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10 Things The Lines In Your Face Say About Your Health

Do you know that your face provides many clues to what’s going on inside your body? Most people don’t realize the connection but for thousands of years, ancient healers have relied on the face to determine whether someone is in the pink of health or not.

These days, modern healers still apply the same principles. Only, they’ve expanded these face mapping techniques using technology to make a proper diagnosis based on their patient’s facial symptoms. Here are some things that the lines in your face may say about your health.

Here Are 10 Things The Lines In Your Face Say About Your Health

1.    You’re at risk for heart disease

The wrinkles on your forehead could be an early sign of a condition called atherosclerosis, according to members of the European Society of Cardiology. This condition is associated with plaque build-up around the arteries that narrows the arteries. Thus, blood and oxygen supply to your body’s major organs, including the skin, will be limited.

The experts followed and assessed 3,200 adults from the ages of 32 to 62 for two decades. Some 233 participants died during the course of the study, which shed light on the direct relation between forehead wrinkles and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • The researchers said that the nature of atherosclerosis and forehead wrinkles are linked to oxidative stress and the depletion of protein levels in the collagen.
  • The blood vessels in the forehead are fine and thinner so they are more sensitive to plaque build-up.
  • In addition to taking lipid tests and checking the blood pressure, the experts say that forehead wrinkles may also be a marker for heart disease risks.

Doctors should give patients the necessary advice about lowering their risks if forehead wrinkles are significantly visible.

2.    You could be hypertensive

If you take good care of your skin then you also take good care of your body. Experts from the Leiden University Medical Center proved this point in a study on aging and appearance.  Apparently, men and women who look a lot younger for their age have lower blood pressure than those with bad and sagging skin. A youthful appearance has also been linked to longevity and good health.

But the experts also emphasized that it wasn’t so much the wrinkles and lines that linked to blood pressure. Rather, sagging on the face was the more significant indicator for risk of hypertension.

3.    You have weak bones

Experts at Yale University found out that women between the ages of 40 to 50 may also manifest deeper facial wrinkles if they have lower bone density. The skin and the bones need nourishment from collagen proteins; these may decrease in production as a person grows older. Aside from aging, lifestyle habits may also trigger reduced collagen production in the body.

So, the worse the facial wrinkles get, the more it might indicate lower bone density. The experts say that the condition of the skin on the face will be a good reflection of the skeleton’s quality. Thus, many doctors can actually identify if a person is at risk for fracture just by looking at the condition of the skin on your face.

4.    You might have a skin cancer risk

If you have wrinkles that look like crepes around your left cheek, you need to get tested for skin cancer. According to dermatologists, this side of the face is more exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays when you’re driving. Therefore, it’s at greater risk for sun damage.

The biggest indicator of sun damage is actually sunspots on the skin. If you don’t have this, however, it still doesn’t mean that your skin isn’t damaged. Take notice of your cheek’s left side; visit a dermatologist as soon as possible if you see unusual wrinkling.

In some cases, rough patches on your cheeks may also indicate lung issues. Are you having problems breathing or do you easily get out of breath when exercising? You’ll notice the skin on your cheeks getting aggravated each time this happens.

5.    You are under a lot of stress

If there are visible lines near your eyebrows, aside from forehead wrinkles, your body may be signaling that you’re under a lot of stress or repressing negative emotions. When you’re in this state, your body produces more cortisol, which has been linked to premature aging and collagen loss.

While more research needs to be done to prove the direct relationship of stress and wrinkles, plenty of evidence shows that stress may affect the condition of your facial skin.

Though stress is a daily part of living, you can reduce its damaging effects by doing stress-relieving activities like meditating, listening to soothing music, having positive social interactions with your friends, or pampering yourself with leisure and pleasurable endeavors.

6.    You’re lacking in iron or have a food intolerance

Typically, you develop dark circles around your eyes when you’re not getting enough sleep. These unflattering marks might also indicate a food intolerance or an iron deficiency.

  • Experts say that if you change your diet and reduce dairy and wheat intake, you may see an improvement; the dark circles should lighten.
  • You should also see some results if you totally avoid alcohol; even moderate drinking can cause dark circles.
  • Increase your intake of iron-rich foods and supplements to get rid of the dark circles. This is especially important if you’re also experiencing frequent fatigue or you’re prone to colds and dizziness.
  • You may also take vitamin C supplements to help your body absorb more iron from the vegetables you eat.

Sometimes, the lines around the eyes may also be linked to kidney impairment. Try increasing your water intake and avoiding foods rich in salt. The appearance of your eyes should improve.

7.    Your liver is working too hard

If you notice deepening frown lines on the skin between your eyes and by your nose bridge, it might mean your liver is working too hard. You may be eating foods that are high in fat, which do not positively impact your liver.

High-fat meals can easily disrupt the functions of your liver. Saturated fats found in butter and some dairies may force your liver to produce more glucose. These can raise your risks for diabetes and obesity, according to WebMD. You may also be at risk for developing non-alcoholic fatty liver that can worsen as cirrhosis. For these reasons, it’s important to carefully choose the food you eat. As much as possible, avoid high-fat meals.

8.    You may have diabetes

Are you bothered by the cracks in the side of your mouth? Do you often experience chapped lips? Dryness around the mouth area is pretty common but it may also be a symptom of diabetes.

Experts still do not know the direct relation of dry mouth to diabetes but the theory is that the dryness may be due to high blood sugar. You may need to get yourself tested for the disease. Also, ask your doctor for advice on how to manage your blood sugar levels to minimize the symptoms.

If you are diabetic and already taking treatments, you might need to change your medication since it could be causing dryness. Also, don’t forgo a visit to the dentist to get a regular cleaning. Taking care of your oral health will bear positive results on your dry mouth. When this isn’t addressed, the condition may lead to complications like periodontitis, candidiasis, gingivitis, and bad breath.

