, and your personalities are compatible.

But not all friendships bloom into something more. Differentiating emotions of platonic and romantic love can be confusing regarding our closest friends. This makes sense considering experts say that the kind of love in these relationships often overlap. So how exactly do you tell when one of your female friends dreams of taking your relationship to the next level?

NOTE: We acknowledge that guys can sometimes carry secret torches. However, we address that separately because they reveal their interest differently than females.

1. If Interested In Romance, She Is Always Available And Clears Her Schedule For You

Most friends love to spend time with each other. But most friends are unavailable 24/7 whenever you feel like hanging out or talking. Many friends go days, weeks, and even months without setting aside a moment to chat or hang out. If your crush seems eager to visit any time you feel like it, or if they frequently ask to spend time with you, that could signify they are interested in something more than friendship. In addition, if there is an occasion that she is not able to meet up with you, she will be quick to reschedule!


2. A Woman In Love Remembers Things About Your Life That Your Other Friends Don’t

Most friends only remember a few things about your interests, family, and what you are up to. If this friend remembers every detail you’ve shared with her, down to how you like your coffee and what time you wake up to go to work, this extra ounce of attentiveness might indicate they care for you more deeply than other friends. Bonus points if she frequently brings these small details into the conversation.

3. She Will Often Initiate Physical Contact, Indicating Romance Is On Her Mind

This can be tricky because some people are more touchy-feely than others. However, if you notice your friend doesn’t offer hugs to others in your friend group, but they go out of their way to give you hugs, place their hand on your arm while you talk, or make other light physical gestures, this could indicate romance is on the horizon. At the very least, this shows that your friend feels safe and comfortable when they are close to you.

4. She Shows Her Interest In A Love Relationship With Body Language

Similar to physical contact, body language is a big tell when assessing a woman’s level of interest. Psychology expert Dr. Albert Mahrabian suggests that body language often reveals more about the person you’re talking to than the words they speak. Some examples of how people express body language include their facial expressions, physical barriers they place between the two of you, eye contact, smiling, and posture. If their body language is warm and open, romance is likely!

5. She Shows Interest In Your Love Life

Is your female friend always asking about your love life? If she frequently asks about any new romance in your life, she could hint that she would like to date you. Of course, it is normal for friends to inquire about each other’s dating lives, but that could be a sign if she seems to be asking you about it quite frequently. In some cases, she might even share details of her love life with you unprompted.

6. A Lot Of The Time You Spend Together Is One-On-One Time

The context in which your friend spends time with you is also important. General availability could be a sign, but if those hangouts are in group settings, it is different than if the time she wants to spend is only with you. Dates are an essential part of any blossoming romance. If you go on outings that seem like dates, then chances are she wants you to take her on actual dates.

7. A Woman With Intents of Romance Appears To Be Very Honest And Open With You

Being vulnerable about your feelings and what you are going through is hard. Many people find it challenging to share their feelings with their closest friends. If your female friend opens up to you and you feel you have deeper conversations than your other friends, that might mean she trusts and cares about you. Part of their reason for being so honest with you is probably to open the door and let you know that you can also be honest with them.

8. You Often Catch Her Staring At You Or In Your Direction

We have all experienced having a crush that we can’t take our eyes off of. We see them in a crowd of people, and somehow our eyes can’t help but travel toward them. An indicator of this could also be if you catch her eye and she looks away quickly. There aren’t many reasons to stare at a friend if you don’t find them at least a little attractive.


9. She Will Seek You Out In The Crowd

If you attend the same social events and she always seems to be approaching you amongst the crowd, she is comfortable with you and enjoys being near you. Likewise, suppose you find yourself going on group outings together, and she is always sitting next to you, riding in the same car as you, and intentionally choosing to do things that involve you. In that case, that is a positive sign of future romance.

10. She Wants To Introduce Her To Your Friends Or Family

If she mentioned she wants you to join her for special events or meet friends and family living far away, she wants to introduce you to the people who mean the most in your life. If this is the case, you may be included in the group of people she cherishes the most. Of course, some people introduce their friends to their family and loved ones, but it is more common to introduce a significant other to these tight-knit groups.

11. She Always Asks You About Parts Of Your Life That Don’t Have Anything To Do With Her

If your female friend always seems to remember what conversations make you excited and passionate, there is a strong possibility that she finds you more attractive than her other friends. This is especially the case if she is persistently asking about these things even though she has never expressed a personal interest in them. For example, let’s say you have a favorite sports team that you always cheer for, but she has never shown interest in sports. If she does her research and asks you about the game over the weekend, that is a sign that she went out of her way to get closer to you. The motivation to learn more about your interests could be due to research showing that friends with similar interests are more likely to become lovers.

