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15 Habits That Waste Money That Most People Don’t Realize

Many people obsess over ways to make more money, but what about ways to not waste money? We all would like to maintain our standard of living, but sometimes it helps to cut back on a few things that can easily break the bank. When we earn money, we like to reward ourselves with purchases, but it can pay off to hold onto that money instead.

If you cut down on your purchases for just one month, think about how much extra you would have to use toward investments, savings accounts, and emergency funds. It takes great sacrifice to hold onto your money, but you’ll reap some big rewards in the end.

With that said, we want to go over a few ways you might be wasting your money so that you have more awareness about your spending habits. This way, you’ll have more control over your finances instead of letting your finances control you.

15 habits that waste money that most people aren’t aware of:

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” – Epictetus

1. Having a bank account.

Obviously, we need bank accounts to survive in today’s modern world, but did you know your bank account could be costing you extra money? Some banks charge just to have a checking account nowadays! They might only charge if you don’t keep a certain minimum amount in your account, but others charge just to keep an account open.

Also, you have to watch out for overdraft fees and insufficient fund fees, as these can really add up over time. Stick to a budget to avoid paying the bank those kinds of fees. That way, you get to keep more money in your wallet.


2. Spending too much on monthly bills.

One way to have more money is to cut down on expenses. If you don’t want to waste money, you should cut out things you don’t really need, such as cable.

Then, look at your other bills such as electricity, cell phone, and water. Are you leaving your phone or laptop plugged in too long? Phantom electricity, or leaving your devices plugged in after they’re fully charged, can cost $20-30 more on your electric bill.

Do you have the most expensive phone plan? See if you can switch to a cheaper one, or switch providers if you have to. Finally, look at your other bills such as water and insurance policies and see if you can lower those.

Most people could probably cut down on their monthly bills and save money, but they just don’t know it! Pay attention to your bills to see where you can cut back.

3. Eating out instead of cooking.

Cooking has become a lost art with the many delivery services and restaurants at our disposal. However, eating out can take a big chunk out of your bank account. In fact, according to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spends over $3,000 per year on takeout. If you divide that by 12, that amounts to about $250 per month.

According to a comparison by Forbes of ordering delivery from a restaurant, cooking with fresh ingredients, and using a meal kit service, it costs almost five times as much to order delivery than cook at home, and almost three times as much to use a meal kit delivery service. (Full article:

As you can see, eating out is a huge waste of money when compared to cooking at home. This doesn’t mean you should never eat out; however, you should try to cut back if you want to save money.

4. Buying packaged or pre-cut fruits and vegetables.

If you go into most grocery stores, you’ll see many fruits and veggies that have been pre-washed and placed into plastic bags for your convenience. You might even see carrots, watermelon, or other fruits and veggies that have been cut and put into containers. Either way, you will lose money if you opt for those because you’re paying for the packaging.

Buy fruits and veggies as close to their natural form as possible. That way, you get the best deal. For instance, opt for heads of lettuce instead of bagged lettuce or whole carrots instead of chopped. This is also the healthier choice.

5. Not paying down debt.

Unfortunately, many people live well beyond their means and rack up thousands in credit card debt. In fact, the average household credit card debt is almost $17,000, and this is only a small portion of most people’s debt.

To give you the full picture, the average American household carries a whopping $137,063 in debt, according to the Federal Reserve’s latest report. If you have any debt at all, paying it off should come first. Put any other expenses aside and use whatever income you have to pay off that debt. This way, you won’t have it hanging over your head accruing interest for years on end.

6. Using credit cards too often.

As we stated above, credit card debt has reached an all-time high. In fact, according to an annual Experian report, the average American holds $6,375 in credit card debt, which is an increase of 3% from last year.

Only use credit cards when absolutely necessary, because many of them have high interest rates.

7. Buying coffee every day before work.

If those long lines at Starbucks aren’t enough to deter you from buying coffee, maybe this startling statistic will. According to an Acorns Money Matters report, 41% of millennials admit to spending more on coffee than they put toward their retirement plan. Americans spend about $1,100 a year, or $3 per day, on coffee.

8. Buying new instead of used.

Did you know that the average new car depreciates by 10% the second you drive off the lot? On average, a new car depreciates by 60% in the first five years of its life. Used cars depreciate as well, but usually at a much lower rate.

Buying things new just isn’t necessary. Plus, it’s much more environmentally friendly to reuse an item than buy a brand new one.

9. Buying extended warranties.

If you don’t read the fine print of the warranty you’re buying, you might be wasting a ton of money. Warranties don’t typically cover big problems you could encounter with an appliance or car, and to make matters worse, you might be buying duplicate coverage. Make sure you only buy warranties if they benefit you. Additionally, make sure you understand the difference between a carshield vs nova warranty and decide what to get that fits your needs.

10. Making impulse purchases.

Ever wonder why stores put candy, gum, chips, and soft drinks near the checkout lines? They hope you’ll make an impulsive decision at the last minute and add something to your cart. It’s smart marketing, and it works. Five out of six Americans make impulse purchases. If you want to curb this habit, stick to your grocery list or opt to do online shopping so you aren’t tempted at the register.

11. Buying name-brand items.

We’ll use medicines as an example. If you look at Advil vs. the generic brand, you’ll notice Advil is likely a couple dollars more expensive despite having the same ingredients as the cheaper one. This goes for everything from clothes to food to medication. Always buy generic; you’ll save a ton of money.

12. Not having a budget.

Having a budget gives you a blueprint of your financial situation. If you don’t have one, you won’t know where your money is going or how much you have left over, which means you’ll likely waste a lot of money in the end.

13. Procrastinating.

For some purchases, such as airline tickets and hotel rooms, it pays off to buy ahead of time. As you already know, airline tickets and hotel rates skyrocket the closer it gets to the departure date, so try to buy these items as early as possible.

