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Psychologists Reveal 10 Things to Never Ignore In Your Dreams

Humans have interpreted dreams for centuries, and science continues to uncover exciting research in this field. The study of dreams is called oneirology, which aims to find a correlation between one’s dreams and brain function. You can find many articles online that cite various conclusions about dreams, but many don’t have science backing them up. Psychologists believe that our dreams can tell us important facts about our lives and what goes on in our subconscious mind, and in this article, we’ll discuss their views on various dreams.

Many of us have similar dreams that can give us insight into what goes on in our daily lives. You might find that these dreams reoccur frequently or sporadically. These dreams occur due to personal situations in our lives and survival instincts. We attempt to work out problems from our lives in our dreams if we don’t solve them while awake. With that said, let’s get to it! What do our dreams mean, exactly?

Here are ten things psychologists say to never ignore in your dreams:


“When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another.” – Salvador Dali

1 – Dreams of falling

According to psychologist Ian Wallace, dreams about falling indicate a feeling of losing control of your life. You might feel like you have many responsibilities weighing you down and cannot escape them, or you may feel stressed most of the time.

However, some scientists explain this dream with simple physiology. As the body transitions into sleep, the nervous system winds down, blood pressure and heart rate decrease, and your brain starts to slow down. All of these factors and your overall mental state during the day can contribute to what’s known as “hypnic jerks.” These muscle spasms occur during the transition from wakefulness to sleep and may be exacerbated by stress, anxiety, caffeine, and sleep deprivation.

2 – Teeth falling out, other injuries, and death

When we have dreams about our teeth falling out or decaying, it indicates a lack of self-esteem, since our smile is one of the first things people notice about us. Ian Wallace says, “You show your teeth when you smile and when you bite, so they reflect how self-assured and assertive you feel. Teeth falling out indicate that a situation is causing you to lose confidence.”

Another expert, Patricia Garfield, connects dreams about teeth falling out to suppressed anger. Usually, when we have pent-up anger, we grind our teeth and clench our jaws unknowingly. This can cause tooth problems, so in our dreams, we might lose them or watch them decay.

As far as dreams about injury or death, these often signal feelings of worry and anxiety about aging loved ones, but it doesn’t have to be that literal. Dreams about death can mean a part of you is dying so that you can be reborn into a better version of yourself. Death and injury dreams might be our brains’ way of dealing with the future and preparing for changes that we cannot control.

3 – Failing an exam or public performance

Many people imagine failing an exam at school or embarrassing themselves during a public speech or performance. Maybe they forgot their lines in a school play or stumbled over their words during a speech. These visions occur mainly among school-age kids but can also happen to people who graduated long ago.

These dreams indicate stress in your life or worrying about something before you sleep. They may also indicate a sense of responsibility about something in your life, but you cannot follow through with the necessary action for some reason. So, being caught in between can cause anxiety and worry.

4 -Dreams of having very few or no clothes on

These visions point to shame or embarrassment about something in your life. Psychologist Ian Wallace notes, “It means that you feel vulnerable at your new job or in your new relationship and are afraid that others will learn about your weaknesses and disadvantages.”

However, if you feel a sense of pride in your dream, it could mean that you don’t feel your talents and accomplishments have been noted or praised enough. You want to show off so that people will notice you.

If you don’t have appropriate clothing for the event or situation in your dream, it could mean you have doubts about the event. For example, if you show up at a job interview wearing pajamas, it might mean that you don’t feel ready for the interview or have doubts about your ability to secure that job.

5 – Being chaseddreams about being chased

Dreams about being chased can have several meanings. Dream expert Lauri Loewenberg says, “People that tend to avoid conflict, who are afraid of ruffling feathers or causing issues will have the recurring dream of being chased.”

Pay attention to what is chasing you, since it points to whatever you try to avoid in real life. Things like debt, addiction, discussing a problem with your spouse, or applying for jobs might be hidden reasons behind this dream. Or, it could point to an unfulfilled dream that keeps trying to chase you down because you haven’t worked toward achieving your goals.

Some scientists believe that images of running away from someone might be our survival instincts kicking in since we had to run from predators at some point. If you have unresolved issues with someone, your brain might tell you to run to avoid a threat.


6 – Dreams of a natural disaster or apocalypse

We’ve all imagined a natural disaster or even the end of the world at some point. These images may mean you lose control of a personal problem or feel threatened about something. Social media can worsen these musings since stories about the world ending and climate change abound. This can lead to a feeling of vulnerability while awake, which means we have to deal with these feelings while we sleep.

7 – A car crash or technical difficulties

Some people muse about their phones or gadgets breaking when using them. Patricia Garfield says that women experience these dreams more, indicating a loss of emotional connection with someone or relationship troubles.

Dreams about car crashes fall into the same category. This dream shows that you lack support in real life and can’t deal with a situation by yourself.

8 – Being pregnant

Both men and women can have dreams about being pregnant, surprisingly. Psychologist David Bedrick says, “Pregnancy symbolizes something new growing inside us.” This dream indicates you’re birthing new ideas and creations into the world. If you’re repainting your house or working on an idea for a book, you might have this dream. Setting goals and sticking to them will help you realize your vision.

9 – Being late

Dream expert Michael R. Olsen says that dreams about being late can indicate the fear of missing out on something important in your life, such as your relationships. If you feel overwhelmed in real life and don’t set aside time for loved ones, this might be a signal for you to slow down and set time aside for the people important to you.

10 – Dreams of an unfamiliar room or house

Dreams about being in an unknown house or room show a need for self-reflection. This dream indicates that you have parts of yourself locked away and undiscovered that are begging to be tapped into. A separate room in the house symbolizes a hidden talent or skill you don’t utilize.

