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10 Stretches That Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension (In Less Than 10 Minutes)

Do you know just how crucial it is to stretch? (Hint: It’s very, very important.) Stretching is not just for athletes and the physically active. Those of us who deal with too much stress need to do stretches, as do people who live a relatively sedentary lifestyle.

So, why do we need to stretch? Here’s the thing: Stress is stored in the body. Whenever we push away unwelcome emotions – fear, irritation, sadness – we are, in effect, sending stress to “live” somewhere else. Repression and denial of negative emotions only worsen the problematic physical and psychological effects of stress.

In this article, we’ll discuss 10 stretches that you can do in less than 10 minutes that will relieve neck and shoulder tension. Prior to doing so, we’ll discuss the role that your mood plays in tension. Finally, we’ll give some additional tips for releasing any pent-up tension.

The Psychology of Neck and Shoulder Tension

“When stress responses occur infrequently, the body can recover relatively quickly from the physiological, psychological, and emotional changes. When stress responses occur too frequently and/or dramatically, however, the body has a more difficult time recovering.” – Anxiety Centre (source)

The neck and shoulders carry a disproportionate amount of tension relative to the rest of the body. Some psychologists attribute neck and shoulder tension to people taking on – or thinking they are carrying – excessive burdens and responsibilities. In other words, pretty much everyone contends with neck and shoulder tightness at some point.

Psychosomatic pain and tension are particularly common in the U.S. This is hardly a surprise, considering that American workers have outdone Europe and Japan in terms of “(working) longer hours …and stress-related illnesses,” according to Forbes online. Many surveys and research studies cite the workplace as the leading source of stress and anxiety for most of the U.S. population.

Workplace stress aside, whenever our body activates something called the stress response, the body automatically tenses up. The stress response, also called “fight-or-flight,” causes the body to release hormones. These hormones initiate changes in our physical and psychological makeup.

Physiologically, the muscles in the body are “designed” to resist any imminent damage in the event of a stress response. If chronic tension is present, however, this mechanism can take a heavy toll on our bodies. Relatedly, it appears that muscles in the neck, back, and shoulders are disproportionately affected by long-term stress.

Chronic Tension and Its Effects

“Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. …That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.” – Harvard University Medical School (source)

Per the American Psychological Association (APA), muscle tension can be damaging. In scenarios of short-lived stress, muscles tense and release after the stress passes. When the stress becomes chronic, the muscles will tense up and not release easily. This long-acting muscle tension may manifest into conditions such as tension headaches, migraines, and musculoskeletal pain of the lower back and upper extremities.

Chronic tension may also lead to damage for the heart and blood vessels. Elevated blood pressure and high levels of stress hormones contribute to complications. Without treatment, chronic tension can give way to hypertension, increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Tension that doesn’t recede can cause destabilization of the respiratory system – the larynx, trachea, and lungs. Heavy tension commonly causes rapid breathing and shortness of breath. Individuals with medical conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may experience more severe symptoms.

The Five Benefits of Stretching

Physiologists cite five main benefits for stretching:

  1. Maintains and expands range of motion

Muscles and tendons naturally tighten, particularly if you are active. Too much tightness can cause muscle pain and limit range of motion. Routinely stretching can help to offset these limitations on the range of motion – and may even help you expand it.

  1. Relieves stress

You know by now that the body and mind are inextricably linked. When you’re stressed, so is your body. When your body is stressed, so is your mind. Naturally, when you relieve tension and stress in the body, your mind becomes more relaxed.

  1. Increases muscle tone

Stretching on the regular won’t make you the next Arnold, but it will support muscle tone by working your tendons and muscle fibers. Moreover, properly stretching before a workout will help your muscles more efficiently add muscle.

  1. Aids recuperation and helps you avoid injury

Athletes know the important of stretching compressed joints. Doing so helps to prevent injury and accelerates recovery time for injured joints, muscles, and tendons.

  1. Prepares the body for physical exertion

If you are working out, no matter if the exercise is light, moderate, or heavy, you should be stretching beforehand. As mentioned prior, doing so helps prevent injury, but it also enhances your workout. Make sure to hit all areas of your body during the stretch, whether or not you think they’re involved in your movements.

10 Quick Stretches that Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension

Now that you understand some of the things that can contribute to neck and shoulder tension and pain, here are some 10-minutes-or-less stretches that can limber you up:

  1. Neck roll

– Roll up a regular-size towel.

– Place the towel at the base of your neck.

– Carefully, let your head drop back to the surface.

– Remain in this position for 5 to 10 minutes.

  1. Neck flex

– Place your right hand on top of your head and stretch the neck towards your right side.

– Hold this position for 30 seconds.

– Repeat the movement using your left side.

– Tips: Please sit down in a comfortable position in a chair or on a mat.

  1. Trap stretches

–   Start by placing your right arm diagonally across the small of your back and grabbing it with your left hand.

– Gently pull the right arm towards the left foot while tilting your head towards the left shoulder.

– Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat with the left arm.

  1. Single-cross arm stretches

– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

– Cross your right arm across your chest.

– Using the area just underneath the left wrist, pull your right arm towards the body.

– Hold for 10 seconds and switch sides.

  1. Shoulder roll

– Begin in the standing position with your back and neck held straight.

– Simultaneously lift both shoulders up and roll them back, down, across, and back up.

– Tips: Keep your neck tucked throughout the motion.

  1. Anterior shoulder reach

– Begin the movement by standing up straight.

– Clasp both hands behind your back, interlocking the fingers.

– Straighten the arms as much as possible.

– With a strong grip, slowly lift your arms opposite from the small of your back.

– Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat.

  1. 90-degree wall stretches

– Begin the movement by holding your right arm firmly against the wall, palms down.

