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10 Early Warning Signs That Reveal Your Body Is Low in Iron

Iron is a mineral that plays several roles in the body. It’s also an essential nutrient, meaning that you must acquire it from food.  If your body is low,  you risk a deficiency which can cause health problems.

The primary function of iron is as the building block of hemoglobin, a substance in the red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Hemoglobin absorbs over two-thirds of your body’s iron supply.

In this article, we’re going to discuss 10 warning signs that your body is low in iron. We’ll also list good sources of the mineral. Finally, we’ll talk a bit about preventing and treating iron deficiency. Let’s do this!

10 Signs of Iron Deficiency

“Although many people don’t think of iron as being a nutrient, you might be surprised to learn that low iron is the most common nutritional deficiency in the U.S. Almost 10% of women are iron deficient.” – (1)

Here are 10 early warning signs that your body is lacking this important nutrient:

  1. Fatigue

Feelings of fatigue are among the most commonly cited symptoms of iron deficiency. The catalyst of fatigue is the insufficient amount of blood oxygen available to the body, caused by a shortage of hemoglobin.  When muscles and tissues are deprived of blood oxygen, they become fatigued much quicker. Additionally, your heart must try to make up for the low hemoglobin levels by pumping harder, which can cause you to feel more tired.

  1. Brain Fog

Brain fog is commonly experienced as a complementary symptom, along with fatigue, in people with iron deficiency. It is characterized by difficulty concentrating, poor memory, and confusion and disorientation. To operate effectively, the brain requires more energy than any other part of the body. It stands to reason, then, that deficiency in iron levels – and the shortage of blood oxygen – can readily cause cognitive difficulties.

  1. Paleness

Hemoglobin is what gives skin its reddish color. If your body’s hemoglobin count is low, your skin may appear paler than usual. Iron deficiency can result in pale skin all over the body. Pale skin may also disproportionately affect certain areas, including the face, gums, and nails.

  1. Dizziness and headaches

Iron deficiency may trigger headaches due to a decreased amount of blood oxygen reaching the brain. Low oxygen levels cause blood vessels to swell, which can create pressure in and around the skull and trigger headaches or even dizziness.

  1. Heart palpitations

The innate intelligence of the human body is capable of signaling the heart when it is low in oxygen. The heart responds to these signals by pumping harder to distribute more blood oxygen. Not only does this make us feel more tired and weak, but we may also experience an irregular heartbeat – a condition referred to as heart palpitations. Other related symptoms may include chest pain and shortness of breath.

  1. Brittle hair and nails

Iron deficiency can cause brittle hair and nails, as not enough oxygen is being delivered to sustain growth and texture. Your hair may respond to an iron deficiency by falling out in clumps. Severe cases of iron deficiency have even caused complete hair loss. Hair and nails may also dry up as a result of an iron deficiency.

  1. Cold hands and feet

To keep the extremities warm, the body requires consistent blood flow. An iron deficiency interferes with the mechanism that warms hands and feet by not delivering sufficient oxygen. People who feel the cold more easily may feel this symptom of iron deficiency to a higher degree than others.

  1. Tongue and mouth inflammation

The mouth can be a good indication of iron levels. If the tongue appears pale or inflamed, it could signify a potential iron deficiency. Like the skin, paleness of the tongue is caused by a lack of blood oxygen, as blood gives off a red color. In the presence of an iron deficiency, the tongue may also appear smooth, as iron shortage also interferes with the delivery of myoglobin – an oxygen-binding protein found in tongue muscle tissue. Besides appearing pale and smooth, lack of iron in the body may also cause soreness of the tongue.

  1. Weakness

This symptom usually pairs with fatigue. Muscles both large and small require consistent blood oxygen for energy. As such, when oxygen-dependent muscles aren’t supplied with enough blood, they can quickly tire and weaken. Weakness often appears as an “all over body” symptom, meaning that it can be felt from “head to toe.” Weakness may manifest into feelings of illness or sickness.

iron deficiency

  1. Miscellaneous symptoms

Iron is such a necessary mineral to health that it may cause a bevy of seemingly unrelated symptoms. Iron deficiency anemia, for example, may cause “cravings to eat ice, clay, dirt, chalk or paper.” A deficiency in the body may also cause feelings of anxiety. Because it is also required for a healthy immune system, the lack of iron may lead to more infections and feelings of sickness.

Sources of Iron

Finally, let us discuss some of the best food sources. Here they are, along with the percentage of recommended daily intake (RDI) that one serving provides. Again, the RDI for iron is 18 mg per day.

– Shellfish: Clams, mussels, and oysters are among the best sources you’ll find. One 3.5-ounce portion of clams contains 28 mg of iron, or 155% of RDI. Shellfish contains many other nutrients and can boost good cholesterol as well.

– Spinach: Popeye’s food of choice is among the most abundant sources of nutrients, including iron. Spinach contains about 20% of the RDI for iron, per serving.

– Legumes: Legumes such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, and soybeans are excellent sources of iron. One cup of lentils contains about 7 mg, or about 40% RDI.

– Pumpkin seeds: Just 1 ounce of pumpkin seeds contains over one-fifth the RDI for iron. Also impressive is the seed’s rich concentration of magnesium, with the same serving amount yielding nearly 40% RDI for the mineral.

– Quinoa: Quinoa is a popular choice for cereal lovers who can’t or won’t consume gluten. A cup of cooked quinoa contains about 3 mg of iron, or just under 17% RDI.

– Turkey: Besides packing nearly 30 grams of protein in just a 3.5-ounce serving, turkey also contains a respectable amount of iron, coming in at just over 2 mg of iron, or 13% RDI.

