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5 Habits That Make You Live Longer

Not everyone wants to live a long life, of course, but most people wouldn’t turn it down if someone offered it to them. In our modern society, we live longer than ever, but do we live a good, happy life? In general, most people can expect to live to age 60 and beyond, according to the World Health Organization. The report explained that the rates of mild to moderate disability have remained the same over the last 30 years, while rates of severe disability have decreased in high-income countries.

What’s more, a study by The Lancet journal reported that the wealthiest 1% of Americans now live about 10-15 years longer than the poorest 1%. Life expectancy in the U.S. is actually far lower than other developed nations, largely due to health inequality between the rich and poor. Obviously, the more money you have, the more you can spend on your well-being.

Unfortunately, living longer in the future might mean needing to be wealthy enough to afford the rising costs of healthcare. In other words, it seems that living longer doesn’t really make a difference if we can’t do so in good health. For example, if you lived to age 100 but couldn’t walk or take care of your basic needs for those last 20 years, would you want to live that long?

Our population is aging faster than ever, so how can we slow down aging while still living a long, happy life? We have the answers that you seek and will discuss some of the secrets to a positive, long life below.

Here are 5 habits that make you live longer:

“It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.” – Andy Rooney

live longer

1. Avoid smoking or drinking too much alcohol.

According to the American Cancer Society, the life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years less than it is for non-smokers. However, quitting smoking before the age of 40 cuts the risk of dying from a smoking-related disease by about 90%. Out of all the habits that help you live longer, some scientists believe that quitting smoking makes the biggest impact on your life expectancy.

Smoking can cause a wide range of health problems, some of them fatal. It is currently the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Here are some diseases and issues associated with smoking:

  • Lung cancer (along with many others)
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Strokes
  • Asthma
  • Reproductive issues
  • Diabetes
  • Eye diseases
  • Higher chance of preterm births

There are many other diseases linked to smoking; however, the above list includes the more common or severe ones. Obviously, not smoking is the best preventive measure. According to research, however, after 5-15 years of abstaining from smoking, your health will compare to a non-smoker.

As far as alcohol, drinking in moderation isn’t the problem; it’s drinking heavily that causes major health problems. Some of the diseases associated with heavy drinking include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
  • Digestive problems
  • Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon
  • Cognitive problems, including learning difficulties and dementia
  • Increased risk of mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety
  • Social problems including decreased productivity and difficulty attending work or school
  • Alcoholism

Heavy drinking is defined as having 8 or more drinks per week for women and 15 or more drinks for men. Moderate drinking, on the other hand, is defined as up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks a day for men. In fact, a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that men and women who drink moderately have a lower risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease.

So, quitting smoking and drinking in moderation will help you live longer and enjoy a healthy, happy life.

2. Prioritize sleep.

Our modern society doesn’t seem to recognize the importance of restful sleep. Our “always on” world might have something to do with this. We check our phones constantly for notifications (including in the middle of the night sometimes!), stay up past our bedtimes watching Netflix or browsing social media, and don’t really provide a relaxing environment for sleep. For example, many people stay on technology until right before bed and don’t have a bedtime routine in place.

People who live longer make sure their sleep remains a priority, because getting a good night’s sleep is essential for optimal health. To ensure you get a restful sleep each night, adopt some good sleep practices.

  • Don’t use technology two hours before bed.
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Have a sleep routine. Take a hot bath, make tea, meditate, or do anything that makes you feel relaxed before bed.
  • Don’t eat big meals before bed. If you’re hungry, eat a protein-rich snack such as peanut butter toast or a cheese stick at night.
  • Use sleep technology such as a white noise machine, tabletop fountain, or a CD with nature sounds if you have trouble falling asleep.

