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12 Motivational Quotes About Life From Tina Turner

12 Motivational Quotes About Life From Tina Turner

The world of rock and roll music mourns the loss of one of its shiniest lights, Tina Turner, who passed on May 24, 2023, at age 83.

In an official announcement, her representative shared: “Today, we bid goodbye to Tina Turner, celebrated globally as the Queen of Rock’n’Roll. After a prolonged battle with illness, she passed away peacefully in her home in Kusnacht, near Zurich, Switzerland. Her demise signifies the loss of a monumental music figure and an inspirational icon.”

Born as Annie Anna Bullock in Tennessee in November 1939, Turner moved to Switzerland and gained Swiss nationality about ten years ago.

Turner cemented her place in the annals of rock history as a dynamic vocalist, famous for her electrifying performances and chart-topping songs. We fondly recall hits like The Best, Proud Mary, Private Dancer, and What’s Love Got to Do With It.

Notable figures, such as Sir Mick Jagger, were among the first to pay homage. Jagger reminisced about Turner:

“She was undeniably a talented artist and performer, whose warmth, humor, and generosity were infectious. Her guidance was invaluable during my early years, and her memory will always hold a special place in my heart.”

Previously, Turner had battled intestinal cancer and suffered a stroke. In 2018, she revealed that her husband had offered his kidney to save her from a bleak prognosis. 

Long-time manager, Roger Davies, paid his respects, referring to Turner as “a unique and extraordinary dynamo, renowned for her resilience, boundless energy, and exceptional talent.” He expressed that her absence would leave a hole in many hearts. 

Although she has passed, Turner leaves behind many words of wisdom we can remember for all time. 

tina turner

12 Tina Turner Quotes for a Better Life

“I believe that if you’ll just stand up and go, life will open up for you.” – Tina Turner

This message is powerful. It’s about perseverance and the courage to take action.

The phrase “stand up and go” is symbolic of two steps. First, “stand up” represents the resolve to confront challenges, gather strength, and decide to change or pursue a goal. It’s about overcoming inertia or fear that might keep one stagnant or stuck in an unfavorable situation.

The second part, “go,” suggests action. Once you decide, it’s not enough to intend to do something. Indeed, it requires moving forward. That’s true even if the path seems complex or uncertain. It can involve taking risks, expanding one’s comfort zone, or simply taking the first steps toward a goal.

When Turner says, “life will open up for you,” she means that opportunities will appear when you take the initiative. It could be meeting new people, finding unexpected paths, or discovering abilities and strengths one didn’t know they had. It’s a testament to the idea that life responds to action and rewards those who dare to take charge and move forward.

“My greatest beauty secret is being happy with myself. I don’t use special creams or treatments—I’ll use a little bit of everything. It’s a mistake to think you are what you put on yourself. I believe that a lot of how you look is to do with how you feel about yourself and your life. Happiness is the greatest beauty secret.” – Tina Turner.

This statement carries a strong message about the power of self-acceptance, happiness, and positive self-perception. Turner suggests that the most crucial beauty regimen is inner satisfaction and happiness, emphasizing that she does not rely on any particular creams or treatments but rather a mix of everything. 

She counters the common misconception that outward appearances, often enhanced by what we apply to our bodies, define us. Instead, she emphasizes the importance of our internal state in shaping how we appear to ourselves and others.

Turner proposes that our confidence comes from our feelings about ourselves and our lives. She affirms that a sense of well-being and positivity towards oneself can exude a certain beauty, a glow that any cosmetic product cannot replicate. To her, happiness is not just an emotional state. Instead, it is the ultimate beauty secret, reflecting on the outside and how one feels on the inside.

“I don’t hate myself anymore. I used to hate my work, hated that sexy image, hated those pictures of me onstage, hated that big raunchy person. Onstage, I’m acting the whole time I’m there. As soon as I get out of those songs, I’m Tina again.” – Tina Turner.

This statement encapsulates Turner’s struggle with her public image, characterized by the strong, sexy persona she embodied on stage. She discloses her former disdain for this image, feeling disconnected and uncomfortable with the provocative figure that the public and media perceived her as. She viewed her performances as acts, suggesting that the character she portrayed on stage was not a true reflection of her identity. Instead, it was a fabricated one for public consumption.

However, the quote also reveals her journey towards self-acceptance and realizing her authentic self, “Tina.” Her statement, “I don’t hate myself anymore,” reflects a shift in her self-perception, where she no longer resents her stage persona. In fact, she understands it as a role she plays. This evolution showcases her newfound ability to separate the performative element of her career from her true identity. The phrase “as soon as I get out of those songs, I’m Tina again,” beautifully symbolizes her ability to transition between her professional and personal selves, maintaining her authenticity amidst the demands of stardom.

“I’m not wise, but the beginning of wisdom is there; it’s like relaxing into—and an acceptance of—things.” – Tina Turner

Turner humbly dismisses the claim of being wise. However, she acknowledges that she’s on the path toward wisdom. Her humility underscores her recognition of the lifelong journey involved in acquiring wisdom. The notion of “relaxing into” things implies a sense of surrender, a non-resistance to the natural flow of life. She posits that wisdom isn’t about knowing or controlling everything but developing a serene acceptance of circumstances as they unfold.

The latter part of the quote, “an acceptance of things,” highlights the importance Turner attributes to acceptance as a critical step towards wisdom. It could involve accepting oneself, others, or the circumstances of life without judgment or resistance. In essence, Turner suggests that wisdom begins with understanding the nature of things and navigating through life with grace, patience, and acceptance. She rejects constant strife or conflict. This perspective embodies her philosophy. Indeed, it carries a universal appeal, reflecting a deep understanding of human resilience and the pursuit of inner peace.

I didn’t have anybody, really, no foundation in life, so I had to make my own way. Always, from the start. I had to go out in the world and become strong, to discover my mission in life.” – Tina Turner.

This quote speaks to Turner’s journey of self-discovery, resilience, and determination to forge her path.

