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How To Practice Mindful Breastfeeding + Health Benefits

Newborns signify a new dawn on earth. Their mothers are always the proudest people on such days. Sooner or later, with the onset of life, nursing comes into play. It is then a mother realizes that she just signed up for an exhaustive job that has no clear working hours. Breastfeeding.

The baby could wake up in the middle of the night wanting to be fed, and the mother has to do her job definitely. Breastfeeding benefits are therefore turned into boring excuses.

However, a few mothers have realized the secret and changed this extremely exhaustive chore into mindful nursing where they meditate and infuse peace within their core centers during the latter. Mindfulness has numerous applications such as in childbirth, parenting, and nursing.

For those who’ve tried various mindful breastfeeding tips, there has been a significant improvement in their health, and general lives let alone having a stronger bond with their children.

How to practice mindful breastfeeding

Mindful nursing involves tuning your body to the different senses it has to produce inner peace and also relax to be able to do things like nursing easily without the pressure of what will happen in the next few moments or what you failed in as a mother. It tunes your attention to the moment at hand alone and eliminates worry and thoughts about the future and past.

This, therefore, means that to have the best nursing sessions, you must be in touch with your body.

Here are a few mindful breastfeeding tips you may want to consider:

1. Create a peaceful environment

A noisy environment is distractive and draws your attention away from the general mindfulness process. If you stay in an urban environment, finding a calm atmosphere might help you achieve a successful mindful nursing session that would have otherwise been impossible.

A peaceful environment reduces the strain on your body senses like hearing and eye movement which makes them easy to control and tune for mindfulness. It is, therefore, necessary one finds a good environment and sit in it for a while during nursing.

2. Practice relaxation breath

An excellent example of mindfulness is performing controlled breathing with intervals for several separate times in a day for week or months. Breathing exercises slow down your heart making it easy for you to think clearly.

This also calms the sea of thoughts that are swirling in your mind making it easier to focus on nursing alone. Besides, these exercises teach you in the discipline of concentration where you have to concentrate your whole body and mind to your breathing pattern.

Here is a simple strategy for mindfulness through breathing;

Achieve a natural upright and comfortable nursing position and posture. It would help to avoid sitting with your back curved.

Determine the rhythm of your breath and make a mental note of the pattern.

Without changing your breathing intervals, try as much as possible to focus your whole mind on the ongoing breathing process. Whenever your thoughts move away from the breathing, force them back immediately and hold them for as long as you can.

The time spent on focusing your mind on breath has no limit. You can do this all day and have reasonable results.

Since for most mothers finding time to practice the latter is hard, the best time to do this would definitely be during nursing as only the breast is under use and the baby is mostly quietly feeding on the milk.

The mother is mainly always just seated thinking of other things which may make nursing a catastrophe! All the baby needs is the milk.

3. Using mantras while nursing

Chanting mantras has for a long time been known as a way of self-hypnosis or as a way to convince other people of absolute truths. You can speak various mantras to your baby or to yourself during nursing to make it possible to be mindful.

A good example is saying, ‘I am filled with inner peace.’
Repeating these mantras while focusing your mind on them is a vital mindfulness habit.

4. Using podcasts

There are numerous podcasts available free of charge or even excellent ones that can assist you to practice mindfulness during nursing. These podcasts are a great way to train your mind to focus on the tasks.

5. Making yourself aware of your baby’s environment

Our brains recognize and adapt to situations based on their knowledge and past experiences. This is called neuroplasticity. Creating awareness for your mind by being kind and compassionate to the nursing child enables the brain to adapt positivity and add control to your meditation.

Use the baby’s actions and movements such as sucking and breathing paces to bring your mind back whenever it wanders.

6. Avoid covering the baby during nursing

Covering your baby during nursing can prevent us from having the first-hand view of the experience going on and also make it difficult to connect to the baby through her actions.

Many mindfulness coaches have listed nursing your child openly as one of the best breastfeeding tips and also one of the best practices for successful mindfulness.

7. Relaxation apps

Relaxation apps have a wide range of meditation formulas and mindfulness tips that could help you become focused on nursing and center yourself. Some apps have breastfeeding tips meant for lactating mothers.

Practicing the above breastfeeding tips calms and centers you as a mother without having the need or the presence of an instructor and no effort is made physically.

Mindful nursing has huge benefits; not only on the mind but also on general body health.

Health benefits of Mindful breastfeeding

1. Mind benefits

Mindfulness is drawn from the word mind, which means that the brain is involved in mindfulness. Coupling nursing with mindfulness has numerous benefits on the mind and body let alone the satisfaction that rests on the mind.

Tracing back the sources of fear and anxiety becomes easier since concentration is present

This helps solve worries and concerns in mothers, contrary to traditional therapy methods, which took long to find out the source of such thoughts.

During nursing, a mother is more likely to be open to talk about her experiences, which helps them or the instructor uproot any negative thoughts in the mind that may be preventing full potential productivity.

A confidence boost is generated once anxiety causes are eliminated through mindful breastfeeding.

The notion of nursing as a bad chore is eliminated

Once mothers start seeing the process as an opportunity to get in touch with their inner selves and meditate, nursing no longer bears the name ‘exhausting and boring.’

It becomes a way to focus one’s energy to solve personal problems which give the mind peace, increasing productivity.

