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21 Foods That Relieve Constipation As Good As Laxatives

Constipation is thought of as a normal condition that most people suffer from at some point in their lives. It may happen as a result of a poor diet, dehydration, or even something as simple as a change in your daily routine. Other reasons could be to blame as well, such as medical conditions, illnesses, and aging.

While it may seem like just an inconvenience, it can lead to other complications. For this reason, and just for your own comfort, it is important to find a way to get relief from this problem. It can be uncomfortable and even downright painful.

Laxatives are a popular method, but there are more natural ways that you can try before turning to over-the-counter medications. There are many foods that may help relieve constipation just as well as laxatives do. It is also important to note that there are certain foods that should be completely avoided while you are trying to deal with the problem.

Foods That Relieve Constipation

1. Prunes

Prunes contain a high amount of fiber, and just three prunes can give you the daily recommended amount. Containing a fiber called cellulose, prunes add more water to the stool and increase the bulk, allowing for relief from constipation.

2. Water

By not consuming enough water, you can become dehydrated. This can cause difficulty in having a bowel movement. By drinking water or consuming it through foods that you eat, you may be able to find relief.

3. Flax seeds

Containing high amounts of both soluble and insoluble, flax seeds help add bulk and water to the stool, while also making the time in the intestine shorter.

4. Chia seeds

Chia seeds turn into a gel when they are combined with water. The gel makes stool soft, which helps with constipation. Chia seeds absorb so much water that it adds bulk to the stool.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Making up about 15 percent of the recommended daily intake of fiber, sweet potatoes can help relieve constipation. The fiber in sweet potatoes has lignin and cellulose, both insoluble fibers that add bulk to the stool. They also have pectin, a soluble fiber, which adds water to the stool.

6. Rhubarb

Rhubarb contains a compound that aids in lowering the levels of Aquaporin 3. When these levels are lowered, less water is moved to the bloodstream, allowing more of it to go into the stool. This makes the stool move through the intestines easier and it softens the stool. Rhubarb also contains fiber.

7. Artichoke

Artichoke is beneficial to gut health and regulation. It contains prebiotics which makes the consistency of the stool easier to pass, and it increases the frequency of stools.

8. Citrus fruit

Citrus fruits contain a large amount of fiber and soluble fiber. The soluble fiber is higher in the fruit peel, but the actual fruit contains some as well. Oranges have about 13 percent of the daily recommended intake, while grapefruit has about 10 percent.

By consuming citrus fruits, it will take less time for the stool to come through the colon.

9. Green vegetables

Spinach, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts contain a high amount of fiber, folate, vitamin K, and vitamin C. Together, these nutrients and vitamins add bulk to the stool. This makes it easier to pass through the intestines.

One cup of spinach contains about 17 percent of the daily recommended value, ten Brussel sprouts contain about 20 percent, and one stalk of broccoli contains about 16 percent.

10. Figs

Figs encourage healthy bowel movements and increase the amount of fiber that is absorbed by the body. By eating figs, your stool will have added bulk and spend less time moving through the intestines.

One cup of figs is nearly 60 percent of the recommended daily intake for fiber.

11. Pineapple

Pineapple is high in fiber, and it can be added to most any meal. The fiber can help move things along in the intestines, improving digestive health. Even just drinking the juice from a pineapple can be beneficial, and the juice contains plant enzymes that further aid in digestion.

12. Coffee

Coffee can aid in digestion because it is a natural diuretic. This can normally get your bowel movement moving through the intestines, quickly allowing relief.

You do have to be careful, however, because the things you add to your coffee can actually make the problem worse. The dairy products such as creamer or milk should be used in moderation or not at all when digestion seems to be an issue.

13. Beans, lentils, and peas

Beans are affordable and high in fiber, making them a desirable food to use to relieve constipation. One cup of cooked beans has around 80 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber.

Lentils and peas have the same effect on the body because they are nearly just as high in fiber content.

14. Apples

One apple, unpeeled, has about 17 percent of the daily recommended amount of fiber. Without the peel, the percentage is much less. The pectin in the apple is used by the digestive system to get more water into the colon. Doing so makes the stool softer and shortens the time it takes to get through the intestines.

15. Pears

Pears are high in fiber, sorbitol, and fructose. Fructose doesn’t absorb very well so when it makes it’s way to your colon, it attracts water and causes movement in the bowel. Sorbitol works to relieve constipation in the same way as the fructose.

Pears contain around 22 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber. All of these aspects together can make it act as a gentle laxative.

16. Kiwi

Kiwi is high in fiber, containing about 9 percent of the recommended daily amount in one piece of fruit. Eating kiwi can make the stool softer and add bulk, making it easier to move through the intestines. The consumption of kiwi has also been proven to increase the time the stool takes to get through the intestines.

17. Anything made with whole wheat

Pasta, bread, and rice made from whole wheat contain insoluble fiber, so bulk is added to your stool. This helps it pass through the intestines without a problem, and can help when you’re having bowel issues.

18. Berries

Berries such as raspberries and blackberries are known to help with the problem because their water content is high, as well as the fiber content. They also have high amounts of vitamin C and calcium.

19. Greek yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics that help with constipation and overall gut health. Plain Greek yogurt contains less sugar than ones with added sugars, so you can take it a step further and choose the healthier option.