3. Exercise.

This is one of the most important things you can do to live longer and improve your health. Exercise can ward off diseases, improve your mental health, and boost your physical fitness. Here are a few specific ways that exercise can help you live longer, according to Harvard Health Publishing:

  • Improves heart health.Regular physical activity lowers unhealthy LDL cholesterol and raises healthy HDL cholesterol. It also lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglycerides. Finally, it burns body fat, all of which help to protect your heart. Exercise is so important to heart health that an exercise-based rehabilitation program after a heart attack can lower the risk of dying from a heart attack by one-third.
  • Keeps your brain healthy.Exercise keeps blood vessels healthy and reduces the risk of blood clots and strokes. Some studies have shown that exercise might even help to prevent cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Balances blood sugar levels. Keeping physically active helps you to maintain a healthy weight and raise your sensitivity to insulin, which can help prevent diabetes. In fact, one study found that just 5 hours of brisk walking a week lowered diabetes risk by 30%.
  • Keeps you strong and mobile.Working out, specifically with weights, can help slow bone loss and prevent bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis. Regular weightlifting helps promote new bone growth and improves your strength. In general, keeping active throughout your life will decrease chances of becoming immobile due to disease.

4. Eat mostly whole foods.

It’s no secret that diet plays a huge role in longevity. Each day, you make a choice to either feed your body disease or feed it health. You can look at diets throughout the world and see how healthy foods correlate with a longer life. For instance, some of the longest-living people reside in Costa Rica, Greece, and Japan, and what do those people have in common? They eat a lot of uncooked, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fresh fish.

In the U.S., however, we eat a lot of processed foods, which is reflected in our rates of preventable diseases. In general, make sure you eat mostly whole foods. Eat processed foods and red meats in moderation. Add a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to your diet to ensure you get all the nutrients you need.

If you eat mostly whole foods and move your body daily, you’ll have a better chance at keeping a healthy body weight, which is another habit of people who live longer.

5. Nurture your relationships.

Loneliness is becoming an epidemic in this world, despite our increased ability to connect with each other. According to psychologist Amy Sullivan, loneliness makes cortisol levels in the body go up. Cortisol is linked to increased risk of inflammation, heart disease, cardiovascular problems, and even mental illness.

live longer

To combat loneliness, she suggests taking time to talk to people in person instead of via text or social media. If you don’t have friends, try to join groups or activities in your community that you’re interested in. One of the best ways to make friends is through a shared interest in something. Make sure to keep in contact with family as well. If you’re really struggling, don’t be afraid to reach out to a therapist or psychologist who can help you work through difficult feelings or experiences.

Final thoughts on habits that help you live longer

If you want to live longer, it’s important to look after your health by refraining from smoking or excessive drinking. Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, maintaining relationships, and getting enough sleep also provide a good start toward living a long and healthy life.

Bonus tip: Don’t overwork yourself. We’re working longer hours than ever in today’s world, but rarely making enough time for ourselves and our families. Try to cut your hours at work so you can focus on your well-being and spending time with family and friends. Don’t forget positive thinking, either! It can do wonders for your health.

5 Effective Ways to Avoid Feeling Jealous With Your Friends

Jealousy is a monster that lives within all of us, desperate to claw its way out. The more we try to suppress it, the worse it becomes. When your friends have positive changes in their lives, it can be difficult to keep jealousy at bay. These situations could include professional development, relationship success, or making other friends.

Feelings of jealousy exist for a reason. One typically fears that something will be taken away from them, such as a friendship. Rather than trying to deny its existence, you can use these strategies to help you avoid feeling jealous of your friends.

Here are five tips to avoid being jealous:

jealous relationship

1. Acknowledge your jealous feelings

You can’t expect just to smile and tell yourself everything is okay. When jealousy first strikes, the immediate reaction might be to try to shoo it away. The first step is to take no immediate action. Just sit down and tell yourself that you’re jealous. Should this lead to anger or sadness, you can also reflect on these feelings. This can be your introduction to the concepts of mindfulness and meditation. Your thoughts have less power over you than you realize. Being jealous is something that happens to everyone. The problems arise when people believe that they need to surrender to their negative thoughts. With consistent mindfulness, you can see your thoughts as separate from who you are.

2. Focus on yourself

Jealousy typically stems not from what your friends are doing but from what you’re not doing. If you’re feeling frustrated about a friend’s success, it’s probably because you’re mainly frustrated with yourself. For instance, a friend getting a promotion at work might make you feel jealous because you haven’t seen much success at work yourself. The solution is not to become overwhelmed with jealousy but to examine what you can do. You might enroll in classes or work on improving your dating life. Ultimately, you need to remember that you have the final say in your life.

