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Counselors Explain How to Heal Early Trauma

Counselors Explain How to Heal Early Trauma

Early trauma is a pervasive problem affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Traumatic childhood experiences of neglect, abuse, violence, or losing a loved one can leave deep emotional wounds. These wounds often persist into adulthood. Early trauma can significantly impact a person’s development and affect their relationships, emotions, and behavior.

It can lead to various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse. It’s essential to seek support and treatment to address the effects of early trauma and promote healing. Fortunately, there are various ways to address early trauma and promote healing.

Difficulty forming healthy relationships, low self-esteem, and an inability to trust others are other potential effects of early trauma. These challenges can make it challenging for individuals to function in daily life. They can lead to difficulties in school, work, and even personal relationships. However, by seeking support and treatment, individuals can begin to address the effects of early childhood trauma and work toward healing.

Many ways to address early trauma include therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes such as exercise and a healthy diet. Other techniques include mindfulness, journaling, and expressive arts therapy. All of these are effective in addressing the effects of early trauma. With proper support, individuals can learn to manage early trauma, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and reclaim their lives.

7 Ways to Heal Early Trauma

early trauma

1. Seek Therapy

Seeking the help of a trained therapist can be an essential step in healing from early trauma. A therapist can provide a safe, supportive environment where individuals can explore their feelings and emotions related to their trauma. By identifying the root cause of the trauma, individuals can begin to understand how it has impacted their lives.

This is the first step towards processing the emotions associated with the experience. A skilled therapist can guide individuals through it and help them cope with the struggles of early trauma. Additionally, therapists can teach techniques to manage and cope with emotions and triggers.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that focuses on identifying negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive ones. Exposure therapy is another technique used to treat PTSD. This involves gradually exposing individuals to the traumatic event in a controlled environment to help them overcome the associated fear.

2. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help individuals manage the effects of early trauma. By practicing mindfulness, individuals can learn to stay present in the moment. This can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. Rather than worrying about the past or future, mindfulness encourages individuals to focus on the present moment.

It helps them become more aware of their thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness can also help individuals identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones. When individuals are traumatized, they often develop negative thought patterns that can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Mindfulness can help individuals become more aware of these negative thought patterns and learn to replace them with empowering ones. Some mindfulness techniques to help manage early trauma include meditation, deep breathing exercises, and body scans. These techniques can help individuals become more attuned to their bodies and emotions and develop a sense of self-awareness. By practicing mindfulness regularly, individuals can better understand inner peace and improve their overall well-being.

3. Find Support

One of the most important aspects of healing from early trauma is having a support system in place. It can be challenging to cope with the effects of trauma alone. Having people who support and validate your experiences can make a significant difference. By joining a support group or talking to trusted friends or family members, individuals can find a safe space to express their emotions.

They can also start to connect with others who have had similar experiences. Support groups can be beneficial for individuals who are struggling to cope with the effects of early trauma. These groups provide a safe, non-judgmental environment where individuals can share their experiences and receive support from people who understand them. By joining a support group, individuals can develop a sense of community.

They can find comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone. Talking to trusted friends or family members can also be a helpful way to build a support system. It can be challenging to speak about early trauma. But opening up to someone who cares about you can help you feel less alone. Choosing people who will listen without judgment and provide support and encouragement is essential.

4. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally is crucial for healing from early trauma. Traumatic experiences can take a significant toll on an individual’s well-being. So, neglecting self-care can make it even harder to cope with the effects of trauma. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize self-care as a crucial component of the healing process. Physical self-care involves taking care of your body. This can include eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.

These practices can help improve physical health and reduce stress. Emotional self-care involves taking care of your emotional needs. This can include practicing self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. It’s crucial to allow yourself to feel various emotions and acknowledge your experiences without judgment. Engaging in activities that bring you joy can help improve your mood and increase feelings of positivity.

Mental self-care involves taking care of your mental health. This can include practicing mindfulness, seeking therapy, and engaging in activities that promote mental well-being. Prioritize mental health and take steps to manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.


5. Journaling Can Release Early Trauma

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process early trauma. Trauma can be overwhelming, and it can be challenging to make sense of your emotions and thoughts. Writing can help you express yourself in a way that feels safe and non-judgmental. Journaling can also help individuals identify patterns and triggers that may contribute to their trauma.

By recording their thoughts and feelings, individuals can gain insight and identify patterns contributing to their trauma. This can help individuals develop coping strategies and manage their emotions more effectively. Writing can also be a tool for reflection and self-discovery.

It can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their experiences. This can be an essential part of the healing process. Writing in a journal can help individuals process their trauma, gain insight into their experiences, and develop greater self-awareness. And it can even become enjoyable for you, something you do as a hobby.

