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5 Detox Juices That Are Good For Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight can be a struggle. There are what seems like an infinite number of ways to do so, with some ideas contradicting others. There is one tried and true method that has worked to help people lose weight on a consistent basis, and that’s by eating fruits and vegetables. There’s even valid evidence that shows eating oranges for weight loss can be a great idea.  And these detox juices, made from oranges, will support your desire to reach your weight loss goals.

You can take the time to eat your daily allotment one at a time, but wouldn’t it be easier to throw a bunch of them into a juice and get the boost of nutrition all at once? Detox juices can do just that. They can also help you get rid of any lingering gunk left from too many days of eating foods that aren’t healthy. Check out some of these recipes for delicious and healthy juices.

Healthy reasons to eat oranges

Before we get to the tasty orange detox juices, let’s take a quick look at all the excellent reasons to add oranges to the menu.

1 – Oranges boost your immunity

detox juice

Oranges sweet, citrus flavor is a classic flavor. Kids and adults love them. But oranges are more than just comfort food. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals, such as

  • Folate
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • B-6

Oranges are also loaded with vitamin C which stimulates your immune system so you can fight off illnesses. They can be eaten raw, baked, or broiled. Throw an orange into your morning smoothie for a refreshing and nutritious drink.

2 – Lowers your chances of heart disease

Oranges contain flavonoids which lower your cholesterol and stop your arteries from getting clogged. This means you’re less likely to have a stroke, heart attack, or other heart illnesses. For a natural cholesterol buster, keep your fridge stocked with oranges so when you’re craving a late-night snack, you’ll choose orange to make your heart healthier.

3 – Good for your gut

Oranges are packed with fiber, making them good for your digestive system. Eating oranges is a natural way to avoid constipation. Good gut health makes your whole body feel better. When you are grocery shopping, always choose organic oranges to guarantee the oranges have been raised without pesticides or toxic chemicals.

4 – Benefits your eye health

As you age, your eyes are affected. Oranges’ color means they contain vitamin A, the eye vitamin that helps protect your eyes from the damage of aging. Drink juices made with fresh-squeezed oranges and carrots for the best eye benefits.

5 – Oranges give you healthy skin

Your skin ages from sun damage and other harmful free radicals in the atmosphere. Eating oranges can ease the effects of these damaging elements on your skin.  Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that protects your skin and keeps it younger looking. There are many skin creams on the market today that contain vitamin C, but you can get it straight from one of the best sources when drinking fresh-squeezed orange juice or eat fresh oranges.

6 – Good for your brain health

Oranges are high in folate, folic acid, and selenium, all brain-boosting minerals. Researchers found that pregnant moms who eat oranges improve their newborns’ chances of not having neurological problems later. Also, regularly drinking orange juice can slow down the normal aging process. So, be sure to get your morning glass every day.

7 – Oranges are a cancer preventative

Studies found that when you eat organic oranges or drink fresh organic orange juice, you’re less likely to have a heart attack because of high levels of flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C found in oranges. Researchers have found that consuming oranges prevents cancers such as

  • Lung cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Other forms of cancer

High in antioxidants and Vitamin C, oranges boost your body’s immunity to fight off cancer cells. So, keep those cancer cells at bay by consuming fresh orange juice or oranges daily.

8 – Helps you maintain your weight or lose weight

Oranges are low calorie. One cup of oranges boasts only 85 calories. They’re full of nutrition and non-fat. Eating oranges also give you lots of fiber to help you feel fuller so you’re less apt to snack. Did you know there are several kinds of oranges you can choose from? They come from different parts of the United States and other countries. Here’s a list of several kinds of organic oranges you can enjoy.

  • Mandarin oranges
  • Blood oranges
  • Navel oranges
  • Valencia oranges
  • Jaffa oranges
  • Seville oranges

Find creative ways to eat oranges so you don’t grow tired of them. Slice them up on your breakfast cereal, throw an orange into your smoothie at lunch, or add some orange slices to complement your grilled fish at dinner. You are sure to lose weight if you make oranges your primary snack. Go for it.

9 – Cold symptoms shortened

Oranges have a reputation for fighting off the common cold. It’s no wonder since they’re loaded with vitamin C, which reduces the length of your cold as well as eliminates the symptoms. Vitamin C also builds up your immune system, so you’re less apt to get a cold. Eating oranges or drinking orange juice is a simple way to get the goodness in you so you can fight off colds, especially in the colder months of the year.

10 – Reduces blood pressure

Oranges are salt-free. Eating them helps keep your blood pressure under control if you’re watching your sodium intake. They also contain a high amount of potassium. Potassium enhances your blood vessels’ ability to relax and open up so it also aids the lowering of blood pressure. Citrus fruits in general are a good substitute in recipes for salt. Add a twist of orange into your salad dressing to enhance the flavor as salt does.

Benefits of juicing

protein shakes

1 – Increased Vitamins and Minerals in Your Diet

When you juice you get all the great vitamins and minerals from the fruits and veggies you juice. There’s no waste because you can use the leftover pulp in the following ways:

  • Add them to your breakfast cereals
  • Baking such as bread, muffins, and cakes
  • Soups and stews
  • Sweet cheese spread-mix cream cheese with leftover pulp for a sweet cheese spread
  • Smoothies-Reuse the leftover pulp in our morning smoothies to get every last drop of vitamins and minerals from the fruits and veggies.

