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Doctors Explain How High-Intensity Exercise May Delay Alzheimer’s Disease

Doctors Explain How High-Intensity Exercise May Delay Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that impairs memory and cognitive abilities, affects millions worldwide annually. Alzheimer’s accounts for around 60-80% of dementia cases, the general term for brain disorders that affect thinking, behavior, memory, and emotion. According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, over 55 million people globally lived with dementia in 2020. Experts estimate that by 2050, this number will increase to around 140 million people. However, scientists have found that exercise can protect against Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Physical activity offers numerous benefits for the mind and body, including keeping the brain sharp and vibrant. A sedentary lifestyle dulls the mind and causes muscle atrophy, while exercise provides an engaging challenge for the entire system. Working out also releases endorphins that help reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Most doctors and other healthcare professionals tell patients to follow the pillars of health to maintain their physical and mental strength. Positive habits inevitably ward off diseases, but physical activity has the most pronounced impact. By incorporating high-intensity exercise into your lifestyle, you can potentially delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

What is High-Intensity Exercise?

alzheimer's disease

High-intensity exercise, or HIIT, involves short bursts of cardio designed to elevate your heart rate and increase calories burned. Cardiovascular exercise can include anything you enjoy, such as running, biking, swimming, or jumping rope. The high-intensity interval training workouts will push you beyond your comfort zone by alternating between short sessions of intense movements and brief recovery periods.

Exercises usually last between one-four minutes and provide metabolic conditioning since your heart rate will elevate to 70-90% of your maximum heart rate. By working harder instead of longer, you’ll increase your fitness and feel more energized. Some studies have discovered that HIIT burns 25-30% more calories than moderate-intensity exercises. And by enhancing your physical health, you’ll experience more mental clarity and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Plus, you can benefit from HIIT if you’re crunched for time since you only need a few minutes for a workout session.

The Link Between Exercise and Alzheimer’s Disease

A study published in The Journal of Physiology found that just six minutes of HIIT could delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers discovered that high-intensity workouts like vigorous cycling could enhance brain health by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein production. This specialized protein encourages neuroplasticity and extends the lifespan of neurons. It also plays a crucial role in learning, memory, and protecting the brain from harmful amyloid plaques which disrupt cognitive functioning.

Because of the neuroprotective qualities of BDNF, researchers wanted to study how it could impact aging and preserve brain functioning. Other studies have also shown that intermittent fasting can reduce the prevalence of Alzheimer’s biomarkers and increase BDNF production. For the current study, researchers from the University of Otago, New Zealand, decided to compare the impact of fasting and exercise on BDNF activity.

Twelve physically active participants (six males and six females aged between 18 and 56 years) participated in the study. Researchers tested the following approaches to investigate how they affected brain health:

  • Fasting for 20 hours,
  • Light exercise (90-minute low-intensity cycling),
  • High-intensity training (a six-minute bout of vigorous cycling),
  • Combined fasting and exercise.

The team discovered that HIIT workouts increased BDNF and helped prevent Alzheimer’s disease more than fasting or light exercises. BDNF increased 4-5 times more with high-intensity training than fasting or prolonged activity.

How High-Intensity Exercise Delays Alzheimer’s Disease


The team said more research is needed to understand the mechanisms involved in BDNF production fully. However, they believe increased blood flow and oxygenation to the brain during exercise play a pivotal role in increasing BDNF. High-intensity workouts also stimulate the growth of new brain cells and neural connections. In addition, research shows interval training enhances mitochondrial function since cells produce more proteins that encourage muscle-building.

Finally, scientists posit that the brain consumes lactate as an energy source rather than glucose during intense exercise. This energy transition leads to elevated blood levels of BDNF, which improves mental capacity. High-intensity workouts also increase the aggregation of platelets propagating in the blood by 20%. Since these tiny blood cells store abundant BDNF, they help boost cognitive functioning and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

The Best High-Intensity Exercises for Alzheimer’s Prevention

Aerobic exercises like sprinting, biking, or squat jumps can help prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease. You can also incorporate resistance training with weights or bodyweight exercises into your workouts to improve mental and physical fitness. Finally, consider sprint intervals or other high-intensity exercises to challenge yourself and detoxify the body. A combination of cardio and weight training exercises will produce the best results.

Incorporating High-Intensity Exercise into Your Lifestyle

When beginning a high-intensity exercise program, start with low-impact movements and gradually increase the resistance as you progress. If you suffer from joint pain or other ailments, you can always apply modifications and adjustments as needed. Choose workouts that match your fitness level and personal preferences to make exercise more accessible and fun. Finally, set fitness goals and track your progress to stay on track with your new routine.

You’ll notice improved energy levels and greater mental focus as you perform the exercises more often. A regular workout routine also provides long-term benefits, such as lowering your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders.

alzheimer's disease

Final Thoughts on Exercise for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention and Management

A recent study by New Zealand researchers found that high-intensity workouts may delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease. They discovered that short sessions of vigorous exercise increase the production of a protein called BDNF, which protects the brain from cognitive decline. This specialized protein also assists with learning, memory, neuroplasticity, and neuron production.

