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Science Explains 13 Anti-Aging Foods For Younger Looking Skin

Wine and cheddar cheese get better with age. Sadly, the same cannot be said for your skin. Your skin cells start to break down as you grow older.

Moreover, you start showing the first signs of aging when you are in your mid-twenties. Even though it is impossible to reverse the aging process, it is easy to slow it down and keep your skin looking young for an extended period. Maintaining beautiful and glowing skin starts with the foods that you choose to eat.

The best anti aging foods contain a lot of nutrients, antioxidants, water, and healthy fats. Research shows that eating fruits as well as vegetables is the best method that you can use to get rid of pale pigmentation and lines on your skin. Therefore, here are the anti aging foods that you can use to nourish your body and skin from within.

Best Anti Aging Foods

1. Watercress

The vegetable is filled with numerous nutrients that will not disappoint you. The green vegetable is a vital source for potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese and vitamins B-1, A, C, B-2, and K. The vegetable will act as an antiseptic to your internal skin.
Therefore, it aids in increasing the circulation and the delivery of minerals in the different cells of your body. As a result, your skin becomes oxygenated significantly. Also, vitamin A and vitamin C in watercress help you neutralize any harmful free radicals in your body.
These antioxidants will help to keep your skin free from wrinkles and fine lines. All you have to do is add one handful of the watercress in your salad. The small portion will improve your health and give you glowing skin.

2. Red Bell Pepper

These peppers are anti aging foods filled with antioxidants. Antioxidants are a vital ingredient in combating aging. Red Bell peppers also contain significant amounts of vitamin C and powerful antioxidants called carotenoids.
Vitamin C helps in generating collagen. The Carotenoids, on the other hand, are responsible for the orange, red, and yellow colors that act as plant pigments in fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids also have anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin from environmental toxins, sun damage, and pollution.

Therefore, to benefit from the red bell pepper, slice them into pieces. Eat them as a snack by dipping these slices in hummus. You can also add them to a raw salad or choose to cook them through frying.

3. Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are among the best anti aging foods because of their medicinal benefits. The fruit has been used over the centuries for healing. This is because they contain high vitamin C contents and a variation of powerful antioxidants.
Therefore, pomegranates can reduce inflammation in the body and protect your skin against harmful free radicals. They also have a property known as punicalagins that preserves the collagen in the skin. Thus, the fruit enhances the appearance of the skin by making it age slowly.

4. Spinach

Spinach is filled with antioxidants. They oxygenate the body and replenish it in the process. Thus, it is super hydrating to the entire body. Spinach is also packed with high concentrations of vitamin C that enhances the generation of collagen.
Collagen maintains the skin’s firmness and smoothness. Spinaches are anti aging foods because they are rich in lutein, magnesium, plant-based heme iron, and vitamins A, E, C, and K. The vitamin A in spinach promotes shiny, healthy hair while the vitamin k reduces inflammation in cells.

5. Blue Berries

Blueberries contain abundant amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A. They also contain the age-defying antioxidant known as anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is responsible for the deep blue color of the berries.
The antioxidant is also capable of protecting the skin from damage caused by stress, pollution, and the sun. They do this by preventing the loss of collagen and moderating the inflammatory response. Hence, eat this fruit in the morning with fruits or a smoothie to get beautiful skin.

6. Sweet Potatoes

The antioxidant called beta-carotene gives the sweet potato its orange color. This antioxidant is transformed to vitamin A. The vitamin aids in restoring the elasticity of the skin.
It also helps to boost change in skin cell, and in turn, it contributes towards making the skin soft and looking youthful. The delicious root vegetable is in the anti aging foods list because it is also a vital source for vitamins C and E. These two vitamins keep the skin complexion radiant, and they protect the skin from any harmful free radicals.
You can have sweet potatoes for your breakfast. You also eat the vegetable as a snack during the day or as part of your diet.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli helps to prevent aging as well as inflammation. This is because it is loaded with lutein, folate, antioxidants, calcium, fiber and vitamins C and K. Vitamin C aids in producing collagen.
Collagen is the primary protein that provides elasticity and strength to the skin. Hence, eat raw broccoli as a quick snack, or you can steam it before eating to enjoy its benefits. However, when you cook broccoli, you help to release its health benefits into your body.

8. Avocado

Avocados have fatty acids that fight inflammation and enhance smooth, supple skin. That is why they are anti aging foods. They also carry many different essential nutrients that prevent any adverse effects of aging.
These nutrients include potassium, B vitamins, and vitamins E, C, K, and A. The vitamin A present in avocado helps the skin to shed off dead cells. Hence, the skin is left looking smooth and shiny.

The carotenoid content in avocados also aids in blocking toxins and any damage from the rays of the sun. As a result, they protect the skin against cancerous effects. Eat avocado in a salad, on a spoon or in your smoothie.
You can also use avocado as a face mask. The avocado face mask will help to reduce redness, fight inflammation and prevent the appearance of wrinkles on your skin.

9. Papaya

Papaya is among the best anti-aging foods because it is filled with many essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All these compounds help to improve the skin’s elasticity. They also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.
Papaya also contains calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins C, E, K, and A. Therefore; papaya helps to fight the free radicals that damage the skin. They also help in delaying any signs of aging that might start to appear on your skin.

Papain is an enzyme that is contained in papaya. This is the best natural anti-inflammatory agent. Hence, the compound is found in many products used for exfoliation because of its ability to delay aging.
Therefore, if you eat papaya, you are consuming compounds that will help you disard dead skin cells making your skin vibrant and glowing. You can drizzle fresh lime juice on a plate of papaya during breakfast. Alternatively, you can make a papaya mask and apply it during your nighttime skincare routine.

10. Nuts

Many nuts are anti aging foods because they are a significant source for vitamin E. Vitamin E helps in repairing the skin tissue, protecting the skin against damage from the Ultra Violet rays and it helps the skin retain moisture. Other nuts such as walnuts have omega-3 fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory.
These fatty acids help to protect the skin against sun damage, strengthen the membrane of the cells and they give the skin a beautiful glow since they preserve its natural oil barrier. You can either eat nuts as a snack or sprinkle them on your salads. Also, consume the skin on the nuts because fifty percent of the antioxidants in the nuts are found in the skin.

11. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are among the best anti aging foods because they contain lycopene a compound that helps to protect the skin against damage. The antioxidant also enhances the elasticity of the skin by restricting the activity of collagenases. As a result, the skin is protected from getting any wrinkles.

anti aging foods

Another benefit of tomatoes is their anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain flavonoids that aid in slowing down the aging process. Therefore, add tomatoes to your salad to give your skin a wrinkle-free look.

12. Garlic

Garlic has antibacterial, antioxidant and detoxification properties. All these properties can preserve youth in your skin. Hence, garlic is good food for preventing your skin against the effects of aging.
The best way to consume garlic is if you eat it raw. You can chop it and consume it with your favorite drink. Otherwise, you can add it to your fries and roasts because it adds a pungent and spicy flavor to food.

