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How to Make A Natural Botox With Only Three Ingredients

Botox treatment is an incredibly common procedure. Medically, it is excellent for treating some muscle disorders, reducing migraines and sweating, and even aiding with excretory disorders. Aesthetically, Botox is used to remove wrinkles, lines, and other marks by applying temporary paralysis over the muscles, especially on the face.

The use of Botox for aesthetic purposes is somewhat controversial, but it’s also very popular. Six million treatments of this kind are performed annually, more than any other non-surgical form of cosmetic treatment. Botox treatment, especially when administered by experts at Salt Aesthetics Botox Center, is a popular and effective procedure that provides excellent anti-aging results. While it uses carefully controlled and safe amounts of toxins, some people may still prefer a natural alternative. For those who want the rejuvenating effects of Botox without any synthetic chemicals, there is a natural method that uses only three ingredients! Here’s how to make a natural Botox with only three ingredients!


How To Make A Natural Botox With These Three Ingredients

1.    The Downsides To Non-Natural Botox

Botox is administered from a toxin called botulinum. A very, very small amount is used, but even a slight overdose can be deadly thanks to botulism, which is an illness that leads to respiratory failure. Just one gram of the substance can result in the deaths of more than one million. Just two kilograms could kill everyone living on earth today!

Still, we don’t want to scare you; Botox is, for the most part, quite safe as far as chemical treatments go. And most freak cases of Botox gone wrong actually occur in those who use it therapeutically or for medicinal purposes, so keep your positive thinking going! But it still carries a higher risk than more natural methods.

There’s also the issue of pain. Non-natural Botox treatments involve injections, which some may find quite painful. These injections will also cause some degree of bruising around the spots they were administered, and they take a couple of days to fade. Natural Botox methods do not cause these issues; they just maintaining youthful skin with injectables.

To top it all off, all types of Botox – whether natural or non-natural – are mostly temporary. Non-natural Botox has effects that only last up to six months, and no longer. This can lead people to repeatedly undergo Botox treatments again and again.

But the muscles in commonly treated areas will become more and more weak as time goes on. This will eventually lead to the loosening and flattening of the skin. Weak muscles will then have to resort to borrowing strength from other muscles around it. Ironically, this can accelerate the aging process, says cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Patricia Wexler.

That said, although natural Botox methods don’t produce permanent outcomes either, they nourish the skin and help fight aging. With repeated use, they can help make the skin healthier and; therefore, their effects are more long-lasting and can have long-term benefits. Essentially, there are no negative sides to using natural Botox – only positive sides!

2.    How To Make Natural Botox: Method One

There are two different ways that we’re going to use to show you how to create your own natural Botox treatment at home. Both only require three ingredients, so they are extremely easy to make and use; most people already have these ingredients at home!

For the first method, you will need the following ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of cornstarch
  • One tablespoon of sour cream
  • Five tablespoons of carrot juice

Now you know your ingredients, so it’s time to learn how to make this natural Botox with only three ingredients. Here is a step-by-step guide!

  • Step 1: Start by grabbing half a glass of water. Use it to dissolve your cornstarch thoroughly.
  • Step 2: Once dissolved, pour in some boiling water; 100 ml will do fine. Cook the mixture on simmering, low heat. It should soon thicken.
  • Step 3: Allow to cool for a short while.
  • Step 4: Add your carrot juice (fresh!) and sour cream. Stir till well combined.
  • Step 5: Give your face a thorough clean. Exfoliate, too, for best results. Spread the finished mixture over your face.
  • Step 6: Leave to sit on your skin for up to half an hour.
  • Step 7: Rinse the Botox mask away with some warm water. Use a nourishing or moisturizing cream to finish off.
  • Step 8: Use this mixture for three consecutive days. Remnants of the mask can be kept in the fridge.

Once you complete your three-day natural Botox treatment, you will find wrinkles reduced and will notice that you look less tired. You should also feel like your face is more hydrated, and the skin softer and tighter!

3.    Why Method One Works

Cornstarch is a great ingredient for skin care. It can revive tired skin and has amazing anti-aging properties. Cornstarch also soaks up excess oil and works to regulate the amount of fat on the skin. It has brightening, color-correcting effects thanks to its high vitamin A content, and it sports calcium and iron, which are both components that make new skin cells.

Sour cream, on the other hand, also has positive effects on one’s skin. One of its main components is lactic acid, which is great for exfoliation purposes. It also helps increase collagen production, and collagen is crucial as it is responsible for creating connective tissue within the skin. On top of all that, lactic acid is great for keeping moisture content high on skin!

Finally, let’s talk about the main ingredient: carrot juice. It can do so many great things for the skin, so we’re going to break down its contents.

a)    Vitamin A

Vitamin A is great for acne treatment, and as an antioxidant, it prevents excess free radical production. It is also great for anti-aging purposes.

b)    Vitamin C

This versatile nutrient helps boost the production of collagen, helping to firm skin and fix brown, discolored spots. It can also bring down redness and inflammation

c)    Vitamin E

This antioxidant provides much-needed hydration to the skin. They can also help clear up dark spots and scars.

d)    Vitamin K

Also an antioxidant, this vitamin is great for limiting free radical production, just like vitamin A.

e)    Beta-carotene

This component clears away dried or dead skin and keeps moisture firmly locked in so your face is hydrated. It’s good for skin cell renewal.

f)     Potassium

Simply put, potassium is excellent for moisture and hydration.

4.    How To Make Natural Botox: Method Two

This second natural Botox treatment was designed by the famous Dr. Oz. It’s faster to do and easier to complete, but do note that results may not be as significant as with method one. Here are the ingredients you need.

