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Researchers Explain 10 Ways to Teach Empathy To Your Kids

What is empathy? It is merely putting yourself in someone else’s ‘shoes.’ It is understanding how someone else feels and responding with actions that can help remove their distress.

Some children can have a hard time learning compassion, and therefore, it is critical to teach it to them. How do you do this?

 Strategies to teach empathy to your kids.

1. Talk to Your Kids Regarding Moral Engagement Mechanisms

According to research, the average person who is well-adjusted can be convinced to harm other people, even through torture, provided they are offered the proper rationale. In one study, participants were informed that they were taking part in a learning experiment that needed them to administer agonizing strong shocks to other people.

The experiment was fake and the person being shocked was an actor who pretended to be in agony after subjects pressed a button. The subjects were urged by a senior individual in a lab coat to carry out the torture, and they did.

Hence, with proper rationale, decent people are capable of disengaging their moral responses. Children can also do it. If kids are to be taught about compassion, it is critical they learn this research.

They need to learn the types of rationales that individuals use to excuse their cruel or insensitive behavior. One popular rationale is the tendency to see individuals from out-groups as less deserving of compassion and respect, or less human.

2. Educate Children about Failures of the Imagination

Many people have gone for an outing and gotten disappointed because they had not prepared well for it. They did not know how tired, thirsty, hungry, or cold they were going to be. According to studies, this is referred to as the ‘hot-cold empathy gap,’ which is a global problem.

When people are confident, calm, and comfortable, they don’t remember how it is to face challenges. They forget how desperate they can feel when exposed to pain, sleeplessness, hunger, and thirst. They also underestimate the potential of emotional states, such as fear.

The hot-cold empathy gap results in failures of compassion and mistakes in judgment. However, once you comprehend the working of the hot-cold empathy gap, you can use it to teach empathy to your kids.

For instance, when talking to your children about their painful feelings, you can offer cases of other people who have faced the same suffering. This will help the child feel that you acknowledge their feelings.

3. Help Children Develop a Moral Sense Based on Internal Self-control

Children are popular for being spontaneously sympathetic and helpful. However, research shows that children can have less likelihood of being sympathetic if they are materially rewarded for doing so.

Other studies reveal that children have a higher likelihood of developing a sense of right and wrong when their parents or guardians utilize inductive discipline, an approach that focuses on moral consequences and rational explanations. This is as opposed to heavy-handed punishments and arbitrary rules.

For example, children have a higher likelihood of internalizing moral principles when their parents discuss with them how doing wrong can impact other people. This induces feelings of guilt and compassion.

4. Teach Your Children How to Express Other People’s Emotions

According to studies, undergoing the motions of creating facial expressions can make you feel the related emotion. When participants imitated particular facial expressions, scientists noted some adjustments in brain activity that are characteristic of the related emotion.

People also undergo emotion-appropriate changes in body temperature, skin conductance, and heart rate. Hence, it is possible to improve the sympathy of your kids by teaching them to imitate the facial expressions of individuals they want to empathize.

5. Help Improve Their Skills of Face Reading

It is hard to be empathetic if reading faces is a problem. Some children, especially preschoolers usually misinterpret facial expressions.

Therefore, you can show them pictures of people revealing various emotions, including disgust, surprise, anger, happiness, fear, and sadness, and teach them what they mean. This will help solve the social problems they face due to the inability to read faces.

6. Teach Kids Compassion to Foster Cognitive Empathy

Role-playing and literature can offer kids with insights into other perspectives and minds. But you will need to teach them feelings of personal distress and how to avoid being overwhelmed by affective sympathy.

According to research, particular meditation practices, including compassion meditation and mindfulness meditation, can help with this issue. For instance, in compassion training studies, subjects visualize their past suffering and associate it to feelings of care and warmth.

To maintain concentration, they repeat phrases such as ‘may I be safe’ and ‘may compassion shelter me.’ Participants do the exercise again with the target of compassion being other individuals.

When it comes to adults, one-day training has been fruitful in yielding variations in behavior and brain activity. In comparison to people who only got memory training, people who got compassion training had a higher likelihood of assisting a stranger.

Similar training techniques have been utilized successfully with teenagers, and they can be adaptable to younger children. You can teach empathy to your children by helping them learn being attentive to their emotions and those of others, exercises in expressing gratitude, and brainstorming sessions for assisting others.

7. Use Role-playing and Literature to Foster Cognitive Empathy

The word empathy means sharing someone else’s emotions. However, emotion sharing can make you want to take a step back, particularly when you find someone in distress or pain.

Even when you resist this impulse, what you feel can distract you from properly judging the needs of the victim. Hence, to be great helpers, children not only need affective sympathy, but they also need cognitive sympathy.

Cognitive sympathy is the ability to take the perspective of the victim and imagine the actions that might make them feel better. This process results in more accurate judgments.

According to studies, people who have high cognitive sympathy do not step back when they see distress in other people. They are better in offering help as a response.

Real-life narratives and fictional stories provide a good chance for teaching compassion to a child. When the children understand the thoughts, beliefs, wants, and feelings of the characters, they will learn how the minds of others work.

Other studies reveal that role-playing is significant to teach empathy. When kids place themselves in the situations of others, they are more likely to be compassionate to these people.