– Tofu: One 3.5-ounce serving of tofu contains about 5.5 mg of iron, or about 18% RDI. Tofu is also a good source of protein and contains all essential amino acids!

Prevention and treatment

If you’re experiencing a combination of one or more of the above signs, consider speaking with a doctor. A quick blood test can determine if you are indeed iron deficient. If the doctor decides that you are iron deficient, they will help you come up with a plan to manage it. This often entails supplementation or modifications to your diet.

Consuming vitamin C, either by food or supplement, increases the absorption of iron. Better absorption of nutrients means that more of the nutrient is available to the body (bioavailable).

There are also foods that inhibit absorption and bioavailability. These are as follows: beverages that contain caffeine (e.g. coffee, soda, tea), high-fat dairy products, and whole-grain products.

As a quick reference, the following food types are considered iron-rich sources:

  • Dark, leafy green vegetables (e.g. kale and spinach)
  • Dried fruits (e.g. apricots and raisins)
  • Beans and peas
  • Meat, pork, and poultry
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Seafood

Final Thoughts

Iron deficiency is both a preventable and treatable condition. Should you feel that you could be iron deficient, consider eating some of the foods mentioned above for a few days. If you continue to experience symptoms, seek the advice of a health professional.

It is worth mentioning that certain demographics are more prone to a deficiency than others. These groups include infants and children, blood donors, vegetarians, and women. Regarding the last, women who are menstruating are at a higher risk due to blood loss. Statistics also show that women are more at risk for iron deficiency than men.

If you are considering iron supplementation, try to find an organic variety of the supplement. Usually, these products are made from food concentrate, which is the next best thing to getting vitamins and minerals from whole foods. Getting nutrition from prepared food is always the best source, and supplementation should always be considered as a second option.

Researchers Reveal How Acupuncture Can Help Replace Antidepressants

According to the National Institutes of Health, around 10% of all American citizens have depression. That’s over 20 million people! More shockingly, the past 15 years have seen a dramatic increase in antidepressant use: a 65% increase in fact.

Due to the high cost of antidepressants and the difficulty of finding medications that specifically work for each person’s unique situation, many are turning to more holistic, alternative methods to aid their mental disorders.

One such alternative method currently being explored is acupuncture. It seems unorthodox to many cultures, but there are some positive sides to this ancient form of healing – and some of those positives may be for mental health.

Researchers Reveal How Acupuncture Can Help You Replace Antidepressants

1.    What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a medical technique that involves using needles to stimulate particular points on the body. These needles are gently inserted or pricked into certain parts of the skin, typically to help ease the pain.

History of Acupuncture

While it dates back to as far as 100 B.C., acupuncture has evolved significantly since its first recorded use. Research physician Dr. Edzard Ernst believes that acupuncture may have originated way before its first records, too, but it’s safe to say that the practice has grown and changed through the centuries. But how is it that acupuncture can help you replace antidepressants?

First, we need to discuss how acupuncture supposedly works. Traditional Chinese practices of this technique were rooted in the belief that disease and illness are caused by a disruption in the body’s natural qi or energy flow. The needles inserted into areas of the body release the negative qi and allow a better energy flow.

Modern Views on Acupuncture

Modern scientists continue efforts to fully understand how acupuncture works. This practice proved beneficial for pain conditions, fertility, and even nausea. Some studies have also suggested it can treat asthma, PTSD, PCOS, stress disorders, anxiety, and depression.

Current hypotheses about how this practice is effective are wide-ranging. One of the most popular ones suggests that the needle points stimulate nerves in the body, working through neurohormonal pathways. This will send a positive signal to the brain that creates feelings of happiness and decreases feelings of pain.

Another popular hypothesis suggests that acupuncture reduces proteins that cause inflammation in the body. This leads to decreased pain. Another theory suggests that the needle points may help send signals for nerve repair, allowing for nervous system treatment.

Most doctors who do not perform traditional Chinese medicinal practices remain unconvinced regarding its effectiveness. That said, some research does suggest that a possible link between mental health and acupuncture. The question is, exactly what are those links?

2.    The Brain’s Response To Acupuncture

One of the hallmarks of depression, specifically of major depressive disorder (MDD), is an abnormally sized amygdala. The amygdala is a part of the brain and is a member of the limbic system.

The limbic system, in turn, consists of a group of multiple structures connected to some of our stronger emotions and our sense of memory. The aforementioned emotions include:

  • Sadness, grief, and sorrow
  • Pleasure
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Sexual arousal

Those with MDD have an oddly sized or massed amygdala, which leads to incorrect interpretation and creation of emotions, often leading to feelings of emptiness or indifference, and at other times amplifying the wrong feelings.

Acupuncture may release certain amounts of stress within the limbic system, teaching the brain to respond more positively to neurofeedback and releasing emotional distress in the process. These points in the body can supposedly “train” the amygdala to attach more positive thinking to experiences and situations.

3.    Hormonal Responses To Acupuncture

Two times as many women live with depression than men. This phenomenon is not fully understood, but it can be suggested that the hormonal shifts that women biologically experience may put them at higher risk for depression.

A woman’s hormonal system doesn’t just change during puberty. It goes through regular shifts during periods and premenstrual syndrome; it also goes through a huge roller coaster during the process of pregnancy and childbirth. Finally, it is forever altered at menopause. That’s not even counting the hormonal or menstrual cycle-related conditions that can affect women, leading to even more hormonal imbalance.

This can be quite bad for the endocrine system. Acupuncture is able to provide some balance to these extreme ups and downs caused by hormonal imbalance. It helps blood flow move more smoothly so the brain can better function on regulated testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, cortisol, and more.

