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Science Explains 15 Health Benefits of Almond Milk

Almond milk is more than a substitute for dairy milk in your diet. The dairy-free alternative allows vegans, vegetarians, and those with lactose intolerance and allergies to enjoy a milk-like beverage or use it in their recipes. Can it be more than that?

Yes. It’s more than a substitute.

Due to almond milk benefits, it has a place in nearly everyone’s diet. Whether you buy it ready-made at the grocery store or make it yourself, you should consider making a full switch or supplementing some of your dairy consumption for increased health benefits.

What is Almond Milk?

You can make your own, or you can buy it ready-made in the supermarket aisles. While there’s nothing wrong with making your own, many people prefer the convenience, flavors, or constant consistency. Plus, you’ll need to supplement or fortify it yourself.

Plant-based milk replaces dairy in most recipes without issues. This includes in sauces, baked goods and smoothies. You can also enjoy it on cereal or plain in a glass.

Almond milk benefits aren’t limited to drinking it. You can use it as part of your hair and skin care regimen too.

How to Buy Almond Milk

You should choose unsweetened, organic almond varieties for the most benefits and leave the sweetened or flavored varieties for special occasions. They tend to contain more preservatives and sugar. If you’re looking to lose or maintain your weight, the added sugar increases your calories despite the sweetened versions still containing around or fewer than 1% milk.

15 Almond Milk Benefits Backed by Science

1. Great Source of Vitamin E

Did you know one glass of almond-based milk contains roughly 50% of your daily-recommended intake? Did you know vitamin E is an antioxidant and shields your skin from sun damage? It does more than protect you from damaging rays.

Vitamin E benefits

• Combats inflammation
• Reduces bodily stress
• Boosts brain health
• Protects against heart disease
• Protects against cancer
• Might protect bones
• Might protect eyes
• Might combat Alzheimer’s disease

Your normal glass of cow’s milk contains no vitamin E. Even by swapping out one serving of your dairy milk, you can enjoy many of the increased vitamin E benefits (1).

2. Might Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Scientists have linked a lower risk of heart disease with diets rich in nuts and unsaturated fats (2). Almond milk contains both, including oleic acid, which can have beneficial changes to your blood lipids (3).

One study found a correlation between lowered bad cholesterol and triglycerides, increased good cholesterol, and almonds.

3. Lower Calories

Unsweetened almond milk contains 39 calories per serving; although, this number can vary between brands. If you’re counting calories, you can save about 75 calories without sacrifice to taste or texture. (4)

In this study, researchers saw decreases in waist circumference, BMI, weight, and hip circumference from swapping one dairy product serving with almond-based milk.

It’s suitable for many special diets and programs since it’s also low in carbohydrates and fat and contains moderate protein. If you’re purchasing ready-made, you’ll also find fortified varieties that decrease nutrient and vitamin differences.

Homemade varieties will vary, depending on how much water you use to dilute it. However, for low-carb and higher protein/fat diets, you will have more control over your macronutrients without preservatives and sweeteners. The same applies to taste and consistency if weight loss or control aren’t important to you.

4. Doesn’t Spike Blood Sugar

Unsweetened almond milk benefits include a low G.I. due to its higher fat and protein counts versus its low carbohydrate number. Whether you’re a diabetic or following a low carbohydrate lifestyle, it might be the better choice over cow’s milk (5).

5. Might Prevent Bone Related Injuries and Disease

Almonds don’t contain a large amount of calcium; however, fortified ready-made milks do contain about 25% of your daily recommended dose of calcium per serving. That’s almost twice the amount of calcium as you’ll find in low fat cow’s milk.

Women are more susceptible to bone loss as they age. Because calcium plays a major role in reducing osteoporosis, you can lower your risk by drinking calcium fortified almond-based milk (6).

6. You Might Lose Weight

Full of healthy fats and low in calories, you might lose weight if you change your dairy options. A study showed a reduction in both weight and waist and hip circumference, which the CDC, FDA, and USDA consider significant markers for overall health and risk than weight alone.

7. Low Potassium and Phosphorus

If you have chronic kidney disease, your doctor has warned you against consuming cow’s milk. The same goes for people who have heart disease, certain bone diseases, and hyperparathyroidism. The potassium and phosphorus build up in the blood to dangerous levels, and the risks are death, heart attack, and irregular heartbeat.

Almond-based milk contains a fraction of phosphorus and potassium compared to cow’s milk(7).

8. Fiber

Almond milk boasts both soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which your body needs to maintain healthy digestion. The fiber also regulates sugar absorption, controls cholesterol, keeps you fuller, and protects your intestines and colon.

9. Might Prevent Age-related Eye Disease

Vitamin E, when taken in conjunction with vitamin C, beta-carotene, and zinc, might protect you from macular degeneration and cataracts. This is the most common cause of age-related blindness. Because many have been fortified with the other vitamins, it makes it a good choice to add to your preventative measures.

10. Might Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

Vitamin E passes to the brain according to this study. It offers a glimmer of hope for caregivers and those with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

More research is needed, but scientists are looking at correlations to Alzheimer’s as a way to slow progression and protect the brain. One long-term study shows promising preliminary results.

11. Controls Blood Sugar

Diabetics tend to have low to below normal levels of magnesium, which helps control hunger and blood sugar via reducing insulin resistance. In theory, it might be beneficial to you if you’re already at risk for diabetes, too.

Non-diabetics can still see the same benefits of lower insulin resistance, including appetite suppression, from the magnesium.

12. Healthy, Glowing Skin

While some sites tell you to use almond-based milk directly on your skin, you can reap almond milk benefits from drinking it. It’s suitable for all skin types. According to FitDay, you can expect anti-aging benefits from the high vitamin E content.

almond milk for glowing skin

However, what does the science say? Vitamin E, such as you consume in an almond-based milk, is responsible for repairing your damaged skin and protecting it from further damage from daily things like sun exposure, cigarette smoke, and pollution. Unfortunately, more research is needed, but it’s a natural product with no side effects and might be worth trying in conjunction with your current routine.

