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6 Vitamins that Boost Your Libido

What is libido? The term describes one’s sexual drive or desire. A healthy libido is critical to emotional, mental, social, and physical well-being. In other words, it isn’t all about sex.

Historically, libido has been analyzed and studied by just about every prominent psychoanalyst, including Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Freud described it as “the energy, regarding as a quantitative magnitude … of those instincts which have to do with all that may be comprised under the word ‘love.’”

Jung theorizes that sexual energy is not separable from the physical requirements of food, drink, and sleep, calling libido “… the energy that manifests itself in the life process and is perceived subjectively as striving and desire.”

In this article, we will further deconstruct the often misunderstood and misrepresented topic of libido, including that which affects it. We’ll discuss some of the latest research about it before wrapping up with vitamins that boost your libido.

Biological, Cultural, and Psychological Elements


Libido has traditionally been viewed from a strictly biological standpoint. That is, through the lens of Darwinian evolution and natural selection, with an emphasis on procreation and generational succession.

The desire to procreate is observable in every mammalian species, including, of course, humans. Evolutionary scientists have verified just one other species in which “all” members seem to carry an underlying sex drive: birds.

Despite traditional science’s bias towards evolutionary science, there are undoubtedly determinative psychological and sociological (e.g. cultural) elements of sex drive. We witness such factors intra-culturally, such as in members of one race or gender having a particular preference for (or not) specific demographics (e.g., attraction towards the same or different sex; the same or different race; the same or different educational level.)

Humans acquire their sexual energy from androgenic hormones, particularly testosterone. Men have upwards of 40 times more testosterone than females. This wide variation in testosterone levels helps explain, at least in part, the observable gender-based differences concerning sexual drive and aggression.

Besides testosterone, other hormones that influence sexual drive include oxytocin (the “love” hormone) and other peptides. The neurochemical dopamine, responsible for the emotions and feelings of pleasure and reward, is also involved in sexual desire and arousal. Certain synthetic hormones are known to act on the dopaminergic network – thereby initiating sexual arousal. Additionally, some individuals enhance their experiences by incorporating sex toys from an adult shop, which can complement the natural effects of these neurochemicals, further stimulating sexual desire.

6 Vitamins and Minerals that May Boost Libido

Here are six vitamins that may help boost your libido:

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is typically thought of as a must for your bones, skin, and immune system. But vitamin D can also provide a boost to your sex drive. A study published in Clinical Endocrinology found a direct correlation between vitamin D levels and libido health. Additional studies have found that women who report low libido test for low vitamin D levels more often than the general population.

Food sources of vitamin D include eggs, fish, and mushrooms. However, exposure to the sun is the best way to acquire vitamin D. Experts recommend a daily vitamin D intake of 25 mcg.

2. Vitamin B (vitamin B12, biotin, and niacin)

Vitamin B shortages often lead to fatigue and lethargy – conditions that aren’t at all conducive to a healthy sex drive. Correcting a vitamin B deficiency may be enough for your sex drive to resurface. Besides boosting your energy levels, proper B vitamin intake helps with brain function, cell metabolism, and hormone regulation.

Good sources of vitamin B include brown rice, dairy products, eggs, green and leafy vegetables, nuts, poultry and meat, seafood, and wholegrain bread. An alternative to natural food sources is a high-quality B-complex supplement.

3. Antioxidants

Vitamins A and E are antioxidants that promote energy, cell health, and circulation. Vitamin E helps with blood vessel dilation and stamina, as well. Besides improving your sex drive, antioxidants may help prevent cancer and other severe health conditions.

Good sources of vitamin A include eggs, milk, liver, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, fruit, and vegetable oils. You can get vitamin E through dairy, liver, eggs, fortified margarine, and oily fish. A good one-a-day supplement will also contain a good dose of antioxidants.

4. Zinc

Have you ever heard of oysters being the ultimate aphrodisiac? Well, oysters’ high concentration of zinc is the reason. The prostate gland contains a high amount of zinc and is known to impact testosterone levels. High zinc concentrations can also be found in the bone, eyes, liver, kidney, and pancreas.

The recommended daily intake of zinc is 11 to 20 milligrams. Besides oysters, excellent sources of zinc include baked beans, cereals, cashews, chicken, chick peas, fortified cereal, peanuts, and toasted wheat germ. Zinc chelate is the most absorbable form of zinc if you are looking for a supplement.

5. L-arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid that helps the body make proteins. Intake of the amine acid is also a requirement for the production of nitric oxide, a signaling molecule that helps promote and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Some research shows that regular l-arginine intake may help with erectile dysfunction (ED) in males and low sex drive in females.

Sources of l-arginine include dairy, fish, legumes, red meat, poultry, and seaweed. The recommended daily intake of l-arginine is 2 to 3 grams, three times per day. The efficacy and safety of l-arginine supplements are unclear, so opt for an organic or vegetable-based supplement.