– Pressing the shoulder into the wall, push against the wall with your opposite hand and rotate your torso.

– Hold the position for 30 seconds and switch sides, repeating if desired.

  1. Threading the needle

– Place a comfortable mat on the floor and get down on your hands and knees.

– Slide the left arm, palm up, between the opposite arm and legs.

– Rotate your body until your head touches the ground.

– Hold the above position for 30 seconds and repeat with the right arm.

  1. Scapulae stretches

– Sit in a chair and hold it from behind with one hand.

– Tuck your chin towards the chest and bring your ear toward the left shoulder with your left hand.

– Holding the above position, rotate your head 45 degrees, right and then left.

– Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with the right side.


  1. Cow-face stretches

– Begin the movement by holding your left arm straight in front of you.

– Bend the left arm at the elbow and bring it around to the small of your back.

– Use your right hand to reach behind your back and grasp the left hand, creating a gentle stretch.

– Hold the position for 10 seconds and switch sides.

12 Simple Habits That Help You Live Longer

It’s never too late to start adopting new habits to make your life better. When you consciously make changes in the things you do, then you can better protect yourself from developing serious physical and mental health problems. We all want to live longer, and some habits can help accomplish just that.

Taking action to start a new habit can take time. However, if you stay patient, focused, and motivated, then you can see the positive effects of your efforts. But what kinds of habits must you adopt in your life so that you’ll be able to enjoy this longer? Here are some suggestions below.


Here Are 12 Simple Habits That Make You Live Longer

1.    Get your annual check-up from one doctor every year.

To maintain good health, it’s important that you undergo a physical checkup every year. This is not just a preventive health measure but it also reinforces a healthier lifestyle. After all, you have a responsibility to your family and loved ones to take good care of your health.

Visiting your doctor annually will also foster a good and positive relationship with your health provider. But according to a study from the experts at the University of Exeter, you should consistently see just one doctor instead of several doctors for your annual medical examinations. This way, you can receive individualized and specific guidance about your health based on your medical history, especially if you are considered a high-risk patient.

You could be high risk if:

  • You smoke and drink alcohol regularly
  • You’re overweight or obese
  • You have a history of chronic diseases in the family
  • You’re a sexually active woman
  • You’re over 50 years old

2.    Start wearing more comfortable shoes.

It might be time to consider scaling back on those stilettos and high heels if you’d like to live longer. Though such footwear may make you look fashionable and stylish, switching to comfortable flat shoes will allow you to control your physical activities better.

  • If you’re used to wearing comfortable shoes, you will be able to walk 10,000 steps each day without breaking your back or causing pain in your feet and legs.
  • Walking these many steps daily satisfies the recommendation from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to do at least 150 minutes of moderate workouts every week.
  • There’s plenty to gain from walking because this can cut your risk for stroke by 20 percent.
  • It can also aid in your weight loss efforts so you won’t develop diseases caused by excessive weight.

3.    Gain more sleep, especially during weekends.

You’ll live longer if you give your body enough time to rest, recuperate, and recharge. You can do this by sleeping longer or sleeping in during the weekends. Time and again, experts have associated better health to longer sleep hours. But with so many things to do, most people are actually sleep-deprived and don’t realize it.

  • If you’re always feeling tired, or out of focus, or getting sick, then it’s best to listen to the cues that your body tells you.
  • Perhaps it’s time to develop a proper bedtime routine and better sleeping habits.
  • You don’t necessarily have to have nine hours of sleep every night.
  • Some people can regularly sleep for fewer hours, but make sure the quality of your sleep is optimal and uninterrupted.

4.    Don’t be a couch potato.

Try to cut back on your vegging time on the couch so that you’ll live longer. As much as possible, spend only a maximum of two hours watching television. Don’t make a habit of turning your sofa into your bed no matter how comfortable it might make you feel.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, people who spend a maximum of two hours watching television on the couch can extend their life for 1.4 years more. When you sit too long, you deprive your body of physical activities that can trigger disease development like diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It is, without any doubt, a lot better to limit your sedentary lifestyle.

5.    Take exercising seriously.

Exercising was always easier when you were younger because gym class was part of school requirements. But it could be a struggle now that you’re older. Additionally, you don’t have as much time to go to the gym with your work responsibilities and other obligations.

But if you value your health, you need to take exercising seriously. Perform workouts as often as you can. You can’t slow down with the physical activities, especially if you’re pushing 40 because your body needs more exercise to stay healthier.

  • If you’re having a hard time setting a goal to exercise, why not enlist with a group of friends?
  • When you’re motivated to work out with other people, you’ll have better chances of achieving something that will be good for your health.
  • Eventually, you’ll get the hang of exercising even if you’re alone.

6.    Learn to eat more healthy fats.

Fats from the food you eat are not entirely bad. Your body needs fats for energy so you shouldn’t completely avoid them. Instead, you should learn to distinguish the healthy fats from the bad fats if you want to live longer.

Eating higher amounts of monounsaturated fats from foods like avocados, nuts, olive oil, and vegetable oil can reduce your risk of premature death by 16 percent, according to Harvard Health. Occasionally, you should also get fats from animal sources like red meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Balance this with fat sources from plants to reduce your death risk by 25 percent.

7.    Understand how your gut works.

Experts at the McGill University revealed that the secret to a long life is knowing how your gut works. The trillions of organisms thriving in your digestive tract can determine your longevity. Eat more probiotic foods like yogurt, cultured vegetables (sauerkraut and kimchi), apple cider vinegar, and miso soup to foster a good and healthy gut. You’ll want to maintain a good balance of the bacteria inside your digestive tract so that your body will be able to:

  • Properly digest your food
  • Boost your immunity system
  • Distribute nutrients to your vital organs properly
  • Make good use of the proteins that will help prevent inflammation and blood clots

Scientists are still learning more about the health benefits of maintaining healthy gut bacteria. But several studies have found links that make gut bacteria crucial to weight management and the prevention of chronic illnesses. The gut microbes are also crucial to your brain structure and functioning so it can also affect your mental health and even the aging of your brain.

