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Researchers Reveal What The Shape of Your Lips Say About You

Besides the eyes, people pay close attention to a person’s lips. According to physiognomists or the face scientists who are experts at reading facial cues, the shape of your lips can also convey your distinct characteristics.

You use your lips for talking, eating, smiling, and kissing. When you’re happy, sad or angry, it is your mouth that’s usually the first to give away your emotions, aside from your eyes.

Jean Haner, who wrote from the book “The Wisdom of Your Face,” says that the shape of your lips is directly related to your personality and behavior based on ancient Chinese philosophies. You were born with this feature because it is connected to who you really are.

So, here’s what the experts have learned about the shape of your lips and its correlation to your personality:

Researchers Reveal What The Shape Of Your Lips Say About You

“You were born with the features you have for a reason — every feature is linked to a part of your personality and they all work together to represent who you are.” – Jean Haner

1.    Full thin lips

People who have full thin lips are usually timid. But their shyness and introversion mean that they can be independent and self-reliant. They are perfectly fine and content with spending time alone.

When it comes to relationships, however, these people might need a partner in life who will set some direction and motivation. They should be in a relationship with someone who enjoys a clear-cut hobby, or interest, or purpose in life.

  • Kirsten Dunst and Kate Middleton are examples of celebrities with full thin lips.

2.    Full puffy lips

Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson have full puffy lips. Theirs are naturally plump and even on the top and bottom. If your lips are shaped are like this, it means the following:

  • You are empathic and your parental instincts are strong.
  • Safeguarding and protecting the people you love or care about is instinctive for you and you take pleasure in looking out for the welfare of others.
  • You may also have a very small group of friends whom you’ve known for a long, long time. You prefer to keep it this way because relationships are sacred to you.

3.    Plump lips in the center

The people whose lips are are plump in the center are comfortable with being in the spotlight.

  • They enjoy being the center of attention and may be gifted performers or the life of the party.
  • These people like to spend time with a group rather than be alone.
  • They are fun to be around and relish in having an exciting life.
  • They can also tend to be “drama queens” when it comes to relationships.
  • Model Chrissy Teigen is one example of someone whose lips are plump in the center.

4.    Thin upper lip

Those with thin upper lips but a normal-sized lower lip are people with great leadership qualities. They seem to be always charged up, positive and have fire running through their veins because they are so energetic and vibrant, like superstar Reese Witherspoon.

  • These people are great at convincing others. They are able to hold their ground on issues that are so dear to them.
  • Though usually successful in their career, people with thin upper lips may find romance a bit challenging.

5.    Thicker upper lip than lower lip

If your upper lip is naturally thicker or more voluminous than your bottom lip, you’re likely to be charismatic. What is more, you probably enjoy kidding around. You also have an emotional streak; some could say you like the drama and enjoy the attention you get from others. If this is the shape of your lips, you have a high opinion of yourself but people will be drawn to you for your magnanimous personality.

6.    Thicker lower lip than upper lip

A person with a larger and thicker lower lip will not enjoy working at an office job. They have such an energetic personality that remaining chained to a desk in a 9-to-5 job will not suit them.

Instead, these people like to visit places and meet new people. They have an adventurous streak and know how to have fun. They can shine better and serve as a positive influence in careers that involve mingling with others on a regular basis.

7.    Small and round lips

People with small and round lips, or doll lips, are devoted friends. They are compassionate and kind to those who seek their help. However, if you don’t know them well enough, you might think they are selfish or self-involved. They may also like to get into naughty fun once in a while. Drew Barrymore is one star with small but puffy lips.

8.    Almost non-existent upper lip but normal lower lip

At least 60 percent of men have this lip shape, like George Clooney. It’s an indication that they value achievements and their work. Additionally, they will likely be difficult in relationships because they have a type-A personality. They don’t easily relax around people.

9.    Large mouth with normal to full lips

These are the people who will always think of ways to help others. But if their lips are thin even if their mouth is large, they aren’t as giving or generous as the others. People with wider lips, no matter how thick or thin, are often lively and animated people.

They have a large circle of friends and are adaptable to all kinds of personality. What is more, they like to do their own thing and take the lead rather than follow.

What is the Philtrum?

Your lips are not only defined by general size, shape, or thickness. Physiognomists also study the contour and definition of your philtrum. This is the “V” or “U” that is found on your upper lip. It forms within two to three months of pregnancy, as the baby’s face take shape inside the womb, according to scientists.

Women who put on lipstick follow the outline of the philtrum to give their lips more definition. The origins of this body feature can be traced back to the 17th century when the Greeks referred to this shape as the dimple of the upper lip or philtron in the Greek language.

It was also denoted as a love charm because the groove can be so mesmerizing. The philtrum has also been referred to as Cupid’s bow after the Roman god of love. Here’s what physiognomists read about your personality based on your philtrum.

1.    Lips with undefined Cupid’s bow

People with undefined Cupid’s bow, like superstar Julia Roberts, are reliable and responsible people.

  • They are very generous as well.
  • At times, they might not recognize social boundaries.
  • They may also come off as headstrong. Nevertheless, they are dependable when it comes to tackling problems.
  • Additionally, they may fail to observe self-care.
  • They are capable of efficient time management and usually have excellent work ethic.

2.    Lips with peaked Cupid’s bow

If yours is deep, defined, and shaped like a Cupid’s bow then you are likely a very creative person. Just like Taylor Swift, you are driven by artistic pursuits as a way to express yourself. You may also have an excellent memory recall, which means you’re pretty good with names, events, and other social interactions.

As a creative person, you can be spontaneous and impulsive so you need people around you who won’t easily be thrown off by your unpredictability.

