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12 Proven Dating Tips For Introverts

If you’re shy or someone with an INFJ personality, you know all too well the challenges that come with this personality type, especially in the realm of dating. However, this does not mean you’re destined to spend your life being single, but it does mean you have to find coping mechanisms to get you through some “sticking points.” Surprisingly, many of the dating strategies employed by extroverts can help you too, the shy or INFJ personality type. In this article, we will detail a few great first date ideas that can ease your anxiety and allow you to enjoy the time you’re spending with a potentially new boyfriend or girlfriend.


The days or moments leading up to your date can be panic-inducing, but a great to combat these feelings of angst is by doing something that will allow you to feel more confident and, more importantly, comfortable in your own skin. What does this mean, exactly? Well, it could be something as small as buying a new pair of shoes or getting a fresh haircut. Although these things may seem trivial to some, they can go a long way towards easing your anxiety leading up to your date and also allow you to be “present in the moment” while you’re with that special someone.


Short dating events can help alleviate the stress of a first date; they help avoid those potentially awkward pauses in conversation, and they remove expectations. But you needn’t fret; if you’re having a good time, there is always the option of extending the date. To that point, it is far easier to plan a shorter date than it is to cut a long one short. This is a common dating strategy used by extroverts and serial daters, and it is one that can benefit you as well.


Much like in the real estate world, location matters when it comes to dating comfort, especially on first dates. Having your first date at a familiar restaurant or bar removes the challenges of getting to know one another while taking in an entirely new atmosphere, not mention menu items and drinks specials. As such, you are more likely to familiar with the staff, table arrangements, and parking, which enable you to concentrate on the tasks at hand, getting know you prospective boyfriend or girlfriend and having a great first date.

If you have gotten this far in the article, there are obviously some points that resonate with you and some that you’re thinking about putting into practice yourself. If so, continue reading as we’re just getting to the good stuff.


As part of preparing before your next date, you should practice social acuity, which can be a matter of role-playing with a friend. And as strange as this may sound, it is a very effective strategy worth employing in the days leading up to your date. So what does this entail, exactly? Well, it involves practicing your verbal and nonverbal interactions until they seem effortless. This includes having witty anecdotes prepared and also practicing gestures and facial expression. Think about it, these are the tenets of a great job interview, but they can also be applied to dating too. After all, a date is nothing more than a social interview to find that ideal partner.


The benefit of asking open-ended the questions is that it takes the focus off of you and transfers it to the person you’re engaging with, which, in turn, temporarily relieves any anxious feeling you may be experiencing at that moment. To make this easier, consider having a few questions ready to fire off like “what do you do for a living,” for example. In addition, you might even want to consider some of the following questions as well:

  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • What are your favorite sports teams?
  • Have you seen any good movies lately?
  • What are your favorite foods?

Basically, these are surface level questions that are not overly intrusive but allow you to get to know one another. Also, they can help soothe those first date jitters. If you are on the receiving end of these questions, it is important that you avoid oversharing as that can make for a very awkward experience for both parties. Instead, offer witty retorts and try to keep the conversation as engaging as possible. Lastly, try to avoid topics that are polarizing like politics and religion, for example.


For many introverts, a traditional dinner date may prove uncomfortable. As such, activity-based dating may be a great alternative. So what is activity-based dating, exactly? Well, as the name may suggest, these are dates whereby both individuals are engaged in fun activities like bowling, billiards or, weather permitting, amusement parks, go-cart racing, for example. Let’s face it’s hard to become overwhelmed by shyness or introversion when you’re doing something that you really enjoy.


Having an escape plan for a possible failed date is always a good idea, but if you’re an introvert, this is a must-have. If your date starts displaying what you perceive as red flags, you need an exit strategy, which could include having a friend or family member call or text you midway into your date. This provides you with an excuse to end the day if things seem to be going awry. As an introvert, it is not uncommon for us to feel like we have to “go with the flow” in a given situation. When it comes to dating, however, this practice can turn a bad evening into a nightmare. Some signs of a bad date may include

  • Making disparaging remarks concerning past relationships
  • Behaves in a narcissistic manner
  • Becomes disrespectful towards restaurant or bar staff

Being an introvert can be a double-edged sword; on the one hand, introvert traits like being perceptive, introspective, and observant allows us to recognize red flags quickly. But we also tend to suppress our feelings in the interest of not making a scene or being perceived poorly by others. That said, you don’t have to endure a bad date because you’re introverted.


The one thing that is salient amongst those who are introverted is a desire to hide the fact that they are introverted. This is akin to the “fake it until you make it” a tactic that many people use to get through a particularly challenging situation. On a date, however, this can backfire, usually resulting in the other person not getting a chance to know the real you.


Often in our quest to impress others, we try to reinvent ourselves. If you do this, you could be adding to your anxiety as opposed to alleviating it. How is this possible, you ask? Well, dramatic changes like getting a facial peel, for example, can cause you to feel self-conscious during your date. Instead of focusing on your date, you may find yourself obsessing about whether or not they notice any redness or puffiness on your skin. This is not conducive to a great first date in that it doesn’t allow you to feel calm and “in the moment.” Although feeling self-conscious is one of many introvert traits, avoiding drastic changes can help you avoid feeling this way.


