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7 Traits Men Love Most About Women

Men are easily attracted and affected by visual stimulations compared to women. Men generally love to stare at a beautiful woman or do a double take when a lady catches their eye. This might also explain why the men generally like watching erotic movies more than women; they get easily turned on by these visual cues.

The guys pay more attention to a woman’s smile, eyes, hair, lips, breasts, hips, or legs. While this might sound like objectification, some neuroscientists believe men’s biological wiring equate a woman’s desirability to their physical traits first, before anything else. Here are some particular traits that most men love best about women.

7 Traits That Men Love Most About Women

postmenopausal women

1.    Men love it when a woman has long hair.

Long hair has been regarded as the ultimate beauty standard for centuries, thus the term “crowning glory.” History has shown that long hair has been seen as a symbol of feminine attractiveness in various cultures. The animated movie “Mulan” actually depicted how the character needed to cut her thick, long and flowing hair so that she could pass off as a male warrior for the Chinese army. In other cultures, men regard women with thick long hair as fertile and ideal for bearing a child.

But long hair may also be an indication of good health and wellness, aside from physical attractiveness. During the Civil War period, rich women usually donned long and shiny wigs because it was assumed that they had the money, time, and resources to take really good care of their health.

  • In today’s modern world, however, the general point of view that men find women with long hair more attractive than those with short hair may still prevail.
  • However, this doesn’t immediately discount women with pixie cuts or bobs as less attractive.
  • There are women today who look a lot better and younger with the right short haircut.

2.    Men are attracted to women with perfect white teeth.

A study revealed that the color of woman’s teeth may greatly impact how a man views her attractiveness. Experts learned that some men equate the whiteness of a woman’s teeth to her “reproductive value.” There are the men who apparently see women with white teeth as younger looking so they can still likely reproduce. This was common to the responses of the participants in the study even if the images shown to the men were digitally manipulated.

Fortunately, there are many methods for women, or any person for that matter, to have her teeth whitened. Aside from actually going to the dentist to get proper treatment and bleaching, today’s women can buy various types of drugstore dental and teeth-whitening products, depending on their needs.

  • You could also try this age-old beauty trick of using baking soda to soak and whiten your teeth since it is cheaper and safer than buying chemically-laced dental products.
  • Just remember, however, that your teeth and gums may become over-sensitive because of too much bleaching.
  • If you’re not sure about getting positive results, consult your dentist before trying any whitening product that could destroy your teeth’s enamel.

3.    Men find a woman’s high-pitched voice very attractive.

Another research from experts in California learned that men are more drawn to women with high-pitched voices. If she sounds more like a lady with her thin, soft, and high-pitched tone, then she likely has a high level of estrogen or the feminine hormone. Thus, it would account for her desirability among the men.

Guys also like women with high-pitched tones because they sound younger. They can also imagine a woman’s small and slim figure just by hearing the sound of her voice. If a woman has a deeper voice, it is not a turn on for men. When they hear her talk, they will unintentionally think that the woman is big or even stronger than a man, especially if they have not seen her in person.

In addition, the experts pointed out that there could be a biological significance to why men prefer women with thin and high-pitched voices. Apparently, the timbre of an animal’s sound evokes the same presumptions as to the human voice.

In the animal kingdom, it’s the larger types of species that have the bigger, louder, and deeper growls. These animals are usually deemed stronger and dominant. Smaller animals, on the other hand, usually have thin and lighter sounds; more often than not, these animals are regarded as helpless. The experts said that this is probably why men prefer women with high-pitched voices because they are the ones that men can protect or save.

4.    Men take good notice of a woman’s back shape and body flexure.

The shape of a woman’s back can also make men do a double turn. In particular, men have a positive attraction for a woman’s body flexure or how her spine curves to where her buttocks start.

Experts at Bilkent University conducted a study where male participants were shown digitally manipulated photos of women with different shapes and sizes of their body flexure. The men generally agreed that the sexiest female body flexure was at a 45-degree angle.

The second part of the research aimed to find out if the reason men found a 45-degree flexure angle more attractive was due to the way a woman’s buttocks curved. But the study revealed it was the curve of the spine itself that men saw as sexy, regardless if the buttocks appeared big or small.

5.    Men are definitely attracted to a woman’s waist and hip size.

It’s widely known that men love to look at women with a whistle-bait figure and there’s research that actually backs up this notion. According to the book “Social Psychology: Core Concepts and Emerging Trends” from author Daniel W. Barrett, men prefer women with a slim waist but wide hips because it’s the perfect body shape for someone who can withstand the pains and complications of childbirth. This was how men viewed women in the ancient period and even in the mid-century.

  • Ideally, a woman’s waist and hip measurements should have a 7:10 ratio.
  • If the ratio increases, especially on the larger side, then this might indicate problems with the woman’s weight.
  • Her weight problems, on the other hand, may also impact her fertility; For this reason, most guys don’t usually go for women who have a larger waist-to-hips ratio.

Barret said in his book that men won’t outright admit that they find the 7:10 body ratio most attractive or that they have a prejudice against big women. In fact, most men won’t see how they subconsciously prefer certain female body types. But then again, you can’t blame the men for thinking this way. Apparently, this instinctive preference likely comes as part of the evolution process of the male psyche.

6.    Men prefer women with long arms over long legs.

traits men love about women

It’s the women who think that having long legs like that of supermodels is attractive. Men, on the other hand, prefer long, shapely arms over long legs, as revealed in a survey conducted by experts and the University of New South Wales.