3.    Lips with rounded cupid’s bow

If your Cupid’s bow is rounded and not sharp, it’s an indication of your kind spirit and compassionate heart. People with this lip shape are also sensitive so they might be easily triggered or upset when they see misfortunes and unfairness in the world.

These people take the time to help the less fortunate and are considerate of those around them. Actress Amanda Seyfried has lips with a rounded cupid’s bow.

Other Readings of the Shape of Your Lips

You might not have realized just how much your lips can say about you up until this article. But there are still some more interpretations of the shape of your lips below:

lips shape

1.    Goldilock’s lips

Those with Goldilock’s lips do not have thick or thin shapes. Theirs are pretty ordinary and fairly medium-sized. Their Cupid’s bow isn’t overly sharp nor undefined.

  • In short, their lips are just right, like the lips of Oscar winner Emma Stone.
  • These people have a pretty balanced life and can easily tackle anything.
  • They possess a positive mindset, common sense, and sharp logic.
  • These people also listen well and are not judgmental.
  • They don’t crave drama in relationships. In other words, they are not needy but they also do not require a deeper connection with other people.

2.    Injected upper lips

You’ll mess the natural features of your face if you change it using cosmetic enhancements or surgery. Reality TV star Kylie Jenner is someone who’s famously had her lips done. But following ancient Chinese beliefs, you’ll change your being, your destiny, or the path you were meant for if you have your lips injected with fillers.

So, for physiognomists, getting your lips unnaturally plumped implies that you are selfish, needy, and controlling. The bigger you get your lips injected, especially on the upper part, the more drama you crave in life.

3.    Injected lower lips

People who get more lip injections on their lower lip are pleasure seekers. They want to live an enjoyable life. They also want the comfortable life and might look for a mate who will spoil and pamper them.

Final Thoughts On What The Shape Of Your Lips Say About You

The famous saying goes that if the eyes are the windows to your soul then the lips are messengers of what is in your heart. Though some people might not buy into these ancient Chinese beliefs today, it’s still amusing and interesting to learn a bit about yourself just by looking at the size and shape of your lips.

Lipsology, or the art and science of reading the characteristics of a person’s lips, does not reveal clues about a person’s future, fortune, or luck in love. Unlike palm reading, this is about determining your personality traits, your energy, and your general outlook in life.

When you pay close attention to these markers, you can better understand who you are. You can also find new directions in your life to positively act on what you have learned about yourself. Lipsology can provide insights, encouragement, and affirmation. Some might think its mystical mumbo-jumbo but there are others who believe in its truth.

10 Breathing Exercises That Relieve insomnia And Help You Fall Asleep

Do you struggle to fall asleep every night? You aren’t alone. Approximately 60 million Americans have insomnia. Although it only plagues you at night, insomnia has long-lasting consequences that impact your entire life. From sleeplessness and fatigue throughout the day, concentration problems and even health issues, finding a way to relieve insomnia isn’t just a desire for most people, it’s a necessity. (1)

Relaxation techniques help you fall asleep and beat insomnia. With one in five people struggling to get some Z’s every night, learning about insomnia breathing exercises can help you get the rest you need and start living life to the fullest.

How do relaxation techniques relieve insomnia?

Insomnia can be a primary or secondary condition, meaning it’s either existent on its own or caused by another problem. People who have depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders are far more likely to suffer from sleep problems. More than 50 percent of people with anxiety and 90 percent of those with depression suffer from insomnia. (2)

Sleep meditation and other relaxation techniques help focus the mind and lower stress levels by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing trigger the body’s natural relaxation response and help us fall asleep. (34)

Check out these 10 breathing exercises to relieve insomnia that you can try tonight.

1. The 2-to-1 Exercise

The 2-to-1 breathing exercise is simple: You exhale for twice as long as you inhale on a single breath. Yoga International explains the benefit of this exercise by describing its impact on both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is less stimulated during the 2-to-1 breathing technique, which allows for greater stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows the heart rate and relaxes your body.(5)

You can choose how long you decide to breathe in, though most people are comfortable with three to four seconds. Sit up straight in a chair with your spine aligned or lie down in bed, arms out at your sides with your palms facing upward.

Breathe in through your nose for a comfortable count, then exhale for half of that. You should gently count each breath without whispering. Yoga International advises people to avoid mental counting during this exercise to prevent any breathing irregularities. Your concentration should be solely on your breaths.

Make sure you contract your abdominal muscles to push out extra air. Deepening your exhalations will ensure you push out toxins like carbon dioxide and increase blood flow to the heart and lungs.

2. The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise

This exercise is also known as the “Relaxing Breath” and can reportedly help some people fall asleep in just one minute. Creator Dr. Andrew Weil describes this technique as “a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.” As a practitioner of integrative medicine and fan of the holistic approach to health, Dr. Weil developed the 4-7-8 breathing method to help people combat not only insomnia but also moments of stress and anxiety. (6)

Grounding, the process of rooting oneself to the present moment through breathing exercises and mindfulness, helps patients with anxiety disorders effectively calm themselves and prevent panic attacks. For those with insomnia, this breathing technique can have a sedating effect as it encourages the rapid expulsion of carbon dioxide and soothes the body’s nervous systems. (7)

To do the 4-7-8 method, simply inhale through your nose for four seconds, hold for seven and exhale audibly through your mouth for eight. During the exercise, you should touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth on the spot just before your front teeth.

While the speed and intensity aren’t important, regulation makes a difference. Dr. Weil stresses the importance of regulating your breaths and concentrating on consistency. Dr. Weil says you should never do four breath cycles in one sitting, but you should strive to do the exercise at least twice a day.