8.    Hydrate well to live longer.

The human body is mostly made of water. If you’re not hydrating enough, you’ll easily develop a lot of symptomatic illnesses like headache, skin dryness, disorientation, tiredness, and fatigue due to dehydration.

You’ll deprive your body of the nutrients the organs need to function well when you regularly fail to drink enough water. If your organs aren’t working right, you’ll risk developing serious diseases at a younger age. Drinking water regularly enables your body to:

  • Energize your muscles
  • Ease the wrinkles on your skin
  • Protect your kidneys
  • Regulate your colon’s function

Besides drinking water, you can also hydrate your body by eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

9.    Develop a healthy time outdoors.

Your body needs vitamin D for a healthy, long life.  This nutrient is crucial to boosting the health of your teeth, bones, and muscles, especially if you are aging. But there’s no richer source of vitamin D than the sun. Your brain and mental health also receive a proper boost from sunlight because sun exposure increases the development of serotonin, also known as the happy hormone.

Because the sun’s radiation can be harmful to the skin, some people avoid being under the sun; it may increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Unfortunately, you can’t get the best benefits from vitamin D if you’re always indoors so you need to develop a healthy time outdoors.

Ideally, you should get some beneficial sunlight in the early hours of the morning. Try to do your morning exercises outdoors before 10 a.m. If you’re afraid of skin cancer risks, always put on sunscreen before you head out.

10.  Do housework and organize your cabinets regularly.

There are plenty of benefits to doing housework and organizing your items regularly. It keeps you active and gets you up and off the couch so that you reduce your risks for cardiovascular diseases. It also helps maintain a cleaner environment in your house when you know where everything goes.

But housework also helps improve the state of your mental health. According to experts at the William Paterson University and Columbia Business School, mopping the floor, vacuuming and organizing your cabinets can be a good mental cleansing experience for those with anxiety issues. It’s a stress reliever for some people and if you know how to manage your stress, then you can better take charge of your health.

11.  Cultivate a hobby you can derive pleasure from.

Having a hobby is good for your life’s enrichment.

  • When you set aside time for leisure, you are essentially giving yourself relief from the stress of life and the daily grind.
  • You also eliminate boredom to foster more positive energy in your life.
  • Cultivating a hobby also allows you to learn new things and meet new people.
  • You can grow and improve yourself, as well as build your skills from this experience.

It’s also good for your mental well-being to always try something new. The world is filled with lots of exciting and wonderful things you can explore and adopt in your life that will make it worth living.

12.  Maintain good relationships with your friends and family.

You need to have supportive and understanding friends and family around you who will make your life richer. Sharing your life’s highs and lows with people you can talk with and relate to will allow you to live longer.

live longer

Unloading your thoughts, worries, and concerns will keep your mental well-being positive and healthy. So, as much as possible, maintain a healthy friendship with your peers and a good relationship with members of your family because you can’t go through life keeping pent up emotions.

Final Thoughts On Some Habits That Make You Live Longer

Keep track of the simple habits you make so that you can see and feel the real changes. When the going gets tough, however, remind yourself that you want to live longer so you need to keep doing these habits.

To further motivate yourself, start with simple goals, yet make it challenging. Celebrate milestones and even give yourself rewards for achieving something positive that you’ve never done before. It might also help to mix up the habits you’re trying to develop so that it won’t become like a monotonous task you’re forced to do.

8 Phrases Manipulators Use To Hide Their Intentions

Manipulators are masters of trickery and deception. They seek to get their way no matter what, and they use their silver tongues to get out of trouble and trick those around them.

The trouble with manipulators is that they never fight fair. They use the emotions, thoughts, and personalities of others against them so they can “win” or get what they want. In other words, when you’re face to face with a manipulator, they have likely analyzed you and determined how best to push your buttons to achieve a certain outcome.

Even worse, many manipulators do their best to play the victim and act innocent. This can make it difficult for you to gauge whether you’re speaking to someone who means well or someone who is trying to deceive you.

The good news is that many manipulators use the same tactics to achieve their desired effect. Here are some phrases manipulators use often, so you will know when someone is trying to get the better of you, and how to respond to them in a positive yet firm way.

Here Are 8 Phrases Manipulators Use Often

1.    You misunderstood me. / You have it all wrong.

When a manipulator is called out or caught in the act, they are unlikely to ever take the blame themselves. In order to avoid being considered at fault, they will try to twist the situation to make themselves look innocent – or worse, they’ll play the victim.

This is why if you call out a manipulator on problematic actions, they are quick to defend themselves. “That’s not what I meant!” they’ll shout. “You’ve misunderstood!” they’ll insist. “You have it all wrong!” they’ll cry.

  • But what they’re doing isn’t trying to get you to see what “really happened.”
  • They’re trying to manipulate you into believing that they’re the victim in the situation.
  • Worse yet, they’re trying to shirk responsibility for their actions.

In this situation, a manipulator is seeking to make you doubt yourself, others, and the entire situation. This is known as gaslighting, and it can make you feel like you’re going crazy and can’t trust yourself. Your confusion, however, only satisfies a manipulator.

The next time someone attempts to play the victim or shift blame onto you and others respond proactively. Tell them to take responsibility and share the blame with others involved. Make it clear that being at fault doesn’t mean you think of them as a bad person.

2.    Look what you made me do!

Similarly to our first point, this is another way that manipulators will try to play the victim. When they do something wrong, make a mistake, or mistreat you, they will find a way to turn the situation around so the blame rests on you.

