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Top 4 Zodiac Signs That You Are Most Compatible With According To Your Zodiac

Are you looking for your perfect match? When you are searching for a friend or partner, one fun way to check out your compatibility is by using your zodiac sign. Zodiac sign compatibility depends on a variety of factors. The pairings of zodiac signs shown here is based on the traditional personality qualities of each sign.

Your zodiac sign compatibility can lead you to a fruitful friendship or a romantic match. Look through this list and find out whether your partnership is destined to last based on your zodiac sign. Be open-minded and ready to look at friendships and relationships you wouldn’t expect to succeed.

Top 4 Signs That You Are Most Compatible With According to your Zodiac Sign

“The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection…” – Carl Jung

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Ideal Matches for Aries: Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, and Aquarius

Aries is focused on action, not words. They are most compatible with fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius. They can be frustrated by air signs like Libra, but their essential differences can mesh to provide a lively relationship.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Ideal Matches for Taurus: Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn, and Libra

Taurus is one of the most steadfast signs. Focused on comfort and stability, the Taurus can provide a sensitive sign like Pisces with necessary stability. Taurus also appreciates the arts and the finer things in life.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Ideal Matches for Gemini: Libra, Aquarius, Leo, and Sagittarius

Gemini loves intellectual conversations. Their fellow air signs, Libra and Aquarius, will provide plenty of witty banter.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Ideal Matches for Cancer: Pisces, Capricorn, Gemini, and Scorpio

Cancer is one of the most sensitive and emotional signs of the zodiac. Pisces is his or her perfect match much of the time. Both Capricorn and Gemini find Cancer’s gentle personality attractive.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Ideal Matches for Leo: Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, and Aries

Leo and Aries have an instant compatibility. Both Fire signs, they can get to know each other deeply. Leo finds a useful contrast in joking Sagittarius and compassionate Aquarius.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Ideal Matches for Virgo: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Pisces

Earth sign Virgo goes best with Taurus, Capricorn, and Scorpio, but can also be delighted with the gentle Pisces.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Ideal Matches for Libra: Aries, Gemini, Taurus, and Aquarius

Libra is capable of settling down the temperamental Aries, something no other zodiac sign can claim. Libra enjoys Gemini’s sparkling personality and is reassured by Taurus’ steadiness.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Ideal Matches for Scorpio: Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, and Taurus

It’s been said that Scorpio is the most stubborn of all signs. Bull-headed Taurus has the fortitude to put up with a Scorpio’s forceful personality, as does another Scorpio. Scorpio finds more of a contrast in Pisces and Capricorn.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Ideal Matches for Sagittarius: Aries, Leo, Gemini, and Aquarius

Sagittarius has the reputation of becoming bored easily. These four signs can keep things lively with sparkling conversation and spontaneous actions.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Ideal Matches for Capricorn: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces

Another Earth sign, Capricorn longs for a long-term, lasting partnerships. These four signs desire a commitment and will make a good complement to Capricorn’s intellectual personality.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Ideal Matches for Aquarius: Gemini, Libra, Pisces, and Leo

Aquarius is mysterious and free-spirited, appealing to Gemini’s two-sided nature. Aquarius is fascinated with the dreamy Pisces.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Ideal Matches for Pisces: Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces

Pisces is one of the most emotional signs. Cancer finds a lot in common with this Water sign. The fiery Scorpio is also drawn to the calmness and mystery of Pisces.

zodiac sign

Final Thoughts

Don’t worry if your pairing with your partner or with your best friend isn’t listed here. Astrology can provide a useful guide to the mix and match of different personalities, but a zodiac sign can’t make or break a relationship. Sometimes the exception proves the rule.

Have fun with these pairings and find out which of your friends and family are listed here. Whether your friends and family members are liberated Air signs or steadfast Earth signs, you’ll find new dimensions to their personalities when you consider their zodiac signs.

15 Life Lessons No One Can Live Without

In this life, there is much to teach and be taught, and we are constantly learning a variety of life lessons. We all have a limited time on this earth, so going through tough times helps to keep things in perspective, because as they say, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Certain experiences, such as going through a divorce or losing someone close to us, help give us a thicker skin and learn to value life much more.

These are only a couple examples of important life lessons to learn, and we will go over a lot more in this article. The following life lessons are taken from Reddit user Jahlei, who collected opinions about life from 21 different people.

Here are 15 important life lessons to learn:

1. Don’t rush through life…

“…especially so with regards to the current generation, where we often look to rush things to completion as quickly as possible. Life is long, and although it feels as though time passes so quickly, it is important to remember the long road ahead. Do not waste the precious time you have worrying about how to get somewhere within a specified amount of time. Slowly but surely, you will get there. If all you have to look back on is a blur, it wasn’t a life well-lived.”