Research has also found that electroacupuncture has positive effects on stress, preventing increases in hormones that cause these stressful feelings. The same study suggested the results of this stress-relieving technique can be long-term.

4.    Endorphin Creation By Acupuncture

We just talked about hormonal regulation through acupuncture, but did you know that some research suggests the medicinal technique can boost the production of endorphins? Endorphins are essentially feel-good hormones that provide positive emotions and sensations to the body.

A neuroscientist named Richard Harris, who works at the University of Michigan, found through brain scans that acupuncture can actually stimulate the nerves and nerve cells to provide a boost in endorphin levels. This can actually help relieve pain, too.

This was discovered through positron-emission tomography imaging, which is a form of brain scan. There is no way to note whether endorphins truly are getting produced, but there is a way to detect them more subtly.

Endorphins are attracted to opioid receptors, which sit on the surfaces of nerve cells. When activated by endorphins, the cells stop sending negative messages to pain receptors. This has a positive effect on those with chronic pain, and on those who experience anxiety and depression as a result of pain.

5.    Acupuncture Aids In Weight Management

Over the years, much research has found links between depression and obesity. This is not to say that you cannot be overweight and happy – but if your depression is a side-effect of obesity, then acupuncture may be able to help.

Cravings for unhealthy food are often a result of enzyme deficiency or hormonal and blood glucose imbalance. Unfortunately, a lot of these cravings for unhealthy and processed foods increase the chances of weight gain. Plus, feeling depressed can lead to even more urges to eat unhealthily.

Acupuncture provides normalizing effects on blood sugar, which can help quell cravings and provide balanced blood sugar levels. Without this balance, one may succumb to diabetes or simply be unable to break the cycle.

Given the fact that acupuncture can also boost energy levels, you may feel encouraged to exercise more often. This can be just the extra push in the right direction that someone with obesity needs to begin making good lifestyle changes.

6.    It Can Alter Genetic Predisposition To Depression

Many individuals have mental illness passed down to them from their parents, grandparents, or even from further generations back. This means they are naturally predisposed to depression, anxiety, or other mental disorders. As such, it can be difficult not to develop these conditions during difficult times, or simply naturally at some point in life.

For those who know their depression is genetic, they may feel like there is no option for them and that they have no choice other than antidepressants or other drugs. They may believe that there is no way to change what they experience since it comes with their genetics.

Acupuncture Replace Antidepressants

Acupuncture can actually assist in overriding genetics to some degree. This is because acupuncture is capable of providing an epigenetic type of stimulus that can altering their biochemistry. As surprising as it sounds, some science has suggested this certainly could be the cause.

Research has indicated that electroacupuncture – just one session of it – can actually help to remodel adipose tissue, making transcriptional and epigenetic alterations at a deeper level. This puts power back in the hands of those with genetic mental illnesses, and it can immediately boost some levels of positive thinking, mood, and perception.

7.    Issues With Current Research

Current research has presented several strong cases for acupuncture as a form of treatment for depression. However, there are some issues that mean science has a way to go before being able to form a complete conclusion. Here are some of the issues in question, and why scientists have struggled to meet the necessary criteria.

a)    Blinding

Double-blinded studies of this nature do not yet exist. Observation, bias, and placebo effects can skew results from both the perspectives of the participants and the researchers themselves if any one of them know which group has which variables.

On top of that, the acupuncture specialist may also subconsciously change the way they behave based on their personal knowledge as to whether what they are doing is real or not.

b)    Placebo

One of the biggest difficulties when it comes to acupuncture-related studies is the placebo effect. In order to eliminate the chances of a placebo effect, a fake acupuncture technique must be used – and good ones can be difficult to perform as a controlled variable.

Acupuncture in itself is very, very commonly associated with a high chance of significant placebo effect. Often, merely a short few minutes in any acupuncture session – real or otherwise – can lead to better, more positive feelings. This can make the technique seem much more effective than it truly is.

c)    Bias

Many studies conducted that have found favor in acupuncture over antidepressants are a victim of systematic bias. Reviews of a variety of controlled trials showed that in certain counties, positive results tend to be shown (mainly in Russia, China, Taiwan, and Japan).

Meanwhile, studies in other countries showed that acupuncture had little to no benefit. Some published research that rules in favor of acupuncture also files away inconclusive or less-than-positive results to provide a more falsely conclusive result.

Final Thoughts On How Acupuncture Can Help You Replace Antidepressants

Can acupuncture help you replace antidepressants? That remains to be seen. However, sufficient research suggests that it can be a good complement to antidepressants, even if it cannot replace them altogether.

If you plan to give this a try, be sure to speak with your doctor or therapist before reducing your dosage of antidepressants. Never quit your antidepressants at the drop of a hat without your mental health professional’s approval!

15 Incredible Ginger Tea Benefits For Treating Cough And Cold

Can ginger tea really work to relieve your coughing? First of all, why do you cough? Basically, it’s because of irritants in your upper air passages or your throat. Many things cause these irritants, but ginger tea benefits can help you. Their cause could be a bacterial or viral infection of your respiratory tract, dust pollen, stress, smoking, or other possible irritants.

Coughing can cause you to suffer in several different ways. It can cause you an itchy throat, pain in your throat, or congestion in your throat. All of these are examples of how ginger tea benefits can help you. Your coughing can also cause a headache or chest pain. You may choose to take over-the-counter cough syrups or medicines, but natural remedies such as ginger tea benefits can surely give you relief.

A natural remedy for coughing that has been used for centuries is ginger. It can also help with stomach-related problems. Let’s discuss how it works as a cough suppressant.

What is Ginger?