  • With a manipulator, their actions are never their responsibility.
  • Someone else made them do it, always, even when they are adults who should be capable of controlling their actions.
  • They use phrases like, “Look what you made me do,” to make you feel self-conscious and worried about your own actions, distracting you from theirs.

To deal with a manipulator who uses these tactics, be sure to stand your ground. Inform them that you aren’t responsible for their actions and that they need to take responsibility for their behavior. Preston Ni, who has an MSBA, states that avoiding self-blame is key to dealing with someone trying to manipulate you.

3.    I understand your point of view, but my way is best for us.

Sometimes, a manipulator will try to pretend that they empathize with you. They will say that completely understand your point of view while reiterating that they know best. If you’re in a romantic relationship with someone who behaves this way, you need to nip this behavior in the bud before it spirals out of control.

When a manipulator says something like this, they’re showing that they supposedly have heard all your points and understood them. This will lead you to believe that they are thinking logically and rationally and finding the true “best” option. Most of the time, though, this is just another trick to convince you to do things their way.

The most positive way to respond to someone who tries to use this to manipulate you is in the same manner. Indicate that it may be what they think is best for them, but that it simply isn’t what is best for you. If you are in a relationship, partnership, or work together, tell the other person that your best option will always be to make serious decisions as a team.

4.    You’re being crazy. / You’re overthinking this.

This is the purest form of gaslighting. A manipulator will try to make you believe that you’re the one being unreasonable, even for asking for very simple, basic things – like respect. A manipulator might say things like:

  • You’re being crazy!
  • It’s not a big deal.
  • You’re really overthinking this.
  • You’re thinking too hard about this.
  • Just use positive thinking.
  • You’re being overly sensitive.
  • You need to lighten up a little!
  • You’re not making any sense.

The reason a manipulator might use phrases like this is to convince you that you’re being irrational. If you allow this to get to you, it may eventually lead to you backing down, convinced that they are the ones being rational. This will only lead to a further cycle of toxicity.

Manipulators often try to convince their victims that everything is in their imagination. They might do something that greatly upsets you, then convince you that you are overreacting. It’s a dangerous game to play and can lead to prolonged emotional abuse.

Stand up for yourself. Stay calm and speak clearly and in a rational, balanced tone. If you begin doubting yourself, take a moment to pause and think about it. Are you impaired in any way? Or is this person just gaslighting you?

5.    I’ve bought you a gift/apologized, so why are you still angry?

Manipulators and abusers are famous for perpetuating a cycle of wrongdoing, apologies, and forgiveness. They will do something nasty, apologize or make up for it in the sweetest way, earn your trust, and then do it all over again.

If a manipulator gives you a gift and expects an immediate positive turnaround from you, politely thank them for the gift but be firm that they cannot buy forgiveness. You can even go as far as to offer to return their gift if this is a form of bribery for them.

If a manipulator apologizes and demands that you immediately forgive them, you will have to stand your ground. Many times, apologies are only filler words. They likely do not mean a change in behavior is going to occur.

Tell a manipulator who apologizes frequently that you will not provide them with forgiveness until you see a clear improvement in their actions.

6.    I would never hit/hurt you!

Many of us draw the line at physical abuse but are woefully less aware of emotional abuse. We often allow signs of emotional negativity to slip right past us, and it’s typically brushed off as “not serious.”

Manipulators know this, too. That’s why they would never hit you physically. Many manipulators know that physical assault is where most people’s limits lie, so they toe the line there. By stating that they would never physically hurt you, they’re stopping you from making a connection between their behavior and toxicity or abuse.

But something doesn’t have to be physical for it to be bad. If you feel that you are being emotionally abused, you should take it just as seriously as you would physical or sexual abuse. Some warning signs of emotional abuse from a manipulator are:

  • Verbal threats
  • Humiliation or embarrassment
  • Lack of privacy or personal space respect
  • Controlling behavior
  • Overly jealous behavior
  • Withholding of affection
  • Blame and guilt
  • Entitlement
  • Resentment
  • Negative tone of voice or sarcasm

Do take note that these signs can occur in very, very subtle ways.

7.    I’m just doing what’s best for you / our family / the company.

If you are an equal partner in any relationship –  whether romantic, friendly, familial, or professional – your partner should not, under any circumstances, attempt to control everything.

A manipulator will act like they have your best interests at heart and are truly doing this for you, but are secretly pursuing their own gains only. They may try to make themselves sound very compassionate or caring, so you will look like the bad person for turning them down.

Again, in order to achieve a positive outcome, standing your ground is key – especially in personal relationships. Politely tell the other person that this doesn’t seem to have much to do with your best interests and seems like very controlling behavior on their part. Say that you have the right to make your own independent choices and that choices for the both of you should be made together.

8.    If you _____, I will hurt myself.


If someone threatens to self-harm, slink back into addiction, or even kill themselves if you don’t do as they say, that’s a huge red flag. It is emotional manipulation at its most dangerous form.

The most common way manipulators use this is by threatening to commit suicide if their romantic partners break up with them. It’s how many people wind up trapped with abusive partners.

  • Do not fall for it.
  • Do not allow yourself to be trapped in a bad situation to keep your manipulator safe.
  • Instead, recommend that they contact a suicide hotline.
  • You can also call an emergency number yourself if you want to.
  • Remind them that it is their choice what to do with their life and that you are not to blame for their decisions; those decisions are ultimately within their power to make.

Final Thoughts On Some Phrases Manipulators Use Often

Manipulators are toxic people. Thankfully, those who exhibit manipulative behavior are not always lost causes. Some individuals lack awareness of their actions or have underlying issues that cause them to avoid taking the blame.

