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7 Signs He Is Worth Marrying

Marriage is a serious commitment. In days when divorce rates are at an all-time high, choosing the right life partner to truly go the distance with is difficult. It can make the decision to marry seem that much more daunting and nerve-wracking. So how do you know your partner is worth marrying?

When you’re so close to a situation – or in this case, a relationship – it can be difficult to remain fully objective. You might not see certain warning signs or may not realize that you’re missing some essential components of a long-lasting marriage.

So what truly shows that your partner and your relationship have what it takes to fulfill the vows of “to death do us part”? The answers are actually quite simple, but they might just surprise you. Here are some signs he is worth marrying.

Here Are 7 Signs He Is Worth Marrying

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1.    Communication Is Excellent

Communication is key in any relationship. Without effective, positive communication, you cannot safely build a relationship or a meaningful partnership that is capable of withstanding the test of time.

A marriage involves two different people, with different ways of seeing the world, different ways of thinking, and different ideas – and the only way to make that work is to really, truly talk. This means that when there is an issue, you and your partner will be happy to talk about it without pretense and with complete honesty.

Of course, communication isn’t just about solving problems. It’s also about closeness and intimacy. It means your partner tells you about their day and asks you about yours, and you both really listen as the other speaks. You can talk about anything, from silly and ridiculous conversations to deep, intellectual discussions.

This also means you are both comfortable going to each other when you have good and bad news, worries and concerns, or new goals and dreams. You’re happy to share everything with each other; if you need boundaries, you make them clear and both respect them. You’re open and honest about your needs and can communicate them with respect.

  • A man who is worth marrying will listen to your woes and worries.
  • He will value your opinions and your concerns, and truly try to understand what you say and see things from your perspective.
  • It goes without saying that you should be doing the same for him.

2.    He Is Emotionally and Mentally Mature

Emotional maturity is so important in marriages. It means someone can be honest with themselves, perform introspection, and be real about their feelings without fear of being perceived as weak.

  • A mature partner has his own life and doesn’t entirely revolve around you.
  • While you are always his number one priority, he has a job and career goals. He has his own set of interests and hobbies.
  • He has fulfilling platonic or familial relationships with others.
  • He’s always looking to improve himself and gain more knowledge as he goes.

This also means he isn’t caught up in toxic ideas of masculinity. He admits his errors and works on himself, and he understands the difference between being confident and being cocky. If he has some emotional baggage, he isn’t going to use it as an excuse to drag you down. What is more, he knows it’s something he can feel your support for, but must work on himself.

A man worth marrying doesn’t necessarily stop being fun, humorous, or have moments of childishness. But he does know how to strike a balance and when it’s time to be serious. He isn’t driven by impulse, instead being emotionally open and taking on roles of responsibility in a positive way.

3.    You Respect Each Other

Two people cannot truly ever be together if they do not respect each other. When you look to your man, you should be able to admire his values, his strength, and his soul, just as he admires and respects yours. You view each other in a beautiful, positive light.

If you find that your partner makes fun of you, belittles you, or speaks negatively about you to his friends, colleagues, or family, he’s not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Of course, the same goes for you. You should feel respect for your partner, not seek to bring him down or complain about him to others.

4.    He Is Good To Others

Someone who is only kind to you but treats everyone else like garbage is simply not marriage material. Why? Because this means he isn’t truly kind and respectful; he only pretends to be that way around you. Or maybe you inspire him to treat you well, which sounds romantic until you realize that at some point, the cracks are going to start to appear in the facade.

  • A good man treats everyone well.
  • He is kind to colleagues, friends, and family.
  • A good man is equally compassionate to his boss, waiters, cleaners, taxi drivers, and people he looks up to.
  • He doesn’t lose his cool on service workers who make mistakes.

A man who is worth marrying is the same person around you as he is when you’re not around. He doesn’t have to put on a nice act around you to get your approval. He doesn’t have to put on a “cool” act around friends to get their approval. He’s a good, kind person, through and through – no deception involved. And you are, too.

5.    His Goal In Arguments Is To Reach Understanding

Fights and arguments are a normal part of a relationship, and the odd quibble every now and then is not an indication of a bad relationship. But the way he chooses to handle those arguments says everything.

Many people can get very fiery during fights, and this is where things like pride and ego can get in the way. Someone who becomes blinded by these emotions is often unable to see reason or find a compromise; their focus is on being right or “winning” the argument.

When you and your man are able to put aside pettiness and face an argument respectfully, there’s a good chance he is worth marrying. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t have opinions or that he shies away from conflict. It just means he understands how to disagree and solve problems in a healthy way.

Couples have to be able to solve problems together in order to withstand the test of time. Relationship issues are relatively minor compared to potential tragedies and hard times that may come along further down the marriage. Healthy, positive problem-solving must be a norm in order for a marriage to survive the worst of times.

It’s important for couples to understand that it shouldn’t be Person A versus Person B during arguments; it should be the couple versus the argument. The goal is always to understand each other’s point of view and find a solution that makes both of you happy or is the best for both of you. If you and your partner know this, you’re on the right track.

6.    You Can Always Rely On Him

In a marriage, you are each other’s sanctuary. In times of trouble, you know the other person has your back. The same goes for any serious relationship. Erica Curtis, a family and marriage therapist, states that a couple that knows how to cope with difficulties together and trust each other through good times and bad are ready for marriage.

  • Think of the worst things life can send your way.
  • Can you rely on your partner in these times?
  • Or have past experiences taught you that it’s best not to rely on him for more serious matters?
  • This differentiates the average relationship for a strong potential marriage.

According to research published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, couples with long-lasting partnerships tend to have similar manners of fighting. This means they handle conflict in the same way, usually by remaining calm and communicating constructively.

