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10 Behaviors That Reveal Toxic People In Your Life

Toxic people can seem inescapable. Drama follows them everywhere, and the more players they can draw to their stage, the more satisfying it is to their ego. You dread working with or meeting them at social events. They never stop talking about either their issues or their accomplishments. They’re never happy, never satisfied, and always critical.

If you find that you feel emotionally drained, mentally exhausted, or see yourself as a complete failure, you may be in the dragnet of a toxic relationship. If you have made all the sacrifices to keep the peace or right the unrightable wrongs, all to no avail, it’s time to take an honest look at what’s motivating you and the unhappy object of your attention.

How can you recognize the influence of toxic people in your life? How can you know when it’s time to accept not only that you will never be able to meet this person’s demands, but that you are losing the best part of yourself in the effort? Here are some sure signs of a toxic personality.

1. Expert Manipulation

Toxic people know how to twist a conversation or situation until their thoughts and desires are the only ones that matter. They always force you to be on the defensive, needing to prove yourself to stay in their good graces.

Manipulators will keep you under their control by pointing out all your weaknesses and mistakes. They will make you a mental and emotional slave. You may begin to feel dependent on them for your own identity and worth. If someone immediately comes to mind when you read this, take every step possible to separate yourself. Remove toxic people and their influence for the sake of your own well being and future happiness.

2. They never stop talking…

Quick, dive into the first dark room or run the opposite direction. Because once this person starts talking, they will never stop. Never. They don’t want a conversation. If you start to say something, they will just interrupt you and carry on.

If you are by nature a good listener, they will call you their best friend, seek your company, and monopolize as much of your time as possible with a completely self-centered monologue. They will drain all your sympathy, empathy, and patience. They will expect you to be available at all times and lay a heavy burden of guilt on you if you’re not.

Don’t let them. At some point, you will need to set limits and enforce them, even at the risk of hurt feelings. Make sure they know you have other responsibilities and relationships to which you desire to give your attention. They may not take your advice seriously. They may speak negatively about you. But they must respect your space. Be nice, yet stick to your resolve. The truth will, eventually, speak for itself.

3. The No-Fault Clause

We all know at least one. No matter what happens, it’s not his or her fault. You may find yourself making excuses for this person’s rude, self-aggrandizing behavior. They will always be saying, “If he hadn’t done…” or “If she hadn’t said…” then everything would have gone as they thought it should.

If you are the one closest to this person, you can become the object of blame. You can quickly become the reason for every unacceptable outcome in this toxic person’s life. There does not need to be any logic in their reasoning. The no-fault clause allows them to argue with people in authority or blame any handy scapegoat (like you), even if you were nowhere around at the time.

It can be difficult, but you need to set boundaries with these toxic people. Try to keep evidence to support the truth, and have a witness when you confront this person. Protect yourself from verbal and emotional abuse by removing yourself from their influence.

4. The Jealous Judge

This toxic personality is often motivated by their own self-loathing. The only way to justify their own lack of self-worth is to destroy the self-worth of others. And so this person will often be the office gossip, the universal critic in any group.

This person never seems to receive the attention or loyalty they should. They always see people enjoying each other as proof of disapproval of themselves. They will demand caring and support, but they will never give it in return. Don’t expect this person to show any interest in what interests you.

Remove toxic people like this from influential places in your life. You may need to step back and remember that your value does not come from the attention or acceptance of just one person. Give your encouragement to the ones who will appreciate it and it will often be reciprocated.

5. The Eternal Victim

These toxic people have never been wrong, just misunderstood. They have the worst luck. If you’re sick, they’re sicker. If you’re tired, they’re exhausted. Trying to have a conversation with a self-proclaimed victim is a never-ending competition for the lowest place in life.

The eternal victim will always be unjustly treated and left out of the fun. They are always in pain and always depressed. Their issues are often common ones, but they’re handled with self-pity and blame-shifting. And the person who is closest to them often carries the greatest guilt.

If you know someone who blames you for every negative thing in their life, remember this: No one is always wrong or always right. A mixture of good and bad outcomes is a part of life. Don’t let anyone convince you to take the blame for all their ills. Life is often what we make it, and you have the power to remove toxic people and be happy.

6. The Pathological Liar

There are some people who wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them on the lip, so to speak. They create their own reality, depending on whom they hope to influence or what they want to acquire. Just because you’re family or care about them doesn’t mean they won’t lie to you.

It can be devastating to discover that the person you gifted with your trust has lied to you or about you. You’ll need to remove yourself from the influence of this person before they draw you into a dangerous web of deception. It may not be possible to make this person accept the truth. Some liars can be very dangerous to your well-being. Do whatever is necessary to remove this person from your life.

7. Always Needy

This poor person just can’t seem to stand on their own two feet. They need someone to fix them, feel sorry for them, and support them in all their efforts. They need you to be their caretaker, parent figure, and cheerleader.

No matter how much you may try to encourage, teach, or challenge these toxic people, they never seem to have the emotional fortitude to make it on their own. They seem to thrive on drama and complain about every possible negative outcome.

Don’t be drawn into becoming this person’s sole support. You can become exhausted by trying to meet their needs. Set limits that will allow you to live your own life, not just help them live theirs.