Still, regardless of the reason, a manipulator remains at fault for their deceitful or cruel actions. It’s most dangerous when you aren’t aware that you are the victim of manipulation. As such, keeping these 8 phrases manipulators use often in mind will help you to spot someone using these tactics and prevent you from falling for them.

By noticing manipulative patterns in others and understanding how to respond to them, you’ll be able to keep your emotional and mental wellbeing safe. Cut off manipulators who refuse to change their behaviors, and live your life surrounded by those who enhance your life, happiness, and positive thinking!

Scientists Explain Why Women Should Stop Wearing Bras

Society has taught women to wear a bra, so most wear it without thinking about it. Marketing tactics imply that bras can decrease back pain and support and lift the breasts. However, some people believe the actual purpose is that they are socially acceptable.

While bras might serve a purpose for working out, wearing them all the time can do much more harm than good. After giving it a shot, going braless might be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. You likely must wear a bra if you work outside the home, but you can decide for yourself any time.

To back it up, scientists studied why women don’t need bras. According to this study, the undergarment has no medical or anatomic benefits for women. The research showed that they do the exact opposite of what marketing tactics say they’ll do. Instead of offering support, they cause breasts to sag and prevent them from growing.

The Study on Whether Women Should Wear Bras


In the study, 330 volunteers between 18 and 35 had their breasts measured over 15 years. The women who didn’t wear a bra had a 7-millimeter lift in their nipples yearly. This lift disproves the notion that breasts will sag without a bra.

Also, the women who didn’t wear a bra developed fewer stretch marks on their skin than those who did wear one. Their breasts were firmer than the women who wore them, too.

This study completely contradicts the advice women have heard all their lives. After disproving the reasons for wearing a bra, the study shows that not wearing a bra allows for better posture since the bra isn’t providing all the support. It also forces your body to develop the muscles underneath the breasts, potentially preventing sagging and giving support.

In other words, without a bra, the body must use the muscles intended to protect the breasts from sagging. When the bra does all the work, the muscles in a woman’s body suffer from lack of use.

One woman from the study said that after two years of not wearing a bra, she could breathe better, had better posture, and didn’t have as much back pain. Her experience shows that what we’ve heard about these undergarments isn’t true. They don’t always reduce breast and back pain, making them useless to women who use them.

Other Reasons Not to Wear Bras

Aside from the reasons in the study, there are plenty of others not to wear a bra. Women will relate to these reasons, and then you can decide if giving up the undergarment is worth it.

It Takes a Long Time to Find the Right One

The process of buying a bra can be excruciating. There are plenty of sizes and styles, and you might be a different size at every store you walk into. Finding the right fit is hard, and it can take hours just for you to leave empty-handed and frustrated.

Women need to take their time finding one, too. Research shows that the wrong fit doesn’t offer support, can cause skin stretching, and displaces breast tissue.

Bras are Expensive

Bras are another piece of clothing that women must pay for, and they aren’t inexpensive. Statistics show that in 2017, most women spent up to $30 on each bra, but the prices could go even higher. Like most things, the cost depends on the bra’s quality, so women have to pay more for the best material and fit.

Plus, they usually buy more than one bra at a time, potentially doubling or tripling the price. Women also need different types, so the cost adds up no matter how you look at it.

They’re Uncomfortable

These undergarments don’t offer much comfort, especially if they have an underwire. The underwire can break, piercing your skin in the most inconvenient situations. Then, you have to either go home to change or tough it out for the rest of the day.

However, it isn’t just the underwire type that causes discomfort. While many women consider sports bras necessary, they are often too tight. They might make you feel suffocated and trapped, often leaving marks on your skin when you take them off.

Even casual options without cups or wires can feel uncomfortable. Plus, many women try to readjust discreetly as bras don’t seem to stay in place.

Bras Aren’t Necessary for Every Activity

You don’t need a bra for everything, so remember that you usually have a choice whether you want to wear one. If you must wear a bra to work or feel more comfortable wearing one when you go out, that’s fine. However, you still don’t have to wear undergarments constantly, especially while lounging at home.

Not all activities require a bra, so wearing one for everything is unnecessary. Avoid wearing one while you sleep if you want to ease into going braless. You’ll quickly realize that it feels better, and your breasts will benefit.

If it’s allowed and you’re comfortable with it, you don’t ultimately need a bra anywhere. It’s up to you, depending on your comfort level and preferences.

The Problem with Training Bras

Society pushes breast support onto girls and women from a young age. Preteens believe they must wear training bras as soon as they hit puberty, sometimes even sooner. However, research shows a preteen has no reason to wear a training bra.

Furthermore, not wearing a bra during the preteen years promotes breast tissue and muscle growth. Since they can hinder development and damage a woman’s health, it might be best to stop forcing them on preteen girls.


Limitations of the Bra Study

Even though the study found benefits for women who chose not to wear bras, remember that the women in the study were young. They’ve only been wearing these undergarments for a few decades, whereas older women have been wearing them for much longer. If older women chose to go braless, researchers might not see the same results as in younger women.

This study is preliminary; researchers emphasize that they aren’t telling women to stop wearing them altogether. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide what’s best for her because she’s the only one who knows what makes her the most comfortable.

Opposing Data Regarding the Bra Study

Other studies show that these undergarments aren’t all bad, and wearing one has some benefits. Knowing that scientific research backs both wearing a bra and going without helps you realize the choice is up to you.

1. Promotes Confidence and Maintains the Shape

When you want your outfit to fit a certain way or feel more comfortable with bra support, you’ll feel more comfortable wearing one. You don’t want to go out and feel insecure the entire time, so do what you think is best.

2. Bras Can Reduce Breast Pain

A bra can help reduce breast pain if you participate in an activity that requires intense movement. Physical movement can cause breast ligaments to shift, causing pain and soreness.

