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16 Small Choices That Help You Stay Happy

What do you truly want, and do you know how to be happy along the way?

Many of us ask these questions to find purpose and meaning. Interestingly, your difficulties may show you how to be happy with your life. Don’t fret if you’re in a predicament now. Happiness requires things that our professional and family life may not provide. Let’s take a look into ourselves to put happiness exactly where it should be.

A word of inspiration is enough to remind us of our values and beliefs. The lessons we’ve learned in life can be reignited through the helping hand of others, and this is why we wrote this. We have some fundamental beliefs to pick you up with, to bring you back to your center and to remind you about how to be happy.

1. The Glass is Half Full, or is It?

Epicurus: “Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little.”

Judging our lives through the eyes of others is a big mistake as we work to make something of ourselves. Comparisons lead us to see our lives as half-empty rather than completely full, yet every person’s life is much too difficult to judge from the outside without being that person.

We find this issue when those who think they’re poor judge others that they think are the rich. A closer look might uncover just how much those perceived to be rich are lacking. The outward appearance of people’s lives can never provide enough information to make an honest comparison with. Be your full self instead.

2. Even the Best Will Fail and Fail Greatly

Michael Jordan: “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.”

How do you look at failure? The greatest in sports, literature, politics and art all have horrifying stories of failure to tell. You have to accept this to truly understand how you can stay on the path of happiness. Many of the world’s most successful people attest to the fact that they were right at the point of success when they also felt like quitting.

3. When Life is the Sum of Your Thoughts and Ideas

Scott Hamilton: “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”

Don’t be discouraged by the reality of your own power. Happiness isn’t so much about having things or about living a perfect life. Most cases simply require us to choose to be happy. Positivity can be infectious through other people, but be aware that negativity can be more influential within our own attitudes.

4. Being Accountable to Your Actions

Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Blaming the challenges and outcome of life on others creates a huge setback toward the central goal of happiness. Being happy will call on your ability to be held accountable to the actions you take. None of us are perfect, but it’s up to us to acknowledge when we’ve made mistakes and when we have the power to do something about them.

5. Live for What You Believe In

Paulo Coelho: “Remember your dreams, and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dreams become impossible: the fear of failure.”

Consider what would happen if you found happiness. You could lose sight of why you had set the goal to begin with. Having purpose is about holding onto what you know is right and living for it. This is true when life is exciting, bland, great or bad. Just one bad outcome can make you fear pursuing your dreams, yet if you always stand by your beliefs, then you can turn failure into a friend.

6. Finding Belief in Yourself

Les Brown: “Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.”

Your beliefs can change daily, but they shouldn’t. An important drive to have when pursuing happiness is the belief in yourself. Believing in yourself gives you the internal vision of you achieving your goals with nothing being able to stop you.

7. How to be Happy With Courageousness

Thucydides: “The secret to happiness is freedom, and the secret to freedom is courage.”

We all dream for happiness to fall from the sky, but what actions have you instead invested? None of us can expect greatness without putting in great effort. Life is a wondrous adventure, but it takes courage to discover it, and it takes a bold stance to discover it daily. We can’t tell the future, but we can dictate our own actions.

8. Listen, This Moment Won’t Last Forever

Jim Rohn: “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.”

Living in the moment requires a sense of acceptance. Today is all we have, and that’s a wonderful gift the moment we wake up. Are you looking at these precious moments, or are you too caught up in the past and future though neither currently exist? Living for today can quickly teach you how to be happy with your life.

9. Expect the Best

Ashley Montagu: “The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.”

Discovering life, while not theorizing on what bad can happen, allows you to embrace the inevitable benevolence of this universe. There are adventures at every turn, but we have to let most of these experiences work themselves out.

10. Measuring Success From the Right Perspective

Herman Cain: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

There is happiness in the things that gives us passion and pleasure. Knowing how to be happy is about turning life into a gift that you give to yourself. We’re all capable of enduring unfavorable conditions, but remind yourself that you don’t have to. Doing what you love begins with accepting a life that’s driven by passion.