3. Count your blessings

When you’re feeling jealous, you can easily forget how much there is to appreciate about your life. Take a moment to think of all there is to cherish in your life. You even have friends in the first place is something to treasure. Jealousy can overshadow positivity briefly, but it doesn’t need to be a permanent presence. Write down all your accomplishments and things that make you happy. It might not eliminate your jealousy entirely, but it can help reduce it. Regularly counting your blessings can help you stop feelings of jealousy early on.

4. Talk to someone

Keeping your jealousy bottled up will only make it worse. It might be difficult for you to talk to your friend about it, but you should have at least one other person you can talk to. Consider speaking to a therapist if you want strategies to deconstruct your thought patterns. They can help you understand how your jealousy manifests and what you can do to keep it in check. Eventually, you might want to speak to the friend you’re jealous of. Tell them about how you’ve been feeling without becoming accusatory or saying anything demeaning. This is a brave undertaking, and your friend should be willing to listen.


5. Find distractions

You can reflect on your jealousy for hours and not get anywhere in progress. There’s more to life than dwelling on what others are doing. Look for any sort of distraction that will lead to positive results. If your home is in disarray, take a moment to straighten things out. You can also unwind with a book or some of your favorite music. If you want to blow off steam, consider going for a walk or a bike ride. The jealousy might still exist, but it will be much easier for you to manage.

Being jealous is just an emotion, which isn’t good or bad. It’s what you do with the emotion that’s good or bad. Using these strategies, you can keep your jealousy in check and be happy.

Want To Be Happy And Successful? Make These Changes In Your Home

Before you read any further, ask yourself this question? Where do you want to go after having a long day at work? If you are like me, you prefer going home and relaxing over a hot cup of cocoa or coffee.

Why does this happen?

It happens for one simple reason – our homes are stress-free places. We feel more at ease there than at any other place. However, you can improve yourself even more by making this one change in your home – alternate your daily routines.

Ways You Can Change Your Home to be More Happy and Successful


1. Display Your Experiences

Have a wall of experiences in your stress-free home, where you can hang pictures, souvenirs, and other sentimental items that you may receive from your escapades. Having such a wall motivates you to plan another adventure during your free time and live your life the way you want it.

2. Make Your Bed

When you wake up, before you do anything else, make your bed. That way, you start your day on a high note. You’ll feel happy and motivated because you have accomplished the day’s first task. Making your bed also motivates you to keep the rest of your room tidy and organized.

3. Have a Gratitude Journal

We often forget about the good things that happen in our lives and allow the bad experiences to take over everything that we do. The best way that you can avoid this outcome is to start writing down your good experiences in a journal. Before you go to sleep, think about your day and write down at least one good thing that happened to you.

4. Set a Goal for the Day

If you want your day to go well, create a positive mindset before leaving your bed. You can do this by saying your goal while sitting on your bed. It can be something like ‘be productive’ or ‘enjoy today’s weather’ or ‘be alive’ or any other motivational word. Just remember to keep it short and easy to remember. Then, live the rest of the day like that. Setting goals can be transformative and life-changing.

5. Don’t Postpone the Chores Around the Home

It’s easy to forget to wash the dishes because we only use them once – to store our meals. Once we’re done eating, we just place them on the sink and lie to ourselves that we’ll wash them the following day. When we wake up the next day, we use another dish for breakfast, and the dirty utensils just keep on piling. Avoid such habits and wash your dishes after you use them. Trust me – you’ll feel much happier looking at a clean kitchen sink.

6. Talk to a Loved One Everyday

By loved one, I mean a close friend or relative. Always make time for a loved one in your life. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing; you can be vacuuming the house or even baking a cake. Just take your phone and call them to catch up and find out how they’re doing. Socializing generally helps you to stay happy and successful.

7. Do Small Favors for Those that Live with You

It doesn’t matter whether you’re living with your spouse, parents, or friends; you can perform a good deed for anyone. For example, you can take your clothes and your housemate’s to the laundry if they are not around without expecting anything in return. The basic principle is that performing good deeds out of your heart generally makes you feel better about yourself.

8. Purchase Things that will Make Your Home Livelier

Buying things that enhance your home experience can make you happier and more successful. For example, you can buy a grill and invite your friends over for a cookout or renovate your backyard for summer parties. When your home has guests, it feels more settled and friendly.