3. Bras Help Absorb Sweat

Sweat can make you feel uncomfortable, especially around your breasts. A bra can absorb sweat, making you more comfortable when the temperature is hot.

Three Tips on Going Without a Bra

If you choose not to wear a bra, it might initially feel strange because you’ve depended on it your whole life. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

1. Start Small

If you’ve constantly been wearing breast support for most of your life, you might want to start slow. Start by going braless at home or getting your morning coffee, then work up from there. It helps you become comfortable going braless and knowing how it changes your movements.

2. Work on Your Posture

So far, your bra has been doing much of your posture work. You’ve relied on it to support your breasts, allowing your muscles to weaken. When you decide to go braless, focus on keeping your shoulders back, head up, and back straight.

3. Wear a Bralette

Bralettes are a more comfortable option without padding and wires. If you aren’t comfortable ditching your bra entirely, you can transition into a bralette first. They are far less constricting, so you’ll start getting used to how it feels to go braless.


Final Thoughts on Scientists Explain Why Women Should Stop Wearing Bras

Wearing a bra is a highly personal choice, and neither option is wrong. There are many benefits of going braless, but there are also benefits to the contrary. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you’re comfortable and happy with your decision.

If you’re still unsure, consider doing a trial run for a specific time. See how you liked it after a week or two, and then make an educated decision. Remember, you can also wear it in some situations, but ditch it when you’re at home or doing relaxing activities.

Walt Whitman Explains 11 Things Trees Teach Us About Life

Walt Whitman was an American poet and journalist who wrote the controversial literary piece “Leaves of Grass” that touched on spirituality, philosophy, religion, and sexuality. He was named the Father of the Free Verse for his style of writing. He also wrote some insightful poetry about trees.

At 54, Whitman suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed but he became in tune with the natural world as part of his recovery. Whitman frequented open areas surrounded by nature to get fresh air and this inspired him to write a series of prose that was later published as a collection in the book “Specimen Days.”

This book included anecdotes about his life as a former nurse in the Civil War. But Whitman largely wrote about the things he learned about living from observing trees. Here are some things that trees can teach us about life, according to this esteemed author.

Here Are 11 Things Trees Teach Us About Life

1.    Trees teach us authenticity.

According to Whitman, the quiet but imposing presence of a tree is a powerful display of authenticity. He described trees as “so innocent and harmless, yet so savage,” because they appear for what they are, with no embellishments.

  • Trees teach us to embrace our inherent being without worry for people’s criticisms or what society may dictate.
  • From these natural creations, we learn that we have to remain true to who we are no matter what circumstances we face.
  • Whitman said authenticity is the noblest human character and trees reflect this with their inspiring and incredible presence.
  • Trees remain standing tall on the ground, while exuding beauty and life, regardless of the situation around them.

2.    A tree teaches us to be aware of our surroundings.

Trees pay very close attention to their surroundings. These natural wonders can accurately sense the changes in the weather and the wind, the temperature, and the light or shade. By paying close attention to the other cues from their environment, trees shed their leaves just in time for autumn.

If a tree held on to its leaves longer than it should, then its branches would crack when the strong winds blow or when freezing weather and ice condenses things. These natural wonders adapt when they pay close attention to the shifts around them. Trees don’t resist these shifts. Instead, they take control of the one thing they can – their own behavior.

From this behavior, trees teach us to also pay attention to what’s around us so that we can adjust our reactions and control our behavior. By understanding what is going on and why things happen to us, we can decisively come up with the right response to the predicaments we face.

3.    Trees teach us to sow patience and pace ourselves as we’ll get our due in the right time.

Whitman also noticed that trees imbibe a universal flow even if their sizes, height, and builds are different. Trees have to pace their growth or risk harming themselves. They need to build up their core first and ensure that their trunk is firm, solid, and thick because it matters to their stability.

But some trees do grow too many branches and leaves to soak more sunlight in. There are others that grow too wide or too tall before their trunks are ready and mature. These trees usually develop injuries and diseases to their trunks and branches, or worse, die before they have the chance to fully develop.

  • Trees, therefore, teach us the value of taking time.
  • They show us how it is very important to pace ourselves while learning to grasp our capabilities because if we reach our capacity too soon, then we might not be able to handle things. Instead, we might break and suffer.
  • A tree teaches us that, for everything, there is a season and a reason why things come to be.
  • They tell us that we will all eventually receive what’s due us but it will happen at the right timing.
  • We just need to muster patience, to remain steadfast and positive because rushing things won’t give us long-lasting results.

4.    A tree teaches us the importance of belonging to a community.

Many species of trees thrive among family. A tree that stands alone won’t usually last long because it won’t be able to deal with the changes in the weather. But a tree that grows among a community can count on other trees because they look out for each other, especially in times of extreme weather.

Trees deal with the heat, cold, and drought together by building an ecosystem to support each other. Experts have proven that trees in this type of environment live to be quite healthy and really old.

Just like our leafy neighbors, we need other people in order to survive in this world. We become resilient to the trials and challenges of life because we can turn to friends and family for help and support.

Philosopher Mark Nepo also said that human existence is similar to that of trees. Even if we stand as individuals with different backgrounds and perspectives, we have a root system that binds us to one another. What may happen to one person can impact a community. Our human instincts enable us to rely on each other, especially in times when we don’t understand what is going on around us.

5.    Trees also teach us to flourish, even if we’re alone.

However, there are also some trees that live in solitary or away from the community, especially in the most deserted parts of the world. And like these wonders of nature, we also find ourselves alone at times. We experience people turning their backs or leaving us during the most challenging times of our life.

It’s in these times that we can also draw some inspiration from the tree. They teach us that we need to have faith and trust in ourselves and our capabilities.