3. Belly Breathing

Most of us tend to breathe with our chests, and these shallow cycles don’t do much to aid our minds. In fact, during periods of anxiety or stress, our breathing can become even more shallow and unregulated.

Harvard Health encourages people to practice abdominal breathing exercises to slow down your heart rate and stabilize blood pressure, making it easier to drift off to sleep. (8)

4. Alternate Nostril Breathing

This technique is derived from a yoga breathing practice called pranayama. When you concentrate on this exercise, you can experience a deep sense of peace and tranquility that will quell any racing thoughts and make it easier to fall asleep.

To begin, place your right thumb over your right nostril and inhale deeply through the left. When you’ve completely inhaled, pause and remove your thumb and place your ring finger on your your left nostril before exhaling slowly. Repeat this exercise for several breath cycles. After a few, you should feel much more relaxed and able to fall asleep.

If you’re still restless, direct your attention to your breathing after the exercise and simply observing each breath How do they feel? Are they deep or shallow? Do they come from your chest or belly? Concentration without the impulse to control anything can help further increase your feelings of relaxation.

5. Visualizing Breaths

As you inhale, imagine your favorite color. Think of this color moving through your body as you breathe in, relaxing all of your muscles and nourishing your cells from the top of your head all the way down to your toes. Don’t hold your breath for too long or force yourself to inhale forcefully.

You can incorporate some progressive muscle relaxation during this exercise. With each breath, focus on a specific part of your body. Focus on relaxing that specific region and readying it for sleep before moving onto the next breath.

6. Counting Breaths

Inhale, exhale. One. Inhale, exhale. Two. This exercise can help disrupt intrusive thoughts and bring your attention back to the present. Perform this technique to the count of five, then repeat two more times.

7. Humming Breath

The Sanskrit word for bee is “brahmari,” which is where this exercise gets its name. normally through your nose, then exhale through your mouth while making a humming sound from your throat. Gently close your ears with your index fingers so you can focus on the sound and sensation it creates.

8. Equalized Breathing

This breathing technique also involves mental counting. Instead of holding your breath for a set period and releasing it for another, this exercise is all about regulation and restoring your equilibrium. Inhale for, say, four seconds. Exhale for the same amount. Repeat at least five times, counting each second in your head.

9. Face-focused Breathing

Many people find themselves distracted during breathing exercises. In order to keep your attention rooted in the physical world rather than your thoughts, gently touch a part of your face for each breath during this exercise. First, close your eyes. Breathe in for several counts and gently place your index finger on your right eye. Exhale. On the next inhalation, move your finger to your left eye. Exhale.

Repeat this practice while moving on to the tip of your nose and mouth. You can perform several breaths on each feature or start the exercise over and complete it two or three times.

10. Sound Meditation

Find some sleep sounds on YouTube that relax you. Ocean waves, light rain or a fan are common white noises that help people calm down. With the sounds on, lay on your bed in a comfortable position. Laying on your back is recommend as this allows for the greatest expansion of your lungs and improves air flow.

Breathe normally for a few cycles, concentrating on the sounds around you. When you’re ready, close your eyes on an exhale. Feel the weight of your body pressing down on the bed. Listen to the rhythm of the white noise, and begin to count your breaths backward from 10. Each inhale and exhale counts as one breath.

breathing exercises

You can perform up to three repetitions of this exercise. Don’t try too hard to control your breathing during this meditation. Instead, concentrate on becoming more aware of your body and its natural sensations as the air moves in and out of your lungs. For those who prefer simple breathing exercises to relieve insomnia, sound-based meditation is a good choice.

More Ways to Help Beat Insomnia

Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and maintaining a regular bedtime routine can help you sleep better at night. Many insomniacs develop anxiety around bedtime because they dread tossing and turning for hours on end.

Avoid staying in your bed when you can’t sleep. Instead, cultivate a quiet and peaceful space that you can relax in. Even when your body doesn’t want to fall asleep right away, you can ensure that your bedroom and the night are only associated with tranquility and relaxation.

If your mental health is causing your restlessness, talk to your doctor. Depression, anxiety and other mental disorders are highly treatable. The hardest step for many people is reaching out for help.

Breathing exercises, diet and self-care might not cure your insomnia overnight, but they can certainly alleviate the severity of your condition and make it much easier to treat.

7 Behaviors of Someone Who Is Secretly Attracted to You

Most men aren’t good at communicating their feelings verbally and that’s the universal truth. But as much as they try to cover up their attraction for a woman, it will still show in the way they behave when they are with the girl they like. In other words, they can’t always hide it when they’re attracted to you.

Guys are more comfortable showing what they truly feel with actions, not words. So, if you pay attention to some of these behavioral markers below, you might just realize that someone is secretly attracted to you:

Here Are 7 Behaviors Of Someone Who Is Secretly Attracted To You

“Your soul is attracted to people the same way flowers are attracted to the sun, surround yourself  only with those who want to see you grow.” – Unknown

1.    He’ll gaze at you and make eye contact

Making eye contact is the first way a man shows his attraction for a woman. This gesture is deeply rooted in the human’s DNA because cavemen were experts at this, too.

  • Experts from the University of Stirling and University of Wolverhampton cited in a study that making eye contact helps people remember you better long after you have talked to them.
  • So, when a man wants to make a good and long-lasting impression on a woman, he’ll try to hold her gaze to make that deep connection.
  • If coupled with a winning smile, then an eye contact can coax a woman to respond to the man in a positive manner.
  • Studies have proven that people are more drawn to someone based on their gaze’s direction and their enchanting smile.
  • The experts also learned that men do develop intense feelings for a woman they’ve been staring at for at least 10 seconds.
  • It seems “love at first sight” isn’t just something romantic that writers made up.

