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15 Things to Tell Your Partner That Will Make Them Fall In Love Again

When you first fall in love, everything is bliss. But relationships aren’t just perpetual rainbows, butterflies, and happy feelings. If you and your partner aren’t putting an effort into keeping the sparks ignited and the love alive, the whole relationship could stagnate into an unsatisfying stalemate.

Even with a busy schedule, all it takes is a little extra effort and a few kind words to make your partner fall in love with you all over again. Showering your special someone with compliments and considerate phrases will surely give your relationship a boost.

Words have a lot of power. Used right, they show a partner that you truly love them and aren’t taking them for granted. It can help them feel loved, safe, and happy. And it makes your connection better! Here are some things to tell your partner that will make them fall in love with you all over again.

Here Are 15 Things To Tell Your Partner That Will Make Them Fall In Love Again

“A great relationship is all about falling in love with the same person over and over again.” – Unknown

1.    “You’re so good at…”

Compliments seem like sweet nothings, but they can actually be very, very effective. Just taking a little time out to tell your partner that they’re doing great work can be incredibly rewarding for them. You’re acknowledging their efforts and their hard work!

You can also use these words to bolster your partner’s confidence. If there’s something you know your partner feels insecure about, say something nice to them.

For example, if your partner thinks they’re a bad cook and you like the meals they make, say so! Or tell them they’re improving when they do well. You get to support them, and they might just fall in love all over again.

Studies have even shown that compliments cause people to perform better at tasks. This means telling your partner they do a great job at an activity means they’ll return even better, more positive results the next time they do that activity!

2.    “We’re in this together.”

Couples will go through all sorts of ups and downs in their lives. When you’re in it for the long run, the occasional bad time is sure to pass.

There may have been a death in your partner’s family. They might become seriously ill. They might face financial troubles, or lose a job. Don’t let them forget, through it all, that you love them and are cheering them on.

When you stand side by side with your partner and tell them you’re in this with them, they understand that you will stick by their side even during the worst of times. And if that won’t make someone fall in love again, what will?

3.    “Thank you for…”

Positive reinforcement is often all two parties need to encourage the other to do somewhat less enjoyable tasks.

  • Did your partner do the dishes?
  • Maybe they took out the trash?
  • Or maybe they’ve been working really hard to understand what you need when you’re stressed out?

All these efforts may seem little, but these are significant actions performed by a partner. So don’t forget to thank them! Be specific about why you’re grateful. Thank them for doing the laundry. Tell them you appreciate that they took time to understand your anger and remain gracious. Thank them for buying flowers.

Most of all, don’t neglect to make your partner feel appreciated. Assure them that you notice what they do and value their presence in your life!

4.    “You look amazing!”

Everything’s fine and dandy when you’re in the prime of youth. But as you grow older, insecurities may grow, too. You and your partner might notice extra wrinkles, a little more flab, or, simply, more signs of age.

Compliments about appearance might seem shallow, but they can greatly boost someone’s confidence. Show your partner that you are still attracted to them with meaningful statements, such as:

  • You’re so handsome.
  • Wow, you’re gorgeous!
  • You look beautiful.
  • When you walk into the room, I can’t help but stare.

Don’t forget to give these compliments even when your partner isn’t all dressed up. If you find them attractive as they lie on the couch in sweats, tell them. This shows that you’re truly attracted to the very essence of them and their looks, not just who they try to be. They’ll fall in love with you all over again!

5.    “What can I do to help?”

Selflessness is vital in relationships. You want to show your partner that you can put their needs above yours. So when they’re stressed out, busy, or buried in piles of work, try asking how you can be of assistance.

Asking how you can help improve your partner’s day shows them that you truly care. You want to make them feel as good as they possibly can. What a wonderful message to send to a loved one!

6.    “I’m proud of you.”

Sometimes, your partner may not feel like they’re doing a great job. Let them know that you believe they are.

  • Say you’re proud of them for the work they do.
  • Express your amazement at their skills.
  • A little honest flattery goes a long way!

In addition, if you’re proud of your partner’s accomplishments, don’t be shy about bragging about them to others. Telling others how amazing your partner is will assure the one you love that you want to show them off. It’s a wonderful feeling that will make them fall in love with you once more!

7.    “I’ve got your back.”

Feeling like your partner doesn’t support you can be an awful experience. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your partner is aware that you always have their back. No matter what comes for them, you’ll be standing right there, ready to fight with them.

Being in a relationship is like being in a team. You have to be there for each other, no matter what. Telling your partner that you are in it till the end and following through on your word is one of the most beautiful things you can do for them.

8.    “How are you?” or “How was your day?”

A busy schedule can keep partners away. Whenever you’re able to …

  • Touch base and ask your partner how their day went.
  • If you’re both hurrying by, check to ask how they are doing.
  • Listen to their answers, understand them, and empathize or sympathize to show you care.

This can mean a lot to a partner and make their entire day. It can remind them that you care about them and want to know about their well-being. According to NBC, this is a crucial form of positive communication in any relationship. It keeps you connected – and you might just fall in love more the more you do it.

9.    “This reminded me of you!”

Telling your partner that you are thinking of them is incredibly romantic. Send them a love song or poem that reminds you of them. Send them a random text during the day to say you’ve been missing them. It makes all the difference and can boost their mood and positive thinking.

See something in a store that makes you think of your partner? Take a picture and let them know! Even if you don’t buy the trinket, you’re telling your partner that they are on your mind. It doesn’t always have to something romantic; it can be funny, too. It’s a surefire way to make them fall in love with you just like they did before!

10. “I did this for you, so you don’t have to worry!”

