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Researchers Reveal 11 Foods That Help Reverse Diabetes

(Editor’s Note:) In this article, we are going to discuss foods that can help reverse the symptoms of type-2 Diabetes. While we are diabetes advocates ourselves, there is not enough research out there to talk about reversing Type 1 Diabetes.

Diabetes can be a fatal condition, especially if not controlled. Diabetics face a risk of suffering from conditions like heart disease, stroke, cataracts, and others. If one is not careful with their diet, they can die as a result of a stroke.

But being diabetic does not mean that it is the end of the road for you. You can reverse diabetes by eating a diet that helps to reduce blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and more.

Here are 11 foods to incorporate in your diet to help reverse diabetes.

1. Almonds

Almonds have been in existence since ancient times and are one of the main diets in the Mediterranean diet that is heart-healthy. Almonds are filled with vitamin E as well as monounsaturated fats that assist in lowering heart disease risk. These healthy fats assist in lowering LDL cholesterol when used to replace trans or saturated fats in the diet.

A quarter-cup of almonds has more protein than an egg. They also have magnesium, which aids in boosting dopamine that regulates moods and prevents depression.

Additionally, almonds also have calcium, riboflavin, and fiber. Due to their content of fiber, it can help in improving tummy issues, such as diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, while boosting absorption of calcium.

Research shows that consuming one serving of a handful of nuts four times per week can aid you to reverse the diabetes. A study discovered that including two 1-ounce servings of almonds every day in the diet helped participants have better intake of primary nutrients that assisted them to minimize their intake of dietary detractors such as cholesterol, sugars, trans fats, and excessive sodium.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts are instrumental in preventing inflammation, diabetes, and heart disease. Research indicates that eating 8-11 walnuts per day minimizes overall cholesterol by up to four percent.

Walnuts are rich in omega-3s, which are essential in reducing the risk of diabetes, cancer, depression, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The recommended daily intake is 200 calories or a handful of walnuts.

They can be consumed as a snack or incorporated into recipes. You can enjoy a nutty flavor and delightful crunch by including chopped walnuts to any dish.

Walnuts are full of tryptophan, which is an amino acid that is required by your body to create serotonin, a feel-good chemical. They are digested gradually, which helps to stabilize your mood and can aid in tolerating stress. They also have ellagic acid that reduces artery-forming plaque.

3. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish consists of one of the healthiest foods. Mackerel, anchovies, salmon, herring, and sardines are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are beneficial to the health of your heart. Consuming these fats regularly assists to reverse the diabetes, which increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

EPA and DHA aids in protecting the cells lining your blood vessels, minimize inflammation markers, and boost the functioning of your arteries after eating. Studies show that persons who consume fatty fish regularly face a lower likelihood of heart failure and have a lower risk of dying from heart disease.

In a study, older participants who ate fatty fish 5-7 days a week for two months had massive reductions in inflammatory markers and triglycerides. Fish also offer high-quality protein that assists you in feeling full and boosting your metabolic rate.

4. Leafy Greens

Leafy green veggies are low in calories and packed with plenty of nutrients. They have low levels of digestible carbs that increase your levels of blood sugar. That’s why they can help you to reverse diabetes.

Kale, spinach, and other leafy greens are ideal sources of many vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C. In a particular study, increasing the intake of vitamin C minimized inflammatory markers and levels of blood sugar in participants with high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, leafy greens are perfect sources of antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein. These antioxidants safeguard your eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration, which are common complications of diabetes.

5. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Extra-virgin oil is very advantageous for the health of your heart. It has oleic acid, a kind of monounsaturated fat that has been proven to boost HDL and triglycerides, which are present in unhealthy levels in diabetics.

It also improves satiety hormone GLP-1. According to a study of various types of fats, the risk of heart disease was only reduced by olive oil.

Olive oil also has antioxidants referred to as polyphenols. They minimize inflammation, reduce blood pressure, prevent the damage of LDL cholesterol through oxidation, and safeguard the cells lining the blood vessels.

Extra-virgin oil is usually not refined and has numerous antioxidants and other nutrients that make it healthy. Make sure to pick this oil from a source that is reputable, because many olive oils are combined with cheaper oils such as soy and corn.

6. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a perfect dairy choice for diabetics who want to reverse the diabetes. According to research, it can improve the control of blood sugar and minimize the risk of heart disease, partly as a result of its probiotics.

Studies have discovered that dairy foods like yogurt could result in loss of weight and improved composition of the body in diabetics. This is as a result of the presence of conjugated linolic acid and calcium in dairy.

Additionally, Greek yogurt only has six to eight grams of carbs for every serving, which is lower than the regular yogurt. It also has plenty of proteins, which help diabetics to lose weight by reducing calorie intake and decreasing appetite.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that when used to cook meals can offer numerous benefits to your health. It has an active ingredient called curcumin that lowers levels of blood sugar and inflammation while minimizing the risk of heart disease.

Moreover, curcumin seems to benefit the health of kidneys in diabetics. This is crucial since kidney disease is common in diabetics.

Unluckily, curcumin is not properly absorbed on its own. Therefore, ensure you consume it with piperine, a compound found in black pepper to improve absorption by up to 2,000 percent.

8. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can help diabetics to reverse the diabetes. They are very rich in fiber, but poor in digestible carbs. Eleven out of twelve grams of carbs present in one ounce of these seeds are fiber, which fails to increase blood sugar.

The viscous fiber present in chia seeds can aid in lowering levels of blood sugar by reducing the speed of food movement in the digestive system. The seeds help in achieving a healthy weight due to the fiber that reduces hunger and increases satiety.