  • A quarter cup of yogurt
  • One quarter of a banana
  • One teaspoon of honey

Now you know your ingredients, so it’s time to learn how to make this natural Botox with only three ingredients. Here is a step-by-step guide!

  • 1: Mash up your banana quarter.
  • 2: Mix the mashed banana in with your yogurt and honey.
  • 3: Spread the combination over your face.
  • 4: Allow to sit for a quarter of an hour.
  • 5: Rinse the mask off your face with cold water. Gently pat dry, and carry on with your usual skin routine.

Dr. Oz’s banana Botox mask is extremely simple to use, and it’s great for refreshing the skin and leaving you feeling clean and smelling great. You’ll find your mood lifting quickly and your positive thinking heightened with this mask as it treats your skin and smooths wrinkles!

5.    Why Method Two Works

Yogurt is a fantastic ingredient for a natural Botox mask because it contains lactic acid. This acid gets rid of dead skin in a soothing, exfoliating manner. It can help the skin to glow, moisturize the surface, and soften skin. It rejuvenates and prevents future breakouts, all while having tons of anti-aging positive sides!

Meanwhile, raw honey doesn’t just moisturize. It also has restorative properties that make it a fantastic cleanser. It softens the skin for a glowing face, reduces lines and wrinkles, and helps to reduce inflammation and redness. Raw honey can give your whole look a lift while relieving dryness!

Finally, there’s the banana. There’s very little that it can’t do for your face! It reduces oil, moisturizes the skin, helps treat acne, and even helps with dark spots. There’s a reason this fruit is so commonly considered nature’s positive, organic Botox. All its anti-aging properties are incredible for the skin. Here’s a breakdown of each component and how it works.

a)    Vitamin A

This vitamin helps to smooth the skin while healing damage, reducing scarring and spots in the process.

b)    Vitamin B

A collection of B-vitamins within bananas prevent stress by halting free radical production.

c)    Vitamin C

Crucial in collagen production, this vitamin controls the oil on the skin while reducing free radical production.

d)    Vitamin E

This vitamin slows aging and helps to prevent free radicals from taking root. It can also shield the skin from sun damage.

e)    Amino acid

This nourishing nutrient helps to boost connective tissue, allowing your skin to stay elastic while still being strong.

f)     Lectin

Lectin helps you fights off bad bacteria, thus keeping your face pimple-free.

g)    Potassium

The most famous nutrient in a banana, potassium provides moisture and hydration to facial skin.

potassium deficiency - botox

h)    Zinc

This mineral guards against acne by fighting germs of all kinds, thus keeping your face cleaner and clearer.

Final Thoughts On How To Make A Natural Botox With Only Three Ingredients

Aging is a natural process for the skin. Trying to stop it by pumping your face full of Botox may not have the effects you seek. It’s a pity that many people see it as their only option, as there are so many less invasive methods that can do the same job in a more natural way.

Skincare is the most crucial part of fighting the negative side of aging. Taking care of your body, your mind, and your overall health is truly the only way to really avoid the nastiest parts of getting older. No amount of forceful procedures can undo neglect!

Now that you know how to make a natural Botox with only three ingredients, you can skip a trip to a doctor or surgeon’s office and focus on aging gracefully. With patience, you’ll have the skin you’ve always dreamed of, thanks to cheap ingredients you already had in your kitchen!

15 Reasons Women Should Do Yoga Everyday

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word for yoke, “Yuji.” It is an activity practiced since ancient times and is an excellent way to focus the mind and body.

This exercise typically utilizes meditation, poses, and breathing exercises that, when combined, promotes relaxation of the body and mind while noticeably reducing stress!

The regular practice offers the body and mind many potential benefits. Some of these are backed by facts, while others, not so much.

Either way, it is hard to argue against adding this activity to your daily routine. To highlight a few great reasons women should do it every day, we’ve brought together 15 yoga benefits for your body and mind:

15 Yoga Benefits:

improve anxiety symptoms

1. Reduces Feelings Of Stress

One great reason to do this practice as a part of your daily routine is its tremendous stress reduction abilities!

Quite a few studies concluded it could significantly reduce the hormone primarily responsible for stress, cortisol!

One such study looked at 24 women who felt under emotional stress. Following a three-month program that included this practice, the women’s cortisol levels were much lower! As a result, they reported fewer anxiety and fatigue feelings and reduced stress and depression symptoms!

2. Reduces Symptoms Of Anxiety

If you are a particularly anxious person, it may be just the thing you need to get your feelings under wraps! Many practitioners of this great exercise report significant reductions in their anxiety symptoms due to starting up the habit!

Much research has been done on this topic, and the results show promise! In one of these studies, researchers observed 34 women diagnosed with anxiety. They took bi-weekly classes for two months and, in the end, their anxious feelings lowered significantly!

3. Reduces Inflammation

Aside from some of the mental benefits of this outstanding practice, it can lower your body’s inflammation!

If you’re unfamiliar with inflammation, it is a normal function of your body’s immune system. Too much inflammation, though, and you are at risk of developing many inflammatory diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease!

During one study, people who regularly practiced this were compared to those who didn’t. In the study’s conclusion, those who practiced periodically had much lower inflammation levels than those who didn’t!

4. Improves The Health Of Your Heart

Another great reason to adopt this daily habit is that it has been beneficial to your heart’s health! Heart health is vitally important. A healthy functioning heart ensures that your body receives all the essential nutrients!

One study looked at regular practitioners over 40 who had stuck with the habit for five years or more. They noted that members of this group of individuals had noticeably lower heart rates and blood pressure!

According to some research, some also believe that it can slow down heart disease progression according to some research!