13. Dark Chocolate

One study found that dark chocolate can prevent wrinkles. It also maintains the elasticity of the skin as well as the hydration levels of the skin. Dark chocolate also contains flavanols that prevent the ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin.
You can use chocolate to garnish your cakes. You can also add it to your morning bowl of cereals and oatmeal. If you are not afraid of the bitter taste of dark chocolate, consume it as it is to enjoy its benefits.


These anti aging foods will nourish your body and make you look like the best version of yourself. Select fruits and vegetables that are rich in color. Deep colors are usually a sign that the radical fighting ability of the vegetable or fruit is higher.
These deep colored foods are also more capable of keeping your skin vibrant and healthy. Also, add many colors to your plate because you will be giving better health to your skin. Slow down the signs of aging with glowing and healthy skin.

Science Explains 10 Reasons People Get Foot Pain

Your feet carry you throughout the day. Aches and pains might appear normal after a long day at work, exercise, or play. Foot pain isn’t always normal though. It could be the sign of another condition you’re overlooking.

Understanding Your Foot

The foot is a marvelous part of your body. Your foot contains 26 bones, 18 ligaments, 40 tendons, 20 muscles, over 200,000 nerve receptors, and 30 joints. Double those numbers to account for both of your feet.

Pain can be on the surface or radiate from deep within. Your pain can be linear, meaning occurring on both feet at once. It could also only affect one foot.

Daily wear and tear alone can cause aches and conditions, such as blisters, corns, and bunions, which increase the pain you feel. However, pain in your feet can also signal an underlying condition.

Top 10 Symptoms of Foot Pain

Your symptoms might vary depending on the cause. Some complaints are worth contacting your doctor for evaluation, but many of these you can treat at home.

1. Swelling, including toes and ankle

2. Tingling sensation

3. Numbness

4. Sharp, shooting pain

5. Dull ache

6. Blisters, warts, eczema, rash, or broken skin

7. Cramping

8. Sensation of an object lodged in your foot

9. Inflamed skin

10. Tightness when flexing the foot

10 Causes and Treatments for Foot Pain

1. Ill-fitting Footwear and High-heeled Shoes

Second to wear and tear for causing pain is wearing the wrong footwear for your feet. They might be the wrong size, width, or style for your feet. This leads to pain after short or prolonged wear.


• Blisters
• Pinching of the toes
• Pain anywhere on the foot, toes, and ankle


• If you have blisters, keep them clean and let them heal.
• Soak sore feet in warm water, Epsom salts, and 10-20 drops essential oil.
• Ditch the shoes.

You cannot alter the majority of shoes aside from using inserts, which could help if the issue is arch support. However, you cannot make shoes that are too small or large fit your feet better. Don’t believe a slightly tight shoe will expand with wear. The material and stitching on a shoe determine the stretch.

Be sure to have your foot professionally measured when possible. Try on shoes before leaving the store. Don’t wear the same shoes every single day.

2. Extensor Tendinitis

These tendons help your feet flex, so an injury to one can lead you with a tightness and pain that develops over time. A major cause of extensor tendonitis is prolonged periods on your feet. The second cause is wearing tight shoes.


• Pain on the top of your foot that worsens with use
• Stiffness
• Weakness


• Rest
• Ice therapy
• Stretching exercises, such as calve stretches
• Foot massage with pain relieving essential oils, like eucalyptus or lemongrass (1)

Severe cases might require physical therapy, steroid injection, and over-the-counter pain relief medications. Don’t forget, you can try alternatives to pain medication too. Speak with your doctor if remedies don’t bring you relief.

3. Foot Injury

Common foot injuries include:

• Broken bone
• Sprain
• Strain
• Stress fracture

You will need to visit your doctor for a correct diagnosis. Unless you have a compound fracture, you might be unaware if you’ve experienced a broken bone or fracture. Your doctor will likely order an x-ray to rule one out, as treating a break requires special treatment different from a sprain or strain.


• Swelling
• Pain when the foot flexes
• Pain when you apply pressure
• General shooting pain
• Throbbing
• Redness


Your treatment will vary depending on the cause.
• Casting for breaks might be necessary to mobilize your joints and allow your break to mend
• Physical therapy
• At-home stretches and strengthening exercises
• Wrapping with an ACE bandage
• Ice therapy
• Rest with elevation

Sprains, strains, and breaks can take weeks or months to properly heal. Rushing your recovery will likely lead to re-injury or worse. In severe cases, you might require surgery too.

4. Arthritis

Types of Arthritis that Cause Foot-related Pain (3):

• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
• Septic arthritis
• Psoriatic arthritis
• Gout (4)

Different types of arthritis affect your feet differently. You’re already at risk for foot related pain if you’ve been diagnosed with arthritis. For many, this could be the first symptom that leads to their diagnosis, so it’s important not to ignore it.


• Pain at varied degrees
• Stiffness
• Weakness
• Nodules
• Swelling of the toes or ankle


• Rest with elevation for swelling
• Foot rubs with pain relieving essential oils
• Foot soaks
• Ice or heat therapy
Prevention is the best medicine if you have arthritis, but you can’t stop all pain. Take care of your feet. Rest them and pamper your tootsies whenever possible.

5. Flat Feet

Roughly 25% of adults have flat feet or fallen arches. Three subtypes of the condition further explain why the feet are flat: flexible flat foot, short Achilles tendons, and post tibial tendon dysfunction. The latter might affect one or both feet. (5)

Some conditions can cause flat feet too, such as muscular dystrophy, obesity, and diabetes. It’s also hereditary.


• Pain after walking or standing
• Calluses
• Stiffness
• Numbness
• Pain in lower legs and/or ankles


• Orthotic inserts
• Foot massage and soaks
• Weight loss if possible
• Surgery in some cases

Over-the-counter medications can alleviate pain, swelling, and stiffness if remedies don’t work. Orthotic inserts generally help most teens and adults with flat feet. However, you’ll have to visit a professional to have them designed for your feet; OTC inserts seldom help and can worsen pain.

6. Plantar Fasciitis

Your plantar fascia is ligament in your foot. It’s responsible for supporting your arch and assists you as you walk, jog, or run. It takes a beating from everyday use. Pain can occur in one or both feet.

Obesity is a leading risk factor for plantar fasciitis. Long distance runnings and jobs that demand you remain on your feet constantly can lead to it. Pregnancy can also cause the condition, which generally clears after delivery.


