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Doctors Reveal 6 Foods That Give You Energy All Day Long

Doctors Reveal 6 Foods That Give You Energy All Day Long

Our dietary choices can promote disease or health in our minds and bodies. Sadly, many modern meals have ingredients and additives you wouldn’t find in nature, causing inflammation and low energy. However, eating foods closest to their source results in vitality, positive mental and physical health, and spiritual wellness.

Nature intended us to eat fruits, vegetables, and grains exposed to ample sunshine, not created in labs devoid of prana, or life force. Therefore, if we want to create wellness instead of disease, it makes sense to receive our nourishment from the earth rather than packaged items.

We survived for millennia eating foods that grew in the great outdoors and that our bodies could assimilate adequately. Modern foods contain ingredients you would never find in unprocessed items like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. So our bodies view these altered meals as foreign objects, creating inflammation to fight invaders. While processed diets provide some nutrients and calories, they cause far more harm than good.

Scientists have linked convenience items such as deli meats, sugary drinks, and fried cuisines to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and numerous other illnesses. These meals disrupt the currents of prana in the mind and body, creating the perfect environment for diseases to thrive. However, incorporating certain foods, such as hummus, olives, nuts, raw vegetables, avocados, and seaweed chips, can help boost energy levels and improve overall health.

6 Whole Foods to Give You an Energy Boost


According to science, these six foods will replenish your energy reserves all day.

1. Hummus

Add hummus to your diet if you want more energy throughout the day. This delicious food made from chickpeas makes a great addition to Mediterranean power bowls, salads, wraps, and dips. You can enjoy hummus as a snack with crackers or pita bread or as a topping for your favorite dinner. Hummus contains plentiful fiber and protein thanks to the main ingredient, chickpeas.

A protein-rich diet can increase satiety and vitality by reducing the hunger hormone ghrelin levels. Both protein and fiber take longer to digest than simple carbohydrates and promote stable blood sugar, giving you balanced energy throughout the day.

Studies show that hummus and chickpeas can lower your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. In addition, those who follow traditional Middle Eastern or Mediterranean diets, which consider hummus a staple, have fewer respiratory, kidney, and neurodegenerative disease instances.

2. Olives

Olives also provide ample energy for the mind and body due to their antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, and vitamin E content. They contain a monounsaturated fat called oleate, which studies show can reduce inflammation, heart disease, and cancers compared to a diet high in refined carbohydrates.

Antioxidants and vitamin E in olives can also lower inflammation and increase energy levels. Vitamin E contains biologically active substances called tocopherols, which help protect the body from free radical damage and boost immunity. Olives are also rich in other antioxidants like hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, and oleanolic acid, which reduce inflammation and cancer risk and improve heart health.

You can eat olives by themselves or add them to salads, tapenades, pizza with cauliflower crust, or sandwiches.

3. Nuts (one of the easiest to carry with you snack foods!)

To increase your energy and overall health, consider eating more nuts. Nuts contain plenty of healthy fats, protein, and Vitamin E to help stave off hunger and maintain balanced blood sugar. Even though nuts such as walnuts and almonds are high in fat and calories, some studies show they may aid weight loss and reduce waist size. Because they satisfy hunger due to their energy density, nuts are an excellent choice for a snack.

Other studies show that the vitamin E found in nuts can fight free radical damage, reduce oxidative stress, and boost cognitive function. The brain accounts for about 20% of the body’s energy use throughout the day, so eating foods like nuts is crucial for mental clarity. The protein in nuts, particularly almonds, pistachios, and peanuts, also increases brain function and satiety levels. Add them to salads, meats, or rice dishes, or grab a handful to snack on during your workday.


4. Raw Vegetables

Raw vegetables are significant sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, when raw, cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts don’t digest well. If you want a quick snack at work or school, pack a bag of carrots or celery since these are easier on the stomach. For meals, you can always steam, sautè, or roast cruciferous and root vegetables when you have more time to enjoy them.

The fiber, vitamins, and minerals in vegetables help sustain energy levels and nourish your mind and body. Vegetables with abundant nutrients and fiber include sweet potatoes, broccoli and other cruciferous veggies, butternut squash, artichokes, parsnips, and beets. Some ideas for incorporating raw vegetables into meals or snacks include hummus and carrots, roasted sweet potato fries, and broccoli & sweet potato Buddha bowls.

5. Avocados

Avocados contain healthy fats, potassium, and fiber, which help prevent disease and reduce inflammation. Foods such as avocados also improve mental and physical energy since they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which enhance cognition and memory. Around 80% of the carbohydrates in avocados come from fiber, resulting in increased satiety and sustained energy levels.

Finally, one-half of an avocado contains more potassium than an entire medium banana, providing roughly 487 mg of potassium. This vital mineral acts as an electrolyte in the body, balancing fluid levels within cells, regulating muscle contractions, and sending nerve signals.

Avocados are one of the most versatile foods you can eat, making an excellent addition to salads, smoothies, Mexican dishes, and more. You can also enjoy them as a snack with baked chips or on whole-grain toast.

6. Seaweed Chips

You may eat seaweed chips infrequently, but they make a tasty snack packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Seaweed contains significant amounts of iodine, a necessary mineral for thyroid regulation and energy production. One type of seaweed called kombu provides more iodine than any other seaweed variety, with one gram containing up to 2,984 mcg of iodine.

