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31 Lemon Water Benefits Most People Ignore

(9/13/2024 Editor’s Update: Removed content around the alkalizing effects of Lemon Water and its impact on urinary tract infections, aligning with current research.)

Adding lemon juice to water, which helps rejuvenate cells and flush toxins from the body, provides a variety of vitamins and minerals, like calcium, iron, potassium, and Vitamin C. Making lemon water is simple: mix lemon juice with warm water. It’s better to use warm water rather than cold water, for the body has an easier time processing warm water.

Lemon Water Benefits for the Cardiovascular System and Blood

Drinking lemon water regularly can provide you with the following benefits:

warm lemon water

1) It can lower your risk of stroke

A single lemon contains 51 percent of the Vitamin C that the average adult needs. Vitamin C can help prevent stroke and heart disease. In 2000, the science journal “Stroke” described a 20-year-long study conducted in Japan. There, researchers followed over 2,100 volunteers who were at least 40 years old from 1977 to 1997. Although the volunteers were all initially healthy, 196 participants suffered strokes during the study. The researchers found that the stroke patients had consumed less Vitamin C in their diets than the other participants.

2) It can lower cholesterol levels

Lemons are a good source of fiber and phytochemicals like diosmin and hesperidin that can help lower cholesterol. The science journal “Nutrition Research” described a 1994 study in which researchers fed two groups of female volunteers low-fiber diets or high-fiber diets for four weeks. They found that the women who had eaten lots of fiber had lower cholesterol levels than those who had eaten little fiber.

3) It can prevent iron-deficiency anemia

Lemons contain some iron, but they also contain a lot of citric acid and Vitamin C, both of which help the body absorb non-heme iron. The human body can readily absorb heme iron from meat, poultry, and fish, but it has a harder time absorbing the non-heme iron from plants. By helping the body absorb iron, lemons reduce your chances of developing iron-deficiency anemia.

Nutritional Lemon Water Benefits

4) It is a good source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important nutrient and a powerful antioxidant. Drinking lemon water will increase the amount of Vitamin C you consume.

5) It is a good source of antioxidants

In addition to Vitamin C, lemons contain many flavonoids, which are compounds that come from plants. They also have small amounts of manganese.

6) It encourages people to drink more water

The old rule suggesting that people drink eight glasses containing eight ounces of water per day is inaccurate. People need varying amounts of water depending on their age, weight, activity level, and environment. Doctors recommend that people drink at least half their weight in ounces every day. For example, somebody weighing 150 pounds should drink 75 ounces of water daily.

Adding lemon juice to water gives it flavor, making it easier to reach their daily quota.

7) It can help people give up coffee

People trying to reduce their caffeine consumption have found that lemon water is a suitable replacement. Cold drinks and food, however, can actually make the stomach work harder by forcing it to devote energy to keeping the body’s core at its optimal temperature rather than digestion. To prevent this, drink fluids that are at least lukewarm.

8) It suppresses the appetite and thus helps weight loss

It also keeps you feeling full longer. In addition, a tablespoon of lemon juice contains only four calories. The best way to take advantage of its appetite suppressant properties is to drink a glass of it a half hour before eating.

9) It regulates the metabolism

It increases the metabolism and thus enables the body to use its calories more efficiently. In the process, it helps you lose weight.

10) It prevents dehydration

This healthy drink provides the body with electrolytes that help it stay hydrated. Electrolytes, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, are salts that regulate both nerve impulses and hydration.

Lemon Water Benefits For the Excretory System

11) It can prevent kidney stones

In 2008, the “Journal of Endourology” published a study comparing different citric juices, both natural and commercially made. They found that fresh-squeezed lemon juice and lime juice contained the highest citric acid concentration, preventing kidney stones from forming. By contrast, mixes like Crystal Light and Kool-Aid contained the lowest concentration.

12) It can improve hydration, supporting kidney function

Drinking lemon water boosts hydration, supporting kidney function by helping filter waste and toxins. It may also prevent kidney stones by increasing urinary citrate, which binds calcium.

13) It helps people recover from hangovers

Like most fruits, lemons contain a sugar called fructose that can help people metabolize alcohol faster and thus reduce the duration of the hangover. There are several recipes used to relieve hangovers.

Benefits for the Immune and Respiratory Systems

14) It strengthens the immune system

Lemon water has anti-bacterial properties that fight infections. It also contains a lot of Vitamin C that help keep the immune system strong.

15) It regulates the respiratory system

It has anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent upper respiratory infections like colds.

16) It reduces mucus build-up

It can clean the sinuses by thinning mucus.

17) It can help ease colds

It reduces coughing and soothes sore throats. One recipe for a cold remedy calls for mixing lemon juice with warm water and then adding honey to the mix. Since honey also has healing properties, it makes the remedy even more effective.

Lemon Water Benefits of the Nervous System

18) It improves the brain’s function

Lemons are a good source of potassium, which helps nourish the brain and nerve cells.

19) It can relieve headaches

A mixture of green tea and lemon juice can work as well as aspirin as a headache remedy.

20) It improves mood and balances emotions

Adding turmeric to lemon water creates a drink that can relieve depression and anxiety. Turmeric is a spice from India with a variety of healing properties. For example, it reduces depression by stimulating serotonin and reducing the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

One recipe for making turmeric lemonade calls for the following ingredients:

  • 5 cups of water
  • ½ cup of lemon juice
  • Four tablespoons of freshly grated turmeric root
  • Two tablespoons of grated ginger
  • Three tablespoons of honey
  • ½ cup of orange juice (optional)

Boil the water and pour it into a turmeric and ginger jar. Let the mixture sit for at least 10 minutes. Add the honey and stir until is mixed completely. Strain the mixture and add the lemon juice. Let it cool, and then taste it. Add the orange juice or more lemon juice to suit your taste.