So if you and your partner practice a proactive approach with positive thinking to problems, you are more likely to find your way through them together. This is why your partner has to be reliable enough to keep their cool in difficult situations, and you should be, too.

7.    You Love Each Other For Who You Are

marriage quote

This should go without saying, but you’d be surprised how many people overlook this seemingly simple rule. You have to love your partner for everything they are, and they have to do the same for you. If you seek to change parts of him and he seeks to change parts of you, it’s going to end in disaster.

Many people say that familiarity breeds contempt. That’s why one of the surest signs that you and your man are meant to be is that you love each other’s quirks. You never use these negative qualities against one another; if anything, those imperfections make you fall even more in love.

According to research, many people are first captivated by appearances, smooth charisma, and even money when first attracted to someone. But the thing that determines a relationship’s longevity is both liking and accepting all the idiosyncrasies each partner has to offer. So if you and your partner embrace the “weirdness” in each other, that’s a sure sign he is worth marrying!

Flaws and imperfections are part and parcel of being human. Of course, there is always room to improve. But talking about harmful behaviors, or the way your partner accidentally hurts you, is different from demanding that they change who they are. Most importantly, the keyword in self-improvement is “self.” You want to grow and become better for no one other than yourself.

If someone can look at your flaws, smile, and say “I love you all the same” – not condoning your flaws, and not condemning them either – and you can do the same for them wholeheartedly, he is worth marrying. Remember, to marry someone, you have to do more than love them … you have to like them, too.

Final Thoughts On Signs He Is Worth Marrying

A healthy relationship is one that can stand trials and tribulations and emerge stronger than ever. In order for that to translate into a long-lasting marriage, you need to be sure you are both ready for the commitment. And of course, this means you need to display these signs, too – not just the man you want to go the distance with.

But even if your partner doesn’t meet the 7 signs he is worth marrying, that doesn’t mean that all is lost. Sometimes, it just means your relationship needs to bloom and mature a little more before you decide to tie the knot. Sit down and talk about these issues with your partner so you’re on the same page. Work together towards being the spouses you both deserve.

Psychologists Explain 10 Reasons to Never Suppress Your Feelings

For some reason in our society, showing how we feel is considered a weakness. Because of this, most people suppress how they feel daily, and this can lead to pretty nasty problems down the road. While society seems to glorify hiding your feelings, doing so will mean that you hold onto all the problems that weigh you down instead of releasing them and finding a solution.

You have to take time to feel the emotions instead of burying them, because they will come out at some point. It’s much better to let your feelings out than allow them to fester and intensify. When you express how you feel, you give yourself a chance to find a solution to the problem and the emotions. You face the emotion head on instead of running away from it.

Below, we’ll go over some reasons why you should express yourself instead of burying how you really feel.

Here are 10 reasons why you should never suppress your feelings:

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” – Sigmund Freud

  1. You might become more forgetful.

A Stanford University study showed that when you suppress an emotion, your incidental memory becomes impaired as long as you keep that emotion buried. You often process memories at night while you dream, so you may find that you’re having fewer dreams if you stifle how you feel.

Dreams help you work things out in your daily life, so you might feel more scatterbrained and lost as you go about your day. Of course, most people don’t want to remember things that cause them pain, so they think suppressing that memory or emotion will help them overcome the incident. However, this might lead to more problems down the road since the emotions will inevitably come to the surface.

  1. You will feel mentally drained.

Because of the energy it takes to put on a smile while you feel like the world is collapsing around you, people might say that you seem more tired than usual. This is normal, because anyone who continuously tries to maintain composure while dealing with negative reaction will seem drained. The key is to not let your emotions get to you. Having a healthy outlet, such as music, drawing, writing, or exercising, will help you get your sentiments out and maintain a balanced mindset.

  1. Your relationships will suffer.

Most people who allow negative emotions to weigh them down take out their problems on close family members. They don’t mean to cause a rift, but it inevitably happens when you don’t deal with your natural responses. When you suppress your emotions, you might lash out more at your spouse or family. Little things that didn’t bother you before may start getting to you.

If the emotions you face have to do with a person close to you, getting angry or passive-aggressive won’t solve the problem. You have to sit down with that person and iron out the issues so that you both can either have a healthy relationship or move on with your lives.

  1. Your sleep will become affected.

When you suppress your emotions, you might find yourself lying awake at night mulling over the problems you face. The longer you deny the problems and feelings you have in your daily life, the more you will deal with insomnia.

Studies show that insomnia can cause mood problems, especially if it occurs most nights of the week. Of course, low moods might cause the tossing and turning indicative of insomnia; either way, you should tackle the suppressed emotions so that you can sleep better at night.

  1. Your physical health may decline.

The same Stanford study that confirmed suppressed emotions cause memory problems also found that hidden negative emotions can lead to cardiovascular problems.

Your heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration increase when your cortisol levels go up, and when you suppress emotions, your body absorbs that stress. So, to make sure you keep your reactions from harming your physical health, you should exercise at least 30 minutes per day and maintain a healthy diet.

  1. You might gain weight by suppressing your feelings.

Many people who let negative responses get to them find an outlet in comfort foods. While they might taste great and provide temporary relief, unfortunately, they can also cause a myriad of health issues. Eating to suppress emotions can cause problems such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and more.

Not to mention, drowning your feelings in food will only create an unhealthy cycle of feeling bad, bingeing to deal with the feelings, and gaining weight. If you find yourself using food to cope with feelings, talk to a therapist or another licensed professional who can help you.