Ginger is an underground stem also known as a rhizome. Often used as a seasoning in Asian dishes, ginger does have medicinal uses as well. One of the medicinal uses of ginger is the reduction of both inflammation and nausea, according to the Health Medline Plus website of the National Institute. The chemicals in ginger seem to work in the intestines and stomach, but they also affect the nervous and brain system.

15 Benefits of Ginger Tea

According to a 2013 publication of the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, ginger is an effective herbal remedy for fighting medical conditions such as the flu and common cold. This is because of its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-oxidative properties.

(1) Antioxidants

By ginger boosting your immune system, it can help you to prevent catching the flu or common cold. It does this because of its high amount of antioxidants. These antioxidants reduce both your body’s oxidative stress and free radicals.

(2) Cures a Sore Throat

You can effectively get rid of a sore throat due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.

(3) Fights Cold Causing Viruses

Two of the active ingredients in ginger are shagelol and gingerol. These ingredients have strong antimicrobial properties which have the ability to fight viruses known to cause colds.

(4) Relieves Gas and Bloating

For centuries, ginger has acted as an anti-nausea agent. Besides that, its carminative effect not only breaks down intestinal gas; it also helps to release gas from your body.

(5) Improves Cardiovascular Health

Ginger stimulates your heart muscles and improves your blood circulation.

(6) Lowers Levels of Blood Glucose

If you have diabetes, ginger can be beneficial for you by naturally lowering your levels of blood glucose.

(7) According to Health Wholeness, Ginger Reduces Inflammation in the Chest and Throat

Coughing causes inflammation of both your chest and throat. The anti-inflammatory capability of ginger tea benefits will reduce this inflammation.

(8) According to Health Wholeness, Ginger Possesses Antiviral and Antibacterial Capabilities

Due to these capabilities of ginger, you can get rid of coughs caused by respiratory problems, cold, and flu.

(9) Stimulates Mucus Secretion

Ginger encourages salivation and impedes the contraction of your airway. These actions can give you relief from your coughing.

(10) Antihistamine Capabilities Can Help to Treat Allergies

Allergies often cause respiratory problems. Ginger can help to cure coughs caused by allergies.

(11) Has Antitussive Capabilities

The oleoresin in ginger will give you relief by suppressing your cough.

(12) Ginger Tea Soothes Your Throat and Relieves Your Pain in Your Chest and Throat

The essential oils in ginger have an antioxidant capability which will relieve and soothe your throat pain.

(13) Has Aromatic Compounds with Medicinal Qualities

These medicinal qualities (including shogaols, gingerols, and zingerone) will soothe your coughs.

(14) Is an Expectorant

As an expectorant, ginger will loosen and eject the mucus from your lungs.

(15) Will Unclog Your Sinuses and Allow Drainage

Before you try to relieve your clogged sinuses with over-the-counter drugs, you should try to drink ginger tea first. A recent study found that 96 percent of patients suffering from the symptoms of chronic sinusitis found relief with ginger tea. They didn’t use medications due to their possible side effects. Instead, they just drank a cup of hot ginger tea.

One of the ginger tea benefits is that it is an excellent cough suppressant. For relief from coughing and its symptoms, you should try one of the following three methods of making the tea.

Method 1 – Cough Suppressant

This tea is used to treat coughing caused by the flu or a cold. This tea, when drunk hot, will soothe your throat and give you relief of a sore throat.

Follow these simple steps:
1. Add 2 tablespoons of shredded, fresh ginger root to 1 cup of hot water.
2. After the tea steeps for 10 – 15 minutes, add lemon juice and honey to enhance the taste.
3. Stir the tea well and drink it while it is still warm.
4. Drink the tea 2 – 3 times each day for several days. Drinking the tea should give you relief to your cough and its symptoms.

Method 2 – Ginger

You can cure your cold and its dry cough with ginger. Follow these easy steps:
1. A 1-inch piece of fresh ginger should be cut into slices.
2. Sprinkle some salt onto the slices and chew a slice for a few minutes.
3. Relief from your respiratory problems and its cough will be provided by the strong taste of ginger.
4. Repeat the chewing of the ginger as often as needed.

Method 3 – Add Lemon and Honey to Your Ginger Tea

This method has three benefits to relieve your cough as well as respiratory problems you may be experiencing.

• Your irritated throat can be soothed with the added honey.
• The added lemon will boost your immune system.
• The ginger in the tea will get rid of both the bacteria and any respiratory system’s blockage.

Follow these easy steps:
1. Slice 3 three-inch pieces of fresh ginger root.
2. Cut the lemon into slices.
3. Put the ginger and lemon slices in a jar.
4. Pour raw honey into the jar with the ginger and lemon slices. You should pour enough honey to cover all the slices.
5. Stir the honey, lemon, and ginger slices in the jar.
6. Put the jar’s lid onto the jar.
7. Allow the jar with the ingredients to sit overnight or an entire day.
8. Add 1 teaspoon of the jar’s honey mixture to 1 cup of hot water.
9. Stir the cup of hot water and the teaspoon of the honey mixture.
10. Drink this ginger, tea mixture and enjoy.
11. Repeat 2 to 3 times each day until your cough is relieved.

Side Effects of Cough Medications

There are over-the-counter medications you can try for the relief of your coughing. However, they may cause you side effects. For that reason, ginger can be a better way to deal with your coughing caused by a cold. You should be aware of the side effects of common cough medications.

• Cough-Suppressants – The ingredients of these medications may cause drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, and nausea.

• Dangerous Complications – There are many conditions for which cough medications can cause serious side effects. These conditions include heart disease, pregnancy, asthma, enlarged prostate, and glaucoma. You should always check with your doctor before taking a cough medication if you have any of these conditions. There is a possibility that you may be allergic to one of the cough medications. You should always read the label of a cough medication carefully.