In the first part of her quote, Turner shares the lack of a solid support system or a guiding foundation in her life. This absence necessitated that she creates her path and navigate through life independently from a very early stage. It highlights her resilient spirit and capacity to transform adversity into a driving force, fostering her determination to succeed against the odds.

The second part of her statement, “I had to go out in the world and become strong, to discover my mission in life,” encapsulates Turner’s proactive approach to life. Her resolve to face the world, become resilient, and unearth her life’s purpose showcases her grit and determination. Turner’s journey is not merely about survival. It is also about profound self-discovery and actualization. It also underscores the importance of personal strength in understanding and pursuing one’s life purpose. Through these words, Turner paints a picture of a woman who, despite lacking traditional support systems, rose above her circumstances and shaped her destiny.

“You take your problems to a God, but what you really need is for the God to take you to the inside of you.” – Tina Turner.

In this quote, Tina Turner suggests that people often seek help from a higher power. However, she emphasizes the importance of accepting the work to do within oneself. The phrase “take you to the inside of you” signifies the need to dig deep into one’s inner being, exploring and connecting with the inherent wisdom, strength, and resources.

Turner’s statement implies that while seeking guidance or solace from a higher power can be beneficial, genuine empowerment and resolution come from understanding and tapping into one’s inner essence. It underscores the belief that individuals possess an innate wellspring of resilience, intuition, and self-awareness. These guide us through life’s challenges. By encouraging self-reflection and introspection, Turner suggests that the ultimate source of healing and transformation lies within ourselves. It is there, waiting to be discovered and embraced.


“Physical strength in a woman—that’s what I am.” – Tina Turner.

In this statement, Turner confidently embraces her physical prowess and asserts her identity as a strong woman. By highlighting “physical strength,” she challenges societal stereotypes and traditional gender roles that may have limited the perception of women’s capabilities. Turner defies these limitations and proudly declares her embodiment of physical strength, showcasing her resilience, power, and determination.

Moreover, her statement reflects her strength and serves as an empowering message to women, encouraging them to embrace their physical strength. It sends a powerful message that women can be physically and mentally strong. By owning her physical strength, Turner exemplifies a powerful role model for women. As a result, she inspires women to embrace their unique forms of strength and defy societal expectations.

“People think my life has been tough, but I think has been a wonderful journey. The older you get, the more you realize it’s not what happens, but how you deal with it.” – Tina Turner.

Turner’s words reveal her resilience and ability to find beauty and growth in adversity. It speaks to her capacity to see beyond hardships. It also recognizes the valuable lessons and personal growth that can emerge from life’s trials. By reframing her experiences as a “wonderful journey,” she shifts the narrative from victimhood to empowerment. Thus, she emphasizes the transformative power of one’s perspective.

Furthermore, Tina Turner imparts wisdom about the significance of one’s response to life’s circumstances. She highlights that as we age and gain wisdom, we realize that not the external events define our lives but how we choose to navigate and respond to them. This message underscores the importance of resilience, adaptability, and personal agency in shaping our life experiences. Turner’s words inspire us to cultivate a mindset of strength and resilience. They also remind us to trust the ability to handle challenges rather than being defined by them.

“Sometimes you’ve got to let everything go—purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything… whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.” – Tina Turner.

Turner’s words highlight the transformative power of letting go. By encouraging the act of purging, she advocates for a conscious decision to rid oneself of anything that hinders personal growth, stifles creativity, or brings emotional distress. It could include toxic relationships, self-limiting beliefs, or negative thinking patterns. She implies that releasing these burdens creates space for personal growth, self-expression, and the emergence of one’s true potential.

The quote also emphasizes the connection between personal freedom and self-discovery. Turner suggests that when individuals free themselves from negativity, they tap into their inner essence and true creativity. Individuals can fully embrace their authentic selves and express their unique gifts and talents by liberating themselves from external influences and internal conflicts.

“I’m self-made. I always wanted to make myself a better person because I was not educated. But that was my dream—to have class.” – Tina Turner.

This quote reflects on Turner’s personal growth and transformation journey. It highlights her self-made nature and aspiration to elevate herself. She emphasizes her desire to become a better person, driven by the fact that she did not have a formal education. Turner’s words convey her determination to overcome obstacles and the pursuit of self-improvement.

This quote encapsulates Turner’s resilient spirit and unwavering dedication to personal growth. It exemplifies her belief in the power of self-transformation and the ability to shape one’s destiny. Despite any perceived limitations or challenges, Turner’s determination to elevate herself as an individual showcases her tenacity, ambition, and pursuit of excellence. Her words inspire others to embrace their journeys of self-improvement, emphasizing the importance of personal growth, education, and the pursuit of inner refinement.

“I want to tell people how to live spiritually. After you’ve bought all your houses and your clothes, you want something bigger.” –Tina Turner.

Turner’s statement reflects her journey of personal growth and discovery. Having experienced success and acquired material wealth, she recognizes that true fulfillment extends beyond material possessions. She implies a more profound yearning within each individual, a longing for a sense of purpose, connection, and spiritual nourishment.

By stating, “After you’ve bought all your houses and your clothes, you want something bigger,” Turner highlights the inherent human desire for a deeper meaning in life. She encourages individuals to look beyond material wealth and explore spirituality. Faith offers a more profound and lasting sense of fulfillment. Turner suggests that true richness lies in spiritual growth, inner peace, and a connection to something greater than oneself.

Ultimately, these words serve as an invitation to shift focus from external pursuits to inner exploration. It also invites one to cultivate a spiritual life. She seeks to inspire others to embark on a journey of self-discovery, understanding that pursuing something “bigger” holds the key to genuine fulfillment and a more purposeful existence.

“My legacy is that I stayed on course… from the beginning to the end because I believed in something inside of me.” –Tina Turner.

By stating that her legacy is rooted in staying on course, Turner committed to her path and purpose. She remained resolute in pursuing her dreams and aspirations, undeterred by the challenges and obstacles she encountered. This resilience and dedication testify to her unwavering belief in herself. It also speaks to the intrinsic calling that guided her throughout her journey.