Roasted seaweed also offers an excellent source of prebiotics – plant fibers that promote healthy gut bacteria. When your gastrointestinal system functions optimally, you’ll have ample energy to perform all your duties. Most people eat seaweed chips as a snack, but you can also sprinkle them on salads and sushi bowls.


Final Thoughts on Healthy Foods to Sustain Energy on Your Busiest Days

Doctors suggest that healthy people rely on avocados, seaweed, hummus, olives, raw veggies, and nuts to sustain energy. You can find these items at almost any grocery store and pack them in your lunch for a nutritious snack. You can enjoy better mental and physical health by incorporating energy-boosting foods into your diet. Improving energy levels with whole foods begins by adding these heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory items into your meals.

20 Quotes to Remember If You Have Shame

Shame is a vulnerable feeling that can lead to a detrimental mindset and lifestyle. Inspirational quotes can help individuals let go of self-blame, fostering self-compassion and personal growth. Overcoming these negative feelings can help you move forward and do what’s best for you.

As a self-conscious emotion, shame makes you feel like something is wrong even as you struggle to identify the subconscious feeling. However, it can cause anxiety and lead to being submissive to anger. It can also lead to self-sabotage, as you’ll hold yourself back if you focus on blame.

Shame often occurs because of something you did or an opportunity you didn’t take. It’s different from guilt because it implies you’re terrible rather than only feeling bad about what you did. This feeling can make you feel small, worthless, or powerless.

As these quotes indicate, you’re not the only one experiencing these negative feelings. Reading these quotes can help you overcome negative emotions and move forward with a positive mindset. You’ll recognize that you’re not alone and that many others have found ways to get through it and live a positive life.

Quotes for Acceptance and Self-Forgiveness (Let Go of Shame)

Self-forgiveness improves your mental well-being, while not forgiving yourself can increase your risk of depression. Quotes for acceptance and self-forgiveness promote letting go of negative emotions and help boost your self-esteem. These quotes can help:

1 – Forgive yourself; you are not perfect. Show yourself grace; you are still learning. Show yourself patience; you are on a journey. – Shannon Yvette Tanner

No one is perfect, so you should forgive yourself when you make a mistake. You’re learning more daily, so be patient with yourself, and show grace along your journey. This positive quote reminds you that you deserve kindness from yourself as you overcome hardship.


2 – “Lack of forgiveness causes almost all of our self-sabotaging behavior.” – Mark Victor Hansen

If you can’t forgive yourself, it can lead to self-sabotaging behavior. If you’re living with shame, you might pass on opportunities or hold yourself back from achieving your goals. You can use this quote as a reminder to forgive yourself and live your best life.

3 – “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” – Lewis B. Smedes

You’ll live as a prisoner when you don’t forgive yourself for past mistakes. You won’t be able to live out your dreams or progress in life without letting go of hard feelings. This quote can help you forgive yourself as it clarifies how you are the only one who can control this situation.

4 – “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” – J.K. Rowling

You must understand your feelings if you want to release them. Once you accept and release your emotions, you can begin moving forward.

 Quotes for Self-Compassion and Releasing Shame

Treating yourself with kindness and showing empathy can improve your life and health. Compassion can help you feel comfortable and stop blaming yourself for things. These quotes for self-compassion can help you release negativity:

5 – “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

As Buddha explains, you deserve love and affection. The best part is that you can give it to yourself instead of waiting for someone else. You can release these negative feelings to move forward when you realize this.

6 – “A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.” – Christopher K. Germer

Being kind to yourself is life-changing as it helps you see positivity around you. It’ll help you release self-blame, allowing you to change how your day plays out. When you live this way, you remain open to accepting positive opportunities.

7 – “Empathy’s the antidote to shame. The two most powerful words when we’re in struggle: me too.” – Brené Brown

Showing yourself empathy is one of the best ways to release negativity. You can move forward with a positive mindset rather than holding yourself back with negativity and self-doubt. Everyone struggles, and being kind to yourself means overcoming it.

Quotes for Personal Growth

As these empowering quotes detail, self-awareness and learning benefit personal growth. Self-improvement helps you release negativity and become a better person. Here are some quotes that can help with your growth:

8 – “Mistakes are part of life. Everyone makes them. Everyone regrets them. But some learn from them and some end up making them again. It’s up to you to decide if you’ll use your mistakes to your advantage.” – Meredith Sapp

Mistakes happen, and it’s okay as long as you learn something from it. Learning is one of the best ways to overcome self-blame because it helps you grow. You’ll recognize yourself as a better version of yourself because you have grown along the way.

9 – “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford

You won’t always make the best decisions in life, but that’s not always bad. You can learn from every moment, and as long as you experience personal growth, it’s not so much of a mistake as a learning opportunity.

10 – “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” – Bernice Johnson Reagon

When you experience obstacles, it shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. Instead, you can find ways around it so you don’t blame yourself for not pushing through.

Quotes for Resilience and Strength


Building resilience promotes perseverance and eases self-blame. You can do this by reading inspirational quotes that celebrate inner strength and encourage you to push through. These quotes that can help:

11 – “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou

Even with the best planning, you’ll experience hardship sometimes. If you can push through, you’ll get closer to your goal. This quote from Angelou can help you remember to persevere through everything to release shame.

12 – “Do you have patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?” – Lao Tzu

Sometimes the best way to show strength is to be patient and wait. When you wait to see how things go, you can make a better decision for moving forward. Sometimes the best decision presents itself, helping you believe in yourself and live your best life.