Whittling down someone’s to-do list can take a huge load off their shoulders. It’s also a physical way to prove your love to someone. Anyone can say words. Actions always speak louder. When you’re able to tell a partner what you’ve done to help them, it’s a glorious, positive combination!

Make the effort to do something your partner usually has to do. Or, if you know there’s an errand they have to run, do it in their stead and surprise them. It’s thoughtful, wholesome, and a great way to make them smile.

11. “I trust you.”

Trust is so crucial in a good relationship. When you tell your partner you trust them, you’re explaining that you respect their judgment. You’re saying your faith is in them as they make big decisions that may affect you both. It’s an uplifting and powerful message to send.

12. “I’m sorry.”

According to Ohio State University, there is a right way to apologize effectively. If you need to help your partner forgive you (and hopefully fall in love with you again), follow these simple steps:

  • Express your regret for your mistake.
  • Explain the mistake you made.
  • Acknowledge that that mistake is your responsibility.
  • State that you are sorry.
  • Offer a way to make it up to them.
  • Ask for forgiveness.

Apologizing when you’ve made a mistake shows that you are mature. It proves that your relationship is more important than your pride. And of course, it makes for healthier communication and trust when you own your errors and strive to improve.

13. “I can’t imagine a life without you.”

This is a great way to tell your partner how much you love them. You’re saying that your life would be incomplete without their presence. It’s incredibly romantic while still being real and meaningful. It also sets a precedent for a long-term relationship that you both desire.

14. “I’m so happy I’m growing old with you.”

When you grow old with a partner, you’re truly choosing them for life. You’re content to go grey together and see each other through the best and worst. This decision involves more than just happiness and positive thinking.

This phrase is sure to make your partner fall in love with you all over again. Why? It shows that you know what true love is. You’re putting togetherness and a future together first, and affirming it as part of your life plan. It’s a very precious thought to share!

fall in love

15. “I love you.”

These are just three words in a very common phrase, and yet the statement says so much. These words are where you began your committed journey together, right? Without true meaning behind this phrase, the relationship can’t continue. So, don’t be afraid to say it.

Never let a day go by without telling your partner you love them. This solidifies that no matter what happens, through thick and thin, the love on which you built your relationship will remain, and it will stay strong.

Final Thoughts On Things To Tell Your Partner That Will Make Them Fall In Love Again

Don’t underestimate the power of a good compliment, statement, or expression of love. Just saying the right thing can make someone’s entire day, so why not harness that power in your love life?

Different people will respond differently to a variety of phrases. Don’t be afraid to try them all out and learn which ones really make your partner grin from ear to ear. By telling your partner these things, you’ll help keep the love alive and, in all likelihood, they’ll fall for you all over again.

10 Ways To Release The Pain Of Loving Someone You Can’t Be With

Loving someone evokes the most powerful and wonderful feelings but being in love might also hurt people almost unbearably. As they say, love is an intense feeling that cannot be tamed. The heart will love anyone it chooses, even if it’s the person you cannot be with.

Anyone who has developed an attraction and fondness for another person might have gone through this painful experience of loving someone they can’t have. A thousand love songs have been written about unrequited love.

According to a study in the Sage Journals, unrequited love is someone’s idea of romantic love and not true love. The pursuit of unrequited love is a high-stakes gamble that often yields unsatisfactory results like embarrassment, failure, and lowered self-esteem.

Unrequited love commonly happens during one’s teenage or young adult years. The pain of this love can be truly intense. However, even mature adults experience the same intensity of rejection and frustration of loving someone they cannot be with. So, how can release yourself from this pain?

10 Ways To Release The Pain Of Loving Someone You Can’t Be With

“It’s hard to admit when you have fallen in love with someone who can’t be yours.” – Unknown

loving someone

1.    Don’t deny the pain, but allow yourself to grieve.

It’s common to feel like you’ve lost someone when it finally hits that you cannot have that person in your life. Loving someone who cannot love you back is still a loss, even if you’ve never had a true relationship in the first place.

So, give yourself the time to grieve, not just for the love you’ve never had but also for the ideals, hopes, and aspirations you formed when you thought this person would be with you. Everything you’ve felt for this person, including the pain you’re going through now, are real, normal, and healthy human feelings. Don’t deny your grief even if you sometimes feel pathetic by falling for someone you can’t have.

You’re likely going through the grief of unrequited love more than once in your life but don’t fret. You’ll be more positive and much better for it because unreciprocated love can teach you a lot about yourself. It can shape you into the best person you can be for someone who will deserve the kind of love you give.

2.    Protect your heart by not giving your all.

If you’re still running in the same circle as this person who cannot love you back, the chances of getting over them might be more challenging. You might tell yourself you can still be friends and keep a platonic and civil relationship. But you must muster the strength to protect your heart and save your sanity.

You might be willing to do anything for this person you cannot be with because of your immense love. It’s understandable to want to show this person that you care for them as a friend. You want to be available if they need a listening ear or when they want to unload their frustrations.

But if all you talk about are the things going on in their life, you’ll open yourself for more pain and hurt by being too accessible. For instance, it won’t be healthy if you’re planning a birthday surprise for the love of their life. It’s like you’ve laid your heart on the road for a herd of animals to trample over.

So, protect yourself and give boundaries. Don’t be too available for this person you cannot have. They will surely not be available when you need them the most.

3.    Avoid situations that will hurt you.

One way to protect yourself from this unrequited love is to avoid situations that you know will hurt and make you unhappy. If you’ve been invited to a dinner party and you know that the person you cannot be with and their paramour will be there, you can choose to turn the invitation down.

If you’re not ready to face them together, why subject yourself to the agony and torture of seeing the person you love with the person they love? There will be other dinner parties you can join if you’re no longer vulnerable about this situation.