5. Improves Your Quality Of Life

No matter how happy and great your life already is, further improving the quality of your life is always a great objective to set your mind to! If you’re seeking out improvements to the quality of your life, then consider adopting this regular practice!

Researchers looked at 135 seniors and separated them into three different groups. One group was to walk for six months, another practiced yoga, and the other was designated the control group. At the end of the study, those who maintained this practice were in much better moods, less fatigued, and felt their quality of life had been improved more overall, than those of the other groups!

6. Reduces Symptoms Of Depression

If you find yourself feeling down in the dumps more often than not, consider adopting this daily practice!

Plenty of research has been done, which has shown that it can have an anti-depressant effect and may reduce symptoms of depression in many!
Some studies show that it may have an anti-depressant effect and could help decrease symptoms of depression.

Due to its potential to reduce your cortisol levels, depression symptoms drop in many individuals! Following one study, after two weeks of regular practice, they noted reduced levels of cortisol and depression symptoms in study participants!

7. Reduces Chronic Pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, this may be just what you need to start feeling better! Millions of people suffering from chronic pain welcome this natural, holistic relief method. Lots of research continues on this topic, and this practice shows signs of being a great way of accomplishing this task!

In one of these studies, 42 participants who suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome were instructed to wear a wrist splint or practice this excellent exercise for two months. Following the study’s conclusion, it was found that those who wore the wrist splint realized pain relief and improvements to their physical function to a lesser degree than those who did the exercise!

8. Improves Your Sleep Quality

Sleep and sleep quality should be a priority in everyone’s life! It’s often found these days that people put to sleep on the back burner, prioritizing other aspects of their life instead, much to their detriment!

Not getting enough quality sleep has been shown to increase the likelihood of one developing high blood pressure, depression, obesity, and other ailments!

A few studies examined yoga and sleep. Researchers found that it could improve the quality of your sleep!

9. Improves Your Balance And Flexibility

Often, we overlook our balance and flexibility. This is a mistake, though, especially as we age! Having solid balance significantly reduces our chances of falling and injuring ourselves as we age, and improving your flexibility is another great way to minimize the chances of an injury.

In one study, 66 senior participants were instructed to do this exercise or another form of bodyweight exercise. Following a year of this activity, flexibility improved by up to 4 times in the group who did yoga!

10. Improves Your Breathing

A focus on the breath and on breathing exercises is a crucial aspect of yoga’s practice. Quite a few studies have been done which found this focus on the breath may offer you improved breathing overall!

In one of these studies, 287 students took a class over the course of 15 weeks where yoga breathing exercises and poses were practiced. Following the study’s conclusion, their vital capacity was improved dramatically!

In a similar study, yoga breathing exercises were determined to improve the function of the lungs and the symptoms in those who had asthma!

11. Offers Relief From Migraines

If you are 1 out of 7 Americans that suffer from migraines, consider adopting this regular practice! Another one of the fantastic ways yoga benefits you is by potentially helping in alleviating symptoms of migraines.

Research shows that it proves helpful when used as a supplemental therapy alongside migraine medication.

As a part of one of these studies, 72 individuals who suffered from migraines were either instructed to take up this regular practice or conduct a form of self-care for three months. The results showed that those who maintained standard practice had noticeable reductions in the intensity of their migraines. These headaches also occurred less frequently and were much less painful than those who did self-care.

12. Encourages Healthy Eating

Another way yoga benefits you is by making you more mindful, mainly when eating. Being more mindful is a great thing in general, but by practicing mindful eating, you will likely find you enjoy your meals much more and eat less!

Yoga Encourages Healthy Eating

By being more present and mindful while enjoying a meal, you’ll begin adopting more healthy eating habits, resulting in faster weight loss and better blood sugar regulation.

One study found that the way it benefits you is by reducing binge eating and weight while increasing physical activity!

13. Improves Your Strength

Another one of the many yoga benefits is its potential to improve your strength! When combined with a regular exercise routine, you’ll find that you get stronger and faster!

Some poses will build muscle and improve your strength!

One study had participants doing these poses six days a week for six months. At the end of the survey, endurance and upper body strength improved, and weight loss often occurred! Women also had the extra benefit of decreased body fat!

14. Improves Your Immune System

Regularly practicing this fantastic exercise lowers your stress hormones, which improves the function of your immune system! It also makes you more mindful, which will likely result in you paying more attention to the foods you eat. As a result of eating better, your immune system will strengthen!

15. Improves Your Focus

The last reason we have for you to adopt this daily practice is that it may help improve your mind’s ability to focus. As a part of this practice, there is the concept of Drishti, our your view. It has you focus on your Drishti, which makes you better at focusing on your daily tasks!

Final Thoughts On Yoga’s Benefits

After reading through this, you should have plenty of reason to adopt this daily practice! Women, significantly, can regularly benefit from sticking to a daily routine that includes this great exercise!

Solid research supports these benefits, making omitting this activity a fundamental mistake!

Try to set aside a little time each day to incorporate this regular practice into your day!

10 Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Constipation

Constipated? Understanding the condition can help you fix it.

Constipation interrupts regular bowel movements, resulting in difficulty passing stool. Having fewer than three bowel movements a week or a significant decrease in the frequency of the typical number of bowel movements over that period meets the diagnosis criteria for constipation. Of course, the frequency of bowel movements can be highly subjective, as it can vary widely from person to person.

Physical complications that lead to constipation symptoms originate in the large intestine (colon). Food moves through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract during digestion, absorbing food and nutrients to be delivered throughout the body via the blood stream. When the colon absorbs too much water, waste moving through the colon doesn’t get the moisture it needs to pass effectively. As a result, it takes much longer for food to pass through the colon, resulting in dry, hard stool. Often, however, the stool is unable to be passed at all.