Eye contact is a powerful gesture for a man to convey his attraction towards a woman and it’s also a good opening for meeting her. But this is just the first step to really get to know a person.

2.    He’ll find excuses to touch you

Someone who has a strong attraction for you will find every excuse to touch you in ways that aren’t creepy. He’ll try to graze his shoulders against yours or attempt to be playful and tap your arm or knee. He won’t mind if you’re in a crowded place and you have to squeeze closer to each other.

When he sees you, he may try to extend a more enthusiastic handshake or embrace you if he’s a lot bolder. He might even try to tuck your hair in your ear and lean in toward you as you chat.

  • Men like initiating these physical contacts to see how a woman will respond.
  • A study in the journal Biology Letters revealed that a man’s touch can get the ladies literally hot.
  • If he’s a good guy, however, he’ll take a cue from your actions too. He will respect your comfort threshold and not go beyond your personal boundaries.
  • If he feels you’re okay about reciprocating his touches, that might be the way he’ll show his affectionate gestures.

Experts have shown in a study on the journal Emotion that a touch can be a reliable form of communication to show different kinds of emotions. Some 78 percent of the time, a single touch can convey a man’s attraction to a woman more than words or facial expressions can ever say.

3.    He’ll lick, bite, or touch his lips often while looking intently at your lips

A good man will likely try to control his attraction for you, especially if you’ve just met. But his body language will still give him away. If he is licking, biting, or touching his lips often when he’s talking to you, then it’s a definite sign of his strong feelings. If his eye contact shifts to your lips and he’s looking at them intently while you talk, his body is secretly saying that he likes you a lot.

One of the most erotic parts of human anatomy is the lips. It’s only natural, and instinctive even, for a man to use this to convey his attraction to the opposite gender. Obviously, your presence is triggering something in him and he’s likely fighting the urge to kiss you because it’s not yet the time.

But he could also be licking or touching his lips a lot to comfort himself. It means that he’s nervous or feeling tense around you, especially if he has no idea if you’re feeling the same way. Regardless, however, this still shows his strong feelings.

4.    He will mirror and mimic you, but not in a creepy way

A guy who likes you will mirror and mimic your gestures, movements, and posture. It’s how he’s able to feel connected to you even though your relationship is not deep yet. Experts call this the Mirror Neuron System that humans during the ancient period also observed. As social beings, it’s a fundamental way humans are wired.

  • Mirroring or mimicking is both a conscious and unconscious behavior.
  • In long-term couples, this shows how they are attuned to each other.
  • If you observe older married couples walk on the street, you will see they tend to be perfectly in sync.

In dating, mirroring or mimicking establishes rapport. A man may be doing this deliberately, albeit not in a creepy way, to let you know he’s really attracted to you. To test if he’s mirroring, change your body position while in deep conversation with him. Observe if he adopts your posture after a few seconds.

Experts say that mimicking can produce positive feelings, as per Psychology Today. But the gesture is not just limited to body movements; a man might also copy other things about you.

  • For instance, if you like to wear a band on your arm, you could find him wearing a similar item the next time you see each other.
  • If you prefer a particular color or brand for your earphones, he might get the same thing for himself.
  • If you like wearing black all the time, chances are this will become his new favorite color choice.

He might also begin using the same words or expressions you use or enunciate the words your way. If you say “gro-sir-ees” and he says “gro-shir-ees” he will eventually use the way you say groceries if he’s mimicking you. This is how he’s subconsciously signaling that he is into you.

5.    He will laugh at all your jokes, even the corny ones

If you’re making him laugh even though you know your jokes are bad, then he’s likely attracted to you. He wouldn’t mind the corny jokes because, by this time, the love chemicals in his brain (oxytocin) are so high when he’s with you that whatever you say will be interesting to him.

He might even take it a step further and compliment you by saying how funny you are and how easy you make him laugh. If he says you’re cute for being goofy and witty then he’s really flirting with you big time.

According to Psychology Today, a lot of people find humor quite sexy. In the early stages of dating, humor can make the attraction a lot more intense. Believe it or not, guys can get past a woman’s physical beauty or lack of it if her sense of humor is sharp. Humor helps a man be at ease with the girl and it also deepens his bond with her.

6.    He becomes protective of you

When you walk with him on a busy street, does he always make sure he’s between you and the traffic? Does he gesture for cars to slow down while you cross? In a crowded bar, does he help you get to the other side of the room by holding your hand?

These might seem like big brotherly gestures but what he’s really doing is flirting with you because he’s attracted to you. He’s hoping to earn your trust because he wants you to like him too. If he demonstrates the urge to defend you or take your side against someone you have a misunderstanding with, then he’s being protective of you.

It feels good to have a guy who has your back and it’s natural for him to behave this way if he’s really into you. But there’s a difference between a guy who is protective and a guy who is possessive.

  • A good man recognizes that even if you can count on him to protect you, you’re not exactly a helpless gal or a damsel in distress.
  • A man who is protective of you has positive thoughts and a healthy mindset. He never wants you to feel alone, hurt or unhappy.
  • A man who is possessive thinks that protecting you is all about checking up on you, looking at your phone and email messages without asking you, or confronting the people he thinks might be a threat.
  • A possessive man won’t observe boundaries, whereas a protective guy who respects your space.

be with someone who will take care of you

7.    He likes doing you favors

A guy who’s secretly attracted to you will go out of his way to do you favors. He might be generally helpful towards other people but he will put in the extra effort whenever you need something. Sometimes, he’ll mess up his whole schedule just for you and it won’t be an inconvenience for him.

For instance, it’s huge when a guy offers to drive you to the airport. (Honestly, no one really enjoys doing this task unless they work for a taxi service.) But he’ll do it if it means he’ll get to spend a few extra minutes with you before you leave. He may even offer to pick you up when you get back from your business trip.