You’ve got to isolate yourself from this bubble and limit your interactions with this person. Try to do the following:

  • Stop checking their social media account.
  • Short of unfriending them, you can unfollow or hide them from your feed.
  • Don’t ask common friends about them.
  • Don’t be in places where you know you’ll run into them and their partner unless it’s unavoidable (if you work on the same floor, for example).

Isolation will help to keep them out of your sight. If they’re out of your sight, then it’s easy to keep them out of your mind.

4.    Find a creative outlet to divert all that energy.

The pain of loving someone you can’t have might drive you crazy but you can use that energy in productive and positive ways. Why not look for a hobby or a creative outlet to focus on and keep your mind off the ideals of love running through your head? Instead of hopelessly wallowing at home, wishing things would be different, pursue something you’ve had been planning to do.

Your heart might be crushed to pieces but you can divert your mind to a process that will help with your healing. Some people turn to writing or journaling to process feelings of rejection. Others immerse themselves at work, improve their performance, and impress their bosses.

5.    Accept the situation and give up finding closure.

Sometimes, some things are best left unsaid and unresolved. Your best option is to accept the situation and move on from it. As Grammy-winning singer Adele sang in “Chasing Pavements,” finding closure will be pointless.

It’s difficult to accept that love is unrequited. You naturally want to look for hints that the person was into you. But what if you can’t find the proof? What if there’s really no evidence they loved you? You’ll end up getting crushed again, as the song’s message stated. Choosing to accept this can help you move on.

6.    Look to your support system for comfort.

In times of despair, it helps to surround yourself with a solid group of friends who will lift you up. Friends can bring a positive vibe to your temporary sad state. They help empower you when you’re feeling vulnerable.

  • Talking to your friends about what happened will ease the burden and the pain.
  • Hearing their encouraging words can help you gain life lessons or advice to rationalize what you’re going through.
  • When you understand the situation from other people’s perspectives, you’ll gain more knowledge and insight about yourself and your own experiences.
  • Sometimes, you might not even have to talk about what happened. Simply having your friend’s company helps you not to feel alone.
  • You will also need to experience the crazy antics of your friends to make you laugh.

It’s easy to descend into anxiety or depression if you don’t have a sound support system. It will be hard to release the pain of loving someone you can’t have if you isolate yourself from other people.

Which brings this next tip…

loving someone

7.    Go out on a date.

Going on a date might be the last thing you’d like to do after getting rejected but this is actually a good time to explore your options without feeling the pressure.

You know you’re still vulnerable and not yet ready to get your heart crushed again, so this date isn’t about finding a lifetime partner. Rather, it is about enjoying yourself and having a good time with a new person who could potentially be in your life for the long haul.

Why mope at home when you can have fun? Loving someone you can’t have hurts but your life will truly change if you see this new opportunity as a door to a possibility. You might find your one true love if you opened yourself up to date other people.

8.    Realize that it was not really worth it.

If you’ve already been involved with someone you can’t be with and the affair ended for good, consider this a blessing. The secrecy of your “relationship” might have made it feel right then, but that is not necessarily true.

Passionate sparks can and do fly in relationships that are illicit and forbidden. But what if they decided to pick you and make your relationship permanent? Chances are you could get cheated on too and be in despair all over again.

Besides, if you’re in love with someone you can’t be with, this unavailable partner will unlikely introduce you to their friends or siblings. If you can’t be open about a relationship, then it’s not worth keeping. You won’t be satisfied and happy with this arrangement long-term. It’s a good thing it’s over because the uncertainty of this kind of relationship will hurt more than any heartbreak you’ll experience.

9.    Stop with your harmful self-judgment.

You’ll feel a spectrum of rejection, shame, and maybe even guilt for loving someone you can’t be with. However, choose to let go of the self-judgment so you can heal from this experience.

You might have learned a lesson the hard way but realize that nobody makes perfect choices in their life. So, go easy on yourself, and don’t blame your heart for loving someone.

10. Practice self-care.

Amidst all this, you’ve got to give yourself “me time.” Be generous with that self-care. This will help bring back the positive feelings and confidence that might have been lost when self-judgment took over. Self-care is a great coping mechanism for letting go of the pain.

loving someone

Final Thoughts On Ways To Release The Pain Of Loving Someone You Can’t Be With

Is there hope at the end of the tunnel? When you’re down about love, it doesn’t seem like there’s a bright future ahead. But this isn’t a hopeless situation if you really think about.

Bigger things can still happen when you let go of that person you can’t be with. Now there will be room in your heart for the true love of your life you’re yet to meet.

Researchers Reveal How BPA Free Plastic Is Still Dangerous to Your Health

Plastic is used in products ranging from shampoo bottles to automotive parts to almost everything in between. Without plastic, we wouldn’t have a lot of the products that we use on a daily basis. However, not only is plastic destroying the Earth, but it’s also harming our health in various ways. BPA free plastic has been marketed as being safer than plastics containing BPA.

Recent research has uncovered, however, why this type of plastic can still harm your health. We’ll go over the various health concerns of BPA free plastic below, as well as some safer alternatives.

What is BPA?

Bisphenol A, or BPA, is an industrial chemical commonly found in resins and some types of plastic. In the 1950s, scientists discovered that BPA, mixed with other compounds, produces resilient polycarbonate plastics. Soon after this discovery, BPA production exploded. Companies started producing reusable water bottles, plastic plates, sippy cups, grocery receipts, liners in canned foods, and even feminine hygiene products using BPA.

However, when people drank from a water bottle containing BPA or microwaved their dinner in a plastic container, small amounts of BPA leached from the containers into their food and drink. BPA is so pervasive that in a 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 93 percent of the 2,517 people tested had detectable levels of BPA in their urine.