Participants of a study composed of Australian and Chinese men graded the arms of stars like Courteney Cox, Madonna, and Christine Bleakley higher than the endless legs of attractive models. The men also rated the size of the hips and waist as equally important in terms of attractiveness. Surprisingly, however, these men did not give significantly high scores for women with long legs.

7.    Men take into account the symmetry of a woman’s face to determine her attractiveness.

On a subconscious level, men also pay extra attention to the symmetry of a woman’s face. They are drawn to finding the flaws and perfections on a woman’s face because it could also indicate the quality of her genes. Scientists once again tied this preference to the evolutionary process. Even some animals and birds use symmetry to determine whether a potential mate is ideal for reproduction.

  • Do you know that there’s a way to measure your facial sex appeal?
  • Take the measurements of your face in inches.
  • The length (L) should be from the forehead to the chin; the width (W) should be below your eyes, from left to right.
  • Divide the L by the W to determine the ratio.
  • The ideal ratio of a beautiful face should fall at 1.6 inches.
  • Next, take a measurement of your forehead hairline to the area between your eyes. Then do the same for the area between your eyes to the bottom of the nose.
  • Lastly, take a measurement from the bottom of the nose down to the tip of your chin.
  • If all three segments have equal measurements, this means your face is symmetrical so it is very attractive to men.
  • Finally, measure the length of your ear and do the same for the length of your nose.
  • Then take the width measurement of your eye, as well as the distance between both eyes.
  • If all these measurements reflect the same numbers, your face is symmetrical and in proportion so you have good genes.

Final Thoughts On Traits Men Love Most About Women

The men in your life might deny that they are visual creatures. They might say that they don’t care about a woman’s physical traits because what really matters is what’s in her heart or her positive attitude. While that might be true, it still doesn’t take away the fact that men – by nature or evolution – are stimulated by women based on how they look.

The truth is physicality matters a lot to a man looking for a mate to start a family or spend the rest of his life with. It is important for them to be physically attracted to the woman first to build up the relationship.

In the end, however, the visual stimulation will not be enough to sustain a long-term connection. Once the relationship deepens, it’s also instinctive for a man to find something else to appreciate in the woman he is dating. These may include her ability to make him laugh, challenge his thinking, or keep him engrossed with different bonding activities.

5 Hidden Muscles That Cause Pain (Most People Ignore)

Major muscle groups get most of the attention – especially at the gym and in front of the mirror! But our smaller muscles carry much of the weight (literally) and perform many vital functions. Medical doctors and other specialists also know that malfunctioning of several small muscles can cause a whole bunch of pain and other problems.

Pain management clinics, for example, are busy 24/7 trying to figure out precisely what muscle is causing Patient “A” to be in so much agony. Pain management doctors x-ray, scan, laser beam, and do almost everything else to figure out the problem. Too often, the problem is some small, “insignificant” muscle.

In this article, we will discuss the role and functions of various muscle tissues. We’ll discuss which muscles are responsible for back, neck, shoulder, foot, and butt pain. Finally, we’ll give some pointers to (hopefully) prevent muscle pain from surfacing. Let’s do this!

“Minor muscles enable large muscles to do their job. When the small ones aren’t working properly, it can lead to injury or pain.” Bryan Heiderscheit, Ph.D.

Muscles: What are they, really?

An estimated 700 skeletal muscles in the human body are classified into three groups: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles. Skeletal muscles allow movement and give us ability; cardiac muscles expand and contract the heart and transport blood throughout the body. Smooth muscles are those of organs and do the little things like focus our eyes and contract the bowels.

While learning about muscles may sound boring, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Muscles are as fascinating as they are complex. Consider these factoids:

  • The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body. (Yay, butts!)
  • The muscles of the middle ear are the smallest.
  • Taking one step requires the movement of 200 muscles.
  • The strongest muscle is located in the jaw and is used for chewing.
  • The heart muscle is the only muscle that never tires.
  • Your fingers do not have any muscles – just bones.
  • Smiling requires 17 muscles. It takes 43 to frown.
  • The spine contains over 120 muscles.
  • Your eye muscles move a whopping 100,000 times per day!
  • “Muscle memory” is a term used to describe movements that the muscles become accustomed to over time.
  • Why do you shiver when it’s cold? Because low temperatures cause involuntary contraction of the muscles.
  • We use the muscles of our eyelids to blink more than 16,000 times a day!
  • Muscles constitute 40 percent of our total body weight; just 10 percent less than water!

Muscle Types

Skeletal muscles are attached to bones. The contraction of these muscles is what permits us to move. Examples of skeletal muscle movement include walking, chewing, and stretching.

Smooth muscle (or visceral muscle) makes up the tissue of our internal organs. Smooth muscle is entirely involuntary and is the “weakest” type of muscle. Important functions of smooth muscles include the expansion and contraction of the heart and the bowels. A healthy circulatory system is dependent upon smooth muscle movement.

Cardiac muscle, as the name implies, is located exclusively in the heart. Cardiac muscle is also involuntary and contracts to form our heartbeat. The autonomic nervous system controls the heart rate.

Functions of muscles

According to experts, there are 10 main functions of the muscular system:

  1. Movement

Of course, the primary purpose of the muscular system is to permit movement. There exist two varieties of movement, gross and fine. Gross movements are things like running, swimming, and walking. Fine movements include facial expressions, speaking, and writing.

  1. Stability

Muscle tendons and core muscles help to stabilize the body. Core muscles can be found in the abdomen, back, and pelvis. Tendons of the joints, knees, and shoulders also provide stabilization.