6. Expressive Arts Therapy

Engaging in art, music, or other creative activities can be a powerful way to process and express trauma-related emotions. Creativity provides a unique outlet for individuals to express themselves in a way that is safe and non-judgmental. And it’s something that can help individuals access and process difficult emotions.

Art therapy and other creative therapies can benefit individuals struggling to express themselves verbally. These therapies allow individuals to use art or music as a tool for self-expression. They provide a unique and creative way to process trauma. Creative activities can also help individuals regulate their emotions. Engaging in creative activities has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment, improving self-esteem and confidence.

Additionally, creative activities can help individuals develop a greater sense of self-awareness. Engaging in creative activities allows individuals to explore their emotions and experiences in a new way, gaining insight and perspective on their trauma. Creative activities are not only fun, but they can be an essential tool in the healing process. They help individuals move forward in their journey toward healing and recovery.

7. EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that uses rapid eye movements to help process traumatic memories. The therapy involves the use of bilateral stimulation. This can include eye movements, tapping, or sounds, while the individual recall traumatic memories. During EMDR, the individual is asked to focus on a traumatic memory while engaging in bilateral stimulation.

This process helps to reprocess the memory, reducing the emotional intensity of the traumatic experience. EMDR is effective in treating PTSD and other trauma-related disorders. Talking about trauma can be difficult; for some individuals, it may be triggering or re-traumatizing.

EMDR therapy provides an alternative way to process traumatic memories. It allows individuals to engage with their emotions in a safe and controlled manner. Research has shown that EMDR therapy can be particularly effective for individuals who struggle to talk about their traumatic experiences. This includes children and individuals with developmental disabilities.

It can also be helpful for individuals who have experienced multiple traumas or have a history of treatment-resistant PTSD. This is mainly because it helps people process their trauma in a non-verbal way, reducing the emotional intensity of the traumatic memory. EMDR is a safe and effective treatment option that can help individuals heal.

early trauma

Final Thoughts on Some Ways to Heal Early Trauma

Early trauma can have a profound and lasting impact on an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. However, there are many ways to address early trauma and promote healing. From seeking support from a therapist to trying treatments like EMDR, many effective methods exist to work through early trauma. It’s essential to recognize that healing from early trauma is a unique journey for everyone.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, finding the best treatment and support for you is essential. It may take time, patience, and perseverance to heal from early trauma, but it’s worth the effort. Individuals can learn to manage and cope with their trauma by working towards healing.

They can reduce the emotional intensity of traumatic memories and improve their overall quality of life. They can also break the cycle of trauma, preventing it from impacting future generations. It’s crucial to remember that healing is possible. You deserve the chance to live a fulfilling and joyful life. By acknowledging the impact of early trauma and taking steps toward healing, you can move forward with strength and resilience.

15 Self-Care Quotes to Increase Happiness

Self-care is essential to happiness, but many don’t slow down enough to make it happen. If you prioritize everything over yourself, it can lead to burnout.

You might work too much, prioritize others before yourself, or strive for impossible standards. Whatever prevents you from self-care can interfere with your well-being and hold you back. It leads to an unhealthy constant state of stress.

Prioritizing self-care begins with recognizing that you deserve your time. It requires self-love and appreciation and involves anything that provides rejuvenation. These quotes can help you acknowledge and remember that you must care for yourself to be happy.

Fifteen Self-Care Quotes to Bring You Happiness

You’ll be more productive and happier if you take a break and engage in self-care. You don’t need extended time because you’ll feel better whether you have 15 minutes, an hour, or a full day. These quotes can help you remember to prioritize self-care and find happiness.

self-care quotes

1 – “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Anne Lamott

Shutting off your electronics is one way to take care of yourself. Screen-free time will help you relax and reset your mind without interference.

2 – “If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you. It may not be easy, but it’s essential if you want your life to reflect your deepest desires, values, and needs.” – Cheryl Richardson

Taking care of yourself sometimes means disappointing others. You might hurt their feelings by prioritizing yourself, but it’s necessary for happiness. It might be hard, but you’ll be glad you did it.

3 – “Keep good company, read good books, love good things, and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.” – Louisa May Alcott

Self-care involves spending time with good people and doing what you enjoy. It also requires taking care of your physical and mental health. This quote can help you remember to make time for these things so you can experience joy.

4 – “Self care isn’t just treating yourself from time to time. It’s choosing peace during an argument. It’s not feeling guilty for saying “no.” It’s spending less time with negative people. It’s prioritizing mental health. It’s praying. It’s choosing not to take things personally.” – Kristen Butler

As Butler explains, self-care is an ongoing process. It isn’t about occasionally taking care of yourself but choosing to put yourself first.

happiness journal

5 – “When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen

Finding something that makes you feel good is a blessing you shouldn’t ignore. Setting aside time for it is one of the best ways to care for yourself. It’ll bring joy and help you release stress by clearing your mind.