Additionally, fiber minimizes the intake of calories absorbed from other foods present in the same meal. Also, studies have shown the ability of chia seeds to reduce inflammatory markers and blood pressure.

9. Eggs

Eggs offer numerous benefits for your health. They are great for increasing satiety for hours. Also, regular consumption of eggs can minimize the risk of getting heart disease in many ways.

Eggs reduce inflammation, increase the levels of good HDL cholesterol, change the shape and size of bad LDL cholesterol, and improve the sensitivity of insulin. In a study, diabetics ate two eggs every day as part of a diet high in protein. They experienced improvements in blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Moreover, eggs are great sources of zeaxanthin and lutein antioxidants, which safeguard eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration. These eye diseases are common conditions in diabetics. Remember to consume whole eggs since many of these nutrients are present in the egg yolk.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a sweet spice that has robust antioxidant activity. According to research, cinnamon can reduce levels of blood sugar and boost the sensitivity of insulin.

To reverse diabetes, you need to measure hemoglobin A1c, which shows your average level of blood sugar over 2-3 months. In a particular study, diabetic patients who took the spice for three months experienced more than twice reduction in hemoglobin A1c than those who were given standard care.

Research also shows that cinnamon can decrease triglyceride and cholesterol levels. However, restrict your consumption of cassia cinnamon, the kind present in the majority of grocery stores, to one teaspoon daily.

It has coumarin, which is associated with health issues at higher doses. But true cinnamon, also called Ceylon, has lower coumarin.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has numerous health benefits. Although it has been created from apples, its sugar has been fermented into acetic acid, and the final product has less than one gram of carbs per one tablespoon.

ACV to reverse diabetes

Studies have shown the ability of apple cider vinegar to boost the sensitivity of insulin and lower levels of fasting blood sugar. It could also minimize blood sugar response by up to 20 percent when consumed with foods rich in carbs.

In a particular study, diabetics had a six percent decrease in fasting blood sugar after consuming two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar prior to sleeping. This food could also slow the emptying of the stomach and boost satiety.

But this could be an issue in people who suffer from gastroparesis, a condition characterized by delayed emptying of the tummy, which is common in diabetics. Incorporate apple cider vinegar into your meals by mixing a glass of water with one teaspoon of the liquid daily as a start. Then increase the intake up to two tablespoons daily.


If you consistently follow this diet, you will be sure to reverse diabetes. But ensure you include a combination of these foods in your diet and come up with a meal plan that has all of them.

These foods have plenty of nutrients that will not only help with this condition, but will also offer more health benefits.

31 Life Thoughts From Famous People About Body Positivity

Hollywood isn’t exactly known for body positivity, but some celebrities are breaking the mold and speaking out about things like self-love and self-acceptance. Here are just a few examples of stars who want to live in a better world.

1. “One day I decided that I was beautiful, and so I carried out my life as if I was a beautiful girl. I wear colors that I really like; I wear makeup that makes me feel pretty. It really helps.” – Gabourey Sidibe

Gabourey Sidibe knows what it’s like to be hounded by the press because of her weight. This is one of her secrets for getting through it.

2. “Even I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.” – Cindy Crawford

It takes effort to recapture the beauty that you see in movies and magazines. Don’t beat yourself up if you roll out of bed looking less than perfect!

3. “People often say that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.”

Studies have shown that your self-image can have real, tangible impacts on your health. (1) This is why it’s important to love every curve!

4. “When we think about our bodies, we often think about the way they look, as opposed to what they accomplish for us every day. It’s easy to forget how powerful our bodies actually are.” – Iskra Lawrence

British model Iskra Lawrence believes that women should shift the way that they think about their bodies. Do you agree?

5. “When I lay my head on the pillow at night I can say I was a decent person today. That’s when I feel beautiful.”

Drew Barrymore is another woman who believes that our bodies should be considered tools rather than temples. You’ll find this sentiment in a lot of body positivity quotes!

6. “I would only lose weight if it affected my health or sex life, which it doesn’t.” – Adele

Adele isn’t afraid to shut down nosy questions about her weight. She’s curvy, and she has no desire to change that. We should all take a page out of her book!

7. “You look how you look. Be comfortable. What are you going to do? Be hungry every single day to make other people happy? That’s just dumb.” – Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence is known for telling it like it is, especially when it comes to weight loss and weight issues. Why should you care about what strangers on the street are thinking about your figure?

8. “I want to enjoy life, and I can’t if I’m not eating and miserable.” – Kate Upton

If anyone knows about the dangers of dieting, it’s supermodel Kate Upton. The good news is that she pushes back on the crazy beauty standards of her industry every day.

9. “I love how I look. I am a full woman and I’m strong, and I’m powerful, and I’m beautiful at the same time.” — Serena Williams

Serena Williams is an absolute fountain of body positivity quotes. She’s never been stick-thin, and she doesn’t care. She’s still one of the most successful athletes in the world.

10. “I definitely have body issues, but everybody does. When you come to the realization that everybody does that — even the people that I consider flawless — then you can start to live with the way you are.” – Taylor Swift

You might not think of Taylor Swift as someone who grapples with body positivity, but this just goes to show that anyone can be crippled with doubt. We’re all in this together.

11. “My weight? It is what it is. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. It’s about being content. And sometimes other priorities win.” – Melissa McCarty

Fired from her sitcom for losing too much weight, the formerly plus-sized Melissa McCarty knows what it’s like to struggle in a world where women are always deemed too fat or too thin. This is her official verdict: None of it matters.