14. Not using coupons.

You should skim the weekly ad for coupons or deals whenever you go grocery shopping. Otherwise, you might miss out on some good savings. Also, you can download apps like Groupon to use coupons on everything from mini-golf to a day at the spa. Coupons are everywhere, so if you aren’t in the habit of using them, you’re wasting a lot of money.

15. Not using your gym membership.

So, it’s a new year, and you’ve committed yourself to become healthier. A lot of people have this goal at the start of the year, but don’t see it through to the end. Did you know around 67% of people sign up for a membership and never use it? If you have an unused gym membership, cancel it as soon as possible so you don’t keep losing money.


Final thoughts on Wasting versus Saving Money

We hope the tips above can help you save money while also using your money more wisely. Money is a complex subject, and everyone has different budgets and incomes. However, this advice can be applied universally and benefit anyone.

Once you learn to rule your money instead of letting it rule you, a new world of possibilities will become available.

15 Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder + Things To Try When Nothing Else Worked

Anxiety Disorders (ADs) are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s age. In the United States, they are the most common type of mental illness. Over 40 million adults suffer from anxiety disorders, which is over 18% of the population. And everyone can potentially develop one of these disorders, as they result from a number of different factors including: brain chemistry, personality, genetics, and traumatic life events.

Unfortunately, there is a negative social stigma around many of these disorders, and this stigma, combined with the complexity of anxiety symptoms, results in many people being unaware that their lives are being negatively affected by anxiety. Other people know that they have these disorders, but due to the stigma, avoid treatment. Only 36% of people with anxiety are receiving treatment.

We want to help you determine whether or not you or a loved one is suffering from one of these disorders. So, first we’re going to tell you what an anxiety disorder is and who they affect. Then we’ll show you 15 signs that you may have an AD. Finally, we’re going to tell you what to do when nothing else has worked.

It is important to note, though, that if you believe that you or a loved one is suffering from a mental disorder, it is best that you consult a licensed physician. Many mental disorders are quite serious and even life-threatening, so their treatment should not be taken lightly.

What is an anxiety disorder?

An Anxiety disorder is a form of mental illness that is categorized due to their prevailing symptoms of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a natural human instinct known as the “fight or flight response,” and it functions as a psychological defense mechanism towards future events. Anxiety is not to be confused with fear, which is a natural reaction to events that are currently occurring. In itself, anxiety is not a bad thing.

However, anxiety associated with a mental disorder causes this natural human response to manifest during unnatural times, causing overwhelming worry. These disorders can cause a massive strain on people’s lives, but oftentimes, people don’t know what’s actually causing them to suffer.

Here are 15 signs that you may have an AD


The most obvious sign that someone is struggling with anxiety is excessive worrying. This worrying is related to things that are both significant and insignificant to the person. Worrying is natural, but if someone is worrying too much, they may have a disorder.

So, how much worrying is too much? Experts say that if someone is experiencing worrying thoughts most days for a period of six months, they may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and should seek consultation from a licensed physician and possibly begin anxiety treatment.

Sleep Problems

Many people have trouble sleeping. Whether it’s trouble falling asleep, or trouble staying asleep, the cause of sleeping problems could be a number of factors. These problems are often exacerbated during highly stressful times.

But trouble sleeping may also be caused by anxiety, and can be helped through anxiety treatment. Lying in bed worrying commonly manifests sleep problems caused by anxiety. Some of this is natural, but too much could be a sign of a problem!


Fear is another natural human instinct that is used as a psychological deterrent to things that can hurt us. Humans are scared of things that might cause harm to us. But some specific fears, called phobias, are irrational fears that do not have protective value.

These irrational fears can be extremely disruptive to people’s lives. Examples include fear of bridges, public speaking, and fear of things that are impossible such as your arms falling off.

Though extreme, some phobias are so specific that they do not have a significant impact on people’s lives. Either way, phobias can be a sign of a more serious disorder.

Constant Muscle Tension

People with disorders causing anxiety often experience constant stress in their lives. This stress causes involuntary physiological reactions such as flexing muscles, squeezing your fists, or clenching your jaw. This constant muscle tension can negatively affect someone’s life, as it is uncomfortable and tiring.

Though many of the actions associated with muscle tension are normal in small quantities, constant muscle tension may be a sign that a person is suffering from anxiety.

Persistent Indigestion

As we discussed earlier, though feelings of anxiety originate in the brain, they can cause involuntary physiological reactions throughout the body. Another reaction common to ADs is chronic indigestion.

A common example of persistent indigestion is Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which includes the lovely symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, cramping, and general stomach pain.

Like most symptoms of anxiety, chronic indigestion does not necessarily indicate that you have a disorder. Talk to a doctor if you are experiencing this symptom.


One class of mental disorders deals exclusively with social situations. Social Anxieties (SAD) are quite common and can manifest in a number of ways. Most commonly, the anxiety is caused by normal situations such as having a meal with people, or just talking to someone the person does not know.

In social situations like these, people with SAD cannot overcome the feeling of anxiety. They feel like everyone is watching them, which compounds the problem, and they may begin to exhibit symptoms such as sweating, shaking, trouble talking, and nausea.

Panic Attacks

One of the scariest signs of anxiety is panic attacks. They are hard to describe to people who have not experienced one, but people who have describe them similarly.

Panic attacks are characterized by overwhelming feelings of panic and fear and can cause heavy breathing, trouble breathing, chest pain, elevated heart rate, sweating, and chills. Panic attacks commonly make a person feel as though they are about to die, and so they are very serious.

If you or someone you love has experienced these feelings, and you think it may have been caused by a panic attack, you should seek medical help.


Another class of ADs is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD manifests itself in different ways in different people, but is characterized by uncontrollable and irrational thoughts and actions.

One such irrational compulsion is perfectionism. Being unable to stop yourself from modifying projects, fixing papers, or arranging books are just some of the ways perfectionism can manifest.