8. Unyielding Pessimist

This person is lucky if their glass is even half full, and they have no trouble draining yours. They are only too glad to moan over all the worst possible outcomes. The more dire the future loss and mayhem, the more they seem to glory in it.

The person is like Winnie the Pooh’s friend, Eeyore. “It won’t work …” They are professional pity-mongers. They soak up sympathy and beg for more. Before long you’re ready to give in to the idea that life is hopeless. It may be a better idea to just say something nice and positive and then move on … quickly.

9. The Narcissist

These toxic people are superior to all others and must have complete control at all times. Everything, everyone, all actions, words, and even thoughts must be manipulated for their personal ends. They sometimes form a clique of like-minded people and enjoy tormenting anyone outside their influence.

toxic people

A narcissistic personality will quickly squash any opposing ideas or suggestions. They are always right and you are always wrong. They love to argue every point until they have exhausted and vanquished the enemy. Obviously, this person is not capable of a normal relationship. Don’t let them define your value or your talents. You can be perfectly wonderful without them.

10. The Bully

Some of the above toxic people have the potential to become aggressive bullies. A bully will not hesitate to mentally, emotionally, and even physically abuse you in order to get their way. As soon as you recognize that you have become entangled in an abusive relationship, begin to take steps to separate yourself.

Don’t try to do it alone. You may need help from family, friends, and even legal authorities to free yourself. Remaining in a relationship with an abusive person is toxic both to yourself and those who care about you or are under your care.

Final thoughts

It’s never too late to remove toxic people from your life and destiny. You can set boundaries, seek positive relationships, and refuse to stoop to their level. Don’t let rude, manipulative, and degrading people consume your time and energy. You can free yourself and find peace of mind and enjoyment with those who truly care about you. You can have a wonderful, wholesome, positive life.

Dermatologists Reveal 10 Things to Never Put on Your Hands

Our hands are real workhorses. Think about it. What do you use to type, wash dishes, brush your hair, write, and drive a car? For something we use so often, our hands don’t get the attention they deserve. But they should since your hands are indicative of things like hygiene and overall health.

Appearance-wise, did you know that your hands are one of the first things that people notice? It’s true. Your hands do leave an impression, for better or for worse. So, what kind of impression are your hands making? To a large extent, the answer to the question depends on what you’re putting on them.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the above topics as well as things you should never put on your hands, according to dermatologists. We’ll also consider some alternatives to keep your hands looking their best!

Meet Your Hands

“The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.” – Jacob Bronowski

In an attempt to gain more appreciation for our hands, let’s consider a few facts.

  • Each hand contains at least 29 bones and joints.
  • Moving the fingers or thumbs requires 34 muscles – 17 of the hands and 18 of the forearms.
  • Humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and monkeys are the only species with opposable thumbs.
  • In such awe of the human thumb was Sir Isaac Newton that he stated, “In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”
  • Twenty-five percent of the motor cortex in the brain is used to manipulate the muscles of the hands.
  • The sense of touch is the first sense to develop, occurring in utero.
  • There are about 5,000 germs on your hands at any given time.
  • Transmission of bacteria and viruses often occurs via hand contact with others.

10 Things to Never Put on Your Hands

  1. Antibacterial soap

Many antibacterial products, including soap, contain triclosan – a chemical agent known to induce skin irritation. Triclosan is an antibacterial agent that is also added to many body washes, toothpaste, and cosmetics. Triclosan may also be found in products such as children’s toys, clothing, furniture, and kitchenware.

Per the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), no evidence exists that triclosan “provides a benefit to human health” or “provides any (cleansing) benefit over washing with regular soap and water.” In December of 2017, the FDA finalized a rule that prevents the use of triclosan in over-the-counter (OTC) antiseptic products, citing “insufficient data” regarding the chemical’s safety and efficacy.

What to do instead: Numerous hand-cleaning products do not contain triclosan. Soap and water, organic washes and other natural products are probably just as effective and may lower the risk of irritating the skin.

  1. Gel nails

The entirety of the nail surface above the cuticle is called the nail plate. The nail plate contains an essential keratin protein that helps the nail grow. Gel polish may cause the drying and damaging of the nail plate, which can cause the nails to become brittle, split, thin, or weaken. Moreover, dermatologists are concerned with the UV treatment used to “seal” the polish. More on this later.

While occasional – no more than a couple of times monthly – gel treatment is probably okay, it nonetheless increases the risk of damage. Just make sure to remove the product carefully and thoroughly.

What to do instead: Look for nail polishes with “5-free” on the bottle. It means that the product is free from the carcinogens that are often found in nail gel and lacquer products. While these products may cost a bit more, you’ll be doing your hands and nails a big favor.

  1. Lanolin

Lanolin is derived from sheep wool oil, which is known to cause skin irritation in some people. In fact, many clinical allergy tests use wool alcohols – which contain lanolin – because the product is more likely to cause an allergic reaction than others. Of all skin conditions, lanolin is most often associated with skin dermatitis – a red and itchy rash. Dermatologists estimate that contact dermatitis occurs in about 3 percent of people who apply lanolin.

Lanolin is included as an ingredient in numerous products, including hair and scalp conditioner, hand cream, antiperspirant and deodorant, lipstick, and even diaper care products.

