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7 Hermetic Principles That Will Change Your Life

Thousands of years ago, a figurehead named Hermes Trismegistus established the Hermetic Principles in a series of letters called the Corpus Hermetica. It is based on spiritual and philosophical beliefs governing the Universe, which the ancient people of Greece, Egypt, and India applied in their life.

While these 5,000-year-old teachings were once considered heresy and blasphemy, Hermes’ ideas on embracing a positive life continue to influence modern-day philosophy. “The Kybalion” explains in detail how the Hermetic Principles imbibe the actual philosophy of the Law of Attraction. Here are some ways these teachings can change your life.

Here Are 7 Hermetic Principles That Will Change Your Life

1.    The Principle of Mentalism

Everything we see, hear, feel and touch in the Universe belongs to “The All.” It is this complex, indescribable, infinite, and living presence that gives everything a purpose, a function, and a reason.

To be attuned with The All is to be attuned with your consciousness because, as the teaching goes, “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.” It is this field of energy from which the Universe emanates and you are a part of it.

  • You raise your consciousness for The All by seeking awareness and enlightenment on your purpose in life.
  • You acknowledge the reality around you and choose how you live based on these realities.
  • Use your thoughts, emotions, and knowledge to improve yourself and create the kind of story by which you want your life to be remembered.
  • The level of awareness you develop from your mind becomes the power you gain to make conscious choices.

The Principle of Mentalism shapes your cognition, intuition, and reason. It’s having the wisdom to understand that what you do in your life manifests not just on the physical level but also on the spiritual level. When you apply these principles, you usually take time for self-assessment and reflection. Will the kind of stories you make of your life encourage productivity, creativity, and progressiveness? Does this bring more positive clarity or divisiveness? Do your thoughts make you feel empowered or the victim?

2.    The Principle of Correspondence

The Universe consists of several planes or realms. Since it originates from the one source – The All – these planes must always align, harmonize, and correspond. The teaching under this principle states, “As above, so below; as below, so above.” It refers to the connection between the mental (mind), physical (body), and spiritual (beliefs) planes. So, it follows that your existence must also align with these planes.

  • This basically means that whatever you perceive in your head must always correspond and relate to the reality of the world around you.
  • What’s in your inner world will always mirror what’s in your outside world, and vice versa.
  • The “above” may relate to the values and beliefs that shape your mental and spiritual being.
  • The “below” may refer to the mind and body that feel the emotions and sensations.

Something you strongly believe in stirs up feelings within yourself so you develop sentiments, concerns and sensitivity for various human conditions. How you act and respond to these conditions must always be in accordance with what you think, believe, and feel.

This principle also means that aligning your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs may help you process new perspectives, develop ways to address new feelings, and form new habits. Doing this may entail shifting to a new consciousness or acceptance of who you are.

3.    The Principle of Vibration

The Universe is one big ball of energy. It’s in constant movement. It is always changing and vibrating. If there is no movement, there is no life. If there is no life, there is no Universe. But the manifestations of these vibrations depend on the frequency. Those that vibrate at a higher and faster rate exist on the topmost part of your plane.

  • This teaching precludes that you can actually change or control your vibration.
  • All your senses convey these frequencies and waves; the most powerful ones come from your mind.
  • So, what you’ll keep focusing on will resonate or vibrate even more.
  • This is where the Law of Attraction based on its foundation.

The Principle of Vibration also states, “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” It emphasizes that nothing in this world is static or permanent. Even the table by the corner of your bedroom can be in a constant state of motion because it’s filled with molecules that move around in its own space. So, over time, that table can deteriorate and become useless.

Now, applying this principle in your life is about accepting endings, losses, and sorrows. However, it might comfort you to realize that these will also come to pass as the Universe keeps vibrating.

4.    The Principle of Polarity

This principle carries the same teachings as the Chinese philosophy in that everything has a Yin and a Yang, a negative or a positive, a light and a dark, or a polar opposite. So, it follows that love cannot exist without hate, or war cannot exist without peace, as the true nature of things is duality, where the extremes are always dependent on each other.

These dualities also exist to certain degrees in your life. The teaching states, “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” Gaining a better understanding of this teaching allows you to transmit one polarity that is stronger than the other.

  • As with the principle of vibration, you can control the degree of polarity you welcome in your world.
  • As everything comes in waves, you can increase one and lose the other as well.
  • This also implies that you are free to choose to love more and hate less, or to embrace more happiness than sadness. You can choose to have more positive thoughts than negative reactions.

Understanding the nature of duality and polarity also allows you to see the limitations in these differences. Thus, by adopting these Hermetic Principles, you can show more compassion for those who may be behaving the opposite of what you believe in.

5.    The Principle of Rhythm

The polarities in the Universe has a rhythm so you experience shifts in your circumstances. Like a pendulum, your life can swing from positive to negative. You become a witness to both happiness and sadness or success and failures over and over again.