6 – “Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” – Og Mandino

You are in control of your life, and when you recognize it, you’ll know that you can do what’s best for you. Do what it takes to find peace and happiness, including spending time with others. You’ll receive it in return if you’re with others and give them joy. Consciously put positivity into the world.

7 – “Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” – M. Scott Peck

If you don’t prioritize yourself, you’re not valuing who you are. It leads to not valuing your time or making the most of your life.

Once you put yourself first and focus on self-care, life improves. You’ll find more time to enjoy yourself, allowing you to do what you want. It also clears your mind and helps you be more productive.

8 – “Self-care equals success. You’re going to be more successful if you take care of yourself and you’re healthy.” – Beth Behrs

If success brings you happiness, you still must prioritize self-care. Taking care of yourself helps you focus on your tasks and experience more productivity. Focus on your mental and physical health and do things you love. It’ll help you achieve success while improving your overall well-being simultaneously.

9 – “The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” – C. Joybell C.

When you realize you’re holding yourself back, you can make necessary changes to improve the situation. Caring for yourself will help you move forward and do what’s best for you. Once you learn to love yourself, you’ll pull yourself out of the depth of your stress and struggles.


10 – “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep, loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

When you know beautiful people, you recognize how good they are. You can be one of those people because they have all experienced and overcome hardship.

Going through hard times helps you build an appreciation for life that encourages you to care for yourself. It fills you with so much positivity that you become the person you want to be. However, it requires moving forward and finding ways through hard times.

11 – “Grab a coffee. Journal your intentions. Get to work. Create miracles.” – Elyse Santilli

Journaling can sometimes help you clear your mind and focus on areas of your life you want to improve. It allows you to recognize your subconscious thoughts and determine what you need to do for yourself. Settle in with your journal and let your thoughts flow so you can create the life of your dreams.

12 – “You can’t always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.” – Wayne Dyer

While you can’t control everything around you, you can control your thoughts and how you handle them. This quote reminds you that you can always find ways to shift your mindset by caring for yourself.

13 – “People who love themselves come across as very loving, generous and kind; they express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness and inclusiveness.” – Sanaya Roman

Self-love allows you to be the kind of person you want to be. You’ll have more positivity and joy when you appreciate and care for yourself. It helps you care for others in a way that brings more happiness and peace.

14 – “Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.” – Princess Diana

When you care for yourself, you’ll be in a better place to care for others. If you don’t take time for self-care, you won’t be able to do everything you want for the people you love.

 15 – “Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” – Stephen Covey

If you do what’s best for yourself and show compassion as you learn, your life will improve. As Covey explains, it promotes self-growth that will make you feel good about your efforts. Take your time and prioritize rest as you work toward your goals.

Self-Care Ideas

You might think that watching your favorite TV shows after a long day is self-care, but it’s much more than that. Some self-care methods you can try include the following:

  • Make Sure To Meet Your Basic Needs: Getting enough sleep and nutrition is essential to your health. Before focusing on other areas of your life, you must care for yourself this way.
  • Have a Spa Night at Home: Your spa night can involve anything you enjoy in that setting. You can take a bubble bath while listening to music and enjoying a refreshing drink.
  • Get Outside: Spending time in nature and enjoying the fresh air can help clear your mind and reset your emotions. You can sit quietly in a park, hike, bike, or anything else that allows relaxing outside. Experts indicate that nature can improve your mental health, helping you take care of yourself better.
  • Spend Time With Positive People: Spending time with your closest friends and family can help you relax and find happiness. You can talk about your problems or engage in activities that take your mind off your stress.

self-care quotes

Final Thoughts on Self-Care Quotes to Increase Happiness

Self-care is about loving yourself and doing what’s best to keep you happy and healthy. You deserve this time and effort, and it’ll help you live the life you want. These quotes can help you remember to prioritize self-care and recognize why it’s necessary. You can do anything that allows you to relax and find happiness. Put yourself first and do what’s best for you if you want to achieve the life of your dreams.

Psychology Explains How The Grey Rock Method Can Beat a Narcissist

The grey rock method is a psychological strategy to protect yourself from narcissists and generally abusive people. Using the gray rock method involves acting indifferent and uninterested during interactions with the manipulative person so they stop bothering you.

As you repeat this behavior, they’ll lose interest once they realize the power dynamics have changed. Narcissists fuel their egos with attention, praise, and domination, making them powerless if you take that away.

Sadly, many narcissists prey on the kind, vulnerable people who want to help others. Once they get involved with an abusive person, they may not notice until weeks or months into the relationship. However, anyone can utilize the gray rock method to regain control of their lives and stop manipulation.