 2 – Weight loss

Raw food diets help you lose weight. Juicing enhances the fruits and veggies, giving you the best nutrition. Juicing fills you up, so you’re less apt to want to snack. If you like a little crunch in your juices, after you finish juicing, throw in some chopped up nuts like walnuts or almonds for texture.

3 – Extra energy

When you juice organic fruits and veggies, you’re getting the maximum amount of nutrients. This gives you the energy you need for your day. Fresh juice is like a shot of caffeine, it energizes you and keeps you going all day. Because your digestive system is working well, you aren’t constipated, so you’re less sluggish and tired.

4 – Lowers your inflammation

Juicing gives you all the vitamins and minerals from the fruits and veggies. Plants contain flavonoids that help reduce your body’s inflammation. Food high in flavonoids include

  • Green tea
  • Cocoa
  • Coffee
  • Red wine
  • Berries
  • Oranges
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Red, orange, and yellow vegetables

Studies found that eating high flavonoid foods can slow down neurodegenerative diseases. Juicing makes it possible to consume a lot of these flavonoid-rich fruits and veggies.

5 – Boosts your cardiovascular health

Studies found that eating a raw food diet high of fruits and veggies lowers your blood pressure and improves your cholesterol. Juicing is the perfect way to get a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables. It takes just a few minutes to juice these plants so you save time as well as get the great health benefits.

6 – Eat more vegetables and fruits

Juicing allows you to consume more veggies and fruits. Most Americans aren’t meeting their daily requirement for fruits and vegetables. So juicing guarantees you’ll be able to do this for your optimum health benefits.

7 – Helps you sleep

Believe it or not, juicing improves your sleep. Drinking juices made from cherries, oranges, kiwi are especially helpful. These fruits contain melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep. Researchers say if you drink 8 ounces of tart cherry juice at least twice a day, you can expect to sleep an extra 90 minutes at night.

8 – You can detox

Detoxing is a helpful way to get your healthy diet back on track if you’ve slipped into eating junk food. Juicing allows you to eat healthy without feeling deprived since you’ll taste all the yummy flavors of fruits and veggies. You’ll feel better from juicing and get your energy back quicker.

9 – Better focus

Green juices provide high levels of folate and folic acid, which help your brain to focus better. Drink a green juice packed with leafy greens when you feel that afternoon slump coming on.

10 – Keeps you hydrated

It’s easy to lose track of how much water you’re consuming each day. Juicing is a natural way to up your fluid intake to stay better hydrated.  Of course, certain fruits and veggies contain more water so juicing those will help you stay hydrated. Here’s a list of fruits and veggies that contain lots of water.

  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce
  • Oranges
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Apples

Oranges are in a class of their own when it comes to flavor and nutrition. They’re packed with important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote good brain health, good heart health, and a healthier immune system. Adding oranges to your juicing recipes is a great way to lose weight, have healthier eyes and skin. Oranges have so much to give, it’s no wonder they’re at the top of the list of favorite fruits for both adults and kids. Include oranges into your diet today to begin seeing the amazing health benefits of this classy citrus fruit.

Here are 5 of the best weight loss drinks with oranges:

detox juices

1. Carrot Orange Juice

This recipe is simple and easy, which is great if you are new to juicing, are low on ingredients, or if you just want your juice quick. This would also be a great option to serve to kids because it has hidden vegetables in it to help them get their daily five as well. The ingredients you will need are:

– a large orange that has been peeled and diced up
– three medium carrots
– half of a small pineapple that has been cut into smaller chunks

Then, you can simply add these to your juicer and wait for the magic to happen.

2. Orange Ginger Juice

This ginger and orange juice recipe is ready in less than five minutes, but you can let it sit in the refrigerator for another few minutes if you prefer your juice cold. The added bonus is that this is easy enough to be made in the blender, just in case you don’t have access to fancy juicing equipment yet. The ingredients that you will need to make this drink are:

– four small oranges, peeled
– approximately a three-inch stick of ginger
– sweetener of your choice to your taste preference

It’s a good idea to mix your ginger first to get it broken down, then add in your oranges. Next, strain out any small bits that the blender didn’t take care of and add your sweetener.

3. Orange and Lime Detox Drink

The orange and lime detox drink is another easy recipe to make. The large doses of vitamin c surely aren’t going to hurt either. You can peel and slice your fruits, then put them through a juicing machine if it’s easier, but there’s something about juicing by hand that’s slightly satisfying. Here is your ingredient list:

– two cups of orange juice (aim for about six to eight full oranges)
– one tablespoon of lime juice (use about a half of a lime)

You can also add a pinch of salt if you prefer. Some people also like to add ice to their juices to make them colder. The choice is yours.

4. Green Juice

If you’ve looked into juicing at all then you’re likely to have heard of green juice. This is a mixture of many dark leafy greens to provide you with a drink loaded with nutrients. Hardcore folks drink it straight, but other more regular people add in some sort of fruit (like oranges!) to soften the bitter taste. The ingredients in this drink are:

– two oranges
– one lemon
– one green apple
– one cup of baby spinach
– one leaf of kalejuicing

If you’re brave you could leave out the sweetening fruits, but that wouldn’t be near as fun. Make sure they are peeled and everything is chopped into manageable pieces, then feed it in and watch your gorgeous juice come alive.

