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25 Foods To Avoid When You’re Pregnant

When you are pregnant, you should no longer only think about yourself when you are consuming certain foods. Your unborn baby also consumes everything that you do and receives nutrients from all the foods you choose to eat. Not only does your unborn baby get those nutrients, but the baby also consumes any bacteria, hormones, and artificial flavoring from those foods.

There are certain foods that you should never eat while you are pregnant, and then other foods that should be limited. This is to ensure that your baby is healthy and to allow your baby to only consume the necessary nutrients. Since your baby’s health is so important, here is a list of 25 foods that you should avoid when you are pregnant.

Foods to Avoid When You Are Pregnant


1. Fish that is high in mercury

Mercury is highly toxic and is not safe at any level during pregnancy. It can cause harm to your baby’s nervous system, immune system, their kidneys, or interfere with their development both before and after birth. Fish that have high levels of mercury are found in polluted seas and tend to be the large fish such as:

  • Sharks
  • Swordfish
  • King mackerel
  • Tuna

2. Sushi or other uncooked fish

Raw fish can cause your baby to have infections such as bacterial or parasitic, norovirus, salmonella, or listeria. Sometimes these infections will cause you (the mother) to become dehydrated and very week, but they can also infect your unborn baby causing serious, sometimes fatal, health issues. When you are pregnant, you are nearly 20 times more susceptible to these infections.

Some of the complications that can affect your unborn baby include:

  • Premature delivery
  • Miscarriage
  • Stillbirth

3. Any meat that is under-cooked

Raw or under-cooked meat can cause bacterial or parasitic infections such as E. coli, listeria, and salmonella. When your baby is exposed to these infections, serious complications can occur that can ultimately lead to death. Some other complications that can potentially occur include:

  • Stillbirth
  • Mental retardation
  • Blindness
  • Epilepsy

4. Caffeine

While caffeine is thought to be safe in small amounts, you likely need to cut way back on your caffeine consumption when you become pregnant. Caffeine enters the placenta easily, quickly reaching your unborn baby. This is because an unborn baby cannot burn caffeine and it can cause low birth weight

Caffeine can be found in unlikely sources such as:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soft drinks
  • Hot cocoa
  • Cappuccino

5. Produce that has not been washed

Produce is a common source of bacteria and infection such as E. coli, toxoplasma, Salmonella, and Listeria. The food becomes contaminated by way of the soil and through handling.

Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous because it can cause eye or brain damage while the baby is in your womb. Sometimes toxoplasmosis is contracted with no symptoms at the onset or at birth, but it can cause blindness or mental disabilities later on in life.

Simply washing your fruits and vegetables before you chop them up and eat them can prevent these infections and bacteria from making you or your unborn baby sick.

6. Unpasteurized milk, cheese, or juice

Usually, when you buy milk, cheese, or juice from a grocery store it is pasteurized, but occasionally, you will come across unpasteurized products. These products can cause infections such as listeria, salmonella, and E. coli.

Consuming pasteurized products prevents these bacteria from affecting you and your unborn baby by killing the bacteria. An added bonus is that during the process none of the nutritional value is lost, either.

7. Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, and serious birth defects. Many times, when a mom has consumed alcohol during her pregnancy, her baby will be born with fetal alcohol syndrome which causes deformities, heart defects, and mental retardation.

8. Processed snack foods

During pregnancy, you and your unborn baby need large amounts of proteinfolate, and iron. When you are consuming processed snack foods such as chips, cookies, and microwaveable dishes prevent you from consuming all the essential nutrients you need.

Processed snack foods are high in calories and sugar, and low in any of the nutrients that you should be aiming for. It can cause an unhealthy amount of weight gain and can cause pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes.

9. Hot dogs

During the processing and storage of hotdogs a few different types of bacteria can infect you or your unborn baby. Listeria is a major concern when it comes to hot dogs, and the hot dogs should always be cooked thoroughly before consumption. The fluid that is found in a pack of hot dogs is even more of a concern, as that is the most likely place to find listeria.

10. Lunch meat

For the same reason as avoiding hotdogs, lunch meat and other deli meat should be avoided or limited when you are pregnant. If you do occasionally give in to the craving and consume lunch meat, it should be heated until it is steaming hot to kill any possible bacteria.

11. Eggs that aren’t cooked thoroughly.

Raw or under-cooked eggs are a common cause of Salmonella. This infection can lead to you (the mother) experiencing fever, nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, and other flu-like symptoms. On very rare occasions, salmonella from raw eggs can lead to uterus cramps that cause premature labor or stillbirth.

It may be difficult to determine what constitutes raw egg, because raw egg can be found in a variety of forms including:

  • Poached eggs
  • Hollandaise sauce
  • Some cake frosting recipes
  • Mayonnaise (normally homemade, occasionally store-bought)
  • Scrambled eggs that have been only lightly scrambled

If a store-bought product contains raw egg, the eggs are usually pasteurized, which eliminates the worry of salmonella. You do have to take extra precaution during pregnancy, however, so it is important to read the label just to be sure the raw egg was pasteurized before consuming a store-bought product.

12. Soft cheese

Soft cheeses such as brie, Camembert, Roquefort, feta, Gorgonzola, queso blanco, and queso fresco should be avoided during pregnancy unless their packaging clearly states it has been pasteurized. Consuming soft cheese that is unpasteurized can lead to listeria.

13. Anything from a buffet

The foods at a buffet, especially the lettuce and other vegetables, have higher instances of bacteria contamination such as listeria. When these foods sit out at room temperature, the bacteria can quickly multiply. It doesn’t help that other diners may accidentally contaminate the foods at a buffet.

14. Potato skins

Unless the potato skins have been thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned, you should avoid them during pregnancy. The dirt that clings to the skins can harbor bacteria and infection causing parasites. If you aren’t certain that the skins were scrubbed, you may just want to avoid them altogether to prevent yourself and your unborn baby from becoming ill.

15. Herbal supplements

You may enjoy herbal supplements for cooking or for healing, but experts are unsure if they are safe for pregnancy. In order to ensure that you and your unborn baby are safe as possible, it is best to just avoid these supplements altogether.

16. Shellfish

Shellfish comes with a risk of infection to you and your unborn baby. Algae contains large amounts of bacteria and, since shellfish regularly consume algae, shellfish are full of the bacteria when they die. While you may think that cooking kills all of the harmful bacteria, it actually doesn’t kill it all.