  1. Your digestion might suffer.

From upset stomach and ulcers to acid reflux and constipation, you may suffer from many different digestive issues when you suppress your feelings. Stress from holding onto negative emotions sends your body into fight-or-flight mode, which can wreak havoc on the internal systems.

You might find that you feel bloated or gassy as well, because stress can alter the bacteria in your gut.

  1. Your brain won’t work correctly.

The part of your brain near your forehead, the temporal lobe, helps you cope with negative emotions and throw them away if they aren’t useful for your survival. Unfortunately, when you suppress your feelings, this part of the brain becomes impacted.

Of course, life comes with a lot of problems which can exacerbate negative thinking. In order to combat this, you have to learn to not take anything personally. In other words, go with the flow and don’t try to force things. Don’t let people’s words and actions affect you too much either, because most of the time, they’re acting out of fear and pain. By learning coping skills that help you deal with all the negative situations in life, you will find that you don’t suppress your feelings nearly as much because you don’t let your emotions get to you in the first place.

Keep this quote from Don Miguel Ruiz in mind: “Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.”

  1. Negative emotions can warn you of impending danger.

negative emotions

When you suppress your feelings, your body won’t be as alert to threats. For instance, if you have buried your emotions in regard to an unhealthy relationship, you will treat the relationship as normal when in reality, it is toxic for your mental health. In other words, you become used to the chaos and find comfort in it, but you can’t see the damage it’s doing to your mind and body.

Instead of hiding your emotions, examine them to see if you can uncover any clues about your personal life. By addressing these negative feelings instead of suppressing your emotions, you will finally be able to move forward instead of allowing the situations causing your pain to cloud your judgement.

  1. Negative feelings make you human.

We preach positive thinking a lot on this site, but it’s equally important to remember to nourish your darkness. We have been taught to be afraid of negative emotions and hide them as much as possible. The result? A largely fake society where people have become more like mannequins. No one feels like smiling and being happy all the time, so if you don’t feel like being positive, don’t be!

The dark side of you contains many answers about life, so don’t suppress it. Allow it to come to the surface every once in a while, and just sit with your feelings. Nothing good comes from trying to be someone you’re not or ignoring your negative feelings. Never feel guilty for feeling a certain way, because humans can feel a variety of emotions and aren’t meant to remain happy at all times.

Final thoughts

As you can see, when you suppress your emotions, you only prolong the pain and cause more damage in the long run. As much as society tries to tell you to shine your light on the world, you also need to spend time getting to know your darkness.

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, so oftentimes, we’re left to figure it out on our own. However, if you only remember one thing about life, keep it in your mind that you don’t have to put on a mask for others. You don’t have to smile when you feel like you’re dying inside. Smile when you feel like it, and be sad when you feel like it. Keep things simple, and you will finally feel free instead of guilt tripping yourself about being negative.

Of course, we want everyone to feel happy, but it’s unrealistic to expect this at all hours of the day and night!

Here’s to being authentic and showing how you feel, even if it’s not what society expects of us.

If You Struggle With Depression, Here Are 10 Natural Treatments

Depression is a serious issue affecting more people than one may think. Some treatments can be harsh and reduce the quality of life for those who suffer. One of the best ways to fight it head-on is to figure out the root cause of your condition.

While any one treatment may not work for everyone, there are plenty of natural methods that anyone can try. It is all about finding the best combination that works for you.

Here are a few tips to get you motivated and feeling better:

  • Don’t stay still.
  • Get up, walk, dance, work out, move your body. This creates endorphins and endorphins generate a sense of happiness and well-being.
  • Don’t skip meals, but do try to go for healthier options that enhance serotonin.

Here are a few serotonin-enhancing foods you can try.

  • Foods high in Omega 3s
  • Eggs, salmon, and spinach
  • Healthy Fats

Avoid things like caffeine and get plenty of sunlight. Rule out medical issues that may be the underlying cause of your depression. Some of these may include hormone imbalances and adrenal or thyroid gland issues.

Depression treatment will only take you so far. When you are battling this condition, you do not want to go it alone. Reaching out can be the single hardest thing you have to consider. You need at least one trusted person you can share with openly and without judgment.

You can also seek out a support group in your area or even online. Working through your emotions and considering more natural depression treatments can make all of the difference in the way you feel, ultimately restoring your quality of life.

This is both a mental and physical battle; some days you might have to force yourself to do those things you must do to get through.

Herbal Remedies May Work To Beat Depression

When it comes to depression treatments, herbal remedies have been a global solution. It is the Western region that has gravitated towards pharmaceuticals. Its estimated that one in four women living in the US is taking a psychiatric drug regularly.

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) released a report which states that the use of psychiatric drugs for individuals over 12 has increased by nearly 400% between 1988 to 1994 and from 2005 to 2008. Today, one out of every ten people are taking antidepressants. Whether or not antidepressants are effective is up for considerable debate.

Take note that many other countries are still utilizing herbal remedies to treat depression.

What Are The Symptoms Of Depression?

This illness can be hiding in plain sight. Some people can function with it daily, but their struggle is unimaginable. Others can be outright debilitated by it. Often these people are mistaken for lazy, shy, or quiet. Someone can be temporarily depressed due to an external event while others may be hit with it out of nowhere. If the situation lasts for more than a week and has any of the following symptoms, their condition may be clinical.

  • No Motivation.
  • Appetite Changes.
  • Changes in Self Care.
  • Not Wanting to Leave the House (Isolating).
  • Loss of Interest.
  • Sleep Disorders.
  • Withdrawing from Normal Activities.
  • Change in Concentration.
  • Feelings of Guilt.
  • Feelings of Worthlessness or Failure.
  • Self Harm, Thoughts of Suicide.
  • Avoiding Interactions with Others.
  • Irritability.