5. Orange Dreamsicle Detox Juice

Yes, there really is a drink that tastes like ice cream that is also healthy for you. Cue the celebration dances. Your food list for this recipe is as follows:

– one orange, peeled
– two medium apples
– two medium pears
– three stalks of celery
– a sweet potato (look for one about five inches long)

This is going to be packed with vitamin c and potassium.

Final Thoughts on Adding Detox Juices to Your Weight Loss Program

Hopefully, these recipes will give you some great ideas on how to use oranges for weight loss. They are loaded with plenty of vitamin c to boost your immune system. They can also keep you hydrated and provide you with an energy boost, and both of those things will help you fight cravings.

5 Morning Habits That Help You Wake Up In A Good Mood

We’re not all morning people. Many of us wake up grumpy, drowsy, and annoyed with the world for forcing us to get up and get the day going. But it doesn’t have to be this way, even if you’ve never been the kind of person who likes mornings to begin with.

The fact is that getting the day started with a good mood and attitude can work wonders on your daily productivity, activity levels, happiness, and overall behavior. Seriously, you’d be surprised how a good dose of positive thinking can benefit you for the rest of the day. The best part is that this is totally doable, as outlandish a concept as it seems! Here are some morning habits that will help you wake up in a good mood.

“People in good moods are better at inductive reasoning and creative problem solving.” – Peter Salovey

Here Are 5 Morning Habits That Help You Wake Up In A Good Mood


1. Set one specific wake-up time – and stick to it!

By nature, humans are creatures of habit. Set one specific time to wake up every morning, no matter when you sleep. Whether you’re heading to bed later than usual or right on time, wake up at this set time every morning. And yes, this includes on weekends!

Sleeping in on weekends and getting up early on weekdays can actually result in sleep inertia, where the brain is still in deep sleep from the weekend schedule when it is jogged awake on weekdays. This will cause important decision-making parts of the brain to experience a delayed wake-up, which can be very jarring.

Sticking to the wake-up time you set is important no matter what. It can be very tempting to hit the “snooze” button on your alarm, but snoozing doesn’t give you any of sleep’s benefits anymore. In fact, hitting snooze can cause what is referred to as a cardiovascular assault on the body and lead to severe nervous system upset. So once you hear your alarm, get out of bed and start your day. Your body and brain may need a while to get used to this, but you’ll be glad once they do.

2. Get dressed well.

When you’re feeling sluggish in the morning, you may find yourself throwing on just about anything you can find in a rush by the time you can crawl out of the shower. This can result in messy attire, unstyled hair, and a feeling of mild unkemptness as you rush out the door.

Even if you’re not someone who typically cares how you look or what you wear, putting a tiny bit more effort into what you put on every day can add a little spring to your step. Just sprucing up your look a little bit can boost your confidence because when you look great, you’ll feel great.

Are you worried that choosing an outfit or doing something nice with your appearance will take too long? Prepare your clothes for the next day the night before! Better yet, have a list of tried and true outfits you can throw on whenever you need an extra confidence boost.

3. Exercise.

It’s definitely understandable that the idea of exercising first thing in the morning isn’t exactly palatable. But there are so many benefits that early exercise can bring, and countless reasons that many people consider mornings the best time to exercise!

Those who exercise at least 2.5 hours per week are known to have better sleep quality. Additionally, they often feel less tired daily and have less difficulty falling asleep. Exercise also helps release endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that will improve your mood quickly. Physical activity can boost your overall mental and physical focus, performance, and energy. On top of all that, if you aim to lose weight, morning exercise is more likely to help you hit your goals faster!

You don’t have to do a huge amount of exercise to see benefits. Half an hour of mild physical activity – or even around 10-15 minutes of it, if that’s all you have to spare – can net you some positive benefits that will boost your mood and help you feel great.



4. Create better sleeping habits.

How you sleep will change how rested you feel when you wake up, so start by cultivating healthy sleeping habits. They will help you fall asleep more easily and promote more restful sleep, making you feel more awake and inspired every morning!

To start, try to go to bed at a similar time every night, and make sure it is relatively early. Ideally, you’ll want to aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night. You should also switch off your electronic devices well before going to bed, as the light these devices produce can prevent you from sleeping and disturb melatonin production.

You should also avoid eating within three hours before sleeping and especially steer clear of alcohol at night. Although alcohol can help you fall asleep more quickly, it also prevents the body from slipping into its deep sleep phase, leaving you tired in the morning.

5. Start a new routine that you love.

Sometimes, all it takes is something simple but meaningful that you love to help you look forward to getting out of bed. Create a new morning ritual that you can perform daily and look forward to without fail.

You can also think of this as positive reinforcement. You’ve gotten out of bed on time and are powering through your morning as well as you can, so you deserve a little reward that makes you happy and that you can look forward to every single day! Are you stumped on what a good, happy morning habit would be? Here are some ideas:

  • Listening to your favorite music
  • Take your dog for a walk
  • Cuddling or playing with a pet
  • Having a good, delicious breakfast
  • Listening to a podcast or figuring out what is an audiobook you’d enjoy
  • Reading a few pages of a book or magazine
  • Writing a short journal entry
  • Drawing, doodling, or coloring
  • Dancing

Whatever it is you choose to do, as long as it makes you happy, it will give you plenty of reason to get up every morning!