9.    You’re vitamin deficient

The largest organ in your body is your skin but it’s also the organ that doesn’t get enough vitamins. So, when you are vitamin deficient, it will easily show on your face as wrinkles, rough patches, dark spots, redness, and dryness.

The four essential vitamins that your body requires daily are vitamin D (600 IU), vitamin C (1,000 mg), vitamin E (15 mg), and vitamin K (90 to 120 mg). You can gain these vitamins from eating foods like:

  • Tuna, salmon, codfish, breakfast cereals, yogurt – rich in Vitamin D
  • Citrus fruits and plant-based sources like broccoli and spinach – which contain Vitamin C
  • Almond nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds – good sources for Vitamin E
  • Green and leafy vegetables like lettuce, kale, cabbage, and spinach – rich in Vitamin K


You may also take vitamin supplements if natural food sources aren’t enough. Talk to your doctor or a dermatologist for any recommendations.

10. You generally have an unhealthy lifestyle

Wrinkles are not just signs of aging; they are also a reflection on your lifestyle. If you’ve been abusing your body, the effects will instantly show on your face. Poor and unhealthy lifestyle choices may include:

  • Too much indulgence in high-calorie and fatty foods
  • Too much sugar and salt in your diet
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Not getting enough sleep and rest
  • Not exercising
  • Disregarding sun protection
  • Not engaging in positive thoughts
  • Not getting a regular check-up with your doctor, especially if you’re over 40

Reassess your lifestyle and try to make some changes for the sake of your health. It should concern you if you notice that your face doesn’t have that youthful glow.

Final Thoughts On What Lines In Your Face Say About Health

The health of your skin is not just important for the sake of appearance. It’s your first defense against the bacteria you’re exposed to every day. And while your skin goes through natural changes as you age, you should not disregard the lines that appear on your face as an effect of getting older.

Your body has a unique system of letting you know that something is wrong. Be aware when it’s “talking” to you. If you’ve been trying to reduce the lines on your skin with creams and other facial products but nothing is improving, then it might be time to look at what’s inside.

A preventive diagnosis is a hundred percent better than dealing with a serious condition. If you catch diseases earlier, your chances for a positive recovery are higher.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you should start to panic when you see wrinkles on your face. But when you’re aware of what these lines in your face could mean, then you’ll start making conscious choices to take good care of your health.

8 Ways to Beat ADHD (Without Medicine)

What is ADHD?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Children diagnosed with ADHD often display impulsive behaviors that are interruptive and inappropriate for the setting (e.g. the classroom.) Boys are twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD as girls. The average age of diagnosis is around 7 years. (1)

It is estimated that ADHD affects 1 in every 20 people under the age of 18. Of this population, approximately two-thirds continue to experience ADHD symptoms into adulthood. Adult ADHD is characterized by difficulties remembering information, following directions, concentrating, organizing tasks, and planning.

The ADHD Controversy

Few conditions are as provocative as ADHD. For as long as the condition has been around, there have been countless debates surrounding the existence or non-existence of ADHD. Professionals also discuss the complications of ADHD medication, and whether the disorder is over-diagnosed.

While ADHD is highly contentious, most medical experts accept that enough evidence exists to treat it as a valid condition. For example, all three of the largest, most prestigious U.S. medical bodies – the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Institutes of Health – recognize ADHD as a true disorder. (2)

Researchers point to the differences in the brain scans of ADHD and non-ADHD people, the length of time since symptoms were first uncovered (over 110 years ago), and the tangible differences brought about by treatments as sufficient proof.

Indeed, while sufficient evidence may show the reality of ADHD, plenty of other sources point to a diagnosis that is both pervasive and disturbing. Let’s talk more about the recent trends in ADHD numbers.

ADHD Numbers Swell

“Production of the medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder … has skyrocketed in recent decades. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … says that ADHD diagnoses … increased by about 41 percent between 2003 and 2011.” – Colleen M. Story, Ana Gotter, Rena Goldman: “6 Natural Remedies for ADHD” (source)

Medical statisticians cite the upper-limit of ADHD diagnosis at a maximum 5 percent of school-aged children. In some U.S. communities – where by far the most ADHD patients reside – up to 33 percent of children are diagnosed with the condition. In some states, over 11 percent of the school-age population is diagnosed with ADHD – more than doubling the number of plausible cases. (3) Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of ADHD diagnoses rose an astonishing 41 percent in just eight years (2003-2011). (4)

Also contributing to the rising numbers of ADHD patients – and ADHD medications – is the fact that there has been a dramatic shift in the market segmentation of ADHD drugs. Whereas in prior years children were the dominant demographic because of their age, adults are now the majority of the population taking prescription stimulants. In other words, adults are the fastest growing segment of the ADHD medication market.

What could possibly explain such a dramatic shift? Some critics point to the pharmaceutical industry and their aggressive marketing and profit-seeking schemes. For example, Shire Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturers of popular ADHD drugs Adderall and Adderall XR, reported over 15 billion USD in operating revenue for the year 2017. (5)

The Dangers of ADHD Drugs

“It takes about 40 minutes to kick in, and you can feel it. I start to sweat. My heart accelerates very rapidly.” – Introduction to the Netflix documentary “Take Your Pills.”

On May 1, 1971, the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) became the law of the land in the United States. The law created five classifications (or ‘Schedules’) in which each prescription drug was to be placed, depending on the drug’s potential for abuse. (6)

Amphetamine, a powerful nervous system stimulant, is labeled as a Schedule II drug in the U.S. (a Schedule I in Canada). Schedule II drugs are those that display high potential for abuse while carrying the possibility of severe physical or psychological dependence (Vicodin and OxyContin are also in this category.) Amphetamine is simply a longer name for speed, a major component of the street drugs cocaine and methamphetamine. It is also the primary ingredient in Adderall and other ADHD medications.