2. Make your health a priority.

“Just as your body responds well to a healthy lifestyle, so too does your mind. In order to reach the top performance of mind and body, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The better condition you are in, the more you can accomplish. Not just physically, but mentally. If you need that day off, take it. What many people fail to realize is that any kind of pain or suffering you are going through is just as harmful to your being mentally as it is physically.”

3. Know what you’re aiming for.

“On a journey, the best way to figure out your direction is to establish your goal, not the means. Just like traveling, it is far easier to pick a destination and then decide between traveling by bus, plane, or car than if you had just wanted to go on vacation with no set destination.”

4. Don’t forget your inner child.

“There is something about being childish that gives the purest feeling of freedom. Your upbringing has taught you to dress, behave, and live in a particular way. Sometimes this can be a limited way of thinking that hinders your mind; you do not think as openly and freely as you used to. Allow yourself to be childish occasionally. Because as a child, the entire world was so new to you. Your rewards and consequences, your excitement on learning and trying new things. The limitations of this world weren’t holding you back. You were free to grow however you chose to.”

5. Teach yourself useful skills.

“It is an excellent way to increase productivity and benefit you without feeling like a waste of time. If there is something you always considered useful, try learning it. If you set a time for yourself every day to learn something new, you will go to bed with the affirmative feeling of accomplishment and that you are positively sticking to a routine that will only better yourself.”

6. Follow your interests.

“Many people go through life having interests, and do nothing with it. A real shame, since many eminent individuals throughout history accomplished great things by diving into their interests. If nothing else, learning about what interests you can make you that much more of a knowledgeable person.”

7. Get up earlier.

“As a child, I could never imagine why someone would willingly leave their bed early when there was no work to be done. Yet every morning, my father would get up in the hour of sunrise and leave the house. After my teenage years, it dawned on me that my father had simply loved having more time in his day to do things … More time in your day gives you more time to get something done!”

8. Push your boundaries.

“An extremely common piece of advice notorious for its vagueness. The focus of this is to encourage the sheltered to break free and see what they are capable of. It is quite the shock to see how miserably hopeless or pleasantly capable people can be. By pushing yourself out of your natural element, you can discover just how well-equipped you are to take on the unfamiliar monsters of the world.”

9. Everyone is worth knowing.

“As fleeting as it may seem, life is the longest thing one can ever experience. Throughout this lifetime, you will (statistically) encounter upwards of ten thousand people – and each and every one of them is worth knowing. The stories of a chance encounter leading someone to success is a dime a dozen, especially in the ever-evolving growth of media platforms that allow individuals to connect with others all over the world instantly. Just as everyone else progresses with their lives, they may also turn into someone who becomes a great contact. To someone you’ve met, you could someday be the next story they tell.”

10. Treat everyone as your equal.

“Growing up and the culture around you both in and outside your home will always have a lasting impression of your behavior. The world is filled both with people who think they are better and people who think they are worse than others. Never become one of those that look down on others. A problem with life is that we live it thinking we are the main character of the story – and we are, to an extent.

We are the main character of our story; the problem is that there are seven billion others writing a similar story called life. Never forget that every single person has a life and have made decisions that ultimately put them where they are today. They are not just support characters to your main story; they are their own protagonists and don’t deserve being looked down on by anyone.”

11. Keep your ego in check.

“Many people walk around with this sense of pride, which is fine… if it needs to be there. For millennials who have a strong sense of entitlement, what makes you so entitled to receive what you want? Do you have pride in yourselves because you know how to use modern technology better than your parents? Because you are growing up in a more tolerable world to different lifestyles?

Or for the baby boomers, do you think because you paid your dues working and raising kids who moved out that your job at being a decent human being is over? That you can retire from work and that includes leaving things like tact and respect at the door? This is a false sense of pride, hindering you from many things like being open minded and accepting when you are wrong or that there may be someone better than you at something out there.

Leave this kind of pride at the door; it doesn’t help anyone when you act like you deserve the world when you haven’t earned it or when you cast your back on newer generations because they differ from your own.”

12. Become an expert in what you love.

“Aiming for the title of ‘best’ in what you love doing is as admirable as it is vague. To truly become the best, one should strive to be acknowledged as an expert in what they love doing. Consolidating your interests into a set topic to excel in is a step forward in the path of success. Just as Olympic athletes compete to win the gold and nothing else, so too should you compete in order to be an expert in what you enjoy. You’ll only ever be as good as the effort you put in.”

