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7 Signs You Have Inflammation

While small amounts of inflammation can actually benefit the body, chronic inflammation can lead to a slew of diseases from diabetes to heart disease. Most people don’t know they have inflammation, which makes it all the more dangerous if it doesn’t get treated. Inflammation can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as diet, exercise (or lack thereof), medications, dehydration, pollution, smoking, stress, alcohol, and obesity.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation occurs when your body’s defense mechanisms kick in as a response to a threat. This inflammatory response helps fight against infections, injuries, and toxins and causes a release of antibodies and proteins in an attempt to heal the body. Blood flow also increases to the injured or infected area. In the case of acute inflammation, the body’s immune response can last for a few days while healing takes place.

As you can see, this type of swelling does not point to a life-threatening problem. However, it becomes problematic when the inflammation does not subside. We call this chronic inflammation. Some research even suggests that chronic inflammation could play a role in conditions such as asthma and cancer.

What are the symptoms of chronic inflammation?

While acute inflammation can have symptoms such as redness or swelling, the chronic variety can remain hidden for years since the symptoms aren’t as obvious.

Common symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Mouth sores
  • Rashes
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pain

These aren’t all the symptoms, of course, but occur in most cases.

Types of inflammation

As we said before, there are two different types of inflammation: chronic and acute. Below, we’ll go over the two types so that you can differentiate between them.

Acute Inflammation

Acute inflammation only lasts for a short time and can become severe. It can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks and subsides once healing takes place. Acute inflammation can include the following conditions: acute bronchitis, appendicitis, cutting or scratching of the skin, dermatitis, ingrown toenail, infective meningitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and tonsillitis. High-intensity exercise and injury can also cause this problem.

Acute inflammation usually causes the following symptoms:

  • Pain: The infected area can feel quite painful due to the impact of the injury.
  • Redness: The increased blood flow to the injured or infected area can cause redness of the skin.
  • Immobile: The body part may become stiff and immobile due to the pain.
  • Swelling: The fluids that accumulate around the injury to allow for healing can cause swelling.
  • Heat: The injured or infected body part might feel hot due to the increased blood flow to the area.

Chronic inflammation

As we discussed above, chronic inflammation occurs when healing does not take place in the body and the immune system can’t fight off the source of the inflammation. Many factors in our society can lead to this condition since our bodies must always remain in fight-or-flight mode to deal with all the stressors. Common conditions caused by this type of inflammation include IBS and other digestive disorders, hepatitis, ulcers, arthritis, periodontitis, sinusitis, and tuberculosis.

Some researchers and scientists believe that neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s are caused by chronic inflammation as well.

So, in conclusion, acute inflammatory responses are caused by bacteria or injury, while chronic inflammation is caused by an abnormal immune response or virus. The acute variety usually lasts for a few days to a few weeks, while the chronic type is long-term. Acute inflammation can lead to an abscess or chronic inflammation if not treated; chronic inflammation can result in heart disease and other dangerous conditions if left untreated.

7 Signs of “hidden” inflammation

1. Brain fog

“Brain fog” refers to a few symptoms such as lethargy, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, and slower thinking which can cause cognitive impairment. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience said that inflammation of the brain might cause brain fog.

How to treat it:

Several studies have shown that luteolin, a flavonoid of the flavone class, can help protect the brain by reducing inflammation, boosting antioxidants, and increasing memory. You can either take a supplement or eat foods rich in luteolin such as radicchio, sweet green peppers, serrano peppers, green hot chili peppers, chicory greens, celery, lemon, pumpkin, and red leaf lettuce.

2. Chronic fatigue

We know that inflammation can cause many health problems, but recently, the medical community has found links between chronic fatigue, depression, and inflammation. Since the body’s immune system can’t fight off the inflammation, the body and brain become overtaxed, resulting in chronic fatigue.

How to treat it:

Since inflammation is the cause of fatigue, it’s vital to look at your lifestyle choices to see where you could improve. More exercise, whole foods, and proper sleep can work wonders and boost your energy levels. Try immune-boosting supplements such as curcumin, fish oil, ginger, and spirulina as well.

3. Stomach problems

If you have chronic stomach problems such as IBS or Crohn’s, you might have chronic inflammation. Bloating, diarrhea, gas, and abdominal pain could all point to a more serious problem. These symptoms can occur due to stress, diet, or other lifestyle factors which results in the stomach lining losing some of its protective cells.

Drinking too much alcohol and taking pain relievers regularly can also cause chronic stomach problems.

How to treat it:

Cutting back on alcohol and pain relievers as well as changing your diet and upping exercise will likely help your stomach trouble.

 4. Depression

Recent studies have shown that depression and chronic inflammation may have more in common than we think. Brain scans of people with depression show more inflammation than people who don’t have depression. One study even found that 46% of people with depression had higher levels of C-reactive proteins – an inflammatory marker – in their blood.

How to treat it:

Plenty of sunlight, low stress, a healthy diet, exercise, plenty of sleep, and relaxation techniques might help lower the inflammatory response and reduce depression symptoms. While depression is a complex illness, supplements and the natural remedies we mentioned previously should at least make symptoms more manageable.