13. Might Combat PMS and Menstrual Symptoms

Vitamin E does more than promote healthy skin; it also restores natural balance to hormones, specifically prolactin. This hormone is responsible for mood swings, acne, bloating, and cramps.

During PMS and menstruation, your hormones are off kilter. It’s these hormones that are responsible for the symptoms women feel, so by restoring the balance or preventing them from going off balance, you could essentially have an almost symptom-free period since menopause is the only true cure.

Most studies speak about supplement forms of vitamin E, but because almond-based milks contain high amounts of it, you might see benefits from including it in your diet.

14. Vitamin B-12

Many brands do fortify their almond-based milk with upwards of 50% of the B-12 daily recommended value. For anyone following a plant-based diet, you’re most likely taking a supplement form or receiving it from a fortified cereal of this essential nutrient. It is one of the top ten sources, and it’s also suitable for daily use on low-carb or low fat diets.

Why is B12 important?

Deficiency leads to anemia, which can cause many symptoms from exhaustion to balance problems to cognitive issues.

Conditions such as celiac and Crohn’s disease can cause absorption issues with vitamin B-12, putting you at a greater risk for anemia. If you suffer from these conditions, you should consult with your doctor to first check your levels to rule out deficiency.

If you’re over the age of 50, you’re more likely to develop diet-based anemia as well since your stomach acid production and absorption lowers. You might require more from your food sources, and it might benefit you since your calorie intake raises minimally from a single serving.

15. Might Decrease Allergies if Consumed During Pregnancy

According to a Danish study, contrary to what some might think, if you consume known allergen foods during pregnancy, your baby is less likely to be allergic or develop an allergy to the foods. The study included common allergens, including tree nuts.

Final Thoughts on Almond Milk

Many people will see benefits from swapping to almond milk, and few concerns exist when using an unsweetened variety. The taste and texture are slightly different, but you’re unlikely to notice the difference in recipes or on top of cereal if you’re already used to low-fat milk. Almond milk benefits are both plentiful and scientifically sound.

It’s a suitable beverage for vegans, vegetarians, and those with intolerances and allergies to dairy as it provides your body with essential nutrients, such as vitamin E and, if fortified, calcium and B-12.

You can make it yourself at home with water, almonds, and a blender or food processor. This is essential for anyone looking to control the consistency and additives or who is using their own sweeteners and flavorings at home.

You have little to lose by trying almond-based milks, and you have many healthful benefits to gain. You’ll be hard-pressed to find another readily available, affordable, and easily adaptable source of vitamin E. What are you waiting for?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Ways to Tell Women They’re Attractive (Without Talking About Sex)

Just like men, women like to get compliments. According to a study in the journal PLOS One, a compliment can give any person a positive boost that may be akin to getting a monetary reward. However, it can be tricky for a man to tell a woman that they are attractive.

In these days of the #MeToo movement, a compliment may be easily seen as insensitive and disrespectful to women. When done the wrong way, letting the woman know you think she’s attractive might send a message that her beauty is just for consumption and pleasure and that nothing else about her matters.

So, here are some ways to tell someone that they are attractive without demeaning the person.

Here Are 5 Ways To Tell Someone They’re Attractive, Without Talking About Sex

“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others.” – Deepak Chopra

1.    Be chill about it and have good timing

Approaching a woman to tell her she’s attractive might not seem a chill thing to do. The unexpected gesture could flatter her. But on the other hand, you could be interrupting someone who’s got a list of things to do for the day, and talking to a stranger isn’t one of them.

You could also potentially make the woman uncomfortable even if you only want to express your admiration. According to a sociologist via Huffington Post, making a someone uncomfortable by encroaching on her space borders on human rights infringement and it could be dehumanizing.

So, resist the urge to say something corny (and potentially offensive) when trying to talk to a woman. Don’t attempt a complicated pick-up line or pull off a shallow gimmick. Some men behave in odd ways when they approach a woman to cover up for their nervousness. But women can easily sense a man who’s being dishonest. You surely don’t want to risk coming off offensive in this day and age.

The best thing you can do is to be normal so you can relax. Even if you have to pretend, try regarding her as an old acquaintance you haven’t seen since college. This might help you feel more comfortable chatting with ease.

A few pointers

  • Try to create a rapport first so that you’ll have a more pleasant conversation and obtain a positive outcome.
  • If you’re in the bar, maybe start by asking her about her drink or talk about the general vibe of the place.
  • Always be aware of the importance of good timing when approaching a woman to tell her she’s attractive.
    • Observe what she’s doing first. Is she having a deep conversation with someone else at the bar? Is she furiously texting on her phone? Does she keep making calls? Does she look distracted or harried?

Approaching a stranger who’s preoccupied might not be a good move in any situation. Even if you’re on your best behavior and she finds you interesting, she might not be able to carry on a conversation properly if she has to keep calling work or texting a friend in crisis.

2.    Consider the delivery and context.

The reality is you can tell a girl she’s attractive without being creepy and awkward. It all depends on the delivery and context of your approach. The key is not to be vulgar or put the woman in an embarrassing and defensive position. You want this encounter to be a positive one and not the kind of stuff talked about and judged on social media.

So, always exercise tact when approaching a woman to tell her she’s attractive. Don’t compliment her around plenty of people who can hear what you say. Don’t honk your car horn at her and shout, “Hey lady, you’ve got a fine a**!” In case you have not heard, catcalling a woman is never a compliment. It is considered harassment, plain and simple, according to the National Organization for Women.

Keep in mind:

  • The direct approach of telling a woman she’s attractive might not work, especially if you’re going to chat with a stranger.
  • If your first words to her are “I think you’re beautiful,” she’ll likely turn and run as far and quickly as possible.
  • So, the best method is to let her know that she’s attractive in a subliminal way.
  • The art of flirting is very important in this situation. If she feels safe around you, she might well take your lead and flirt back.