Constipation is a prevalent, typically acute condition, affecting nearly everyone at some point. Demographically, women, children, and adults over 65 tend to experience constipation more frequently than others. Per the National Health Service (UK), one in every seven adults and one in every three children have constipation at any given time.

Constipation is rarely serious, though the symptoms can be quite uncomfortable. Constipation can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term).

“Constipation can occur in babies, children, and adults. It’s estimated that around 1 in every 7 adults and 1 in every 3 children has constipation at any one time.” – NHS Inform (source)


The leading causes of acute constipation include:

  • Lack of fiber in one’s diet
  • Change to one’s dietary habits
  • A sudden change in lifestyle
  • Mood disorders, particularly anxiety and depression
  • Not drinking enough water (dehydration)
  • Ignoring the need to defecate
  • Frequent exposure to stress
  • Side effects of medications such as beta-blockers and antidepressants

Chronic constipation frequently stems from a health issue affecting the colon and rectum. Pelvic muscle abnormalities or a hormonal imbalance may also serve as causes for this chronic issue. Neurological problems, including autonomic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and spinal cord injury can damage nerves in the colon and rectum, resulting in chronic constipation.

The pelvic muscles also play a role in passing a bowel movement. Not being able to relax and contract these muscles, or muscle weakness in the pelvic area can cause chronic constipation. These conditions are known as anismus and dyssynergia, respectively.

Finally, hormonal complications from medical conditions (disease and non-disease) can lead to chronic constipation. These include diabetes, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, and hypothyroidism.

yoga for constipation

Read ten reasons why you should try yoga when you’re constipated.

Risk factors

Some things increase the risk of developing constipation, including:

  • Anxiety, fear, or worry
  • Autoimmune disorders (e.g., lupus)
  • Childbirth
  • Cancer
  • Changes to bowel movements
  • Certain medications, including antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, and prescription pain relievers
  • Diabetes
  • Inadequate or unhealthy diet
  • Intestinal complications (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Lack of exercise or physical movement
  • Lupus
  • Muscle disorders
  • Neurological disorders
  • Pregnancy

The Role of Food in Constipation

As you most likely know, food plays a significant role in developing and preventing constipation. Here are ten foods and food types that you should avoid if you’ve had constipation troubles (and what do):

  1. Alcohol

As mentioned, food and waste require water to move normally through our intestines. When lacking H2O, digestion in this area slows. Well, since alcohol consumption drastically increases the risk of dehydration, it is more likely that one will develop constipation.

What to do: If you must drink (and who doesn’t on occasion?) do yourself a favor and keep a water bottle handy (don’t forget actually to drink from it!) If you’re feeling superhero-ish, strongly restrict your drinking or abstain from the bottle altogether for a predetermined length of time.

  1. Dairy products

Milk, cheese, ice cream, and most other dairy products are both high in fat and low in fiber. This nutritional composition isn’t ideal for our tummies – and can lead to constipation. Lactose intolerance, a condition affecting up to 70 percent of us, may also cause constipation.

What to do: It’s best to look for dairy that is low in fat and sugar. Also, try to limit dairy products to a maximum of three servings daily.

  1. Frozen dinners

Frozen dinners are “Exhibit A” against the Western diet. Most frozen foods (not all) are packed with fat, salt, and empty calories. Fat increases feelings of satiety while sodium promotes dehydration. Both factors significantly increase the odds of developing constipation. Not to mention that frozen dinners are also loaded with additives and preservatives.

What to do: Frozen dinners are attractive because of their convenience, which is totally understandable. Just please keep in mind that there are plenty of healthier frozen dinner choices. Per WebMD, the following brands are the best bets:

  • Michelina’s Budget Gourmet
  • Lean Cuisine
  • Smart Ones
  • Healthy Choice
  1. Cookies and other pastries

Cookies – along with other pastries such as cakes – lack water content while they are also high in fat and low in fiber. Basically, these foods are some of the worst for overall health and digestion.

What to do: Pastries and baked goods are best consumed in strict moderation. Fresh fruits will also satisfy your sweet tooth and provide much less fat. The high fiber content of fruit also helps digestion.

  1. Fast/fried foods

Both fast and fried foods can cause constipation due to their high fat content, near-absence of fiber, and empty calories. The adverse effect of fried foods on digestion is compounded in that they effectively replace more nutritious foods. That is, lunch at a fast food place isn’t considered “lunch” by your body. The body needs a certain dose of nutrients of which it is being deprived.

What to do: Eat fast and fried foods on rare occasions. If you must eat out, choose a healthier option like a salad with low-fat dressing. Hold off on the soda and instead opt for water.

  1. Potato chips and other high-fat snacks

Foods that are high in fat, healthy or unhealthy, promote feels of fullness. People who eat too many high-fat snacks often do so are the expense of healthy fats and other digestion-aiding foods.

What to do: First, limit snacks to the rare occasion. Second, to benefit your overall health (and digestion!), eat snacks that are low in fat and, ideally, contain some fiber. Nuts and seeds are good examples.

  1. Refined (processed) grains

Refined grains – as with refined sugars – offer little to nothing in the way of nutritional value. The processing that these grains undergo removes the bran and the germ; the healthy parts of the grain, in other words. Oh, and the refinement process also eliminates the fiber, iron, and most B vitamins from the product.

What to do: Choose whole grains, every time. Stay away from “white” varieties of bread, flour, and rice. Brown rice and whole grain bread are healthier options that retain their nutritional value.

  1. Red meat

Western society’s insatiable craving for red meat, not necessarily the red meat itself, leads to constipation. Per nutritional experts, the Western diet effectively replaces healthy foods that help digestion (e.g. lettuce, other greens, and potatoes) with too much red meat.