Psychotherapist Eddie Traversa believes that we subconsciously assign different rooms in a house to internal processes. For example, you combine different ingredients into a finished product in the kitchen. Visions of this room might mean you’re going through inner changes. Do you dream of yourself in a bathroom? It might indicate a need to get rid of unnecessary clutter or baggage. Or perhaps you must cleanse yourself of all spiritual baggage. Bedrooms symbolize our romantic relationships, so a dream in this room may symbolize worries about this aspect of our lives.


Final Thoughts on the Messages You Receive in Your Dreams

People have a lot of different dreams, and this list is not comprehensive by any means. However, we hope you’ve gained insight into the various aspects of your innermost thoughts. Thus, you might make changes in your real life. Write down your recollection of these images as you awaken. That way, you can read them over and decipher them later. If you wish, you can always make an appointment with a specialized therapist to discuss things with you and help you find the true meaning behind your dreams.

Researchers Reveal Why Posting Pictures of Your Kids Can Be Dangerous

In this modern day and age, social media is a part of our everyday lives. As such, it’s no surprise that happy, proud parents want to share pictures of their children on these platforms. But how safe is this practice?

This trend, known as “sharenting,” is a hotly debated topic by many. Understandably, plenty of parents are concerned about the potential threats their child may face from this oversharing habit. After all, the Internet is a wild place, and anything can happen with the data you upload.

The truth of the matter is that the sharenting trend is potentially damaging and can put children in jeopardy. To keep your children safe, your best bet may be to refrain from the social media bug. Here’s how researchers reveal why posting pictures of your kids can be dangerous.

7 Reasons Why Posting Pictures Of Your Kids Online Can Be Dangerous

1.    Things on the internet stay on the internet.

Once something is posted on the Internet, it stays there. Forever. Even when you delete it, move it around, or make your account private, those pictures are still there online, stored forever. Certain algorithms can still dig up posts you have deleted, and someone who is searching for them this way will know how to find them.

Essentially, uploaded pictures can become a sort of digital tattoo for your kids – one they may not want. This is according to clinical psychologist Genevieve von Lob. We’ve seen celebrities lose careers over old posts, after all. On top of that, anyone can take a screenshot of a post you’ve made or a picture you’ve uploaded. So even if you delete the photo, someone out there could have it.

This why a lack of mindful sharing can ruin something important in your kid’s future. A picture of your child’s injury could stop them from being accepted to a sports team one day. A controversial photograph could jeopardize job opportunities. If your child winds up in the public eye, old pictures could take them from positive fame straight to infamy.

  • Be mindful of what you post online of your kids.
  • Try to include them in conversation about what can and can’t be shared.
  • If you wouldn’t want a potential employer finding a picture like that of you, you shouldn’t upload one of your child.

2.    It provides identifying information.

There are lots of weird creeps online. Predators and others with unsavory intentions may be searching for their next target, and if there are countless pictures of your kid available, it makes their job that much easier.

A lot of times, identifying information is posted alongside these pictures. Someone can learn a child’s name, their favorite things, the names of family members, and where they go to school. All this information can be used to lure an innocent, unsuspecting kid in.

Even if you’re extremely careful so as not to post obvious identifying information of your child, a positive outcome is not guaranteed. It doesn’t take much observational skill for someone to notice details in those pictures that help them.

They might figure out how to identify your child by the clothes they’re wearing. Additionally, they can notice street names and commonly visited areas. They can see what kinds of toys your kid likes or what items they carry at school. All this can help a kidnapper or someone similar spot your child in a crowd, or while they’re unattended at school. It’s a dangerous game to play.

This doesn’t mean you must never post any pictures ever. Digital marketing lecturer Bex Lewis, who works with the Manchester Metropolitan University and has written a book about raising kids right in a technologically advanced age, can tell you what to do.

  • It’s all about monitoring what you post.
  • Don’t allow your pictures to show an obvious daily routine.
  • Don’t include a school uniform.
  • Do not show locations, and don’t post videos of their favorite things or loudest tantrums.
  • Discourage daily sharing
  • Be mindful with what you post!

3.    Posting pictures online may politicize your child.

Most kids don’t know a whole lot about their parents’ political leanings and personal beliefs and opinions. Most of the time, they don’t know both sides of the story and are just parroting what their parents have said.

Posting a picture of your child openly attending a protest, in a photo that can be taken as a political statement, or alongside a political caption isn’t a great thing to do. Your kids don’t fully understand the underlying details behind these opinions you have.

Even if you don’t share obviously political pictures involving your kids, if you’re outspoken on politics, your child is going to get roped in. Casual photos of them next to your ideological statements are going to cause people to assume this is what your kid believes, too, when they grow up – and that’s just not fair.

4.    It affects the financial security of your kids.

Believe it or not, countless bank specialists state that posting pictures of your kids is the furthest thing to good that you can do for their financial security. As mentioned previously, these pictures contain tons of information that other people can easily observe and figure out.

A criminal wouldn’t have to scroll far down a sharenter’s feed to find all the information they need. A picture of a birthday party, often with a caption pertaining to the child’s age, gives them their birthday. They can discern addresses. They can figure out names of pets, favorite movies and teams, and full names.

  • Information like this seems harmless at a glance.
  • But unsavory characters can use this data for a variety of criminal activities.
  • These include credit card transactions, scams, fraudulent loans, and other similar schemes.
  • The worst part is that this will all affect your child in the future and land them in a tight spot, all because of a few photographs.
  • It can ruin their lives one day, even if it seems trivial now.

5.    It can lead to bullying.

We’ve talked a lot about how something shared online can never truly be deleted. You lose control over the content you post as soon as it is uploaded. You can’t even truly control who ends up seeing it, even on a private account. Anyone can take screenshots and share them.