What to do instead: First, if you’re using products with lanolin without issue, it’s probably safe to continue doing so. Otherwise, shop for products that do not contain lanolin. Categories of hand products that contain lanolin are hand cleansers and hand creams.

  1. UV light

In this context, the term “UV light” applies both to the sun and light lamps (such as those used for nail treatments.) While the human body does require some sun exposure daily – about 20 minutes – exposure beyond this period increases the risk for sunburn and other issues.

The rule for using artificial UV lights is rather straightforward: don’t do it. This rule applies to tanning as well, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation (SCF). “A tan – whether you get it on the beach, in a bed, or through incidental exposure – is bad news,” says the SCF, because “tans are caused by harmful (UV) radiation” which result in skin cell damage.

What to do instead: Don’t tan or use artificial UV light products. Limit your sun exposure and always apply sunscreen when heading outdoors.

  1. Heated air

As a Michigander, the writer has a bit of a problem with this one. (“Have you been to Michigan in the wintertime?” was my first thought!)

Thankfully, dermatologists aren’t suggesting abstaining from heat (which would be crazy); instead, they recommend not pointing a source of heat directly onto exposed skin. Heated air and hot water, when directly applied to the skin, extract the skin’s natural moisture and causes dryness and itchiness.

What to do instead: By all means, use a heater if you must. Just make sure to direct the airflow away from exposed skin. When showering or bathing, use lukewarm water instead of hot.

  1. Traditional dishwashing soap

Similar to other soap products, dish soap can absorb essential skin lipids and other moisturizing elements. Dish soap may also damage the skin barrier which protects the surface of the body directly underneath.

What to do instead: Per Health Magazine, there are plenty of alternative dish soaps that may help those with sensitive skin; including varieties of brands such as Dawn.

  1. Latex (rubber) gloves

Having “outlawed” dish soap, why not go ahead and do the same for rubber gloves? (It seems as if the dermatologists are getting a bit picky now, eh?)

Anyways, dermatologists insist that latex is highly allergenic in people who use rubber gloves on the regular. But unless you work as a hands-only dishwasher or you are someone who wears gloves often (e.g. doctor, researcher, etc.) you’re probably okay.

What to do instead: If you have sensitive skin, it may be worth looking into water-absorbable gloves that don’t contain latex. Otherwise, use an alternative dishwashing soap and wash with your hands or a utensil.

  1. Petroleum hand creams

Allergy or sensitivity to petroleum isn’t all that uncommon. Symptoms of such include itchiness, runny nose, and watery eyes. Skin symptoms resemble those of contact dermatitis and include redness, itchiness, and rashes. Respiratory problems may also occur, which may be life-threatening.

Besides allergy, petroleum-based hand creams leave the skin quite greasy, which may be problematic if your work involves the use of your hands. Consider using a hand cream with glycerin instead of petroleum.

What to do instead: Instead of petroleum-based hand creams, some dermatologists recommend those with glycerin, which also hydrates the skin but is much less greasy.

  1. Traditional hand sanitizer

Traditional hand sanitizer is mostly alcohol, which can severely dehydrate the hands. Fortunately, more hand sanitizer products are becoming available that use a moisturizing base instead of alcohol. As with many things on this list, however, hand sanitizer – even with alcohol – is probably fine in moderation. (As an encouraging aside, researchers have effectively dispelled the myth that hand sanitizer is seriously harmful to health.)


What to do instead: While some dermatologists recommend abstaining from hand sanitizer, moderate usage is probably just fine. If you have sensitive skin, look for a hand sanitizer with less or no alcohol.

  1. Manicure products

Dermatologists don’t have too many good things to say about manicures, mostly because of the harmful products that salons put on your hands and nails. Some “dermas” also complain about the nasty infections they’ve seen due to nail salons not properly sterilizing tools.

What to do instead: As we’ve mentioned, skin specialists warn against going to the nail salon. If you must get your monthly manicure, search for a reputable salon that is highly rated by customers. You might also want to ask the nail technicians about how the salon sterilizes its tools and safeguards customer health. If they seem unwilling or unable to answer such basic questions, go somewhere else.

31 Most Inspiring Buddha Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Throughout our days, we are often overwhelmed by stress, caught up in our thoughts and everything we have to do. Studies show that depression and anxiety are on the rise. It’s not surprising that millions of people are struggling just to find happiness in their day-to-day life (12).

We live in a spotlight culture. What does that mean, exactly? Think about social media for a minute. If you scroll through your Facebook or Instagram feed, what do you see? Dozens of people living their “best lives,” getting engaged, traveling the world, celebrating the launch of another business. We’ve become conditioned to only care about the big moments. The day-to-day is just a means to an end. In Buddhism, the opposite is true.

The Buddha, or “enlightened one,” guides people to a sense of inner peace by teaching them how to live in the present.

The Buddha we know today was born in Nepal sometime between the 6th to 4th century BC as Siddhartha Gautama (3). Like many of us, Buddha pondered the deeper meaning of life and struggled to find purpose in the ordinary. He tried multiple religions, but nothing gave him the sense of contentment he needed, so he turned to meditation. Many of the Buddha quotes we still repeat today came from his personal experiences during this time.