Also commonly associated with OCD, compulsions are uncontrollable actions someone does, often repeatedly, to the point of negative affect on their lives. These compulsions are often referred to as rituals, and can include checking to see if doors are locked dozens of times, excessively washing hands, or touching every tree you pass by.

Though some people experience natural urges to do things, compulsions that characterize ADs are abnormal and cause strain on peoples lives.

Persistent Self-doubt/questioning

Self-doubt and constant questioning is another symptom of OCD. It commonly manifests around what is most central to a person’s identity. For example, someone suffering from OCD who has just gotten married may find himself or herself constantly doubting whether or not they love their spouse.

Self-doubt is a normal occurrence for many people, but if it gets overwhelming, it maybe a sign of OCD.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is most commonly associated with soldiers returning from battle, but it can result from any type of significant trauma. Though it is technically in its own class of mental disorders, PTSD shows many symptoms of anxiety and some ADs exhibit similar symptoms.

One symptom is flashbacks, where the person relives the event that caused them trauma. These are violent memories, and reliving them is uncomfortable and terrifying; flashbacks warrant serious medical attention and possible anxiety treatment.

Stage Fright

The fear of public speaking is one of the most common in the world. As such, it is not uncommon for someone to get nervousness before speaking in front of a group of people, or being in other situations that require them to stand before a crowd.

Stage fright associated with overwhelming anxiety manifests distinctively different from normal stage fright, though. If someone is inconsolably afraid of normal, public speaking or a similar situation, it could indicate the person is suffering from anxiety.

Excessive Agitation

ADs often manifest in ways that affect other people as well. People suffering from anxiety will often experience overwhelming feelings of agitation, which they take out on others.

Though it is normal for people to get angry, excessive agitation may be a sign of a more serious problem and warrants further examination. It can indicate that the person is experiencing anxiety associated with a disorder and may require anxiety treatment.


Frequent feelings of restlessness are a possible indicator of several ADs. This symptom is especially common in children and young adults. Someone who is experiencing restlessness may describe it as feeling “uneasy,” say they “can’t sit still,” or that they feel trapped.

anxiety disorder

Restlessness does not occur in all people experiencing ADs, nor does it itself indicate that a person is experiencing anxiety, but it is certainly a red flag. The chances that feelings of restlessness are associated with a mental disorder are increased if those feelings occur in the majority of days for a period of at least six months.

Difficulty Concentrating

Difficulty concentrating is most commonly associated with conditions that affect learning, such as ADHD. But, it can also be a sign of anxiety.

In fact, almost 90% of people suffering from GAD report having trouble concentrating. This effect is compounded in the large number of people who have anxiety and ADHD.

This combination of mental disorders is especially troubling for people, as their inability to concentrate tends to enhance their feelings of anxiety. If you or someone you love has significant difficulty concentrating, talk to a doctor – it may be a sign of a more serious issue.

Things To Try When Nothing Else Has Worked

If these symptoms describe you currently, you’ve probably tried to get rid of them yourself. Many of these symptoms put significant strain on your life, so it’s understandable to try to fix it yourself. Some common methods of self-treating symptoms of anxiety are meditation, diet change and exercise.

Oftentimes, though, these methods will not be enough. When none of these at-home treatments get rid of the symptoms you’re exhibiting, you need to seek professional medical attention. Anxiety is a serious problem that warrants serious attention.

Your doctor or therapist will determine the cause of your symptoms and give you its name. Whether it’s GAD, OCD, or some other disorder, knowing that your symptoms are caused by a mental disorder will help you to fight them off. This process is known as “labeling.”

The doctor will also be able to help you identify the circumstances that typically cause your anxiety symptoms, which will help you avoid them. If all else fails, your doctor may prescribe you a prescription to take to combat the symptoms of anxiety that you’re experiencing.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

21 Positive Affirmations To Repeat If You Don’t Love Yourself

A positive affirmation about life is a statement that you read or state out loud to yourself to promote healing and to eliminate negative thoughts. They help give you a better outlook on life and reduce feelings of inadequacy and incompetence. When you use positive affirmations, your performance at work may improve as well as your self-esteem.

People that use positive affirmations about life have an increased sense of self-worth and are less prone to suffer from depression and anxiety. They are also helpful when dealing with physical conditions such as chronic pain, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Affirmations can assist with building confidence and can be used to increase self-love.

They have the power to transform your life and reprogram your mind’s concept of thinking. You should write out the affirmations that you want to use and repeat it out loud for up to five minutes. This can be done three times a day, including the morning, afternoon and evening.

What is Self-Love?

Even though self-love was once believed to be a selfish and negative quality for a person to possess. It is now considered a positive attribute and a sign of self-worthiness and knowledge. Loving oneself is not the same as arrogance or egotism, but a form of caring and having consideration for yourself in relation to others.

There are several ways to increase your self-worth that include becoming mindful of your thoughts and desires. Avoid participating in activities that hinder your progress and keep you stuck in the past or damaging behavior patterns. You also need to set boundaries with people and learn to set limits for yourself in your personal and professional life.

You should take care of yourself before you make commitments to anyone else in your life. This includes getting the proper nourishment and sleep that you need to remain healthy. Before you spend time with others, you should always put your needs first.

If you are sociable, make sure you allow the right people in your circle. When you surround yourself with negative people, they can bring you down. These toxic people possess harmful ways of thinking that can affect your intelligence and ability to think.

So it is imperative to surround yourself with positive people and protect yourself against those with negative mindsets. You must also learn how to move on from the past and forgive yourself for mistakes. Positive affirmations about life can help you accept yourself and assist you with living a healthy life.

What is a Positive Affirmation About Life?

The use of affirmations is a form of self-development and positive thinking that can encourage self-empowerment in people. It is believed that these affirmations can enhance your mental attitude and help you achieve success in life. When these affirmations are used correctly, people can achieve a higher level of consciousness and spirituality.