Mindful nursing is an excellent way to get rid of tension and stress which is responsible for causing diseases such as blood pressure and ulcers. Many causes of stress could be easily countered by practicing mindfulness during nursing.

2. Physical body

The body is more relaxed and relieved

This improves the body’s general health and makes the body less susceptible to diseases. This is because less energy is spent on worrying and more power is directed towards the immune system.

Growth is quick and assured as the body and mind is less overworked as a result of mindfulness.

Breathing exercises mentioned above help relieve insomnia known to cause various unwanted effects on the body.

Sex drive is improved since the body has more time to produce hormones associated with sex.

3. Baby

There is a bloom in the relationship between you and your baby that will last your entire lifetime. Nursing regularly strengthens the bond between a mother and her child. Thus you minimize the chance of problems arising from having a poor relationship with your child.

This betters the mothering experience.
The connection and emotions surrounding nursing influence the production of hormones that bring the mother and child closer to each other.


Breastfeeding mindfully also helps in the development of the baby. This is because the milk flows naturally from the breasts. Thus,  you need no artificial enhancements to control the flow of the fluid.

This ensures the baby gets healthy milk directly for the mother. This is common in situations where nursing is a problem due to anxiety and fears.

Final thoughts on mindful breastfeeding

Nursing is one of the best experiences of motherhood besides seeing your kid grow into a responsible adult. It is meant to make the whole mothering process fun. It is, therefore, necessary to be keen to avoid turning it into a natural necessity.

Practicing mindful breastfeeding has been proven to be of many health benefits let alone the time and dime it saves you! It is wise to start slowly and graduate to complex mindfulness practices during nursing as the days progress.

The earlier you start, the better and keep in mind that nursing is for a short period. Also, remember that if a specific mindfulness practice worked for your friend, it does not necessarily mean that it will or will not work for you. Finding your pace and niche is therefore advisable.

If you cannot wholly practice mindfulness alone, it might be best to seek a partner or an instructor. Mindful nursing has numerous benefits, and we believe that with the tips mentioned above, nursing will become a whole new unexplored adventure.

10 Reasons You Need To Try The Mediterranean Diet (#4 Is The Most Effective)

The Mediterranean diet offers numerous health benefits that are good for the whole body. With a focus on fruits, vegetables, legumes, olive oil, whole grains, and nuts, the Mediterranean diet offers numerous health benefits. Benefits of this diet include a reduction in the risk of developing depression, cancer, cognitive decline, and heart disease!

A growing body of evidence shines a light on the many excellent health benefits of this diet. A marked reduction in blood sugar and apparent improvements in memory among practitioners are just a few highlights of this diet. Touted by many as one of the healthiest diets, with few dietary restrictions and a laundry list of benefits, this diet is easy to stick with!

Some essential guidelines of the Mediterranean diet are:

  • Consume a handful of nuts a day
  • Consume five or more servings of vegetables a day
  • Eat two or more servings of legumes a week
  • Consume healthy fats from sources such as fish, nuts, and olive oil
  • Consume protein from lean sources such as eggs and fish two to three times weekly

To give you a better idea of what the research says, we’ve broken down 10 of the significant Mediterranean diet health benefits you can enjoy:

1. Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

study compared the Mediterranean diet with other healthy diets such as vegetarian, low-carb, vegan, high-fiber, high protein, or low-glycemic diets and discovered that it resulted in more positive effects for those dealing with high blood sugar or diabetes.

The study attributes the reductions in blood sugar and cholesterol in diabetes to the diet’s focus on consuming healthier foods high in monounsaturated fats such as nuts, olive oil, some fish, and foods high in fiber such as vegetables and fruits.

By focusing on healthier unsaturated fats, followers of this diet benefit from improvements to their insulin response, in part likely due to a reduction in saturated and trans fat consumption.

mediterranean diet

2. Fights Off Cancer

Recent research showed that this diet’s practitioners benefited from a noticeably reduced rate of suffering cancer or mortality due to cancer.

More specifically, this diet has shown positive signs of preventing or reducing the chances of postmenopausal women developing breast cancer!

3. Encourages Healthy Weight Loss

Compared to other diets, this diet is not nearly as restrictive, which lends to it being much more accessible to stick with over the long run than other diets with more stringent food choices, resulting in a higher rate of weight loss success! Enjoying your favorite treats on occasion while remaining full throughout the day makes a healthy diet easy to stick with for the long haul!

It is best to stay with it for six months or more. However, you’d truly benefit most from planning to remain on the healthy eating streak for the rest of your life! This diet makes that possible!

Carbohydrates such as bread are okay and even encouraged in moderation while following this meal plan. Be mindful of portion sizes with these types of food, though, as they’re higher in calories per serving than other foods, and going overboard can trigger your weight loss to halt or even head in the other direction!

4. Helps to Maintain Healthy Heart Function

Where the traditional diet is most similar to that of Mediterranean nations, heart disease occurs at a much lower rate. This comes from the increased physical fitness, emphasis on family, and healthy food choices, all of which result in a healthy body and heart especially!

Due to the diet’s positive effects on “bad” cholesterol levels, a reduction in the death rate resulting from heart disease often occurs.

It is not just the food guidelines that promote improvement in heart health among followers of this diet. Indeed, it is also the suggestions on what to drink. Light consumption of red wine is typical with this diet. But the critical thing here is to keep it moderate. A general rule of thumb is not to consume more than fine ounces a day.