8. Help Children Find out the Similarities They Share with Other People

Adults are more compassionate to people whom they share things in common. They are also able to feel sympathy toward an individual they know easily. According to research, kids experience the same biases.

Therefore, to teach your kids compassion, make them conscious of the similarities they share with others. Also, ask them to go out and interact with people from various backgrounds, and discover how life is in distant places.

Conversations can help children learn to be compassionate, but children are more influenced by other people’s actions than what they say. According to research, a lack of compassion for members of other groups has been promoted by failure to interact with these members.

Studies have also proven that education institutions improve compassion in students when they promote multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a warm and inclusive attitude regarding cultural diversity. Additionally, this enhanced compassion is related to heightened happiness as well as academic achievement.

9. Offer Children Support for Development of Self-Regulation Skills

Feeling the pain of someone else is not pleasant. Hence, it must not be surprised when a kid steps back when they experience it. Kids have a higher likelihood of overcoming this impulse when they possess robust self-regulation skills and feel secure.


For example, when kids have secure attachment relationships with their caregivers, they know they can count on them for physical and emotional support. These kids have a higher likelihood of sympathizing and offering help to distressed people.

Moreover, kids who are excellent at regulating their adverse emotions have a tendency of showing greater compassion for others. Hence, you can foster compassion through emotion coaching. This means acknowledging the negative feeling of your children as opposed to dismissing them.

You also need to engage in conversations with your kids about the causes and impacts of emotions. You need to look for constructive ways that they can use to handle their negative feelings.

10. Induce and Model Sympathetic Feelings for Other People

In case you see a distressed person, whether on TV or real life, discuss with your kids about what that person could be feeling. Even a tiny conversation could assist.

For instance, in a study on Dutch school children aged between 8 and 13 years, hypothetical scenarios regarding school were presented to the children.

In a certain scenario, a child showed less willingness to help their classmates when they were not their friend, despite the distress being critical. But when the kids were asked to first think about the emotions of the subject of the scenario, they showed a willingness to help those who were not their friends.


A child who learns empathy at a young age quickly becomes emotionally intelligent. Whether it is in school or at work, they will be able to respond to scenarios in ways that will foster good relationships with their peers and authority.

Failure to teach empathy to kids, especially when they lack it, can result in a challenging life. When they grow up, they will have a difficult time maintaining relationships. They will also have a hard time at work and school since they will not be able to relate well with others.

10 Things to Know Before Breaking Up With A Narcissist

Relationships, as we all know, are not just your average cup of tea. Why do I claim this? This is mostly because any sort of relationship requires a two-way effort connection. Now in the case where one is dating a narcissist, there’s quite a lot of factors that can make things go wrong.

One of the most obvious reasons is that a self-absorbed person will demand your undivided energy and attention. Basically, everything in the relationship will somehow revolve around him/her, making the partner appear as a sympathizer. This kind of relationship can be treacherous and draining owing to the fact that it’ll definitely require even more attention as compared to a regular relationship.

This means that you need to know a couple of facts relating to a self-absorbed person if you happen to be dating one or are not aware that you are dating one. All I can tell you is that a breakup with a self-centered person will not be as easy as you may think because you’re basically trying to let go of someone that won’t take the whole situation lightly.

I would like to believe that dating a self-obsessed person can put you in a toxic relationship because of the extra effort you’ll always require to put in just to fulfill their desires. It’s one thing to have self-admiration and another to be an egocentric human being.

The Challenges of a Breakup with a Narcissist

Self-admiration can further be explained as the case in which one develops a liking to oneself and is often healthy for one’s own character while egotistical behavior is when one develops an over excessive interest in oneself that’s often quite harmful to one’s health in the long run. Both can actually be overlooked as synonyms, but they differ in a great way. (1)

With clear definitions, one will be able to further explain how both can be related to each other. Whatever the case may be, here are some of the issues you’ll go through during a breakup with a narcissist.

1. Anxiousness

Most if not all relationship breakups have to trigger anxiety at some point, mainly because you have to alter your mentality to get used to the fact that you’re taking a whole new different direction. You’re likely to start thinking of how you’ll move on, where to start, and what is going to happen to your ex.

Anxiety is a terrible feeling and if experienced on a higher level such as a case scenario where emotionally unstable people have had triggered anxiety attacks that mostly happen out of too much worry. Therefore, the best way to counter this feeling is simply by doing the things that make you have fun and relax, and make sure that you do them long enough.

2. Obsession

Being a relationship with a self-absorbed person is a lot of work because you’ll be required to do more than you even expect. Once you try to breakup with a narcissist, you may start to feel your emotions boil up; hence, you may develop an obsession about your ex based on who they’re with or what they’re doing.

This is why you need to try your level best and keep the focus on only the things that matter to you and ignore the little things that’ll drive you towards thinking about him/her. If you happen to listen to a song that reminds you of your ex, just turn it off. If it’s a certain scent, try to ignore. If it’s a particular movie, don’t watch it.

3. Rationalization

The thing about being in a relationship with a narcissist is that you had to put up with his or her behavior regardless of the case. A very good example to consider is when you had to read in-between their words just to understand their lies, allowing yourself to believe their made up excuses and even tolerating their negative reactions and tantrums.