5. Swollen joints and muscle aches

Swollen or painful joints are a common symptom of arthritis. Most people feel pain in the hands, wrists, feet, ankles, and knees. Aside from arthritis and other disorders of the joints, chronic inflammation can also cause sore muscles. Autoimmune disorders such as lupus can result in muscle aches as well.

How to treat it:

In this case, the best bet is to see a doctor so that he or she can rule out other disorders. Your doctor will likely prescribe medication and go over lifestyle changes that might help you. Certain supplements and vitamins may also bring relief.

6. Visceral fat

The Washington University School of Medicine found that fat accumulation around the organs – also known as visceral fat – results in inflammation. In 2007, a team of researchers published a study in the journal Diabetes and discovered that visceral fat results in systemic inflammation and insulin resistance.

How to treat it:

Unfortunately, the hardest thing and the right thing are usually the same. In this case, that means a lot of rigorous exercise and a diet full of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, grains, seeds, and lean meats. Visceral fat accumulates if more calories are consumed than burned. To reverse this, it’s vital to track your calories to make sure you’re eating less than you burn off.

Once you lose the weight, you’ll notice that your inflammation levels decrease and you feel better overall.

7. Skin problems

Our skin is the most obvious place to spot swelling or similar reactions, yet we overlook our largest organ far too often. Inflammation can show up on the skin in the form of athlete’s foot, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, and ringworm. Skin disorders can also point to an autoimmune disorder or allergic reaction.

What to do:

You should see a dermatologist if the redness, swelling, or itching doesn’t go away on its own. Cortisone creams and other topical creams can help ease inflammation and itching. Lifestyle changes such as exercise, healthy eating, and reducing stress can help you manage symptoms associated with skin troubles.

Now that you know about the symptoms, we’ll go over how your diet can either help or hurt you.

beauty tips


Foods that reduce inflammation

You’ll want to eat foods high in antioxidants and nutrients, such as:

  • Olive oil
  • Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel
  • Nuts
  • Fruits such as cherries, blueberries, and oranges

A lot of the foods we just mentioned are commonly eaten in the Mediterranean diet, which comes with a lot of health benefits. For example, a 2018 study found that participants who followed this diet had lower levels of inflammation compared to those who didn’t.

Final thoughts

In general, following a healthy lifestyle that includes fresh, whole foods, exercise, quality sleep, low stress, positive relationships, and relaxation techniques will greatly reduce your inflammation levels.

Science Explains 5 Things A Broken Heart Does to Your Health

If you’re not familiar with broken heart syndrome, it is the byproduct of a stressful situation, namely the passing of a loved one. The condition is characterized by the sudden onset of chest pain. In fact, the intensity is so strong that those who have developed broken heart syndrome often believe they are experiencing a heart attack. This is not too surprising given that the condition causes a temporary malfunction of the heart’s ability to pump blood. This only impacts one area of the heart. The remainder continues to function without any noticeable disruption. In this article, we will take a closer look at this phenomenon as well as treatments that can help.


Although chest pain was mentioned in the preface of this article, being heartbroken can also result in hypotension and pulmonary edema. In severe cases, heart failure may result. Needless to say, this condition transcends the emotional reaction that comes with mourning the passing of a loved one. There include a myriad of physical symptoms that can jeopardize one’s health. Some of these symptoms include:


A variety of studies have shown that emotional pain can stimulate the areas of the brain that commonly registers physical pain. This helps explain the physical component of being heartbroken. To further emphasize this point, we need only look to research conducted by Geoff MacDonald at the University of Toronto. It concluded that the brain cannot discern between physical and emotional pain. As a result, it will stimulate a similar pain response for either.


Longing for someone after their passing is not uncommon. In fact, when people lose their connection, either through death or a traumatic break-up, can result in irrational reactions, obsessive thought, and an inability to accept the fact that a significant other is no longer in their lives. Scientists like Helen Fisher, an anthropologist who has done in-depth studies on the topic of love and heartbreak, has equated the condition to that of withdrawing from drugs and alcohol. Fisher details one particular study whereby participants were shown pictures of former lovers. The study found that those images stimulated the mesolimbic dopamine pathway (reward system) in the brain. In other words, romantic love can serve as an addiction for many people. However, the delightful highs can turn into horrible lows when the relationship ends either through death or parting ways.


Along with chest pain, shortness of breath, hypotension, and other symptoms indicative of a broken heart, high cortisol levels is also a byproduct of being heartbroken. The body’s natural neurological response to stress can become compromised when over-stressed as in the case of mourning a loved one. Cortisol and adrenaline, which are the hormones that allow us to cope with actual or perceived danger, can negatively affect the body in a variety of ways including:

  • Weight gain
  • Memory problems
  • Weakened immune system
  • Heart disease

To further emphasize this point, we need only look to a study conducted by Netherlands-based VU University Medical Centre. They found that the high levels of cortisol related to broken heart syndrome increases one’s likelihood of dying from cardiovascular disease.


