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5 Ways to Lose Weight (in Less Than 5 Minutes)

Here’s a harsh truth: most people don’t know how to lose weight. These people are told that taking a shiny new supplement, kick-starting that (fad) diet, or drinking some ridiculous concoction is the answer. Never mind that there is no evidence that these weight loss products or programs work.

First of all, weight loss is a science, plain and simple. As with any science, you can’t go about weight loss haphazardly and expect a reliable outcome. Like every other science, a systematic and deliberate approach is required to lose weight.

Sometimes losing weight is as simple as paying attention to the little things. Little things like:

  • Ignoring that candy car at the checkout
  • Packing a lunch instead of eating out
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Laying off the alcohol

And so on. We know how to do these things – or instead, how not to do these things – but we’re often too entrenched in our ways to make the difficult choices.

Speaking of Science and Ways to Lose Weight

lose weight

Regardless of what you may think, simple weight loss methods do exist. What is more, they are backed by science. Not only are these methods effective, but they are also cheap! They will also help you in a variety of ways. For instance, too much fat can be harmful to your brain.

We will talk about some simple and proven ways to lose weight! To wrap things up, we’ll give you a 3-step plan to shed those pounds.

Here are five ways to lose weight in five minutes (or less)!

“No one is perfect…absolutely no one. Like precious stones, we have a few flaws, but why focus on that? Focus on what you like about yourself, and that will bring you happiness and peace.” – Richard Simmons (source)

1. Drink a glass of water before each meal

In a 2010 study published in the journal Obesity, researchers found that drinking a half-liter of water before each meal increased weight loss by about 44 percent.(1) Drinking water boosts the metabolism, reduces appetite, cleanses toxins, and (ironically) helps shed water weight.

Besides assisting in one’s weight loss efforts, water:

  • Lubricates the joints
  • It helps transport oxygen through the body
  • Promotes skin health
  • Aids brain structure and function
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Maintains blood pressure
  • Prevents kidney damage

2. Make some green tea

Green tea helps with weight loss because of its high concentration of antioxidants and nutrients. Physiologically, research suggests that two components in green tea – catechin and caffeine – speed up the metabolism. Catechin is thought to help break down excess fat, while caffeine increases the rate at which the body expends caloric energy.

Consider supplementing your diet and exercise with two and three cups of hot green tea daily (consuming hot water is better for calorie-burning). Additionally, choose plain (preferably organic) green tea for the best results.

While green tea can help you lose weight, that is far from its only value. Here are some other known benefits of green tea – widely considered the healthiest drink on the planet:

  • Blocks the buildup of plaques known to contribute to Alzheimer’s
  • Stabilizes blood sugar
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Boosts working memory
  • Suppresses appetite

3. Eat a small and healthy breakfast

Breakfast is one of the more underutilized and underappreciated components of an intelligent weight loss plan. A breakfast containing a good dose of protein can get that fat-burning metabolic oven heated up quickly!

Numerous studies show that adding protein to your diet is one of the healthiest and most effective ways to lose weight. Good protein helps to suppress appetite by promoting satiety (that feeling of fullness in your belly).

Physically, the body must use more energy to digest protein than carbohydrates. Adding some protein to your breakfast decreases the chance of reaching for those carbs later in the day. This is huge, as simple carbs, a.k.a. sugars and starches, are two big no-nos when trying to lose weight.

4. Do a 4-minute HIIT session

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is one of the most effective ways to lose weight quicker. One type of HIIT routine, the “Tabata workout,” has proven to be particularly useful. How efficient? Well, one fitness study found that one, four-minute Tabata workout is equivalent to 20 minutes of conventional cardio exercise. Besides torching in-session calories, the Tabata routine also doubles metabolism for a full thirty minutes post-workout!

While these four minutes will help you lose weight, they may also be the most physically excruciating four minutes of your life. In keeping with the “simple, but not easy” thing, this Tabata routine consists of just one movement: 20 seconds of bodyweight squat jumps, followed by ten seconds of rest for four minutes.

Once you get bored with the above routine (and you will), you can implement many other simple bodyweight exercises into your Tabata workout. Here are a few beginner movements:

1. Squats

Stand up straight; hips shoulder-width apart. Drop your hips back, keeping your feet flat on the ground. Once you go down as far as you can, return to the starting position by driving your torso upwards, and shifting your weight onto the heels.

2. Crunches

Lie flat on a mat or other soft surface. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle with your feet. Using both hands, support the back of your head. Lift your head upwards, bringing your chin as close to your torso as possible.

3. High Knees

Start with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your neck upright and shoulders back, run in place by lifting your knees as high as possible.

4. Lunges

Begin by standing with feet at shoulder-width. Keeping your arms and back straight and in line, step forward with your left leg, bending both knees and dropping the hips. Once the rear knee comes close to touching the floor, drive back through your front heel and return to the starting position. Switch and repeat.

5. Eat a piece of fruit

Fruit is fantastic for weight loss – mainly when used as a substitute for the sugary stuff. (Pay no mind to low-carb diets that preach abstaining from fruit.)