13. Find something positive in everything.

“The picture of life is painted as the greatest experience one could have, along with the most difficult. It is strange to think that something so enjoyable could ever be difficult, much less the most difficult. Rather than that, I believe it is the difficulty of life that gives us appreciation for what comes after we climb up the hill.

When faced with the trials and tribulations that will inevitably come, it is important to keep your thoughts on the silver lining; the light in the darkness. One cannot exist without the other, just as shadows cannot exist without light. There are always two sides to the coin, and you should always obligate yourself to find the better part of something horrible; true silver linings.”

14. Define what success means to you.

“Everyone wants success. The concern is when many people are running for the end zone for success without knowing which side of the field they should be running. ‘Success’ is not something so easily defined by many people, because people have different views of what success is. Because success isn’t measured simply by wealth, or love, or your kindness to others.

Success is actually an accumulation of everything you believe in, everything you want and everything you dream of. [It] is how well you excel at meeting your needs, your family’s needs and your professional needs. Success isn’t linked to just one aspect of life; it’s linked to all of it.”

15. Always believe in something.

“I found this to be the most important advice I have ever received – believe in something. Doesn’t matter what it is, doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, doesn’t matter how strange it sounds – believe in it. Every single human being subconsciously clings to something their entire lives and only realizes it when it happens – the arrival of hope. No other emotion can turn people more than hope.

life lessons

Hope for love, hope for vengeance, hope for something good to happen – it’s all hope. And people will change completely to get the result they are hoping for. In that sense it is the most powerful and most destructive tool we have in our arsenal as a human being. To know how to harness this is as simple as believing in something good, and using it to push you to receive that outcome you are hoping for. But you need to be in it to win it. In order to get the hope you so desperately want, you need to take the first step forward and have faith. Focus on a hope, let it drive you and fuel you to push you past your limits and achieve something great.”

Final thoughts on Important Life Lessons You Shouldn’t Live Without

We hope you learned something valuable from the life lessons above. This isn’t an all-encompassing list of life lessons by any means, but they are good things to keep in mind as you travel along your journey of life.

Health Experts Explain Why You Should Stop Using Antibacterial Products

To date, the benefits of using antibacterial hand soap haven’t been proven. In addition, the wide use of these products over a long time has raised the question of potential negative effects on your health.” – The Food and Drug Administration

Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] has outlawed the marketing of over-the-counter antiseptics? On September 2, 2016, the United States’ preeminent health agency stated:

“Companies will no longer be able to market antibacterial washes with these ingredients because manufacturers did not demonstrate that the ingredients are both safe for long-term daily use and more effective than plain soap and water in preventing illness and the spread of certain infections.” (Emphasis mine)

Potential Danger of Antibacterials

The final FDA ruling cites the potential harm from 19 active ingredients in antibacterial soap, including triclosan and triclocarban. Per the Mayo Clinic, research has shown that triclosan (commonly found in liquid soaps):

Alters hormone regulation in animals

– May contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant organisms

May be harmful to the immune system

“A large 2008 study, which was designed to assess exposure to triclosan in a representative sample of U.S. children and adults, found triclosan in the urine of nearly 75 percent of those tested.”

Three-quarters of children and adults testing positive for triclosan is a result of the chemical’s widespread use in manufacturing. Per the FDA, triclosan – because of its supposed antimicrobial benefits – has been added to a multitude of products, including clothing, furniture, kitchenware, and (perhaps most disturbingly) children’s toys.

It isn’t just the potential harm of certain chemicals that make the use of antibacterial products nonsensical.

Here are a few other reasons to lay off the antibacterial products:

1. They’re no more protective than soap and water

Theresa M. Michele, MD, Director of the FDA’s Division of Nonprescription Drug Products (DNDP), says: “Consumers may think antibacterial washes are more effective at preventing the spread of germs, but we have no scientific evidence that they are any better than plain soap and water. In fact, some data suggest that antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the long-term.”

2. They may suppress the immune system

The immune system is the body’s primary defense against sickness and disease. As such, we all want to keep our immune systems healthy; oddly enough, antibacterial products may work against us in this respect.

In all fairness, the data on this is relatively sparse. However, if using soap and water is as effective killing bacteria and potentially safer in the long-run, why would we want to risk it? If no soap and water are available, the FDA recommends using hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.

3. They promote bacterial resistance

Though diminutive in size, bacterial organisms evolve and adapt to their environment and reproduce like every other species. In this respect, overexposure to substances designed to eliminate them can have the opposite effect.