5. Assists The Body In Fighting Off Inflammation

Researchers observed the diet’s effect on the inflammation biomarkers in the body in those especially susceptible to inflammation. They noted a  reduction in these markers. The body is better able to keep inflammation in check, acting as a preventative means of fending off conditions commonly associated with chronic inflammation.

One of the main factors that cause inflammation, oxidative stress, is less likely to be experienced by the body when eating the antioxidant-rich foods promoted by this diet.

To further improve your body’s response to inflammation, increase your consumption of egg yolks and soybean, both high in choline, and spinach and beets, both vegetables that betaine is found in high quantities. Betaine and choline both offer noticeable effects against inflammation.

6. Offers Improvements To Cognitive Health

Improvements in cognitive abilities often happen for followers of this diet! Studies indicate that improved attention, memory capacity, and focus can all happen due to following the rough guidelines of this diet! Also improved is the brain’s ability to process language.

Those both young and old can benefit from the Mediterranean diet’s brain-boosting effects! Peak brain function is much easier to maintain while following this diet. Further, it can be held throughout all of the dieter’s life! As a result, improved performance at work, improvements to one’s quality of life, and an overall healthier mindset can be attained!

7. Reduces Parkinson’s Disease Risk

People whose diets closely mirror that of Mediterranean countries consume healthier, antioxidant-rich foods in high amounts, which results in a startling reduction in the risk of Parkinson’s disease developing, sometimes by as much as 50%!

By encouraging the consumption of fruits, vegetables, seafood, and healthy fats, all foods high in antioxidants, your cells are less likely to experience the harmful process of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is something that you want to avoid. It underscores the development of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, and can cause a lot of damage.

Researchers admit that more studies need to be completed to get a better picture of what effects nutrition has on neuroprotection and neurodegeneration. It is promising though, and the diet appears to offer many benefits to those with a genetic predisposition to the aforementioned conditions.

8. Reduces Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Due to this diet’s ability to improve cholesterol, sugar levels, and the cardiovascular system as a whole, a significant reduction in the risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s development is likely.

Cognitive decline may be slowed or halted entirely if one follows these dietary guidelines, research has indicated.

Medical practitioners for years have encouraged their patients to adopt healthy eating habits that closely follow these dietary rules. Many believe is enhances the body’s ability to fight off cognitive conditions like dementia.

9. Offers An Improvement To Your Mood

People with ADHD, anxiety, and depression may all enjoy the improvement in cognition gained as a benefit of this diet.

The foods featured heavily in this diet all promote your body’s ability to regulate many different hormones. These include dopamine which is the chemical responsible for mood regulation, body movement, and the processing of thought. As a result of sticking within the guidelines of this diet, namely the consumption of healthier fats such as nuts and olive oil, and high-fiber foods, improvements to overall brain health and mood are likely!

mediterranean diet

Researchers are still on the fence about whether or not this diet could replace traditional treatments for these conditions. However, most view it as an excellent tool to be used alongside therapy and medication. Give it a try and you may find that you don’t need to medicate after all!

10. Improvements in Your Body’s Pain Management

Due to the magnesium-rich grains and higher fiber fruits and vegetables, this diet creates measurable effects on the body’s ability to manage pain. By way of providing relief from stress and a reduction in the body’s inflammation response, it’s likely that improvements in the body’s ability to deal with pain will be noticed!

The key nutrient responsible for the diet’s ability to positively affect pain management and offer pain relief is Magnesium. To gain this Mediterranean diet health benefits, include fish, legumes, nuts, spinach, chocolate, and whole grains prominently in your diet.

More and more research is coming out all the time that indicates the Mediterranean diet is a great choice for those looking to lose a little weight while maintaining peak health. Health and wellness is a hot topic these days. Of course, this diet is an easy choice for those looking for a simple diet to stick with for life!

With copious Mediterranean diet health benefits on offer, the Mediterranean diet offers you the chance to enjoy real improvements in your mood and health as a whole!

7 Things Good Listeners Do Differently

Most people believe they are good listeners. They think that they are listening in the proper way by sitting quietly while someone is talking, or by responding through body language and facial expressions, or by repeating what the other person told them word for word.

But a study from Wright State University involving 8,000 participants revealed that only 25 percent of people listen effectively. Apparently, good listeners do more than just sit quietly, elicit non-verbal reactions, or repeat what has been said accurately.  Here are some things that good listeners do differently than the rest.

Here Are 7 Things Good Listeners Do Differently

“Good listeners, like precious gems, are to be treasured.” – Walter Anderson

1.    Good listeners create a safe environment for the other person

Many professionals in the field of counseling and therapy utilize active listening skills to communicate with their patients in the best way. Active listening enables a good listener to pay attention to another person, show acceptance, and be emphatic to their situation.

It is very important to be focused as an active listener. But more than paying close attention, good listeners also try to create a safe environment for the other person who might want to unload their emotions. So, good listeners prefer to have conversations in a quiet area, without any distractions or interruptions like phones and other gadgets. They also make sure that they are seated comfortably next to the speaker.

Deep conversations can be heavy, complex, and quite difficult to reveal. They can evoke pain, irritation, and discomfort. But good listeners know they need to be comfortable with what may be uncomfortable. They also have to let the other person feel positive in that they can safely open up, drop down their guard, and freely talk about their feelings.