As an introvert, we have the propensity to replay scenarios in our heads, obsessing about we have done and what could have been done better. This is both a blessing and a curse, depending on context; however, when it comes to dating, it is a practice worth avoiding as it can reinforce feelings of anxiety, which can manifest themselves in future dates. Remember, what’s done is done. If you’ve made mistakes, learn from them and keep moving forward. In saying that, this is not an attempt to berate introverts as introspection and ruminating thoughts are common introvert traits. However, it is still worth noting that these thoughts do not serve you in the aftermath of your date.

dating couple


Acknowledging your anxiety and being yourself is one of the best ways to get through your first date if you’re introverted. By putting on a fake façade, you allow the other person to fall for the person you are pretending to be rather than who you actually are when you’re not in an anxiety-inducing situation.



A common introvert trait while in an uncomfortable situation includes labored breathing, which can heighten feelings of anxiousness. If you encounter this problem on your date, consider taking deep breaths as a means of calming yourself down. Deep, measured breathing can yield a number of benefits including lowering your heart rate and numbing your anxiety.

In summation, don’t let your normal introvert traits keep you from finding the person of your dreams and a fulfilling relationship. Make no mistake, you will have to work a little harder than someone who is extroverted, but there is no reason why you can’t find success in the dating world in spite of your introvert traits.

Researchers Reveal 15 Ways To Get Rid Of Eczema

If you’ve been diagnosed with eczema (dermatitis), you know how challenging it can be to find relief from the redness, dryness, and itchiness that seems to pervade your skin. In saying that, you also know that some over-the-counter treatments can worsen your condition as opposed to making it better. But what is dermatitis, exactly? Well, it is a skin condition characterized by patches of skin that becomes rough and inflamed. Although in some cases the condition is linked to irritation, there is often no external cause, meaning it could come down to genetics. In this article, we will detail a few eczema home remedies that may relieve your symptoms and also provide you with healthy, irritation-free skin.

As a word of caution, if you’ve been prescribed medication to treat your dermatitis, you’re encouraged to speak with your physician before using any of the treatments outlined in this article as they may be contraindicated and could worsen your condition.



It’s no surprise that stress can adversely affect one’s health, eczema is no exception. In fact, studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between stress and this skin condition. As such, finding ways to cope with stress could relieve eczema without having to take medication or seeking other forms of treatment. Some of the more popular ways of de-stressing include meditation, deep breathing, exercise, and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy).


If you’re not familiar with calendula cream, it is one of the more popular topical eczema treatments. Characterized an herbal remedy, calendula cream works by improving blood flow to areas of the skin that have been injured or inflamed; best of all, this all-natural cream is available over-the-counter at most pharmacies and big-box stores.


Extracted from sunflower seeds, sunflower oil is another great all-natural eczema treatment. It works as a shield, protecting the outer layer of the skin while also keeping it moisturized. This barrier of protection makes the skin less susceptible to itchiness, inflammation, and other symptoms. So how is it applied, you ask? Well, as you can imagine, it is applied topically. However, for best results, it should be applied undiluted and immediately following a bath or shower.


Although hailed as one of the best natural moisturizers on the market, coconut oil is also an effective dermatitis treatment. In fact, according to the National Eczema Association, coconut oil contains antibacterial agents that protect the skin from bacteria. This is important since dermatitis can cause infectious bacteria to seep into the skin, adding another layer of complexity to an already bad skin condition. As far as the application process is concerned, liberally apply cold-pressed coconut oil to the areas of the skin affected by dermatitis.


Despite its rather peculiar name, witch hazel is one of many effective eczema home remedies; it is an astringent derived from the witch hazel shrub, namely the bark and leaves. This product has been around for centuries and does an exceedingly good job at relieving itchy, inflamed skin. It also helps to dry-up bacteria that seeps from cracked or blistered skin.


Oatmeal is delicious and nutritious; however, it can also be an excellent ally in your fight against dermatitis, especially colloidal oatmeal. Made from finely-ground oats, colloidal oatmeal helps soothe inflamed skin and relieves itching. It’s also worth noting that it is available as a powder; for best results, add colloidal oatmeal to your bath water and soak in it for about 15 minutes to benefit from its healing properties.


While acupuncture is not a home remedy per se, it has been found to be a highly effective dermatitis treatment. Therefore, it made it onto this list as an honorary mention. More research will still need to be done to confirm the efficacy of acupuncture as it relates to dermatitis, but as it stands, it has been shown to relieve itchiness, redness, and inflammation by altering the body’s flow of energy. To help put this into context, it may help to understand what acupuncture entails; it is an alternative medicine that involves inserting very thin needles into varying areas of the body to balance energy, promote relaxation and, most importantly, stimulate healing.


Similar to stress, allergies can indirectly contribute to dermatitis; this is especially true for those who have food allergies. In fact, studies have shown that removing certain food items like eggs, wheat, milk, peanuts, and soy products can go a long way toward relieving dermatitis symptoms. In saying that, however, this may only apply to mild cases as severe cases may require further treatment.


Having already touched on how food allergies can lead to dermatitis, let’s take a moment to discuss how making a few dietary changes that can help you avoid developing the condition altogether.


If you didn’t already know, fatty fish like salmon, for example, contains omega-3 acids that act as an anti-inflammatory. This means by adding fish to your diet or taking fish oil supplements you’re in a better position to ward off dermatitis before it has had to ever develop. As far as the recommended daily intake is concerned, you should aim to consume 250 mg of this unsaturated fatty acid daily.