12. “There’s only, like, five perfectly symmetrical people in the world, and they’re all movie stars. And they should be, because their faces are very pleasing to look at, but the rest of us are just a jangle of stuff. And the earlier you learn that you should focus on what you have and not obsess about what you don’t have, the happier you will be.” – Amy Poehler

While there’s nothing wrong with being inspired by a celebrity’s fashion or makeup, you should remember that it’s their job to look good. The rest of us aren’t like that, so we shouldn’t hold ourselves to the same standards.

13. “Girls of all kinds can be beautiful – from the thin, plus-sized, short, very tall, ebony to porcelain-skinned; the quirky, clumsy, shy, outgoing and all in between. It’s not easy though because many people still put beauty into a confining, narrow box…Think outside of the box…Pledge that you will look in the mirror and find the unique beauty in you.” – Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks shared this message about body positivity online, and it should resonate with everyone.

14. “You only get one body. That’s it. So you gotta love it.” – Danielle Brooks

This is one of those body positivity quotes that states a simple but important truth. You can’t trade in your body at the Body Store and get a new one, so why don’t you learn to love the one that you have?

15. “I’ve learned that if you’re too skinny, they’ll say something about it. If you’re not skinny enough, they’ll say something about it. I just try to feel good in my own skin as much as I can.” – Jennifer Love Hewitt

Society will always have something to say about your weight. Since society isn’t going to change, it’s up to you.

16. “I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body.” – Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato has always been open about her mental health issues and her journey towards self-love. We don’t deserve her, but we’re glad that she’s adding her voice to such important issues.

17. “You shouldn’t be pressured into trying to be thin by the fashion industry, because they only want models that are like human mannequins. But you have to remember that it’s not practical or possible for an everyday woman to look like that. Being size zero is a career in itself so we shouldn’t try and be like them. It’s not realistic and it’s not healthy.” Rihanna

People who think of themselves as “fat” are more likely to gain weight in the future. (2) It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that’s fueled by the social stigma of being overweight. Are you ready to break the cycle?

18. “You know what’s funny? If I call myself a cute, chubby girl, the natural kind woman’s response is, ‘You’re not chubby! You’re beautiful! And thin!’ And I always want to hug the person and say, ‘It’s okay, I identify as someone who is cute and chubby — that doesn’t mean I’m not worthy of love and attention and intimacy.’ And also, my priorities are not such that I’m mortally offended by someone thinking that.” – Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling is another person who wants to reshape the narrative around body types. It’s a worthy goal for sure!

19. “I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn’t want to change anything.” – Emma Watson

An important step in body positivity is realizing that your attitude might not change overnight. You might need time to learn how to love yourself, and that’s okay. Just know who you want to be.

20. “Diversity is sexy! Loving yourself is sexy! You know what is not sexy? Misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing and body shaming! Talking about people’s bodies as if they’re on display asking for your approval / opinion. They are not! Celebrate yourself. Celebrate others. The things that make us different from one another make us beautiful.” — Ariana Grande

Not only is Ari responsible for one of the greatest body positivity quotes of our time, but she wrote and posted it on social media so that her message could be spread to young girls everywhere.

21. “I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” – Emma Stone

Body shaming isn’t always about someone being “too fat.” Emma Stone is often criticized for being too skinny, and she’s popped back at the haters by assuring everyone that she has plenty of self-confidence.

22. “Appearance has so little to do with where we should get our confidence from.” – Amy Schumer

If you’re still learning to love your shape, it can help to start prioritizing other things over your appearance. For example, you can become smarter by learning a new language or reading a new book, or you can become more generous with an act of charity.

23. “When I look down, even now, at the extra skin on my belly, it’s a reminder that I’ve done something spectacular. It’s a reminder that I’m a superhero. And I’m proud of it.” – Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell wasn’t worried about losing her baby weight. In fact, she leaned into it: The extra weight is what made it possible for her to bring her little bundle of joy into the world.

24. “Being unique and different was a really good thing. I walked into my agent’s office for the first time, they looked at me and said, ‘Wow, we have nobody on our books like you’. And they signed me on my second day here.” – Rebel Wilson

Movies like Pitch Perfect wouldn’t be the same without her, but we might have been robbed of Rebel Wilson if she hadn’t had a uniquely curvaceous figure. Isn’t that something?

25. “I think about my body as a tool to do the stuff I need to do, but not the be all and end all of my existence.” – Lena Dunham

Another actress who has openly struggled with her weight, Lena Dunham made peace with herself by realizing that there were more important things to worry about than the numbers on the scale.

26. “My body image is always going to be an issue. I need to constantly train myself to watch the right sort of films, to not look at certain ads and think that’s how my stomach should look. It’s something that I’m fighting every day.” – Sam Smith

A big part of body positivity is recognizing how you’re impacted by negative influences. The next step is cutting them out of your life.

27. “I didn’t always love my legs, but as I’ve grown, I’ve learned to love and celebrate myself just as I am. I began to realize that my legs are STRONG and they carry me. Every. Single. Day. Our bodies are amazing and something to be grateful for. I’m ME and that’s really enough!” – Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff shared this with her Instagram followers after having an epiphany about her body. It’s a sentiment that we should all respect!

28. “You’re only human. You live once and life is wonderful, so eat the d*** red velvet cupcake.” – Emma Stone

Another great quote from Emma Stone, this one simply shrugs in the face of body shaming. You only live once, and that red velvet cupcake is going into someone‘s belly. It might as well be yours.

body positivity

29. “God made a very obvious choice when he made me voluptuous; why would I go against what he decided for me? My limbs work, so I’m not going to complain about the way my body is shaped.”

Drew Barrymore does it again, and this time, she’s reminding everyone to count their blessings instead of their disadvantages.

30. “I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality. I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin. I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me.” – Kim Kardashian

She might have one of the most famous figures in the world, but Kim Kardashian doesn’t let the scrutiny get to her. She knows what she looks like, and she draws strength from it.