Turner further highlights the driving force behind her perseverance—the belief in something inside of her. It suggests a deep inner knowing, an innate intuition or passion that propelled her forward. It represents an unwavering faith in her abilities. Finally, it reveals her desire to connect with her inner truth and purpose. Turner’s legacy inspires us. She reminds us of the power of self-belief. She also speaks to the importance of remaining true to our inner convictions, even when faced with adversity.

tina turner

Final Thoughts on These Motivating Words From Tina Turner

Tina Turner lived a remarkable life, and the empowering words she has shared throughout her career testify to her remarkable journey of resilience, self-discovery, and personal growth. She conquered early struggles on her rise as a music icon. Despite humble beginnings, she continuously inspired others with her unwavering determination, unyielding spirit, and profound wisdom.

Her quotes reveal a woman who has faced adversity head-on, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and self-realization. Turner’s emphasis on self-acceptance, inner strength, and the pursuit of happiness resonates deeply, reminding us of the power we hold within ourselves to shape our destinies.

Through her words, Turner encourages us to let go of negativity, embrace our authentic selves, and tap into our innate potential. She reminds us that true beauty lies in self-acceptance and that personal growth is a lifelong journey. So as we reflect on the motivating words and incredible life of Tina Turner, let us draw inspiration from her resilience and tenacity. 

Let us carry forward the wisdom she has shared, embracing our strength and striving to live authentically. Like Tina Turner, let us embark on our journeys of self-discovery, knowing that the power to create a fulfilling and purposeful life lies within us. That is how we can best honor her legacy.

Cover image attribution: Philip Spittle, CC BY, via Wikimedia Commons.

Vitamin C Deficiency? Science Explains What Happens to Your Body

Most people in developed countries aren’t at risk of developing a Vitamin C deficiency, but it can still happen in rare cases. You may have low ascorbic acid levels if you eat an unvaried diet, smoke, or have chronic diseases. Acute Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy, and symptoms may occur within one month of consuming below 10 mg daily.

Early symptoms of inadequate ascorbic acid levels include fatigue, inflammation of the gums, depression, and bodily weakness. As the condition progresses, you may notice joint pain, dry skin, nosebleeds, and slow-healing wounds. Since ascorbic acid helps collagen synthesis, a deficiency can weaken connective tissues and capillaries.

Scientists discovered the dangers of low vitamin C levels in the 18th century when sailors began dying from a mysterious illness. Researchers investigating the disease realized that a lack of ascorbic acid caused the pirates to develop scurvy. While this condition still exists, it’s almost unheard of in the developed world and rarely occurs even in developing countries.

How Much Vitamin C Do You Need?

vitamin c deficiency

The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies set the following guidelines for ascorbic acid intake:

Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0–6 months 40 mg* 40 mg*
7–12 months 50 mg* 50 mg*
1–3 years 15 mg 15 mg
4–8 years 25 mg 25 mg
9–13 years 45 mg 45 mg
14–18 years 75 mg 65 mg 80 mg 115 mg
19+ years 90 mg 75 mg 85 mg 120 mg
Smokers Individuals who smoke require 35 mg/day

more vitamin C than nonsmokers.

Some people take supplements to boost their ascorbic acid levels, but you should eat foods with vitamin C instead. Your body absorbs the vitamins more efficiently by eating fruits and vegetables. Whole foods offer additional health benefits like fiber, antioxidants, and vital nutrients.

What Foods Have the Highest Ascorbic Acid Levels?

According to the FDA, you can avoid a deficiency by consuming fruits and vegetables with vitamin C. Research shows that a native Australian fruit called the Kakadu plum contains the highest known concentration of vitamin C. One of these small, juicy fruits includes 100 times more ascorbic acid than oranges, about 436mg. You might not find these in your local grocery store, but it’s also sold as powders and extracts online.

Raw red peppers, containing 95mg per 1/2 cup serving, have the most abundant vitamin c levels among common foods. Orange juice is another substantial source of ascorbic acid, with 3/4 cup containing 93 mg, or 103% of your daily value (DV). A medium-sized orange will give you 83mg of ascorbic acid, or 92% of the RDI. Other excellent sources of ascorbic acid include acerola cherries, green chili peppers, guavas, sweet yellow peppers, mustard greens, and kale.

One serving of these foods provides over 100% of your DV for ascorbic acid and potent antioxidants that fight inflammation. Remember to steam or microwave leafy greens instead of boiling them, to retain more vitamins. Cooking vegetables at high heat destroys some nutrients, especially water-soluble vitamin C.

What Causes a Vitamin C Deficiency?

As we said earlier, a vitamin C deficiency may occur if you eat less than 10mg/day for a month. Since most people eat more than this in a single serving of fruits and vegetables, it’s rare to become deficient. Plus, supplements and vitamins ensure most people meet the RDI, even if their diet contains scant ascorbic acid.

However, lifestyle choices and medical conditions can make a vitamin C deficiency more likely. For example, studies confirm smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke have lower ascorbic acid levels. Researchers believe that enhanced oxidative stress and inflammation caused by smoking may lead to nutrient deficiencies.

In addition, intestinal malabsorption disorders, cancer, and chronic kidney disease may lead to vitamin c deficiency. Finally, those with a limited diet containing few fruits and vegetables also risk low vitamin C levels. If you have a medical condition, talk with your doctor before increasing your intake or taking supplements.

What Are the Symptoms of Low Vitamin C Levels?

vitamin d deficiency

1. Low Energy

When you don’t eat enough foods with Vitamin C, you may experience fatigue or depression. One mouse study by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center analyzed the effects of inducing a severe ascorbic acid deficiency. Researchers observed depressive-like behavior and reduced physical strength in the mice.

However, research on people with a vitamin c deficiency showed participants had enhanced energy and immunity with supplementation.

2. Gum swelling and bleeding

Research suggests that low vitamin C levels can lead to periodontitis, a condition causing inflammation and infections of the gums. Because ascorbic acid helps protect the body from disease, a deficiency can result in bacterial overgrowth.