Since the destruction and death of nerve cells play a critical role in the development of Alzheimer’s, scientists have concentrated their research on preventing cognitive decline. They’ve found that maximizing brain health through high-intensity exercise may prevent age-related diseases and increase longevity. Tailored exercise plans for Alzheimer’s prevention may include HIIT workouts, weight training, cycling, or a combination of these workouts. So, to protect yourself from Alzheimer’s disease and improve your well-being, incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

888: Are You Seeing It Too?

Do you see the 888 angel number frequently on receipts, billboards, or phone numbers? If so, it could be a sign from the universe that prosperity and abundance are in your future. 888 also represents the karmic cycles of life or the idea that you reap what you sow. The number resembles an upward-facing infinity sign, signifying that energy constantly transmutes into various forms. Therefore, seeing 888 means you should remember your power and direct your energy toward achieving your goals.

Seeing repeating numbers like 888 has a significant meaning in numerology, or the belief in a divine relationship between specific lucky numbers and coinciding events. The art of numerology seeks to assign a cosmic meaning to numbers and determine how they influence our lives. By understanding the symbolism and significance of the 888 angel number in numerology, you will gain insight into your life path and unlock potential opportunities for growth and success.

What Are Numerology and Lucky Numbers?

Numerology refers to studying the meaning and significance of numbers, such as the 888 angel number. Numerology seeks to understand the symbolism behind certain numbers and how they impact our daily lives. Many people use lucky numbers and numerology in divination and other mystical practices, such as tarot card readings.

Others find comfort and solace in seeing lucky numbers, believing they’re a sign from the universe or angelic beings. For instance, if you’ve encountered difficult times, your guides may send you important messages through spirit numbers. Each repeating number has a different meaning and can offer guidance and support along your journey.

angel number

The Significance of “888” Angel Number

The 888 angel number symbolizes abundance and prosperity in both professional and personal life. It also represents spiritual growth and success as you learn to overcome obstacles and own your power. If you notice 888 often, consider how you can evolve in your career and relationships. Seeing this number means you should reflect deeply on your life and feel proud of how far you’ve come.

But since 888 represents the karmic cycle, it also calls us to keep moving forward boldly toward our dreams. This repeating lucky number reminds us never to become complacent and continue evolving toward our highest selves. While the 888 angel number represents material success, remaining humble as you climb the corporate ladder is essential. Consider others’ needs as well and share your success when possible.

888 strikes the perfect balance between confidence and compassion, calling you to trust yourself as a leader while extending love to others. People who often see the 888 angel number should consider careers where they can lead a team and positively impact others. 888 signifies authority and wisdom, so those who resonate with this number may excel in entrepreneurship and business.

However, if you accumulate wealth from your profession, remember to give back to your team and society instead of hoarding money. Since 888 represents karma, you should perform good deeds so the positive energy returns to you.

How to Interpret Seeing the “888” Angel Number

Trust your intuition and inner guidance when you see the 888 angel number appear. The universe wants you to slow down and pay attention when repeating numbers come into your life. You may have recently been offered a job promotion or thought about starting a business. Since 888 represents opportunities for success, the universe wants you to know you’re in perfect alignment to receive these gifts.

Many numerologists believe you should focus on manifestation and attracting abundance when you see 888. As you align with your life path and spiritual purpose, you’ll have endless energy to devote to your dreams. When you begin to live through your heart and trust your highest calling, everything falls into place effortlessly.

So, consider seeing the 888 angel number as a blessing from the universe that you’re on the right path. Sometimes, we need signs from above to know we haven’t lost our way. Thankfully, 888 can help us evolve and become the best versions of ourselves if we tap into the abundance in our souls. While a number can’t change your life, it can remind you to reflect and go within to receive the answers you seek.

Saturn, the planet of discipline, power, and responsibility, rules the lucky number 888. If you see this number frequently, the universe may want you to regain focus and remember the goals you wish to achieve. However, people who see 8s usually have a practical, ambitious approach to life and don’t get sidetracked from their purpose easily.

Examples of “888” in History and Culture

The 888 angel number is significant in cultural and historical contexts, such as Christian and Chinese numerology. For example, many Christians believe 888 represents Jesus or ‘Christ the Redeemer’ since he was resurrected eight days after his death. Also, his name translates to 888 in Gematria, an Assyro – Babylonian – Greek code system that followers of Judaism eventually adopted. In essence, 888 signifies new beginnings and the spiritual evolution of man in the Christian religion.

In mythology and Chinese folklore, 888 symbolizes luck, wealth, and prosperity. Many people in China believe this number represents triple fortune due to the strengthening power of the repeating 8s. The 888 angel number also has numerical significance in art and literature, symbolizing balance and positivity. Modern culture often utilizes it in the international labor movement to represent the 8-hour workday.


Final Thoughts on 888 Angel Number in Numerology and Spiritual Growth

The 888 angel number represents prosperity, abundance, and self-confidence, encouraging you to follow your dreams courageously. By aligning with your life path through numerology, you can reach your highest potential and enjoy a fulfilling life. Unlocking abundance through lucky numbers may seem difficult initially, but you must have faith in the universe and trust the process. If you surrender to the universal will and trust your intuition, all your fears and worries will dissipate.