Final Thoughts on Psyching Yourself up for a Good Mood Every Morning

Starting your day in a bad mood can bring everything to a grinding halt and slow down your schedule unnecessarily. By creating a routine incorporating these five habits, you’ll be able to prevent morning grumpiness and become the morning person you never knew you could be!

12 Signs You Are Getting The Flu

Achy body, stuffy head, runny nose, and fever can all be symptoms of flu. They come on hard and leave you drained and miserable. How can you combat them naturally and safely?

The Influenza Virus

The airborne virus travels easily and spreads quickly. It lives on objects you touch. After you touch an infected object, you need only touch your nose or mouth.

The influenza virus affects your lungs, throat, and sinuses. Yes, it’s similar to the common cold and other common respiratory conditions. Oftentimes, we call different viruses the flu, but the Influenza virus is the true one. This doesn’t mean that stomach symptoms won’t be present.

Each person’s experience with the Influenza virus can vary. This includes actual symptoms, length of sickness, and severity of flu symptoms. Of course, you might not develop the flu from exposure to the virus. It depends on whether you’ve had the virus strain before, if you’ve received a flu shot, and the health of your immune system.

Flu Season

The flu virus can pop up at any time of the year. Don’t rule out the flu because your symptoms occur outside of the normal December to March season.

Who’s at Risk?

Anyone can contact the flu. This includes anyone who had a flu shot. However, if you’ve previously had this year’s strain, you’ve developed antibodies. This makes it less likely for you to contract the flu. If you do still come down with the virus, your symptoms and the duration could be lessened.

Some people are more prone to infection, such as babies, children, immune-compromised individuals, and the elderly. This is mostly because of weakened or underdeveloped immune systems. For babies and children, it’s a combination of immune system and environment.

Flu related deaths are rare in healthy children and adults. People over the age of 65, immune-compromised individuals, asthmatics, and babies are at a greater risk for flu complications. While natural remedies might show benefit, people falling into these categories might require special care or emergency treatment.

12 Common Symptoms of Flu for Adults and Children + Natural remedies


Symptoms of Flu Viruses

1. Fever
2. Sinus congestion
3. Body aches
4. Chest congestion
5. Cough
6. Chills
7. Weakness/Tiredness
8. Vomiting
9. Diarrhea
10. Runny nose
11. Sore throat
12. Headaches

When to Seek Help for Symptoms of Flu


Infants and Children

• Fever over 100 degrees for infants; 104 degrees for children
• Crying without tears
• Lethargic
• Fever with a rash
• Not eating or drinking
• Difficulty urinating


• Confusion
• Dizziness
• Skin turns bluish
• Difficulty breathing
• Chest pain
• Loss of conciseness

Natural Flu Remedies

You might be tempted to grab OTC medicines when the flue strikes. Conventional medicines can be helpful to bring down a fever fast, but for other symptoms, your grandma’s favorite remedies will do the trick.

Build Your Immune System

Your best defense against the flu is a healthy immune system. Your immune system begins in your stomach. Make changes in your daily diet and consume more whole foods.

If you’re not taking a probiotic supplement or eating probiotic foods, consider adding them to your diet. These assist your body in balancing the flora, which in turn can strengthen your immune system.

Keep in mind that a healthy immune system isn’t a guarantee that you’ll never fall ill. It can greatly reduce your chances though. In addition, people with strong immune systems generally are sicker for a shorter time and with milder symptoms.

Practice Good Hygiene

You should practice good hygiene year round and teach your children these steps to protect themselves during flu and cold season.
• Wash hands after restroom and frequently throughout the day
• Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, preferably with a tissue
• Don’t touch your face

Chiropractic Care as a Preventative

What could a visit to the chiropractor have to do with the flu? We’re glad you asked. In 1918, during the flu epidemic, patients who’d had adjustments survived more often than those who didn’t. A study in 2011 supports chiropractic care as an immunity booster theory.

After the Flu Hits

Preventing the flu might be your best defense, but how do you naturally tackle your flu symptoms if it’s too late?

1. Stay Hydrated

• Soup and broth: canned or homemade
• Tea: black, green, or white
• Herbal tea: ginger, raspberry, mate, eucalyptus, chamomile, peppermint, and echinacea
• Coconut water
• Fruits and vegetables

Warm beverages comfort the soul while thinning mucus. They also replenish lost water, and in some cases, electrolytes. Coconut water should take the place of sugary sports drinks.

Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that your body requires to fight off the flu. Most are gentle on your system too.

Oranges and citrus fruits are good choices if your stomach can tolerate them. They contain vitamin C, which aids your white cells and immune system. The natural sugar can also give you a bit of energy, making you feel more human too.

Black, green, and white tea varieties all contain antioxidants and immune boosting properties. You can continue to build up and power your immune system after symptoms begin. Plus, you’ll soothe sore throats, thin mucus, and alleviate your cough.