There are several types of affirmations and they come in a variety of forms such as spiritual talks, lectures, classes and affirmative images. There are also affirmative words, affirmative videos and mantra chants that are used to create positive thoughts and emotions for individuals.

A positive affirmation about life can help with developing a higher sense of self-esteem for people with low self-confidence. They can also help manage stress and get rid of self-doubt and overwhelming thoughts. Even though affirmations are difficult to use at first, once you begin to use them your subconscious mind does begin to change for the better.

When used consistently, they can increase the parts of the brain responsible for regulating emotions and focusing on strengths. Since your brain receives thoughts and impulses on a continual basis, repeating positive affirmation about life assists with instilling them into your subconscious. Your brain develops connections that will replace the negative thoughts with positive ones over time.

How to Use Positive Affirmations About Life

The use of affirmations can change the way you think about life and reshape your reality. They can shift your internal view of life and impact the way you see the world. Once your vision is modified, you are able to reach your goals and break through the limitations that were holding you back due to negative thinking.

You can create your own affirmations or use someone else’s. There are many sources available that are accessible online. Write a list of your affirmations down in a notebook that you can carry around with you and reference during the day. You can also write them on post-it pads and place them on your mirror or refrigerator.

Before you begin stating your affirmation, you should begin to take deep breaths. You must inhale and exhale while counting to 10 and breath in deeply. If you have access to a mirror, stand in front of it and look into your eyes. Begin to say your affirmation at a slow pace while making clear statements. You should repeat your affirmations between three to five times and allow the words to sink into your mind, body and soul.

The Benefits of Using Positive Affirmations About Life

When you state affirmations to yourself, you are increasing your positive thoughts and clearing away negative thinking. They help you gain awareness of your thoughts and allow you to reduce the number of bad thoughts. You begin to realize when you are becoming discouraged and can make a choice to motivate yourself instead.

You will become more grateful and have the ability to help other people remain positive. Since affirmations change the way your mind is programmed, you begin to believe the statements are true and gain a higher level awareness. They can amend your ability to love yourself and get rid of old mindsets instilled in you by others.

Many people that have been physically and psychologically abused tend to dislike themselves and have low self-confidence. If you grew up in a home with parents that mistreated you and made you feel less than, you are more susceptible to lacking self-love. This can lead to self-loathing and cause you to participate in self-sabotaging activities and interfere with your life.

Affirmations about self-love can assist you with regaining your self-worth. They can help become aware of your feelings and curtail destructive behaviors. As your repeat positive reaffirming beliefs to yourself, you are more likely to partake in healthier behaviors.

How Self-Love Affirmations Can Help You

When you do not love yourself, it shows and has harmful effects on your relationships with others. You may always find that you are putting the needs of your friends and family before yours. This is an unhealthy behavior that implies that you are not important and wreak havoc in your life.

Other signs of the lack of self-love are being hard on yourself and having a poor body image. If you fail or experience a setback, it is important for you not to speak harshly to yourself or wallow in sorrow. A poor body image is another factor that causes self-devaluation.

positive affirmations

In addition, comparing yourself to other people on social media and in real life is an indicator of the lack of self-love. The ability to not forgive yourself for mistakes and not being honest about your emotions signal a lessened sense of self-worth.

Affirmations for self-love were created to eliminate these feelings and allow you to love yourself. They introduce a new way of thinking and assist with eliminating the negative thoughts that have infiltrated your mind.

If you need to improve your thoughts about self-love or don’t love yourself, here are 21 positive affirmations to repeat on a daily basis that can help build up your self-love:

I have the power to change my world.

I love my body and all it does for me.

I am worthy of love and joy.

I love the person that I am.

I radiate love, peace and happiness.

My body is a sacred place and I choose to keep it clean and healthy.

I have high self-esteem, and I respect myself.

My mind is filled with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts.

I acknowledge my self-worth, and my confidence is soaring.

I am overflowing with joy, vitality and energy, and I’m unstoppable.

My efforts are being supported by the universe, and my dreams are becoming reality.

I love my body and all it does for me.

I let go of all negative self-talk.

I appreciate my life and satisfaction come to me with ease.

I stay balanced when others behave in an unbalanced way.

I let go of people who do not have my best interests at heart.

I am worthy of love, and I love myself unconditionally.

I am enough.

I am growing and learning each and every day.

I am a work of art, cherished and admired.

I accept others as they are and they, in turn, accept me as I am.

These positive affirmations were created to help increase your ability to love yourself. When you love yourself, you are in touch with your feelings and have the capacity to love others. If you do not love yourself, it is impossible to love some else because you are not aware of your own needs.

It is imperative that you take out time for self-care and have compassion for yourself. Without it, you risk the chance of overworking and being too hard on yourself. You increase the risk of developing diseases that include mental and physical maladies.

Since we all need to take care of ourselves, taking the time out to utilize  positive affirmations about life is a must. They are crucial to your wellbeing and can not only make you feel better about yourself but keep you healthy.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

16 Best Ways to Overcome Anxiety Disorder

Many people deal with anxiety, but usually it only occurs when there is a stressful situation and then goes away when the situation is over. For those who suffer from an anxiety disorder, however, the anxiety doesn’t only occur when there is a stressful situation, and it doesn’t go away as easily. This disorder can cause problems with work and school performance, relationships, and day to day activities.

Nearly 20% of adults in the United States struggle with an anxiety disorder. There are more cases that have never been diagnosed, leaving people to suffer on their own without anxiety treatment. This isn’t necessary, however, as there are many treatment methods to try.