After finally calling it quits on the toxic bondage, you may find yourself having second thoughts about your ex’s behavior thinking that it was probably not that bad. This is where you’ll begin to have it all wrong, and you’ll have to be a little stricter with yourself and your thoughts by avoiding any contact with your ex.

4. Lonesomeness

Human beings are created to be social creatures by nature, and this is why going through a breakup is hard and probably requires as much time as you need to get over it. After going separate ways with your egotistical ex, you need to be ready to experience some lonesomeness that won’t be around forever if you wait long enough.

It may be very challenging to get through this due to the fact that you’ll now have to forego the sensual and physical attention that you once had, and staying alone can make you feel desperate. The best way to deal with this is to be as patient as possible and to keep yourself preoccupied with the activities that make you happy.

5. Shamefulness

There’s no doubt that ending that toxic relationship will have you feeling liberated and relaxed. Being enclosed with a self-absorbed person probably got you acting like a fool at one point, such as having to make up excuses for their behavior around family and friends or even having to do some things just to make them feel satisfied. (2)

Once you get the time and space that you really needed, you’ll probably get to think of some of these things which will make you feel ashamed, especially if some of your family and friends already knew about them long before your breakup. The best thing to do is to simply forgive yourself and to understand that you have that one thing that your self-regarding ex didn’t – an open and trusting heart.

6. Sexual Frustration

If you and your former self-absorbed lover were already deeply involved in the relationship, you’re likely to experience sexual frustration due to lack of the sexual attention that was once there on a regular basis. Unfortunately, an egocentric person will use sex as a power tool since most of the time they lack the power of real intimacy.

This can ruin your mood in everything that you do and can even become noticeable in some extreme cases. The best way to handle this situation is to basically use that same energy on something far much more constructive, such as engaging in a sport or taking up a new hobby.

7. Regret

Ever since you were a little child, I’m pretty sure you’ll admit that you were clingy with your possessions, whether it was merely a toy or something more important as your parents. This is just the same case after a break up with a narcissist. There’s no hesitation that you may start to miss him/her and even go to the extent of thinking that you may have made a terrible mistake by leaving.

All in all, these feelings are bound to kick in and all you need to keep in mind is that the best choices to make in life are hard and will definitely require a substantial amount of time in order for it to make full sense.

8. Jealousy

One painful fact about narcissists is that they’ll always look for a source of energy that they can feed on, and this is why it shouldn’t be a surprise to you if they move on within weeks or months after breaking up. Since they don’t have regular emotions like the rest of us, you will cease to be convenient once you get away from them.


This reason tells you that you need to stop tolerating any sort of jealousy since they probably had a second option once you began disregarding their abuse.

9. Self-Doubt

Dating a narcissist is so toxic to the point where they’ll make sure that they have to put you down in order to keep them elevated. Other than sexual seduction from time to time, there’s no doubt that you probably got used to receiving zero support, appreciation, and complements.

This can do long-term damage to you since you’ll lack confidence when making some crucial personal choices, leaving a void that’ll be filled by self-doubt. You can always make sure that you visit a therapist or even go back to the basics of carrying out a thorough self-analysis before executing any decisions.

10. Grief and Sadness

One of the many things that perhaps got you into dating a narcissist other than seduction is love and affection that you possessed. This means that regardless of the abuse and toxicity you were exposed to, you’re going to going to feel sad for leaving. All you need to know is that the human heart takes time to heal and moving forward from the past is a long process that’s referred to as grieving.

Therefore, you only need to take some time to repair the damage done to you mentally so that you’ll be able to get yourself out in the dating market again.

Final Thoughts on Breakup with a Narcissist

You need to keep in mind that dating a narcissist is likely to have more negatives than positives, and this is why you’ll need to walk out of it at some point in time. In any case, anybody that decides to be in a committed relationship needs to get the opportunity to grow individually, and if your partner doesn’t give you such support, they don’t deserve you.

7 Exercises That Remove Double Chin

Double chin describes an extra layer of fat under your face. The condition is most notable, especially in people who are overweight. Other causes of excessive chin fat could be genetics. Aging can also be a reason why the layers of fat under the chin start to appear.

Through the years, cosmetic surgeons around the world have tried new treatment methods on how to remove their patient’s double chins and make them feel more confident once again. These cosmetic surgeons are resolving to surgeries to correct their patient’s facial proportions. They are removing the fat underlying the chin to make it look better.

The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a drug that promises to remove the extra layer of fat under the chin in the United States. The drug took the public’s interest, and people started wondering how it could remove their double chin. According to the drug manufacturers, their target markets are overweight, and they have been encouraging people to try out their product and see the difference.

There are other ways to remove the double chin. People who do not want to undergo surgeries or take prescriptive drugs and other chemicals, they could always resort to exercise. There are different exercise regimens for those who want to lose the layers of fat underneath their chin, and it is easy to do, and it can be conveniently done anytime and anywhere.

Exercises that will effectively get rid of double chin:


1. The Scoop

To ensure that you can get rid of the layers of fat underneath your chin, you must follow specific exercises. The Scoop is the first thing you will need to do to ensure that the extra layers of fat under your chin will disappear. The scoop is an essential exercise that anyone can do.

To do the exercise correctly, you need to open your mouth. Then, roll your bottom lip over your lower teeth. Imagine scooping a mouthful of water using your lower jaw.