The 888 angel number can help you uncover your strengths and tap into the limitless energy of the universe. So, if you see 888 around you, consider it a sign that your angels have your back.

30 Happy Thoughts to Increase Positive Thinking

Having happy thoughts can ensure you have a good day and prevents negativity. You can use them to replace negative thinking or cope with hardship. Positive thinking can encourage you to overcome obstacles and find ways to get through anything.

These thoughts can help you live a happy life, boosting your mood and creating optimism. Using tips for a more positive mindset can help you create and maintain happiness no matter what you go through.

Incorporating happy thoughts into your daily routine increases positive thinking and improves overall mood. The following happy affirmations can help you get started and entice positivity every day.

Thirty Happy Thoughts for Positivity


Happy Thoughts for Gratitude

1 – I feel appreciation for the beauty around me.

There’s always something beautiful near you, even if you don’t notice it immediately. Using this happy thought can help you habitually look for beauty no matter where you are.

2 – I am thankful for every small step I take.

You won’t achieve your goals overnight because it’s a process that takes time. Instead, you’ll make gradual steps toward progress that still deserve recognition. When you experience thankfulness for your progress, it’ll help keep you motivated and determined.

3 – I am grateful for every blessing in my life.

Gratitude can increase your productivity and happiness. It helps you focus on all you have rather than anything you lack. It promotes feeling happy, optimistic, and peaceful.

4 – I am thankful for obstacles that help me build strength.

Obstacles might not initially seem like blessings, but they help shape you into a better person. You’ll become a better version of yourself when you grow from mistakes or hardship. This happy thought reminds you that even obstacles can lead to self-growth and joy.

5 – I appreciate and look for all opportunities.

When things don’t work out as planned, you can still find happiness in the experience. It means another opportunity for you, leading to the life meant for you. You can create more opportunities or look for them as you progress.

6 – I am thankful for all that I’ve learned.

You might experience negative feelings when things don’t work out as desired. Expressing gratitude for the learning opportunities can help you focus on the positives in the experience. When you tell yourself you gained something, you’ll experience more happiness as you grow.

7 – I have more to be grateful for each day.

Each day you wake up healthy is an experience to be thankful for. Using this happy thought reminds you that you can add more to your gratitude list daily.

Happy Thoughts for Self-Love

8 – I am not defined by the past and use mistakes as learning opportunities.

Everyone makes mistakes, but it doesn’t mean they define you. You deserve to let go of the negative thoughts associated with your bad decisions.

When you do, it’ll help you find happiness as you can let go of guilt and regret while boosting self-esteem. It also encourages you to learn from mistakes and use them for self-growth.

9 – I am proud of myself for trying my best.

If you do your best, you’re doing enough. This happy thought will remind you not to beat yourself up over challenges, mistakes, or imperfections.

It’ll give you the courage to learn and grow from everything that doesn’t go as planned. When you develop this mindset, it can boost your mood and help you maintain positivity.

10 – I deserve happiness and peace.

This happy thought reminds you that you can choose happiness. When you know you deserve joy, you’ll be more open to it, allowing for basking in the sensation.

11 – I love myself as I am because I don’t have to be like anyone else.

Everyone is different, and prioritizing loving yourself for your differences can encourage happiness. Knowing that you don’t have to fit in with others eases the pressure to live up to impossible standards. Find joy in who you are for an easier time each day.

12 – I am letting myself be heard by expressing my thoughts.

Your thoughts are valid, and you deserve to vocalize your thoughts while letting your vision get seen. Don’t hold back because it can lead to frustration, resentment, and negativity. When you speak your mind and give your ideas, it can help you find happiness.

13 – I trust myself and my intuition.

When you trust yourself, you’ll feel confident about your life choices. You’ll know you’re doing what’s best for you, preventing second-guesses and regret. This happy thought will help you find lasting happiness.

14 – I am kind to myself and practice unconditional self-love.

Being kind to yourself and practicing self-compassion can improve positive thinking and push away negativity. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, and give yourself grace on hard days. Kindness and self-love go further than many of us realize.

15 – I prioritize self-care over everything else.

One of the best ways to increase positive thinking is to focus on self-care. Caring for yourself leads to feeling better about all aspects of your life.

Happy Thoughts for Mindfulness

positive thinking

16 – I deserve a few minutes each day to embrace my surroundings.

This happy thought will help you take some time for mindfulness. No matter where you are, you can use this phrase to practice mindfulness to reset your mindset. It also allows you to stay present and focused on your current experience.

17 – I am excited to embrace the present moment.

Telling yourself you’re excited about being present will help you focus on your surroundings. You’ll have an easier time interacting with others. Plus, it can help you push away anxious thoughts that pull your mind from the present.

18 – I am living with intention.

Living an intentional life helps promote positive thinking because it offers guidance. You’ll know what path to take a feel comfortable with your choices because you know what you want. This happy thought inspires you to set a goal and intentionally work toward it, allowing you to embrace your journey.