On a large scale, harmful bacteria that’s hard to neutralize can create a public health hazard. Extraordinary advances in medicine, including pharmaceutical drugs and vaccinations, has dramatically reduced the odds of a widespread health epidemic. Nonetheless, public health organizations, e.g., the FDA, CDC, and EPA recognize the importance of minimizing risk wherever found. Hence, the research into antibacterial (and related) products.

4. They’re little more than a cash cow

Consider this exchange between Ed Kavanaugh, president of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association – an organization designed to “promote, aid, foster, develop and protect the interests of the cosmetic, toiletry and fragrance (industries),” and Robert Sharbaugh, an epidemiologist and chairman of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC).

Kavanaugh: “Antibacterial products do not cause bacterial resistance. They kill germs, thus breaking the circle of infection.”

Dr. Sharbaugh wasn’t having it. “These products imply that they lower the risk of infection, which is blatantly untrue. There is a misbelief that if you use this, it will cut down on diseases like colds. That’s crazy because many of these diseases are viral in nature.”

Apparently, Kavanaugh and his cronies weren’t aware that bacteria and viruses are two different organisms. Call us crazy, but it’s probably safer to trust the scientists and doctors on a health issue.


5. We don’t know what they’re made of

Unless you’re a chemist, you’ve probably never heard of any of the 19 ingredients that the FDA has restricted.

You’ve probably never heard of chemicals currently being investigated, either. Benzalkonium chloride? Benzethonium chloride? Chloroxylenol?


After releasing rules governing the sale of antibacterial products containing a laundry list of chemicals, the FDA requested information on hand sanitizers and other products that may contain harmful chemicals.

(Regarding hand sanitizers, the FDA concludes that these products – much like antibacterial soaps – are not superior to “thorough hand-washing.”)

As a result of the industry’s continuous assertions minus any evidence, “The Federal Trade Commission has (begun) cracking down on some manufacturers for making unsubstantiated health claims regarding products containing (germicides).”

The best idea? Wash your hands for 60 seconds with warm water. Most hand sanitizer products are okay, according to the FDA. Though, it’s still a good idea to look at the labels and understand what’s in the product.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


16 Insomnia Home Remedies : Medication, Food And More

Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker

Do you find yourself awake at night and sleepy during the day? You’re not alone. According to a recent Harvard study, nearly one in four Americans do not get enough sleep, and it’s costing them. Going without sleep is linked to weight gainloss of cognitive ability, and even poor heart health.

Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, a professor of neurosurgery, says sleep acts as a “dishwasher” for toxins in the brain and body. Without it, you find yourself in much worse health. Luckily, there are many insomnia home remedies so you can take control of your sleep health.

Here Are 16 Insomnia Home Remedies

1. Drink Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is a fantastic way to curb insomnia due to its abundance of the antioxidant apigenin. According to a National Institute of Health study, apigenin is especially helpful in fighting cancerous compounds and tumor creation.

Herbal tea also:

  • Fights off the common cold
  • Reduces joint immflamation
  • Relieves stress

2. Take a Hot Bath

If you’ve ever needed an excuse to make time for a soak, this is it. Research shows that taking a warm bath or shower before bed is a fantastic way to combat sleeplessness and allow stress to melt away.

Dr. Bobby Buka, a dermatologist, says “Your skin releases endorphins in response to the soothing warm water the same way that endorphins are released when you feel the sun on your skin,”. Many cultures ascribe to the idea that hot water is healing for the body and soul, as evidenced by the Finnish love of the sauna, the Hamam in Turkey, or sentos in Japan. Take some wisdom from these ancient healing practices and fight restless nights the most relaxing way possible.

3. Try Melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in the body. It’s integral in controlling when you wake up and when you fall asleep. Before the invention of electricity, humans typically slept when the sun was set and woke when it had risen.

In today’s world of near-constant artificial lighting, this isn’t usually the case. Melatonin comes in an over-the-counter pill form to supplement your body’s natural sleep regulation and can help when you have troubles falling asleep and staying asleep and need one of these insomnia home remedies.

4. Turn off screens

Phone screens, TV screens, and computer screens are some of the most detrimental things to your sleep health. The blue light that electronics emit, according to Harvard Health, is similar to the light from the sun and disrupts our natural sleep processes.

Banishing screens before bed can also help you:

  • Avoid anxiety
  • Mentally unwind
  • Create a relaxing routine

5. Nix caffeine

Coffee is the fuel that most of us run on, but do you often find yourself running out of gas in the evening and opting for more caffeine? This could lead to hours of poor quality rest.