If you don’t show emotion and act unfazed by their behaviors, the thrill of undermining you will quickly wear off. They’ll become bored and dissatisfied once you show them you won’t tolerate their childish mind games anymore.

Using the grey rock method, you can shield yourself from the harmful effects of a narcissist and take your power back.

What is the Grey Rock Method?

As stated above, the grey rock method involves purposely acting unengaged and nonreactive to avoid confrontation with narcissists. They gain energy and power by attempting to control others, using mind games like gaslighting. However, they can only get inside your head if you allow them to manipulate your thoughts and feelings. When you know you hold all the power, their tactics will no longer prove effective.

grey rock method

Unfortunately, narcissistic abuse occurs far too often in many toxic relationships. Abusive people use strategies like emotional manipulation to devalue and demoralize their victims. For instance, they may call them hurtful names, exploit them to achieve specific goals or make them feel unvalued.

Narcissists also try to control others’ behavior and make their victims feel like they’re going crazy by manipulating their reality. The abuser will sow seeds of doubt, confusion, and uncertainty in the victim’s mind by making them question their perception and memories.

While trickling a narcissist is complex, the grey rock method can easily defeat them. Remember that all their power comes from the attention you give them. So, removing their energy source and destabilizing their sense of self will give you an advantage.

The Effects of Narcissistic Behavior

People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often wreak havoc on their victims’ lives. Not everyone with this disorder realizes they have a problem, so they may not recognize how it impacts others. Left untreated, those with NPD can inflict lasting psychological trauma on people close to them. Many people suffering from this disorder use gaslighting and devaluation to derail their victims’ mental health. After gaining their trust through “love bombing” and other insidious tactics, they show their true colors.

They expect everyone to care deeply for them but invalidate others’ emotions and experiences. Narcissists have inflated egos and only concern themselves with fulfilling personal desires, no matter the cost. They’re arrogant and entitled, believing they deserve the best treatment in every situation. They take advantage of people’s generosity and kindness and have no empathy, even if their behavior harms others.

Those with NPD are cunning and deliberate, but the grey rock method can empower you with tools to succeed. When you remember your worth, you no longer have to endure abuse from manipulative, insensitive people.

How to Use the Grey Rock Method

  1. The first step in utilizing the gray rock method involves boundary setting to minimize interactions with abusive people. For instance, you could give brief, one-word answers to their questions and limit your contact with them. If they text or call frequently, wait a few hours before responding to let them know they’re not a priority. Sticking to these boundaries will help you regain power and let go of relationships that no longer serve you.
  2. Use emotional regulation when dealing with narcissists so you avoid triggering them. For example, when they want to debate with you, avoid arguing with them at all costs. They will always look for opportunities to devalue and dominate you, but they can’t win if you don’t play the game. If you show no emotions around them, they can’t get the reaction they want from you.
  3. Another critical component of the grey rock method involves self-care, something we all need more of these days. That could look like seeking emotional support from friends and family, distancing yourself from the abusive person, and engaging in positive self-talk. Also, remember your worth and realize you don’t have to stay in a toxic relationship. It may seem difficult to leave at first, but you’ll feel a massive weight off your shoulders when you regain freedom and autonomy.

Why the Gray Rock Method Works

Studies on behavioral psychology prove the gray rock method works because of the concept of extinction. Concerning abusive behavior, it means the instigator will stop once their actions no longer have the expected effect. People respond to reward and punishment, and most desire to maximize the former while minimizing the latter. Therefore, if narcissist doesn’t feel rewarded for their behavior, they won’t have much incentive to continue.

So, the grey rock method works by reducing narcissistic supply, the fuel that inflames their egos. They will become bored and confused when they realize gaslighting and manipulation have no effect. However, some studies show this technique may backfire in some cases, causing the abuser to escalate their efforts temporarily.

Also called an extinction burst, this behavior may lead the narcissist to redouble their efforts in getting a reaction out of you. But, if you hold your ground, they will eventually become uninterested and distance themselves.

Common Pitfalls and Challenges

Recognizing the challenges involved with separating yourself from an abusive individual is essential. Many struggle to end relationships with manipulative people due to guilt and obligation. Either they believe they can fix the person’s issues or have a fear of retaliation.

If a narcissist shows signs of violence, the victim may feel unsafe abandoning the relationship. Or, perhaps they have difficulty ending contact with them due to trauma bonding, the attachment created between an abuser and their victim. Call the domestic violence hotline for support if you want to leave an abusive relationship but fear the consequences.

gray rock method

Final Thoughts on Healing From Narcissistic Abuse With the Grey Rock Method

Recognizing and dealing with abusive behavior is crucial before it causes long-lasting psychological trauma. Unfortunately, many suffer at the hands of narcissists and don’t know how to shield themselves from further damage. However, the grey rock method can make you an expert in reclaiming power from a narcissist and navigating toxic relationships with healthy boundaries. It involves shutting down abusive individuals by limiting contact and minimizing your responses to them.