13 – “Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.” – Gever Tulley

You can’t experience growth if you don’t go through hard times. This quote reminds you to be resilient and push through every obstacle.

Quotes for Replacing Shame with Self-Love and Worthiness

Motivational quotes can encourage self-love and a sense of worthiness. They help boost your self-esteem, release self-shame and blame, and significantly improve your life. Some quotes to consider include:

14 – “The more you fight against and feel shame for spending time in your Comfort Zone, the more you are in danger of compromising trust with yourself.” – Kristen Butler, The Comfort Zone

You know what you need, and part of practicing self-love is prioritizing your well-being. When you release negative feelings, Butler explains that you’ll also have an easier time trusting yourself. You’ll feel better about doing what’s best for you, boosting your self-esteem and sense of worthiness.

15 – “You are enough just as you are.” – Meghan Markle

One of the best ways to release self-shame and blame is to remind yourself that you are enough. This quote can help you feel good about yourself rather than hold onto negativity from past mistakes.

16 – “Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” – Leo Buscaglia

Self-love and acceptance promote forgiveness and improve your life by allowing you to embrace the good things around you. This quote reminds you that others see your value and that the universe wouldn’t be the same without you. When you recognize your worth, you can release negative feelings about yourself.

17 – “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” – Robert Morely

When you love yourself, you’ll find happiness and release negativity. Remembering this quote can help you prioritize your needs and recognize your worth.

Quotes for Mindfulness and Presence

Mindfulness promotes presence awareness, helping you live a thoughtful life. You’ll be calmer and more productive because mindfulness and awareness help you release self-shame and blame. Consider these quotes:

18 – “Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Your feelings change frequently; the best thing to do is accept them and let them go. Focus on your breathing because it can help you stay focused on the present.

19 – “In a world full of doing, doing, doing, it’s important to take a moment to just breathe, to just be.” – Unknown

Life gets busy, and it can lead to feelings of shame for things you did or didn’t do. This quote can help you slow down and appreciate life in the present so you don’t live with as much negativity. It also encourages you to let go of things you wish you had gone differently in the past because you learn to appreciate the present moment.

20 – “The still waters of a lake reflect the beauty around it. When the mind is still, the beauty of the self is reflected.” – Vanda Scaravelli

Taking time to be still allows you to focus on the present. You’ll be less likely to ruminate or worry, releasing negativity.


Final Thoughts on Inspirational Quotes for Self-Compassion and Releasing Shame

These quotes can help you if you live with feelings of shame and self-blame. They’ll help you release the negativity and embrace your presence.

Empowering quotes for personal growth can be life-changing as they lead to self-compassion, personal growth, and mindfulness. Memorize the positive phrases that lead to these positive feelings, or write them down in a place you’ll see often. It’ll encourage you to embrace positivity and release anything that holds you back.

Psychologist Explains the 5 Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

Bad habits can come in many forms, ranging from smoking, overeating, procrastination, nail-biting, and even negative thinking. These habits can be difficult to break because they have become ingrained in our daily routines. Harmful behaviors often link to our emotions and thoughts. As a result, bad habits can significantly impact our physical and mental health.

They often lead to weight gain, anxiety, depression, and other health issues. They can also affect our productivity and performance, causing us to fall behind on work and miss opportunities. Despite the challenges, breaking bad habits is achievable with the right approach. The key is to understand the root cause of the habit and then implement a plan to change it.

Many individuals have successfully broken their bad habits by following five simple steps. To break bad habits, you need to identify them, understand the triggers, and replace them with positive ones. Start small and stay motivated. Each step is critical in breaking a bad habit and building a healthier and more positive lifestyle.

Anyone can break bad habits by implementing these steps and staying committed. Making positive changes in your life requires some effort and commitment. It’s essential to remember that breaking bad habits takes time and effort, but the benefits of doing so are worth it. Breaking these habits can help you live a happier, healthier life.

Why Do People Develop Bad Habits?

There are many reasons why people develop bad habits, and it can vary from person to person. One of the most common reasons is stress and anxiety. People often turn to bad habits to cope with stress, whether smoking, drinking, overeating, or even procrastination. The temporary relief that these habits provide can make them difficult to break. Individuals may continue to engage in them even though they know they are harmful.

Another reason why people have bad habits is boredom. People with nothing to do may turn to habits like nail-biting, fidgeting, or excessive social media use. These habits can provide a temporary distraction from boredom. But over time, they can become ingrained in our routines and lead to negative consequences. Social pressure can also contribute to bad habits. Peer pressure can lead individuals to engage in behaviors they know are bad for them, such as smoking or drinking. When everyone around us is doing something, resisting the pressure and making a different choice can be challenging.

Lastly, there may be underlying psychological factors that contribute to bad habits. For example, low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety disorders may lead individuals to misbehave. Usually, these behaviors provide temporary relief but ultimately have negative consequences. Understanding the underlying reasons behind bad habits is essential to break them successfully. By identifying the root cause of the habit, individuals can develop strategies to overcome them.

bad habits

The 5 Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

Let’s look at the five steps to making changes for the better.

1. Identify the Harmful Behaviors

The first step to breaking a harmful pattern is essential. It requires an individual to be honest with themselves about their behavior. Taking the time to reflect on daily routines and identify the specific behavior that needs to be changed is critical. It’s a way to break the cycle of negative behavior.

