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Dentists Explain 9 Things to Never Do to Your Teeth

Keeping our teeth healthy is crucial to the health of the rest of the body. You likely follow all the rules you know about to keep your dental hygiene up to par. But some people have habits that, without them realizing, have pretty awful effects on teeth. So how can you ensure that you never treat your teeth so badly? Have you already been ruining your teeth? Those who have missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene may consider getting dental implants from a professional implant dentist like the ones on to restore their full smile. If you have crooked teeth, invisalign braces may be the best solution for you.

Luckily, it’s not too late to make a change! Get your positive thinking in gear, because we’re here to help. Here’s how dentists explain some things to never do to your teeth, and why these behaviors are so bad for those pearly whites.

9 Things To Never Do To Your Teeth, According To Dentists

1.    Drinking too many dark drinks

Drinks that are dark in color tend to have lower pH levels. This means they are more acidic and have the potential to badly stain teeth. Drinks with higher pH values, while they do have their problems, are likely to be better. Here are some examples of drinks to steer clear from!

a)    Coffee

Coffee is extremely acidic, and its dark hue means that excessive drinking can lead to yellowing. Too much can cause pretty obvious staining. The good news is that a dentist can remove coffee stains more easily than those of other drinks.

b)    Red wine

We all know how stubborn stains from red wine can be. Red wine’s acidity means that it has a very good chance of staining your teeth if you drink an excess of it. This is because of components known as tannins and chromogen, both of which are rich pigments present in red wine.

c)    White wine

Yes, we know white wine is a light drink. But unfortunately, it’s just as acidic as red wine. In fact, the acidity is still bad enough to cause tooth enamel damage, which can make your teeth more susceptible to staining overall.

2.    Chewing ice

According to Vinterbro Tannlegesenter, chewing ice is so bad for you that you might as well be trying to bite through rock. Ice cubes are very cold and very hard – two features that make them less than ideal for chewing. Teeth are designed to crush onto foods, not against them. Too much of this can do things such as:

  • Dislodge fillings
  • Chip teeth
  • Cause breaks in teeth

On top of all this, this kind of chomping can lead to tissue irritation. Inside each tooth lies soft tissue, and chewing ice can cause them to ache. You may then experience toothaches and heightened sensitivity overall.

3.    General bad habits

There are a lot of teeth-related bad habits that people take part in. They’re called “bad” for a reason – they can all damage your teeth pretty badly. Here are some habits to avoid.

a)    Biting nails

Nail biting is bad for hygiene and makes your fingernails look bad. But on top of that, it can cause tooth-related damage. Biting nails chronically can cause teeth to slowly shift and move until they are crooked or out of place. Plus, all the dirt under nails can lead to serious oral infections.

b)    Sucking thumbs

Few adults suck their thumbs, but if you do – or you know children who do – it has to stop. Sucking on thumbs can lead to teeth shifting out of place, causing bad misalignment that can only be fixed with braces. Plus, severe misalignment can cause breathing issues and chewing troubles.

c)    Grinding teeth

Known also as bruxism, grinding teeth simply wears them down, so it’s something to never do to your teeth. Unfortunately, it’s a very hard habit to kick. Many people do it reflexively out of stress, and even more do it unconsciously in their sleep – something they can’t control. Try wearing a mouthguard when you go to bed to prevent grinding at night. You can also try eating more soft foods during the day to make up for any damage.

4.    Brushing incorrectly

There are endless ways that someone can brush their teeth incorrectly. Here’s a list.

a)    Brushing too hard

Overly vigorous brushing can lead to forceful deteriorating of enamel. It can even cause gum irritation and excessive cold sensitivity. Even worse, ironically, it can cause cavities – which you should never do to your teeth.

b)    Brushing after breakfast, not before

The rule is that you should brush your teeth first thing every single morning. This is in order to flush out bacteria that has taken root overnight. Eating first and then brushing doesn’t have the same effect.

c)    Brushing straight after meals

You might think that hurrying to the bathroom with a toothbrush in hand after every meal is a good option, but it really isn’t. You want to give your saliva a chance to dissolve the food first. If you’ve consumed acidic foods or acidic drinks, your teeth will be sensitive and immediately brushing can damage them. Wait about 45 minutes before brushing your teeth.

d)    Using unprotected toothbrushes

If you store your toothbrush out in the open with everyone else in your house’s, especially if they’re very close together, bacteria may be jumping from one brush to the next. Aerosolized waste material from your toilet bowl also has a chance of getting into your brush. Use a toothbrush cover or keep the brush in a closed cabinet instead.

e)    Using a hard toothbrush

As a rule, you should never use a toothbrush with hard bristles. Medium-soft is typically the way to go for positive results. Overly hard bristles can cause enamel damage, as well as damage to the surfaces of roots and your gums.

f)     Rinsing after brushing

After you have brushed your teeth, rinsing out your mouth thoroughly isn’t the best idea. This will get rid of the extra fluoride left behind by the toothpaste. This fluoride could help strengthen your teeth and fight decay.

5.    Eating and drinking sugary things

All dentists will tell you to steer clear of sugar. Mouth bacteria works to dissolve sugar by turning it into acid that can break down enamel and cause decay. For this reason, consuming sugar excessively is one of the top things to never do to your teeth. Here are some of the worst and most unlikely offenders.

a)    Gummy candy

All candy is fairly bad and will lead to tooth decay in excess, but gummies are by far the worst. This is because they tend to be sticky, thus becoming attached to teeth and keeping the sugar around, which is repeatedly digested into acid for hours on end.

b)    Cough drops

They might count as medicine, but cough drops are typically full of sugar. This sugar, coming off a hard cough drop, does the same thing any hard candy will do: it starts to coat your teeth in a form of plaque. Then, the acid is released, as cavities are incoming.

c)    Sodas

Every serving of a soft drink will contain around 11 teaspoons of sugar – certainly not a positive beverage for your body. Thanks to the citric acid and phosphoric acid in sodas, which start to cause enamel to deteriorate, your teeth become even more exposed to sugars and, therefore, acid.

d)    Fruit juice

Fruit juice sounds healthy, thanks to all its antioxidants and high vitamin content. The problem is that these drinks have a ton of sugar in them – sometimes just as much as a fizzy drink has! Opt for juices with no added sugar for best results.

e)    Sports drinks

As refreshing and energizing as these drinks are after workouts and for promoting recovery and positive thinking, they’re often stuffed full of sugar. Water is always a better option!