By cutting off their power supply, they won’t have the energy and resources to exploit people. What you give attention to expands, so shift your energy to something or someone else and watch their authority diminish.

222 – Are You Seeing It Too?

Have you been seeing the angel number 222 lately? If so, your angels, spirit guides, or whatever you call them, have an important message to deliver.

Celestial beings often communicate with humans through numbers, songs on the radio, or even in dreams. They realize people understand life by deciphering patterns and making connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena.

Therefore, 222 represents synchronicity in the universe, and many people find great comfort in seeing this spiritual number. These numbers can offer them relief and solace if they’re going through a challenging time.

This angel number symbolizes harmony, balance, and interpersonal relationships in numerology. Since two represents duality, seeing repeating two’s often might mean you desire connection and oneness.

Read on to find out more about what 222 means for you, according to numerologists.

Here’s What It Means If You See 222 Frequently

Consider your surroundings if you notice 222 on road signs, billboards, or books, for example.

The universe wants you to slow down and become mindful of what’s happening in your life. Sometimes, we have so much going on that we forget to reflect on and assess our lives. Are we moving in the right direction or sleepwalking through life on autopilot?

That’s where spirit numbers like 222 come in to guide us on our unique journeys. If we haven’t been living consciously and carefully, the universe will send us a warning sign to change our habits. If you’ve noticed the number 222 popping up repeatedly, your guides may want to send the following messages.

angel number 222

1. Reevaluate your relationships if you see 222 often.

Since number two signifies unions and partnerships in numerology, it’s a positive omen for your relations. Many numerologists agree that 222 represents growth and transformation in relationships. Your romantic, familial, and platonic connections will flourish if you notice this angel number often.

Seeing 222 means the universe wants you to nurture your relationships and spend more quality time with loved ones. A new love interest might enter your life soon if you’re single. The number two symbolizes expansion and vulnerability, so keep your heart open and welcome positive connections.

To make space for healthy relationships, let go of toxic people that drag your energy down. Since you become the company you keep, it’s essential to surround yourself with uplifting people.

2. Create more balance between your work and home life.

Noticing this angel number often means you should find a balance between your personal and professional life. Unfortunately, many work longer hours than ever, making quality time for family and self-care difficult. But when our lives become unbalanced, we lose our inner peace, bliss, and sense of purpose. Your angel guides might get your attention by putting 222 in your path so you can regain balance.

Always remember that your life should not become one-sided, as putting too much emphasis on work will make you frazzled and unhappy. Your family, friendships, and health matter just as much, so set clear boundaries between work and home.

If you prioritize spiritual growth and relationships, you’ll have more energy to attend to life’s duties. After all, it requires a team effort to accomplish anything worthwhile in life. Family and friends’ support can enhance your mental health and provide a buffer against stress.

3. If you notice 222, you need to find harmony within.

It would help if you cherished all relationships, including the one you have with yourself. We often forget about nurturing and loving ourselves in this crazy life journey. However, we can’t pour from an empty cup, so balancing self-development and other duties is essential. If you see 222 frequently, this angel number may want you to look within and contemplate your true nature.

If you can find peace within, all the situations you encounter will improve and become less stressful. You’ll have more resilience and confidence to tackle the challenges that come your way.

low self-esteem

4. Trust your intuition and the divine order of things.

It’s challenging to surrender to the universe and accept everything we experience, whether positive or negative. However, numerologists say seeing 222 means trusting your heart to lead the way. Your intuition doesn’t lie, so it’s essential to listen to your gut instead of others’ opinions. The universe speaks to you through your intuition, and it will guide you down the right path.

There’s a reason for everything, so don’t question the universe, even if life seems chaotic and unpredictable. You’ll find lasting peace if you can perform all your duties with a balanced mind and calm heart. Don’t desire or resist; flow with life, and everything will unfold as it should.

5. Rely more on your reason than emotions when making decisions.

In numerology, 222 symbolizes logic and reason, so use your head more if you see this angel number. That doesn’t mean you should ignore or neglect your emotions, but try to strike a healthy balance between the two. Relying solely on your feelings may get you into trouble since this will cloud your judgment.

Seeing this angel number means you should assess whether your decisions have brought you closer to success. If you continue falling short of your goals, you should step back and reflect on your choices. Let your emotions settle before making significant decisions, and be patient when working toward your dream. Progress might seem slow, but everything worthwhile takes time to manifest.

angel number 222

Final Thoughts on Seeing the Angel Number 222

Numerologists believe that 222 represents positive relationships, progress, and balance. If you see this repeating number often, you’ll notice transformation and growth in every facet of life. In numerology, two signifies harmony and intuition, so slow down and listen to your higher self.