When you are trying to avoid shellfish, it is wise to avoid the following:

  • Oysters
  • Clams
  • Mussels

17. Raw sprouts

Raw sprouts contain bacteria that is extremely difficult to wash away the way you can wash most fruits and vegetables. This bacteria can cause illnesses and other complications for you during pregnancy, and it may even harm your baby, as well. The raw sprouts that should be avoided include:

  • Alfalfa
  • Clover
  • Radish
  • Mung bean

18. Foods that are high in calories

When you consume foods or beverages that are high in calories, you are limiting the nutrients you can intake for the rest of the day. You don’t get a free pass to eat whatever you want without repercussion during pregnancy (although that would be wonderful), so you still have to be careful.

There are certain essential nutrients during pregnancy, and foods that are high in calories don’t tend to have large amounts of those beneficial nutrients. You should instead opt for foods with lower calorie content and higher nutrient content.

19. Raw cookie dough, cake batter, or other homemade dessert mix

Homemade dessert mixes almost always have raw egg in them. This opens the door to salmonella and other infections that you should be avoided to ensure your safety and the safety of your unborn baby.

If you can’t avoid eating the raw dough, look for a store-bought option that does not contain raw egg. It is generally easy to find, so you shouldn’t have to search too hard.

20. Artificial sugars

Some artificial sugars are detrimental to your health, and those sugars are even more detrimental to your unborn baby. These sugars can quickly and easily reach your baby through the placenta, as well, so there isn’t much chance for your own body to absorb and filter the artificial sugars out of your body before it reaches your baby.

21. Meat spreads

Also known as pates, meat spreads are susceptible to bacteria such as listeria. Even keeping your refrigerator colder than normal can’t prevent all of the bacteria from growing, so you should really just avoid meat spreads until after your pregnancy.

22. Homemade salad dressing

Homemade Caesar dressing is a common culprit of raw eggs which, as discussed previously, can cause salmonella and all of the issues that may come along with the infection. It is unsafe to you and potentially dangerous to your unborn baby. The safer option is to buy your dressing in a store, as the raw egg used in those recipes tends to be pasteurized.


23. Certain desserts

Some desserts such as tiramisu, mousse, and meringue call for raw eggs. If this is the case with your favorite dessert, it may be best to just avoid it until your pregnancy is over. You could also opt for a store-bought version that uses pasteurized eggs, or you can normally buy pasteurized eggs to safely make your own.

24. Stuffing from a pre-stuffed turkey

You can commonly buy turkey that has been stuffed ahead of time, or you may prefer to stuff your own before it is time to cook it all in the oven. When a turkey is not frozen and is pre-stuffed, however, it poses the risk of bacterial infections for you and your baby. The raw juice inside of a turkey will soak into the stuffing, and cooking doesn’t always kill all of that bacteria.

Instead of risking a health issue for you or your unborn baby, it is best to just avoid stuffing from a pre-stuffed turkey; instead, prepare and cook your stuffing separately. If you must have it cooked inside of the turkey, you can keep the turkey frozen and then avoid letting it thaw before cooking.

25. Food from a potluck

Potluck food should be avoided during pregnancy for several reasons. First, it may have been sitting at room temperature for too long, allowing bacteria to grown immensely. Secondly, you have no way of knowing for sure that a food has been cooked thoroughly, or if ingredients were used that are unsafe for pregnancy.

If you can’t avoid a potluck, make sure you eat before the food has been sitting out for longer than 1-hour (2-hours maximum). You should only partake in the food if you trust the person who made the dish and if you are certain about the ingredients that were used.

Final Thoughts On Foods To Avoid When You Are Pregnant

When you are pregnant, you may want to eat everything you see without a second thought. This is unsafe for both you and your unborn baby, however, and you should pay extra attention to everything that you consume. During pregnancy, you are much more susceptible to contracting infections from food such as listeria, salmonella, and a variety of others.

While you may be okay after consuming these foods it is not worth the risk, as it can cause life threatening complications for your unborn baby. It is best to just avoid these foods altogether, and indulge in healthier, safer options.

10 Hidden Symptoms of Diabetes

Are you worried about the sudden onset of unexplainable symptoms? Do you think you may have diabetes?

The diabetes epidemic is a growing concern for many people in the US and a personal one. Diabetes symptoms are your early warning signs, but you might be ignoring your body. Keep reading to learn more about type 1, type 2, and prediabetes.

What is Diabetes?

We hear or read the word almost daily. Whether it’s a new treatment, statistics, or about diet, it’s everywhere.

Roughly, 9.4% of the population had it in 2015, and citizens can expect 1.5 million new cases each year. In the same year, Americans over 18 years old had symptoms of pre-diabetes. (1)

Common Misconception

  • Being overweight means you will become a diabetic—False.
  • Sugar consumption causes the disease—False.
  • You can’t enjoy your food like everyone else—False.
  • Type 1 always onsets in adolescence—False.
  • If you have pre diabetes, you’ll get it—False.

diabetes prevention

Type 1

Type 1 is a type of autoimmune disease; medical science still doesn’t have an exact cause, prevention, or cure for it. Often you’ll hear it called juvenile since doctors once believed it always presented in children, but they now know it can onset in adults too.

With Type 1, your immune system will attack the beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin. Your body can partially or permanently lose its ability to create the insulin it requires.

Type 2

Medical science categorizes type 2 as a metabolic syndrome. Your genetics and lifestyle can be two major factors. Age is not considered despite the common onset being over 40 years old; children can have type 2 too.

High blood sugar causes the syndrome, and your cells become resistant to the insulin you create. While your body will create more over time, your resistance grows.


When you hear the news speak about the diabetes epidemic, they’re mostly referring to what doctors call prediabetes. This means you have many markers or some early symptoms for it, but your blood sugar isn’t quite in the range for a diabetic diagnosis.

The Mayo Clinic says you can expect a type 2 diagnosis within 10 years unless you make lifestyle changes.

Who’s at Risk?

Doctors generally only assess the risk for type 2 and pre diabetes. Type 1 isn’t measurable since researchers don’t fully understand how or why the body triggers it.

Both types share a link with genetics. However, just because a family member is diabetic doesn’t mean you will become diabetic. This is especially true with type 2 where your diet and lifestyle play a major role.

Obesity factors, such as waist circumference, can increase your risk for developing type 2 or diabetes. However, 15% of people with type 2 are normal weight, so your number on the scale alone matters less.