So what happens if an embarrassing photograph falls into the wrong hands? Your child could face trouble at school. They might face name-calling and bullying, or even lose friends, because of an old picture – or even a current one. If your kid doesn’t want a picture posted, or feels embarrassed by a photo, don’t share it with others.

In addition, if your family becomes a target of online harassment for any reason, your child and their pictures will be caught in the crossfire. The dangerous mob mentality of the Internet leads to many people taking things too far, and this can affect your kids.

Bullying is always the fault of the perpetrators, but dealing with its negative effects is not easy. Positive thinking can only get you so far, and your child may end up suffering mentally and physically for it.

  • People can be cruel. (Just one glance at any comment section can tell you that.)
  • Reduce the possibility of them being cruel to your kid by filtering what content you post online.
  • Keep screaming tantrums, hilarious pictures, and ridiculous kid antics to yourself. (No one online really needs to see them.)

6.    Identity theft and unwanted use become a serious concern.

Pictures can be stolen. That goes without saying. Pretty much anyone could take what you share online and repurpose it. You may think that stolen pictures don’t count for much, but in this digital age, you’d be surprised.

A trend known as “digital kidnapping” now occurs online, and it’s a form of identity theft. Essentially, what happens is someone takes pictures of a kid from social media and posts them on their own account. They will then claim this child is theirs, give them new names and “backstories,” and claim them as their own.

This sounds outlandish, but it’s such a serious problem that many mothers around the world have complained about digital kidnapping. That’s why posting pictures of your kids can be dangerous – those photos become fair game for anyone who can access them.

In addition, there is a less sinister but equally disturbing trend called baby role-playing that occurs on social media. You can see it in action by searching up hashtags like #BabyRP, #KidRP, and even #AdoptionRP on most social media platforms.

This trend involves “role-players” taking pictures of random children and posting them, adding captions and stories and pretending to either own them or even be that child. Many times, these captions and role-playing scenarios can take a dark turn. It’s extremely creepy, even in the most potentially positive of situations – and most parents do not what their children involved in such practices.

7.    Posting pictures of your child violates his or her privacy.

There are plenty of ethical issues involving posting pictures of your kids online without their consent or understanding. Imagine your own parents grabbing a photo album filled with embarrassing baby pictures of you and showing them to complete strangers they meet in their daily lives. It’s weird and invasive.

Beginning the age of five, kids start to develop a unique personality and become concerned about privacy and similar issues. According to social psychology professor Sonia Livingstone, who works at the London School of Economics’ department of media and communications, even young children have opinions about this.

posting pictures

Many young kids Livingstone has met talk about how they don’t want their pictures online and wish they had been asked for permission before posting the images. In fact, it’s such a huge violation of privacy that some kids grow up to sue their parents for posting pictures that shed a less than positive light on private moments.

Ignoring a child’s pleas to stop posting pictures of them on social media can make them feel like they have no rights over their bodies and image. They might feel like they are not entitled to consent. It just sends the wrong message to young, impressionable, developing kids.

Parents shouldn’t roll their eyes if their children say they don’t want their pictures online. Involving your kids in a discussion about what they aren’t comfortable with teaches them valuable lessons. Furthermore, it shows them that you value and respect their opinions.

Final Thoughts On Why Posting Pictures Of Your Kids Can Be Dangerous

So, should you stop uploading pictures of your kids entirely? You can, but there’s a careful balance to be struck. As the times change and advance, it’s important to share in moderation and with caution.

It’s okay to post the odd picture once in a blue moon. On special occasions, when a child looks different from their everyday appearance, this is an act that can be forgiven. Still, if you want to play it safe, stick to posting pictures without their faces. And if you really must share, stick to text, not pictures.

5 Reasons Your Soulmate Can’t Find You

Finding your soulmate is an incredibly difficult or easy process, depending on how you go about it. For some people, the journey can be stressful and heartwrenching throughout and, for others, it can be easy and warm and enjoyable throughout. Your journey depends solely on your attitude and how you choose to go about interacting with the world around you.

If you have not found your partner for life yet or you think you have found them but you are not sure, then have a look at our guides below. One or more of these may apply to you. Fear not! This is not meant to be judgmental at all. It is meant to be a very private mirror reflected back at you. If you see any of these features within yourself, then you may find that your soulmate is nearby but waiting on the other side of an internal transformation of yours.

Take a deep breath, have a sip of your favorite drink, and let’s get down to business…

1. You are Not Psychologically Ready to be Together with Someone

Problem: You may not want to be lonely, anymore, but you may also not be ready to be with someone. Is this really possible? Can someone actually be stuck in this in-between space? Yes, you can. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), when you feel lonely or in doubt, it weakens you further and it creates a feedback loop. This means that loneliness can actually lead to more loneliness. What can you do?

Solution: The solution is a simple one. Start becoming more interactive with your community at large, rather than trying to jump into relationships right away. Going from being alone entirely to being in a happy, healthy relationship means is a huge step. Do not take this transition lightly.

First, connect with your favorite hobbies and the people who engage in those hobbies. Your soulmate will want someone grounded. If you have a church, attend it more regularly and participate in singles groups (or even singles therapy to keep your perspective up). Go to the gym and say Hi to everyone. Fill your life with activities that are out among the general populace.

Second, practice all of your friendships. If you don’t have healthy friendships, make new ones. Whatever the case, practice having non-sexual, non-romantic interactions with other people. This will increase your perspective and keep you from going too deep, too fast with a romantic partner. A real soulmate will want someone who goes slowly with them, at first. Love that lasts actually involves large, light layers, not heavy, deep ones.