21) It helps the eyes

Vitamin C in lemons can improve eyesight. It can also protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Other Lemon Water Benefits

22) It relieves fever

Lemon juice can cause a fever to break by stimulating perspiration.

23) It can help the skin

It clears the skin and reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. One “Power of Positivity” staff writer tried drinking it every morning for a month. They found that their skin became clearer and less oily.

24) It relieves constipation

Water, by itself, can help relieve constipation by making stools softer and easier to pass. Lemon juice is acidic and aids digestion. You should drink lemon water twice a day, once before breakfast and once right before bedtime, to treat constipation.

lemon water

Learn how to relieve constipation without medication.

25) It makes the digestive system more efficient

Lemon water keeps digestion regular and prevents constipation. It is particularly effective when taken warm or hot in the morning.

26) It reduces joint inflammation and helps relieve pain

Drinking it after an intense workout in the gym can counteract the uric acid that can cause sore muscles. Lemon juice is also a diuretic that can flush out the bacteria and toxins that cause joint inflammation.

27) It freshens breath

It kills the bacteria in the mouth. The water also keeps the mouth hydrated and thus prevent the bacteria from returning.

28) It can improve dental health

It prevents gingivitis and can soothe a toothache.

Potential Benefits

29) It can help protect cells from free radicals

Lemons contain a lot of flavonoids, which are antioxidants. Studies involving rats have indicated that flavonoids from lemons can protect cells. There have, so far, not been any such studies involving humans.

30) It helps the liver

It is believed to help cleanse and detox the body. Lemons do contain a molecule called limonene that has been shown to have such an effect in rodents. So far, there have been no clinical trials with humans.

31) It may reduce inflammation

The vitamin C and flavonoids in the lemon water, with regular consumption may help reduce inflammation, benefiting conditions like arthritis by neutralizing free radicals that trigger inflammation.

lemon water

Final Thoughts on Adding Lemon Water to Your Daily Routine

As can be seen, lemon water has multiple health benefits. It is also very easy to prepare; you can add ingredients like mint to sweeten the taste.

7 Reasons Why Many Smart People are Unhappy

If you have ever noticed that many smart people are unhappy, there’s a reason for it. While many people make happiness a priority, intelligent people tend to devalue joy throughout their lives. They put other things before happiness and never take the time to evaluate that choice.

Studies indicate that being smart or better educated will not make someone happier. Instead, intelligent people tend to be unhappy when compared to others. However, if you’re smart, you don’t have to be unhappy.

When you understand better why smart people are less happy, you can work on those things in your life. Recognizing the obstacle is the first step to overcoming unhappiness, so admit if any of these are an issue for you. Then, make lifestyle changes that help you change your mindset and become happier.

As you identify the reasons that intelligent people are unhappy, you can remedy the issue for yourself. If another smart person in your life seems unhappy, you could use this information to help them, too.

Reasons Why Many Smart People are Unhappy

Why are smart people depressed and unhappy? Let’s review a few reasons why intelligent people can’t find happiness.

smart people unhappy1. People Expect Too Much from Them

While being smart is a good thing, others often expect too much out of an intelligent person. You might notice that they want you to do intelligent things on the spot when you’re unprepared and under pressure. When you do something well one time, people will expect it from you constantly.

Plus, people might ask you to do things for them while trying to relax and enjoy yourself. This situation creates stress, overwhelming feelings, and anxiety. It also causes you to always think about how others perceive you, limiting your ability to let loose and have fun.

Expectations from parents, friends, co-workers, or anyone else can cause a fear of failure. Plus, since people expect so much, they will notice every mistake you make, no matter how small.

How You Can Overcome

The best way to handle people expecting too much of you is to learn to say “no” when people ask you to do things. Please don’t take on more than you can enjoyably handle simply because people expect it from you.

Additionally, focus on having fun and enjoying yourself rather than wondering what others think of you. Even if someone is paying attention, learn to enjoy yourself and ignore their expectations. Being happy is more important than pleasing others and living up to their expectations.

2. They Get Bored Very Easily

Smart people want to keep doing more, and they struggle with stopping to enjoy life right now. When something exciting happens, they might experience happiness for a short time. Then, when the excitement wears off, they are ready for the next exciting step in life.

Since they are always working toward the next milestone, they dismiss happiness in the present. Intelligent people also give up on things as soon as they begin losing interest, rather than working to regain their passion. Sometimes this struggle can cause them to give up on almost finished projects.

If your restless mind requires constant stimulation, you will struggle with jumping from project to project. You will also continually think of the next thing you can do. Plus, you will always crave something new, different, or idealistic.

How You Can Overcome

When you get bored and feel like giving up on something, remind yourself that it’s worth the time and monotony. Finishing projects has a beneficial impact on your success, boosts your happiness, and increases your self-worth. You can also overcome boredom by giving yourself enough time to do things you enjoy that stimulate your mind.

Another way to overcome unhappiness caused by boredom is to become more aware of what you enjoy and what you are good at. When you work on things that fall into both categories, you are less likely to become bored.

3. They Worry Too Much About the Results and Not About the Process

Smart people tend to be more unhappy because they’re too future-oriented. They spend all of their time and energy worrying about the future and trying to force things to work out. This mindset causes them to miss out on the present, and they try to move forward quickly.

