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3 Benefits of Loving-Kindness Meditation (And How to Start)

3 Benefits of Loving-Kindness Meditation (And How to Start)

Various meditation practices and affirmations for women can help stabilize the mind and restore peace to one’s soul. Of course, men can equally benefit from meditation, yoga, and other spiritual techniques. However, women tend to suffer from mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression at higher rates. Therefore, loving-kindness meditation can help them feel more emotionally balanced and rejuvenated.

This type of meditation involves reciting affirmations and mantras for radical self-acceptance and compassion. By loving yourself first, you can expand your affection to include all living beings. While meditation spans many cultures and religions, loving-kindness meditation originated with Buddhist teachings. In the Pali language, loving-kindness translates to metta, or having goodwill and benevolence toward oneself and the entire cosmos.

It’s crucial to have a daily meditation ritual to center yourself and elevate your consciousness. By practicing this meditation and reciting affirmations for women, you can experience various physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits. Best of all, it will help you cultivate acceptance, love, and compassion toward yourself and others.

What Is Loving-Kindness Meditation?

Loving-kindness meditation involves practicing mindfulness and compassion for all life, including yourself. It’s a Buddhist meditation technique that uses mantras and visualization techniques to cultivate feelings of love and oneness with the universe. Affirmations for women and men can help expand the heart and increase concentration on a particular loving thought.

For instance, some people find it beneficial to verbally or mentally repeat phrases such as, “I am enough” or “May I be happy and free from suffering.” After focusing on developing acceptance and empathy for oneself, the meditator should move their awareness to loved ones. Sending positive energy to friends and family will help enhance the bliss and joy you feel in meditation. During these exercises, you should focus on the heart chakra and breathe in a slow, rhythmic manner.

Next, consider acquaintances, colleagues, and even your enemies, wishing them happiness and well-being. Finally, include the entire world in your circle of compassion, feeling others as an extension of yourself. Allow these feelings of affection and admiration to permeate your consciousness as you meditate.

After a few weeks or months, you’ll undoubtedly feel more positive and embrace every aspect of yourself. One study found that loving-kindness meditators experienced benefits after a mere seven weeks of practicing the technique. Any meditation will increase feelings of peace and bliss, but loving-kindness differs because it also includes energetically sending goodwill to others.

loving-kindness meditation

The Benefits of Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation, which includes affirmations for women, offers numerous health benefits for the mind, body, and soul. The highest goal of any meditation practice is reaching enlightenment, which fulfills all mental, physical, and spiritual desires. However, even before you find nirvana, you can experience other notable benefits, such as stress reduction, emotional regulation, and self-compassion. One study found that compassion meditation can increase stress management, harmonize relationships, and even boost the immune system. Calming your breathing and relaxing the mind activates the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibits the fight-or-flight response.

When you have a tranquil mind, you tend to notice more subtle aspects of intelligence, such as intuition. Accessing higher states of being will allow you to live more through the heart, making life flow effortlessly. As consciousness itself, we’re already infinite bliss, love, and wisdom, but we must remove the ignorance clouding our minds.

Mental clarity and a pure heart provide a solid foundation for understanding reality’s mysterious nature. Affirmations for women and men can guide you toward a more compassionate attitude and help you achieve radical self-acceptance.

How to Start Practicing Loving-Kindness Meditation

You can use guided meditation or visualization techniques to practice this simple technique. Affirmations for women and men should also become an integral part of the meditation. Either way, make it a part of your daily routine by setting aside thirty minutes each morning or evening to practice.

  1. Find a quiet place in your home free of distractions and noise, and allow your mind to drift to positive thoughts. Forget about all your fears, worries, and responsibilities, completely letting go so you can find inner peace.
  2. Practice mindful breathing, inhaling slowly and deeply before allowing the breath to leave your body, making the exhale last slightly longer than the inhale.
  3. As stated above, extend love and compassion toward yourself, imagining a white light enveloping your body. Think of this healing light while you focus on your heart center and send out loving energy toward the entire world.
  4. During your practice, use affirmations for women (or men), such as “I love and honor myself” or “I love all beings in the universe and wish for their well-being.” Repeat these mantras several times while focusing on the love and joy you feel within.
  5. Sit in the meditation posture for at least fifteen minutes and increase it to thirty after a few weeks.

Tips for Deepening Your Loving-Kindness Practice

You can enhance your results by practicing patience and gratitude daily as you seek love and wisdom. Thank the universe for the opportunity to expand your consciousness and show appreciation for others around you. Remember to recite affirmations for women and men in your meditation, and practice non-judgment toward your thoughts and feelings. Watch as they pass like clouds in your mind, knowing they will eventually dissipate. Also, it helps to seek support in your community and connect with other meditators interested in spiritual development.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Meditation

Any long-term meditator can attest to the obstacles and difficulties you’ll encounter on your spiritual journey. Distractions, impatience, and self-doubt will plague your mind and attempt to keep your soul focused on worldly desires. However, becoming frustrated with your spiritual efforts will only keep you from your goal.

It’s best to quell negative self-talk and doubts with dedicated, gradual efforts toward your objective. Affirmations for women are beneficial because they’ll help you achieve a loving mindset toward yourself. Armed with self-compassion, you will surely reach your goal in due time.

loving-kindness meditation

Final Thoughts on Mindfulness Practices for Emotional Well-being

If you don’t practice loving-kindness meditation, you should start after learning about the numerous benefits. For one, you’ll experience more self-love and empathy toward yourself after a short time. Meditation can also lower anxiety and stress levels, making you feel more capable of handling life’s pressures. Finally, you will feel a deeper connection to the universe because you’ll expand your consciousness.