12. She Is Interested In Romance If She Showers You With Compliments

Any good friend will point out how good you look with a new haircut or how dashing you look when dressed up for a special occasion. However, if your friend is showering you with compliments every time she sees you, that is a sign that she is attracted to you and loves how you look. Most people only notice how good you look when you make changes to your appearance or it is clear that you put a little extra effort in. If your friend compliments you even on your most ragged days, it shows that she thinks you are attractive no matter what clothes you wear or how much time you took to get ready that day.

13. She Doesn’t Use Her Phone Or Get Distracted Around You

Nowadays, many people are attached to their phones no matter where they are. If they are hanging out with friends, riding on public transport, or even on a date, we will see people’s eyes glued to the screen. This can kill the romance in any relationship. If she frequently forgets to check her phone in your presence, that is evidence that she enjoys being around you and wants to soak up every second. It also shows that there is nobody else she hopes to hear from when she is with you.

14. She Wanta A Romance If She Makes Jokes Around You

Humor plays a strong role in many human interactions and is often deeper than we think. Research shows that humorous exchanges are essential to indicate your interest in a romance. In this study, experts found that humor increases initial attraction when first meeting someone. Another way humor is used is to test the waters to see if you have the same sense of humor as someone you are interested in. This is an even higher indicator that she is interested in you if her jokes revolve around the two of you dating or being in a romantic situation. Making a joke is a low-pressure way to hint at her true feelings.

15. She Is Responsive To The Romantic Hints You Drop

If you are romantically interested in a female friend, one of the best things you can do is to make your interest clear to her in a way that does not jeopardize your friendship. Author and psychotherapist David Richo claims that you can have friends who are not romantic partners, but you cannot have a successful romantic partner who is not also a friend. This shows that some of the strongest relationships blossom from friendships. One of the best ways to hint at your romantic interest is to let your friend know how important you are to them. If your friend seems interested in hearing more or your words appear to uplift them, that is a great start.


Final Thoughts On Some Ways A Female Friend Reveals Her Secret Interest In Romance

Confessing your feelings for a female friend can feel like a daunting task. If you suspect that she might have a crush on you, consider these 15 signs to better understand whether the feeling is mutual. Ultimately, the best way to tell if your female friend desires a romance with you is to work up the courage to ask her. Who knows, it might be time to take her on a date!

Science Explains Why People Earning More Money Are Happier

Many people discuss and debate whether money can improve happiness. While we like to think that it doesn’t, science shows otherwise.

This article can catch you up on research to answer your questions regarding money and happiness. Money can pay for luxuries and help reduce or avoid daily stressors. It can also help you stay calm when unexpected situations arise that impact finances.

The benefits of having more money impact those who earn a low income just as much as those who make more. It can make everyone happier, although the reasons vary based on the person.

What the Experts Say About the Relationship Between Money and Happiness

A 2018 study showed that happiness increased the more money someone makes, but only up to $75,000. After that number, the study showed that it no longer affected mental well-being.

This research used self-reported data from an app to determine happiness levels. The participants had to remember and report how happy they were during a specific timeframe. It resulted in answers affected by memory errors, biases, and integrating various memories.

More recent research shows no cap on how much money increases your happiness. The newer study involved repeating the previous idea with new methods. Their techniques removed the things that could have affected the answer in the original research.


Using an app again, participants had to answer a question about how they felt each day. They also had to respond about how satisfied they felt overall. The results indicated a mostly linear increase in well-being and life satisfaction. Experts found that the biggest happiness increase occurred when someone earned a moderate income below $80,000. This increase could be higher because it involves leaving the low-income group and experiencing fewer financial issues.

However, all income brackets experience more happiness as they earn more money. Experts couldn’t find a cutoff point, so the linear increase continues for higher income brackets. It involves joy and contentment at the moment and experiencing overall life satisfaction.

Why People Earning More Money Are Happier

Money can make people happier for many reasons. The reasons often depend on previous life experience and current stress or desires.

More Disposable Income

When you have disposable income, you can spend it on things that bring joy and make you feel good. Spending money on experiences brings more happiness than buying materialistic items. Additionally, spending money on other people can also encourage more joy.

You can also pay others to do jobs quicker or easier than you could when you have disposable income. It saves you time, allowing you to do something else during the time you would have spent doing it yourself.

When you purchase material items, you can boost the happiness it brings by thinking about your purchases first. Consider buying yourself multiple small treats to spread out the excitement a little. You can also think about what you want more than anything, so your purchase can make you feel good.