Before seeking treatment, a person should first figure out if they are struggling with anxiety. There are many symptoms to watch for when trying to identify anxiety. These symptoms include:

1. Feeling nervous, restless or tense, sometimes for no reason
2. Sensing danger, panic, or doom
3. Increased heart rate
4. Hyperventilating
5. Sweating
6. Trembling
7. Sudden fatigue
8. Difficultly concentrating
9. Constant worrying
10. Trouble sleeping
11. GI problems
12. Anxiety triggers (they vary from person to person)

There are different types of anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobia-related disorders. While there are treatments for all types of anxiety disorders, sometimes the treatment doesn’t work. Luckily, there are some things to try if other treatment options don’t help.

16 of the Best Ways to Deal With Anxiety Disorder


1. Reach out for support

Call a close friend or family member and tell them that you are struggling. Spend time with that person, and allow them to help you just by being present. Being surrounded by those that you love will help you recognize your support system and get through the anxiety a little easier.

2. Focus on deep breathing

When you feel that anxiety attack coming on or when you feel your heartbeat getting faster, remember to take a few deep breaths. Deep breathing is a method of anxiety treatment because it can lower blood pressure and heart rate to a more normal rate. In turn, the anxiety is normally eased.

Focusing on breathing also allows the brain to think of something other than the current worry or anxiety trigger. Shifting the focus of the mind can ultimately end an anxiety attack, or prevent one from happening.

3. Grounding

Grounding involves making direct contact with the earth through any of the five senses. An easy way to do this is simply by walking barefoot outside. Grounding is said to ease the symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Touching the ground with your feet or hands or smelling and seeing grass or flowers are all ways to make contact with the earth. You could take a camping trip and sleep on the ground to really delve into grounding.

4. Meditation

Through meditation, a person can remember to focus on what is going on at the moment instead of the worries running through their mind. After practicing meditation for a while, it becomes such a normal part of the routine that it can be done anytime, during any situation.

5. Do yoga stretches

During yoga, muscles tension is eased, which can calm the mind. Yoga also encourages blood flow throughout the entire body, regulating blood pressure and heart rate. The calming of the mind and the regulating of the blood pressure and heart rate all lead to a decrease in feelings of anxiety.

6. Avoid or limit caffeine intake

Caffeine can cause blood pressure and heart rate to rise, which could cause anxiety. Caffeine also makes the symptoms of anxiety worse. Too much caffeine could lead to an anxiety attack.

7. Avoid or limit alcohol

While alcohol is commonly thought of as being something a person could use to relax, it can actually do the opposite in someone with an anxiety disorder. Alcohol could make the anxiety worse, and the increased anxiety usually continues the day after, as well.

Alcohol is a depressant, so when the initial good feelings wear off, the anxious effects hit hard.

8. Pay attention to your diet and change it if needed

A diet high in magnesium has been shown to make a person feel calmer. This essentially lowers anxiety for that person. Foods high in zinc also lower anxiety.

Foods with B vitamins, such as avocados and almonds, are known to decrease anxiety levels, as well as foods rich in probiotics, such as pickles. Asparagus has also been linked to a decrease in anxiety.

Additionally, eating processed foods can make anxiety worse by releasing anxiety-inducing chemicals into the body. Processed foods often lack the necessary nutrients, as well, so the body is not operating properly.

9. Write in a journal

There are a few reasons why writing in a journal can help a person deal with their anxiety. First, getting the spiraling thoughts out on paper or on a screen feels good. Also, the soothing repetition of writing words on paper can help ease the anxious thoughts.

Writing in a journal also gives you the option to go back and read what you wrote at a later time. Sometimes this can help you understand your thought process during an anxious time. You may be able to sort the thoughts and think of a way to make the anxiety a little less in the future.

Keeping a journal or notebook with you at all times can allow you to use this method anywhere and at any time. Whenever you feel your anxiety rising, you could pull out your journal and begin writing.

10. Do something creative

Creative activities allow for a positive outlet for any kind of worry, stress, or anxious moment. Letting those feelings come out in a positive way can lessen the symptoms of anxiety quickly.

Another reason that doing something creative helps a person deal with anxiety is that it distracts the mind. Focusing on something other than the anxiety can make it easier to deal with and get past.

Activities that allow for creativity also have a way of calming a person, allowing their blood pressure and heart rate to slow down.

11. Listen to calming music

Calming music, such as classical music, can relax both minds and bodies. This kind of calming music has been found to slow the heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse rate when it has become too high. All of these things help relieve anxiety.

Calming music is also distracting to the mind, so it allows the brain to focus on something other than the anxiety and worrisome thoughts. By focusing on the music, a person’s anxiety can be greatly relieved or lessened.

12. Exercise regularly

Exercise releases neurotransmitters, endorphins, and endocannabinoids into the body, which are known to make a person feel good. It also lessens the amount of stress-inducing chemicals that are being released.

Like many other methods of treating anxiety, exercise also distracts the mind. Focusing on exercising can stop a person from thinking about what is making them anxious.

13. Avoid known anxiety triggers, or fix ones that can’t be avoided

This may be easier said than done. If the anxiety triggers are known, some of them are easy to avoid. If this is the case, it is best to stay away from the trigger, whether it be a person, an animal, or an object.

When there is an anxiety trigger that you can’t avoid, see what can be done to fix the problem. This may allow you to avoid the trigger next time.

Common Anxiety Triggers

– Caffeine
– Poor nutrition or skipping meals
– Financial problems
– Parties or other large gatherings
– Arguments or disagreements with friends or family
– Drinking alcohol
– Lack of sleep
– Working too much
– Traveling
– Problems with children
– Not knowing what might happen in the future

14. Remind yourself that everything will be okay

When you are thinking of the worst case scenario, remind yourself that the worst case doesn’t usually happen. Remind yourself that, for the most part, things work out in a positive way. Sometimes the reminder that the negative thinking is just the anxiety talking will help ease the anxiety a bit and force the mind to begin thinking differently.

It can be difficult to begin this more positive way of thinking, but if you are able to recognize that it is an issue, you should be able to remind yourself while it is happening.

15. Practice self love

Take time to love yourself. This could be spending a day pampering yourself, or a day reading a book while curled up under a comfortable blanket.