Building compassion and empathy through meditation will allow you to experience a more fulfilling, meaningful life. Incorporating self-care through your meditation practice involves utilizing affirmations for women, breathing deeply, and visualizing love permeating every atom in the universe. As you grow in your training, you’ll see life as a beautiful ride rather than an endless battle to conquer.

8 Ways To Escape The Hustle (and Why You Should)

We live in a distracting world unlike anything any other point in history has experienced. Learning and consuming is easy, and so many opportunities await you. You can access almost all of it with a swipe of a finger. There’s a lot of temptation to do exactly that; to step into the hustle and grind and work a little harder… a little longer, to do just a little more. But maybe it’s time to escape the hustle.

We live in a world that glorifies the hustle. Whether it’s someone pushing the “grind” lifestyle of 14+ hour work days or society that tells us “if in doubt, work/study harder,” … you wake up each day part of ‘The Hustle.’ 

The question is, can you escape it? Can you choose the role you play in it? Is there a way to control it so it doesn’t control you? The answer to all three is yes. 

Yet you, me, and we face an uphill battle. Not because escaping the hustle is impossible, but due to the way we’ve defined it.

What Most People Think The Hustle Is

If you ask most people to define the hustle, they’ll likely focus on long work days, burning the midnight oil, working on side hustles, and possibly mention someone like Gary Vaynerchuk. The hustle and grind lifestyle is a relentless one. It’s fast-paced, requiring you to switch on at all times and continuously pursue more.

Yet it goes much deeper than this.

Focussing on this side of the hustle is crucial as it’s a toxic aspect that can ruin your life. Yet assuming this is the only piece means you turn a blind eye to the hustle’s much larger puzzle. That’s dangerous, especially if you’re focused on building a positive, purposeful, and aligned life that balances your health and well-being with your work.

That’s right… even though you are in tune with yourself doesn’t mean you’re immune to the hustle’s advances. Worse, you may be caught up in it without even realizing it.

escape the hustle

What The Hustle Actually is

As toxic as 14+ hour work days are, they are but the tip of the iceberg.

To escape the hustle requires a lot more than managing your workload. To escape the hustle means redefining what it is and appreciating how deep it goes.

Today is unlike any other point in history. The saying keeping up with the Jones’ is old, yet for the generations that came before ours, Mr. and Mrs. Jones were few and far between. They were colleagues that worked in the same office, celebrities that appeared on TV or in magazines, friends or family, or next-door neighbors. The temptation to compare your life with theirs was always there. Yet it was isolated. It didn’t follow you every minute of every hour.

That’s no longer the case.

Today, you have social media to contend with. You get an edited peek into dozens of different lives each time you log on. Content is everywhere. Opportunities are everywhere. This is amazing because it places the world at your fingertips. Yet it’s so easy to lose sight of what you’re doing, drip by drip diluting who you are, losing yourself to the hustle.

Not just long hours and overwhelming work days, but comparison culture, technology addiction, content consumption overload, and various rabbit holes that may be healthy and focused on something positive and beneficial, can quickly consume you—and refuse to let go.

8 Ways To Escape The Hustle and Grind

It isn’t a question of if you should escape the hustle and grind because you need to escape the hustle to make your personal development, growth, and positive thinking stick. Because the hustle isn’t going anywhere. If anything, its grip will only get tighter as technology advances and we get access to more people, content, and everything else.

This isn’t bad. It’s an incredible opportunity and period we’re blessed to be a part of.

Yet anything good also has the potential to turn bad. So although you’ll never remove the hustle from your life, you can escape the hustle and grind so it no longer dictates it. 

Here’s how to get started…

1: Define What Success Means To YOU

I wrote a book a few years ago about overcoming failure and adversity. I interviewed more than 150 entrepreneurs and thought leaders, tapping into their experiences in a bid to figure out what makes successful people successful. As you can imagine, I found many layers to this answer. Yet an important pattern I stumbled across was that successful people think about what success means to them. Not what society preaches about or what parents, teachers, and the media pass on. All that tends to act as nothing more than a distraction, and such a distraction steals you from intention, leading you to let go of the wheel and veer off into the hustle.

To escape requires you to step back and question what you’re striving for. Maybe you call it a success; maybe meaning, intention, purpose, or passion. You cannot escape the hustle and grind until you define what success looks like to you.

2: Perform a Personal Time Audit

In 2017, I learned I’d be a father for the second time and had to look deep within myself. I had to make more money (more consistently) and I had to do so by working less. It felt impossible until I performed a time audit and realized how much I wasted.

Like me, you may also waste precious minutes on tasks that don’t add value—at least not enough to make it worthwhile. This applies to your work, what you do at home, and the focus you place on your health and well-being. The reality is, each week you’re given 10,080 fresh minutes. How you use them determines everything in your life.

If you want to escape the hustle, you need to take charge of how you spend your time. Yet you cannot do this until you know how you utilize each priceless moment.

3: Schedule Reflection Time (ideally every day)

As with most aspects of growth, it comes on the back of continued commitment. You cannot escape the hustle by defining success and running a time audit. You must continue to question your relationship with the hustle and grind as often as possible. Yet that’s the problem because the hustle doesn’t want to give you time. It tempts you to do more, more, more… and to fill those “in-between” moments with passive scrolling, toxically comparing yourself to others

So you need to schedule time in your day for this all-important task. Even if it’s just a few moments, it can make all the difference in your fight against the hustle’s tempting ways.