Then, close your mouth and lift your head while ensuring that your lips are relaxed. This exercise will help build tension and pressure in your chins and stretch it out to become more elastic and sturdy. Repeating this exercise for five to seven times will help you get rid of the fat under your chin.

2. Nose Touching

The next exercise that will help you get rid of double chin is called nose touching. The exercise is simple, and it will require you to touch your nose using your tongue. Stretch out your touch as far as you can, until you reached the tip of your nose.

The exercise is easy to do and will help you develop the muscles underneath your chin. Repeating this exercise multiple times per day will ensure that the fat underneath your chin will go away. Many people who have tried performing this exercise for weeks stated that they noticed the fats underneath their chin to dissolve gradually.

3. Drawn Cheeks

The third exercise that will help you eliminate the extra layers of fat under your chin is the drawn cheeks. To perform it correctly, you have to turn your head on the left direction. Then pull your lower jaw forward. Next, you need to strain the muscles on your neck, and you should start feeling a pressure build-up.

Release the pressure build-up, releasing the strained muscles on your neck. Turn your head to the right, and perform the same exercise. You have to repeat this exercise five times to see the best results.

4. Kiss the Giraffe

This exercise would require you to imagine kissing someone very tall, or if you prefer – a giraffe. You must pucker your lips and develop a strong tension around your neck. You should hold into this tension for five to eight seconds.

Once the pressure starts to build up, you have to release the pressure and feel that the muscles have started to retract. The strong tension in the neck would help you remove the extra layers of fat under your chin. Performing this exercise five times will give you better chances of removing the double chin on your face.

5. Resistance

The resistance will require you to place your two fists directly under your chin. Then, you have to move your lower jaw while getting contact on your fists. The next thing that you need to do is to increase the pressure gradually.

Increasing the pressure in this area would tighten the muscles around the chin. Hold it for four seconds, and try to relax after you released the pressure. It will get rid of double chin if done correctly, and you have to perform it five to seven times for maximum effectiveness

6. Puffy Cheeks

Puffy cheeks is a very simple exercise that would only require you to inhale a huge amount of air and storing it inside your cheeks. Think about a chipmunk that stores nuts inside its mouth. Once your cheeks started to puff, you have to press your palms on the side and tighten it slowly without releasing the air.

Hold the position for three to five seconds, before you release it. Repeat the exercise for five to six times, and try combining it with other exercises to help you reduce the amount of fat on your chin. The exercise will get rid of double chin as it tries to develop the muscles underneath the face with the help of pressure and muscle straining.

7. Smile

This is the simplest exercise that you can follow, as it only requires you to smile. Smiling has a lot of benefits, and removing the double chin is one of its advantages. To perform the exercise correctly, clench your teeth with a closed mouth, and then push your tongue on the roof of the mouth.

You have to increase the pressure while pushing your tongue gradually, and once you feel the tension developing, hold it for a few seconds. The tension inside the mouth signals that you are performing the exercise effectively. Perform the exercise multiple times to see the effect after a few weeks.

Double Chin

Aside from the exercises stated above, there are other options you can explore to help you remove your double chin. There are natural remedies that you can consider, or you could perform other things that will not only reduce the amount of fat underneath your chin but also help remove the fat on your belly and other areas of the body. Burning the fat on your chin and other areas of the body would require a combination of excessive exercises, balanced diet, and taking food that will flush toxins out of the body.

Natural Solutions That May Help Reduce a Double Chin

Natural remedies that will help you remove the extra layers of fat under your double chin:

1. Sugar-free Chewing Gum

The act of chewing could help you remove the fat underneath your chin. The repetitive action of chewing the gum will help your chin muscles to become sturdier. Over time, you would notice that the muscles have overtaken the fat, and your face would look more toned.

2. Wheat Germ Oil

Apply the wheat germ oil underneath your chin, and massage it carefully for around ten to fifteen minutes. Leave the oil overnight, and then wash it off after you wake up. Many people who have tried this option report positive results, saying that the layers of fat underneath their chin started to disappear.

3. Egg White Facial Mask

An egg white facial mask will make your skin tighten, and it might be the remedy you are looking for. It will prevent sagging on the areas of your skin that are prone to fat accumulation, like the skin. Applying this mask daily will help you regain a youthful look while eliminating the sagging skin and the layers of fat underneath your chin.

To make a perfect egg white facial mask, you need to mix two egg whites, one tablespoon of fresh milk, one teaspoon of peppermint oil, one tablespoon of sweet honey, and one tablespoon of strong lemon juice. This combination would perform miracles on your face, and try to apply it daily. You would be surprised to see the results of this facial mask.

4. Vitamin E Supplements

Vitamin E is known for improving the skin’s condition, making it appear youthful and healthy. The extra layers of fat underneath your skin might actually be sagging skin, and it can be remedied by taking vitamin E supplements regularly. This will help your skin return back to a healthy condition.

5. Cocoa Butter

Massing cocoa butter on your double chin is an age-old remedy. People using this remedy state that they notice changes on their skin after applying the butter, and the results could come in a week or two. Apply it evenly on your chin and massage it for a few minutes for the best results.

double chin

Final Thoughts on Performing Exercises to Decrease a Double Chin

Performing these exercises and remedies would help remove the fat underneath the chin, but it should be performed regularly. The results should also be achievable days after you have started performing the exercise and the remedies. Aside from performing exercises for your chin, try to perform exercises to help you reduce overall body fat to experience a healthier lifestyle.