The Buddha was raised luxuriously in a palace, but all the riches in the world didn’t bring him any sense of fulfillment or deeper meaning. At 29, he left his family and ventured into the wilderness. He encountered many different people, who opened his eyes to the universal suffering in the world.

There are many different theories as to what inspired the Buddha to begin teaching, but his great wisdom has inspired millions of people around the world for centuries. One of the most alluring aspects of Buddhism is that you don’t have to practice it as a religion to gain peace from its founder’s words. An inspiring Buddha quote can carry you through your day and not only give you reassurance but also something to think about.

31 Buddha Quotes to Change Your Life

1. “Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

The longer form of this quote compares happiness to the light of a candle. A signal flame can light a thousand others. Likewise, we can change so many lives simply by sharing some of the happiness in our own.

Studies show that even the simple act of smiling, forced or not, releases feel-good hormones that lift our spirits (4).

2. “No one can save us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We must walk the path alone.”

The ultimate purpose of Buddhism is to reach a state of being called “enlightenment.” According to the Buddha, when an enlightened person transforms, they reach Nirvana, a paradise that is free from the endless cycle of human suffering through rebirth.

The exact definition of “enlightenment” varies among different sects of Buddhism (5). Whichever you choose to believe, the point stands that we must go through life’s journey on our own. Comfort in others is wonderful, and humans were designed for companionship. However, no one can ever truly bring us the sense of love, security, and purpose we crave except ourselves.

3. “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow.”

There’s no shortage of scientific research that proves our thoughts influence our happiness. In fact, there’s an entire branch of psychology dedicated to changing thought patterns and living better lives as a result: it’s called positive psychology.

The Buddha wants to teach people to clear their minds and develop a healthy inner-monologue. In Buddhism, this is often achieved through loving-kindness meditation, but you are free to find your own way as well.

4. “Do not dwell on the past. Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment.” 

We can’t be happy if we’re going through our lives plagued with guilt or regret from the past and anxiety about the future. The present moment is the future you once craved, and someday, it will be your past. Every day, you’re writing your own personal history. Choose to change and make it a good one.

5. “There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires.”

When you stop thinking about what you don’t have, you liberate yourself from the fear of what you will never achieve. Rather than absence, you can direct your energy to the present and develop a sense of gratitude.

6. “Better than a thousand hollow words is one that brings peace.”

Have you ever struggled to find the words to comfort a friend or loved one in despair? You yourself may have felt burdened by the well-intentioned but misguided advice of others. Choose your words wisely, and understand that sometimes, people only speak because they need someone to listen, not to advise them.

7. “People with opinions just go around bothering each other.”

In today’s politically charged society, it’s impossible to say anything that angering someone. Opinions do not have to be expressed at every opportunity. You can hold your own beliefs and find validity in them without trying to convince others to see everything your way.

8. “Purity and impurity depend on oneself; no one can purify another.” 

This is one of the Buddha quotes many people might struggle to accept. We are so rooted in our jobs, friendships, and relationships that we often fail to take accountability for our own happiness and sense of purity.

Ask yourself where you feel a lack in your life. Whether it’s spiritual or mental, consider addressing your inner child and uncovering where you need to be nurtured most.

9. “If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?”

Being conscientious of our words builds empathy and helps us form more meaningful relationships. Many people act as if they have to either choose between honesty or kindness, but you can choose both. Buddha quotes encourage us to dig deeper and become more conscious of our actions toward ourselves and others.

10. “If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone.”

If you’ve been damaged by religion, there is room for spiritual healing on your own. This inspiring Buddha quote calls everyone to follow their heart and seek truth, peace, and happiness in their own ways. As long as you do no harm unto others, there is no wrong path.

11. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

Your thoughts don’t define you, but we can’t help but identify with them. You don’t have to believe every thought you think, but you do have to make an effort to cultivate a healthy mind. It takes time, but we can learn to restructure our brain’s pathways and think more positively.

12. “The ultimate truth is not even to think.”

It’s hard to imagine not thinking. If you’ve ever tried to meditate, you know first-hand how obstructive thoughts can be. Daily practice can help you learn to slow down and detach from your thoughts.

13. “Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.”

14. “An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”

If you need an inspiring Buddha quote to motivate you, this is it. Go after your dreams, and don’t be afraid to fail. It’s the only way you can learn and improve.

15. “Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence.”

16. “The tongue like a sharp knife; it kills without drawing blood.”

17. “A jug fills drop by drop.”

This simple yet inspiring Buddha quote helps you remember to pause and celebrate your progress, no matter how seemingly insignificant.

18. “The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”

19. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

This is one of the finest examples of the poetry in Buddha quotes. The double entendre suggests that we shouldn’t seek peace in others, nor should we do anything in the name of peace without having peace within ourselves.

20. “You can only lose what you cling to.”

21. “As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise, you will miss most of your life.”

22. “If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”

23. “A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.”

Buddha quotes often deliver serious judgments that many people are afraid to acknowledge themselves. Quotes like this remind us that we can’t believe everything we hear, and we must judge people based off their actions and character, not their words.

24. “If we destroy something around us, we destroy ourselves.”

25. “Doubt everything. Find your own light.”


This inspiring Buddha quote encourages you to ask questions and go against the grain. You aren’t weighed down by society’s standards. You create your own destiny.