20. Carrots

It is common knowledge that carrots are beneficial to your eyesight, but it is not as well known that carrots offer other benefits, too. Carrots are full of soluble fiber and aid the body in removing cholesterol from the body. This is done through the stool, which helps with bowel movements and moving stool through the intestines much more quickly.

carrots for constipation

21. Peaches

Peaches have a high fiber content, making them ideal for healthy digestion. One medium sized peach contains about 10 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber. They can be added to any meal, as a side or mixed with other food, and can be incredibly beneficial when dealing with constipation.

Things That Make Constipation Worse

While trying to relieve constipation, there are certain foods and food groups that you should avoid completely. These foods can make the problem worse, causing serious problems and pain.

Foods to Avoid

  • Dairy
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Unripe bananas
  • Swallowing chewing gum
  • Red meat
  • White bread
  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate
  • Fast food
  • Processed foods
  • Potato chips

What Happens if Constipation Goes Untreated?

If left untreated, the inability to have a bowel movement may cause more serious complications. These complications include:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Prolapse
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Damaged colon – which can lead to colon cancer
  • Roundworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Diverticulitis
  • Death

Final Thoughts on Foods That Relive Constipation

Constipation may seem like just a minor inconvenience, but it is important to attempt to relieve the problem. It can cause pain, discomfort, and other more serious complications if it is left untreated.

Instead of using over-the-counter laxatives for relief, however, you could try an all-natural approach first. There are many foods that are high in fiber and other nutrients that encourage healthy bowel movements. These foods may even make the stool softer, bulkier, and help move it through the intestines more quickly.

21 Day Diet Detox (To Reset And Control Your Blood Sugar)

If you have diabetes, you most likely understand the importance of taking your medication as prescribed, managing stress, and being physically active. However, your diet also plays a role in your overall health, especially when it comes to keeping blood sugar levels in check. But what if you’ve been recently diagnosed with diabetes, what lifestyle change should you implement for better health? In this article, we will answer that question and also take a look at ways to mitigate the ill-effects of the disease. Lastly, we outline the following the information contained in this article can help better manage your diabetes and change your life, and best of all, it only takes 21 days of consistent adherence.


One of the biggest fears that newly diagnosed diabetic patients have is the prospect of having to give up all of the foods they enjoy in the name of good health. But is that really necessary, and are there any workarounds? Well, the axiom of “everything in moderation” is one that can apply to a diabetic diet. Unhealthy foods should only be eaten in moderation while the bulk of your diet should include fruits and non-starchy vegetables.

Of course, you’ll want to start with small diet changes, giving yourself time acclimate to a new way of eating. For example, you can start with one extra serving of vegetables and build on that by adding fruits like apples, pears, and berries to your diet. In doing so, you’ll not only improve your health but also control blood sugar. Although fruits are healthy, you’ll still want to factor-in fiber-rich fruits like bananas, for example, into your total carbohydrate servings each day.


As noted in the preface of this article, exercise is essential when it comes to managing diabetes. That said, you should aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise. According to, the benefits of exercise are wide-ranging; it’s ideal for weight management, lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and, if you’re a diabetic, controlling blood sugar.

To that point, studies have shown that light to moderate exercise can increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin. The same also applies if you’re overweight and prediabetic as well; after those who are overweight/obese are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes, but in addition to diabetes, your weight could also predispose you to additional health problems, including cancer, fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, and much more. As far as the daily caloric intake for diabetics and prediabetics, here is what the National Institutes of Health recommends:

  • 1,200 to 1,600 daily calories for petite women who are physically active and also medium-sized women who are interested in losing weight. The caloric intake also applies to medium-sized women who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • 1,600 to 2,000 daily calories is recommended for larger-framed women interested in weight loss. This calorie range is also ideal for men who are at a healthy weight but do not exercise.
  • 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day is recommended for large men or women who are physically active.


If you have high blood sugar caused by diabetes, cutting carbs may be the best decision you’ve ever made; however, it is important to note that age, activity levels, medication, and other extenuating factors can play a role in individual carb requirements. Once you have determined, with the help of a doctor or nutritionist, the number of carbs you need per day, you should turn to fiber-rich foods like low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to meet your carb intake for the day. Also, it would be a good idea to avoid refined grains and sugars since they can spike blood sugar.


It’s common knowledge that fiber can help keep you regular, but did you know that fiber-rich foods can also stabilize blood sugar? And the benefits don’t stop there; fiber can also help you lose weight, prevent colon cancer, and ward off heart disease. So how much fiber should you consume each day? Well, women should aim for 25 grams per day while men should be consuming a minimum of 38 grams per day. In addition to non-fat dairy and whole grains, you should consider adding the following foods to your diet:

  • Broccoli
  • Artichokes
  • Brussels sprout
  • Lentils
  • Bran Flakes
  • Whole-wheat pastas
  • Oatmeal


Another way to add more fiber to your diet is by adding flax seeds or chia seeds to your meals. The products can be found in the health food aisle of most major supermarkets. Basically, you would sprinkle 1 to 2 teaspoons of the respective seeds over any meal, or add them to a protein shake/smoothie, to meet your daily fiber goals. Incorporating flax seeds and/or chia seeds into your diet is a great way to control blood sugar and also reduce high cholesterol.


Healthy fats are essential to any diet; however, when it comes to a diabetic meal plan, they are especially important. According to Erin Palinski-Wade, a fitness expert and author of the “2-Day Diabetes Diet,” diabetics should make it a point to limit saturated fats and consume healthy fats instead. Some of the foods that contain healthy fats include nuts, olive oil, and avocado.