  • They show us that we must keep pressing on even if we don’t have the support of other people or we have limited resources.
  • Trees demonstrate that no struggle can bring us down and no challenge can defeat us if we muster self-courage.
  • No matter how intense and difficult the situation is, it’s still a learning experience from which we can mature and evolve with a positive zest for life, much like the tree in solitude that continues to grow taller, spread its branches and thicken its leaves.

6.  A tree teaches us modesty.

Despite how grand or tall they stand, trees can remain inconspicuous. Sometimes, it’s easy for us to forget and disregard the existence of these lofty beings because they are just always there.

Trees originate as little nuts that barely fit the palm of our hands. From this, we can learn that each of us starts off small as well. We need to keep reminding ourselves that, just like the trees, we all come from humble beginnings no matter how big and successful we eventually become. This thought will help keep us grounded so that we don’t lose our empathy for other people.

7.    Trees teach us to stand tall even in adversity.

Trees are always at risk for external dangers in their lifetime. But even when pushed to death by the dangers around them, they remain standing at peace.

  • Trees teach us to be tougher and stronger when faced with the worst challenges.
  • They show us that the problems we face and the problematic people we encounter can still bring value to our life.
  • Our experiences with these struggles will help us learn the skills to win and rise above difficulties.

8.  A tree teaches us to find the silver lining.

Despite their stillness and inability to move from one place to another, trees can sway with the wind, bask in the sunshine, and open their branches wider in the glory of spring. They show us that it’s nice to be always happy and positive because life can be enjoyed better if you find the silver lining amid the difficulties.

Problems and trials are an inescapable part of life but this shouldn’t stop us from enjoying happy moments with the people that matter to us. The only time problems rob us of the happiness we deserve is if we allow them to overtake us.

9.    Trees teach us that it’s okay to break down and let go.

Trees fall to the ground or drop branches when it can no longer hold the weight. It doesn’t demand more space or support from its neighboring trees. It simply crashes because it’s aware its time is up.

  • This teaches us that letting go is also a part of life and we don’t need anyone’s permission to break down.
  • Thus, it’s okay to show emotions like anger, grief, pain, or sadness.
  • We don’t have to mask these emotions for fear that people will not understand what we’re going through.

10. A tree teaches us that strong roots will guide us to achieve our goals.

Our value system is our roots. What we believe in and how we have been raised to uphold these beliefs sustain and guide us when we’re faced with life-changing decisions. As with trees, if our value system is strong, stable, and extensive, we can continue to make good choices and reach higher goals. If our value system is solid, it will guide and steer us in the right direction of the life we want to make for ourselves.

11. Trees teach us that we can be a shelter and comfort for other people.


Taking shelter from a tree can bring so much relief. Many of us know what it’s like to stand below a tree and feel a sense of comfort and solace, even if it’s only temporary. Their shade and their breeze, as well as the fragrance of their flowers, provide a perfect relaxation spot.

  • Just like trees, we can also bring shelter and comfort to other people.
  • We can provide relief for friends and family who are suffering and in pain.
  • If we are more evolved as humans, then we can bring more value to the relationships we have with people. We can respond so that each time they seek us, our loved ones will always feel relaxed and at home in our company.

Final Thoughts On Some Things Trees Teach Us About Life

There really so much that trees can teach us if we take time and reflect on their existence. It’s no wonder these creations have survived on earth for millions of years. They accept everything they are and everything they’re meant to be.

So, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, try connecting to the trees. Go outside and sit in your backyard or walk in the park. Relish in the wonder of trees and listen to their rustling leaves. From there, you might be able to find the answers to what’s been bothering you.

10 Signs of Gluten Intolerance Most People Ignore

Approximately 3.1 million people in the U.S. follow a gluten-free diet, even though 72% fall into a category called “PWAGs” – people without celiac disease avoiding gluten. Over the past five years, the number of people on a gluten-free diet has skyrocketed due to marketing campaigns and health concerns. However, the prevalence of gluten intolerance hasn’t increased, indicating that a lot of people have followed trends in health without fully understanding how gluten affects the body.

According to a study by the Mayo Clinic, the benefits of a gluten-free diet remain unknown for people who don’t have a gluten intolerance. Concerns about nutrition have been raised since many products with gluten also have a lot of iron, calcium, and fiber.

Gluten intolerance does exist, however, and those who have it report feeling much better after eliminating gluten from their diet. An estimated 10% of the population has gluten sensitivity. About 1% has celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder affecting the small intestine, caused by a reaction to gluten.

Is Gluten Good or Bad?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat. No scientific evidence exists to support benefits to eliminating gluten from one’s diet unless a person suffers from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Some estimates show that sales of gluten-free products have grown by as much as 70%, which means most people have gone gluten-free for reasons unrelated to health.

According to a recent poll by The NDP Group, 30% percent of adults admitted that they wanted to “cut down or be free of gluten.” However, since whole wheat constitutes the majority of our dietary fiber, many scientists and doctors have raised concerns about nutritional deficiencies associated with a gluten-free diet.

“The average American diet is deficient in fiber,” says Dr. Leffler, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. He adds, “take away whole wheat and the problem gets worse.”

So, if you do have a gluten intolerance, how can you tell? The best way to find out is to have your doctor do some tests for a wheat allergy and celiac disease. However, if those come back negative, your doctor may prescribe a gluten elimination diet. You should keep track of the foods you eat in a journal to see what triggers your symptoms. Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain foods and when the symptoms occur.

If you have most of the symptoms on this list, you probably have a gluten intolerance. Make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible so he or she can diagnose you and offer solutions.

Here are 10 signs of gluten intolerance:

  1. Poor digestion

If you have an intolerance to gluten, you will probably experience uncomfortable digestion and have excess gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. Take note of what foods trigger this symptom and when you start experiencing the discomfort.