26. “In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”

27. “What you think, you create, what you feel, you attract, and what you imagine, you become.”

28. “There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.”

Positive affirmations can provide comfort in times of stress, chaos and confusion. Using Buddha quotes like this can help us remember the duality of life and maintain balance even in times of turmoil.

29. “It is better to travel well than to arrive.”

Life is a journey, and we should embrace every opportunity to explore, change and grow. Our plans will ultimately change to accommodate our minds as we evolve and realize what we really want out of life.

30. “Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

31. “In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

10 Foods That Help Fight Depression

You can fight depression by eating the right foods. Along with all the other methods of combating depression, food should be in the top three of methods. Getting enough sleep and trying to stay positive, food is equally important. What we place in to our bodies affects our moods, mood swings, and give us the fuel to get through tasks. When we are able to get through a task we are less stressed. There is a full cycle and circle of action in lessening the burden to our brains.

Starting to eliminate some foods such as sugar, dairy and caffeine are a good start. Eating healthier choices such as fruits and vegetables are the go-to for choosing a diet rich in freshness and the proper vitamins and fuel needed for the body. Make the commitment to pick up more fresh choices while shopping and you will start to notice the difference too. Your mood will be lightened and you will have more energy.

Below are some foods that provide the nutrients needed in order to fight depression.

10 Foods Helped Me Fight My Depression:

1. Any Dark Leafy Greens

These are a nutrient-dense inflammation fighter. Inflammation is what sets off depression in the brain. Fight it by buying and eating more dark leafy greens. There are so many to choose from: spinach, kale, and swiss chard should be on your grocer’s shelves now.

These greens are the first of the “G-BOMBS”. These “G-BOMBS” are foods such as greens, beans, mushrooms, onions, berries, and seeds, as described by Joel Fuhrman, MD in his book, The End of Dieting. These foods are the most powerful immune-boosting agents and have anti-cancer effects.

Severe depression has been linked with brain inflammation as per a study published in March, 2015 in JAMA Psychiatry. Leafy greens are filled with vitamins A, C, E, and K, minerals, and phytochemicals.

2. Walnuts

Stuff some of the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids in to your mouth. Omega-3 fatty acides support the brain’s functions. As a society we do not push the benefits of nuts. Now its time to make some steps back to the nutty side to take advantage of all they have to offer.

3. Avocado

There are so many fresh dishes you can make with avocado. The oleic acid in avocados gives you brainpower. Eating one per day will boost a lot of the brain’s functions. Avocados are power foods and a healthy fat. Most of the fat from the avocado is monounsaturated fat in the form of oleic acid. Avocados are filled with vitamin K, different kinds of vitamin B (B9, B6, and B5), vitamin C, and vitamin E12. YOu would not know it, but an avocado also has very low sugar, but it is high in dietary fiber. Go ahead and grab a few!

4. Berries

When berries are enjoyed freshly there are the highest antioxidant foods available. Choose one or choose them all, but add these berries to your shopping list: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. The variety in what you can get away with will excite your tastebuds. Add some berries to your breakfast and get the day started with something that will fight depression. Antioxidants are like DNA repairmen and they are bursting throughout berries. Your body is already equipped with what it needs to make its own repairs. These repairmen fix your cells and preventing them from getting cancer and other illnesses.

5. Mushrooms

There are so many different types of mushrooms. You will never be bored to add these foods to your plate. The chemical properties of mushrooms oppose insulin. Insulin helps to lower blood sugar levels, evening out your mood. Mushrooms promote healthy gut bacteria. It sounds gross, but it is ever so good for your body. Our gut manufactures at least eighty percent of our body’s serotonin. Serotonin is the critical neurotransmitter that keeps us balanced and sane. We certainly cannot afford to skip the mushrooms. We should be loading up even more on these delicious treats. Our intestinal health matters!

6. Onions

We often overlook onions as having much to contribute. They are smelly and we do not like to cut them because of the effects on our eyes. Onions must push their way on to our plates too. Onions are layered With cancer fighting allium. Allium is brimming over in vegetables such as chives, leeks, shallots, spring onions, and garlics have been associated with decreasing the risk of many types of cancers.

Eating garlic and onions frequently helps to reduce the risk of cancers to the digestive tract. Consider the relationship between your digestive tract and your brain. Between the two helping to prevent cancers of the gut they also benefit your mood.

7. Tomatoes

Add at least five baby tomatoes to your salad today to load up on folic acid and alpha-lipoic acid. Those two acids are awesome for fighting depression. As per research published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience,studies have shown an elevation of folate deficiency in patients with depression; they were have folate deficiency. Folic acid can prevent an excess of homocysteine. Homocysteine restricts the making of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine from forming in the body. Still too scientific? Its ok, just eat more tomatoes. Who can resist adding tomatoes to every dish rather raw or cooked. You can grow tomatoes easily too – in the yard or on the balcony. The fresh juiciness pops in your mouth.

8. Beans

Anti-diabetes and weight loss all wrapped in to a bean. Our bodies digest beans slowly and this stabilizes blood sugar levels. Another super food that can do wonders for our bodies. This is the one starch that should be on your kitchen shelves. Add beans to a salad and your body will smile from the inside. Beans are a great mood stabilizer and packed with fiber. Some will notice that with more bean eating they will not feel the need to load up on breads. Beans is a wonder food that will continue to amaze the body.