This teaching states, “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” According to this aspect of the Hermetic Principles, you cannot avoid the effects of this principle because it’s how the natural order of things flow.

This rhythm keeps going whether or not you notice it. But you may also change the rhythm to neutralize and bring the balance back in your life, especially if circumstances have become so overwhelming.

  • For instance, you may be struggling with grief and pain because of a broken relationship.
  • So, you immerse yourself in different coping mechanisms in the hopes of healing from this pain.
  • At some point, however, you’ll actually reach the culmination of this cycle.
  • Once that happens, your rhythm will naturally swing back to the other side, where you’re free of the grief or pain.
  • One day, you’ll just wake up feeling that you’re ready to get back to dating again.

If you are currently at the lowest point in our life because of problems with money, this principle will help you see that you cannot let discouragement and failures become baggage.  Rather, it’s what you need to go through to get to the next cycle.

6.    The Principle of Cause and Effect

The idea that some things happen by “chance” and for no reason at all is not in line with the Hermetic Principles. When everything has to correspond and align, then the things that happen in your life will always have a meaning and an explanation. These reasons might not be evident to you for now but a cause and effect will always exist in the Universe.

The teaching states, “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.” This is similar to Newton’s Law that says, “For every action, there is a corresponding reaction.”

If you’re aware that your thoughts, words, and actions have consequences, you’ll be more careful about making choices. If you know that things don’t spring from luck, you’ll be better in control of what you want to happen in your life.

So, you create goals and objectives, or come up with a plan. You choose to practice and persevere. You do your homework to develop and improve yourself. By focusing on goals and applying this principle, you rise above choices that may have otherwise not turned out right.

7.    The Principle of Gender

As with the Principle of Polarity, this teaching from the Hermetic Principles emphasizes another duality. The Universe is both male and female; it has both masculine and feminine qualities. However, this doesn’t just speak of the physical aspects of gender. It also covers the mental and spiritual aspects of being a male or female.

hermetic principles

The teaching says, “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.” This means that all beings possess equal parts of male and female consciousness.

  • Masculinity pertains to conquests, assertiveness, reasoning, and energies that are driven to progress.
  • Femininity pertains to feelings, responsiveness, acceptance, and energies that are driven to nurture and protect.
  • If there’s too much of one type of energy in your life, you will feel the imbalance.
  • When you’re in tune to both energies, then you can achieve a state of completeness and satisfaction.

This principle is also about creating and giving birth. When the masculine and feminine energies in all your planes correspond, you can bring about actions that can result in your success.

Final Thoughts On The Hermetic Principles That Will Change Your Life

The seven Hermetic Principles works best if applied together. The more you are mindful of the teachings, the more you will integrate them in your life.

With repeated thoughts, words, and actions that imbibe the principles, you will slowly see a positive difference within yourself. Once you’ve reached this inner sense of greatness and contentment, it will easily manifest in what’s around you.

7 Reasons Women Fall For The Wrong Men

They say that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before finding your prince. But finding true love can be a bit tricky when a part of you draws the wrong kind of guy all the time. If you’re wondering why you’re always falling in love with the wrong man, you’re not alone. Many people get trapped in doomed relationships that aren’t always easy to break. And sometimes, the reason for this isn’t always because of the guy. Here are some reasons why women fall for the wrong men.

Here Are 7 Reasons Women Fall For The Wrong Men

“So many girls fall in love with the wrong guy, simply because the wrong guy usually says all the right things.” – Unknown

1.    You believe that you can change your guy

Often, you fall in love with a man you think you can change. You believe that you can fix his flaws and improve his weaknesses. You hope to correct the issues that have been plaguing his life so your “broken guy” becomes the gem no one could see.

But having this heroine complex isn’t about being positive or optimistic. It’s actually quite naïve to believe that you can change a guy who’s already a grown adult. To be clear, this isn’t about changing your man’s annoying habits, lazy fashion sense, quirks, ticks or imperfections that make him human. It is about those behaviors that fill you with anxiety and agony.

  • For instance, your partner is an alcoholic who becomes violently aggressive under the influence.
  • During those times, you see him as someone “in pain” who might need more understanding and love from you.
  • You tolerate what he’s doing because you believe that you’re the key to helping him deal with his personal demons.

What might be going on here is your refusal to acknowledge the reality that this guy is only hurting you. Perhaps you’ve been telling yourself that you can influence and affect his behavior so that he can improve. What this really means, however, is that your partner doesn’t align with the things you truly value, such as your dignity.

Realize that he won’t change unless he really wants to. If you think you’ve reached some point of progress in correcting his ways, it will not last. Why? Because your core values and his will always be in conflict. Eventually, this will take a toll on your relationship and may drain you emotionally, physically, and even financially.

2.    You don’t have definitive relationship goals and high standards.

Ever since you grew up to understand the concept of romantic love, you’ve formed standards of what you want from a relationship. These ideals are usually influenced by your beliefs, values, and personal preferences. It also defines the limits or threshold that you know you cannot tolerate from a partner.