Most repeating numbers symbolize inner development in some way, reminding you to quiet your mind and tune into your heart. While 222 also represents logic, you should always try to find an equilibrium between emotions and reason.

The heart holds the highest wisdom, so trust it the next time you see 222. Have faith in the universe, and remember you’re a vital part of this cosmic show!

16 Behaviors That Reveal a Pathological Liar

When someone lies without a logical reason, it could indicate a pathological liar. You might not always know they are lying to you, but there are signs you can watch for. Knowing the signs can help you recognize a pathological liar in your life so you can handle the situation.

While most people tell white lies or stretch the truth, it doesn’t typically become habitual. On the other hand, a pathological liar lies frequently and might experience a compulsion to do it. They can’t stop lying, even when it creates problems.

These people lie about anything, and it doesn’t always cause issues. They also do it to avoid trouble or make themselves look better. However, sometimes it is harmful, so it’s best to know what to look for.

Sixteen Signs of a Pathological Liar

Some of the behaviors you might notice include the following:

pathological liar

1 – Their Behavior Doesn’t Match Their Words

Pathological liars often contradict themselves through their actions. They’ll say things that don’t align with their lifestyle, or you’ll catch them doing something they talk down on.

2 – They Have No Remorse

They won’t show any remorse when their lies cause issues or hurt someone. They don’t feel bad and will continue telling lies despite the fallout.

3 – Defensive Behavior When Confronted

They might become overly defensive if someone calls them out on a lie or corrects them. Sometimes they’ll even claim you’re lying, even when you have proof, or blame someone else.

4 – They Take Credit for Other People’s Stories

When pathological liar hears an exciting story from someone else, they’ll pass it off as their own. They want to seem important because they know something others don’t, so they tell it themselves and take credit. Sometimes they’ll do this to make it seem like they’ve personally been through something they haven’t.

5 – They Don’t Seem to Care About Getting Caught in a Lie

If someone isn’t uncomfortable or concerned about getting caught, it’s a good sign they do it often. Studies show that it becomes easier for someone to lie when they do it frequently. The more often they do it, the easier it gets.

6 – Adding Extensive Details

You can often recognize a lie when someone adds extensive detail to their story. They embellish to make their lie seem more believable.

7 – They Love to Talk About Themselves

Unless they’re bashing someone, a pathological liar mostly talks about themselves. They lie to make themselves look good, so talking about themselves is their favorite topic.

You’ll notice that they constantly talk about extravagant stories that make them look funny, intelligent, or heroic. They want everyone to view them in a specific way, and each of their stories will help them portray it.

8 – Lying Without Reason

If someone lies without reason, they’re likely a pathological liar. It’ll be hard to believe anything they say when they can’t tell the truth about things that don’t matter.

9 – They Play the Victim Card

Pathological liars love gaining sympathy, so they’ll often make themselves out to be a victim. They make it seem like they’re always taken advantage of so people will feel bad for them. Each challenge they go through becomes a big deal, with them being the victim.

10 – Their Story Changes

When someone constantly changes their story, it’s clear that they’re not telling the truth. They can’t remember every lie they’ve said, so they’ll eventually slip up and show inconsistencies.

11 – A Pathological Liar Will Often Tell Highly Unlikely Stories

A liar will tell dramatic stories highly unlikely to happen in real life. When you’ve heard a few too many of these stories from the same person, it’s a good sign they’re lying pathologically.

12 – They Love to Gossip as Well as Lying

Pathological liars love to tell exciting stories and embellish them. You’ll notice that they gossip about everyone, even those they are closest to.

Sometimes you’ll learn that someone knows something about you that you didn’t tell them. Consider the person who would have shared this information because it might be a pattern.

13 – Vaguely Answering Questions

If you ask the person a direct question, they might be vague when they respond. They won’t want to answer directly because they’re worried about what you know. A liar will also be vague when the situation didn’t happen because they weren’t in the experience they’re discussing.

14 – They Have Frequent Issues with People in Their Life

Losing friends often and having tense relationships with their family members indicates an issue. They might also have problems with people at work, leading to losing their job. There could be other reasons, but it can be a sign of pathological lying.

15 – A Pathological Liar Can’t Be Happy for Anyone Else

You might notice that the person is highly competitive and wants to win at anything. They won’t celebrate the success of others and often downplay someone’s accomplishments.

16 – Everything Sounds Perfect

Everything liars talk about will sound perfect if they want it to. When you notice their story has a hint of perfection, you can question whether they’re telling the truth.


What Causes a Pathological Liar?

Pathological lying, or pseudologia phantastica, occurs when someone compulsively lies without an apparent reason. When someone lies at least five times daily for more than six months, it means they’re a pathological liar.