4: Journal

If you’re anything like me, your mind quickly becomes full. Full of ideas. Full of questions, worry, and anxiety. Full of gratitude, hope, and dreams. By the time the sun rises high into the sky, your mind spins at a rate you cannot comprehend. This is a dangerous time. It’s exactly when the hustle tempts you to do more and say yes to more.

A great way to be victorious against this is to journal: to write down your thoughts and get what’s in your head out. It doesn’t have to make sense. It does not have to be something you share. The point is to calm and free your mind from the spinning chaos long enough to reconnect with your day, your mission, and who you want to show up as.


5: Make The First Hour of Your Day Count

I’ve never been a morning person. I envied those who could wake up and hop out of bed; do their best work before anyone else rises. I would try to emulate them, committing to one hack, tactic, and tip after another. None of it worked—at least not for long.

I’m more at peace with who I am and my slowly-stirring ways. I don’t try to wake up too early. Instead, I commit to making the first hour of my day count. I use it to intentionally breathe, think about the day ahead, reflect on my emotions and feelings, and give myself the grace to take my time. It’s a super way to escape the hustle.

How you spend your first hour is up to you. You’re unique and what works for others likely won’t work for you. Regardless, that first hour is precious. Reclaim it. Enjoy it. Give it purpose.

6: Limit (maybe even block) Social Media

There is no doubt that social media changed the world. It connected us in ways prior generations couldn’t have imagined. It’s incredible when you step back and think about it. At any point, for instance, I can connect with my sister, who lives on the other side of the globe. It’s a remarkable invention that offers you and me so many benefits. Yet it has a dark side.

Chances are, you are somewhat addicted to some platform. During those moments of boredom, you turn to it. It’s also there when you feel down, insecure, anxious, or scared. Within seconds, it helps you escape your reality and peek into dozens of other people’s.

To escape the hustle is to place measures around this.

It isn’t to say you should block social media and remove yourself altogether, but it is essential to venture onto them with intention. Limit your use. Enter at certain times. When you do get what you need and move on. If necessary, use a blocking tool to take away the temptation. 

Because if there’s one method the hustle will use to tempt you, it’s social media.

7: Escape To Nature

Similar to social media, the online world has changed civilization as we know it. Once again, this is great. We’re blessed to live during such a time. Without it, I could not write and share this with you; you couldn’t read it. Yet the online world offers a false sense of reality, and as human beings, we’re not hardwired for such an existence.

It overwhelms us far too fast and frantic for our slowly evolving minds to cope.

Something we are hardwired for is nature in all its varying forms. Much of what we’ve discussed here could and should involve you stepping into nature: reflecting, journaling, time auditing…

Just a few minutes can help you disconnect from the frantic existence of the twenty-first century and reconnect with your gentle and measured human brain that’s incrementally evolved over a long, long time.

8: Be Kind To Yourself

This final one may be the most important of all. Often, it’s what stops you from escaping the hustle and grind in the first place. I know it’s stood in my way during periods.

We’re so often our harshest critics. We have goals and aspirations and want to achieve them right now. We’re only ever in our heads, so we only know what it feels like to be ourselves. We assume other people know more than us, are happier, and have it figured out

Yet that isn’t the case. Like you, they, too, are human, fragile, and imperfect.

Remember this the next time you feel down or somehow inadequate. Before comparing yourself to someone else, consider how special, unique, and powerful you are. Focus on what you have achieved. Be kind to yourself. 

escape the hustle

Final Thoughts on the Desire to Escape the Hustle and Grind

The hustle doesn’t want us to be kind. It wants to distract us and keep us busy. Yet keeping busy isn’t what you need. Living with intention is.

That’s why I hope you take from this article the desire to take a deep breath and reconnect with what you want; what intention looks like. Because the hustle is around you, and it isn’t going anywhere. But that’s okay because you don’t have to submit. You can break free and reclaim what’s yours at any time. Why not make today that day? 

Science Explains the Dirty Dozen Foods to Never Eat (and What to Eat Instead)

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) unveiled its annual list, the Dirty Dozen foods. This list spotlights vegetables and fruits with the highest levels of pesticide residues. We’ll also share the accompanying list, the Clean Fifteen, a list of produce to prioritize.

Pesticide residues can harm human health. Because of this, many people opt for organic fruits and vegetables. These consumers avoid the poisonous chemicals and toxins of commercial produce. However, those on a tight budget or without access to organic options can turn to the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists. These guides are a crucial tool for informed decision-making when organic is unavailable.

What Is the Dirty Dozen Foods List?

The Dirty Dozen is an annual ranking published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization that promotes environmental health and safety. This list identifies the twelve fruits and vegetables found to have the highest levels of pesticide residues based on data collected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Dirty Dozen foods list aims to inform consumers about the potential risks of pesticide exposure and help them make more informed choices when selecting produce. Pesticide residues can harm human health, and many people aim to reduce their exposure by opting for organic produce when possible. However, for those who cannot always afford or access organic options, the Dirty Dozen list is a valuable resource for prioritizing which fruits and vegetables to choose in their non-organic form.