19 – I feel peace fill my mind and body with each breath.

This affirmation will encourage you to visualize peace entering your body as you breathe. You can do it as you prepare for your day or during deep breathing meditation and breath-control exercises. It encourages a mind-body connection that allows peaceful thinking.

20 – I focus only on what I can control.

You can’t control everything, and letting go of that ideal can help you focus on positive thinking. When you think about the things you can change, you’ll experience positivity through achievable steps to reach the goal.

21 – I control my life, and my power lies in the present.

You control your life despite what’s going on around you. This positive phrase helps you remember that you can always make a beneficial decision to improve your mindset.

22 – I recognize my feelings and allow myself to experience them.

Being mindful involves awareness of your feelings and letting them flow through you. You can experience your emotions and release them as you repeat this phrase.

23 – I release things that don’t matter and focus on what does.

You can quickly find joy by focusing only on what matters. Release anything that doesn’t matter now or won’t matter in a few days. These things cause worry and unnecessary stress and releasing them can boost your mood.

Happy Thoughts for Joy and Laughter

24 – I am kind to others because I receive what I put into the world.

The law of attraction indicates the kindness you put into the world comes back to you. If you want happiness and joy, this affirmation can help you focus on what you must do.

25 – I know that every situation leads to the greater good.

This happy thought is for you if you think things aren’t working out how you wanted. It reminds you that everything will work out for the best, helping you find happiness now.

26 – I am creating a life I love.

You are in charge of your happiness, and each decision can lead you to positivity. This happy thought encourages you to do things that you want to do. You’ll find positivity and joy when you stay true to yourself rather than listening to anyone else’s opinion about your life.

27 – I am living a joyful life full of laughter.

When you focus on living joyfully, you’ll likely experience laughter. It helps you relax enough to let loose and find a reason to laugh. Laughter can improve physical and mental health, so it’s a great place to start.

28 – I am looking for humor because laughter is good for me.

When life gets hard, humor can help you shift to positive thinking. It’ll help you overcome the hard points in life while easing the stress of daily tasks.

29 – I embrace playfulness to fill my life with joy.

Kids aren’t the only ones who should be playful. Embracing playfulness and having fun can improve your well-being and encourage positive thinking.

30 – I am looking for happiness in each moment.

This happy thought will remind you to make a conscious effort to find joy in each moment. When you look for the good around you, you’re more likely to recognize and embrace it.

happy thoughts

Final Thoughts on Happiness and Positive Thinking

Using happy thoughts for a better mood can help you shift your mindset. It doesn’t mean you’ll never experience negative thinking or hardship, but it can minimize it. These happy thoughts will also help you shift from negativity to positivity without letting it fester too long.

There are other ways to increase positive thinking, but using affirmations is one of the best ways. It helps you build a habit of optimistic living while encouraging resiliency that allows you to overcome anything and find the silver lining.

12 Signs of Bipolar 1 to Never Ignore

Bipolar 1 disorder, or manic-depressive illness, is a severe mental health condition. It affects a person’s mood, energy, activity levels, and ability to function in daily life. The disorder is characterized by alternating episodes of mania and depression, varying in severity and duration. During a manic episode, a person may feel extremely happy, euphoric, or irritable.

You can have an inflated sense of self-esteem, engage in impulsive behaviors, and experience a decreased need for sleep. During a depressive episode, people may feel sad and hopeless and lack energy or interest in activities they once enjoyed. Bipolar 1 disorder affects approximately 1% of the population worldwide and can significantly impact a person’s life, relationships, and career. However, with early diagnosis and proper treatment, people with bipolar 1 disorder can begin improving their quality of life, lead fulfilling lives and manage their symptoms effectively.

That is why it’s crucial to recognize the symptoms of bipolar 1 disorder. It’s vital to seek professional help if you or a loved one experience them. By knowing the signs of bipolar 1 disorder, you can seek early diagnosis and treatment, improving your quality of life. This article will explore the signs and symptoms of bipolar 1 disorder. We will also discuss how early diagnosis and treatment can help manage the condition.

Manic Episode Symptoms of Bipolar 1

bipolar 1

One of the hallmark symptoms of bipolar 1 disorder is a manic episode. A manic episode of bipolar 1 disorder lasts at least one week (or less if hospitalization is necessary). People with bipolar 1 disorder may feel intense energy during a manic episode. This can lead to increased activity levels. They may engage in multiple activities at once, often without completing them. They may find it challenging to sit still or relax. During a manic episode, individuals may experience a heightened sense of happiness or euphoria.

They may feel like they are on top of the world and that nothing can bring them down. They may be excessively optimistic and have a grandiose sense of self-importance. Also, they often exhibit behaviors such as rapid or racing thoughts, rapid speech, and impulsivity. These thoughts may be challenging to keep up with. They may jump from one topic to another without warning. Individuals may also speak very rapidly and have difficulty controlling the speed or direction of their speech. This can lead to difficulty in communication and a lack of coherence in their speech.