Final Thoughts on Making Your Home a Happier Space

In case you want to be happy and successful, make some changes to your daily home routines. Learn to appreciate experiences and the people around you, and make your stress-free home lively and welcoming.

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How to Care For your Skin, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Whether we want to admit it or not, our zodiac signs and astrology do influence who we are and what we do. For thousands of years, human beings have looked to the skies for inspiration, guidance, and influence on actions that we need to take in our lives.

Your sign can give you valuable insight into your life, love, and career choices, but did you know that it can also give you valuable insight into how to care for yourself and your skin? No matter what your sign, it is best to use all natural, organic products in caring for your skin.

Here are some of our favorite skin products according to your unique zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a strong and fiery zodiac sign; Aries is all things passionate and tumultuous. With this unique combination of personality characteristics, the skin of an Aries can be prone to redness, rashes, and even breakouts. One way to combat your skin’s wild ride is to keep an assortment of soothing toners on hand. Keeping them in the refrigerator is a surefire way to cool down irritated skin in a snap. Using ingredients such as aloe vera, rosewater, chamomile, lavender, and cucumber will ensure that your skin will be soft, smooth and stress-free in no time.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The sign of the bull signifies Taurus, and with it comes the traits of kindness, steadfastness, and even stubbornness. Taurus sometimes has a problem with changing routines, but it is essential that you and your skin switch things up from time to time to renew and refresh your complexion. If you are not seeing the results that you want from your current skincare regime, feel free to try new products and experiment with different ways to care for your skin. Ingredients such as sweet almond oil, sesame, argan oil, and coconut oil will give you that dewy, fresh complexion you long for.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For all of the variety that Gemini provides in relationships, they are also known to be a bit indecisive at times. For the sake of consistency and results, stick to a regime that you find longer than a few weeks. You need to provide your skin the opportunity to get maximum benefit from the products you choose; use as directed and you will see results. Products containing ingredients such as rose water, aloe, almond oil, and jojoba will calm and soothe your skin and satisfy your desire to see results in a relatively short time.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer is a water sign, known to be the most unpredictable of all signs in the zodiac. Caring and compassionate one minute, temperamental and biting the very next, you never know what mood you’re going to encounter in a Cancer. Time for balance, dear Cancer. Your skin is as temperamental as you are, so you need products to sooth and provide balance. Macadamia, jojoba, and sesame oils provide a delicate balance of moisture and are soothing to your skin. Geranium oil can also aid in reducing water retention, which seems to be a pervading issue for Cancer as well. Using these ingredients in your skincare regime will reduce irritation and swelling and provide you with a glowing complexion.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is strong and fiery, but at times a Leo can be rather vain. Leo can fall victim to the lofty claims of youth and beauty that many products promise, but fail to deliver. Don’t get caught up in all the hype that media presents to you when choosing products; pick a skincare line that will go the distance with you. Ingredients such as buckthorn, jojoba oil, and rose water will bring out your best complexion yet.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo is intelligent, practical, and tends to be a bit of a perfectionist. Beware of this perfectionist tendency, however, as it can cause undue stress to you and your skin if you fall victim to it. Pamper your skin as you practice compassion on yourself, and you will shine brighter than ever before. Choosing ingredients such as chamomile, lavender, rose, and orange will calm your skin and provide you with some much-needed stress relief.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The sign of the Libra is all about balance and justice. At times your need for balance leaves you in a state of indecision and limbo, and this translates to your skincare routine as well. Sticking with a routine for more than a few weeks is guaranteed to provide you the stability you need to start seeing changes in your skin. Ingredients such as argon, prickly pear, macadamia, and pomegranate satisfy your taste for the romantic while nourishing your skin and bringing it into balance.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio can be many things rolled into one—passionate, loyal, subdued, intense—-and your self-care habits reflect the stormy nature of your soul. Learn to embrace all facets of your personality as you learn to care for yourself and your skin. Ingredients such as patchouli, sandalwood, and lavender bring everything into harmony and provide you with an inner sense of peace while caring for your skin.