But let’s face it, he’s doing you favors not only because he has a good heart but also because he’s expecting more than just a “thank you” in the long run. This isn’t about taking advantage of you, though. He is trying to win you over because he’s really attracted to you.

He’ll put his best foot forward to impress you, as men did in the old days of courtship. By showing that you can rely on him, you’ll hopefully feel the same way about him too.

Final Thoughts On Behaviors Of Someone Who Is Secretly Attracted To You

While it might be fun to spot the clues in the behavior of a guy who’s attracted to you, keep in mind, however, that attraction is fleeting. So, perhaps it would be better not to be too hung up on finding the signs.

Appreciate them when you notice them, but also focus on enjoying the positive moments you have together with this guy. This way, you won’t miss out on a potentially great relationship.

5 Behaviors Rude People Show Before They’re Rude to You

There’s a different kind of contagion in the air and it’s not the flu virus. Rude people are popping up everywhere like a disease that needs to be treated. According to a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology, rudeness can be quite infectious. People who are witnesses to rude behaviors may also behave inconsiderately because of the negative atmosphere around them.

As we learned as children, good manners and positive outlook are learned behaviors and not innate behaviors. But a study in the Psychological Science journal cited that humans are born with a gene variant that can influence a person’s willingness to be nice and considerate.

Additionally, when people think that the world is full of mean individuals, they won’t be compelled to show niceness, generosity, and compassion. As a result, they allow themselves to be just as rude as the next person.

Acts of rudeness may be perpetuated today due to the emergence of technology and social media, according to a report on Civility in America. People are easily triggered, frustrated, and short of patience because of it. Take a look at some behaviors that rude people show even before they are actually rude to you:

Here Are 5 Behaviors Rude People Show Before They’re Rude To You

“Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength.” – Eric Hoffer

1.    They are happy about the misfortune of others.

Taking pleasure in the misfortunes of other people is also called “schadenfreude.” It’s when people gloat and feel a sense of satisfaction if they see someone they don’t like suffering or having a bad time.

Granted, there’s a little dark side in every person because that’s human nature. We all have our mean streaks and tendency toward mischief. We may poke fun or pull a prank on our buddies occasionally. But someone who is rude will feel inordinately satisfied over the sufferings of others. If you know a person like this or run in the same circles as him or her, you will likely eventually experience this rudeness yourself.

In the 1800s, German philosopher and moralist Arthur Schopenhauer regarded schadenfreude as one of the worst traits of humans. He believed that a person who delights in other’s misfortunes is morally worthless and has a bad heart.

But schadenfreude also exposes a person’s inner flaws, no matter how hard he hides it. By acting with meanness and without compassion for others, he is showing his envious nature. A person’s own insecurities, pettiness, and feelings of inadequacy come to the fore when they delight in another’s misfortune.

2.    They are mean to the waiters and retail staff.

Have you ever dated someone who made silly demands when ordering food at the restaurant or who made snide comments to show his displeasure for the service staff? Waiters and staffers at retail stores are such easy targets of power-trippers and rude people.

Some customers feel a sense of entitlement and make demands because they are paying for it. But a rude person will frequently complain about getting horrible service, or will not say “please” and “thank you.” They may even resort to asking for the manager when they sees something isn’t right with the order.

Worse, rude people won’t even acknowledge that they are behaving inappropriately. In fact, they will defend that their behavior was warranted against a perceived injustice that the waiter or retail staff apparently showed them.

This the type of person tends to be judgmental and isn’t a team player. To act in a condescending manner is to belittle the other person. So, if they cannot treat people as equals, it means they don’t know how to be respectful. Someone who is habitually rude to the service staff for no apparent reason may also be rude to you one day. Would you want to be with a person whose mindset shows entitlement and arrogance?

3.    They don’t have a lot of friends.

People who do not have a positive energy because of their mean streak might not have a lot of friends. Sometimes, it’s a personal choice but in some cases, it could not be of their own choosing.

Most people will avoid being friends with a rude person to keep conflict out of their lives. If you spot these common behaviors of someone who is rude, you will understand why they do not have a bigger social circle:

  • Always interrupting someone in a conversation, which shows they are not capable of listening or understanding.
  • Whining a lot and wasting time complaining instead of doing something about it.
  • A tendency to snap, snark, and scream at anyone. It won’t matter if they’re being mean to a woman, an elderly person, or a child.
  • A superiority complex combined with an attitude of self-righteousness.
  • They can be arrogant or even act like a bully.
  • They’ll usually want to call the shots and dictate the plans. But they’ll regularly drop out of your plans and won’t have the courtesy to reschedule.
  • Impolite behavior such as not responding to messages or texts on time.

Some argue, however, that rudeness or offensive behavior may not be a personal assault against you. In some cases, this is a coping mechanism for people with anxiety issues or anger management problems. This isn’t to say that you should overlook a person’s rudeness because he may need psychological intervention. It should raise a red flag that someone is having a tough time dealing with his personal issues if he’s taking it out on others.

4.    They utter harsh words.

Aside from his actions, a person’s behavior can be gauged by the words he uses. If he’s fine with blurting harsh words towards other people and no one is calling him out, you may find yourself at the receiving end of this harshness. To use kind and positive words is also about seeing other people as equals.

In the beginning, he might show charisma and niceness around you and other people. He might even show commendable manners and behaviors until you realize that it’s all a front. But no matter how much he masks himself, a true nature of a person with rude behavior will show. The longer you hang out with this type of person, the more evident his views, prejudices, and demeanor will be.