6.    Using teeth as a tool

Every now and then, you’ll see someone who shows off a party trick where they use their teeth to open a bottle cap. It might seem cool at the time, but doing things like this could spell big trouble for your teeth. We get it – using your chompers to tear open plastic packaging seems easy and convenient, but it’s a sure way to make your dentist shake their head and gasp in horror. Your teeth aren’t made to replace scissors or bottle openers; they’re made to chew food that’s much easier to get through! Using your teeth as a multipurpose tool is a surefire way to land yourself a chip one day. Stick to using the proper tools, and keep your pearly whites safe by sticking to nice, harmless foods.

7.    Holding or chewing non-food items

Lots of people chew things when they’re nervous, or just out of habit. You might chew a pencil or pen, nibble on the stem of your glasses, or bite something you’re holding out of reflex. This is actually a very bad habit and is something you should never do. The same goes for just holding items in your teeth so that you have your hands free. For example, you may hold a clip in your mouth while tying your hair. Or, you may bite down on your keys as you fumble for something you’ve misplaced. In both cases – whether chewing or just holding – there’s a good chance you don’t realize how much force you’re putting on the items in question. According to cosmetic dentist Elisa Mello, this can lead to issues such as:

  • Splintered enamel
  • Shifting or moving teeth
  • Bad jaw alignment
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Broken dental work

If you really feel the need to chew on something, opt for sugarless gum instead. It can help reduce the compulsion without doing something your teeth aren’t made for.

8.    Flossing wrongly

All dentists tell you to floss – but are you doing so the right way? Here’s the correct way to floss:

  • Gently take your floss and pass it in between two teeth.
  • Rub gently in an up and down motion around the teeth and the small amount of gum between your teeth.
  • Do not floss in a backward and forwards motion. Doing so will cause damage to your pearly whites and gums!

It’s also recommended that you floss your teeth before brushing them. Flossing helps to dislodge stuck food that a toothbrush can’t get to, so it’s kind of like a pre-wash. When you do brush after, you’ll be able to more thoroughly remove excess debris. teeth

9.    Snacking regularly

Saliva works by helping to dissolve and wash away bits of food left behind in your teeth after meals. When you snack throughout the day, you produce saliva more often – but in much smaller amounts. Grazing regularly throughout the day means you aren’t producing enough saliva each time. This is bad for your chompers, as the food from your snacks that gets stuck isn’t usually washed away. If you really must snack, stick to raw veggie sticks or unsalted nuts, as both have benefits for your teeth.

Final Thoughts On Some Things To Never Do To Your Teeth

Your adult teeth are the only set you will ever get. That is why taking care of them is so important. Once they’re damaged or gone, then you will need to find the best fake teeth that look real.  But if you aren’t aware that you’re causing damage to them, then things get more complicated. By steering clear of these 9 things dentists say you should never do to your teeth, you’ll ensure that you are truly doing what is best for your dental and oral health. If you have any concerns about your current state of dental health, speak to a dentist. And don’t forget to attend regularly scheduled appointments!

How To Do The Malasana Stretch To Flush Your Colon and Increase Circulation

The Malasana stretch, also known as the Garland pose, is a yoga position that involves squatting. We all know that yoga moves are meant to be energizing and beneficial, but this particular pose truly takes the cake when it comes to positive results!

Most people practice yoga for fitness and flexibility. But some poses have additional benefits. The Malasana, in particular, has the impressive ability to improve digestion by clearing out the colon. It’s also great for boosting circulation, making it a fantastic pose for the whole body.

But how do you do the Malasana pose at all, especially if you’ve never done yoga? Why is it so good? What scientific evidence is there that suggests it works? If you’re asking these questions, we’ve got you covered. Here is how to do the Malasana stretch to flush your colon and increase circulation.

How To Do The Malasana Stretch To Flush Your Colon And Increase Circulation

1.    What is the Malasana Stretch?

The Malasana stretch is a squatting type of pose that involves an individual’s hips and pelvis being placed lower than their knees. It earned its name from “Mala,” a Sanskrit word that translates to “garland.” This is why some people call this pose the Garland Pose. In modern yoga practices, it is often called the yoga squat.

As a pose, the Malasana stretch is fairly simple. All that is required is a balanced low squat, whereby the performer appears to mimic a garland-like shape. It is known for strengthening many parts of the lower body, and it has many additional benefits.

2.    Why is the Malasana Stretch so popular?

How, exactly, did something like squatting become a yoga pose? Well, the act of squatting has been a common activity for many people since the dawn of mankind, and it’s a very natural pose for humans. Think about it – very young children and toddlers often squat automatically just for fun!

Many countries, however, have abandoned the squat. With all the chairs and similar types of furniture around, it simply isn’t as possible a position to naturally take. This new way of sitting keeps our bodies stuck at a 90-degree, and it also makes us more likely to slouch. This reduces our mobility and takes away a lot of the natural, positive bodily gifts we were given and that our ancestors took advantage of – gifts we’ve squandered today.

The Malasana squat keeps our bodies at a different angle – approximately 160 degrees. This allows the joints to stay strong and fit so it is easier to keep going well into old age. This pose is also a kind of forward bend which exercises many parts of the body without straining them, including:

  • Stretching and strengthening feet
  • Flexing the legs to release stress
  • Keeping the spine elongated
  • Softening the back
  • Broadening the muscles in the back
  • Rooting the hips and providing them with more mobility
  • Releasing tension throughout the body
  • Allowing more awareness of one’s body in general

In many parts of Asia – especially in India – you will still be able to see many people who sit in a very similar way to the Malasana stretch in their day-to-day lives! Squatting has many benefits for human beings that sitting simply does not. That’s why the Malasana stretch is so widely practiced among yogis; it brings us back to the basics and centers the body in a natural way.

3.    What you should know before doing the Malasana Stretch

First, before attempting the pose, allow yourself to wait between four and six hours after a meal. You should not try this pose on a full stomach and ideally should wait for your last meal to be digested before giving it a go. In addition, try to keep your bowels clear as well before starting.