• Expectorants – These medications can loosen your congestion and break up the mucus, causing you to cough. However, you should be aware of the fact that these medications may cause you to experience dizziness, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, and drowsiness.

• Serious or Life-Threatening – Sometimes, a cough medicine can be habit-forming. Always follow the doses recommended on the label of the medication. It is possible to overdose. A child younger than 2 should never be given a cough medication.

ginger tea

The Safest Approach

Coughing is a nuisance. It can interfere with both your sleep or rest, but you need to be careful in how you find relief. Know that the side effects of cough medications can be dangerous. They are especially dangerous for young children or pregnant women. In order to avoid the risk of these medications, try ginger. Consuming ginger slices or ginger tea will give you a much safer way to get relief of coughs due to colds or the flu.

Without causing side effects, ginger can unclog your sinuses, act as an expectorant, soothe your sore throat, suppress coughs, act as an antihistamine for allergy relief, fight virus and bacterial infections, and reduce inflammation. It can do all of these and more without causing you to suffer from side effects.

5 Foods That Cause Anxiety

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, around 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety in a given year. The article goes on to say that treatments exist to help those suffering, yet only about 37% of those with anxiety seek counseling. People with anxiety go to the doctor three to five times more often than those without the disorder and have a six-fold chance of being hospitalized for a psychiatric disorder.

Anxiety stems from a multitude of factors such as genetics, environment, brain chemistry, personality, and lifestyle. However, new research shows that the foods we eat might increase our anxiety as well. This make sense because the gut and brain are intrinsically linked; although research is still in its early stages, scientists have found that about 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut!

Low levels of serotonin in the body have been linked to disorders such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and even autism. Researchers have also found that poor gut bacteria can lead to an increased fear response which exacerbates anxiety. Your gut helps to create neurotransmitters that can alter your mood, so flooding your body with healthy bacteria will allow for the optimal environment in your gut.

With all the processed foods people eat on a daily basis, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders have skyrocketed. In order to make your body function properly, you must feed it the right fuel and stay away from things that cause it to malfunction. In this article, we’ll go over some common foods that cause anxiety so that you can start feeling calmer and more clear-headed.

Here are 5 of the most common foods that cause anxiety:

  1. Alcohol

Although many people with anxiety turn to alcohol to help calm their nerves, it can lead to serious damage over time if a person becomes dependent on it. Not only can it cause liver and brain damage, but it can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut. As we stated above, this bad bacteria can lead to increased feelings of anxiety due to changes in neurotransmitters.

Many people with social anxiety use alcohol to get through a night out on the town or dinner with the in-laws, but this can easily turn into an unhealthy coping mechanism. If a person who drinks heavily suddenly gives up alcohol, the withdrawal symptoms can lead to increased anxiety. Also, once the sedating effects of the alcohol wear off, insulin levels in the body increase, which can cause restlessness, anxiety, and irritability.

If you find that you need alcohol to relax, try deep breathing exercises or a vigorous workout instead. These methods might take more effort than downing drinks to feel better, but in the long run, your body and brain will be much healthier.

  1. Caffeine

Most people know that caffeine is a stimulant; while it can help you get through the work or school day, it also increases anxiety.

Caffeine can mimic anxiety in those sensitive to it. For example, after two or three cups, you might notice your heart racing, hands sweating, and mind running a mile a minute. Because caffeine stimulates the nervous system, this spells bad news for those with anxiety. It increases the chemicals cortisol and norepinephrine, both of which help you respond to a threat by boosting adrenaline. However, in the modern world, these chemicals can do more harm than good.

If you decide to give up caffeine, make sure to do so slowly so you don’t have nasty withdrawal symptoms such as migraines and fatigue. Also, read labels on foods and drinks; many companies add caffeine to give you an energy boost. Keep in mind that tea, chocolate, and many energy drinks contain caffeine as well. If you’d rather cut down on your caffeine consumption rather than cut it out completely, try drinking coffee every other day or substitute it with tea. Many people report feeling less jittery when they drink tea every morning instead of coffee.

  1. Sugar

In recent years, studies about the connection between sugar and mental health have been on the rise. Researchers have found that eating excess amounts of sugar can increase the risk of developing anxiety, depression, addiction, and memory problems.

Not to mention, sugar throws off the balance of gut bacteria, which can cause candida overgrowth, bloating, and other digestive issues. Of course, eating moderate amounts of sugar from natural sources such as fruits, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and other whole foods won’t cause detrimental effects on the body. The processed sugars in breads, sweets, and sodas, however, lead to increased anxiety and poor gut bacteria.

  1. Gluten

While only a small percentage of the population (1%) suffers from celiac disease, 83% of Americans go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed with other conditions. The only treatment for celiac disease so far is a totally gluten-free diet. There are over 300 symptoms of celiac disease, but common ones include anxiety, depression, headaches, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems.

Some people don’t have full-blown celiac disease, but simply gluten sensitivity. However, those people who have gluten intolerance may not know it and continue to suffer from the symptoms associated with it. According to this study, gluten can cause anxiety and depression in patients with gluten sensitivity. This occurs because gluten disrupts the digestive system and gut bacteria, causing the misfiring of neurotransmitters and leading to an increase in chemicals such as cortisol.

If you believe you might have a gluten allergy, try cutting gluten from your diet and see how you feel. You can also go to your doctor and have a test done to see if you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Keep in mind that if you do have celiac disease, you will have to read labels vigilantly. Gluten is a common ingredient in many foods.

  1. Dairy

For people with lactose intolerance, consuming dairy can cause inflammation and irritation in the lining of the gut. The increased inflammation causes the immune and nervous systems to react adversely, which can lead to anxious feelings.

