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Scientists Explain The Best Age Difference to Make A Relationship Last

They say age is just a number, but how true can that be? With society’s tendency to look down on couples with a large age difference, one has to wonder if there are some more serious consequences behind being too free with your chosen numbers.

But do differences in age truly have any effect on relationships and their longevity? The results may surprise you. Here’s how scientists explain the best age difference to make a relationship last.

Scientists Explain What Age Difference Can Make A Relationship Last

relationship myths

1.    Research methods: how to determine lasting relationships

This study was conducted by researchers from the Emory University, which is located in Atlanta. The study was run by Hugo Mialon and Andrew Francis, with assistance from Michigan State University’s Randal Olsen to process received raw data.

This research involved 3,000 participants and evaluated their demographics, certain select factors, and the lasting nature or lack thereof of their relationships. In the past, information regarding age gaps in relationships was not widely available, and this study helped to shine light on this little-studied area.

Interestingly, the main point behind this research paper was not to study age gaps at all. Instead, the study set out to investigate engagement and wedding expenditures on married couples and see if these factors affected a relationship’s longevity. The study’s conclusion found that this factor does not relate to longevity at all, a find that could potentially change the way the world views the commercial wedding industries.

In the process of studying factors such as expenditure on engagement and wedding plans, this study also made it a point to collect other potentially relevant data. This included:

  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion and religious attendance
  • Education level
  • Employment status
  • Income
  • Size of family

As such, plenty of data allowed for other conclusions about the best factors for relationships to be drawn. This allowed people to be able to clearly see and interpret the best age difference to make a relationship last.

With that being said, it’s worth noting that this study did not set out to make a set-in-stone conclusion about age gaps in relationships. Instead, they aimed to better understand trends in romantic relationships and the factors linked to them.

2.    Research findings: what’s the best age difference?

There were a number of interesting age-related findings from this study. Let’s break them down one by one.

  1. One-year gaps. Let’s start with couples born within 12 months of each other. Relationships involving spouses with a year or less in age difference were found to have lasted the longest, only having a 3% chance of breaking up.
  2. Five-year gaps. Married couples with an age gap of approximately five years have a divorce rate of 18%.
  3. Ten-year gaps. Couples with a 10-year age gap between them have a divorce rate of 39%.
  4. Twenty-year gaps. Relationships with age gaps of twenty years have the highest chance of divorce, with their rates at a whopping  95%.

This means that the relationships that last the longest and, presumably, are the most positive, involve minimal age gaps. The higher the age gap, the more likely the chances of divorce.

Just for fun, here are some other findings from this research, as well as relationship statistics from other studies that have been proven to be credible and hold significant accuracy.

  1. Children out of wedlock. Families who have their first child outside of wedlock have a 59% higher chance of getting divorced than those who do not have children.
  2. Children within wedlock. Having children during a relationship drops divorce chances by 76%, but increases chances of the couple splitting up due to child-related stressors when their children are older.
  3. Couples who have been together for two years drop their chances of getting divorced by 43%. Meanwhile, those who hit 10 years together are even less likely to divorce by 94%.
  4. A wide difference in education levels between spouses has divorce probabilities of 43%.

3.    Reasons behind age difference results

There are plenty of reasons that relationships end in divorce. But why is it that wide age gaps tend to lead to bad endings to relationships? Here are a few speculations.

a)    Social convention

It is no secret that couples with large age gaps tend to be looked down upon. Research has shown that those with age differences of 10 years or more don’t particularly receive a lot of positive feedback.

Many times, this social disapproval can lead to decreased relationship commitment. Essentially, if couples do not receive favorable approval from friends, family, and their community because of their age difference, they’re much more likely to break up.

b)    Life stage

Someone who is 30 years old will be facing significantly different issues, goals, priorities, and values than someone who is 20 years old. While couples can work things out despite different views and opinions, differences like these can certainly put a rift in relationships.

This is especially true due to the huge difference in priorities those of different ages experience. To make a relationship last, a couple would have to reconcile these differences – something not everyone is able to do.

c)    Intimacy

As crude as it sounds, the bedroom is an important place for couples. While intimacy isn’t everything and doesn’t play a role in some relationships, allosexual relationships typically require some degree of bedroom chemistry to last.

The issue is that older individuals tend to have lowered intimacy drive. Women, in particular, will have difficulty having children at older ages, and men will not be as interested in being intimate as they once were. Coupled with someone much younger, this discrepancy in intimacy could lead to a break-up.

4.    Do people date their own age?

So, science shows that dating closer to your age gives you a better chance of relationship success. But are people dating in their age groups, to begin with?

The fact is that, all around the world, couples with large age differences are fairly common. Some non-Western countries have an even higher percentage of them than Western countries, in fact. Some countries have as many as 30% of all relationships involving significant differences in age.

age difference

In Western countries, 8% of all relationships involve age differences of 10 years or more. For those in heterosexual relationships, only around 1% of these relationships involve an older woman, and the remaining near-99% involve an older man. In same-sex relationships, 15% of women unions have this age gap, and 25% of male unions have that gap too.