10 Diabetes Symptoms and the Natural Remedies to Control It

Many of the symptoms for type 1 and 2 are similar. They might onset differently. Type 2, for example, might reveal itself much slower and you might not realize you have it until a routine blood work returns with a diagnosis.

Type 1 can show the same symptoms as type 2 quickly and with unpaired severity.

If you haven’t received a proper diagnosis, you will need to consult with your doctor. Don’t rely solely on home glucose monitoring tests; they’re not as reliant as an A1C test. (2)

1. Excessive Thirst and Urination

Are you peeing more than four to six times a day? Is it paired with an unquenchable, excessive thirst?

While this change could be due to normal body fluctuations and outside factors, it is a prominent symptom in all types. Elevated blood sugar is the common culprit, which forces your kidneys to produce more urine.

This symptom is for type 1, type 2, and prediabetes.

2. Unexplained Weight Loss

When you’re urinating frequently and eliminating the excessive glucose from your body, you’re also removing calories with it. This can lead you having fewer calories for your body to burn and lead to rapid weight loss.

This symptom is more common in type 1.

3. Frequent Yeast and Skin Infections and Bruises that Refuse to Heal

Do you have a cut, infection, or a bruise that’s taking forever to heal?

Prolonged high blood sugar can slow down the healing process of your skin, making you more susceptible to infections. Yeast infections can be common for both men and women too.

This symptom is for type 1 and type 2.

4. Dry Mouth or Thirst

Like most symptoms, this one correlates to high blood sugar. High levels of sugar make you thirst and pee more often, and it leads to unquenchable thirst.

Both type 1 and type 2 share the symptom

5. Increased Appetite After Eating

Have you ever eaten a meal, then within hours, you’re hit with a gnawing hunger? You might be diabetic. Extra glucose is present in your body. Your cells can’t absorb it as normal. Your body can’t burn the extra glucose as fuel either, so you urinate it out instead.

This leads your body to want more fuel and send signals for you to eat again. However, the cycle can lead to weight loss or gain, depending on the person.

Ravenous hunger after eating can occur in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. It’s also prevalent in pre diabetes as an early warning sign.

6. Belly Pain with or without Vomiting and Nausea

The pain correlates to the vegus nerve, and nerve damage is common in diabetics, especially if untreated. Injury to your vegus nerve can cause slower digestion, which leads to pain. Nausea and vomiting can occur too. (34)

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics can experience this, but it’s more common in the former.

7. Severe Fatigue

The actual cause of fatigue in people who suffer from diabetes is still being researched, but doctors and scientists agree it’s present and a complaint. Symptoms mimic chronic fatigue syndrome, and many diabetics receive it as a secondary diagnosis. (5678)

8. Shaky Feeling

When your blood sugar shifts, you can be left with a shaky feeling. Keep in mind this can occur with either a spike or a drop. Stabilizing and maintaining a healthy blood sugar level can eliminate this symptom that affects both types.

9. Tingling Extremities

Have your hands, legs, arms, or feet experienced tingling or numbness you couldn’t explain? Diabetic neuropathy could be a reason. It can take many years before this diabetic symptom occurs since the damage to nerves takes time.

However, if you’ve been undiagnosed and living with high blood sugar, it could be your first symptom. This symptom affects both types.

10. Blurred Vision

Blurry vision is an early symptom that many people overlook. Your first step is likely a trip to your eye doctor so that they can test your vision. Maybe your vision changed enough for you to ignore the diabetic symptom.

However, if left untreated, your blurred vision can develop into diabetic retinopathy, which in turn can lead to blindness. If you’re experiencing sudden onset blurred vision, make a double appointment with your eye doctor and general practitioner.

Natural Remedies to Control Your Diabetes Symptoms

Controlling blood sugar is the single most effective way of managing your symptoms. While there is no cure for type 1, most people can effectively reverse type 2 symptoms through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

1. Treat Yourself to a Lifestyle Makeover

While it’s easy to say avoid this food, choose this one, and set limits on others, people generally find more success following medically and scientifically sound eating plans. Here are some of our favorites.

Diets That Can Assist in Blood Sugar Control and Weight Loss:

The right one for you will help you achieve your goals without risking your overall health. Please remember to consult with a doctor, nutritionist, or a natural health provider before making dietary changes. You might require monitoring in the beginning.

Limit Simple Carbohydrates and Processed Sugar

Diabetics don’t have to forgo all carbohydrates except when a diet plan or their doctor restricts them. Simple carbs will spike your blood sugar and aggravate your symptoms. Complex carbs release slower and provide more nutrition without the side effects because of their high fiber.

Complex Carbohydrate Examples:

  • Legumes
  • Nuts, including peanuts
  • Berries and low sugar fruits
  • Whole grains, such as oats and whole wheat

Even if you don’t make other lifestyle changes or try natural remedies, making this one change in your daily diet today can help you manage your blood sugar, lose extra pounds, and lessen or reverse diabetic symptoms.

End Portion Distortion

Americans are notorious for eating larger sized portions. Even our plate size has grown astronomically to keep up with portion size. Many individually packaged foods and beverages contain multiple servings too.

Tips to Keep Portions Down:

  • Measure, use a physical reference, or weigh your food.
  • Read serving suggestions and adhere to them.
  • Re-bag portions to curb overindulging.
  • Use a salad sized plate.
  • Drink a glass of water before your meal.
  • Fill half your plate with fiber-rich vegetables.
  • Eat fat and protein with every meal.

Eating out poses a huge risk to falling into portion distortion. Many restaurants accommodate without a fuss or extra charge. If possible, order healthier fare or ask portion sizes beforehand. Remember, you can always split a meal or box up leftovers.

Be sure to avoid breadbaskets, appetizers, and drinks that will spike your blood sugar. Don’t be afraid to place a special request, such as rich sauces on the side, substitutions, or to bake/broil instead of frying your entree.


Move Your Body More

Any amount or type of exercise is better than none when you’re a diabetic. Pick activities you enjoy and build on them slowly to develop healthy habits. As you exercise, you assist your body in shedding excess weight and naturally lower your blood sugar. (

2. Take Science Backed Natural Supplements

  • Chromium Picolinate
  • Cinnamon
  • Bitter Melon Extract
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Fish oil or Flax seed oil
  • Magnesium

Speak with your doctor about which herbal supplement is right for you. Remember, herbal and natural treatments can still interfere with your other medications and treatments.

exercises for diabetes

Final Thoughts on Diabetes Symptoms and Remedies

If you believe you are diabetic, newly diagnosed, prediabetic, or seeking alternative methods to control your diabetes symptoms, you should consult with your doctor or naturopath. They can give you a proper diagnosis.