9. Seeds

Seeds are not normally pushed as a food for humans, but for birds. Why allow the birds to have all the fun? Instead of reaching for potato chips, reach for seeds. Seeds are filled with sources of Omega-3s. Sunflower seeds or any kind are better than the snacks on the shelves that can be filled with unnatural fats and salts. Some other seeds to keep on your shopping list are: flax, hemp, and chia seeds. You can roast these or add some other additives such as lime to them too. Its a seed party in the mouth! Seeds fight diseases too and increasingly absorb protective nutrients in vegetables when eaten in the same meal. Sprinkle some seeds on your meal and your body will be satisfied.

flex seeds to fight depression

10. Apples

Are you eating enough apples? Once you understand what they can do for your body you will want to eat more. Just like berries apples are also high in antioxidants. Apples also balance blood sugar and are a fiber. Try different types of snacks with apples – dark chocolate or even slathering on some almond butter. Make a fruit salad and be certain to include some apples.

There is a connection between the food we eat and how it affects us. The new weapon to fight depression is actually not all that new as we have been pushing these superfoods to the side for the crunch non-healthy alternatives. Healthy food is depression treatment. If you crave sweet, salty, or fatty foods, you’re not alone. If you substitute any of the above foods then you will have met your desires and satisfied your body. Intake of too much sugar decreases a protein in our brains and that too is involved in the development of anxiety and depression.

The path for long-term health against depression has the first step of eating more fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Many studies show that people who eat healthier have better mental health. Join the club and stock up on your next grocery store visit. You will be happier and feel more satisfied too. You will find more purpose and fulfillment in life and in living.

There is nothing magical in leaning on chemical ingredients for depression. The magic actually lies within the natural foods that are on Earth and available for us to eat. Get to know the vegetables and fruits in your nearest grocery store. You will be surprised of how many you have skipped over just because you are not familiar with them. Learn more about how to incorporate these foods in to your everyday diet with recipes that you will look forward to cooking. The new high should be in your grocery bag, not in a bottle from a shelf. When you are taking care of yourself, you are taking control of what you eat. Your spirit picks up and that becomes an antidepressant.

Science Explains How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

With all the health benefits of fermented foods being brought to light, it’s no wonder that many people are looking to apple cider vinegar for answers to their health questions.

ACV has been a staple used by many people to treat health problems. While it’s always on your grocery shelf, many are now beginning to see the true wonders in this tonic.

Despite the massive health benefits, this tart concoction is also helping people lose weight. Is it possible that something that has been used for pickling and making a zesty vinaigrette can help fight the battle of the bulge?

Understanding the Components of Apple Cider Vinegar?

To make ACV, crushed apples are added to a yeast mixture. The yeast causes the sugars within the apples to turn to alcohol. The process’s next part is adding acid to ferment the batch. Once acetic acid is added, the total processing time is about one month. Some manufacturing companies have reduced the production time to around 24 hours.

The strong taste and sour odor in this vinegar come from ethanoic acid. Nutritionally speaking, one tablespoon of this bitter elixir has about three calories and zero carbohydrates.

apple cider vinegar

Acetic Acid Can Promote Fat Loss

The Latin word for vinegar is acetum. About six percent of this apple cider treat comprises acetic acid, a short-chain fatty mordant. Once it’s ingested, the acid dissolves and makes acetate in the body. Acetate has many advantages as it causes changes to occur.

Studies show acetic acid can lower blood sugar levels, decrease insulin levels, improve metabolism, reduce overall fat storage, and suppress appetite. Most research was conducted on animals. Studies on humans are ongoing. However, the results of regular use are promising.

You Must Reduce Calorie Intake While Supplementing With Apple Cider Vinegar, Suggests One Study

When it comes to apple cider vinegar for weight loss, the power is in appetite suppression. Ingesting a couple of tablespoons of this vinegar can help you feel full. When your stomach is satisfied, you are less likely to eat.

A small study found that apple cider vinegar worked to support weight loss, but only when combined with a reduced-calorie diet. The study observed the subjects in two groups for twelve weeks. One group of participants reduced caloric intake by 250 calories, while the other group did not reduce caloric consumption. At the end of the study, researchers noted how,

“The ACV significantly reduced body weight, BMI, hip circumference, visceral adiposity index (VAI) and appetite score (P ≤ 0.00).”

The study also notes that ACV might have an appetite-reducing effect on the body.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?

First, you should know that there is no magic pill or health tonic that is going to make the pounds miraculously disappear. Rather than purchasing the latest fad drug or buying into that hype, you can take comfort in knowing that this vinegar has been used for thousands of years.

When using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, you won’t need to worry about your heart racing, feeling flush, or having euphoria-like sensations, which come with most dieting drugs. However, one study concluded that it has an impressive effect on appetite control.

Another study was conducted over twelve weeks on Japanese adults. The 144 individuals were given 1-2 tablespoons of ACV to drink daily. They were told that they couldn’t have any alcohol, but they didn’t need to alter their diet in any other way. The results were uncanny.