It is essential to note that the Dirty Dozen list does not suggest that consumers should avoid these fruits and vegetables entirely. EWG advises that the health benefits of a diverse diet rich in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables probably outweigh the potential risks of pesticide residues. Therefore, the list serves as a guide for foods to be cautious about. If you purchase these, use proper washing techniques to reduce pesticide exposure. Of course, you should choose organic alternatives when feasible.

dirty dozen foods

The Dirty Dozen Foods (in descending order)

The Dirty Dozen list, compiled by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), ranks produce based on the levels of pesticide residues detected through testing conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Several factors contribute to the presence of pesticide residues in produce. These factors can include the type and amount of pesticides used during cultivation, the growing conditions, and the post-harvest handling process.

Some fruits and vegetables may be more susceptible to pests and diseases, requiring higher quantities or more comprehensive pesticides to ensure a successful harvest.

The Dirty Dozen Foods – Wash These Before Consumption if You Don’t Purchase Organic

EWG includes these foods in its “dirty dozen™ ” list because they contain higher pesticide residues than other fruits and vegetables. The twelve fruits and vegetables EWG deems contaminated are listed in descending order.

  • #12 Green beans
  • #11 Blueberries
  • #10 Cherries
  • #9 Bell and hot peppers
  • #8 Grapes
  • #7 Apples
  • #6 Nectarines
  • #5 Pears
  • #4 Peaches
  • #3 Kale, collard, and mustard greens
  • #2 Spinach
  • #1 Strawberries

EWG explains that the ranking data comes from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) data. Both agencies conduct extensive testing on thousands of produce samples to determine the levels of pesticide residues present. Using this data, the EWG creates the Dirty Dozen and its counterpart, the Clean Fifteen, highlighting the produce with the lowest pesticide residues.

Consumers must remember that the Dirty Dozen does not imply that these items are entirely off-limits. Instead, the list serves as a guide for those looking to reduce their pesticide exposure. They urge consumers to invest in organics when feasible and then to rely on this list as a second choice.

Never eat these foods without first washing them before consumption, which will minimize residue levels. But opting for organic alternatives when feasible is the healthiest and safest approach.

Prioritize Veggies and Fruits From the Clean Fifteen List and Skip the Dirty Dozen Foods When Possible

Accompanying the Dirty Dozen foods list is the Clean Fifteen list. That’s an annual ranking by EWG identifying the fruits and vegetables with the lowest levels of pesticide residues. Consumers can combine these two lists to make informed decisions about their produce purchases while considering their health and budget.

Here is the Clean Fifteen food list in descending order:

  • #15 Carrots
  • #14 Watermelon
  • #13 Sweet Potatoes
  • #12 Mangoes
  • #11 Mushrooms
  • #10 Cabbage
  • #9 Kiwi
  • #8 Honeydew melon
  • #7 Asparagus
  • #6 Sweet peas 
  • #5 Papaya
  • #4 Onions
  • #3 Pineapple
  • #2 Sweet corn
  • #1 Avocados

Keeping the Dirty Dozen Foods in Mind, Know the 6 Key Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

EWG notes that a plant-based diet supports better health. A plant-based diet, which focuses on consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, offers numerous health benefits. By incorporating a wide array of plant-based foods into your daily meals, you can support your overall well-being while reaping the following six key benefits:

Improved heart health:

A plant-based diet is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats, which can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. As a result, it reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Many studies prove that individuals who follow a plant-based diet are less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases than those who consume animal-based diets.

Weight management:

Plant-based diets are typically lower in calories and saturated fats than diets that include meat and dairy products. The high fiber content in plant-based foods promotes satiety, which can help regulate appetite and prevent overeating. As a result, individuals who follow a plant-based diet may find it easier to maintain a healthy weight or even lose weight if needed.

dirty dozen foods

Enhanced digestive health:

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes provides ample fiber, essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber aids digestion by adding bulk to stool and promoting regular bowel movements, which can help prevent constipation and other digestive issues.

Reduced risk of chronic diseases:

Research shows that a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. The high levels of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and anti-inflammatory compounds in plant-based foods help protect the body against these diseases and promote overall health.

Improved energy levels:

Plant-based foods are abundant in essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, necessary for optimal energy production and maintenance. As a result, individuals who follow a plant-based diet often report increased energy levels and a reduced need for caffeine and other stimulants.

Environmental sustainability:

A plant-based diet is beneficial not only for your health but also for the environment. The production of plant-based foods generally requires less land, water, and energy compared to animal agriculture. By choosing a plant-based diet, you contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.

How to Detox From Chemicals if You Cannot Eat Organic Foods and Often Consult the  Dirty Dozen Foods List

If you find yourself in a situation where you have to consume non-organic foods, you may be concerned about the potential exposure to pesticides and other chemicals. While it’s always best to opt for organic options when possible, there are some strategies you can use to help detoxify your body and minimize the impact of non-organic food consumption:

1 – Hydration:

Drinking plenty of water is essential for flushing toxins out of your system. Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, or even more, if you are physically active or live in a hot climate. Staying hydrated helps your kidneys and liver function efficiently, which in turn aids in toxin elimination.

2 – Eat antioxidant-rich foods:

A diet rich in antioxidant-rich foods, such as organic berries, leafy greens, and nuts, can help protect your body from the harmful effects of pesticides and other toxins. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to chronic diseases.

3 – Include fiber in your diet:

Consuming a diet high in fiber, particularly from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, can aid in eliminating toxins by promoting regular bowel movements. Fiber binds to toxins in the digestive tract, helping to remove them from your body.

