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12 Science Based Benefits of Lemon Water

There is something very refreshing about lemon water. The crisp tartness awakens your senses and suddenly makes the taste of everything else more intense. Your thirst is quenched, your senses are on overdrive, and you’re ready to tackle whatever comes next.

All of that from some lemons. It’s amazing.

Besides the taste, drinking lemon-infused water actually has a lot of health benefits. This isn’t just all talk. There is scientific proof that these benefits work. In this article, we’ll highlight 12 science-based lemon water benefits.

Twelve Science-Based Lemon Water Benefits

1. Drinking it warm on an empty stomach can help you manage weight.

This is a very significant benefit since over 70 percent of the U.S. population is overweight. With so many fad diets and weight loss “magic pills” on the market, it’s hard to know what works and what doesn’t. With lemon water, there is scientific evidence backing its ability to help you manage your weight.

In a study published by the Journal of Biochemistry and Nutrition in 2008, it was found that lemon polyphenols (found in the peel and the juice) suppressed weight gain and fat increase from a high-fat diet. While this doesn’t directly help you “lose” weight, this helps you to not gain weight. Pair this with a healthy eating and exercise routine and you could see pounds melt away.

2. It can help to fight off the symptoms of the common cold.

There is no cure for the common cold but that doesn’t mean that you can’t fight it off and get rid of it fast. Lemon has natural healing properties that you can benefit from when you drink water infused with it.

For example, lemon helps to break up congestion so you can get rid of mucus faster. Lemon can also help to soothe a sore throat when paired with honey and warm water. It also gives you a big dose of vitamin C, known to help reduce the effects and length of the common cold.

3. Lemon helps to fight off infections.

Lemons, or the lemon juice in particular, is full of flavonones. In particular, three subgroups of flavonones can be found in lemon. They are hesperetineriodictyol and naringenin. These flavonones help to boost overall antioxidant activity in the body [3]. Lemon is also full of Vitamin C, the only water-soluble antioxidant. This is why water infused with lemon is so helpful to fight off infections.

Antioxidants are like the body’s soldiers; they are the line of defense when infectious invaders enter the body. It never hurts to have the bigger army, so drinking lemon-infused water can give you that extra boost of antioxidants so you’re prepared for any type of infection that comes along.

4. Another benefit is prevention of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease that is characterized by the lack of production of healthy bone mass even as old bone mass is disintegrated. Lemons contain vitamins and minerals that encourage bone and cell production throughout the body.

Water infused with lemon will give your body a boost of minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. In addition to vitamin C, you’ll also get a healthy dose of vitamin B. These vitamins and minerals are especially important for seniors because osteoporosis tends to hit people during their senior years. Drinking water infused with lemon on a regular basis can help promote healthy bone mass production all throughout your life.

5. Lemon water offers a great mood stabilizer.

Something about drinking water infused with lemon just makes you feel good. This is because water infused with lemon has natural properties that affect your mood and your cognitive health.

Studies have shown that regular consumption of lemons helps to prevent depression and memory problems. This is due to the fact that lemons are a great source of potassium. Potassium boosts cognitive functioning by strengthening electrical activity in the brain.

Potassium is highly water-soluble, so water is the best way to deliver this important nutrient to your body. It is also considered as an electrolyte because it can conduct electrical impulses in water [4]. This is what makes it highly effective inside of the body and why drinking water infused with lemon does wonders for your mood.

6. A morning dose of lemon water can help maintain your pH balance.

The body has to maintain a healthy balance between acidity and base. On a scale of 0 to 14, the acid-base rating should be around a 7.4 with zero being completely acidic and 14 being completely basic.

Most of the time, your body maintains your pH balance through your breathing–you exhale carbon dioxide every time you breathe out, which keeps the balance. Sometimes this process might not happen the way it should. When this process malfunctions, alternative methods must be used to balance the pH level. This is where lemons come in.

Electrolytes can help with a pH imbalance and, as discussed in the previous section, lemons give you electrolytes (potassium). Therefore drinking lemon water on a regular basis can keep you prepared in case of a pH level imbalance.

7. Lemon-infused water contains compounds that could reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Cancer research is one of the most heavily researched topics on the planet. It’s always a big deal when research find even the smallest breakthrough, so it’s no surprise that everyone was excited when it was discovered that lemons could reduce the risk of or even prevent breast cancer.

Lemons contain limonin glucoside and from that our bodies derive limonin. This substance has also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. So, dodging a heart attack is another one of the lemon water benefits.

8. Adding lemon to your water helps to boost your water intake.

There are a lot of people who don’t like to drink water no matter how important it is. We need water to survive–and we need a lot of it. On average, about 60% of they body is made of water so even if you don’t like the taste, you need to drink water anyway.

Lemon can be the catalyst for you to drink the water that you need. It’s very low in calories and high in all the other good stuff, so you can use it to mask the bland flavor of water.

9. Water infused with lemon can give you an energy boost.

Just like lemon-infused water can boost your mood, it can also boost your energy. This means that you can ditch all that unhealthy caffeine (okay, we know you aren’t ditching coffee anytime soon, but you could at least cut back on it). Instead, pick up a cup of water and some freshly sliced lemon wedges. Scientifically speaking, there are a couple of different ways that that lemon-infused water improves your energy:

  • The vitamin C in combination with the citrus bioflavonoids in the lemon cause your blood to circulate more freely, leading to increased energy.
  • The acid in lemon juice aids the digestive system in breaking down food faster so that your body can use it for energy.

10. Lemon water benefits your skin.

Since lemons have such a vast amount of vitamin C (up to 40% of the recommended daily amount for a 2,000 calorie diet) it can really have a positive affect on your skin. Vitamin C acts like a protective barrier for your skin against free radicals and other harmful substances in the surrounding environment.