Not surprisingly, couples who have been together for a long time naturally help regulate one another’s biological rhythm. They often eat and sleep at the same time. When the relationship comes to an end, for whatever reason, this biological rhythm is disrupted. It could lead to an onslaught of physical problems including infections, weight gain, and slower reaction times.


Stress is the one thing that is salient among those struggling with being heartbroken. As such, it is not uncommon to experience increased tension and a variety of other stress-related symptoms. Along with the pain felt from no longer being with your significant other, emotional pressure may prompt the body to increase stress hormones. Although this is undoubtedly a challenging time, you should invest some time in self-care. This could mean doing things to distract you from your loss like reading a book or going for a walk. Spending time with friends can help heal a broken heart and also reduce stress.


Having detailed the many health problems linked to a broken heart, let’s turn our attention toward healing a broken heart. It’s worth noting that time can heal a broken heart. As cliché as it might seem, you will find some truth in the age-old saying. Over time, you will feel less impacted by the loss of a significant other. As a result, the symptoms associated with being heartbroken will start to subside. However, severe cases may require medical intervention. Some of the more popular pharmacotherapeutics used to treat broken heart syndrome include beta blockers, which work to prevent stress hormones from causing damage to the heart.


While the health problems associated being heartbroken are well-established, the exact cause of the condition remains a mystery. However, many have hypothesized that it may stem from an uptick in stress hormones, particularly adrenaline. It’s also worth noting that women and those over the age of 50 are more susceptible to this condition. The same also holds true for those with a history of neurological problems and those diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. That said, the symptoms commonly linked to being heartbroken have been linked to other events as well. For example, certain prescription medications can trigger symptoms similar to that of being heartbroken. These medications include Cymbalta, Effexor, and EpiPen, for example.


If your symptoms feel especially painful or if you feel lightheaded, seek medical treatment immediately. Don’t attempt to drive yourself to the hospital as you may be putting yourself and others in harm’s way. Instead, allow a family member to drive you. Also, be prepared to answer some question when you arrive. Doctors will likely want to know about the specific symptoms you’re experiencing along with your personal and family medical history.


With regard to how to heal a broken heart, there is no standardized treatment; however, with the risks that the condition poses to the heart, most treatment will focus on keeping the heart healthy. What does this mean, exactly? Physicians will likely follow the same protocols in place when it comes to treating heart attack patients, which entails prescribing heart medications and diuretics that can help the heart heal. Physicians may order balloon angioplasties and stent placements. To offer a little insight into the seriousness of heart broken syndrome, otherwise known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, it can require a 4-to-6-week hospital stay to assess your heart health and determine the best course of treatment.

broken heart



Considering that your treatment will likely revolve around improving heart health, you can expect your physician to order an EKG (electrocardiogram) along with blood tests. The information collected from these tests will be used to determine if you’re experiencing heart problems or if your condition is related to something else like Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, for example. While speaking with your physician, you’re encouraged to ask the following questions to better gauge your path towards recovery:

  • What might be causing my symptoms?
  • Could my symptoms be related to being heartbroken?
  • What types of tests will I need for a diagnosis?
  • Is a hospital stay necessary?
  • What will my immediate treatments entail?
  • Are there any risks associated with my treatments?
  • Should I follow any diet or exercise restrictions as part of my treatment?
  • Should I see a specialist for follow-up treatments?

Although the thought of health complications resulting from being heartbroken may sound peculiar, it can traumatic experience for those going through it. That said, if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms outlined in this article, take steps to reduce your stress levels. Most importantly, contact a physician if your symptoms start to become overwhelming. Lastly, it is not unusual to miss someone when they are no longer part of your life. Still, you should place importance on caring for yourself as you move past a difficult breakup or mourn a deceased loved one. After all, your health depends on it.

5 Hidden Signs of Kidney Damage

Among the vital organs, it’s the problems in the kidneys that are harder to detect. According to experts at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,  most people don’t know that they have a kidney disorder unless the problem is already in the advanced stages. There are a variety of indications that may point to kidney damage.

Unfortunately, kidney disease is progressive. It is permanent and irreversible once the problem is already present. Thus, experts recommend getting yearly kidney tests, especially if you’re a high-risk patient, to catch any signs of an impending kidney problem before it’s too late. Here are some hidden signs that could indicate kidney damage.

Here Are 5 Hidden Signs Of Kidney Damage

1.    Your skin is dry and itchy

Healthy kidneys work to retain the right amounts of nutrients your body needs. The kidneys remove toxins and wastes that can impact cell structure, tissues, bones, and organs. If your kidneys are damaged, they can’t properly maintain the balance of nutrients and eliminate toxins. If you notice your skin getting dry and itchy, this could indicate kidney damage.

  • A malfunctioning kidney can result in chronic dehydration, where the body eliminates, rather than ingests or absorbs, more fluids.
  • If you are losing bodily fluids, you’ll easily develop skin dryness.
  • A kidney condition may also prevent your glands from effectively producing natural oils that keep the skin moistened, soft, and supple.
  • Dry skin due to a damaged kidney may not only be itchy. It may also be flaky, red, and cause discomfort.
  • As the kidney condition worsens, waste in the blood continues to build up. This, in turn, makes the itchiness, redness, and skin irritation more intense and unbearable.