Along with omega-3 fatty acids, foods rich in quercetin can help you avoid dermatitis. If you’re not familiar with quercetin, it is a plant-based flavonoid with powerful antioxidants. Some of the foods that contain quercetin include fresh fruits like apples and berries as well as spinach, broccoli, and kale, for example.


Although commonly associated with digestive health, probiotics can also protect you against dermatitis by promoting a strong immune system. Some of the more popular foods that contain probiotics include yogurt, sourdough bread, soft cheeses, fermented pickles, and sauerkraut, for example.


Although the majority of this article has focused on eczema home remedies, some of these skin conditions may require medical intervention. As such, phototherapy can be a useful treatment protocol to help remediate dermatitis. So what is it, exactly? Well, it involves the use of medical lamps that emit ultraviolet light directly on the areas of the skin affected by dermatitis. This procedure promotes the production of vitamin D and engages the body’s immune system, which, in turn, relieves dermatitis symptoms.


In some cases, prescription medication may be the only option for treating severe dermatitis; as such, there is a particular class of medication that can target specific areas of the immune system as a way of relieving dermatitis, biologics. Prescribed by a doctor or dermatologist, biologics are administered intravenously. It’s worth noting that they contain engineered proteins, which have been taken from human genes that make exceedingly good at targeting the areas of the immune system that triggers dermatitis.


While topical solutions and light therapy may work for some people, they offer little to no effect for others. In saying that, systemic drugs may be a viable solution for treating severe dermatitis. This class of medication is designed to treat the entire body as opposed to just the skin, meaning to resolve the underlying condition that may be contributing to your dermatitis. It’s worth noting that these particular medications are prescribed as a last resort for patients who have not responded to other treatment protocols.


Getting back to eczema home remedies, the best way to combat itch, red, and inflamed skin is by implanting a sound moisturizing routine. This means being cognizant of how certain products will affect your skin and when to use them. To that point, those who struggle with dermatitis have drier skin than those who don’t, which is the result of an imbalance in the protective layer of the skin. As such, they have to use products specifically aimed at those with dermatitis, and they have to moisturize far more frequently than most people.



The mind and body are more connected than most people care to realize; in saying that, meditation can be another one of many effective eczema home remedies. The science behind meditation is that it promotes relaxation and reduces stress, which indirectly helps control breakouts related to dermatitis. In fact, in a study conducted by UK’s Mental Health Association, those who combined meditation with other treatment protocols observed significantly greater improvements in their dermatitis than those who didn’t engage in meditation.


Along with the other treatments recommended in this article, a humidifier can also help alleviate dermatitis. Of course, this not all too surprising as dry indoor air can wreak havoc on sensitive skin. So if you don’t have one already, consider purchasing a humidifier for your home.

12 Reminders to Give Yourself Every Day

Sometimes, life’s hectic pace can make us forget about the things that really matter to us. Simple reminders that you can put on sticky notes or say aloud can really help keep things in perspective. Additionally, they can help you clear out all those unnecessary thoughts you might have throughout your days. If you’ve been struggling in life lately, we hope these reminders will help you overcome any obstacles and keep your mind in a positive state.

Here are 12 reminders to give yourself daily:

  1. The past cannot be changed.

Sure, some things in your past might have caused you a great deal of pain, but you can’t go back and change them. You can only learn from what happened and use the lessons to make you a better person. No matter who hurt you, remember that they had so much pain within them that they had to take it out on someone. Unfortunately, they used you as their punching bag. This doesn’t excuse their behavior, but hopefully it helps you remember that everyone makes mistakes.

Hurt people hurt other people. If you find yourself holding a grudge or harboring negative feelings, try to forgive the person and move on. Only when you let go of the past can you truly move forward with your life.

  1. Others’ opinions don’t define your reality.

People will talk about you no matter what you do in life, so you might as well live a life that truly makes you happy. No one can live your life for you. Ultimately, you have to decide what you want while you’re on this earth. People will have their opinions, but they shouldn’t stray you from your goals and desires.

Keep reminders to stay in your lane and don’t worry about where everyone else is driving. Everyone is on their own journey here. Just like they do, you also have the choice to do what feels right in your heart. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, you can follow your dreams and fulfill your own desires.

  1. Everyone’s journey is different.

As we said above, everyone walks their own path in this life. Just because someone graduated college, got a high-paying job, has the perfect spouse, and basically lives the American dream, that doesn’t mean you should follow in their footsteps. What someone else wants will differ from what you want, so don’t use someone else as a means of comparison. Comparing yourself to others will only make you unhappy. Listen to your own heart and avoid measuring yourself against others who want different things out of life than you.

Instead, psychologists recommend comparing yourself to where you were yesterday. That will help you accomplish your goals without getting discouraged so easily.

  1. Things get better with time.

It might feel like nothing will get better, but that’s only because people generally can’t predict the future. You don’t know what your life will look like five or ten years from now. Just because life seems difficult at the moment, this does not mean it will remain that way forever. As long as you keep your goals in mind and work toward them a little bit each day, you WILL triumph in the end.

  1. Judgments only show your character.

Judging someone else shows poor character, because you don’t know what that person deals with on a daily basis. We all fight our own battles every day, so judging someone shows a lack of compassion and insecurity on your part.

When you judge someone else, it also reflects the judgments you make about yourself, because other people are our mirrors. In other words, we see in others what we see in ourselves.

If you want to start seeing the good in people, look to yourself first.