31. “I love my shape because it’s mine.” – Heidi Klum

There are a lot of body positivity quotes out there, but this might be the simplest of them all. No one has your exact shape but you. Embrace what makes you unique!

Final Thoughts on Body Positivity

It might take you awhile to reach true body positivity. With these quotes, however, you can start changing your mindset and feeling better about yourself as you journey to self-love. Good luck!

10 Things That Happen When Your Body Is Lacking Water

Unfortunately, a shocking 25% of kids and teenagers are lacking water throughout the day.

Most kids obtain fluids through fruit juices, sugary beverages, and other subpar options. A recent study showed that this doesn’t cut it; children and teens need at least two to three quarts of water daily. So, unless they eat many fruits and vegetables, they probably need to drink a lot more water.

The problem becomes even more widespread when you consider adults – one study found that half of the American adults don’t drink the recommended amount of water daily. When your body is lacking water, this can cause a range of problems, including digestive issues, urinary tract infections, fatigue, anxiety, and brain fog.

Unsurprisingly, according to a report by CBS, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

Did you know that water makes up 60% of our bodies, 75% of our muscles, and 85% of our brains? With that said, most people don’t take hydration seriously enough. It doesn’t help that most of us drink energy drinks, coffee, and soda instead of drinking what our bodies need.

These signs will surely tell you if you think you do not drink enough water daily. Being on the lookout for these symptoms can help you take steps to make sure you stay hydrated and healthy.

Here Are Ten Signs Your Body Is Lacking Water

Know these ten signs of dehydration and increase your fluid intake accordingly.

lacking water

1 – Your skin, mouth, and eyes feel dry.

If you want to know whether you lack water, look to your skin for the biggest clues. Being chronically dehydrated means you won’t sweat out as much toxins when exercising, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. You might also have dry, cracked skin.

You might also suffer from dehydration if you don’t produce many tears. However, this could point to a different eye problem, so you should talk to your doctor if you experience this issue. Obviously, it goes without saying that you probably don’t drink enough water if you have a dry mouth and lips.

2 – You don’t pee very often, and your urine is dark yellow or brown when you do.

If you don’t pee much throughout the day and notice that you have dark urine when you use the bathroom, you need to drink more water. Water helps to eliminate toxins and keep the renal system functioning correctly. If you don’t drink enough water, all the toxins will accumulate in your body, and you’ll feel the effects of exhaustion, brain fog, and other complications.

Also, pay attention to the color of your urine. You must drink more daily water if you have dark yellow or brown urine. However, you may not want to consume much water close to bedtime because you’ll probably have to keep waking up to use the bathroom. Yellow or brown urine signifies that your body is holding onto the water to perform vital functions.

Try bringing a refillable water bottle to work or school to get your recommended water intake.

3 – You have frequent back and joint pain.

Your body’s cartilage contains nearly 80% water, so replenishing fluids after sweat will keep your bones and joints lubricated and healthy. Water helps to protect your joints and bones during strenuous activities or unexpected events, such as when you exercise or if you happen to trip or fall. Back pain could mean your kidneys aren’t working correctly; if your body is lacking water, some studies show that this could lead to permanent kidney damage.

Dehydration causes a buildup of muscle proteins called myoglobin in the kidneys, which can cause kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

You might often experience back and joint pain if your body lacks water.

4 – You experience frequent fatigue and mood swings.

Water carries oxygen into the body, so the more water you drink, the more vibrant and rejuvenated you feel. However, if your body lacks water, it turns to your blood to obtain oxygen, leaving you feeling depleted and exhausted. Because your body lacks oxygen, all your systems will slow down to compensate.

Inevitably, you will feel moodier and more exhausted, making it hard to carry out necessary tasks during the day. In fact, studies have shown that decreasing water intake in people who usually drink a lot of water leads to feelings of discontentment and anxiety. However, increasing water intake for those who usually drink very little leads to less fatigue and confusion.

5 – You feel hungry, even after you eat.

Most people associate a growling in their stomach with hunger, but thirst cues originate in the same part of the brain. If your body lacks water, it may trick you into thinking you’re hungry when you need a glass of water (or two!) Next time you feel hungry, try drinking water instead of eating. If you just ate something, you’re probably just dehydrated.

However, if the pain persists, you probably need to put some food in your belly.

lacking water

6 – You suffer from high blood pressure.

When you don’t drink enough water, your blood becomes thicker, resulting in slower blood flow and sodium buildup. Dehydration combined with a high-sodium diet and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to high blood pressure, which can cause some of the other health problems we mentioned in the article.

7 – You have high cholesterol.

Water retention is another thing that happens when your body is lacking water. Essentially, it holds onto any water it can find to keep you alive. In this study, 15 people were told to fast in two different conditions: once without replacing fluids and another with the supplementation of salt and water.

Researchers found that when the participants fasted without fluid replacement, they had much higher total serum cholesterol levels than when they were supplemented with salt and water. While most people don’t fast, most suffer from dehydration and, therefore, are prone to high cholesterol.

8 – You have digestion problems.

Water helps move waste through your body. So you may suffer from digestive issues without water. Water gets toxins out of the body, but if you don’t drink enough of it, your waste will move much slower, resulting in constipation and stomach pain.

When dehydrated, the large intestine holds onto excess water from your food. As we said before, the body does this as a survival mechanism; it senses that you don’t have enough water in your system, so it retains water from any source it can find. You may notice digestive issues and fatigue because your waste will move slower due to the lack of water.

9 – You get rashes on your skin often.

Water helps the skin remain hydrated and moist; without enough water, your skin might appear dry, cracked, or red. When your body lacks water, this creates the perfect environment for toxins to build up on the skin. Dehydration can result from acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin disorders.