There is a common misconception going around suggesting that if you’re a diabetic you should abstain from condiments. Although certain condiments like ketchup, which contains a high percentage of sugar, can spell trouble for your diabetic health, there are some that you, as a diabetic or prediabetic, can enjoy without jeopardizing your health. Some of these condiments include

  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Hot sauce
  • Light salad dressing
  • Salsa
  • Mustard

Lastly, you should also be cognizant of your sodium intake as too much sodium can be just as dangerous as too much sugar. You should aim to keep your sodium intake to 2,300 mg or less each day; one way to accomplish this is to substitute table salt with dried herbs that provide maximum flavor with minimal sodium. Although high sodium doesn’t affect blood glucose levels, it can lead to hypertension and other health problems.

control blood sugar


It’s no secret that body weight can dictate who will and will not be diagnosed with diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes. As previously noted, overweight or obese individuals are most likely to be diagnosed with the disease. In addition to the above tips regarding condiments and fiber-rich foods, certain diets can help you shed unwanted pounds and control blood sugar at the same time. Some of these popular diets include

Mediterranean Diet – This diet places a strong emphasis on whole foods consisting of vegetables, whole grains, fish, poultry, and nuts while limiting your consumption of red meat. This diet is considered an all-purpose diet in that it wards off heart disease, helps control blood sugar, and helps you to shed pounds quickly.

Dash Diet – Like the Mediterranean diet, the dash diet is multifaceted in that it can help control blood sugar and also lower your risk of heart and kidney disease. Unlike the Mediterranean, however, the food recommendations for the Dash diet have been shown to reduce comorbid conditions commonly associated with diabetes. And yes, this diet can also help you lose weight.

Ketogenic Diet – This diet is one that is predicated on consuming a very low amount of carb each day; having said that, you’re encouraged to speak with a physician to ensure this diet is a good fit for you. Nonetheless, the Ketogenic diet has been shown to reduce insulin resistance, which, in turn, helps you better control blood sugar levels.


Because there is an established correlation between diabetes and excess body weight, it is important that you choose a diet that fits with your health and weight loss goals. To accomplish this, you may want to consider working with a nutritionist or dietician, preferably one who is well-versed in diabetes, who can help you choose a diet that not only helps you lose weight but also keeps your blood glucose levels in check. If hiring a nutritionist is not feasible, consider a diet that is well rounded, consisting of whole foods, minimal sugar, lean proteins, and a healthy mix of fruits and vegetables.

In summation, managing diabetes is a lot of work but following the advice of your doctor and nutritionist/dietician can very well save your life. Also, learning how to control blood sugar and manage your weight can go a long way towards ensuring you live a long, healthy life.

Top 10 Health Benefits of A Vegan Diet

Human beings are constantly searching for the answer to all of their weight and health problems. The “this diet can fix it all mentality” has been utilized in society for decades and has been consistently fortified with faulty supplements, dangerous fads, and weekly weigh ins that leave dieters less than satisfied. Because the majority of all diet trends tend to fail, people have recently decided to take up a more natural approach in how they eat overall–a change toward a vegan diet that has certainly stood the test of time.

Veganism is defined by an eating choice that opts to deny the consumption of any product derived from the cruelty of animals, as stated by The Vegan Society. While some often associate this style of eating with lifestyle choices and personal beliefs, others see it as a natural way of fueling their bodies that can be traced back nearly two thousand years. With a plethora of benefits to a person’s health resulting from the vegan diet, there is no surprise that such a common practice has become a hip fad itself.

When a person decides to start a diet, most would assume that their end goal is to lose weight. While the vegan diet surely aids in sustaining a fit stature, it is salient to note that the importance of transitioning eating habits circulates the need to improve the body’s health overall. From regulated blood pressure and heart health, to maintained blood sugars and appropriate vitamin levels, veganism ensures that the word “diet” is not something to be dreaded, but something that simply describes the way a person cares for themselves and reaps the benefits of doing so.

Opt Vegan: The Basic Foundation, The Why and How to Make the Transition

As previously mentioned, a vegan diet excludes all products that have resulted from the cruelty of animals. While most understand immediately that this means meat and poultry of any kind, others struggle with further common rules associated with the diet, including the avoidance of dairy, eggs, and products such as a gelatin and even honey. With a basic foundation and understanding of what to avoid as a vegan, converting to the lifestyle will be as simple as it is beneficial.

Of course, a multitude of nutrients are found in meat, poultry, and seafood, which is why some find difficulty in understanding the vegan diet benefits at all, but it is important to note the negative effects of animal products, too, including weight gain, an increase in the risk of heart disease, an elevated risk of food born illnesses, and that they can even make a person resistant to antibiotics, as concluded by The Collective- Evolution.Because so many cons are associated with the consumption of animal products, it seems as if the vegan diet is surely the most solid solution.

After determining the need to begin eating vegan, people often feel lost when it comes to cooking without ingredients once deemed staples in the kitchen, such as eggs, butter, and milk. Thankfully, a bounty of recipes and adjustments exist that ensure a person’s switch to veganism is as tasty as it is positive.

The Top Undeniable Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet

1. Nutrition Levels Will Elevate Naturally 

When a person consumes a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, soy, nuts, and whole grains, their body reaps the benefits of increased nutrients and vitamins. Because all of these components come from the Earth uninterrupted and bombarded with antibiotics or chemicals, they are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, including:


Found in dark leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium, which improves bone, hair, and skin health.