A great insomnia home remedy is cutting out caffeine after 2:00 pm, or trying to go without for at least a week. This detox time can reset your natural clock and guarantee that you’re able to doze off at the end of the day and wake up feeling much better rested.

6. Eat Salmon

Who knew that sleeping better would be so tasty? Salmon is high in the omega-3 fatty acid called DHA. This vital fat is an integral component of the structural makeup of the heart and is naturally occurring in human breast milk.

DHA helps with restful and healthy sleep by promoting melatonin creation and overall holistic health. Salmon, while being a great source of DHA also has:

  • Protein
  • Vitamin D
  • Good fatty acids
  • Antioxidants that promote heart health

7. Use Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender contains terpenoids that relieve nervous tension when inhaled and is a great way to promote relaxation. Research has shown that tonics, salves, and even aromatherapy mixtures containing lavender work great for managing a lack of sleep at home.

Other maladies that lavender oil treats are:

  • Respiratory issues
  • Bacterial infections
  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Urinary disorders

8. Try St. John’s Wort tea

Even before the dawn of Christianity, healers have used this common weed to induce calm and even treat depression. Not only does the plant fight depression and improve mood, it also has been shown to aid with insomnia by calming the nerves and acting like a mild version of an anti-depressant.

German physicians, according to the American Journal of Natural Medicine, prescribe St. John’s Wort for sleep issues and depressants more often than Prozac, making it a medically viable at home treatment for anxiety and restlessness.

9. Use Stress Management Techniques

A large portion of people’s sleeplessness is caused by the high stress that modern living causes. It can feel like there’s always an email to answer, notification to check, or something else that needs to be done. Some common ways of managing stress can be done at home, without medical intervention. Some of these are:

  • Journaling
  • Yoga
  • Meditation

10. Drink Tea made from California Poppy

The California poppy is the beautiful state flower of California and packs some serious healing punch when brewed into an aromatic tea. The parts above the root of the flower are used to promote restful sleep and relaxation, making this insomnia home remedy a breeze.

This red-orange flower is only distantly related to its cousin, the opium poppy, and instead contains sedative alkaloids that aid in relaxation.

11. Listen to White Noise or Nature Sounds

There’s a reason people usually sleep so well during rain storms. A study from the journal Scientific Reports found that our brains produce calming chemicals when exposed to calming sounds, such as rain on the rooftop or a babbling brook.

A white noise machine or even a fan can be a great tool to block out the sounds that most of us encounter that can be detrimental to restful sleep.

12. Get to the Gym

It’s time to dust off those sneakers for this insomnia home remedy, because experts have found that maintaining a healthy exercise routine can help eliminate sleeplessness, depression, and also anxiety.

By consistently working out early in the day, you’ll be able to speed up your metabolism and regulate your circadian rhythm to find better, more restful sleep.

13. Drink a Cup of Warm Milk

If you’re not lactose intolerant, there’s nothing that takes you back to childhood like a small glass of warm milk to settle your stomach and send you right to bed.

A small glass of milk before bed not only cures heartburn and aids with digestion, but also contains tryptophan, a compound that aids in the creation of serotonin and melatonin, two chemicals that regulate healthy sleep.

14. Eat a Banana

Besides the potassium, bananas have curative use beyond preventing cramps. Next time you’re up late and wide awake, eat a banana and gain the benefits of magnesium.

Magnesium also helps with cramps, but is mainly known for regulating hormone balance and brain temperature. Bananas are high-carb alternate to bread or pasta. Carbs make you sleepy, but opting for a banana instead of something heavier will help you sleep much better as you digest.


15. Try Some Cumin

Ancient cultures used cumin for its curative properties a millennia ago. Ancient Greeks even went so far as to keep cumin on the table as we do with salt and pepper. Take some notes from them and incorporate this digestion aid into your diet.

Cumin helps you digest foods more efficiently, and in turn, helps you sleep better. Poor digestion is often a culprit of insomnia, so take care to eat long before bedtime and eat lots of healthy foods.

16. Incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar Into Your Diet

You probably hear about apple cider vinegar all the time, and believe this: the hype is real. Apple cider vinegar can:

  • Prevent cancer
  • Contribute to weight loss
  • Cut belly fat
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Kill harmful bacteria

In addition to these healing benefits, regularly ingesting apple cider vinegar can contribute holistically to sleep health by fending off sickness and helping you maintain a healthy body and digestive system.

Final Thoughts on Insomnia Home Remedies

Not getting enough sleep doesn’t have to be a life sentence. By using these 16 insomnia home remedies, you will be able to treat your lack of sleep naturally and finally feel well rested.