For instance, if you’re already deep in the conversation with her and having a laugh, you could just blurt out, “I love how your eyes squint when you laugh!” Or, if the woman is someone you always run into at work but have never really gotten to know better yet, you could try giving her a compliment about what she’s wearing. Try, “That outfit really suits you!”

Now, if you’ve reached a more comfortable level in your acquaintance with her or if you’ve been out on a couple of friendly dates, perhaps you can send her a text out of the blue and profess your attraction. Write, “I just want to let you know that I think you’re stunning.” And then leave it at that.

3.    Choose your words carefully.

If you like a girl, don’t choose words like “hot” or “sexy” to tell her she’s attractive. Definitely don’t use the word “bangin” because that might land you in real trouble (especially if this woman is a co-worker). If you have to dish a pick-up line, don’t describe her feminine physical assets because that is sleazy and disrespectful. You’ll likely get a (well-deserved) slap on the face if you try to objectify her.

  • Complimenting a woman for her looks might come off as needy for some guys.
  • Words like “hot” and “sexy” have sexual undertones so men shouldn’t try to pull this off.
  • Save the sensual stuff for getting intimate later on in your relationship. Instead, use words like “pretty” and “cute” and you will likely get a positive reaction.
  • The key is to use words that are complimentary but not objectifying.
  • Sound earnest with your non-sensual compliments as well.
  • Unless you’re already a couple or have seen each other a few times, even innocent words might come off like a harassment. If it does not feel right, then it’s better not to say it.

Sometimes, you don’t have to use descriptive words at all. For instance, if she’s done talking, don’t respond first but hold her gaze and maintain eye contact and say, “I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time focusing when I look at you,” and then divert back to the conversation.

Women are also into details so rather than saying outright that she’s beautiful, try specifically making a comment on her face, her eyes, her makeup, and her clothes. You could say, “That blouse really goes well with the color of your eyes.”

4.    Don’t make a big deal out of it.

As soon as the compliment is out, don’t pay much attention to it or make it seem important. It should not be a big deal if she does not respond to the compliment or if she acted as if what you told her went over her head.

Downplaying a compliment is a natural reaction for women. According to a study in the journal Language in Society, only 22 percent of women accept or acknowledge a compliment. For this reason, don’t expect her to say thank you to what you’ve said and don’t demand it either. Understand, it’s not a rejection when a woman doesn’t say anything after being told that she looks nice. Women are just wired this way.

The study also cited that most women don’t respond well to compliments for fear of being seen as too confident or cocky. In some cases, downplaying a compliment can be a cultural thing too. A woman might also have been raised in a household where they are supposed to act meek when being complimented.

So, don’t take it personally if it looks like she didn’t notice or hear you say you think she’s attractive. Trust that she got the message loud and clear even if she won’t show it.

5.    Be self-aware, not self-conscious.

When you are self-conscious, you become too worried about what you’re doing and start to sweat bullets. You end up acting awkward or making moves that completely pull her away from you. But when you’re self-aware, you basically know how you’re coming across. This means that you’re also aware:

  • Whether she’s comfortable and at ease with you.
  • If you’re seated or positioned well, instead of encroaching on her space.
  • If there’s decent distance between you.
  • Whether other people are looking in your direction.


Being aware of these things are important because it’s a way for you to test the boundaries if you’re trying to flirt with her. Apart from your words, you can also tell a woman she’s attractive with your body language.

Does she flinch or does she move closer when you lightly touch her arm or hair or put a hand on the small of her back? Do you notice her lean toward you when you talk to her or pull away? Does she tilt her head when you talk? Does she have her purse in front of her like a wall?

If you’re observant about these things, you could be emboldened to let her know how you really feel about her not just in words but also in your gestures.

Final Thoughts On Ways To Tell Someone They’re Attractive

In an ideal world, there should be nothing wrong when a man tells a woman she’s attractive. It’s part of a human’s need to find a mate in life. But in today’s social landscape, a man has to consider a lot of things before blurting out the words that show his attraction to get a positive result.

These days, there’s a fine line between giving women compliments and offending or harrassing them. When the words are said properly and with the right timing, any person will appreciate the praises. But when the wrong words are said, it could come back to bite the person who said it.

A man who respects women will act with foresight, poignancy, and sincerity. He will not come across as a guy whose only agenda is to bed the woman on their first meeting. Respecting and considering a woman’s feelings and comfort level is vital if you want to take a relationship any further.

Beauty Expert Explains 15 All Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads

Acne is a skin infection that affects nearly 50 million people in the United States. A blackhead is defined as a feature of mild acne that can form on your face, shoulders, back, cheat, neck, and arms.

A blackhead is classified as a small lesion that appears on your skin when your skin’s pores are clogged. They can be clogged with either dead skin or excess oils that glands beneath your skin create, called sebum.

Overall, blackheads can be avoided by doing a multitude of actions, such as avoiding oil-based and alcohol skin products and always cleansing your skin. Although extra measures can be taken to avoid blackheads, they can still form and they can be difficult to get rid of. But you’re in luck because there are natural ways to remove blackheads on your skin without using harmful chemicals.

15 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads


1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a chemical compound that has antiseptic qualities that exfoliate your skin and eliminate blackheads. Baking soda has the ability to scrub away dead skin cells, and it offers many other benefits for your skin, such as the ability to neutralize your skin’s pH balance and the ability to encourage your skin to produce less oil.

How to Use It


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and water until a thick paste forms
  • Apply paste to your blackheads
  • After 15 mintues, rinse the mixture off of your face

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a porridge that’s usually made from rolled oat grain, and it has the capability of cleansing your skin and loosening your pores. Since it loosens your pores, it allows the clogged debris inside your pores to easily come out. Oatmeal is also responsible for soothing irritated skin and removing dead skin cells from your skin, which contribute to the accumulation of black heads.