10 – You get bad headaches and brain fog frequently.

When you are dehydrated, your brain tissue loses water, which causes the brain to pull away from the skull. This sends alerts to the pain receptors surrounding the brain, which can cause anything from a mild headache to a migraine. When your body lacks water, blood flow slows down, which means less oxygen in your brain.

In turn, your body senses the lack of oxygen and dilates the blood vessels in the brain, which can lead to inflammation. The result is a pounding midday headache at work or school. If you experience headaches often, you might try drinking more water.

itchy skin

Final Thoughts on Understanding the Signs of a Body Lacking Water

We hope this article sheds some light on the complications of not drinking enough water. Many don’t prioritize water throughout our days, but we cannot survive without this precious resource. It pours life into our bodies, so bring a water bottle to feel rejuvenated and hydrated during your day.

If you have kids in school, make sure they know the importance of drinking water so that they don’t feel tempted to buy a soft drink or other sugary beverage at school.

In reality, we don’t need to drink anything besides water and maybe the occasional tea. Teaching kids the right things to put in their bodies will make them less inclined to buy drinks that damage their health.

Send them to school with a water bottle to ensure they get enough water throughout the day. A glass or stainless-steel bottle is best since harmful chemicals from plastic bottles can leech into the water.

To your continued hydration!

10 Ways to Relieve Eye Pain Naturally

Eye pain is uncomfortable and frustrating as it interferes with your daily activities. When your eyes hurt, it can ruin your mood and change the course of your day. Since it isn’t always possible to get to a doctor, learning home remedies for eye pain can make all the difference.

You use your eyes for most things you do, so it is vitally important to take care of them. Using harsh chemicals to reduce eye pain isn’t always the best option, even when available. Instead, try home remedies for eye pain first for all-natural solutions.

You likely already have the ingredients on hand for home remedies for eye pain. Some of the tips don’t require ingredients at all, either. These natural remedies are easy to do and extremely helpful and effective.

No matter the cause of your pain, these home remedies for eye pain will help relieve the discomfort. Try the solutions for eye pain that you are comfortable with, and then adjust from there to figure out what works for you.

Ten Home Remedies for Eye Pain

These ten things may help alleviate the discomfort.

1. Eye Exercises

With the time spent staring at screens on your computer, smartphone, and tablets, eye strain is a common problem. If eyestrain causes your pain, eye exercises, or eye yoga, can effectively ease the discomfort.

Studies show that people who practice simple eye workouts regularly experience less eye pain. Additionally, they deal with less eye fatigue and strain too. Eye exercises can offer immediate relief and prevent discomfort in the future.

You can do these exercises anywhere, even as you sit at your desk. Some eye exercises you can try include the following:home remedies for eye pain

  • Eye Roll

Rolling your eyes will build strength as well as alleviate pain naturally. This exercise isn’t as simple as sarcastically rolling your eyes because it requires a little more work.

You must sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed, looking straight ahead. Then, look to the right before rolling your eyes up.

After that, roll your eyes to the left and then down toward the ground. Repeat this process 10 times, but go in the opposite direction each time.

  • Palming

Close your eyes, cup your hands over your eye sockets, and imagine the pain leaving your eyes. Do this exercise for at least 30 seconds, staring into the dark space the entire time and absorbing the heat from your hands. When you open your eyes, they will feel refreshed and relieved.

  • Eye Press

Before beginning, this exercise, close your eyes and inhale deeply. Place your fingers on your eyelids, using gentle pressure on your eyes for around 10 seconds.

Once you count to 10, slowly release your eyes and keep them open until your vision focuses. You can blink a little to help reorient yourself. Then, repeat the exercise 10 times.

  • Zooming

If you stare at a computer screen most of the day, this eye exercise is perfect for you. Sit up straight and hold your arm out in front of you.

Put your thumb up and keep your eyes on your thumb. Then, bend your elbow slowly, bringing your thumb close to your eyes.

  •  Slow Blink

Your eyes will become uncomfortable if they aren’t properly lubricated. By doing a slow blink, you can ease the eye pain and support the health of your eyes. Not only does it relieve discomfort, but it also helps with tired and itchy eyes.

Focus on a blank wall while sitting up straight and facing forward, and then slowly close your eyes. Keep them closed for half a second before slowly opening them back up. Do a slow blink 20 times in a row for an ultimate refresher.

2. Warm or Cold Compresses

Both warm and cold compresses improve the blood circulation of the eye, offering relief to eye strain and discomfort. If the pain stems from eye strain, a cold compress is best and forces the eye to relax.

On the other hand, if the pain is caused by an infection or sty, using a warm compress is best. A warm compress will help loosen anything blocking the oil gland. Apply the compress to your eyes for around five minutes, up to three times each day.

3. Breast Milk

Breastfeeding moms know that breast milk can treat many ailments, which is why it is sometimes called liquid gold. One study shows that breast milk prevents and reduces damage to the eye related to dry eyes. By helping to lubricate your eyes, breast milk offers immediate relief.

Another study recognized that breast milk slows or stops the growth of certain bacteria strains. With this being the case, eye pain caused by bacteria can heal with this home remedy.

4. Honey

If you have ever wondered why honey doesn’t spoil, the answer lies in its makeup. Honey is full of antimicrobial properties and is used around the world for its healing properties.

Honey helps reduce inflammation and bacteria, which is why it is so beneficial for relieving eye pain. It also helps reduce pain related to dry eyes and eye strain.