Dermatologists Explain The 10 Best Vitamins For Your Skin

Skin is one of the most amazing organs of your body. It’s your body’s personal force field, protecting your body from everything – from extreme temperatures to excess moisture to dangerous chemicals. So, protecting your skin from damage is essential and keeping it as healthy as possible.

Besides its protective function, your skin is also the most visible part of your body. Keeping it beautiful and slowing the inevitable effects of aging can become an obsession. But the most important goal should be to keep your skin, along with the rest of your body, in good health.

Maintaining skin health often means preventing free radicals from causing skin cell damage. Vitamin and mineral supplements can help fight cell damage that accelerates the signs of aging and other skin ailments such as eczema.

In fact, your skin can sometimes be very telling when it comes to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. When your skin is not healthy, other areas may also suffer. Feeding your skin from the inside makes you look younger and more energetic to match. Here are 10 of the most crucial vitamins for skin health, which dermatologists recommend to keep your skin glowing and rejuvenated.

These Are The 10 Best Vitamins For Your Skin


1. Vitamin A

As one of the most essential vitamins for the skin, vitamin A, or retinol, is helpful in all the primary layers of skin. It helps maintain collagen levels and thus protects cells from sun damage. It also helps to heal surface wounds and assists the function of oil glands around hair follicles. Vitamin A promotes healthy cell regeneration. This results in fewer wrinkles and can even help fight against the development of skin cancer when applied topically.

You can obtain Vitamin A from a healthy diet. You’ll find it in dark green leafy vegetables and orange and yellow fruits and vegetables. It is also found in eggs, fortified milk, and cereal. Vitamin A can be taken as a supplement and is an ingredient in many anti-aging creams.

2. Vitamin C

We cannot underestimate the value of the powerful antioxidant content in Vitamin C. In your skin, Vitamin C helps build and maintain the proteins in collagen. It also fights damage from free radicals and damaging rays of the sun. It can help prevent or lighten age spots when used topically.

As with many vitamins for skin, vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, can be found in many dietary sources. Besides citrus and other fruits, you’ll find it in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, tomatoes, and potatoes. Many skin-care products include vitamin C as an ingredient, and every multivitamin contains it also.[2]

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also an important antioxidant known for its healing properties. It has long been recognized as one of the more important vitamins for skin health. Vitamin E works alongside Vitamin C to strengthen cell walls. It also helps protect you from ultraviolet radiation and damage from free radical molecules. This vitamin helps prevent dryness and inflammation and can also help fight against skin cancer.

You can obtain Vitamin E in your diet by eating nuts and seeds, especially almonds and sunflower seeds. It is also found in spinach, broccoli, and sweet red peppers. It is available as a supplement or in many lotions and other skin care products.

4. Vitamin D

The most well-known source of vitamin D is sunshine. If you live in an area with plenty of pleasant, sunny days, you should find it fairly easy to maintain recommended levels. As little as ten minutes of exposure each day should do the trick. This vitamin helps produce healthy cells throughout the body and is one of the key vitamins for skin maintenance. It can assist in maintaining skin tone and heal wounds faster.

Although it is almost impossible to replace the effects of sunlight itself, Vitamin D can also be found in dietary sources. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon, cheese, eggs, and fortified foods all contain Vitamin D. It is also included in topical skin care creams and lotions or as a topical oil.

5. Vitamin K

Although this vitamin may not be talked about as often, it is essential to blood flow and clotting and helps heal wounds with a minimum of scarring. It can also help heal stretch marks, spider veins, age spots, and circles under the eyes. It can be used topically to treat rosacea and reduce bruising and inflammation.

Vitamin K deficiency is rare in the U.S. The vitamin exists in many green, leafy vegetables in broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, and in smaller amounts in fish, meat, and eggs. It is included in many creams developed to reduce scarring after surgery and encourage healing for other skin wounds.

6. Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, or niacinamide, is also a potent antioxidant in the list of vitamins for skin health. It is often used in creams for treating acne or other skin rashes. B3 is an essential vitamin, which means it is not naturally synthesized in the body. Studies have shown it to be helpful for certain skin cancers. The vitamin can help heal damaged cells, improve hydration, and promote a healthy glow.

Peanuts provide a good source of vitamin B3. Meat, legumes, and seeds also contain this vitamin. Portabella mushrooms give you a good amount of this important nutrient. The vitamin can also be found as an individual supplement or in topical form.

7. Zinc

Zinc is such an important mineral for the outer layer of your skin that it is critical to list with vitamins for skin maintenance and health. It strengthens the cell walls and helps injuries heal. The mineral can also act as an antioxidant to protect from and heal damage caused by UV rays. A zinc shortage can cause an itchy rash that does not respond to moisturizers or steroid treatments.

Zinc is also an anti-inflammatory with many of the same properties of vitamin A. It has been widely studied for use in fighting acne. It also helps to treat skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea. Zinc is an essential mineral found in meat, dairy products, legumes, and nuts. It is included in most multivitamins and in topical creams.