Just because you are not suicidal doesn’t mean that you aren’t in a depressive state. If you are experiencing these issues, there are plenty of depression treatments out there, but it is crucial also to start seeking out healthy coping skills to go along with the treatment plan that you choose.

A few good coping skills to remember are as follows:

  • Find ways to be of service to other people.
  • Set realistic and workable goals.
  • Don’t have a mindset of failure when things don’t work out; instead, try to find the lesson in everything.

Make yourself go to events and partake in the things you once loved even if at first it’s challenging. Don’t allow yourself to become complacent or stuck in a rut. Try to exercise and eat healthy while also getting plenty of rest (but not too much). Make the effort to be around positive people. Doing these things is critical, and more so when you don’t want to do them.

Some alternatives to antidepressants can be found here.

1. St. Johns Wort

This is a splendid option for the individual seeking a natural remedy to treat his or her depressive feelings. This is a well-known herb with great benefits when taken correctly. There are few side effects, if any, and it is excellent for anxiety as well as creating a sense of well-being, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Start with a twice a day regimen of 450 mg each. Expect it to take about four weeks to become regulated in your system and reach its maximum effectiveness. Make it a point to consult your primary care physician if you are on any medications because it commonly causes interactions with several prescription drugs. It can also minimize the effectiveness of birth control.

2. L-Theanine

This can be taken in 100-600 mg doses daily. This can also be found in green tea, which is full of antioxidants. Include things like fish oil and S-adenosylmethionine. SAM-e is a mood-boosting chemical which mimics your natural endorphins and body’s genetic chemicals which make you feel happy. This is not a drug you will want to take in addition to any other antidepressants. While it is not controlled in the US, it is only offered as a prescription in Europe.

3. Oran Lavender Oil

Trying lavender oil coupled with meditation and maybe even yoga can help you find relief from the blues. Not only is lavender oil calming, but it also helps you rest better. You can now get lavender oil in a capsule for oral ingestion that will reduce your anxiety and have a calming effect. This oral solution is known as Lavela. It is safe and not habit forming.

4. Valerian root

Valerian root is a great way to treat this situation naturally. It is a fantastic herb for sleep, and getting plenty of rest is essential to feeling well. This is a herb that also works as an anxiolytic with mild antidepressant qualities.

5. Ashwagandha

This is commonly referred to as Indian ginseng. It is a widely used medication in India and has been for more than 6,000 years. Ashwagandha has shown that it is useful for a number of conditions, including depression and bipolar disorder. There have been additional studies proving it helps with obsessive-compulsive disorder while acting as a mood stabilizer.

6. Rhodiola

This herb is native to Europe and Asia and is a great natural way to combat depression. Simply take it twice daily in 100 mg doses. You should increase the dosage by another 100 mg each week, and you can take up to 400 mg daily.

7. Chamomile

Chamomile will help with depression, backed by a study which also proves that it is an excellent solution for those living with generalized anxiety disorder.

8. Maca

Maca, in a 2008 study, proved its worth in fighting several conditions. It also helps you get rest and gives you a peaceful, calm feeling.

9. Ginko Biloba

Ginkgo extract is something of which many are familiar. This is another herb that, though not regulated in the US, is available over the counter or by prescription in Europe. Ginkgo is believed to work by boosting neurotransmitters to treat the situation and offer a sense of well-being.

10. Kava Root

Kava root will reduce anxiety. Some studies say its effects are very similar to valium without the decreased cognitive function. This can be found in many herbal teas.

Try cooking using fresh herbs.

Our diet plays a huge role in our well-being, mentally and physically. Not only are healthier foods a great way to help your natural remedies be more effective in treating your condition, but cooking with fresh herbs can boost your progress as well. You can still have meat and potatoes, for example, but just add fresh rosemary. This is a woody herb that is excellent for flavoring meat, cooking oil, potatoes, and many other dishes. It also has antidepressant and anxiolytic properties.


Thyme is another must have in your spice cabinet. This is a great source of lithium and tryptophan, creating a mood-stabilizing effect. If you like a good roast, rub it down with garlic and thyme. You can also use it on things like eggplant and any dishes to which you will be adding peppers.

Saffron may be a bit pricey, but a little will go a long way. This is believed to treat your ailments naturally. It is great in dishes like biryani. Don’t use too much because saffron can cause some side effects.

None of the above mentioned natural depression treatments are meant to be a substitute for medical attention. Since everything that is “claimed” to be safe and natural may not be, always do your research. It is generally a good idea to consult a physician before beginning a new regimen, especially if you are already taking other medications. Be mindful that these are not FDA regulated as are prescribed medications.

Always deal with a company or brand that you trust and use well researched or known products from those companies.

Therapists Explain 10 Top Ways to Relieve Anxiety

Everyone gets anxious from time to time. After all, anxiety is an innate, automatic response designed to keep us out of harm’s way. Let’s say you’re crossing the road when suddenly out of your periphery you see a car B-lining your way. Well, the effectiveness of your anxiety response may very well determine if you live or die. Indeed, the purpose of anxiety is not to harm us but ensure our protection and survival.

In some instances, however, the typical general unease that is anxiety may become a permanent condition. Diagnoses that fall under this description include anxiety disorders, defined by the Mayo Clinic as “intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.”

In this article, we are going to discuss both anxiety and anxiety disorders, including their biological and environmental origins. Additionally, we’ll talk about the problems with traditional methods of anxiety relief – including prescription medications – and how you can find natural ways to relieve anxiety according to therapists!

What is anxiety?