4 – Incorporate detoxifying herbs and spices:

Some herbs and spices, such as turmeric, ginger, and cilantro, have science-proven detoxifying properties that can support your body’s natural detoxification processes. Include these in your meals, or take supplements to enhance their benefits.

5 – Focus on liver-supportive foods:

The liver is crucial in detoxification. Eating foods that support liver health, like cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts). Or try citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, or lemons), which help your liver function more effectively in removing toxins from your body.

6 – Exercise regularly:

Regular physical activity can help detoxify your body by promoting circulation and stimulating the lymphatic system. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week and strength training activities two or more days per week.

7 – Get enough sleep:

Sleep is essential for your body’s natural detoxification processes. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to give your body time to repair and regenerate.

8 – Wash produce thoroughly:

Even if you must consume non-organic foods, you can reduce pesticide exposure by thoroughly washing your fruits and vegetables. Use a vegetable brush and running water to remove surface residues and contaminants.

While it’s ideal to consume organic foods whenever possible, implementing these detoxification strategies can help reduce the impact of non-organic food consumption on your health.

clean fifteen

Final Thoughts on the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen Foods

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is vital for optimal health and well-being. While the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists can help you make informed decisions about the fruits and vegetables you consume, it is vital to prioritize organic options whenever possible.

Organic farmers produce fruits and vegetables without chemicals or pesticides. Thus, organics reduce your exposure to potentially harmful residues.

When consuming fruits and vegetables from the Dirty Dozen foods list, it is crucial to wash them thoroughly to minimize pesticide residue intake. Washing produce under running water and using a brush when appropriate can help remove surface residues and contaminants. Focusing on the Clean Fifteen list can effectively reduce pesticide exposure while enjoying a diverse range of fruits and vegetables for those with limited access to organic options or constrained by a tight grocery budget.

By being mindful of the produce you consume and making informed choices, you can support your health and well-being while minimizing exposure to pesticide residues. Remember, the benefits of a plant-based diet are numerous. So consuming various fruits and vegetables should always be a priority. Stay informed, choose wisely, and enjoy the delicious and nutritious bounty that nature has to offer.

Science Reveals That Short People May Live Longer

In the past, most experts believed taller individuals had advantages over short people. They associated tallness with increased health, especially in the formative years when most development occurs. After all, nutrient intake during childhood largely contributes to adult height. So, scientists found that shorter people sometimes suffer from developmental disorders and higher mortality due to nutrient deficiencies.

Because of this, you might conclude that tall people have better health and longevity than those of short stature. However, several studies published in the last two decades reveal why short people may have the upper hand. They might have to ask for help grabbing something off a high shelf, but that’s just a tiny inconvenience.

In return, they reap the benefits of increased longevity, lower risk of diseases, and reduced caloric needs. Because tall people have larger bones and organs, they need more calories to survive. So, shorter people have a clear advantage because they can spend less on groceries and use less energy to digest food. Below, we’ll explain why short people may have won the genetic lottery.

However, when reading this article, remember that many other factors contribute to one’s lifespan. Lifestyle habits such as exercising, eating a balanced diet, and practicing stress-management techniques also significantly influence life expectancy.

Studies Explain Why Short People Enjoy Increased Longevity

short people

1.  Short people have fewer diet-related chronic illnesses.

According to a 2003 study published in Life Sciences, researchers found a negative correlation between height and longevity. Their conclusions came from data on millions of deaths over 30 years. They found that people of a smaller size had lower mortality rates and fewer diet-related chronic diseases, especially after middle age. In addition, they appeared to have longer lifespans, with women outliving men in most cases.

Researchers believe that since short people need fewer calories to function, they have more significant longevity potential. Numerous studies have discovered that restricting calories reduces inflammation and slows the aging process, which can increase longevity.

2. They have fewer cells than tall people.

Having fewer cells offers several advantages to short people. For one, a lower cell count means a reduced risk of cell mutation, which can lead to numerous cancers. Also, if you’re tall, your body undergo more cell replications, but cell replacement rates slow down as you age. Therefore, taller people may not have enough cells to repair damaged tissues later in life.

Moreover, several studies have found a link between greater height and cancer risk. A 2016 study revealed that every additional inch increase in size resulted in a 7.1% greater risk of dying from cancer in men. For women, it led to a 5.7% increased risk of death from cancer.

In addition, a 2013 study of 144,701 postmenopausal women discovered that taller women had a higher cancer risk. Their height put them at risk for various thyroid, breast, colon, and ovary cancers. However, the authors note that several other factors may have influenced the findings.

For instance, smoking and alcohol consumption appeared to increase with height. Education level, income, ethnicity, and oral contraceptive and hormone therapy use may have also affected results. But size still had a statistically substantial impact on cancer development.

3. Short people have a genetic variation of the FOXO3 “longevity” gene.

Also called forkhead box protein O3, this gene is crucial to longevity. It may have a funny name, but researchers have found it provides extra protection from an untimely death. In one study, scientists examined how the FOXO3 gene impacts the lifespan of 8,003 American men of Japanese ancestry.

They discovered that shorter stature predicted greater longevity, especially in midlife. 5’2″ or shorter men lived the longest because they had a genetic variation of the “longevity” gene, which offered more protection against aging. In addition, the men had a lower cancer risk and lower fasting insulin levels than tall people. The FOXO3 gene plays a significant role in regulating insulin via the IGF-1 signaling pathway.

Other studies have also confirmed that specific genetic mutations of FOXO3 can lead to “exceptional” longevity.