Good sleep is a holistic pathway to better health and is something we too often don’t make a priority. Make a change today and focus on your own health, starting with when your head hits the pillow.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Does The Keto Diet Work For Diabetes? I Tried It And This Is What Happened

Over the years, there have been a variety of diets that have overpromised and undelivered, placing those seeking to lose unwanted pounds back at square one. The ketogenic diet, however, is the antithesis of a fad diet; it has been proven to help countless people lose weight fast, but is it safe, especially for those diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes?

In this article, we will address whether or not a ketogenic diet is advisable for those with this disease and look at the results from several independent studies. Hopefully, by the conclusion of this article, you will have enough information to decide whether or not this diet is proper for you.

What is the keto diet?

For those unfamiliar with the keto diet, it is a diet that is predicated on a dramatic reduction in carbohydrates and keeping fats and proteins relatively high. Needless to say, some doctors express concern about this lifestyle. But lately,the diet started to take center stage as those with diabetes are turning to this diet to lose weight.

keto diet

The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Now that we have a cursory understanding of the ketogenic diet, let’s focus on diabetes. Although many people have heard of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it doesn’t mean they are familiar with the differences between the two chronic diseases, and there are a few key differences. Those with type 1 diabetes are unable to produce insulin. On the other hand, those with type 2 diabetes may find that their body doesn’t respond to the insulin they produce.

Also, there is a marked difference between how quickly symptoms appear in those with type 1 diabetes over those with type 2 diabetes. Those who have developed type 1 diabetes will experience symptoms over several weeks. Conversely, those with type 2 diabetes may not experience diabetic symptoms for years. Despite these differences, the one thing that is salient amongst those who have diabetes are the symptoms, including:

  • An increased need to urinate
  • Frequently feeling fatigued
  • Blurred vision
  • Always feeling thirsty or hungry
  • Cuts or sores that don’t heal

The keto diet and type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes and you’re looking to lose weight, the ketogenic diet is not only safe, but effective. In a study overseen by Dr. Laura Saslow, an assistant professor of Behavior and Biological Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, those with type 2 diabetes that followed a ketogenic diet experienced an appreciable amount of weight loss and also enjoyed a 6.5 percent reduction in their hemoglobin A1c.

So what does this mean in layman’s terms? It suggests how those who followed a low-carb, high-protein, high-fat diet lost weight and managed to reverse their type 2 diabetes. Study participants were limited to a diet consisting of only lean meats and vegetables. It should also be noted that the study emphasized type 2 diabetes, as there is a stronger correlation between this variant of the disease and excess weight. Type 1 diabetes, although worthy of conversation, is a disease you are born with and is not as easily influenced by one’s weight.

The study

The study consisted of 25 participants, with 13 following the “plate method,” a diet consisting of grains, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and low-fat dairy. The remaining 12 participants followed a keto diet. Those following the “plate method” filled half their plate with broccoli, carrots, peppers, and other non-starchy vegetables. They then filled a quarter of the plate with whole grains before filling the remainder with their choice of lean meats.

Regarding those following the ketogenic diet, their instructions were much more straightforward. They limited their non-fiber carbs to 50 grams. All study participants were in their 50s and were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes; additionally, they were each taking metformin, a medication designed to improve the body’s response to insulin, which is naturally produced in the body. Lastly, all participants were limited to 1,700 calories per day.


At the end of the 32-week study, the ketogenic diet proved more effective than the plate method. The study revealed that those following the keto diet plan lowered their HbA1c to 6.5 percent. Each lost an average of 28 pounds. Of those on the “plate method” diet, none of the participants lowered their HbA1c low enough to reverse diabetes. Concerning weight loss, study participants lost an average of 6.6 pounds.

ketogenic deit

Why did participants on the keto diet do so much better?

The 1,700 calorie cap on the ketogenic diet places the body in a state of ketosis, a normal metabolic process whereby the body draws energy from fat stores instead of carbohydrates. The carbs did not make up a very large percentage of the participants’ total caloric intake. Thus, reducing carbs forced the body to turn to fat as an energy source.

The keto diet and type 1 diabetes

Similar to type 2 diabetes, a study reviewed the efficacy of a keto diet amongst those diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. In this case, however, the study was led by a Harvard research team. The study reported that those with type 1 diabetes had improved glucose control while losing weight. They accomplished those results with little to no side effects. The pool of participants for the type 1 diabetes study was far more significant, as participants provided clinical data online, which was substantiated through medical charts and feedback from the participant’s doctor. That aside, there were a total of 316 participants from various countries. They each had a type 1 diabetes diagnosis and took insulin to manage the disease.