2.    Good listeners maintain eye contact

Eye contact is a vital part of communication. It conveys your interest in the conversation and establishes your connection to the person you are conversing with. But maintaining eye contact can be difficult and uncomfortable for some people. In fact, others may experience eye contact anxiety and avoid looking intently at someone during a conversation.

It’s also easy to make an embarrassing mistake when you are maintaining eye contact. You can either become distracted and immediately look away or stare too long at the other person and look like a stalker.

According to Michigan State University, it takes a lot of practice to learn how to maintain eye contact. Because at least 70 percent of your conversation will involve eye contact, rehearsing interactions in front of the mirror can be helpful.

To avoid any mistakes when making eye contact, you should:

  • Establish eye contact the moment you are in a conversation with someone.
  • Hold your gaze for four to five seconds, then take a glance to the side before re-establishing the eye contact.
  • Slowly look away from side-to-side without darting your eyes or immediately glancing at another focus.
  • Avoid looking down.
  • Look for other spots in the person’s face and refocus on this every few seconds.
  • Use head gestures to break your gaze, such as nodding, so that it will look more natural.

If you’re speaking to more than one person, you can still establish eye contact by looking at one person for a few seconds before shifting your gaze to another person. Make sure that you give equal focus to everyone in the group.

3.    Good listeners use body language well

Aside from eye contact, good listeners use positive body language to convey their interest in the other person’s issues. This technique makes them more receptive and approachable, and shows they are better communicators. Some examples of effective body language techniques that good listeners convey include:

  • Nodding their head to show they are responsive and engaged in the conversation.
  • Tilting their head to show curiosity and involvement in what the speaker is saying.
  • Leaning in when someone is talking to show interest.
  • Being aware of their hands, mouth, and facial expressions; they smile, raise eyebrows, or cringe their eyes when responding.
  • Mirroring the other person’s expressions or posture as a gesture of agreement and to build a rapport.
  • Uncrossing their cross their arms or legs when the other person is talking to convey openness.
  • Removing any barrier across them like a desk or a bag.
  • Resisting the urge to fidget; keeping their fingers and hands under control.

Showing the right body language helps keep the conversation calm, especially when you’re discussing a sensitive issue with a friend or a family member. It will help defuse a tense situation.

4.    Good listeners probe and ask the right questions

Asking questions allows good listeners to uncover additional information. It helps the person sharing something to be more elaborate and to explore their feelings. It seeks to provide clarity to what’s really going on and enable reflection that may greatly help the person dealing with an issue.

At the same time, good listeners know to avoid questions that may put the other person on the defensive. They don’t ask questions to pry or encroach and sow intrigues. Instead, they probe because they hope to help resolve the issue, provide a better understanding of what’s really going on, uncover reasons or evidence, analyze some assumptions, and look at a different perspective.

Some of the most effective questions to ask may be:

  • Why do you think he/she said that?
  • Could you give an example of [the issue]?
  • Can you think of reasons…?
  • Can someone confirm or support your view?
  • What do you think [the issue] implies?
  • How does [the issue] relate to those involved?
  • What effect would this issue have on those concerned?
  • How might he/she respond?
  • Do you think there are alternatives?

Good listeners know how much people like to talk about themselves. Asking questions shows interest and also creates a conversation that won’t feel so one-sided.

5.    Good listeners are not judgmental

The ability to listen actively and effectively takes practice but the ability to listen without judgment takes heart and character. The key to listening without judgment is empathy. It’s showing an understanding of what a friend is going through and then setting aside your own views and values to avoid becoming critical of his or her situation.

Every person has a bias and it’s this bias that may sometimes push you to have a closed mind on certain issues. In fact, we often tend to form an opinion even before a friend has finished confiding their problem.

But good listeners are different in that they don’t make assumptions or jump to conclusions when hearing someone out. They have an open mind and accept what they hear or learn, even if this goes against what they believe.

Good listeners have a great grasp of another person’s reality. They are keenly aware that while what they hear and learn might be tough to process, it is somebody else’s situation that requires some help and guidance.

For instance, your best friend admits to you that she is cheating on her partner. You value loyalty and faithfulness in a relationship so you greatly disagree with what she did. But as much as you’re against this, you patiently sit down and closely listen to her issues. It might be tough to hear but showing empathy may eventually help her find the right solutions to her relationship problems.

As a good listener, you validate whatever your friend is emotionally going through even if you think it’s a mistake. You don’t necessarily support what she’s doing but you support what she’s feeling and try as much as you can to understand and get to the bottom of those emotions.

6.    Good listeners reflect and restate what’s been said in a helpful manner

If you’re listening closely and giving your full attention to the person confiding in you, then you can repeat what they’ve said. But good listeners are different in that they can summarize the details without losing the main thought. They also reflect and restate the idea in a helpful manner.

  • Good listeners paraphrase what has been said in order to clarify what the other person really meant to say.
  • They just don’t parrot the thought to where they end up sounding phony and patronizing.
  • Instead, they give the other person – who could be confused because they are in the middle of the muddle – a better read of their situation.

Paraphrasing also gives the other person a chance to correct or clarify something that may be causing a misunderstanding. Oftentimes in conversations, what you usually hear is not really what the person meant to convey. For this reason, it will help to restate and reflect on those statements.