Smart people might miss out on important life events as they constantly strive to make progress. They feel like they are wasting time whenever they aren’t working toward their goal.

If you struggle with this, you might notice that you feel like a failure whenever something doesn’t go as planned. You have your mind so set on the outcome that the process causes intense emotional disruption. Plus, you will always strive for another goal or achievement, making it impossible to take a break.

How You Can Overcome

If you spend too much energy stressing out about the results, you’re missing out on the present. Find a healthy balance in life, and make sure you are present for important milestones in life. Avoid putting work before your children’s events or family weddings and gatherings.

Additionally, learn to adapt to changes in your plan. Obstacles and setbacks are bound to happen, and if you can handle them resiliently, you can find happiness.

overthinking meme4. They Overthink

Smart people are prone to overthink, and they analyze every situation. They spend time reflecting on conversations, body language, and many other indiscrete things as a way to get answers. You might notice that they weigh the pros and cons of every situation, too.

If this is a problem in your life, it could lead to depression. The more often your mind recalls situations and overthinks them, the worse you will feel. Your mind is responsible for your emotions, so unsettling thoughts will cause unhappiness.

Overthinking also leads to not deciding at all. When you can’t figure out which route to take, you end up going nowhere, and nothing gets resolved. It will cause even more stress and unhappiness in your life.

How You Can Overcome

Anytime you find yourself falling victim to overthinking, replace each negative thought with a positive one. As you do this, you will become happier and think fewer negative thoughts. Practicing mindfulness can help you focus on positivity and becoming happy, too.

Make a decision rather than spending too much time thinking about it all. Give yourself a time limit for deciding so that you don’t get trapped in a never-ending thought process.

5. They Are Hard to Please

Smart people tend to be unhappy because they are hard to please. They don’t like things to stay the same, and they think that everyone should always be doing more. This mindset can cause them to demand too much of others, and it might seem like nothing is good enough for them.

Smart people don’t like to settle for things being good when there is a chance that they can be better. They will continue to push for more and won’t seem to be happy with anything. If you live your life this way, it will cause never-ending disappointment.

How You Can Overcome

Being happy in life sometimes requires settling because not everything can be perfect. Try spending time each day practicing gratitude to help you remember that there is pleasure in your life. When you think about the things you are thankful for, your negative thoughts will ease up.

6. They Expect Too Much

Since intelligent people can do many things at a proficient level, they expect high-efficiency levels in everyone. When they expect too much, they are sure to be disappointed more often. Expecting too much leads to being outcome-focused, and you’ll likely be harder on people if you’re like this.

When you expect so much from others and life, you will have a hard time enjoying life. Even your achievements and hobbies won’t give you the level of desire you want. You will also always feel like your personal and professional relationships lack something too.

Your mindset can widen the gap between you and the people you love. You’ll always feel like they aren’t doing enough, and they’ll begin to avoid you because of it. Plus, you will feel the need to control everything, which can cause further issues.

How You Can Overcome

Rather than thinking that people aren’t doing enough, look for the best in them. Everyone has different strengths, and if you can identify that, you will realize that everyone is trying. Taking on this more positive mindset will help you overcome your unhappiness.

Learn to let go of control sometimes. It’s impossible to control others, so you can’t fixate on things being a specific way all of the time. Letting go of your need for control can help you see the good in each situation.

7. They Sabotage Themselves

Smart people assume that they will always get what they want or need. When it doesn’t happen, they are shocked and disappointed.

Since they are smart, they often feel like they can skip over basic concepts and move on to the hard stuff. By doing this, they miss out on essential information that can set them up for failure.

Intelligent people also sabotage themselves by trying to hide their intelligence to blend in. They also measure themselves against unreachable standards.

 How You Can Overcome

Work hard to get what you want to avoid sabotaging yourself and your happiness. Don’t assume that you’ll achieve your goals simply because you’re smart. Learn the basics of all concepts and build from there, and then do your best.

Don’t let other people shame you into hiding your intelligence, either. There is nothing wrong with being smart, so don’t try to blend in with the crowd. You’ll be happier if you show the world who you are.

smart people unhappyFinal Thought on Reasons Why Many Smart People Are Unhappy

Being happy in life typically requires having meaningful relationships, being good at what you spend your time doing, and making decisions independently. Smart people struggle with those aspects of life, causing a tendency to be unhappy. Some describe this as being too smart to be happy–but that’s a fallacy!

Luckily, even with all of these reasons smart people are unhappy, you can overcome this stigma. Acknowledge the areas you must work on and shift your mindset to positivity. When you do, you will experience happiness.

5 Things a Relationship Should Never Be

The quality of your life will depend on the quality of every relationship you keep. So, you make an effort to build and establish relationships with the people you meet. From there, you choose the one person you think will be worthy to spend the rest of your life with.

But there is no magic formula for a successful, positive and lasting relationship. There are also no secrets to what makes a relationship stronger. People have goals for the kind of relationship they want. But here are some definitive characteristics of what a relationship should never be.

Here Are 5 Things A Relationship Should Never Be

“A great relationship is about two things; first, find out the similarities; second, respect the differences.” – Unknown

1.    It should not be abusive

No relationship is worth sticking for if it’s abusive. According to the Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness, this can take many forms like physical violence, sexual violence, emotional torture, financial abuse, intimidation, isolation, and threats.

The abuse may start small but it will get worse and worse over time as the relationship deepens. Someone who is abusive will show a pattern of behavior that has to do with gaining control over the other person.