Before using honey on your eyes, it is necessary to note that you don’t want to use raw honey. Make sure you dilute it by boiling it with sterilized water until it is runny, then let it cool down before you apply it.


happiness quotes - lose weight without gym

5. Cold Pressed Castor Oil

Castor oil contains antioxidants, fatty acids, and anti-inflammatory properties. With those benefits, this oil helps reduce irritation and swelling in your eyes. It helps relieve dry eyes and eases allergy-related pain, too.

Make sure to use pure and organic castor oil. Place up to two drops into your eye twice a day for soothing relief.

6. Drink More Water: Stay Hydrated

Many people don’t know that dehydration can cause eye pain, but it is a common problem. When you are dehydrated, your eyes get dry, and your tear glands don’t produce enough tears. Since this causes eye strain and irritation, you must stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Even if you drink eight glasses of water a day, you might need more. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the necessary amount tends to be much more than eight glasses. Men should drink about 15.5 cups of water each day, and women should drink 11.5 cups of water per day.

7. Turmeric

As a natural remedy for eye pain, turmeric is full of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties are in curcumin, which is a chemical found in turmeric. As it reduces inflammation, it also fights and prevents eye infections.

You can’t apply turmeric to your eyes without diluting it first, though. To dilute the turmeric, you will fill a glass with distilled or sterilized water and add half a teaspoon of turmeric. Mix it well, and then use an eyedropper to apply it twice a day.

If you don’t have an eyedropper, you can use it as an eye rinse instead. Bend over a sink as you slowly pour the liquid into your eyes. Keep your head tilted to the side to ensure the mixture doesn’t make a mess and get all over you.

8. Green Tea Bags

You can use warm or cold green tea bags to heal and soothe painful eyes. Green tea contains antioxidants that contribute to anti-inflammatory properties. This tea also has caffeine, which can constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation and pain in your eyes.

For this home remedy, dip the tea bags in warm or cold water and then drain the excess liquid. You can choose cold or warm based on your preference, as either method is effective.

Put the tea bags on your eyes for five to ten minutes, repeating the process up to three times each day. The more often you do it, the more effective it is for treating eye pain.

 9. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties that allow it to soothe and heal painful eyes. Studies show that it also contains anti-inflammatory components that help the external portion of your eye.

Use whole leaf aloe and dilute it with distilled water until it’s runny before applying. You can use aloe vera get as often as necessary, so keep it nearby for frequent use.

 10. Neti Pot

If your eye pain stems from excessive pressure from sinusitis, a Neti pot can help. When your sinus passages become clogged or inflamed, it causes intense pressure behind your eyes. Using a Neti pot can help clear the blockages and relieve eye pressure quickly.

Make sure you use sterilized water in your Neti pot and read the directions before using it. When used correctly, Neti pots are highly effective.

sinus painFinal Thoughts Home Remedies For Eye Pain

Eye pain can be debilitating and hinder your ability to do daily activities. Figuring out the cause is helpful when determining which remedies for eye pain to try. You don’t have to suffer, so find the home remedy that works best for you.

Home remedies for eye pain can help you avoid an unnecessary doctor trip or offer relief when a doctor is unavailable. Start with one first, and then try another once you know if the first one helped. Once you are comfortable with each one, consider combining a few methods so that you can get ultimate relief from eye pain.

12 Secrets To Finding Your Real True Love

If you’re single, you may be wondering, “Where is my soulmate?” Date after date, it gets harder to believe that you’ll find the person that you’ve been longing to meet all your life. Though you may feel that true love isn’t in the cards for you, you’d be wrong.

Tips for Finding Your True Love

We all want that happy ending where everything falls into place and the story ends with wedding bells. Though your story may be a little different than your favorite RomCom, your prince or princess is out there. Keep reading to discover 12 secrets to finding your true love.

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Fall in Love

While many of our society’s most popular love stories make it seem like one’s true love will just show up out of no where, the truth is that we have to be open to the idea of falling in love if we ever hope to meet our soulmates.

The truth is that while many people do desire to fall in love, they haven’t mentally or emotionally prepared themselves for that process. These people have been hurt in their past romantic relationships and have subconsciously closed themselves off as a way to protect themselves from more heartbreak.

Though no one ever wants to get hurt, risking yourself is all part of the process of falling in love. If you really want to fall in love, you have to take the risk that you might get hurt again. Though it won’t be easy, it will be be worth it.

2. Don’t Lose Faith That You’ll Find Your Soulmate

The thing about love is that it will happen when you least expect it to. You can spend your life planning for the right moment, but when it comes to finding true love, you just have to let it happen to you.

Though there are no guarantees when it comes to finding your soulmate, you shouldn’t ever lose faith in the possibility that you will fall in love. Regardless of how many poor experiences you’ve had trying to find The One, you must keep the faith that you’ll meet the right person eventually.

Whenever you get the urge to embrace pessimism and the idea that you’ll never find someone, don’t.

The words that you speak over your life eventually become a reality. For this reason, you must continue to believe that you are going to find the right person and that you will meet them when the timing is right.

3. Focus on Finding Yourself

In the search to find true love, you must first find yourself.

If you haven’t yet fallen in love with the person that you are becoming, you will never be able to truly love another person. Spend this time getting to know who you are and learning how to be your most confident self.

Whenever it is that you do meet your soulmate, you’ll be able to share this happiness that you’ve already found in yourself with another person.

4. Walk Through Life with Confidence

Confidence is undeniably sexy. This quality is incredibly attractive and is a sign that you truly love yourself.

Wherever you are in your personal journey, it’s essential for you to become truly confident in who you are as a person. While this confidence is important when trying to attract your true love, the first person you must be confident for is yourself.

While we all have flaws, this shouldn’t stop you from being confident that you are incredible, unique, and a person that deserves to be loved unconditionally.