• Dull to sharp pain on the mid-bottom of your foot
• Might be worse in the morning or after sitting for prolonged periods
• Might flare after physical exertion but not during
• Burning sensation


• Ice therapy
• Arch supports
• Stretching exercises and/or physical therapy (6)
• Braces
• Pain relieving essential oil massage or foot soak
• OTC anti-inflammatory medication
• Surgery is rare

7. Peripheral Neuropathy

Some conditions can put you at greater risk for peripheral neuropathy, which affects the nervous system. Pain, discomfort, or numbness can present in multiple areas because it’s not centralized to your feet. However, your feet are a common place where symptoms begin. (7)


• Tingling
• Tightness around the foot when wearing nothing
• Stabbing, sharp pain in your feet
• Numbness in your feet and toes
• Excessive sweating
• Difficulty digesting food
• Constipation or diarrhea
• Lowered blood pressure


• Address the underlying condition
• Braces
• Orthopedic shoes
• Prescription medications
• Topical creams containing capsaicin from hot peppers
• Dietary supplements, such as vitamin E, B complex, and omega-3 fatty acids (8)

Diabetic-related Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetics should never ignore abnormalities with their feet. You should seek diagnosis and foot pain treatment methods through your doctor.

8. Metatarsalgia

This painful inflammation affects the balls of your feet. Its name comes from the five bones connected to your toes or the metatarsal bones. If you partake in running or sports that require jumping, you might be at risk.

However, regularly wearing ill-fitting shoes, high-heels, arthritis, and foot abnormalities can also cause it.


• Feels like you have something in your shoe
• Burning sensation at the ball of your foot
• Tingling or numbness in your toes
• Bunions
• Symptoms worsen with running, standing, being barefoot, or high-impact sports


• Rest
• Ice therapy
• Elevation
• Foot soaks
• Foot rub
• Changing footwear
• Using custom shoes or inserts

9. Morton’s Neuroma

This sometimes-painful condition occurs on the balls of your feet. However, you can have the condition and experience intermittent to no pain like the participants in this study from 2000.

The most common causes are tight-fitting shoes and high heels that affect or change the pressure point of the nerves in your feet. A third cause is having an abnormal gait. Sometimes you will have another foot-related condition, such as flat feet or high arches.


• Burning sensation with or without pain
• Numb or tingling toes
• Difficulty walking


• Reevaluating your footwear’s size, width, and heel height
• Physical therapy
• Foot massages
• Ice therapy
• Rest
• Stretching exercises

10. Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common fungus that can cause pain and irritation on the soles and sides of your feet as well as your toes. It is highly contagious too, so it’s important to treat it as soon as possible.

Athletes are at a greater risk for contracting it, but other factors include having sweaty feet, wear tight shoes, and if you are frequently visiting places infections can easily spread like pools, locker rooms, gyms, and shared showering facilities.


• Itching
• Burning
• Cracking or peeling skin
• Dry skin


• OTC antifungal creams
• Steroid creams
• Vinegar foot soak
• Tea tree essential oil

Preventing athlete’s foot is your best defense.

8 Essential Oils for Foot Pain

• Lemongrass
• Eucalyptus
• Clove
• Lavender
• Rose geranium
• Wintergreen
• Ginger
• Juniper

essential oil to relief foot pain

Foot Soak Recipe

• 10-20 drops of essential oil
• 1/2 cup to 1 cup Epsom salts or vinegar, optional
• Basin for soaking
• Warm to hot water for soaking*
The recipe is a good base for many foot-related remedies, including calluses, bunions, and general aching. Simply combine all your ingredients in a basin, and mix until dissolved if using Epsom salts.

*If you have dry feet, use warm or cool water for your foot pain treatment. Hot water can dry out your skin more.

Foot Massage Oil Recipe

Don’t use on broken skin without the consent or advisement of your doctor.
• 3 drops of essential oil
• 1 tablespoon of carrier oil of choice
1. Mix in palm
2. Rub into affected area

You can also try advanced massage techniques or reflexology as part of your foot pain treatment.

Final Thoughts of Foot Pain

Our feet take a beating from normal daily activities. Injuries, medical conditions, and our footwear choices can cause further harm. Foot pain might be normal, but it’s not always the case.

If you believe you have any of these 10 conditions, you should visit your doctor. They will be able to diagnosis or refer you to a specialist.

Remember, if you’re a diabetic, you should contact your doctor as soon as foot related symptoms arise for a proper diagnosis and course of treatment.

Use the recipes and foot pain treatment ideas provided here to pamper your tired, achy feet any time you need a little extra TLC.

5 Bras Women Should Never Wear

Many women can attest that buying the right bras aren’t easy. While you’d love to just pick a pretty, lacey number or a practical, well-built model right off the shelf and purchase it, so much more goes into choosing a bra that really, truly works.

Unfortunately, modern fashion trends tend to ignore what the right kind of bra is. This means many women get swept up in fads that are surprisingly bad for them – especially when these trendy brands don’t talk about how much worse they are than “boring” ones!

That’s where Foxy Lingerie comes in, revolutionizing the way women shop for bras by combining style with substance. Unlike many trendy brands, Foxy Lingerie prioritizes both aesthetics and comfort, ensuring that each piece is not only beautiful but also provides the support you need. Their collection includes a variety of designs that cater to different body types and preferences, making it easier to find a bra that fits perfectly and feels amazing.

At the same time, there is very little information on how to buy the “correct” bra for one’s body. This means many who think they’re buying good, practical bras or supportive fashionable ones are doing themselves more harm than good.

The right bra is crucial to the health of your breasts, and even the health of the rest of your body. Most varieties are safe to wear, but there are some that have little to no redeeming qualities. Here are some bras women should never wear!

Here Are 5 Bras Women Should Never Wear


1.    Sticky “Invisible” Bras

The fad of sticky bras took Instagram by storm when they were first released. The idea is that they are backless and strapless so they go with any and all the clothes. They are also designed for those with smaller breasts, in order to push them together to create more pronounced cleavage.

While they seem cool, not only do they rarely ever work how they’re supposed to, but they’re also bad for your chest. These bras aren’t magically sticking without any help. They’re using a kind of glue to accomplish this – and your skin isn’t meant to handle being stuck to objects with a glue of any kind!

These bras, which use a string or clasp to pull the breasts together, are very tight on the skin in ways you may not notice. This type of tightness can lead to bad circulation, and can even cause increased sweating, which will offset the effects of the glue.

Worse still, those with sensitive skin will soon notice that the mix of glue and sweat they experience while wearing these bras gives them negative reactions. You may develop rashes or become itchy and have irritated skin. And this doesn’t even touch on the sad lack of support you get from just sticking a piece of fabric over your chest!

So what alternatives are there? Here are some options:

a)    A Push-Up Bra

Many women with smaller cup sizes use these bras for the enhancing effect. But you can achieve something similar with push-up bras! The thick padding within effectively raises the breasts to make them look larger.

Plus, most push-up bras have plenty of underwires, meaning they offer great levels of support and firmness. Many make the mistake of thinking underwire is bad for you, but they’re actually pretty positive and there is no scientific evidence to suggest that they harm you.

b)    A Strapless Bra

Sticky bras are great for doing away with annoying bra straps, but strapless bras achieve the same look. Although they’re not the best option for everyone – especially those with bigger breasts – they provide a good amount of support through close stitching, underwire, and a firm band. They also stay hidden in most tops.

c)    The Halter or Racerback Bra

Another reason you might want to use a sticky bra is because you don’t want your bra straps to show under a halter top blouse. But racerback bras solve this issue! Their straps come together in the back, remaining hidden in these circumstances.