Being specific about the habit is essential, which helps clarify the behavior and its reasons. Identifying the habit can be challenging because it has become a routine behavior that feels natural.

Identifying a bad habit requires self-awareness and reflection. A habit can be considered harmful if it harms one’s life, health, relationships, or productivity. It’s also important to consider whether the behavior is unconscious or automatic.

Habits are often automatic behaviors that don’t require much thought or effort, and it can be challenging to break them. For example, if someone bites their nails without thinking, it may be a bad habit that requires conscious effort to break. However, it’s essential to understand that habits can be changed. And the first step is to acknowledge the habit’s existence.

2. Understand the Triggers of Bad Habits

The second step to breaking a bad habit is identifying the triggers that cause the behavior. Triggers are the specific cues or stimuli that cause an individual to engage in the bad habit. They could be emotions, situations, or even people. For example, someone who has a habit of biting their nails may do so when they feel anxious or stressed.

If someone wants to stop smoking, they need to identify the times and situations when they tend to smoke. This could be during social events, after meals, or when they feel stressed. Understanding the triggers that lead to a bad habit is crucial because it enables individuals to develop strategies to avoid or mitigate them.

For example, if stress triggers a harmful behavior, an individual may need to find alternative ways to manage stress. Such alternatives can be deep breathing, meditation, or exercise. If a particular person triggers the practice, it may be necessary to limit or avoid contact with that person, at least temporarily.

One effective way to identify triggers is to keep a journal or log of the behavior. This can help track when and where the behavior occurs and any associated emotions or situations. Additionally, it’s essential to be mindful of the current triggers. Pay attention to the thoughts and emotions that precede the behavior.

3. Replace Bad Habits with Positive Habits


The next step to breaking a bad habit is replacing it with a positive one. This step is crucial because it helps fill the void the bad habit leaves. It provides a healthier alternative behavior. By doing so, individuals can gradually shift their focus and attention from negative behavior to positive one.

To replace a bad habit with a positive one, it’s essential to identify a behavior that aligns with one’s values. For example, if someone wants to stop eating junk food when stressed, they can replace it with exercise or meditation. These positive habits can help to reduce stress levels and promote physical and mental well-being.

It’s also important to start small and make gradual changes. Changing habits takes time and effort, and it’s essential to be patient and persistent. For example, if someone wants to exercise regularly, they can begin with short and simple workouts. They can then gradually increase their intensity and duration.

Another helpful strategy is to create a plan and set specific goals. This can help to stay motivated and track progress. For example, setting a goal to exercise thirty minutes a day, five days a week, can be a helpful starting point. Even if it seems small, it’s the best strategy for someone who wants to replace a bad habit with exercise.

4. Start Small

Another step is to start small and set achievable goals. Often, people become overwhelmed and discouraged when trying to break a harmful habit because they set unrealistic expectations for themselves. By starting small, an individual can build momentum and gain confidence as they progress towards their goal.

For example, if someone wants to start exercising daily but has never exercised before, they can begin by taking a ten-minute walk. Gradually increasing the workout’s duration and intensity can help make it more sustainable and enjoyable. It’s also important to celebrate small successes along the way. Recognizing progress and rewarding oneself for achieving small milestones can help to stay committed to breaking the routine.

For example, treating oneself to a favorite meal or a relaxing activity is a nice reward for your achievements. You can do this after completing a week of exercise to acknowledge your progress and keep the momentum going. Additionally, it’s helpful to track progress and adjust as needed.

This could involve keeping a journal or using an app to monitor progress toward the goal. It’s essential to be flexible and willing to change the plan if it’s not working. For example, if someone finds it challenging to exercise in the morning, they can try exercising in the evening instead.

5. Stay Motivated as You Seek to Break Harmful Routines

Lastly, staying motivated throughout the process is essential for breaking a bad habit. It’s essential to remember that breaking a behavioral pattern takes time and effort, and it’s not always a linear process. It’s normal to experience setbacks and slip-ups along the way, and it’s important not to be too hard on oneself.

Just like mentioned above, celebrating small achievements can help to stay motivated and build momentum towards achieving the ultimate goal. Recognizing progress, no matter how small, and acknowledging the effort and dedication of breaking a habit is essential.

It’s also essential to have a support system in place. Sharing your goals with friends or family members can help to hold oneself accountable and receive encouragement and support when needed. Joining a support group or seeking the help of a therapist can also provide additional support and guidance throughout the process.

Staying motivated requires a positive mindset. Focus on the benefits of breaking the harmful habit and its positive impact on one’s life. Surround oneself with positivity and affirmations that reinforce the goal of breaking the habit. Remind oneself that breaking a behavioral pattern is a journey, and every step towards progress is successful.

bad habits

Final Thoughts on Some Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

breaking bad habits is essential for personal growth and self-improvement. While it may seem challenging, identifying, understanding triggers, replacing, starting small, and staying motivated can make the process achievable. The first step of identifying the habit is critical in breaking the cycle of negative behavior.

Understanding the triggers that lead to bad habits and replacing them with positive things is also essential. Starting small with achievable goals and staying motivated throughout the process can help break the pattern and develop positive behaviors. It’s important to remember that breaking a bad habit is a journey, and it takes time.