  1. Overthinking will lead to unhappiness.

Overthinking can cause a great deal of problems. Studies show that it increases your risk of mental illness, interferes with problem-solving by causing you to focus on problems instead of solutions, and can even hinder sleep. How many of us lie awake at night thinking about everything from the bills we have to pay to the meaning of our lives? Probably most of us. Though we are incredibly smart creatures, we have to learn to use our brains to our advantage rather than letting them run wild all the time.

In order to calm your mind, try meditation, yoga, or other relaxing activities. If you prefer staying active to get out of your head, go to the gym or get involved in a local sports team so you have somewhere to put all that energy. Give yourself reminders that you don’t have to think all the time. Give your brain a break and get out of your head for a while. It will do you so much good!

  1. Happiness is found within.

Many people look for happiness outside of themselves, but can you blame them? Advertisements for fast food, perfume, clothes, gym memberships, and everything in between all claim to have something that will make you happier. They all have the secret to happiness, as long as you have the money to pay for it. Does something sound fishy about that? We thought so, too.

They don’t want you to know that you can find happiness inside yourself. If you knew that, you wouldn’t need their products, and that would put them out of business. Just think how many businesses would fail if everyone decided to love themselves. Give yourself a reminder that everything in life is fleeting, and the key to happiness is already inside of you.

We live in a man-made world that offers a lot to us but doesn’t really make us fulfilled. Lasting happiness lies in your heart and soul, not in a new car or pair of jeans. Remember your worth.

  1. Positive thoughts lead to more positive thoughts.

Positivity takes time to master, but practicing it daily will get you there in no time. We live in a very negative world, so remaining positive at all times is a little unrealistic. It’s more about being gentle with yourself and believing in your own worth.

Reprogram your mind by repeating mantras such as “I am strong” or “I am worthy” to overpower any negative thoughts. If you practice positive thinking often, you’ll notice that your thoughts start to focus on the good things in your life rather than the bad.

Our minds are very pliable. What you teach yourself to think can become deeply ingrained in your subconscious. This is exactly why positive thinking is so powerful, as it can change your life from the inside out.

  1. Smiles are contagious.

If you see someone looking stressed or sad, flash them a bright smile and watch their face light up as well. We all need reminders to make others happy sometimes, because we all lead busy lives and have our own problems to deal with. However, making others happy can also bring joy to ourselves, because happiness goes both ways.


  1. It costs $0.00 to be a kind person.

In a world where you can be anything, give yourself reminders to be kind. It doesn’t cost anything and could really turn someone’s day around. You have no idea what people go through every day, so it doesn’t hurt to show them a little compassion. You never know; you might just save their life. It could be as simple as smiling at someone or holding the door for them on the way out. One act of kindness could go a long way in helping a person feel better.

  1. You only fail if you quit.

If you want to succeed in life, you have to be okay with failing, too. Most business owners or authors, for example, don’t have a breakthrough until years into their career. Singers and musicians often have to put in hundreds of hours in studios before they get their big break. Nothing in life comes easily, but you can’t let failure stop you from trying.

The people who win in life only got there because they never gave up, and your big break could be just around the corner. However, if you give up now, you will never taste the sweetness of victory. So, keep trying no matter what.

  1. What goes around comes around.

If you want good energy in your life, you have to give it out first. If you want kindness, show it, too. In other words, the energy you put out comes right back to you in some form or another. Good vibes attract good vibes, so make sure you remain in a positive state of mind.

Final thoughts

We know that no one’s perfect, but these reminders will help you live a more positive, intentional life. Any time you feel like you’ve strayed from your path or want to give up, look at these reminders to help you keep going.

10 Signs You Are Dealing With A Sociopath

A sociopath is a person who seems to be missing the ability to connect with other people. Not only that, they may have many toxic characteristics that hurt others. It is highly possible that you know a sociopathic person because, according to the APA, there are around eight million sociopaths in the United States.

An important thing to remember about a sociopath is that you rarely know what you are dealing with until further into the relationship. When you first meet a sociopathic person, they tend to hide all of their sociopathic qualities and instead seem completely normal.

There are certain signs to watch for when determining if you are dealing with a sociopath. A true sociopathic person may not show all of the textbook symptoms, so it isn’t always obvious to figure out. It can also be difficult to figure out because doctors generally don’t diagnose when someone is a sociopath anymore.

Signs You Are Dealing With A Sociopath

how to win at life meme

1. They don’t feel bad when they’ve hurt your feelings.

Sociopaths truly do not understand your feelings, so when they do something that they should feel bad about, they just don’t feel anything at all, instead. This is one of the most common traits amongst sociopaths.

While most people have feelings such as guilt, shame, embarrassment, etc., sociopathic people do not have those feeling. If they do have those feelings, they only feel it a little bit, and not enough to actually make a change.

2. They have intense mood swings and may become violent.

A sociopathic person can go from being happy and having a good time, to being angry or silent in a quick instant. They may also have random episodes of anger that lead to aggression and emotional outbursts.

Due to their lack of empathy and their intense mood swings, a sociopathic person can quickly and unexpectedly become violent. Their need to be in control also contributes to their violent nature.

3. They have to be in control.

When a sociopathic person isn’t in control, they may lash out. They want to control situations, people, and emotions. If they feel like they are losing control, they could have an emotional outburst.