Important in stimulating the kidneys to rid the body of toxins due to its ability to balance water and acid in the body, potassium is found to also assist the body in warding of harmful, cancer-causing free radicals.


Part of the B vitamins, folate is essential in generating red blood cells as well as repairing damaged cells within the body.

Vitamin C

Of course, this vitamin boosts the immune system and helps the body heal from cuts, scrapes, and bruises. It assists in the production of collagen for healthy skin and sustains bone, gums, and teeth health as well.

2. The Body’s Ability to Fight Off Harmful Diseases Enhances

The vegan diet health benefits do not stop with elevated nutrient levels in the body and even go as far to decrease the likelihood that a person will be diagnosed with serious diseases, such as:

Those Associated with the Cardiovascular System

In 2014, the World Health Organisation stated that eighty to ninety percent of heart attacks result from a person’s lifestyle choices and not necessarily genetics. Because of this unsettling statistic, the vegan diet grew further in popularity because, after all, eliminating dairy and the high fat content found in meats drastically reduced high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes.

Type 2 Diabetes

Because most that contract this disease are overweight, those who switch to veganism either rid themselves of the ailment entirely or better maintain it.

Macular Degeneration

Diets rich in dark greens, carrots, and sweet potatoes greatly aid in eye health. Age-related macular degeneration decreases in vegans as well does other eye problems like cataracts.

3. Common, Life-Threatening Cancers Become Easily Avoidable

Prostate Cancer

Dean Ornish, MD, led a study in which ninety three men who positively tested for prostate cancer or cancer-causing components were studied. Those who switched to veganism drastically improved in any negative areas of health, which lead to a breakthrough for preventing the cancer entirely.

Breast Cancer

While evidence does not prove that veganism cures nor prevents breast cancer in women entirely, studies have shown that women who follow a plant-based diet are better able to fight off cancerous tumors in the body, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

4.The Quality of Physicality Improves

Vegan diet health benefits in relation to a person’s physical appearance undoubtedly surround the fact that such a way of life is calorie-friendly. Because of this, a person’s body mass index (BMI) lowers, leading to weight loss, lean statures, and the ability to be more physically fit due to an increase of energy.

5. The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly

The expression, “You are what you eat” was not ill conceived. A diet high in unhealthy fats, additives, and chemicals results in some unsightly issues, including body odor and bad breath. People who eat a lot of red meat and dairy often have to combat body odor by applying strong deodorants, but those who eliminate these groups from their diets find that they smell better naturally. The same theory can be said for bad breath and overall oral health.

6. Abate Uncommon Problems Made Common

Migraines and allergies are issues that society has made fairly common in order to push over the counter medications. In all reality, however, allergies and migraines are often triggered by unnatural lifestyles and compromised immune systems. In a study conducted in Washington DC, migraine sufferers placed on a vegan diet reported a significant reduction in their overall migraine pain. The vegan diet health benefits go as far to abate other pains in the body naturally, like cramps from menstruation as well.

7. Reduces the Negative Effects of “Too Much”

There is such thing as getting too much nutrients and vitamins, and the side effects of such can be devastating. Studies show that those who eat red meat and poultry often are, in fact, receiving too much protein that the body cannot quickly process. Too much protein in the body can result in weight gain, kidney disease and failure, and the loss of calcium which causes osteoporosis. Further vegan diet health benefits support the idea of the body processing reasonable amounts of nutrients naturally and more effectively.

vegan diet

8. Food Sensitivities Become a Thing of the Past

Too often, humans are forced to believe that their bodies are failing them when they are unable to eat certain foods when in all reality, the body’s response to certain foods is natural and its way of saying “Stop it!” About sixty five percent of the population is lactose intolerant, a fact that is often demonized because society wants people to believe that milk is good for them. However, the human body is not meant to process cow’s milk, especially after a certain age, further validating the importance of veganism.

9. Veganism Benefits the Environment, Too!

While the vegan diet health benefits are undeniable, it is important to note that the environment reaps the riches of the lifestyle as well. Less resources are required to farm plants than to grow animals, reducing waste and the use of our natural resources. If the environment is healthy, you are, too.

10. Going Global: Veganism and Its Effect on the World

Perfectly good food is more easily available to animals factory raised for slaughter rather than those starving in underdeveloped nations. Switching to veganism results in less animals needing to be factory farmed, thus leaving edible resources to those who need it more.

Conclusion: The Growing Advantages of Veganism

In sum, veganism is not only a lifestyle choice but perhaps the most natural way to live. Life’s essential nutrients rarely come from animal products alone and that reality has resulted in a healthier society as well as a planet sure to reap the benefits of conscientious people. From the reduction of contracting serious diseases to understanding the human body and its responses better, veganism is an ancient way of life that has fueled humans and the planet for thousands of years.

12 Proven Ways to Relieve Knee Pain

Do your knees pop when you stand up? Do they ache after a long day, or do they spasm in the night when you’re trying to sleep? You don’t have to live with debilitating knee pain. You don’t have to buy expensive medications to fix it, either. There are all-natural ways to relieve knee pain and regain control over your daily activities.

If you’re ready to get back in the driver’s seat of your own life.

Here are just 12 ways to relieve knee pain

1. Weight Loss

This one is a no-brainer. When you’re carrying additional weight on your frame, you’re putting additional pressure on your knees.