8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

A very important dietary consideration for healthy skin is Omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients help to nurture the skin from within, keeping it firm and flexible and preventing wrinkles. They may also help to fight the growth and spread of skin cancer and inflammation. Fatty acids help build strong cell membranes, keeping your protective barrier strong.

vitamins for skin

Seafood is a significant source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are another excellent source. Omega-3 can be found in some topical creams but is more effective as part of a balanced diet. These fatty acids are essential to list with vitamins for skin and other vital functions.

9. Sulfur

Like the last two nutrients listed, sulfur is not a vitamin. However, it is essential to skin health for several reasons. Sulfur has antibacterial properties that can help control the overproduction of oil in the skin. It is also antifungal and antibacterial, making it a natural acne fighter.

Sulfur can be used as a facial mask to cleanse and exfoliate pores. Sometimes recommended by dermatologists, it fights aggravating skin conditions. Sulfur can irritate, so test on a small patch before applying a mask or other topical cream.

10. Polyphenols

Polyphenols are antioxidants found naturally in some foods we love, such as chocolate, grapes, pomegranates, and green tea. Recent research suggests polyphenols can be powerful aids in rejuvenating skin. They can help repair signs of aging and aid in the fight against skin cancer and other UV damage. Some consider them to be as essential as the above-listed vitamins for skin vitality.

Polyphenols are found in many plant-based foods, including dark chocolate. Berries, beans, and nuts are among the top foods rich in these powerful antioxidants. They can also be found in a variety of skin-care creams and treatments. Polyphenols can help our skin deal with the everyday stresses of exposure and contaminants to maintain a more healthy, youthful appearance.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet is the best source of vitamins for skin rejuvenation and overall health. There are, however, oral and topical supplements available. These may be especially useful for anyone with specific skin disorders.

The above list is only the beginning of the list of supplements to choose from for a fresher, younger appearance. Diet is also very important, with some foods such as broccoli mentioned repeatedly as healthy for your skin and hair.

A dermatologist can best advise you about what your skin needs to either recover or maintain a healthy balance. You are never too young to begin to care for this important organ of your body. Nourish it both inside and out and protect it so that you will be able to maintain both its beauty and functionality for a lifetime.

11 Powerful Exercises To Burn Belly Fat Fast

If you want to burn belly fat lose abdominal weight, you will need plenty of discipline and resilience. Many people start repetitive exercises only to quit before the results show.

There are many exercises that one can do to cut belly fat. Whether it is walking, crunches, lifting weights, or others, you will see the results you desire.

Here are 11 effective exercises to burn belly fat fast

to lose belly fat

1. Crunches

Crunches are some of the most effective exercises when it comes to burning belly fat. To perform this exercise, you require lying down on the floor on a mat. Lie on your back and bend your knees while ensuring our feet are on the floor.

You can also position yourself by lifting your legs off the ground at an angle of 90-degrees. Then raise your hands and put them behind your head or cross them on your chest. Take a deep breath and lift your upper torso off the ground before exhaling.

Breath in again as you go back to the floor, and breathe out as you go up. Do ten crunches if you are a beginner, and do two-three sets. Some variations of this exercise include butterfly crunch, dumbbell crossover punch, and shoulder press and side crunch.

While doing crunches, ensure you raise your back a few inches off the floor as opposed to doing the full sit-up. Hence, you will avoid hurting your back. You will also feel more pressure on the muscles of the abdomen when you take this position.

Additionally, avoid jerking your head forward while performing crunches to prevent yourself from putting pressure on your neck and resulting in pain. Just place your hands behind your head and do the workout.

2. Rolling Plank Exercise

The rolling plan workout trains the muscles around the lower back, hip, and abdomen. Do the exercise by positioning yourself on the ground with your tummy on the floor while the elbows and knees are resting on the floor. Maintain a neck that is aligned with your spine and look in front.

Now lift your knees as you support your lower limbs on the toes. Then contract the knees and maintain normal breathing. Maintain the plank posture for half a minute.

Then lie sideways on the floor while you support your body on your right leg and right elbow. The left leg needs to be above the right one while the knees remain together, and the elbow must be perpendicular to your shoulder. Keep the knees straight while your hips remain off the ground.

Hold the posture for half a minute or one to two minutes if you are experienced. Do the same on the other side.

While you are on the position, you can lift the top leg in the air and return it down. This makes the workout more effective. In addition to burning belly fat, it works on your hips and thighs.

Some variations of this workout include reverse plank, knee plank, and rocking plank. Plank is a strenuous workout, and you could end up holding your breath during the process. Avoid this as it might cause dizziness or nausea.

3. The Stomach Vacuum

Stomach vacuum workouts are low impact activities that put a lot of focus on breathing as opposed to boosting the heart rate. Despite their low impact, they are effective and burn belly fat fast.

The exercise resembles a cat stretch pose. To do it, get on the floor on your fours while you support your body on your knees and hands. Breathe in deeply and make your abdomen loose. Then as you breathe out, tighten the muscles of your abdomen.

Hold the position for half a minute and do two to three repetitions. You can also do another form of stomach vacuum called elevators.

Sit on a chair and imagine that your tummy is an elevator that is going up. Then breathe in deeply through the nose and imagine you are on the first floor. Now breathe out through your mouth and at the same time push your tummy towards the spine as you imagine going to the fifth floor.

Exhale fast five more times as you squeeze your abdominal muscles every time you breathe out. Do five repetitions.