4. They are impulsive.

Their impulsive behavior often leads to aggression, illegal activity, and many other negative things.

Due to their impulsivity, they can’t be trusted with money. They spend recklessly, and their desires change often. This leads to frequent overspending, and normally quite a bit of debt.

5. They don’t like to talk about their personal life.

A sociopathic person may not talk about their friends or family very often. They might even get defensive or angry when you mention them or ask questions.

You should also pay attention to a lack of friends and family. This could be a huge sign that the person is sociopathic. If they have a friend who they only see what they want something, this is also a severe red flag, as well.

6. They are charming in the beginning.

When you first meet a sociopathic person, they will be charming, friendly, and may draw people to them. They will likely give you many compliments and make you feel good about yourself. This is the way that they gain control over the relationship.

7. They are manipulative.

With their need to be in control, sociopaths tend to find ways to manipulate people and situations. They will lie and say whatever they can to make you believe them and get their way.

One common way that a sociopathic person may manipulate you is by gaslighting you. Gaslighting is when they cause you to question your own sanity.

8. They disobey laws and social norms.

Sociopaths feel that they are above the law, and their actions are often illegal. They feel the same way about social norms and typically act differently than most people would.

When doing these things, they often make careless mistakes that lead to them getting caught.

9. Sociopaths talk fast and make extreme promises and statements without backing them up.

Sociopaths talk quite a bit, and this is so that they can cover up who they really are. They make extreme plans and promises, even though they don’t have the means to follow through. A sociopathic person may also use overly positive statements.

On the other hand, sociopaths may also use extremely negative statements and words. They do this to bring you down and make you feel like you need them around, or that you’re not worthy of them. Depending on the situation, a switch between positive and negative statements is common.

They may make promises, but they really struggle with committing to anything. Sociopathic people also don’t fully think things through before staying something, leading to continuous broken promises.

10. They smile, smirk, or laugh at the misfortunes or pain of others.

If a person smiles, laughs, or smirks when they see or hear about something bad happening to someone else, you may have to deal with a sociopath. Most people would never react that way, so it is a red flag when someone does.

This goes for in real life, on TV, or in a movie. No matter what the situation is if something bad has happened and someone laughed, smiled, or made a joke about it, they may just be sociopathic.

How To Deal With a Sociopath

When you deal with a sociopath, you have to remember that they will belittle, humiliate, slander, and provoke you. They do this so that they can essentially control you and your feelings. You must deal with them appropriately.

Since sociopaths are manipulative and tend to make you feel really bad about yourself, the only way to deal with them may be to avoid them completely. However, this may not always be possible if they are a close family member or co-worker. If this is the case, you need to know ways to deal with a sociopath in order to stop them from manipulating or belittling you.

1. Avoid private conversation with them.

Sociopathic people need to be able to talk to someone privately to begin their manipulation. By avoiding private conversations with them, you are protecting yourself from their negativity.

You can pretend to get a phone call, tell them you have to use the restroom, ask questions about their life, or talk about the weather. Say whatever you have to say in order to prevent the conversation from becoming personal.

2. Call them out.

If something that they say sounds far-fetched, tell them so. They will make things up to get a response from you, so you have to stay on your toes. If you call them out, they may not attempt to get an emotional response from you next time.

You could do this to a co-worker or friend if they come to you with gossip that doesn’t sound right to you.

3. Say no.

When a sociopathic person manipulates you, they try to get something out of you. Whether it helps with something, money, gifts, or even just information, tell them no. Eventually, they may take the hint and leave you alone, but if you do give in, you are just setting yourself up for more of this behavior from them.

When you say no, you do not need to give them an explanation. They may try to guilt trip you, but continue to say no.

4. Do not accept gifts or favors from them.

Sociopathic people will give you gifts or do things for you, only to use it against you later on. When they need something or get upset with you, they will bring up what they did for you in order to get their way.

5. Don’t tell them about a change in your life until after it has happened.

If a sociopathic person is close to you, they will not want you to get a new job, buy a new home, get into a new relationship, or make any other change in your life. When you tell them that a change is coming, they will try to change your mind by saying things that make you question your decision.

They do this in order to keep a sense of control over your life. Refraining from telling them until after the change has already been made means they cannot try to dissuade you.

The Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath

Sociopaths and psychopaths share a few traits such as empathy, guilt, and disregard of social standards. They are very different, however. A person becomes sociopathic because of their past experiences and environments, while a psychopath is just born.

Another difference between sociopaths and psychopaths is that sociopaths may seem normal but they will have unstable qualities. They may be unorganized and erratic at times. Psychopaths are the exact opposite, as they are organized and calculated.

Even if you watch for these signs, you might still mix up the two different personalities. They show many of the same traits and tend to hide things about their personal life.

Final Thoughts on Signs You Are Dealing With A Sociopath

While there are signs to watch for to know if you may be dealing with a sociopath, not everyone who exhibits some of these signs are sociopathic. It can be difficult to know, but you must trust your gut.

If you notice that someone in your life exhibits some or all of these signs, and your gut is telling you that it is not a good situation, then you may have to deal with a sociopath and figure out how to get rid of them. You have to protect yourself from sociopaths or you could be physically and emotionally harmed.

10 Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer to Never Ignore

Lung cancer remains one of the most dreaded diagnoses to consider for many in the US and worldwide. Infamous for both its subtle early symptoms and the speed with which it can develop, it’s an important illness to understand and be wary of for those who want to live a long, healthy life. As with any cancer, early detection is key to a full recovery. Additionally, early detection depends on awareness of your body, knowledge of any risks you’ve exposed yourself to, and the effective work of medical professionals who care.