Interestingly, research performed by dating platform OkCupid’s co-founder, Christian Rudder, found that the chosen age demographic of people vary based on gender. Users identifying as female preferred to date men close in age to them and found them the most attractive. Meanwhile, users identifying as male were always more interested in young women, typically in their early 20’s – no matter what age those men themselves were.

Still, the statistics on age differences in relationships suggest that a majority of the population prefer to settle down with those their own age. This is likely due to meeting partners within their social circles, having similar goals, enjoying the same life stages, and generally experiencing attraction to those within their age groups.

5.    Conflicting studies

This isn’t the first study that has attempted to find a link between age differences and the longevity of relationships. In fact, some studies seem to conflict the findings of this one.

Some studies have shown that couples with large age gaps tend to have more positive relationship satisfaction overall. These relationships state that they have higher levels of commitment to each other, with more trust and less jealousy than typically seen in couples of the same age.

Meanwhile, other studies have found that more than 75% of couples involving younger women and older men with significant age gaps show that their relationships are satisfying and positive.

It’s worth noting that some of these studies were conducted more than a decade ago, and others did not involve nearly as large a sample size. However, as with all science, these ideas are interesting ones and further research is needed to fully solidify which ones hold the most compelling findings.

6.    What does this mean?

So what does all of this mean for couples with large age differences? What does it mean for those who tend to date much older or younger people? Does it mean these types of relationships are doomed from the start?

The short answer is: of course not! The failure or success of any relationship is dependant on multiple things all at once. There are plenty of components involved in maintaining a happy and positive relationship, including:

  • Similar beliefs, ideals, and values
  • Personal goals
  • Commitment and priorities
  • Positive conflict resolution
  • Communication
  • Trust
  • Intimacy
  • Support
  • Personalities
  • Perspectives and world view

As you can see, these components do not involve age at all. Though some may be influenced by age, it’s safe to say that a lot of what makes or breaks a relationship has less to do with shallow things like age and more to do with deeply ingrained behaviors and attitudes.

In fact, Hugo Mialon himself, one of the head authors behind this research, states that sometimes these things have much more to do with personality than age. He believes it could be likely that the couples who find themselves in age-gap relationships are those with particular personalities or traits that increase chances of divorce.

What you can take away from this study is that age differences come with their fair share of challenges. You might need to work harder to stay together and overcome adversity. You may have more disagreements. There may be more clashes and misunderstandings. It may be trickier to understand each other’s point of view all the time.


Final Thoughts On The Best Age Difference That Make A Relationship Last

While couples with high age differences have their trials and troubles, they’re no different from those that any other couple faces. At the end of the day, it’s about love, support, communication, positive thinking, and shared values. These matter much more than age.

Age is just a number, but to some degree, numbers do matter. However, they don’t need to rule everything you do and each decision you make. While this study shows that large age gaps increase chances of divorce, there are always exceptions. Not every couple will relate to these findings.

So it’s not really about the best age difference to make a relationship last. It’s about the more important things in relationships. Love, mutual respect, trust … these are the most important things to bring into a union, and they matter far more than age.

Researchers Reveal Free Intelligence Test (That Only Takes 10 Minutes)

Have you ever taken an intelligence test? These exams, often completed with pen and paper, cost a small fortune to take, and take a long time to complete. But what if I told you it may not stay that way for long?

That’s right – recent science has allowed researchers to create a special test that will be easily accessible at no cost, with good results and a short completion time. Researchers recently revealed a free intelligence test that only takes 10 minutes!

Researchers Reveal Free Intelligence Test That Only Takes 10 Minutes

intelligence test

1.    Previous intelligence tests

Plenty of intelligence tests have been created over the years, with quite a few methods of cognitive testing becoming available for tablet-based takers.

However, nonverbal reasoning and logic abilities through problems of a matrix variety are less commonly adapted to mobile and tablet platforms. Even fewer allow for repetitive tests, and even fewer than that have been validated.

The previous standardized test used to determine reasoning ability is Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices, known today as APM. Originally created by John Carlyle Raven, a British psychologist, back in 1938, the test originally held five sets of multiple-choice questions. Each set contained twelve matrices.

Today, the APM features five sets of thirty-six matrices, significantly increasing test criteria. Instead of multiple choice questions, the APM has tests involving the matching of patterns and does not use any sentences or words.

While the APM has served as an accepted and widely used intelligence test for many years, especially for students in undergraduate programs, it has some downsides. The test does not change or present new questions to repeat takers.

  • In addition, this test takes up to an hour to complete.
  • Plus, the test kit and corresponding answer sheets can cost upwards of a few hundred dollars.
  • As more people have taken the test, this price has only increased.

There is, of course, the famed IQ test – but this test isn’t quite in the same frame as the type the APM is used for. It has also been disproven a fair amount of times – something we’ll dive into later in this article.

2.    New intelligence test revealed

To improve on the APM, psychologists from the University of California in Riverside and the University of California in Irvine teamed up to create a test that works just as well. They wanted something more convenient for takers, allowing for a more positive experience.