Racerback bras also provide a lot of support as they’re better at holding breasts in place. This is even true for larger chested ladies!

d)    A Convertible Bra

If versatility is why you want a sticky bra, the convertible kind is a great choice. You can move the straps around to match your top or even remove them altogether, depending on your preferences.

e)    Go Braless!

In some situations – like if you’re wearing something backless – the best option if you don’t want a bra to be seen is not to wear one at all! Sure, you don’t get any support, but you won’t suffer skin irritation, either.

2.    Bras That Fit Badly

A whopping 80% of women are wearing a type of bra women should never wear – ill-fitting ones. A too tight bra can result in countless different kinds of health problems, including:

  • Pain in the neck
  • Pain in shoulders
  • Allergic reactions
  • Skin irritation
  • Stretched breast tissue
  • Distorted breast tissue
  • Compressed breast tissue
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Poor circulation

The best way to avoid ill-fitting bras is to try on bras the right way. Here are some things to look out for when you’re trying them, and some things to keep an eye out for when wearing bras you own.

  • Raise your arms. Your bra should not shift too much or restrict your movement.
  • You should not have “double breasts,” where your breasts bulge out over the top of the bra.
  • Your straps should not slide down.
  • You should not feel as though your shoulders are being yanked forward.
  • Your breasts should look and feel supported and not droop downwards.
  • The band at the back of your bra should never ride up.
  • Your bust should stay in place, centered, and even on your chest.
  • The middle of your bra should touch your breastbone.
  • Look out for reddish marks forming around your shoulder with bras you own.
  • Does it feel uncomfortable at all? Any time a bra feels uncomfortable, don’t rely on positive thinking to ignore it – switch to a better-fitting one.

If you wear tighter bras for better support and are just now discovering how dangerous that can be, here are some options for you:


a)    A Sports Bra

Sometimes, people buy too tight bras to keep their breasts in place better. After all, heavy movement around the bust can be uncomfortable and even painful. But not only is using a tight bra ineffective for the most part, it’s also bad for health.

Sports bras are designed to be able to hold everything in place and provide support, even during intense physical activity. Ensure you have the right size when buying them, as the band size can differ from typical bras.

b)    A Full-Support Bra

Sure, they’re not the most attractive-looking, but for everyday wear, full-support bras are great options. They’re great for those with bigger breasts, who may have trouble finding bras that fit well and resort to ill-fitting sizes. They’re practical and utilitarian, providing positive effects on breast health.

c)    The Minimizer Bra

These bras are designed to appear slimming. Someone who wears tighter bras may be trying to pull in their bust for a frame they deem more “desirable.”

Of course, the fact is that all bust sizes are beautiful. But if this is your goal, try for a minimizer bra instead. They’re extremely supportive and help press your breasts back to reduce their size for a slimmer silhouette.

3.    Plastic Bras

Plastic bras, ranging from clear transparent ones to those colored and tinted and covered with patches and designs, are all the rage right now. But wearing them directly against your skin will have the same effect as wearing any other kind of plastic underwear – and it’s not fun.

These bras are extremely uncomfortable to begin with, so investing in one usually spells awkward days ahead. But even if you’re going for fashion over comfort, these bras aren’t very breathable. This means they can cause allergies and rashes, and their lack of air circulation equals more sweat to cause these skin reactions.

On top of that, plastic bras are noisy and chafing. Every move is marked by a squeak. So if you’re buying them to feel sexy, that won’t last for long! Here are some more positive alternatives to plastic bras.

a)    A Strapless Bra

If you’re using a plastic bra to avoid obvious straps, let’s just say that no amount of transparency truly makes a bra strap invisible. It’s still going to stand out, and people are still going to see it.

A strapless bra provides support thanks to a strong band and some good underwire, and the cups come padded for a more attractive silhouette. The closeness of the cups of a strapless bra also means they’re great for support for small and medium breasts.

b)    A Bullet Bra

Yes, we’re being serious here. Bullet bras are definitely old-fashioned, but if you want an avant-garde, interesting look that resembles the fashion statement of a clear bra, these are pretty cool options!

Believe it or not, bullet bras offer tons of support. They have a lot of breast coverage, making it perfect for all breast sizes, and they create an interesting silhouette.

c)    A Lacey See-Through Bra

If the reason you wear plastic bras is for their sex appeal, there are plenty of see-through bra options fashioned from lace and softer fabrics that have the same effect, without all the downsides.

4.    Bustiers and Others With Little Support

Bustiers and other non-padded, not-quite-a-bra options are pretty popular. They’re pretty, easy to put on, and are super comfortable, so it’s no surprise that they took off.

But unless you have a very small chest, wearing bustiers all the time can lead to pain in your shoulders and neck. This is because you will lack the support you need to keep your bust’s weight held properly.

Is there really a good replacement for a bustier? Not really, as these items are almost like crop tops or even sleepwear. But there are some good alternatives you can consider for more positive bodily health. Here they are.

a)    A Front Closure Bra

If you like bustiers because they’re easy to wear, a front closure bra can provide the same. You can snap the bra on easily from the front instead of awkwardly reaching behind you to get the job done.

b)    A Convertible Bra

A bustier doesn’t look out of place with most types of clothing, so it’s very versatile. Well, so is a convertible bra. These bras allow you to remove straps or swap them around in different configurations to go with any outfit.

c)    A Sports Bra

These aren’t really what you think of when you consider a bustier-look-alike. But if you wear bustiers so they look cute when peeking out beneath low-cut clothing or ones with lots of cutouts, you can try a patterned sports bra. There are tons of options in different colors and prints so you can really show off your style!

d)    Any Fancier, More Intricate Bra

Again, if you like bustiers for their prettiness, detailed bras can do the trick. Opt for ones with lace, those with fancy designs, or even ones typically used for sexy lingerie. They’ll all look just as cute!

5.    Purely Synthetic Bras

A bra made only out of synthetic material is a big no-no. This is because a wide variety of chemicals are used when they are manufactured, and a few of these chemicals are bad ones. This means a bunch of toxins still remain in the material of these types of bras.

It’s okay for bras to have some synthetic material, of course. Pure cotton can feel stiff, so it’s rare to find pure cotton bras, and when you do find them, there’s a good chance they won’t be super comfortable. As such, opt for bras made from a mix of cotton and safely-made synthetic fabric. Spandex is a great option, and it’s stretchy for added comfort.

stop wearing bras

Final Thoughts On Some Bras Women Should Never Wear

The process of finding a good bra that truly fits well and provides support, comfort, and attractiveness is definitely difficult. Proper fittings are often necessary in order to get the right cup and band size, and doing this the wrong way can lead to many health problems.

So yes, buying the right bra can be tricky. But maintain positive thinking! Just steer clear of these 5 bras women should never wear, and you’re already on the proper track to getting the right one! On a side note, if you’re not satisfied with the size of your bosom, fret not because there are helpful methods like Breast augmentation.