How to Use It


  • Cook oatmeal following directions on container, using distilled water
  • Let the oatmeal sit for a few minutes
  • Apply the oatmeal to your face and let sit for 20 minutes
  • Rinse the oatmeal off and moisturize

3. Honey

Honey is great for clearing blackheads on your skin because it contains both antibacterial and antiseptic properties that have the ability to remove blackheads in addition to the impurities in your skin that cause black heads. Honey also has the ability to tighten and hydrate your pores, which gives your skin great complexion.

How to Do It


  • Heat up honey by putting the jar in a warm bowl of water
  • Apply warm honey to your blackheads and let sit for 15 minutes
  • Rinse the honey off and moisturize

4. Egg Whites

Aside from the cooking benefits that they offer, egg whites benefit your skin in multiple ways including the ability to benefit your skin tone, to tighten your skin, and to remove blackheads. Not only this, but egg whites also have the ability to prevent blackheads from occurring in the future.

How to Use It


  • Separate egg whites from yolks
  • Apply egg whites to your blackheads
  • Place toilet paper on top of egg whites
  • Let mixture dry and repeat
  • Once the mask is dry, peel it off and rinse your face

5. Sugar

Although sugar is unhealthy for your body’s consumption, it acts as a great exfoliant for your skin to remove blackheads. When sugar is added to a carrier oil, it has the ability to remove blackheads from any area on your skin. Removing blackheads by using sugar also gives your skin many other benefits.

How to Use It


  • Mix 1 cup of sugar with carrier oil
  • Rub mixture onto your blackheads and massage into pores
  • Rinse mixture off and moisturize

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a vinegar that’s made from fermented apple juice, and it contains acetic acids that are known for their ability to eliminate and break down tough skin. Not only this, but apple cider vinegar also has the ability to restore the pH levels of your skin, preventing blackheads from occurring in the future.

How to Use It

There are multiple ways to use apple cider vinegar to remove a blackhead, but the most popular way is by using the vinegar as a face wash in the mornings. Apply the liquid to your face by blotting it with a tissue, and then rinse your face with warm water afterwards.

7. Clay Mask

Clay masks are a great way to remove blackheads because they harden and allow the debris inside your pores to harden to the substance. The most popular type of clay mask in removing a blackhead is bentonite clay because it contains a variety of beneficial minerals for your skin and it’s extremely absorbent.

How to Use It


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of clay and water to form a thick paste
  • Apply paste to blackheads and let sit for 25 minutes
  • Rinse the mask off and moisturize

8. Salt and Besan Powder

Salt and besan powder is great for clearing blackheads from your skin because besan powder is a type of gram flour, which is known for its ability to treat infections and reduce acne. Salt and besan powder mixed together have the ability to treat blackheads effectively because they both prevent your skin from producing excess oils, which is what ultimately contributes to blackhead formation.

How to Use It


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of besan powder with 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 tablespoon of salt
  • Apply the thick paste to blackheads
  • Let dry for 15 minutes and rinse

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is a ginger-powder that is often used in cooking, and it contains antioxidant properties that are great for your skin. Turmeric has the ability to remove blackheads, and since it often stains your skin, you’re advised to use the non-edible spice.

How to Use It


  • Mix non-edible turmeric with water to form a paste
  • Apply paste to blackheads and let sit for 15 mintues
  • After 15 mintues, rinse the mixutre off and moisturize your face

10. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is an inorganic type of salt that has the ability to remove your blackheads. Additionally, it also has the ability to remove dead skin cells and excess oil from your skin.

How to Use It


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt and a half cup of hot water
  • Add 4 drops of iodine to the mixture
  • After the mixture is combined, apply it to the affected areas of your face
  • Massage the mixture into your pores and then rinse afterwards

11. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains citric acids that are known for their ability to remove dead skin excess oils from your face. Not only this, but lemon juice also has the ability to unclog your pores, eliminating and preventing blackheads from forming on your face.

How to Use It


  • Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a bowl
  • Apply the lemon juice to your face with a cotton ball
  • Allow the juice to dry for 10 mintues
  • Rinse the liquid off and moisture your face

12. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a chemical acid that is designed to treat acne and other skin impurities. It has the ability to unclog your pores and even remains on your skin afterwards to prevent future blackheads.

How to Use It

You can purchase salicylic acid at any pharmacy or grocery store and apply it to the affected areas of your face. Make sure to moisturize afterwards to prevent dry skin.

13. Green Tea

Green tea is made from a unfermented leaves and is usually found in tea bags. It provides your skin with a variety of vitamins and antioxidants that can not only remove acne and blackheads, but it also prevents them from occurring in the future.

How to Use It


  • Boil 1 cup of water and place 2 tea bags into the cup
  • After letting soak for 1 hour, pour the liquid into a bowl to cool off
  • Apply the liquid to your face and let it dry for 10 mintues
  • After 10 mintes, rinse the liquid off

14. Toothpaste

Toothpaste not only has the capability of cleansing your mouth of bacteria, but it also has the ability to cleanse your pores of bacteria and oils. By removing excess oils and bacteria from your skin, toothpaste removes and prevents blackheads from forming.

How to Use It


  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the affected area of your skin
  • Let the toothpaste dry for 20 mintues
  • Rinse the paste off and moisturize your face

15. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is oil that contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients that are known for their ability to remove blackheads and reduce acne on your skin. They are known for unblocking the glands in your face that trap excess oils.

Remove Blackheads

How to Use It


  • Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with apple cider vinegar and water
  • Spray the mixture onto your face
  • Moisturize your face

Overall, blackheads can be difficult to remove and prevent from occurring again. But they’re not 100% avoidable and studies show that every single person will experience at least a few blackheads in their lifetime.

Following the natural methods above to rid your skin of clogged pores can be beneficial and can even work for varieties of skin types. But there are countless more ways to get rid of blackheads.