This test only takes 10 minutes to complete and costs nothing to take. The UCMRT, short for the University of California Matrix Reasoning Task, measures fluid intelligence and tests one’s problem-solving skills. The test can also run on virtually all mobile devices easily.

Additionally, researchers created three different versions of the test that provide the same benefits. This means someone could take the test three times and have accurate results returned. Individuals could only take previous testing methods one single time.

The UCMRT tests only fluid intelligence. It provides an accurate test depicting someone’s intellect, reasoning skills, and problem-solving ability. It supposedly separates high-performing individuals and predicts proficiency in academics.

3.    What is fluid intelligence?

So, we know that the UCMRT only measures fluid intelligence. But exactly is that? What other kinds of intelligence exist?

Let’s start by talking about fluid intelligence. This is the intelligence required for an individual to use good problem-solving skills. Someone with high fluid intelligence can think logically and rationally on their feet in new, unfamiliar circumstances using only the information they have available in the moment.

This means that someone with fluid intelligence can make intelligent decisions without pre-existing knowledge of any kind. They can assess a new situation quickly, even when unprepared, and choose the best options.

Naturally, no one can completely remove all traces of pre-existing knowledge. As one ages, they will likely also have more knowledge to gather from. However, many consider fluid intelligence a more innate form of smarts than other types of intelligence.

On the other hand, crystallized intelligence stands as the “opposite” of fluid intelligence. It represents someone’s ability to apply learned knowledge to situations for the best possible outcomes. An example would be a standardized school test, where students test on what they have learned.

Other kinds of intelligence fall in different categories. Few tests exist for most of these forms of intelligence. Howard Gardener, a developmental psychologist, developed the following nine types of intelligence:

a)    Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

This refers to the ability to use physical skills to use and manipulate objects, often with hand-eye and mind-body coordination. Dancers, craftsmen, athletes, and surgeons need this intelligence.

b)    Existential intelligence

This includes understanding and pondering questions about the human condition, experience, and existence. Philosophers often have high levels of existential intelligence.

c)    Interpersonal intelligence

This intelligence allows people to be good at interacting with other people. Those with these smarts have high levels of empathy, read body language and moods, and have sensitivity toward others. Teachers, actors, and social workers would need this.

d)    Intra-personal intelligence

This allows individuals to understand and reflect on themselves, their feelings, and their emotions, leading to better future planning. Philosophers would also have high levels of this intelligence and religious and spiritual leaders.

e)    Linguistic intelligence

This allows people to understand the complexities of language and its uses. Many individuals have high levels of this, including writers of all kinds, speakers, and even those who excel at word puzzles.

intelligence test

f)     Logical-mathematical intelligence

People with this intelligence have a good grasp of math and calculations. They consider different hypotheses and inferences effectively and engage in abstract thought and deductive reasoning. Scientists, detectives, and mathematicians have high levels of this intelligence.

g)    Musical intelligence

As you may have guessed, this intelligence allows people to understand music. They can create music and have a good sense of rhythm, pitch, and tone. Musicians and others in professional music fields likely boast high levels of this intelligence.

h)    Naturalist intelligence

This intelligence lets people understand and differentiate living and natural things, from animals and plants to rocks and clouds. Hunters, farmers, botanists, and even chefs may have high levels of this intelligence.

i)      Spatial intelligence

This kind of intelligence allows individuals to think in three-dimensional ways. They may be good at graphics or artistry, or be capable of spatial reasoning and have vivid mental imagery.

4.    Research methods and test contents

The UCMRT contains two problems of a two-relation variety, fifteen problems of a three-relation variety, and six problems of a logic-based variety. After creating this test, further research involved recruiting undergraduate students into the study.

A total of 713 participants participated in this study, which simply involved completing the test. Of these participants, 230 had taken the APM intelligence test as well. The results following this were positive. They showed that the UCMRT’s results for each participant had a strong correlation with a variety of other exams and assessment methods, including:

  • College GPA
  • Admission test scores
  • Math exams
  • APM

Compared to the APM, the UCMRT proved that the newer, shorter form of testing proved just as accurate as the APM – with plenty of additional positive benefits.

Researchers hope to diversify the UCMRT further so that those of different ages, knowledge levels, and abilities can take it. According to lead team members, the California State University, located in San Bernardino, is working with them to move toward this more diversified form of intelligence testing.

5.    Taking the test

The UCMRT is a free intelligence test self-admissible, meaning it can be taken from any location and doesn’t require a proctor. It can be taken from most devices connected to the internet. Thanks to log files, the total number of problems correctly completed, wrongly completed, or left uncompleted are easily available.

This intelligence test, not done with pen and paper, also allows better insight into an individual’s unique methods and patterns when solving problems. Additionally, it measures reaction time.

For now, only scientists can access this test. If you are a scientist who would like to use the test, reach out to the lead researcher at

6.    Can it truly reflect intelligence?

There have been many intelligence tests over the years. But can they truly give an accurate value to your intelligence? In short, no, they cannot. However, they may have some merit.

intelligence test

The IQ test, arguably the world’s most famous test of intelligence, measures a mix of crystallized and fluid intelligence. It calculates the levels of intelligence of someone in a more comprehensive way.