There may be setbacks, but it’s essential to celebrate small achievements and keep pushing forward. By following the five steps, individuals can overcome bad habits, improve their daily lives, and achieve personal growth. Breaking a bad habit may seem daunting, but achieving lasting positive change is possible with the right approach and mindset.

15 Daily Affirmations for a Strong Mindset

Daily affirmations for mental strength help train your mind and rewire your brain for positivity and a strong mindset. Practicing daily affirmations can significantly impact one’s mental strength and resilience, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.

Negativity might sometimes overtake your thoughts and hold you back from achieving your dreams. Instead of letting the detrimental thoughts affect you, you can shift your thoughts using affirmations. Repeating positive phrases can improve the things you think about, your attitude, and your reactions.

Repeating positive phrases encourages you to make positive changes and build better mental habits. Daily affirmations for a strong mindset promote resiliency, determination, and optimism. You’ll feel better about yourself and your life while improving every aspect.

These affirmations help build mental strength by encouraging compassion, empathy, support, and optimism. As you read through the positive phrases, choose the ones that resonate within you the most. These are the ones that’ll help you because you’ll say them with certainty.

Strong Mindset Affirmations for Confidence and Self-Belief

strong mindset

Affirmations for confidence and self-belief can help you feel good about yourself. You’ll have a stronger mindset if you increase your self-worth with confidence and self-belief because you’ll know what you’re capable of.

You can use these affirmations to build confidence and self-belief:

1 – I have what it takes to achieve my goals.

You can do anything if you believe in yourself and your abilities. This daily affirmation reminds you of your self-worth, helping you feel confident during your journey to success. It eases self-doubt, making it easier for you to make beneficial decisions.

2 – I believe in myself and am worthy of success.

This affirmation reminds you of your self-worth, helping you achieve your goals. You won’t question yourself as much, and you’ll know that you can overcome anything. It prevents you from passing on opportunities because of a lack of confidence. You’ll go after any experience that might help you get closer to your dreams.

Affirmations for Resilience and Perseverance

Building resilience and perseverance promotes a strong mindset by increasing determination. You’ll push through anything, focusing on success and strength. Resiliency helps shift your thoughts and promotes overcoming anything to achieve what you want.

Here are some affirmations you can use:

3 – I persevere through every obstacle.

You might plan something perfectly and still encounter obstacles along the way. Hardships happen, and you might want to give up if you don’t have a strong mindset. This phrase will remind you that you can get through anything and keep you motivated when issues arise.

4 – I grow stronger with every challenge.

When things don’t work out, it forces you to find another way to achieve your goal. While it might be harder than planned, it’ll help you become stronger. This affirmation reminds you that the effort is worth it because it builds a strong mindset.

Affirmations for Positive Thinking

Using affirmations for positive thinking can help you develop a mindset of optimism. Focusing on positivity encourages you to see the good in all situations and attracts positive energy. Positive thinking also benefits mental strength by allowing you to see alternative solutions.

If you want to build positivity, repeat these affirmations:

5 – I choose to see the good in every experience.

When you use this affirmation, it reminds you to look for the good around you. There’s something good no matter where you’re at or what you’re doing. You can look to nature for positivity or find another aspect that boosts your thoughts.

6 – I attract positive energy.

Positive energy is one of the best ways to build mental strength. It helps you stay optimistic no matter what’s happening, boosting your overall well-being. This phrase also promotes more positive moments because the law of attraction explains that you receive what you put into the universe.

Strong Mindset Affirmations for Emotional Intelligence

strong mindset

Developing emotional intelligence is a beneficial way to build a strong mindset. It promotes empathy and self-awareness that allows you to handle any situation. You can try the following affirmations to become more emotionally intelligent:

7 – I am compassionate and empathetic toward others.

Being compassionate and empathic to those around you is one of the best ways to build emotional intelligence. It shows that you understand emotions and how they can manifest differently for everyone. This phrase also reminds you to consider what you say or do in the presence of others, promoting awareness of the vibes surrounding you.

8 – I understand and manage my emotions effectively.

This phrase helps you acknowledge your feelings and consider how to handle them. You’ll manage them more effectively when you understand them. It prevents suppressing emotions and allows you to strengthen your mindset and learn more about yourself.

Affirmations for Mindfulness and Presence

Practicing mindfulness helps with presence awareness. You’ll recognize and acknowledge your thoughts and emotions while choosing to be peacefully present in each moment. It promotes mental strength in the following ways:

  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • promotes positive coping methods
  • improves sleep health
  • helps identify your values and beliefs
  • improves communication skills
  • encourages better relationships
  • guides you to achieving your goals

Consider using the following affirmations in your daily routine:

9 – I am investing my mental energy in the present moment.

Mindfulness promotes staying in the moment rather than ruminating or worrying. You’ll find happiness and positivity while focusing on your current surroundings. It’ll also help you build closer connections with those you spend time with.

10 – I am aware of my thoughts and feelings.

Being aware of your thoughts and feelings can help you build mental strength. You’ll know what causes your emotions, making it easier to manage them. As you use this affirmation, let your feelings flow before releasing them so you can find peace.

Affirmations for Gratitude and Appreciation

Expressing gratitude and appreciation can help you build a strong mindset. Repeating positive phrases is one of the best ways to promote thankfulness. Gratitude can improve mental strength by allowing you to see the good in all situations, no matter what’s happening.

Consider this affirmation for shifting your mindset:

11 – I am thankful for all the good in my life.