  1. Posture

Muscles of the skeletal system help us remain upright when necessary. Flexible, durable muscles permit good posture.

  1. Circulation

As mentioned, the heart muscle pumps blood throughout the body. Smooth muscles of the arteries and veins further assist blood circulation.

  1. Respiration

Diaphragmatic muscles permit expansion and contraction of the lungs. Deep breathing uses muscles of the abdomen, back, and neck.

  1. Digestion

Smooth muscles line the entire gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. Peristalsis comprises the wave-like movements of these smooth muscles.

  1. Urination

Our urinary system contains both smooth and skeletal muscles, including in the bladder, kidneys, penis or vagina, prostate, ureters, and urethra.

  1. Vision

Skeletal muscles around the eye sockets allow eye movement. These muscles assist in stabilization, scanning, and tracking.

  1. Organ protection

Besides the smooth muscles which comprise the outer layers of the major organs, skeletal muscles of the ribs, spine, and torso also provide protection.

  1. Temperature regulation

Nearly 85 percent of all heat generated by the body is caused by muscle contraction. The skeletal muscles also help to create body heat when necessary.

5 “hidden” muscles that may cause pain

  1. Multifidus: Back pain

The multifidus is a series of small, triangular-shaped muscles that help to support the spine. These thin muscles help to stabilize, flex, and extend the vertebral column – a sequence of 33 vertebrae that runs from the pelvic floor all the way to the base of the skull!

Multifidi pain usually originates in the lower back but may extend upwards. Preventing pain in this area may be as simple as taking time to stand up, stretch, and walk from time to time, especially if you sit often.

  1. Scalenus: Neck pain

The scalene is a group of three muscles that line the side of the neck. The primary functions of the anterior and middle scalene muscles are to flex and bend the neck and elevate the first rib.  The posterior scalene muscle lifts the second rib, flexes, and bends the neck.

If you’ve ever woken up with that lovely stiff neck pain, you’ve probably irritated the scalene muscles. When this happens, you need to locate your scalene trigger points. To do so, place the tips of your right hand’s fingers alone the left side of your neck. Put slight pressure on each point and repeat 10 times on both sides.

  1. Supraspinatus: Shoulder pain

The supraspinatus is the smallest of four muscles which make up the rotator cuff. The muscle works to prevent damage of the shoulder originating from gravitational forces. The supraspinatus works – individually and with the deltoid muscle – to rotate the shoulder joint and arm.

To avoid damage of the muscle, avoid repetitive overhead movement of the arm, particularly if doing so causes pain, however minimal. Practicing good posture and engaging in shoulder-blade exercises may also help.

  1. Piriformis: Butt pain

The piriformis is a flat muscle located in the deep gluteal muscles. It has a pyramid-like shape that stretched from near the hip joint to the pelvis. The muscle rotates the hip when standing and abducts the hip at rest.

Stretching and strengthening the piriformis muscle is a priority for athletes and the physically active. You can stretch the piriformis by lying flat on your back and crossing the left foot across the right knee at the ankle. Interlocking your fingers underneath and just below the right knee, lift the right foot off the ground until it is parallel with your abdomen, then switch legs.

  1. Hallucis longus: Foot pain


The hallucis longus is the muscle that enables you to curl your big toe. How could it cause foot pain? Well, the big toe is crucial for balance and stabilization when upright. When this muscle is damaged, extra strain is put on the rest of the foot, which often causes pain.

Doing exercises such as body lunges and body squats while barefoot can help strengthen the hallucis longus, along with other foot muscles. Furthermore, such exercises train balance and are good for helping maintain skeletal and muscular alignment. Also, purchase shoes that properly fit, especially if you are on your feet often. When purchasing shoes, patron a professional store such as those that sell running shoes. A properly-trained professional can ensure that the shoe is compatible with the shape of your foot.

Final Thoughts: Maintaining healthy muscles

Proper diet and regular exercise are the best ways to prevent muscle pain. Here’s how to do both:


The only way to strengthen your muscles is to exercise. Proper exercise helps you grow muscle tissue, which helps to prevent injury. Per the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, some of the best activities include climbing stairs, dancing, jogging, lifting weights, playing tennis, swimming, biking, and running. The optimal amount of physical activity is sixty minutes per day.

A balanced diet

A proper diet is crucial for delivering needed nutrients to your muscles. Eat a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and lean protein. Avoid trans fats and drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. Iron is a critical nutrient that is required for muscle health. Good sources of iron include lean meat, poultry, beans, peas, and spinach.

Neuroscientist Explains Five Secrets of the Creative Brain

Attributes of the Highly Creative

Highly creative people, or “creatives,” are perhaps among the most enigmatic people in existence. For hundreds of years, we’ve attempted – and mostly failed – to understand the likes of DaVinci, Mozart, Einstein, Michelangelo, and others. Despite these years of fascination, “gifted” seems the only trait which we laypeople universally attribute to creatives.

“Some people see things others cannot, and they are right, and we call them ‘creative geniuses.’ Some people see things other cannot, and they are wrong, and we call them mentally ill. And some people (are) both.” – Nancy Andreasen, Ph.D.

While there is no one trait that applies to every creative – or any person, for that matter – there are indeed personal attributes that apply more frequently to creatives than to others. This is according to Nancy Andreasen, neuroscientist, neuropsychologist, and Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine. Andreasen has been studying the complex minds of creatives for over 40 years.