The water itself keeps your skin looking good as well due to increased hydration since you’ll probably want to drink more and more lemon-infused water. Increased hydration keeps skin looking young, healthy, and wrinkle-free for as long as possible.

11. Lemon-infused water acts as a detox agent.

Unless you are a very clean eater, every day your body gets filled with a lot of gunk. That gunk can lead to weight gain, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, and more.

lemon water

Your body is almost like a car that needs an oil change; you just won’t function at your maximum level if it’s dirty. Lemon water is your oil change. It helps to flush out all the toxins that the body holds onto.

12. It could prevent kidney stones.

Anyone who has ever suffered from a kidney stone can tell you that any preventative measure for kidney stones is welcome. Kidney stones form when mineral deposits in the urine clump together to make little stones. This happens when citrate is missing from urine.

Doctors can prescribe citrate supplements to help with this or you could just drink lemon-infused water since lemons are naturally abundant in citrate. On top of that, the water helps to keep the kidney flushed out so you get two benefits in one. Drinking lemon water could potentially prevent or at least slow down one of the most painful conditions that you could have.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot more to lemon water than a crisp, refreshing taste. Lemon water benefits your health in so many different ways. We’ve listed twelve of the best benefits you’ll reap with regular consumption. The best part is that it’s safe, unlike a lot of “supplements” or “formulas” that have been chemically manufactured.

Of course, if you have a citrus fruit allergy then this may not be safe for you (but that’s rare). So what do you have to lose? Give lemon-infused water a shot and see how many of the twelve benefits you’ll earn.

If You Have A Broken Heart, These 5 Things Will Help You Heal

One of the worst things we can experience is that of a broken heart. A gut wrenching feeling with pain in our chest, long sleepless nights and worrisome thoughts racing through our head. It’s difficult to escape from the reality that you and your significant other are no longer a pair. What we all need in this time of grievance varies from person to person, but today, I am sharing the five most important ways to open your eyes and heal your heart. There truly is no easy way to get you through a heartbreak. This guide will serve as a way for you to work through your pain, express your feelings and become a stronger person in the end.

1. Allow Yourself Time to Heal

This one will ultimately be the hardest to overcome, but time heals all pain, especially that of a broken heart. Go through the pain you are feeling. You cannot just flip a switch and be over something that hurts as much as it does. It is okay to cry, it is okay to be upset. Allow yourself time to cope, but know that this is only temporary. The process of moving on isn’t easy and it can be gut wrenching. Something you want so desperately to go away and to stop consuming your life does take time. Don’t ever mask your pain or hide your tears. Whenever you hide behind obstacles in your life, you are prohibiting yourself from moving forward. Sure, it’s easy to mask the pain with partying, drinking or hanging out with new people, but what does this truly do in the end? It usually makes you feel worse or even guilty. Spend your time wisely and use this time as a way to embrace the reality and rise stronger.

Think of the healing process like this…

If you break a bone, you can’t take off the cast the same day you get it put on. Just because it doesn’t hurt as much, doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t need time to heal. If you are a recovering alcoholic, you can’t just go back to the bar after a month of being sober. You will have a higher chance of relapsing. You need time.

You will need to work every single day even after you think you’re okay to progress and move forward. Your hard work, consistency, and progress should be maintained and never forgotten. Work on yourself every day. Get up, show up, wear your best clothes and leave the house. Devise a plan for your day and do what makes you happy. Focus on improving yourself during this healing process and tell yourself how awesome you are. “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

2. Express Self Love

When we are in a relationship, we spend a lot of our time focusing on our significant other and forget what it’s like to be yourself. This is the perfect time to plan a vacation with a friend or simply go out of town and treat yourself to a little mini-vacay. We need to take responsibility for our own happiness and know that it is our job to make us whole again. You can heal a broken heart if you are willing to love yourself first and foremost.

Learn to love yourself by:

  • Nourishing Yourself – Be mindful of what you are putting into your body. The way we feed ourselves reflects on how much we love ourselves. Doing this will lay the foundation of self-love and nourishment.
  • Start a Journal – There are proven statistics that writing down the things you are grateful for can train your brain to be more positive and lead to happiness. The next time you’re at the store, grab yourself a cute notebook and start writing down a few things each day that you are grateful for or that bring you happiness. Don’t forget to thank yourself in the process.
  • Express Yourself – Find ways to really express yourself whether it’s dancing, cooking, singing, painting, music or another hobby you enjoy. Think about what makes you feel alive and really connect with yourself. It is so essential to make time to do the things you enjoy. You’ll soon find this very therapeutic and a way to escape when overcoming a broken heart.
  • Shower Yourself with Good Vibes – Start thinking about how you want your life to look and start planning accordingly. Maintain positive energy, even during a broken heart experience. Take baby steps to achieving your goals and dreams and don’t look back.
  • Make Your Body Happy – How we feel in our bodies directly reflects how we feel in ourselves. When we feel sad or loneliness, we are disconnected with our bodies. It is important to develop a self-love routine that keeps us feeling beautiful and energized. Whether you pick up yoga, running or a new home workout, be consistent and own it… your body and self will reap the rewards. Making your body happy is the best way to heal a broken heart while also flooding your body with joy.
  • Take Yourself On a Date – If you have never taken yourself out on a date, now is the time. Plan a day to spend quality time with yourself. By doing something special for yourself, you are giving yourself the full attention it desperately needs, especially after a broken heart. Whether you treat yourself to coffee and cake or go to the spa for a day, you will learn to truly fall in love with taking care of yourself and you will develop a new love for yourself that has always been hidden away.

There is such a liberating feeling when we don’t feel the need to depend upon someone else to make us happy. It is our job to find ways to make ourselves whole again. If you want to change up your hairstyle, go for it. If you want a new wardrobe, go shop for it. It’s always a good idea to put ourselves first, especially during this time.

3. Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone

One of the best things you can do for yourself when overcoming a broken heart is getting outside of your comfort zone. That thing you’ve always wanted to try, go try it. The trip you’ve been dying to take, go. That person you’ve been wanting to talk to, go speak to them. The job you’ve always been wanting, go apply for it. That project you’ve been putting off, go finish it. Get outside of yourself and your comfort zone and you’ll find a new appreciation for life. Sometimes our hearts need to be broken so we can understand how to cope, how to love ourselves and how to heal.

4. Cleanse Your Mind, Body & Home

It is so important to take care of yourself during this time. Clear your mind, body and home of things that remind you of your ex. If you are sentimental about your belongings, this may be tough to do, but trust the process and know that clearing these items will speed up the process to heal a broken heart. Stay positive and know that this is just a minor bump in the road.

broken heart

To heal a broken heart, force yourself to make better choices when it comes to your health. Instead of indulging in the temptation to eat junk food and ice cream, try fueling your body with fruits and vegetables instead. Pick up exercising if you aren’t already. When you exercise, you increase your levels of Endorphins, which naturally improves your mood giving you an instant self-esteem boost. No one can take care of your body better than you, so use this time to pave the way for new and positive changes that will leave the old you in the past.

5. Turn Pain Into Power

A broken heart is a priceless life experience no matter how painful or unpleasant it may seem, it is ultimately going to make you stronger. Think about all of the hardships you have encountered so far in life and the lessons you’ve taken out of them. What did you learn? All of these life lessons have played a huge role in who we are today and have played a significant role in our evolutionary development.

Please know this: you are capable of finding love again. You are physically able to open up your heart and love again. But first, you must learn to love and appreciate yourself for all that you have overcome. Your strength, courage and experiences have guided you to where you are today and who you will become in the future.

I hope that these tips were able to help guide you through and see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Please know that you are not alone. You are a truly amazing person, your strength speaks volumes and you will get through this! Take it one step at a time, day by day and you’ll come out stronger than ever before.

5 Signs You Have a Sinus Infection (And How to Get Rid of It)

Anyone who has had a sinus infection knows how painful and irritating it can be. Known also as sinusitis, this condition is very common and affects a whopping 31 million individuals in the US alone every year.

Sinusitis occurs when the tissue in the sinus passage becomes inflamed, swollen, or both. This happens due to the filling of the sinus with fluid and mucus, which can then harbor germs and lead to sinus infection.

The most typical type of sinus infection is viral and it goes away on its own, but is quite contagious. The less common kind is caused by bacteria, and some of these infections may result from fungus. Regardless of the cause, though, it can be difficult to differentiate sinusitis from other conditions, such as a flu, cold, or an allergy.

Due to this fact, it’s important that you recognize and are aware of the common symptoms of sinusitis. This will allow you to notice when what you have is more than just a little cold! Here are some signs you have a sinus infection, and how to get rid of it.

Here Are 5 Signs You Have A Sinus Infection And How To Get Rid Of It

1.    Pressure

If you’re feeling painful pressure around your nose, it is a likely sign of sinusitis. This pressure is the result of the fluid that is trapped within the cavities of the sinus. In its healthy state, the sinus’ passages should only be filled with air. The trapped fluid can lead to intense pressure and pain.

But it’s not just around the nasal area that you might feel pain. You may experience some in your cheeks, forehead, or even around your eyes, as the sinuses are located in all these different areas. When you bend over, the pressure or pain may intensify and become worse. You might also feel like you need to sneeze often, but be unable to.

It’s worth noting that this pressure might not be extremely painful. It may manifest as tenderness or sensitivity. It is still a possible sign of sinusitis. Here are some ways to reduce that pressure.

a)    Hydration

As simple as it seems, just keeping yourself well-hydrated can help your body fight sinus infection. This will allow more moisture in your sinuses, thus allowing for easier mucus flow, clearing blockage that causes pressure.

b)    Cinnamon

Cinnamon has plenty of properties that make it anti-inflammatory, which is great for the sinuses. Mixing it with honey and eating it is a great way to cure pressure pain. Plus, it has positive effects on sore throats, too! If you’re not a fan of cinnamon, you can instead mix it with some water to make a paste and spread it across areas where you feel the pressure, avoiding the eyes of course.

c)    Quercetin

Quercetin is rarely heard of, but it is a positive all-natural flavonoid and is plant-based. Mostly, it can be found in foods like apples, red wine, onions, and even green tea. It has great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it great for stabilizing body cells related to histamine release.

Proponents of alternative medicine state that taking up to 500 mg of quercetin thrice daily can reduce sinus infection symptoms, including pressure pain.

2.    Congestion

Since sinusitis is basically just fluids clogging up the sinus passageways, it makes sense that you’d experience mucus congestion as a result. If your nose is stuffy and you keep needing to blow your nose, you may have a sinus infection – especially if no amount of nose cleaning seems to get the stuffiness out.

Your phlegm may also change color from its ordinary appearance. Most mucus is whitish or clear, but phlegm that you cough out during a sinus infection may be a yellow or green color. The mucus from your nose might also be brighter than usual.

This congestion can cause you to lose your sense of smell. You may also find yourself losing your appetite as a result because you can’t smell food. According to medical doctor Eugene Chio, who works at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center as an otolaryngologist, this is due to olfactory inflammation – a sure sign of a sinus infection.

Here are some ways to reduce congestion.

a)    Neti Pot

Using a neti pot to run through your nasal passages can be great for draining mucus. Use a mix of distilled water and salt to get the job done.

b)    Yoga

Yoga can’t solve everything, but opting for a good, supported pose or position that has your head elevated is a great way to clear out congestion. This is according to certified yoga therapist Leslie Kazadi. She states that these poses don’t cause unwanted pressure or pain, but are great for getting rid of mucus buildup.

c)    Spicy Food

If you’ve eaten spicy food at all before, you may have noticed that it gets your nose running. As such, you can consume these types of meals to drain congested nasal passageways. In addition, the peppers used in most zesty dishes often have capsaicin in them, which is a great pain-relieving component for other symptoms.