To make sure you’re not caught unaware, educate yourself today on the most common symptoms and most significant risk factors for lung cancers. The more you know, the less likely you are to find out about this disease too late.

10 lung cancer symptoms

Many lung cancer symptoms are innocuous at first glance or overlap significantly with much less serious conditions. Any one of these is likely to be something minor. However, when you experience several or have no clear cause for your symptoms, seeing a doctor eliminate lung cancers and other serious lung infections and diseases should be a priority. In many cases, symptoms combined with risk factors serve as an early warning rather than symptoms alone [1]. Notably, these symptoms overlap with other cancers ranging from uterine cancer to breast cancer. They can also overlap significantly with lung problems such as

Chronic coughing

In many cases, lung cancer symptoms begin with chronic coughing. This doesn’t mean the worst cough of your life or something you can’t ignore. In fact, you might describe it as a minor annoyance, a cough that doesn’t hurt and isn’t forceful but won’t go away. You may not even think much of it until all the coughing makes you go horse or draws comment from a third party.

Changes in your cough

On the other side of coughing as lung cancer symptoms, patients who cough regularly should be alert to strange differences in how coughs feel or sound. You generally don’t run into unusual or unfamiliar coughs as an adult, so a new type of cough that doesn’t seem right might warrant a visit to the

Respiratory infections

Cancer severely taxes the immune system, especially in its immediate area. So it should come as no surprise that chronic lung infections often go hand in hand with cancer in your lungs. One respiratory infection, even two in a year, isn’t a big deal, but when it seems you can’t go more than a few weeks without a new problem, it’s time to have a doctor take a closer look.

Shortness of breath

Many only notice cancer when it begins causing chronic shortness of breath. This can manifest in running short on breath sooner than usual when exerting yourself or in spontaneous shortness of breath when sedentary. This can also be your only early warning of a silent heart attack, so one should always take unusual shortness of breath seriously.

Pain in your chest or shoulder

Chronic pain in your chest or your shoulder that isn’t specific to certain movements or only happens when breathing or coughing should be taken seriously. It doesn’t necessarily need to feel close to your lungs or associated with your lungs; like heart conditions, pain in your lungs can be referred to, meaning it can seem to stem from unrelated areas. This happens because of the sheer volume of signals coming from nerves that aren’t nearly as precise as the ones in, for example, your skin.

Unusual flu-like symptoms

If you’ve ever had the flu or a similar viral, you know the symptoms: fever, weakness, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, etc. Cancers in all forms often cause the malaise and general unwellness you associate with intense viruses such as the flu. You should be seeing a doctor just in case of these symptoms anyway if only to help keep symptoms manageable while a virus runs its course.

Swelling of your neck and face and/or difficulty swallowing

Cancers in your lungs often begin to involve your chest, neck, and face as it spreads, triggering the swelling of lymph nodes in those areas. While many of these nodes swell up with nearly any infection, virus, or other ailment, others strongly indicate a serious problem. For example, swelling of the lymph nodes along your clavicle is extremely worrisome, especially in older patients.

Aches and pains

Sometimes, lung cancers—and any other cancers—only give themselves away in generic aches and pains. Cancer in your lungs and other tissues can cause inflammation, headaches due to reduced oxygen intake, and other aches and pains that don’t seem at all associated with your lungs. For this reason, patients should always take unexplained increases in headaches, aches, and other problems to the doctor—just in case.

Lung cancer risk factors

It’s not quite accurate to talk about specific actions ‘causing’ cancer, as people who avoid all known carcinogens and have zero family history can and will develop cancer under some circumstances. But many substances you encounter in life can increase your likelihood of developing this or other cancers. Major risk factors for lung cancers include:


The most famous risk factor and cancer, and still one of the most dangerous and deadly. Cigarette smoke is not only directly carcinogenic to smokers. It poses a significant risk to third parties in the form of second-hand smoke. The risks of smoking are not limited to tobacco, either. Like most substances, when smoked directly, introduce at least some amount of carcinogenic ash to your lungs. Changes in filter technologies and other differences in cigarettes have changed how cancer manifests in some cases but not diminished the risk of the disease [2].


The second-leading cause of developing cancer in your lungs in America [3], radon is the most significant carcinogen for non-smokers who don’t work in hazardous environments and works to multiply cancer risk in smokers. Radon is a naturally occurring substance produced from the breakdown of uranium in the soil and rock, which means it can spring up nearly anywhere. While radon outdoors is rarely concentrated in significant amounts, dangerous concentrations can occur indoors nearly at random. For this reason, radon mitigation or radon testing is recommended for all buildings.


While low levels of asbestos exposure aren’t strongly associated with lung cancer, working in an industry that still regularly uses asbestos is. The risk increases even more in those who both smoke and suffer regular asbestos exposure. In fact, the two factors create a much higher risk factor than either independently.

Workplace chemicals

Many workplace chemicals and minerals serve as carcinogens increasing your likelihood of lung cancers when inhaled, including but not limited to coal products, compounds used in electronics, industrial chemicals, diesel exhaust, etc. While an improved understanding of the risks of inhaling these products has improved the handling of exposure in these industries, safety regulations only work when followed correctly.