You could take a bubble bath or a long, hot shower. You could spend time watching your favorite TV show or playing your favorite game.

anxiety disorder

Sometimes self love means just sleeping in late and staying in your pajamas longer than usual.

Just spend time doing something that you love or that makes you feel good. This simple method can quickly reduce the feelings of anxiety.

16. Take anti-anxiety medication

Sometimes, medications can seem a bit scary for an anxiety treatment. These medications are completely safe and common, however, and can really help a person deal with the stresses, fears, and other anxieties that plague their thoughts. When nothing else will help, anti-anxiety medications may be the way to go.

Final Thoughts on Anxiety Disorder

A person who suffers from anxiety disorder usually has no control over their anxiety and worrisome thoughts. There are many different things that can trigger anxiety, and some triggers may be specific to only one person. If you are finding yourself in that position and no other anxiety treatment is making it any easier, you might consider trying some of the methods discussed above.

The most important thing to do, however, is to try and figure out what works best for you. Different things will work for different people, so you can’t get discouraged when one method doesn’t work.

By distracting your mind and changing your thought process, taking time to do something you love, or spending time with someone you love, you can allow yourself to feel better. All of these things could help with your anxiety treatment, and make the anxiety disorder a little easier to handle.

51 Relationship Quotes To Make Your Bond Stronger Than Ever

Relationships are the very fabric of our lives. There is nothing we act on more than our relationships. Relationship quotes must have the kind of insight and depth that we come to value from the best minds of humanity. In fact, the best relationship quotes are made by funny, poignant, or romantic authors and comedians.

We have divided our quotes up for you in the following way: relationship quotes, marriage quotes, heart quotes, and sex quotes.

51 Relationship Quotes that Will Make You And Your Partner Closer Than Ever

10 Quotes about Relationships

1. “If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?” ~Stephen Levine

2. “Having someone wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night is a very old human need.” ~Margaret Mead

3. “Relationship is an art. The dream that two people create is more difficult to master than one.” ~Don Miguel Ruiz

4. “A partner is someone who makes you more than you are, simply by being by your side.” ~Albert Kim

5. “Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” ~Emily Kimbrough

6. “To truly know someone is to know the silence that stands for the thing they never speak of.” ~Robert Brault

7. “I felt it shelter to speak to you.” ~Emily Dickinson

8. “As important as shared memories are the silent agreement that certain things never happened.” ~Robert Brault

9. “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” ~Oprah Winfrey

10. “You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.” ~Julie-Jeanne Eléonore de Lepsinasse

25 Quotes about Marriage

Relationship quotes are the most endearing when they deal with the largest of all mysteries: human monogamy.

11. “What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow.” ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

12. “The older I get, the less time I want to spend with the part of the human race that didn’t marry me.” ~Robert Brault

13. “What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life — to strengthen each other in all labour, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?” ~George Eliot (1819–1880), Adam Bede, 1859

14. “To keep the fire burning brightly there’s one easy rule: Keep the two logs together, near enough to keep each other warm and far enough apart — about a finger’s breadth — for breathing room. Good fire, good marriage, same rule.” ~Marnie Reed Crowell

15. “Woke up in bed with a gorgeous woman, who I’m going to have lunch and the rest of my life with.” ~Jason Barmer

16. “The sum which two married people owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite debt, which can only be discharged through eternity.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

17. “If you made a list of the reasons why any couple got married, and another list of the reasons for their divorce, you’d have a hell of a lot of overlapping.” ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic’s Notebook, 1960

18. “If two stand shoulder to shoulder against the gods,
Happy together, the gods themselves are helpless
Against them, while they stand so.”
~Maxwell Anderson

19. “Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.” ~Mark Twain

20. “Matrimony—the high sea for which no compass has yet been invented.” ~Heinrich Heine, “Musical Notes from Paris,” translated from German by John Snodgrass

21. “A man’s wife has more power over him than the state has.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals

22. “There is so little difference between husbands you might as well keep the first.” ~Adela Rogers St. Johns

23. “That quiet mutual gaze of a trusting husband and wife is like the first moment of rest or refuge from a great weariness or a great danger.” ~George Eliot

24. “Married life teaches one invaluable lesson: to think of things far enough ahead not to say them.” ~Jefferson Machamer

25. “Just as Amy and Jay had for decades slept nude together, inhaling each other’s odors, her hands familiar with the man’s body hair. Even her face creams and his night grunts would have entered into it. And shared cakes of soap and clothes closets and dinners — such a complex of intimacies.” ~Saul Bellow (1915–2005), The Actual, 1997

26. “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” ~Andre Maurois

27. “Often the difference between a successful marriage and a mediocre one consists of leaving about three or four things a day unsaid.” ~Harlan Miller

28. “Husbands are like fires. They go out when unattended.” ~Zsa Zsa Gabor

29. “To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you’re wrong, admit it;
Whenever you’re right, shut up.”
~Ogden Nash

30. “There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.” ~Martin Luther

31. “Wasn’t marriage, like life, unstimulating and unprofitable and somewhat empty when too well ordered and protected and guarded. Wasn’t it finer, more splendid, more nourishing, when it was, like life itself, a mixture of the sordid and the magnificent; of mud and stars; of earth and flowers; of love and hate and laughter and tears and ugliness and beauty and hurt.” ~Edna Ferber, Show Boat, 1926

32. “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” ~Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally

33. “When the one man loves the one woman and the one woman loves the one man, the very angels desert heaven and come and sit in that house and sing for joy.” ~The Brahma Sutras

34. “Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can’t help but smile on it.” ~Josh Billings

35. “The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.” ~A.P. Herbert

6 Quotes about The Heart

The best relationship quotes always acknowledge the power, the strength, and the impermeability of the human heart in all of its magnificence.