7.    Good listeners know when to give great advice

People like playing amateur psychiatrists especially if they have experienced similar situations and problems. While this might be helpful to a friend or a family member struggling in a situation, good listeners know to avoid giving unsolicited advice. They also hold off giving solutions to another person’s problems, especially when it’s not requested. They don’t lecture and dictate what their friend in trouble should do.

In most cases, people seek confidants because they need to rant or unload their feelings. They want to rehash the things that are bothering them because their minds are so bothered and boggled. They might not really need advice and solutions.

Some people may actually be offended if they tell someone their issues and then start getting advice, especially if it concerns relationships. But good listeners recognize that they can still be helpful without having the answers; they just need to have great listening skills.


Final Thoughts On Things Good Listeners Do Differently

Every person is capable of listening but the ones who are really good at this are more mindful of their actions and reactions, especially the non-verbal ones. They are also careful not to escalate tensions or conflicts by remaining empathetic to the feelings and thoughts of the one talking. They can set aside their biases and keep their mind open so that the communication becomes more enlightening and valuable.

Good listeners are emotionally intelligent; developing this skill can take years of practice, learning, and interacting with different kinds of people. But their ability to focus while creating a bond with another person makes them different from other people. Research shows that good listeners actually make the best leaders as well.

21 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Sometimes, it can feel like the world is against us and there’s nothing we can do about it, which is why we have inspirational quotes. We have more power than we realize. A few words of inspiration can make a profound difference in our lives.

By taking a moment to read some inspirational quotes, we can unlock the strength that’s been inside us all along. It’s all about knowing that just because things aren’t going great now, it doesn’t mean they can’t get better.

Each of these 21 inspirational quotes is special in its own way. By taking them to heart, you can take the darkness out of your most difficult days. Inspirational quotes about life can remind us of all the value that life has.

1. “Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting, in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.” – Zig Ziglar

If you want to be successful, you don’t need to be so obsessed with the results. Instead, you can pride yourself on the fact that you’re putting in an effort at all.

2. “People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.” – Tony Robbins

Getting down on yourself is only a solution if your goal is to not have any success whatsoever. You can inspire success in yourself by recognizing your achievements for what they are and going from there.

3. “A woman is a full circle. Within her is the ability to create, nurture, and transform.” — Diane Mariechild

One person can make a difference. Even if you think that you alone can’t change the world, without your presence, this world would be a very different place. The more you realize this, the more of an impact you can make.

4. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ? Paulo Coelho

Trying and not succeeding should never be considered failure. The only thing that should be considered failure is being so paralyzed by fear that you never take any action.

5. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

When on the verge of a breakthrough, too many people throw in the towel. Every step forward is a step closer to lasting success.

6. “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” – Ingrid Bergman

Take a look around and reflect on your life. You might realize that what you’ve been looking for has been in your clutches all along. You just needed to take a moment to appreciate it.

7. “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” – Rikki Rogers

Inspirational quotes about life like this help remind us that getting past our limitations is a key to personal freedom. Being able to turn “I can’t” into “I can” is a feeling that should never be taken for granted.

8. “Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.” Tony Hsieh

When you’re doing what you love for a living, that’s more rewarding than any massive paycheck. Being financially stable is important, but what’s more important is knowing that what you do matters.
9. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers

There’s a difference between reflecting and dwelling. When you reflect, you learn from the past so you can make your future better. When you dwell, you become preoccupied and obsessed with past mistakes to the detriment of your future.
10. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” — George Addair

Dealing with fear isn’t about getting rid of it and then acting. It’s about having the fear and acting anyway. Fear wants you to get the best of you, but you can outsmart it through pushing ahead (1)
11. “Buckle up, and know that it’s going to be a tremendous amount of work, but embrace it.” – Tory Burch

The road to success is as gratifying as the success itself. Every day that you’re working towards a goal is a day worth cherishing.
12. “Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.” – Robert H. Schuller

You’ve made so much progress in your life. Things that once seemed like they were insurmountable obstacles can now be done with ease. Remember this the next time you think something is impossible.

13. “The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

When you encounter challenges, you need to learn to not feel like you’re being weighed down by them. Instead, you need to develop a strategy to work through them.

14. “You cannot afford to live in potential for the rest of your life; at some point, you have to unleash the potential and make your move.” – Eric Thomas

“Someday” is a promise that we never fulfill to ourselves. If you want to make a change, you need to start right now. Inspirational quotes like this show how much it matters to be living to your fullest potential.

15. “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.” — Helen Keller

If you think the key to safety is to avoid taking any risks, you’re in for a rude awakening. You need to put yourself out there and cherish the fact that you’re not just staying in your comfort zone. Inspirational quotes about life like this remind us that taking action opens all kinds of doors for us.
16. “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Negative emotions take us away from the positive emotions that are so key to making life worthwhile. When we feel happiness, we’re better equipped to handle any challenges that might come our way. (2)

17. “It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi

Nobody is keeping track of your failures except for yourself. Inspirational quotes like this remind us that what matters is being able to take difficult situations in stride. Sure, you might have to find new strategies for your subsequent attempts, but that’s better than becoming complacent.

18. “Always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” –Judy Garland

Trying to please everyone means that we lose sight of who we even are. Being yourself doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to work on. It just means that you know how best to present your strengths.

inspirational quotes

19. “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” – Robert Tew

Whatever hurdle you’re working to overcome now, it’s nothing compared to the glory that awaits you. Every part of your journey is important, even the ones that give you trouble.