3.    Headaches

One of the most commonly misattributed symptoms of sinusitis is a headache. Some might have pain that radiates down their neck and onto different body parts, too. These headaches are a result of filled sinus canals, which are congested and cause pressure all over the sinuses – including ones in the upper portion of your head.

People often mistake these for migraines, or chronic headaches, or random pain. To be fair, plenty of headaches are caused by easily treatable issues, including:

  • Tiredness
  • Lack of sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Strained eyesight

However, headaches shouldn’t last for multiple days on end. If you are experiencing a very bad chronic headache that just doesn’t go away, you might be dealing with bad sinus infection symptoms. This is according to medical doctor Edwin F. Williams III, who is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

Luckily, there are plenty of headache remedies you can use to combat this symptom. Here’s how.

a)    Ginger

This natural ingredient fights inflammation. Simply steep some ginger root into hot water to create a delicious tea that soothes pain and reduces headache pressure.

If you have a sore throat, you can opt to add in some honey, too. Plus, you’ll find your nasal cavities draining thanks to the slight spice of the ginger’s taste. There’s a reason ginger is a superfood – it provides many positive benefits!

b)    Hot Showers

Basking in warm, steamy water can help the nasal cavities to expand and open, thus letting fluid drain out. This can greatly relieve head pain caused by a sinus infection.

Use this remedy at the beginning of a day to enjoy its relieving effects, since lying down all night increases nasal clogs. However, do so in balance, as staying under a steamy shower for a long time could cause dizziness.

c)    Saline Solution

Use a saline solution spray around the nose in order to bring down inflammation in its passages. This can be great for reducing fluid blockage, thus leading to headache relief. Plus, it can clear congestion, too!

4.    Toothache

Toothaches are extremely unpleasant. Most people who experience them aren’t so quick to attribute them to sinus issues, but they are one of the more overlooked symptoms. Around the maxillary area – essentially around the cheek – you may feel pain, but it’s not gum disease or a cavity!

This happens because the teeth have upper roots that extend far upwards, typically close enough to the sinus to be affected by their filling. Your gums may hurt as a result, thus leading to toothaches. The good news is that there are ways to relieve this pain, including:

a)    Warm Compress

Apply a warm compress to your face in order to help warm up your nasal ways and sinuses. This can help to reduce blockage, and also provide pain relief.

If you’re feeling a lot of pain, you can try to alternate a warm compress with a cold one. It takes a bit of getting used to, but is great for relief!

b)    Face Steaming

Steaming your face while inhaling steam is a great way to relieve pain. You can also boil water, remove it from the heat, and bend over the pot to inhale it. Drape a towel over your head for best effects. Make sure you are keeping your eyes closed while you do so and don’t put your face too close!

On top of that, it’s great for pain relief and helps moisturize your skin and sinuses, so it reduces congestion, making it an all-around positive method to try!

5.    Sickness

You might feel sick or unwell when you have a sinus infection. You might cough a lot due to congestion and mucus buildup. You might have a sore throat that feels itchy. You may have a fever – a sure sign of an infection of some kind. You may even be fatigued, chilly, or have aching muscles.

If this sickness is combined with other sinusitis symptoms, don’t assume it’s just a cold! This isn’t something positive thinking will fix. If you’re feeling sick and are having trouble getting better, you can opt for medications for pain or even ones made for sinusitis. Here are some examples of ways to help.

sinus infection

a)    Bromelain

Bromelain is made up of enzymes, all which can be found in pineapples. It’s typically sold for the purposes of dietary supplementation. Research has found that it’s great for treating inflammation in sinus infections! Taking between 500 and 1000 mg of bromelain per day can give you the relief you need.

b)    Advil

This drug can be purchased over-the-counter, has anti-inflammatory effects, and is great for relieving pain that comes with sinusitis.

c)    Humidifiers

If you experience your worst sinusitis symptoms at night, it is likely due to dry air in your room. This can lead to higher mucus production. As such, purchasing a cool humidifier can have positive effects on your sinus infection – and on overall health.

With all this being said, please note that in most cases, sinusitis does not need to and should not be treated with medication. Speak to your doctor before trying any new medications!

Final Thoughts On Signs You Have A Sinus Infection And How To Fix It

Most people make the mistake of thinking that their sinus infection is just a cold. This can cause someone to neglect proper care that would ease or get rid of their sinusitis symptoms, and it can lead to incorrect, ineffective treatment methods too.

By keeping an eye out for these 5 signs you have a sinus infection and knowing how to get rid of those symptoms, you’ll be on your way to a better year filled with good health and positive thinking!

10 Early Warning Signs of A Zinc Deficiency to Never Ignore

Zinc deficiency can be a major issue overlooked by vegans and strict vegetarians. You can essentially eat the right foods, but due to bioavailability, phytic acid, and medical conditions, your body can’t properly absorb enough of the essential mineral.

Deficiency presents in your body early because zinc interacts with your body on multiple levels and affects your body’s major systems. Understanding the balance required can assist you and your doctor in diagnosing and starting a zinc deficiency treatment that works with your diet.

What is Zinc?

It is an essential nutrient that your body can’t store or produce on its own. Zinc’s function in your body ranges from infant and child growth/development to your immune system working properly.

However, those are only two of over 300 functions your body uses zinc to perform. Others include DNA and protein synthesis, aiding in healing your wounds, supporting enzymes, and cell development and division. (1)

Zinc occurs naturally in animal and plants. Its synthetic form is also common in fortified foods, such as breads, crackers, and other grain-based goods.

Who is at Risk for Deficiency?

Your diet and any health conditions that cause malabsorption will determine your risk of a zinc deficiency. Carnivores and omnivores have the lowest deficiency risk. Strict vegetarians and vegans pose the greatest risk for insufficiency related to their diet.