The victim of an abusive relationship may sometimes see the partner’s anger, possessiveness, and violence as an expression of love. So, this person will try to change his or her own behavior in the hopes that their partner will stop the abuse. But someone who truly loves you will never hurt you physically or emotionally. Being abusive is actually a choice for the abuser and so the only person who can stop the abuse is the abuser, not the victim.

Some signs that your partner may be abusive include the following actions and behaviors:

  • Easily gets mad when you don’t make him or her your priority
  • Prevents you from spending time with your own family and friends
  • Controls your money and how you spend it
  • Criticizes your dress and the way you look
  • Gets suspicious if you talk to someone else, even if it’s a mere acquaintance
  • Forces you to be intimate
  • Leaves or quits something that you’ve been enjoying, such as a middle of a show
  • Threatens to kill or hurt someone if you leave or don’t do what your partner wants

Too often, you see individuals staying with their partner despite verbal and emotional abuse. There are too many layers in this situation to ever make sense to someone who’s not personally involved with the abuser.

Some victims of abuse can’t easily leave the relationship due to fear and isolation, expectations from other family members, a damaged sense of self-worth, or even practical and financial limitations. Abuse victims also hesitate to open up because of the stigma and judgment from society.

2.    It should not be for convenience

Some people stay in a relationship out of convenience. They stick with their partner because they think this is the best option for them instead of breaking up and starting over with a new person.

But a relationship of convenience, no matter how practical or comfortable it is, is not built on a solid foundation. If there is no love and compatibility in this relationship, any positive feelings you might have for your partner can fade and disappear.

  • Staying with someone because you think there’s no other option will not add any value to your life.
  • A relationship that makes your life easy isn’t necessarily going to make it meaningful and fulfilling.
  • Sticking it out with someone because “this is good enough” will be unfair for the people in the relationship.
  • Even if you’ve got a shared history but you’re always bothered by the fact that it’s “never quite right,” you may just end up resentful yet stuck in an unhappy union.

You can’t be committed to a relationship that exists out of convenience. Your priorities will change with the needs that define what’s convenient for you. But a truly loving and committed relationship can transcend these changes.

To be clear, however, settling with someone is different from accepting the other person’s flaws and imperfections. You’re not in a relationship of convenience if, despite your partner’s shortcomings, you still enjoy his presence and appreciate his positive traits more than anything else.

3.    It should not be an affair

You’ll start the relationship in the wrong place if it’s actually an affair. If your partner is still legally committed to someone else and he’s cheating with you, your relationship will likely end up badly.

Psychiatrist Dr. Frank Pittman, in the book “Private Lies: Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy”  said most relationships that start out as affairs can fail because the foundation was never a healthy one. Paradoxically, a union that feeds on the secret excitement and “sacrifices” that the ones involved make may give the illusion that this affair is worth it. But when things come to blow, there will be nothing for the relationship to feed on. For this reason, most affairs tend to eventually end.

The cornerstone for all relationships, regardless of their nature, is trust.

Experts say that, in most cases, couples who met because of an affair will find it harder to trust each other even if they attempt to make their union work. Statistically, men who have affairs end up settling down faster with their affair partner after going through a divorce. But because the nature of this new relationship did not start out right, it won’t turn out well since they never got to know their new partner properly.

You’ll also be party to the guilt and the lies if you become the other woman. The only person who benefits from this relationship is the guy who receives the ego-feeding. This situation might only lead to bigger disappointments and heartbreaks for you, especially if you’re expecting more because you were promised that things would change.

Meanwhile, if you’re the one who has been cheated on then you also have to reconsider the point of staying in the relationship. If you decide to take your partner back, despite infidelity, you need to understand that it will be a very different relationship this time around. Forgiving is necessary but you also have to be sure of your decision. Some relationships have indeed come out more positive after an affair but it took a lot of hard work and commitment for this to survive.

4.    It should not be enabling

An enabling partner often tries to be a positive influence. In its truest sense, this means showing your love and support for your partner especially in times of problems and challenges.

However, enabling behavior can be bad for a relationship that’s marred with substance abuse addiction, serious financial problems, and co-dependency. It starts off as a good intention but if one partner repeatedly “helps” the other without addressing the real issues like drinking, gambling, debts or drug addiction, then this relationship will bring more harm than good.

Some examples of enabling behaviors in a relationship are:

  • Habitually giving your partner another chance to “change” even when he or she never does
  • Repeatedly coming to the “rescue” of your partner, from paying off debts to bailing him or her in jail
  • Covering or lying for your partner
  • Justifying and making up excuses for your partner’s issues
  • Blaming your partner’s problems and misfortunes on depression or other diagnoses without prodding him or her to get help
  • Trying to fix your partner’s problems
  • Trying to control the natural consequences of your partner’s situation to avoid potential conflicts
  • Getting sucked into the same bad vices and behaviors as your partner


The enabler in the relationship will usually have her guard up as well because she believes this is how she must defend and support her partner. But this is, in fact, how an enabling relationship becomes a co-dependent relationship. When the focus of the union is mostly about the addict and the substance abuse, then it’s not going to be healthy.

You may feel that you are protecting and helping. However, you could actually be endangering your partner when you are an enabler and avoiding the real problems.

5.    It should not be possessive, obsessive and all-consuming

It’s normal to want to be with your partner all the time in the early stages of a relationship. It is natural to aspire to bond with this person because you’re trying to get to know each other. After all, you’ve developed feelings of love and you hope to build a future together.