Kelly Brogan, MD, says that in our post-industrial world, “… dairy is homogenized and pasteurized, creating a dead, high-sugar liquid with distorted fats, denatured proteins and unabsorbable or thoroughly destroyed vitamins.” Some people may find relief by drinking unpasteurized, raw milk, but this isn’t a cure-all, either. If you find that you have symptoms such as brain fog, anxiety, or gastrointestinal problems when you consume dairy, cutting it out will be your best option.

avoid diary to deal with anxiety

In this study, people with dairy intolerance showed higher rates of mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar. So, eliminating dairy from your diet if you suffer from mental issues such as these might help you overcome them.

Foods to eat if you have anxiety

Since we’ve gone over foods to avoid, we thought we would include some beneficial foods if you suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety. First, you’ll need to go back to the basics when considering what you should consume in your daily diet. Nature gave us certain foods for a reason, so in general, these should make up a large portion of your diet:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon (the Omega-3s help reduce anxiety and promote mental clarity)
  • Dark chocolate
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Spices such as turmeric
  • Greek yogurt and other fermented foods such as sauerkraut
  • Herbs like chamomile and lavender
  • Nuts and seeds

These are just some of the foods that can help reduce your anxiety. Try to incorporate these as much as possible in your diet to enjoy the maximum benefits. When you go grocery shopping, try to stick to the outside aisles; the middle of the store typically contains all the processed, packaged foods. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as much as you can. Also, pay attention to how you feel after you eat foods such as dairy or gluten.

Final thoughts

A better diet can work wonders in easing symptoms of anxiety, but food doesn’t always take away the problem completely. It requires a combination of changing your thinking, support from family and/or therapists, getting plenty of sleep, and taking plenty of time for self-care.

Many people today suffer from anxiety due to the fast pace of our modern world; always remember to take time out of your busy schedule to tend to your needs! This doesn’t make you selfish – it just makes you human!

Natural remedies such as lavender essential oils and herbal supplements might help as well. You might need to combine them with medication and/or therapy for the best results. Don’t ever feel ashamed to get help for overcoming anxiety. You deserve to feel your best and live a life free of mental anguish. If you’re suffering, reach out for help, even if that means talking to your parents or partner about how you feel. No one should have to suffer in silence

5 Traits of People Who Attract Their Soulmate

The love of your life is waiting for you, but how will you find them? While you may think Tinder-ing your life away will bring your soulmate your way, the truth is actually a bit more complex. In order for the universe to send your soulmate, you must attract them.

Traits to Attract Your Soulmate

While you may think that “attracting” someone will require you to focus on your physical appearance, the reality is that you actually must look inwards. The following five traits will help you attract the love of your life:

1. Be Intentional

While you can’t conjure up a soulmate out of thin air, there is something to be said about being intentional in your pursuit of a soulmate.

Attracting a soulmate is as much about what you want from them as it is figuring out what you want from yourself. While we all get lonely in life, that cannot be the only reason that you want to fall in love.

If you truly hope to manifest your soulmate, you must first discover the true intentions behind your journey for love.

The type of person that you attract is directly correlated to the intentions that you set. If you set out to find someone to share a life with, you’re already on the right track to finding your ideal partner.

How to Become Intentional

Once your intentions are set, the challenge becomes figuring out how to translate them into your actual dating habits. Consider the following tips whether you are actively dating or waiting to meet “the One”:

  • Establish Your Purpose: If you’re looking for your life partner, it’s important that you are dating with this purpose in mind. Rather than creating an atmosphere of just “hanging out” or “testing the waters”, make it clear to the other person that you’re searching for something that will last a lifetime.
  • Be Clear: In relationships, it’s important that both people are on the same page. Even if you’ve just started showing interest in someone, it’s important to be clear about everything. While you needn’t lay all your cards on the table on the first date, don’t hide anything either. Eliminate the potential for confusion and focus on always communicating clearly.

2. Love Yourself

You’re looking for love but have you first looked inward? The search for your soulmate must start with the search for true love within yourself.

Our entire lives are really a journey to understand and accept ourselves fully and completely. We all have our own faults and strengths and we must learn to love both in order to evolve into the best version of ourselves.

Without this type of love, we will never be able to truly love anyone else, as we won’t understand how we deserve to be loved.

If you’re setting out to attract your soulmate, start by reflecting on how you can do better to love yourself. Look inside and see if there are any issues from your past that are still affecting your present so that you can work on them while waiting to meet the One.

Learning to Love Yourself

We never stop learning how to love ourselves. The more we get to know and love ourselves, the better prepared we will be to give and receive love. Practice self-love with these tips:

  • Start the Day with Affirmations: Don’t let the day start without you telling yourself how worthy you are. Spend your first morning minutes breathing in love. Focus on meditating on how incredible you are and how deserving you are of love.
  • Focus on Positivity: Fostering a sense of self-love is all about focusing on the positives in life. While you shouldn’t force yourself to be happy all the time, train your mind to think positive thoughts by catching yourself whenever something negative enters your mind.While this transformation won’t happen overnight, every step will help shift your thinking.
  • Focus on Personal Development: Always be willing to grow. Dedicating yourself to constant improvement is an important act of self-love. While none of us are perfect or will ever become perfect, we can always become better.

3. Prioritize Gratitude

Gratitude is a trait that is often overlooked these days. However, gratitude is essential if you hope to attract your soulmate.

Focusing on all the positive blessings in your life will help you feel fulfilled and complete even prior to finding your soulmate. This will help shape your positive outlook on life, ensuring that you keep attracting more positivity into your life.

Moreover, as you practice being grateful for what you already have, make a point to be thankful for what has yet to come.