The effects of amphetamine use can be classified into three categories: immediate, coming down, and long-term. (7)

Immediate effects:

– a sense of wellbeing

– high levels of confidence

– feelings of motivation

– faster reaction times

– anxiety and nervousness

– dizziness

– headaches

– increased heart rate

– stomach cramps

– irregular heartbeat

– hallucinations

– paranoia

Immediate effects (higher doses/overdose):

– blurred vision

– collapse

– irregular breathing

– hallucinations

– seizures

– stroke

– coma

Coming down

– feelings of anxiety, nervousness, and irritability

– depression

– lethargy

– extreme exhaustion

– mood swings

– tension

– paranoia

Long-term effects

– anxiety disorders (e.g., panic attacks)

– feeling out of breath

– dental problems such as cracked teeth

– insomnia

– malnutrition

– compromised immune system

– high blood pressure

– higher risk of stroke

– risk of kidney failure

– psychological problems

– paranoia

– propensity for violence


How to Beat ADHD Without Medication

Given the nasty short- and long-term dangers of ADHD medications, it may be worthwhile to consider other, more natural alternatives. Here are eight ways to overcome ADHD without the use of prescription meds.

  1. Abstain from certain colorings and preservatives

Per the Mayo Clinic, some food colorings and preservatives are thought to increase hyperactivity by some researchers. In the European Union (EU), foods that contain certain food color additives must include the statement that the product “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”

Colorings and preservatives that may increase ADHD-like symptoms include:

– D&C Yellow No. 10 (quinoline yellow): Found in juices, haddock, and sorbets

– FD&C Yellow No. 5 (tartrazine): Cereal, granola bars, pickles, and yogurt

– FD&C Yellow No. 6 (sunset yellow): Breadcrumbs, candy, cereal, icing, and soft drinks

– FD&C Red No. 40 (Allura red): Child medications, gelatin desserts, ice cream, and soft drinks

– sodium benzoate: carbonated drinks, fruit juices, and salad dressings.

  1. Try Biofeedback

Electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback involves the use of brainwave technology to identify and correct thinking behaviors. In ADHD patients, an abnormally low level of brain activity in the cortical regions, coupled with a state of hyperarousal in the frontal cortex, is seen as contributing to the symptoms.

In an analysis of 14 EEG biofeedback trials, ADHD-diagnosed children showed “consistent beneficial effects for all outcome measures.” EEG biofeedback sessions usually last from 30 to 60 minutes over the course of 2 to 3 months.

  1. Exercise

Exercising on a daily basis may reduce the inattentiveness and hyperactivity that characterizes ADHD. Numerous studies have shown multiple positive psychological effects of exercise, including increased levels of focus, alertness, and calmness.

30- to 40-minute workouts, 4 or 5 days a week should suffice. Aerobic exercise is probably best, although strength training, martial arts, and team-based sports are all beneficial.

  1. Try supplements

Per Healthline, many supplements may help improve ADHD symptoms, including l-carnitine, magnesium, vitamin B-6, and zinc. Herbs such as ginkgo, ginseng, and passionflower may help ease hyperactivity.

If you are taking prescription medications, be sure to check with your doctor regarding potential drug interactions. If considering supplementation for a child, have them first get a blood test to determine current nutrient levels. (11)

  1. Get a second opinion

Another likely reason for the spiking ADHD numbers is misdiagnosis – a diagnosis that mistakenly cites ADHD when a different disorder is producing like symptoms. Per WebMD, four medical conditions that produce ADHD-like symptoms include:

– Anxiety disorders: Commonly diagnosed along with ADHD. Types of anxiety disorders including separation anxiety, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety.

– Depression: Depressive symptoms can mimic those of ADHD, particularly changes in eating and sleeping habits. Depression also causes difficulty in concentrating and lack of motivation.

– Learning disabilities: ADHD-like symptoms of non-ADHD learning disabilities include not listening, failure to finish work, and disorganization.

– Vision and hearing problems: If a child doesn’t know or admit to having a hearing or vision problem, they could lag behind in classwork and create distractions.

  1. Get outside

Only recently have scientists discovered the importance of vitamin D on brain function. Besides being a natural mood-booster, ‘D’ helps to protect neurons and reduce brain inflammation. Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to memory loss and increased risk of cognitive impairment, including dementia.

In a 1,700-person study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge, researchers found that people with the lowest vitamin D levels are twice as likely to be cognitively impaired. In a 3,100-person study of males aged 40 to 79, participants with lower vitamin D levels showed slower brain processing speed. This relationship was particularly evident among males over the age of 60.

  1. Get plenty of amino acids and protein

Protein helps curb hyperactivity by stabilizing blood sugar levels. Our brain cells communicate through neurotransmitters, chemical messengers that relay information from one cell to the next. Neurotransmitters are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.


If you’ve ever eaten a carb-heavy meal, you can attest to the sluggish thinking that often accompanies it. That’s because carbs increase tryptophan in the brain, inducing sleepiness. Protein, on the other hand, raises tyrosine, which manufacturers dopamine and norepinephrine, which promotes activity and alertness.

  1. Watch your stress levels

High levels of stress over time depletes the brain chemical dopamine, which is responsible for energy and motivation. Because low levels of this brain chemical produce feelings of depression-like lethargy, you may find it extremely difficult to pay attention.

Besides watching your stress, make sure to watch your caffeine and alcohol intake. All of these things cause dopamine to deplete more rapidly.

Final Thoughts on Ways to Beat Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

While there are many methods that can help someone who suffers from this disorder, it can seem overwhelming knowing where to start. Try taking it one day at a time, first of all. Focus on your diet by avoiding trigger-type foods such as artificial coloring. Additionally, take time for exercise, preferably outside so you obtain enough Vitamin D as well. Finally, look into professional help if needed to curb the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Try to maintain a positive outlook because your mindset can help determine so many things.