This positive affirmation covers all aspects of your life. As you repeat it, consider the things or people that come to mind. It could be something different each day, allowing you to see the good around you.

Strong Mindset Affirmations for Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships are essential as they encourage communication and implementing or respecting boundaries. They help you develop a strong mindset as you acknowledge and honor what you want or need.

Try some of these affirmations for relationships:

12 – I set and implement healthy boundaries.

Healthy boundaries protect your well-being and help you build good relationships. It promotes strength by giving you the confidence to speak up for yourself.

You know what’s best for you and what you need, so don’t be afraid to set any boundaries you want. Using this affirmation during your morning routine can be the encouragement you need each day.

13 – I communicate openly and honestly with my loved ones.

Open communication strengthens your mindset as you nurture your loved ones. It promotes healthy relationships that bring positivity rather than causing tension.

Affirmations for Personal Growth and Learning

No one is perfect, meaning we should all focus on personal growth and learning. Self-improvement encourages you to be open to new ideas and perspectives and try new methods you wouldn’t have otherwise. It also promotes a strong mindset by allowing you to see areas you could do better in.

If you want to use affirmations for growth, here are a couple you can try:

14 – I am learning from my mistakes and reflecting on my progress.

Everyone makes mistakes, including you, and it’s okay. Mistakes are growth opportunities that allow you to improve for the future. This affirmation encourages a strong mindset because you won’t let mistakes hold you back.

Reflecting on your progress is always beneficial so you can acknowledge your growth. You’ll feel motivated to keep pushing when you recognize that you’re doing better.

15 – I focus on self-improvement and personal growth.

Prioritizing improvement and growth is one of the best ways to strengthen your mindset. The more you learn, the better you’ll do in life. Rather than being negative about things you want or need to learn, you can use this affirmation to promote positivity.


Final Thoughts on Building a Strong Mindset Through Affirmations

Daily affirmations are powerful in cultivating a strong mindset. Practice daily affirmations regularly for the most benefit. It helps if you integrate them into your daily routine until it becomes a habit. Consider repeating them while you prepare for the day, during your daily exercise regime, or before bed at night.

Transforming your mindset with daily affirmations is life-changing and can help you achieve your dreams. You can use these affirmations or learn to write ones unique to your experience, as detailed in another article. The goal is to build mental strength and focus on positivity in ways that help you, so choose the affirmations that’ll work best.

5 Signs Slow Metabolism Is Making it Harder to Lose Weight

Having a high metabolism is essential for weight loss or maintenance. If you struggle to lose weight, it could indicate a slow metabolism. Your metabolic rate determines how many calories you burn, even at rest. If you have a higher rate, you’ll have an easier time burning calories.

Lifestyle habits can cause a slow metabolism, making you more susceptible to weight gain. Identifying the signs of a slow metabolism can help individuals tailor their weight loss strategies to address metabolic challenges and achieve long-term success.

Understanding How Metabolism Is Affecting Your Weight

Metabolism is the reaction within your body to turn food and drinks into energy for essential functioning. The functions that require energy expenditure include:

  • digesting food
  • circulating blood
  • managing hormone levels
  • breathing
  • growing and repairing cells
  • regulating body temperature

Your energy expenditure can contribute to weight loss or gain, depending on whether you have a fast or slow metabolism. Fast metabolism leads to burning more calories, even when resting. If your metabolism is slow, it doesn’t use as many calories for basic functioning, meaning your body stores them.

Age, sex, muscle mass, and physical activity can influence your metabolic rate. Metabolism rates shift to adjust to your body’s needs. When you make healthy changes, it can promote weight management or loss.

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The Five Most Common Signs Slow Metabolism Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

If you think slow metabolism is interfering with your weight loss, you might recognize some of these signs:

1. Difficulty losing weight despite diet and exercise

It could signify a low metabolism if you have a healthy diet and prioritize exercise but experience difficulty losing weight. You can try other methods to increase your metabolism to promote weight loss if this is the case.

2. Constant fatigue and low energy levels

If your metabolism is slow, it likely means you aren’t consuming enough nutrients required for energy production. The constant fatigue leaves you lacking the energy to live a fulfilling life.

3. Feeling cold often

You won’t generate body heat if you aren’t burning many calories. You’ll likely feel cold often, signifying a lower metabolic rate.

4. Dry skin and hair

If your body isn’t producing enough energy, your cells won’t regenerate properly. Because of this, a slow metabolism can cause you to have dry skin and hair.

5. Constipation and digestive issues

If your metabolism is low, it leads to slow muscle contractions. When it happens in your digestive tract, it can cause constipation and digestive issues, including bloating.

Four Primary Causes of a Slow Metabolism

If your metabolism is slow, some of the causes could include:

1. Age and muscle mass

You lose muscle as you age, slowing down your metabolism. The higher your muscle mass, the more calories you burn during rest. When you lose muscle, your body doesn’t have to use as much energy, and your metabolism slows.

2. Hormonal imbalances

Hormones are essential for a healthy metabolic rate. Imbalances can slow your metabolism. Insulin resistance can cause health issues, including diabetes and obesity. Another hormone, leptin, regulates appetite. Low levels can interfere with weight loss efforts.

Imbalanced estrogen levels can also interfere, affecting body weight and fat. Low levels often cause weight accumulation around the trunk. These aren’t the only hormonal imbalances that can interfere with weight loss, but they do frequently contribute.