But psychologists have criticized this test for years. Recently, in 2012, a study published in a journal called Neuron found that these tests may have less credibility than we believe. This study involved an impressive 44,600 participants, who all performed a series of difficult tasks – 12.

Results showed that not a single test could explain each participant’s results. Three completely different components were required to measure this intelligence at all. As such, we can conclude that no single test can accurately chronicle someone’s intellect.

What does this mean? It means that some people are better at certain things than others. As human beings, we all have intelligence in different, unique ways. No single test can define you. Therefore, stay calm and practice positive thinking even if you receive negative results from them.

intelligence tests

Final Thoughts On Intelligence Tests

While big companies typically administer intelligence tests for high fees, the UCMRT is free, coming as a breath of fresh air to the academic world. It will likely be very frequently taken when it becomes available to the public.

So, should you take the UCMRT? It’s completely up to you, and there’s nothing wrong with the test’s findings. Its research is thorough. Plenty of thought has also been put into it, and it’s proven accurate in the circles it uses. But if you take it, remember that your worth – and even your intelligence – isn’t defined by the UCMRT. No intelligence test can accurately define you because your worth involves much more.

10 Foods That Help You Live to 100

In today’s world of vastly overprocessed, cheap, quick foods, wholesome foods have taken a backseat. We have strayed from our natural roots, and as a consequence, our health is on the decline. However, for those who choose to eat an abundance of fresh, healthy foods, longevity is a natural byproduct. While you might not live to 100 by eating these foods, you can certainly cut your risk of developing many diseases and, therefore, live a healthier life.

Before we get into the specific foods to eat, here’s some general health advice from centenarians themselves. They tell you how to increase your chances if you hope to live to 100:

  • Avoid takeout as much as possible. Instead, cook food at home using fresh ingredients. Also, don’t cook with too much salt.
  • Opt for fresh meat instead of packaged deli meat. Processed meats have been linked to cancer, so avoid them as much as you can.
  • Eat plenty of fiber to improve digestion and get vital nutrients.
  • Indulge in sweets occasionally, but try to eat mostly dark chocolate when your sweet tooth gets the best of you.
  • Use real sugar and butter instead of the substitutes.
  • Drink coffee, but keep alcohol to a minimum.
  • Make sure to eat plenty of protein and keep processed carbs low.
  • Eat only until you’re full.
  • Practice positive thinking.
  • Exercise often.
  • Spend plenty of time with friends and family.

With those out there, let’s get into the foods you should eat if you want to live a long, happy, healthy life!

Here are 10 foods to eat that will (hopefully) help you live to 100:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

  1. Peas

If you want to live to 100, you definitely need to get peas into your diet. Eating cooked peas and other legumes – a huge part of the Mediterranean diet – may slow down aging of the cells, according to a study published in BMJ. Scientists believe the fiber and antioxidants present in peas gives them their anti-aging powers.

  1. Walnuts

According to research published in BMC Medicine, people who eat walnuts regularly (at least three times per week), will live two to three years longer, on average. Walnuts help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, which will certainly help you live longer.

  1. Carrots

Carrots have been known to help improve vision and eye health, but they might also help you live longer. A study done by the Universities of Glasgow and Exeter found that the carotenoids present in carrots can decrease the speed at which aging occurs and may even make you more attractive to potential mates! (That’s always a bonus, right?)

Plus, carrots contain tons of Vitamin A, which helps to protect the skin from bacteria and generate new skin cells.

  1. Coconut

According to a study done by the University of Copenhagen, a diet high in healthy fats such as those found in coconuts can slow down brain aging by shielding DNA from damage. If you want to live to 100, you should seriously consider adding coconuts into your diet by cooking with coconut oil, drinking coconut milk, or simply eating fresh coconuts.

  1. Sauerkraut

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut have a lot of good bacteria that can increase your life span. The bacteria have benefits such as reducing inflammation, increasing metabolism, and boosting the immune system.

  1. Sweet potatoes

According to Kansas State University researchers, eating sweet potatoes regularly could increase your chances if you hope to live to 100. They reported that sweet potatoes, especially the purple variety, contain high levels of anthocyanin, a compound that decreases cancer risk and increases longevity.

  1. Wine and chocolate

A glass or two of wine per day won’t hurt you; in fact, the resveratrol in the wine – a polyphenol compound found to slow down aging and reduce cancer risk – can help you live longer. However, make sure you drink red wine, as this type of wine contains the most resveratrol.

As far as chocolate, opt for dark chocolate made with little or no added sugar. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which have antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and protect the skin against oxidative damage. Plus, dark chocolate can help boost cognitive function.

  1. Pomegranates

Pomegranates might help you live to 100, or at least longer than average, according to a Swiss study. Researchers say that a molecule found in pomegranates called urolithin A can enable muscle cells to guard themselves against major causes of aging.