But when the love you share becomes all-consuming and obsessive, evaluate if this is the kind of relationship you want. If your partner is overly attached to you to where you can’t do anything independently anymore, then you may be in a possessive and obsessive relationship.

You might find yourself limiting your social and recreational activities with other people because your partner always demands time from you. Or, your partner might call or check up on you every hour at work like a stalker. Maybe he gets upset when he can’t get ahold of you even if you’re knee-deep in meetings and tasks. You might feel your partner’s overprotectiveness and extreme jealousy as a sign of love and fondness, but if his constant need for reassurances become draining then you’re in an unhealthy and obsessive type of relationship.

Obsessive love is linked to an actual mental health disorder, according to the journal Social and Behavioral Science. It can be corrected and treated if the particular disorder has been diagnosed by an expert.

Final Thoughts On Things A Relationship Should Never Be

Your relationship with your partner should allow you to grow and mature in the most positive ways.

It should be a partnership where you learn to compromise and uplift each other. At the same time, it should allow you to enjoy other things separately.

A great relationship should never make you feel alone. If you’re struggling to find this kind of peace and contentment, take time to sit down and evaluate. Discuss where you’re at with your partner and determine if there are things you can work on together.

21 Best High Fiber Foods

High fiber foods should have a place in your diet. Eating a diet rich in fiber can protect your colon, aid weight loss, keep you regular, and assist in managing blood sugar. It’s also vital for maintaining a healthy gut, which promotes your immune system too. However, most people consume less than 17 g of fiber per day.

Consuming fibrous foods doesn’t have to be a chore. It also doesn’t need to be bland, tasteless, or akin to munching on tree bark. Chances are you’re already consuming close to your recommended daily allowance with the healthy foods on your plate.

What is Dietary Fiber?

Technically fiber is a carbohydrate. Unlike the carbs you burn for fuel, you can’t actually digest dietary fiber. This is why low carb lifestyles don’t count those carbs. Fiber doesn’t spike your blood sugar because your body can’t break it down.

Sounds good, right?

Well, it is good for you. That fiber pushes through your digestive tract either fast or slow, depending on the type you eat. It keeps you fuller longer and can curb overeating.

It makes it easier to move your bowels, and it’s nature’s cure all for constipation too. Most importantly, science connects fiber consumption to a reduced risk for various medical conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and diverticular disease.

Do You Need More Fiber?

Your doctor can’t provide a magical test to learn your fiber levels. You can use symptoms as a guide, but they’re not always accurate. The best approach is keeping and maintaining a food and poop diary.

Take note of every type of food you’re eating and its serving size. You can use online directories to look up the nutritional information. Write down your bowel movements and note changes and its consistency.

Once you have your numbers, you simply add them up. Do this for at least two weeks, then develop your average number by adding the totals from each day and dividing it by 14.

We’ve provided the recommended daily values, so all that’s left is for you to compare your averaged number to your bracket. If you hit your mark, great! You’re on the right track. If not, don’t despair and keep reading to learn which high fiber foods you should be eating.

Your poop diary can assist your doctor in diagnosing constipation or show that end of your digestive system is in working order.

Reasons to Add More High Fiber Foods

Relieves constipation
Aids weight loss
Lower blood sugar
Promotes a healthy gut
Linked to lower cancer and disease risk

Types of Fiber

Your body needs both types below to maintain a healthy gut and digestive track. Try to find a balance between the two, but if you become constipated, eating more insoluble fiber can help move your bowels back on track.

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber means the fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. It will make your stools bulkier; they’ll also pass faster because of it. You’ll discover foods to eat in this category are mostly whole hearty grains, seeds, and vegetables.

Soluble Fiber

This fancy term simply means the fiber will dissolve in water. Soluble fiber becomes thick and moves slower through your body. To feel fuller longer and consume less, you should incorporate it into your meals. High fiber foods for this type will mostly be beans and fruits with some whole grains and vegetables.

Fermented Fiber

While you won’t find fermentable fiber on a label, it gives you more benefit gram for gram. Bacteria in your digestive tract ferment the fiber and turn it into food for the colonies of good bacteria in your colon. Researchers believe this can offer you a layer of protection against colon cancer. Fiber foods that ferment are onions, bananas, leeks, artichokes, barley, and oats.

Who Needs Fiber and How Much?

Age and sex plays a vital role in the amount of fiber your body requires to function well. Men need more than women do, and children and teens require less.

Recommended Fiber Intake

• Men under 50—38 grams per day
• Women under 50—25 grams per day
• Men over 50—30 grams per day
• Women over 50—21 grams per day
• Children—19 grams and up, depending on sex and age bracket

Should You Supplement?

Some people prefer to take a fiber supplement, but unless you have allergies, intolerance, or you require a special diet, you should try to consume your daily requirement through your food choices. You’re likely to find foods on our list that you enjoy and can tolerate. However, using a supplement is better than not meeting your fiber needs.

Side Effects of Fiber

You can have too much of a good thing when it comes to fiber. If you find you’re not eating enough fiber, you should gradually add sources. This gives your stomach and digestive tract time to react to the changes and greatly reduces symptoms associated with high fiber diets.
• Bloating
• Stomach pain
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Weight gain (temporary)

For diabetics, you should carefully monitor your blood sugar since it can drop dangerously low. Everyone should be sure to drink plenty of water; it’s equally important to your digestive system and keeps things moving along.

Some people should avoid high fiber diets. If you’ve recently undergone radiation, have inflammatory disease, previously had bowel or stomach surgery, or you have a tumor in your bowels, you should speak with your doctor before adding additional fiber to your existing diet.