Yet why do you keep falling for the wrong man even with your standards? The answer might be very simple: you have not set up definitive relationship goals. Because you don’t have high standards, you end up in an unfulfilling relationship.

Most people don’t generally set up high standards when it comes to choosing a romantic partner. Understandably, if you set your relationship goals too high, you might not ever get to meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

For instance …

  • A lot of women have a minimum requirement for their relationship standards because it is easier to bend and accommodate.
  • For instance, you want to marry and have three kids to raise because that’s your ideal standard. But you fall in love with a guy who declares that he never wants kids.
  • Because you love him, you choose to be flexible and forego your dreams for your partner’s sake.
  • Sooner or later, however, you find yourself having a hard time shaking off the feeling that you wish you could have kids.

This conflict will give rise to other feelings like resentment, anger, sadness, and even depression. It might hurt to realize that you’ve fallen in love with the wrong man. The truth might be that you fell for the wrong guy because you did not set you the right standards for yourself.

Your relationship goals do not have to be a perfect, positive storybook romance. But you should know what you’re entitled to. You deserve to find a guy who will respect and care for the same things you value.

A study in the journal Personality and Social Psychology equates having high standards to relationship satisfaction. When you don’t want to settle, you give importance to your happiness, your self-esteem, and your personal growth. This, in turn, will attract the right types of men in your life.

3.    You ignore your deal breakers

Along with setting up high standards, you also need to come up with concrete deal breakers. These are certain traits and characteristics you want to avoid in a man so that you don’t sabotage your future happiness. These criterions may narrow down your choices for a partner but it could at least filter the bad eggs from the good ones. It can save you a ton of headache and heartache.

Another study from the same behavioral journal listed the deal breakers that 6,500 male and female respondents have chosen. These include:

  • bad grooming habits and an unclean look
  • laziness
  • neediness
  • lacking in sense of humor
  • lacking in self-confidence
  • low drive for intimacy
  • too gossipy or talkative
  • smoking habit

This laundry list of characteristics might seem superficial but if you’re looking for a serious partner for a lifetime, the deal breakers should guide you away from falling for the wrong man. In a serious relationship, ignoring these deal breakers can become the source of incompatibilities and differences. It’s not surprising, therefore, to see that most relationships fall apart because the couples have irreconcilable differences.

Now, if you keep falling for the wrong type of man then it’s likely because you chose to ignore your deal breakers. You’ve seen the red flags but you find no reason to walk away from the relationship. You still choose to compromise with your man.

However, the more you allow the things you don’t actually like to continue, the more the relationship becomes toxic. Soon, the respect, trust, positiveness, and goodwill in your relationship will deteriorate.

4.    You fear to be alone for the rest of your life

You’re scared of being labeled as “single” for the rest of your life. So, when a guy actually expresses his intention for you, even if you don’t feel the spark, you agree to be in a relationship with him just so you don’t up alone.

But you might realize too late that it’s a lot lonelier when you’re with the wrong person. You’re technically in a partnership but since there isn’t any spark, then the things you do together will not excite or stimulate you. You also don’t grow and improve as a person in this kind of a relationship.

A change in perspective and sense of self will perhaps help you avoid falling for the wrong man. If you appreciate how a single life can be a wonderful thing, then you won’t have any fear of being alone as you get older.

Being single can actually be quite empowering. You have the freedom to go on different dates, spend weekends holed up somewhere you like, and go on adventures without ever worrying about another person. Being single gives you a chance to find yourself and to understand that nothing is wrong with you. You can come to realize that you’re not in competition with anyone to get married right away.

Understand that the only person who can make you truly happy and satisfied with your life is yourself. While this might sound cliché, it actually makes the most sense especially if you think that being in a relationship with the wrong person is better than being alone.

5.    You’re lacking in self-esteem and confidence

A lot of people have self-esteem issues so it’s a problem that’s not unique to you. Many people have insecurities and may think that they don’t deserve to be in a relationship with someone who is great or who fits all the box in their checklist.

You might think that it’s human nature to short-change yourself. But the truth is, this is only applicable if you don’t have a strong sense of who you are. When you have low self-esteem and low confidence, it’s easy to fall for the wrong man. You might end up with someone who does not treat you well, or won’t shower you with the love and support you deserve. Additionally, he may not fulfill your needs.

If you’re a confident woman, you’ll notice all the red flags from this guy. You also won’t pin your hopes on your man changing his ways because you won’t wait for that to happen. Instead, you’ll easily sense that this guy could be waste of time. You call it quits before the relationship deepens because you already know how it will end.

6.    You let others pressure and influence your relationships

Do you let others have a say in your relationships or the men you date? Sometimes, seeking the opinion from others about the man you are dating can be enlightening. Other times, however, it can be disruptive. It may put undue pressure on you because you value the trust and opinion of your friend more than what you really feel.