The group that consumed one tablespoon lost an average of 2.5 pounds. Their triglycerides decreased by an astounding 26 percent, and their body fat dropped seven percent. The group that consumed two tablespoons had even more significant results. On average, these individuals lost 3.5 pounds and saw a 26 percent drop in triglycerides.

The placebo group didn’t have such good results. They gained weight and their waist measurements increased. There haven’t been many studies of this kind, but this human study proves that ACV might benefit weight loss.


Read about how quinoa can help you feel more satisfied to help you eat less.

Other Health Benefits Provided by Apple Cider Vinegar

Though many people are talking about apple cider vinegar for weight loss, it has many other benefits that it can provide for the body. Here are some of the ways Old-timers used ACV as a tonic.

•Acetic Acid May Help Contol Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels

ACV could help lower blood sugar and insulin levels by slowing the digestive process after consuming a meal laden with high carbohydrates.

A small randomized, controlled trial observed participants’ blood glucose and insulin responses following a high-carb meal in fifteen-minute intervals.

They also administered the acetic acid in three different portion sizes to determine the most effective combination. They found that the highest dosage, 28 mmol of acetic acid,  reduced the blood glucose response at the 30- and 45-minute marks. However, it better controlled insulin and increased satiety at 30, 90, and 120 minutes.

While the scientists suggest the necessity for more extensive studies, this outcome offers hope to people with an increased risk for diabetes.

•Helps with Insulin Sensitivity

One medical journal explained how adding a couple of tablespoons before a meal also showed that insulin sensitivity improved by 34 percent.

•Alters Fasting Blood Sugar Levels

Another study took people with type 2 diabetes and had them consume ACV with a snack in the evening. The high-protein snack and vinegar improved the blood sugar numbers twice as much as those who did fasting alone to improve their numbers.

•Tackles PCOS symptoms

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a horrible condition that causes infertility, hair loss, growth in places it shouldn’t, and problems balancing hormones. It’s a miserable illness that has no cure. One study placed women with this disease on a regimen to take two tablespoons of ACV at night.

They consumed the vinegar for around a hundred days. Shockingly, more than half of the women started ovulating again, which is the most significant complaint of infertility issues. The improvement of insulin sensitivity has everything to do with the reproductive system, which is probably why they saw such a dramatic increase.

•Cuts Cholesterol Levels

Studies conducted in rats and mice found that a regular ACV regimen reduced the bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Fortunately, it increased good cholesterol numbers.

•Controls Blood Pressure

Using animal studies, researchers have found that ACV may decrease diastolic and systolic pressures. This elixir constrains the enzymes that constrict blood vessels and doesn’t make the heart work as hard.

•Kills Viruses and Bacteria

E. Coli is a potent bacterium that is found in foods. Thankfully, ACV can fight these bacteria and reduce up to 90 percent of how much is ingested. Forget food poisoning when you take this healthy tonic before you eat. Also, it can reduce viruses by up to 95 percent. Flu season may never be the same again.

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet for Weight Loss

You’re already impressed with all you’ve read about using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, but you don’t know where to start. It’s easy to begin incorporating it into your diet. First, you can blend it with a bit of olive oil and make a salad dressing. The tangy zip ACV provides great on cucumbers, tomatoes, and leafy greens.

You may want to use it for pickling eggs or cucumbers, or if you don’t mind a tart taste, you can drink it straight. The average dose of ACV is one or two tablespoons per day. Remember, vinegar can cause some gastric problems, so it’s better to start slow and build up to the total dosage. Some even spread it over a few daily doses to prevent indigestion.

However, drinking ACV before a meal is always best to protect the stomach. Though it’s tempting to turn the bottle up and not mess with measuring, it can cause burning to the esophagus and stomach. Make sure always to dilute it with water for the best results. There are tablets on the market that make big claims, but nothing will replace the power of pure, organic apple cider vinegar with the mother.

apple cider vinegar

The Bottom Line on Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

After reviewing all the studies conducted on animals and humans, ACV dramatically impacts the body. If these studies are truthful, taking just a small amount each day promises big results. Who wouldn’t want to increase their fertility, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and lose pounds of fat?

The only downside is that acetic acid, the main component, can harm the stomach and cause gastric issues. This problem can be combated by diluting the vinegar in water. If you need to lose weight and have tried everything else, your answer may be at the local health store staring you right in the face. While it’s not a miracle worker, it might be a supplement worth discussing with your doctor.

5 Skills That Make You Better At Dating

In an ideal world, everyone is respectful and mindful of the needs of the other. However, we have to learn to maneuver around those who are not and to enhance our own skills so that we can become better overall. Here is the reality: along with dating comes mishaps, misunderstandings, and commitment issues. Here we do not have any secrets except one: be the best partner you can be. This is easier said than done, so we had to compile a list to help you get along better in the dating world. Whether you are navigating the complexities of online dating or seeking companionship through services like romford escorts, our tips will help you build stronger, more meaningful connections.

You do not have to be perfect, as there is no such thing as the perfect person. With our list of skills that make you good, you will have a compass to start with yourself and then be able to deal with others. Starting with being respectful and honest is always a good base. Everyone should remember those rules from being in kindergarten. This is the mark of someone who gets it and is ready to balance the five skills we have shared below.