3. Weakened immune system

If you have a vitamin C deficiency, it could make you more susceptible to colds and the flu. A powerful antioxidant, vitamin C assists in producing white blood cells that fight bacteria and viruses.

4. Anemia

You might associate anemia with an iron deficiency, but poor levels of ascorbic acid can also cause it. Vitamin C helps improve nonheme iron absorption and bioavailability, the iron found in plant-based foods. According to one study, taking ascorbic acid supplements may also reverse anemia in children.

5. Poor eye health

Studies show that a vitamin C deficiency may lead to age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Ascorbic acid helps reduce damage from free radicals and supports blood vessels in the retina.

6. Joint pain

Because vitamin C helps reduce inflammation, it may help prevent or lessen joint pain and swelling. Studies show that people who suffer from arthritis benefit from taking ascorbic acid supplements for its anti-inflammatory effect. Other research shows ascorbic acid can lower the risk of gout because it reduces uric acid, which can crystallize and form painful deposits in the joints.

7. Unhealthy skin and hair

Since vitamin C helps with collagen production and tissue repair, an insufficient intake can cause dry, damaged skin and hair. Studies show that ascorbic acid can prevent signs of aging caused by ultraviolet exposure. Since it improves iron absorption, an essential mineral for hair growth, it can benefit those with hair loss associated with anemia.

vitamin c deficiency

Final Thoughts on the Effects of Vitamin C Deficiency

You may not notice symptoms if you have a Vitamin C deficiency. After a month, you might experience fatigue, irritability, dry hair and skin, and gum swelling. Luckily, it’s uncommon to have an extreme deficiency today since most people can access fruits and vegetables. Regularly eating foods with vitamin C will ensure you maintain adequate levels and avoid unwanted health issues.

30 Affirmations for Women for Better Relationships

Affirmations for women can help you build better relationships and find a partner who makes you happy. They can also help you develop healthy friendships, co-worker relationships, and other connections.

Using positive affirmations for women in your daily routine can improve your relationships and boost your self-esteem. The statements can help with better mental health and well-being. Thus, they allow you to be the best version of yourself. It also ensures you don’t settle for someone who doesn’t see your worth.

Affirmations for women in relationships allow you to shift to a mindset that encourages love and happiness. That’s because they help you manifest a healthy relationship full of love using the law of attraction. However, you must use them daily if you want positive phrases to help shift your mindset.

Thirty Positive Affirmations for Better Relationships

You deserve to feel loved, and that includes self-love. It requires self-care and self-compassion and helps you find your worth in relationships. As a result, you build self-esteem, allowing you to implement boundaries to protect your well-being.

Affirmations for Self-Love

These affirmations for women can help you prioritize self-love and live a happy life:

affirmations for women

1 – I love myself as I am right now.

You might not be where you want to be, but you can love yourself as you are now. Practicing self-love can help you become a better version of yourself and embrace positivity.

2 – I am kind to myself and practice self-compassion.

Being kind to yourself involves being compassionate and showing concern. Prioritizing your well-being and forgiving yourself for mistakes can make a difference.

3 – I love everything that makes me unique.

If you ever criticize your unique qualities, this affirmation is for you. Telling yourself that you love what makes you different can help you learn to appreciate it. When you can love these things about yourself, it’ll be easier to recognize your worth.

4 – I am worthy of respect and love.

You deserve love and respect from yourself and those around you. This reminder will encourage you to care for yourself and give yourself the love you deserve.

5 – I release negativity because I deserve peace.

When you let go of negativity, it leaves room for peace. With a peaceful mind, you can love yourself better.

6 – I deserve happiness in all my relationships.

When you know that you deserve happiness, it helps you improve your relationships. This affirmation encourages you not to settle for anything else.

7 – I am relaxing to let go of stress and tension.

One of the best ways to practice loving yourself is to spend time relaxing. Relaxation helps release stress and tension, and you might experience burnout without it. It’s hard to prioritize and love yourself when you don’t make time for relaxing.

8 – I can do anything I set my mind to.

When you decide what to do, you can use this affirmation to motivate yourself. This positive phrase can ease self-doubt and remind you of your capabilities.

9 – I am prioritizing what I need and want.

Taking care of your needs and wants is one way to practice self-love. You must prioritize yourself if you want to engage in healthy relationships.

Positive Affirmations for Romantic Relationships

Affirmations for women for romantic relationships can help you build a partnership with someone who cares about you. The positive phrases can help you find romance and healthy love. You can start with the following:

10 – I am giving my heart and am ready to receive my partner’s love.

Forming a better romantic relationship requires being open to giving your heart and receiving love. This affirmation can help you accept and give love when the time is right.

11 – I am loved by someone who makes me happy.

This positive phrase can remind you when you’re in a relationship with someone who brings happiness. You might sometimes take it for granted, preventing a better relationship. If that’s the case, this is the phrase for you.

12 – I am in a relationship with someone who shows deep, passionate love.

Reminding yourself of the passion and love in your relationship can help you form a better bond. You’ll want to strengthen the romance, leading to an improvement.

13 – I attract partners who treat me right.

This affirmation can help you build self-esteem and confidence. You’ll identify your worth and settle for nothing less than you deserve.

14 – I am prepared to receive love from those who treat me well.

You won’t build a better relationship if you aren’t prepared to receive love. So when someone treats you well, ensure you’re open to receiving it from them. It can make all the difference.

15 – I am safe to show who I am.

The best romantic relationships allow for being comfortable enough to show who you are. When you find someone who makes you feel that way. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to deepen your romance.

16 – I am lovable as I am right now.

Reminding yourself that you’re lovable can help you remember that you deserve love from your romantic partner. You’ll feel better about yourself and identify your self-worth.

affirmations for women

Positive Affirmations for Friendships

Affirmations for friendships can help you make new friends and nurture your current relationships. So you’ll attract friends who support you and want a healthy connection by using the following affirmations for women:

17 – I am surrounded by friends who love and support me.

Knowing your friends love and support you can help you build better relationships. You won’t settle for those who aren’t there for you when you know you have positive people in your life. It’ll also help you foster good friendships and embrace the people who want to see you thrive.