If you keep falling for the wrong men, perhaps it’s because you listen to others more than you listen to yourself. While it’s great to have friends and confidants you can count on when you need advice about love, ultimately, you’re the only one who is in charge of your destiny.


7.    You have your own issues to work out

If you notice a pattern of similar behaviors in the men you are dating then perhaps it’s a reflection of deep-seated issues you need to work out in yourself. You may unconsciously reject better men and pick the wrong guy because of these psychological issues.

That’s why it’s a great opportunity for you to be single for a little while because you need this time to work out these personal matters. Unless you address this and pay attention to making yourself better, you’re bound to make the same mistakes and keep falling for the wrong men.

Final Thoughts On Reasons Women Fall For The Wrong Men

When you don’t want to keep falling for the wrong men, take time to figure our what you really want out of a partner. Decide what you’re looking for in the relationship you’ll build with him. You can only do this if you spend some time enjoying your life as a single person before getting into another relationship.

Determine that you really can be happy independently. This will give you a healthier and more positive sense of who you are. Then everything else, including the kind of love you attract, will fall in the right place. When you truly know what you want, then you won’t make the mistake of falling for the wrong man anymore.

7 Types of Friends to Never Let Go

Having more than one best friend is not unusual. As an adult, you’ll gain more positive benefits from surrounding yourself with different kinds of friends. You can’t grow as a person if you have just one or two close friends. Your needs as a social being depend on the different relationships you form in your life.

Sticking to just one type of friendship will not be enough to add value to your life. So, here are some kinds of friends you should have in your life. And if you have these people, you should not let them go.

Here Are 7 Types Of Friends To Never Let Go

“A friend is someone who makes it easy to believe in yourself.” – Heidi Wills

1.    The friend who’s always positive

It’s important to have a friend who constantly has a positive outlook on life. This is someone who doesn’t panic at the slightest problem or challenge. You’ll need this person by your side when you’re at your lowest point.

A friend with a positive mindset can influence you with healthy behaviors. In fact, this friendship’s effect may be better than a good diet, a medication, or an anti-aging supplement, according to The New York Times.

  • This is the friend you call when you’re having a bad day and he or she will show genuine care for your predicament.
  • She will always make you laugh and make your day better with her infectious smile.
  • He seems to be a ball of energy and enthusiasm that you can’t help but radiate in his positivity.

Studies have shown that people who are optimistic can deal with stress better. As a result, they have less risk for developing illnesses and they can throw off a spreading virus because they have stronger immunities. They also have reduced risks for cardiovascular diseases and depression.

Positive friends also bring out the best in you. With their support, you’re more inspired to try out new things, complete your goals, and reach for your dreams. You will also learn to see the challenges you encounter as an opportunity for growth.

2.    The friend who’s a rebel

This is a friend who does not tolerate nonsense. A rebel is someone who strongly believes in something and then stands up for this when she is challenged. She’s not afraid to break the rules if she doesn’t see the use for them. You need this kind of friend in your life at times when you feel constricted and bound.

The rebel friend will definitely have your back if you’re in a bind. She’ll push you to do something unexpected. She will embolden you and inspire you to get down and dirty because there are times when you need to face life this way.

This is the kind of friend who will keep reminding you that you’re worthy. So, if you have a partner who’s not treating your right or you’re not getting your due recognition at work, your rebel friend will be this voice in your head who will push you not to put up with something you don’t deserve.

3.    The friend who builds you up

There may be times when you feel that you don’t have it all together. You’ve been making mistake after mistake and you know you could use some guidance or mentorship. But you can have a life coach in a friend who builds you up. This is the person who will keep motivating you to try harder and raise the level of your capabilities.

Just like a coach, this friend will make sure that you get to the finish line. He will invest in time and energy in your personal development because he will also feel fulfilled when he sees you succeed.

  • A friend who’s a builder will always have time to share something productive with you.
  • She will partner with you at the gym or agree to help you stick to a diet plan.
  • The builder will also be excited about planning and joining your makeover session.
  • She will recommend classes, training, and workshops that you might need.
  • He will try to hook you up and sing your praises to the right kinds of people who could help you succeed.

Do you have a friend who constantly checks up on how you are progressing with a project, whether it’s a personal endeavor or a professional thing? If you have a friend who nudges you into doing something that doesn’t hold your interest, she’s the builder who’s always trying to make your life more balanced. He’s like your coach and manager all rolled into one.

4.    The friend who’s your partner in crime

This friend is the Robin to your Batman, the Clyde to your Bonnie, the John Watson to your Sherlock Holmes. This friend loves collaborating with you because you share the same interests:

  • You love the same foods.
  • The two of You enjoy the same hobbies.
  • You believe in the same politics.
  • Your interests include the same songs, movies, TV shows, and books.

This is the friend that you can have easy conversations with because there is familiarity.  It’s always good to have a friend like this in your life because the common ground can become the mark of a long and lasting friendship.