  • The best time to practice any pose in yoga is first thing when you wake up in the morning.
  • Of course, this is not always possible, and your next best bet for practice times is in the evening.
  • It is helpful if you ease yourself into it, especially if this is your first time doing any kind of yoga.

When you start the pose, keep in mind that your torso and spine should be held straight throughout. To keep your knees and hips from becoming strained, do not bounce up and down while squatting. In general, you should try to move slowly and in a smooth fashion without forcing movements or jerking around.

In addition, if you have any kind of leg or back injury, you may not be suited for this position. Speak to your doctor before attempting it to avoid further injury.

4.    How to do the Malasana Stretch

The Malasana stretch is a fairly easy pose to use. Start by entering a normal squatting position, with your feet as near to one another as you are able to make them. Your feet should also be mostly parallel.

It’s also a good idea to keep your heels pressed against the floor. If you are unable to do so, use support in the form of a rolled or folded blanket or mat.


  1. Set your thighs so they are at a position slightly wider apart than the width of your torso. Now, exhale and lean your torso forward so that you fit between the two thighs with ease. Allow the front of your ankles to relax and keep tension off of them.
  2. Take your elbows and press them against the inside of your knees. This will cause resistance to form. As you do so, take your hands and center them, palms pressed against each other, so they rest in front of the middle of your chest in a prayer position.
  3. Why do you do all these seemingly small steps? It’s simple – these all help to elongate your torso. Just make sure your body weight is pressed forward and not backward as you do so. If this is difficult, seek a natural incline and perform the stretch there.
  4. Now, you will need to deepen the pose. Concentrate on your inner thighs and squeeze them against your torso’s sides. As you do so, extend your arms forwards, allowing your shins to slip upwards to fit into your armpits.
  5. Finally, move your hands to their final position. You can opt to press them into the floor beneath for stability, or use them to hold onto the backs of each heel on your feet. If you choose the latter, make sure your hands are coming from outside to your heels, not from in. Make sure your shoulders feel calm and relaxed and keep your spine nice and straight.
  6. All that is left is for you to hold the pose! Beginners can just hold it for 30 seconds before moving on. Practice regularly and try to work your way up until you’re sustaining the Malasana stretch for five minutes!

After the Stretch

To come out of the pose, inhale and then release the position. The best transition is to the standing forward bend yoga pose, but you can release to any other position you’re comfortable with.

5.    Modifications or variations of the Malasana

There are various reasons that the Malasana stretch may not work for you as we’ve described it. It may be too difficult, too painful, or perhaps too easy for you. Luckily, there are some other simpler ways to perform the stretch. In addition, there are minor modifications you can make to the Malasana stretch as you learn to do it properly. Here are some of them.

a)    Beginner’s practice

You may find it difficult to enter the squatting position when you first try the Malasana stretch. In this case, start by sitting on the very end of a chair so your thighs and torso are at a 90-degree angle from each other.

Now, set the heels of your feet on the ground, just slightly in front of your knees. Start to lean forward until you are able to get your torso to rest between your knees. Continue to do this and your body will gain flexibility to complete the full pose one day.

b)    Balancing practice

If you tend to tip over in the pose, practice the stretch by doing it against a wall or chair. You can also do this in front of furniture, outstretching your arms to grasp it for balance.

c)    Pain relief variations

If you often feel painful knee pressure when doing this stretch, fold a blanket and put it at the backs of your knees so you can squat with less pain.

If you experience lower back pain when doing this stretch, spread a blanket – preferably thin and folded – over your thighs. As you enter the squat, reach out with your palms.

d)    Advanced Poses

Make the Malasana stretch more intense by including an extra stretch. Simply place one of your hands on the floor right next to the inside of a foot, then raise your other free hand and arm upwards as high as you can. Twist your body and hold the pose. You should then do the same again by switching which hand goes where.

6.    Benefits of the Malasana Stretch for the colon

One of the Malasana stretch’s most popular benefits is its ability to flush your colon. As strange as it sounds, the pose has relieving effects and allows the body to flush waste material, making going to the bathroom that much easier.

The body’s biomechanics make this possible. Within the body, there is a muscle known as the puborectalis that helps the body keep continence. It is made up of individual muscle fibers which are strengthened by the body as you practice this yoga pose.

In addition, the Malasana stretch is great for overall digestion. It stimulates the organs in the body responsible for digestion and calms them after waste is removed. It can up metabolism and boost it to healthier levels for weight loss, as the pose puts pressure on the endocrine glands so they stay activated and in top shape.

People often underestimate the positive thinking and relaxing feeling that comes with a clean colon and a well-oiled digestive system. You’ll be surprised by how much everything improves!

7.    Benefits of the Malasana Stretch for circulation

A less-discussed benefit that comes with the Malasana stretch involves the body’s circulation, especially around the hips and groin. The position causes the body’s hips to open up, strengthening them and allowing blood to flow into them and throughout the lower body.

This is especially beneficial, as those who sit all day don’t enjoy this amount of circulation in their lower bodies. This often leads to them deteriorating or losing strength over time. The increased blood flow and circulation around the hips, legs, and back are fantastic for this reason. Squatting frequently can help one keep their strength well into old age.

In addition, the Malasana stretch has been known to be great for sexual activity. This is because boosted circulation around the pelvis can help those who struggle in the bedroom to return to fitness.

8.    Other benefits of the Malasana Stretch

The Malasana stretch has multiple benefits. Here are just a few of the more common ones!

  • It’s good for the spine. Sitting puts up to 90% more stress over the lumbar parts of the spine and back when compared to sitting. This means the pose can also relieve back pain.
  • It boosts lower body mobility. The openness of the hips in this pose allows the back, hips, legs, knees, and ankles to enjoy better mobility and improve your balance.
  • Keeps the lower body toned and fit. This pose is great exercise and can help your lower body become more toned and strong.
  • It helps posture. Practicing the pose will encourage you to have a much more naturally straight and confident posture.
  • It’s good for the brain. You’ll enjoy better focus and concentration from this stretch.
  • It’s grounding. The stretch’s close position to ground makes it powerful as a grounding technique. It boosts positive thinking, aids in relaxation, and can help release negative emotion.

colon cleanse

Final Thoughts On How To Do The Malasana Stretch To Flush Your Colon And Increase Circulation

There is no end to the list of benefits of the Malasana stretch. But clearing your digestion and boosting circulation are certainly great reasons to get started in practicing it! By following our steps and guidelines to do the Malasana stretch the right way, you’ll be well on your way to seeing positive results – for your colon, for your circulation, and for everything else.