Think about all the qualities that you want in a partner and start expressing gratitude for what will happen in your future. Whether it is tomorrow or it is later on down the road, this type of gratitude is an example of the law of attraction at work.

Learning How to Express Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t confined to the thank you’s we give to people after they’ve done something for us. True gratitude comes from understanding how beautiful it is to simply exist. Consider the following tips to learn how to better express gratitude:

  • Appreciate All the Little Things: It’s easy to complain about everything that goes wrong in our daily lives. However, making a habit of having gratitude will allow you to see that the universe is conspiring to give you good things in life. One of which will ultimately be the love of your life.
  • Write in a Gratitude Journal: As you meditate on all of the positives in your life, don’t forget to write these things down. This will help you remember all of these blessings, whether they’re big or small.
  • Volunteer Your Time: One way to express more gratitude in life is to give back more often. Volunteering your time in order to help others will increase your well-being and ultimately improve your capacity to experience gratitude.

4. Visualize to Attract Your Soulmate

The best is yet to come and if you really believe that, you’ll live life like this statement is absolutely true. By visualizing your desires, you will manifest their existence into your reality.

As you attempt to attract your soulmate, you must visualize them. When you firmly believe and actively imagine this meeting taking place, you are setting yourself up to meet the love of your life.


While there is no way to know when this meeting will take place, you agreeing to visualize this reality already proves that you KNOW it will happen one day and when it does, you’ll be ready.

Tips for Visualizing

Finding true love through visualization isn’t only possible, it’s essential when trying to find your soulmate. Try these exercises as you work to strengthen your visualization skills:

  • Write Down Your Future Partner’s Ideal Attributes: Specificity is needed when working to attract your significant other. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, the universe won’t know what desires to answer.After you meditate on all of these attributes, destroy the list that you’ve written. Just as it is important to know what you want, it is also necessary for you to relinquish control.
  • Make Daily Steps Towards Your Goal: Visualization is as much about speaking your desire into existence as it is about making it happen. Do one thing each day that will bring your dream into reality.Whether that is practicing self-love or being open to the possibility of meeting new people, readying yourself to meet the love of your life will help you to prepare for when it does happen.
  • Keep Going: Being lonely isn’t a pleasant feeling. Instead of obsessing over these feelings, think about how this time is shaping you to better appreciate your future love when you do meet them.

5. Have Patience

Ever heard that the minute you stop looking for something you’ll find it? In the case of you and your true love, this statement couldn’t be truer.

You can hope to meet the One all you want, but if you aren’t ready to receive this love, you’ll never be able to make the love last.

Give the universe a chance by giving up all your anxious efforts to try to force a relationship to work.

Live your life to the fullest and be open to the possibility that love is all around you. One day, in the right moment, you’ll find what you’ve been looking for all along.

How to Trust the Universe

Trusting that the love of your life will one day come to you can take on many forms. If you’re ready to practice more patience with your love life, keep reading:

  • Stop Trying So Hard: Are you a regular on the most popular dating apps? Do you look at every new person you meet as a potential partner? While you may have good intentions, this type of mentality makes it difficult for real love to find you.Take a step back and focus on learning to be content with yourself. Once the time is right, the universe will send your true love to you.
  • Stay Focused: Hooking up with random people can be fun, but it can also be distracting. If your end goal is to fall in love with the One, now is not the time to become preoccupied with serial dating or one night stands.

Final Thought on Attracting The One

The One will find you when the time is right. As you work to attract the right person, focus on falling in love with yourself and your life.

Keep these five traits in mind as you grow in your understanding of what love is and what it looks like in your life. Whatever may happen in life, always keep the faith!

Researchers Reveal How Women Have A Younger Brain Than Men

Scientists and medical professionals have often cited the biological differences between men and women. Of course, many of these differences are not innate; instead, they are learned and instilled through observation and the world around us. Still, they are differences nonetheless.

One of the most prevalent myths about the differences between men and women has to do with their brain. People often say that men mentally mature five years more slowly than women do, implying that a 23-year-old man may have the same maturity as an 18-year-old woman.

This myth has been disproved many times, and now recent research has come to light that completely flips the switch on this idea. Not only does it, once again, bust that myth, but it also suggests the opposite: that women’s brains are younger than men’s throughout their lives.

But what does this mean? Chances are, it’s not exactly what you think. Here’s the way researchers reveal that women have a younger brain than men.

Researchers Reveal How Women Have A Younger Brain Than Men


1.    The Study

This study was performed by a group of researchers with the Washington University School of Medicine, located in St.  Louis, Missouri, and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Here are the names of the researchers who found that women have a younger brain than men, in alphabetical order:

  • Andrei G. Vlassenko
  • John C. Morris
  • Lars E. Couture
  • Manu S. Goyal
  • Marcus E. Raichle
  • Randall J. Bateman
  • Tammie L.-S. Benzinger
  • Tony J. Durbin
  • Tyler M. Blazey
  • Yi Su

About the study

Scientists gathered 84 men and 121 women between the ages of 20 and 82 and invited them to take part in a kind of brain scan known as a PET scan, or positron emission tomography. This technique enabled them to measure the flow of certain components through the brain of each participant, especially glucose and oxygen behavior and how they flow and are transported around the brain.

But that’s not all that researchers took a look at. The study also surveyed a process naturally performed by the body called aerobic glycolysis. Glucose, or blood sugar, is converted into energy by many different parts of the body, including the brain. These imaging scans were designed to determine how this energy is created within the brain of each study participant.

Why is aerobic glycolysis such an important part of this study? Well, this process occurs at a higher rate the younger you are. In infants, toddlers, and young children, aerobic glycolysis happens at such a fast rate because it is a way for the brain to develop.