For instance, you could be friends or in a relationship with a guy who’s actually a sexist. The shift in behavior might surprise you because he didn’t behave offensively before. It’s possible, however, that he’s no longer concerned about your opinion or that he’s not really interested in the relationship anymore.

In the same way, rude people may also project their behavior as a racist slight and then say things like “I’m not a racist, but…” They’ll dish out slurs, racist jokes, and might even display micro-aggressions. They might make derogatory sentiments intentionally or unintentionally towards people of color to the point that you’d be embarrassed to be with them.

But in most cases, people who are rude won’t be apologetic if their jokes are disrespectful or prejudiced. They won’t also understand how their teasing can affect others. They will rationalize their choice of words and might even tell you it is your fault for taking their statements too seriously.

5.    They won’t feel remorseful.

When you’re having a bad day or a terribly stressful time, you may have the tendency to lash out on people. If you’re cranky and up to no mood to kid around, you might snap at your friend, co-worker, or partner. But moments like these are usually followed by intense feelings of guilt so you apologize for the outburst and try to make amends. If necessary, you might even have a serious sit-down conversation and do your best to make the other person feel better after you’ve hurt their feelings.

Now, this is how emotionally mature individuals handle themselves when they’ve offended someone. But rude and cold-hearted people don’t have the capacity to be remorseful or guilty. If they have an outburst, they will always find excuses to justify their behavior. They might say things like:

  • “I haven’t had coffee yet, what do you expect?”
  • “I’m not a morning person.”
  • “He was being disrespectful to me, so I cursed at him.”
  • “Bad temper runs in my family so I can’t help it.”
  • “I’m under a lot of pressure at work and you didn’t give me space.”

It’s easy for rude people to completely disregard the feelings of others since they don’t have an empathic heart. You won’t hear them apologize. Instead, they might even make it sound like you should appreciate them for being upfront.

rude people

But short of being diagnosed with a personality disorder, there’s no reasonable justification for an adult to be rude to another person. Everyone has a bad hair day once in a while but you don’t see everyone reacting with rudeness because of it, right?

Final Thoughts Of Behaviors Rude People Show

Rudeness can dampen a positive day and may damage your faith in humanity. Rudeness hurts people no matter how those actions are justified. You should never let your moods dictate your manners. Additionally, you should never let the actions of others determine your behavior. Otherwise, if you allow rudeness to beget rudeness, how will the world change for the positive?

If you’re friends or in a relationship with a person who’s showing these five signs of rudeness, it might help to have a healthy, honest, positive and open discussion about it. If you feel that this person might not have a deep respect for people, perhaps communicating your concern will open his eyes and heart.

The person’s response to your attempt to communicate should give a clue of where this relationship will go. If he shows a willingness to change once you let him know how this behavior bothers you, then perhaps the friendship or relationship is worth saving. However, if he dismisses your concerns, you might need to think hard about staying in this relationship.

8 Reasons A Stroke Happens (That Most People Ignore)

A stroke usually happens unexpectedly, and can be a scary, life threatening event. If the stroke doesn’t cause death, it can cause many other issues that may take a long time to recover from, if recovery is even possible. These issues may include:

  • Loss of muscle movement
  • Complete paralysis
  • Trouble swallowing or talking
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty thinking clearly
  • Trouble with reasoning and understanding
  • Emotional issues
  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensation in your arm
  • Sensitive to temperature change
  • Changes in behavior
  • Inability to care for yourself

Usually, a stroke is debilitating in some way. Fortunately, there are treatments available for strokes and the events that occur afterward, but they are not always successful. There are a number of reasons that stokes may happen and, many times, people ignore these reasons simply because they do not know of them.

A stroke is a severe medical issue, and getting ahead of the problem can make all the difference. There are two different types of strokes, and both can be just as harmful. One type occurs when something blocks the blood flow, known as an ischemic stroke, and the other occurs when there is bleeding in the brain, known as hemorrhagic strokes.

8 Reasons a Stroke Happens

1. High blood pressure

Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is the biggest reason that strokes happen. This is because high blood pressure damages arteries in the body. Damaged arteries make it easier for blockages to occur. There are treatment options for high blood pressure that your doctor can help you understand and decide on, which can lower your risk for strokes.

2. Tobacco

Smoking or chewing tobacco increase the chances of a stroke. It raises your blood pressure, causes buildups in arteries, and thickens the blood. Those who smoke tobacco have their chances of strokes increased 200-400%.

You don’t have to be a smoker for tobacco to affect your in this way, either. Just being around smoke can even increase the risk of stokes by 20-30%, as well. Secondhand smoke can lead to the same issues as actually using tobacco, so it is almost just as unsafe.

In addition to causing high blood pressure, buildups in arteries, and thickening of the blood, smoke can lower the functioning of the lungs. Lungs that aren’t functioning as well as they should also cause strokes. This issue should never be ignored, even if you think it will not happen to you.

3. Heart disease and diabetes

Any heart disease can be the reason for strokes. Some of the more common heart conditions that can lead to strokes are defective heart valves, atrial fibrillation, and an irregular heartbeat. An irregular heartbeat is actually one of the leading causes of strokes in the elderly.

Oftentimes, people who have diabetes have a history of high blood pressure and being overweight. Both issues increase the likelihood of strokes, and diabetes only makes the likelihood even higher.

Another issue with diabetes is that it can damage blood vessels, which is yet another reason strokes might occur. Additionally, high blood sugar levels are common with diabetes and, if the levels are high during a stroke, can make the effects even worse.

4. Heavy drinking

Heavy alcohol drinking greatly increases the risk of strokes. This is because alcohol can increase your blood pressure, which causes strokes. Heavy alcohol consumption also increases the chances of diabetes, another risk factor for strokes.