In research performed in the past couple decades, scientists have found that BPA can disrupt hormones by mimicking estrogen. Due to its estrogen-like shape, BPA can bind to estrogen receptors. This can affect bodily functions such as growth, reproduction, and energy levels. Since hormones regulate pretty much everything in our bodies, these findings are disturbing, to say the least.

Due to this research, public pressure caused companies to abandon BPA in their products. Many companies started manufacturing BPA free items instead. However, the regulations are a bit lax, as the FDA only bans the compound from use in baby bottles, sippy cups, and infant formula packaging. According to the FDA website: “Studies pursued by FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) have shown no effects of BPA from low-dose exposure.”

Many companies have chosen to voluntarily stop using BPA in their products.  The issue is that BPA free plastic can still cause plenty of problems. The following study illustrates what happens to mice exposed to BPA free plastic.

The study

The study led by geneticist Patricia Hunt of Washington State University was originally designed to test the reproductive effects of BPA on mice. The mice were put inside of BPA free plastic cages and separated into two groups. The first group received doses of BPA through a dropper while the second group got nothing.

The experiment didn’t go as planned, as the control group started showing signs of genetic issues. The differences between the control data and the test group disappeared. Though it took a bit of time to discover why this occurred, researchers found that some of the plastic caging got damaged. As a result, it began leaching bisphenol S (BPS), an alternative to BPA.

Hunt recalled that 20 years ago, she had discovered the same problem with BPA in polycarbonate mouse cages. Now her study of the effects of BPA alternatives points to the same reproductive issues discovered in the mice exposed to BPA.

Of course, humans are much bigger than mice, so the impact on us might not be as severe, but the preliminary research suggests that BPA free plastic is not totally safe. The study also uncovers a larger issue in the use of commercial compounds. When chemicals deemed dangerous for humans and other animals are taken off the market, they’re often replaced by other chemicals that act similarly in our bodies and cause comparable health concerns. Researchers believe that chemicals need stricter regulations based on scientific studies about various compounds.

The Truth About BPA Free Plastic

Since manufacturers stopped using BPA in most products, scientists have had a hard time keeping track of all the alternatives: BPS, BPF, BPAF, BPZ, BPP, BHPF, and more. As you can see, all of these alternatives still have the compound bisphenol in their structure, making them only slightly different than BPA. Hunt says that these BPA replacements can interfere with the beginning stages of the reproductive process.

Both mice and humans normally get one copy of genetic material from each parent. They then connect parts of each to form the chromosome they pass down to the next generation. Hunt and her team of researchers found that both BPA and BPA free plastic could interfere with this process so severely that sperm counts in males and egg quality in females could eventually decrease. This would impact future generations as well.

Though more research needs to be done regarding the impacts of BPA free plastic on humans, scientists seem concerned about its effects. Other studies in the past year have also portrayed the possible hazards associated with BPA free plastic.

Alternatives to BPA might be just as ubiquitous. Some studies show that an estimated 81% of Americans have tested positive for BPS. A 2013 study showed that even small amounts of BPS can disrupt cellular functioning.

Some research has also found that BPS may pose even more of a threat than BPA in accelerating embryonic neural growth, which can lead to hyperactivity later in life. Furthermore, BPS has been found to induce heart arrhythmias in female rats and disrupt calcium channels due to its estrogenic properties. Bisphenol-F (BPF), another replacement for BPA, causes many of the same issues as BPA in human and animal research. More studies need to be done on these alternatives.

Common Products That Contain BPA and its Alternatives

Now that you know the risks of BPA free plastic, we’ll go over some common products that contain these harmful plastics.

  • Items in plastic containers
  • Canned foods
  • Toiletries
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Thermal printer receipts
  • CDs and DVDs
  • Household electronics
  • Eyeglass lenses
  • Sports equipment
  • Dental filling sealants

As you can see, steering clear of BPA and alternate forms of it can be challenging. In order to minimize your exposure to BPA, try doing the following:

  • Minimize your consumption of packaged foods. Eat mostly fresh, whole foods that aren’t packed in plastic. If you do eat foods packaged in plastic or cans, avoid those labeled with recycling numbers 3, 6, or 7 or the letters “PC.”
  • Drink from glass bottles instead of plastic ones, and buy glass baby bottles instead of plastic.
  • Limit your exposure to receipts and other products that have BPA such as household electronics. This one is hard to do, we know, but you can opt for email receipts instead of paper ones.
  • Pay attention to kid’s toys. Don’t buy any with BPA, and research the type of plastic used in the toy before purchasing it.
  • Don’t put plastics in the dishwasher or microwave. This can damage them and cause more BPA to leach out of them.
  • Throw away plastic when it looks scratched or damaged.
  • Don’t microwave or store food in plastic. Instead, transfer food to a glass bowl before microwaving it and store food in glass.
  • Buy powdered infant formula. Liquid formula absorbs more BPA from the container.
  • Basically, try to limit your use of plastic as much as possible, especially when food and drinks are concerned. The greatest source of BPA and alternate plastic exposure is through diet.

plastic bottle

The Good News

This might be a long shot, but Hunt says that if we eliminated BPA and its alternatives now, we could go back to having a healthier world. In the latest study, researchers stopped giving the mice BPA alternatives. After doing so, the males returned to normal in just four generations.

Johanna Rochester is a senior scientist at the nonprofit The Endocrine Disruption Exchange. Though not part of the study referenced above, she told National Geographic that the world needs to move away from BPA alternatives. “We don’t really want to wait another 20 years for all these human studies to show that there is a problem,” she said.

Obviously, it would take monumental changes in how we produce and consume in order for BPA and its alternatives to disappear. So, while we wait for healthier options, we can simply lower our exposure to plastic altogether. Utilizing the tips listed above can help greatly with minimizing contact with BPA.