In 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton awarded Dr. Andreasen the National Medal of Science, the United States’ highest award for scientific research. The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides a summary of Andreasen’s achievements:

Andreasen is known for her discovery of the relationship between manic-depressive illness and creativity.  She was also one of the first scientists to demonstrate brain abnormalities in people with schizophrenia and mood disorders.

 Andreasen’s pivotal contributions included joining behavioral science with the technologies of neuroscience and neuroimaging in order to understand processes such as memory and creativity.

According to Andreasen, there are indeed demonstrable “secrets” of the creative brain – if only in some vain attempt to understand the intricate minds of the highly creative. This article will focus on the inner workings of the highly creative mind from a scientific perspective.

Schizophrenia and Creative Talent?

“Who would this book help? What if I channeled the effort and energy I’d invested in it into a career that might save people’s lives? Within a month, I made the decision to become a research scientist, perhaps a medical doctor.” – Dr. Andreasen, following the publication of her first book

Dr. Andreasen attributes her initial research interests to biographical similarities she shares with Sylvia Plath, a widely-admired, brilliant poet and novelist of the 20th century. Plath, who suffered from severe depression, tragically took her own life at the age of 30. Like Plath, Andreasen had received a Fulbright Scholarship and studied at a prestigious English University – Plath at Oxford, and Andreasen at Cambridge. Following Plath’s suicide, Andreasen began studying mental illness more intensely.

As Andreasen dug deeper into the creative geniuses of yesteryear, she found a correlation between mental illness and creative talent. Initially what caught her attention was the close proximity of mental illness to the likes of Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell, and James Joyce.  All three had close relatives – Einstein, a son; Russell, many kin; and Joyce, a daughter – who suffered from schizophrenia.

The illness may have affected the men themselves, though such a notion requires speculation. Andreasen cites the social aloofness and detachment of Joyce and the “social and interpersonal ineptitudes” of Einstein as potential signs that the illness may have affected both men to some degree.

But it was Andreasen’s work with Kurt Vonnegut, a prolific writer of the 1960s that would prove significant.

The life story of Mr. Vonnegut is rife with tragedy. His mother committed suicide on Mother’s Day – and while her son Kurt was on leave during World War II. His son, Mark, though highly functioning, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and depressive disorder.

Mark Vonnegut details his family’s struggles with mental illness in the books The Eden Express and Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So. Mr. Vonnegut writes, in part: “My mother, my cousins, and my sisters weren’t doing so great. We had eating disorders, co-dependency, outstanding warrants, drug and alcohol problems, dating and employment problems, and other ‘issues.’”

Though the Vonnegut family struggled with mood disorders, they were a creative bunch. Kurt Vonnegut’s father was an accomplished architect; his brother, a prodigious chemist who would go on to file 28 patents. His son Mark is, as noted above, a published author; and both of his daughters are talented visual artists.

It turns out that Andresen’s early research on schizophrenia and creative genius, though captivating, did not demonstrate the statistical significance necessary to prove relevant. In other words, while there may be a link between schizophrenia and creative ability, it isn’t provable. The same can not be said of depression, however.

Depression and Creative Talent

“Those who have been eminent in philosophy, politics, poetry, and the arts have all had tendencies toward melancholia.” – Socrates

It is challenging – if not impossible – to prove that a link exists between creative ability and predisposition to depression. But Dr. Andreasen had seen enough creatives affected by mood disorders that she believed a case could be made.

In her 2008 study, published in the journal Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Andreasen states, “The preponderance of the evidence suggests that in these creative individuals the rate of mood disorder is high and that both bipolar disorder and unipolar depression are quite common.”

Dr. Andreasen goes on to cite historical figures like Vincent Van Gogh, who committed suicide at the age of 37. Andresen notes – and both the historical and medical record seems to confirm – that Van Gogh suffered from periods of manic depression. Interestingly, Van Gogh produced most of his finest works in the last two years of life, a time when he “suffered from recurrent psychotic episodes,” in which “there are clearly bipolar aspects … followed by sustained periods of increasingly high energy and enthusiasm,” according to the American Journal of Psychiatry.

Andreasen notes that both creatives and scientists may be at a higher risk of anxiety, panic disorder, and alcoholism.

Other Creative Traits

While most of Dr. Andreasen’s research focuses on the afflictions of creatives, she has extensively researched – and sincerely respects – many of their other qualities. Here are five other secrets of the creative mind:

  1. Many creatives are polymaths.

A polymath is someone with multiple interests across a spectrum of subjects. “Star Wars” director George Lucas, for example, dabbles in architecture, anthropology, digital technology, history, interior design, neuroscience, and sociology. While many see the arts and sciences as opposites, creatives are much more likely to appreciate – and prove adept in – both areas of study. It isn’t uncommon to find a scientist with a creative streak writing poetry or painting – and vice-versa.

  1. Creatives are mostly self-taught.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg have one thing in common: all three are college dropouts. (How good must it feel to know that you’re smarter than pretty much everyone who tries to teach you something?!) Creative minds tend to loathe traditional institutions such as those in academia. As such, creative folks are more likely to seek out the knowledge that interests them and do away with everything else.

  1. Creatives are a persistent bunch.

One frustration that creatives must contend with is the rejection of their ideas. Most successful authors and bestselling writers have faced rejection from multiple publishers before finding one that gave them a shot. Moreover, much of society tends to look down on those who attempt to make a living in the arts. College majors such as creative writing, drama, and fine arts are dismissed as worthless. The ignorance of many necessitates that creatives possess a good measure of resilience. Fortunately for us, they do.