2. You Haven’t Weeded Out Insidious Personal Faults of Yours

Problem: It is easy to know that there is something underdeveloped (or outright wrong) with you but it is much harder to form an actionable plan which allows you the freedom to go about your life and still work on slicing away major negative mountains within yourself. These kinds of major problems can seem overwhelming to someone who just wants to get on with their life.

Solution: First, recognize that the problem is fixable and that steady slicing will, indeed, eliminate this majorly negative attribute of yourself. Work on one little behavior problem at a time. Don’t force it or allow it to be too much, too soon.

Secondly, if it is a matter of you being underdeveloped, understand that you can develop skills in this area quite quickly. Do one small thing in this area a week. Practice that one step over and over, until you have developed confidence. Then, as each step progresses, start to combine them together. This will create incredibly fast momentum in this underdeveloped area of your life.

Remember, all problems are solvable and all major internal issues are fixable. Your soulmate will be proud of your progress whether or not they know you at the time of your little changes of self-correction. This pride in your accomplishments will encourage you to keep moving forward.

3. You Keep False Pictures of Your Soulmate in Your Head

Problem: It is easy to form a single image (or a collection of images) in your head about who you want and why you want them. However, this should be heavily tempered with real people you know and real attributes about them that you admire. Why must you do this? Your internal visions can actually filter out possible candidates who would be perfect for you if they don’t match these necessary attributes in your head.

Solution: Sit down with your favorite cup of hot chocolate, coffee or tea and make a chart. List all of the things you tend to dream about when you imagine your soulmate in your head. Don’t list what you think you look for. List what you actually look for by doing a side-by-side comparison of traits with what you have imagined in your head. The figments of your imagination reveal far more about than whatever logical choice your brain has come up with.

Now, think about your emotional state only. According to Dr. Jeremy Dean, we all want to do more with ourselves and we tend to pick people who we believe will help us achieve these things. You may think this should involve family and work life. However, it should involve your emotional state. What makes you feel good and safe and in control? What personal attributes of people help you feel this way? Now, start looking around you to find the people in your life that make you feel that way.

4. You Don’t Allow Life to Happen to You, in Return

Problem: Sometimes, if our lives are going particularly well and feel particularly under our control, we can take let fear take over. For example, if your world is not normally stable but now it has been stable for a few days or weeks at a time, you may feel that exercising more control over your world will make your stability last longer. With regard to money, finances, career, and health, this is true. However, when this added level of control is turned toward your relationships with other human beings, it quickly creates problems.

Solution: This is a quick solution. First, form a space in your mind of all the things which you have complete control over (which do not involve other human beings). These will be things which are closer to you and your internal worlds, such as your personal health, your banking and finances, your job skills, and the way you react to other people.

Second, list all of the things over which you have either no control or, at most, only 50 percent of control. This includes coworkers, family members, friends of all types, your soulmate, and interactions which heavily depend on more than one person. Yes, your partner in life is also nowhere near under your control. Simply accepting this fact goes a long way toward keeping your expectations realistic and grounded in real human interactions. Life is now able to happen to you, too, rather than you only ever happening to your life. You allow people to change you and affect you just as you do them.

Speaking of people affecting each other…

5. You Have Forgotten Realistic Personal Dialogue

Problem: Sometimes, it is difficult to keep track of what is normal, healthy conversation between people. This is particularly true if you have an abusive boss, past, or verbal habits. Particular care must be taken to ensure that other people feel comfortable and “normal” around you and that your positive outlook on life teach them rather than their negative outlook teaching you. According to James and Suzie Pawelski, we often need to have “hope and a bright future” planned ahead of us to even notice the positive speech of others.


Solution: Go to an outdoor cafe and sit down near a large group of people talking. Sit by yourself and be very quiet, enjoying your food and listening to their interaction. Chances are, they are laughing and having fun. This kind of normal interaction shows you what realistic personal dialogue looks like. You should be able to talk this way all the time with your soulmate, using this much comfort and ease.

If you find yourself dropping into heavier, deeper or more disturbing subjects when you are with your partner or even just out on a date with a good friend, you are probably not exercising the correct level of depth in your normal conversation. Heavy, deep topics are for occasional use and negative topics should have a positive end in mind as soon as they are broached. Keep it light and casual and allow yourself to float up to these lighter, easier areas of life.

Final Thoughts on Soulmates

Soulmates are worth pursuing to the ends of the earth. Just make sure that, when you get there, you are just as worth pursuing in return. Two equally yoked soulmates are one of the natural wonders of the world.

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10 Hidden Symptoms of Depression That Most People Ignore

Depression can strike children, teens, men, and women alike at any time. Upward of 17 million people in the US will experience some form of a depressive state or disorder in their lifetime. (1)

Depressive disorders can be tricky though. Feelings of emptiness and sadness are common at certain times in our lives. At what point do we admit there might be a deeper issue?

If you’re experiencing the symptoms below for longer than two weeks, you should consider speaking with a health professional as soon as possible. Ruling out underlying conditions and receiving a correct diagnosis is key to finding the help you need.

Are You in Denial?

Being in denial can stop you from answering medical professionals and concerned family and friends honestly, including direct questions from a doctor. Are you well aware of your condition and symptoms? Does your guilt and shame lead you to lie or hide it?

You might be able to fully isolate yourself from pain for a time. However, eventually it will become too much for you to handle or hide.

Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed about having. Each year the world takes steps to better understand temporary and lifelong mental health conditions. Remember, it’s not a sign of weakness or imperfection. We’re all perfectly imperfect.

Digging Deeper than Normal Stress

Emotional stress shares many symptoms with other mental illnesses. Their treatments can be similar too. Feel good endorphins, for example, and treatments that boost them are common remedies for both.