Many type 1 and 2 diabetics find a balance between conventional treatments and natural remedies that effectively allow them to control their symptoms and live life to its fullest.

Scientists Explain What Happens to Your Body When You Eat An Avocado Every Day

The Avocado is enjoyed by many people in every corner of the world. The fruit is not only delicious, but it is also versatile. The fruit can be eaten with other fruits, with food, or as a smoothie.

Research has shown the fruit’s ability to treat numerous conditions in the body. It can help with arthritis, heart conditions, cancer, depression, blood pressure, and more. Hence, these avocado benefits have made the fruit to be a critical part of the diet.

Here is what scientists say will happen to your body when you eat an avocado every day.


1. Supports Early Child Life and a Healthy Pregnancy
Avocados are rich in antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, and fiber. These nutrients are associated with improvements in breast milk production, birth outcomes, maternal health, and fertility in premenopausal females.

The lutein found in breast milk increases with maternal diet. The antioxidant aids in proper neural and eye development in infants. Also, monounsaturated fats are essential to the development of the brain in the initial years of the baby.

Nutrients like folate are significant to fetal health to prevent heart and neural defects. A half avocado offers 10 percent of the advised daily consumption for pregnant females.

Additionally, avocados could aid expectant mothers to overcome nausea as a result of their richness in B6 vitamins. This is an excellent therapeutic approach for treating morning sickness.

2. Healthy Skin
Avocados have antioxidant properties and high-fat content that are critical in the maintenance of healthy skin. Zeaxanthin and lutein are present in human skin and are obtained from the consumption of foods like avocados. These antioxidants could aid in protecting the skin from UV as well as visible radiation damage.

According to research, it was discovered that both oral and topical intake of zeaxanthin and lutein could aid in improving skin wrinkles, hydration, and elasticity.

Another study revealed that both dietary intake and topical use of avocados could enhance wound healing in rats.

3. Healthy Weight
Fruits like avocados are rich in healthy fats and fiber that increase satiety to support a healthy weight. Numerous studies have shown that avocados aid in supporting a healthy weight. Also, consumption of avocados is linked to improved nutrient intake and diet quality.

Research, where participants consumed one and half of an avocado every day for six weeks, revealed decreased percentage of body fat, body mass index, and body weight.

Another study of overweight adults discovered that half an avocado consumed during the lunch hour minimized hunger by 28 percent and 40 percent for three or five hours, respectively.

4. Slowed Aging
Avocados are the richest in fat-soluble antioxidant content among all vegetables and fruits. Xanthophyll is the main antioxidant carotenoid in this fruit.

Research has shown that xanthophyll in avocados could safeguard you against damage to your DNA and support slowed aging. The antioxidants present in avocados could assist in minimizing oxidative damage and could prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

A study where participants consumed avocados daily for half a year discovered that there was an improvement in problem-solving, attention span, and memory compared to control groups.

5. Reduced Depression
Dietary fat type and quality play a critical role in the function of the brain. Monounsaturated fats present in avocados possess anti-inflammatory properties that could minimize the risk of depression.

Numerous studies discovered that the anti-inflammatory nature of these fats is linked to lower depression risk.

Other studies have confirmed the link between depression and deficiency of folate. Foods such as avocados that have high contents of folate could aid in reducing depression risk through prevention of the homocysteine buildup in the brain.

6. Reduced Blood Pressure
One of the critical avocado benefits is lowered blood pressure. Avocados have high contents of potassium, which aids in relaxing the blood vessel walls, thereby minimizing blood pressure.

The monounsaturated fats present in avocados can minimize blood pressure in the long and short-term. The high content of fiber of the fruit could also lead to the prevention of hypertension, particularly in populations that consume fiber below the levels that are recommended.

7. Management of Diabetes
Diabetes management is also one of the essential avocado benefits. The dietary fiber, fat, and antioxidant levels in avocados can assist in normalizing the level of blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Research has shown that consuming half of the fruit daily could lead to lower insulin levels in the blood. Another study conducted in rats showed that avocados aid in inhibiting critical enzymes that are associated with type 2 diabetes.

Oil from avocados was also discovered to boost the sensitivity of insulin by 96 percent in rats that ingested a diet rich in sucrose.

8. Prevention of Cancer
Avocados consist of high levels of phytochemicals, like carotenoids that could assist in the prevention of cancer by boosting the death of the cells in cancerous and precancerous cells. Carotenoids as well as antimicrobial proteins, such as defensin present in avocados possess high levels of antioxidant activity and can aid in stimulation of the death of breast cancer cells.

A study showed that overall carotenoids in the blood are linked to minimized risk of cancer, particularly in females who have dense breast tissue. Avocado’s carotenoid extract can help in inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Research has discovered that the concentration of carotenoids in the blood is related to decreased risk of death from digestive cancers like pancreatic, colon, and esophageal cancer. Another study revealed that phytochemicals present in avocados, like xanthophyll and lutein, minimizes oxidative stress in patients who are undergoing treatment of early-stage neck and head cancer.

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that is richer in avocados than in most fruits. A study has shown that there is an association between high levels of glutathione and minimized risk of oral cancer. Extracts of avocados induced the death of oral cancer cells.

9. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
Avocados have monounsaturated fats that lessen LDL cholesterol and inflammation. Numerous studies have discovered that a diet rich in avocados minimizes overall cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol.

A study carried out with rats showed that a diet rich with avocados boosted heart disease markers like increasing HDL cholesterol and reducing triglycerides in a period of five weeks. Avocados have high levels of potassium that could minimize blood pressure, a critical risk factor of heart attacks.

Avocados are rich in polyphenols that assist in controlling heart disease by reversing acute and chronic inflammation. Beta-sitosterol is cholesterol that is plant-based and present at high levels in avocados. They can aid in lowering cholesterol levels.

Avocados also have vitamins E and C. A study revealed that a mixture of vitamins E and C led to the hardening of arteries in individuals with high levels of cholesterol. Additionally, avocados are rich in B vitamin folate that assists to reduce the levels of homocysteine in the blood, which is a heart disease predictor.