  1. Creatives get their best ideas at REST.

The acronym REST in this sense means Random Episodic Silent Thought. Andreasen describes this brain state in an article published in MS Monographs, “Neuroimaging studies … suggest that association cortices are the primary areas that are active during this state and that the brain is spontaneously reorganising and acting as a self-organising system.” Andreasen notes that nearly all of her clients claim to have their best ideas when their mind resembles this state.

One of her clients, an artist, says “A lot of (creative discovery) happens when you are doing one thing and you’re not thinking about what your mind is doing. I’m either watching television [or] reading a book, and I make a connection.”

  1. Creatives have a ton of ideas.

While this last one might seem obvious, it can not be emphasized enough. Highly creative people often “have a zillion ideas,” according to a neuroscientist and inventor client of Andreasen. Unfortunately, many of these ideas aren’t practical when viewed from a commercial standpoint. However, it’s fair to say that creatives make up a good portion of a company’s R&D department.

In other words, we can thank the creatives among us for just about everything that gives us joy. So, Thank You to all the creatives among us!

11 Times the Simple Act of Kindness Changed Someone’s Life

It doesn’t cost a penny to perform an act of kindness, yet the world seems lacking in this department. We all get caught up in our busy lives and often fail to consider what someone else might be going through. However, without the support and friendship we find in each other, we couldn’t survive. We depend on each other to get through life, because we all know by now that this journey can get quite tiresome. In order to push through, we look to each other for inspiration, motivation, and compassion.

Below, you’ll find 11 strangers who went above and beyond to make someone else happy. You might call them heroes, or just human beings doing the right thing for their fellow man.

Here are 11 times the simple act of kindness changes someone’s life:

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca 

1. “I saw a man on the train who noticed an older man struggling to find directions on his phone. He asked if he could help and spent the next 20 minutes teaching him how to use google maps, gps, and direction services. What a stud!”

I saw a man on the train who noticed an older man struggling to find directions on his phone. He asked if he could help and spent the next 20 minutes teaching the him how to use google maps, gps, and direction services. What a stud!
byu/Dex2Dex inHumansBeingBros

2. What an amazing act of kindness. Keith Urban deserves a round of applause for sure!

3. Because this apartment complex thought about how to include everyone when designing their pool, those in wheelchairs didn’t get left out. Way to go!

This apartment complex has pool access for wheelchairs.
byu/hootersbutwithcats inHumansBeingBros

4. For all the plastic that we dump into the ocean, offering an act of kindness like this to a seal is the least we can do.

Good humans..gotta love them! from r/HumansBeingBros

5. This dog got a second chance at life after this amazing human came to his rescue.

Saving a life from r/HumansBeingBros

6. Sometimes food companies surprise you with this act of kindness instead of turning the homeless away.

Little Caesars helping the homeless eating scraps from dumpster
byu/dwall1604 inHumansBeingBros

7. When it gets cold and snowy outside, anyone who picks up a shovel and gets to work clearing a path is much-appreciated.

This man voluntarily shoveling snow at my bus stop to clear the paving for the blind (Zwolle, Netherlands) from r/HumansBeingBros


8. When you can’t count on your government, you can count on the civilians to have your back.

Saudia Shuler, the owner of Country Cookin in Philadelphia, bought and distributed groceries to government employees who can’t afford to buy them due to the government shutdown. from r/HumansBeingBros

9. Sometimes an act of kindness like giving someone a free drink is all they need to feel better.

Taco Bell just gave me a free drink! Had a rough day and it helped.
byu/Rinzler_123 inHumansBeingBros

10. Kindness begets kindness.

Moved in to a new place a few months back and we just recently got hit with around 11 inches of snow. Both neighbors on either side are elderly, so I shoveled their driveways. Found this in my mailbox today.
byu/Imjustsosososotired inHumansBeingBros

11. This guy went all the way to Ghana to make a difference in the lives of children at an orphanage. Surely, this act of kindness will never be forgotten.

This year’s random act of kindness.

Have you ever witnessed or performed an act of kindness? If so, please share it with us in the comments! This world definitely needs to start a “kindness train” so that everyone can get on board and feel the love! Imagine what we as humans could accomplish if we all loved and respected each other! We would all probably feel a lot happier and less stressed out.

If you see someone struggling, find out what you can do to help them. What they need might not always cost money; maybe they just need a hug, someone to talk to, or motivation to keep going. As humans, we can do so much better, and it all starts with adopting an attitude of giving rather than receiving.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Moves That Relieve Pain And Make You Feel Younger

Exercise is important for keeping the body healthy and helping you feel younger. As one ages, it becomes increasingly important to stay active. Neglecting to do so can cause you to feel older and more tired, and it may even cause you to experience aches and pains.

But sometimes high-intensity exercise can be a bit too much for someone to do. That’s why you should know the right moves and exercises to perform for the benefits you seek! Here are some moves that relieve pain and make you feel younger.

Here Are 10 Moves That Relieve Pain And Make You Feel Younger

1.    Reverse Table Pose

table pose

This move is fantastic for stretching out the chest and shoulders. After sitting all day, it’s a great way to rest the body and help it find balance. Those who cycle or swim can also enjoy soreness relief as they go, since the move provides amazing energizing benefits. Here’s how to do it!