  1. Salmon

One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can help you live to the ripe old age of 100. Omega-3’s help reduce inflammation and protect against conditions such as heart disease, dementia, and arthritis. Salmon contains a high amount of astaxanthin as well, a natural pigment considered one of the best anti-aging antioxidants in the world.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries taste great and are high in Vitamin C and A as well as anti-aging antioxidants such as anthocyanin. A high intake of this compound could help protect you against age-related diseases as you get older. Plus, the antioxidants found in blueberries can shield you from oxidative damage that contributes to diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

These are just a few foods that could help you live to 100, but as an added bonus, we’ll include a few more foods that should become additions to your daily diet.

A few other foods that help with longevity

  • Spinach

Spinach is low in calories and high in nutrients, which means you should eat this veggie as much as you can. This is another food high in antioxidants which can help you live longer. It’s also rich in nutrients such as Vitamin A and C, which help to keep skin healthy and generate new cells.

  • Avocados

Avocados are chock-full of healthy fats that can reduce inflammation and protect your brain from aging. They are another fruit high in Vitamin A as well, which helps to keep infections and skin problems at bay.

  • Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a powerful anti-aging food due to the large amount of Omega-3’s present. Not to mention, they contain all nine essential amino acids and have a lot of fiber, which makes them a nutritional powerhouse.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that you should include in your diet as much as possible. It contains nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN, which one study found improved the function of the eyes, liver, and skeletal muscles. Broccoli contains high levels of folate and fiber as well, which can help speed up digestion and protect against certain cancers.

live to 100

  • Garlic

Allicin—a component in garlic—is a powerful antioxidant that can help to fight aging. To get the most out of this age-boosting food, make sure to let the garlic simmer in a pan for at least 10 minutes. This will help increase the production of allicin.

  • Parsley

Parsley is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and the flavonoid myricetin, which can help in preventing skin cancer. Vitamin K can reduce blood clotting, improve bone health and memory performance, reduce risk of osteoporosis, and lower blood pressure. You can use parsley in salads, pesto, soups, pasta, and even steak dishes.

  • Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds have healthy fatty acids including omega-3s, omega-6s, gamma-linoleic acid, and stearidonic acid – all of which help protect against heart disease and promote healthy skin. They also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, decrease inflammation, and increase metabolism. If you don’t eat salmon, hemp seeds provide a great way to get enough Omega-3s in your diet.

Furthermore, hemp seeds contain all nine amino acids, making them a wonderful source of protein. Hemp seeds are also low in saturated fats and have no trans fats, making them a heart-healthy addition to your diet. They contain the following nutrients:

  • vitamin E
  • magnesium
  • phosphorous
  • potassium
  • niacin
  • riboflavin
  • thiamine
  • vitamin B-6
  • folate

Hemp seeds have been shown to protect the brain against neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, childhood seizure disorders, and neuropathic pain.

  • Flaxseed

57% percent of the fatty acids found in flaxseed oil are alpha-linoleic acids (ALAs), one of three omega-3 fatty acids. The body converts this type of fatty acid into even more powerful fatty acids such as: docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids. Flaxseeds also contain large amounts of flavonoids, which help to lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure. Flavonoids also reduce the risk of cancer, asthma, stroke, and heart disease.

Flaxseeds are also rich in fiber and protein, which can keep you full longer and improve digestion.

Final thoughts

Living to 100 might not just come down to food, but what you put in your body can certainly boost your chances of living a long life. We either feed disease or fight it every time we eat, so if you want to keep your body healthy and inflammation-free, make sure to eat an abundance of the foods listed above.

If you want the most straightforward health advice, just eat how your grandparents did: whole, fresh foods with no added preservatives or fillers. Eat from nature and your body will reward you with lasting health, happiness, and vitality.

Mental Health Experts Explain 9 Ways Your Home Can Give You Anxiety

Our home brings with it an undeniable feeling of familiarity and comfort. We can be out all night having the time of our lives when, all of a sudden, have a yearning to “just go home.” But is our home actually a covert catalyst of anxiety?

Let us begin by exploring the Biophilia Hypothesis for a moment. It was proposed by naturalist, biologist, and author Edward O. Wilson in 1984 in the book Biophilia.  The Biophilia hypothesis, or “BET,” is the notion that human beings possess an inherent, intimate connection with nature. Modern society’s current ways of living – heavy industry (and pollution), obsession with money, addiction to technology – has effectively separated us from our former abode, causing a conflict in the subconscious.

Wilson’s theory makes sense when viewed from an evolutionary perspective. Not long ago, man lived out amongst the elements, save for rudimentary shelters like caves and tree branches. When not resting, you would find the men, women, and children outdoors, hunting and gathering for food, water, and other necessities of daily life.

What does the Biophilia Hypothesis have to do with home-induced anxiety?

Well, if Mr. Wilson is indeed correct, our home is separating us from our original habitat – and no species is okay with exile!  Another idea is that nature signifies life and vitality. Indeed, plants and trees – two of the most commonly-found things in nature – permit life; a fact that may help explain why we find flowers and plants adorning most homes and workspaces. The hypothesis may help explain why many people feature nature at the centerpiece (if you will) of their homes – a concept known as biophilic design.

In other words, as Mammalia, we human beings – despite our advanced intelligence and, for some, vehement insistence to the contrary – inherently desire to return to our original home out in the elements. As a side note, Wilson’s hypothesis gathers steam when you consider that humans are the only species who do not actively reside in the natural world.