Doctors Explain 12 Ways to Stop A Panic Attack Immediately

A panic attack could strike anyone at any time. We’ve all felt the anxiety associated with not knowing the effects or outcome of situations beyond our control. How will that job presentation, upcoming surgery, or potentially fateful meeting go?

Although most people seem to survive with no worse than sweaty palms and nervousness, there are those for whom such situations are unbearable. The result of overwhelming mental and emotional pressure may be a panic attack. If you have ever suffered such an episode, you know it is terrifyingly real.

Thankfully, there are ways of dealing with these debilitating episodes. Panic attacks are treatable; most people can overcome them with the right therapy. Some professionals can offer choices for dealing with any personality and trying conditions.

Recognize the Symptoms of a Panic Attack

A panic attack is a sudden and intense surge of anxiety or fear accompanied by physical symptoms. It can happen quickly and be so overwhelming that many people have thought they were having a heart attack or stroke. Attacks include both emotional and physical symptoms, such as the following:

  • Sweating
  • Trembling, shaking
  • Nausea
  • Increased heart rate, palpitations, or chest pain
  • Shortness of breath or feelings of being smothered
  • Choking sensations
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
  • Hot or cold flashes

Knowing the most common symptoms can help you proactively prevent full-blown attacks. These episodes are not fatal, but they can have a crippling effect if not brought under control. These attacks can become self-perpetuating, especially if the reasons for the occurrence are not readily known. There are ways of stopping a panic attack in its tracks. Here are 12 ways to stop symptoms from escalating.

How to Stop Panic Attack Symptoms.

panic attack

1. Recognition and Acceptance

Especially if you’ve experienced an attack in the past, you should recognize the symptoms when they reoccur. Remind yourself that this is a temporary state of anxiety and that nothing dangerous will happen to you. Clearing your mind of those feelings of doom will help you to proceed to the next steps in dealing with an attack.

2. Tell People.

Letting a few trusted colleagues and friends know about your problems may be helpful. They may be able to assist you in separating yourself to a quiet place and reassuring you that this will pass. Faithful friends and family can be invaluable for lessening the stress and length of an attack.

3. Learn Your Panic Attack Triggers.

Attacks can sometimes be triggered repeatedly by the same things, such as enclosed or crowded places, financial issues, or impending deadlines. Once triggers are identified, methods can be established for adjusting and dealing with them.

All kinds of issues may trigger anxiety and panic, including health issues or reactions to different types of medication. You may consult a professional to identify your anxiety nemeses or examine ongoing issues and your reactions.

4. Deep Breathing.

Controlled breathing is recognized as one of the significant stress relief exercises. During a panic attack, you may tend to hyperventilate. Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Continue slow, deep breathing until you begin to feel more relaxed.

Learn exactly what it is that is causing you to feel short of breath during an episode of panic. Did you forget to exhale? Are you breathing too quickly? Research different breathing exercises that can benefit oxygen flow and clear thinking.

5. Limit Immediate Stimuli.

You may need to leave a busy room or find a more quiet corner with a solid wall to lean on. Try to remove yourself as far as possible from the sights and sounds that will continue aggravating the issue.

Once you have found a more peaceful spot, close your eyes to remove yourself from the activity around you further. Concentrate on breathing until you can take control of your thoughts.

6. Practice Mindfulness.

Don’t allow yourself to begin to feel detached from yourself or your location. Instead, ground yourself in physical sensations such as the feel of the wall you’re leaning on or the arms of the chair or tabletop. Move your feet on the floor and think about the texture of the surface. Is it tile or carpet?

Think about things affecting your five senses. Not only what you touch, but try to identify several different sounds such as music, footsteps, or silverware tapping. Try to identify different smells. Look about the area and identify objects such as interesting paintings, windows, or furnishings if you can.

Various studies and groups have confirmed the benefits of mindfulness. This is an important area to explore to find the best method to keep you grounded and end the symptoms of anxiety you may experience. Your beliefs may be a guide for choosing the best mindfulness technique.

7. Focus.

Focusing on an object of interest or importance can help to stop panic attack symptoms. Some people may carry a photo or other object to achieve this purpose. Or find an exciting piece of art or design to dissect mentally. Think about how the object feels if you are holding it in your hand. Or think about the design and who could have made it.

8. Muscle relaxation.

Of course, it is not unusual to tense your muscles during an anxiety attack. As you sit quietly, begin relaxing your muscles one at a time. Let your hands unclinch, your stomach muscles relax, etc., until you have relaxed your entire body.

Again, there are several methods for relaxing your muscles. Don’t get too complicated, but explore the possibilities. This can be one way of stopping stress and anxiety before it becomes out of control.

9. Light exercise.

Although it may seem contradictory, for some, the perfect remedy for cutting off a potential attack may be to take a short walk or swim. Exercising can release endorphins which will help you relax both physically and mentally. However, if you are having trouble breathing, you must address that issue before exerting yourself.

panic attack

10. Repeat a mantra or prayer.

A comforting phrase or prayer can be a valuable asset when you begin to feel the onset of a panic attack. A calming or reassuring phrase can give you something to hold onto as you struggle to stop panic attack symptoms from accelerating.

If your mind has just gone blank, don’t worry. There are lists of encouraging or soothing phrases you can repeat to yourself while working to regain control. Or you may remember a favorite saying of a friend or family member that you can borrow to bring quick comfort and relief to your troubled emotions.

11. Lavender.

Lavender is well known for its soothing, relaxing effects. If you have a history of uncontrolled panic, consider keeping lavender oil close by in case of an attack. Rub the oil on your forearms and breathe in the calming scent, or try a cup of chamomile and lavender tea.

Some studies indicate that lavender may be as effective as prescription medicines for some stress-related issues. Women seem to be especially affected by this natural herbal treatment option.

12. Medication.

You may consider medication if no combination of the above suggestions completely relieves your symptoms. The most recommended medication for anxiety and panic will be a benzodiazepine, some of which have been approved by the FDA. However, these medications require a diagnosis of a panic disorder from your doctor.