The good news is that you don’t have to lose a dramatic amount of weight to start feeling the difference in your joints. In fact, if you can drop just one pound from your waistline, you can take four pounds of pressure off your knees. (1) If you can shed 10 pounds, you can take off 40 pounds of pressure.

In short, it’s worth skipping that extra doughnut to get even sweeter relief for your knees!

2. Low-Impact Exercise

You might not feel like hitting the gym when your knees are protesting your every move, but studies have shown that exercise can be a good source of pain relief.

For starters, exercise releases endorphins in the brain. (2) These jolts of serotonin and dopamine will give you a healthy, all-natural high that will block out some of those insistent pain signals.

Working out can also relieve soreness and stiffness in joints that haven’t seen movement in awhile. Instead of letting them lock up, you’ll encourage them to stretch, rotate, relax and loosen.

If you’re worried about hurting your knees with your regular jogging routine, consider a low-impact activity like swimming. The buoyancy of the water won’t put any pressure on your joints, but you’ll still be able to get the blood flowing through them.

3. Herbs and Spices

There are a number of natural compounds that can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and boost the blood flow to your knees. For example, here’s a short list of herbs that can help with circulation issues:

– Cinnamon
– Green tea
– Willow bark
– Frankincense
– Black pepper

You can also bring certain compounds together for a concentrated dose of helpfulness. For example, spicy turmeric and ginger tea is great for knee pain of all kinds; it will reduce inflammation around the joints while also lessening the frequency of muscle cramps.

4. Better Posture

The way that you sit and stand might be contributing to your knee issues. This is especially true if you’re spending long hours in a poorly-constructed desk chair.

Ideally, your chair will keep your knees “level” with your waist. You should also have enough room under your desk to stretch your legs out whenever they’re feeling stiff. However, if your chair is angled in a way that makes your body “sink” with your knees propped up past your waist, that’s a problem. Consider investing in a better chair that won’t put that kind of pressure on your ligaments.

5. Managing Other Conditions

Are you struggling with any maladies or medical conditions? They might be making your knee pain even worse.

One of the most common causes of knee pain is patellofemoral pain syndrome (PPS). Also known as “runner’s knee,” this is a condition that can make it difficult to sit, squat, kneel or bend over. If you can get it under control, you can reduce the worst of the aches and pains in your kneecaps.

Another thing to watch out for is arthritis. It’s a degenerative condition that can strike the joints anywhere on the body, and your knees can be particularly vulnerable to it. You might need to tackle arthritis head-on if you want to relieve knee pain.

6. Heat

The application of heat is a time-honored remedy for aching muscles. If you’ve ever wondered how it works, it has to do with the dilation of arteries and blood vessels. When they get warm, they open up and allow greater blood flow to stiff, swollen areas, and the increased circulation brings pain relief.

How can you use heat treatments on your knees? A heating pad is the easiest way, but it might not be practical if you’re on the move. Compression tights can be used to trap heat under your skin even as you go about your daily activities. You might also want to look into knee wraps and knee bandages that will offer compression for that specific area.

If your knees are a chronic problem for you, it might be worth it to invest in a jet-powered bathtub or sauna room. Not only will it help to relax you after a long day, but the heat will do amazing things for your knees.

7. Aromatherapy

Essential oils won’t cure your knee pain, but they can help to minimize its effects, especially if you use them in conjunction with certain aromatherapy techniques. Studies have shown that using diffusers to breathe in relaxing fragrances can do wonders for your mood.

As for which fragrances to buy, that will depend on what you’re trying to accomplish. Lavender is touted for its soothing properties; vanilla is said to have a sedative effect that can reduce everything from hyperactivity to restless leg syndrome. Valerian root can put you to sleep. Sandalwood can wake you up.

You’ll need to do some research to determine which essential oils are best for your knee pain. Fortunately, it’ll be quite fun to experiment with different scents. Even if your first picks don’t help with the pain, they’ll make your home smell nice!

8. Lemon Peels

It might sound a little strange, but lemon peels can help to relieve knee pain in a way that’s just as efficient as over-the-counter medication. The trick is to make sure that you’re using them correctly. You can’t just rub lemons on your knees and expect them to work miracles.

To effectively transfer lemon flavones to your skin, you’ll need to soak grated lemon peels in a jar of olive oil for 10-14 days before applying the mixture to bandages that you wrap around your knees. The lemon juice will be much more highly concentrated after it marinates for awhile, so it’ll have a stronger and more lasting impact on your knee tendons and cartilages.

9. Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be a great way to relieve knee pain. Whether you believe in the spiritual “qi” of the body or just the science of reducing pressure where nerves and tendons connect, it can be very helpful for knee problems.

In addition to its physical benefits, acupuncture is also known for its psychological boosts. You won’t just improve your circulation and lower your blood pressure; you’ll also walk out of the clinic with a better mood. As many chronic pain sufferers will tell you, having the right mindset can make all of the difference in pain management, so acupuncture might be a worthy endeavor on multiple levels.

10. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known for promoting skin and bone health, but it’s only recently that experts have discovered a surprising link to pain relief as well. In one study of people with vitamin D deficiency, they all reported unusual feelings of body pain. It didn’t respond to opiates or analgesics. When the patients were given vitamin D supplements, however, the pain stopped. (3)

knee pain

More research needs to be done before anyone can conclusively say that vitamin D deficiency causes aches and pains in the body, but if you’re looking for new ways to fix your knees, it can’t hurt to drink more orange juice. You might also want to consider spending more time outside. Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because you can encourage your body to produce it with the help of direct sunlight.