Manic episodes in bipolar 1 disorder can be intense and disruptive. Mania causes a wide range of problems in a person’s life. These issues include difficulty functioning at work or in social situations, strained relationships, and risky behavior. Individuals experiencing manic episodes may feel invincible or believe they can accomplish anything. As such, they’ll engage in impulsive and often dangerous behavior. The euphoria and high energy levels of a manic episode can also lead to a lack of sleep. This can further exacerbate symptoms and make it difficult for the person to function. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the signs of a manic episode.

Depressive Episode Symptoms

In bipolar disorder, depressive episodes are periods when individuals experience symptoms of depression. Depressive episodes in bipolar disorder are like those in major depressive disorder. These episodes can last several weeks or longer and are characterized by extreme sadness. Individuals with bipolar disorder may experience intense sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness. They may feel hopeless about the future and have negative thoughts about themselves, their abilities, or their accomplishments. During a depressive episode, individuals may lose interest in activities they usually enjoy. They may lack the motivation or energy to participate in social activities or hobbies they once found fulfilling. People with bipolar disorder may experience changes in their appetite and sleep patterns during a depressive episode. They may eat more or less than usual and have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

These changes can lead to weight gain or loss and exacerbate other symptoms of depression. Individuals in depressive episodes may feel very tired or lack energy. They may struggle to complete once-easy tasks. They may have difficulty concentrating or focusing on work or school assignments. In severe cases, individuals with bipolar disorder may experience suicidal thoughts during a depressive episode. It’s essential to seek professional help immediately if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or tendencies.

Mixed Episode Symptoms

A mixed episode in bipolar disorder is when an individual experiences mania/hypomania and depression simultaneously or rapidly. It’s a severe form of bipolar disorder where the person experiences symptoms of manic and depressive episodes simultaneously. This means a person can simultaneously feel high and low or rapidly switch between the two moods. Mixed episodes are more common in bipolar disorder type 1 but can also occur in bipolar disorder type 2.

Having symptoms of both mania and depression present simultaneously is a real struggle. Individuals in mixed episodes may experience rapid mood swings. They go from feeling very high and manic to feeling very low and depressed quickly. This can be confusing and overwhelming for the individual and those around them.

People in a mixed episode may feel agitated, irritable, or restless. They may have trouble sleeping or may experience racing thoughts and speech. During a mixed episode, individuals may be more impulsive than usual. They usually engage in dangerous behaviors such as excessive spending, substance abuse, or unsafe intimacy. They may have an increase in energy and activity levels. But this energy may be directed toward negative behaviors such as agitation, irritability, or impulsivity.


Other Symptoms of Bipolar 1 Disorder

Besides the common symptoms that appear during episodes, people may experience various other symptoms. In some cases, people with bipolar 1 disorder may experience psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. Delusions are false beliefs that a person holds firmly, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. For example, a person with bipolar 1 disorder may believe they are a celebrity or have superhuman abilities.

These delusions can be grandiose, persecutory, or referential. Hallucinations are sensory experiences that seem real but are not occurring. For example, a person with bipolar 1 disorder may hear voices that aren’t there or see things that others cannot see. These hallucinations can be auditory, visual, or tactile.

Grandiosity is a common symptom of bipolar 1 disorder during a manic episode. It refers to an exaggerated sense of self-importance or inflated self-esteem. An individual may believe they have special powers, abilities, or talents. This belief can be so strong that the person may act recklessly or even dangerously. For example, people with bipolar 1 disorder may believe they are invincible, leading them to engage in risky behaviors. They may also believe they can accomplish great things, leading them to take on multiple projects simultaneously. This leads them to work long hours without rest.

While feelings of grandiosity may initially feel upbeat or euphoric, they can quickly become problematic and may interfere with daily functioning. Grandiosity can cause individuals to disregard the consequences of their actions. As such, they may lead to losing relationships, jobs, or financial stability. Additionally, there are other symptoms to be aware of, like changes in sleep patterns and engaging in immoral behaviors.

Importance of Seeking Professional Help

Seeking professional help is crucial for individuals with bipolar 1 disorder. A proper diagnosis from a mental health professional is necessary to develop an effective treatment plan. It’s the only way to manage the symptoms of the disorder. Bipolar 1 disorder is a complex condition. It requires specialized treatment from mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, or licensed therapists. These professionals can provide a comprehensive evaluation to diagnose the disorder. Plus, they can develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to the individual’s specific needs.

Treating bipolar 1 disorder often involves a combination of medication and therapy. Medications, such as mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, can help to manage symptoms of both mania and depression. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy (IPT), can help individuals learn coping skills to manage their symptoms. This can help them improve their overall quality of life.

But not everyone has access to medicine. And even if you do, lifestyle changes can help just as much. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is particularly important, as sleep disturbances can trigger manic or depressive episodes. This means aiming for the same bedtime and wake-up time daily, avoiding naps, and creating a calming bedtime routine. Exercise can also help manage bipolar 1 disorder. Regular physical activity can improve mood, reduce stress, and help regulate sleep patterns.