“Everyone experiences fear and anxiety at some point in their lives. Fear is an immediate response to a specific threatening stimulus. Anxiety, on the other hand, is [a] less intense but more sustained response.” – Dr. Levi Gadye (source)

Anxiety is a loaded word, ranging from a feeling of general unease to disabling fear, and everything in between. Perhaps the most apt synonym for anxiety – and one that applies to everyone – is worry. Though worry is just one aspect of anxiety, it is universal. Who hasn’t been worried about being late to work? Forgetting our homework? Paying the phone bill? We worry for ourselves, our family; heck – we worry for our favorite sports teams. We’re worriers, us humans.


The physiology of anxiety

Physiologically, anxiety is a byproduct of the fight-or-flight response rooted in three separate systems: the nervous, physical, and behavioral systems.

The nervous system is an intricate network of cells and nerves that transmit messages to and from the brain and spinal cord.  Anxiety, nervousness, and panic originate from the nervous system, particularly in the signals sent to and from the brain and the peripheral nervous system. The physical system gives us multiple bodily symptoms – chest pain, heart palpitations, sweating, etc. – associated with anxiety. The behavioral system is a pattern of thoughts and feelings comprising anxiety in the form of environmental cues.

For most, anxiety, while an uncomfortable feeling, isn’t overly disruptive to everyday life. The anxiousness is short-lived and quickly replaced by some other emotion. No harm, no foul.

Unless the person is the victim of an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety Disorders

Anyone who deals with an anxiety disorder will tell you just how terribly unsettling the condition is. A concise answer to the question “How does it feel to have generalized anxiety disorder?” posted by Reddit user came courtesy of one ‘hughvr’: “You know that feeling when you touch your back pocket and don’t feel your wallet? Yeah … like that, but with 99% of whatever you do.”

That’s not far off.

Intermittent anxiety is one thing – a full-fledged anxiety disorder is another. Someone with an anxiety disorder deals with anxiety symptoms as a constant companion, often turning to dangerous medications like Xanax and Valium for relief.

The World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 13 U.S. citizens (18 percent of the population) suffers from an anxiety disorder. However, the unofficial number is likely to be much higher.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) defines anxiety as “psychiatric disorders that involve extreme fear or worry.” Common symptoms of all anxiety disorders include:

  • Coldness of the hands or feet
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Dry mouth
  • Inability to stay calm
  • Heart palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Shallow breathing and tightness of the chest
  • Stomach problems
  • Uneasiness, fear, or panic

10 ways to relieve anxiety

“For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.” – The Bhagavad Gita

Fortunately, there are effective, natural ways to relieve anxious thoughts and feelings. Therapists recommend the following ten methods of natural anxiety relief:


  1. Acceptance

While, on the surface, accepting anxiety for what it is may not seem like a novel solution, indeed it is. Many people believe they are at the mercy of anxiety when the opposite is true. You can begin by (1) accepting that anxiety is part of life, and (2) understanding that resistance fuels it. Once you accept the situation for what it is, you can make a level-headed decision about what to do next!

  1. Create a healthy routine to relieve anxiety

People with anxiety who are unwilling or unable to live an otherwise healthy life aren’t doing themselves any favors. While loading up on alcohol, caffeine, or junk food may create short-term feelings of comfort, these are among the worst things that one can do. When you take care of yourself, the natural elements of your body and mind can better counteract mechanisms of anxiety and create feelings of contentment. You know what your bad habits are; now is as good a time as ever to change things up!

  1. Learn the “Relaxation Response”

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is the part of the brain that jumpstarts anxiety while the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is the kill switch. Of course, you want to PNS to activate when anxious. Fortunately, the PNS is under your direct control. The Relaxation Response, founded by Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard University, is a six-step process that can create feelings of relaxation with 10 minutes.

  1. Rehearse and repeat

We often feel the pressure to perform at a certain level both in our personal and professional lives. If your job or something else in your life requires that you always “be on,” get to the point where you can perform at a high level effortlessly. The best and only way to do this is through continuous rehearsal. Commit as many things to muscle memory as possible – and watch your anxiety levels drop off. Routinization of such tasks makes your life much easier.

  1. Exercise to relieve anxiety

We’ve beat this rug how many times? Again, physical exercise is simply irreplaceable for promoting overall health and well-being. Moderately-intense exercise effectively lowers stress hormones while pumping out feel-good hormones like endorphins. Try getting a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily.

  1. Avoid the “second dart”

Siddhartha Gautama, otherwise known as The Buddha, once said that we’re all struck by two darts: the first being the pain stimulus and the second being our response. While it may not feel like it, there is a gap between them. Simply taking a breath after recognizing the stimulus can help you dodge that second dart!

  1. Do something to help relieve anxiety

While there’s certainly a place for introspection, sometimes it’s best to take action. If you’re procrastinating on a project for example, it’s normal to feel anxiety. You can simply rid yourself of this feeling by doing what you’re supposed to do!

  1. Be mindful

Mindfulness is all about awareness and observation of the mind. The basic premise of mindfulness is that thoughts and feelings do not require a response. We can be mindful that anxiety is present without engaging with it. Giving your full attention to whatever’s occurring in the here and now is another act of mindfulness; and it goes a long way towards reducing or eliminating negative emotions, including anxiety.

  1. Rest

We live in one of the busiest, most stressful periods in history. While most of us reading this are considered more “well off” than the generations before us, these comforts have come at a high cost – especially to our overall sense of well-being. As a result, many of us are no longer prioritizing rest and relaxation due to the pressures of work. It’s worth remembering, however, that the better rested and relaxed we are, the higher the quality of our life and work!