Herbal teas can offer benefits too, especially those immune system boosting ingredients. Ginger, raspberry, Echinacea, mate, eucalyptus, and peppermint teas might help upper respiratory conditions, like the flu and common cold. These herbs contain anti-viral properties. Chamomile teas can aid stomach issues, such as diarrhea, as well as relax you.

2. Get Rest

If possible, stay home and stay in bed. Avoid strenuous activities, and let your body heal. This includes putting off your normal workout. If you have the energy for it, taking a short walk outside can provide uplifting benefits. Just be sure to bundle up if it’s cold.

3. Use Essential Oils

Many essential oils contain healing properties. Whether you need to calm a cough, clear nasal or chest congestion, or you need to relax, you will find oils to soothe your flu symptoms.

How you use your essential oils can depend on your ailment, and the tools you have on hand. You shouldn’t ingest your oils unless it’s under the direction of a doctor.

If applying topically, dilute your essential oil with a carrier. Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, vitamin E oil, and jojoba oil make good choices. For every tablespoon of oil, add three drops of essential oil. This ratio works well for adults. Children and anyone with sensitive skin should use three drops of essential oil to two tablespoons of carrier.

Essential Oils for Flu Symptoms

• Eucalyptus: might reduce fever and fight virus
• Tea tree: might fight infections
• Peppermint: might lessen cough and soothe sore throat
• Thyme: antibacterial
• Lavender: relives stress and fatigue
• Lemon: might decongest nasal passages

Essential oils to Disinfect Your Home

• Tea tree
• Clove
• Cinnamon
• Rosemary
Diffuse these oils or add them to homemade cleaning products to keep the flu at bay.

4. Homemade Throat Gargle

Countless timeless gargle recipes exist. These time tested home remedies might soothe a sore throat and kill any viruses or bacteria present.

Gargle Flu Remedies :

Do not ingest. Swish and spit as needed.
• Lemon: combine 1c lemon juice and hot water.
• Acid Cider Vinegar and salt: dilute 1tbls of apple cider vinegar and 1tsp of salt in 1c of hot water
• Salt: Add one cup of hot water
• Ginger, honey, and lemon: Steep 1tsp freshly grated ginger in 1c hot water. Add 2tsp of honey.
• Hot Sauce: Mix 10 drops of hot sauce in 1c of water. Bonus? It might clear your nasal passages too.
• Turmeric: mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric and salt. Add to 1c of hot water.
• Wheatgrass juice: simply juice wheatgrass as usual
• Clove tea: steep 3tblsp of ground or whole cloves. Strain.
• Tomato juice and hot sauce: combine ½ c juice with 1/2c hot water; add 10 shakes of hot sauce.
• Green tea: prepare as you would to drink, but use as a gargle

Why a gargle? First, you can use them alongside other treatments. It’s important that you don’t ingest these though, so they might not be suitable for small children.

5. Vitamin and Herbal Flu Remedies

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin C: boosts your white blood cells to fight the virus
• Zinc: take at the onset of symptoms


• Stinging Nettle: natural antihistamine
• Echinacea: might treat respiratory tract infections and flu. Take at the onset of symptoms.
• Brewer’s Yeast: might lessens symptom severity and flu duration

6. Natural Cough Remedy


Licorice Root Syrups, Teas, and Lozenges

More than an old wives tale, Licorice Root has science backing up its ability to act as a natural expectorant.



Adults and children over two can use honey to coat their throat and calm coughing. You can give it plain or mix with tea or water.

Pineapple Juice

A favorite among kids and adults is pineapple juice remedies. Whether it’s 500 times more effective than other treatments is undetermined. However, pineapple juice contains bromelain. This enzyme can help with flu related inflammatory respiratory problems. Pineapple juice is also a source of vitamin C.

Final Thoughts on Symptoms of Flu and Flu Remedies

Symptoms of flu can hit hard and fast. Luckily, most remedies use common ingredients to treat you ailments as they arise. Remedies might not cure your flu, but they can certainly make your symptoms bearable.

Your best defense against the flu virus is to maintain a healthy immune system. It’s never too late to start. Look at your diet to see areas you can improve. Consider adding supplements, such as daily vitamin and herbs. The flu can strike at any time during the year, so you can’t rely on boosting immunity before the season starts.

Remember to get plenty of rest, and let the virus run its course. One upside is your body is building antibodies, so you’ll be less likely to contract this flu strain again.

8 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Soda

With so many health problems on the rise, people have begun to question what causes them in the first place. Is it stress? Diet? Lack of exercise? Mental exhaustion? All of these factors play a role in the decline of human health, but the increased consumption of sugar could arguably be one of the biggest culprits. In order to make products taste better, companies add sugar to virtually everything now.

If you look at the label on products from dressings to sauces to even some canned vegetables, you’ll likely see sugar listed as one of the ingredients. Sugar makes the product more addictive; therefore, people will want to keep buying it.

One product in particular, though, contains so much sugar that it seems almost criminal to sell it to people. We’ve been drinking soda since it first came to the market in 1885, when a pharmacist named Charles Alderton created what we know today as Dr. Pepper. Believe it or not, soda was originally invented as a medicine to heal ailments such as indigestion, impotence, headaches, and even psychiatric disorders. However, the industry has taken a dark turn and is, ironically, doing the opposite of healing people.