Sagittarius ( November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius is a very strong personality—you bring excitement and flavor to every situation, but you can also be a bit impatient when it comes to waiting for things to happen. Learning to follow a simple skin care routine will be instrumental to you seeing long term results over time, so learn some patience when caring for yourself. It’ll be worth it in the long run. Ingredients such as argon, coconut, olive, and grapeseed oils will provide you the most bang for your buck when striving to improve your skin and your complexion.


Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn is very driven to succeed and can be quite successful. You are sympathetic and loyal to others, and you have a fiery drive to see things through to the very end. No matter what your skin care regime choice is, you are bound to use it to the fullest. Making time for yourself is an essential piece in maximizing the effectiveness of your self-care. Ingredients such as lavender, geranium, and peppermint reduce your anxiety and bring out your best, glowing complexion.

No matter what your sign, you must recognize the importance of taking care of your skin as part of total health and wellness. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and it deserves care and protection, as it serves as a barrier between you and the rest of the world. Show off your best skin as you follow these skin care tips and uncover your healthiest skin yet!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This 1 Minute Routine Will Fix Your Lower Back Pain In No Time

Does your lower back hurt? Many of us who spend much time sitting down will have problems with our lower backs. Lower back pain is very common. Up to 80 percent of adults will have this problem at some point. Pain can get in the way of everyday activities and prevent you from enjoying life. Fortunately, some easy exercises will help heal lower back pain naturally by strengthening your core and back muscles.

Here is even better news. You can start these exercises with just one minute daily and build your exercise routine over time.

Along with exercises that will heal lower back pain, we have also found some exercises that may do more harm than good. It’s important to avoid exercises that will only make things worse. Your muscles will be stronger when you practice these exercises consistently, and your back will have more natural support. You may notice a significant improvement in your symptoms. You might even lose a little weight, further reducing the strain on your body.

This 1-minute Routine Will Fix your Lower Back Pain in No Time

Here is an assortment of excellent exercises that will help you to strengthen your core and your lower back. Try doing each exercise for one minute. As you get stronger, you can increase the repetitions. Start on a safe, flat surface. You may want to put down a yoga mat to cushion your back.

Good Lower Back Pain Exercises:

lower back pain exercises

1. Partial Crunches

Partial stomach crunches will help to strengthen your core. They are great for strengthening your back as well. Lie flat on the floor and bend your knees. Hold your stomach muscles tight. Raise your shoulders off the floor with your hands behind your head or crossed on your chest. Don’t use your elbows or your arms to pull yourself up.

2. Hip and Back Stretch

Lie flat on your back with your arms extended in a T position. Bend your knees. Put both knees on one side, stretching your lower back. Turn your head away from your knees. Keep your shoulders flat on the floor. After one minute, do the same exercise on the other side.

3. Spine Stretching

Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Bend your left leg and stretch your right leg out. Tilt your head away from the bent knee. Make sure you do not move your shoulders.

4. Hamstring Stretches

Lie flat on your back. Bend one knee. Looping a towel or a fitness band over the foot on your straight leg, pull the towel back slowly and straighten your knee. This will give you a gentle stretch. Hold it for 30 seconds and then do the other side.


lower back pain

5. Modified Leg Lifts

This leg lift avoids the problems of traditional leg lifts. Lie flat on your back with one leg straight and one bent at the knee. Slowly lift the straight leg up about 6 inches and hold it for a few seconds. Gently lower the leg. Do this ten times and then switch sides.

6. Bridges

Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees and let only your heels touch the floor. Put your weight in your heels while you squeeze your backside. Slowly raise your hips until your body straightens from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for 6 to 10 seconds. Slowly lower yourself down to the floor.

7. Pelvic Tilts

Lie flat on the floor. Bend your knees. Make sure that your feet stay flat on the floor. To perform the tilt, squeeze your abdominal muscles tight. Tilt your pelvis up a little bit and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat for 1 minute.

Exercises to Avoid (They Can Worsen Lower Back Pain):

1. Toe Touches

Standing toe touches can aggravate lower back pain. They can overstretch the muscles in your lower back and your hamstrings.