In a 12,000-person study undertaken by researchers at the Economic Research Service at the Department of Agriculture, scientists discovered that normal-weight individuals consume “significantly more fruit” than the overweight or obese. In a meta-study, scientists concluded that people on “high-fiber diets, which including multiple servings of fruit” registered a far greater amount of weight loss than other dieters.

Some of the best fruits for weight loss include: avocado, apples, bananas, blueberries, cranberries, grapefruit, pears, and watermelon.


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A 3-step approach to weight loss

Aside from implementing the above recommendations, here is a 3-step approach to weight loss that has been backed by science:

1. Reduce or eliminate starches and sugars

Starches and sugars are the single biggest reason for weight gain. Besides causing a prolonged spiking of blood sugar levels, sugars and starches promote hunger, as the nutritional value of most food in this category are devoid of any nutritional value.

Reducing or eliminating starches will increase feelings of satiety and supercharge your weight loss efforts. Additionally, cutting back or eliminating sugars and starches helps eliminate water weight and excess sodium in the body.

2. Focus on fat and protein to lose weight

We mentioned this briefly, but it is worth repeating: protein is a weight loss aspirant’s BFF. Besides the benefits mentioned, diets high in protein may reduce unhealthy cravings by upwards of 60 percent. Research shows that including a protein and fat source in every meal can reduce daily calorie intake by up to one-third.

Good protein sources include beef, chicken, eggs, lamb, and fish. Good vegan food choices include nuts and seeds, tofu, and quinoa. Fat is best acquired in butter, fish, avocado, coconut, and olive oil.

Creating meals with a good fat and protein source will limit unhealthy carbs, thereby supercharging your weight loss.

3. Strength train two to three times per week

We’re going to blow some minds on this one, but: proper weight training is nearly as effective at burning fat as cardio. In fact, it may well be even more effective. Why? Well, even though a sweaty cardio session may burn more calories than a weight-training workout, the fat-busting effects of weight-training last much longer.

Besides building muscle and sculpting a better physique, strength training helps you avoid an infamous bugaboo of dieting: muscle loss. Also, lifting weights is particularly crucial for this 3-step approach to weight loss, as you’ll be increasing your protein intake and decreasing your carbs. In other words, this plan gives you an excellent opportunity to add muscle (while melting away the fat!)

Better yet, do a 4-minute HIIT session followed by weight training. Now we’re talkin’!

lose weight

Final Thoughts on Ways to Lose Weight

When you think about it, weight loss doesn’t necessarily have to be torture or extremely time-consuming. First of all, drink that glass of water before eating your meals. Next, substitute those energy drinks or strong cups of coffee with some hot green tea.

Make sure your small breakfast includes protein and not a lot of starch. Try adding a short HIIT session to your day. Finally, eat fruit.

10 Proven Ways to Look Smarter

The definition of cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from the norm or a lack of rationing skills or judgment. By using cognitive bias, we subconsciously construct our subjective reality. Cognitive biases can result in distorted perceptions, poor judgment, and erroneous decision-making. So, what does this have to do with ways to look smarter? Just keep reading.

And we humans have no fewer than a hundred of them. While some of these cognitive biases can somewhat hinder us, others may work to our benefit (note: the latter applies to the “Imbibing idiot bias.” More on this later!)  More specifically, understanding and capitalizing on the perceptual biases of others can work toward our interests. For instance, we can effectively utilize the tendency to judge someone’s intelligence based on appearance.

It must be said that manipulating the subconscious of another is not something that we condone – under normal circumstances. But, who are we to say that a job interview or workplace qualifies as a “normal circumstance?” Why wouldn’t you want to look smart on that first date?

10 Ways to Look Smarter

“People love to take shortcuts when forming impressions of people. We tend to make judgments based on easy cues, without thinking too much.” – Bogdan Wojciszke, professor of social psychology

Regardless of your (hopefully ethical) reason for wanting to look smart, there are plenty of ways to do it. Without further ado, here are ten ways to get someone to think you’re a Nobel Prize candidate.


1.  Keep it short and sweet.

Smart people can use various words in multiple settings, including reading, writing, and speaking. The correlation between verbal acuity and general intelligence (‘g’) has been known for quite some time – a fact accepted by most psychologists. To illustrate the previous point, the Stanford-Binet intelligence test relies more upon verbal reasoning in calculating I.Q score than any other factor. This test is one of the most widely-taken I.Q. tests taken today!

But you needn’t be a wordsmith to look smart. All you need to do is keep your writing clear and concise. While some may be impressed with the word “unbeknownst,” stating why you “don’t know” followed by objective evidence is the key to getting someone to think you’re brainy! Oh, and use grammar check!

2. Be an enthusiastic talker.

Raising your voice and fluctuating your tone helps you look smart. Okay, that’s not entirely accurate. Here’s a more straightforward way to explain: if two people are saying the same thing, the person who speaks faster and louder is more likely to be perceived as smarter than the other.