Air pollution

Living in cities with significant air pollution without taking steps to avoid exposure can greatly increase your likelihood of developing lung cancers. A well-sealed home and work environment with effective air purification is vital. Additionally, residents of severely polluted environments might opt to wear a face mask.

Previous radiation treatments

Radiation treatments affecting your chest and lungs for other cancers can greatly increase your chances of developing various lung cancers, in addition to the general risks of recurrence. And, of course, previous incidents of lung cancer will always strongly indicate the possibility of later occurrences.

Family history

Like many cancers, lung cancers tend to arise in families. However, it remains unclear whether this primarily stems from genetic factors or shared lifestyle and environmental factors. Familial risk is notably greater in families where relatives first had an incident of lung cancer at a young age. This commonality may indicate that the early onset of lung cancer has a more significant genetic component than those arising later in life.

lung cancer


Of course, these aren’t the only risk factors. In fact, everything from sugar to hamburgers offers some level of carcinogenic risk for one form of cancer or another. But these are the ones that stand out as major contributors to lung cancer rates in the United States. Mostly, direct damage to the lungs is your greatest risk. This means caring for your lungs and thinking carefully about what you breathe in. These choices are crucial to minimizing your risk of lung cancers.

Final thoughts on identifying lung cancer early.

Lung cancer is a scary thing. There’s no denying that. All the more so when you realize that the risk factors are only factors, and those lung cancers can occur for no apparent reason in otherwise perfectly healthy people. It’s not just a disease that hits coal miners and smokers.

But education on the risks and reality of the illness can give you a major edge in detecting the early signs.

In fact, that’s when safe and effective treatments can still work to reverse the damage done before it spreads and becomes infinitely more difficult to manage. Early detection is always better. So take that little cough and your chronic fatigue to the doctor if you’re at all worried about it. If the doctor finds nothing, you can go back to being carefree. But if the physician detects something, you’ll be ready to fight.

13 Unique Weight Loss Tricks That Actually Work

Do you know that food manufacturers and restaurant owners spend thousands, if not millions, of dollars studying flavors, colors, aroma, and presentation of the food so that you’ll eat more? When you’re craving something, the urge to eat just doesn’t come from your stomach or taste buds. A lot of it has to do with tricking your mind as well. Thankfully, there are also techniques you can apply to condition your mind to discourage overeating. Below are some unique weight loss tricks that actually work.

Here Are 13 Unique Weight Loss Tricks That Actually Work

“A huge part of losing weight is believing you can do it and realizing it’s not going to happen overnight.” – Unknown

1.    Use a blue plate

Did you know that the color blue is an effective appetite suppressant?

  • Many weight loss gurus swear that if you use a blue plate when eating, you’re likely not going to eat more than you should. Thus, you curb the weight gain and avoid indulging in high-calorie and high-fat meals.
  • Experts have proven in a study published in the Nutrition Journal that using blue plates can really deliver a positive psychological effect on a person trying to lose weight.
  • Other studies suggest that while blue plates can trick your mind to eat less,  the contrast of the food’s color against the plate may also help curb your appetite.

Apparently, a light-colored food will blend in a light-colored plate so you won’t be conscious of how much you’re eating. But the same food will stand out and look like a larger portion on a dark blue plate. For this reason, you may be pressed to eat less.

2.    Watch a scary movie

Some people avoid watching scary movies because the terror can be stress-inducing. However, experts at the University of Westminster in London said that you actually burn calories equivalent to one chocolate bar when you’re sitting through a 90-minute horror film.

  • Your pulse races or your heart rate quickens because of the adrenalin rush.
  • This has a positive effect on your metabolism while you keep your eyes glued to the screen.
  • The researchers determined the scariest movie – most effective at burning sugar and fat – is “The Shining,” which shaves off 184 calories.
  • Other recommended scary movies include “Jaws” (161 calories), “The Exorcist” (158 calories), “Aliens” (152 calories), and “Saw” (133 calories).

3.    Spray or light up vanilla-scented fresheners or candles

Are you a sugar nut who can’t say no to sweet cravings? Do you like to eat sinfully good-tasting desserts even though you know the calories will go to your waist and hips? Try suppressing your sweet tooth by spraying vanilla-scented air freshener or lighting a vanilla-scented candle when you’re having dinner.

Experts at the St. George’s Hospital in London studying the efficiency of vanilla weight loss patches said this scent seems to dull cravings for dessert. They think this sweet scent can alter the chemicals of the hormone serotonin that controls the appetite so that it sends the brain a different signal.

4.    Eat in front of a mirror

It might seem self-indulgent and pointless to have your meals in front of a mirror. However, experts at the University of Central Florida learned that people can be prompted to eat fewer servings if they actually see themselves eating.

  • The thing is, you are your worst critic. If you watch yourself eat, you supposedly gain a more objective view of the food you have whiel also considering your physical appearance.
  • The mirror helps people who are trying to lose weight to evaluate themselves and their attitude towards food, and adjust accordingly.
  • However, this weight loss trick has its downside. While it might encourage people to eat healthier food, it may also trigger feelings of weight discrimination and diffuse body positivity.

5.    Tie a ribbon around your waist

Women in France supposedly tie a ribbon around their waist to let them know if they’ve had enough food. If they feel the ribbon getting tighter underneath their clothes, they will stop eating no matter what still remains on their plate.