  • Step 1: Sit down on the floor. Keep your legs stretched out in front of you and make sure your back is straight.
  • Step 2: Bend your knees so your feet are placed flat on the floor. Move your hands so they are just behind your hips and just a little to your side, with palms also flat against the ground. Have your fingertips angled so they are pointing forward.
  • Step 3: Press upwards from your feet and hands, with your knees bent, and lift your chest and buttocks upwards. Inhale as you do this. Your backside should be kept relaxed while your focus is on your legs.
  • Step 4: Lean your head backwards gently, dropping it. Breathe in and out as you hold this pose. Hold for between five to ten seconds.

Please note that if you have shoulder, wrist, or neck injuries, you should not attempt this move!

2.    Legs Up


Resting with your legs up at a 90-degree angle is a fantastic way to bring some circulation back to the legs and feet, especially if they are tired or cramped after a long day. You can do this move in two ways. Here’s how to do it as a higher intensity exercise.

  • Step 1: Lie flat on your back. Have your arms extended and your palms against the ground.
  • Step 2: Lift your head slowly so that your chin gently touches your chest.
  • Step 3: Lift your legs in such a way that your back stays planted on the floor. Swing your legs slowly upwards until they are 90 degrees from your body.
  • Step 4: Gently bring your legs back down and repeat. You can also opt to hold the position for a few seconds.

Here’s how to do it the more gentle and relaxed way:

  • Step 1: Get a couple of pillows or a rolled up blanket or towel. Place your cushions of choice near a wall.
  • Step 2: Lie down with your back to the floor and place your hips on top of the cushions. Your pelvis should be positioned just a bit higher than your chest.
  • Step 3: Raise your legs so they rest upwards against the wall at a 90-degree angle from your body. Keep your arms out and angled at your sides with your palms facing up.
  • Step 4: Adjust yourself so your distance from the wall is comfortable.
  • Step 5: Relax. Close your eyes and inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. Do this for between one and five minutes.

Do note that if you have a neck injury, high blood pressure, or glaucoma, this move may not be best for you. You may also want to skip it if you are menstruating at the time.

3.    Child-Cat-Cow Progression


This progression is a great set of moves for reducing pain from inflammation. At its core, these poses are highly restorative. They focus on relaxing and healing the body, reducing stress along the neck and shoulders.

In addition, these moves are great for making you feel younger because they reduce lower back pain while strengthening those back muscles to prevent the usual weakening that comes with age.

Here’s how to do this move progression:

  • Let’s start with the Child’s pose. Get onto your hands and knees, shifting yourself so you are sitting with your weight on your hips.
  • Keep your feet together, with your large toes touching, but have your knees open.
  • Fold your body towards the front until your head rests against the floor. Have your arms stretched ahead of you. You can also opt to place them next to your sides if you prefer.
  • Hold the pose, breathing deeply.
  • Now, let’s move on to the Cat-Cow progression. Come out of the Child’s pose and push yourself up so you are on all fours. Your hands should be resting on the mat approximately a shoulder-length apart, and your knees should be doing the same. Make sure your shoulders are aligned above your wrists.
  • Inhale and focus on your abs as you slowly round your back upwards so your back is arched. As you do so, your chin should move downwards and touch your chest. Hold the pose.
  • Exhale and relax so your stomach moves back down and further towards the floor. You should now be arched in the other direction. Raise your chin up as you do so.
  • Repeat, arching your back and up and down, for up to 10 times, then return to the Child’s pose. You can repeat the whole exercise as much as you like – 10 reps is recommended.

4.    Seated Twist


This move helps your body become more flexible but in a gentle way. It promotes spinal health and helps release back and hip tension, making it great after a day of sitting down. Here’s how to do it.

  • Step 1: Sit so your legs are crossed. Have your back straight, and your arms out so each of your fingertips touches the floor at your sides.
  • Step 2: Inhale and lengthen your back as you do. If you are comfortable with it, you can also lift your arms upwards.
  • Step 3: Exhale and twist your body in a fluid, gentle motion to the right. Your movement should begin from the bottom of your back and naturally move upwards.
  • Step 4: When you do this, your left hand should move until it is placed on your right knee. Meanwhile, your left hand should move so it is resting against the floor behind you. Your head should follow this motion naturally, looking over your shoulder.
  • Step 5: Hold for a few seconds, up to 30. Then inhale and move back to the center, then exhale and repeat, this time twisting to your left.

If you experience discomfort while doing this move, fold up a blanket or use a bolster or pillow beneath your hips.

5.    Downward Dog

yoga for beginners

The downward dog is probably the most famous yoga move there is. It’s a staple move and provides plenty of positive benefits, ranging from strengthening qualities to stretching ones. It can relieve stress, help positive thinking, and bring headache relief. It is also known to be good for back pain and may boost digestion, too! Here’s how to do it.

  • Step 1: Start on all fours. Your hips and knees should be aligned, as well as your wrists to your shoulders. Have your fingers spread and fanned out, centered to face forward, and your feet should be straight and at hip-width.
  • Step 2: Inhale. Tuck in your toes and push your hips upwards so your body resembles an upside-down “V” shape. Your heels may be off the floor and your knees may be slightly bent – this is fine. If you are able to, gently lower your heels and straighten your knees, but do not push it.
  • Step 3: Relax your neck muscles and keep your shoulders unstrained. If you’re having trouble with the stretch on your legs, you can widen your stance. Balance your body’s weight between your feet and your hands.
  • Step 4: Hold the pose and transition into another move. We recommend the plank!

6.    Plank


This pose is fantastic for core strength and it helps the upper body as well. These are areas that commonly deteriorate as we age, so doing this move has many positive sides in addition to helping you feel younger. Here’s how.