To pull this off, alter your speech by changing your words’ energy level, pitch, speed, and volume. Oh, and try to reduce the pauses in between words. Also, use body language.

3. Wear glasses to look smarter.

If you started wearing glasses recently, someone seeing them on you for the first time probably remarked, “They make you look smarter!” It turns out that they are onto something. According to the College of Optometrists in the U.K., 43 percent think that glasses make people look smart. Around 40 percent say they’ve considered wearing clear non-prescriptive lenses to appear more intelligent.

Glasses are also relatively easy to acquire, as are clear non-prescriptive lenses (the latter you can get at your local drug store.) Just pop ‘em on and get instant I.Q points!

4. Put on a bit of makeup to look smarter

In a 2011 study published in the journal PLOS One, researchers conducted two studies asking participants to rate female faces – with and without makeup – on attractiveness, competence, likeability, and trustworthiness. Additionally, each female face wore different makeup (minimal, moderate, and dramatic.) In the first study, each image was shown for 250 milliseconds. In the second, the participant was afforded unlimited inspection time.

After recording and analyzing participant responses, the following conclusions were drawn:

  • Competence rating increased “significantly” with each makeup image.
  • Participant competence rating was highest for pictures with moderate makeup applied.
  • No significant difference was found in the competence ratings between the brief viewing study and the unlimited inspection time study.

5. Crack some jokes to seem smarter

In a study published in Psychological Reports, women who overheard men telling jokes were more likely to consider them more intelligent (and attractive) than men who conversed about different topics. But attributing this to mere perception would be a mistake. Numerous studies have linked humor with intelligence.

For example, in a 2017 study published in the journal Cognitive Processing, Austrian researchers found that “Black humor preference and comprehension are positively associated with higher verbal and nonverbal intelligence as well as higher levels of education.” Additionally, the scientists note that the mental operations involved in processing humor are complex and rigorous, particularly in the problem-solving areas of the brain.


6. Use your middle initial.

Pretentious? Maybe. But using your middle initial gives off the impression of intelligence. Listen to this: in one study, researchers attributed an academic paper to the fake names David Clark, David F.P. Clark, and David F.P.R. (really?) Clark. Participants were then asked to rate the paper’s quality. You guessed it: David F.P.R. Clark came out on top. Followed by David F.P Clark, with plain ole’ David Clark coming in last.

Oh, and besides being suitable for perceived intellect, using your middle initial also instantly lifts your social status. Now, please resist the urge to stare down your nose at us less-gifted folk.

7. Don’t go too fast…or too slow.

Like many of the other items on this list, this one also sounds a bit ridiculous. Apparently, “timescale bias,” as defined by researchers at Boston University, is our subconscious tendency to associate greater intelligence, awareness, consciousness, and intention to people who perform tasks at nearly the same speed as everyone else. In other words, not standing out as seeming too fast or too slow will help you look more intelligent.

(Raise your hand if you tried finishing your test first in class. *Looks down at the floor in utter shame and slowly raises hand.*)

8. “No soup booze for you!”

In a study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania, social scientists found that people judge others as less intelligent if they are drinking – or even holding a drink. Researchers believe that we hold onto these beliefs due to the correlation between alcohol use and cognitive impairment.

And, no, we’re not done with the silly-sounding bias names. Try this one on for size: the “imbibing idiot bias.” Do us all a favor and find that one friend (there’s always one!) who seems to forget their manners after grabbing the glass. Good. Now, please read this and the preceding paragraph to them. A hearty “Thank you!” from all of us.

9. Be a nice person to look smarter.

Aww! How sweet (and accurate)! According to research by Dr. Bogdan Wojciszke, a social psychologist and professor at the High School of Social Psychology in Poland, people are inclined to like and respect intelligent person more if they have a kind and warm personality.

So, while a small circle may admire and respect the crotchety intellectual’s smarts, most don’t particularly like them. On the other hand, friendly and warm people who happen to be smart are welcome just about anywhere.

10. Believe in yourself!

People who possess confidence in themselves are winners in the game of life. Not because of any achievement, per se, but because they haven’t allowed anything or anyone to bring them down. Oh, and such people happen to rise to the top in just about any field of endeavor – including academics, the workplace, and anywhere else they happen to direct their effort and focus.

Not that it matters much to them, but self-confident people are also seen as intelligent. Indeed, few things magnify one’s intellect quite like confidence.  Also, research shows that self-belief improves performance in just about any cognitive task.

look smarter

Final Thoughts on Ways to Look Smarter

We’ve had a lot of fun, shared a few laughs, and (maybe) even learned some things. But we’d be remiss if we didn’t emphasize how important it is just to be yourself.

If you want to present yourself as the embodiment of human genius, go for it! But you should not feel pressured to “act” smart or “look” smart. Nor should you ever feel as if you’re inferior because you don’t happen to be as “smart” as someone else.

Our society – our planet – needs authentic, generous, kind, and warm-hearted people. You’re plenty smart. But smarts are overrated. This isn’t just an opinion – it is a fact. Here’s Daniel Goleman, author of the international bestselling book Emotional Intelligence:

“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.”