Ultimately, keep your face clean and cleanse it before you go to bed at night in addition to when you wake up in the morning. Avoid touching your face throughout the day and always wash your hands. Blackheads are going to make their appearance, but they can be removed if your skin is taken care of properly using the natural methods above.

11 Traits of A Woman You’ll Never Forget

Have you ever met the woman of your dreams whose traits check all the boxes? Sometimes, this woman appears at the most unexpected moment and the most inconvenient time in your life but she could change your life forever.

Clearly, if she has made an impact on you then she’s not going to be easy to forget. But if she popped in your life when the time is right, then the universe has blessed you with finding this rare woman. Do yourself a favor by recognizing her amazing traits and never, ever letting her go.

NOTE: If you want to know the traits of an unforgettable man, please check out our separate article on that topic.

Here Are The 11 Traits Of A Woman Who Will Be Very Hard To Forget

“Authentic feminity is a combination of class, tenderness, and virtue. When a woman possesses these traits, a man will naturally want to be more of a gentleman around her.” – Jason Evert

1.    She has a positive outlook on life

You’ll never forget a woman whose best traits include having a positive outlook on life. If she’s someone who always sees the glass as half full, you’re likely going to be touched and inspired by her optimism.

  • People who are positive will always leave a good impression. They will be motivating and encouraging compared to those who see the glass as half empty.
  • Experts say that if you spend more time with negative people, you will also turn out like them because you’ll adopt their mental state.
  • You may also be risking your physical health if you stay with a negative person in your life.

According to a study in the journal American Academy of Neurology, cynical and negative people develop diseases faster than positive people, so for your health and sanity’s sake, stick with a positive person.

2.    She is honest about her feelings

A man will never forget a woman who’s honest about her feelings and perceptions in life. Even if this honesty means showing her displeasure, frustrations, and anger, the men will appreciate her for being authentic about it even more, according to experts from Florida State University.

  • Apparently, it’s this honesty that men look for in a long-term relationship.
  • They appreciate a woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and who doesn’t have any pretensions or put-ons.
  • Men want a woman who will be upfront about what’s really bothering her and not someone who’ll give subtle hints and make him guess if something is wrong. (This will just drive the guys crazy but not in a positive way.)

3.    She’s smarter than her partner

A smart woman will be more unforgettable and stimulating than a gorgeous woman because she can challenge you intellectually.

  • Beauty fades, as you may already know, but when you have a woman who provokes your mind, your mental faculties are always sharpened.
  • You will also not run out of interesting stuff to talk about so life with her would be very enriching.
  • Although it’s common for people to say that women should act dumb around men, the truth is that guys aren’t really superficial. They will be impressed by a woman’s mind as much as her physical beauty.

A study in the University of Aberdeen revealed that men who end up marrying a woman who’s smarter than them end up living longer. Perhaps the saying is true that “Behind every great man is a greater woman.”

4.    She has a kind and nurturing heart

You won’t forget a woman with a kind and nurturing heart. These characteristics are generally the mark of a good person. If she’s not kind-hearted, she will not likely make a great impact on your life. Worse yet, she could give you trauma that you won’t be able to shake off.

Experts say that men have craved for nurturing women since the beginning of time. But with today’s conveniences, it’s not always easy to find this trait in modern women. This doesn’t mean, however, that men aren’t looking for this.

Some people associate a kind and nurturing personality to having a maternal instinct. However,  even if a woman can’t physically bear children, she can still develop this natural response to those close to her, according to National Geographic.

5.    She can be loads of fun and game for doing crazy stuff

It’s hard to forget a woman who doesn’t take herself seriously. What is not to love about a person who can also laugh at herself? People will likely want to be in her company if she’s game for some fun and won’t back down when asked to join in something crazy.

  • She’s willing to take risks because she lives her life to the fullest.
  • She’s not afraid to try things or go off the edge especially if she knows you are there to support her.
  • Women who have a good sense of humor and a playful quality are seen as non-aggressive types so it’s not surprising that men would want to stick around them.
  • The fact that they embrace childlike wonder about life makes them ideal for long-term relationships, according to the American Journal of Play.

6.    She’s an independent woman

A woman who is able to enjoy time alone and who values the pursuit of her own pleasures and goals is a woman who loves her independence. She can be in partnership with a man but still have a good life of her own. She doesn’t need a man but she still enjoys the company of men. Can you see the difference?

  • An independent woman has her own identity, her own sets of interests, and her own group of friends.
  • She works hard for her goals but she’s not bitter toward men.
  • If she has a partner, she supports his goals and pushes him to find his own identity and interests, too.

This is the kind of woman who’s established, mature, and secure about who she is and what she wants. It shows the strength of her character.

7.    She makes you feel like you are home

You won’t forget a woman who makes you feel that you belong. Being around her is so comforting and soothing that it’s like you’re always home. If there’s no other place you’d rather be than with her, it’s hard to let go of this kind of person.

If she gives you contentment, you’ll feel more positive every day. A woman like this will give your life order and a sense that everything has fallen into place.

8.    She compromises and makes things work

A woman who’s willing to compromise and adjust is hard to forget because life with her is about making things work. These days, it’s not easy to find someone who puts forth an effort to make it work.

A woman who is willing to compromise makes a great relationship partner because she’s willing to set aside her ego, as well as her own wants and needs, for the good of the partnership. How lucky are you to have a person like this in your life, who won’t give up at the slightest problem!

Disagreements and arguments are inevitable if you’re trying to remain in a committed relationship with another person. But if she’s willing to compromise, chances are she will influence you too. It’s hard to forget a woman who can compel you to make the right choices that will positively impact another person.

9.    She’s strong but feminine

She’s a strong woman in a sense that nothing will dampen her spirit or ruin her passion. She might demand equality but she will also acknowledge that men should woo and please the ladies once in a while.