20. “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Satisfaction in life doesn’t come from avoiding trouble completely. It comes from getting yourself out of bad situations through resilience and faith in yourself. No matter how tough things might seem, your own internal toughness is what matters.

21. Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live in?” — Caroline Myss

Life is short, and it becomes even shorter if it’s one that’s not actually lived. You need to live for the moment so that years from now, you can feel proud, not just about the decisions you made but the fact that you made decisions in the first place.

These inspirational quotes come from people of different backgrounds, time periods, and careers. However, what they have in common is that their speakers are people who not only have amazing accomplishments but who wanted to share their secrets to a fulfilling life.

As you go forward with your day, remember any and all of these inspirational quotes about life. You may find yourself inspirational quotes of your own that you pass along to others in hopes of inspiring them.

8 Habits That Unclog Your Arteries

Many people don’t realize how important it is to unclog your arteries. Arteries are part of the body’s intricate and critical circulatory system. Your body’s health could be at grave risk when they do not function properly.

When a blockage build-up occurs in the body’s vessels and arteries, they form plaque. This plaque comprises fats, waste, cholesterol, and calcium. It causes the arteries to narrow, slowly causing less and less efficient and effective transmission of blood through one’s body.

Essentially, this clogging causes fresh, oxygenated blood to have more difficulty traveling around one’s system. This can lead to various health problems, many of which can result in severe and potentially fatal diseases. That’s why taking good care of your arterial health is so important.

To clear out your arteries and vessels in a natural manner, there are some habits you can incorporate into your daily life. Here are some habits that unclog your arteries, and how they work.

Here Are 8 Habits That Unclog Your Arteries


1. Have a healthier diet

The main cause of clogged arteries is a poor diet. What you eat greatly affects the health of your heart and entire body, so a positive diet is always a good habit to encourage. If you’ve eaten badly for years, it can take a while for the body to recover, but there’s no time like the present to do so.

To unclog your arteries, you’ll need a mindful diet. You will have to be aware of what you eat and make changes. Here are some areas to pay attention to.

· Add good fats

Unsaturated fats are healthy, tasty, and filling, and they’re the best kinds of fats to eat. You can get them from foods like fish, nuts, olives, and avocado.

· Cut out trans fats

Trans fats are the worst kinds of fats you can eat. They tend to come in overly processed foods, such as junk food, fast food, and confectionary products. Remove them entirely from your diet!

· Reduce saturated fats

Dairy products and meat with lots of fat left over are saturated fats. These are far from your best diet options. Instead, go for lean meat and opt for plant-based meals more often.

· Reduce sugar

Processed sources of sugar, such as candies, soft drinks, ice cream, cakes, and cookies, offer a lot of calories with little to no proper nutrition. If you’re craving something sweet, opt for fruits, which are full of natural sugar as well as lots of vitamins and minerals.

· Add fiber

Good amounts of soluble fiber are great for lowering bad cholesterol. Eat oats, vegetables, beans, and lentils to get soluble fiber.

Changing your diet for the better can be difficult, but with positive thinking and proper planning, you can pull it off. Eating healthy is a fantastic way to unclog your arteries and keep them clear for a long time to come.

2. Get enough sleep

If you’re sleep-deprived, your body is already suffering, to begin with. The body requires between 7 and 9 hours of sleep daily, which is crucial to unclog your arteries. Without enough sleep, you could experience symptoms such as:

  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Less focus and productivity
  • Reduced positive thinking
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Weaker immune system

A lack of sleep can also drastically raise the risks of developing multiple different conditions, including:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease

Why do all these conditions become easier to develop when you lack sleep? Shortened or fragmented sleep has been found to clog up and even harden the arteries, thus leading to worsened heart health. If you have difficulty falling asleep or have a sleep disorder, speak to a doctor about ways to make your nights easier.

3. Drink tea

Tea is full of healthy and strong antioxidants, and one of them is called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG. Not only has this compound been found to be relatively effective in Alzheimer’s disease treatment, but it has also been found to reduce fat deposits along the arteries.

What tea is best to drink for this purpose? Green tea is the most renowned for heart health, and it can even bring down bad cholesterol and fat to unclog your arteries more quickly. If you’re not such a fan of green tea, you can also opt for:

  • Oolong tea
  • White tea
  • Black tea (be careful with the caffeine content!)
  • Chamomile tea

Drinking between three and six cups of your tea of choice per day can reduce your chances of developing heart disease by up to 36% later in life. Green tea is the most effective, so consider discussing it with your doctor first for other teas.

4. Exercise

Physical activity is crucial to keeping the body relatively fit and healthy. The American Heart Association states that approximately 75 minutes of high-intensity or 150 minutes of moderate weekly exercise is required for most positive results. Examples of vigorous exercise include:

  • Walking briskly
  • Dancing
  • Gardening or chores
  • Cycling
  • Bodybuilding

Examples of moderate exercise include:

  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Aerobics
  • Hiking
  • Jump rope
  • Basketball
  • Soccer

Participating in these activities will help to boost your stamina and keep your heart healthy. They can help your cardiovascular health, improve positive thinking, and, most importantly, unclog your arteries.