Researchers Describe How People With Anxiety Perceive the World Differently

Unfortunately, a lot of people still believe that those claiming to have mental illnesses just make them up and it’s “all in their head.” However, a new study in the journal Current Biology might finally put the stigma to rest. Researchers found that people who have anxiety perceive the world differently because of differences in their brain. Therefore, the sufferer doesn’t choose to have anxiety; it just happens to them based on genetics and past experiences.

Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel discovered that it boils down to the brain’s plasticity, or its ability to change and form new connections based on exposure to different stimuli. This will determine how a person reacts to that stimuli. In their study, researchers found that people diagnosed with anxiety can’t distinguish between safe and threatening stimuli as well as people who do not have anxiety.

Scientists found that those suffering from anxiety had lasting plasticity in their brains long after coming into contact with a stimulus, meaning that the brain couldn’t differentiate between new, non-threatening situations and familiar ones. The inability to distinguish between the two stimuli, in turn, causes anxiety. Anxious people tend to put all experiences in one category, in other words, due to their inability to distinguish between safe and unsafe situations.

Researchers noted that people with anxiety cannot control this reaction to stimuli since it’s due to a fundamental difference in their brain.

The study

For the study, the participants were trained to associate three specific sounds with one of three outcomes: money loss, money gain, or no consequence. In the next part of the study, participants listened to approximately 15 tones and researchers asked if they had heard them before or not.

To “win” the tone-identifying game, participants would have to differentiate between the old and new sounds, and not overgeneralize them. The study authors found that anxious participants had a higher likelihood than non-anxious individuals of confusing the new sounds with the old ones.

This didn’t happen due to a learning disability or hearing problem, but rather a misperception in the tones they heard. They simply linked the sounds associated with money loss or gain to the new sounds, resulting in confusion.

Researchers also found that, during the exercise, people with anxiety showed differences in the amygdala, a part of the brain that governs our response to fear. According to the authors, the results of the study may explain why some people develop anxiety disorders and others don’t.

“Anxiety traits can be completely normal, and even beneficial evolutionarily. Yet an emotional event, even minor sometimes, can induce brain changes that might lead to full-blown anxiety,” lead researcher Rony Paz said.

The new research provides further proof that no one asks for mental illness, and people shouldn’t have to apologize for having them. Mounting evidence shows that mental illnesses have genetic and psychological causes, and that those suffering have dramatic differences in their brains.

Despite all the research continuing to show the mechanics behind mental illness, the stigma is still very much alive. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 25 percent of people with a mental health disorder feel like others understand what they go through on a daily basis.

Here are some other ways people with anxiety look at the world differently:

  1. Social situations seem daunting.

People with anxiety disorders tend to have a hard time with social cues and might misinterpret facial expressions or body language. Here are just a few ways that people with anxiety perceive social situations differently:

  • They might think that people are talking about them behind their back (even if they aren’t).
  • They may have a difficult time reading facial expressions.
  • Starting and keeping a conversation going may seem impossible.
  • Social situations can feel downright draining.
  • They will judge themselves too harshly most of the time. You might hear them say things like, “I’m not funny/smart/interesting enough to hang out with these people.”
  • They may avoid social outings as a result.
  1. They enjoy staying indoors alone rather than being out with friends.

For a lot of people with anxiety, the world can feel overwhelming. With so many people to see and places to go, the choices seem endless. For people without anxiety, this fact might seem exciting. However, those with the disorder would rather keep their choices slim and stay inside. Too much stimuli can quickly overwhelm someone suffering from anxiety, especially if they also identify as an introvert.

Many people with anxiety greatly benefit from a calm environment. A relaxing night curled up on the couch with some hot tea and a good book will often suffice.

  1. They often feel like they can’t relax.

For someone with anxiety, it can feel like having energy locked up in your body with nowhere to go. This pent-up energy can wreak havoc on the body, causing symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweaty palms and feet, stuttering, and difficulty focusing. Exercise and/or meditation can help a lot of people, but others benefit from therapy as well.

People without anxiety might come home from work and shut their brains off from the day behind them, but the mind of the anxious never stops. People with anxiety may feel like their brain controls them, and often look forward to bedtime when they can finally catch a break.

  1. They fear that people have bad intentions.

Those with anxiety often have a hard time trusting people. Even for those without social anxiety, starting and maintaining friendships doesn’t happen easily for anxiety sufferers. Some of them might feel like people have bad intentions for them and will take advantage of them if they get too close. Their brains are always on the lookout for the next threat, and this includes people as well.

If they do have friends, it will take a long time for them to feel comfortable getting close to them.

  1. They have an obsession with being perfect.

People with anxiety have a tendency to hold themselves and others to impossible standards. They are vulnerable to both internal and external pressures and will try endlessly to achieve perfection. Of course, some stress and anxiety can help us achieve goals, but too much can cause our plans to backfire. If an anxious person doesn’t reach their goal, they might give up entirely. Or they may fail to see their own limits and push themselves past their comfort zone.

Perfectionism is a dangerous characteristic of anxiety; though it might seem harmless, it can cause people to develop distorted and obsessive thinking patterns. Those with anxiety have a hard time accepting defeat and will stop at nothing to reach their self-imposed goals.

  1. Everything is stressful.

Because people with anxiety have an overactive fear response, they may react as if the world hangs in the balance of a decision they’ve been asked to make. In other words, they may seem highly frazzled or stressed out when doing something as simple as talking; they’re just reacting based on their perception of the world. Since those with anxiety have a hard time relaxing, the world can seem overwhelming with all of the stimuli and triggers.


Loud sounds, bright lights, or chaotic environments might stress out some people with anxiety. Others might respond negatively to conversations, while the decision of what to eat might trigger someone else. In other words, people with anxiety already feel on edge, so the slightest thing might set them off. They have a very thin emotional skin, if you will, so they can get wounded quite easily.