Age can sometimes be a factor; however, this is mostly in older infants and children than adults. Babies and children with a history of low zinc levels might find the problems continue into adulthood. (2)

Increased Risk if You Have:

• Crohn’s disease
• Diabetes
• Chronic renal disease
• Chronic liver disease
• Malabsorption syndrome
• Sickle cell disease
• Ulcerative colitis
• Short bowel syndrome
• A vegan or vegetarian diet
• Had gastrointestinal surgery
• Other digestive disorders, such as IBS
• Alcohol addiction
• Anorexia and bulimia
• Medications, such as antibiotics, diuretics, and penicillamine

In addition to the list, pregnant and breastfeeding women require additional zinc, and they’re at a greater risk for developing a deficiency. The same applies to infants between seven months and year of age who breastfeed exclusively or if the breastfeeding mother is deficient. (34)

How Much Zinc Should You Receive?

Your age and sex introduce two factors for determining your recommended dietary allowance (RDA). Men should aim for 11mg per day. Women should receive 8mgper day unless they’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Then they should receive 11-12mg per day.

Risks Associated with Zinc

If your diet is your main source of zinc, it’s unlikely you will overdose or come anywhere close to high levels. Overdosing on zinc is more common with supplements or long-term use of higher doses under a doctor’s direction.

The actual toxicity or maximum dose is unknown.

A Zinc Overdose or Toxicity can Cause:

• Vomiting
• Nausea and/or loss of appetite
• Abdominal cramps
• Headaches
• Diarrhea
• Decrease in good cholesterol
• Decreased absorption of other key nutrients, like copper and iron

Because of these complications, you should take supplements under the care of a doctor, naturopath, or a dietician that is aware of your diet. Your doctor might recommend a higher dose and adjust it as needed until your zinc levels balance.

If you choose to supplement without guidance, choose a supplement with a lower dose more in line with the recommended daily milligrams to avoid possible toxicity. Understand that without blood work and monitoring, you can’t know for certain how much zinc your body receives from food alone.

How to Diagnose a Deficiency?

Only a blood test can diagnose a true deficiency, but it’s not so simple. Your body can’t store zinc. A blood test will show what’s currently in your blood, and if you ate enough zinc rich foods, your results can return normal.

Your doctor will likely base their diagnosis on your symptoms, and in severe or troubled cases, they might order a blood test to determine your zinc levels.

Assist your diagnosis by keeping a food journal, especially if you’re already consuming a zinc rich diet. This is due to malabsorption syndromes, medications, or other gastrointestinal issues that could be causing your deficiency. You and your doctor can use this information to find the cause and a suitable course of treatment.

10 Zinc Deficiency Symptoms


1. Unexplained Weight Loss

Dropping weight quickly without dieting, exercise, or illness as the cause can be an early warning sign that something in your body is wrong. Be sure to let your doctor know as this can be a symptom of deficiency as well as an early sign for other diseases and conditions.

2. Mental Fog

Waking in a fog before your morning coffee or tea isn’t the same as a mental cloud that persists throughout the day. It can make concentrating on simple daily tasks difficult. This can affect adults and children.

3. Persistent Diarrhea

Frequent, loose stools can be a sign and cause of a deficiency. You might also be more susceptible to other bacteria and parasites, such as E. coli. Unsurprisingly, taking zinc supplements or consuming more zinc containing foods can aid in stopping deficiency caused diarrhea.

4. Sense of Smell and Taste Drastically Change

Zinc is partially responsible for developing your sense of smell and taste. The enzymes that allow us to develop these senses require zinc to work, so when you’re deficient, you’ll notice changes to smell and taste capabilities. Often you’ll have a metallic taste in your mouth. Supplementing or increasing zinc rich foods restores it.

5. Cuts and Scrapes That Take Too Long to Heal

Slow healing wounds can be one symptom. Increasing zinc or using zinc based creams can promote healing too, which makes it an effective zinc deficiency treatment. Zinc and skin health share a tight knit link. This is due to its job in our bodies reacting at the cellular level. Without it, our bodies can’t heal properly.

6. Frequently Sick or Long-lasting Colds and Viruses

Your immune system requires zinc to function properly. It directly supports T-cell development, assists in killing bad bacteria, viruses, and cancerous cells too. In addition, it supports protecting cellular membranes. When your body is deficient, you become more susceptible to illness.

7. Hair Loss or Thinning Hair

More investigation is needed, but Indian researchers believe zinc deficiency and hypothyroidism share a close link.

Zinc plays a vital role in hormone balance, which means if you don’t receive enough, your thyroid can reduce its function or lead to adrenal fatigue. Both cause hair thinning and loss in men and women. Returning zinc levels to a normal range reversed the symptoms.

8. Dry Skin

If you’re constantly hydrating and eating a nourishing diet, your skin shouldn’t be dry, itchy, and flaking, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, if you’re lacking zinc, your skin will show the earliest signs.

Besides its role in cellular development, your body won’t receive the anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties zinc delivers.

9. Bruises

Ever wake up and discover unexplained bruises? Do you develop bruises from light bumps? Some people bruise easily, and they might linger a bit too long too. Genetics often take the rap, but it could be that you’re not getting enough zinc for your body to heal at a normal rate.

10. Acne

As a teenager, hormonal acne is an unpleasant fact, but as an adult, it’s an early symptom of deficiency. It’s one of the more common symptoms you’ll notice. However, most people overlook the connection to a possible deficiency in zinc.

Zinc Deficiency Treatment

In most cases, you should address your diet and seek out zinc sources naturally. Some people will need to supplement. Do speak with a doctor or nutrition specialist if you’re already eating a zinc-rich diet but symptoms persist. It might be a sign of another underlying condition or an absorption issue.