You can also do standing pelvic tilts, which is another type of stomach vacuum workout. Stand with your legs apart for the width of your hips and knees bent slightly.

Breathe deeply via your nose and push your stomach inwards towards the spine and simultaneously roll your hips towards the front. Perform up to six sets.

The variations of this exercise include functional stomach vacuum and seated stomach vacuum. In case you have a lung or heart condition, it is good to avoid this workout. Additionally, the exercise must be done on an empty tummy to avoid getting indigestion.

4. Lunge Twist

Lunge twist workout is ideal for beginners who want to burn belly fat quickly. Stand with your legs apart for the width of your hips while you keep the knees bent a bit. Lift your hands in front as you align them with the shoulders and keep them parallel to the floor.

Take a massive step forward with your left leg, and sit down in the air so that there is a 90-degree angle between your knees and the floor. The right leg needs to be placed backward and supported by the toe. Make sure the spine remains straight and is not bent forward.

Now twist the upper torso to the left and then to the right. Do 15 repetitions before lunging forward with the right leg.

5. Vertical Leg Crunch

To burn belly fat with this workout, lie flat on the ground or a mat while you extend your legs upwards towards the sky. Ensure one knee crosses over the other. After positioning your body perfectly, lift your upper torso as you would have done with crunches.

Do the crunches by inhaling and lifting your upper body from the ground towards the pelvis. Now exhale gradually and inhale again as you take your upper body to the floor. Then exhale again as you go up.

Perform 12-15 reps as well as three sets. Begin by performing a few reps of this workout since it can cause feelings of soreness if overdone for the first time.

6. Bicycle Workout

If you want to burn belly fat with a bicycle workout, lie on the ground with your hands either behind your head or by your sides. Lift the lower limbs off the floor and have your knees bent. Bring the left knee near the chest while the right leg is straightened away.

Now bring the right knee near the chest and take the left leg away. Keep repeating the workout as if paddling a bicycle.

7. High-Intensity Interval Training

Intensity is essential to maximize the benefits of working out. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves exercising in short intervals with maximum effort followed by prolonged recovery time. The key to HIIT is how much effort you put during the intense intervals.

It helps the fat-burning potential of your body to shoot up, and the belly fat burns away. High-intensity workout boosts the release of growth hormones that mobilize the use of fat as fuel. Hence, your 20-minute high-intensity exercise can burn more calories than a long, easy run around the neighborhood.

Research shows that HIIT forces the body muscles to work harder, perform better, and burn more fuel. It is a smart way to aid you in shedding excess weight.

8. Swimming

Swimming exercises cut belly fat, trim inches, and aid you in getting healthier, fitter, and stronger than before. Swimming vigorously can assist you in burning up to 500-700 calories every hour.

Whether it is freestyle or breaststroke, swimming workouts are very effective for toning and losing weight. Swimming engages all your major groups of muscles including back muscles, abdominal muscles, glutes, hips, legs, and arms. While it can be your only form of fitness, it can also complement other forms of exercises, such as running and walking.

9. Masala Bhangra

This form of exercise removes the monotony of working out. It is a fun dance form that blends ancient Bhangra moves with dynamic Bollywood beats. You can burn up to 500 calories per class, and various modifications are available depending on the participant’s comfort level.

Since your arms are heavily involved in the dancing, your shoulders’ rotator cuff muscles will get stronger. The upper body movement will help to sculpt the back, tone the arms, and shape the shoulders.

10. Walking

A 30-minute walk can help you lose up to 150 calories. Even when you want to lose a significant amount of tummy weight, walking can help. The exercise is low intensity and easy to do.

walking - burn belly fat

If you are starting, you can begin by walking for at least 20 minutes for three days per week. Slowly increase the duration and frequency of the walks until you reach 30-60 minutes every day for six times per week.

11. Strength Training

It is a misbelief that weights are only used to bulk people using them. They also aid in losing weight and increasing your metabolism.

The best way to lose weight is to build muscles. An excellent workout is to do circuit training where you move quickly from one exercise to the next while using weights. You will lose 30 percent more calories than the usual weight workout.


These exercises need you to do them precisely by focusing on the core muscles. If you are determined and focused, you will burn belly fat in no time.

Also, keep in mind that diet is crucial to eliminating belly fat. Make sure to avoid carbohydrates and sugars while consuming plenty of proteins, fiber, and water

10 Secrets That Make A Long Distance Relationship Work

If you share with others that you are in a long distance relationship they usually think it won’t last. Your friends and family may tell you not to take it too seriously just in case you get your heart broken. There are others who report happy lives in a long distance relationship so all is not lost.

Having a long distance relationship is not easy. The extra distance makes holding hands impossible. You can’t steal bites of each other’s food while eating dinner together. Taking a walk together is now off of the agenda. Feeling each other’s touch is also now a part of your memories and thoughts. If you can get through some of these tough times, then you will be half way through making the relationship last. Some things are not within reach if you two are long distances from each other. Below we have summarized ways you can make your long distance relationship work.

Keep your long distance relationship strong by applying our ten tips:

1. Avoid overly communicating.

No need to continuously be in connection. This can scream that you are possessive or too clingy. No need to communicate twelve hours per day and trying to compensate for the distance by doing more. It will not make the distance close up. At some point you will get tired of “loving” on each other. Instead, remember that less is more. Do not exhaust your communication line.