At the very least, the Biophilia Hypothesis makes us think about our relationship with nature. Whether it explains away the deep-rooted anxiety that some (all?) experience in the home is up to the psychoanalytical among us.

Ways Your Home Can Make You Anxious

The Biophilia Hypothesis aside, we do know that one’s environment can influence their state of mind. Given that the home is indeed an environment, it is reasonable to assume that it can spur anxious feelings, but why? Here are 9 possible ways that your home can give you anxiety:

  1. Your place is cluttered and disorganized

Okay, so check these numbers out. Per a survey of more than a thousand Americans over 18 years old, 47 percent constantly worry about the orderliness of their home. Also, scientists know that too much clutter raises cortisol levels. Per Psychology Today, the stress hormone cortisol “is public enemy number one,” with high levels of the hormones causing disturbances in learning and memory, immune system, metabolism, and more.

What to do: Start small by organizing your bedroom closet or kitchen drawers. Eventually, begin thinking bigger and take on more time-consuming projects. The enemy of anxiety is action. Take it.

  1. You’re shouldering too much of the load

Women are disproportionately affected by home anxiety, affecting upwards of 87 percent of the female population. Eighty percent of people surveyed state that they take on more household-related responsibilities than their partner.  These numbers make sense considering that women tend to take on more of the home responsibilities than their male counterparts. Having to work (60 percent of women are active in the labor force) and manage home responsibilities is highly stressful, increasing the risk of anxiety.

What to do: Have an honest conversation with your partner while maintaining openness to their views. Be polite and non-defensive, as calm communication increases the likelihood of coming to an agreement regarding household responsibilities.

  1. You’re sick of the housemates

It is important to have housemates that are on the same page – or at least close. Per a study conducted by Harvard University’s Chan School of Public Health, 32 percent of individuals with long-term anxiety cite tension between the housemates as their number one cause of stress. A tense relationship with cohabitants may exacerbate any underlying anxiety, which may remain long after you leave the house.

What to do: Keep your relationships “organized” by setting limits and creating an atmosphere of positivity. Create a culture whereby things that need addressing are addressed in an open, welcoming atmosphere.

  1. You don’t like to, well, move

It’s no secret that inactivity is both mentally and physically bad for us. When the body is stationary, the mind is, also. As such, we’re far more likely to experience anxious thoughts when inactive. A meta-analysis of nine studies, produced by the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University in Australia discovered a direct correlation between (a) the amount of time a person sits each day, and (b) severity of anxiety symptoms.

What to do: Do you sit all day at work? If so, it’s probably not the best idea to come home and immediately sit down and veg out. A better approach is to take an hour nap before hitting the gym for an hour or two. At the very least, take a 30-minute walk before parking in front of the tube.

  1. There’s little natural light

If your home resembles the inside of a cave, it’s time to change things up. Besides running the risk of being thought a vampire, it turns out that too little exposure to natural light can put you down in the dumps. Neurological research shows that exposure to sunlight stimulates the production of the brain chemical serotonin – the neurotransmitter responsible for mood stabilization.

What to do: First thing in the morning, crack the shades open. Then take a brisk walk outside if the temperature permits. If you work in an office, try to get a desk near a window – or a door. Try to get outside during breaks.

  1. Your aesthetics are all jacked up

Have you lived in the same coop for years and done next to nothing to jazz up the place? Adding some décor might make you feel better, while staying in the same bland spot may exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Per a multi-disciplinary study of patient satisfaction in Australian mental health clinics, attractive aesthetical designs can reduce anxiety and stress levels while promoting “positive mental health outcomes.”

What to do: Designate an area or room in your home for quiet time. Consider adding a small garden or furnishing your home with plants or other natural objects.

  1. Your fridge is filled with processed stuff

We can’t discuss mental health and not mention diet. The fact is that the food you put in your mouth affects how you feel – and processed food is the absolute worst in this regard. It is probable that the link between the consumption of processed foods and anxiety onset has to do with a lack of energy available to the brain, which may cause brain fog.

What to do: First, know that everything you put into your mouth affects your brainpower. Second, eat foods scientifically proven to protect or enhance brain function. For some ideas, check out our article “7 Foods That Increase Your Brain Power Naturally”! 

  1. You’re a digital fiend

mental health

So, Americans spend an average of 11 hours per day consuming media. Why is this a problem? According to multiple clinical studies covering an array of mental health/digital consumption topics, overdependence on technology is directly linked to anxiety and depression.

– Researchers out of the University of Pennsylvania state: “Using less social media than you normally would leads to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness.”

– Scientists at the University of Toledo found a direct link between binge-watching television and poor mental health outcomes.

– Since 2018, “Gaming disorder” and “Social media anxiety disorder” are two medically-recognized mental health conditions.

What to do: If nothing else, restrict the amount of time spent on social media. Consider downloading a PC and mobile application that tracks time spent on such sites.

  1. You don’t have anyone over. Like, ever.

When you’re anxious, the last thing you want is to have people over. As with being sedentary, a lack of social interaction may cause a proliferation of negative thoughts. For some people, that fact that they’re dealing with these issues alone may induce or worsen anxiety symptoms.