11. Be OK that it Didn’t Work Out

David Allen: “Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started.”

Following through doesn’t always mean success, but it does mean that you have given it your all. Ask yourself if the hurt you feel came as a result of your own actions. Not being able to achieve your goals can be a direct result of having the wrong objectives, trying to please others or not finishing what you started.

How to be happy with your life begins with having no loose-ends.

12. Fairy Tales are for the Fairies

Bernard M. Baruch: The art living lies less in eliminating our troubles than growing with them.”

The good without the bad is a plot for movie-screens. We can often over-look the true riches we have by holding to a false picture of reality. Do you believe that you’ll eliminate your troubles via success? Think again. The secret to happiness is in knowing that failures and troubles will still exist but that they don’t have to change us.

13. Letting go of it All

Paul Boese: “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”

Holding onto the past is a sure way to remain there. The future is an open book with its pages unwritten on how to be happy. Make yourself the author of reality by starting on those blank pages. You’ll find that in creativity, there are many things that you can’t control; let them go. There’s a new day now and one waiting on you tomorrow.

14. Making Your Outer Reality the Result of Your Inner Peace

Marcus Aurelius: “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.”

Here’s how to be happy with your life.

Reflecting on our own behaviors requires an impressive level of honesty. We admit that looking at our internal reflections could make us feel less than human. This, however, is a misunderstanding of what it is to be human. Be OK with yourself at all times because then your inner peace gets projected to the outer world around you.

15. Having the Audacity to Learn from Your Mistakes

Archibald MacLeish: “There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience.”

Stubbornness guarantees that you repeat your mistakes over and over again. If you believe that you can repeat the same actions and not receive the same consequences, then your ambition in learning how to be happy is weak. Be bold in admitting your mistakes, adjust accordingly and listen to what others have to say.

16. Slowing Down Enough to Enjoy it All

Mahatma Gandhi: “There is more to life than increasing its speed.”

Accepting life for what it is allows us to know how to be happy without overthinking it. This is an amazing world we live in, and as the old adage goes, you can enjoy it once you “stop to smell the roses.” The pace of life is the same for us all. Have you tried something just to find that you need more time?

Welcome to the club. Everyday-life is a slow and gradual process, and this is why it helps to be patience. We can fall off the course of happiness if we expect too much too soon. We’d not only be unable to manage immediate change, but we wouldn’t be able to learn about the right actions that achieve what’s in our hearts.

Today, you’re now prepared in how to be happy with your life.

5 Reasons Everyone Needs An Aries In Their Life

Do you have an Aries in your life? If not, you probably should! Being the first sign in the zodiac, an Aries can be a whirling dynamo of primal free will. But that’s all the more reason to love them!

Those born under the Aries sign are known for their passion, intensity, and strong personalities. Although they can have dynamic personalities and plenty of vehemently stated opinions, they make fantastic friends. Here are some reasons everyone needs an Aries in their life!

Here Are 5 Reasons Everyone Needs An Aries In Their Life

“Aries will never let you face your problems alone. They will always be right there to protect you.” – Unknown

1.    An Aries is always fun and passionate

An Aries is constantly seeking new ways to have fun. They are energetic and often seem to have a burning fire within them – likely because they are a fire sign! There’s a reason that those born under Aries are often referred to as dynamic. They have tons of energy and are commanding and compelling.

  • Aries can often also be a little childlike. This may be because they are the first zodiac sign.
  • They generally have positive thinking.
  • He loves seeing the good in the world.
  • She can be brazenly optimistic.
  • Since they have a childlike perspective toward life, it makes sense that they’re going to want to have fun!

Basically, if you’re looking for a friend who is the life of the party, you need look no further than an Aries. Even an introverted one can liven up a party and socializes wonderfully with those around them. Since many born under this sign like being the center of attention, social gatherings are where they can strut their stuff!

An Aries is rarely ever concerned about what others think of them. As we said, they mainly strive to have fun. Essentially, they aim to live their truth and enjoy existence. They don’t have time to spend living their lives through the eyes of others.