A low-carb diet did not produce the same favorable results detailed in the study involving those with type 2 diabetes. Indeed the low-carb intake seemed to have an adverse effect on many participants. They were unable to lower their HbA1c any lower than 7.2 percent. Also, the low-carb diet did not affect participants’ lipid profiles, as those remained unchanged. Future studies should assess the impact of a low-carb diet on those with type 1 diabetes. However, this may not be a viable option for those who have type 1 diabetes and are looking to lose weight.

What you should know before starting the keto diet

The findings detailed in these studies are compelling. However, further research must confirm the long-term effects of a ketogenic diet. The studies have not thoroughly addressed weight loss relative to blood sugar. Nor have they taken into consideration other components that may have contributed to a patient’s weight loss, says Dr. Michael Gonzalez-Campoy, medical director and CEO of the Minnesota Center for Obesity, Metabolism, and Endocrinology. Dr. Gonzalez-Campoy says that more extensive and randomized controlled trials are necessary before making a definitive conclusion on the diet’s efficacy.

Is a ketogenic diet right for you?

Deciding on whether or not to follow a ketogenic diet plan invariably comes down to the type of diabetes you have –  type 1 or type 2. Those with type 1 diabetes should avoid this diet as the body’s buildup of acids and ketones may place undue stress on the kidneys. For those with type 2 diabetes, this diet may be worth considering if you don’t mind a significant calorie restriction.

keto diet

Again, these studies were not large enough or randomized to the point where researchers could make a definitive conclusion. The data made available from these studies may be encouraging. But in the case of those with type 1 diabetes, this diet could be harmful. You should speak with your doctor if you are considering starting a ketogenic diet. They can assess your overall health and help you decide if a keto diet is right.

Are there any alternatives for the keto diet?

A variety of diets can help individuals lose weight, including the Atkins diet, Paleo diet, and many others. Still, very few are as beneficial in the face of type 1 or type 2 diabetes as the keto diet. If you desire to lose weight, you should practice portion control at mealtime. Furthermore, you must emphasize eating fresh fruits, lean meats, and vegetables instead of processed foods. Lastly, replace sugar-laden drinks with water, which contains no calories. By making these small changes, you will inevitably lose weight and improve your overall health.

15 Amazing Inspirational Quotes That Will Inspire You To Live Your Best Life

Inspirational quotes are a dime a dozen. You can’t throw a rock on the Internet without coming across a list of quotes that were supposedly written by Buddhist monks who achieved nirvana while balancing on a bed of nails with their pinky fingers.

If you’re willing to wade through the silly stuff, however, there are genuinely inspiring quotes that can help you improve your outlook on life. You just have to figure out why you need them.

Are you hoping to snag a promotion or secure a new relationship? Do you want to boost your confidence for everyday affairs? Do you need a spiritual energy boost to get through a difficult time?

Think about your goals. Open yourself up to new ways of thinking. Then, grab a pen and jot down some of these inspirational quotes about life.

Here are some inspirational quotes to remember:

1. “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years. It hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”

It’s often said that the definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same things but expecting new results each time. What makes you think that negativity will magically transform your life after years of causing you nothing but doubt and pain? Instead of treading down the same well-worn paths of self-recrimination, try to give yourself a fresh start filled with energy, enthusiasm and plenty of inspirational quotes.

2. “Attitude is a choice.”

From late-night insomnia to long-term heart damage, negative emotions can take a physical toll on your body (1). They can even affect your brain chemistry (2). On the flip side, positive emotions have been linked to everything from clearer skin to stronger immune systems. By staying optimistic, you can improve your health without changing a single thing about your diet.

3. “Be who you needed when you were younger.”

Inspirational quotes about life are often focused on the future, but this one asks you to dive into the past. What kind of help or guidance did you need as a young person? If the adults in your life failed you, what were their mistakes, and how can you learn from them? Try to create your new self with your old self in mind. Become the kind of person who would’ve reached out a helping hand to the struggling, self-doubting kid that you used to be.

4. “No matter how slowly that you’re moving, you’re lapping everybody on the couch.”

This is a common piece of advice in gyms and fitness centers; inspirational quotes can be a great way to motivate yourself for workouts. However, it can be applied to other things as well. Even if you can only take one class per semester, you’re still progressing further in your education than people who aren’t in college at all. Even if you can only save one dollar from your paycheck every week, you’re building a bigger nest egg than people without savings at all.

5. “If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find an excuse.”