Preventing a Panic Attack

Remember the old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” There may be simple changes in your lifestyle that can lessen your tendency to become overanxious. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be beneficial. Regular quiet meditation may be helpful, along with herbal remedies.

Adopting a more healthful diet and getting enough sleep will also help keep your mind and body ready to deal with whatever comes. Stay hydrated and avoid too much caffeine or alcohol. Regular aerobic exercise is also important to your overall health and is a great stress reliever.

Keeping a journal may be another way to help evaluate your symptoms and determine the best way to stop anxiety from controlling your responses and leading you down the road to panic. Write down the things that have caused you to feel stressed and anxious over time. Reading these entries may help you identify external triggers and internal reactions that must be dealt with.

panic attacks

Final Thoughts on Dealing With a Panic Attack

There are many options for stopping the progression of a panic attack. You may have to work a bit at finding the combination that will work best for you. It is possible to stop panic attack symptoms and become the master of your reactions to life’s unexpected or uncomfortable situations.

You can learn not only what to do, but what not to do, to overcome debilitating panic attacks. There may also be other immediate responses that may work for you. And finally, although natural remedies are always best, take medication if your symptoms are extreme and your doctor recommends it.

Science Explains 4 Reasons For Sleep Paralysis (And How to Treat It)

If you’ve experienced sleep paralysis, you aren’t alone. Many people experience the phenomenon at some point in their life, and 28.3% of students report having experienced it (1). Here’s what it is:

It Can Be Terrifying

You’re not entirely sleeping during nighttime paralysis, and that’s what’s so terrifying about sleep paralysis. You may try to scream, but you can’t.

What It Isn’t

Paralysis during sleep is not caused by supernatural phenomena, but many people do believe that they are experiencing something supernatural while in paralysis during sleep. Therefore, the condition can be completely treatable if the cause is found!

These Are The Four Main Causes Of Sleep Paralysis

1. A Medical Condition May Be Causing Your Paralysis Episodes

Nighttime paralysis can be caused by sleep disorders, but it can also be caused by conditions that seem to have nothing to do with sleep. These are some of the most common examples of medical conditions that may result in paralysis during sleep:

Narcolepsy Can Cause Frequent Nighttime Paralysis

Individuals who suffer from narcolepsy typically have frequent nighttime paralysis along with vivid dreams. This is due to the disturbances in REM sleep that occurs as a result of the disorder.

Treating Sleep Apnea Can Be An Effective Treatment For The Condition

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes breathing problems during the night, and this can awaken individuals during the body’s natural REM paralysis. The condition can be treated with a CPAP machine, and a sleep study is needed to diagnose it.

In Some Cases, Psychiatric Problems Are To Blame

Psychiatric disorders are known to disrupt the sleep cycle. Here are some examples of psychiatric disorders that are especially likely to result in nighttime paralysis:

  • Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder causes significant alterations in the sleep wake cycle that leads to periods with little sleep that often alternate with periods with excessive sleep. The alterations in the sleep wake cycle of people who suffer from bipolar I disorder is much more pronounced than those who suffer from bipolar II.In addition, many individuals with bipolar disorder suffer from anxiety, and this can also lead to the condition. Mania is particularly likely to lead to sleep paralysis, and that is because increased levels of arousal, irregularities in the sleep wake cycle, and agitation.
  • Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia can also cause severe alterations in the sleep wake cycle that results in paralysis during the night, and these changes can follow very unpredictable patterns. However, there are several other reasons that schizophrenia could make an individual more prone to the condition.Schizophrenia may be caused by over-activity in the part of the brain that’s responsible for REM sleep. Furthermore, schizophrenia often causes vivid hallucinations, and the imagery, sounds, and voices from the condition can keep sufferers awake at night. As a result, sleep patterns often become highly irregular, and this increases one’s risk of experiencing nighttime paralysis.Individuals who suffer from schizophrenia tend to have impaired logic, and this means that sufferers are likely to attribute nighttime paralysis occurrences to supernatural phenomena. This can cause extreme fear and fuel delusions, and this also creates a vicious cycle by heightening nighttime anxiety.
  • Clinical Depression: People who suffer from clinical depression typically do not sleep as well as those without the condition, and this can result in paralysis during sleep.
  • Panic Disorder: Nighttime panic attacks can wreak havoc on your mental health, and they are thought to result in paralysis during sleep for some sufferers. In fact, 35% of people with sleep paralysis report having had a panic attack (2).

Check out this link for more info on improving your mental health.

2. Stress And Anxiety Can Trigger Paralysis During Sleep

If you need to de-stress, consider these tips:

  • Prior to going to bed, consider going through a routine to decompress and relax, such as taking a warm bath.
  • Write down any thoughts that are bothersome to you.
  • It’s best to create a sleeping environment where the light levels are quite low, and it’s also important to make sure that the environment is the right temperature for sleeping.

What Kinds Of Stress Are Especially Likely To Lead To Nighttime Paralysis?

While there are many types of stress that can lead to paralysis during sleep, these are some of the most noteworthy examples:

Clinical Anxiety Disorders May Trigger It

Your anxiety may be causing you to remain alert when your body is attempting to “shut down” and go into the paralysis of the dream state, and this can result in nighttime paralysis. Here are some examples of anxiety disorders that are likely to lead to paralysis during sleep:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Individuals who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder often spend a large amount of time worrying about various potential future events, and this can cause increased arousal during the night.
  • OCD: Often, individuals with OCD have obsessive ways of thinking during the evenings, and this can make it harder to wind down and go to bed.
  • Certain Phobias: Individuals who tend to have a fear of the dark are likely to experience anxiety and arousal that makes paralysis during sleep more likely when sleeping in darkness, but sleeping with a light on can also increase one’s level of arousal and increase the chance of paralysis.