Anyone with celiac disease or intolerance to certain high fiber foods should avoid those. However, they can find safe alternatives to add more soluble or insoluble fiber to their diets.

Ways to Add More Fiber to Your Existing Diet

• Choose whole fruit over juice and juice blends. Eating a piece of whole fruit is a great way to sneak in a few grams or more of dietary fiber.

• Add beans to dishes when you can. They go well with soups and stir-fry dishes, but switching out a traditional sandwich spread with a serving of hummus can provide a decent amount of fiber.

• Swap out chips and crackers for fresh vegetable chips. You can also purchase high fiber varieties, but making the switch saves calories and fat too.

• Air-popped popcorn is an excellent low calorie high fiber snack. Just skip the microwave kind to avoid additives and sodium.

• Consider meatless meals where beans and vegetables are the main course. You can even swap out your meat for beans in many recipes, like tacos. However, use soy-based meat replacements sparingly and read the labels for their fiber count.

• Read your labels. Look for whole grains over processed flours in the list of your prepackaged goods.

• Consider swapping to whole grain varieties of pasta, crackers, and bread. Make your own if possible.

• Start your day with a fiber rich cereal or bowl of oatmeal and sliced fresh fruit.

high fiber foods

21 Best High Fiber Foods to Eat

A bonus for you? Our tasty list lends well to most diets and lifestyles. Try to add 5 grams of fiber to your diet at a time and work toward your goal. This will give your stomach and digestive system time to adjust and ease symptoms if present.

1. Asian Pears—9.9 per serving

2. Black Beans—15 g per serving

3. Lima Beans—13.2 per serving

4. Avocado—10 g per serving

5. Chickpeas—12.5 g per serving

6. Raspberries—8 g per serving

7. Lentils—15.6 g per serving

8. Blackberries—7.6 g per serving

9. Peas—8.8 g per serving

10. Almonds—11.6 g per serving

11. Artichokes—10.3 g per serving

12. Walnuts—7.8 g per serving

13. Split Peas—16.3 g per serving

14. Chia Seeds—10.6 g per serving

15. Oats—16.5 g per serving

16. Apple with Skin—4.5 g per serving

17. Acorn Squash—9 g per serving

18. Quinoa—5.2 g per serving

19. Broccoli—5 g per serving

20. Barley—6 g per serving

21. Dark Chocolate—3.1 g per serving

What Makes a Food a Good Source of Fiber?

While we looked at the fiber content, we also chose high fiber foods to eat based on their overall healthfulness. You won’t find prepackaged foods on our list because they vary brand to brand.

Final Thoughts on High Fiber Foods to Eat

Fiber should be nutrient you focus on to keep your digestive system in working order. You should also consider high fiber foods to assist your weight loss, blood sugar regulation, and as a disease preventative.

We weren’t surprised that chia seeds are one of the top high fibers to eat. They deliver a nutritious punch for a small serving, and they blend well into many meals.

Adding in more fiber doesn’t have to be difficult or like eating cardboard. You do need a rough ballpark idea of how much fiber your current diet has. Aim to include more high fiber foods to your diet whenever you can.

15 Habits Proven To Make You Mentally Strong

When people think about their health, it’s likely that they are thinking in terms of physical health only. This would be a mistake though, as our mental health is just as important and we should all be taking the necessary steps to improve mental health.

Just as our bodies benefit from a fitness routine, our minds can benefit from a routine as well and there are plenty of activities that we can make apart of our day that will act to positively improve our mental health.

Some potential benefits of taking care to ensure our minds stay healthy include increases in productivity, longer lifespans, and improved immune systems! In order to attain these amazing benefits, continue reading for 15 habits you can make a part of your daily routine that’ll have a positive impact on and improve mental health and, in turn, your over health and well-being as a whole.

1. Go For A Walk

Going for a walk at least once a day is a great way to maintain and even improve mental health. A recent study found that by going outside and taking a nice walk, our mental well-being may be improved significantly for over 7 hours afterwards! The study found that participants felt happier and were in overall better moods after going for a walk which is great news since walking also offers us numerous physical health benefits as well!

By simply going out for a 20-minute stroll in the morning, you’ll likely end up in better spirits for the majority of the day!

2. Stay Connected

People that are more connected to their family, friends, and their community are much happier and end up living longer lives than people with fewer connections to their fellow man. Conversely, those who are less connected to others end up with a high risk of depression and cognitive decline as time passes. Knowing this, if you find yourself feeling out of touch with your family and friends, and don’t take part in any community activities it may be time to make a change. Your mental health will thank you!

3. Lift Weights

Lifting weights offers us so many benefits both of the body, and the mind, that it truly is a mistake to miss out on this daily habit! Recent research observed participants who displayed symptoms of depression and had them complete resistance training. The results showed that those who followed a weight lifting routine benefited from improvements in their mood and a noticeable reduction in their symptoms of depression!

The authors of the study were able to rule out other factors such as age, general overall health, exercise frequency, skill level, and strength as factors resulting in the positive mental impact. Regardless of any of this, all participants were able to realize relief from their depression symptoms to some extent.

4. Spend Time

Going outside for even just 15 minutes has positive mental and physical benefits. Brief stints in the great outdoors result in a noticeable boost to your brain’s serotonin levels, which results in an improvement in your mood. Going for the aforementioned walk outside, or just parking a little further from work so you have to walk a little more are both easy habits you can adopt in order to maximize your outdoor time!