  • Step 1: Start on all fours. Your shoulders should be above your wrists.
  • Step 2: Walk your knees backwards until they are a straight line away from your shoulders. As you do so, keep your core abs engaged, shrinking your belly button inwards so your hips stay upright.
  • Step 3: Now, hoist yourself up onto your toes so your body is in a straight line and suspended above the ground by your wrists and toes.

If your wrists hurt when you do this move, instead of using your hands, bend your elbows and use them instead.

7.    Warrior II

warrior 2

The Warrior II is a simple yoga pose that targets knee pain and strengthens thigh muscles. Given the fact that aging can weaken the knees, this is a great pose to relieve pain and make you feel younger. It can also help your arms and abs gain strength. Here’s how to do it.

  • Step 1: Stand with your feet spread between 4 and 5 feet apart. Your right foot should face forward (to the side of where you are facing). Your left foot should be slightly turned in, resting just parallel to the back of your exercise mat.
  • Step 2: Exhale, keeping your upper body facing forward. At the same time, bend your right knee down so it rests over your ankle.
  • Step 3: Inhale and lift your arms out to the side, turning your head to the right as you do so.
  • Step 4: Hold this pose for up to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

8.    Squats

exercises - feel younger

Squats are great exercise moves. They help your lower body muscles, especially your calves, quads, and glutes – all areas that tend to lose strength as they age. Having these muscles fit and strong will help prevent unwanted injury. Here’s how to do this move.

  • Step 1: Stand with your feet apart, preferably at hip width. Your toes should face the front.
  • Step 2: Lower your backside down as though you were going to sit, dropping as far down as you feel comfortable with. Make sure your back stays straight.
  • Step 3: Hold for as many seconds as you feel comfortable, then push yourself back to your starting position. Repeat as much as you like. We recommend 10 reps.

For a more advanced squat, try doing this move with your feet and knees together instead of apart. Make sure your knees stay behind your toes if you do this, so as to avoid any injury or strain.

9.    Glute Bridges

This move works wonders for the entire lower body and gives so many positive benefits rolled in one. It’s gentle on the knees, great for the thighs and hips, and improves range of motion to help you feel younger when you’re done. Here’s how to do it.

  • Step 1: Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees so your feet are pressed flat against the floor at a reasonable distance (about one foot) away from your pelvis.
  • Step 2: Tuck in your pelvic area and press down into the heels of your feet as you lift your core and back upwards. Your hips should wind up being open when you reach the peak of this motion.
  • Step 3: Keep your back straight and pelvis nice and tucked, and hold the position for around 5 seconds.
  • Step 4: Lower yourself back to your starting position and repeat as much as you’d like. We recommend 15 reps.

10. Reclining

This move isn’t about exercise as much as it is about rest and relaxation. It’s great for reducing inflammatory pain and helps the body rest and calm down so it can heal. This will, in turn, make you feel younger. Here’s how to do it.

  • Step 1: Get folded blankets or towels, or some bolsters or cushions. You will need four cushioning items of your choice.
  • Step 2: Sit on your mat. Bring one cushion so it is just an inch behind where your tailbone is. Put another one where your head will rest. The final two should be placed next to your knees.
  • Step 3: Lie down so your head rests on the pillow you prepared and your rib cage drapes across another cushion.
  • Step 4: Arrange your feet so the soles touch. Your knees should come to the side with each thigh resting on the final two cushions you prepared.
  • Step 5: Your arms should rest, palms up, by your sides.
  • Step 6: Close your eyes and let your whole body relax. Breathe deeply and stay in the position for up to 5 minutes.

Final Thoughts On Moves That Relieve Pain And Make You Feel Younger

Gentle, simple exercises are great for the body. They’re easy to learn and non-straining. They strengthen muscles and relieve fatigue. They’re great for focus and positive thinking. There’s no end to what good they can bring!

So what are you waiting for? Put these 10 moves that relieve pain and make you feel younger into practice today, and enjoy the long-term benefits!

5 Short Quizzes That Will Make You Think Twice

“Your brain – every brain – is a work in progress. It is ‘plastic.’ From the day we’re born to the day we die, it continuously revises and remodels, improving or slowly declining, as a function of how we use it.” – Michael Merzenich, Ph.D., co-inventor of the cochlear implant and author of Soft-wired: How the New Science of Brain Plasticity Can Change Your Life

In life, taking care of both our mental and physical health is important. However, in the modern world, a lot of us don’t spend nearly enough time giving our brains and bodies a proper work out. Instead, we spend much of our time watching TV, scrolling through social media, and in general, glued to our screens. In fact, a first-quarter 2018 Nielsen Total Audience Report found that nearly half an adults’ day is spent consuming and interacting with media. Pretty scary stuff.

Obviously, we all could make some changes, like sacrificing an hour or two of entertainment in order to get our sweat on at the gym. According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia in Canada, regular aerobic exercise increases the volume of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that helps with memory and learning. Exercise also helps reduce depression and anxiety symptoms, which allows your brain to function better.

So, you can see how exercise helps the brain perform better, but mental training is equally important. Brain activities and riddles (such as the quizzes below) have been proven to:

  • Increase cognitive abilities
  • Improve short-term (working) memory
  • Increase attention span
  • Reduce emotional reactivity
  • Increase processing speed (the transferring of sensory information into intelligence)

Riddles and brain teasers can help to keep your brain young and sharpen your cognitive skills. The following riddles will keep you guessing, so make sure you pay attention to the details! (You’ll find the answers at the end of the article).