5. Identify What You are Searching for in a Soulmate

Though your soulmate can be anybody, it is important that you have an idea of the type of person that you are hoping to meet.

Start this process by making a list of qualities that you hope to find in your ideal partner. This will help you identify if a potential partner has most of these qualities, making it easier to decide whether or not to pursue a relationship with that particular person.

6. Get Out and Be Active

While you don’t have to go on dates every night in hopes to find the love of your life, you certainly won’t find your future partner by sitting at home 24/7.

Now is the time to start trying new things. Have you always wanted to start a certain hobby? Is there a particular culture you’ve always wanted to learn more about? If your answer is yes, it’s up to you to get out and make these things happen.

While you’re out enjoying your life and learning more about things that you’re interested in, you’ll definitely meet people that have the same interests as you. Whether you fall in love with these people or not, you’ll be sure to learn more about yourself in the process.

7. Claim What Has Already Happened

Though we all live in the present, part of creating a mindset of abundance requires us to think about the future as if it has already happened.

Instead of saying how much you “want” to find your perfect partner, it’s time for you to start thinking that you “already have” your soulmate.

This simple shift can change everything in your life. Instead of filling your spirit with a sense of desperation, you’ve already claimed that these things are going to happen in your life.

Affirmations like “I’ve found the love of my life” will confirm what you already believe deeply in your soul.

8. Trust Your Inner Voice

As you meet new people, go on dates, and enjoy living life, you may find yourself wondering, “Is this my soulmate?”

While we can’t answer that question for you, your inner voice can.

You have to listen to your intuition to know whether or not someone is right for you. As you consider whether or not you’ve found The One, remember to be true to yourself.

With your soulmate, you’ll hear a voice deep within that tells you, “This is the one.”.

9. Keep Chemistry in Mind

Many people hoping to find their soulmate often wonder how important chemistry is in a relationship.

You won’t have great chemistry with everyone and everyone that you do have chemistry with won’t be your soulmate.

true love

That being said, be sure to pay attention to how well you both get along with each other. Do you genuinely like spending time with one another? Is it easy to talk to them about anything?

This type of chemistry is important and should be a factor in choosing your soulmate.

10. Always Choose to Be Authentic

Sometimes, we worry that someone will like us more if we hide certain things about ourselves or try to change our personalities in a certain way.

If you are tempted to pretend to be something you’re not as you try to find your soulmate, you’ll end up attracting someone that isn’t right for you.

You have to be your real self if you hope for someone to really love you for you.

If you’ve had negative experiences in the past after you revealed your true self, leave those interactions in the past. Those people weren’t right for you and that is why they are no longer part of your life.

11. Keep an Open Mind

Though you should have certain qualities in mind for the type of partner you’re looking for, you should always keep an open mind no matter what.

For some people, their soulmate is the last person that they would’ve expected. By allowing yourself to approach the idea of finding love anywhere, you’ll be prepared to welcome love with open arms when it does happen.

As you look for the right partner, try to search for people based on their intrinsic values and characteristics rather than physical attributes. While outward appearances do play a role in attraction, the most important qualities are what’s on the inside.

12. Keep Improving Yourself

Life is all about self-improvement. We should never stop trying to grow into the best versions of ourselves, even after we meet the love of our lives.

This self-improvement can take on many forms–whether you consider learning a new skill, taking a few online courses, or going to therapy, it is important to invest in things that will result in positive growth.

Consider looking through your past relationships to identify any negative patterns. Taking the time to work through these issues will help you to prepare yourself to enter into a new relationship when the time is right.

Final Thoughts on True Love

There is no secret recipe to finding your soulmate. If you’re searching for a quick-fix for falling in love, the first thing you must do is start falling in love with yourself.

Don’t give up on finding the love of your life. As you continue to live your best life and prepare for the day you meet your soulmate, be sure to keep these 12 tips in mind. The love of your life is out there, just keep believing.

Dietitians Explain 5 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight

For many, losing weight is one of many goals. But it’s something easier said than done. People try various tips and tricks and give various fad diets a go, but it’s still a tricky task. In fact, many people who lose weight regain it within a few years.

So what’s the secret to weight loss? There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to losing weight. But there are some things you can keep in mind that will help you make smarter weight loss decisions. Here’s how dietitians explain some things you need to know about losing weight.

Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know About Losing Weight

losing weight

1.    Losing Weight Is A Long-Term Commitment

Losing weight is a serious commitment and takes lots of positive thinking, discipline, and dedication. Once you start changing your lifestyle to adopt healthier habits, you’ll have to keep these habits up for the foreseeable future.

According to Lauren Slayton, a dietician, book author, MS, and RD, there isn’t truly a “maintenance” phase of weight loss. Yes, there is a point where you reach your goal weight and stop repeatedly trying to lose more, but this doesn’t mean going back to old eating habits; that will only cause you to bounce back and gain fat again.

You will have to maintain your healthy habits after hitting your goal weight. There’s no true “finish line,” so to speak. It’s essential that your new habits, eating plans, and exercise routines line up with your lifestyle. Don’t pick something impossible to keep up or something that clashes too much with what you already have going on.

The good news is that things do get a little easier after a certain point. Your cravings for unhealthy food will lessen significantly. You’ll see tons of positive benefits, including:

  • Better skin
  • Sharper focus and concentration
  • Increased levels of energy
  • Reduced risk of heart disease and other similar conditions
  • Increased life span

The truth is that any “quick fix” diet claiming to help you slim down within mere weeks isn’t worth it. Any positive effects you get from these arrangements will quickly become undone when you return to your old diet. Losing weight is a slow process, but it is worth it in the long run; so, hold on to that.