Stress is generally temporary with an outward cause. You’ve taken on extra hours or responsibility at work, you’ve run into financial difficulties, or a loved one is sick can trigger stress. However, when the outside trigger disappears or lessens, so does the stress. This isn’t the case with mental health issues, such as mood disorders.

The Dangers of a Hidden Depressive State of Mind and Associated Mood Disorders

Symptoms of depression often mimic other illnesses, but you can have both an underlying condition and depression. Even if you suspect a depressive state or condition is the cause of your symptoms, you should speak with a general practitioner or naturopath too.

If you continue to ignore your symptoms, believing your depression will go away, you’re risking your health and mental stability by not seeking help. Your symptoms might have their root in mental illness, but the damage to your body is real.

10 Symptoms of Depression You Shouldn’t Ignore

Look at yourself closely for a pattern of symptoms, including multiples. Symptoms typically last six months or longer, with most patterns arising within a few weeks of onset, and they can be constant daily issues or reoccurring enough to disturb your life.

1. Insomnia or Trouble Sleeping

Insomnia, sleeping disorders, and depressive disorders do seem to coincide with one another frequently, but studies have limited views because it’s a symptom of other disorders. It can be prevalent though and make your symptoms worse.(2)

2. Suddenly Eating Less, More, or Meal Skipping

Sometimes life gets the better of you and to make up for lost time you’ll skip a meal, make poor food choices, or feel so rushed that you eat a smaller meal. If the instances are rare, you’re likely not experiencing a symptom of depression.

When it becomes a pattern, you need to take a close, hard look at the cause of your sudden eating habit shift. Creating a food diary can help. Be sure to track your hunger, emotions, and your actual food choices inside it.

If the idea of lugging around a physical diary is too much, you can try an app that alerts you to log on a regular basis or the basic notepad app in your phone or tablet works well too.

3. Digestive Issues

Indigestion, heartburn, stomachache, constipation, and diarrhea can all be underlying symptoms of depression. If untreated, you can have vitamin deficiencies and long-term damage to your stomach and esophagus.(3)

4. Your Thought Process Fails or Slows

Having an off day here and there isn’t reason enough to reach for a depressive condition being your cause. If you have more days or everyday occurrences, you should speak with a medical professional about your concerns. (45)

Common symptoms include:

• Inability to concentrate
• Forgetfulness or failure to recall memories correctly
• Inability to make decisions
• Inability to multi-task
• The speed at which your brain processes

5. Hormonal Shifts

The hormone cortisol increases in your body when you’re depressed or stressed. This single hormone can be responsible for other symptoms or aggravate them. It can also damage weight-loss efforts, lower your immune system, and increase your blood pressure.

6. Sudden or Unexplained Self-destructive Behaviors

If you have one of these behaviors, you might believe it’s because you’re weak willed or have an addictive personality. Your self-diagnosis would be incorrect. Self-destructive behavior tends to become rooted in individuals from an early age or because of trauma.

Common Self-destructive Behaviors:

• Drug and alcohol abuse
• Binge eating
• Cutting or self-injury
• Risky sexual behavior
• Risky non-sexual behavior
• Destructive thought process, e.g. self-fulfilling prophecies

Tackling self-destructive behaviors can pose challenges. It’s an addiction, and you need to address it as such you would drug and alcohol problems. First step is admitting it’s part of a mental illness. Affirm that it’s not who you are or part of your personality.

The next step is to speak with a medical professional and trained mental health expert.

7. Irritability

When you’re depressed, you might find you’re more irritable or quick to snap. Your once moderate to endless patience transforms into a big fat zero. It won’t matter how little or big the infraction either; you’re a walking volcano ready to erupt.

The Mayo Clinic lists the symptom with men, but children and women can experience it too. Pre-menopause women might mask it better because the rage mimics PMS irritability. The difference is it doesn’t go away once your period arrives or ends.

8. Extreme Feelings of Emptiness

The easiest way to explain this symptom is numbness. You can’t care or feel even if you want to or should. Numbness can often lead to poor choices and risky behavior because deep down you’re trying to feel anything.

Being empty is a scary feeling on its own. Imagine watching a sad movie, but instead of evoking an emotional response, you stare blankly at the screen. A friend who you love dearly walks down the aisle, and you know she is beautiful and that you should be happy for her, but you feel nothing.

We tend to don masks during these periods of extreme emptiness, and we generally ignore their cause. The facade is far easier to plaster on our faces.

9. You Can’t Get Out of Your Bed

Can’t is a strong word. One symptom of depression has an almost paralyzing effect on your body, but you can move if needed.

Muscle fatigue and soreness could play a role in this. Your body goes under a lot of stress when you’re depressed. This includes your muscles and major bodily systems. If you aren’t sleeping well, your symptoms could be worse.

10. Suicidal Thoughts or an Obsession with Death

If you or a loved one is contemplating suicide or self-harm, you should seek help immediately by calling a local or national suicide hotline. You can even visit your emergency room or dial local authorities who will provide assistance.


Suicide attempts are more common than many people realize when combined with depressive disorders, including hidden and undiagnosed depressive disorders.

Suicide Facts:

• An average of 129 people die daily from suicide
• An estimation of half of people experiencing depressive disorders with suicidal thoughts seek treatment
• Suicide ranks 10th on the leading cause of death for all ages in the US, including children; it’s the 2nd leading cause worldwide
• For every 25 attempts, one person is estimated to be successful

Suicide and mood disorders share a close link. More research is necessary, but the social, physical, mental, and emotional strain they places on an individual can play a large role in the dark thoughts about death and suicide attempts.