6. Omega 3s

Omega 3s promote cardiovascular health, proper circulation, and dopamine production. Research ties poor cardiovascular health and a disrupted circulatory system to decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. Besides helping to improve a low libido, omega 3s regulate the inflammatory response and cholesterol levels.

The best source of omega 3 fatty acids is fatty fish, such as mackerel and salmon. Besides animal protein, the best plant sources of omega 3s are chia seeds, Brussels sprouts, and algal oil.

Causes of Low Libido


Prevention is always the best medicine. So, let’s uncover some of the causes of a sluggish libido. It goes without saying that individual self-examination is required to help control these factors.

  1. Stress

Stress is Public Enemy Number One for a healthy libido. Physically, high-stress levels flood the body with adrenaline and cortisol, interfering with healthy hormone levels and restricting blood flow. Mentally, stress can take one’s mind off of sex.

  1. Poor sleeping habits

A bad night’s sleep jacks with your hormones elevate stress, and leads to brain fog – not good for sex drive. Moreover, long periods of poor sleep can have serious health consequences, including an increased risk of heart disease.

  1. Depression

Both clinical depression (all variants) and depressive symptoms interfere with a healthy sex drive. Depression may also produce feelings of low self-esteem, further complicating the issue.

  1. Alcohol and drugs

While a couple glasses of wine or beer can take the edge off, too much of it impairs the nervous system and invites fatigue. Marijuana and some other drugs impact testosterone production, lowering sex drive.

  1. Disease

Severe health conditions require the body to go into overdrive, reducing the energy available for sexual activity. Illnesses such as cancer and kidney disease effectively suppress testosterone levels.

Other conditions that may lead to low libido include:

– erectile dysfunction (ED)

– menopause

– hormonal imbalance

– use of prescription medications

– low self-esteem

Given the above five causes of low libido, it may be beneficial to implement one or more of the following suggestions:

Exercise regularly:


Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. Try a mix of balance, flexibility, endurance (aerobic), and strength training

Lay off the booze:

Alcohol consumption should be limited to special occasions and weekends. Stick to a glass of wine or a beer on the weekdays and always practice moderation.

Keep a regular sleep routine:

Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. To help the transition from wake to sleep, have a relaxing bedtime ritual. So dim those lights and ditch the cell phone.

Get a regular checkup:

Visit your doctor at least once per year for a routine physical exam. If you’re experiencing medical issues – including with any medications – check in with your doc.

11 People Who Lost Weight By Giving Up Dairy

When it comes to losing weight, you can find thousands of different articles on how to shed those unwanted pounds. Plenty of diets exist today claiming to help people lose weight, from the Atkins diet to Whole 30 to paleo (and the list goes on). However, many people find success in losing weight by giving up dairy. This makes sense, because a lot of popular foods that have dairy, such as mac & cheese, Tex-mex, and cheeseburgers, have a lot of calories but very little nutrition.

Of course, some studies claim that eating dairy can actually aid in weight loss. According to a large 2016 study published in the American Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that women who consumed the most high-fat dairy products had an 8% lower risk of becoming overweight or obese. That might’ve been because higher fat (and therefore higher calorie) dairy foods help keep people fuller longer.

However, you can find plenty of other high-calorie foods to increase satiety, such as avocado, nuts, and seeds. Below, you’ll find accounts of people who lost weight by giving up dairy, and we hope this will inspire you on your own weight loss journey.

Here are 11 people who gave up dairy to lose weight:

1. What an amazing transformation! Giving up dairy gave this guy a whole new body and mind.


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A post shared by Chris Moore (@moore__chris) on

2. Another successful account of a person who lost weight the dairy free way. Way to go!


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A post shared by Erica J (@justiceerica) on

3. It’s not an easy journey, but it’s definitely worth it.


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A post shared by Raediance (@raediancebreelle) on

4. “A journey of 10,000 miles begins with a single step.”


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A post shared by Roxanne Emery (@roxanne_emery) on

5. Just another example of how giving up dairy can change your life!


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A post shared by Shannon LM (@shannon_weightloss) on

6. It’s almost hard to tell that it’s the same woman in the after pic!


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A post shared by Freedom Food (@freedomfoodlife) on

7. When Mike Tyson gave up dairy (and went vegan) all of his health problems melted away.


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8. “What once seemed impossible is now my reality.”


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A post shared by Chemese (@chemese) on

9. It’s amazing how giving up one food such as dairy can aid in weight loss.


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10. Giving up dairy can help you achieve your goals, such as doing yoga!


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11. Six month vegan fitness transformation. Looking awesome!