Avoid bathing in hot water if you have dry skin because it could worsen the problem, according to experts at the Baylor College of Medicine.  During the cold winter months, bathe in lukewarm water (about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) to minimize skin dryness.

Apply a skin moisturizer as soon as you’ve finished taking a bath. Also, don’t use skin care products that contain alcohol and strong ingredients. Use hypoallergenic or organic soap that won’t complicate the skin conditions that are linked to dehydration.

Doctors may prescribe phosphate binders and other medications to control the itchiness. However, remember that any treatment you take orally will still pass through your damaged organ and worsen the kidney disease. So,  always proceed with caution and get the proper diagnosis and recommendation from your doctor before taking anything to treat the skin dryness.

2.    Your eyes are persistently puffy

Do you know that kidney diseases and eye problems are linked together? According to the National Kidney Foundation, pay very close attention if you always wake up with puffy or swollen eyes in the morning. This could be a sign of kidney damage.

When your eyes are puffy, it means that your kidneys are leaking protein. The filters of the organ aren’t working right so large amounts of protein are not being properly distributed within your system.

You will know your body is leaking the nutrient if your urine test shows high levels of proteinuria while your blood has low levels of protein. This condition is medically known as a nephrotic syndrome. It may also be accompanied by other symptoms like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, thick and sticky blood, and deep vein thrombosis or leg blood clots.

Doctors may order a kidney biopsy to further determine the course of treatment if your urine test shows that you are positive for protein leak. In most cases, addressing the cholesterol and blood pressure problems through medicines might be the first course. These medications may help lessen the loss of protein and protect the kidneys.

There are strong chances that the condition may improve if the patient follows the treatment plan. In no time, the patient should find his or her eyes looking more normal if the protein leak has been controlled.

3.    You get muscle cramps frequently, especially at night

Your body’s electrolyte levels may be imbalanced if you are frequently experiencing muscle cramps, particularly in the nighttime. The electrolyte imbalance is not the cause of the kidney problem but rather the consequence of badly-damaged kidneys.

  • The electrolytes are made up of minerals like calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphate, and potassium.
  • You gain these from the foods you eat and the fluids you drink, which then balances the water and acid in your body.
  • If the electrolytes are too high or too low, then the water and acid composition in your body change. It will be up to the kidneys to regulate these changes and concentration.
  • A damaged kidney won’t be able to do this function well, hence you experience muscle cramping, among other uncomfortable symptoms.

The crucial nutrients closely tied to the functions of your kidney are sodium, calcium, and phosphate. A blood test will determine the levels of these nutrients in your body before doctors administer any treatment.

Treating an electrolyte imbalance due to a damaged kidney is a challenging goal. But there are many patients with kidney problems who have managed to reduce symptoms like muscle cramping. There are also people who have successfully reduced their risk for electrolyte shortage with proper diet, exercise, and the moderate consumption of sports drinks.

Talk to your doctor if you think your cramps may be related to an electrolyte and kidney problem. In some cases, a stay in the hospital might be necessary to achieve a positive recovery.

4.    You have sleep problems and you lack energy

What’s keeping you up at night may be caused by what’s happening in your internal organs. Something may feel off inside your body because you still have too many toxins due to a damaged kidney. This can even mess with your sleep cycle.

kidney damage

When your kidneys cannot filter properly, then the toxins and wastes remain in your blood. If your system isn’t clean, you may experience fragmented sleep instead of resting through the night without any interruptions.

For decades, scientists have been finding more and more evidence that links poor sleep to impaired kidney functions. Worse, poor sleep has also been tied to declining kidneys. People who get less than five hours of shuteye at night may have higher risks for developing kidney problems.

Some 97 percent of patients receiving kidney dialysis also experience some form of sleep disorder. Addressing the symptoms of the sleep disorder may help alleviate the kidney condition. You might have to consult with a number of specialists to get the right treatment.

  • If your kidneys are not doing their job right, you may also experience feeling more tired and being unable to concentrate.
  • While poor sleep might have something to do with this as well, the fatigue you feel may also be due to the build-up of impurities and toxins in your system, which the kidneys should have already eliminated.
  • Sometimes, deficiency in red blood cells or anemia may also be causing your body to get easily tired.
  • Anemia may, in fact, indicate a growing kidney condition that should be addressed as soon as possible.

Don’t disregard your lack of sleep and tiredness, especially if it’s causing problems with your performance at work and your relationships with people. Get yourself diagnosed and have your urine and kidneys checked as well.

5.    You have bloody and foamy urine

There are many reasons why there could be blood in your urine. In many cases, it’s not a major health problem or a grave concern. You could be suffering from an infection that will easily go away with the proper treatment.

But sometimes, blood could be an indication of kidney damage and it is leaking because the kidney’s filters aren’t working right anymore. There are several types of tests to determine the extent of the condition. (Some of these may be invasive procedures.)

Treating the problem will also depend on what’s really going on in your body. But it’s very important to see a doctor right away, regardless of the amount of blood present in the urine, just so you could have peace of mind.