Even a short walk or gentle yoga session can be beneficial. Stress reduction techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can help. These techniques can be helpful during high stress, which often triggers episodes. It’s also essential for individuals with bipolar 1 disorder to avoid drugs and alcohol. This is because these substances can interfere with the effectiveness of medication and trigger episodes of mania or depression.

bipolar 1

Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Signs of Bipolar 1

It’s essential never to ignore the signs of bipolar 1 disorder. Early intervention can improve treatment outcomes and quality of life. Some key signs to look out for include manic episodes characterized by increased energy and activity or excessive happiness or euphoria. Racing thoughts and speech are also signs of a manic episode. Depressive episodes are characterized by sadness, loss of interest in activities, and changes in appetite and sleep patterns.

Other symptoms of bipolar 1 disorder may include psychotic symptoms, grandiosity, and reckless behavior. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of bipolar 1 disorder, it’s essential to seek professional help. Bipolar 1 disorder is a treatable condition. Early intervention can make a significant difference in managing symptoms and preventing future episodes. Overall, mental health awareness is crucial in recognizing the signs of bipolar 1 disorder and seeking appropriate help. By understanding the symptoms, individuals with bipolar 1 disorder can receive appropriate treatment and improve their quality of life.

4 Ways Past Trauma Hurts Relationships

Past trauma can impact every facet of life, including relationships with loved ones and colleagues. When you’ve faced distressing situations in the past, it can affect your thoughts and feelings in current relationships. If you don’t heal from the mental and emotional damage, you may find it challenging to connect deeply with others. Trauma can make you distrustful and closed off from others because you see your pain reflected in every situation.

In other words, past trauma can haunt you long after you’ve experienced an upsetting or frightening event. Any unresolved emotions or lingering memories of what happened can make moving on with your life difficult. Even if you try to drown out those feelings by getting involved in relationships, they will always surface again if you haven’t fully processed everything.

However, you can heal from the past by practicing self-love and compassion and seeking professional help such as counseling. By understanding how past trauma can affect relationships, you can take steps to recover and create healthier and more fulfilling connections.

How Past Trauma Affects Relationships

Childhood trauma can impact adult relationships because it makes you wary and distrustful of others. Physical, verbal, and emotional trauma causes chemical alterations in the brain that trigger a heightened fear response. You may feel like you’re always on high alert and can’t relax if you’ve experienced past trauma. Enduring constant traumatic situations can cause chronic stress, which makes your nervous system work on overdrive.

In addition, trauma can impact your attachment style in relationships, making you anxious and fearful that the person will abandon you. You might become clingy and have trust issues, worried that the slightest problem will make your partner grow distant. Also, you may struggle with emotional regulation and become hypersensitive to your partner’s words and actions.

If you grew up in a volatile, unpredictable household, you might not feel secure being vulnerable in romantic relationships.

past trauma

1. Lack of Emotional Intimacy

Past trauma can impact relationships because it makes you uncomfortable with emotional intimacy. If your parents or previous partners didn’t value your thoughts and feelings, you might develop an avoidant attachment style. People with this attachment style tend to have a dismissive attitude toward relationships and become highly independent. They would not rely on others for anything, including emotional closeness.

If you’ve experienced emotional neglect in the past, you may have a fear of vulnerability and rejection. In your eyes, it makes more sense to avoid relationships entirely to protect yourself from further pain.

2. Communication Breakdowns

Past trauma can lead to communication issues in romantic partnerships if you feel uncomfortable with vulnerability. You may struggle with defensiveness if your partner brings up a triggering topic, such as past relationships. For example, you may avoid talking about your parents if you have rocky relationships with them. You instantly shut down or lose your temper when your partner mentions them.

Traumatic experiences can also make you hypersensitive to criticism and people’s perceptions of you. In turn, you may feel paranoid about what your partner thinks of you and struggle with low self-esteem. Unstable relationships early in life can cause you to assume the worst and resort to mind-reading techniques to avoid being blindsided. While accurately gauging your partner’s emotions can increase relationship satisfaction, it can also create disharmony if your partner senses your insecurity.

3. Difficulty with Trust

Another way past trauma impacts romantic partnerships involves difficulties with trust and boundary issues. You might struggle with attachment anxiety if your parents didn’t give you enough love, attention, or emotional support. Parents should nurture and guide their child’s development, encouraging them to form an independent, stable identity.

However, childhood trauma often leads to codependent relationships and total reliance on partners for emotional stability. They want to feel close to their partner but also have an intense fear of abandonment, making them seem distant or flaky.

In addition, you may deal with betrayal trauma in partnerships and struggle to trust your partner. A small argument or mistake can put your partner in the hot seat if you feel deceived by them. They might feel like they must walk on eggshells around you or question everything they do to avoid confrontations. Your partner probably doesn’t want to mislead you or have bad intentions, but your mind might make you assume the worst due to past trauma.

4. Conflict Resolution Issues

Finally, past trauma can result in conflict resolution issues in relationships. During arguments, you may struggle with emotional dysregulation and lose your temper quickly when you feel threatened. Conversely, unhealed trauma can lead to avoidance and an unwillingness to address ongoing relationship problems. You may resort to passive aggression and shut down when your partner tries to smooth things over.