Science Explains What Foods to Eat, According to Your Blood Type

Do you know your blood type? Although blood looks the same on the surface, there are eight different kinds of blood compositions according to the ABO system. They may seem arbitrary, but for blood transfusions and pregnancies, these blood types matter. But did you know that some believe you should eat different foods based on what kind of blood type you have?

When you think about it, it does make sense.

If your blood is built a certain way, wouldn’t there be specific types of habits that are most beneficial to it?

Science Explains What Foods To Eat According To Your Blood Type

Here’s how science explains what foods to eat according to your blood type.

blood type

1.    What Is The Blood Type Diet, and How Does It Work?

The blood type diet was developed by Peter J. D’Adamo, a medical doctor and naturopath, in 1996. The theory goes that the foods you choose to eat will react in a specific way with the type of blood in your body.

Lectins, which come from protein sources in food, can bind with blood antigens, thus leading to agglutination. In layman’s terms, this is the clumping of blood cells. By staying away from agglutination, the human body becomes healthier and more robust. It can supposedly provide increased energy, stronger immunity, better positive thinking, and improved fitness.

Research has suggested that blood type diets can actually show positive results for more than just its specific blood type group. These diets all contain universally acknowledged healthy habits. As the diet is also somewhat calorie restrictive, you can even expect to lose weight on it.

2.    O Blood Type Diet

The O blood type – the universal donor type – makes up 46% of the population. It has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies but without any A or B antigens. Supposedly, those who are of this blood group can very easily digest animal fats and animal proteins thanks to higher stomach acid levels.

The diet specific to those with O-positive and O-negative blood might be likened to a paleo diet or a low-carb diet as it should focus on consuming a good amount of protein. So what are the foods to eat, according to your blood type? Here’s a list of options.

a)    Meats

Lean meat, poultry, and fish are great options for those with O-type blood. Examples include cold-water fish, beef, venison, lamb, veal, mutton, mackerel, cod, and herring. Lean meats and seafood are genuinely the best bet if you aim to lose weight with this diet.

b)    Fruits and Vegetables

Those with type O blood can enjoy most, if not nearly all, fruits and vegetables. However, keep an eye on our list of foods to avoid, which specifies some veggies that should be left out of your diet.

c)    Nuts and beans

Nuts are excellent sources of healthys fats and usually have lots of protein. Beans are also suitable for those with type O blood and are packed with fiber. Again, you’ll have to cross-reference our “not to eat” list to determine which ones work best for you!

d)    Dairy

Dairy is a little tricky in a blood type O diet, as most kinds shouldn’t be eaten. However, you can enjoy cheeses, butter, and soy milk at your leisure.

e)    Grains

Mostly, those with blood type O should eat very few grains. However, there are some tolerable options. Grains such as buckwheat, rye, barley, kasha, amaranth, and millet are safe for consumption.

f)     Drinks

People often overlook beverages when planning a diet. Of course, water is always your best option, but club soda, seltzer water, wine, and tea are okay, too.

g)    Sweets

Chocolate and cocoa are acceptable type O blood treats.

h)    Add-ins

Seasonings such as iodized salt, curry, and parsley are all safe for use with this diet. Kelp-based seasoning options are also available, and honey is a good additive to most foods and drinks.

Of course, there are also some foods you should avoid if you are a type O. Carbs especially should be avoided, as they may easily be stored as fats within your body and are not as quickly processed. Here are foods not to eat if you’re blood type O.

  • Wheat and other grains
  • Most beans and lentils
  • Legumes
  • Cashews
  • Pistachios
  • Brazil nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Dairy and eggs (except as listed above)
  • Pork, bacon, and ham
  • Goose meat
  • Conch
  • Catfish
  • Caviar
  • Smoked salmon
  • Barracuda
  • Caviar
  • Pickled herring
  • Octopus
  • Poppy seeds
  • Brassica vegetables
  • Nightshade vegetables
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • Avocado
  • Leek
  • Corn
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

This diet is also recommended to be taken alongside aerobic exercise.

blood type

3.    A Blood Type Diet

The A blood type contains A antigens and anti-B antibodies. Those with this blood type typically have lower stomach acid levels, meaning they are unable to process and digest animal fats and animal proteins properly. Their immune systems are also a little more sensitive.

This is why the A blood type diet involves a vegetarian diet, focusing on organic, fresh foods with minimal additional condiments. Whether A positive or A negative, here are the types of food you can go for.

a)    Fruits and Vegetables

Those with type A blood can enjoy most, if not nearly all, fruits and vegetables. However, keep an eye on our list of foods to avoid, which specifies some that should be left out of your diet.

b)    Grain and Bread Products

Most grains can be consumed if you have type A blood, but your best options are amaranth and buckwheat. Other options include rice cakes, a variety of flours (rice, soya, oat, rye), a variety of wheat (Ezekiel, soya flour, essence, sprouted), artichoke pasta, and soba noodles.

c)    Nuts and beans

Nuts are great sources of healthy fat and usually have lots of protein. Beans are also good for those with type A blood and are packed with fiber. Again, you’ll have to cross-reference our “not to eat” list to determine which ones work best for you!

d)    Dairy

This is not the best option for those with this blood type, but some varieties of dairy do yield positive benefits. Kefir, most cheeses, yogurt, and goat milk are okay to consume.

e)    Animal Protein

Yes, most animal proteins are bad for those with type A blood. But those who do not wish to go vegetarian can opt for things such as chicken and turkey.

f)     Drinks

People often overlook beverages when planning a diet. Of course, water is always your best option, but you have additional possibilities. Green tea, coffee, and red wine all work, as well as herbal beverages such as those made from ginger, aloe, slippery elm, hawthorn, and more.

g)    Add-ins

Soy sauce, ginger, garlic, amari, and miso are all great flavoring agents for those with A type blood. Blackstrap molasses work too for adding sweetness.

Of course, there are also some foods you should avoid if you are a type A. Here is a list of them.