18 – I am grateful for my fulfilling friendships.

Expressing gratitude for your friendships can bring happiness and fulfillment to your life. You’ll feel better and build stronger relationships that last.

19 – I attract meaningful connections with those around me.

This affirmation for women will help you radiate the confidence it takes to build meaningful connections. Once you use it daily, you’ll start to focus on those who treat you right and bring value to your life.

20 – I am loyal and trustworthy with my friends.

Being loyal and trustworthy is one of the best ways to build stronger friendships. Otherwise, you have a relationship that lacks trust and a healthy connection. Using this affirmation daily will help you remember to prioritize your good friends.

21 – I am worthy of having loyal friends who want what’s best for me.

You deserve friends who want what’s best for you. So using this affirmation for women can help you prioritize your self-worth and only let those in your life who also see your worth.

22 – I bring joy to my friendships.

Of course, it will help you build better relationships when you know you bring joy to your friends. So you’ll feel more confident and give more to the experience.

23 – I am having fun and giving time to my friends.

Having fun is one of the essential parts of having happy friendships. This affirmation for women can help you prioritize fun and giving time to those who matter to you.

Positive Affirmations for Work Relationships

You likely spend lots of time at work and with your colleagues. Using affirmations for women in the workplace. They can also you build better professional relationships and advance your career.

24 – I am focusing on self-growth to build work relationships.

Your colleagues play a role in your life since you’re with them often. Thus, focusing on self-growth helps your co-workers see that you strive to do your best.

25 – I have the qualities it takes to be successful at my job.

Feeling confident in your abilities can make a difference in your relationships with your co-workers. Once you feel good about your work, others will see your confidence, too.

26 – I am respected by the people I work with.

When you feel respected in the workplace, it’ll help you build better relationships with your co-workers. Using this affirmation for women will promote positivity and help you feel more confident.

27 – I achieve my goals and finish my tasks.

Knowing that you accomplish your work tasks can help you feel better about the people you work with. It encourages you to see your self-worth and know that you are a valuable asset.

28 – I bring good ideas to work discussions.

This affirmation for women before work promotes confidence as they head to work. Consequently, you will feel more comfortable giving your ideas and offering input when you remember you’re good at it.

29 – I am motivated and determined to do my best.

This positive phrase can help you go to work with a positive, motivated mindset. As a result, you’ll do better at your job by promoting positive relationships with those you work with.

30 – I am appreciated and valued because I excel in my career.

When you feel appreciated and valued, building connections at work gets easier. With confidence, relationships can get stronger as you know you’re doing well in the environment.


Final Thoughts on Using Affirmations for Women

These positive affirmations for women in your daily routine can improve your relationships. It can also build self-esteem. Besides that, you’ll love yourself better and feel good interacting with others.

These affirmations for women for confidence and empowerment can improve your overall well-being. Positive self-talk for women can make a difference in helping you attract others who care about you and want to see you do well.

15 Manifestation Affirmations to Achieve Your Dreams

Envisioning your dream life should bring excited feelings of anticipation, and it can be if you use manifestation affirmations. Manifesting your dreams with positive affirmations can help you attract all the good things you desire. Positivity encourages you to remember that your dreams can happen if you stay focused and optimistic.

You might sometimes think you can’t make your dreams happen and that you should give up. When these thoughts creep in, shifting them by manifesting what you want can make a difference. By incorporating manifestation affirmations into your daily routine, you can align your thoughts and beliefs with your goals and dreams.

It’ll make a difference in motivating you to keep pushing, no matter how hard things get. Manifestation affirmations to achieve your dreams help you stay focused and find ways to overcome obstacles. They can also help you alleviate the blow of negative words from others.

Manifesting your dreams through affirmations is one of the best ways to help you get what you want. Repeating these phrases will make you believe them, helping attract your dreams with each step.

Manifesting Clarity

As you manifest clarity, try to focus on your breathing. Envision yourself breathing in the good and exhaling the bad. Then, repeat these manifestation affirmations to help manifest your dreams coming true.

manifestation affirmations

1 – I focus on my tasks when I’m working.

This phrase will help you stay on task when working, helping you progress toward your goals. You’ll be less likely to become distracted by other things because it’s already in your mind that your work is essential.

It’ll prevent drifting thoughts that slow your progress, helping you cross more tasks off your to-do list. Not only will you get more accomplished, but you’ll also have more time to relax and enjoy life later.

2 – I know my purpose and stay focused on my goals.

When you know your purpose, you’ll know what path you should take. You’ll acknowledge what you must do while minimizing things that urge you off course.

Keeping that thought in mind throughout the day can help you target the essential steps in reaching your goal. It’ll also prevent you from thinking about giving up because you know what to do.

3 – I trust myself and know what I need to do.

Trusting yourself is one of the best ways to achieve your dreams. It’ll remind you that you know what tasks are necessary and how to overcome obstacles.

When you trust yourself, your decisions become more accessible and more beneficial for your life. Repeating this phrase will help you keep going rather than being held up by self-doubt.

Manifestation Affirmations for Abundance

Using manifestation affirmations for abundance can help you achieve your dreams. It shifts your thoughts to positivity, helping you attract wealth. You’ll notice new opportunities and feel prepared to go after what you want.

4 – I am worthy of all the prosperity I desire.

When you know that you’re worthy of prosperity, it’ll help you attract abundance. You deserve everything you want and need and can make it happen. This affirmation will help you get there.

It’ll help you decide on things to support your journey to success. There’s no limit to what you can achieve, and you can fulfill your potential by repeating positive phrases for encouragement.

5 – I attract success and prosperity into my life.

The law of attraction explains that what you put into the world is what you’ll receive. You can achieve what you want when you expect it and put positivity into the world. Use this affirmation daily to help you reach your dreams.

6 – I am capable of anything because I have unlimited potential.

Your possibilities are endless, and you can do anything you want if you have faith in yourself. Every dream requires hard work and progress, but you can make it happen. You must be willing to put in the effort and overcome hardship to get there.