10. Boosts Absorption of Nutrients that are Plant-Based
Vegetables and fruits have high levels of nutrients, but these nutrients can be sabotaged. They have an in-built sabotage mechanism that is in the form of fiber. Even though fiber is critical to your health needs, it can become a problem when it prevents the absorption of multiple phytochemicals present in plant foods.

You can counter this by consuming healthy fats that act as carrier molecules to transport nutrients that are soluble in fat that would have otherwise been wasted. This proves the typical case of nutrient deficiency that takes place in individuals who limit fat intake or are mainly on vegan diets.

11. Healthy Liver Function
The liver is a very critical organ in the body. In spite of being self-generating, it requires being looked after. The best way to take care of your liver is to assist it in functioning optimally.

Avocados can assist in reducing fatty liver disease symptoms that result from high levels of blood triglycerides and cholesterol. Additionally, avocados can aid in improving the synthesis of the most robust anti-oxidant in the body called glutathione. This nutrient aids in protecting you from free radicals.

12. Treatment of Arthritis
Chronic rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are both severe conditions that lead to extreme discomfort to patients. Even though you can enjoy temporary relief from symptoms with over-the-counter pain drugs, you need a permanent solution.

Avocados have a compound that can aid in providing relief from inflammation and pain linked to arthritis conditions. Though it is not clear as to the quantities that can be consumed to enjoy these benefits, consuming an avocado per day could help you in relieving pain since the healthy fats can assist in cushioning the tissue between the joints.

13. Acts as an Aphrodisiac
The word avocado originates from the Aztec people and means testicle. This is because they believed that avocados are potent aphrodisiacs. Avocados have high levels of saturated fats that are essential in testosterone synthesis.

Contemporary diets that seek to limit fat intake are associated with low testosterone levels, which lead to low sex drive. Hence, avocados are foods that can boost your sex drive.

If you are looking to have a healthy heart, have a healthy sex life, and live longer, avocados are the ideal fruit. Numerous studies support these avocado benefits and, therefore, you are assured to enjoy them all.

You can consume avocados with every meal without facing any side effects. While many foods can become monotonous and boring when consumed every day, avocados remain sweet and delicious even when eaten daily. Spice up your diet and boost up your health with avocados.

21 Science Backed Ways To Be Happier

It’s a common question people ask: “How can I be a happier person?”

There are lots of different actions you can take, in order to improve your mood and overall outlook on life. By adopting a few simple habits and daily practices, you can make real improvements to your mood. By reading through this article, you’ll be armed with 21 great ways to be happier in life. Continue reading to learn more:

21 Ways To Be Happier

become happier

1. Stop The Hedonic Treadmill

The hedonic treadmill is a concept you may or may not have heard of. It refers to the human tendency to return to a baseline state of happiness over time. So if something great occurs in a person’s life, for a short time they may feel happier. But before long, they return to what is their “normal.”

Consider making some physiological changes to your life, be it through diet, or working out, in order to get out of this loop.

2. Boost Your Confidence

Another great way to become a happier person is to boost your confidence. People who lack confidence are less likely to commit to making meaningful changes to their lives as they feel they will fail at it. It is because of this that it is important to look at yourself in a positive light. By showing yourself that you can accomplish many things, your confidence will get a boost, and you’ll likely be all the happier for it!

3. Learn How To Look At Yourself In A Postive Light

To make it easier for yourself to pursue happiness, it’s important that you identify what skills you have that you link most closely with happiness. One of the best skills you can work on in order to become a happier person is the ability to look at yourself positively. To improve this vital skill, try to improve the way you look at yourself. Some examples of ways you can accomplish this include noting down your positive traits, visualizing yourself at your best, and focusing on your strengths.

4. Maintain A Work-Life Balance

It’s hard to put forth the energy required to pursue happiness if you are always worn out and tired after a hard day’s work. In order to make happiness a priority in life, it is important that you allocate yourself both the time and energy required for the task! Seek out a balance between your work-life and your home-life, so that you are able to adequately pursue your goals of improved outlook.

5. Create A Growth Mindset Towards Happiness

Another great way to be a happier person is by adopting a growth mindset. A growth mindset is an way of thinking about things with an eye towards self-improvement. By creating a growth mindset with a goal of happiness, we tell ourselves happiness is possible. This is vital because if we aren’t sure that we are capable of being happy, we are less likely to pursue it with the fervor required.

6. Build Positive Memories

With enough effort and practice, the different area’s of our brains may be strengthened! If we find that we are already good at remembering all the negative aspects of our lives, it may be easy to switch gears and work on improving the parts of our brains that are important for internalizing the positive things in life! When we more easily recall the good things in life, our mood naturally improves.

7. Look At Things Positively

Every happening in our lives can be looked at either in a positive or a negative light. If you want to be a happier person, consider seeking out the positive aspects of everything that occurs in your life. It may be difficult at times, but by looking at everything that happens to us in a positive way will likely result in much better moods! This is a skill that is developed, and you’ll find that as you get better at it you will be better able to handle stressful situations.

8. Take A Social Media Break

Social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a negative drain that puts us in a less than stellar mood. It is a good idea, from time to time, to take breaks from our social media accounts. By taking regular breaks and disconnecting, you’ll likely find that your mood starts to improve and you end up feeling less stressed out.

9. Invest In Your Happiness

Being mindful of how we spend our money is a great way to ensure our happiness. Make the aim of your spending to be on improving your life in ways that will make you happy. Prioritize spending your money on things like vacations or gifts for others, and limit your spending on the things that don’t bring joy to your life.

10. Be Kind To Others

A great way to feel better about ourselves is by showing kindness to others. Try doing a good deed for someone else every day, show empathy and respect, and communicate in a kind way when you interact with others throughout your day. By working on your communication, and making attempts at improving the moods of those around you, you’ll likely find that you begin to be more happy yourself!

11. Interrupt Your Negative Thought Patterns

It can be hard to face this fact, but a lot of the times the reason we are unhappy is because of the way we think about things in general. By fixating on negative things like how someone treated us unfairly, or how something didn’t pan out like we’d have liked, we end up staying in a state of unhappiness. These negative thought processes act to keep us unhappy and makes it difficult for us to push ahead towards a happier existence. Next time you find that you are in a negative feedback loop, stop for a second and bring your attention to something more positive.