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Therapist Explains 12 Ways to Deal With Infidelity

Infidelity is an experience that’s almost unimaginably painful. If it happens to you, you might be so blindsided by emotional pain that you don’t feel anything. However, you’ll likely eventually find yourself feeling a great deal of hurt.

Is there any right way to deal with infidelity? Certainly, you want to avoid lashing out in ways that would cause you to do things you regret. However, you also can’t bottle everything up and expect it to be okay.

You may think that you have two options: either stay with your partner after they cheat on you or leave them. But a therapist will tell you that the situation isn’t so black and white. These are 12 ways to deal with infidelity.

1. Condemn what they did

16 percent of married people polled admitted to cheating on their spouse. No one cheats on their partner by accident. You can expect to hear all kinds of excuses, such as how they weren’t thinking. Your partner needs to know that what they did was unacceptable. They don’t get to try to tell you how to feel or minimize the extent of your emotional pain. If they’re feeling bad about what they did, remind them that can’t feel any worse than you do, because they’re the one who caused this pain in the first place. You have the absolute right to be angry and hurt by what your partner has done to you.

2. Reflect on your relationship

You aren’t obligated to stay with your partner after they cheat on you, nor are you obligated to leave them. However, if you’re looking for an excuse to stay with them or leave them, then you’ve likely already made up your mind. Think about how your relationship has been leading up to this point. If things have been rocky for a while, you might realize that this is as good of a time as any to end things. But if you still care about your partner and believe the relationship can be salvaged, then go ahead. This might be a bump in the road, but you can hopefully get back on course.

3. Find support

Infidelity is not something that should be dealt with alone. You need to communicate with your partner, but they won’t be a shoulder to lean on during this time. Look for support amongst your closest relatives and friends. These should be people who you can confide in. Anyone you tell them should be considered between you and them. If they betray your trust, you might have to cut them out of your life. Part of being a friend means being there for people and not betraying their confidence.

4. Talk to your partner

There might be some very intense emotions going on that prohibit you from wanting to talk to your partner. When you deal with infidelity, you need to realize that you’ll need to have a least one intense heart-to-heart conversation with them. Tell them precisely how you’re feeling in the aftermath of their cheating. Don’t try to downplay your emotions. You should also give them a chance to speak. Fixing your relationship can start with fixing your communication. You can’t expect them to try to excuse what they did. But you can get a better understanding of what led them to this decision.

5. Get tested

If your partner had sex with someone else, they’re putting your sexual health at risk as well as your emotional health. Get tested, even if they insist that they used protection. A thorough STD test can avoid keeping you in suspense and give you a good idea about how to deal with the consequences of your partner’s selfish decision-making. Even if your partner hasn’t cheated on you, it’s still a good idea to get tested for STDs. One out of every person can get an STD before their 25th birthday. That statistic is far too imperative to ignore.

6. Seek counseling

Infidelity can indicate deep-seated problems in a relationship. You might need to seek relationship counseling in order to get to the heart of the matter. A trusted counselor can help teach you and your partner methods for working through this, provided you both want to mend the relationship. When you sign up for counseling, you need to be prepared to listen as much as you speak. You might have some preconceived notions about what will occur, but you’ll likely be surprised by the results. You might learn how to gain more trust in your insticts and have more resolve when dealing with difficulties situations between you and your partner in the future.

7. Don’t think it’s your fault

Toxic partners will cheat and then try to blame their infidelity on you. It is unacceptable for them to gaslight you like this. However, you also shouldn’t put the blame on yourself. The only person responsible for your partner cheating is themselves. Any partner who cheats and tries to act like they’re not responsible isn’t someone who deserves your time. This is likely indicative of already existing toxic behavior. No matter how much they try to manipulate you, it doesn’t change how the blame ultimately falls on their shoulders.

8. Avoid seeking revenge

When you deal with infidelity, you might think that an “eye for an eye” mentality is the best solution. This could come in the form of cheating on them. While this might provide fleeting satisfaction, in the long term, you’ll likely end up feeling empty. You also shouldn’t commit any sorts of acts of retaliation that would be criminal or cause harm to another person. The best revenge you can get is to be the best person that you can possibly be.

9. Don’t accept easy fixes

Your partner might try to excuse their infidelity with a grand romantic gesture. While a lavish gift might seem loving, it pales in comparison to the loving nature of staying faithful. While a heartfelt gesture might be the first step towards mending your relationship, it should by no means be the final one. This is something that you and your partner can only get through by them proving they’re worthy of your trust again. Don’t let them try to speed up the process. Putting that kind of pressure on you says that they’re thinking about their own feelings over yours. They have the right to ask for forgivness, and you have the right to not offer it.