3. Genetics and family history

Your family history can play a role in your metabolic rate. Your muscle size and ability to gain muscle can result from the genes you inherit.

Some genetic metabolic disorders also lead to a decrease in the rate, including the following:

  • Mitochondrial disease
  • Wilson disease
  • Gaucher disease
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Tay-Sachs disease

4. Poor diet and lack of physical activity

A poor diet contributes to a slow metabolism and can involve insufficient calories. Not eating enough can cause a decrease in metabolism as your body believes it’s facing starvation. It decreases how many calories you burn to save energy.

Not eating enough protein can also slow your metabolism. Protein is essential for increasing the metabolic rate because it boosts the thermic effect of food. This effect temporarily increases your metabolism, and the boost is better with protein than other foods.

Sugary drinks are harmful and contribute to a slow metabolism. It can lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, and other health complications. These complications and the decreased metabolic rate can result from the high fructose levels in the beverages.

A lack of physical activity also contributes to a slow metabolism. A job involving sitting can cause issues, so you must find opportunities to get active throughout the day.  Setting aside time to exercise is one of the best ways to increase your metabolic rate. However, even cleaning, parking further away in a parking lot, or taking the stairs can help.

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How to Improve Weight Loss if a Slow Metabolism Is Present

If your metabolism is slow, you can make lifestyle changes to improve weight loss. Some ideas include:

Increase your physical activity.

Your body requires physical activity for a high metabolism. Even if you lose weight through dieting, you can lose muscle mass and slow your metabolism if you don’t set aside time for physical activity.

Build muscle mass through strength training.

Studies show that strength training increases metabolic rate. It increases muscle mass, raising how many calories you burn. Not doing strength training causes you to miss the benefits and leads to a decline in metabolic rate.

Optimize diet, including protein and fiber intake.

Avoiding drinks sweetened with fructose is one way to improve your diet and increase your metabolic rate. Soda and juice often contain fructose, disrupting your fat-burning rate.

Focus on increasing your protein intake. It takes more energy to digest protein than other foods, so it increases your metabolism more. Protein also helps with muscle growth, helping build mass.

Eating more fiber can also help as it improves digestion and makes your body work harder. It can help you feel full longer, resulting in eating fewer unhealthy options.

Get enough sleep and manage stress if slow metabolism is affecting you.

Lack of sleep can interfere with your metabolism and weight loss goals. Poor sleep leads to higher blood sugar and decreased insulin levels, causing you to burn fewer calories.

Managing stress is essential because it can interfere with metabolism and weight loss. It encourages comfort eating and triggers food cravings. Stress also increases cortisol production, increasing belly fat storage. Learning to manage stress can help your metabolic rate and avoid weight gain.

Consult a healthcare professional.

Consulting a healthcare professional can help you get a diagnosis for your struggles to lose weight. They can help you rule out diseases or other conditions.

The Role of Metabolism in Weight Loss Plateaus

A weight loss plateau occurs when you have no issue losing weight initially, but then it seems to stop coming off. If you experience a plateau, it could indicate a slow metabolism and an issue burning calories during rest.

When you experience stalled weight loss, you must find ways to overcome the weight loss plateau. You can use the previously discussed methods to improve weight loss if your metabolism is slow. Those strategies will help increase your metabolic rate and allow you to lose weight again.

Common Misconceptions About How Metabolism Is Impacting Your Life

You’ve likely heard common misconceptions about metabolism, and it can be hard to differentiate myths from truth. Some of the most common metabolism misunderstandings include:

Starvation Mode

Restricting yourself from healthy food and drinks won’t help increase your metabolic rate. Being hungry and restricting too many calories won’t help, and the starvation mode can be accurate.

When you don’t eat enough, your body will use less energy and store much of it for survival, depleting your metabolism. It can also lead to decreased muscle mass, lowering the rate your body burns energy. Instead, focus on eating healthy whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

The Impact of Small Metabolic Variations on Weight Loss

As you age or your health shifts, you might experience small metabolic changes. These changes can lead to weight loss and having issues you didn’t before. Adjusting your lifestyle can help you build a fast metabolism to lose or maintain weight.

Normal Weight Fluctuations

Your weight can fluctuate daily, changing by up to six pounds. What you eat and drink contributes, plus whether you exercise or get enough sleep.

Your weight also might fluctuate during your menstrual cycle, after intaking alcohol, or during or after an illness. Some medications can also cause weight fluctuations. Consult a healthcare professional if you can’t identify the cause or the changes seem extreme.

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Understanding How Your Metabolism Is Affecting Your Weight Goals

Some lifestyle habits slow your metabolism, causing weight gain or lack of weight loss. Personalizing your weight loss strategies to achieve optimal results. A tailored approach requires understanding the causes of slow metabolism.

When you know what causes it, you can make changes that lead to improvements. If you don’t see results after changing your habits, seek guidance from a doctor. They can offer a diagnosis rather than assumptions about how your metabolism is affecting your weight.

7 Things That Cause Bladder Stones (And How to Prevent Them)

Bladder stones are a painful and uncomfortable condition affecting many people worldwide. They begin as urinary crystals — small, solid particles in the urinary tract that form when minerals and waste products in the urine become too concentrated. These crystals can clump together and form larger stones, which causes a range of symptoms, including pain during urination, frequent urination, and blood in the urine. Someone with concentrated urine may also experience lower abdominal pain, incontinence, or difficulty urinating.