  1. Get help to relieve anxiety

Okay, so this list is focused on natural means of treatment. But we’d be dishonest in saying this approach is best for everyone. And the truth is that we all need some help sometimes! If you’re suffering with anxiety that feels overwhelming, please talk to someone.

relieve anxiety

Final Thoughts: The problem with medication to relieve anxiety

The overarching problem with most medications for both anxiety and depression is that they don’t treat anything. At best, these medicines do just enough to make everyday life tolerable. This is particularly true for drugs like Xanax and Valium (benzodiazepines).

Another problem with anxiety medicines is that the person often depends on them for life. Again, the drugs do not alter or change the underlying condition, which would require a change in the patient’s brain chemistry in the case of anxiety disorders.

This isn’t to say that anxiety drugs don’t have their place. Indeed, when prescription drugs like antidepressants are part of a comprehensive treatment plan, they can be of tremendous value for anxiety sufferers. In this sense, the healthcare systems and its doctors are often part of the problem – as many are unable, unwilling, or uninterested in carrying out such a complex plan. Utilizing some of the natural suggestions above to relieve anxiety, however, will support any other form of treatment and help those suffering to maintain a more positive outlook.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Try A Colon Cleanse

Have you ever tried a colon cleanse? It was a pretty big fad for many years in modern times but became less popular as time went on due to lack of scientific support. Right now, many are in the dark about whether or not this practice is beneficial to the body at all.

The colon is essentially a part of the large intestine. The large intestine as a whole is responsible for water and fluid absorption through food products that pass through it. The colon both reabsorbs them and helps the body to process waste so that waste material can be expelled from the body when you go to the bathroom.

Since the colon performs such an important function, it makes sense that it needs some rejuvenation every now and then. But is this something you really need to do? Is it as important as some make it out to be? Or is it as dangerous as how some make it out to be? Here’s how science explains what happens to your body when you try a colon cleanse.

Science Explains What Happens To Your Body During A Colon Cleanse

1.    What Is Colon Cleansing?

A colon cleanse is something done in order to rid the large intestine of toxins. Essentially, the colon is flushed out with fluids in such a way that excess waste is removed from its contents. It’s an age-old practice that has been around for centuries, and it became popular in America during the 1920s.

Originally, colon cleansing was a strictly medical procedure, typically performed before a procedure that has something to do with the rectum – such as a colonoscopy. However, since then, some medical professionals have begun offering procedures like this for cleansing purposes, or for detoxification.

Medical colon cleansing, done by professionals, involves a large amount of water being passed through the anus and into the intestines. Essentially, it is like an enema, but with a lot more liquid, often adding up to a whopping 60 gallons. But this isn’t the kind of colon cleansing we’re referring to.

Natural colon cleansing is a completely different story. It involves ways that you can consume liquids, foods, or components that will flush the toxins out of your colon. It is believed to have some positive effects on the digestive system, making it healthier and stronger while removing potentially dangerous materials clogging it up.

2.    How Does Colon Cleansing Work?

The idea behind a colon cleanse lies in a very old belief. This theory is known as the theory of autointoxication. Essentially, this belief involves the idea that food that goes undigested can lead to a buildup of mucus within the colon. Thus, toxins start to collect in the body, and some manage to make their way into the bloodstream. This results in symptoms such as:

  • Weight gain
  • Headache
  • Lack of energy
  • Exhaustion or fatigue
  • Decreased positive thinking

Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of scientific research regarding the legitimacy of these claims. Some studies have stated that colon cleansing has some benefits, while others have stated they don’t do much. More research is needed before this theory can be proven for good.

3.    Is Colon Cleansing Safe?

Most main concerns regarding colon cleansing have to do with safety. It’s a good concern to have, and very important to keep in mind as there is a lot of incorrect information out there about this practice.

Simply put, there are many risks to a traditional colon cleanse – the kind involving irrigation and what is essentially a large-scale enema. These risks include:

  • Dehydration
  • Imbalance of bacteria
  • Perforation of bowels
  • Imbalance of electrolytes
  • Infection

Some pharmacies and stores sell self-irrigation kits, but keep in mind that these are much more risky to use than natural methods and we do not recommend using them. If you plan to go for professional colon cleansing, you should discuss it with your doctor first.

What about natural colon cleansing? Is it nearly as dangerous? Not at all. Natural methods of colon cleansing, if done alone, are harmless for most people. However, if you combine them with other methods, such as fasting, or if you do them too often, risks may arise. If you have a pre-existing health condition, speak to a doctor before attempting them.

Some side effects you may experience are:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Cramps
  • Imbalance of minerals
  • Tiredness

4.    How Can You Try A Colon Cleanse Naturally?

There are lots of ways to perform colon cleanses. Here are many of the natural ways to do so.

a)    Water

The easiest and most common kind of natural colon cleanse is with water. Being properly hydrated has countless positive effects on the body, after all. All you have to do to perform this cleanse is drink between six and eight glasses of water daily – lukewarm temperatures work best.

You can also continue this water flush by eating foods that have a lot of water in them. High water content foods include celery, watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, and many other kinds of vegetables and fruits.

b)    Smoothies and/or Juices

You’ve probably heard plenty of things about juice cleanses, and smoothie cleanses too. These “fasts” aren’t particularly research-supported, and some have found there can be risks to using them to cleanse your colon.

With that being said, there is some evidence that shows that drinking smoothies or juice in moderation can be good for you. In fact, studies show that vitamin C may have positive effects on the colon, effectively cleansing it – and fruits and veggies have loads of that nutrient.

Smoothies are a better option than juices as they typically contain more fiber from skins and pulp, so opt for those for best results. Also, note that you do not need to do a smoothie or juice “fast” in order for this to work – just up your intake.

c)    Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are well known for their fantastic benefits for the colon, and for the digestive system overall. There is a wide variety that you can try, but remember to exercise caution.