10. Don’t let others make decisions for you

When you share your partner’s infidelity with others, you’re going to get all kinds of conflicting advice about what you should do. To deal with infidelity, you also need to deal with your decision-making process. Some will insist that they have the best solutions for your predicament. Don’t make any decisions unless you’re confident they’re the right ones and what you believe in. It’s perfectly fine to solicit advice, but leave the ulimate decision-making up to yourself. If you’re having trouble deciding what you should do, ask yourself what you would say to a friend who was in the same predicament that came to you.

11. Find outlets

The pain of having to deal with infidelity isn’t something can be resolved just by trying to will it away. Telling yourself to not feel sad or angry is a futile cause. Instead, you need to find outlets that will allow you to deal with your emotions in a healthy manner. Creative pursuits like writing or drawing can help you to deal with the intensity of your emotions. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be an artist, you can still benefit from these practices. Starting an athletic hobby like running or team sports can help you let go of stress and anger. When you find yourself able to focus on something else, you know that you’re being good to yourself.

12. Decide if you want to continue the relationship

Ultimately, it is your decision if this is a dealbreaker or not. While you shouldn’t make up your mind about this as soon as you receive the news, giving yourself time to mull over your decision will help you realize what exactly you want. You might still love your partner and still realize that it’s for the best if you break things off with them. These kinds of decisions don’t come easily, but they can teach you a lot about yourself and what you need out of a relationship, and absolutely no one can take this away from you.


Being cheated on can hit you like a freight train. It’s an incredibly dehumanizing thing to go through. Your feelings should not be discounted, whether they’re ones of anger, sadness, confusion, or a combination.

When you know how to deal with infidelity, you know how to determine grace and maturity that few possess. The difficulty of this situation can be matched by the strength and resolve you show in response.

Therapist Explains 12 Ways to Deal With Infidelity

Infidelity is an experience that’s almost unimaginably painful. If it happens to you, you might be so blindsided by emotional pain that you don’t feel anything. However, you’ll likely eventually find yourself feeling a great deal of hurt.

Is there any right way to deal with infidelity? Certainly, you want to avoid lashing out in ways that would cause you to do things you regret. However, you also can’t bottle everything up and expect it to be okay.

You may think that you have two options: either stay with your partner after they cheat on you or leave them. But a therapist will tell you that the situation isn’t so black and white. These are 12 ways to deal with infidelity.

1. Condemn what they did

16 percent of married people polled admitted to cheating on their spouse. No one cheats on their partner by accident. You can expect to hear all kinds of excuses, such as how they weren’t thinking. Your partner needs to know that what they did was unacceptable. They don’t get to try to tell you how to feel or minimize the extent of your emotional pain. If they’re feeling bad about what they did, remind them that can’t feel any worse than you do, because they’re the one who caused this pain in the first place. You have the absolute right to be angry and hurt by what your partner has done to you.

2. Reflect on your relationship

You aren’t obligated to stay with your partner after they cheat on you, nor are you obligated to leave them. However, if you’re looking for an excuse to stay with them or leave them, then you’ve likely already made up your mind. Think about how your relationship has been leading up to this point. If things have been rocky for a while, you might realize that this is as good of a time as any to end things. But if you still care about your partner and believe the relationship can be salvaged, then go ahead. This might be a bump in the road, but you can hopefully get back on course.

3. Find support

Infidelity is not something that should be dealt with alone. You need to communicate with your partner, but they won’t be a shoulder to lean on during this time. Look for support amongst your closest relatives and friends. These should be people who you can confide in. Anyone you tell them should be considered between you and them. If they betray your trust, you might have to cut them out of your life. Part of being a friend means being there for people and not betraying their confidence.

4. Talk to your partner

There might be some very intense emotions going on that prohibit you from wanting to talk to your partner. When you deal with infidelity, you need to realize that you’ll need to have a least one intense heart-to-heart conversation with them. Tell them precisely how you’re feeling in the aftermath of their cheating. Don’t try to downplay your emotions. You should also give them a chance to speak. Fixing your relationship can start with fixing your communication. You can’t expect them to try to excuse what they did. But you can get a better understanding of what led them to this decision.

5. Get tested

If your partner had sex with someone else, they’re putting your sexual health at risk as well as your emotional health. Get tested, even if they insist that they used protection. A thorough STD test can avoid keeping you in suspense and give you a good idea about how to deal with the consequences of your partner’s selfish decision-making. Even if your partner hasn’t cheated on you, it’s still a good idea to get tested for STDs. One out of every person can get an STD before their 25th birthday. That statistic is far too imperative to ignore.

6. Seek counseling

Infidelity can indicate deep-seated problems in a relationship. You might need to seek relationship counseling in order to get to the heart of the matter. A trusted counselor can help teach you and your partner methods for working through this, provided you both want to mend the relationship. When you sign up for counseling, you need to be prepared to listen as much as you speak. You might have some preconceived notions about what will occur, but you’ll likely be surprised by the results. You might learn how to gain more trust in your insticts and have more resolve when dealing with difficulties situations between you and your partner in the future.