Obsessing about death itself can be a hidden symptom. Some people without mental illness simply find beauty in death, autopsies, and graveyards. They might find a fascination in ways to die, but they’ve never actually considered using the methods on themselves.

It creates a fine line when you add in a depressive disorder, and you’ll need to be more mindful of your attraction to death and what drives you to it.

Final Thoughts on Hidden and Undiagnosed Depression Symptoms

Depression is treatable with a relatively high success rate. Diagnosing is relatively easy for a trained medical professional and an honest patient.

If you develop the symptoms above, it’s a good idea to keep track of them and see if patterns exist. Share your journal with your doctor too.

Even if you’re aware of the cause of your depressive state, you shouldn’t avoid treatment. The same applies if you feel ashamed because mental illness is prevalent worldwide. Find a doctor or therapist you trust and confide in them.

You’re not alone. Always remember that.

Mental Health Experts Explain 9 Reasons Your Home Can Give You Anxiety

Are you feeling more stressed when you’re inside your house? Does your home feel too cramped, bright, and stifling, resulting in anxiety? Could it be related to the piles of unfolded clothes on your sofa, the lack of natural light in your bedroom, or how the furniture is arranged in your living room?

According to Health Care Design magazine, many hospitals and clinics in the U.S. today pay attention to how their interior facilities are designed and arranged because it can significantly affect the patients’ wellness. Aside from complying with the guidelines from the American Disabilities Act, hospitals make sure that rooms, treatment facilities, and bathrooms are airy, roomy, and clean, as well as pleasing to the eyes and filled with design elements that elicit a positive vibe.

The same principle applies to your home. A messy house impacts your mental health, physical well-being, and productivity. When your house, garage, home office area and even the inside of your car are dirty, cluttered, and disorganized, you’re giving yourself undue stress that affects your general health. Here are some ways experts say your home can give you anxiety.

Mental Experts Explain 9 Ways Your Home Can Give You Anxiety

1.    Clutter in the household raises women’s cortisol levels more than men’s.

A study from the experts at UCLA at the Center on Everyday Lives of Families (CELF) learned that many women living in a disorderly house tend to have higher cortisol level patterns or stress hormones.

  • Experts believe that the kind of stress homemakers experience could be directly related to the number of things the family has accumulated over the years.
  • Women must manage the upkeep to keep these things clean and in order.
  • Conversely, men don’t view keeping the house tidy and clean as their main responsibility. So, clutter doesn’t impact them like the ladies who get stressed about it.

2.    You tend to have poor coping mechanisms when you have clutter all over your house.

Experts at Cornell University say that clutter and mess in the home can trigger unhealthy coping mechanisms when you’re stressed out. These may include indulging in junk food, sleeping longer than usual, and sleeping on the couch.

When you’re doing all these things but not addressing why you’re stressed out, you are not getting any relief. Instead, these activities may cause lasting unhealthy effects on your brain’s structure and function because your stress levels remain high.

Over time, it will be difficult to manage your body and mind when stressed so that it will grow weaker. When you’re chronically stressed, you also lose the ability to think clearly. You tend to lack the motivation to reinforce a positive point of view. This, in turn, can change your behavior towards people, which may cause friction in your relationships and lead to anxiety.

3.    You don’t feel good staying in your house because of its interior problems.

Aside from the clutter, there are other layers to what make you anxious inside your house. It can be any of the following:

  • Poor quality of the air
  • The way the room smells
  • Bland lighting
  • Irritating acoustics
  • Mismatched, ugly, and low-quality furniture

A space with these types of problems can easily make anyone uncomfortable and unable to relax. When left unaddressed or ignored, they may cause physical and mental health issues in the long run.

4.    You don’t pay attention to the colors, textures, and patterns found inside your house.

You might think it is purely aesthetics, but your house’s colors, textures, and patterns can impact you psychologically and physically. Your brain interprets what it sees, smells, and touches. This includes elements such as choosing appropriate wall colors, soft pillows for your bed or sofa, or a proper room flow and pattern of light.

Whatever the brain interprets triggers the release of neurotransmitters. A pleasant and positive interpretation of these design elements will produce a soothing and calming effect that can relieve anxiety. On the other hand, if the brain is bothered by the color of the walls or the light in the bedroom, it may easily raise your anxiety levels.

5.    You don’t deliberately create a healthy space and fail to choose the elements of your house carefully.

Interior designer Jessica Helps can tell when her clients prioritize their health and well-being. She notices these elements in the house, such as antimicrobial countertops, placing herbs and planters in the kitchen, or having treated ceiling panels to minimize noise pollution.

Creating a healthy space in your house is a matter of personal choice and will. You don’t have to spend a lot on this, but making simple and consistent fixes to improve the quality of your home can instantly bring positive results that will lessen your anxiety.

For instance, if you’ve been tolerating a barely functioning showerhead, it’s high time you shell out that $30 you’ve been scrimping for a high-pressure rainfall shower type you can easily buy at any home store. Showering with this simple replacement will instantly make you feel so much better that you’ll probably kick yourself for not fixing this problem immediately.

You must find ways to make your home livable, even if that means investing in small improvements. If you can’t do it now, make a conscious effort to save and set a goal to complete it. For larger projects like house extensions, planning ahead and budgeting wisely can help you create the additional space you need while adding value to your home.

If you’ve saved more than enough in the future, you can probably get on with a major renovation project, like:

  • Changing your floors to mid-toned, darker floors can make the room feel smaller or claustrophobic.
  • Raising the ceiling’s height to create a larger space as well.
  • Repainting walls to a lighter finish will help bounce and bring in natural light.
  • Adding mirrors and wall treatments to create optical aesthetics.