The true strength of an unforgettable woman is in her ability to embrace her femininity despite her accomplishments and her intelligence.

  • She can be soft but still powerful.
  • She’s practical as well as spiritual.
  • She can be nice but she’s also tough.

Women with these qualities are rare; it’s hard to forget about them if they have touched your life.  Men won’t forget a girl who’s strong enough not to put up with their nonsense.

10. She’s accepting of your flaws

Finding a woman who’s accepting of your flaws is like winning the jackpot. How can you forget a woman who will love you for who you are? It’s this kind of a person who’s in it for the long haul and who’s serious about making a lasting commitment.

It’s a choice and a sacrifice to stay in a relationship. It takes hard work to make a union work between two flawed human beings. If she has seen you at your worst and still wants to be with you, you know that this woman genuinely cares for and loves you. So, forgetting and letting go of this woman would be a big mistake.

11. She’s forgiving

According to the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, being forgiving is the secret to long life and good health. If a person chooses to be accepting of her partner’s flaws and mistakes, and still loves unconditionally, she can actually live longer.

forgiving woman

So, if you find a woman who has a forgiving heart and who doesn’t bear grudges, you’ll likely remember her. What is more, it would make sense to never let her go. This is a keeper. Your life will be a lot better if you have a partner who’s able to forgive you and your imperfections.

Final Thoughts On Traits Of A Woman You’ll Never Forget

The uniqueness of a human being is what makes the search for that perfect mate challenging but also interesting. For decades, scientists have been trying to study the behaviors of humans who fall in love, find a partner, and commit to a long-term relationship.

While every man has a different standard, these 11 traits in a woman could help it make it easier for you to recognize and find your true love. When you see these traits in the woman you’re dating then you have a positive chance of making the relationship last.

Now, it’s not easy to spot this great personality with just one date. You have to put yourself out there; mingle, date, and also do your part to make the relationship work. If she’s the woman who brings light to your life because she has all these qualities, don’t make the mistake of taking her for granted.

How To Beat Adrenal Fatigue (Without Medicine)

Preventive and positive health advocates prefer to stop disease before it becomes a problem. In this article we will show you how to beat adrenal fatigue without the use of medicine for your proactive adrenal health. From a holistic wellness view, stress – which we can experience both mentally and physically – important hormones, and the adrenal glands are all connected.

The concept of adrenal fatigue is controversial in medical research. The term is a relatively new one; it encompasses a group of symptoms and bodily dysfunctions. The brain and the adrenal glands are linked together, so a medical problem with the adrenal glands can be rooted in either place.

This dual location of adrenal function brings up another controversy: the debate over which comes first, stress or adrenal fatigue. Does stress in the mind cause the adrenal gland to be unhealthy or does an unhealthy adrenal gland cause us to feel the emotion of stress?

What is adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a term for the symptoms that occur when your adrenal gland function is less than optimal. What happens in the body when the adrenal gland is not functioning properly? A lot of major bodily functions are impacted. Adrenal glands are responsible for around 50 different hormone chemicals that the body needs.

The adrenal glands are responsible for some very important bodily functions:

  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • Activating the stress response
  • Burning fat and proteins
  • Controlling blood sugar
  • Coordinating with the HPA axis (more on this later)
  • Producing cortisol

You can imagine that disrupting just one of these functions, like how you process blood sugar, for example, can have a wide range of negative health affects for the whole body. This short list of adrenal gland functions, and the vast health problems that can result, illustrates how challenging it would be to list all of the symptoms that can indicate a problem with adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal gland 101

When necessary, the brain sends a signal to the adrenal gland to start functioning more. This usually happens when you wake up in the morning to jump start your day. Functional Medicine Practitioner Dr. William Cole says, “The adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys like little kidney baseball caps, release several important hormones, one of which is cortisol.” Cortisol is your “revving up” hormone for when you have to get things done, or when you face a stressful event.

Dr. Cole adds that it is more of an issue with the brain than with the adrenal glands when a person suffers from adrenal fatigue, stating, “Typically, adrenal fatigue is when the brain-adrenal (HPA) axis isn’t working so well.” This particular dysfunction of the HPA axis can result in an incorrect level of cortisol being released. For instance, the gland may release low amounts of cortisol when when it should be producing higher levels of this hormone.

When adrenal glands continue to produce cortisol under stressful conditions, the glands can grow depleted and therefore stop producing the cortisol that the brain is signaling the body to make. Basically these glands have become overworked and fatigued, and are asking for a day (or several days) off.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue

Tiredness is another word for fatigue. If you are experiencing adrenal fatigue, you feel like there is not enough coffee in the world to give you the energy you need.

Read more in our article 8 Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue Most People Ignore

We have already mentioned that symptoms of adrenal fatigue are wide due to the many bodily functions that are affected from a low functioning adrenal gland.

Causes of adrenal fatigue

There are three possible causes of adrenal fatigue:

  • Heightened stress and activity for too long can cause adrenal fatigue.
    • The adrenal glands become tired of continuously producing excess cortisol and they begin to shut down production in protest.
  • Poor adrenal gland development as children is a possible cause of adult adrenal fatigue.
    • Researchers have found that a natural tendency toward adrenal fatigue and low cortisol levels may be inherited at birth when babies are born to parents of traumatic stress.
  • Degeneration of the adrenal glands as we age.
    • Decreasing function of adrenals due to immune system dysfunction is called Addison’s disease or primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI).
    • A tumor or disease of the adrenal glands can also result in degeneration.

Of these three, we obviously have the most control over stress reduction. We can also help our body by giving it nutrition and antioxidants to help it age as gracefully as possible and prevent disease.

Healing adrenal fatigue in the medical system versus healing without medicine

Positive people prefer to approach their health care and wellness without prescription medicine. The most common prescription for adrenal fatigue is cortisone and other corticosteroids that reduce various kinds of inflammation. The dosage of medicine prescribed may change depending on stress levels, illness, the need for surgery, or a medical emergency.