  • Most animal proteins and seafood
  • Eggs
  • Cashews
  • Pistachios
  • Brazil nuts
  • Grape nuts
  • Oils (corn, peanut, cottonseed, sesame, safflower)
  • Beans (garbanzo, lima, copper, red, kidney, tamarind, red)
  • Granola
  • Seven grain
  • Wheat germ
  • Cream of wheat
  • Farina
  • Wheat bran
  • Shredded wheat
  • Durum wheat
  • Familia
  • Wheat bran
  • High-protein whole wheat breads
  • Multi-grain breads
  • English muffins
  • Wheat bran muffins
  • Pumpernickel
  • Matzos
  • Pasta
  • Whole wheat flour
  • White flour
  • Nightshade vegetables
  • Peppers and capers
  • Olives
  • Mushrooms
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Pickles
  • Citrus fruits
  • Melons
  • Berries
  • Bananas
  • Mango
  • Coconut
  • Bananas
  • Rhubarb
  • Vinegar
  • Gelatin
  • Most common hot dog condiments
  • Alcohol
  • Soda
  • Seltzer water
  • Black tea

4.    B Blood Type Diet

The B blood type contains B antigens and anti-A antibodies. People with this blood type have it the easiest and can eat a lot of different food types. Essentially, they’re omnivores and have more freedom than other blood types. Here’s a good list of options for what to eat.

a)    Meats

Meat such as rabbit meat, lamb, venison, and mutton are all acceptable options. Fish is also a good choice if you opt for white fish like cod, sole, salmon, and halibut. Try to steer clear of poultry, however, and stick to lean cuts of meats.

b)    Dairy and Eggs

Low-fat dairy options are good for those with B type blood. Eggs are also an option.

c)    Fruits and Vegetables

Most fruits and vegetables are safe for consumption for this blood type. Green vegetables are some of the best kinds you can consume if you have type B blood. Eat raw veggies for best results.

d)    Grains and Cereals

These must be eaten in careful balance. Oat, spelt, and millet are great choices.

e)    Seeds and Nuts

These foods are wonderful protein sources, and walnuts are your best option!

f)     Legumes

Also rich in protein, these are low in fat and contain tons of fiber and minerals.

g)    Drinks

People often overlook beverages when planning a diet. Stick to water for best results.

h)    Add-ins

For better flavor, experiment with cayenne pepper, curry, ginger, and horseradish.

Of course, there are also some foods you should avoid if you are a type B. Eating these foods can lead to weight gain and cause tiredness, excess blood glucose, and decreased positive thinking. Here is a list of them.

  • Chicken
  • Duck
  • Pork
  • High-fat dairy products
  • Shellfish
  • Corn
  • Black beans
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Lentils
  • Peanuts
  • Sesame seeds
  • Tomatoes
  • Pomegranate
  • Coconut
  • Avocados
  • Pumpkin
  • Buckwheat
  • Rye
  • Wheat
  • Pepper
  • American cheese
  • Blue cheese
  • Ketchup
  • Distilled liquor

5.    AB Blood Type Diet

The AB blood type is the rarest of all and the newest addition to the ABO blood groups. People with these blood types may have both A and B antigens, but no anti-A or anti-B antibodies whatsoever, making them a universal recipient.

Those with AB blood types have lower stomach acid, much like those with A blood types. But they are able to eat more meats thanks to their blood B adaptations. This means they have more food options. However, it is recommended that those with this blood type eat in smaller portions so their digestion does not suffer. Here’s a good list of options for what to eat.

a)    Meats

Most meats are perfectly fine for those with AB type blood. Turkey, mutton, rabbit, lamb, and white fish are good options, but go for lean cuts.

b)    Dairy

You have many dairy options with AB blood. Cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, and goat milk are all fine and good, but try to go for low-fat options.

c)    Nuts

Nuts are great sources of positive fat and usually have lots of protein. You’ll have to cross-reference our “not to eat” list to determine which ones work best for you!

d)    Grains

A lot of grains and wheat products are good for AB blood types. Oatmeal, brans (rice and oat), spelt, rye, millet, rice, and rice flour – including things made from it – are safe bets.

e)    Fruits and Vegetables

Those with type AB blood can enjoy most, if not nearly all, fruits and vegetables – leafy greens especially! However, keep an eye on our list of foods to avoid, which specifies some that should be left out of your diet.

f)     Add-ins

If you need some spices and flavors, opt for curry, parsley, kelp, horseradish, garlic, or miso.

g)    Drinks

People often overlook beverages when planning a diet. Of course, water is always your best option, but you have additional possibilities. Green tea, beer, and wine work in moderation.

Of course, there are also some foods you should avoid if you are a type AB. Here is a list of them.

  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Pork
  • Most seafood
  • Shellfish
  • Cured meats
  • Smoked meats
  • Butter and buttermilk
  • Whole milk
  • Some cheeses (blue and American)
  • Ice cream and sherbet
  • Seed oils (sunflower, poppy, sesame, pumpkin)
  • Seeds (same as above)
  • Most beans
  • Guava
  • Mango
  • Orange
  • Banana
  • Coconut
  • Avocado
  • Peppers
  • Artichoke
  • Radish
  • Corn
  • Buckwheat
  • Soba noodles
  • Wheat
  • Vinegar
  • Caffeine
  • Soda
  • Distilled liquor

blood type personality

Final Thoughts On What Foods To Eat According To Your Blood Type

If you’re looking to make a positive lifestyle change in a way that may be specifically beneficial to your unique body, the blood type diet is a good way to go. Knowing which types of foods work best for you and make you feel good is a great place to start on a journey to a happier, healthier life.

Talk to your doctor before switching your eating habits, of course. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, especially one that requires a certain diet, do not begin the blood type diet without a doctor’s agreement.

5 Signs You’re Getting Sick (Many People Ignore)

Are you one of those people who always try to “tough it out” when feeling sick? Do you “forget” symptoms of illness, thinking that they’re not a big deal or that they’ll go away? While your resilience is admirable, ignoring or trying to “beat” sickness symptoms is a bad idea.

In this article, we will discuss five top signs you’re getting sick. We’ll also explain why ignoring illness is not a good idea. Finally, we’ll provide some pointers about what to do to help prevent getting sick!

Why you should call in sick

While you’re undoubtedly important, it’s not all about you when you’re sick. By ignoring signs of illness, you’re not doing yourself, your colleagues, or your community any favors by venturing out of your house.

The biggest issue it seems that people have when sick is missing work. Though you may feel guilty about calling in, there are plenty of good reasons to stay home. Most employers offer sick days to avoid unwell employees causing problems – such as these:

Making your colleagues sick:

While soldiering on and getting into work may seem like the right thing to do, it isn’t. Anyone who comes into close contact with you – say, one meter (3 feet) – risks getting what you have. When employees come to work with a virus or infection, the risk of infection in the workplace is much higher than average.

Prolonged absence:

Heading out of the house is not conducive to recovery from illness. There’s a good reason why bed rest is “prescribed” by doctors to patients who are sick – it’s absolutely crucial. Staying home when your body is battling an illness drastically increases the chances of full recovery while decreasing the chances of spreading your sickness to others.

Spread of illness:

While resistant bacterial strains are partially to blame for bad cold and flu seasons, people who expose the illness to others – willingly or unwillingly – are the main contributing factor to the outbreak. When you’re sick and head outside anyway, you risk passing what you’ve got to everyone with whom you come into contact.

Be a responsible employee and person. Even if you don’t like your job, you are essentially wasting your employer’s time and money by sticking around when sick.

A year-long study of 29,000 adults estimates the cost of presenteeism – workers who attend work while sick – at around $150 billion. Additional studies confirm that presenteeism is costlier than illness-related absenteeism (staying home when sick) or disability costs!