What to do: Some of us occasionally like a nice steak, and that’s fine and dandy. The thing to remember is not to let meat consumption get out of control. If you love red meat, consuming no more than 1-2 servings weekly is best.

  1. Unripe bananas

While it pains the writer to include the word “bananas” on any “Don’t eat this!” list, unripe (read: green) bananas can cause a mean bout of constipation. The reason is that green bananas contain high amounts of starch, which the body finds it difficult to digest.

What to do: Eat ripe bananas packed with soluble fiber and great for digestion health. (Yes, it’s okay to go back to the grocery store and buy the yellow ‘nanas!)

  1. Gluten-rich foods


Gluten is a protein substance that makes up the elastic texture of the pre-prepared dough, most commonly in cereal grains such as wheat. Functionally, gluten gives some foods their shape, effectively acting as glue.

What to do: In addition to constipation, other signs of gluten intolerance include bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, skin problems, weight loss, and anemia. If you experience a combination of these symptoms, you may have some intolerance for gluten. It is advisable to stay away from food products containing it.

7 Signs of an Iodine Deficiency to Never Ignore

What is Iodine?

Iodine is a chemical element and nutrient found in some foods. The human body requires iodine to produce thyroid hormones and other hormones.

In this article, we will discuss seven signs of iodine deficiency. Also, we’ll list some excellent sources of iodine, interesting iodine facts, and important health uses for the element.

Facts About Iodine

One day in 1811, some chemist was busy fiddling with seaweed ash when he found that adding sulfuric acid produced an “unusual purple vapor.” As with many other significant scientific and medical discoveries, iodine was pure luck!

The French chemist Bernard Courtois was one smart guy. We owe the advent of morphine to not only Courtois (and another French chemist Armand Seguin) but also the chemical isolation of iodine. (Most sadly, Mr. Courtois passed before patenting his discovery with the French government, leaving his wife and young son penniless.)

Here are a few other interesting facts about iodine:

  • 50 percent of the global supply of iodine is used for manufacturing medicine.
  • Iodine can be extracted from oil wells in the form of brine water.
  • Natural sources of iodine are found mainly in seawater and seaweed.

iodine deficiency

Health Uses of Iodine

As stated, half of the global supply of iodine is used in medication manufacturing. Along with medicines, there are many other health uses for iodine, including:

– Conjunctivitis (pinkeye):

Iodine-povidone solutions lower the risk of pinkeye in newborns. Iodine-povidone may also reduce the risk of bloodstream infections from catheter use.

– Ulcers:

Research shows that venous leg ulcer patients treated with the application of cadexomer iodine and compression heal faster than other groups. Iodine also helps treat diabetic ulcers.

– Iodine deficiency:

An iodine supplementation (including iodized salt) is effective for the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency.

– Radiation exposure:

Oral administration of iodine has shown effective for protecting against radiation exposure to iodides in emergency situations.

– Thyroid problems:

Studies show that iodine supplementation improves the medical outcomes in patients with thyroid disorders – such as hyperthyroidism and storm thyroid.

– Water purification:

Water contamination in underdeveloped and developing countries is a leading cause of disease, death, and illness. Iodine eliminates bacteria, parasites, and viruses in water by altering the ionic balance contained within their cells.

Iodine Deficiencies and the Thyroid

“…many parts of the world do not have enough iodine available through their diet, and iodine deficiency continues to be an important public health problem globally. Approximately 40% of the world’s population remains at risk for iodine deficiency.” – American Thyroid Association (source)

In developed countries, the widespread use of iodized salt has eliminated iodine deficiency. However, in underdeveloped and developing countries, iodine deficiency is among the leading causes of disability, illness, and death.

Iodine is a critical element for thyroid function. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped, ductless gland that sits just below your Adam’s apple and wraps around the neck’s windpipe. The thyroid contains two lobes connected by a “bridge” called the isthmus. Unless the thyroid gland is enlarged you can not feel or see it.

Among the vital functions of the thyroid hormones:

  • – Brain function: Thyroid hormones are essential for brain function and maturation, particularly during pregnancy. Iodine deficiency is one of the leading causes of intellectual disabilities worldwide.
  • – Metabolism: Thyroid hormones increase our basal metabolic rate, affecting body temperature, heart rate, energy production, brain maturation, bone and muscle growth, and cognitive functions such as concentration and reflex actions.

7 Signs of Iodine Deficiency

  1. Swelling of the neck (goiter)

Swelling of the neck – or goiter – is the most common physical sign of iodine deficiency. Goiters develop from low levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the blood – in which iodine serves as a building block. When the body lacks iodine in the body, it also lacks TSH. The thyroid gland works harder to compensate for this shortage, causing cells to multiply. These excel cells accumulate and eventually lead to a goiter.

  1. Weight gain

As discussed, thyroid hormones play a vital role in regulating metabolism. Shortage of thyroid hormones essentially stunts the metabolic rate responsible for converting food into energy and heat. As a result of the slow basal metabolic rate, the body burns fewer calories at rest, meaning that more food is stored as fat.

  1. Fatigue

Over eight in ten people with low thyroid hormone count experience weakness and fatigue. This is because the thyroid hormones enable proper cellular energy function. Of course, low energy levels make the body feel sluggish, tired, and weak. In a study of 2,500, researchers found fatigue and weakness to be the most commonly reported symptom of moderately low to low thyroid hormone levels.

  1. Hair loss

Among its numerous other responsibilities, thyroid hormones enable the growth of hair follicles. For this reason, individuals with low hormone levels may experience hair loss. The research is somewhat opaque on this matter. However, some studies claim upwards of 30 percent of people report a loss of hair; other studies claim that such numbers apply to people with low iodine count and a family history of hair loss.