Medical professionals monitor your blood levels for hormones like cortisol to determine whether prescription medications are having the desired, positive result. Other medications may be prescribed based on the symptoms. Blood pressure medications and blood sugar control drugs are often prescribed, since these bodily functions are impacted by adrenal fatigue.

The holistic wellness options to beat adrenal fatigue without medicine include lifestyle changes, nutritional changes, and alternative wellness.

1.  Lifestyle changes to beat adrenal fatigue

Lifestyle changes are small actions that you can take to impact your health in a positive way. Here are a few healthy improvements you can make from day to day that should have a positive impact on your adrenal health:

  • Identify the sources of stress in your life.
  • Reduce stressors and time spent in stressful situations.
  • Make fewer commitments.
  • Decrease the amount of work you do in a day.
  • Take regular walks outside.
  • Try meditation.
  • Listen to and speak positive affirmations.
  • Use visualization techniques.
  • Exercise, specifically choosing calming yoga poses.
  • Build more down time into your schedule.
  • Eat whole vegan foods and eliminate added sugars.
  • Stay hydrated.

Changes to your life that remove triggers of stress and add relaxation are the goal. If walks outside cause you stress, then find a substitute activity that gets you in motion but fits your personality.

2. Nutritional remedies to beat adrenal fatigue

Does poor diet cause adrenal fatigue? No, but causing your body to be in a state of stress because it lacks proper nutrients won’t help beat adrenal fatigue either. Healthy vegan protein sources and vegetarian fare will provide your adrenal glands with necessary nourishment.

According to research on stress, cortisol production, and adrenal fatigue by 30-year clinical practitioner Dr. James Wilson, the following nutrients might provide optimal adrenal function:

  • B vitamins including:
    • Niacin (B3); 125–150 mg/day
    • Pyridoxine (B6); 50+ mg per day
    • Pantothenic acid; 1200–1500 mg/day
  • Vitamin C; 2500–4000mg/day
  • Bioflavonoids to help enhance the antioxidant power of Vitamin C
  • Magnesium (citrate); 400 mg before bedtime
  • Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols)

Dr. Wilson also says that salt and salty foods are dietary additions you may want to add to increase adrenal function. Remember that reducing stress helps your adrenal gland function. Therefore, you can reduce stress caused by inadequate nutrition by choosing good vegan sources of protein and a wide variety of sources of vegetarian nutrients.

A healthy, balanced, and well-rounded diet will help your body get what it needs rather than starving it of vitamins and minerals. Seek advice from a nutrition professional if you need further guidance in achieving your health goals related to adrenal wellness.

Alternative medicine to beat adrenal fatigue

Herbal supplements and natural remedies may also be of help. Dr. James Wilson suggests some alternative methods that may work to beat adrenal fatigue and have the potential to “help balance HPA axis function, and promote evenness and calmness during the day, and sound sleep at night.”

  • Eleutherococcus senticosus root (Siberian Ginseng)
  • Ashwagandha root (Indian Ginseng)
  • Maca (Peruvian Ginseng)

Avoiding certain foods may also be a positive action step to beat adrenal fatigue without medicine. Licorice root has also been noted as a potential adrenal enhancer, but noted elsewhere in research as a food to avoid so we advise caution with licorice root. Grapefruit is also mentioned in research articles as a food to avoid for recovery from overstressed adrenal glands.

Acupuncture, massage, reiki, cranial sacral therapy, and other healing modalities that focus on a return to the natural energy flow and state of wellness for the body are also helpful alternative methods without the use of medicine to relieve stress.

adrenal fatigue

Final Thoughts on Ways to Beat Adrenal Fatigue

If you feel stress, it is likely that your adrenal glands could use some positive attention. In summary, you can provide your body and mind with superior vegan nutrition. Additionally, avoid sources of environmental and bodily stress and seek out what soothes your soul to beat adrenal fatigue.

Your adrenal glands will function better if you choose to pursue healing methods that support your wellbeing, because these will also support your optimal adrenal health.

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.

5 Reasons A Narcissist Can’t Stay In A Relationship

Narcissism is considered a personality disorder that falls in cluster B of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Its cause is unknown but experts have attributed its development in an individual to genetics and the social environment around them.

Described in 1925 by Austrian psychiatrist Robert Waelder, treating people diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) might often prove futile because most of them would not even acknowledge that they have a personality problem.

Whether they realize it or not, narcissists have a difficulty in relating to people in the most intimate way. A lot of their romantic relationships fail for many reasons. They don’t seem to be wired to be in a committed, mutually beneficial relationship. Most narcissists also seem to be estranged from their family even if they believe their relationships with their parents, siblings, or children are okay.

People with NPD, however, have very predictable behaviors. They develop similar patterns across their various relationships because they do the same things over and over. For this reason, it’s easy to recognize the signs and come to understand why a narcissist rarely lasts in a long-term relationship.

Here Are 5 Reasons A Narcissist Can’t Stay In A Relationship

“When a narcissist can no longer control you, they will instead try to control how others see you.” – Unknown

1.    They regard people as tools.

Narcissists are not capable of genuinely caring for other people but only for themselves. They might be able to “fall in love” in a dizzying and exciting way at the beginning of the relationship but it won’t have the depth and dynamism that long-lasting unions need to last.

  • Narcissists take advantage of people’s feelings and resources like tools to use until they no longer need these people in their lives.
  • You will feel emotionally and mentally spent when you’re with a narcissist because they will encroach on your personal space and drain your energy.
  • Since they’re not capable of a give-and-take relationship, the concept of compromising is non-existent to a narcissist.
  • If you’re in a relationship with this kind of person, you will always be the one trying to adjust to what he wants because he will not give in – even the slightest – to what you want.
  • When a narcissist gives you something, be aware that it is not meant to please you. In fact, you should be wary when a narcissist is being nice and giving. This action is likely for their own gain.