How to Let Go of the Past, Move on, And Live a Happy Life

Reminiscing about your past can have adverse effects. Whether it’s memories about a lost lover or missed opportunity, the past can make you have low self-esteem and doubt yourself. It can also make you sad and stressed all the time because you find it hard to accept that whatever is happening now is going to last.

Fortunately, you can get rid of the sorrow and live your life to the fullest with the following tips. These “let-go” tips will make you happy, relieved, and open doors to new opportunities.

Here’s how to let go of the past:

1. Negative Thoughts Have No Place in Your Life.

Although it’s okay to cry and even vent about the bad things that have happened to you, it’s not healthy when those thoughts linger in your mind because they can be destructive. Believe it or not, the only thing stopping you from a life of happiness is a negative mentality.

Once you start having these negative thoughts, it’s not easy to stop. You’ll always be thinking, “What if things could have gone the other way?” Unfortunately, you can do nothing about the past, so just let go and move on to better things.

2. A Bad Experience Should Make You Better.

Instead of looking at bad things from a perspective of no hope, try to see them as a stepping stone. Remember what made you fail or fall the last time and determine that you won’t repeat it. That’s how you learn from experiences and make better choices.

If you’ve been down a bad path before, you can avoid it the next time that you see it. That way, you avoid wasting time on unproductive endeavors, and you learn to appreciate the new experiences.

3. Avoid Playing the Victim.

It’s easy to blame others for something bad that happened in the past instead of focusing on the present. Perhaps you feel that accepting the attitude of a victim will get you sympathy and attention from those you love.

Although you might get the attention, the habit is annoying in the long run. Although no one will tell you because they love you, they may slowly avoid you, and you may end up being more lonely than before. Therefore, do your best to let go of past experiences if you want to enjoy the present with those that you love.

4. Forgive and Forget

The worst thing you can do to yourself is hold on to a bad experience and hope to get an apology from the person that wronged you. In most cases, there’s a high probability that the person who did bad things to you has already forgotten about the past. So why should you continue to hurt yourself when that person isn’t even thinking about you?

let go

Never ever waste your energy on a person that doesn’t care. Forgive and let go for your good. Live your life free from hatred and regret. Just know that whatever happened has happened, and you can either move forward or waste your life waiting for an apology that will never come.

5. Explore

There’s more to you than you can imagine. If you have already accepted what happened and forgiven those that wronged you, it’s time that you get to know yourself and discover any hidden talents that you may have.

Take that trip that you’ve always wanted or enroll in a course that you are passionate about. Try out new things so that you regain your confidence and know that there’s always more to this world. Exploring also allows you to discover more about yourself and realize your strengths and weaknesses.

6. Live Today for Today

In other words, learn to live in the moment. As cliche as it may sound, you only have one life, so don’t waste it thinking about the past. When you engage in deeply conflicting thoughts, you distract your body and stop it from enjoying the present.

Always pay attention to your surroundings and everything around you. Let go of the negative or troublesome thoughts. When you live your life in the present, you will never feel as if you wasted the day or let anything pass you. You’ll be complete and fulfilled.


Taking up these practices can help you let go of past memories and create new ones that will make you happier and more fulfilled. Finally, always remember that life is an adventure full of ups and downs, and just as you love it when good things happen, learn to accept the bad also.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains 5 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Gluten

Diets free from gluten are far from new in the health world. But in recent years, more and more people are deciding to go gluten-free. In fact, by the year 2020, the market for gluten-free foods is projected to be worth a whopping $7.59 billion.

As of the beginning of 2018, 15% of all households in America were actively avoiding gluten consumption. If you’re thinking of joining in, you need to be aware of how this diet affects the body.

Starting a diet free from gluten is not quite like other popular diets. It can have diverse effects on one’s system: both positive and negative. Depending on how your body reacts, you will then be able to decide whether such a diet is a good option for you.

Fortunately, science explains some things that happen to your body when you stop eating this product. So, if you’re planning on attempting a gluten-free meal plan, following are some things you should be prepared for. Knowledge about these effects may help you prepare for any potential side effects.

5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Eating Gluten

“Everyone should try no gluten for a week! The change in your skin, physical and mental health is amazing. You won’t go back!” – Miley Cyrus

1. You’ll Receive Different Nutrients

When you change up your diet, it makes sense that your levels of nutrient consumption will change. If you have only heard good things about gluten-free diets, you might be surprised to learn that this change in nutrients is not all good.

As an example, many studies have suggested that cutting out gluten from your diet can deprive you of valuable nutrients. This is because a lot of products that have wheat in them contain iron and B vitamins. Just removing cereal, pasta, and even typical sandwich bread from your diet can greatly alter the number of vitamins and minerals you get.

Research done in Canada has also shown that depriving yourself of these foods also means you may get less protein. Though this was geared mainly towards children’s foods, other research has suggested adult food is similarly affected. This is because studies have found that gluten-free products contain noticeably lower amounts of protein than other types of foods.