This manifestation affirmation reminds you that it’s possible and you have what it takes. Take the first steps to achieve your dreams because every bit of progress helps you in the next phase.

Manifesting Better Health

Health affirmations can promote healing and vitality, helping you feel good as you work toward your goals. When you’re healthy, you’ll have a better chance of achieving your goals and living the life of your dreams.

7 – I am healing with each breath I take.

You can improve your well-being by using this manifestation affirmation for better health. When you tell yourself you’re healing, it’s more likely to happen. Plus, it’ll help you feel better as you notice improvements.

You can also envision pain, illness, trauma, and anything else leaving your body as you repeat this affirmation. Visualization can help you feel better and fill your body with positivity and health.

8 – I am healthy and prioritizing my well-being.

Using this affirmation daily will help you feel good as it reminds you to take care of yourself. It encourages you to embrace your health and do things that promote a healthy lifestyle.

With this phrase in your mind, you’ll have more motivation to work toward your dreams. Taking care of your health and prioritizing your well-being will give you energy and promote your health. With those aspects of your life taken care of, you can consider the rest of your dreams.

9 – I am practicing self-care because I deserve it.

When you don’t prioritize self-care, it can hold you back from achieving your dreams. You won’t have the energy to give your best effort, potentially impacting your mental and physical health. Take time to relax and rejuvenate to better prepare for your goals.

Sometimes, you might skip out on self-care to care for others or do more work, but it won’t help. It’ll prevent you from fulfilling your potential, but this affirmation can help you shift that mindset.

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Manifestation Affirmations for Love and Relationships

Using manifestation affirmations for love and relationships can help you build a healthy connection. If a loving relationship is part of your dreams, these phrases can help you find success. They can also help you attract healthy friendships.

10 – I am open to giving and receiving love.

When your heart is open to giving and receiving love, you’ll be more likely to find what you want. If you want a loving relationship, this affirmation will help you let your guard down to allow the right person in. Without being open to it, you might miss out on people who would play a fulfilling role in your life.

11 – I attract positive, supportive people.

This manifestation affirmation helps you find relationships and friendships that improve your life. These people won’t hold you back from achieving your dreams because they’ll want what’s best for you.

Having friends, family, or a partner will support you by being there for you and helping however they can. They’ll also help you stay positive by being there to offer encouragement.

12 – I focus on harmony and understanding in my relationships.

This positive phrase encourages happy relationships with minimal conflict. While you may disagree sometimes, you remain positive and understanding without hurting one another. It’ll help you embrace the good parts of life and embrace happiness.

Manifestation Affirmations for Self-Confidence

Affirmations for self-confidence can help boost your self-esteem. These phrases remind you of your self-worth and encourage empowerment as you work toward success.

13 – I believe in my ability to achieve my goals.

Believing in yourself is one of the best ways to build your self-esteem. You’ll experience the empowerment that guides you forward to achieve your dreams. Repeat this affirmation each morning to remind you of your abilities.

14 – I am confident and worthy of success.

With confidence, you’ll feel prepared for anything. It’ll get you the courage to overcome obstacles and try new things that help you find success. Being confident can help you live the life you want because it eases the self-doubt that holds many people back.

15 – I deserve to achieve my dreams and find happiness.

If you think you’re undeserving, you might pass on opportunities that come your way. This affirmation helps shift your mindset to feel confident enough to accept all possibilities.

You’ll know that you have worked hard to achieve your goals. Then, when you accept the opportunities, you’ll find happiness in achieving your dreams.


Final Thoughts on These Fifteen Manifestation Affirmations for Success

Your thoughts contribute to how things work out in your life. If you experience negativity, it will attract negative things and situations to you. When you shift your thoughts to positivity, you’ll notice a positive change in your life.

Learning to use manifestation affirmations can help you attract the life you want. You can repeat them as you prepare for the day or during your bedtime routine. Anytime is fine, but say them aloud for the best results.

As you fill your mind with these positive phrases, you’ll keep moving on your journey to success. Attracting abundance and love with manifestation affirmations helps you reach your dreams and stay motivated. Start with one of two positive phrases daily, switching them up as you feel comfortable.

Science Explains the Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle (It’s Not What You Think)

Has the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, or Devil’s Triangle, been solved?

An Australian believes mathematical probabilities can perfectly explain the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon. Karl Kruszelnicki, Ph.D., who most call “Dr. Karl,” is an Australian science communicator and a well-known science author. Dr. Karl is also a physicist, engineer, and mathematician. He is perhaps most beloved in his country for his role as a science commentator on Australian radio and television programs, including “Great Moments in Science” and “Sleek Geeks.” 

Throughout his long career, he has won numerous awards for his work in science communication, which includes the Eureka Prize for promoting science.

He believes that fast-changing, often unpredictable weather patterns and less-experienced pilots, along with the sheer volume of traffic in a tricky area to navigate, are the leading causes of disappearances in the area. Dr. Karl is not alone in his thinking, as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association has expressed the same for years.

Where Is the Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle sits in the southwestern sector of the North Atlantic Ocean, roughly marked on the map by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. The triangular shape of the area covers at least 500,000 square miles. It is an area that has gained notoriety for the haunting disappearances of ships and planes occurring there over the past two centuries or so. The few dozen high-profile incidents in the Bermuda Triangle contribute to the area’s mysterious and fascinating reputation.

Some conspiracy theorists propose the presence of extraterrestrial spaceships swallowing up entire vessels without a trace. But no valid evidence exists to support those supernatural or extraterrestrial theories. Yet, conspiracy theorists continue to spread rumors about other-worldly causes because they claim they have no answers.

But Dr. Karl disagrees.

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Dr. Karl Explains the Most Likely Causes of the Lost Ships and Planes in the Devil’s Triangle

Kruszelnicki has repeatedly made his thoughts on the Bermuda Triangle clear, insisting that the numbers don’t lie. He has pointed out that even high-profile disappearances, such as Flight 19, a group of five U.S. Navy TBM Avenger torpedo bombers lost in 1945, can be attributed to poor weather or likely human error.