12. Think About What Makes You Unhappy

It is especially difficult to act on your goal of improved mood if you haven’t been able to identify what it is that makes you unhappy, or how you feel in general. In order to act on this goal, try to figure out how you actually feel and what might have caused you to feel this way.

13. Define Your Values And Act On Them

After taking a good, hard look at yourself and figuring out what it is you value in life, you’ll likely find that you knew all along what it was you needed to do in order to be happy. If you’re looking to improve your outlook on life, and become a happy person, identify what it is you value most so that you aren’t missing out on something obvious.

14. Focus On The Good Things In Life

Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can be downright difficult! By focusing on the good things in life, it makes it easier for us to move past the negative experiences, resulting in us being much more resilient and strong. When you notice something good has occurred, relish in this moment, and hold onto it for as long as possible, in order to realize true happiness.

15. Take Advantage Of Your Imagination

This little tidbit is something that few know but, our minds are not very good at picking out what is real and what is imaginary in our daily lives. In order to take advantage of this fact to improve your mood, try imagining something that makes you happy. You’ll likely find that your mood improves noticeably!

16. Try Mindfulness

The world isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. Indeed, sometimes we seek out refuge from the harsh realities of our daily lives. If we take to being more mindful of the positive and negative happenings in our live, we can up in better spirits. When we are more engaged in our daily lives, it is easier to focus on the positives, no matter how small, resulting in happiness.

17. Define What Happiness Means To You

Everyone has a different definition of what happiness means to them. By pinpointing your individual definition of the term, it can be easier for you to seek it out! Take some time to really think about what happiness means to you. Determine what it looks like in your mind, what it means, and how it feels, in order to better work on improving your mood.

18. Get Out Of The Rut

It can be easy to fall into the trap of doing the same things over and over again. How can you expect to become a happy person if you continue the habits that resulted in you feeling negative, to begin with? Push yourself to try new things, and do something different every day!

19. Speak Up For Yourself

If you’re always letting other people talk over you, you’re likely not happy in these moments. It is important to speak up and be a bastion for yourself. When we speak up and let our thoughts and feelings be known, we become much more in control of our ability to be happy.

20. Find A Purpose In Life

It’s common for one to want to make their impact on the people and the world around us. To do this most effectively, try to figure out just what kind of impact you would like to make. By finding your purpose in life, it will give you a goal to move towards. As you progress, you will likely find happiness.


21. Stay Connected With Others

Almost everything is more enjoyable when we share experiences with others. One of the most impactful things you can do to improve your happiness and outlook on life is to create real meaningful relationships and connections with others around us.

Final Thoughts On Ways To Be Happier

Happiness is possible for everyone! By taking these tips to heart, you’ll find that after a while, you become a much more positive person! By acting on your goal of happiness, you’ll find that before long, you become a truly happy person!

20 Foods to Never Eat if You Want to Lose Weight

Why is it so difficult to lose weight? This is a loaded question; many possible answers exist: genetics, misinformation, a sedentary lifestyle, etc. But perhaps the main reason it’s so hard to lose weight is that people aren’t conscientious enough about the foods they put into their mouths. Hence, the rationale for this article.

Besides talking about what foods to avoid if you want to lose weight, we’ll discuss a couple of related topics. (Including the degree and proliferation of food processing and the misinformation surrounding us about “healthy” foods.) Regarding the latter, we will examine the disaster of the low-fat movement in the United States.

The Rise of Obesity

Not all foods labeled as healthy and nutritious are good for you. On a macro level, the United States, a.k.a. “The Land of Convenience,” is perhaps the most fitting and accurate case study to examine this “unhealthy healthy foods” phenomenon. Like most of the industrialized world, the U.S. is experiencing changes across a wide number of socio-economic measures:

  • A burgeoning population: The U.S. has witnessed a 155% increase in population since 1960 (329 million in 2018 vs. 181 million).
  • Evolution of processing and transportation technologies: Food processing is similar to other industries that rely on technology; advancements are prioritized to increase profitability and efficiency.
  • Development of “big-box” retailers (e.g. Costco, Sam’s Club): Focused on maximizing profitability and growth, some large corporations excel in the marketing and sale of processed foods. To a large degree, these retailers effectively displace many smaller establishments that may offer healthier choices.
  • The proliferation of Fast Food: In 2016, there were over 14,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S., approximately 7,500 Burger King restaurants, and about 6,000 Wendy’s. In addition to a widespread presence, fast food chains offer cheap items (e.g. the “Dollar Menu”), making a fast food meals more accessible.

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Other findings:

As we go forth in this case study, consider the following statistics and findings:

  • Obesity rates in children aged 6 to 11 have increased from 6.5 percent in 1980 to 19.6 percent in 2008.
  • Obesity rates among adolescents aged 12 to 19 have risen from 5 percent in 1980 to 18.1 percent in 2008.
  • “Low-income and elderly people are at a greater risk” of obesity, malnutrition, and limited food choices.

Numerous studies have linked the rise in obesity rates to the increasing availability of processed foods. A 2018 study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition assessing the association between the availability of highly processed foods and obesity across 18 countries found:

Highly processed (ultra-processed) foods account for anywhere between 10 to over 50 percent of food on the average kitchen shelf. (The U.K. has the dubious honor of having the highest amount; Portugal has the lowest at 13.4%.)

  • A “significant” correlation exists between the availability of heavily processed foods and obesity among adults.
  • An increased risk of diet-related diseases comes from consuming ultra-processed foods.
  • Failure to consider the degree to which foods are processed can have some pretty bad consequences. Perhaps there is no better example of this than the proliferation of low-fat foods and junk science during the 1990s.

The Low-Fat, Sugary Disaster

Both government ineptitude and corporate malfeasance helped contribute to the obesity epidemic of the ’90s, a period in which adult obesity rates nearly doubled; these factors contributed to the highest rates of adult obesity in recorded history. Walter Willett, M.D., former chair of the Nutrition department at the Harvard University School of Public Health and author of Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy, sums up the period rather aptly:

The campaign to reduce fat in the diet has had some pretty disastrous consequences … One of the most unfortunate intended consequences of the fat-free crusade was the idea that if it wasn’t fat, it wouldn’t make you fat. I even had colleagues who were telling the public that you can’t get fat eating carbohydrates.

Let’s consider Nabisco, a multi-billion-dollar food conglomerate that is the world’s second-largest manufacturer of cookies and snacks. In the mid ’90s, Nabisco struck gold with their SnackWells brand, taking advantage of the atrocious U.S. dietary guidelines of the early 1990s which advocated a reduction in fat consumption (not a word mentioned about sugar, mind you.)