Here are 5 short quizzes that will make you think twice:

  1. The bat and the ball riddle

A bat and a ball cost $1.10 altogether. The ball costs $1 less than the bat. How much does the ball cost?

  1. The 7 candles puzzle

You have a big round cake in front of you with 7 candles along the cake’s edges. You need to blow out all of the candles, placed around the cake in a circle. Keep in mind that once you blow out one candle, the candles near it will go out as well. However, if you blow out an extinguished candle, it will reignite. So if you blow on a candle, as well as the candles closest to it, they will extinguish or reignite. The question is: how can you blow out all the candles with the fewest blows?

Hint: Remember that blowing on the same candle twice will cause it to reignite.

  1. Apples and oranges brain buster

You have 3 boxes in front of you. One contains oranges, one has apples, and one has both oranges and apples. The first box has the label “apples,” the second one is labeled “oranges,” and the third one is named “apples and oranges.” Unfortunately, all the boxes are labeled incorrectly, and it’s up to you to fix them. You can’t look in any boxes, but you can ask for a sample from each box.

What is the fewest number of samples you need to ask for in order to accurately label the boxes?

  1. The hourglass brain teaser

You have two hourglasses in front of you. One hourglass measures 7 minutes and the other measures 4 minutes. How can you time 9 minutes by using only these two hourglasses?

  1. One light, three switches

You are in a room with three switches. One of these controls a lightbulb inside a closet attached to the room. You know the lightbulb is off. You can flip the switches however you want, but once you open the closet door, you can’t flick the switches any more.

So, which switch controls the lightbulb?

Answers to the Quizzes:

  1. 5 cents. The bat costs $1.05, so if you add the cost of the ball, you’ll get $1.10.
  2. Seven. If you blow on each candle one time, starting from the first and continuing around the circle, you’ll blow them all out. Of course, some candles will become relit, but they will eventually extinguish from an adjacent blow.
  3. One. You only need to ask for a sample from the box labeled “apples and oranges.” If you get an apple, the box could contain only apples, or both apples and oranges. However, since the label is wrong, you know that it only contains apples. Then, move to the box labeled “oranges.” Since the label is incorrect, you know the box contains apples and oranges. Finally, the box labeled “apples and oranges” contains just oranges.
  4. Start both hourglasses at the same time. As the 4 minute hourglass runs out, turn it over so it can start again. As the 7 minute one runs out, turn it over and let it start again. When the 4 minute hourglass runs out a second time, you know that 8 minutes have elapsed. Now, the 7 minute hourglass will have sand sitting at the bottom for one minute. Turn the seven minute one over again and wait for the minute to run out. Once this one runs out, 9 minutes will have elapsed.
  5. It could be any of the three. To find out, flip switch number one and wait for a few minutes. Then flip it back to its original position and immediately flip switch 2. Next, open the door and check the light. If it’s on, you know that switch 2 controls it. But if it’s off, then feel the lightbulb. If the bulb is hot, switch 1 controls it. But if it’s cold, then switch 3 (the one you didn’t touch) controls the light.

If you didn’t get the answers right, don’t worry. Practice makes perfect, so try doing a few brain quizzes per day to give your mind a workout!

Tips on Training your Brain

Going back to the quote at the beginning of the article, our brains have the ability to change and adapt throughout our lives based on the information we feed them. We can mold our brains just as we can shape our bodies. If you don’t feel particularly talented or smart in one field, you can always study and train your brain to absorb, retain, and utilize the information.

Within the last 20 years, scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries in regards to neuroplasticity, or the idea that our brains make new connections and pathways as we feed them new information. So, by stimulating and challenging the brain, we can become sharper, wiser, and mentally stronger!

If you’re wondering how exactly to train your brain, here are some tips straight from Harvard University:

Cover the basics: Eat a healthy, mostly unprocessed diet. Get quality sleep. Avoid smoking. Drink alcohol in moderation, and keep in touch with friends and family.

Get a physical exam once per year so you can stay on top of your health and rule out any major issues.

Challenge your brain. Do brain quizzes (like the ones above), learn a new skill, or take courses either online or in person.

Keep yourself happy: easier said than done, but it pays off immensely in the end. People who have a positive mindset have better health, in general.


Repeat what you have learned. If you took up a new hobby, practice it often so you learn to master it. If you do brain quizzes, make sure to engage in them at least several times per week. Finally, if you decided on taking a course, make sure you take tests regularly so that you can see what you’ve learned.

Stay organized. The key to becoming the master of your brain is to only use it when absolutely necessary. For example, if you find that you lose items around the house often, have a designated spot for them so you don’t have to waste valuable brain energy on locating them.

Final thoughts on These Quizzes that Will Make You Think Twice

The brain is the most complex organ in the entire body, and keeping it healthy requires a combination of tools and practices. In general, you’ll want to stay physically active, eat the right foods, drink plenty of water, practice positive thinking, have a good support network, and get enough sleep. That covers the basics.

Then, if you want to “level up,” you’ll want to utilize brain-training exercises such as brain quizzes, riddles, and games. You can look in your app store and find dozens of different brain games to play, as well as browse at your local bookstore if you prefer the old-school approach.

If you feel like your brain lives on autopilot most of the time, you can easily snap it out of this state by giving it a challenge. Allowing your brain to think differently will enable it to form new pathways and networks that encourage it to adapt and grow. So, pick up a puzzle in your spare time and have some fun!

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