  1. Unstable mood

Frequent mood changes often occur in those with gluten sensitivity. If you feel overly anxious, depressed, or unstable, check your diet for the cause of these changing moods. Gluten could be the culprit behind your mood instability.

  1. Problems with the joints

Inflammation due to gluten intolerance can cause aching knees and other joint problems. Some studies have even found a link between arthritis and gluten sensitivity.

  1. Skin flare-ups

Malabsorption of gluten can lead to some problems with our largest organ: the skin. Gluten intolerance has been linked to skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH). DH can cause a lot of damage and is defined by the Gluten Intolerance Group as: “a chronic disease of the skin marked by groups of watery, itchy blisters that may resemble pimples or blisters.

You can also get a condition called Keratosis Pilaris – also known as chicken skin – which causes raised red bumps on the skin. This occurs due to intestinal damage from gluten as well as the inability to properly absorb Vitamin A and fatty acids.

  1. A constant feeling of fatigue

Many people with gluten intolerance suffer from fatigue due to the body’s inability to break down the gluten as well as the inflammation that occurs when you ingest products with gluten.

  1. Dental problems

In a study published in BMS Gastroenterology, researchers found a link between gluten intolerance and “aphthous stomatitis” – a condition that causes frequent mouth ulcers and canker sores. Furthermore, many people with sensitivity to gluten can develop problems with the teeth due to lack of calcium resulting from malabsorption.

  1. Migraines

Many people get migraines, but they seem to be particularly common among those with gluten sensitivity. A study showed that for those with a gluten intolerance, eating gluten can trigger intense headaches and migraines due to inflammation in the nervous system.

  1. Various autoimmune diseases

When someone suffers from gluten intolerance and doesn’t know it, they might eat a lot of products with gluten. Since they cannot digest the gluten properly, the body will assume it is under attack. As a result, other autoimmune diseases can develop including lupus, psoriasis, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

  1. Hormone imbalances

Excess inflammation due to consuming gluten can lead to overtaxing the adrenal glands, which will throw off your hormone balances. This can lead to your body producing excess cortisol to respond to the stress of attempting to digest the gluten, which can result in weight gain, fatigue, and mood instability.

  1. Neurological problems

The excess inflammation in your body can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, tingling and numbness in your extremities, and brain fog.

In an article titled Gluten sensitivity as a neurological illness, published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, researchers found abnormal reactivity to gluten in a class of antibodies known as immunoglobulin (IgG). They believe this reaction can lead to brain fog and cognitive decline.

However, brain fog can occur as a result of many different disorders, so make sure to check with your doctor first before diagnosing yourself.

Other symptoms of gluten intolerance that most people ignore:

  • Increase in colds and allergies. IgA antibodies have a protective effect on the body’s immune system. Found primarily in the gastrointestinal tract and saliva, IgA antibodies help protect the body against colds, flus, and other illnesses. When these antibodies counteract our immune system, we’ll experience an increase in colds and flus. If you notice that your immune system has been down, a gluten intolerance could be to blame.
  • Abdominal pain. Up to 83% of people with a gluten sensitivity experience stomach pain, making it the most common symptom of gluten intolerance.
  • Weight loss. Some people experience weight gain, but others can lose weight due to poor nutrient absorption.

As we said before, having these symptoms doesn’t automatically point to a gluten intolerance. Before self-diagnosing yourself, see a doctor to eliminate the possibility of other disorders. Also, don’t eliminate gluten from your diet before seeing a doctor, as this will make it difficult to determine if you have a gluten intolerance or if something else is causing you discomfort.

gluten intolerance

Below, we’ll go over some foods to eat for those with a sensitivity to gluten. Keep a food journal to see how you feel after eating some of these foods.

Foods to eat if you have a gluten intolerance

  • Rice
  • Cassava
  • Corn (maize)
  • Soy
  • Potato
  • Tapioca
  • Beans
  • Sorghum
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat groats (also known as kasha)
  • Arrowroot
  • Amaranth
  • Teff
  • Flax
  • Chia
  • Yucca
  • Gluten-free oats
  • Nut flours
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Meat and poultry
  • Fish and other seafood
  • Dairy
  • Beans, legumes and nuts

Common foods to avoid that have gluten:

  • Pastas
  • Noodles
  • Breads and Pastries
  • Crackers
  • Baked Goods
  • Cereal & Granola
  • Breakfast Foods such as pancakes, waffles, biscuits, etc.
  • Breading & Coating Mixes
  • Croutons
  • Sauces & Gravies
  • Flour tortillas
  • Beer (unless explicitly gluten-free) and any malt beverages
  • Brewer’s Yeast
  • Anything else that contains wheat flour

Foods that may contain gluten:

  • Energy bars/granola bars (A lot of them use wheat as an ingredient)
  • French fries
  • Potato chips
  • Processed lunch meats
  • Candy and candy bars
  • Soup (some soups use wheat flour as a thickening agent)
  • Multi-grain or “artisan” tortilla chips or tortillas
  • Salad dressings and marinades
  • Starch or dextrin
  • Brown rice syrup (can be made with barley enzymes)
  • Meat substitutes
  • Soy sauce (only tamari made without wheat is gluten free)
  • Self-basting poultry
  • Pre-seasoned meats
  • Cheesecake filling
  • Eggs served at restaurants

Final thoughts on Gluten Intolerance

We hope this list of common symptoms of gluten intolerance will help you make informed decisions about your dietary choices. Please remember that if you don’t have a gluten intolerance, you won’t have a problem with gluten and should continue eating it as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Only those with celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten should eliminate it from their diet.

See a doctor if you think you have a problem digesting gluten. If you do have a gluten intolerance, you can still eat many healthy foods, as we listed above, so don’t get discouraged. A gluten-free diet can still be a tasty, fulfilling one that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals.

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