  1. They never feel good enough.

No matter if it’s their job, relationship, friends, or a social event, they never feel good enough for the life they lead. They will be overly critical of their job performance and might constantly feel like they’re being scrutinized by their coworkers. They might feel like they’re failing their partner due to self-perceived flaws and a distorted self-image. Friendships may seem unstable due to feeling inadequate in their social life.

In the eyes of someone with anxiety, what they do and say will never measure up. They’re on a constant quest for perfection. This incessant need to become better might stem from a verbally abusive parent or bullies at school. Likewise, similar experiences may have molded their image of themselves. No matter where the feeling comes from, people with anxiety have a hard time changing their view of themselves. They tend to have a negative self-image, and likely need more encouragement and support due to this.

Final thoughts

For those with anxiety disorders, daily life can feel like hell on Earth. They have to try to make it through the day with their brains on overdrive. Additionally, they must constantly defend themselves to people who have no idea what they deal with. We hope this article shed some light on the battles that people with anxiety disorders face. The world needs a better understanding of this potentially debilitating disorder.


10 Psychological Tricks That Really Work (And How to Do Them)

The mind is a powerful thing, but it is also easily swayed. That’s why, if you understand human psychology even just a little, you may enjoy more fruitful interactions with others. There are plenty of brain hacks you can use that will help you achieve the desired effect. These psychological tricks can help your persuasion skills, improve others’ perceptions of you, and give you an extra edge in any situation.

But where can you start? How can you learn to do these amazing hacks? To get you started, here are some psychological tricks that really work, and how to do them.

10 Psychological Tricks That Really Work Well And How To Do Them

1.    Make someone like you (or dislike you less)

If you have a feeling that someone you spend a good amount of time around dislikes you, there’s a way to reverse that. All you need to do is ask for a small favor. Yes, really!

The trick is to ask for something very, very small. It has to be something that wouldn’t make sense for anyone to say “no” to. For example, you might ask to borrow a pencil or a pen from the person in question. Other small favors you can ask for include:

  • Passing you something that’s closer to them
  • Borrowing any kind of small, trivial item
  • Asking for the time or date (if not done in excess)

Why does this work so well? It’s simple. Although this person doesn’t like you, they realize that saying “no” to something so small would make them look like a bad person. Plus, small favors, in general, are difficult for most people to say no to.

Ask for a similar favor every now and then – not too often! – and the person’s subconscious will realize that if they are helping you, you must not be that bad. This will help them think in a more positive way of you.

2.    Get rid of songs stuck in your head

There are few things more annoying than getting a song repeatedly stuck in your head. The repetitive melody can be extremely irritating, and no matter what you do, you just can’t make it go away.

A lot of the time when this happens, you don’t even fully remember the song at all – so all you hear are the same few lines over and over and over again. This problem, often referred to as an earworm, actually has a surprisingly simple solution!

All you have to do is apply knowledge of the Zeigarnik effect to the replaying song. This psychological effect states that the human brain retains information of incomplete things for a long time, but tends to forget them once the task is complete.

To do this psychological trick, just go and listen to the song that is stuck in your head to completion. Once the song is over, there’s a good chance your brain will finally let the tune go!

3.    Find out who’s watching you

Do you ever wonder if someone is watching you? Sometimes you might think someone has their eye on you but can’t be sure. After all, you don’t want to assume, and directly asking would be pretty awkward for both you and the person in question. There’s one simple solution to this dilemma.

  • All you have to do is yawn, visibly.
  • If you don’t feel like yawning, just fake it.
  • Make sure the person you’re testing this on can see you easily.
  • If they are watching you, they’ll yawn shortly after.

So, how does this work? Essentially, yawning is contagious. If you see someone yawning, you tend to feel the urge to yawn as well. Watch a video of someone yawning and see what happens. Even if you don’t yawn, you’ll find yourself really wanting to! This is one of those psychological tricks that works so well that sometimes just reading the word “yawn” can cause you to yawn.

4.    Win at rock-paper-scissors

Cheating at a game isn’t something we’d typically condone – but if that’s up your alley, here’s another of these psychological tricks that can help you to win games of rock-paper-scissors.

Sometimes, people use the rock paper scissors games to determine who does what, or as part of a bet. This is when this trick will come in handy! It’s all about confusion.

Right before you and your opponent are about to go for it, distract them by asking them a question. It can be a completely random question, or something related to what you’re doing – bu  the more confusing the better!

Your opponent caught off guard, will immediately become at least a little puzzled. Now, quickly, before the moment passes, start the chant for the game and say, “Rock, paper, scissors!” Your opponent will likely be confused or defensive, and either way, they have a good chance of automatically choosing “scissors.” Just make sure you’ve picked “rock” to win!

5.    Frame requests so they sound like choices

When you ask someone whether they either want to a) do something, or b) not do something, you’re giving them an easy way out of the situation. So instead of saying that, use psychological tricks to get them to agree to your task!

  • For example, if you’re asking for donations for something, don’t ask if they would like to donate. Instead, ask if the person would like to donate $10 or $5.
  • If you’re trying to get someone to do chores, don’t ask if they want to do them. Ask if they would rather do the dishes or sweep the floor.

As another example, if you’re a parent trying to convince your kids to eat their greens, don’t ask if they want vegetables. Instead, ask if they would rather have one scoop or two scoops of veggies, or something similar.

By framing your questions as choices this way, you’re putting it into the minds of the listeners that they get to pick what they do. As such, they’ll be happier with having to do something unpleasant and have more positive thinking about doing it!

6.    Avoid conflict

Conflict is a part of life, especially when you spend any time at all around other people. You’re sure to butt heads now and then. But if you want to avoid potential conflict, especially in the workplace, you can head it off with this neat psychological trick.

If you’re attending a meeting or some kind of gathering that includes the person you are concerned about, and you’re worried they might get aggressive or argue with you, pick a seat right next to them.

Yes, this seems counter-productive, but it works! It’s easier for someone to be angry or harbor dislike towards someone who is sitting further away from them. When you sit right next to the person who might start a conflict with you, they might find it too awkward to do so. They might not even feel the same anger anymore, either.