Here are five signs you’re getting sick that many people ignore:


  1. You’ve got the chills – and they’re spreading.

No, it’s not just your imagination; chills are not a typical body response.  Body chills are usually indicative of a surfacing illness. For example, influenza (the flu) features quick onset of chills along with fatigue. The common cold may also include chills paired with an irritated throat. (If you’re unsure as to whether you have one or the other, bear in mind that flu symptoms usually come on much faster.)

If you experience chills – especially if accompanied by other symptoms – make sure to drink plenty of water and get bed rest. Don’t further risk your health by heading outside or going to work!

  1. Your stomach won’t settle down – even after using the toilet.

Ugh. There’s not much worse than a stomach that refuses to calm down. The cause of common symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain is gastroenteritis – inflammation of the digestive tract. Another reason for tummy trouble is stomach flu which, in addition to the above symptoms, may include a low-grade fever and vomiting.

Stomach flu is highly contagious and potentially dangerous for some people. Do yourself and others a favor: drink plenty of fluids and stay home!

  1. You’re pouring sweat – and it’s not stopping.

If you’re profusely sweating, it’s safe to say that you aren’t in good shape to go anywhere. You’re probably experiencing additional symptoms besides sweating, like chills and fever. If so, you may be coming down with an infection.

If you continue to have bad sweats, speak with a doctor. Additionally, if your physician recently prescribed medications, speak with them about it; excessive sweating may indicate a medication intolerance or side effect. Although rare, excessive sweating may signify severe medical conditions like cancer, heart disease, or lung disease.

  1. You’re not hungry – for no good reason.

If you enjoy eating large meals, suddenly having your appetite snatched away is just, well, weird. It turns out that there may be medical reasons for this strange symptom, including gastroenteritis and bacterial infection. Loss of appetite may also indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder or depression. Another reason may be food intolerance, though other symptoms will likely accompany this.

  1. You’re feeling mentally drained – and losing interest.

Loss of mental energy affects almost every aspect of life – ask any person suffering from depression or an anxiety disorder. Brain fog is an umbrella pseudo-medical term used to describe the presence of mental lethargy, difficulty paying attention, and a slowed response to stimuli. Several medical conditions, including fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome can cause brain fog.

If the mental doldrums don’t go away after a few days, consider scheduling a doctor’s appointment to rule out more serious conditions. If other symptoms accompany the brain fog, make sure to let your doctor know.


Final Thoughts: How to Prevent Getting Sick

While no tip can entirely safeguard us from illness, there certainly are concrete steps you can take that will drastically reduce the risks. Here are ten quick tips for preventing illness:

  1. Eat dark green vegetables

Dark green, leafy veggies are packed with vitamins that support a healthy immune system. In a lab mice study, the rodents fed cruciferous vegetables produced 70-80 percent more cell surface-level proteins necessary for practical immune function than those without veggies.

  1. Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation decreases the body’s levels of infection-fighting antibodies. The body sheds more immune cells throughout extended periods of sleep deprivation, increasing the risk of infection. Adequate sleep during times of illness also speeds recovery.

  1. Lay off alcohol

Research demonstrates that regular alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of bacterial and viral infections. Drinking alcohol damages dendritic cells, a vital infection-fighting component of the immune system.

  1. Get vitamin Dimmune system

Vitamin D deficiencies are shown to contribute to a weakened immune system. Good food sources of vitamin D include beef liver, canned tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms, and salmon. You may choose to take “D” supplements; ensure that the product contains D3 (cholecalciferol) as it can more effectively raise your blood levels of vitamin D than other types.

  1. Exercise

Regular exercise is good for just about everything regarding human health. Per a study published in Neurologic Clinicians, routine exercise boosts the production and circulation of white blood cells, reduces stress and stress-related hormones, lowers the risk of chronic disease, and helps to normalize the immune response.

  1. Practice meditation or yoga

The regulation of personal stress is an overlooked yet important part of lowering infection risk. Learning even the basics of meditation or yoga (or both!) also promotes mental health. The latter also includes physical elements.

  1. Get a flu shot

Everyone over the age of six months should get an annual flu vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If the measles outbreak in the U.S. teaches us anything, it’s this: get vaccinated!

  1. Drink some green tea

Freshly-brewed green tea may help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The antioxidants in green tea may also help ward off infection. Just ensure that the tea product is freshly brewed. Also, you may need to drink upwards of 3-5 cups of tea daily to realize its full benefits for health.

  1. Stay away from sick people

Unless you’re tending to a sick kid or working in a hospital, you shouldn’t be anywhere near someone you know to be sick. Most bacterial and viral infections are highly contagious, particularly when you’re near the other person. Members of your household who are sick should remain in their bedroom whenever possible.

  1. Drink water

The human body is made up of between 60-65 percent water, making H2O by far the most abundant resource in the human body. Unsurprisingly, water is directly or indirectly responsible for just about every bodily function. Concerning illness, adequate water intake carries oxygen to the immune system and flushes toxins from the system. All things being equal, drinking plenty of water even when you’re healthy is probably the best thing you can do to prevent getting sick. If you do get sick, drinking water may help to speed recovery!

Editorial note 08/22/2023: Updated study links

10 Signs of A Verbally Abusive Relationship Most People Ignore

Verbal abuse is often overlooked. It may be considered “less serious” than physical abuse, but the truth is that it can be just as painful and damaging to one’s physical and mental health. It can ruin lives, and the worst part is many people don’t realize that until it’s too late. The trouble is that verbal abuse can be very subtle. It can build slowly and gradually, and if you miss the small red flags, you might find yourself in a highly toxic situation. Here are some signs of a verbally abusive relationship most people ignore.

10 Signs Of A Verbally Abusive Relationship Most People Ignore

1.    They Are Overly Possessive And Jealous

Yes, jealousy is a natural feeling in some situations. But someone who is overly controlling and gets irrationally angry when they see you speaking to others is a step away from being verbally abusive – if they aren’t already.

Many overly jealous individuals will constantly think you are cheating on them in romantic relationships. They deal with heavy levels of insecurity and, instead of working through that, take it out on you. They might see flirting when you’re just being friendly to someone, or suspect that you’re cheating for no reason. Some examples of things they will say are:

  • Hope you had fun flirting with that guy again.
  • I’m pretty sure you’re cheating on me.
  • I saw how you looked at that girl! I wasn’t born yesterday!

Jealousy is an irrational emotion, and it can lead to someone controlling you and cutting you off from your external support system (family, friends, and colleagues). They may always demand to know where you are and who you’re with, like an overprotective parent. So be careful with someone who turns into the green-eyed monster too often.

2.    They Blame You For Everything

Taking responsibility for your actions is crucial in a healthy, positive relationship. It makes sense that you will make mistakes and be at fault every now and then. So if you always seem to be the one who has to take the blame, you could be in a verbally abusive relationship.

Blame is an exceedingly common component to emotional and verbal abuse, says licensed professional counselor Rachel Ann Dine. It signifies an emotionally immature, insecure person who never wants to be in the wrong. And they don’t just blame you over mishaps and misunderstandings – they blame you for everything. For example:

  • I wouldn’t be shouting if you weren’t so stubborn and unreasonable!
  • Look what you made me do!
  • You’re the reason we’re always late.
  • I didn’t misunderstand you; you just have to be clearer.
  • You made me upset; that’s why I’m doing this!
  • You wouldn’t think it was bad if you just had more positive thinking.