Alcohol can also be an issue for anyone taking medication. Some medications have a negative reaction when paired with alcohol, and sometimes those reactions cause strokes.

5. Lack of exercise

Being overweight is a direct link to strokes, and weight can be controlled through regular exercise. Exercise also lowers blood pressure, which can lower your risk of strokes. Additionally, the health of your blood vessels will be improved through exercise, making them stronger and less susceptible to complete blockages.

Avoiding exercise is not only causing problems for your preventative care, but it also leads to being overweight, having high blood pressure, developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many other issues that can be directly linked to strokes.

6. Medication

There are many medications on the market that can increase the chances of strokes. Blood-thinning medications, for instance, increase the likelihood. Hormone therapy and birth control pills also increase the chances.

It is best to read the side effects and warnings of every medication before you begin taking it. You will need to be able to weigh whether the benefits of the medication outweigh the risk of strokes if that is one of the possible side effects.

7. Age

Unfortunately, this is a reason for strokes that cannot be controlled. Just because it cannot be controlled does not mean that it should be ignored, however.

While anyone from any age group can have strokes, older people are much more likely to experience one. After the age of 55, the likelihood increases immensely and then doubles every decade.

Instead of ignoring these facts and hoping for the best, as you get older take extra care to prevent strokes by taking caring and controlling any other medical conditions. You could also cut certain things out of your lifestyle that is known to increase the chances of strokes.

8. High cholesterol

High cholesterol is caused by consuming too much saturated and trans fat. When high cholesterol is a problem, plaque builds up in the arteries. This can become such a big issue that the plaque completely blocks the blood flow, causing strokes.

Eggs, meat, and dairy products have high amounts of cholesterol, so it is important to limit those foods. Since those foods are commonly thought of as healthy options, it may be unexpected that they could be so detrimental to your health. It is important to focus on moderation when it comes to these foods.

Your body also produces a small amount of cholesterol, so you have to account for that, as well. Cholesterol is one of the biggest reasons behind strokes.

Stroke Symptoms

Many of the stroke symptoms are also symptoms of something else, so it may be hard to figure out what is really going on. It is important to not ignore these symptoms, however, and there are a few that stroke symptoms that are more specific to strokes than to anything else.

  • Fatigue
  • Unusual vision problems, but only in one eye
  • One arm becoming weak or numb
  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble thinking
  • Severe headache or migraine
  • Trouble walking
  • Inability to put both arms in the air without one of them drooping back down
  • Half of the face is drooping


The stroke symptoms that were just mentioned are ones that present themselves to both men and women. There are a certain set of symptoms that normally occur only in women, however, so it is important for women to keep an eye open for those.

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Fainting
  • Being short of breath
  • Being disoriented
  • Having the hiccups
  • Being more agitated than usual
  • Pain
  • Abrupt changes in behavior

There are certain stroke symptoms that generally only occur for men, as well. These symptoms include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Drooping face on one side
  • Dizziness
  • Cannot understand conversation
  • Is unable to communicate
  • Unusual anxiety
  • Vision loss in one or both eyes

How to Prevent a Stroke

All of the things that could lead to strokes may make you feel like there is nothing you can do to prevent one. This is far from the truth, however. There are many precautions you can take to lessen your chances of strokes.

  • Control high blood pressure
  • Lower the amount of cholesterol in your diet
  • Avoid tobacco, even secondhand
  • Manage diabetes
  • Lose weight or maintain a healthy weight
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Consume alcohol in moderation or not at all
  • Avoid recreational drugs
  • Take medication to treat heart disease
  • Eat dark chocolate every day

Final Thoughts on Reasons a Stroke Happens

Strokes are normally completely unexpected, but they can be completely debilitating. The longer it takes to get medical treatment, the more damaging strokes are to your body. There are risk factors and also prevention methods, so there are ways to get ahead of the problem.

You should never ignore the reasons that people typically have strokes, and you should also never ignore any symptoms, even if you aren’t positively sure that’s what the problem is. The quicker you receive medical attention, the better off you will be, so it is best to seek treatment instead of waiting to know for sure that it is what you are experiencing.


7 Ways Fake People Manipulate You To Make You Trust Them

Have you ever been scammed, conned or betrayed? Did you become friends with someone who turned out to be manipulating you? Fake people have ways of earning your trust only to use it against you.

A study from the Better Business Bureau showed that roughly 30 percent of people aged 25 to 34 have been victims of scammers. In contrast, only five percent of people over the age of 75 have been conned.

Author Maria Konnikova, who wrote the book The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It… Every Time, said via The Cut that everyone is vulnerable to fake people especially if you’re going through life-changing experiences. Even positive changes can make you vulnerable because you’ll readily believe that anyone or anything is good. Take a look at some ways fake people try to manipulate you so you’ll trust them:

Here Are 7 Ways Fake People Manipulate You To Make You Trust Them

“Dealing with manipulation is all about reading between the lines and recognizing the lies for what they are.” – Unknown

1.    They are very good listeners

Fake people listen and listen well like the con artist that they are. In their conversations with a potential target, they are usually quieter and intent on hearing what you have to say.

Most people become victims of fake people because of their willingness to share information with someone who extends a listening ear. Victims often do not ask questions when they think the other person is truly interested in their thoughts or feelings.

  • Once fake people figure out what’s your deal, they will exploit this to their advantage. For starters, they might say that they also come from your hometown or that they are a fan of the same band you like.
  • Fake people draw on your feelings and emotional triggers to make you think you have plenty in common with them. But that’s just really the con artist using the information you tell them to con you.