7. Don’t think it’s your fault

Toxic partners will cheat and then try to blame their infidelity on you. It is unacceptable for them to gaslight you like this. However, you also shouldn’t put the blame on yourself. The only person responsible for your partner cheating is themselves. Any partner who cheats and tries to act like they’re not responsible isn’t someone who deserves your time. This is likely indicative of already existing toxic behavior. No matter how much they try to manipulate you, it doesn’t change how the blame ultimately falls on their shoulders.

8. Avoid seeking revenge

When you deal with infidelity, you might think that an “eye for an eye” mentality is the best solution. This could come in the form of cheating on them. While this might provide fleeting satisfaction, in the long term, you’ll likely end up feeling empty. You also shouldn’t commit any sorts of acts of retaliation that would be criminal or cause harm to another person. The best revenge you can get is to be the best person that you can possibly be.

9. Don’t accept easy fixes

Your partner might try to excuse their infidelity with a grand romantic gesture. While a lavish gift might seem loving, it pales in comparison to the loving nature of staying faithful. While a heartfelt gesture might be the first step towards mending your relationship, it should by no means be the final one. This is something that you and your partner can only get through by them proving they’re worthy of your trust again. Don’t let them try to speed up the process. Putting that kind of pressure on you says that they’re thinking about their own feelings over yours. They have the right to ask for forgivness, and you have the right to not offer it.


10. Don’t let others make decisions for you

When you share your partner’s infidelity with others, you’re going to get all kinds of conflicting advice about what you should do. To deal with infidelity, you also need to deal with your decision-making process. Some will insist that they have the best solutions for your predicament. Don’t make any decisions unless you’re confident they’re the right ones and what you believe in. It’s perfectly fine to solicit advice, but leave the ulimate decision-making up to yourself. If you’re having trouble deciding what you should do, ask yourself what you would say to a friend who was in the same predicament that came to you.

11. Find outlets

The pain of having to deal with infidelity isn’t something can be resolved just by trying to will it away. Telling yourself to not feel sad or angry is a futile cause. Instead, you need to find outlets that will allow you to deal with your emotions in a healthy manner. Creative pursuits like writing or drawing can help you to deal with the intensity of your emotions. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be an artist, you can still benefit from these practices. Starting an athletic hobby like running or team sports can help you let go of stress and anger. When you find yourself able to focus on something else, you know that you’re being good to yourself.

12. Decide if you want to continue the relationship

Ultimately, it is your decision if this is a dealbreaker or not. While you shouldn’t make up your mind about this as soon as you receive the news, giving yourself time to mull over your decision will help you realize what exactly you want. You might still love your partner and still realize that it’s for the best if you break things off with them. These kinds of decisions don’t come easily, but they can teach you a lot about yourself and what you need out of a relationship, and absolutely no one can take this away from you.


Being cheated on can hit you like a freight train. It’s an incredibly dehumanizing thing to go through. Your feelings should not be discounted, whether they’re ones of anger, sadness, confusion, or a combination.

When you know how to deal with infidelity, you know how to determine grace and maturity that few possess. The difficulty of this situation can be matched by the strength and resolve you show in response.

10 Causes Of Foot Pain (And How To Fix It)

Foot pain can be difficult to live with as it can interfere with your life in multiple ways. The pain may consume your thoughts, or it may make it difficult to be physically active. Sometimes, the pain may even seem unbearable.

While foot pain is a serious matter, you don’t have to suffer all the time. If you are able to figure out the foot pain causes (self-diagnosed or diagnosed by a doctor), you can also figure out how to fix it and avoid the pain in the future. Even if the pain cannot be completely avoided you can at least find a way to minimize the effects.

Determining the cause of your foot pain may require a diagnosis, simply because there are so many possibilities. The pain may be caused by something as simple as an ingrown toenail, or it could be something more serious such as arthritis. Either way, the diagnosis is essential in figuring out how to fix it.

Foot Pain Causes

1. Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the band of tissue on the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed due to a small tear. It causes a stabbing pain in your heel that may ease when you begin moving, but will likely return after you have been standing or walking for a while.

This is a common injury for runners and ballet dancers, but it can also occur when you wear shoes that do not offer enough support during extended periods of activity. Plantar fasciitis may also affect those with flatfeet, those who walk on their tip-toes, and anyone who is on their feet most of every day.