It’s also better if you are able to turn your body towards the person, so they have to face you. Then, make small talk or start a conversation before the meeting officially begins. This personal touch will prevent the person from starting a fight, and inspire positive thinking of you.

7.    Get information through silence

We all know people who don’t reveal as much as we’d like them to. Maybe they have difficulty opening up. Perhaps they tend to withhold information. Maybe they are worried about coming across negatively. Or maybe they just don’t like giving out simple information.

Regardless of the reason behind the lack of divulged information, there’s a way around it. When speaking to this person, ask the question you want to ask. If they do not answer it to your satisfaction, don’t move on, and don’t try to ask again.

Instead, say completely silent. Keep eye contact with them and stay quiet. After a few seconds, the person will feel compelled to elaborate, as it seems like you are waiting on or expecting more information.

This tension can also be uncomfortable, so the person might feel annoyed and moved to speak because of it. It’s not always the best option, but for cracking open those serious secrets, this is a psychological trick that has positive results.

8.    Psychological tricks to be remembered

Trying to stand out from the crowd? Going for an audition or interview with scores of other people? Aiming to be as memorable as possible? The trick is to make sure you either go first or last!

  • The theory behind this has to do with what we call the serial position effect.
  • Essentially, people are more likely to remember items or people who come either first or last in a list.
  • Around the middle, things start to blur together and may be forgettable, especially if they’re not absolutely mind-blowing.

Of course, it’s not always possible to make arrangements to be first or last for something. But if you can, try to also make a positive impact, and you’re sure to be remembered more clearly than everyone else!

psychological tricks

By the way, this also goes for dates. If you want the other person to really remember you, pick either the start or end of the day. In other words, skip the lunch dates! You can also try to set forth a strong impression during the start of the date, and right at the end.

9.    Convince people to agree

If you’re trying to sell a story or idea to others and want them to agree with you, there’s an easy psychological trick that really works. All it involves is a little nodding.

  • When you talk about the subject, nod as you speak and maintain moderate eye contact.
  • This makes it look like what you’re saying is a guaranteed true fact.
  • It inspires confidence and makes others inclined to react in a more positive way to what you say.

Nodding is a very powerful action. Aside from convincing others to agree with you, studies have shown it can even convince your own mind if you’re nodding while someone talks! This is another reason why nodding works in persuading others. Humans tend to mirror each other, so if someone mirrors your nods, they may convince themselves that they agree with you!

10.  Part a crowd

People say that parting a crowd is all about confidence. That’s true to some degree – but in extremely crowded situations, people bustling back and forth aren’t always going to pay attention to how confident you look!

So if you’re trying to make your way through a crowd in a place packed like sardines, use this trick. Walk with purpose by avoiding eye contact with everyone else. Instead of looking at them, keep your eyes firmly rooted in the place you want to get to, or the direction you’re going.

This works because people often subconsciously check the eyes of those around them to determine which direction they are going. This is how people are able to naturally avoid collisions most of the time.

So, instead of gluing your eyes to your phone or glancing around, just keep striding towards your goal and keep your eye fixed on it. We can’t guarantee that everyone will move out of the way – some might be distracted by devices or talking to someone and not notice – but it’ll certainly help you get where you need to go!

Final Thoughts On Psychological Tricks That Really Work

The human mind works in truly mysterious ways. Your mind is smart, quick, and impressive. But at the same time, the mind can be tricked, so why not take advantage of that? By practicing these 10 psychological tricks that really work, you’ll be able to subtly influence those around you. Just remember to only do them in moderation; being real and true will get you pretty far too!

15 Things Parents Wish They Knew Sooner

Being pregnant, going through labor and experiencing the baby’s birth are the easiest phases of becoming parents. The most challenging and exciting part comes as you bring your baby home from the hospital.

Once you’re settled, however, you might feel like a nervous wreck who has no idea if you’re doing it right. This happens even if you’ve read every parenting book to prepare for the baby. But you’re not the only one fumbling as a parent. Here are some things that every parent wishes they knew sooner.

Here Are 15 Things Parents Wish They Knew Sooner

1.    Learn sign language to communicate with the baby.

Babies tell their parents that they are hungry, tired, soiled, or not feeling well by crying. They have not yet learned how to speak. But did you know that you can teach your baby to “talk” to you via sign language? This method can be very useful beginning when the baby is about four months old, or when the baby has started exploring by learning to sit and crawl.

  • If you start teaching the baby sign language at four months, she will eventually be able to sign back at around seven to nine months, according to Parenting.
  • Some of the words you can teach the baby include: milk, sleep, eat, change (the diaper), bath, play, water, medicine, bread, banana, and ball.
  • Baby sign language also increases the parent and child bond.
  • It will provide a positive boost to the development of her brain since she’ll be exposed to vocabulary more extensively than her peers.

Ask your pediatrician for recommendations of good baby sign language materials like books, videos, and private teachers.

2.    Feed your baby when she asks.

Should you feed your baby based on a feeding schedule or if she asks for food (on demand)? This has been a never-ending debate for many parents, especially for new moms who get lots of advice about raising their kids.

  • One study said that feeding babies based on a schedule promotes better well-being for the mother, who will be able to get uninterrupted sleep and rest.
  • However, scheduled feeding may not be so great for the babies themselves.
  • As the experts learned, by the time the babies on a feeding schedule turned 5 to 14 years old, they registered lower IQs than their peers who were fed on demand.

Most experts say that you should watch your baby, and not the clock, for signs that she’s hungry, such as when she’s fist sucking. Unfortunately, this may mean that she will require feeding at 2 a.m. or 12 times a day. Yes, it can be exhausting for the parent. But this unusual schedule will only take place for a few months. In time, the baby will set her own predictable schedule, so exercise patience while feeding her on demand.

3.    Don’t introduce the baby to pacifiers until after he’s at least four weeks old.

As much as possible, don’t let your baby use the pacifier until he’s a month old. Your baby needs to get used to the feeding ritual first, especially if you want to keep breastfeeding. According to the Mayo Clinic, pacifiers may pose a problem because the baby could be confused between the difference in the texture of his mother’s and the pacifier’s nipples.

If you’re planning to introduce pacifiers, pick out silicone, dishwasher-safe types to guarantee that it will remain clean and not become a choking hazard. Understand, however, that once your baby gets used to the pacifier to soothe him, it could be hard to break the habit. Some children may stop at their own pace at about 4 years old.