4. They don’t suffer as many blood clots.

One study found that American women above 5’6″ experience blood clots more often than short people. Researchers believe having longer legs and veins may explain the increased risk of developing venous thromboembolism (VTE). However, other factors such as chronic comorbidities, obesity, older age, and male gender also increase the likelihood of blood clots.

5. They often have better respiratory and cardiovascular health.

A study of 18,403 civil servants in London found that taller people experienced more respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses. They discovered the strongest association between height and respiratory disease, while cardiovascular ailments had a moderate impact. Researchers believe short people have an advantage because their lungs function more optimally than taller individuals.

Another study involving over 2,600 Finnish athletes revealed that cross-country skiers were six inches shorter and lived about seven years longer than basketball players. Endurance athletes like skiers experienced lower cardiovascular mortality rates compared to athletes in team sports, such as basketball. However, they didn’t find any difference in longevity between the groups.

While these studies revealed the benefits of being short, many other factors contribute to overall health. You can improve your well-being by living within nature’s laws, whether short or tall. Sleep 7-8 hours nightly, eat a balanced, nourishing diet, exercise, manage stress, and get adequate sunlight. Both tall and short people who follow the pillars of health can increase their longevity.


Final Thoughts on Research Linking Short People With Increased Lifespan

Being short offers notable advantages, such as enhancing longevity and reducing disease risk. Multiple studies found that shorter people have lower incidences of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses. Also, they may have a genetic variation in a particular gene that protects against age-related diseases. Finally, people of shorter stature require fewer calories, which may increase their life expectancy by reducing inflammation. However, it’s important to remember that your height doesn’t determine your destiny. You can always take charge of your health by adopting positive lifestyle habits, such as meditating, eating a plant-based diet, and getting plenty of sunshine.

Neuroscientist Explains Why Exercise is the Most Important Factor for Brain Health

Exercise has long been recognized for its numerous benefits to physical and brain health. Still, it is only in recent years that its positive impact on brain health has been thoroughly researched and documented. Like the rest of the body, the brain requires proper care and attention to maintain optimal functioning. Exercise is a key factor in promoting brain health and improving cognitive function. It even helps to reduce the risk of developing brain-related conditions such as dementia and depression.

Exercise benefits the physical body and the brain in numerous ways. Regular physical activity has been linked to improved cognitive function, including increased memory, attention, and processing speed. It has been associated with reduced stress levels and improved mood, which can lead to a better quality of life.

Exercise also has a positive impact on the body’s cardiovascular system. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other related health conditions. There’s arguably nothing you can do to benefit you more than physical activity. Incorporating exercise into one’s daily routine is essential for maintaining good health.

Why Exercise is the Most Important Factor for Brain Health?

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1.      Boosts Brain Health by Increasing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a protein that plays a crucial role in promoting the growth and survival of neurons in the brain. Exercise has been shown to increase the production of BDNF, which can lead to numerous benefits to brain health. BDNF is essential for forming and maintaining connections between neurons, known as synapses.

This process is vital for learning and memory, enabling the brain to create and strengthen new neural connections. By increasing the production of BDNF, exercise helps to improve the brain’s ability to learn, remember, and recall information. Studies have also shown that BDNF plays a role in neuroplasticity. This is the brain’s ability to change and adapt to new experiences. Exercise has been linked to increased neuroplasticity, which can lead to better cognitive function and improved mental health.

On the other hand, low levels of BDNF have been associated with depression and anxiety. So, by increasing BDNF through exercise, individuals may be able to reduce the symptoms of these conditions. In addition to its benefits to mental health, exercise has also been linked to improved brain function in aging adults. As people age, their levels of BDNF naturally decrease, which can lead to aging in the cognitive processes. Regular physical activity increases the production of BDNF and helps slow down the aging process in the brain.

2.      Improves Cognitive Function

Exercise has been shown to positively impact cognitive function, including memory, attention, and processing speed. This makes exercise essential for maintaining a healthy brain and promoting overall brain health. One of how exercise improves cognitive function is by increasing blood flow to the brain.

The increased blood flow gives the brain essential nutrients and oxygen for healthy brain function. Exercise has also been shown to stimulate the growth of new brain cells, particularly in the hippocampus. That is an area of the brain responsible for learning and memory.

Studies have also shown that exercise can improve executive function, which is the ability to plan, prioritize, and complete tasks effectively. Executive function is essential for everyday activities. Improving it through exercise can lead to improved productivity and overall quality of life. Many types and intensities of exercise can help. But, as for the most beneficial, research suggests that aerobic and resistance training can positively impact.

3.      Stimulates Neurogenesis

Neurogenesis is the growth and development of new neurons in the brain. As we age, this process is crucial for maintaining cognitive function, including memory, attention, and processing speed. As mentioned before, exercise is linked to increased in production of BDNF.

This is a crucial protein that plays a role in promoting neurogenesis. Exercise has also been linked to an increase in the number of neural stem cells in the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is crucial for learning and memory. This increased production of new neurons can help to improve cognitive function and protect against age-related cognitive decline. Chronic stress has been shown to decrease neurogenesis and impair cognitive function.

By reducing stress through exercise, individuals can promote neurogenesis and maintain healthy brain function. Exercise has improved the health and function of existing neurons, including forming new connections between neurons. This improved neural connectivity can improve communication between different brain areas and cognitive function.

4.      Improves Brain Health by Decreasing Stress and Anxiety

Physical exercise is a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety levels because chronic stress and anxiety can harm physical and mental health. So, incorporating exercise into your daily routine can help to improve overall well-being. Physical activity has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, a hormone produced in response to stress. This can help to reduce stress levels. Exercise has also been linked to increased production of endorphins.