Other studies, though, conflict with these findings. Some research shows that those who go gluten-free actually consume more nutrients and are, overall, healthier in this respect! Here’s a list of some of the nutrients gluten-free dieters receive more of:

  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphate
  • Folate
  • Magnesium
  • Viber
  • Vitamin C
  • B Vitamins

There’s just one catch: these studies that showed positive results were performed on people with Celiac disease. This means that if your body is not allergic to gluten, these studies probably will not apply to you.

Does this mean that going gluten-free is automatically terrible unless you have Celiac disease? Of course not! What it does mean is that you’ll need to make up for the nutrients you’re losing. Here are some examples of what you can eat:

  • Cottage cheese (for calcium)
  • Legumes (for B vitamins)
  • Turkey (for iron)
  • Plenty of vegetables and fruits (for assorted vitamins)

Taking supplements, construction special meal plans, and speaking to a nutritionist can also help in this effort.

2. Your Gut and Digestion Will Change

The science behind what happens to the digestive system when you cut out gluten is somewhat iffy. Some say you’ll enjoy positive effects. Others say the opposite. To better understand this, let’s break down the reasoning behind each idea.

Some individuals report markedly improved digestive function after avoiding this product. These people report fewer experiences of:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain

Unfortunately, many of the people involved in studies with these results do have a mild gluten sensitivity, even if they do not have full-blown Celiac disease. As such, this result is somewhat inconclusive for society at large.

That said, there is a good amount of science backing this report of improved digestion. Carbohydrates, especially the whole grains avoided by those who eat gluten-free, are considered the most difficult types of food to digest. This might be why many people enjoy better stomach and gut health when eliminating gluten.

Now, let’s look at why some say the results are not as positive. Foods free from gluten do not have nearly as much fiber as those that have gluten. And since over 90% of people in the US do not eat sufficient fiber as is, this can be pretty dangerous.

A lack of fiber can prevent your body from successfully digesting food according to registered dietitian Tamara Duker Freuman, MS, RD, CDN. Fiber also helps feces bulk up enough to be passed easily. This is why lacking in fiber can cause constipation. So if you go gluten-free and fail to consume enough fiber, your gut will suffer.

The good news about this is that all you need to do to avoid bad gut health as a result is to consume more fiber. Here are some options you have:

  • Potato skins
  • Legumes and beans
  • Coconut
  • Artichokes
  • Leafy greens
  • Broccoli
  • Corn
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Yam
  • Wild rice
  • Brown rice
  • Other fruits and vegetables

Fiber is crucial to most gut processes. Don’t leave it out of your meal plan!

3. Your Heart Health May Suffer, If You’re Not Careful

Whole grains provide plenty of benefits to the heart, so it’s fairly obvious what happens when you no longer eat them. Those who do not have Celiac disease and opt out of eating gluten could actually be at a much higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. A study released in 2017 in the British Medical Journal proved this fact.

Those who don’t eat gluten may have a harder time incorporating whole grains into their diet. Research has proven that eating a sufficient amount of these foods leads to a 28% lower mortality rate when it comes to cardiovascular diseases. This means that restricting these components isn’t a great idea at all.

There are, thankfully, ways you can combat the heart health that whole grains provide. In fact, there are gluten-free whole grain options. These include:

  • Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Oats
  • Corn
  • Amaranth

You’ll also want to be aware of your blood sugar levels. We all know that reducing carbs – which you will be doing if you’re gluten-free – will cause your blood sugar levels to drop and stay balanced. But if you end up replacing your carbs incorrectly, you could actually do even more harm. A lot of gluten-free versions of food are harmful to glucose levels. These include:

  • Pasta
  • Biscuits and crackers
  • Bread and baked goods
  • Pizza dough

Even when free from gluten, these consumables are heavily processed. This means they’re still high on carbs and sugar. Don’t lull yourself into a false sense of security with them!

4. You May Have Gluten Cravings

When you deprive your body of something, cravings tend to soar. Your body gets easy energy from gluten and carbs, so it makes sense that the drop in easy energy results in intense cravings. And we all know how hard it is to curb those urges!

As an example, let’s talk about self-assessed food addicts. These individuals have been studied, and it’s shown that they do best in weight loss efforts by focusing more on physical cravings. This often means completely cutting themselves off from foods involving wheat, which are huge binge foods, in order to avoid relapses.

As a result, lowering your gluten intake can be incredibly difficult. You might experience very strong cravings. You might do well in avoiding gluten even as you feel this way, of course. But the bad news is the gluten-free options you reach for can be just as bad.

A lot of gluten-free treats include things packed with sugar, which will mess up your blood glucose. These highly-processed snacks will likely very easily satisfy cravings as they give the body the easy glucose-based energy it desires. That’s why it’s so important that you realize this: gluten-free candy bars are still candy! Here are some ways to alleviate cravings:

  • Increase water intake
  • Increase protein intake
  • Eat more leafy greens
  • Eat full, regular meals
  • Don’t store snacks
  • Manage stress well
  • Sleep sufficiently
  • Opt for chewing gum
  • Plan meals properly to avoid high hunger levels
  • Exercise

Unfortunately, many diets involving low gluten intake revolve around food that is highly processed. You need to pay more attention to what you’re eating and what’s really in the food you consume, to avoid ill effects. Try going for more salads, smoothies, or roasted vegetables.