2. Arthritis

There are actually quite a few different types of arthritis that can affect your feet. Each of them can cause foot pain, and they all also require medical attention. These types include:

  • Gout – Causes severe pain and swelling of your big toe as a result of injury or sickness.
  • Osteoarthritis – When the cartilage that protects the ends of bones begins to breakdown.
  • Psoriatic arthritis – Your toenails may thicken and pits may develop. Eventually the nail will separate from the nail bed.
  • Reactive arthritis – Causes inflammation and pain due to a rash on the bottom of your feet.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – Causes pain in the foot because it affects the joints in your feet, causing bunions, corns, claw toe, or hammer toe.

3. Bone spurs

Along the edges of the bones in your feet you may develop osteophytes (bone spurs), which are abnormal pieces of bone that stick out, commonly found where two bones come together.

Oftentimes, bone spurs happen as a result of osteoarthritis because the cartilage on the ends of your bone breaks down. The bone spurs are your body’s attempt at repairing the cartilage. These uncomfortable bone protrusions may go unnoticed for a while, but other times they cause severe pain and a loss of motion in the joints of your feet.

4. Plantar warts

Plantar warts typically develop on your heels and are abnormal growths on your feet. They may grow outward and appear as a tiny bump on the skin, or they can grow inward and you will notice a callus on your foot, instead.

A virus called HPV causes plantar warts, and you can contract the virus by walking around barefoot in a locker room or pool area. These warts do not usually require medical attention, but if they are causing pain and you want them removed you can seek professional treatment or buy a kit at the store for wart removal.

5. Bunions

These bony bumps on the side of your foot near your big toe are somewhat common and happen when your big toe is regularly pushed against your second toe. The joint at the base of your big toe gets abnormally large, protrudes outward, and can be very painful.

Bunions can develop if you wear shoes that are too tight for extended periods of time, or they can develop due to genetics. Other ways that bunions occur is through abnormal stress on your feet or because of arthritis. The only way to remove bunions is to have surgery, but it isn’t always medically necessary.

6. Tarsal tunnel syndrome

If you are experiencing foot pain, tingling, or numbness near the sole of your foot or on the inside of your ankle, you may have tarsal tunnel syndrome. This may occur due to flatfeet, varicose veins, injuries, abnormal growths, or diabetes.

You may be able to treat tarsal tunnel syndrome at home by resting and keeping your foot elevated. If that doesn’t work, you may need to have medication prescribed by a doctor. On rare occasions, you may need to have surgery to fix it.

7. Ingrown toenail

When the edge of your toenail grows into your skin you will experience pain, inflammation, and possibly infection. Normally, you won’t need medical attention to relieve an ingrown toenail, but if it becomes infected or if you have diabetes, you should see a doctor.

You can avoid getting an ingrown toenail by taking the following precautions:

  • Wear shoes that are not tight on your toes.
  • Cut your toenails so that they match up with the tips of your toes to ensure protection.
  • Wear protective footwear.

8. Tendinitis

When a tendon in your foot becomes inflamed or irritated it will likely cause pain and tenderness in the area. In your foot, it will likely occur near your heel and is commonly referred to as Achilles tendinitis.

If you are dealing with tendinitis in your foot, it can usually be healed by resting your foot for a while and by participating in physical therapy. To ease the pain during the healing process, you can take painkillers. If the tendinitis has been left untreated for too long and becomes more serious it can cause your tendon to burst, which can only be treated with surgery.

Tendinitis can be self-diagnosed, and you should look for minor swelling in the area, tenderness, and you will notice pain when moving your foot. You only need to see a doctor if the symptoms don’t go away after a couple of days.

This condition typically occurs when you do the same movement repeatedly. If your career or favorite hobby includes using the same tendon many times over, this injury is likely to happen. The older you are, the more likely you are to develop this injury, as well, as your tendons aren’t as strong as they once were. Go to the website healthcreeds to know more about this injury.

9. Bursitis

When the bursae (sacs filled with fluid to protect bones, tendons, and muscles) in your feet become inflamed, you may experience extreme pain. It normally occurs from doing repetitive motions on a regular basis, but it can also occur due to injury. Conditions such as arthritis, infection, and bunions can often lead to bursitis, as well.

The best way to treat bursitis is by resting the affected area and being more careful to avoid trauma in the future. With rest, bursitis normally clears up in a couple of weeks, but it will likely come back regularly.

You can help yourself avoid bursitis by taking special care of your body while working if your job requires you to do the same motions repeatedly. You should also make sure you are bending, lifting, and doing other exerting activities properly and with the correct form. Taking breaks, exercising, stretching, and warming up before activities can also prevent bursitis from occurring.

10. Flatfeet

When the arches of your feet are flat and the bottom of your entire foot touches the ground, you have flatfeet. This is a common condition and may or may not cause pain or swelling. It can happen due to normal stress of your feet due to age, being overweight, after an injury, or simply because you never developed arches when you were a child.

foot pain

The pain caused by flatfeet is usually in the heel of your foot or near where the arch should be. Activity usually makes the pain worse, and you should discontinue the activity if you begin to notice pain.