Final thoughts on BPA Free Plastic and Its Potential Health Dangers

BPA free plastic has been marketed as safer than BPA, making consumers feel secure in their purchases. However, the research is clear. Alternatives to BPA are not as safe as companies would have you believe and could be even more harmful to your health than BPA. The best course of action is to do research before buying products and try to limit your use of plastic as much as possible.

15 Weight Loss Tricks That Make You Less Hungry

Everyone who starts their weight loss journey will tell you just how difficult sticking with the routine can get. With the insane amount of money food companies spend on advertising, we get bombarded with messages about food everywhere. Of course, these ads make everything look so delicious and are shown through so many mediums that ignoring them becomes next to impossible.

Even if you’re able to muster the willpower to say no to these unhealthy foods and stick to a healthy diet, working out is a whole other animal. Sticking to a grueling routine is no easy feat, and many people give up only a few months after they start. Many people find it hard to keep up a workout regimen, whether it’s due to financial, time, or energy restraints.

Even though the odds might be stacked against you, we have some weight loss tricks up our sleeves that might help you lose weight without having to exercise heavily or stick to a strict diet.

Here are 15 weight loss tricks that help curb your appetite:

“Don’t you want to see what happens if you don’t give up?”

1. Eat more spicy foods.

While spicy foods won’t literally melt the fat away, they can help increase your metabolism and decrease your appetite. Things like mustard, black pepper, ginger, horseradish, chilies, cumin, and turmeric will do just the trick when it comes to helping you reach your weight loss goals. The main ingredient in spicy foods, capsaicin, suppresses the appetite and boosts the metabolism.

Don’t worry; if you aren’t a spicy food fan, we have many more tips for you below!

essential oils for weight loss

2. Add chia seeds to your diet.

Chia seeds have a lot of fiber, which will help keep you full and, therefore, eat fewer calories throughout the day. These seeds swell in your stomach to suppress your appetite and help with digestion. If you don’t eat chia seeds regularly, try them out in smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, pancakes, or even on top of salads as an easy way to add them to your diet.

3. Eat more apples.

Yet another food with a lot of fiber, apples also contain high water content, which can help to keep you fuller longer. Apples also involve a lot of chewing, which means your digestive system will take longer to break it down. You can take an apple with you wherever you go, making them a great mid-day snack to power you through the work or school day.

Apples make a wonderful addition to your weight loss plan, and plus, they taste delicious!

4. Drink plenty of water.

As you already know, water is essential to our well-being. As for how much you need to drink, it really depends on the individual, but some studies have found that drinking water before meals can help curb your appetite. Drinking water also increases the calories you burn, which will help with weight loss. In fact, one study found that overweight women who increased water intake to over one liter per day lost an extra 4.4 pounds over a 12-month period.

Since the women didn’t make any changes other than drinking more water, this is promising for people who have tried everything else and didn’t lose weight.

5. Keep a food journal.

Most people have no idea how many calories they consume daily. Keeping track of how much you eat can help you lose weight by seeing where you might need to make some changes. Of course, you’ll have to take into account how many calories you burn as well, but having a food diary is a great start to your weight loss journey. This tip may not suppress your appetite, but it will help you cut back on unnecessary calories.

If you want to increase accuracy, make sure to buy a food scale to measure your foods.

6. Drink more green tea.

After water, green tea is probably the best thing you can drink for weight loss. Not only does it contain a lot of antioxidants, but the caffeine content can help boost your metabolism and aid in fat burning. One compound in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is believed to be a key factor in boosting metabolism and decreasing appetite.

Green tea also affects two important peptide hormones – norepinephrine and dopamine – which activate the sympathetic nervous system and promote fat breakdown.

7. Sniff peppermint.

This might seem like a strange way to help with weight loss, but hear us out. Peppermint contains certain compounds that help control cravings and increase metabolism. In fact, a 2008 study conducted by the Wheeling Jesuit University analyzed participants’ appetites after having them inhale peppermint every two hours for five days. Participants who inhaled the peppermint oil had decreased hunger and fewer cravings than those who didn’t inhale the oil.

To do this, you can either get pure peppermint oil and inhale it or put it in a diffuser.

8. Use grapefruit essential oils for weight loss.

Grapefruit contains a powerful compound called nootkatone that has been shown to turn on AMPK, an enzyme that controls metabolism and appetite. Grapefruit oil serves as a natural way to lose weight and control cravings. To use it, add a few drops to your water or tea, diffuse it, or apply it directly on your body.

9. Breathe deeply.

Too many of us breathe shallowly and quickly, which can amp up the production of cortisol. As a result, we grow more anxious and restless. Not only that, but increased cortisol levels have been linked to higher percentages of abdominal fat as well as BMI. Additionally, higher production of cortisol causes the body to become resistant to leptin, a hormone that sends the signal to your brain that you’re full.

So, the more cortisol you produce, the more you become resistant to leptin. This means you’ll have a harder time knowing when you’ve had enough to eat. When you’re stressed, you also tend to reach for high-fat, high-sugar, and high-carb foods because they produce serotonin and increase calm feelings. However, in the long run, these types of foods will only hinder your weight loss goals and possibly produce other health problems.

To prevent this whole cycle, it’s very important to control stress levels. While breathing deeply alone may not eliminate your stress, it can certainly help you manage it better.

You can do deep breathing exercises anywhere, such as in your car on your way home from work or at the grocery store waiting to check out. However, it’s best to carve out some time after you’ve done all your errands and chores for the day and find a quiet place where you can relax. Breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth, close your eyes, and try your best to clear your mind.