5. Your Moods May Change

Restrictive diets of any kind have a tendency to be tough to manage. You might often find yourself experiencing a good deal of mood swings. When it comes to gluten, whether you wind up with more bad moods or more positive thinking depends on your unique body.

Most people do report feeling better when they go gluten-free. This is especially due to a decrease in what many unofficially call brain fog. Some people don’t even realize that they experience it until they give up gluten and suddenly think more clearly. A gluten-free diet seems to promote better concentration, increased productivity, and less tiredness.

Some evidence suggests the lack of gluten truly helps brain fog. Others state that this might just be because those who adopt this diet often eat healthier overall. They might eat more lean protein or get more vegetables and fruits. These whole foods and fresh produce can help a person gain more energy, feel happier, and have sharper cognitive function overall.

gluten free

There is, unfortunately, credible science that goes against the aforementioned credible science, too. A paper in the Journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics revealed that those without Celiac disease saw worsened symptoms of depression when they stopped eating gluten. This means there’s still a chance your mood will worsen after going gluten-free.

It’s also worth noting that tight, strict diets, in general, tend to lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. This is because people on these diets might avoid going out since they can’t guarantee what’s in restaurant food and drink.

Social activity is vital in combating depressive symptoms. It can reduce stress levels, boost positive thinking, and keep you engaged and happy. So make sure you’re not neglecting friends and family!

Final Thoughts On What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating Gluten

It’s safe to say that a gluten-free diet is not for everyone! There are countless ways that it can affect your body, both in positive and negative ways. If this type of diet does not work out for you, don’t fret! There are plenty of other diets that can help you achieve your health goals, whatever those goals are for you.

If you do plan to cut gluten out for a trial run, keeping these scientific facts in mind can help you. You can also speak to your doctor, nutritionist, or similar medical professional for assistance. When you’re aware of what may happen, you’ll be prepared to alleviate negative side effects while welcoming all the positive ones!

Science Explains How Long You Need to Diet to Lose Weight (And Keep It Off)

Around the world, countless people are trying to lose weight. In fact, 45% of people in the United States had losing weight as their new year’s resolution in 2018. Many turn to diets of all sorts to achieve this goal.

But it’s more complicated than that. Diets take discipline, self-control, and knowledge in order to be pulled off correctly. This may be why 95% of all diets wind up failing and only 20% of overweight individuals who attempt to lose weight succeed in keeping it off.

Another key part of dieting is patience. If you’re too impatient in your efforts to lose weight, you may become discouraged too quickly and give up before you see visible results. To help motivate you, let’s consider what science says about how long you need to diet to lose weight and keep it off.

What Research Says About Dieting To Lose Weight

“A huge part of losing weight is believing you can do it and realizing  it’s not going to happen overnight.” – Anonymous

In the University of Copenhagen, research on obesity and weight loss has been in full swing for almost two whole years. Recently, they successfully published a paper in the European Journal of Endocrinology that explained their findings.

The study involved 20 people classified as obese. They were placed on an eight-week diet that was low in calories to lose weight. Following this diet, these test subjects were to participate in a weight-maintenance regimen for a full year. During this period, they would meet with dieticians at regular intervals to get advice and track their progress.

Thrice during the period of the study, researchers took samples of the participants’ blood. This was done at the beginning of the study, after the dieting phase, and finally, after the year-long maintenance phase.

These samples were taken in order to examine the number of hormones responsible for hunger in the participants’ blood. Restrictive diets have a tendency to greatly increase these hormones, which is why so many diets fail and weight comes back on easily. This is the body’s way of fighting weight loss in order to keep you full and fed.

The collected samples revealed an impressive truth. After 12 months of maintaining their weight with dietician advice, the study participants had a dramatic hormone change. Instead of producing a lot of hunger-prompting hormones, they were producing more hormones that suppress appetite!

This means that this research has revealed a new, incredibly important finding. Dieting for two months and then working for a year to keep weight off is a reliable way to help the body reduce cravings and adjust to a new weight and eating habits!

What Type Of Diet?

All diets are calorie-restrictive in some way, but that’s often where the similarities end. There are so many different kinds of diets out there, and information on them is conflicting. Here’s a quick rundown of the most common types of diets people use to lose weight, how they work, and if they’re effective.

1.    Low-Carb Diets

Arguably the most popular kind of diet to lose weight, these diets require practice to keep their carb intake low. This pushes the body to burn fats for energy since it cannot rely on carbs.

Studies have shown that eating low-carb is a great way to lose weight. It’s especially useful for those who are overweight. Without carbs to supply glucose for energy, the body turns stored fat into ketones, which provide the fuel it needs. This can make you feel less hungry and also reduces a lot of disease risk.