Now, if your urine forms thick bubbles that are hard to flush, it means that your leaking protein as well. You shouldn’t delay a visit to the doctor if this is the case because your chances of recovery will be higher if you get the problem treated as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts On Hidden Signs Of Kidney Damage

A large part of your life will change once you have kidney disease. Once it fails, you will require dialysis for life or may have to undergo a risky kidney transplant. So, it’s very important to make sure that this organ is healthy and always performing its optimal function.

If you are over 40 years of age, in addition to annual kidney tests, you can take good care of your kidneys by doing the following:

  • Eating right and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Minimizing your sugar and salt intake
  • Staying physically fit and active
  • Making sure that your blood sugar level is under control
  • Monitoring your blood pressure
  • Drinking lots of fluids
  • Avoiding cigarettes and alcohol

Whenever possible, you should not make it a habit to take common medications like anti-inflammatory drugs and non-steroidal drugs because these have been proven to cause kidney damage. If you’re suffering from chronic conditions, such as arthritis, it is best to see a specialist who can suggest and recommend the right medicines rather than go for over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen.

If you have a history of other high risks diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease, or diabetes, getting the annual kidney test is also a must. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults with diabetes also have kidney problems, while one in five adults with high blood pressure may develop kidney diseases in due time.

Whenever possible, consult with a dietitian who may be able to recommend a good diet that will help with the health of your kidneys and your general health.

25 Dale Carnegie Quotes To Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

Everyone feels like giving up sometimes. It doesn’t matter where you stand in life; sometimes, the curveballs we experience are enough to force us just to give up. It has happened to me, and I’m sure it has happened to you too. Before you give up, you sense a strong sense of helplessness because no matter how hard you try to solve a problem, all it feels like is you banging your head against a wall that’s determined to break you down. When those feelings get to you, try remembering some of these quotes from Dale Carnegie.

Here are 25 quotes from Dale Carnegie when you need inspiration:

Read these 24 Dale Carnegie quotes when you need uplifted.

dale carnegie

1. “If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don’t want to be.”

We should always try to become who we want to be, or else we’ve already become who we don’t want to be.

2. “Big shots are only little shots who kept on shooting.”

To get anywhere in life, you have to keep trying. Those who are successful are those who have tried.

3. “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”

Our thoughts about ourselves are more powerful than our environment or our possessions.

4. “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”

Don’t allow yourself to get stuck doing something you dislike. To succeed, you have to do what you love.

5. “Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.”

You’ll achieve far more than you realize when you engage in life’s difficulties.

6. “Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.”

You will only get somewhere in life if you dare to make an attempt.

7. “It is the way we react to circumstances that determines our feelings.”

How we feel about something relies on how we react to it.


8. “The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way.”

Learning from failure means that you have succeeded, because you tried and learned something new.

9. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”  

If something feels hopeless, always remember to keep trying. There’s hope just around the corner.

10. “Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.”

There’s no reason to waste your time and energy feeling sorry for yourself, when you could use it to improve your conditions.

11. “When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.”

The more energy we spending hating someone, the more power they have over us.

12. “Happiness doesn’t depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions.”

Your happiness depends on your own feelings, not the circumstances around you.

13. “Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.”

Take life one day at a time. Before you realize it, you’ve conquered another day.

14. “Our thoughts make us what we are.”

Our thoughts, emotions and actions make us human beings – not our clothes or possessions.

15. “Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, for your character is what you are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”

It doesn’t matter what other people think of you, as long as you know you’re being the best person you can be.

16. “If you want to keep happiness, you have to share it.”

Happiness is made to be shared. You will find more happiness when you share it with other people.

17. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.”   

Everyone who has ever succeeded has failed at it once or twice. Learn from your failures to find success.

18. “No matter what happens, always be yourself.”

Being yourself is one of the truest paths to happiness and success, no matter is going on in your life.

19. “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”  

No one else has control over your peace of mind. Only you can control your emotions.

20. “One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses.”  

When we stop trying to impress other people, we find true happiness.

21. “You can’t win an argument. You can’t because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it.”   

Finding compromise is the only way to win in a disagreement.

22. “Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.”

Our lives, each day, are the only thing that should matter.

23. “If You Want to Gather Honey, Don’t Kick Over the Beehive”   

The only way to gain success is through hard work. You can’t get to true success by sabotaging others.

dale carnegie

24. “All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory.”   

Fear is nothing but an emotion. To go forward in life, you have to overcome it.

25. “The expression one wears on one’s face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one’s back.”   

How we relate to other people, face to face, is far more important than things like possessions.

Did these quotes help you feel more motivated? If so, please comment and share with others!

7 Signs of Chronic Iron Deficiency Most Women Ignore

Iron plays an important role in the body. It helps in the production of a component in the blood called hemoglobin, or the proteins found in the red blood cells, that carries the oxygen to different organs. An iron deficiency limits the hemoglobin your body greatly needs so you could become anemic or have a low count of healthy, oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

Women are more at risk for iron deficiency because of menstruation. It is, therefore, important for women to get at least 18 mg of iron every day, according to the National Institutes of Health. But a pregnant woman needs twice the amount. Her body needs to increase the level of hemoglobin since it’s also nourishing the baby.