36. “You can’t reason with your heart; it has its own laws, and thumps about things which the intellect scorns.” ~Mark Twain

37. “The heart is the perfection of the whole organism. Therefore the principles of the power of perception and the soul’s ability to nourish itself must lie in the heart.” ~Aristotle

relationship quotes

38. “If my heart could do my thinking, and my head begin to feel,
I would look upon the world anew, and know what’s truly real.”
~Van Morrison

39. “The heart is not simply suspended in a body but in a culture, a place, a time.” ~Mimi Guarneri, The Heart Speaks: A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing

40. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” ~Proverbs 17:22 (Bible: King James Version)

41. “The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.” ~Julien Green

10 Quotes about Intimacy

We could not have a “best relationship quotes” section without a section on the trickiest of all relationship angles, the question of intimacy.

42. “No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.” ~Abraham Lincoln

43. “Life without sex might be safer but it would be unbearably dull. It is the sex instinct which makes women seem beautiful, which they are once in a blue moon, and men seem wise and brave, which they never are at all. Throttle it, denaturalize it, take it away, and human existence would be reduced to the prosaic, laborious, boresome, imbecile level of life in an anthill.” ~Henry Louis Mencken

44. “The natural man has only two primal passions, to get and beget.” ~William Osler

45. “The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions. The hypothalamus controls the “Four F’s”: fighting, fleeing, feeding, and mating.” ~Marvin Dunnette

46. “Sex Education – A controversial course that parents argue about while their kids are out doing the lab work.” ~Richard E. Turner (1937–2011), The Grammar Curmudgeon, a.k.a. “The Mudge,” from “The Curmudgeon’s Short Dictionary of Modern Phrases,” c.2009

47. “It is not economical to go to bed early to save candles if the result is twins.” ~Chinese Proverb

48. “Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand.” ~Woody Allen

49. “Sex contains all,
Bodies, Souls, meanings, proofs, purities, delicacies, results, promulgations,
Songs, commands, health, pride, the maternal mystery, the seminal milk;
All hopes, benefactions, bestowals,
All the passions, loves, beauties, delights of the earth,
All the governments, judges, gods, follow’d persons of the earth,
These are contain’d in sex, as parts of itself, and justifications of itself.”
~Walt Whitman, “A Woman Waits for Me”

50. “I’d like to meet the man who invented sex and see what he’s working on now.” ~Author Unknown

And last, but most definitely not least…

51. “There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.” ~P.J. O’Rourke

Final Thoughts 

We love our relationships: Our messy, complicated, beautiful, heart mending relationships. We hope that these relationship quotes stirred your heart and tickled your funny bone and we hope that you will reach out to a loved one and bond with them today.

Which ones did you find to be the best relationship quotes of all time? Post your favorites below and comment on your top three relationship quotes. We would love to hear from you.

15 Fulvic Acid Benefits For Your Hair And Skin

Fulvic acid benefits seem endless. It might be the missing link in your wellness and beauty regimens. Imagine a naturally occurring substance that can pull double duty to reverse and prevent aging inside and outside your body. Early research and historic uses might lend more than a bit of weight to this essential mineral missing from most people’s diets and beauty products.

What is Fulvic Acid?

This naturally occurring chemical compound is vital to a plant’s life cycle and nutritional development. Humus (not to be confused with your favorite chickpea spread) is the organic building block of nutrient-rich soil. Fulvic acid is a type of humus. You will find it in rocks, minerals, peat moss, and other natural places. It also takes many centuries of plant life breaking down before it becomes potent enough for supplement form.

fulvic acid benefits

Sources of Fulvic Acid

The most common form of fulvic acid is shilajit, which sounds far less tasty and contains other forms of humus. It sees extensive use in ayurvedic medicine for numerous conditions.

Food is another source, but it’s not enough anymore. Mass farming, lack of crop rotation, and extensive use of pesticides, herbicides, and other synthetic chemicals destroy the delicate soil balance, and little to no hummus remains in conventional produce.

Many people turn to organically grown fruits and vegetables because they retain more fulvic acid and humus than their conventional counterparts. Still, the amounts are small and more difficult to regulate than a supplement. You also can’t apply food topically and receive the same results as a liquid supplement.

Fulvic Acid Benefits :

  • Can assist the optimal absorption of essential nutrients and minerals
  • Can reduce hair loss
  • May promote healthy gut
  • Can improve your immune system
  • Can enhance your natural beauty
  • Has cellular-level anti-aging properties
  • Contains anti-oxidant properties to combat free radicals
  • Has anti-fungal properties
  • Has anti-microbial properties

Unlike other supplements, it works with your body at the cellular level to revert damaged cells, and promote healthy cell growth, and through digestion or topical absorption, it increases the bioavailability of nutrients you apply or consume. This means you will extract more of the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and any other supplement you’re taking.

It also mimics your skin’s natural pH, which makes it an essential additive to any skin and hair care regimen. Our skin is naturally acidic. Many other beauty products contain large quantity of alkaline ingredients. An alkaline environment aids in bacteria growth and leaves the skin unprotected.

You can reap fulvic acid benefits for hair and your overall wellness. This is especially true for women who experience hair loss, have severely damaged hair, or have scalp conditions.

It still has surprising benefits beyond your cells, hair, and skin. It’s promising in medical conditions like eczema and many non-related ones like gut health and immune system. Evidence suggests it might assist with slowing or reversing cognitive diseases too.

The more scientists study fulvic acid, the more we learn about its potential benefits. However, as previously stated, ayurvedic medicine has used it effectively and safely and continues to do so today.

How to Take Fulvic Acid

  • Powder
  • Liquid

Dosing for internal fulvic acid benefits will vary, but research supports 300-500mg per day as safe. It’s best to consult your naturopath or doctor before you begin taking it. If you’re using the liquid internally, you should consider masking the earthy flavor in a smoothie or other beverage.