Vegans and Vegetarians

If you’re a vegan or strict vegetarian, you do have food based options. However, you might find it easier to supplement. Receiving enough zinc might be difficult since non-meat sources can contain phytic acid that hinders your body from using the zinc.

On top of phytic acid, the bioavailability of zinc in plant-based foods isn’t comparable to meat, dairy, eggs, and shellfish. This means your body can’t use it as efficiently, and you might need to eat more. However, some of the better vegan and vegetarian sources are high in fat and calories.

zinc deficiency

Soaking, heating, sprouting, and fermenting plant-based sources reduces the phytic acid and increases your body’s ability to use the zinc. The upside is these foods are lower in fat and calories, but the steps do take additional work and planning.

Zinc Rich Foods

• Legumes: adzuki, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, mung beans, and black beans
• Seeds: pumpkin, sesame, and hemp
• Nuts: pine nuts, peanuts, pecans, almonds, and hazelnuts
• Whole grains: whole wheat flour, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, oats, and rye
• Potato: all varieties
• Green beans
• Leafy greens: kale, Swiss chard, and spinach
• Dark chocolate

Zinc-Fortified Foods

• Whole grain and multigrain cereals, breads, and crackers
• Soymilk
• Cashew milk
Almond milk

Zinc Supplements

Supplements aren’t created equal. According to studies, you should opt for zinc citrate, zinc sulfate, or zinc gluconate, which are water-soluble and your body absorbs well.

Final Thoughts on Zinc Deficiency

Zinc deficiency can be a real problem for vegans and vegetarians, but most carnivores and omnivores won’t require supplements unless they have certain medical conditions or take medications that interact with absorption.

Vegans and vegetarians might need a supplement to treat their deficiency. They can also readdress certain areas of their diet and, luckily, they don’t need to eat meat or animal by-products to receive enough zinc.

Sprouting and fermenting legumes, seeds, and grains increases zinc’s bioavailability. It does the same for other essential vitamins and minerals, making your tasty, healthy choices more healthful.

Talk with your doctor or naturopath if you have any of the symptoms discussed here to explore a zinc deficiency treatment that works for you.

5 Mysteries Science Can’t Explain

Most of us turn to science and logic for answers to our most curious questions. But there are some mysteries so strange and obscure that our current knowledge of science isn’t sufficient to explain them. In those cases, looking up studies and finding sources isn’t enough!

For years, researchers have worked hard to unravel every mystery and solve every puzzle in the universe. But technologically speaking, we humans have a long way to go before we truly understand everything there is to know about our universe.

If you’d like to scratch your head along with these researchers and wonder exactly what is going on out there, look no further. Here are some mysteries science can’t explain. Be careful – they may just completely bewitch and baffle you!

Here Are 5 Mysteries Science Can’t Explain


1.    Planet Nine

A vast majority of our huge expanse of the universe has gone unexplored for many years or, at the very least, is mostly uncharted. Past the Kuiper belt, which rests just at the edge of our solar system, there is a series of unidentified objects that float in circles in orbit around our Sun.

These objects seem to be clusters of smaller UFOs. According to Konstantin Batygin, who works at the California Institute of Technology as an assistant professor in the field of planetary science, it’s very likely that these objects are being pulled in by a larger object – possibly a planet.

Even though scientists are now on the lookout for Planet Nine, there has yet to be any empirical evidence or actual sightings of the planet. The first theories about this mystery science that can’t explain emerged back in 2014. Researchers believe that the planet is dim and doesn’t receive a lot of light, thus making it difficult to spot.

But why, exactly, do strange orbiting objects point to a new planet? You’ll need to visualize the solar system as a disc to understand it better. Large objects, such as planets, cause the disk to “bend,” and they must be very large – planet-sized to have this type of influence.

Scientists believe they may have been able to detect something out there with a telescope slightly, but they have still not confirmed the existence of Planet Nine. It is entirely possible that the planet – or whatever object it is – remains at a position of orbit that makes it nearly impossible to see due to its distance. Whatever the case, up until now, the truth behind Planet Nine remains yet to be uncovered.

2.    Why is sleep necessary?

There are tons of benefits to sleep, and we know what a lack of it does. It causes more health problems, results in reduced focus and positive thinking, and puts one at risk of becoming ill faster. But why exactly do we need sleep so much? Why does a lack of sleep affect us so quickly and easily?

You’d think researchers would have long discovered why sleep is so important. The fact is that there still isn’t any definite reason behind this need. There are some theories, and research has successfully shed light on sleep cycles and what happens during sleep, but the exact need for sleep isn’t understood. Here are the most common theories.

a)    The Energy Conservation Theory

Most species of mammal sleep on instinct to restore energy. Energy is one of the most important things for mammals, as it dictates whether we are able to carry out daily tasks in a positive way.

This theory also links back to our ancestors, who did not have the easy access to food we once did. Since our metabolic rate drops by around 10% when we sleep, saving resources and food energy is a great way.

b)    The Restorative Theory

There are plenty of theories that suggest the brain works to repair and restore parts of the body during rest. Those who do not sleep enough suffer damage to their immune systems, so sleeping regularly can allow the body to perform its necessary repairs for optimum functioning.

c)    The Brain Plasticity Theory

One of the most modern theories surrounding sleep is this one. Essentially, it is believed that sleeping is crucial to the health and development of an infant, and it can be suggested that adults similarly benefit from sleep.

This is because the brain supposedly experiences shifts during sleep. Failure to get the necessary sleep can cause reduced performance.

d)    The Information Purge Theory

According to Giulio Tononi, a psychiatry professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the brain uses specific mechanisms that clear itself of unneeded data. Essentially, by learning every day, we supposedly need to purge out unnecessary information to continue to progress positively.

Although all of these theories have merit, none have been proven. As of yet, scientists have yet to truly crack the code on why we need to sleep.

3.    How did the universe really come to be?

There are plenty of theories regarding how the universe popped into existence on earth. But none of them have been proven beyond mere speculation.