This compulsion typically begins during adolescence or young adulthood and can stem from mental health conditions. More specifically, it can occur because of the following:

Head Trauma or Central Nervous System Abnormalities

Studies show that central nervous system abnormalities can lead to being a pathological liar. These abnormalities include:

  • epilepsy
  • abnormal electrical brain activity
  • head trauma
  • infection

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Those with narcissistic personality disorder often say untrue things to improve their social status or gain sympathy. It also allows them to maintain a false sense of self or avoid trouble. They’ll likely lie to get something out of someone, too.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Those with borderline personality disorder also might compulsively lie. This person typically does it to gain acceptance and avoid rejection.

Brain and Spinal Cord Irregularities

Experts indicate that pathological liars have more white matter in the prefrontal cortex of their brains than others. It could be this way because increased white matter correlates with advanced cognition and an improved ability to deceive others.

Childhood Trauma May Cause a Pathological Liar

Being neglected or abused as a child can lead to pathological lying. It often indicates unmet needs, and they lied to get love and reassurance or to cope. They may have also grown up believing they aren’t good enough, so they hide some things and embellish others.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Goes Hand in Hand With Lying

Pathological lying can occur in someone with antisocial personality disorder. These people often lie, sometimes causing potentially dangerous situations. They also lie to manipulate or exploit others.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

This condition involves frequent lying because the person wants to appear sick. They’ll also do it to make people think someone they care for is ill.

How to Handle a Pathological Liar

Dealing with a pathological liar is hard, and confrontation typically won’t get you anywhere. They’ll deny their lies, so you must find other ways to handle it.

You can’t ignore it because having a relationship with someone who constantly lies is hard. It breaks trust and can cause hurt, anger, and confusion. Some of the ways you can handle it include:

End the Conversation With a Pathological Liar

When you recognize someone lying to you, one option is to stop talking to them. You might want to argue with them about their lies, but it won’t get you anywhere. They’ll often stick to their story even if you can prove the lie.

Don’t Take the Lying Personally

The person lying to you isn’t singling you out. They will lie to everyone, so try not to take it personally.

Set Boundaries With a Pathological Liar

Consider setting boundaries if you want to maintain a relationship with this person. Clarify what you will and won’t accept, and tell them what will happen if they can’t respect it.

Don’t Let a Pathological Liar Get to You

You’ll likely be annoyed or frustrated, but try to release the negative feelings. It won’t help the situation, so put yourself first and maintain your mental health by staying calm.

Trust Yourself

Dealing with a liar can make you question yourself, but you must go with your gut. Don’t hesitate to fact-check what the person tells you to confirm reality if it helps.

Suggest Therapy for a Pathological Liar

Depending on your relationship with the person, you can suggest they attend therapy to get help. If you don’t have a close relationship with them, this idea might not help. However, if you have a personal connection, it could be helpful. You can find resources before suggesting therapy so they know you want to help them.

pathological liar

Final Thoughts on Behaviors Revealing a Pathological Liar

Once you know what to look for, you can recognize a pathological liar in your life. It’s a frustrating experience, but you can handle it positively. Set boundaries and trust yourself if someone frequently lies to you. You can also talk to a therapist to help you learn how to deal with it.

15 Quotes for Better Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health is essential to your health and well-being. If you don’t overcome the negative emotions, you can experience detrimental feelings that prevent you from living your life. Mental health quotes can help you find comfort and encouragement on hard days. These inspiring quotes can help you overcome hardship and alleviate your negative feelings.

When you feel like your mental health is overtaking your life, these quotes can help you. Remembering these words of wisdom can help you work through your feelings and find positivity or ways to work through the emotions.

Fifteen Quotes for Better Mental Health

Your mental health affects nearly every aspect of your life. The CDC explains that it impacts your psychological, social, and emotional well-being. They also found that more than 50% of people will receive a mental illness or disorder diagnosis.

With that being the case, these quotes can help you. Remember them or write them down to recall them in moments of hardship.

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1 – “There is no normal life that is free of pain. It’s the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.” – Fred Rogers

As Rogers explains, everyone experiences pain and hardship, but it’s necessary for growth. If you want self-improvement, you must use your problems as a growing point. It’ll teach you things and build your strength, helping you overcome this situation and the next.

2 – “I cannot stand the words ‘Get over it’. All of us are under such pressure to put our problems in the past tense. Slow down. Don’t allow others to hurry your healing. It is a process, one that may take years, occasionally, even a lifetime – and that’s OK.” – Beau Taplin

When someone tells you to get over your problems, it doesn’t help. It only pressures you to put your issues in the past, even when you haven’t healed. Healing is a process, so you must be patient with yourself and take the time you need.

Allow yourself to live through the process. Despite those who tell you to get over it, you deserve to take time to heal.