Your partner in crime will lie for you or help you come up with a good excuse if you don’t want to go to work or skip the party of an acquaintance. You actually trust this friend with your computer passwords and even the pin code of your ATM, in case of emergency.

This is the first person you call when you’re planning something big. This is also the friend you call in the middle of the night when you need to talk to someone. She will not have second thoughts about meeting up with you even if she’s already settled for bed.

When you have a friend who’s a collaborator, you gain from this relationship because you come up with something productive together. It’s like you share one brain because you both know what each other’s thinking even before you say something.

And if you have disagreements, you won’t stay mad at each other too long because you won’t have anyone else to listen to you rant about something you mutually hate. You need each other too much because this friend is like your soulmate.

5.    The friend who’s very sensible

She’s like a big sister, a mother, and a wise grandmother in one package. The sensible friend will share enlightening insights into your problems and issues. Talking to this person will not only be stimulating; you might even change your mind because she will help you see new ideas.

The sensible friend will always challenge your thinking. She will ask the right questions that you may overlook because you’ve got too many things going on in your head. She’s the one who makes you question the “what if’s” in every situation.

  • When you’re with this friend, you’ll feel unguarded and comfortable.
  • You know you can express your thoughts out loud to this person because she will not make judgments even if you have controversial sentiments.
  • She’s above petty discussions as well.
  • She’s so wise and positive that your perspective in life broadens because of her.

The sensible friend might send you clips or links to interesting articles that improve your awareness and education. She will suggest ideas to you but she has respect for your boundaries; she will not impose or force you to follow her suggestions.

6.    The friend who has the right connections

He’s the one who’s got a lot of networks. He knows someone to tap if you need help. He’s also the most affable and charming person you know. He’s the type who’ll even become best friends with the prison guard if he’s sent to jail.

The friend with a lot of connections will help you build bridges. You will find this person at social functions regularly and you will also likely get an invite from him all the time.

According to the book, “Vital Friends: The People You Can’t Afford to Live Without” it’s important to have this kind of friend in your life. You will always need referrals for good doctors, lawyers, accountants, or even a date for a special evening. You need someone who can point and guide you in the right direction, and that’s none other than the guy with a long list of connections.

7.    The friend who’s the constant in your life

You’ve likely had this friend since childhood. Since you grew up with each other, you’ve become the constant in each other’s life. It’s not rare for people to still be in touch with their childhood friends as adults but it is truly a special kind of relationship. The constant friend has been with you through many ups and downs:

  • Your middle school graduation
  • The first serious relationship you had
  • Your first broken heart
  • When you left for college
  • When you visit home after graduating from college
  • Your first job
  • Your wedding
  • The birth of your children
  • Your children’s milestones

blunt people

Your relationship with this person is so deep and meaningful that you can discuss both the small and serious things whenever you want to. When you crash and burn, your constant friend might lecture you too. You don’t mind because you know it’s coming from a place of love and care for your welfare.

According to the Association for Psychological Science, men in their early 30s who still spend time with their childhood friends may have lower blood pressure and lower body mass index. So, there’s an actual concrete proof that keeping your childhood friendships alive has physical benefits aside from social and emotional benefits.

Final Thoughts On Types Of Friends To Never Let Go

Your circle of friends may personify more than one characteristic of these essential traits. You may also provide more than one vital purpose as someone else’s best friend. If your relationships with your close friends are positive, harmonious, and mutually beneficial, you’ve been very blessed to have these people to fill your life.

Inspirational Quotes for Turning Gratitude into a Lifestyle

Inspirational Quotes for Turning Gratitude into a Lifestyle

We live in a fast-paced world. A breaking story today can quickly turn into old news tomorrow. If we’re not careful, the same can be true for our lives.

While we all want more out of life, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be satisfied with what we do have. When we appreciate the things we have in life, we can stay positive and allow better things to enter into our lives. Keep reading for 20 inspirational quotes about life.

1. “At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer

A major part of gratitude comes down to realizing who inspired us to live the life we do. Reading inspirational quotes like this one show us that the reason we have certain goals in life is because we’ve seen others live their own truth.

These inspiring people even support us when we no longer believe in ourselves. When our light goes out, we know we can turn to these people in our lives to get us back on track.

leadership quotes

2.“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” – Henry Ward Beecher

Much like the world’s most beautiful flowers, gratitude allows us to blossom into the best version of ourselves.

3.“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous

Short and sweet, this is one of the simplest inspirational quotes that still packs a punch.

When we choose to focus on gratitude, we realize what really matters in life. Instead of becoming disheartened with we don’t have (but think we should have), gratitude transforms the way we see our lives.

4. “Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” – Amy Collette

Ever met a person that lived like their soul was on fire? This zeal for life comes from living a life of total thankfulness. That’s the power of gratitude that all the best inspirational quotes teach about.