Procrastination is one of the biggest obstacles that you’ll face in pursuit of your goals. It’s so easy to make excuses for bad habits and put things off for another day! If you’re serious about changing your life, however, you’ll need to figure out your true priorities. Do they involve working hard and making something of yourself, or do they revolve around binge-eating in front of the television for hours on end? A helpful hint: Don’t let Netflix decide your future.

6. “You’re under no obligation to be the same person that you were five minutes ago.”

Everyone has flaws. Everyone experiences moments of stress, sadness, anxiety and anger. However, you don’t have to cling to these things. You don’t have to wallow in your bad moods. Even if you spiraled into a negative head space for awhile, you can regain control of your emotions, read a few inspirational quotes of self-affirmation and move on with your day. You don’t have to wait until a new morning to start fresh.

7. “Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it.”

In the same vein as the above, it’s important not to get caught in cycles where you make bad choices over and over again to justify the other bad choices that you made previously. It’s called the “sunk cost” fallacy, and it means that you’ve invested so much time in a bad course of action that you feel like you have to see it through to avoid “wasting” your efforts. Don’t fall prey to this fallacy. When you realize that you’re on the wrong path, cut your losses and try something different.

8. “Have you ever loved someone so much that you would do anything for them? Make that someone yourself, and do whatever the [heck] you want.”

Spoken by a successful, high-powered lawyer in the television drama Suits, this is one of those inspirational quotes about life that can redefine your entire way of thinking. Instead of directing all of your goodwill towards friends and family members, hold a little back for yourself. You deserve care just as much as everyone else in your life. Treat yourself with the same kindness that you would want others to express towards you.

9. “Work until your idols become your rivals.”

This is one of those inspirational quotes for career success that can help you succeed in your chosen field. Don’t just dream of meeting your heroes. Dream of surpassing them. Dream of giving them a run for their money when you finally reach the same level of success. Make them take notice of you as a personal and professional equal rather than a simple fangirl or fanboy.

10. “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right.”

A study from The Journal of Behavior Research and Therapy has demonstrated that positive thinking can reduce feelings of anxiety (3). Interestingly, the positive thoughts didn’t even have to relate to the worries of the subject. People afraid of failing didn’t have to imagine themselves succeeding; people who were stressing about their weight didn’t have to envision themselves looking thinner. They could focus on any kind of positive thought or image, and it still reduced their anxiety.

11. “Be kind. Everyone that you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

You might have noticed that many inspirational quotes about life are focused on self-improvement. This is completely normal, but don’t let it morph from “self-care” into “self-centeredness.” Empathy is still important even though you’re making your transition from a caterpillar to a butterfly. You’ll want the world to be a beautiful place when you emerge from your cocoon, and that means extending positivity towards others as well as yourself.

12. “Everyone who’s ever taken a shower has had an idea. It’s the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it who makes a difference.”

This is a helpful piece of advice for people with grand ideas that never seem to come to fruition. While there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, you don’t want that to be the full extent of your endeavors. You want to turn dreaming into doing. The next time that you have a great business idea or an exciting thought for a killer date, don’t let it languish in your brain. Put it into the world with action.

13. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”

This is one of the most inspirational quotes from Lao Tzu, a renowned Chinese philosopher who is credited with creating the Taoism movement. It means that every change is an opportunity. Every cloud has a silver lining. Even if you’re moving away, getting laid off or going through a divorce, you can re-frame the negative ending as a fresh start in that particular area of your life.

14. “Deserve victory.”

This comes from a longer passage in the writings of Winston Churchill: “We cannot guarantee victory, but only deserve it.” While he was talking about the emotional heft of fighting Nazis, it’s also a sentiment that can be applied to self-improvement as well. You don’t want to get ahead in life by cheating on tests or throwing other people under the bus to advance your own career. When you finally reach a place of serenity, you’ll feel better if you earned it fair and square.

inspirational quotes

15. “Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.”

Some inspirational quotes about life are funny because they’re true. In today’s increasingly digital society, it’s the mark of a truly engaging event when you’re so absorbed that you don’t even think about tweeting or live-blogging it. A good goal for your life is to fill it with such exciting things that you never want to interrupt them to snap a selfie!

Final Thoughts on Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes come in all shapes and sizes, but not all of them will speak to you on a personal level.

For example, some people respond to tough-love motivation while others prefer their inspirational to be the soft, gentle kind that forgives their mistakes. Neither of these are wrong! There’s no wrong way to be inspired.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that your chosen quotes and mantras are genuinely motivating to you. Don’t be afraid to keep looking until you find a saying that makes you gasp, “That’s it! That’s what I need!”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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