These stones may occur for various reasons, including dehydration, a UTI, enlarged prostate, kidney stones, and overeating protein. Also, a sedentary lifestyle, certain medical conditions, genetics, and prolonged use of a urinary catheter can increase the risk of developing them. Understanding the causes of bladder stones and taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of developing this painful condition.

7 Causes of Bladder Stones

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1 – Insufficient Hydration Can Cause Bladder Stones

One of the leading causes of bladder stones is dehydration. When dehydrated, your urine becomes more concentrated, increasing the risk of developing urinary crystals and stones. To prevent this, remain mindful of your water intake and hydration levels throughout the day. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, and more if you are physically active or live in a hot climate.

2 – Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) Contribute to Bladder Stones

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can also increase the risk of urinary stones. When bacteria enter the urinary tract, they can cause inflammation and irritation, which increases the risk of developing stones. To prevent UTIs, practice good hygiene, such as wiping from front to back after using the toilet and urinating after sexual activity.

3 – Bladder Outlet Obstruction

A bladder outlet obstruction can occur for various reasons, such as an enlarged prostate or a urethral stricture. When the bladder outlet becomes obstructed, urine can get trapped in the bladder, increasing its concentration and the risk of crystal formation.

As men age, it’s common for their prostate gland to enlarge, leading to many urinary tract issues, including the formation of stones. When the prostate gland enlarges, it can compress the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. That can cause various symptoms, such as difficulty starting urination, weak urine flow, and needing to urinate frequently.

To prevent and manage bladder outlet obstructions such as an enlarged prostate, eat a nutritious, balanced diet and exercise often. Research shows being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight can improve prostate health and reduce the risk of urinary stones by lowering inflammation levels.

4 – High Concentration of Minerals

One of the most common causes of bladder stones is a high mineral concentration in the urine. When urine contains high levels of minerals like calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, it becomes more prone to crystallization and stone formation. This can occur due to several factors, including dehydration, certain medications, and dietary factors like consuming too much salt or animal protein. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy, and limit processed meat and sodium intake.

5 – Immobility and Sedentary Lifestyle

If you spend a lot of time sitting or lying down, you may be at increased risk for developing bladder stones. When you lead a sedentary lifestyle, your body doesn’t get the physical activity it needs to stay healthy. This can lead to numerous health problems, including urinary crystals and stones. Immobility causes your body to accumulate waste products and fluids, which can create mineral buildup in the urine.

Exercise for at least thirty minutes each day to avoid developing painful stones. That can include walking, running around your neighborhood, or doing a quick HIIT workout at home.

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6 – Underlying Medical Conditions Can Lead to Bladder Stones

Certain underlying medical conditions, such as gout and hyperparathyroidism, can cause urinary stones. Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs due to excess uric acid in the body. This can lead to the formation of urate crystals, which can accumulate in the joints and cause pain and inflammation. However, uric acid may also collect in the bladder and lead to the formation of stones.

Hyperparathyroidism occurs when the parathyroid glands produce too much parathyroid hormone (PTH). This can lead to excess calcium in the bloodstream, accumulating in the urinary tract and forming stones. When calcium becomes concentrated in the urine, it may combine with other substances like oxalate or phosphate, forming painful crystals.

It’s essential to effectively manage any medical conditions you may have to maintain bladder health and overall well-being. Take prescribed medications, practice healthy lifestyle habits, and visit your doctor for regular checkups.

7 – Prolonged Use of Urinary Catheters

People who use a urinary catheter for an extended period also have an increased risk of developing stones. While catheters help with urine retention, they can cause infections or pain with long-term use. Catheterization can irritate the bladder and enhance the risk of developing a UTI, which can lead to stone formation. To prevent problems associated with catheters, use them only when necessary and follow proper hygiene procedures.

Healthy Habits and Tips for Preventing Bladder Stones

You can reduce your risk of developing painful stones by adopting healthy habits such as drinking plenty of water, exercising, practicing stress management, and eating a balanced diet.

Staying hydrated dilutes the urine, making it less likely for calcium and other substances to accumulate and form stones. Another prevention tip includes reducing the intake of high-calcium foods, such as dairy products and leafy greens, as they can lead to mineral buildup in the urine. Limit your consumption of these foods or pair them with oxalate-rich foods, like spinach and nuts, to enhance bladder health.

Reducing salt intake can also prevent stone formation since sodium increases the amount of calcium in your urine. Limit your consumption of processed foods and opt for fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Finally, physical activity can help regulate your metabolism and reduce your risk of obesity, a significant risk factor for bladder stones. Aim for at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, most days of the week.

Even if you have a healthy lifestyle, you should still schedule annual wellness checks with your doctor for early detection and treatment of urinary stones.


Final Thoughts on Bladder Stones’ Prevention and Management

Urinary stones form when waste products and minerals accumulate in the urine, usually due to dehydration or a urinary infection. Other causes of bladder stone formation include an enlarged prostate, obesity, other medical conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, or kidney stones. While these stones can feel painful and uncomfortable, you can take steps to prevent them.

By staying hydrated, practicing good hygiene, maintaining a healthy weight, and being aware of potential risk factors, you can reduce your risk of developing them and enjoy a healthier, more fulfilling life. If you are experiencing any symptoms of bladder stones, such as pain or difficulty urinating, it is essential to talk to your doctor immediately. You can manage this condition and live a happy, healthy life with the proper treatment and care.

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