Skills that make you good at your job could also apply for dating. Below we review five skills and share some pro dating tips that can keep you afloat while looking for the one. Each step is where you can begin to work on yourself and then start to look at others. Just as you would at any job interview or on the job of any company, you would do a self-evaluation and try to improve from there. Think of our list as the beginning of your self-improvement and awareness. Before you know it you will be on your way to a long term, healthy relationship.

These 5 Skills Up Your Dating Game

Dating is always a challenge, but with the right tools, you can date and not feel bogged down with self-loathing or negativity.


1. Be Observative

Are you aware of social cues? Can you read body language and eye contact, or lack thereof? There are many forms of nonverbal communication. Not noticing if the person is into you may save you a lot of time and embarrassment. If you are better able to read body language then you will know how to interpret a possible connection with potential partners.

Reading body language can tell you if the person is interested in your or your friend. Reading body language can also tell you what the person is more excited about in talking on topics. Knowing body language is like having an inside scoop on what will happen next. You can better hone this craft by people-watching. Pay attention to others on dates and see if the the lady is interested in what the guy is saying. If she is she will be leaned in and making eye contact. She may even have a flirty laugh and toss of her hair.

2. Be Self Aware

What are some things you need to work on without being too critical? Before pairing with anyone, it is best to be aware of your flaws and how you work on them. What kind of partner are you while in a relationship? These are important questions to ask of yourself before trying to partner with someone else. By knowing yourself, you come in to the relationship with a better foundation and the ability to build a new one with someone else. Start dating yourself first.

Being by yourself is a strong sign that you are ready to include someone else along for fun. Who else will be if you are not okay with being with you? Being alone is not punishment nor should it be a boring time. Get to know your own interests and pursue what you are in to. Pairing up with someone else will be even more interesting because of your pursuits.

3. Emotional Intelligence and Awareness

Being able to handle your emotions in a healthy manner matters. The key components of having emotional intelligence are having a deeper understanding of yourself, being able to control your emotions in a healthy manner, and feeling empathy towards others. With this skill set you can have an even deeper relationship with someone else. The connection will be made for yourself and also your partner.

dating people

4. Communication/Conversation

Being able to communicate means listening and also conversing. Participating in the exchange of ideas is a sign of healthy communication. Show interest in the date. You can do this by showing appreciation and validating what is being shared with you. Ask questions and be interested and not just interesting. Staring and nodding your head will only lead to a short and single date.

Going back to kindergarten, being honest was a part of the rules of the class. Maintain an openness, too, as you share your feelings throughout the course of the relationship. The way you and the other person communicate is a telltale sign of things to come. This can make or break the relationship. Finding the best way of communicating that works for you both is best. It must be two people communicating. Once you find that you are deeper into the relationship, it may take more work, but with some willingness to work on it you can have a lifetime partner. Being closed off will end a relationship quickly.

Pro dating tips: start getting in the habit of asking at least three questions for each topic that you are not as interested in. This will let your date know that you may not know much about the topic, but you will not seem as if you are not interested in what they are saying.

5. Finance Before Romance

You want to impress your new love interest but do not want to go broke while doing it. Understand what your spending limits are beforehand. When planning the date, you can know exactly what you can and cannot do. Exercising this type of restraint takes time and it will reflect in what is currently in your bank account or your ability to save. No one wants to date someone who cannot pay their own bills. That is not the stuff that a good foundation is made of. You will also find that some of the best dates do not necessarily cost money.

Thoughtfulness and preparedness matter too. Do not discount this for creating a cheap date. Understand your relationship with money may not be the next person’s relationship with money. Free activities such as going for a hike or watching a movie may not be at the top of the list each time for every person.

Pro dating tips: Some apps can help you to get financially sound. Some apps will change what you spent that day and place it into stocks. There are also other apps to help with making certain you stay on top of paying bills.

6. BONUS TIP: Time Management

Having the time to have someone else in your life is equally important. Are you always working or always at work even when you are home? No one wants to communicate with themselves. Think on your own time management and if you are always late to events or outings. No one wants to feel that they are second place to whatever your schedule is. Take an honest look at your time management and how you approach being on time and in the moment.

If you are always connected to your phone and social media, you are not in the moment. Taking a break from your phone and committing to being in the moment for a few weeks could be great practice to being with someone else. You may find the answer is that you may have to wait until you are in a better position before bringing someone else to the table of your life.



Final Thoughts on Improving Your Dating Skills

Some other dating thoughts on time management and being more assertive when seeing others. Can you incorporate this person into your life at this time? Are you truly capable of handling such a schedule without burning out, being late, or being exhausted? Managing your time will allow you to be present and in the moment. The person sitting across from you will appreciate this and will appreciate it even more if their own time is not wasted. Being assertive does not mean being rude. Being assertive simply means you can ascertain when it is time to speak up and show interest in an activity or the other person. They may appreciate and be even more interested in you because you made a stand.

This list could lead to a lot more once you have begun to look at yourself to make certain it is time to bring someone else into your life. The other person will also have their own baggage and their own ways. Being mature enough to recognize this will lead to a healthier dating life.

In the end, we are all works in progress. There is no perfect person. We all have the potential to get rid of our bad dating habits and blossom into someone your new love interest will be glad and proud to date. Applying these dating tips to your everyday life can help.

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