Being overly available will also mean that you do not truly have a life that you are living. If you are busy with your activities and hobbies, then filling the time with something else won’t be such a challenge. Avoiding communicating too much will not be a problem if you are busy. Work, time with friends, and your personal developments and hobbies should fill a few hours per day.

2. This is an opportunity.

This is a learning journey where you also get to explore more about yourself. How are you when you are alone? What do you do with your time? The distance is not pulling your apart, but rather making you two even stronger. You will have more to report and talk about if you focus on yourself and do more activities.

As said in the number one tip, you should have things that you are personally focusing on. What are those things? Have you set your personal goals? Do you have other things that you could be pursuing?

3. Set rules so no surprises.

Be clear on what you expect from each other. Setting actual rules will help in knowing what to expect and then there are no surprises. If you two are exclusive, then that gives you a different approach to boundaries with others. Is it okay for the other person to go out on dates? If so, then that needs to be said and established. Being open now will mean no surprises later.

4. Communicate creatively and regularly.

Greeting each other each morning and each night is a must on the list. Start the day with each other and end the day with each other. Otherwise, skip the mundane things such as how you are eating an apple at your desk or that you are washing the dishes. Update on your life in more creative ways. Send pictures with no words. Send short videos and create your own giphs. Put in the effort to present your day or your activities creatively.

There are already filters and plenty of apps on making your video and pictures come to life and tell a story. Being creative is easy when you have such a wide variety of digital things at your disposal. Via social media you can also make some posts just for the audience you create it for. Think creatively.

5. Talk flirty and dirty with each other.

Sex is important. Desires will get heated so keep it interesting and full of spice by talking dirty and being flirty. Sex is a biological part of living, but it is also an emotional connection. Tease each other with texts and provocative lines to keep each other’s attention.

You may want to use some technology to compile a video of his favorite lingerie or favorite outfits on you. If she really likes you in a certain football jersey, then send her those photos. Bonus if you send her the photos of you flexing in the gym and not to your social media friends.

You will want to let off some sexual steam while in a long distance relationship. This is the moment to do just that with your words or via video. Imagine that this is the time to build up for when you two are finally in each other’s arms. You will think back on the time she told you that special something that got you a bit excited and looking forward to seeing her soon.

7. Do activities together.

You two could play an game together, but online. These games are fun and can be a continuous way to keep in touch. Show your competitive side in a word game. There are also mystery games where you must find the clues on the screen to proceed to the next level. There are plenty of apps and online games to keep you two busy together. This can be a quick game or a continuous one that you do for a few weeks. You could also watch videos and movies online via YouTube, Vimeo, or Netflix. You could also take walks together by using a video calling app.

8. Visit each other.

The highlight to the long distance relationship is going to visit each other. You have been yearning and waiting for each other and finally you get to see other in person. Take advantage of the moment and do lots of kissing, holding hands, and hugging. Your body will feel like there is a fireworks display going off from the touch of your romantic interest. Once you have loved on each other you will have plenty of thoughts to keep you company and smile about. This is not the time to be shy and the time is now to show the physical affection you have been craving.

long distance relationship

Remember the naughty flirty that happened on the phone or the video that was sent? This is the time to further explore more of those things.

9. Mail your gifts, not email.

If you only receive bills in the mail, then this will feel even more special. Email is always the way to go when people think of mailing anything. The slower mail, snail mail, takes longer, but it is worth the surprise element. Your long distance love will appreciate the effort and won’t be expecting it. Using this method from time to time is something special. Send each other handwritten love letters and postcards. It will be a delightful surprise to open the box and see something special to, or from, you. You can also send flowers for birthdays and special holidays. Flowers are easy due to the universal ordering systems with flowers for all occasions. Think of a gift that makes your long distance relationship worthwhile – the thoughtfulness should factor in.

10. Stay positive.

Surround yourself with positive energy and keep negativity away. Waiting is painful and you may feel lonely, so no need to add anything more to those facts. Inject some positivity in your personal life and then share this with your long distance romance. They too will smile. Being positive is infectious. Keep the focus on your love for each other and your upcoming time together in person. Start focusing on your own day to day activities or get a hobby that can keep your mind preoccupied.

A good trick to staying positive is to remember to be grateful. Thinking over the things that you are grateful for will help to jog your mind in to a more positive mindset. At the top of the list is the fact that you have someone to love. Add the fact that you are loved and that makes two items on your gratitude list. Think on the small things such as the gift you sent or received that came in the mail. Now your list is growing. The little things will start to add up. Add to the list that you both are healthy and safe too. More grateful thoughts!

You are on a great path that not many people can handle. You and your partner are quite special. You will find yourselves looking back on the lonelier times and laughing because you made it. In the moment it may seem worse than what it truly is. Think back on why you are in the relationship and always be open and honest with yourself and your partner.

You will need a lot of outlets and hobbies in order to tackle the list above. This is the perfect time for you to focus on developing a craft or an interest in something new. You will need to be around people who can understand the pressures you are going through too.

This is an incredible journey. It will bring you joy, smiles, and maybe even some tears. Remember the better part of your partner and of yourself. Be kind to yourself and you will be able to fully apply all ten of our tips above.

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