Isn’t this one of the most elegant and stylish techniques you’ve heard? It teaches the French ladies to enjoy everything in moderation. It’s probably why a lot of French women have lovely figures.

6.    Portion your meals and eat smaller bites

Try eating smaller bites and portion your food so that you won’t overindulge. This weight loss trick is also another technique in learning to enjoy tasty meals in moderation. Naturally, if you eat fewer portions of your food, you will manage your weight better.

  • Did you know that in Spain some women effectively lose weight by having one meal reserved for a bocadillo? This is a sandwich with two slices of whole grain bread and a filling of meat from a choice of chorizo, sausage or tuna.
  • This sandwich doesn’t have any mayonnaise, ketchup or dressing.
  • This meal might not be the tastiest compared to the American “Subway” sandwich, but it has the right amount of flavor and nutrients.
  • The Spanish women also do away with the desserts if they’re having their bocadillo meal.
  • It’s a clever trick on how to portion control your meals properly.

7.    Chew your food at least 32 to 40 times before swallowing

In the 19th century, American health food expert and economic nutritionist Horace Fletcher advocated for people to chew their food at least 32 to 40 times before swallowing. He was dubbed “The Great Masticator” because of this credo, but his recommendation is actually backed by science.

  • When you chew food slowly until there are no more morsels left, you’re helping your body burn 10 percent more calories.
  • You’re also facilitating the proper flow of nutrients from your mouth to your stomach and gut so your organs function better.
  • Experts observed that people who take time to chew their food are leaner than fast eaters.
  • They are also less prone to have hunger pangs and food cravings because they are still quite full from their last meal.

In contrast, people who eat fast aren’t burning any calories when they eat. They are also prone to develop metabolic problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, visceral fat, and chronic diseases.

8.    Sit at the corner of the table during dinners

Psychologist Stephen Gullo in the book “The Thin Commandments Diet” recommended a sure-fire way to curb your food indulgence.  He wrote that if you’re at a dinner or a cocktail party and you’re watching your weight, it’s best to sit at the table’s corner.

When you’re seated at the middle, you’re more likely to indulge in the food since the center spot is where dishes are usually placed. You have easy access to bread, chips, and other delectables that you should be avoiding because you don’t really want those extra calories. If you’re seated in the corner, you eliminate the mindless eating.

9.    Control your candy cravings by eating individually-wrapped pieces

You’re less likely to eat candy if you stick to treats that are individually wrapped compared to wrapper-less sweets like skittles or jelly beans. An experiment in the journal Appetite revealed that people are more inclined to control their candy indulgence if it comes with its own wrapper.

A group of 30 people in the experiment was told that they can freely take candies from a bowl on a table. Averagely, the participants took at least three pieces of wrapped candies while gobbled down five or more unwrapped candies.

Apparently, the little effort it takes to unwrap a candy is actually a deterrent. But it’s a big help when you’re trying to control your sugar or sweets intake.

10.  Challenge yourself to eat using chopsticks

Ever wonder why there are so many Japanese with slimmer figures? Perhaps their use of chopsticks has something to do with it, according to Kimiko Barber, author of the book “The Chopsticks Diet.” If you haven’t mastered how to use this tool, then perhaps it is time to start learning (and lose some weight in the process).

Barber wrote in her book that since chopsticks require more accuracy and dexterity, you’re forced to slow down when you’re eating. You’re also likely not to fill up your mouth with food since you can only take smaller portions from your plate with chopsticks. If you’re eating slowly, you’re also eating less but feeling more satiated. Your food becomes easier to digest as well.

11.  Brighten up the lights and play soft music

Create the right atmosphere and ambiance in your dining room to help you eat less. Experts say that if you brighten up the lights when you’re eating, you’ll be more inhibited from putting additional food on your plate.

Ever notice how restaurants have such low lighting? It’s not just because they want you to enjoy your romantic date but they also want their customers to order more food.

While you keep the dining room lights bright, experts advise you to keep the music down. Apparently, when there’s soft music in the background, it sends a positive signal in your brain that a meal should be leisurely enjoyed. So, you take more time to chew and finish your food. This mindful eating helps you develop a healthier habit that keeps the weight off.

12.  Make breakfast heavier and dinners lighter

“Eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper.” Have you ever heard this saying? If you’d like to keep the weight off, then this might just be the best way to do it.

weight loss

Experts from the American Diabetes Association performed a controlled 12-week study. They learned that obese women who followed a heavy breakfast/light dinner diet lost more pounds than those who had a light breakfast/heavy dinner diet.

The women also lost at least three inches off their waist for having larger breakfast meals than dinners. It seems this diet helped women with metabolic syndrome balance their intake better.

13.  Take a photo of your food

Do you enjoy taking a photo of your food to post on social media? If you’re trying to lose weight then there’s another purpose for getting a snap of your meal. According to Joan Salge Blake, who wrote “Nutrition & You,”  the photos might help you stop and think about what you’re eating. A visual representation of your food may help you muster more control over what you put on your plate.

Final Thoughts On Unique Weight Loss Tricks That Actually Work

Most weight loss diet fads won’t work over time. You’ll still gain weight especially if you’re not consistent with your eating habits.

But these tips above are not just weight loss tricks. These are actually techniques that can teach you how to enjoy food in moderation and practice mindful eating. If you follow some of these tips while aiming to eat healthier, you might not need to a diet. Losing the pounds or maintaining an ideal weight should begin to come more naturally.

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