2. Leg Lifts with Both Legs

If you have lower back pain, lying on your back and lifting both legs simultaneously can make you feel worse and even injure you.

lower back pain

Final Thoughts on Saying Goodbye to Lower Back Pain

Try these easy 1-minute exercises and build a healthy body one step at a time. Starting slow is fine. You’ll find that your lower back pain will start to feel better if you do these regularly. Look at your seating arrangements, especially when using the computer, and ensure that your chair and workspace are ergonomically correct. Having good posture will help with your pain. If you don’t see any results from these exercises, it’s a good idea to visit your doctor and see whether you have any other complications.

Apple Cider Vinegar Is Great For Your Health : Here Is Why

All of us are looking for ways we can be healthier. Of course, we all have heard that it is important to exercise and eat right. One item that can be incorporated into your diet is apple cider vinegar. Using apple cider vinegar for health is nothing new; people have done it for centuries. In fact, Hippocrates himself would prescribe different kinds of vinegar to treat different illnesses.

Apple Cider vinegar was likely discovered the same way other vinegars were discovered; by accident. People discovered vinegar while making wine. The wine had sat too long and vinegar was born. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is simply apple cider that has fermented too long. So now let’s talk about the benefits of using ACV.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

There are so many benefits of using apple cider vinegar. The natural probiotics apple cider vinegar contains carry many benefits to our bodies. These include:

• Lowers Blood Sugar
• Weight Loss
• Improves Heart Health
• Cures Indigestion
• Eradicates Dandruff
• Clears Up Acne
• And more!!!

apple cider vinegar

Lowers Blood Sugar

Elevated blood sugar can lead to diabetes, so controlling blood sugar is extremely important for our health. ACV can lower blood sugar levels. This means that it can actually reduce your odds of becoming diabetic. This can be especially useful for those who are pre-diabetic. Also, if you already have diabetes, you can use ACV to control your sugar levels naturally.

Weight Loss

Many of us have a few pounds we would like to lose (or maybe more than a few!). ACV can help with weight loss. ACV is high in acetic acid, which is known to boost metabolism, reduce appetite, and prevent water retention. Also, many people report drinking more water when using ACV. We all know drinking water is good for us! And some people (like me!) love the flavor of ACV mixed into water.

Improves Heart Health

One major way that ACV contributes to improved heart health is by reducing cholesterol. ACV can remove bad cholesterol from our bodies. This, in turn, can improve how well our blood flows and our heart works. This is great for those who want to maintain their bodies or those who already have high cholesterol but want to be healthier using natural means. This is a great way to use apple cider vinegar for health!!

Cures Indigestion

This is one I really appreciate. I don’t know about you, but as I get older, I find myself getting heartburn more frequently. I love spicy foods, so this does not work well for me! Fortunately, ACV can actually cure issues with indigestion! Furthermore, it can also help with diarrhea and other uncomfortable indigestion issues. A simple drink of diluted ACV in water after eating can prevent or alleviate symptoms of heartburn.

Eradicates Dandruff

Dandruff can be hugely embarrassing! Little white flakes sitting on your dark jacket or sweater is never a good thing. You can buy a bunch of expensive shampoos to get rid of dandruff, or you can take the less expensive and more natural option. ACV actually will change your scalp’s acidity level. In turn, this makes it harder for the yeast to grow. Simply mix 1 part ACV to 1 part water, place it in a spray bottle, and then spray your scalp with it a few times a week. When you do, wrap your head up in a towel for 15 minutes up to an hour, and then wash it out.

Clears Up Acne

Acne is an issue many of us deal with from the time we are teenagers. Thousands of products exist to help reduce or eliminate acne. ACV is a great all-natural product that can eradicate acne too! It makes a great all-natural toner and helps skin become healthier. Also, it is antibacterial, so cleans all the nasty stuff off your skin that causes acne. In addition, it balances your skins pH levels, exfoliates, and even makes your skin softer!

apple cider vinegar


There are so many more uses for ACV! It can boost your energy levels, cure hiccups, reduce leg cramps, get rid of bad breath, whiten your teeth, help with sore throats and stuffy noses, and reduce the bacteria level in your body, increasing general wellness.

Make sure to always mix ACV with water before drinking it, as it is too strong to drink on its own and can damage your teeth over time because it is so acidic. Other than that, as long as you are diluting it, using ACV could really improve your health and leave you more energized every day!

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