It takes various amounts of time for everyone, so don’t hesitate to give yourself as much time as you need. Allowing yourself to go through the healing process at your pace helps you improve your mental health.

3 – “The advice I’d give to somebody that’s silently struggling is, you don’t have to live that way. You don’t have to struggle in silence, you can be un-silent. You can live well with a mental health condition, as long as you open up to somebody about it, because it’s really important you share your experience with people so that you can get the help that you need.” – Demi Lovato

Mental health issues can overwhelm your life, but you don’t have to let them. You also don’t have to go through your struggles alone. As Lovato explains, talking to others about your thoughts and feelings can help.

There are plenty of people dealing with the same thing you are, so don’t be silent about it. When you speak up, you’ll not only help yourself but potentially help those around you. Talk to those around you, and don’t be afraid to discuss how you feel or how it affects your life.

4 – “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go; they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

You might be in a bad mental state, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Where you start doesn’t determine where you’ll go.

This quote can remind you that no matter how bad things seem right now, they will get better. That thought alone can improve your mental health and help you feel better as you overcome obstacles.

5 – “Just remember, you are not alone, in fact, you are in a very commonplace with millions of others. We need to help each other and keep striving to reach our goals.” – Mike Moreno

Remembering that you’re not the only one going through mental health issues can help you feel better. It reminds you that you aren’t alone and that there are others out there who can help you. With help, you can reach every goal, living a fulfilling life that makes you happy.

6 – “You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.” – Lori Deschene

You might think you must constantly be positive when overcoming mental health issues. This quote reminds you that you don’t have to live that way. You’ll feel negative emotions, and it’s okay.

When you have negative emotions, this quote can help you remember that it doesn’t define you. It can help you feel better as you work through and overcome your feelings. You’re human, so you’ll experience a wide range of feelings. Acknowledging it can help you experience these emotions and then release them as you work through them.

7 – “You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” – Dan Millman

When experiencing mental health issues, you won’t always be able to control your thoughts. That’s okay because it’s normal to have intrusive thoughts when you’re going through a hard time.

This quote reminds you that you control your life regardless of your feelings. Your mental health is only part of you, and the thoughts and feelings don’t have to consume your daily life.


8 – “Mental health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but, importantly, YOU ARE NOT THE RAIN.” – Matt Haig

Your mental health doesn’t define you; the realization will help you reach a better place. You experience mental health issues and the feelings that accompany it. It doesn’t mean that’s who you are or how you should get described. Let yourself feel the pain and negativity, and then keep moving forward because it’s not who you are.

9 – “My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.” – Emery Lord

You are strong enough to get through any obstacle you experience. Whether your hardship made you strong or forced you to prove that you already are, you can overcome anything. Remember this quote when you’re struggling because it can help you release negative thinking and move forward.

10 – “I would say what others have said: It gets better. One day, you’ll find your tribe. You just have to trust that people are out there waiting to love you and celebrate you for who you are. In the meantime, the reality is you might have to be your own tribe. You might have to be your own best friend. That’s not something they’re going to teach you in school. So start the work of loving yourself.” – Wentworth Miller

Your negative thoughts and mental health issues can make you feel things won’t improve, but they will. You’ll keep persevering until you realize you’ve found what you want. It happens when you find people who want what’s best for you and are willing to help you through your hard times.

11 – “Slow breathing is like an anchor in the midst of an emotional storm: the anchor won’t make the storm go away, but it will hold you steady until it passes.” – Russ Harris

Practicing deep breathing techniques can help you through hard times. You might feel like you won’t make progress, but focusing on your breathing can help you until the obstacle passes. It might not help you overcome the hardship, but it can help you survive until it passes.

12 – “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.” – Joubert Botha

The people in your life don’t have to understand what you’re going through. It’s your journey to experience, and it’s up to you to understand your hardship.

13 – “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” – John Green

When you’re dealing with a mental health crisis, you might feel like there isn’t any hope left. This quote can remind you that there’s always hope, no matter how you’re feeling.

14 – “Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.” – Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy

When you can be yourself, you’ll be happier and feel more fulfilled. Don’t pretend to be who others want you to be or you’ll feel like you’re not living for yourself.

15 – “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh

Remember this quote when things get complex and mental health issues threaten to get the best of you. You are strong, brave, and smart, and you can get through anything that comes your way.

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Final Thoughts on Quotes for Better Mental Health

Your mental health can often get the best of you if you don’t know how to handle it. However, you can find ways to improve your mental health, and these quotes can help.

Reading quotes for better mental health can make a difference and improve your overall well-being. You’ll find more meaning and fulfillment when you find ways to release negative energy and replace it with positivity. These inspirational quotes can make all the difference in helping you recognize and overcome the issues.

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