11. Self-Massage

Massages are great, but what if you don’t have the time or money to seek out professional services? The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) has a few suggestions for people who want to self-massage to reduce discomfort in their knees. Here are the basic movements:

– The front thigh glide
– The inner thigh glide
– Knee friction
– Thigh tapping to anterior thigh
– The finishing glide stroke

There are also several others that you can try. You don’t have to be a licensed massage therapist. If you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and poke around your knees, you could stumble on the perfect massage technique to bring you relief.

12. Positive Thinking

Last but not least, never underestimate your ability to power through pain. While it’s not quite as simple as “mind over matter,” there are all kinds of psychological tricks that you can utilize to relieve knee pain.

For example, you can practice mindfulness techniques that will distract you from stings and throbs. You can learn how to meditate or perform yoga stretches that incorporate deep, relaxing breathing.

You can also look into things like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It’s been shown to have results with chronic pain sufferers who are able to change their thoughts, feelings and coping strategies in regards to their condition.

Final Thoughts on Knee Pain

You can’t always stop the aches and pains in your knees. However, there are steps that you can take to get them under control, especially if you’re willing to think outside of the box. Don’t be afraid to throw out those ineffective pain pills and focus on things like natural remedies and alternative treatment methods. Your miracle cure could be something that you never expected!

11 Signs of A Good Woman

No human being is perfect, but finding a good woman means finding someone great for you, despite her imperfections. There are no exact standards that define a good woman. As such, you might not recognize that you have this woman in your life when your relationship is still young.

Although this article honors some incredible women, please note that these qualities are good to look for in every relationship in your life.

Here Are 11 Signs Of A Good Woman

“No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.” – Harold Macmillan

You will see some subtle signs telling you that being with this girl is probably the best choice you have made in your life. So, here are some signs that indicate she’s a good woman:

1.    She inspires you to be a better person.

A good woman elicits positive energy that makes you feel you are capable of doing anything.  Yet she doesn’t push or impose on you. Instead, she guides and helps you achieve your goals and dreams.

strong woman

A study in the journal Personal Relationships looked into how couples affect a person’s sense of self.

  • Humans have an inherent nature to connect with another person for self-expansion.
  • This is not just about recognizing your partner’s positive traits but also taking on these traits.
  • For example, if you are attached to a charitable person, you’re likely to become charitable too.

A healthy relationship, where two people are happy, improves you because you adopt the other person’s best qualities. A good woman can downplay negative traits through a self-pruning process. As per the study, she is a good woman if she helps you break a bad habit or reduce qualities that are not ideal.

2.    She understands your differences.

She’s a woman who will not drag issues in your relationship when you have fights. She will explain herself to clarify any misunderstanding. Moreover, she will never force her beliefs and opinion on you.

She will tell you what she thinks but won’t expect you to always agree with it. A good woman will also respect your opinion because she understands that a difference in a point of view is still healthy in a relationship.

3.    A good woman is your biggest fan.

She can equal or surpass your best friend when it comes to being your biggest fan. She always encourages you to achieve your goals and shares your accomplishments with others. She’s the girl who’s even more excited than you when opportunities come your way. She will throw you a party when you get promoted or have new milestones to celebrate.

As your biggest fan, however, she’s also your most conscious critic. These things are fundamentally connected if someone genuinely looks out for your welfare. She will give you honest feedback that may sometimes be painful to hear. However, remember that she is only critical because she knows you can improve and get better.

4.    She makes you feel lucky to be with her.

Because of her positive energy, you feel you’ve hit the jackpot knowing she chose you from all other men. Sometimes, you wonder and disbelieve that she wants to be with you.

  • A woman who makes you feel lucky is someone you settle down with for life.
  • Even when the romance dwindles, as most relationships eventually do, you still feel fortunate to be with a good woman.
  • This is because she helps you focus on the positive things.

According to the book, “How Luck Happens: Using the Science of Luck to Transform Work, Love, and Life,” people who give off a good vibe can maintain a great relationship. So, you are lucky to have her!

5.    She’s not insecure.

She’s not the type who will get easily jealous if she sees you talking to a woman or if you have a good relationship with your female co-workers. She respects that other aspects of your life also fulfill you.

Rather than try to keep you from these, she wants to share them with you. So, she tries to get to know the people you hang out with, regardless of gender. For instance, she’s friends with everyone at your gym and occasionally hangs out with them.

This is a woman who, deep down, knows your loyalty and is never insecure about where she stands in your life. She’s not so paranoid that she has to check her phone, emails, and social media accounts.

6.    A good woman won’t do things to make you feel jealous.

She doesn’t have an agenda and is not the type who will play games to make you jealous. She knows that genuine relationships don’t involve tricks and mind games. Because she’s secure about her place in your life, she won’t resort to tricks to get your attention.

  • According to a study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, jealousy commonly manifests dissatisfaction and conflict in a relationship.
  • A good woman won’t manipulate your emotional state to get a reaction from you.
  • If she has issues, she will sit down and talk with you.


7.    She has her own goals, but she regards your relationship as a team.

Apart from giving you support and encouragement, a good woman has goals in her life and knows what to do to achieve them. She’s a good influence who can keep you grounded and focused. This is a woman who gives you stability. With her, you have a teammate and a partner. You can take on the challenges of the world together.