You may find yourself always saying you’re sorry, wondering if you’re remembering things incorrectly (see our point on gaslighting further down), and questioning whether you even deserve to be upset.

3.    They Embarrass You In Public

We’re not referring to light, gentle teasing, and banter that’s all in good fun and makes you laugh. We’re talking about direct attempts to shame and humiliate you around others – a horribly disrespectful act.

Someone who talks smack about you to friends, family members, and anyone who will listen is being verbally abusive. If you’re there, you’ll be humiliated. If you’re not there, people get a bad impression of you and you can’t defend yourself.

This even goes for reasonable comments about something you’ve done. Someone who would rather bring it up in front of an audience and put you on the spot than discuss the problem behind closed doors is relying on your feelings of embarrassment to get their way. No one should attempt to air out your dirty laundry like that.

4.    They Say Demeaning, Derogatory Things

Someone who is verbally abusive may say cutting, scathing remarks that demean you horribly or put down an entire group of people based on your actions. It’s unhealthy and shows clear disrespect. Here are some examples of what they might say:

  • Wow, you sure don’t care about looking good, huh?
  • Of course, you’re crying. You women are so sensitive.
  • Yeah, I knew you’d do that; you Indians always do that.
  • Why can’t you be strong like other men?
  • I see you decided against the salad again. Geez, no wonder you hate your size.

Some verbal abusers will frame this as just sarcasm and say they have a dry or dark sense of humor. But the bottom line is that if it makes you uncomfortable, someone important in your life will not continue that behavior.

5.    They Belittle You And Discount Your Experiences

It doesn’t matter how knowledgeable you are about something. A verbal abuser will always find a way to put down your intelligence, belittle your knowledge or skill, and discount your experiences.

The same goes for disagreements. If you have a differing opinion, no matter how positive you are when you state it, a verbal abuser will never fire back with something fair. Instead, they will tell you that you don’t know what you’re talking about and interrupt you, speaking over you so they “win.”

You will also be struck by this if you have a concern to bring up with them. Even if you tell them what you have been through or how you feel, they will find a way to tell you that you have it all wrong. They have no interest in listening to you – only in emerging the victor of a conversation contest you never agreed to compete in.

6.    You Find Yourself Thinking Twice Before You Speak

Words matter and no one can fault you for choosing to be careful with what you say so you don’t hurt someone else. But what happens when this is taken to an extreme? You might have to be extremely careful about phrasing, knowing from experience that even one wrong word could have you on the receiving end of anger and screaming.

No amount of positive thinking can calm the anxiety you might get from being around a verbal abuser. It can give you anxiety as you struggle to choose your words carefully so you don’t anger them and end up on the receiving end of their wrath. You’re walking on eggshells, always.

7.    They Call You Names

Although it is one of the easiest types of verbal abuse to recognize, some still make the mistake of ignoring name calling. Sure, direct insults are easy to spot. But when disguised as a joke and followed by, “Ah, lighten up, I’m just kidding!” it gets more difficult to see it clearly.

Name-calling can go a step further, too. Someone who knows you well may try to use your insecurities against you to break you down in an argument. Then, they’ll blow it off, call it a pet name or say they’re only teasing. Examples of name-calling include:

  • No wonder people say you’re stupid.
  • It’s okay, sweetie, you’re too dumb to understand this.
  • Why are you always such a jerk?

Sometimes, people say bad things by accident, or in the heat of the moment, says Licensed Clinical Social Worker and relationship counselor Raffi Bilek. It’s okay to slip up sometimes, as long as it is followed by an apology and a clear effort to be more careful next time. Repeated name-calling with no sign of change is never a good thing.

8.    They Make You Feel Like You’re Going Crazy

Gaslighting is a terrible sign of a verbally abusive relationship most people ignore. It is a form of manipulation designed to make you doubt your memory and your side of the story. According to Licensed Clinical Social Worker Sharea Farmer, it can cause you to feel like you are losing your sense of reality. You’ll feel like you’re going insane.

Gaslighting is commonly used in arguments to twist situations in favor of the verbal abuser. They might try to change your memory of an event to suit their needs. It may also be a way for someone to trick you into thinking your reactions or emotions are unreasonable or unwarranted, claiming you are too sensitive.

A gaslighter may say you’re forgetful so it makes sense that you don’t remember how something happened. They may tell you a concern you have is just all in your head and not real. Ultimately, this only makes you feel like you’re at fault, and it can cause you to lose confidence in yourself.

9.    They Criticize Everything You Do

A little constructive criticism is good for you. But if you’re constantly being criticized even over the smallest, most trivial things, you may be a victim of verbal abuse. This is a calculated attack on your self-esteem and confidence. For example, they may say:

  • Why are you always so messy? This is exactly why no one likes you.
  • Stop being so depressed; it makes me miserable around you.
  • You keep screwing up everything!
  • There you go again, being so sensitive.
  • I can always rely on your forgetfulness to ruin our dates.

Someone verbally abusive might shame you for being too neat, too slow, too cheerful, or too ill. You might feel you can never do right by them.

10. They Threaten and Manipulate You

Manipulation is a painful game, and it’s a form of “minor” threat – if any threat can be considered minor. A manipulator will try to control you by threatening you with ideas, such as:

  • If you really loved me, you would do this for me.
  • Fine, go through with that, but then everyone will see what a selfish person you are.
  • You’d be nothing without me.
  • You’re lucky I even chose to date you in the first place.

But threats go beyond just this type of manipulation. Sometimes, threats escalate to dangerous levels, even if they’re said so gently that you can’t be sure if the intent is truly sinister. A verbal abuser might threaten you by saying things like:

  • Honestly, no one would blame me for however I reacted if you did that.
  • Better be careful with that – I might just take the kids and sell the house while you’re gone.
  • Go on, do that to me then. I hope you won’t miss that guitar you love so much.

Direct threats may also be used, such as:

  • Don’t make me hit you.
  • I’ll ruin your life if you do that.
  • If you leave me, I will kill myself.

This kind of verbal abuse hints that it will escalate into physical abuse, and it can be dangerous to stay in a situation where you are facing threats. Both manipulation and violent threats are designed to control you and force to do something indirectly. Recognize the signs and seek help if this is happening to you.


Final Thoughts On Signs Of Verbally Abusive Relationships Most People Ignore

No one deserves to be in an abusive situation. It’s not something you can learn to live with, and it shouldn’t be. Remember, no amount of positive thinking can help you when someone is verbally abusive; this type of abuse is never your fault.

If you think you are being verbally abused, or someone in your life or home exhibits a number of these 10 signs of a verbally abusive relationship most people ignore, reach out for help. You can contact the National Domestic Violence hotline of the US at 1-800-799-7233.

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