Here are some of the health problems associated with drinking soda regularly, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health:

  • A 20-year study on 120,000 men and women found that those who upped their sugary drink consumption by one 12-ounce beverage per day gained more weight—on average, one pound every 4 years—than people whose intake remained the same. Other studies have discovered a link between sugary drinks and obesity in children. In fact, one study found that for each additional 12-ounce soda children consumed per day, the odds of becoming obese increased by 60% after 1½ years of follow up.
  • People who consume 1 to 2 cans or more of soft drinks per day have a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who have them infrequently. The risk increases even more in young adults and Asians.
  • A study that followed 40,000 men for twenty years found that those who averaged one sugary beverage a day had a 20% higher risk of having or dying from a heart attack than men who consumed them infrequently. Another study in women showed similar results.
  • A 22-year study of 80,000 women found that people who had one sugary drink per day had a 75% higher risk of developing gout than women who didn’t drink soft drinks often. Results were similar in men.

The health risks listed above just scratch the surface of what soft drinks can do to your brain and body. Our bodies were just not designed to process so much sugar at once. It puts great strain on our liver, stomach, and other organs. In the article below, we will go over what happens to your body when you give up sugary beverages.

Here’s how you benefit from giving up soda:

“Rising consumption of sugary drinks has been a major contributor to the obesity epidemic.” – Harvard School of Public Health

  1. Your heart health will improve.

A 2012 Harvard University study found that consumption of sugary drinks increased a person’s risk of developing chronic heart disease. Another 2011 study found that sugary beverages increase blood pressure, raising it the more you drink. Decreasing soda consumption by just one drink per day can result in improvements in blood pressure and heart health.

  1. Your brain will get a boost.

While many people reach for a soft drink to give them energy and help them make it through the work or school day, the consequences of consuming so much sugar far outweigh the benefits. One study found that consuming sugar regularly over many years could result in learning impairment, memory problems, and behavioral plasticity.

“We have investigated a potential mechanism by which a diet, similar in composition to the typical diet of most industrialized western societies rich in saturated fat and refined sugar (HFS), can influence brain structure and function via regulation of neurotrophins,” authors of the study said. They discovered that when animals were put on a diet high in sugar, they had decreased amounts of a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This affected their ability to learn and remember things.

Other studies have found a link between consumption of soft drinks and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia. The studies found that mice given sugary drinks had an increased amount of plaque deposits, which is a telltale sign of Alzheimer’s.

  1. You’ll have a brighter smile.

Drinking soda often can lead to stained teeth and other dental problems. In some cases, drinking a lot of soda can corrode your teeth as much as doing meth, according to a 2013 study. In the study, researchers found that one woman who drank 2 liters of diet soda per day for three to five years had similar tooth erosion as a methamphetamine and crack cocaine addict. The citric acid in soda causes erosion of tooth enamel, which can lead to cavities and yellowing of teeth. So, giving up soda will help you have a whiter smile and improve your oral health.

  1. You’ll have a healthier bladder.

Soda is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more urgently and frequently. It can also cause bladder infections and irritation. Drinking water instead of soda will help you have better bladder health and aid in detoxing the body.

  1. You’ll have stronger bones.

Giving up soda will help you have stronger bones and decrease your risk of developing osteoporosis. The caramel color of dark sodas contains an artificially created phosphorus that can cause calcium to leach out of your bones. Substituting soda for natural drinks like tea or water will help protect your bone health.

  1. Your kidneys will start to heal.

Studies have shown that drinking a lot of soda can lead to kidney disease and even kidney failure. Diet sodas aren’t any better. Researchers from the Nurses’ Health Study found that women who consumed a lot of diet soda every day had lower functioning of the liver compared to women who abstained from soda.

  1. Your reproductive organs will be in better shape.

While many companies don’t use BPA in their products any longer, some cans of soda still contain it. BPA has been linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer as well as reproductive problems. Some studies have shown that BPA can cause premature puberty or infertility, resulting in permanent damage to the reproductive system.

According to the Breast Cancer Fund, BPA is in so many products, from food and drink containers to dental fillings. It’s a synthetic estrogen that disrupts the hormonal system and increases the risk for developing diseases such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, metabolic disorders, and even type 2 diabetes.

  1. It can lead to weight loss.

Sodas contain a lot of empty calories – some contain as many as 700, and they won’t satisfy your hunger since they have no nutritional value.


According to weight loss expert Malia Frey in an article on About Health, cutting out a large Coca-Cola from McDonald’s from your diet every day would save you over 200,000 calories — or about 60 pounds — in one year. So, if you want to lose weight, cutting out soda could help you reach your goals faster.

Here’s a bonus of giving up soft drinks:

You might live longer.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that people who had high consumption of sugary beverages had shorter telomeres in immune cells. Telomeres are protective DNA units at the ends of chromosomes, and the shorter they get, the closer a person is to the end of their life. So, by cutting out sugary drinks, you might extend your life a little bit as well as improve your overall health.

Final thoughts on Things That Happen When You Stop Drinking Soda

Sugary beverages such as soda have contributed to the decline of our health. They have virtually no nutritional value and a lot of calories. Many people have turned to soda for an energy boost, but the dangers of consuming soda on a regular basis outweigh any benefit you might receive from the caffeine.