Here are some herbs with laxative effects that can help cleanse the colon by flushing it. For best results, drink only one cup of these herbal teas daily. (Do note you must speak to a doctor before using them and must never exceed suggested doses.)

  • Marshmallow root
  • Psyllium
  • Slippery elm
  • Aloe vera

Here are some herbs that have antimicrobial phytochemicals in them, which are able to fend off bad bacteria to cleanse the colon. For best results, drink a cup of these herbal teas daily, for up to three cups a day.

  • Garlic
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Ginger

d)    High Fiber Foods and Drinks

Fiber is necessary to help reduce clogging in the intestines. They work by bulking waste up so it is easy to expel, and they’re great for preventing constipation. This macronutrient also has plenty of good bacteria boosting abilities, so eating fiber is just good for colon health in general, even when you’re not on a cleanse.

Fiber is fairly abundant in lots of foods, especially nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, grains, and other plant-based foods.

e)    Resistant Starch

These components function similarly to fiber. Resistant starches boost the number of good microflora in the digestive system, and research has discovered that it can greatly mitigate the risk of developing colon cancer. So it’s no surprise resistant starch is a great idea for your body when you try a colon cleanse!

You can find resistant starch in a lot of plant-based foods. Rice, grains, potatoes, legumes, and even green bananas have plenty of them. Do note, though, that too much resistant starch can increase blood glucose levels, so eat them in moderation.

f)     Saltwater

Drinking salt water isn’t a great option for people with high blood pressure or bad heart health. But for a colon cleanse, it’s a great idea – especially if you’re also doing some yoga!

Saltwater flushes are also good for those who deal with constipation, and it’s fairly simple to do. First thing every morning, before you eat, get some lukewarm water and mix in two teaspoons of salt. Drink it quickly, then wait for a short while. You will feel the urge to use the bathroom.

Do this twice every day, first thing in the morning and shortly before bed. Do note that you may need to use the bathroom a number of times after this. Don’t stray too far from a toilet in the meantime!

What salt should you use? Your best bets lie in Himalayan salt and sea salt, but in a pinch, you can try other options, too.

g)    Probiotics

Probiotics have many positive benefits on health, but gut health especially. They are packed full of good bacteria and are great for reducing inflammation while regulating bowel movements.

You can take probiotic supplements if you desire, but there are plenty of natural ways to get probiotics, too. Fermented foods are rich in them. Some great options are pickles, yogurt, apple cider, and even kimchi.

5.    What Are The Effects Of A Colon Cleanse?

A colon cleanse may have varying effects depending on what types you go for. However, these are the possible benefits that you may enjoy.

  • Weight loss
  • Lowering gas
  • Reducing bloating
  • Offsetting cramps
  • Better liver function
  • Stronger immunity
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved positive thinking
  • Better mental function
  • Reduced risk of colon cancer

Colon cleanses are by no means necessary for everybody. The body has its own way of clearing out toxins. Its good bacteria can clean food waste, the liver and kidneys flush away toxins, and the intestinal lining constantly regenerates and heals. Plus, the body’s mucous membranes keep unwanted material from getting into the bloodstream. However, an occasional colon cleanse can be good for the body if done correctly.

malasana stretch

Final Thoughts On What Happens To Your Body When You Try A Colon Cleanse

So, is a colon cleanse the way to go for you? That depends entirely on your preferences. If you feel clogged up and have been facing digestive issues, perhaps giving a natural colon cleanse a go is a good option for you!

That said, keep in mind that there still isn’t enough research about natural colon cleanses to definitively say that they work effectively. Always speak to your doctor before trying out a new health practice, and if you experience adverse effects, inform a medical professional immediately!

7 Ways To Treat Grey Hair

In our society, grey hair can signify that you are wise and mature. However, some people aren’t ready to embrace the grey, and that’s okay. As a result, many people are using conventional hair dyes to cover any signs of grey on their heads.

However, these dyes can have dire effects because of their chemicals. For instance, you can lose hair, affect your health, and even increase the density of grey on your head. Instead, opt for methods that provide safety and pure relief for your hair.

Research has already proven that genetics can play a role in making your hair grey. However, other factors can also contribute to such occurrences. These factors include stress, vitamin deficiencies, and poor nutrition.

Knowing that you may not be ready to embrace the grey, there are methods that you can use to get rid of the grey in your hair correctly. These methods will give you a vibrant and healthy look. Additionally, some of these methods have ingredients that can reverse the growth of grey hair, while others reduce such hair growth.

Seven Ways Treat Your Grey Hair

bald men

1. Black Strap Molasses

Using blackstrap molasses can greatly relieve any incoming signs of grey hair. This is because it stops the growth of such hair. The effects are mainly seen considerably if the molasses is used regularly. Black molasses is usually extracted during the sugar-making process. It comprises the contents left behind after the sugar crystals have been removed, hence its thickness and dark color. Also, the black liquid is filled with minerals that work towards reversing the color of your hair.

Black molasses contains iron, selenium, and manganese, minerals responsible for preserving your hair’s natural color. It also contains copper that aids the production of hair pigments. Other minerals in the molasses include calcium and magnesium, which are vital for growing healthier and stronger hair.

Besides, black molasses has health benefits for your body. It can improve your bone health, combat stress, relieve arthritis, stabilize blood sugar levels, and clear the skin, leaving it with a glow. You must eat the molasses alternating days for a few months to get these benefits.

2. Amla

This is one of the best treatments that you can use to reverse your greying hair. Also known as the nectar for hair, Amla will stop the growth of your unwanted hair. This is because it contains powerful antioxidants responsible for renewing your hair.