Side Effects of Fulvic Acid and Concerns

Study participants have reported no serious side effects. However, as with any natural product, you can still have an allergic reaction. If applying topically, you should perform a patch test on the inside of your forearm.

Pregnant and nursing women and people with autoimmune disorders should consult their doctors before trying fulvic acid. For people with autoimmune disorders, you might see your symptoms worsen due to its ability to block histamines, so use only under the direction of a trained professional.

Supplements, regardless of form, aren’t created equal. Look for purified forms of fulvic acid. Natural products can contain dangerous metals, environmental toxins, fungus, bacteria, and other harmful substances. Purifying it removes those without stripping away the healing and beneficial properties.

15 Fulvic Acid Benefits for Your Hair and Skin


1. Histamine Blocker

Historically, people would take it to treat skin conditions like eczema because it can act like a histamine blocker. Medical studies support this; many participants saw their eczema symptoms improved as much as with traditional medication.

2. Naturally Boost Your Body’s Collagen

Your body needs collagen to ensure proper growth and health of your skin, hair, nails, and joints. However, your body produces less collagen as you age. This can lead to sagging skin, which then causes fine lines, brittle nails, and thinning or balding hair.

Instead, you should consider the fulvic acid benefits for hair and skin. It can naturally enhance your body’s ability to produce it while improving your hair, nail, and skin’s existing collagen. This makes it an essential part of preventative routines too.

3.Fight Fungus

Due to its antifungal properties, you can use fulvic acid to heal and fight off various fungus. Add some to a soothing footbath for athlete’s foot or toenail fungus or you can apply it directly to your skin or nails.

4. Enhance Your Favorite Beauty Products

Did you know that you could add fulvic acid to nearly any existing product? Your favorite mineral foundation can now have a powerful, healthful boost. Your mascara can work harder and smarter to protect your eyelashes. If you’re creative, you can use it to formulate your natural skin and beauty products.

The best part? Fulvic acid benefits any complexion type and skin tone. This is because it naturally balances your skin’s pH.

5. Combat Environmental Skin and Hair Damage

Antioxidants are the barrier between the environment and you. While using fulvic acid won’t create an impenetrable barrier, it could be the next greatest boost to give your skin and body a fighting chance. Remember, free radicals do more than destroy your skin and hair; they can directly affect your cells in disastrous ways.

6. Inflammatory Acne Breakouts

Your skincare routine shouldn’t work against you. Unfortunately, most acne and beauty products introduce your skin to alkaline ingredients, which then need to be counteracted with other ingredients your skin doesn’t need. Whether you have acne-prone skin or experience a few hormonal breakouts, you might be able to reduce and heal the inflammation with fulvic acid.

7. Stop or Reverse Wrinkles

For women, we fear those telltale early signs of crow’s feet and fine lines. We know it’s only the beginning, and aging can be hard to embrace. Like with collagen creams, most beauty creams with anti-aging benefits promise change but seldom deliver on their promises. Yet we shell out hundreds of dollars on products that contain questionable ingredients each year.

You might be able to reduce wrinkles while halting the formation of new ones with fulvic acid.

8. All-purpose Rash Remedy

  • Diaper rash
  • Poison ivy and oak
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Bug bites
  • Bee stings

A simple swipe of fulvic acid and itchiness might subside while redness and swelling lessen.

9. Prevent Hair Loss

During menopause, women can experience alarming hair loss. This is primarily due to your hormonal imbalance, so it can affect women before menopause any time where their hormone levels drastically shift. This includes if you have hormone-based conditions and post-partum.

10. Repair Dry Skin

No matter where you have dry skin, the moisture-boosting properties can enhance your existing lotions, oils, and creams. Because fulvic acid aids the absorption of other nutrients, it allows your skin to absorb and retain more from your favorite products. Some people will even use the liquid form in place of lotions and creams.

11. Natural Keratin Treatment

Keratin is a major protein found in your hair. Stress, environment, styling products, and hormonal changes can weaken it. This can lead to breakage, thinning, dull, lifeless, and stunted hair growth.

The most common treatments often involve keratin that a stylist applies and seals with a flat iron. However, salon treatments do have side effects and can actually further damage your hair and health ( hello, formaldehyde ). Dermatologists also don’t recommend it if you have skin conditions like psoriasis.

Luckily, fulvic acid benefits for hair include boosting your hair’s natural keratin while it repairs your scalp and locks.

12. Remove Toxins

Fulvic acid benefits for hair are greater than just reversing hair loss. When you apply to your scalp or skin, you draw out toxins that prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients.

13. Protects Skin From Solar Radiation

Fulvic acid can protect your skin from damaging UV radiation. This lowers your risk of sunburn. If you have sunburn, you can also use it to treat your damaged skin.

14. Astringent

Say goodbye to harsh cleansers with questionable ingredients. Even natural products can have some unpronounceable additives. You can safely mix a few drops with water for an instant toner that zaps bacteria, fungus, and other harmful organisms attempting to move into your pores.

15. Thickens Hair

Some people have excellent genes that lead to a thick, beautiful head of hair no matter what they eat or use. Many more aren’t so lucky. The fulvic acid benefits for hair go beyond keratin and scalp. It allows the vitamins required for luxurious locks to absorb and can heal dandruff. You hair can’t grow or thrive without the proper building blocks, and you’re unlikely to achieve optimal nutrition without a fulvic acid boost to your scalp and locks.

fulvic acid benefits for skin

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Fulvic Acid Benefits

Fulvic acid benefits appear to bridge a gap in our bodies. Could its lack be why we see increases in topical rashes, faster aging, and dull, lifeless hair? Science can’t explain that yet, but it might be a clue.

Because it’s safe to use by most people and has promising early research, you should consider trying it for healthier skin, nails, and hair. Plus, even though it wasn’t covered in the article, the supplement has other healthful benefits, like preventing Alzheimer’s and cognitive degenerative diseases, that would make it worth using.

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