  1. Dry skin

Thyroid hormones are also involved in skin cell regeneration. As such, when hormone levels are low, dry and dead skin cells accumulate and produce appearance of flaky skin. Thyroid hormones also help to regulate sweat production while sweat works to hydrate your skin properly. Therefore, low thyroid hormone levels can further exacerbate dry skin issues by stunting rehydration.

  1. Heart rate fluctuation

Iodine deficiency can result in noticeable changes to heart rate (number of beats per second). Shortage of iodine may cause the heart rate to slow while excess iodine may cause it to beat too fast. The former may worsen fatigue, weakness, or sluggishness symptoms.

  1. Cognitive difficulties

Besides iodine deficiency being a leading cause of mental retardation in newborns (which is tragic), it turns out that nor getting enough of the element may also cause problems with learning and memory. Multiple studies show hippocampal abnormalities in people with low thyroid hormone counts, potentially explaining these cognitive anomalies. Underdevelopment of the brain doesn’t always produce clinically verifiable retardation but can still stunt normal cognitive progression.

Sources of Iodine

While iodine supplements may be convenient and helpful, many food sources contain high levels of the element. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of iodine is 150 micrograms (mcg). In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) established new iodine requirements for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, explicitly recommending that “pregnant and lactating women cook with iodized salt and take a daily supplement with 150 mcg of iodine to reach a total of 290 mcg per day.”

Below are ten foods rich in iodine:

  1. Seaweed (Kombu Kelp, Wakame, Nori): 2000+ mcg per sheet (>2000% daily value)
  2. Cod: 60-99 mcg per 3 ounces (40-66% daily value)
  3. Dairy (Milk, Yogurt, Cottage cheese): 80-170 mcg per 8 ounces (60-110% daily value); Plain yogurt per cup: ~75 mcg (50% daily value); Cottage cheese per cup: 65 mcg (43% daily value)
  4. Iodized salt: 71 mcg per ¼ teaspoon (47% daily value; ½ teaspoon of iodized salt daily is sufficient daily intake, therefore, it is enough to prevent deficiency.)
  5. Shrimp: 35 mcg per 3 ounces (23% daily value)
  6. Tuna: 17 mcg per 3 ounces (11% daily value)
  7. Eggs: 24 mcg per one large egg (16% daily value)
  8. Prunes: 13 mcg per five dried prunes (9% daily value)
  9. Lima beans: 16 mcg per one cup (10% daily value)
  10. Non-organic bread: 15 mcg per slice (10% daily value)

7 Habits Soul Mates Have In Common

Many people dream of meeting their soul mate, but it’s much easier said than done. That’s why so many people don’t believe in the idea of soul mates. Many believe it’s just a far-fetched fantasy and that there’s no such thing.

The truth is that soul mates do exist. They’re not as fancy or glorified as people make them out to be, but finding “the one” is completely possible. These are people who complement you, who you’d like to spend the rest of your life with, and who treat you right – all  while you do the same for them.

So let’s say you’re in a good relationship. How do you know that person truly is the one? How do you know you aren’t just caught up in the love bug and don’t realize you might not be entirely right for each other? What if you’re with your soul mate and just aren’t aware of it?

The good news is that there are signs that suggest your partner is more than just another romantic interest. There are ways true “twin flames” behave around each other that indicate their relationship runs deeper than the typical partnership. Here are some habits soul mates have in common.

Here Are 7 Habits Soul Mates Have In Common


1.    They Respect Each Other’s Differences But Are Similar Where It Counts

A soul mate isn’t meant to be the other half to your whole. You’re meant to be two unique, individual people. This means that there are going to be some different opinions.

Instead of trying to change each other to be more like them, soul mates respect each other’s differences. Tolerating differences and accepting them is crucial to a true partnership, and it avoids many potentially bad arguments. You love each other for your differences, not in spite of them.

At the same time, soul mates will have similar values and traits where it matters, according to David Klow, who is an author and licensed family therapist. Most people have a list of non-negotiable things they desire in a partner. Some examples of reasonable non-negotiables that someone might have are:

  • Doesn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs
  • Wants children
  • Is for/against (insert political or social movement)
  • Has a good career plan

Choosing a life partner is an important task, so it makes sense that someone has some deal-breakers and makers. Soul mates meet each other’s “requirements” and don’t need to change themselves to fit them. This is a true sign of compatibility that isn’t forced and bodes well for the future.

2.    Their Communication Is On Point

Positive communication is one of the most important aspects of a relationship, and soul mates have this skill down pat. When they have concerns or disagreements, they know how to talk it out in a productive and efficient way. They don’t use unhealthy, emotionally twisting tactics, and they rarely bother dropping hints – they are straightforward and direct so everyone is on the same page.

This also means that both parties in the relationship are happy to listen to their partner, even about things they don’t necessarily understand or agree with. Their ears are open and they make their partner feel heard and valued because they truly want to know what that partner has to say.

  • Soul mates who communicate well also never have trouble starting conversations with each other.
  • They talk about anything and everything, listen to each other’s stories about their days, and are not afraid to bring up any topic.
  • At the same time, they understand the value of quietly hanging out together and enjoy many comfortable moments of silence!

3.    They Just “Get” Each Other

Couples can have an intuitive bond that allows them to know each other extremely well. This is very true for soul mates, and sometimes you might feel that yours knows you better than you know yourself.

As an example, your partner may know that a particular facial expression means you want to leave a party. They might know you’re having a bad day based on the movie you put on or the food you’re eating. They may be able to predict your reactions and even list out a number of unconscious habits you display – including ones you might not be aware of!