How To Fix Foot Pain

Figuring out how to fix the pain depends on the foot pain causes. Some of the suggestions for preventing or stopping the pain are the same for many of the conditions, however. You may be able to fix the pain by taking the following measures:

  • Switch up your activities regularly so you can prevent repeated stress to the same tendons.
  • If you notice pain while exercising or playing a sport, stop playing and rest that area of your body.
  • Focus on your technique when exercising or playing sports. If you are not doing the activity correctly, it can cause serious problems for your body.
  • Stretch before and after exercise or sports.
  • Practice safe ergonomics at your job.
  • Have surgery to remove excess bone growth or other abnormalities.
  • Check for ingrown toenails and remove if necessary.
  • Get an expert opinion from your doctor. This isn’t always necessary, but if the pain will not go away on it’s own or if you have diabetes, it is likely necessary.
  • Wear supportive footwear.

Final Thoughts On Food Pain and How To Fix It

Foot pain can cause so many problems for you, and it is so important to fix it before it interferes in a major way. Sometimes, the pain may require medical attention. Other times, as long as you treat it early enough, you can treat the problem at home.

Either way, it is important to determine the cause of your pain, and then find a way to fix it. There are many different foot pain causes, but you can likely narrow down the issue and figure it out for yourself. Otherwise, seeking a professional opinion may be beneficial.

10 Things Itchy Skin Says About Your Health

Did you know that itchy skin is an actual medical condition? The medical term for “an uncomfortable, irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch” is pruritus (pronounced proo-RIE-tus).


Pruritis is a common condition that usually goes away with minimal treatment. For instance, using moisturizer, bathing with lukewarm water, or using gentle cleansers often helps relieve itchy skin. Long-term treatment typically requires identification of the cause of itchy skin and the use of medications.

  • Common co-symptoms of itchy skin include:
  • Bumps, blisters, or spots
  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Scaly, leather-like skin
  • Irritation and redness

Itchy skin that lasts longer than a couple of weeks requires evaluation and treatment by a medical doctor (preferably a specialist – e.g. dermatologist). Prolonged itching and scratching of the skin can lead to further complications such as anxiety, depression, or insomnia. The skin can also become infected, injured, or scarred. Itchy skin that lasts for longer than a few weeks may be indicative of a severe disorder.

What Skin Says About Your Health

“Your skin can be a window to your underlying health, says Wake Forest University’s Joseph Jorizzo, MD, one of the experts who literally wrote the book on signs of internal disease. Many underlying health conditions – some very serious – first appear as skin problems.” – WebMD (source)

Our largest body organ is the skin, measuring over 20 square feet in length and weighing around eight pounds (3.6 kilograms). Besides being an elaborate “cover,” the skin provides many essential functions. Of course, the first priority of the skin is to serve as a barrier between an unstable (and often toxic) environment and our innards.

The skin consists of three layers – the dermis, epidermis, and hypodermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer and acts as a waterproof barrier. The pigmentation process that gives us our skin color also takes place in the epidermis. The activity of melanocytes, cells that produce the coloring pigment, melanin, determine a body’s skin color and tint.

The dermis consists of connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands. The hypodermis is a combination of connective tissue and fat, the presence of which helps to protect delicate parts of the body immediately below.

Things Itchy Skin Says About Your Health

  1. Butterfly Rash: Contact dermatitis, lupus, rosacea

Butterfly rash is usually the first sign of lupus, an autoinflammatory disorder characterized by inflammation of the skin. Symptoms of lupus can range from mild to severe and include fatigue, fever, hair loss, kidney complications, gastrointestinal problems, swollen joints, and thyroid problems.

Butterfly rash may also indicate other conditions such as contact dermatitis or rosacea. The former is usually caused by irritation from a substance in things like cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry, and plants. Rosacea is a skin disease characterized by skin flare-ups and remissions. Symptoms of rosacea include bumps and pimples, eye irritation, facial redness and swelling, and skin thickening.

  1. Skin plaque: Psoriasis

Skin plaque is an itchy, elevated lesion most commonly associated with psoriasis. Also known as primary lesions, skin plaque may appear to be flat even though it is elevated. Plaques may have definable borders that may arise as different shapes and take on a reddish, scaly appearance. Such skin plaque shapes include:

  • Half-moon shaped
  • Ring-shaped
  • Snake-shaped
  • Multicolored

Skin plaques most often appear on the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp. A specific type of skin plaque – leg plaque – may appear red on the edge and gold-colored in the center.

  1. Purple, flat-topped lumps on the wrist: Hepatitis C

Purplish, flat-topped bumps are most commonly linked to hepatitis C. These bumps usually itch terribly and may be located anywhere on the body. Commonly affected areas include the legs, lower back, genitals, and neck.