Unfortunately, iron deficiency is often ignored and under-diagnosed. Below are some signs that may give clues that you’re lacking in iron.

Here Are 7 Signs Of Chronic Iron Deficiency Most Women Ignore

plastic packaging ban

1.    You are always exhausted and fatigued

The most common symptom of iron deficiency is when you’re feeling tired, weak, and fatigued most of the time. This is your body’s way of telling you that it’s not receiving enough oxygen so your energy levels are easily depleted.

Women who have their period often complain of feeling sluggish and lazy. Although some aspects of this exist as a normal part of their monthly cycle, what they really need is to eat more iron-rich foods. An alternative is to take an iron supplement to avoid having no energy to get up in the morning.

Exhaustion and fatigue are also common if you have a busy and frenetic schedule. If you’ve got a lot of things going on, you might not likely think you suffer from iron deficiency when you crash on our bed at night after a long and hard day at work. But if you’ve been having many episodes of weakness, along with crankiness and poor concentration, get properly assessed by a doctor for iron deficiency.

2.    You’re more prone to developing infections

Are you always the first one to get a cold during flu season? Do you easily catch an infection? When your body lacks iron, your immune system can’t function optimally.

  • When you have a low count of healthy red blood cells, your body has a harder time transporting oxygen to the spleen. This is the organ that helps your body fight off infections as it filters the blood that goes through your veins.
  • You also have a low count of white blood cells when you’re iron deficient. When your body doesn’t produce enough of these, you grow more susceptible to virus and bacterial infections.

If you have an iron deficiency, your body will not just have a hard time resisting infection; you might get sick longer and more intense than most people once you do catch a cold or flu. The positive thing is you can easily reverse iron deficiency and make your immune system stronger. Simply take supplements and eat the right types of food.

3.    You have hair loss

Hair loss can be hereditary but it may also be due to the lack of nutrients, specifically iron. Cells that need to stimulate hair growth can’t do their job when your body lacks hemoglobin. As a result, you may develop a condition involving hair loss. Studies have shown the links of iron deficiency in common hair loss problems like androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, or telogen effluvium.

Some signs that your hair may not be receiving enough nutrients include:

  • More hair accumulating in the shower drain when you’re taking a bath
  • More strands of hair filling up your brush than usual
  • Unusual falling hair whenever you’re grooming
  • Receding hairline
  • Bald spots
  • Thinning hair
  • Dry and damaged hair
  • Weak hair strands

Get an assessment from a doctor who will likely order a blood test to determine your iron levels. The good thing is hair loss due to iron deficiency is not permanent. You can regrow your hair and bring its natural glory back when you take iron supplements, improve your diet, and use doctor-recommended hair loss treatments.

For women, it might help to get your hair cut shorter while you’re taking treatments and still reviving your hair’s health. It will be more challenging to take good care of your hair if it’s longer. If necessary nutrients can’t reach the roots, your long hair will look limp and develop split ends.

4.    You have headaches or dizziness

Do you find yourself popping a headache pill on a regular basis? You might chalk this up to using gadgets too much, which could be affecting your eyesight. Or, you might think you’re getting tension headaches from the stress of the daily grind. It’s also possible that you’re actually iron deficient.

While there may be other causes of a headache, frequent and recurrent ones usually indicate iron deficiency. More so if your headache is accompanied by feelings of lightheadedness or dizziness.

iron deficiency

Again, the lack of hemoglobin causes those kinds of headaches. When your body can’t properly distribute the oxygen required for proper functioning, blood vessels swell and cause pressure. This is why you feel your head throbbing when you have a headache due to iron deficiency.

Some women who experience severe headaches and migraines when they have a period think that this is hormone related. A menstrual migraine may also be due to the menstrual blood loss so it might help to take iron supplements during that time of the month.

5.    You have restless leg syndrome.

Restless leg syndrome brings an uncomfortable sensation that may temporarily limit your movement. This feels like a strange discomfort or crawling feeling on your legs. Your feet and muscles might throb, tingle, or itch.

This condition may commonly take place when you’ve been sitting in one position for an extended period. Some people develop restless leg syndrome at night, which could disrupt their sleep.

Restless leg syndrome commonly occurs on just one side but it’s common for people with iron deficiency to feel the sensations on both sides. Research showed that at least 25 percent of people suffering from anemia or an iron deficiency have restless leg syndrome.

  • The lower your iron level gets, the more you feel the intensity and frequency of the symptoms.
  • It won’t just be irritating and uncomfortable because sometimes restless leg syndrome can be accompanied by pain.
  • As much as it might be difficult, you need to move your legs to lessen the sensations.
  • You will also have to take iron supplements or eat foods rich in iron to reduce the occurrence of restless leg syndrome.

6.    You develop cravings for pica

Pica is any non-food substance like ice, cornstarch, toothpaste, clay, chalk, or dirt. As strange as this may sound, pregnant women have been documented to have these cravings because they have low iron levels.