But it’s not just about recognizing quirky habits. It’s also about being able to pick up on your partner’s emotions. You might intuitively know when your partner is feeling down, needs comforting, or needs some quiet alone time. You’re able to step in to help when needed, and they’re able to do the same for you.

You might also just really feel like your soul mate understands you. They just get you, and it’s a wonderful feeling in a relationship.

4.    They Talk About Their Futures

A soul mate is in itfor the long haul. They will have no trouble discussing their future plans, and you’ll always be a part of their visions of their upcoming days. Someone who isn’t happy discussing the future likely doesn’t see themselves in yours, or you in theirs.

Soul mates will also likely find it easy to talk about difficult subjects regarding the future. They’re not afraid to discuss career goals, location possibilities, and building a family. They discuss fears and compromises, talk about contingency plans or game plans for troubling times, and are able to responsibly and maturely plan for a shared future.

Another reason this is important is that it indicates a mature relationship. It shows that, even if thinking about the future seems daunting, you are willing to discuss it and form some sort of plan. It means that both parties have ambition and goals, signifying their responsibility and mental maturity – something very important in any partnership.

  • You don’t have to build vision boards and exchange them.
  • All you have to do is be on the general same page when it comes to what direction your lives are going.
  • Most importantly, you know that no matter where life takes you, you’re both in it together.
  • That’s the kind of positive thinking that keeps a couple together!

5.    They’re Comfortable Around Each Other

People make jokes about how you know the romance has died if you’re so comfortable around each other when using the bathroom, lying around looking like a mess, or wearing your worst, ugliest clothes. But that doesn’t really mean the romance has died; it means that you’re comfortable with each other, and that’s a beautiful thing!

Think about it. If you can see each other at your absolute worst and still find the other person attractive and be more in love than ever, you’ve met your soul mate. Of course, some people take more time to feel comfortable than others, so don’t feel pressured to adapt too quickly. But this comfort is a big sign of intimacy – and it’s one of the many habits soul mates have in common.

This also means that soul mates are at peace being entirely themselves around each other. They don’t worry that being their true selves will make the other person love them less. They can be honest and open and hide nothing from the other. That’s what happens when two people truly become one family – or, more accurately, when two people realize they perfectly complement each other.

6.    They Approach Problems As A Team

Life is always going to have speed bumps. Hurdles will surely appear in the road ahead, no matter if you’re single or in a relationship. But knowing how to handle those hurdles makes all the difference.

When you and a soul mate fight, you recognize that there are ways to do so in a constructive way. You communicate your feelings effectively, refrain from personal attacks, and practice positive thinking. You recognize that it’s not one partner versus the other, it’s the relationship versus the problem.

The same goes for non-fight problems, such as losing a job, having issues with money, facing a natural disaster, or getting along poorly with a partner’s family member. Soul mates team up and challenge these struggles together, and they often emerge even stronger from them.

Even with individual struggles, such as personal problems, a soul mate is there to support you and you are there to support them. Those who aren’t soul mates may turn on each other, toss around blame, or become reserved and distant. Soul mates realize that there’s no one they’d rather have by their side through difficult times than their other half, and it’s a beautiful habit to behold.

7.    They Are Best Friends Who Respect Each Other

Above all else, soul mates don’t just love each other – they like each other. Their respect for each other runs deep, and they’re more than just romantic partners. They’re also the best of friends. After all, friendship is an incredibly strong foundation for longevity in a relationship. And what is it that best friends do? They respect one another.

soul mates

The positive strength of friendship is what you need to outlast bad times and thrive during good times. It’s what you need to accept each other, love each other, and challenge each other to be better people without forcing the other person to change who they are. You share a sense of humor, you get along all the time, and you love just hanging out and chatting.

  • This also means you’re not shutting out the rest of the world to be with a soul mate only.
  • You have your own friendships and have your own life outside of the relationship, and they do too.
  • Just because you like spending time with each other the most doesn’t mean you don’t have separate interests and social circles!
  • You’re your own unique people, and you love that about each other.

Final Thoughts On Habits Soul Mates Have In Common

Have you met your soul mate? Do you and your current partner share these 7 habits soul mates have in common? Finding your perfect match isn’t easy, but when you do, everything falls into place and you realize that you want to be with that person forever.

If you haven’t met your soul mate yet, don’t sweat it. Love isn’t something that can be rushed, and you can be rest assured that it will come just when the time is right – mark our words!

The 5 Most Important Traits You’ll Need to Attract Your Soulmate

The love of your life is waiting for you, but how will you find them? While you may think Tinder-ing your life away will bring your significant other your way, the truth is actually a bit more complex. In order for the universe to send your significant other to you, you must attract them.

Traits to Attract Your Soulmate

While you may think that “attracting” someone will require you to focus on your physical appearance, the reality is that you actually must look inwards. The following five traits will help you attract the love of your life:

1. Be Intentional

While you can’t conjure up a soulmate out of thin air, there is something to be said about being intentional in your pursuit of a soulmate.

Attracting a soulmate is as much about what you want from them as it is figuring out what you want from yourself. While we all get lonely in life, that cannot be the only reason that you want to fall in love.

If you truly hope to manifest your soulmate, you must first discover the true intentions behind your journey for love.

The type of person that you attract is directly correlated to the intentions that you set. If you set out to find someone to share a life with, you’re already on the right track to finding your ideal partner.

How to Become Intentional

Once your intentions are set, the challenge becomes figuring out how to translate them into your actual dating habits. Consider the following tips whether you are actively dating or waiting to meet “the One”:

  • Establish Your Purpose: If you’re looking for your life partner, it’s important that you are dating with this purpose in mind. Rather than creating an atmosphere of just “hanging out” or “testing the waters”, make it clear to the other person that you’re searching for something that will last a lifetime.
  • Be Clear: In relationships, it’s important that both people are on the same page. Even if you’ve just started showing interest in someone, it’s important to be clear about everything. While you needn’t lay all your cards on the table on the first date, don’t hide anything either. Eliminate the potential for confusion and focus on always communicating clearly.