You may have a short fuse and feel emotionally raw if you have an overworked nervous system because of repeated negative experiences. As a result, minor annoyances or disagreements may cause you to explode and release your anger onto your partner.

Healing and Moving Forward From Past Trauma

While healing from past trauma may seem overwhelming or hopeless, combining therapy and self-care can pave the path forward. There’s no shame in seeking counseling or professional support to help you process painful emotions and experiences. Millions of people go to therapy for various reasons, and many find it helps them feel more positive and capable of handling life’s pressures.

Self-care and self-compassion can also help you achieve emotional healing, as there’s no relationship more important than the one you have with yourself. By extending love and gratitude to yourself first, you can enjoy more profound, fulfilling relationships. Studies show that couples who practice mindfulness and non-judgment toward themselves have more satisfying relationships and experience less conflict.

So, work from the inside out and focus on healing yourself; the rest will fall into place naturally. The world can wait, but your inner child cannot. Unhealed trauma and internal disharmony indicate that your soul desperately needs love, support, and attention. So nourish your higher self and watch as your life becomes a magical dance rather than an endless struggle.


Final Thoughts on Healing Past Trauma for Healthier Relationships

When people experience conflict and discord in their relationships, they may overlook the impact of past trauma. Lingering emotional damage from prior experiences can carry over into every aspect of life and cause even further pain. Arguments, misunderstandings, trust issues, and struggles with emotional vulnerability may result when trauma goes unchecked.

It’s vital to nip these issues in the bud and seek help before committing to a serious relationship. All your connections will become more satisfying and harmonious if you try to process painful emotions and heal from the past. Rebuilding trust and intimacy after trauma may seem scary, but you can mend relationships by taking that first step.

Emotional healing and growth for better relationships lie in your hands, but you must first believe you deserve to feel happy. Remember your self-worth and extend love toward yourself; you will find the healing and comfort you seek.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Do Yin Yang Yoga

Yin yang yoga incorporates the slow pace of yin yoga with the traditional practice of yang yoga. It blends two yoga styles, promoting passive and dynamic poses for a physical and spiritual balance.

This type of yoga originated from the slower Yin yoga practice, where you passively hold poses for longer timeframes. You’ll maintain the poses longer, focusing energies on the deep connective tissues and joints.

It also involves the active practice of Yang Yoga, working your muscles and stimulating blood flow. The Yang style boosts stamina, strength, and flexibility.

Yin yang yoga is a unique and powerful practice that offers many benefits for the body and the mind. The balanced yoga practice involves different elements that promote restoration. It improves all aspects of your body, allowing for a full-body yoga session.

The Yin and Yang Elements of Yin Yang Yoga

Yin yoga brings balance to organs through energy channels. It helps you balance elements to promote mind-body balance and harmony. Yang yoga encourages physical activity, reduces stress, and improves heart health.

Studies show that yin and yang relate to the following elements:

  • wood
  • fire
  • earth
  • metal
  • water

Combining yin and yang for yoga is complementary as the elements come together. It balances your physical and mental health, improving your overall well-being.

yin yang yoga

Benefits of Yin Yang Yoga

Yin yoga can help relieve stress and anxiety, calm your mind and body, and improve focus and concentration. This type of holistic wellness promotes a mind-body connection that allows for balance.

Yang yoga increases strength and tones your body. It helps boost circulation and flexibility while increasing overall stamina.

During yang yoga, you must synchronize your movements with your breathing, helping you calm your mind. It also eases tension, allowing air to flow throughout your body.

Yin Yang Yoga Poses

Yin yoga is more meditative and involves moving less, relaxing into the poses, and stretching. Yang yoga is better for strength-building as it involves more movement while targeting your muscles.

Yin yang yoga begins with the more active yang poses. You’ll then transition to the passive yin poses that help slow your body. You can incorporate yin yang poses into a yoga practice by finding ones that work for you, including the following:

Examples of 3 Yin poses

Heart-melting Pose

This pose opens your chest, mid, and upper back. It relieves tension in your shoulders and back while opening up your heart chakra. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position with the tops of your feet resting on the ground.
  • With your knees hip-width apart, walk your hands forward while sinking your chest to the floor.
  • Place your chin or forehead on the floor, depending on what’s easier for you.
  • Draw your navel toward your spine and firmly press your palms into the ground.
  • When finished, lift your chest and walk your hands back until you’re in the starting position.

Butterfly Pose

This pose improves flexibility and reduces body tension. If you sit often or perform high-intensity workouts, it can help with tight hips or pelvic pain. It also targets the lower back and thigh muscles, reduces pain, promotes flexibility, and improves your range of motion.

The butterfly pose also encourages calm and a sense of inner awareness. To do this pose, follow these steps:

  • Start in a seated position, and bend your knees while bringing the soles of your feet together.
  • Place your fingers around the side of your feet on the pinkie-toe side. You can put your hands on your shins or ankles instead if it’s easier.
  • Sit up straight, lengthening your spine and broadening your chest.
  • Pull your shoulders back and down.
  • Hold the position for five minutes before extending your legs to release the pose.