Grateful people are happier people. By recognizing all the blessing we have in life, we’ll be more satisfied with what we have.

5. “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

This contentment with life will allow us to build a better future. Instead of being fearful of the unknown, we can see that we have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and everything to be thankful for.

6. “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

It’s easy to say “thank you” but it doesn’t mean as much as actually showing someone we are thankful for them. Instead of responding to someone’s acts of kindness with a “thanks”, it’s important to learn how to show we are thankful.

This can be done by writing a thank-you card, giving someone a handshake or hug, or returning the favor later on down the road.

7. “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley

While it is impossible to be happy all of the time, living a life dedicated to cultivating this spirit of happiness can be done as we begin to practice gratitude on a consistent basis.

As we find ourselves meditating over our blessings in life, happiness will almost always be an added consequence.

8. “Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth

Gratitude doesn’t need to be complex or extravagant. By living every day with joy, we can express how thankful we are to be living the life we have.

9. “No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” – Alfred North Whitehead

We are all participants on this journey of life. While we all want to do things on our own, we do rely on the assistance and support of others at some point in life. For these people, we must be grateful.

10. “In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

In life, richness isn’t found in the amount of money one makes. To truly be rich, one has to recognize the beauty in their own life and give thanks for it.

11. “Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.” – Lionel Hampton

When someone does something special for us, it’s hard to forget. These actions of love make their way to our heart and stay there forever.

12. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Every good thing in life begins with being grateful. Love, trust, happiness, joy–they all require us to see the value in others and ourselves and to be thankful for these things. With the help of inspirational quotes like this, we learn how to cultivate the positive things in life.

13. “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” – Cynthia Ozick

In life, it’s easy to forget how good we have it. While bad things happen sometimes, everyday that we’re alive is a good day.

14. “You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s inspirational quotes about life teach us that there is never a wrong time to be kind. This is true in life and it’s certainly true when we show gratitude to others.

15. “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” – Gilbert C. Chesterton

What’s happiness without gratitude? While material things can give us momentary pleasure, we really need to make time to express gratitude if we hope to ever truly be happy.

16. “Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency, and you will attract much better things.” – Rhonda Byrne

Those of us that believe in the law of attraction know that we attract the same energy we put out. Inspirational quotes like this one show us that by expressing grateful energy, we’ll be able to attract the best things in life.

17. “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson is full of inspirational quotes like this one that show how effective gratitude is for curing feelings of sadness. When we focus on everything good that has happened to us, it’s hard to stay down.

18. “Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” – Buddha

Looking for the best inspirational quotes about life? Always turn to Buddha.

Buddha knows what it means to be grateful. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with what has happened, we have the opportunity to focus on the positives in our lives.

19. “Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.” – Eileen Caddy

There’s a certain sense of wisdom that is found in living a life of gratitude. By finding a way to apply inspirational quotes to our lives, we can begin to be thankful for everything in life, and grow as people.

With more thankfulness in our lives, the happier we feel.

20. “Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give.” – Edwin Arlington Robinson

We often express our thanks after someone does something for us. However, when we realize how much we can impact others, this leads to a greater sense of gratitude.

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Final Thoughts on Gratitude

These inspirational quotes about life serve to show us how we can completely transform our lives by practicing gratitude on a regular basis. Many people mistakenly adopt the idea that they will be happy once they accomplish more in life or have enough money to buy their dream home, car, or something equally as valuable. However, this isn’t the case.

When we learn to be thankful for and content with what we have, we disrupt the idea that we can’t find happiness as we are. As we become more grateful in life, we learn to appreciate all of our blessings–both big and small.

31 Best Quotes For Anyone In Love

Sometimes, scrolling through in love quotes is just the thing you need in order to put you in a better mood. Romance in literature, drama, and movies has traditionally been a great source for in love quotes and remains so to this day!

To put you in a more loving frame of mind, we’ve brought together 31 of the most romantic in love quotes we could find.

Browse through these 31 romantic in love quotes and let your heart melt:

“No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you. I swear it.”
C.J. Redwine, Defiance

“I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, whatever happens, I’ll always think of you, and the time we spent together, as my happiest time. I’d do it all over again, if I had the choice. No regrets.”
Cynthia Hand, Boundless

“And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars.”
Beth Revis, Across the Universe

“It’s one thing to fall in love. It’s another to feel someone else fall in love with you, and to feel a responsibility toward that love.”
David Levithan, Every Day

“I love you the way a drowning man loves air. And it would destroy me to have you just a little.”
Rae Carson, The Crown of Embers

“I’m loving you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am inlove with you.”
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

“I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never love you any less than I do, right this second.”
Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl, Beautiful Creatures

“Sometimes I can’t see myself when I’m with you. I can only just see you.”
Jodi Lynn Anderson, Tiger Lily

“I am catastrophically in love with you.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

“I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you.”
Jamie McGuire, Beautiful Disaster