Marketing their products as the healthiest snacks around due to their low-fat content, Nabisco made a fortune. Much less concerning to the company was the fact that they had contributed to the obesity epidemic of the 1990s. How? By “making up” for the “taste gap” resulting from less fat by loading their products with refined sugar. Meanwhile, the calorie count of most products remained about the same.

Nabisco’s malfeasance wasn’t limited to just the SnackWell brand, either – and it wasn’t just during the 1990s. Let’s look at two varieties of Nabisco’s Oreos, a fan favorite.

In the two columns below are Nutrition Facts from Oreo’s Reduced Fat and regular brands, respectively:

  • Total Fat: 4.5 grams/7 grams
  • Sodium: 130 milligrams (mg)/140 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 27 grams (g)/25 g
  • Sugars: 14 g/ 14 g

What do we see? Besides, Nabisco continues to market low-fat, high-carbohydrate products despite evidence of their harmful effects; we see that the carbohydrate content in the low-fat variety of Oreos is higher than the regular variety. In other words, the company hasn’t learned a damn thing.

20 Foods to Never Eat if You Want to Lose Weight

While the writer would love nothing more than to scold the food industry, there is one entity that we mustn’t omit from the equation: ourselves. Indeed, we are responsible for ensuring that the food entering our mouths is healthy. We have established that not all foods claiming to be nutritious and healthy can support such claims.

With this in mind, here are twenty “health” foods to never eat if you want to lose weight – or for any reason, really:

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      1. Microwave popcorn

Okay, so you may be unable (or willing) to abstain from a bowl of tasty microwave popcorn occasionally. Just know that the chemical used to coat microwave popcorn bags (perfluorooctanoic acid) is classified as a “likely carcinogen” – a substance that may increase cancer risk.

      1. Salad toppings

Salad toppings like bacon bits, croutons, and dairy cheese are high in fat and heavily processed. If you can, opt for fresh sliced vegetables or fruits. If you must use one of the aforementioned topics, do so sparingly. The salad part of salad, though, should definitely help you to lose weight.

      1. Granola

Okay, so there is a caveat to this one. Minimally-processed granola oats contain a good dose of fiber and iron and are probably okay to eat on occasion. Still, just one cup of some granola brands has over four times the number of calories as four cups of oatmeal. They are also loaded with sugar.

      1. Protein bars

Protein bars are another food that sounds healthy in name only. They’re often heavily processed, loaded with fat, and doused with refined sugar. They aren’t likely to aid in your desire to lose weight.

      1. Pasta

Pasta is delicious, we get it. But facts are facts, however, and pasta – particularly of the processed variety – is loaded with carbohydrates and refined flour. Opt for whole-grain pasta instead.

      1. Instant oatmeal

Boxed oatmeal is usually garbage. It’s high in sugar and additives. The good stuff is usually bagged and contains just a small amount – if any – sugar. Real oatmeal is rich is fiber, iron, and protein.

      1. Low-calorie drinks

First, check the low-calorie claim, then look at the sugar count. Most low-cal drinks offer little to nothing in the way of nutrition. Do yourself a favor and drink some H2O.

      1. Fruit juice

Unless it’s fruit juice freshly squeezed from an actual fruit, it’s probably garbage. Fruit juice tends to be made from concentrate (read: fake stuff) and is packed with sugar.

      1. Corn chips/Veggie chips

Just because something has the word “veggie” in front doesn’t mean it’s healthy. The same goes for any product with the word “fruit” in front. Rule of thumb: check the label.

      1. Frozen meals

While convenient, most frozen meals are trash. Most taste horrible and contain sodium, preservatives, fat, and calories. Make yourself a sandwich instead.

      1. Cold cereal (most varieties)

Who doesn’t love cereal? There’s a reason your kids dig out the stuff first thing in the morning. And it has nothing to do with health. Most cereal is laden with sugar and sodium outside of whole oats and fortified brands.

      1. Low-sugar/low-fat snacks

As evident by the lengthy SnackWells example above, low-fat snacks are unhealthy. If a snack claims to be low-sugar, it may be okay, but double-check the label!

      1. Fat-free flavored yogurt

Here we go again. Greek yogurt is the only type of healthy low-fat or low-sugar yogurt. Most fat-free varieties have lots of sugar and skimp on the nutritional elements. Try plain yogurt, though, and you just might become an addict.

      1. Pretzels

Pretzels are another snack that can be okay in moderate amounts. Despite many pretzel brands claim to be healthy. However, most pretzel products contain gluten – an unhealthy wheat product – and are loaded with salt.

      1. Fruit cocktail

Unless you’re slicing and dicing up your fruit cocktail, consider refraining. Canned fruit cocktail is soaked in corn syrup, the worst sugar on the market.

      1. Most “whole wheat” breads

While most whole-grain breads are quite healthy, the fact that a bread is whole wheat isn’t saying much nutrition-wise. In fact, the whole “low-carb” diet craze started with the thing about bread and how it “makes you fat.”

lose weight

      1. Margarine

Just use butter. Most types of margarine are loaded with additives and not likely to help your goals to lose weight.

      1. Processed organic or vegetarian junk food

Again, just because something is marketed as organic or vegetarian/vegan does not make it healthy. Organic foods may still add plenty of sugar or other unwholesome ingredients. Just make sure to read the labels!

      1. Sports drinks

Sports drinks are designed for a particular type of person – an athlete. Or at least they say. Gatorade is a legitimate product that does help replenish electrolytes, for example. However, most people aren’t athletes (or physically active). For such people, this is just another sugary drink that could make them fatter.

      1. Many (most?) “low-fat” foods

See above. Low-fat foods are a dismal failure. Unless a low-sugar tag accompanies them, you can bet that such products are loaded with (a) sugar (b) salt, or (c) both. They will not likely help you lose weight.

10 Things that Cause Eye Pain (And How To Avoid It)

Eye pain can be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and just downright debilitating. You may just want to lie down and avoid anything that involves having your eyes open. Unfortunately, that may not always be possible.

The only solution is to first figure out what is causing the pain, and then you can learn how to avoid it. Determining what is causing your pain depends on a multitude of factors, so it is best to learn as much as possible before ruling anything out.

It is important to think about all the details of your pain; specifically, if there are any additional symptoms and where the pain seems to be coming from. All of these factors can help determine how avoid or reduce eye pain.