With that being said, those with Type 1 diabetes and lactating women should consult with a doctor before going low-carb, as doing so incorrectly can cause a near-fatal and very rare condition called ketoacidosis.

2.    Paleo Diet

This diet helps individuals lose weight by making them revert to specific foods only. These foods are those that homo-sapien ancestors consumed before the advent of agriculture.

Many studies have suggested that the paleo diet can cinch the waist and cause good amounts of weight loss while lowering heart disease risk. It involves individuals eating mainly whole foods, fresh produce, and proteins to lose weight.

The diet has been proven to provide positive effects, but you will need to effectively make up for the loss of dairy and other food groups.

3.    Dukan Diet

This diet focuses on high-protein intakes while restricting carbs. It works through the use of weight loss as well as weight maintenance phases. It requires the consumption of oat bran as well as any foods high in protein during weight loss phases and non-starchy veggies during maintenance phases.

Studies have shown that a calorie-restrictive Dukan diet can cause high levels of weight loss. Others have suggested this low-carb, high-protein diet has positive effects.

However, there are not enough studies on the Dukan diet specifically for it to be guaranteed. Severe calorie restriction, as shown in one Dukan diet study, might cause severe muscle loss alongside fat loss, which is not a great effect.

4.    Vegan Diet

This diet involves cutting out all animal products and eating only plant products. It’s a very strict lifestyle change, but it may be good for weight loss. This is because the foods you can eat are typically more filling and lower in calories. Many on this diet don’t need to count calories at all!

However, the vegan diet – while proven to work – does not measure up to other diet methods. It does not promote weight loss as quickly, so if you’re impatient, it may not be the choice for you.

5.    Intermittent Fasting

This form of dieting involves eating a reasonable amount of daily calories within a certain amount of hours. Then, the remaining hours of the day are spent drinking water and staying clear of food.

There are a variety of different intermittent fasting intervals to choose from, and plenty of studies suggest it works. It has positive metabolic effects and helps weight loss progress because practicers can’t eat several hours per day. However, speak to a doctor before choosing this method as some women, especially those with fertility issues, may have opposite results.

At the end of the day, it is recommended that you discuss diet changes with a doctor to see what works best for you. It can take a while to find a diet that fits your body. Be patient, keep your positive thinking, and talk to medical professionals for advice.

Other Factors That Affect How You Lose Weight

Weight loss is a fickle thing. There may be other factors affecting your weight loss progress. Here are some to keep in mind.

·         Initial weight

If your BMI is in the range of obese, you lose weight much, much faster. Those who are already in a “healthy” weight range will typically lose weight more slowly.

·         Exercise

Of course, exercise helps the body to burn calories. If you’re exercising while you’re on a diet, you’re likely to lose more weight at a faster pace. How much you’re working out will also change your progress.

·         Carb consumption

Reducing the carbs in your diet causes water weight to come off. You will likely feel and appear slimmer and fitter, even though it’s just water.

·         Diet

As mentioned previously, different types of diet will promote different weight loss speeds.

Extra Tips To Lose Weight

Sometimes, dieting restrictions alone can’t give you all the handy tips you need for weight loss. Here are some other things to keep in mind.

  • Don’t skip fruits or vegetables. With low calories, barely any fat, tons of fiber, and heaps of minerals and vitamins, you want to include these in your diet plan.
  • Eat loads of fiber. Food with fiber is filling, good for digestion, and usually pretty healthy.
  • Stay hydrated. It’s common for people to feel hunger pangs when they’re actually just thirsty. Fill up on liquids often! Water has no calories.
  • Don’t keep snacks. When you have unhealthy tidbits lying around, you’re likely to reach for them. Keep healthy alternatives in small amounts instead.
  • Plan meals and eat them regularly. Set aside weekly time to write down your meal plan and only buy groceries to match it. Eat at set, regular times daily to boost your calorie burning efforts.
  • Pay attention to labels. Before you buy anything at the store, read the labels. This will ensure that you truly know what you’re eating. Hidden ingredients and calories won’t creep up on you!
  • Don’t skip breakfast. You’ll feel less energized, have trouble focusing, and feel more hungry throughout the day.
  • Eat smaller portions, and eat slowly. Cut your usual portions in half and munch slowly to feel full faster. Use a smaller plate to trick your brain if you have trouble with this!
  • Reduce alcohol intake. There are tons of calories in most alcoholic drinks, and barely any nutritional benefit! Cut down your alcohol consumption for best results.
  • Don’t completely ban any foods. This will make your cravings much worse. Leave some caloric room to enjoy a treat every once in a while, or set a cheat day.
  • Remember weight loss isn’t just about the scale. If you’re working out, you might lose fat but gain muscle. Don’t base everything on the scale. Base progress on how you feel (and how your clothes fit, too).

lose weight

How To Keep Weight Off

When you lose weight successfully, you have every right to celebrate. But you still need to keep the extra pounds off! Here’s how to do so, easily according to WebMD:

  • Don’t lose your good habits. When we diet, we build healthy habits and make good lifestyle changes. Don’t stop these just because the diet is over.
  • Keep a food journal. Write down your food intake to keep track of what you eat and keep yourself aware.
  • Don’t stop exercising. Even mild daily exercise can work wonders. Don’t discount the power of a workout!
  • Drink enough water. Your body needs this to function properly, and a lack of water can cause unnecessary snacking.
  • Stick to light, healthy meals. Just because the diet is over doesn’t mean you can go back to gorging on pizza. Eat whole, balanced meals. Get enough protein. Keep carbs and fat low. Eat your veggies. Be mindful about food!
  • Sleep enough. A messed-up sleep schedule can screw up your metabolism and cause more hunger pangs as your body searches for energy.
  • Weigh yourself. Weigh-ins every week can keep you aware of what’s going on with your body. This way, you won’t be taken by surprise when your jeans stop fitting again.
  • Get support. Join a health or fitness community. Talk to your friends or family. Having people there to hold you accountable and help you through setbacks is crucial.
  • Be ready for the occasional step backwards. A particularly busy or stressful week. A lavish vacation filled with food. A holiday spent with family. There are plenty of reasons you may regain a little weight, and that’s okay! Don’t lose hope! Maintain positive thinking! Return to your healthy habits and you’ll be back to where you want to be in no time.

Final Thoughts On How Long You Need To Diet To Lose Weight

Many people hope to lose weight, but without proper knowledge, they may never reach these goals. By paying attention to science and research, you’ll be able to diet intelligently and form positive habits. These will help you lose weight efficiently and effectively and keep it off in the long run.

7 Good Things That Will Happen If You Have A Stress Free Home

Everyone gets so focused on clearing literal things from their space, yet they often forget about what they can’t see. Living in a place that is cluttered with stress is like the show “Hoarders,” but with emotions. Worse, it’s like a shag carpet covering up hardwood floors.

Living with stress does more than fill your space with negative energy. Left unchecked, it can cause the portion of your brain that’s responsible for triggering the fight, flight, or freeze reaction to become overactive. Banish stress from your space and watch these seven things happen.

Here are 7 benefits of having a stress free home:

stress free home

1. You will find energy you didn’t know you had 

Stress might seem like something you can’t see, but that’s not true. You can find signs of it all around your place, and in your body. People who live in stressful places are usually tired. They wake up tired. One of the reasons for this is the amygdala. The amygdala triggers your brain to produce cortisol. If you live under constant stress, your brain will eventually stop producing the right balance of hormones. This can trigger depression and exhaustion. When you live in a stress free home, you create a reprieve from stress. It’s a chance for your body to reset and recharge.

2. Everything will be cleaner 

It might be a function of the increased energy you’ll gain, or it might be because people who live in stress free home are naturally more organized. The reason why isn’t clear. What is clear is when you eliminate stress from your space, you’ll clean more. Did you know that living in a clean, clutter free space reduces stress? You clean your place, and you feel less stressed. You feel less stressed, so you have more energy. Since you have enough energy, you clean your place. Just like that, you’re living in a stress free home.

3. You’ll be more social 

Clearing your place of stress does more than just relax you. Remember those hormones mentioned before, the ones that your brain won’t produce if they encounter too much stress? Oxytocin is included in that list. A brain without the proper chemicals will become depressed and start to isolate. When you cleanse your place of stress, you help your brain restore its normal function. It will start producing oxytocin again. The NIH reports an increase in oxytocin can kick start your desire to be social again.

4. You will find time you didn’t know you had 

Stress causes you to focus on things you can’t control, or can’t change. Living without stress in your place will allow you to focus on the things you really care about. You will suddenly have time to meditate, practice yoga, and maybe paint your nails. There are a lot of possibilities hidden in that time. Push the stress from your space, and try and find some of that time.

5. Your self care will increase 

Just like stress causes you to focus on things you can’t change, and zaps your energy, it steals your desire to take care of yourself. Coming home to stress can blind you of what really needs to be done. It can become increasingly difficult to take time for yourself if you are caught in a cycle of negative thoughts caused by stress.

stress free home

6. Your inner Pablo Picasso will come out 

Okay, so maybe you won’t be selling million-dollar art pieces any time soon. Still, eliminating stress from you place has a tendency to increase a person’s creativity. You could argue that it’s because reducing stress increases energy, or helps people manage their time more effectively. There’s no way to know for sure, but one school of thought is that creative people focus their stress into their art.

7. You’ll want to stay home 

Get rid of stress, and you’ll get rid of your desire to leave your place. That’s not to say you’ll become a hermit. You’ll just find more pleasure in staying in than you did before you exorcised the stress. All the benefits of existing in a stress free home will add up. Your space could become a temple to relaxation. And why would you leave a temple of relaxation?

Closing Thoughts

Clean your space of stress, and start soaking up the benefits. In addition to the numerous physical and mental health benefits of living in a stress free space, you could gain a newfound desire to be social, a return to creativity, and an inexplicable desire to organize and clean. More than anything, you may find happiness hidden beneath all of that stress.

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