The area is also known for its magnetic anomalies, which may affect compass readings and cause navigational errors. The Gulf Stream, a strong ocean current, runs through the region and is known for its tendency towards violent changes in weather, which can cause havoc for ships and planes.

NOAA Has Shared Similar Past Findings About this Treacherous Part of the Atlantic Ocean

According data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), environmental considerations can explain away most of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances. Their data concurs with Dr. Karl’s findings–and has for decades.

NOAA reporting explains that factors that contribute to the notoriety of the region include the following:

  • The Gulf Stream cuts through the area, wreaking weather havoc–often with little notice.
  • Many islands and inlets in the Caribbean Sea have significantly shallow spots, creating complicated navigational challenges.
  • The Bermuda Triangle may have a magnetic compass pointing to the true north instead of the magnetic north. That, admittedly, is still something that researchers are learning about.

Each of these factors arrives at the same conclusions reached by Dr. Karl. Challenging conditions in this region of the Atlantic can lead to confusion in wayfinding, causing tragic outcomes.

Recent Vessel Recoveries From the Bermuda Triangle

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And what of those never-found ships and planes? 

NOAA attributes the largely unreclaimed wreckage to the catastrophic impact of large waves, gale-force winds, and hurricane activity. Each of those carries the possibility of the utter destruction of the lost vessels.

But that does not mean that all wrecks are missing forever.  

In 2020, the wreckage of the SS Cotopaxi was discovered off the Florida coastline. The SS Cotopaxi was a steam-powered coal carrier built during World War I. It left on an ill-fated voyage in November 1925 from Charleston, South Carolina. Its destination was Havana, Cuba. The crew sent a distress signal in December 1925. Their communication stated they had encountered a late-season tropical storm and were taking on water. They lost contact after that transmission. 

More recently, the Bermuda Triangle mystery deepened. Film crews filming a documentary for the History Channel recovered something they were not seeking in 2022. They inadvertently spotted a 20-foot section of the space shuttle Challenger. Realizing that it was modern materials, they notified authorities. NASA confirmed the validity of the find. 

A NASA spokesman commented the following on the recovery:

“While it has been nearly 37 years since seven daring and brave explorers lost their lives aboard Challenger, this tragedy will forever be seared in the collective memory of our country. For millions around the globe, myself included, Jan. 28, 1986, still feels like yesterday. This discovery gives us an opportunity to pause once again, to uplift the legacies of the seven pioneers we lost, and to reflect on how this tragedy changed us. At NASA, the core value of safety is – and must forever remain – our top priority, especially as our missions explore more of the cosmos than ever before.”  – Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator

The Devil’s Triangle Is a Much-Used Shipping and Travel Lane

The Bermuda Triangle has long been shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories due to the dozens of ships and planes that have disappeared in the area over the last century. However, Kruszelnicki and the NOAA do not subscribe to the Bermuda Triangle’s supernatural reputation. They believe that the loss and disappearance of ships and planes is a fact of probability that occurs at the same rate as in any other large, well-traveled region in any ocean.

The truth about he region is this. The Atlantic Ocean is actually a well-used shipping and flight lane. Humans have navigated it for centuries and continue to use it for trade and travel today–more than you might assume.

In fact, if you have ever flown to a Caribbean destination, you’ve probably traveled directly into the area. A leading travel publication unequivocally states the following:

 “If you’ve ever traveled to the Caribean, you’ve probably flown over the mythical region.” – Travel + Leisure

Considering the many flights and cruises to popular vacation spots in the region, there are relatively few disappearances. The area recorded about fifty vanished ships and twenty lost planes since the middle of the 1800s. No passengers aboard these vessels survived. While all loss of life is tragic, these numbers represent a tiny fraction of the travelers through the area over the centuries.

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Final Thoughts on Solving the Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Despite the scientific explanations for the Bermuda Triangle, culture clings to conspiracy theories. The concepts of sea monsters, aliens, and even the entirety of Atlantis dropping to the ocean floor remain an overarching theme in books, television, and movies. 

However, Dr. Karl and NOAA maintain that there is no Bermuda Triangle mystery. Mathematical probability supports this easy explanation. The data strongly suggests that environmental factors and human fallibility are the true culprits behind disappearances in the area. The mystery of the Devil’s Triangle–solved.

12 Affirmational Statements That Turn Stress into Happiness

Here are 12 affirmations for your happiness journal.

Stress can overwhelm you and interfere with all areas of your life. You might get caught up in the negativity. But you don’t have to live that way. Learning to turn it into positive thoughts and happiness can make a difference in your life and improve your overall well-being. How? Great question! Memorize these affirmational statements, state them in the mirror, or commit them to your happiness journal.

Positive affirmations can help you shift your mindset during stressful times, allowing you to find positivity. It takes practice and consistency but can make a difference in your mind and well-being.

Affirmational statements can stop self-sabotaging actions or thoughts. It doesn’t mean you run away from your emotions but that you accept them and then focus on positivity instead.

Twelve Positive Affirmations to Turn Stress into Happiness

These positive statements can help you focus on positive thinking. Rather than letting stress take over, you can repeat these affirmations to promote positivity and help you find joy. If you prefer, you can also write them in a gratitude or happiness journal.

When you use these phrases, find a safe space where you feel comfortable being vulnerable. Try to eliminate distractions so you can sit quietly with yourself. If that’s impossible, you can take a few minutes of quiet time to shift your mindset, no matter where you are.


1 – I trust myself to make wise decisions.

When you trust yourself, you’ll experience less distress. You’ll feel good about your decision, knowing it’s leading you on your life journey. In fact, it can help you push away other people’s negative comments and self-doubt.

2 – I am getting through hard times and releasing negativity.

You can overcome any obstacle; this affirmation will help you remember your capabilities. Telling yourself that you’re releasing negativity also helps because it stops you from focusing on your hardship. Instead, it encourages you to consider how to overcome the situation.

3 – I am trying my best, and that’s more than enough.