Amla is also the most abundant source of vitamin C. Hence, the Indian Gooseberry will make your hair darker, fuller, and thicker. Another advantage of using Amla is that it will reduce the excess heat in your body, which is a primary cause of turning your hair grey.

For use, you can drink fresh amla juice to improve the health of your hair and skin. You can even consume dried amla powder with water, soup or a smoothie. Also, you can massage your hair with the amla juice you make at home because it will moisturize and nourish your scalp.

Another way of using amla is by rinsing your hair with alma water. Cleaning your hair with this water will condition and improve the texture of your hair and increase the appearance of your natural hair color.

3. Onion

Having one onion a day might be the solution to eliminating your grey hair. Onions have abundant antioxidant enzyme catalase that can restore the color of your natural hair. Besides, onions’ vitamin C and phytonutrients act together with copper and folic acid to eliminate the grey in your hair.

You can use the color-reversing power of onion through eating. You can also apply onion juice to your scalp. This will reduce the amount of hydrogen peroxide that builds up on your scalp and thus reverse the grey color of your hair.

Another way of using onion for your hair is through an onion juice hair mask. The mask has been used throughout history to remedy hair color. Also, the mask will help you prevent hair loss, making your hair grow faster and become softer and shinier.

Blend one onion at home and strain the juice using a sieve or a cloth. Apply the juice on your scalp, leave it for about thirty minutes, and wash your hair. Follow the same procedure two times in a week.

You can even add coconut oil to the onion juice. If the smell of onions is too much, add one egg and one tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture. Then apply and clean your hair as usual.

4. Food Rich in Catalase

Catalase is a powerful antioxidant that will prevent the growth of grey in your hair. A research study suggests that hair turns grey because of the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in your hair follicles. The hydrogen peroxide bleaches the hair from the inside towards the outer parts of the hair.

Hydrogen peroxide is a compound that is produced naturally in our bodies. It is usually a by-product of your metabolism. The compound is also formed when exposed to X-rays, stress, smoke, and pollution.

Catalase breaks down this hydrogen peroxide molecule into water and oxygen, both harmless products. When you are young will produce significant amounts of catalase to prevent your hair from bleaching. However, the amount of catalase your body produces also reduces as you age.

Stress and poor diet can also be catalysts for reduced catalase levels in your body. Once your catalase levels are down, hydrogen peroxide builds up in your hair follicles, and your hair pigments break down, causing your hair to turn white. Therefore, you need to consume foods that have high contents of catalase.

Such foods include almonds, leeks, kale, turnip greens, cherry, wheat grass, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, potatoes, garlic, broccoli, collard, radish, and sweet potato. When you feed on these foods regularly, you will restore the natural color of your hair in time.

5. Bhringraj

Also called Eclipta Alba, this is an ayurvedic herb vital for hair loss and prematurely greying hair. Indians consider this herb the king of herbs because it stimulates hair growth while rejuvenating and nourishing hair. Therefore, if you regularly use Bhringraj, you will grow dark, thick hair.

Besides, Bhringraj will make your hair soft, and it will add shine to your hair. You can use Bhringraj as a product in a hair mask. To make the mask, mix Brahmi powder, Bhringraj powder, and amla powder with water in equal amounts to form a paste.

You can also substitute the water for coconut milk or yogurt. Apply the paste to your hair, leave it for about twenty to thirty minutes, then clean it. Bhringraj powder can also be added to henna to dye hair.

Another advantage of using Bhringraj is that it is healthy for the liver. When your liver is healthy, your hair becomes healthy in turn. You can mix Bhringraj powder with honey or ghee in warm water. However, you should consult a doctor before consuming Bhringraj internally.

6. Ashwagandha

This herb has been used throughout history to reverse greys, soften the skin and give a youthful look. The Indian anti-aging herb balances the hormones in the body. It also helps to calm the mind and boost the immune system.

You can consume Ashwagandha supplements with your food. You can also use Ashwagandha powder. Add half a teaspoon of your milk or ghee to promote hair health and growth.

7. Vitamin B12

This is another supplement that you can use to treat your grey hair. Vitamin B12 will also treat shortness of breath, brain fog, and confusion. This is taken as a supplement because it is only found in animals in its natural form.

Food sources such as eggs, dairy products, meat, and fish contain Vitamin B12. Hence, this is not an option for you if you are vegan which can explain the increase in greying hair on your head. Another catalyst to greying hair might be the intake of medicines or suffering from medical conditions that affect your ability to absorb Vitamin B12.

vitamin b12 to treat grey hair

If your hair is turning grey because you have a deficiency of Vitamin B12, the good news is that you can reverse the effects quickly. All you have to do is include foods rich in Vitamin B12 in your diet. If you are vegetarian, take supplements that will boost your Vitamin B12.

When you buy Vitamin B12 supplements, always choose the ones in natural form. These are also known as methylcobalamin. They are better and easy to absorb for your body. You can also consume beneficial vitamins and herbs such as zinc, cod liver oil, vitamin D and Bladderwrack to stop and reduce signs of greying hair.

Final Thoughts: Try These Remedies to Nourish Your Grey Hair

There are other helpful tips that you can use to prevent the growth of grey hair. Increase the number of fresh vegetables and fruits that you consume daily because they are high in antioxidants. Reduce the amount of caffeine, alcohol and junk food that you eat.

Always try to exercise, remain calm, and be joyful throughout the day. Avoid using harsh chemicals, hot water, and treatments on your hair. You can also avoid smoking.

Ensure that you cover your hair when you are out in the sun. Additionally, massage your scalp to increase the blood flow in your hair follicles.

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