10. Drink apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss because it contains acetic acid, a short-chain fatty acid. This helps lower blood sugar, decrease insulin levels, increase metabolism, reduce fat storage, burn fat, and suppress appetite. You should dilute it in water and have about a tablespoon three times a day for the best results.

11. Practice mindful eating.

So many people today are distracted when they eat, which can lead to eating more. For example, you bring a whole bag of chips or cookies into your room while watching TV. Most of the bag will be gone by the time you’ve finished your show because you were paying more attention to the TV than your food. To have better eating habits, focusing solely on your food while you eat is important.

weight loss

Enjoy your meal by eliminating distractions such as your phone, TV, and computer. Focus on your food’s flavors, textures, sounds, and smells as you eat it. Bringing mindfulness into your meals will not only make your food taste better, it can also increase your awareness of your body’s hunger cues, which will help you eat less.

12. Exercise before dinner.

Some people say exercising before your day begins is best, but if you want to lose weight, try working out just before eating dinner. Some studies have shown that doing this helps decrease hunger hormones while increasing hormones that act as appetite suppressants.

13. Eat more veggies.

Veggies such as broccoli, Swiss chard, and spinach are packed with nutrients and fiber. These will help keep you fuller longer. Try eating a big salad for dinner consisting of mostly greens; the volume will keep you full, which will suppress your appetite.

14. Brush your teeth after every meal.

This signals to your brain that mealtime is over. This will help you avoid the kitchen (and a lot of extra calories).

15. Drink more coffee.

While coffee can increase anxiety in some people, it also helps boost metabolism and suppress your appetite. This occurs due to a compound called chlorogenic acid, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates and breaks down fat. However, make sure to drink it black with only a little cream and no added sugar for the best results.

Final Thoughts on Weight Loss Tricks to Help You Stick With Your Plan

As you can see, plenty of weight loss tricks can make you less hungry and more satisfied with your meals. It might be hard to stick to a routine, but hopefully these tricks can add some variety to your day and aid you in your weight loss journey.

10 Foods That Reduce Airway Inflammation And Relieve Asthma

There’s no need to avoid certain foods if you suffer from asthma yet there’s no conclusive proof that those foods increase the severity of asthma attacks. However, it goes without saying that incorporating a nutritious diet can improve your general health and wellbeing.

According to Nutrition Reviews, asthmatic individuals may greatly benefit from a diet filled with fruits and vegetables. These foods can help clear airway inflammation that impacts the symptoms of asthma.

Food can serve as an asthma trigger because it directly relates to allergies and intolerances. Additionally, obesity increases the symptoms of asthma and could make the condition harder to treat, according to the American Thoracic Society.  Thus, eating a well-balanced diet and keeping a healthy weight is vital to the management of asthma attacks. Here are some foods that help reduce airway inflammation if you suffer from this condition:

10 Foods That Will Reduce Airway Inflammation For People Suffering From Asthma

1.    Fish

According to a study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, airway inflammation significantly decreased among people who ate more fish regularly. Study subjects with mild asthma who had fatty fish two times a week for a period of six months in their diet saw an improvement of their asthma symptoms.

  • Fish contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory.
  • Just eating omega-3-rich fish two times a week can deliver positive results.
  • In some cultures, it’s an age-old tradition to have asthmatic children swallow a live Murrel fish to cure their condition for good.
  • While there’s no science behind this practice, many locals in Hyderabad, India, swear by this treatment.

Some types of fish may also contain mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other contaminants from the environment. For this reason, regular consumption of certain kinds of fish is not recommended. According to the American Heart Association, it’s better to avoid mackerel, swordfish, shark, and tilefish. Instead, eat tuna, salmon, catfish, and pollock.

2.    Flaxseeds

Like fish, flaxseeds are also rich in omega-3 thus they offer anti-inflammatory benefits. You can add at least two tablespoons of flaxseed daily to your coffee, smoothie, cereals, and salads to gain nutritious benefits.

Flaxseed has been cultivated since 3,000 B.C. Back then, King Charlemagne required its consumption by law because he believed flaxseed offers positive health benefits. However, flaxseed can turn rancid quickly, so never grind it in advance. Properly store it in a dry and sealed container.

If you can’t get fresh flaxseed, you can take flaxseed oil supplements that are usually available at health stores. Supplements are not a substitute for an actual treatment for asthma so don’t make the mistake of taking this without considering other treatments. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking flaxseed-based medication.

3.    Berries

Regularly eating a mix of berries (cherries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries) can also help clear the airways for people with asthma. These fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber and are also anti-inflammatory foods.

Berries have antioxidants with high levels of flavonoids that can fight bacteria, virus, and toxins in the lungs, as per a study in the National Institutes of Health. Studies have shown that people with asthma reduce their risks of attacks if they consume a variety of these berries every day.

4.    Beans

Beans are considered prebiotics. These contain beneficial fibers that help ferment the gut during digestion. It can aid in the increase of good bacteria in your digestive system. So, when your gut is healthier, your body can manage the asthma triggers better.

But you might wonder what’s the connection between the gut in the stomach and asthma, which impairs your breathing?

  • By definition, asthma is a condition associated with a hyper-responsive immune system.
  • The immune system is centered on the gut. Scientists are just learning how it is crucial to the human body’s overall wellness.
  • If you take care of your gut by eating foods that can produce more good bacteria, you’ll have a better chance of keeping asthma symptoms under control.

5.    Spinach

Leafy green vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that make your body stronger against infections and illnesses. Spinach, however, is particularly beneficial to asthma patients because it has vitamin B. This vitamin is a rich source of folate (folic acid) that’s critical to curbing the asthma epidemic.

Experts at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions found links between folic acid and the regulation of the body’s response to asthma triggers. The study’s subjects from the ages of two to 85, whose folate levels are higher, appeared to be less prone to allergic episodes, wheezing attacks, and asthma.