2.    Detoxing Is Unnecessary

The word “detox” has been touted as some weight loss miracle for years. Many sing praises about it. It doesn’t quite work that way, and there is virtually no scientific truth behind these claims; that’s something you need to know about losing weight.

These “cleanses” are supposed to remove toxins from your body. But all they do is put your body into starvation mode. It’s likely that a detox will help you lose weight quickly, but those few pounds you lose will build back up as soon as you stop the “detox” cleanse.

And, of course, continuing the cleanse for long periods is not a good idea. It will result in heavy levels of fatigue and malnutrition and will be the equivalent of starving yourself – something you should never do if you lose weight. (If you do so compulsively, speak to a doctor immediately.)

The Truth about Detoxing

If you go on one of these cleanses to detox your system, this is not the right method for weight loss. Your body naturally detoxifies itself and doesn’t need any help in this manner. Your kidney and livers naturally remove toxins from your body regularly, keeping you “cleansed” naturally. Attempting to make this happen yourself through a strict diet or supplements does more harm than good.

Most detox diets can be hazardous, especially for those with pre-existing medical issues. They can lead to deficient blood glucose levels, and there is no scientific evidence that they do anything for your cholesterol levels or blood pressure.

The kind of “detox” you should do isn’t a detox. Instead, it is just healthy eating. Removing junk foods and empty calories will work wonders for your system. Limit highly processed foods and increase your whole food intake, and you will see much more long-term results – and feel healthier for it.

3.    What You Drink Matters

Believe it or not, a lot of times, the biggest hindrance to losing weight can be what you are drinking. Many forget to consider that their beverages might be too high in calories. Soda, alcoholic beverages, and juices can be so packed with calories they offset any deficit you’ve been trying to work up.

The best drink you can go for is plain water, but if you’re craving something more flavorful, low-fat or fat-free varieties of milk, or perhaps some seltzer, are great options. These are all low in calories and mostly good for you! You can even add some fruit to your water for an infused drink. Water is perhaps the most necessary of these drinks for weight loss.

  • Drinking a glass before a meal can help to get you full faster, thus helping you restrict your portions.
  • Just 16 oz. of “sky juice” half an hour before lunch or dinner is a great way to help yourself feel satisfied, even with less calorie intake.
  • Studies say this practice is great for losing weight!
  • Water is also calorie-free; best of all, it can increase the rate at which you burn calories.
  • Just 10 minutes after a glass of water, your energy jumps up to 30% for an hour!
  • This means drinking water before a workout or before walking around and being on your feet can positively affect calories burned.

But how much water is enough water? Around two liters daily should suffice, or roughly eight glasses. As a rule of thumb, drink whenever you feel thirsty; don’t deprive yourself of water! Try not to let an hour go by without a drink, even if it’s just a sip.

losing weight

4.    Making Small Changes Is Okay

Some people can go all-in to a brand new diet with no holds barred and stick to it, no problem. But this is far from a reality for most people. If you’re having trouble keeping consistent with your diet, try going slowly.

You’d be surprised how small changes can make all the difference. Maybe replace your cookies with fruit, reduce the sugar you take in your drinks, or perhaps reduce your serving portions by 10% at a time until you can cut them in half!

Reducing calorie intake by just 500 per day amounts to one pound of weight loss every week – and you don’t even need to go that quickly! Combined with exercise, a little difference can go a long way. Don’t look down on the little things. Take it slowly and work to improve the next day, the next day, and the next, until you’re where you want to be.

Remember, losing weight is not a race. Take it at your own pace and relax. Don’t hesitate to push yourself when you can, but don’t overwork yourself. Doing too much and making yourself miserable is more likely to backfire than working out.

5.    Losing Weight Healthily Does Not Focus On Perfection or Comparison

Anyone whose goal in weight loss is to be perfect or look like someone else is doomed never to accomplish that feat. Starting with this toxic mentality in mind will only result in disappointment.

The problem with comparing yourself to others and wanting to be like them is that your body is entirely different from theirs. Your body stores fat differently and burn it off differently too.  Unfortunately, you will not look like the celebrity, influencer, or friend you have in mind, no matter how much positive thinking you put into it.

Instead of focusing on looking like others, put effort into being your best version. Customize your diet plans to what best suits you. Find your basal metabolic rate and work from there. Be realistic about your goals and manage your expectations.

Even more dangerous than comparison is the drive for perfection. You need to be ready to try different kinds of diet adjustments until you find something that works for you. There isn’t any one specific type of diet that can work for everyone, so be prepared to try some different types before you find the perfect one. Others may crowd your head with information, but understand that only you truly know what is best for your body.

Above all else, you need patience.

  • It can take a while to get used to a new diet, as you will be consuming fewer calories than you used to, and you may be exercising a little more so you’ll feel more tired.
  • You may also find yourself feeling more than a little obsessed with food.
  • As long as you aren’t starving yourself, you’re okay.

In addition, it may take a while to start seeing changes on the scale. You may eventually hit a weight loss plateau after a while. You may even see the number on the scale go upwards if you’re working out and muscle mass is replacing fat mass.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Expect to take small, slow steps and make reasonable changes slowly. If you have bad days, don’t take it as a permanent step back! Celebrate even the most minor improvements and don’t aim for perfection – aim never to give up!

weight loss

Final Thoughts On Things You Need To Know About Losing Weight

Weight loss is never an easy journey. But with all the misinformation on the best weight loss methods floating around the Internet, it’s important to know what’s real and what isn’t. Going about things the wrong way or starting with the wrong idea is a surefire way to fail.

By taking to heart these five things dietitians say you need to know about losing weight, your progress will be rooted in science, and you’ll have a much better chance at succeeding. Always speak to your doctor before trying any diet or weight loss plans!

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