Experts haven’t exactly pinpointed a direct link to these cravings and iron. Some theorized it’s not so much the taste but the sensation of the non-food item in the mouth that seems to satisfy the cravings.

Aside from ice, you obviously can’t eat these non-food substances just to satisfy your cravings. They might upset your stomach or poison your system. Get yourself checked for iron deficiency if you experience these cravings. If you’re already pregnant, tell your doctor that you’re having unusual cravings so that your iron levels can be monitored.

Pica cravings are also common among children with iron deficiency. At least 4 to 25 percent of patients in institutionalized facilities also have pica cravings, likely due to lack of iron.

7.    You look pale

It’s one thing to be fair-skinned but if your skin looks very white and pale, it could be because your body isn’t producing enough hemoglobin. This protein element gives blood that vibrant red color. If your blood doesn’t look red enough, your hemoglobin count might be low; you can easily determine this by getting a blood test.

Your skin will show if you have a positive and healthy level of hemoglobin. You’ll have rosy cheeks on your face, a healthy color all over your body, and a kind of glow if you have a good iron supply in your system.

But the paleness isn’t just limited to your skin if you are iron deficient. You may also have pale gums, lips, and lower eyelids. The skin under and around your nails may also look whiter than normal. Doctors, in fact, can easily determine if you are anemic just by looking at your face, and checking your eyelids, fingers, and gums.

Final Thoughts On Signs Of Chronic Iron Deficiency That Most Women Ignore

If you suspect that you are iron deficient, do not delay a visit to the doctor to get proper treatment. While it’s not a life-threatening condition, you must still aim to get your hemoglobin count back in the normal level, as well as help your body replenish its iron supply, because a lot of organs count on iron to function well.

In some cases, it might not be necessary to take iron supplements, especially if you make a conscious effort to add iron to your diet. Some examples of foods rich in iron include:

  • Dark green and leafy vegetables like spinach or kale
  • Raisins, apricots, and other dried fruits
  • Red meat, poultry, and pork
  • Pulses like peas and beans
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Seafood

Sometimes, however, even if you eat plenty of iron-rich foods, your body might have a hard time absorbing this nutrient. Try eating foods rich in vitamin C because this can help enhance body absorption.

You need to get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iron but you also must not exceed this RDA because there’s also such a thing as iron overload or toxicity. Iron deposits can get lodged in your liver and other organs if you consume too much of this nutrient. This, in turn, may lead to liver damage and other conditions like heart disease or diabetes.

So, if you’ve been eating iron-rich foods but you think you need to have supplements, always ask your doctor for a recommendation first. This way, you minimize your risk of getting sick from too much iron. As with any diet, follow the most important rule for positive health: everything in moderation.

Experts Explain 5 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself

Love yourself first is a phrase we hear all too often. We’re told it’s the answer to many of life’s problems from self-confidence to inviting others to love us. Why is it so hard? Why is accepting that you’re good enough to be loved more difficult than loving another? Science might not have all the answers, but they offer techniques and tips to assist you on your journey.

“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.”—Unknown.

Learning to love yourself takes time, practice, and patient. It’s an ongoing battle that you’ll face frequently. Sometimes you invent the nagging doubt, but comments and actions from those around us can trigger a self-loathing spiral that feels like there’s no way out. The worst part? You might feel you don’t deserve your own love.

“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” ~Louise Hay

What is Self-love?

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”–Rumi, thirteenth-century Sufi poet.

Self-love is a physical and mental process. You put your needs first, which can be hard if you believe you don’t deserve it. We’re talking basic human needs, such as showering and eating right.

It’s more than that. PsychCentral gives a wonderful mental example with gift-giving to show the different thought process we can have with and without self-love.

What Doesn’t Count As Self-Love

  • Doing anything so others will like you or notice you more
  • Anything that harms you
  • Saying yes all the time, even when you don’t want to or can’t
  • Saying no to your basic needs

Why You Should Learn to Love Yourself

Self-love matters because it can lead you deeper into depression. It spirals downward from there, affecting every area of your life from work to friends to family.

However, you don’t need a mental illness to fall into the self-hatred cycle. Everyone has bad days where their own thoughts or actions of others swoop in and leave them mind-numbingly frozen.

When those sporadic days turn to a daily occurrence, you’re walking down a darker, dangerous road. Only you can search within to find the power to lift yourself up before it’s too late. Deep depression is one possible side effect when you refuse to love yourself, but self-harm and suicide can be results too.

Yes, the problem is partly in your viewpoint of yourself—inside and out. You do have the power within to love yourself, and only you can unlock that tight hold self-hatred has on you.

Learn to Love Yourself: a Lifelong Journey

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”–Edmund Hillary (the first man to climb Mt. Everest).

From an early age, about eight years old, I hated myself in one way or another. I was too ugly, too fat, too geeky, and yes, too smart. No one wanted to be my friend. When kids threw cruel barbs, I didn’t blame them.

I blamed myself.

I carried the shame and hatred close to my heart. It was my fault. I was broken, unlovable, and the bane of my own existence. Some days, more than I’d like to admit, I’m still battling the same demons.