5. Find Something To Laugh About

Try to get in the habit of finding something to laugh about a few times a day. Laughing may benefit our mental fitness due to the release of many feel-good chemicals in our brains which result in overall better moods, reductions in stress, short-term memory improvements, and increased abilities to learn new tasks and information. Try to make an effort to laugh every day; listen to some funny podcasts, watch a funny movie, and stock up on funny pictures for when you don’t have internet access so you’ll always have something to laugh about!

6. Try Meditation

Meditation is a great habit to make a part of your day that has been proven to offer numerous benefits to your brain’s health! By simply taking a little time out of your day to relax, breath, and focus your attention on the present, you’ll likely notice some startling mental effects! Whether or not you manage to accomplish textbook meditation or not, just sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing will likely be enough to bring about positive benefits.

7. Try Journaling

Try starting a journal to reflect on the day’s events. By jotting down what you are thankful for and what good things have happened throughout your day, you’ll start to realize that although your mood might not have been the best, lots of good things do still happen to us on a daily basis that are grounds for feeling good.

By giving yourself an outlet in order to vent emotions in a healthier way, journaling will likely result in less stress and an overall eased mind.

8. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep time is often a neglected part of our days but not making it a priority is a huge detriment to both our physical and mental fitness! Not getting enough quality sleep leads to many negative side effects including stress, depression, anxiety, weight gain, heart disease, and many more!

Try to ensure you’re getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every day and try to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day, regardless of the work week. Sleep is the time where our bodies can best make the necessary repairs to our bodies and minds, which ensures we are functioning at our best.

9. Plan Fun Activities

Research has discovered that planning something fun such as a vacation can be just as beneficial as the vacation itself! Planning a fun new activity doesn’t even have to be as extreme as the next family vacation; even just making plans to go out on the weekend to try a new restaurant or go for a hike with friends is enough to notice real benefits.

10. Eat Nutritious Foods

Diet has a profound effect on both our bodies and our minds and making a daily habit out of healthy eating is a great way to improve ones’ self overall! Many specific foods have been linked to improvements in brain health but studies are now coming out with results suggesting different types of foods may reduce symptoms of anxiety as well!

Ensuring that you’re meeting your daily vitamin and mineral intake requirements will help to keep your body and find functioning at peak capacity, and will likely result in you feeling both physically and mentally healthier overall.

11. Do Something For Others

Try to do something nice for others every day. Not only will it benefit the recipient of your kindness, but you’ll likely feel the better for it as well! Recent research discovered that people who regularly commit acts of selflessness in order to do nice things for others resulted in a decreased occurrence of social avoidance, reduction in symptoms of anxiety, and an overall better mood! The acts don’t have to be anything crazy either, simply holding the door for someone or being polite is enough to notice the benefits!

12. Learn Something New

Make it a habit to continuously seek out and try new things. Reading about something new that you aren’t familiar with or trying a new hobby are both great ways to keep your mind abuzz, which results in overall improved feelings of well-being.

It is typical that as we age, we are less likely to branch out and pursue new interests and learn about new topics. This is a fault though, as it is important that we keep trying to expand our scope of knowledge. Doing so results in a better outlook on life and positive mental growth.

13. Keep Good Posture

A recent study found that those who frequently sat in a slumped over or hunched position felt more fearful, slow, quiet, and hostile than when they sat up straight, with proper posture. Maintaining good posture is a great way to improve one’s function physical and mental health; you’ll be in a much better mood with your head held up high!

mental health


14. Question Your Thoughts And Beliefs

Constantly question the negative thoughts that occur in your head. By making it a habit to questions the negativity swirling around in your head, your mind can benefit by returning to a more peaceful, awakened, and calm state.

Just because a negative thought occurred in your head, it doesn’t make it true or a reality. Internalize this, and the next time something negative pops up, question its validity and you’ll likely find its grounded in falsehood. In realizing this, negative thoughts will have a weakened effect on your mood and your mental health will be the better for it!

15. Limit Social Media Exposure

Social media is an amazingly convenient way for people to keep in touch with family and friends but for many, it ends up being a drain on their minds. New research coming out has discovered a link between high-frequency social media use and symptoms of both anxiety and depression. Teens and adolescents are especially prone to the negative effects of social media, and action should be taken to limit social media exposure in order to avoid its negative mental health effects.


Taking the steps necessary in order to improve mental health should be a top priority! There are so many different habits we can adopt that have positive effects on our minds, and with little bare of entry, there’s really no excuse to not get to it!

10 Hidden Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Unavailable

When you give your all to an emotionally unavailable person, it can feel both draining and disappointing. Relationships require effort and commitment if both people want to succeed.

An emotionally unavailable partner won’t be able or willing to meet you halfway. Emotionally unavailable people will either have multiple relationships at once or avoid them altogether, usually due to childhood trauma or fear of opening up.

People with trouble in intimate relationships might have had parents that smothered or engulfed them, making them afraid of getting close to someone. Or, the person could have had parents who abused or neglected them, which might also make them fearful of opening up. Either way, childhood trauma can do a lot of damage to someone and result in relationship problems later in life.

Studies have found that emotionally unavailable people usually have an unhealthy upbringing in common and have experienced childhood trauma or abuse. A lifelong study of people in England, Scotland, and Wales found that people with overly controlling or dependent parents were less happy and mentally healthy later in life. So, if you have an emotionally unavailable partner, remember that they probably had an abusive or controlling childhood that shaped them into who they have become.