Plus, the drop in energy after the soda wears off will leave you feeling fatigued after your insulin levels decrease. This will only lead to further cravings. If you want more sustainable energy throughout the day, consider drinking water instead. Also, bring healthy snacks to work such as chopped up fruits and vegetables.

Soda might taste great, but it should be an occasional treat rather than an everyday indulgence. Doctors and scientists all agree that soda harms one’s health in numerous ways. As such, it should be cut out of the human diet, or at least consumed less often. Sales of soda are dwindling, and for good reason. Save your health by cutting out soda from your diet. Notice how much better you feel after giving up this toxic concoction.

12 Signs Your Partner Is Competing With You (And How To Fix It)

Some comparisons in a relationship can be healthy because it can help couples motivate each other to improve. But when the comparison turns into a competition, then anger and resent might develop and ruin the relationship. You should recognize signs that your partner might be comparing to you too much, as well as learn helpful tips on how to fix this problem.

“Comparison is an act of violence against the self.” – Iyanla Vanzant

Here Are 12 Signs Your Partner Compares to You and How to Fix It

emotionally supportive

1. The “we” in your relationship is gone.

You do more things separately than together these days. You don’t feel like you’re on the same page anymore. According to experts, comparisons in a relationship usually occur between partners that have been together for a long time. However, if couples learn to recognize the areas where they are strong or weak, they can thrive on their differences and individuality. Additionally, they can complement each other. For example, if he’s great at nurturing the kids and you’re the master in the kitchen, then you should make it clear to each other that these are your domains in the household.

2. Your partner always needs to “win” and keep score.

Does your relationship feel like a sporting event, where your partner keeps score of who did the dishes more times this week? Does your partner attempt to win every argument you have? Relationships triumph only when there’s unity. Thankfully, this negative pattern of comparison can be resolved. Take notice and be empathic about the actual message your partner wants to get across when she’s keeping score. Then, do something to make sure this happens less and less. For instance, she might be expressing that she needs your help more around the house if she’s talking about who did the dishes again. So, do your part in the clean-up.

3. Your partner belittles your success.

Is there no excitement and pride from your partner when you tell him you’ve just received a promotion at work? Does he belittle what you’ve achieved? A study reveals that this is very common in relationships. It likely indicates that your partner is having a hard time dealing with your success and his inadequacies. To fix this pattern, try asking his advice the next time you have a work-related dilemma. Do what you can to help your partner feel that he plays an important part in your success.

4. Your partner guilts you into quitting your job.

Your partner makes you feel guilty if you need to work late nights. You often have fights about your job to where the idea of quitting is looking more and more appealing to you. Don’t feel guilty about working hard. If your partner’s success pales by comparison to yours, it’s his insecurities he has to deal with and not the idea that you need to quit your job.

5. Your partner is domineering and always wants his way.

A lot of men like the idea of control. Some relationships work well because partners agree to their roles as the dominant or submissive one. But if you’re not the submissive type and your partner is domineering, then problems could erupt in your relationship. A domineering personality can turn into a bully, especially if comparisons enter the equation. Be honest with your partner and tell him how you feel before this relationship turns into an abusive one.

6. Your partner tries to outdo you.

Do you give separate gifts to your children for their birthdays and notice how your partner tries to upstage what you give? Re-examine the structure of your relationship to figure out why he feels the need to outdo you. There could be deeper and more compelling issues that you need to thresh out and discuss with a therapist, if possible.

7. You sense that he’s sabotaging you.

The more successful you get, the more your husband’s resentment and inconsideration increase. He sabotages your relationship by doing things he knows will tick you off and push your buttons, so you end up fighting all the time. But what if you don’t react in a manner that he expects? Sometimes, positive reinforcements can help. Pay more attention to your partner, express your affection, and shower him with compliments. All these will reinforce that you love him.

8. Your partner tries to make you jealous.

In so many ways, your mate might be making you jealous to get your attention. According to experts, this might be a manipulation tactic. You need to listen deeply and watch out for the cues to find what’s lacking in your relationship or what your partner is no longer getting from you.

9. Your partner likes pointing out what’s wrong with you.

Pointing out your harmful behaviors can be good because it can help you see where you can improve on. At the same time, pointing out your flaws in an attempt to offend you is something else. It could be that your partner learned this kind of communication tool from the environment in which he grew up. The problem, however, is that this behavior can be destructive. The truth is, you hold the key to how you should be treated in the relationship. If this behavior makes you uncomfortable, then discuss this together and work things out.

10. Your partner scolds you.

A scolding is what happens when a child disappoints his parents. It also happens in the workplace, between the boss and his subordinate. But you’re supposed to be equals in your relationship with an intimate partner. If your partner talks down to you or scolds you, it clearly indicates that he might not see you on the same level as he is.


11. Your partner gloats when you fail.

Instead of supporting you when you’re down, it feels as though your partner gloats in your failures. A jealous partner who compares himself too much to you is a person who lacks maturity. You should realize that you can’t make good decisions about your life if you think you’re the cause of his problems. Your partner probably has personal demons to tackle. One way you might help him find the answers is by going to therapy.