If you haven’t worked out for a while, build up to regular exercise. Work your way up to thirty minutes of exercise five days a week for best results. You’ll find yourself feeling healthier – and losing weight – when you put in the effort. Speak to a medical professional before you begin any new physical activity regimen!

5. Try natural remedies

There are a variety of natural remedies and supplements that can have a positive effect on the arteries. Here are some of them.

· Pomegranate

Pomegranate, especially the fruit juice, has been known for its health-improving properties for many years. Now, studies have found that it has strong antioxidant properties within it. These antioxidants help the fruit and its juice to unclog your arteries. They also help lower blood pressure.

· Coenzyme Q10

Known also as CoQ10, this chemical helps a cell to take energy from consumed foods. Essentially, it helps the heart work better and can reduce the body’s oxidative stress significantly while boosting enzymes.

CoQ10 is well-known for its ability to reduce cardiovascular risk risks, thus presumably being good for artery health.

· Potassium

Potassium has been found in studies to reduce blood pressure and combat the negative effects of a diet high in sodium. Of course, you should try not to overeat salt, to begin with, but taking supplements can help combat symptoms from high salt consumption.

· Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These nutrients are great for reducing inflammatory effects caused by clogged arteries. Omega-3s are fantastic for lowering trans fat levels and breaking down artery plaque blockage. They also help reduce blood pressure and prevent heart disease.

· Magnesium

Magnesium supplements have been shown to bring down blood pressure. They’re excellent for combating heart disease and helping the heart.

Please also remember that natural remedies and supplements can only go so far. Always speak to a doctor before attempting any of these remedies, and go for more serious methods if your arteries are in bad shape.

6. Stopping smoking and drinking alcohol

If you’re a heavy drinker or smoker, stopping these habits can make your arteries healthier.

Tobacco and cigarettes are known for causing damage to vessels, arteries, and the heart due to the harmful chemicals they contain. They can further increase the amount of plaque in one’s arteries and result in bad heart diseases. Quitting this bad habit can certainly lead to plenty of positive effects.

Meanwhile, alcohol is well-known for causing heart strain. Moderate alcohol consumption can be good in some cases, but too much can make you unhealthier and put you at risk for heart problems.

Quitting vices is never easy, so speak to a doctor if you need help rehabilitating yourself.

7. Lose weight

Obesity and an overweight body are commonly associated with blocked arteries. Extra weight on the body can lead to negative cholesterol buildup in the body, thus boosting chances of bad blockages and plaque forming in arteries.

There are plenty of health benefits to weight loss; even losing between 5 and 10% of your current weight (if you are overweight) can prompt huge change. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Clearer skin
  • Less pain
  • More positive thinking
  • Improved skin
  • Better intimacy
  • Higher immunity
  • Longer lifespan

The good news is that incorporating the other habits we mentioned, such as regulating your diet, quitting alcohol, and exercising, can help your weight loss efforts.

8. Taking medication

Sometimes, if your arteries are too clogged, you must take medication to remove the blockages. Lifestyle changes can help significantly, but there is no shame in requiring more serious medical intervention in extreme circumstances.

Don’t be afraid to speak to a doctor about getting a little assistance in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. He or she may be able to give you effective cholesterol medication that will break down plaque in your arteries and promote better overall health. Sometimes, you need an extra push in the right direction to unclog your arteries.


Final Thoughts On Different Habits That Unclog Your Arteries

The best “cure” for artery blockage is to prevent it from ever happening. Of course, that is not always possible, and that’s why these habits that unclog your arteries should be kept in mind.

Many medical procedures can be performed to treat badly clogged vessels and arteries. However, these treatments are often quite invasive, and it’s no surprise that more natural methods are sought after. Do remember, though, that if you experience severe symptoms, you should speak to a doctor!

Caring for your body is key to a long, healthy, happy life. To prevent the build-up of gunk and plaque, make these habits that unclog your arteries part of your routines. You might just be surprised at how much better you feel.

Love Yourself Daily: 10 Top Ways to Love Yourself

Self-love is a concept many of us still struggle to grasp. What does it mean to really love yourself? All over the internet, articles about the transformative effects of learning to love yourself, but what does that mean? Is there even a one-size-fits-all answer to self-love when all of us are, in fact, different selves?

One thing is certain: You’re the only one who can learn how to love yourself. There is plenty of practical advice online, but it’s up to you to try out different methods and devise your own effective practice.

Maybe your self-love will look different as you grow. That’s okay. To get you started on the right path, here are 10 self-love practices that will help you learn to love yourself more and more each day.

10. Start Each Day With Positive Affirmations

Author Maria Robinson once wrote, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Instead of ending things on a good note, why not start off on one instead?

Self-affirmations affirmations can restore our confidence and activate the systems in our brain that allows us to look inward and reflect on who we are (1). You can find plenty of positive affirmations online; use them in a meditation or simply write them down in a notebook and repeat them to yourself throughout the day.


9. Write a Schedule

Time-management leads to greater organization and productivity, which reduces stress. Writing a daily schedule can help you prioritize your top responsibilities and avoid getting caught up in non-essentials.

You can allocate specific time periods for work, rest and socialization. Each of these play vital roles in your mental well-being, and knowing how to attend to your responsibilities without getting overwhelmed is a great act of self-love.