And many missing pieces still prevent this puzzle from being solved, making it one of the many mysteries science can’t explain. This is according to astrophysicist Paul Sutter, who works with the Ohio State University. Sutter is also the Center of Science and Industry’s chief scientist.

Naturally, most people are familiar with the Big Bang theory. This theory suggests that the universe came to be almost 14 billion years ago through one highly overheated and extremely dense event that we call a singularity. But it’s not that the Big Bang suddenly caused everything to appear from zero. If it did happen, then it occurred all over the entire universe, all at once.

This is a difficult idea to comprehend, and scientists know less and less about the creation of the universe the further they delve into it. It’s believed that everything came to be through some form of gravity, but researchers have yet to understand quantum gravity, to begin with truly.

The only way for researchers to finally crack the case on the universe’s creation would be to truly understand all governing physics laws that preside over matter, including antimatter. According to the European Organization for Nuclear Research, this would require the currently accepted particle physics Standard Model to be completely ignored. As such, it may be a while before we figure out how the universe came to be.

4.    Why does ASMR work?

Autonomous sensory meridian response videos, or ASMR videos, have long become a staple part of the Internet. You find them all over YouTube and littered throughout Instagram. These videos are often quite simple and feature very soft sounds. These sounds may include:

  • Rubbing textured fabric
  • Poking slime
  • Scrunching up paper
  • Eating something crunchy
  • Breaking foam
  • A light humming
  • Assorted clicks and taps
  • Whispers

These sounds are recorded through the use of a special type of microphone. When listened to, approximately 90% of the population experiences ASMR. This tingling, shivery sensation can be calming and relaxing, promoting stress relief, mood balance, and positive thinking. For some, it may even feel like someone is giving them a massage on the scalp.

So what exactly causes ASMR? No one knows. All sorts of researchers have vehemently studied this response since 2013, and there are still no clear answers. ASMR University’s founder, Craig Richard, states that research into this strange bodily response is still in its early stages.

As of right now, there are some inferences. Biological studies have revealed that brains that do and do not experience ASMR respond differently when studied through fMRI scans. This means that, for whatever reason, some people have completely different brains, predisposing them to have positive results when listening to ASMR content.

Why does ASMR even exist? What function could it serve to people and their brains? Science has no idea right now, and it may be many years before anyone figures it out!

5.    Dark matter

Approximately 26% of the universe is made from a mystery science can’t explain dark matter. The first hypothesis of dark matter’s existence came around in 1922. Since then, the only real proof that this invisible force exists is that researchers can see how it reacts with visible matter.

Normal matter that the human eye can see is comprised of components such as electrons, neutrons, and protons – atoms. Meanwhile, dark matter is entirely different. Science hasn’t figured out what it’s made of; whatever it is made of aren’t types of particles our current science is aware of.


Currently, studies aren’t sure what dark matter is, where it comes from, or what it is made from. Some studies believe that dark matter may be visible with the use of detectors of gravitational waves. Other researchers are working on accelerating particles to study their movements, energy, and composition and what happens when they collide, hoping it may provide answers.

For now, dark matter is a complete mystery. It doesn’t reflect or absorb light, and it doesn’t emit any either. But it’s there, and scientists can see that light bends as it passes through it, meaning it does exist. But what it truly is and its powers are puzzles we likely won’t solve for decades. It is truly one of the world’s most baffling mysteries science can’t explain.

Final Thoughts On Some Mysteries That Science Can’t Explain

There are many mysteries science can’t explain. With researchers and scientists rushing around the clock to understand exactly what secrets these mysteries hold, perhaps it won’t be too long until we are able to understand these puzzles.

But there are more mysteries out there that we still don’t understand. Though technology is advancing quickly and we are becoming more knowledgeable, it may take a while to grasp all the answers. Until then, though, it’s fun to theorize and speculate as we watch history being made and scientific truths unfold before our eyes!

15 Ways To Respond To Someone Who Is Exploiting You

Are you being taken advantage of? Is someone manipulating you? Someone could be exploiting you for many different reasons. They may be envious of you or want to use you to further their own gains. It may be entirely unintentional. But regardless of the motivating factor, exploitation is wrong.

When you realize that someone is doing these things, it can be complicated to know what to do next. How do you respond to exploitation in a balanced but stable way?

Here Are 15 Ways To Respond To Someone Who Is Exploiting You

1.    Reference The Time

Using the passage of time – or your schedule – as an “excuse” to respond to exploiters can get old quickly, but no one can deny that it’s useful. When you do this, you are telling the person in question that your schedule is not up for compromise.

Here are some examples of things that you can say to reference the time when someone is exploiting you:

  • “I don’t have the time to spare right now.”
  • “I’m actually going to have to run a few errands while that’s happening.”
  • “I need to finish this right now.”
  • “I’m a little busy.”

2.    Set Boundaries

Setting limits and boundaries is extremely important when it comes to exploitation. The main reason you are being taken advantage of is that the other person can push further and further past certain lines. Boundaries can help prevent that from happening.

Setting boundaries and limits, in general, is a positive habit, and you should have them in place for all your relationships. But for manipulative exploiters, it’s even more critical. Draw a clear line and tell them where they stand, then enforce those boundaries. If they cross the borderline, communicate that to them and ask them to step back.

3.    Stay Calm

It’s effortless to lose your temper on someone who is exploiting you. After all, they are hurting you by doing these things, and your anger is 100% warranted.

However, in this situation, losing your temper will only worsen your condition. The exploiter can make you look like the unreasonable one, and you can’t get your point across clearly when you’re angry.

As such, you must stay calm when responding to someone who is trying to take advantage of you. Here are some tips to keep your cool:

  • Breathe deeply before speaking
  • If you must, count to ten in your head before continuing
  • Control your voice
  • Think of something funny or positive
  • Maintain neutral body posture

4.    Learn When To Say Yes Or No

Saying “yes” is very easy if you’ve gotten used to being taken advantage of. If you’re usually a compassionate person, someone may have learned to exploit that positive part of you, and it can be complicated to say no to favors.