The researchers recommended an intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. You can complete and meet this daily requirement from eating spinach and other green and leafy vegetables. If you have spinach in your meals regularly, you may curb the asthma attacks and clear your airways by as much as 40 percent.

6.    Ginger

Ginger is a medicinal wonder that the earth has gifted to humans. For centuries, people have benefitted from its curing effects. Ginger boosts the immune system, relieves nausea and vomiting, and cures a host of stomach problems like diarrhea, gas, irritable bowels, and upset stomach. It can also be used to treat burns and insect bites. Ginger may be added to food as a laxative and antacid medication.

As an asthma relief, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can result in clearer airways. It has compounds that work like a bronchodilator. For this reason, ginger is actually added to an asthma medication called isoproterenol.

Pharmacists say that the compounds in ginger are as powerful as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It can help smoothen and relax the muscles in the lungs so that asthmatic patients feel more relief after drinking ginger juice or tea.

7.    Turmeric

Like ginger, turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects that may reduce discomfort and obstructions in the airways. This Indian spice contains curcumin, a rich yellow pigment proven to bring positive effects among those who suffer from bronchial asthma, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.

Turmeric’s curcumin compounds also proved more effective against standard asthma drug treatments, according to a research in the International Immunopharmacology journal. Further, curcumin has no side effects that can harm a patient’s health. It cures the airways of oxidative damage and helps control allergic reactions to respiratory bacterial infections that attack the lungs.

Curcumin is effective in protecting patients who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary distress syndrome (COPD), according to a paper in the Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin. Similar to asthma, COPD may cause airway inflammation and obstruction that can lead to breathlessness or difficulty in breathing.

8.    Tomatoes

Here’s another superfood that can help control the asthma triggers, especially during the winter season. Medical experts say that the antioxidants in tomatoes, called lycopene, can fight the bacteria in the airways. It reduces the chances of people with asthma from developing colds and other nasal discomforts.

  • Experts in a study on the journal PLOS One also discovered that tomato can effectively help the airways relax.
  • This decreases the chances of oxidative stress in the lungs that people with asthma often experience.
  • Tomato is also a rich source of vitamins A, B2, C, folate, and chromium.
  • The many nutrients found in tomatoes are vital to the prevention of free radicals from causing cell damage and impairing bodily functions or weakening the immune system.

9.    Coffee

Coffee contains caffeine that breaks down into theophylline during metabolism. Theophylline is commonly found in medications for asthma, bronchitis and lung disease. This may explain why coffee proves helpful for clearing the airways in people with lung problems.

coffee for asthma

However, a study in the Frontiers of Pharmacology journal showed that coffee’s bronchodilator effect reaches its peak at 5 mg/kg within two hours of drinking. So, a person with asthma who is about 90 kg in weight might need at least five to eight cups of coffee (60 to 80 mg) a day to feel the positive effects in the airways.

At best, coffee may help people with mild asthma attacks only. For severe cases, it’s always better to seek a doctor’s help for the best course of treatment.

10.  Apple

You’ve heard of the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctors away,” right? A daily helping of this fruit apparently also keeps the wheezing and asthma attacks down.

A study in the journal Thorax showed that pregnant mothers who ate an apple every day for four weeks lowered their baby’s risks of developing asthma by 27 percent. Drinking fresh apple juice also showed positive effects in curbing the episodes of asthma attacks.

Apples are rich in compounds like flavonoids and phytochemicals that deliver protective effects. So, for moms who want to ensure that their children don’t develop this lung condition, start off right by eating an apple during pregnancy.

Final Thoughts On Food That Reduce Airway Inflammation

People always benefit from following a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables. While these foods and ingredients may be the healthier alternatives to chemically-produced asthma medications, always discuss treatment options with your doctor.

Counteracting the symptoms of asthma with food may be risky if you have food intolerances or if you’re prone to food allergies. Read up on other advantages and disadvantages of these foods before using them as part of your asthma treatment plan.

Also, the effects of your asthma treatment plan will still depend on many factors other than food. Doctors have to evaluate your general health, weight, lifestyle, and physical activities. This is why it’s important to have a good and positive relationship with your doctor; this way, you can be comfortable in discussing your health concerns. Work with your physician to maximize the positive effects of your asthma treatment plan and diet changes.

Science Explains How Broccoli Is Good For Your Skin & Hair

“The first wealth is health”—Ralph Waldo Emerson

When you’re pulling your face in the mirror to look at new wrinkles, or despairing about how thin and breakable your hair is, it’s time to do something your parents told you eons ago; eat your broccoli!

Why Eat More Broccoli?

As scientists understand more and more about the role of food in holistic health, they continue to sing the praises of this dark green vegetable. A small bowl of these nutrient-packed vegetables at lunch can give you a huge portion of your daily nutrient needs, and also help with issues like inflammation or a surplus of mucus during a cold.

Researchers have found that the antioxidant enzymes found after chewing the vegetable create stores of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E, among many other nutrients.

This new interest in the cruciferous vegetable has been spurred on by holistic health movements and the desire by many to get back to natural ways of taking care of skin and hair. What most people don’t realize is that what you eat goes on to create the structures in your body.

Holistic nutritionist Lindsay Boyers says, “Thousands of years ago, Hippocrates (who is coined the Father of Medicine) said that “all disease begins in the gut,” and I have to agree. Your gut is its own complex ecosystem. It’s home to 100 trillion microorganisms, including about 400 different species of bacteria.”

Because what “goes into your gut” is so important for the health of your skin and hair, it’s important to understand the broccoli health benefits you can reap just by adding a small portion to your diet.