6.    You don’t understand the value of good lighting.

Lighting is an important factor in any home interior. When you enter a house and feel good about it, there’s a good chance it’s because of how the room is well-lighted. Lighting can dramatically impact the mood and ambiance of the environment. It can also make the people living in the house feel the positive energy and a sense of calmness.

If you’ve been having problems cooking in the kitchen because it is dimly lit, why not finally act on that plan to replace the lighting fixture? Why keep torturing and troubling yourself when you always have the choice to improve your situation?

If you plan on changing the lights, remember that lighting fixtures with a warm glow are great for living room and dining room spaces, where you welcome friends and family and create happy moments. It’s also good for the bedroom because it has a relaxing effect. On the other hand, bright white lights are great for the kitchen or home office because this encourages productivity.

7.    You don’t have a home gym.

Most homeowners don’t consider having a gym as a home feature. Yet, studies have shown the effectiveness of exercise in managing anxiety; it will help to have a dedicated space where you can work out every day at home. In most houses, however, the gym is usually relegated to the basement, where it’s dark, possibly damp, and cold.

  • Experts say such an environment can make doing exercises much easier to pass over and ignore.
  • If you want to prioritize your mental health and physical well-being, you should create a gym space with an inspiring view of the outdoors, almost as if it’s a spa environment.
  • If you don’t have enough space at home, create a corner in your bedroom, backyard, or living room where you can do your stretches and other workouts by setting down a yoga mat.
  • Have this always visible or within reach so you won’t forget or forgo the exercises.

8.    You keep making your bed your workspace.

Experts at the University of Toronto learned that more than 50 percent of people who bring work at home feel more pressure and experience more interference in their work and home life. Worse, some people make their bed their actual workspace at home when it should be used for three things only: sleep, rest and relaxation, and intimate moments with your partner.

  • If you bring your work home, then pretty soon, the work-related stress and anxiety will also creep into your personal space.
  • If you can’t help but bring work home, make sure you create a specified workspace that will still allow you to mentally shut down when it’s time to focus on family or recreation.
  • As with the rest of your house, your workspace must also have the right interiors and design elements so that you can still be productive and be able to exude positive thoughts and feelings.

Put in a good light, display family photos, travel souvenirs, and plants and greenery to help filter the air.


9.    You hoard all of your things, so your house looks smaller than it really is.

Are you a pack rat? Do you find that you have so much stuff to where you have no more room for storing new items? It’s important to do an annual purging of the things you no longer need. This way, the items won’t fill up your house and make it look smaller.

Do you still have too much stuff after purging, donating, and holding a garage sale? If so, it might be time to consider investing in a separate storage unit.  A space with fewer items on display will look roomier and invite proper airflow. This is actually good Feng Shui.

Final Thoughts On Ways Your Home Can Give You Anxiety, According To Mental Experts

Studies show that you’ll feel more depressed and stressed if you continue living in a space with bare walls, unfinished construction, and outdated furniture. Taking good care of your house is like taking care of your body.

You’ll feel better and healthier if everything is in order. As such, make it a priority to invest time, money, and effort into properly designing your home space. This will raise your positive energy.

7 Warning Signs of A Heart Attack Women Should Never Ignore

You might think that men and women experience similar symptoms before a heart attack. According to a study published in 2003, this is entirely incorrect, and now scientists and medical professionals are positive that women’s bodies show different warning signs than men.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that approximately 25% of deaths in America are a result of some form of heart disease. A whopping 735,000 of all American citizens experience heart attacks on an annual basis. More than a quarter of those incidents involve people who have had heart attacks before.

It’s safe to say that the risk of developing a heart attack is significant, and you should be taking steps to protect yourself. Don’t let yourself be caught off guard because you’re only looking for chest pain, which is an uncommon symptom in women! Here are some warning signs of a heart attack women should never ignore.

7 Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack Women Should Never Ignore

surviving a heart attack

1.    Upper body soreness and pain

There are a variety of kinds of aches and pains that may crop up shortly before you develop a heart attack. According to medical doctor, cardiologist, and Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center director C. Noel Bairey Merz, any unusual types of discomfort in the upper body should not go unreported. Take your pain seriously!

Not all pain is focused in the chest when it comes to cardiac issues. This kind of pain is often called referred pain, which essentially comes from the heart but is felt in different areas. As a warning sign of a heart attack, it happens more frequently in men than women. Here are some types of pain to pay attention to.

·         Jaw

Jaw pain and numbness can be an early symptom of a heart attack. It can feel like your teeth or gums are numb as if you’ve just come back from the dentist and the anesthesia remains strong.

·         Back

Pain in the upper back, especially between the shoulder blades, is characteristic of a heart attack. It can feel sharp, or ebb and flow, and it may be accompanied by other kinds of pain.

·         Arms

Most commonly occurring on the left side, pain in the shoulders and arms is a very common symptom of a heart attack. Sometimes, though, it isn’t quite pain – instead, it’s a numbness that comes and goes.

·         Neck

Neck pain sometimes comes along with jaw pain and signals the possibility of a heart attack on the horizon.

·         Ear

Though less common, ear pain – especially when accompanied by neck and jaw pain – can be a sign for a heart attack due to the ears’ sensitivity.

The kind of pain or ache that signifies a heart attack differs from person to person. For some, it comes suddenly and sharply. For others, it starts gradually and becomes worse, or comes and goes. All unusual pain should be checked out by a doctor.

2.    Breathing issues

Shortness of breath is a common heart attack symptom. This happens as a result of blocked arteries, which limit the transport of oxygen around your body’s system. In addition, a heart that is on the verge of a heart attack will not be strong enough to help push the blood through these arteries. This will cause fluid buildup in the lungs, thus causing breathing issues.