Practicing saying “no” is very important, and it’s something that will take time. To begin with, you can start small by doing the following things:

  • Say you’ll think about it before making a decision
  • If you feel evident discomfort with something, say “no.”
  • Determine whether any desire to say “yes” is genuine or due to pressure
  • Understand that just because you can do something, doesn’t mean that you have to

5.    Deflect Flattery

Someone who is exploiting you may turn to flattery to try and get the reaction they want out of you. After all, sweet words tend to soften people up and make them more susceptible to exploitation. After someone’s been so kind to you, it’s hard not to want to agree to help them.

But once you know that someone only flatters you to get something out of you, you need to learn to deflect their flattery. You can do this by waving away those insincere words and asking them to cut to the chase, or you can ignore this flattery altogether and not use it in your considerations of the decision you have to make.

6.    Directly Ask Them If This Is What They Want

Sometimes, being direct and concise is the best way to respond to an exploiter. When they start talking about how tired they are and performing their “woe is me” routine, ask them directly: “Are you trying to ask me to do your portion of the work for you?”

Often, framing an exploiter’s statements transparently and revealing them for what they are puts the whole situation into perspective. The person may feel too embarrassed to further their attempts at convincing you. And if they do still try, it’s going to be much easier to say “no” because you’ve made the unfairness of the situation more transparent.

7.    Let Them Be Angry

Sometimes, you may feel pressured into saying “yes” to someone because you’re worried about the anger that is sure to erupt from them when you deny them. But this means that they’re not just trying to win you over anymore subtly – they’re outwardly showing you their true, harmful intentions.

But their anger is not your fault, and when they get angry, you can take a step back and walk away. Let them get mad. It’s not your responsibility to cater to their every need, and they have no right to expect that of you. Keep your positive thinking!

8.    Use An Excuse

Excuses are an easy way to respond to someone who is exploiting you. Here are some simple examples of ones you can use:

  • I have to get home for something
  • I’m a little too tired to do that now
  • I have an errand to run
  • I have to finish this bit of work first
  • I have another appointment

9.    Advocate For Yourself

If you don’t stand up for yourself, who will? Someone who is exploiting you may try to twist situations to make you look bad, or they may try to gaslight you into thinking the situation isn’t real. It’s difficult to maintain positive thinking through gaslighting, but you need to do it if you want to make the person stop.

In these situations, you have to advocate for yourself. Signs of weakness will be quickly pounced on by a malicious exploiter. Some phrases you can use are:

  • That’s not my reality, and you can’t change it
  • I understand where you’re coming from, but that’s not what I’m experiencing
  • From my perspective, this was a completely different issue

someone exploiting you10. Keep It Clear and Concise 

When you state your case to the person who is exploiting you, make it short and sweet. The longer you drag on, the more likely they are to try to poke holes in what you say. A concise response is easy to understand and process, and it’s unlikely to be misunderstood.

11. Stand Your Ground

It’s easy to want to beat around the bush when working around an exploiter. But instead of doing that, let yourself be as direct and curt as needed. Yes, you may not want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but the person taking advantage of you has never cared much about how you feel.

So stand your ground. Don’t tiptoe around the problem. Talk about exactly why this isn’t acceptable treatment, and don’t let your “no” waver into a “yes.”

12. Excuse Yourself

Yet another natural response to someone who is exploiting you is to excuse yourself and leave. To avoid nearing a topic that will lead to further exploitation, excusing yourself allows you to leave the conversation politely. You can use phrases such as:

  • Sorry, I have something to get to now.
  • Excuse me. I have to leave.
  • I need to get back to work.
  • I’ll talk to you later.

13. Validate Their Request

Validation can completely change the tune of a person. Many manipulators and exploiters perform their negative behavior because of low self-esteem, meaning that a subconscious part of them craves validation. Give it to them, and they may suddenly be less interested in exploiting you.

Acknowledge what the person is saying without compromising on your stance. You can do this with phrases like:

  • That must be very difficult for you.
  • I’m impressed that you did that.
  • You must have felt very alone in that situation.
  • Tell me more about (insert situation)!

14. Offer To Help Find A Solution

If you want to, you can offer a little bit of help to this person. Don’t go too far out of your way to be of assistance – do something simple that you are capable of performing without inconveniencing yourself. Some examples are:

  • Finding someone else who can help
  • Suggesting other ways around a problem
  • Giving them advice on how they can improve
  • Sending them helpful or informational links regarding their problem

15. Just Walk Away

Sometimes all you can do is walk away. If someone is exploiting you, you are not obligated to convince them. If things aren’t looking too good, you can turn tail and leave the situation.

Removing yourself from the situation can feel bad or as though you’re rude. But it’s a responsible decision to take yourself out of circumstances where someone is manipulating you. If the conversation is going nowhere, find the courage and positive thinking needed to stand up and leave. Your time is better spent on other things, and with other people.

is someone exploiting youFinal Thoughts on Protecting Yourself Someone Who is Exploiting You

Not everyone who exploits you is doing so on purpose, but it doesn’t matter whether it is intentional or not – it’s still manipulation. Understand that this is not your fault, and you are not to blame for your exploitation.

Learning to respond appropriately and effectively to people who are trying to exploit you can and will change your life. You will be able to defend yourself in a calm but firm way, making sure they know that you are not someone they can continue to manipulate and take advantage of.

If the person exploiting you is a close friend or someone you care for, you can also opt to talk to them. Communicate with them about what they are doing and how it is affecting you. Sometimes, a little discussion can go a long way. But if it doesn’t, don’t be afraid to cut exploiters off. They are a drain on your life, and you deserve better than that!

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