This doesn’t excuse their behavior, of course, but it gives you an idea of where their demeanor comes from. Emotional unavailability may not be completely obvious, but if you feel your partner might not be ready for a long-term relationship, read on to find common signs of a distant partner.

Hidden Signs That Reveal an Emotionally Unavailable Partner

toxic people

Here are the ten hidden signs of an emotionally unavailable partner:

1. You don’t know their intentions.

An emotionally unavailable partner will leave you guessing at what they want from you. They don’t even know what they want themselves most of the time. They change their mind often, and you can’t seem to decode their cryptic messages and “hot and cold” behavior.

Your love interest will come on strongly one second and then ghost you the next. If you have a partner who doesn’t make their intentions clear and leaves you feeling unsure about the relationship, you probably have an emotionally unavailable partner.

2. They are already in a relationship (and didn’t tell you).

If the person you’re interested in is seeing someone else and failed to tell you, this should raise some red flags. Unfortunately, it will be left to you to find out about their relationship in most cases. However open relationships have become more commonplace, but if you don’t feel comfortable with that, you shouldn’t have to put up with that behavior.

In other words, both people need to sit down and discuss relationships boundaries. If your love interest can’t even give you that respect, you probably should move on to someone else who wants a serious relationship. An emotionally unavailable person will not want to disclose personal information about themselves, including their romantic relationships, because they don’t want to become too attached or invested in you.

3. They don’t care about your feelings.

Emotionally unavailable people will only consider their feelings. They hardly ask how you feel because they don’t want you to know they care; they see this as a weakness. Because they tend to put themselves before you, you will not feel their support. They don’t have the capability of giving you what you need because they have their own demons weighing them down.

4. They only want you for one thing.

An emotionally unavailable partner will only seem interested in the physical part of the relationship. A person out of touch with their emotions can’t give much else, and won’t attempt to try. Emotional intimacy scares them, so to avoid this, they just focus on pleasing you in the bedroom. If your partner only seems to call you to hang out late at night and doesn’t invite you to social events, they probably don’t want a serious relationship.

5. They won’t commit.

Because they haven’t gotten in touch with the broken parts of themselves, they won’t know how to offer their full selves to you. They have covered up a lot of their emotions to avoid pain and to detach themselves from the demons in their past. Because this person never learned how to get close to people, they probably will not commit to you.

emotionally unavailable

6. Your partner won’t want to talk on the phone or in person.

Because this person fears intimacy, they usually only want to talk through text, email, or social media apps. Face-to-face interactions require too much vulnerability for them to feel comfortable, so they stick to texting and emailing to keep their distance. If you have a partner who doesn’t ever call you and rarely wants to see you, you probably have an emotionally unavailable love interest.

7. You can never read them.

They keep their emotions locked so deeply inside and put on a mask for the world, so you only get to see what they show you. In other words, they only show you what they want you to see, usually the basics. You know where they work, what they like, and a few other facts about them, but they don’t disclose much else.

Trying to get to know them feels as challenging as pulling teeth, and you become drained quite easily in their company. You will probably do most of the talking when you’re together since your partner doesn’t want to slip up and say something he or she will regret. What makes it worse is that this person probably isn’t aware of their behavior and is just protecting themselves as a survival instinct.

They may not mean to hurt or keep you at arm’s length, but it feels personal.

8. They’ll seem cold and distant.

Being in a relationship with them will sometimes feel quite lonely because you aren’t getting what you need. You’ll feel alone since they don’t show much compassion or empathy, and the companionship doesn’t make up for what’s lacking.

Since this person grew up in an unstable environment, they have no idea what a healthy, happy relationship looks like. They know how to protect themselves from getting hurt by keeping you at a distance. They don’t know how to give in a relationship because they were never taught how.

9. The emotionally unavailable person is wishy-washy.

A relationship with this person will feel like a rollercoaster, but you will feel like getting off instead of enjoying the ride. They will make you feel like a billion bucks one second only to crush you the next. This person might commit to you one day and then break up with you the next. They want to muster up the courage to stay with you, but don’t know how to follow through.

You’ll only feel exhausted, not satisfied, by this type of relationship.

10. They never invite you to meet their friends or family.

They will avoid bringing you around their loved ones because they don’t want things to seem too serious between you. This person will lead you on and make you think you’ll meet his or her friends and family sometime in the future, but beware – it will probably never happen. They feel that taking you home to their family signifies a serious relationship, and they don’t feel ready. Even hanging out with friends feels like too much to handle for them.

Other signs you have an emotionally unavailable partner:

    • You always feel like something is missing. No matter how much effort you put in, something is lacking in the relationship that you can’t put your finger on. They never seem to do or say enough to satisfy you, and every encounter with them leaves a sour taste in your mouth. You rarely feel good about being around them.
    • They never ask anything about you. On a date, they either don’t talk much or talk you to death but never ask about you. They don’t want to give you the respect you deserve and listen to you, clearly showing that they care. They’d rather seem disinterested because they only want to keep things casual.

emotionally unavailable

Final Thoughts on Dealing With an Emotionally Unavailable Partner

A relationship with an emotionally unavailable person can do more harm than it’s worth because this type of person will never give you what you need. They have a lot of healing they need to do first before they can commit to a long-term, serious relationship. Don’t ever think you’re doing something wrong in this type of relationship because that will only lead to unnecessary guilt. Understand that they have a problem, not you, and nothing you do will change their behavior.

This type of person needs therapy to get better, so don’t try to love their pain away. It will only leave you with more pain than you can handle. It’s best to get out of a relationship with this person unless they’ve committed to tackling their demons and getting better.

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