There are a number of ways this warning sign can creep up on you. For some, they may notice random onsets of breath shortness. This can happen during a minor activity, such as when you do chores; during times of little activity, such as when you’re in a meeting; or even when you’re completely at rest and lying down.

You may also notice that you need to prop yourself in a more upright position when sleeping so you can breathe more clearly. You might find that you have trouble taking deep, long breaths. Additionally, you may find it hard to catch your breath at all. Essentially, you’ll feel like you’re climbing a mountain, but you won’t be moving much.

Difficulty breathing is always a sign of a potential medical emergency – and it could mean you’re experiencing a heart attack. Head to the doctor immediately.

3.    Sweating

There is rarely ever a positive reason for sudden sweating out of nowhere. This unexpected and seemingly random symptom can be a huge sign that a heart attack is on the rise. It may feel stress-related, as opposed to a sweat you might get from working out or being in a hot environment.

These sweats may also be cold and make you feel nervous, or be accompanied by anxiety. In these cases, it’s advisable that you get yourself checked by a doctor as soon as possible. In addition, sudden cold sweats, accompanied by dizziness, is a symptom that 40% of women will have right before a stroke; so even if it’s not a heart attack, it could be something else!

  • If you’re someone who doesn’t sweat that often, and you’re not in a hot environment, exercising, or going through regular hot flashes, speak to a doctor immediately.
  • A sudden sweat – especially a cold one – is simply not a good sign.
  • Abrupt or sudden dizziness accompanied by a sweat is always worthy of a 911 call.

4.    Vomiting, nausea, and digestion issues

A very recent study in the journal circulation involved the examinations of men and women who had suffered a heart attack prior to the age of 55. Findings revealed that around 2 out of 3 women are positive they had faced upper-abdominal trouble prior to the attack’s onset. This included issues such as stomach discomfort or pain, indigestion, and nausea.

Stomach pain and indigestion often go overlooked by people who suffer them. This is because they can be caused by so many different things, and a heart attack isn’t typically among the options you’d think about. But sometimes, this pain can develop into an extremely heavy pressure.

As for nausea and vomiting, these are very common heart attack symptoms. A woman may also experience some degree of dizziness or lightheadedness that causes nausea. Essentially, all forms of gastrointestinal issues are much more common as warning signs of a heart attack than women than in men. So if you notice anything unusual, contact your doctor.

5.    Odd chest sensations

Everyone knows that all-out chest pain is an extremely common symptom of a heart attack. Most people who experience severe chest pain will ultimately decide to go to the hospital.

But in women, this pain may not ever come, says Master of Public Health and lead study researcher Dr. Judity Hilevi Lichtman. Instead, it may be replaced by odd discomfort or strange sensations localized over the chest.

Many women describe their symptoms as something akin to pressure or tightness over their chest. Some may also feel some sort of funny chest tingling or something that feels like mild electricity shooting out from a spot in their torso.

  • These sensations are easily overlooked.
  • The good news is that they tend to be accompanied by other more obvious symptoms.
  • So if you notice some chest weirdness, pay attention to the rest of your body.
  • You may notice your arms going numb, or the pressure spreading up to your jaw or around to your back.

6.    Flu-like symptoms

There are countless diseases that have symptoms best described as flu-like. This is because many viruses that cause non-fatal flu-like conditions are simply the immune system attempting to fight a disease.

The trouble with this generic group of symptoms is that because they are so common and usually relatively harmless, many people overlook them. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Tiredness
  • Nausea
  • Aches and pains
  • Gastrointestinal issues

Many women experience flu-like symptoms leading up to a heart attack. The trick is to pay attention and notice if this “flu” feels different. Is it more intense? A little different, in a way you can’t put your finger on? Your best bet is to speak to a doctor. Even if it is just the flu, odd, unusual symptoms shouldn’t be brushed aside as nothing!

7.    Fatigue or exhaustion

Around 70% of women will feel more tired than usual in the month leading up to a heart attack. They might notice that this fatigue seems to center around the chest area. The exhaustion can be severe enough that they find difficulty in doing simple, everyday things, such as walking around their homes.

heart attack

According to cardiologist, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, and author Suzanne Steinbaum, many women make the mistake of dismissing tiredness such as this. This is because women may be accustomed to feelings of fatigue during PMS and associate this exhaustion with their menstrual cycle.

Some examples of tiredness you’ll want to keep an eye out for are:

  • Being unable to get out of bed
  • Barely having the energy to talk or move
  • Trouble standing up
  • Exhaustion just from going to the bathroom or kitchen
  • Loss of focus and positive thinking, and overall sharpness
  • Tiredness that seems to center around the chest
  • Tiredness that seems worse on the left side of your body

Of course, fatigue can happen for many reasons. So if you’re feeling run down, it doesn’t necessarily mean your heart is in danger. But if no amount of rest makes you feel less tired, you feel your exhaustion getting worse and worse, or you can barely even roll over in bed, it’s time to speak to a doctor. Even if it isn’t a heart attack coming on, progressive tiredness is not healthy!

Final Thoughts On Signs Of A Heart Attack Women Shouldn’t Ignore

Heart attacks are dangerous and can often result in fatalities. If you experience any of these 7 warning signs of a heart attack women should never ignore, call 911 immediately or have a trusted family member rush you to the hospital.

Even if you don’t have a visible heart attack, 20% of cases of heart attack are silent and unnoticed from the outside, but do plenty of damage within. Keep yourself aware and know it is better to be safe than sorry!

Keep in mind that many of these symptoms crop up a full month before a full-blown heart attack occurs. It’s important to discuss the meanings behind these symptoms with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy and steps can be taken to prevent damage.

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