Successful treatment of anxiety disorders can be an effective sleep paralysis treatment.

PTSD Can Lead To Paralysis During Sleep

Many PTSD sufferers experience flashbacks through dreams, and this can lead to waking up while in a paralyzed state. Here’s what you need to know about PTSD and nighttime paralysis:

  • Flashbacks can potentially occur through dreams at any time, and there is not always a noticeable trigger that was experienced during the day. However, it’s especially common for flashbacks to occur through dreams if one experiences a trigger during the day.
  • In some cases, individuals who have paralysis during sleep as a result of PTSD will experience hallucinations of past traumatic events during the paralysis.

If You’re Distressed By Supernatural Beliefs, This Could Be The Culprit

Many people have supernatural beliefs that result in nighttime fear and anxiety. In fact, some experts believe that paralysis during sleep is to blame for many reports of supernatural events, and these are some examples of things that people have experienced while paralyzed in REM sleep:

  • Demonic Encounters: Many people report hallucinations during the paralysis that involve demonic entities, and these occurrences are especially distressing and more common among individuals who believe in these occurrences.
  • Extraterrestrial Visitation: Some people who experience paralysis during sleep encounter hallucinations that involve extraterrestrials, and these hallucinations are especially common and disturbing to individuals who have a strong fear and belief in these alleged encounters.
  • Sightings Of “Shadow People”: Some people have a belief in mysterious sightings of what are referred to as “shadow people”.
  • Ghost Encounters: Individuals who have a strong belief in and fear of ghosts sometimes see them during the paralysis, and this can be especially distressing for individuals who have a strong belief in the phenomenon.

3. An Irregular Sleep Cycle May Be To Blame

Having an irregular sleep cycle can make it more difficult for your body to regulate REM sleep properly. In some cases, improving your diet can be an effective sleep paralysis treatment and give you a more regular sleep pattern.

Shift Work And Jet Lag Is A Common Trigger

The effects of this form of mild sleep deprivation vary significantly from one individual to another, but some people find that it is not possible to sleep without suffering from episodes of nighttime paralysis. However, taking a bit of time to get relaxed prior to going to bed and letting go of the day’s anxieties can help to prevent this cause of nighttime paralysis in some cases.

Insomnia Can Be A Cause

Extended sleep deprivation causes severe disturbances in REM sleep, and this often leads to extremely vivid dreams and sleep paralysis. That’s because REM sleep has been underactive for an extended period of time, and this results in a rebound effect that can lead to sleep paralysis. Taking steps to avoid insomnia can be an effective sleep paralysis treatment.

sleep paralysis

Alcohol And Drug Use Can Lead To Nighttime Paralysis

There are many ways that alcohol and drug use can increase the chances of nighttime paralysis occurring, and taking steps to avoid these effects can be an effective sleep paralysis treatment. Drinking coffee or taking other substances that promote wakefulness prior to bedtime can result in sleep paralysis due to increased levels of arousal during sleep. Here’s what you need to know about treating nighttime paralysis if drug or alcohol use is the cause:

  • Avoid Caffeine Prior To Bed: It’s best to avoid all caffeinated beverages prior to bedtime, and that includes caffeinated sodas, energy drinks, and coffee.
  • Alcohol Doesn’t Actually Help You Sleep Well: Alcohol may allow you to fall asleep more quickly, but your level of arousal will be higher. This will increase the chances that you’ll have a paralysis episode.
  • Consider The Effects Of Medications: It’s not uncommon for medications to disrupt your sleep cycle. In fact, certain sleep medications can make you more prone to the condition.
  • Avoid Illegal Drugs: Certain illegal drugs that have a wakefulness-promoting effect can cause users to spend many nights without sleep, and this causes severe disturbances in REM sleep. Also, some sedatives can have a rebound effect and result in increased arousal during the night.

Final Thoughts On Sleep Paralysis Treatment

If you’re suffering from paralysis episodes at night, there is hope. The condition can sometimes have a medical cause, and there can be treatments available.

In addition, there are steps that you can take yourself to prevent episodes from occurring. The information in this article offers a good start on determining how to treat the condition.

12 Early Signs Of Lung Cancer To Never Ignore

Lung cancer is usually not noticeable during the early stages. Most people are diagnosed when the disease is at an advanced stage. According to, it is the second most common cancer among men and women [1]. The American Cancer Society estimates there were about 234, 000 new reported cases in 2018 with about 154,050 recorded deaths.

The disease is so far the leading cause of cancer death among women and men in America. Every year, more people die from the disease than all the other cancers combined. The disease mostly affects old people with the average age being 70. There is an insignificant number of people diagnosed who are below the age of 45.

Women are more at risk of getting cancer than men. The chances of getting the disease for women is 1in 17 while 1in 15 for men. The figures include both smokers and non-smokers with smokers having a higher risk of getting cancer. [2]

Early Signs of Lung Cancer

The survival rate varies with the extent of the lung cancer. Even with the spell of doom once diagnosed with the disease, there are people who have been fully cured because of early detection. There are close to 430, 000 people living with the disease. In order to increase the chances of being cured, you need to be aware of the early symptoms.

lung cancer symptoms

1 – Incessant Cough

This is usually the first major sign. You should seek medical attention if you have developed a cough that just won’t go away. Most coughs associated with respiratory functions should clear in a week or two. Any persistent cough that lingers could be a sign of an underlying problem.

Alex Li, M.D., deputy chief medical officer for LA Care Health Plan says, “You should also get help if your cough is causing fatigue by keeping you up at night, or if it’s otherwise affecting your ability to function normally”

Don’t dismiss that dry cough that has persisted for weeks. The doctor is in a better position to examine your lungs and administer X-rays if necessary to get to the bottom of the problem.

2 – Change In Cough

This is particularly important for people who smoke a lot. The changes usually manifest in chronic coughs. You could be coughing more often than you usually do. The coughs become hoarse and blood or mucus is involved. You should see a doctor immediately because the problem might be worse than you originally thought.