“I love you. Remember. They cannot take it”
Lauren Oliver, Delirium

“I want everyone to meet you. You’re my favorite person of all time.”
Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor and Park

“If my love were an ocean,
there would be no more land.
If my love were a desert,
you would see only sand.
If my love were a star-
late at night, only light.
And if my love could grow wings,
I’d be soaring in flight.”
Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why

“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”
Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

“I don’t care how hard being together is, nothing is worse than being apart.”
Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed

“I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend. The one who will memorize the things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them. I want to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body.
I want to know where to touch you, I want to know how to touch you. I want to know convince you to design a smile just for me. Yes, I do want to be your friend. I want to be your best friend in the entire world.”
Tahereh Mafi, Unravel Me

“But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart.”
Maria V. Snyder, Poison Study

“And I’ve realized that the Beatles got it wrong. Love isn’t all we need—love is all there is.”
Morgan Matson, Second Chance Summer

“Love lets you find those hidden places in another person, even the ones they didn’t know were there, even the ones they wouldn’t have thought to call beautiful themselves.”
-Hilary T. Smith, Wild Awake

“No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star.”
Diana Peterfreund, For Darkness Shows the Stars

“Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what.”
P.S. I Love You

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness–and call it love–true love.
Thich Nhat Hanh, True Love

“I’ll follow you into the park
Through the jungle, through the dark
Girl, I never loved one like you
Moats and boats and waterfalls
Alleyways and pay phone calls
I’ve been everywhere with you
That’s true, laugh until we think we’ll die
Barefoot on a summer night
Never could be sweeter than with you”
-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Home

“I’ll miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you, I’ll even let you hold the remote control.
So let me do the dishes in the kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you’ve had too much to drink.
Oh I could be the man to grow old with you.
I wanna grow old with you.”
The Wedding Singer

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”
Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

“I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We’re better together.”
Jack Johnson, Better Together

“There’s a billion people on the planet. What does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things… all of it, all of the time, every day. You’re saying, ‘Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness.’”
Shall We Dance?

in love

“And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It’s you, it’s you; you make me sing
You’re every line, you’re every word, you’re everything
You’re every song, and I sing along
Cause you’re my everything”
Michael Bublé, Everything

“I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.”
 Lisa Kleypas, Blue-Eyed Devil

“I heard what you said. I’m not the silly romantic you think. I don’t want the heavens or the shooting stars. I don’t want gemstones or gold. I have those things already. I want…a steady hand. A kind soul. I want to fall asleep, and wake, knowing my heart is safe. I want to love, and be loved.”
Shana Abe

“When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No … don’t blush. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being inlove; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away. Doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? But it is!”
Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernières

That about wraps up this list of the best in love quotes for people who’ve fallen for each other. With so many great in love quotes, it’s hard to stop at 31! Hopefully, this list will have put you in a better, more romantic mood.

12 Step Self Care Practice For Your Mind Body And Soul

How do you manage self care?

You may eat regular meals, go to the gym once a while and even go to church. But many of these things can feel like chores instead of acts of self care. Finding the time to nourish your mind, body and soul is difficult. However, developing self care as a skill can greatly improve your life.

Practicing self care can lead to higher energy levels, less stress, and even possibly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety. These self care tips are designed to cover every facet of your well-being and help you start to lead a more positive, healthy life from within.

12. Make a List of Positive Affirmations

Believing in yourself is the start of everything. When you build greater self-confidence, you’ll be equipped to make decisions, speak your mind and be more vulnerable with people you care about without any fears. Self-affirmations can improve your quality of life by making you more hopeful about the future; optimistic people are happier, healthier, and more productive.

Find the right affirmations for you. Ask yourself what you need most right now. Is it hope, self-love, or just inner peace? There are affirmations online for anything you might need right now.

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11. Confront Your Negative Thoughts

Many of us are weighed down by negative thoughts and self-defeating thinking patterns without even realizing it. If you always tend to look on the dark side, your brain is running of neural pathways that make it easier for you to think negatively. To begin thinking more constructively, you must first identify your harmful thoughts.

Learn about cognitive distortions, irrational thought patterns that distort our perception and lead to self-defeating thoughts and symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Self care isn’t always positive. Sometimes, to improve ourselves and grow, we must look deep inside ourselves and address the painful or negative emotions holding us back.

10. Start Breathing Consciously

Meditation teaches us to bring awareness to our breath to bring our center ourselves in the present. Meditation is an ancient art that’s gained new traction over the last year. People worldwide are discovering the healing powers of taking just five minutes a day to live in the here and now.

Living a more mindful life through meditation isn’t about changing who you are or becoming a “better” person; it’s about learning to accept and acknowledge all of the thoughts and feelings that flow through you so you can live free from their control.

9. Make a Gratitude List

A grateful mindset has been scientifically proven to improve your health and happiness. You’re practicing positivity when you try to remind yourself of the good things in your life. Gratitude will help you shift your focus from stress and problems to blessings, no matter how big or small.