By the time someone reaches their teens, the rate would have dropped a lot, and it gets lower and lower as someone ages. In the elderly, especially those aged 60 and above, the process happens very minimally. This is how this process, which is a form of brain metabolism, is useful in measuring the age of a brain.

2.    Methods

Now you know the general overview of the study and its goals. So, let’s look at the methods used to collect and interpret data by the researchers. What they did next was to develop an algorithm on a computer that, based on medical knowledge of brain metabolism and its correlation to age, could view scans and predict the ages of the people’s brains through those imaging tests.

The computer first had to be taught how to do so. First, it was taught the ages of men corresponding with their brain scans. As soon as it learned, it took metabolism data from female imaging scans and began to attempt to predict the ages of the women those scans were from.

Then, the process was reversed. A computer was taught to recognize the ages of women based on their brain scans. Then, it was fed male brain scans and asked to predict what ages the men truly were, based on what it had learned from women’s scans.

So no, this study didn’t draw any conclusions about mental maturity. The point of the study was to find out how physically old the brain is in different sexes – and it certainly succeeded.

3.    Findings

In the first run of the computer algorithm, a computer learned the relationship between male brain scans and their ages and attempted to apply this relationship to female brains scans and their ages. The algorithm predicted that the women in question were younger than their male counterparts – up to 3.8 years younger.

In the second run of the computer algorithm, a computer learned the relationship between female brain scans and their ages and attempted to apply this relationship to male brains scans and their ages. The algorithm predicted that the men in question were older than their female counterparts – up to 2.4 years older.

Why did this happen? Apparently, male brains burn off glucose and convert it into energy in ways that make them seem much older than females. You might think that this may be due to age discrepancies, but the men and women who were judged against each other were all the same age as their study partners.

This difference could be seen throughout all age groups, whether the participants were young adults or elderly senior citizens. This suggests that women’s brains never reach the same age as men’s brains metabolically, no matter what. No signs suggested that the gaps in metabolic age narrow or widen over time.

It should be explained, though, that this does not point to mental maturity; it also doesn’t mean that men’s brains naturally age at a faster rate at all. Instead, findings suggest that when men reach adulthood and their brains are no longer attempting the rushed development of infancy, they start their grown-up lives with brains that are already around three years older.

4.    What Does This Mean?

So, what do these findings suggest? As of right now, even the researchers who worked on the case do not know. But one thing is for certain – this is a very important study; its findings bring the medical world a step closer to better understanding differences between the sexes.

Researchers theorize that the reason behind these findings could lie in many locations, though there is currently no way to confirm this 100%. These factors could easily influence brain development. The possible explanations for these metabolic age differences include:

a)    Exposure

Gender differences may result in individuals be brought up differently. They may face different inflammatory, immunological, and even hormonal environments as they age, causing their brains to adapt to make up for the differences.

b)    Sexual differences

The biological differences between men and women could have some impact on how their brains develop. However, much research has suggested that, on average, there is more difference between two people of the same sex than there is a difference between men and women as a whole.

c)    Development

Women are known to reach puberty, on average, a little bit before men, though this is not a concrete difference. There are always exceptions to the “rule” and this is not something you can be 100% positive about.

d)    Hormonal exposure

We did mention this earlier. This type of exposure can completely change the way the brain develops structurally. It can potentially affect blood flow, too, which goes on to affect brain health.

All people lose some of their cerebral blood flow as they navigate the tumultuous times of puberty. In women, studies have shown they have a lower rate of this flow loss, and they also go through additional aerobic glycolysis – a good amount more than men – during young adulthood. They also don’t lose as many gene expressions when they get older.

It is likely that these findings show one of the reasons that women do not face cognitive decline as often or, sometimes, as severely as men do as they age. However, more research is needed on the subject before anything can be definitively said. Consider, for example, the fact that once they hit 60 years of age, women have a higher chance of developing Alzheimer’s than breast cancer. In fact, Alzheimer’s patients are made up of more women than men.

For right now, there is no indication that this brain youth has any positive effects on a woman’s mental function. That said, this study opens doors to future studies that could shed further light on the subject and improve our understanding of brain disorders and health.

5.    Can You Make Your Brain Younger?

After the results of this study, it’d be no surprise if men everywhere try to find ways to add youth to their brains. Sadly, it doesn’t really work that way, but there are known ways that one can improve the overall health of their brain. A healthy brain leads to less negative effects of aging, after all.

Many habits designed to keep the brain healthy can also be used to keep the whole body healthy. Here are some tips you can try:

a)    Diet

For most people, heart health leads to brain health. Those who do not consume a heart-healthy diet may fall prey to vascular degeneration, which can have negative effects on the brain.

b)    Exercise

Keeping fit and ensuring your body is healthy is a great way to boost brain health because it allows the cells to use glucose in a better way. Plus, exercise has tons of other benefits: it makes you stronger, improves positive thinking, and boosts your overall bodily health.

c)    Social interaction

People who maintain some degree of social activeness throughout their life are more likely to avoid mental decline. You don’t have to be the life of the party, but don’t shut yourself away!


d)    Engage your mind

Research suggests that doing puzzles can help keep the brain sharp, warding off unwanted degenerative diseases and having overall positive effects on cognition. Stick to puzzles that challenge you – not ones that frustrate you!

Final Thoughts On How Women Have A Younger Brain Than Men

There is still much to be understood about the underlying causes and results of women having younger metabolic brain ages than men. Further research is needed regarding this subject, but it is clear that this study may just be the one to propel our understanding of this topic much further.

For now, focus on taking care of your body and your mind! Maintain positive thinking, practice good habits, and keep your eyes open for further developments regarding the aging of the human brain.

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