  • Be sure to clean the pacifier well before giving it to the baby.
  • Always keep it in a clean and safe place when not in use.
  • Don’t put back a pacifier that has fallen out of the baby’s mouth while he’s sleeping.
  • Don’t coat the pacifier with sweet substances.
  • Never rely on the pacifier to keep a crying baby quiet.

4.    The right way to breastfeed a baby below three months is to hold his head by the neck.

Moms are often seen cradling the baby on one arm while breastfeeding. But this position will make it harder for you to switch sides or move your baby’s head to the right angle so he can feed properly.

  • According to the American Pregnancy Association, if you’re holding the baby in your arms, there’s a tendency to lean toward him. This may cause muscle strain.
  • You need to make sure that you bring the baby towards you to avoid straining your arms, neck, and shoulders.
  • The best way to do it is to hold the baby by his neck using the arms or hands closest to his head.
  • Then, use the free arm to hold the breast so that your baby can latch on to it properly.

This position is only good for babies below three months old. For older babies, go with the traditional position of cradling the baby in your arms since he can turn his head by then.

5.    Use heating pads for blocked ducts when breastfeeding.

Sometimes, the ducts on your breasts can get blocked or grow engorged. While this can be painful, you can find temporary relief by using heating pads to ease the flow of milk.

If you don’t have a heating pad, try soaking a washcloth in warm water and use this as a warm compress. If your breasts become sore after nursing, you can use a cold pack as a relief.

6.    Let the baby be in bed even if he’s not yet too sleepy.

As much as possible, set the baby down in his crib even if he’s still awake but showing signs of sleepiness. This is how you condition the baby to develop a bedtime routine, which he will eventually adopt as he develops and grows.

7.    Dental health is important even if your baby has no teeth yet.

You should start caring for your baby’s dental health as early as possible. Even if your baby has no teeth and has been drinking breast milk only, clean his gums with a soft and wet gauze a few times a day. Once the first tooth cuts through, you must clean it with the soft cloth twice a day as well.

8.    A sponge bath must be your baby’s first bath.

The World Health Organization recommends giving the baby her first bath 24 hours after birth, at least. There are emotional and physical benefits to this, as it will help lessen the baby’s chances of developing cold stress. The natural waxy coating, called the vernix, that the baby is born with will also serve as an added protection and a booster so it shouldn’t be washed off right away.

  • Once you are home from the hospital and ready to give your baby her first bath, it’s best to just wipe the baby with a moist soft cloth (sponge bath).
  • You don’t have to fully immerse the infant in water because the baby still has the umbilical cord, which should remain dry at all times.
  • Some parents don’t give their baby a bath, not even a sponge bath, until the umbilical cord falls off and that’s fine too.
  • Just wipe the baby’s bum area to clean her daily.
  • The rest of her will still be clean and smelling good even if she doesn’t take a bath for weeks.

9.    Laundry basket works as a baby’s bathtub, too!

You can use a laundry basket for bathing older babies in order to make sure they are safe in the bathroom. Immerse the laundry basket in the tub and let the water seep through its holes. This will prevent accidental slips and slides that might hurt the baby. You can even fill the laundry basket with your baby’s favorite bath toys.

10.  Wake the baby up with tickles.

People say that you should never wake up a sleeping baby and it’s for good reason.

  • They’re usually cranky when their sleep is interrupted and it will be hard for them stop crying.
  • If there are unavoidable situations when you have to wake up the baby, try tickles or gentle blows on their ears and to allow the baby to wake up with positive energy.
  • Parents should never shake the baby to wake him up because it might lead to Shaken Baby Syndrome, which can seriously affect the brain.

11.  Swaddle the baby if she’s fussy.

If your baby cannot stop crying and keeps fussing, try to swaddle her with a blanket, a baby swaddling cloth, or a sleep sack. Swaddling mimics what the baby feels inside your womb so it helps her relax, especially if you give it a good sway or swing.


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents should stop swaddling the baby once she can hold her head up and turn on her tummy.

12. Play music to calm the baby down.

Music has a calming effect on people, so try this if your baby is also getting fussy. (It might help you parents too!) Experts recommend playing classical music, lullabies, and nursery rhymes because these have the most positive benefits for children. Researchers have shown how music can help the baby become more attentive, reactive and responsive. This, in turn, can make them learn to walk and talk faster than the average child.

13. Resist applying baby lotion or oil when it’s not needed.

Babies have such sensitive skin that it’s easy for them to develop an allergic reaction. But babies also develop dry skin despite their soft and supple skin texture. If the dry skin becomes irritating then consult a pediatrician right away. Don’t self-medicate and apply lotion or oil so as not to worsen the condition.

If a doctor prescribes skin care products, however, try a small spot first and wait for 24 hours to see if the baby’s skin will react. Report anything you see unusual with the baby’s skin to the doctor.

14. Use a waterproof mattress, especially at night.

A waterproof mattress on the baby’s crib can be a life-saver. It will help the clean-up easier, especially at night when you parents have to change the baby’s diapers.

15. The baby will look funny in the first few days of his life.

It’s natural for the baby to look funny for the first few days of his life. His eyes and face might look puffy and his head might be shaped oddly because he passed through the birth canal. This will only be temporary. Soon your baby will resemble you or your partner.

Final Thoughts On Things Parents Wish They Knew Sooner

Being a parent is the most difficult job in the world and your schedules and routines will revolve around your baby for a few years. But remember that being a parent is also a wonderful experience. Cherish every moment! Even the bad and tiring aspects of parenting will still enrich and fill your life with positive memories.

8 Ways to Treat Food Poisoning Naturally

Food poisoning has to be one of the most unpleasant experiences anyone can endure, making you feel like you never want to eat another morsel of food again. Some symptoms of food poisoning include diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Needless to say, these symptoms will keep you in the bathroom for an exorbitant amount of time. And when you’re not in the bathroom, you’ll probably find yourself in bed, curled up in pain. As such, it’s not uncommon to also feel fatigued, have a loss of appetite, and experience headaches.