Gaining an appreciative attitude toward the earth, others, and yourself changes how we live and relate to others.

8. Spend Time Outdoors

Drink your coffee outside, take a walk during your lunch break and make sure you embrace the sunshine and blue skies as often as possible. One of the most frequent self-care tips people recommend is getting out of your office or home and getting some fresh air. Spending time outside lifts our spirits, raises our Vitamin D levels, and can help us feel more energized. Spending time outdoors is also a great way to connect with nature and feel more in tune with the world.

7. Find New Ways to Exercise

Pounding the pavement (or treadmill) gets old quickly, so break the mold and look for new ways to work out. Not only will you become more social as you take classes, but you can also break out of your comfort zone as you try new things. Yoga is a great low-impact option that can also bring you a lot of inner calm. If you prefer something more uptempo, consider taking a Zumba or kickboxing class.

Regular exercise will make you feel better, benefit your mental health, and even help you live longer. There’s no reason not to work out.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Say “No”

Many of us fear letting others down or being rejected for speaking our minds. Part of self care is setting personal boundaries and knowing our limits. You don’t have to be forceful and abrasive to speak your mind. If you are around people who constantly make you feel guilty for saying no, it may be time to reevaluate the company you keep.

Saying no to something isn’t wrong, and you’re allowed to decline party invitations, favors, and other requests simply because you don’t want to do them. If you need to prioritize your well-being and mental health, then saying no to will help you free up personal space and stop being overwhelmed with everyone else’s baggage.

5. See a Therapist if You Need One

Everyone can benefit from talking to a counselor. Sometimes, having an unbiased third party listen to our problems can make a difference. There are also warning signs to look out for that indicate you should speak to a licensed mental health professional. The signs of anxiety, depression, OCD, and other psychological disorders are often misconstrued or overlooked by people who don’t understand the conditions.

If you experience prolonged periods of sadness and hopelessness, feel overwhelming fear in social settings or about the future, fixate on things and often feel dominated by your thoughts and other compulsions, a therapist can help. Self care includes getting help and knowing when you can’t fix something alone.

4. Stick to a Sound Sleep Schedule

Adults need at least eight hours of sleep each night to function properly. Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased cognitive functioning, irritability, depression, lack of focus and even physical ailments. If you struggle to stay asleep or wake up rested, first evaluate your environment. Do you tend to stay in bed scrolling on your phone in the dark? Blue light emitted from electronic devices can suppress the secretion of melatonin, the chemical responsible for helping us fall asleep.

Make sure that you create a productive sleep environment. Avoid using your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Focus on doing something relaxing such as meditation and yoga or reading a relaxing book. If you suffer from insomnia, consider asking your doctor for melatonin supplements. You may also find that if you treat underlying problems such as stress or depression, your insomnia disappears.

3. Find a Way to Nourish Your Soul

Spirituality and religion aren’t the same things. You might not find that church does anything for you, but there are plenty of ways to get in touch with your soul. Finding meaning in your life is an important part of self care as it lays the foundation of how you view the world and your place in it. Even if you consider yourself an atheist, you can get in touch with the world and find a way to connect with a greater purpose than your existence.

self care

Many self care tips revolve around physical and mental health. While these are tremendously important, we can’t overlook our souls. Becoming spiritually awakened can help you tap into a side of yourself you never knew existed and feel more in sync with the world.

Practicing things such as yoga and meditation, hiking, art, or other activities that make you feel like you’re actively engaging with the universe is important. Remember, no matter how you believe we all got here, every one of us is made from stars and atoms produced by an incredible and infinite universe.

It’s something to think about.

2. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones

Self care tips don’t stop with just us. To take care of ourselves, we need a positive support system and company that we can rely on. If you have a busy schedule, you might find that at the end of the week, you only want to crawl into bed and hide away for the weekend. Instead of dodging calls and turning down invitations, try to see your friends and family.

You don’t have to do anything extravagant for it to be meaningful. Some of the best memories you can make come from the simplest activities. Plan a potluck dinner party and let everyone bring their favorite dish. Have a Netflix movie marathon or host an impromptu dance party with your go-to Spotify playlist. Every day is filled with plenty of opportunities to bond. For an even more exciting viewing experience, consider using tivimate to explore a variety of shows and movies with friends and family. With its extensive channel lineup and user-friendly interface, tivimate makes it easy to find something for everyone to enjoy together.

1. Trust Your Gut

It can be tough to believe in ourselves, but your instinct guides you throughout life. Relying on instinct builds self-awareness, reflection, and honesty. Our “gut feeling” is an instinctual response that combines learned and unlearned behaviors. We can learn how to sharpen our intuition by asking questions about our feelings, becoming more introspective, and following our hearts.

We hope these self care tips will help you in your life. Remember, self love isn’t a one-time effort. You are in a lifelong relationship with yourself, so remember to invest the time, love, and attention in you that you deserve.

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