These neurotransmitters play a role in reducing pain and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. Endorphins have a calming and stress-relieving effect, which can help to reduce anxiety levels. Exercise has been linked to improved brain function and cognitive ability, which can help to improve focus and reduce anxiety levels.

Physical activity can increase the prefrontal cortex size, an area of the brain associated with decision-making, attention, and executive function. The more developed this area is, the more you’ll be able to focus. Thus, you’ll be able to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exercise also has a positive impact on mood, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Regular physical activity has been linked to increased self-esteem and improved overall mental health.


5.      Increases Brain Health by Improving Blood Flow

Increasing blood flow to the brain can positively impact brain health and function. Increased blood flow to the brain provides it with essential nutrients and oxygen. These nutrients are vital for optimal brain function and health. Physical activity has been linked to increased blood flow to the brain, which can help to improve brain function and cognitive ability.

During exercise, increased heart rate and blood flow can help to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the brain. So, it provides the resources it needs to function at its best. In addition, exercise leads to the growth of new blood vessels in the brain. This can help to improve blood flow and provide additional support for brain function. This increased blood flow and new blood vessel growth can help improve brain function and cognitive ability.

It can even help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve overall mental health. Increased blood flow to the brain can help to support brain plasticity, allowing it to adapt and change in response to new experiences and information. This leads to the improvement of overall brain function and cognitive ability.

6.      Reduces the Risk of Brain-Related Conditions

There are many brain-related conditions, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke, that people need to be concerned with. But one of the things that help you reduce this risk is physical exercise. As mentioned, it has been linked to improved brain function, cognitive ability, and overall brain health.

All of these can help to reduce the risk of brain-related conditions. And studies confirm that regular exercise can improve brain function and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke, which can lead to serious brain damage and disability. Physical activity has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, which can help reduce stroke risk.

As exercise leads to improved brain function, it can help to reduce the risk of stroke and improve overall brain health. Regular exercise can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of other cardiovascular conditions. All of these are factors that can reduce the risk of stroke. Plus, mental health is also a known risk factor for stroke. And, as discussed before, exercise can help you manage it.

7.      Promotes Physical Health

Of course, exercise will mainly improve your physical health. But, by promoting physical health, it also helps promote brain health.  Regular exercise can help strengthen muscles and bones, reducing the risk of injury and osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercises, such as running and weightlifting, can help to build bone density and reduce the risk of bone fractures.

Exercise can improve your metabolism and promote weight loss. This can help to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic conditions. Physical activity has been linked to improved respiratory function, reducing the risk of respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

And lastly, it helps boost the immune system, helping to fight off infections and illnesses. All of these factors help you have a better, happier life. And, the healthier your body can be, the healthier your brain will be.

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Final Thoughts on Why Exercise is the Most Important Factor for Brain Health

Exercise is one of, if not the most important, factors for brain health. Regular physical activity has a wide range of benefits for the brain. It helps improve cognitive function, increase neurogenesis and blood flow to the brain, reduce stress and anxiety, and reduce the risk of brain-related conditions. Physical activity also promotes physical health, which in turn has a direct impact on brain health.

Exercise benefits include improved cardiovascular health, stronger muscles and bones, better metabolism, a more robust immune system, improved respiratory function, and better mental health. And all of them can help to improve brain function and overall brain health. Exercise should be a priority for anyone looking to improve their brain health. Whether through a structured exercise program or daily physical activity, the benefits of exercise for the brain are numerous and well-established.

Even though you might find it tedious or complicated, you should try to be more active. You don’t even have to start going to the gym. Something as simple as taking daily walks can do the trick. Making exercise a regular part of your daily routine can help protect your brain health. And ultimately, you can improve your overall quality of life.

Raising Your Partner Causes an Unhappy Relationship

It might seem weird to talk about raising the person you are in a relationship with. Most people would find this idea ridiculous. After all, you can’t raise someone who is an adult and is around your age, give or take a few years. You might be surprised to hear that you are in the wrong if you hold this belief. In fact, your partner might be very unhappy.

You can have the dynamic of a mentor and a mentee in a relationship. One person is the one who is more mature and tries to teach the other how to handle their lives better. And the other is quiet and listens to everything their partner tells them to do. Or maybe the dynamic is not as pronounced, and, truth be told, it usually isn’t.

What people usually do when they are trying to raise their partner is that they try to “fix them.” They are convinced that their partner won’t be able to get their life together without help. And who better to help them than the person in love with them? If you do that, it’s not because you are an inherently bad person. Surely you are just trying to help your partner out.

But, in a romantic relationship, no one should be raised. Of course, you can help your partner grow, but there’s a difference between trying to change them and molding them into something else. Not to mention that many people don’t even realize that they are trying to raise their partner. They just think that they are helping them out.

But, when that turns into you micromanaging their life, that’s a sign that things are going wrong. And this kind of relationship dynamic can quickly lead to unhappiness.

Why Do People Raise Their Partners?

unhappy relationship

A relationship requires a lot of work on both sides. If you and your partner don’t make efforts to work things out, you won’t stand the test of time. Sure, you can have a casual relationship that won’t require too much effort. But those types of relationships aren’t fulfilling. At most, they’re fun to distract you when you don’t have time to commit to something serious–like becoming unhappy.