What to do: Though your anxiety may be screaming otherwise, have a couple of friends over now and again – or go over to their place. You may find that a bit of opening up eases some of that stress.

Final Thoughts

Given the prevalence and consequences of anxiety, we must mention it in the context of an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) causes people with the condition to feel anxious for seemingly no reason – independent of their surroundings. As such, it makes sense from a mental health perspective that one prone to anxiety would experience anxiety in the home more frequently than the general population.

It is importance to remember that anxiety is a treatable condition. If you’re combating frequent anxiety, it may be best to seek the advice of a qualified medical professional or mental health expert.

20 Emotional Photos That Prove Kindness Still Exists

“One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.” – Sophocles

Kindness exists everywhere if you simply open your eyes and take time to notice. The world might seem overwhelmingly negative at times, but the compassion of humans is the glue that holds it all together. Without kindness, we would certainly perish, because we need one another to survive.

We often forget about our reliance on one another in such an individualistic society, but at our core, we are social creatures. Additionally, we simply could not survive without looking after one another. We hope the following photos will remind you that, even if you feel alone, someone out there cares about you. Miracles happen when you least expect them, so make sure you keep an open heart to the kindness of humanity.

Here are 20 emotional photos that show kindness is very much alive in our world:

1. This woman wanted to see her favorite hockey team one last time, and fans made sure her wish came true.

2. A man wanted to take his own life, so these truck drivers lined up side by side in order to save him. Kindness can truly save lives.

3. A random patron at a restaurant decided to foot the bill for someone else’s meal. To sweeten the pot, it turned out it was a birthday lunch!

It is stuff like this humans that makes me still have faith in humans – and to even make it better it was a birthday lunch with wife and baby and no one knew! Thanks anonymous nice person!
byu/MuuaadDib inpics

4. Even though it’s just a dollar, it’s the thought that really counts.

Just a simple thing, but it made day so much better
by inrandomactsofkindness

5. This family wanted everyone who passed by to enjoy the fall leaves!

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6. Everyone should have someone to eat with on Thanksgiving. Well, this restaurant went above and beyond to ensure no one would get left out.

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7. In the cold winter months, it’s important to have the proper clothing. This random person showed kindness by making sure as many people as possible stayed warm and cozy.

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8. This is how life should be – helping each other survive and spreading kindness everywhere.

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9. In a snowy environment, this would be much appreciated by pretty much anyone.

Random Act of Kindness 2015: Neighbor from way down the street snow blowed all of the driveways he could before people had to leave for work. I haven’t even met the gentleman.
byu/RRunner316 inpics

10. Free wings from the birthday girl. What a nice surprise!

Random Act of Kindness

11. We all need a little shelter from the storms of life from time to time.


[deleted by user]
by inpics

12. Buying coffee for a stranger is always an appreciated act of kindness. Caffeine = happiness.

Random dude just walked up to me to say “we’re doing random acts of kindness and I’m buying you a coffee” … it’s 4:45PM and this is 20oz.
byu/KarmaCatalyst inpics

13. In exchange for giving a homeless man a place to stay for the night, he cleaned the owner’s car before leaving.

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14. A simple red rose can brighten up anyone’s day. Aren’t humans just amazing?

I had a act of kindness today, a customer gave me a rose just because he loves coming into my store. It really made my day!
byu/Ashydabrave inpics

15. The homeless need our love and kindness just as much as anyone else.

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kindness quote

16. Choose to live in awe of humanity’s potential, and you will be rewarded generously.


The day before I was to take my son camping my bank screwed me over. We left for our trip with just enough cash for gas there and back. But some wonderful strangers paid us a random act of kindness. We found this on our car in the morning.
byu/Starample inpics

17. Helping humans stay hydrated is definitely an honorable gesture.

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18. “Nearly every time I arrive at this car park (PM) there are always tickets people have left behind after use, valid until the next morning. Small acts of kindness…”

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19. Love is the best medicine.

Doctor gives hugs to strangers to cure her fear of cancer.

20. If we all learn to count and look out for each other, we can change the world.

Random Act of Kindness, My pregnant wife and I found this on our door after checking on our house at night. No contact info, no name or anything. I want to thank this person and hug them for making us happy.(House flooded from Hurricane Sandy)
byu/billdaff inpics

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Harvard Astronomer Reveals The Greatest Recent Discovery In Human History (If It’s True)

Many accounts of people claim to see alien spaceships flying in the sky (usually somewhere out in the desert). The chairman of Harvard University’s astronomy department believes the discovery, “Oumuamua,” might finally give us definitive proof.

Professor Abraham Loeb studied physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Later, he gained admission to the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. Yep. The same place where Albert Einstein used to work. Time magazine named Loeb one of the 25th most influential people in astronomy in 2012, and has had 700 articles published in scientific journals. In October 2018, Loeb and his postdoctoral student Shmuel Bialy published an article in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. They suggested that an alien spaceship had been spotted in our solar system in the piece.