So what is food poisoning, and how can you avoid it? These are the question that this article will endeavor to answer. We will detail several home remedies that can help alleviate pain and resolve symptoms. Also, we will address when it is appropriate to seek medical attention.


If you’re experiencing food poisoning, it’s difficult to mistake it for anything else. Why? Well, the pain and accompanying symptoms will begin shortly after consuming food that is toxic, contaminated, or expired. But what causes the foods we love to seemingly turn on us? Well, we can find a variety of reason including:

  • Parasites – This food-related illness is rare but can be very serious. Commonly referred to as toxoplasma, this parasite is typically found in cat litter and can be fatal if consumed. Those especially at risk include pregnant women and those with weak or compromised immune systems.
  • Bacteria – This type of food poisoning is the most common. Typically, it results from the salmonella bacteria attaching itself to foods like mayonnaise, eggs, and chicken. Bacteria can also stem from E. coli, commonly found in salads. Clostridium botulinum, another relatively common form of food poisoning, usually occurs after eating contaminated canned foods.
  • Viruses – The Norovirus is one of the most common, not to mention lethal, forms of food poisoning. In fact, it accounts for more than 19 million cases for food poisoning annually and is often the result of eating contaminated lettuce or certain fresh fruits.


When you’re experiencing a food-related illness, your first inclination will probably be to seek prompt medical treatment, but that is not always necessary. Despite the many overwhelming symptoms, most food-related illnesses can find their remedy at home. In fact, you probably already have the necessary ingredients at your disposal.


Apple cider vinegar may prove a valuable ally in your fight to overcome a food-related illness. Wow does it work, exactly? Well, apple cider vinegar contains a number of antibacterial properties that work to combat food-borne pathogenic bacteria like those mentioned in the preface of this article, E. coli, salmonella, and Clostridium botulinum. With a variety of minerals and enzymes, apple cider vinegar can also aid in hydrating and stabilizing the body as you work towards recovering from your illness. Here are some easy to follow instructions to help get you started:

  • Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water.
  • Thoroughly mix water and apple cider vinegar together.
  • Drink the mixture 2 to 3 times a day or until your symptoms have subsided.


Essential oils offer a variety of health benefits, including relief from food-borne pathogenic bacteria. For example, studies have shown that oregano essential oil can help resolve food-related illnesses based on its antimicrobial properties, which work to flush pathogens from the body. To get started, you will need to do the following:

  • Add 1 drop of high-quality, food-grade oregano oil to a glass of water.
  • Thoroughly mix water and oregano oil.
  • Drink the mixture 1 to 2 times per day or until symptoms have subsided.


Along with oregano, thyme oil is also a great way to overcome food-borne illnesses. This particular essential oil is comprised of carvacrol, thymol, and linalool, which work collectively to remove pathogens from the body. The process to get started is similar that of oregano essential oil in that you will need to do the following:

  • Add 1 drop of high-quality thyme oil to a glass of water.
  • Thoroughly mix water and thyme oil together.
  • Drink the mixture 1 to 2 times per day or until symptoms have subsided.


It turns out garlic is much more than a plant in the Allium family; it is also a superfood that can help get you back on your feet after contracting a food-borne illness. So why did garlic make it to this list of food poisoning remedies? Well, garlic contains an array of properties that can help remove pathogens from the body. It also has the capacity to resolve symptoms typical of food-borne illnesses, like diarrhea for example. Here is what you will need to get started on your way to recovery:

  • Peel 2 to 3 garlic cloves and consume them.
  • To make the experience more palatable, you can add honey and consume both ingredients together.
  • Continue consuming garlic cloves until your symptoms have subsided.


For those looking to add a little culinary flair to their food poisoning remedies, you may want to try simmering honey and ginger on low heat. The benefits are similar to that of eating raw garlic cloves, but the taste is markedly better. Here are a few instructions to help get you started:

  • Add 1 to 2 slices of ginger root along with a cup of water to a saucepan.
  • Bring the combination to a boil and allow to simmer for 5 minutes before straining.
  • Allow the liquid concoction to cool before adding honey.
  • Consume the mixture for a minimum of three days or until your food-borne illness has subsided.


Although grapefruit has vitamin C that can help you recover from a cold, it also contains antimicrobial properties that work to resolve food-borne pathogens and speed recovery. It should be noted, however, that most potency derived from grapefruit is in grapefruit seed extract. To get started, you will need to do the following:

  • Add 8 to 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract to 1 glass of water.
  • Thoroughly combine the mixture.
  • Consume the mixture for 3 to 5 days or until symptoms have subsided.


Not surprisingly, lemon juice is great for a variety of health reason, but it is especially useful in treating food-related illnesses. Along with vitamin C and folate, lemons contain antioxidants that can improve your overall health. Additionally, their antibacterial properties can fight off pathogens caused by food-borne illnesses. They can help with digestion problems as well. Here is the best way to get started:

food poisoning

  • Combine the juice of half a lemon with a glass of water.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture.
  • Consume the combination 2 to 3 times a day until your symptoms have subsided.


It’s no surprise that basil can add a great amount of flavor to your favorite foods, like spaghetti, for example. However, it can work wonders for those struggling with food-borne illnesses. The herb can calm stomach pain and other symptoms of food-related illness, due to its antimicrobial properties. If interested in trying this home remedy, try the following:

  • Extract the juice from a handful of basil leaves.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey to the extracted juice and consume it.
  • Consume the mixture 3 to 4 times per day as needed.

Final Thoughts

It worth noting that the list of home remedies detailed in this article is not one that is all-encompassing. Many other treatments can also provide relief from food-related illness. However, this list includes the ones that have been found the most beneficial. Also, the information provided in this article should not supersede any information provided to you from a licensed physician. To that point, if your food-related illness persists after trying any of the treatments recommended in this article, seek prompt medical treatment.

In summation, the best way to avoid food-borne illnesses is to eat foods that are properly cooked. Of course, the proper temperature can vary from food to food. For example, if you’re eating chicken, it should be cooked until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F whereas eggs and ground beef, on the other hand, should be cooked until they reach 160°F. Nonetheless, it is a good practice to familiarize one’s self with optimal cooking temperatures for all foods before consuming them. Lastly, you should avoid leftover foods that have been in the fridge for more than 3 days as they can become contaminated if they sit for too long.

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