You can make this pose easier by sitting on the edge of a cushion or folded blanket. Another idea is to sit against a wall so it’s easier to keep your spine straight.

Sleeping Swan Pose

This pose is a backbend that opens your hips in a relaxing way while also targeting your quads. It increases mobility and strength while stimulating meridians. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Pull your right leg out in front, with your right knee behind your wrist and your right ankle in front of your left hip.
  • Keep your weight on your hips with minimal pressure on your knee.
  • Slide your other leg back until it’s flat on the floor.
  • Slowly lower your chest toward the floor, holding the pose until you’re ready to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat these steps on the left side.

Examples of 3 Yang poses

Goddess Pose

Start in the center of your mat, and step both feet out to your sides until they are wider than your shoulders. Turn your heels so your toes point outward, then bend your knees until they’re above your toes. Bring your palms together in front of you, and take several deep breaths.

Sun Salutation

The sun salutation is part of a sequence, and here’s how to do it:

  • Begin in a mountain pose, standing with your palms together near your heart. Inhale as you bring your arms to the side and toward the ceiling, bringing your palms together above your head. Look up and let your shoulders naturally move upward.
  • The next part of the sequence is Uttanasana to flat back pose. Exhale while releasing your arms to the floor in front of you. Once you’re in a forward bend position, inhale as you lift your head and straighten your back.
  • The third step is a plank pose. Your shoulders should be over your wrist and body in a straight line.
  • Next is the knees, chest, and chin pose, where you lower each body part to the floor. Lower your knees first, then your chest and chin. Keep your butt high during this pose and your elbows close to your ribs.
  • The cobra pose is next, a back band that requires anchoring your pelvis and tops of the feet to the floor. You’ll place your hands flat on the floor beneath your shoulders and raise your chest while looking straight ahead.
  • Next is the downward-facing dog pose that requires walking your hands forward on the floor and your feet backward. You’ll keep your bottom high, your toes forward, and your spine straight.
  • Finally, you’ll exhale as you jump into a forward bend pose. With your hands already on the mat, you’ll jump forward so your feet meet your hands. Then, inhale as you raise your head and draw your shoulders back to flatten your back.
  • Finish the sun salutation by returning to the mountain pose.


Warrior Series

The warrior series involves a sequence of standing yoga poses. You’ll start in the mountain pose before beginning the series. Here’s how you do it:

  • Warrior I: Step back with your left foot as far as possible, and bring your heel to the floor. Turn your toes about 45 degrees, bend the right knee, and ensure it stays above your ankle. Inhale as you bring your arms above your head, opening the heart and looking up at your fingertips. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  • Humble Warrior Pose: Start back in the mountain pose before walking your left foot back as far as possible. Bend your right knee, keeping your thigh perpendicular to the floor. Bring your arms behind your back and interlace your fingers at the bottom of your back before puffing out your chest. Then, bend forward, bringing the crown of your head toward the floor and pulling your arms straight toward the sky.
  • Warrior II: Walk your right leg forward and your left backward, opening your hips. Bring your right arm forward, straight in front of you, and your left one straight out behind you. Bend your right knee deeply over the right ankle while engaging your quads and sinking your hips low.
  • Reverse Warrior: You’ll walk your right leg forward and left backward, just like with the Warrior II step. However, you’ll raise your right arm overhead while sliding your left arm down the back of your left leg.
  • Warrior III: Lift your left leg straight behind you as you lean your upper body forward, keeping both parallel to the floor. You can also put your arms above your head, aligned with your torso.

warrior pose

Preparing for Yin Yang Yoga

Yin yang yoga is perfect for beginners because you can use variations that work best for you. It’s a gentle practice, including both active and slower movements.

It’s best to check with your healthcare provider before implementing a new exercise, but once they clear you, it’s time to prepare your mind and body for Yin Yang Yoga.

Some tips for beginners include:

  • learning deep breathing exercises to help you relax
  • setting intentions
  • wearing comfortable clothing
  • use yoga props for safety and comfort
  • entering each yoga pose slowly to avoid pain or discomfort

Yin Yang Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine involves the idea that humans are connected to the world and must find equilibrium. Chinese Medicine indicates that a balance of yin and yang is essential to your health and well-being.

Yang indicates more dynamic and activity. These opposite forces combine to balance one another and promote health and well-being. As energy channels balance, it helps clear blockages to improve the energy flow of Qi along the meridians.

Yin yang yoga and acupuncture both improve flow and clear energy blockages. Acupuncture points are along the meridians, so clearing them with yin yang yoga can offer the same benefits.

yin yang yoga

Final Thoughts on Yin Yang Yoga

Using yin yang yoga in your routine can help you relax your mind and body while strengthening your muscles. It offers many physical and mental benefits that help you achieve your goals.

You’ll achieve optimal health and clear thinking with balance and harmony from holistic wellness. Remember to slow down, focus on your breathing, and be open to embracing balance.

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