  • According to a study in the Journal of Family Theory & Review, couples who can easily switch from thinking as an individual to a team can have long-lasting relationship.
  • They pour their energy into doing things together to improve the relationship, even if they each have individual goals and dreams.
  • They discuss their relationship frequently and evaluate where they are, where they are heading and what issues they must resolve.

8.    She allows you space.

A good woman won’t cling to, smother, and depend on you constantly. She gives you space to pursue your interests. She lets you take care of other things in your life.

For instance, she’ll let you have the night out with the boys and won’t make a big deal if you come home late. She loves it if you spend time with your family or get to travel for work without her. She’s not worried that you will drift apart when she gives you space.

As partners, spending time with each other is essential, of course. But she gets that you will grow into better individuals if you have sufficient space away from each other to grow and evolve. While there’s no perfect formula to achieve this balance, you know you’re doing it right if you feel that life is good when you’re with and without your partner.

9.    She knows the importance of physical intimacy.

When you both have busy routines and have been in the relationship far too long, it’s easy to overlook physical intimacy. But a good woman knows that this is important for a relationship. She’ll make an effort to keep things exciting by trying out something new from time to time.

  • A study in the Journal of Sex Research revealed that people in good long-term relationships do not have a decreased desire for each other.
  • Despite their busy lives, they remain attracted and deeply connected emotionally.
  • They also have a good rhythm of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Experts say it might be a good idea for couples who have been together for a while to schedule intimacy. It may help build anticipation and excitement in the bedroom, thus making this aspect of the relationship healthier.

10. She gets along with your friends and family.

A good woman gets along with the people who have known you before you even met her. Your friends and family love her because of her positive and approachable personality.

She’s not the type who ruins your dynamics with these people in your life. She also doesn’t make it hard for you to balance your relationships with them and with her. She won’t pull you away or isolate you from them. Your family loves having her join special occasions because they feel comfortable around her.

You were proud and excited to introduce her to your family for the first time. You did not hesitate because you knew she would impress your clan and easily connect with them.

11. A good woman doesn’t have unreasonable relationship expectations.

She’s a woman who does not have unreasonable expectations because she’s not high maintenance. She knows she’s not the center of the universe so she doesn’t need to be pampered or looked after like a spoiled girl.

She also knows that you’re not responsible for making her happy. Instead, you make her happy because it’s the perk of being in a good relationship. She recognizes that emotions can be like a roller coaster ride, so there will be bad days and good days. As many things happen in life’s daily grind, she won’t blame you when bad things happen in your relationship.

good signs your partner is a nice womanFinal Thoughts On Signs Of A Good Woman

You don’t need to find the perfect woman to build a lifelong relationship. While some of the above qualities might seem a generalization, the studies prove that you’ve got a good girl in your company. So, if she has most of these characteristics, you know she’s a keeper.

Lastly, a good woman will always feed off on the positive energy of her partner. So, if you’re also good to her, you’ll likely make your relationship work and remain committed to each other.

Realize that relationships involve two people who work on keeping their love strong daily. This requires total commitment and cultivation. It’s not a leisurely pastime. So, even if you think you’ve met the right girl for you, you still have to keep working on what you have to survive the challenges of being a couple.

8 Behaviors Men Show When They’re In Love With You

How a person behaves in a relationship can determine the kind of love and affection they have for their partner. If you’ve got a man who’s in love with you, his positive behaviors will be evident even if he doesn’t say “I love you” often.

The action does speak louder than words for a man who is truly in love. And his behavior will set him apart from the selfish and narcissistic types who have yet to mature in the way they handle their relationships.  So, if you’re wondering if your man loves you when he doesn’t express much in words, here are some signs to consider from his actions:

Here Are 8 Behaviors Men Show When They’re In Love With You

“A real man never stops trying to show a woman how much she means to him, even after he’s got her.” – Anonymous

1.    He cares about the other people in your life, like your family and friends.

A man who’s in love with you will value your family like his own and won’t have any issues with your friends.

  • He knows that these people are important in your life so he welcomes them in his life as well.
  • He doesn’t feel uncomfortable and awkward around them and he will willingly listen whenever you have stories to tell about a friend or a family member.
  • Your man won’t like to hurt your feelings by having tensions with the other people in your life.
  • He’ll be careful not to say anything against your loved ones that will put you in a situation where you have to pick sides.

According to a study in the Journal of Marriage and Family, a healthy relationship is when couples know how to spend time apart with other people. They don’t demand the fulfillment of all their existential needs from just one person. They are okay if their partner wants to get together with her group of friends regularly or spend time with the family.


2.    He’s happy and proud for your achievements.

Your success is also his success so he is always happy and proud of what you’ve achieved. He doesn’t see you as a competition. He doesn’t grow envious when you’re doing well at your job or other commitments outside of your relationship.

Futhermore, he doesn’t exclude you from his own success even if you don’t have any direct connection to his work. He acknowledges that your presence in his life adds value. You’re the reason he keeps pushing himself to reach his goals, and he considers you as an important part of his success.

Some relationships suffer from the competitive marriage syndrome (CMS), where one partner is focused on outperforming the other to establish his place in the social hierarchy.

There’s a positive aspect to CMS because it can be a motivating factor for an individual to accomplish more than he thought possible. But the need to outdo each other is sometimes the reason couples split. Competitive marriage syndrome is higher in a relationship where both are professionals who are prone to prioritize work over their partner.