Called Oumuamua, the “spaceship” is the first object in history that scientists can say with 100% certainty originated outside of our solar system.

Facts about the Discovery of Oumuamua

Discovered by Canadian astronomer Robert Weryk on October 19, 2017, the Pan-STARRS telescope at the Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii detected Oumuamua. If you were wondering, “Oumuamua” is Hawaiian for “first distant messenger.” Weryk observed that Oumuamua was 33 million kilometers away from Earth. that equals 85 times the distance between the moon and Earth.

All the planets, asteroids, and meteors within our solar system orbit the Ecliptic plane. But Oumuamua entered the solar system north of that plane in an extremely hyperbolic orbit at 26.3 kilometers per second faster than the sun’s orbit.

Scientists have found that Oumuamua traveled into the ecliptic plane on September 6, 2017, where the sun’s gravity sped up the object to a velocity of 87.8 kilometers per second. Three days later, the object passed closer to the sun than the orbit of Mercury. Then, on October 14, five days before Robert Weryk found it in Hawaii, Oumuamua passed 24.18 million kilometers away from Earth, or 62 times farther away than the moon.

Speculation about the Discovery of Oumuamua

While many of Abraham Loeb’s colleagues were hesitant to report their observations to the scientific community, Loeb didn’t see the point of withholding the truth. Loeb said that well-respected colleagues of his admitted that the object was strange but didn’t want to go public with their opinions. However, since Loeb has tenure, he felt he could take a risk without putting his job on the line.

In an interview with a reporter from Haaretz, Loeb says that as children, we state our thoughts about the world without hesitation. He says that as adults, our egos get in the way, but as a scientist, he feels that childhood innocence plays a big role in making discoveries about the world and reporting the truth.

Loeb told the reporter that he was disappointed in the lack of observation of Oumuamua from the scientific community. He said scientists pored over it for roughly a week after its discovery and concluded that it was a comet at first. However, there was no comet tail visible. So although it could’ve evaporated as it approached the sun since it’s made of ice, Loeb said there was no trail of gas or dust in Oumuamua.

An Asteroid?

Then, scientists thought it could be an asteroid. But the brightness of the object changed by a factor of 10 while it rotated on its axis for eight hours. The brightness of asteroids observed in the past usually changes by three, at maximum.

In addition to the “brightness factor” difference in Oumumua compared to asteroids, the Hubble Space Telescope data showed that the object had mysteriously accelerated near the inner solar system. The gravity of the sun does not explain this acceleration. So what caused it to speed up?

Comets normally accelerate due to the sun warming up the ice in the comet, which causes the ice to escape into space as gas. In turn, the comet accelerates due to the emission. However, since no comet tail was observed behind Oumuamua, Loeb came to a different conclusion.

Instead of comet outgassing, Loeb explained that the spaceship accelerated due to a push from solar radiation pressure. Since there was no heat coming from the object, it would have to be at least ten times more reflective than a comet or asteroid since it used the light from the sun as propulsion.

Life in Outer Space?

So, why haven’t we heard from other life at any time before? Loeb says that we have a minimal window to contact other civilizations. Even if other life forms launch spaceships such as Oumuamua, that doesn’t mean anyone is left on the origin planet if we try to make contact. We’ve been sending out radio signals for decades and gotten nowhere. However, a lot of factors go into that. Not only might the civilization we’re attempting to contact not exist any longer, but it might be broadcasting on a different frequency or only at certain times.

Loeb speculates that if other civilizations are anything like ours, the technology used to advance them ultimately destroys them. On our planet, we must deal with wars and global warming, for instance, due to our advances in technology. Who knows what problems other civilizations face? These factors compound to explain why we might not have heard any radio signals directed at us.


What was the reason for launching Oumuamua?

Of course, scientists can’t be certain, but Loeb believes that a particularly advanced civilization out there wanted to contact us, just as we attempt to contact other life forms. He says it might be possible that Oumuamua exists along with many other ships out there. Indeed, we just happened to detect Oumuamua since it ended up in our solar system.

Our space exploration technology remains very limited. So Loeb says that we will likely discover much more advanced technology if we ever leave the solar system. However, whether our findings are still-thriving or long gone civilizations is up for debate. Even if we only find remnants of past civilizations, that’s still a good sign for humanity.

A Lesson from OumuamuaOumuamua

Loeb explains that it will serve as a reminder of how we should live. It will make us think twice about how we tend to work against each other rather than with each other. Hopefully, we can all land on the same page. To learn more about other planets and ways of life, we have to make sure our own life can survive. We must work together to create sustainable technologies that will allow us to thrive on this planet and search for life outside of it.

When asked if he believes in life on other planets, Loeb answers with an emphatic “yes.”

He says anyone who believes we are the sole inhabitants among countless planets is full of arrogance. Futher, he points out that there are more planets similar to Earth than grains of sand. This is almost impossible to imagine, but it does make his point a lot more believable.

Final Thoughts on the Discovery

So, what does this discovery mean for us? Well, it’s only the start of our understanding of the universe. We have much more to learn and uncover about the vastness of space, but the finding of Oumuamua shows that the idea of alien life is at least more plausible.

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