Experiencing stressful situations can make you feel like you aren’t doing enough. Negative self-talk can hold you back, preventing you from pushing forward and trying again. This affirmation can help you shift your mindset and acknowledge your effort and self-worth. So say it in the mirror or write it in your happiness journal today.

4 – I feel the tension leaving my body.

As you repeat this affirmation, envision tension and stress flowing from your body. Visualization can make a difference, helping you relax and find a calm mindset.

5 – I am focusing only on things I can control.

You can’t control everything that happens in life, and it can cause tension and negativity. Repeating this phrase helps you shift your thoughts to things you can control. When you consider what you can change, you’ll act on those things rather than overthinking.

6 – I am a positive person attracting positive things.

Too much negativity can make you feel like you’re a negative person. Repeating this phrase reminds you that you’re positive and can help you feel it again. With positivity, you’ll attract good things that help you find happiness.

7 – I am looking for moments of peace today.

Life gets tricky, but you can find moments of peace and happiness that help you overcome hardship. Repeating this phrase reminds you to look for good things around you. You’ll have an easier time finding peaceful moments when it’s already in your mind.

8 – I am focusing on self-care.

Taking breaks to focus on self-care can help you turn stress into happiness. Taking care of yourself can shift your mindset and help you see the good in your life. It can also help you release tension and think about things that make you happy instead.

9 – I have everything I need to handle this situation.

Feeling like you don’t have what you need is incredibly stressful. However, you always have what it takes, even if you don’t have the tools to make the situation more manageable. Even if it isn’t easy, you have what it takes.

You can start with what you have and develop everything else as you go along. Use this affirmation each morning when you’re going through hard times so you can find happiness and persevere.

10 – I can make positive changes in my life.

Experiencing hard times can make you think nothing will ever get better. If that’s the case, this affirmation can help you think differently. You can make changes that improve your life and help you find happiness. You’ll be less stressed because you recognize things can be different if you remember this.

11 – I know this situation will pass, and I will deal with it calmly.

Experiencing difficult situations isn’t enjoyable, but it will pass. Responding to it calmly can help you find happiness because it means not doing something you might regret. It also prevents you from getting more upset than you would have if you weren’t staying calm.

12 – I am strong enough to get through everything.

You’re resilient, and you can overcome even the most stressful situations. This affirmation reminds you of that, giving you the strength to get through the day without focusing on negativity. Using this phrase helps you increase your resilience to push through anything that comes your way.

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Thirteen Other Ways to Turn Stress into Happiness

Affirmations can help you turn stress into happiness, but there are other things you can try simultaneously.

1 – Get Outside

Sometimes the best thing you can do to find joy is to get outside and find natural beauty. Reconnecting with nature can help you realize that your problems aren’t quite as big as they seem. Breathing in the fresh air can also help you find peace.

2 – Spend Time with Animals

Experts indicate that spending time with pets can reduce and prevent stress. You can volunteer at a local animal shelter if you don’t have a pet and don’t want to get one.

3 – Don’t Dwell

Talking about your problems is essential to healing, but dwelling on them has the opposite effect. If you want to be happy, don’t discuss the things that worry you too much. Instead, tell your support system what’s wrong, find ways to stay busy, and keep your mind off it.

4 – Meditate

Meditation can help you release tension, relax, and move forward without feeling overwhelmed. Find a quiet, tranquil place for meditating, and consider focusing on your breathing. All you need is five minutes to center yourself and find peace.

5 – Organize Your Desk or Workspace

Disorganization can contribute to overwhelming feelings because it’s hectic. It makes your day harder and can cause you to feel unnecessarily stressed.

Organizing might take some time, but it’ll distract you from your distress. However, you’ll feel better when it’s finished. Then, you’ll be ready to tackle your tasks with a clear mind.

6 – Spoil Yourself

When stressed, you can ease the tension by caring for yourself. You can buy something you’ve been wanting or do something you enjoy. Or, you can have a lazy day lounging around your house and relax. Playing ข้อเสนอพิเศษจากยูฟ่าเบท can also be a great way to escape stress and immerse yourself in fun and entertainment.

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7 – Make a Gratitude List in Your Happiness Journal

Thinking of what you’re thankful for can help when you are overwhelmed. Writing a gratitude list can boost your happiness because it brings to mind all the goodness surrounding you. It’ll help you forget your problems and maintain a sense of joy.

8 – Check a Few Things off Your To-Do List

Getting things done is one of the easiest ways to ease overwhelming feelings and find happiness. When you accomplish tasks, it can boost your mood and remind you that things will work out. You’ll also feel better about taking a relaxing break after finishing some of the tasks from your list.

9 – Listen to Music and Dance

Listening to music, you enjoy can help you find happiness. Dancing to the music gets your blood pumping and increases the release of endorphins. It can cheer you up in a way that helps you throughout the rest of the day.

10 – Find Something to Laugh About

Laughter is one of the best ways to feel better about things overwhelming you. So consider spending time with someone who makes you laugh. You can also watch a comedy, tell jokes, or read a funny book.

11 – Write in a Happiness Journal

Journaling is one of the best ways to help you identify your thoughts and feelings. It can help you recognize things going on in your subconscious, allowing you to reframe negative thoughts. As we mentioned, some people prefer written affirmations to say them in the mirror. Of course, there is no right or wrong – do what inspires you.

12 – Read an Uplifting Book

Reading a book offers a mental escape to help you take your thoughts off your stress. If the book is entertaining or uplifting, it’ll help you find happiness. Even after you finish reading, the positive effects will linger.

13 – Find a Creative Outlet

Creativity can help you release tension and negativity. Putting your energy into something creative can help you relax and forget about the things that bother you.


Final Thoughts on Affirmational Statements That Turn Stress into Happiness

Turning stress into happiness is easier than many people realize. You don’t always have to feel overwhelmed. Indeed, writing affirmations in a happiness journal or saying them aloud is one of the best ways to switch your mindset.

Once you become more comfortable, you can write your affirmations. This behavior can help refocus your thoughts. Repeating the affirmational statements while trying some of the other methods can make a difference. What works for some may not work for you, so keep trying until you find what helps you find happiness.

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