Narcissists are neither kind nor generous if there is nothing in it for them. They only invest in you if they are positive they can get something from you. This is a classic user mentality.

A Study on Narcissism and Generosity

A study in the journal Personality and Social Psychology revealed that narcissists can be compelled to participate in a charitable act and show compassion. But they have specific boundaries to these actions. They serve as a self-projection or self-promotion rather than true altruism. Many philanthropists who are self-centered and self-involved still give millions in donations because they know that they will be admired for it. If they stop being “generous,” they risk losing the adulation of their audience.

When a narcissist can no longer gain anything from you, they won’t think twice about dropping you. Hence, they don’t have a lot of people that stay in their life for the long-term.

2.    They have ideals that are far detached from reality.

It seems that narcissists have a different view of the world around them. They can have ideals that are so unrealistic that it’s hard for them to remain in a relationship where there are problems and conflicts to deal with.

These people want to maintain a lifestyle and image that can stroke their egos. They value a status that makes them feel important, which is why they have high standards and high demands when it comes to looking for a mate. They mainly search for a “trophy” spouse and not a partner they can truly nurture in a loving and supportive relationship.

It’s not the goal of a narcissist to forge a mutual relationship where both partners can grow together, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. Narcissists have their eye on self-enhancement only; they hook up with people they know will be able to satisfy this need.

When their relationship runs into a problem, as eventually occurs in real life, a narcissist will bail on their partner. Because they are so idealistic, little flaws about their partner or the relationship can become a big problem for them. Nothing is ever good enough for a narcissist, which immediately discounts them from finding a relationship that will last. Again, no relationship is perfect.

  • If you’re living with a narcissist, you will always have to up your game and try to satisfy his needs just to make him happy.
  • You will work hard until you’re too exhausted to think positive thoughts and keep the relationship intact. You won’t, however, see the same effort from a narcissist.
  • They will continue to have fantasies in their head about the perfect life or the perfect marriage without realizing they also have to work hard to get this kind of life.

3.    They don’t know how to trust.

Trust is a vital aspect for any relationship. This virtue is almost biological because humans seem to be wired to trust someone as soon as they are born into this world.

As children, we place our trust in our parents to provide for us. When we grow older, we learn to trust our teachers and friends to enrich our lives. As we mature, we also learn to trust in the laws of the universe and the laws of our community.

But we can all be paranoid in this complex world. When we experience overwhelming pain and disappointments, we either deal with it or learn to never trust again.

It’s different for a narcissist, though, because they can be emotionally stunted by their experiences and their environment, as per a study in the journal Behavioral Medicine. This perhaps explains why they view trusting another person in a different way. For them, trust exposes their weaknesses so they can never commit to a relationship.

Why Narcissists Lack Trust

  • They don’t comprehend that trust also involves becoming vulnerable.
  • They don’t understand that trust is how partners in a supportive relationship can be deeply connected to each other.
  • Trust allows couples to forge an attachment that enables them to depend and rely on the other person. This is especially true when one or the other needs comfort, assurance, and assistance.
  • Secure attachments built on trust brings out what’s positive in the relationship, especially if the two people involved know how to balance each other.

When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, however, it is already imbalanced from the start. Since they cannot trust, they will also try to influence you to think their way. They might even dissuade you from being in touch with other people whom they think do not have their best interests in mind. This is how they manifest their vulnerabilities and fears. You might not see this right away because they are good at masking their motives.

4.    They are manipulative.

In line with trust, narcissists like to control the people in their lives. They need to be dominant in the relationship because they are afraid to expose their vulnerabilities. So, they constantly have an angle or an agenda in order to sustain this dominance. Because of their drive for control, they end up manipulating others.

  • They will lie, cover up, or exaggerate details to distort the facts in their favor.
  • They will always want to feel superior by bragging or taking credit but they will rarely admit their mistakes or flaws.
  • Narcissists are affected by criticism and may use tactics like the silent treatment or passive-aggression to manipulate the situation.
  • They enjoy bending the rules and getting away with it but they will find someone to blame (other than themselves) if ever they are caught.
  • They refuse to recognize accountability.

These narcissistic behaviors bring chaos into a relationship; sometimes you can’t help but think they could be causing trouble just because they want to. Unfortunately, this is also a classic narcissistic trait. They deliberately incite trouble due to lack of empathy and value for the people around them. People are just tools for them, after all.

5.    They can be abusive.

A study in the journal Sex Roles cited that male narcissists have the tendency to be hostile and abusive towards the women in their lives. In fact, they are capable of committing domestic violence if they are denied gratification.


They can also show aggression against the LGBTQ community but, as experts explained, it’s not because they have a problem with genders per se. It’s because they have a problem with anyone who will reject them.

Not all abusive people are narcissists, however, and not all narcissists are men. According to the study, there are female narcissists who are just as abusive as men. The odds of abuse increase if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist with these common characteristics:

  • Fragile egos
  • A penchant for using people
  • Habits of manipulating people
  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Inflated sense of self-importance
  • Domineering personality

Final Thoughts On Reasons A Narcissist Can’t Stay In A Relationship

Can narcissists ever find true love? Because of their disorder, they may not be able to fully give and experience true, selfless love in their adult relationships. When someone lives only for himself, it will be harder to find happiness and contentment.

It’s also not easy to sustain a life like this if their happiness comes from external sources. A narcissist will likely not find true and lasting love unless they understand that this entails teamwork and partnership.

It’s toxic to be in a relationship with a narcissist. Often, the only solution is to be free from such an unhealthy union. You cannot be truly happy if you have a manipulative and controlling person in your life who doesn’t value your worth. This is not a positive relationship when you know you deserve more.

It’s not going to be the end of the world when you eventually see through a narcissist and decide enough is enough. When the chips are down, you’ll realize you actually gain the control that belongs to you when a narcissist no longer exerts negative power over you.

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