Types of Broccoli

Just like you can choose between cherry, grape, and heirloom tomatoes at your farmer’s market, there are so many different types of broccoli to pick from. All the different varieties offer a slightly different taste or feel, so there is no shortage of healthy options if you’re trying to gain some of the many broccoli health benefits there are.


  • Calabrese— Calabrese is an Italian variety that grows through the winter and is made sweeter by the cold. It’s sweeter than most types of the vegetable and more tender.
  • Broccolini— Broccolini looks and tastes very similar the traditional food you know and love, but has much longer stalks and smaller heads. It tastes slightly bitter.
  • Gai-Lan—This is also called Chinese Broccoli, and is bitter and slightly pungent. It goes very well in Asian dishes with spicy flavors and lends itself well to being stir-fried.
  • Broccoli Rabe— While it may look like the leaves of the plant, rabe, or rob in some localities, stands all on its own. The stems, leaves and other outcroppings are all edible and have a bitter, nutty taste that’s reminiscent of turnips.
  • Broccoflower— If you find the green, bitter vegetable to be too strong, this plant that’s crossed with a cauliflower is right up your alley. Broccoflower is sweet and mild like its cauliflower ancestor, but has a subtle kick from its other namesake.

Broccoli Health Benefits

What makes this leafy green such a nutritional powerhouse? Dr. Rangan Chatterjee says that eating the cruciferous vegetable and others from its family aids in the destruction of cancerous cells and offers a whole host of other benefits.

High Protein

While spinach is usually touted as the best way to introduce more plant-based protein into your diet, broccoli is an often overlooked source as well. A one cup serving of the cooked or steamed vegetable offers almost three grams of protein, which is a big percent of your daily needs of the macronutrient.

Researchers connect protein intake with the quality of your hair and skin because it’s the main building block. Eating more of this dinner staple can cut down on hyperpigmentation and promote healthy hair growth.

Vitamin C

If you find yourself thinking of oranges when it comes to vitamin C, it may be time to think again. This flowering vegetable is an ample source of the vitamin that stimulates your immune system and also promotes collagen production.

Collagen is one of the most important building blocks when it comes to beautiful, glowy skin, and getting enough vitamin C is the best ways to encourage collagen production. It also plays a big role in hair fullness and healthy growth. One of the most potent powers of vitamin C is its ability to combat free radicals. Lemon water is a great way to fight these off as well.

Vitamin K

This vitamin is often overlooked when it comes to tracking your nutrients, but one of the biggest broccoli health benefits is that the plant is chock full of them.

Vitamin K is best known for treating common skin ailments, like dark circles, spider veins, or even rosacea. Only one cup of this vegetables, either cooked or steamed, can give you up to 270% of your daily need for this vitamin.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

This compound is a mouthful, but it’s a huge aid when it comes to the never-ending quest to slow down aging. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide has been found to be plentiful in broccoli.

When implemented in mice, the compound has been shown to make old cells behave as if they were brand new versions of themselves, and this can help your skin produce younger, more healthy cells that behave as young skin does. This can effectively fight off wrinkles, age spots, and types of skin cancers.

Vitamin A

This vitamin is stored in the body’s fatty tissues and aids in:

  • Eye health
  • Bone growth and health
  • Reproductive health
  • Production of healthy, young skin cells
  • Fat elimination

Researchers have found that a healthy level of daily vitamin A can create new skin cells and also fight dry skin and hair. Vitamin A also helps in the production of something called sebum, which is like a natural conditioner for your scalp and can help you grow beautiful, strong, flowing locks.

Eating Your Way to Better Skin and Hair

When it comes to your skin and hair health, your food journey is a deeply personal one. Based on your concerns and typical eating habits, create a plan to “fill in the gaps” using broccoli or one of its family members, like:

  • Bok Choy
  • Cabbage
  • Radishes
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Cauliflower

There are so many reasons to eat more cruciferous vegetables, even besides the fact that they taste delicious and can be used in so many diverse recipes.

Broccoli health benefits include promoting bone growth and fostering beautiful glowy skin and thick, shiny hair.
If you’re not into the original green machine, be sure to give its relatives a chance. Rabe features a leafier, more bitter flavor profile that goes wonderfully with creamy or acidic tastes.


There are also different heirloom varieties of traditional florets that can range from more bitter to much milder. Try a recipe that features the cruciferous vegetable as complementary to a creamy flavor, like tofu or a rich cheddar cheese.

If you still have a picky eater in the family or hate the taste, cauliflower is a great substitute. It tastes nutty and rich when roasted and offers a whole host of similar benefits for your skin and health. Don’t be afraid to experiment with seemingly contrasting flavors or strange combinations. You’ll find yourself much better off in your holistic health journey after eating plenty of cruciferous vegetables, no matter what form they come in.

Even for picky eaters, with the immense benefits of eating these vegetables, it makes no sense to not at least give it a try. For optimal skin and hair health, it’s super important to get enough different macronutrients and have a balanced, healthy diet.

Final Thoughts on Broccoli Health Benefits

Taking care of your skin and hair can be a difficult, counterintuitive process because there’s not just one magic ingredient to eat your way to looking and feeling better.

There are, however, ways to go about eating in a targeted way based on what your skin or hair complaint is. For example, if you’re worried about spots and hyperpigmentation in your skin, vitamin C is the way to go.

If you’re concerned with the strength and thickness of your hair, it’s important to monitor your levels of protein and be sure that you’re getting enough of the macronutrient from varied sources.

When you focus your efforts on eating in a way that makes you feel good, you’ll soon begin to see that you look great, too. Holistic health comes from all-around nutrition and making sure that the body works in the way that it’s supposed to.

Remember, beauty comes from health, and health comes from the combination of foods that we put into our bodies. The old adage still rings true, “Beauty comes from within”!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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