2. Love Yourself

You’re looking for love but have you first looked inward? The search for your soulmate must start with the search for true love within yourself.

Our entire lives are really a journey to understand and accept ourselves fully and completely. We all have our own faults and strengths and we must learn to love both in order to evolve into the best version of ourselves.

Without this type of love, we will never be able to truly love anyone else, as we won’t understand how we deserve to be loved.

If you’re setting out to attract your soulmate, start by reflecting on how you can do better to love yourself. Look inside and see if there are any issues from your past that are still affecting your present so that you can work on them while waiting to meet the One.

Learning to Love Yourself

We never stop learning how to love ourselves. The more we get to know and love ourselves, the better prepared we will be to give and receive love. Practice self-love with these tips:

  • Start the Day with Affirmations: Don’t let the day start without you telling yourself how worthy you are. Spend your first morning minutes breathing in love. Focus on meditating on how incredible you are and how deserving you are of love.
  • Focus on Positivity: Fostering a sense of self-love is all about focusing on the positives in life. While you shouldn’t force yourself to be happy all the time, train your mind to think positive thoughts by catching yourself whenever something negative enters your mind.While this transformation won’t happen overnight, every step will help shift your thinking.
  • Focus on Personal Development: Always be willing to grow. Dedicating yourself to constant improvement is an important act of self-love. While none of us are perfect or will ever become perfect, we can always become better.

3. Prioritize Gratitude

Gratitude is a trait that is often overlooked these days. However, gratitude is essential if you hope to attract your soulmate.

Focusing on all the positive blessings in your life will help you feel fulfilled and complete even prior to finding your soulmate. This will help shape your positive outlook on life, ensuring that you keep attracting more positivity into your life.

Moreover, as you practice being grateful for what you already have, make a point to be thankful for what has yet to come.

Think about all the qualities that you want in a partner and start expressing gratitude for what will happen in your future. Whether it is tomorrow or it is later on down the road, this type of gratitude is an example of the law of attraction at work.

Learning How to Express Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t confined to the thank you’s we give to people after they’ve done something for us. True gratitude comes from understanding how beautiful it is to simply exist. Consider the following tips to learn how to better express gratitude:

  • Appreciate All the Little Things: It’s easy to complain about everything that goes wrong in our daily lives. However, making a habit of having gratitude will allow you to see that the universe is conspiring to give you good things in life. One of which will ultimately be the love of your life.
  • Write in a Gratitude Journal: As you meditate on all of the positives in your life, don’t forget to write these things down. This will help you remember all of these blessings, whether they’re big or small.
  • Volunteer Your Time: One way to express more gratitude in life is to give back more often. Volunteering your time in order to help others will increase your well-being and ultimately improve your capacity to experience gratitude.

4. Visualize to Attract Your Soulmate

The best is yet to come and if you really believe that, you’ll live life like this statement is absolutely true. By visualizing your desires, you will manifest their existence into your reality.

As you attempt to attract your soulmate, you must visualize them. When you firmly believe and actively imagine this meeting taking place, you are setting yourself up to meet the love of your life.


While there is no way to know when this meeting will take place, you agreeing to visualize this reality already proves that you KNOW it will happen one day and when it does, you’ll be ready.

Tips for Visualizing

Finding true love through visualization isn’t only possible, it’s essential when trying to find your soulmate. Try these exercises as you work to strengthen your visualization skills:

  • Write Down Your Future Partner’s Ideal Attributes: Specificity is needed when working to attract your significant other. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, the universe won’t know what desires to answer.After you meditate on all of these attributes, destroy the list that you’ve written. Just as it is important to know what you want, it is also necessary for you to relinquish control.
  • Make Daily Steps Towards Your Goal: Visualization is as much about speaking your desire into existence as it is about making it happen. Do one thing each day that will bring your dream into reality.Whether that is practicing self-love or being open to the possibility of meeting new people, readying yourself to meet the love of your life will help you to prepare for when it does happen.
  • Keep Going: Being lonely isn’t a pleasant feeling. Instead of obsessing over these feelings, think about how this time is shaping you to better appreciate your future love when you do meet them.

5. Have Patience

Ever heard that the minute you stop looking for something you’ll find it? In the case of you and your true love, this statement couldn’t be truer.

You can hope to meet the One all you want, but if you aren’t ready to receive this love, you’ll never be able to make the love last.

Give the universe a chance by giving up all your anxious efforts to try to force a relationship to work.

Live your life to the fullest and be open to the possibility that love is all around you. One day, in the right moment, you’ll find what you’ve been looking for all along.

How to Trust the Universe

Trusting that the love of your life will one day come to you can take on many forms. If you’re ready to practice more patience with your love life, keep reading:

  • Stop Trying So Hard: Are you a regular on the most popular dating apps? Do you look at every new person you meet as a potential partner? While you may have good intentions, this type of mentality makes it difficult for real love to find you.Take a step back and focus on learning to be content with yourself. Once the time is right, the universe will send your true love to you.
  • Stay Focused: Hooking up with random people can be fun, but it can also be distracting. If your end goal is to fall in love with the One, now is not the time to become preoccupied with serial dating or one night stands.

Final Thought on Attracting The One

The One will find you when the time is right. As you work to attract the right person, focus on falling in love with yourself and your life.

Keep these five traits in mind as you grow in your understanding of what love is and what it looks like in your life. Whatever may happen in life, always keep the faith!

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