I’ll be honest. Learning to love yourself and re-love yourself is a road you’re unlikely to leave. This is especially true for those like me who also have a mental illness. For me, it’s Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), which doctors didn’t officially diagnose until I was in my 20’s.

Another 10 years would pass before I discovered the root of both my self-hatred and BPD. Now, 10 years later, I still am on the same journey to mastering self-love.

It’s never too late to learn to love yourself.

How to Love Yourself: 5 Powerful Techniques By Experts

1. Practice Self-care

Self-care is truly an article unto itself because it spans many areas of your life that you might overlook for numerous reasons. The root remains the same—you believe you’re undeserving.

This can lead you to deny human basics like showering, exercising, and eating nourishing foods. Self-care can delve deeper and be the difference between seeking help and doing nothing. It can mean learning to laugh again.

Other times, you might be in a predicament that forces you to put another’s needs above your own. At least it seems that way on the surface, but it’s not always the case. If needed, take a step back from a situation and analyze it before giving a response.

Self Love Ideas and Tips

  • Get enough sleep
  • Eat a well-rounded, nourishing diet that fits your ideals and lifestyle
  • Exercise and move your body to release endorphins and reduce stress
  • Meditate
  • Bathe and practice good hygiene
  • Say no if a person’s request compromises your self-love
  • Do something small just for you every day, such as reading or another hobby you love

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.”–Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free.

2. Write Yourself a Letter

Kristin Neff, an associate professor of Human Development and Culture at the University of Texas and author of Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself, believes practicing self-compassion is a key element to loving yourself.

Write the letter as if you were looking at someone else. This isn’t a letter from your inner self to inner-self to vilify with self-loathing. Pretend you aren’t viewing yourself, but looking at someone else through another’s eyes.

What would you say to that person if they were in front of you? Write that down, seal it up, and put it in a safe place. Open and read it as a reminder of self-worth and why you should show yourself love and compassion.

According to Neff, Self-compassion Leads to Increased:

  • Inner strength
  • Level headedness
  • Stress management
  • Emotional stability

3. Have a Heart-to-Heart with Yourself

Self-talks are a scientifically backed tool to reaffirm your worth in your own life.

This can be a preventative measure or a coping mechanism you can use anywhere, including work, a social event, or in school. To some, it might seem silly.

You’re going to talk to yourself. And, you’re going to reaffirm every positive aspect within and outside of you. You’re going to place a sock in your inner critic’s mouth and shut it down.

Self-talk methods do take time to develop, and they work best under the care and guidance of a trained professional. Your doctor or therapist helps you point out your negative thoughts and words, then they teach you how to make them into positive reaffirmations.

One tip researchers found helpful is to refer to yourself in the third person or by your name. You can also give your inner critic a negative or bad name. I use demons, but that works for me. The language you use and how you use it during self-talks matters.

4. Keep a Negative Thought Journal

It doesn’t matter if they’re your own views or triggered by someone else’s opinion. Negative thoughts that don’t offer constructive criticism have no place in your life. Diffuse your own self-criticism and the opinions of others quickly with this trick.

Every negative thought, word, and feeling, you write it down. Use the recording feature on your phone or computer. Read or listen to your hate-filled words.

Ask yourself if you would say that to another person. No? Why then would you say it to yourself?

Take it a step further. If you dared to say though words to a friend, how would they feel or react? Most likely they’d have a negative reaction and rightfully so.

Here’s the takeaway from this exercise. If you wouldn’t say to your closest friend, don’t say it or think it about yourself. Reaffirm the positives even in a negative situation.

Examples of Positively Twisting Your Inner Negative Thoughts and Words

Negative you says, “I’ll never be good enough for him.”
Positive you says, “The only person I need to be good enough for is myself, and I am good enough.”

Negative you says, “It’s too much work. I’ll never finish by the deadline, and nobody cares enough to offer help.”
Positive you says, “I got this. Just one step at a time. I’ll ask around to see if my co-workers can lend a hand.”

5. Practice Loving-kindness Meditation

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection.”—Buddha

Dr. Helen Weng from the University of Wisconsin developed this compassion meditation technique. It’s a versatile and powerful technique that you can master and utilize self-love and to love others.

love yourself

You can use her guided meditation to tackle past issues that are still commanding your thoughts and daily life. It’s also useful for new events and self-loathing thoughts that surface for any reason, including things other people say to you.

Meditation, in general, can help to reaffirm positivity because it teaches us to live in the now. You can further your practice by incorporating breathing techniques and yoga (movement) into your routine for a total mind-body connection that squashes the toughest Negative Nancy.

Final Thoughts on How to Love Yourself

No matter what season of life you’ve reached, it’s never too late to practice self-love and learn to love yourself.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Talk to a doctor, a close friend, or join a safe space forum for support. You’re worth it, so don’t allow your negative self the power to stop you.

Your journey begins fresh with each new day. Tamper down your inner cynic, stare it down in the mirror, and remove its power. Practice the techniques shared here by experts to keep it in check.

You’re worth it.

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