8. Remember Your Goals

It’s difficult to love yourself when you feel like your life is going nowhere. We all experience a stasis at some point, be it in our mental health, relationship or career. It’s important to keep plans for the future to motivate yourself everyday.

By developing a future time perspective, we can learn to stay motivated, look ahead and see a bigger picture (3). This discourages frustration with the present and allows us to stay resilient and optimistic even during times of stagnation.

7. Get Some Fresh Air

Many of us spend the majority of our days indoors. We wake up, go to work, sit at a desk and only glimpse the sun when we’re headed back home. A sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for a lot of reasons, and one of them is the negative impact minimal exposure to daylight has on your mental health.

Spending time outdoors every day can boost Vitamin D levels and elevate your mood (4). Take some time each day to just breathe and enjoy the fresh air, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. The benefits on your inner peace, stress levels and mental health will be worth it.(5).

6. Exercise Regularly

The benefits of working out far surpass the dread and procrastination many people associate with their routine cardio.

If you have to practically force yourself to go to the gym, consider spicing up your regimen by taking a class in something you enjoy. From kickboxing to Zumba, there are a lot of ways to stay in shape and get some endorphin-boosting exercise without having to schlep to a gym and trudge along a treadmill for half an hour.

5. Be Your Own Best Friend

It’s great to have a reliable support system, but we also have to be our own best friends. Relying too much on others for emotional validation can actually reinforce our anxiety. Learning how to enjoy your own company, listen to your thoughts and value your opinions is a daily practice that will help you develop a strong sense of self-worth.

When you learn to love yourself, you’ll find that you don’t look to others as often. This doesn’t mean you don’t value their input or care about them; instead, you’ll be able to develop stronger relationships by having your commitment rooted solely in your enjoyment of the other person’s company. Rather than feeling subjected to the approval or judgement of your family and friends, you’ll be able to stand confidently on your own and believe in the value you contribute to every relationship.

4. Change Your Perspective

Catch yourself slipping into autopilot and remind yourself of the bigger picture. It’s easy for us to feel overwhelmed by the weight of stress and obligation. Many of us plough through our lives without truly experiencing anything. At night, we crawl into bed and feel like another day has come and gone without much meaning.

It’s all too easy to lose yourself to the world, so take time throughout the day to remind yourself to step back, breathe and live in the moment. You can even set a reminder on your phone to help you refocus throughout the day.

3. Set Aside Time to Acknowledge Your Emotions

Do you have a tendency to repress sadness, frustration or other uncomfortable feelings? It’s human nature to avoid pain, and burying painful feelings deep inside ourselves is just one way we try to protect ourselves. But what if you could take your hurtful feelings and transform them into positive ones?

You have to make a conscious decision to acknowledge your feelings, no matter how painful they may be. Meditation and mindfulness are excellent tools for dealing with negative emotions. Instead of intrinsically identifying with every thought and feeling that passes through you, you learn how to take a passenger’s perspective and let your emotions move through you.

Emotional intelligence allows us to understand ourselves and empathize better with others. Learning how to acknowledge, accept and interpret negative feelings can help you develop a higher emotional IQ and become a happier, more positive person (6).

2. Seek Help When You Need It

You may need to speak to a therapist, or you could just need to pick up the phone and pour your heart out to your best friend. Self-awareness is an important quality many people lack; when you love yourself, you learn to stop underestimating your capabilities and putting yourself down.

Self-awareness means understanding that you can’t do everything alone, and self-love makes us capable of reaching out without feeling embarrassed, ashamed or weak. If you’ve just started to learn to love yourself, you might still feel awkward or nervous to get help. But if you decide to go against the voice in the back of your head telling you to stay quiet, you’re making progress.

It isn’t easy to admit we’re struggling, and it’s even harder to accept the fact that we can’t make things right on our own. Mental health is hard, but part of self-love is tending all pillars of your health: metal, emotional and physical.

1. Dare to Be Vulnerable

In her book “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead”, Dr. Brené Brown discusses what vulnerability really means and guides readers on how to find strength in letting go.

One of the greatest ways to learn to love yourself is vulnerability. So many of us let our fear of judgement, abandonment or rejection hold us back from taking the risks we need to become who we truly want to be.

love yourself

Being vulnerable doesn’t mean you let people walk all over you. There’s a reason emotional boundaries exist, and they protect us from undue harm and toxic relationships. However, some of us perceive vulnerability as a sign of weakness, so we avoid getting too close, saying too much and living too loudly for fear that we’ll somehow get hurt.

Allow yourself to take that risk. When you dare to be vulnerable, you become capable of sensing, feeling and receiving so much more love from the world around you. It won’t be easy, and sometimes, it’ll backfire. But when you allow yourself to go after what you want in spite of the pain, fear and anxiety holding you back, you will understand the immense freedom that comes from self-love.

Take Your Time

Practice patience with yourself. Be kind even when you would rather just wallow in self-pity or tell yourself all the reasons why you aren’t good enough. Think of your inner child. Would you talk to them the way you often talk to yourself? Nurture the small, trembling parts of your soul and embrace all that you can be.

You will learn how to love yourself with time. After some daily practice, you’ll start to identify what exercises really work for you. What makes you grateful? What makes you feel loved by yourself?

As you embark on this rewarding and incredible journey, you should feel excited about the person you’re going to meet. You’ll be amazed at just how much there is to learn about yourself when you exist from a place of love.

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