12. Your partner is dishonest in your relationship.

Your partner withholds information or is not upfront in your relationship. He hides things because they would only highlight his faults and failures. It’s hard to be in a relationship where there’s no honesty. When someone can’t be comfortable or real with you to the point that he lies, you need to decide if this relationship is worth saving.


Despite positive thinking, comparisons in a relationship can undermine the positive things that connect you to each other. You need to sit down and put issues to rest, if you don’t want these problems to break down the life you’ve built together.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Comebacks for Dealing With A Complainer

If you’ve ever been around someone who complains constantly, you’ll know that it can be very annoying. Unfortunately, these chronic complainers and “negative Nancies” might be all around you. You might share an office with them, have some in your family, or even have a much-loved friend who just can’t help muttering grudgingly every so often. It can be difficult to keep your own positive thinking going when surrounded with such pessimism, so here are some comebacks and tips for dealing with a complainer.

“Complaining is draining. Complaining only takes away energy from today and never solves the problems for tomorrow.” – James Altucher

Here Are 7 Comebacks for Dealing With A Complainer

1. An eyebrow flash

The biggest danger when you’re listening to someone complain – especially someone who has been talking negatively for a while – is that you’ll clearly show signs of annoyance or even contempt in your body language and facial expressions. According to research, letting a sneer of contempt slip for even a moment can completely derail any positive interaction you might have with this person.

The fact is that a sneer like that – especially accompanied by an eye-roll – will immediately trigger recoiling and tension from the person on the receiving end. It’s such a powerful expression that this kind of reaction can predict divorces in couples! So, if you make the mistake of sending a complainer a sneer, your judgmental actions can result in some nasty reactions from the complainer.

So instead of doing that, deliver a quick eyebrow flash: a raising and lowering of eyebrows. This social signal is a commonly well-received form of greeting that indicates you are open to social interaction. Not only will doing this be better received, but it will also keep you calmer.

2. “What else?”

Yes, we know nobody wants to listen to even more complaints. But by asking for more, you’re actually forcing the complainer to move on. So instead of getting yourself stuck in that situation by nodding your head, take control of the situation. When they’ve reached a full stop in their first complaint, ask the complainer, “What else?” This will likely surprise them and force them to move on to the next thing.

If this is in an office setting, you can do this more easily by taking down notes of work-related complaints. Asking what else is wrong can be a great way to shift the conversation and get the discussion focused on finding solutions instead.

3. Validation

Do you know why complainers … well, complain? It’s because they have a lot they want to get off their chest, but are feeling invalidated. There’s a chance that they have regularly complained before, either to you or to others, only to be met with annoyance or turned away. If you’ve been turning away your resident chronic complainer, they might keep coming back because they never find the validation they seek.

By providing a complainer with validation, you’re allowing them to feel empathized with. This also gives you the ability to control some of the conversation. Be kind, but brief: “You’ve been getting overloaded with work? Wow, you must be exhausted! The funny thing about work is …” And you have the ball from there!

4. Compliments

A very easy way to move the conversation away from constant complaining is to offer a compliment to the person being negative. When they complain about their neighbors being too noisy, tell them that you’re impressed they are able to put up with so much. If they complain about staying up late to finish work, say that they are hardworking.

Once you’ve said this, tack on an additional message at the end: “Since you have such great work ethic, I’m sure you’ll have no problem soldiering through it so we can finish up our work.” Or, “You’re so good for coming out here even with all these problems and trying to have a good time!” It’s a bit of reverse psychology, and it works pretty well!

5. Call it out directly

If you’ve done everything you can and the complainer still won’t stop yapping your ear off, it’s time to confront them directly. Call out their actions. Just make sure you’re doing this in an effective and productive manner. Don’t play a blame game by saying “You’re so horribly negative all the time!” Instead, tell them, “It makes me feel very uncomfortable when you’re criticizing things (or people) like that.” Chances are, the person will move onto their next victim to rant to and leave you alone.

6. Reframe the issue

Offering a different perspective to complainers doesn’t always go well, but sometimes reframing the problem can have some benefits. If someone is complaining about there being too many people on the train, say something like, “Maybe they don’t have access to their own transportation.” If someone complains about work, say, “It’s unfortunate, but life’s like that for most people!” Sometimes the perspective shift can jog a person out of their ranting, if only for a moment.


7. Avoid giving advice

Here’s the truth about chronic complainers: the act of complaining is a deeply embedded part of their own personalities. In short, complaining is just who they are and what they’ll do, no matter what. They view their lives as ones full of all the tragedy they perceive that they face, and that’s just part of their identities.

This means that these people are typically not looking for you to provide them with solutions or any advice. As much as you want to fix the problem and think that doing so will stop the endless barrage of negativity, it won’t. If anything, they’ll up the ante of their negativity by telling you why your solutions aren’t going to work, or even becoming upset with you. By avoiding the misstep of giving advice, you won’t be stuck in that situation for too long.

Final thoughts

No one has to be constantly optimistic, but maintaining a mainly pessimistic worldview can negatively affect one’s entire life. If you’re sharing space often with a chronic complainer, then you might find that they bring you down. By knowing how to handle them with these 7 comebacks for dealing with a complainer, you’ll be able to keep yourself thinking positively, and maybe you’ll even change that complainer’s mind.

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