3.    He’s not afraid to show his vulnerability to you.

Some people think vulnerability is a sign of weakness. In the world of toxic masculinity, young men are told to suck it up and never cry if they get hurt. It seems as if exposing their weakness might make them less of man.

If you have a guy who is not afraid to show his weak spots before you, that’s love. If he’s not afraid to open up to you about his fears and worries, or his flaws and embarrassing habits, that shows he trusts you. He lets his guard down because he knows he can be real around you.

It takes an authentic effort to show feelings you’re not proud of, knowing you might be allowing yourself to get hurt or embarrassed. According to clinical psychologist, Lisa Firestone on Psychology Today, couples that expose their feelings to each other can grow a lot closer. Being vulnerable to your partner is one of the secrets to a happy union.

4.    He makes sacrifices so you can be happy.

A man who truly loves you will step out of his comfort zone. He’s not in this relationship to look for what he can get out of it. Instead, he’ll put your needs above his own because he wants to make you happy.

He’ll willingly sit down and help you decide if moving to a different state for your job would be a positive step. He’ll let you pick a romantic movie to watch together even if he really wants to see an action film.

Sacrifices are inevitable in a committed or close relationship. In fact, sacrifices are the very definition of being truly in love and involved with a person. Relationships stand the test of time and face the challenges of life better if couples are willing to make sacrifices to please their partner.

He also makes sacrifices for you because you reciprocate and make sacrifices for him. He compromises not because he’s a doormat or a pushover but because you also make the same compromises. This is what being in a committed relationship is about.

5.    He’ll fight for you but he’ll also fight with you.

A man who loves you will be protective of you. Being protective comes instinctively for him and he will make you feel safe in the physical and emotional sense. A man in love will fight for your love because he is afraid of losing you. He’ll face any challenges if that will mean keeping you in his life.

But he’ll also fight with you to avoid losing you. If he’s invested in your relationship, he will want to discuss your issues even if that means he’ll end up arguing with you.

According to relationship expert and author Joseph Grenny, couples who do not argue are avoiding fixing the problems of their relationship. Unfortunately, most couples break up because of this poor communication. Grenny also told The Guardian that true love needs a lot of work. So, while arguments may be crucial, it brings to the surface the kind of intimacy, trust, and connection couples need to stay stronger.

Not all arguments are destructive. In a relationship, it can be positive if the people involved do the following when they fight:

  • Avoid inflammatory language and maintain your respect
  • Avoid judging and approach the issue rationally or reasonably
  • Stick only to the facts of the argument
  • Remain earnest and honest but also careful about what you say
  • Willingly hear the other side’s point of view

6.    He pays attention to what you say or do.

He’s not just a good listener when you’re pouring your frustrations. He also pays attention and knows the little things to do that will light up your eyes. And when he gives you gifts, he’ll put some thought in it and not just pick out random stuff at the store to shower you with material things.

He surprises you with a bouquet of roses for no reason other than to please you when you’ve had a bad day. You find a new pair of shoes because he heard you complaining about blisters from your worn sneakers. He’d rather hang out with you than be with his buddies to watch football if he knows you’ve just had a fight with one of your friends.

  • A man who is sensitive to you will always show how much he cares.
  • This is the kind of man who will not intentionally hurt you and who will treat other people with respect.
  • This is someone who will value a long-term commitment because he’s devoted to you.

7.    He initiates intimacy often.

The thing about men is that they are action-oriented. They aren’t verbal beings compared to women so they use actions to show their feelings more than words.

  • According to a study in the Journal of Marriage and Family, a man who truly loves his partner will take the initiative to have an intimate time with her.
  • He’ll respect that she may be exhausted, or stressed, or feeling particularly unattractive so a romp on the bed might not sound appealing.
  • But because he pays attention to her, it might just be what she needs to overcome the stress and exhaustion.

The study also implied that couples who are in a happy relationship have intimate times more often. They also want to do other activities together, aside from the ones in the bedroom, because this feeds their need to stay close to each other.

8.    He regards you as the beauty queen of his life.

This isn’t about treating you as if you’re a Disney princess or pampering you needlessly. This is about giving you a boost even on days when you feel your worst.

  • It’s common for women to feel less beautiful and have “bad hair days” but a man who’s in love will not be bothered by this.
  • To him, you’re still the beauty queen of his life even if you have pimples and blemishes on your face or you’ve just woken up with disheveled hair.
  • While he might admire beautiful women, he won’t ogle at them in front of you.
  • He’ll make it a point to compliment you because he knows how to focus on the positive more than the negative.

in love

According to Steve Goodier in the book Prescription for Peace, couples who compliment each other show positive affirmation and appreciation; this gesture has so much power that it makes healthy relationships even better. Psychologist John Gottman also wrote in the book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, that compliments in a relationship should outweigh criticisms by a ratio of 5:1.

Final Thoughts On Behaviors Men Show When They’re In Love With You

When a man loves you, he will help you feel loved in specific ways. The signs that he’s into you will always be present and clear as day if you’re aware of what to look for. So, before complaining that you don’t hear your man telling you he loves you, look for these eight markers. Finding them will convince you otherwise.

A study published in the Journal of Social Psychology stated that men can more easily fall in love than women. They don’t usually question or rationalize what they feel, unlike girls. You’re one lucky woman if you have a man who acts on those feelings right away.

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