Being a good listener is a skill that helps fake people build rapport with their victims. They pay attention, they don’t interrupt, and they repeat what you’ve said in their own words to show proof that they are listening. This active listening skill is so effective that the FBI uses this very tactic in hostage negotiations, according to Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

2.    They reveal their flaws to you

A fake person will further win your trust by showing his imperfections and flaws. A classic study from the journal Psychonomic Science showed that people are more easily trusting of someone who’s also vulnerable like them.

  • Committing an embarrassing mistake, such as spilling coffee on yourself in public, makes a highly competent person appear warmer and more approachable, hence victims are easily drawn to the con.
  • In some cases, fake people will pique your curiosity and marvel you by sharing their secrets, fears, and anxieties. This is how fake people win your trust in a small amount of time.
  • They perform actions which negate the common notion that trust must be built slowly and gradually. Apparently, there is a shortcut to trust, especially if you’re a good con artist.

But fake people are also careful not to appear too vulnerable that it will hurt their credibility. They still understand the need to impress you and not set the alarm bells off.

3.    They will let you win

A fake person will let you feel like a winner in the beginning. If they want you on their side then they have to give a taste of why it will be rewarding and positive to hang out or do business with them. So, they will dangle something you want to manipulate your emotions in the hopes that you’ll bite and make an impulsive choice that will favor them.

A fake person will also start small when they are trying to manipulate you.

  • Before they swoop in for the big favors they will start with the little things.
  • Experts like Konnikova described this as the “foot in the door” scheme.
  • When you say yes once, you’re likely going to say yes to this fake person again and again.

According to the AARP Fraud Watch Network, you must always pay attention to your body’s cues when faced with something exciting or too good to be true. For instance, during a sale’s pitch, if you’re feeling your heart racing faster and you’re already thinking of what you can do with the item, try to control yourself and get your bearings together.

Never decide something major under these conditions. If the fake person is showing you the good stuff but eventually asks for a loan from you, don’t say yes right away. Give it a few days and let the exciting prospect wear off. It might also be prudent to use this time to actually verify and check what your new “friend” is trying to offer.

4.    They will dress well because a good appearance is part of the con

Fake people will dress well and look good all the time to appear successful and legitimate. They do this to take advantage of that part in you that makes split-second judgments based on superficial ideals. People are apparently vulnerable to external cues like fashion and grooming. Fake people exploit this aspect in order to win you over.

  • Online scammers, for instance, use a profile photo of someone really good-looking to create an illusion. (If they don’t show normal photos that aren’t taken at a professional studio, this should be a big red flag.)
  • Most victims of scams or cons usually make statements that say they thought the guy who betrayed them looked positive, decent, and presentable.
  • Con artists do not “seem” the type to dupe people because they make an effort to appear well-to-do and nice to be around.

As for getting a sense of legitimacy, fake people try to dress the part to convince their victims they are the real deal or worth the salt. This also bolsters their cover and fans out the con. Experts call this psychological process “enclothed cognition.”

Like magicians, fake people operate on misdirecting you and warping your perception. If your guards are down, you will blindly accept what you see as the truth. People have the tendency to trust visual cues when they don’t have enough information about the person they are dealing with. Often, these visual cues are not on the spot.

5.    They have social proof establishing they are who they say they are

A fake person will try to name drop a mutual friend, or someone famous, or a person with authority to establish their legitimacy as well. They will make it sound like they have a lot of influential friends. They also carry business cards and other credentials, albeit likely faked as well, to prove they are who they say they are.

Experts call this tactic the social proof. All of us encounter this in how we deal with people every day. Social proof can be powerful since it taps on a person’s need to conform and belong. Name dropping, for instance, works because people can be easily impressed if they know someone or are friends with someone who’s kind of a big deal.

This psychological phenomenon is especially ripe on social media, where a study revealed that the element of faking may sometimes be necessitated. People gauge a person’s credibility based on the number of friends or followers he has or the number of likes and views he gets from his posts. The pressure of social proof actually gave birth to fake followers, fake likes, and fake accounts.

Now, there are positive effects to using social proof if you have a business brand and you need to market your product. It’s not good, however, if you use social proof to con people and play with their emotions.

6.    They move pretty fast

You’ve just met this person but your acquaintance seems to be moving on pretty fast. After a couple of emails and some private messages or phone calls, he’s suddenly in your circle. How did that happen?

  • Well, fake people will usually bypass the social norms and steps once they’ve targeted you.
  • But the longer they dwell on the target, the more challenging their ruse will be because they will risk getting discovered or outed.
  • They might set a deadline for things they ask for or need from you.
  • If everything seems to be urgent for them or if they create the impression that you have to do something now or you will lose out, take a step back.
  • See if they can slow down and pace themselves; if not, they are likely attempting to con you.

Ever wonder why store discounts and sales only happen within a certain period? It’s the same principle with these fake people who are out to take advantage of you. They’ll push you to act on impulse. If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself becoming the victim.

7.    They have a way with words

Fake people love to promise that “you will make a lot of money” if you do business with them. If they are romantically trying to woo you, they will use emotionally manipulative words that you cannot question because you’ll be the one who’ll come off as the bad person.

For instance, if you’re dating a guy you just met who suddenly needs money for a niece’s emergency medical service in another state, you would be very heartless if you ask for the medical bill as proof. You have no choice but to be charitable, give the money and be understanding of why he has to be away for a few days.

fake people

These people know the art of persuasion too well. However, you might be too charmed and under the spell to notice that their words are hollow and manipulative.

Final Thoughts On Ways Fake People Manipulate You To Make You Trust Them

Fake people, especially in this Internet age, are unfortunately getting smarter and smarter every day. Worse, their actions might go unreported or unrecognized because the victims are too embarrassed to come forward and say that they have been duped.

While there are fake people who take advantage of others, don’t let their presence make you a cynic. There are still a lot of good people and positive things to experience in this world.

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