3 – Change In Breathing

If you becomes easily winded or experience shortage of breath, there are chances that you could be having the disease. If it is cancer, the change of breath occurs because the disease narrows or blocks the airway. It could also be fluid from the cancer tumor accumulating in the chest.

You should be keen in noticing if there is winding or shortage of breath. It may be time to see a doctor if you find it difficult to breathe after going up the stairs or after performing simple chores.

4 – Chest Pains

The cancer may result in pain in the chest area, back and even shoulders. That aching feeling that you think is a result of coughing might not be the case. Any signs of chest pains should be a cause of concern and you’ll need to see the doctor immediately.  The type of pain is called Metastasis which accounts for almost 34% the pain that comes about as the result of the disease.

It could also be a result of the pan coat tumor which is positioned at the top of the lung. The spread of the disease to the chest wall accounts for 21% of the pain the patients experience. [3]

5 – Wheezing

Wheezing comes about as a result of the airway becoming inflamed, constricted, or blocked. Some of the causes are easily treated buy it may be because of cancer. It may not be allergies or asthma and that is why you need to see a doctor. The wheezing is associated with a late stage of cancer but that shouldn’t scare you from seeking medical attention. Wheezing also causes dyspnea which results in difficulty in breathing. You might not experience this symptom during the early stages because it is not one of the early lung cancer signs.

6 – Hoarse voice

You should see a doctor if there is a big change in your voice. Friends and family are in the in the best position to notice the big differences. A cold may also result in voice hoarseness but it usually clears within a week. If the symptom persists, it could be a sign of a bigger problem. The hoarseness comes about as a result of the cancer tumor interfering with the nerves that control the voice box or the larynx.

lung cancer symptoms

7 – Losing Weight

This is one of the clear signs that you may be having cancer of the lungs. If you have been having chest pains and all of a sudden start losing weight, it might be a big problem and the best thing you should do is to see a doctor immediately. Cancer cells use a lot of energy and you might find yourself losing more than 10 pounds in a very short period of time. Never assume a drastic loss in weight when you haven’t even been trying to do so. It could be a clear indication that you ‘re unhealthy.

8 – Bone Pain

Bone pain is another sign synonymous with lung cancer. The bone pain could be as a result of bone metastases which normally affects about 40% of people with advanced cancer of the lungs. As much as the survival rate for people with kind of cancer is going up, the number of people suffering from bone metastases is also rising. The pain gets worse at night or when there is an increase in activity or movement.

The metastases can result in considerable discomfort and pain. It can also lead to fractures which most likely will interfere with your daily activities thus reducing the quality of life. If not detected early, cancer can spread to the spine, pelvis, and the upper legs and arms. The cancer may also cause neck, arm and leg pain but it is not always common. Always be keen with the aches you experience and explain them to the doctor whenever you go for the regular checkups because it could be one of the early lung cancer signs.

9 – Headache

constant headache could be one of the severe lung cancer signs. There is a possibility that cancer has spread to the brain. You shouldn’t be worried too much because not all headaches are associated with brain metastases. The lung tumor creates pressure on the superior vena cava. This is the vein that is responsible for moving the blood to the heart from the upper body. The pressure that comes, as a result, can cause headaches or migraines in severe situations.

10 – Frequent Infections

You’re likely to experience frequent lung infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. This comes about as a result of the cancer cells blocking the airways. This could result in atelectasis which is the collapse of the lungs because of the blocking of the airways.

11 – Trouble Swallowing

The correct term for the condition is called dysphagia and comes as a direct result of the impact of the tumor. Dysphagia increases the risk of food inhalation to the lungs which can make swallowing a challenging endeavor. [4]The condition may also cause dehydration which leads to malnutrition and collapse of the kidney.

12 – Slurred Speech

This is also one of the early lung cancer signs you need to be concerned about. Lung cancer affects the nervous system which is responsible for body coordination. Patients will experience involuntary muscle movements. The problem may lead to lung cancer diagnosis. It may also occur during treatment or even a couple of years after the treatment.

Lung Cancer Treatment

It usually begins with a pre-treatment evaluation. A biopsy is performed to ascertain that it is indeed cancer. Tests are carried out in order to determine the stage of the tumor. The tests include imagining and blood tests. The treatment option will depend on the stage of the cancer.

lung cancer

Surgery: This is done to remove the lobe that is infected with the tumor. “Where surgery helps is where we call localized lung cancer that is the cancer’s within the lung and may involve a lymph node that is nearby the lung. But once it extends beyond that area, surgery really doesn’t serve a role for that particular disease.” Says Doctor Thomas Varghese Jr, Program Director of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellowship at the University of Utah.

Surgery is the recommended primary treatment for patients with early-stage cancer. That is why you shouldn’t ignore those early lung cancer signs.

Radiotherapy: This is done by delivery high energy X-rays that aid in destroying the dividing cancer cells. It can also be used as a primary treatment for those who have early-stage lung cancer. It can also be used as a post-secondary treatment to get rid of any cancer cells that may have remained after surgery.

Lobectomy: This procedure involves the removal of a full lobe. It is generally accepted to use the procedure if the lungs are still in good condition. The affected area is removed together with the surrounding cell tissue.

Cancer can be managed if detected early. Most people assume that only smokers are at risk of getting it. There are several factors that could contribute to the disease. There are also chances of people under the age of 45 getting cancer. Regular checkups and looking out for the symptoms will ensure detection at the earliest.

15 Things It’s Never Too Late To Do

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

We all have similar responsibilities in life that keep us busy, but that shouldn’t stop us from living the life of our dreams. Sure, at the end of a long day, we rarely want to think about anything other than plopping in our comfy beds and snuggling up with our pets. But we have to keep faith that life can change at any moment. Life really does change in the blink of an eye; we just have to remain open enough to accept good things happening to us.