Do You Have Any Additional Symptoms?

If you have any other symptoms along with the pain you should consider those symptoms, as well. The other symptoms may offer insight into the issue that you are dealing with, which will help you determine more quickly how to avoid or reduce eye pain. Some of the other common symptoms include:

  • Stinging or burning sensation
  • Gunk or build up around the edges of your eye
  • Light sensitivity
  • Redness
  • Feeling like you have something in your eye
  • Discomfort when wearing contact lenses
  • Inability to see adequately for nighttime driving
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Your eye feels tired
  • Discharge of any color
  • Headaches
  • Nausea

Specifically, Where Is Your Eye Pain?

Another aspect to pay attention to is where the pain is coming from. Is it coming from the cornea, the optic nerve, or somewhere else? This could offer clues as to what is causing the pain. Some common specific areas for the pain include:

  • Cornea (in the front of your eye, and it focuses light)
  • Sclera (the white part of your eyes)
  • Conjunctiva (thin covering of the sclera and inner lining of the eyelid)
  • Iris (the colored part of your eye)
  • Orbit (the eye socket, which contains the eye and muscles)
  • Extraocular muscles (used to rotate your eye)
  • Nerves (transmit visuals to your brain)
  • Eyelids (protect and spread moisture)

Things That Cause Eye Pain


1. An eye injury

An eye injury can occur anytime your eye is hit by something or burned. This damage could be serious and permanent, so you should seek medical treatment quickly.

2. Dry eyes

This happens when your eyes aren’t producing enough tears. Your eyes will become dry without enough lubrication, and it can be painful or cause a burning sensation. Common reasons for dry eyes are riding in an airplane, riding a bike, looking at a computer or phone screen for too long, and even being in an air-conditioned room.

3. Blocked tear ducts

Blocked tear ducts can cause pain in your eye, irritation, and a watery eye. When this happens, it may be due to an infection or injury. Other symptoms you can watch for are swelling at the inside corner, build up around the edges of your eye, and your vision may become blurry.

4. Pinkeye

Medically known as conjunctivitis, pinkeye occurs when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed. Allergies can cause pinkeye, as can viral or bacterial infections. Other symptoms of pinkeye include the whites of your eyes being red, itching of your eye, and gunk or build up around the edges of your eye.

5. A sty

Having a sty is a common, essentially harmless condition that causes a small bump on the edge (inside or outside) of your eyelid. It is caused by an infected or inflamed oil gland or hair follicle.

6. Scratch on your cornea

Officially called a corneal abrasion, a scratch on your cornea can cause quite a bit of pain. Scratching your cornea is as easy as rubbing your eye. Unfortunately, this condition may require medical attention but, once you get treatment, is easy to heal.

7. Inflamed or infected cornea

Medically termed keratitis, this condition can occur as a result of a bacterial or viral infection in your eye. It commonly happens when contacts are left in your eyes overnight, you wear them for too long, or you wear dirty ones.

8. Something in your eye

This may seem obvious, but getting something in your eye can sometimes go unnoticed until you begin to feel pain. It may be dust, glitter, or just an eyelash but, if you don’t get it out right away, can cause pain and irritation.

9. Sinus infection

Commonly referred to as sinusitis and can cause pain behind one or both eyes. Pressure builds up in one of the sinus cavities behind your eyes, which is what causes the pain. It can get worse without medical attention.

10. Inflamed optic nerve

This is also referred to as optic neuritis. The optic nerve is the nerve that connects your eye to your brain and helps with scanning and tracking. The other symptoms may include vision loss and pain when you look back and forth.

Treatment For Eye Pain

The treatment for this kind of pain varies depending on the condition or cause. You will have to determine what the issue is and figure out if you need medical treatment or if you can solve the problem on your own.

Certain conditions, such as pinkeye, scratches on the eye, and infected or inflamed cornea, require antibacterial drops to heal. While scratches sometimes heal on their own, if no progress is being made it is wise to seek professional treatment. If pinkeye was caused by allergies, or if you have sinusitis, an antihistamine may be prescribed instead.

Other conditions may require corticosteroids or antiviral drops. Things that can be treated at home, such as sltyes, can sometimes be eased with a warm compress or, in the case of dry eyes, eye drops.

Each case is different, so it is important to know for sure what you are dealing with before trying any treatment options. A doctor should normally be consulted, as eye conditions can be serious.

How To Avoid Eye Pain

Learning to avoid or reduce eye pain is desirable, and it is entirely possible if you know what to do. There are several ways to avoid pain, and combining multiple methods can further reduce eye pain.

To avoid pain from dry eyes, you can adjust your environment by using a humidifier, giving your eyes a break from electronics screens, or using eye drops on a regular basis.

eye pain

Infection or inflammation of the cornea can be avoided by taking your contact lenses out each night before you go to bed and occasionally giving your eyes a complete break from them. You can avoid getting painful scratches on your eyes by trying to avoid rubbing them.

Other issues can be caused by wearing expired or borrowed makeup, not wearing protective eyewear when working with flames, tools, or other materials, and not treating allergies from the start. Gently washing your eyes before bed each night can help, too, especially if you wear makeup or work in an environment where something might get in your eyes.

Why Treatment and Avoidance of Pain Are Important

You use your eyes every day to read, drive, work, and just see in general. Losing your vision after having it for your entire life would be completely devastating and life-changing.

Eye pain can, unfortunately, lead to vision loss if it is something serious. While, many times, a condition that causes pain for your eyes is not detrimental in the long run, you still need to use extra caution with any issue. You won’t know if your condition or cause of pain is serious without seeking medical attention, so it is important to do so as soon as possible.

There are certain eye issues that you should never ignore because the issues are a sign of vision loss. These issues include continuous or frequent blurred vision, dulling of colors, irregular eyelids, the appearance of flashing light when there really isn’t, and the appearance of blocked vision when there is nothing blocking it.

Anytime you ignore the pain in or around your eye, you are risking vision loss or other issues. A simple visit to the doctor where a professional can diagnose and determine the seriousness of the issue can potentially save your vision.

Final Thoughts On 10 Things That Cause Eye Pain

This pain can be uncomfortable, frustrating, and it can cause serious eye and vision problems. It is important to figure out what the problem is so that you can learn how to avoid it and reduce eye pain. Without solving the problem, there can be many complications, and some may be irreversible.

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