Hepatitis C is both a virus and an infection. The virus leads to the infection, which affects around four million people in the U.S. alone annually. Hepatitis C often doesn’t carry noticeable symptoms, with about 80 percent remaining symptom-free. Acute symptoms of the disease may include abdominal pain, dark urine, decreased appetite, joint pain, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting.

  1. Flesh-colored lesions on the back: Tuberous sclerosis

Tuberous Sclerosis is a serious, potentially life-threatening disease that may cause the development of elevated, irritated, flesh-colored lesions on the body. These patches are also called shagreen patches and have a texture resembling an orange peel. Shagreen patches may appear across the cheeks, nose, and torso.

Tuberous sclerosis causes the growth of benign tumors in the brain and other vital organs. Symptoms of the condition may include abnormal heart rhythm, calcium deposits on the brain, developmental disabilities, and intellectual disabilities.

  1. Chronic itch: Neurological disorder

Itches that do not find even temporary relief by creams and other well-accepted topical medications may arise from a neurological condition. The urge to itch arises from the activity of the brain and nervous system, and scientists have discovered that misfiring of this system can create unexplainable itchy sensations.

For example, the peripheral nerves extend from the spinal cord to the skin and throughout the body. If these nerves become damaged, they can become too sensitive, leading to itching sensations.

  1. Swollen, pale-red bumps (hives): Various causes

Hives are a type of skin outbreak characterized by burning, itching, or stinging skin. Hives may appear anywhere on the body, and commonly show up on areas of the face, ears, throat, or tongue. Similar to hives is angioedema, an allergic reaction that causes swelling directly underneath – as opposed to on – the skin.

The release of histamine causes angioedema and hives, which sometimes leads to blood plasma leaking from blood vessels. Conditions that may cause this include allergy, certain medicines (including aspirin and NSAIDs), insect stings, and sunlight exposure.

  1. Scaly, red, dry patches: Psoriasis

Scaly, itchy, red patches that form on the arms, elbows, knees, hands, and other parts of the body are often linked to psoriasis, a chronic skin condition caused by an overactive immune system. Common symptoms of psoriasis include inflammation, skin flaking, and the presence of “thick, white, silvery, or red” patches of skin.

Psoriasis is not a curable condition but can be symptom-controlled through the use of topical treatments, systemic treatments, or a combination of both.

  1. Itchy bumps or blisters: Celiac Disease

Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is the skin manifestation of celiac disease, an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which arises from an impaired immune response to eating the wheat protein gluten. DH signals the mucosal system of the intestines to release immunoglobin A (IgA), a type of antibody. IgA travels through the bloodstream and binds to skin cells, producing blisters or bumps. These extremely itchy bumps and blisters often arise in areas of the buttocks, elbows, and knees.

Topical medications can provide relief for itchy skin caused by DH. Celiac disease is manageable through diet. Continued consumption of gluten may result in health complications such as anemia, bone density loss, malnutrition, or ulcerative colitis – a more severe inflammatory bowel disease.

  1. Itchy, raised welts (or hives): Allergy

Exposure to allergens may lead to the growth of welts, which may become itchy. These bumps are also called hives. Besides itching, hives often sting or burn. Allergic hives may appear anywhere on the body and vary widely in size.

Hives brought on by an allergic reaction are often due to something (like a chemical) that has been inhaled or ingested. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, may also cause hives. Allergic sensitivity to airborne mold spores or pollens are common causes of hay fever.

  1. Blisters and burn-like marks on hands and forearms: Eczema

Eczema is a blanket medical term for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed. Eczema affects around 30 million Americans, making it one of the most prevalent skin conditions in North America. The skin condition is often seen in babies and children, who often develop rashes or blisters on their cheeks and chin.

itchy skin

Complicating the itchy sensations brought on by eczema is that scratching affected areas can spread it to other parts of the body. Several types of oral and topical medications may be helpful in relieving eczema symptoms.

Final Thoughts: When to Seek Medical Treatment

As mentioned, it is common to occasionally experience itchy skin. Most causes of skin itch – dry skin, acute rash, etc. – are relatively harmless. However, itchy skin that lasts longer than 2-3 weeks and doesn’t improve with self-care measures should be evaluated by a doctor or specialist (dermatologist).

Consider visiting a medical professional under the following circumstances:

  • The itch is severe.
  • Skin irritation interrupts your daily routine or your sleep.
  • The skin problems surface suddenly and without explanation.
  • Skin anomalies spread throughout the body.
  • Skin issues are accompanied by symptoms such as exhaustion, fever, blistering, changes in bowel habits, weight loss, or insomnia.

If the condition lasts for 2-3 months despite doctor intervention and treatment, see a dermatologist to be evaluated for skin disease and an internist to be evaluated for other diseases.

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