If you have lost faith in life and feel unmotivated to change, we hope that the following list of things you can do at any time will put a little spark back in your heart.

Here are 15 things it’s never too late to do:

1. Start Over

In life, we must constantly adapt to the changing elements. If not, we get tossed around in the waves instead of swimming with the currents. If you think about it, we start over every single day. Every day that we wake up to, we have the opportunity to start over with a new attitude, a new career, or a whole new life.

Even if you’re 50 years old and want to pursue a college degree, for example, you can do it. You just need the determination and desire to follow through with your dreams. Never convince yourself that you can’t start over, because you can do whatever you want at any point in life.

The only person holding you back, is you.

2. Chase Your Dreams

Similar to the point made above, it’s never too late to follow your heart and fulfill your wildest dreams. Let’s say you want to buy an RV or school bus and travel the country. Whatever makes your heart full, go after it! Don’t worry about what other people think or how impractical your idea might seem. After all, life’s too short to live anything less than your deepest desires.

3. Create Healthy Relationships

An important part of life is developing positive, healthy relationships that inspire you to keep going. Negative people will only bring you down and put you into a low-vibration mode. On the other hand, positive, motivating friendships and relationships will do the opposite.

Healthy relationships keep us stable and provide us with human connections, which can alleviate feelings of depression and loneliness. Choose your circle wisely, because your influences can either lift you up or drag you down.

4. Change Your Ways

No matter what “ways” you want to change, you can become whatever you want at any given moment. In life, we start to box ourselves in to different categories and make ourselves think we can’t become something outside of our self-imposed limitations. Our self-image can become skewed by outside influences as well. All too often, we sell ourselves short.

It’s never too late to become who you have always wanted to be, so don’t let other people or the voices inside your head hold you back from realizing your true potential.

5. Be Positive

Positivity can totally transform your life and change your outlook on the world. Positive thinking can also benefit your mental and physical health; in fact, studies show that positive people have a lower chance of having a heart attack or other negative cardiovascular events. Positivity can also help lower your stress levels, boost your immune system, and allow you to live a better life, in general.

6. Hope

No matter how dim or grim the world looks, it’s never too late to hope for the best. We can sit around all day predicting the worst case scenario, or we can choose to look at the world with a glass half-full attitude. Perhaps one day, the world might become a more peaceful, hospitable place; maybe it isn’t doomed after all. Sure, you might be wrong, but the only way to remain sane in this world is to pray for the best rather than expect the worst.

7. Accept God

Call it God, the Universe, energy … whatever you want to call it. Accepting a higher power in your life can change your whole perspective. Studies show that people who believe in God have a lower risk of committing suicide and engaging in drug and alcohol use. Of course, the decision is totally up to you, but keeping an open mind to spirituality could benefit you in the long run.

8. Make A Difference

Making a difference doesn’t have to mean saving the world from hunger or picking up every piece of plastic on the planet. You can make a difference in one person’s life by sharing a smile or a meal; it only takes one act of kindness to change a life. Maybe think about volunteering at a soup kitchen or an animal shelter if you want to make an impact on your community. Just remember that no act of kindness is too small.

9. Forgive Someone Who Hurt You

Forgiving those who hurt you in the past won’t make the experience go away, but the pain you felt from the situation will start to fade. In life, no one is perfect; people make mistakes, and sometimes they don’t really mean to hurt you – it just happens. However, no matter if a person intentionally hurt you or not, holding on to the pain of that experience will only hinder you from moving on.

Plus, forgiveness has health benefits as well. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, forgiving someone can lower your blood pressure and heart rate, as well as decrease feelings of depression and anger.

10. Learn Something New

As we go through the motions in life, we can become complacent and closed off after a while. However, keeping your mind and heart open will allow for new experiences in your life, which will help take you out of the mundanity and into a place of excitement. As they say, variety is the spice of life, so don’t allow yourself to get stuck in your routine. Go out and take in as much of life as you can while you have the chance!

11. Do What You’ve Always Wanted to Do

Don’t let your dreams die just because you’ve gotten older or you think you don’t have what it takes to accomplish your goals. You don’t want to leave this Earth with regrets, so make sure you check off as much as you can from your bucket list, even if that means accomplishing just a few important goals.

12. Say “I’m Sorry”

It’s just as important to admit when you’re wrong as it is to forgive others who have hurt you. Put your pride aside for a second and say a simple “I’m sorry” to someone who you might’ve hurt or offended. It might not feel good to be vulnerable, but it will clear your conscience and help you sleep better at night. Plus, you don’t want a relationship to suffer just because of one incident.

13. Be Inspired

Do things that touch your soul, because that will help you feel alive and motivated. If you love to paint, make sure you set aside time each day to tap into that creative energy. If you enjoy cooking, try a new restaurant that offers dishes you’d like to cook at some point. It’s never too late to be inspired by something; after all, inspiration is all around us!

never too late

14. Start Over Again

Just as we said before, each day offers us a chance at a new beginning. If you started over yesterday and the day didn’t go as planned, simply start over again tomorrow. Every day won’t offer rainbows and butterflies, so you just have to take the lessons as they come and learn from them. Nothing comes easily in life, but the journey will be so worth it when you look back and say “I made it.”

15. Let Your Past Go

The past will continue to haunt you if you hold onto the people and things that have hurt you. In order to move on and enjoy your life, learn from what happened and try not to make the same mistakes again. Instead of ruminating on the past, look forward to all the beautiful things the future might hold for you.

Final thoughts

It’s never too late to start a new chapter in your life and start living more intentionally. If you stay connected to yourself and do what your heart calls for, you will never feel disappointed or lacking in life. Always keep focused on your goals, because having a passion and purpose in life gives us something to wake up for each day.

You can make life whatever you want, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t make it to the mountaintop before your peers. Because you have your own journey, simply go at your own pace and show yourself compassion. You can do it!

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