Money Gives Options

Having more spending money gives you options for what you want to do. You can travel, pay for more experiences, invest, work on home improvements, or many other things. Having these options improves happiness because it gives you control over your life.

Helps Meet Basic Needs

When your salary can pay for your basic needs, you’ll experience more happiness. Not having to worry about where you’ll get money for groceries, utilities, or a place to live is a relief.

Money Allows for Fixing Problems

More money can alleviate hardships as you’ll have the financial stability to fix problems. You won’t get as stressed because you know you’ll have the money to take care of mishaps as they occur. Additionally, you’ll experience less negativity regarding daily frustrations because you’ll feel more in control of hassles that require money to fix.

Protects People from Things That Deplete Happiness

Money can protect you from things that interfere with your happiness. It allows you to pay for solving problems that would otherwise leave you uncomfortable or inconvenienced.

Without money, you might also have to turn down social invitations. It can leave you feeling left out or create unintended separation from your friends and loved ones. Missing these events can bring negative feelings, while having money would prevent it.

Another negative situation that earning more money can help you avoid is asking others for help. You might lose some happiness when you ask your friends or loved ones for cash or to pay for something. With money, you won’t have to worry about asking others for financial help, allowing you to experience peace and contentment.

Less Shame

Financial issues can lead to shame, and reaching this point often causes you to avoid dealing with your problems. It creates a negative spiral where your problems worsen.

Shame occurs when you feel like their money issues are your fault. You won’t think of the external factors contributing to the lack of disposable income.

Financial hardship can also affect your job performance, decision-making skills, and relationships. The more areas of your life affected by lack of money, the more shame you experience. Making more money eases these feelings and the issues associated with it.

Other Things That Make People Happier

While earning more money can contribute to happiness, there are other ways to find joy. Some of the things you can do if you want to be happier include the following:


Implement a Daily Exercise Routine

Exercise can improve your mental health and help you find happiness. It releases hormones that make you feel good, including dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Exercise can help relieve depression, improve your well-being, and encourage motivation.

You don’t have to spend time in a gym to get daily physical activity. You can also go for a walk, try a yoga video, or engage in a hobby that requires physical activity. Even dancing can help you reach your exercise goals without feeling like you’re working out.

Spending Time with Friends and Loved Ones

Experts indicate that social connection is one of the best ways to become happier. Not getting enough social interaction can negatively affect your health and well-being. Talking to a friend on the phone or running errands with a loved one can help increase your happiness.

Spend More Time with Positive People

Spending time with positive people can help improve your happiness. You’re likely to mimic the attitude of those you spend time with, so it’s best to choose happy people. Seek out the happy people at work if you need a boost of happiness, or call your positive friend for an uplifting talk.

Practicing Gratitude

Taking time to express gratitude can improve your mood and reduce stress. Making it a daily habit can help you experience happiness and embrace positive moments.

Practicing gratitude doesn’t take much time, and you can do it during other parts of your routine. Thinking of five things you’re grateful for while drinking your coffee is a simple way to build gratitude into your current routine.

You can also write the things you’re grateful for in a journal before bed or when you wake up. The things you write don’t have to be major because the small moments of beauty or joy are essential, too.

Spend Time Outside

Studies show that spending time outside can improve your overall well-being. The experts suggest at least 120 minutes outside each week to experience the most benefits. It increases happiness while decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Don’t shy away from the sun, as sunshine stimulates vitamin D production. Increased vitamin D levels can help ease depression symptoms and encourage happiness. However, don’t forget your sunscreen to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays.

Consider how you can increase your time in nature if you think you aren’t doing it enough. You can have coffee or meals outside to ensure you spend plenty of time out there. Other ideas are to plan a beach day, go on a hike, or walk your dog. You can do anything outside, and making it a habit can help you become happier.

Considering Your View of Success

When you realize money doesn’t always indicate success, it can help you find happiness. While money can make things easier, it doesn’t always mean you achieved your dreams. Shifting your mindset to think about your view of success can make a difference.

Having a Job That Gives Meaning

You’ll likely be happier when you enjoy your job and find meaning in it. A fulfilling career can bring joy no matter how much money you earn there.


Final Thoughts on Science Explains Why People Earning More Money Are Happier

Money can contribute to happiness and doesn’t change despite your income level. With more money, you won’t have as much stress and can do more things that make you happy. You also won’t have to worry about how to take care of your basic needs or handle unexpected setbacks.

While you can work on increasing your income, it’s not the only thing that can make you happier. You can focus on other aspects of your life to improve your well-being.

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