But people ultimately yearn to find someone to share their life with. Some people will find it easier to be alone and even happier. Most of us just want to find someone to be there when we get home after a long workday. But there’s also a lot of pressure associated with finding the person with whom you can have the perfect relationship.

Plus, most people aren’t necessarily taught how to find the right person. Like it or not, the reality is that many couples don’t work out in the end. This means there aren’t many good role models from which kids can learn. If your parents don’t have a healthy relationship, you’ll struggle with learning how to find the right person, and you won’t know how to act properly.

Maintaining Stability to Avoid an Unhappy Relationship

Plus, there is a lot of uncertainty in this world. People have to struggle with it every day. Even the coziest job could be lost if things don’t work out in your favor. So, people want to have some stability in their relationships. You can understand why people might need to raise their partner.

When they do that, they can mold them into whatever fits their ideal of a perfect relationship. In a way, it can feel like there’s no risk of being unhappy when you’ve made sure that your is exactly the way you want them to be. Another big thing that pushes people to feel like they need to raise their partner is a lack of trust. This is often coupled with the belief that they are immature and need help navigating their life.

Most people convince themselves that they are micromanaging everything their partner does because they love them and want to ensure they are happy. But if that were the case, they would allow their partner to live their life freely. The truth is, some people just don’t trust their partner to be able to take care of even the simplest of responsibilities. This usually reflects that there is a deeper trust issue in that relationship.

Some people, admittedly very few, just want to control their partner and ensure they always know where they are and what they are doing. This also stems from a lack of trust. Lastly, people tend to raise their partners out of a misguided sense of responsibility. They need to “fix them” even if nothing needs fixing. But, as long as they shield them from any harm in the world, that’s not such a bad thing, right?

Why Does Raising Your Partner Cause an Unhappy Relationship?

People need to live their life freely and be allowed to make mistakes. This is the only way they can learn and create a life that will truly make them happy. So, even if someone has only the best intentions, if they raise their partners, they only do them a disservice.

unhappy relationship

1.      It Creates a Power Imbalance

All relationships are built differently, requiring their unique dynamic to work properly. But no relationship built on a power dynamic has ever been successful. When someone holds more power than their partner, there’s always the risk that the less powerful person will get abused. This has been seen in all areas of society. For example, when a boss gets into a relationship with their employee, they hold all the cards.

They can fire the employee to enact revenge for something the employee did in the relationship. So, the threat of losing their job will make the less powerful partner accept all kinds of abuse from the more powerful one. And this is the case for all instances of power imbalance in a relationship.

This same thing can happen in a relationship where one partner raises the other. Again, because they take care of the other’s responsibilities, there’s a high risk that their partner will become dependent on them. Sometimes, this dependency can even become financial, which is when things get that much more complicated.

That means that, in time, some abuse will start to happen. For example, the more powerful partner could threaten to stop helping the other person out if they don’t comply with a particular behavior. For instance, if someone doesn’t even know how to cook because their partner always cooks for them, they will struggle to live independently. Knowing that they will accept almost any request of their partner because they don’t want to end up stranded without anyone to help them.

2.      It Puts a Lot of Pressure on Both Partners

No matter what, the power imbalance will be there if you need to raise your partner. But that doesn’t mean you have to exploit it. And most people won’t take advantage of this and won’t outright abuse your partner. But that still doesn’t mean raising your partner will make you happy.

Even if you have the best intentions, this dynamic will only pressure you and your partner. Think of how most relationships between kids and their parents are. Usually, kids feel loads of pressure to make their parents proud, while the parents feel the need to offer their kids the best life possible. Ultimately, everyone involved is stressed and under loads of pressure.

This is a bit different because parents are legally responsible for the well-being of their kids. This means they should feel the need to offer their kids the best possible life. But this is not how the dynamic between two romantically involved people should be. When two people enter a romantic relationship, they should treat each other as equals and not put added pressure on themselves or their partner.

The minute this pressure starts building up, you will begin having many fights and constantly being unhappy with each other. Plus, you’ll always beat yourselves up when you feel like you’ve failed the other. If you don’t “parent” the other well, you’ll beat yourself up over it. On the other hand, if your partner feels like they don’t live up to your expectations, they will be unhappy with themselves.

3.      It Creates Trust Issues

As mentioned, people need to parent their partners when they don’t trust them to carry out their responsibilities alone. But it also makes the partner feel they can’t trust the other to allow them the freedom they need. Plus, if you are the type of person who always needs to know where their partner is and what they are doing, it will make the other feel constrained and mistreated.

In relationships, people need their space and freedom. They don’t need to feel like the other is trying to change them. This will only make them feel like they are not accepted and can’t even be themselves around the person who is supposed to love them the most. Ultimately, this type of relationship will either end or last, but it will be filled with pain and unhappiness.

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Final Thoughts on How Raising Your Partner Causes an Unhappy Relationship

In romantic relationships, people need to be able to learn, make mistakes and grow at their own pace. No adult needs to be told what to do and parented, especially not by their partner. While some people have genuine reasons to try to raise their partners, that doesn’t make it moral or beneficial to any party involved. On the contrary, it only causes unhappiness and issues.

When you parent someone you are romantically involved with, it just creates a power imbalance and a fundamentally unhappy relationship. This means there is a higher likelihood of the relationship becoming abusive or toxic. It also puts a lot of pressure on both people, turning what should be a fantastic connection into a burden. Lastly, it creates trust issues that can lead to you breaking up and ruining something that could have been beautiful.

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