An Aries believes that rules are made to be broken. They don’t mind getting in trouble and taking risks. Best of all, they know that there’s fun to be had in being a little mischievous!

And guess what? This confidence is infectious! An Aries can teach you how to truly be yourself, unapologetically. Since Irene S Levine Ph.D. states that friends commonly build up each other’s self-confidence, it’s safe to say that an Aries will make a great friend.

On top of all that, this fun is purposeful and exciting because of how passionate an Aries can be. An Aries feels everything very intensely, so their happiness is infectious. There will never be a dull moment when an Aries is around!

2.    An Aries is brutally honest

You’ll never have to second-guess yourself with an Aries. Worrying about whether a friend truly likes you, someone has a crush on you, or if a person is angry with you will turn into a thing of the past. According to BetterHealth, communication is crucial in any relationship, friendships included. With an Aries, this comes naturally.

  • They are direct and straightforward.
  • If something you’ve done has bothered them, they will let you know.
  • If they genuinely like you and think you’re great, they’ll tell you.
  • You’ll rarely have to worry about their intentions, so you’ll feel secure.
  • This also means that an Aries is the best person to go to for opinions and advice.
  • If they think your new partner isn’t right for you, they won’t hesitate to let you know.
  • If they think you’re being ridiculous, they’ll tell you. (And if you don’t look very good in that shirt, they’ll be honest about it when you ask.)

An Aries seems to know what you need to hear. They’ll waste no time keeping secrets from you, harboring resentment, or holding their tongue when they believe they know what’s best. You can count on someone born under this sign to look out for you and stand up to you even when you don’t want to hear something they know you need. This can make them amazing, positive influences to have in your life.

The reason behind this? An Aries has no tolerance for bulls***. They don’t take nonsense from anybody. Hang around an Aries long enough, and you’ll learn how to stop tolerating mistreatment and start calling people out on their crap, too.

3.    An Aries is strong-willed

You will meet few individuals more determined than an Aries. Once they have their eyes set on a particular goal, absolutely nothing you do or say can stop them. No matter what gets in their way, someone born under this sign will fight to succeed.

  • No matter how tough the fight is, they will not give up.
  • In their minds, if they keep pushing, they will find the success they seek.
  • This headstrong nature makes them fantastic motivators.
  • They won’t give up on themselves, and they won’t give up on you, either (even when you’ve given up on yourself).

This trait expands into the work of an Aries, too. Although they are optimistic, they are grounded in reality.

  • They know that hard work and lots of effort are the only things that can truly help them achieve their dreams.
  • They’re willing to try every option and expend every avenue.
  • They won’t take no for an answer – in the best way.

A lot of this is rooted in the natural stubbornness of an Aries. Being represented by the sign of the Ram makes this even more obvious. They’re hard-headed and refuse to back down. When faced with adversity, they will dig in their heels and demand to get their way.

This means an Aries will also fight for you with all their might. If you’re being treated unfairly, the Ram will stand up for you. When you’re ready to throw in the towel, an Aries will get you back up on your feet with positive thinking.

As the inspirational Oprah Winfrey said, your friends should be those who lift you higher. That’s what an Aries will do – lift you up and show you how to be the best you can be.

It goes without saying, then, that an Aries is a great person to have on your team. When they’re on your side, they’ll help you take down any adversities you face. But when the Ram is on the other team, expect to have a hard time!

4.    An Aries is adventurous and spontaneous

As we said earlier, an Aries is a positive force for fun and excitement. But there’s another aspect to this that we didn’t cover. This fun and need to try new things and take risks makes someone born under this sign highly spontaneous. It’s why so many people born under this sign love adventure!

You won’t know what’s coming next with the Ram. While it can certainly be a double-edged sword, someone born under this sign is likely to be balanced enough for the spontaneity to be healthy. Besides, living with spontaneity is better than relying solely on your planner!

There is actual research published in the Journal of Marketing Research about this. This study proved that planning activities in advance can, sometimes, take all the fun out of the actual activity. This phenomenon is called the calendar mindset and it’s no good for a positive adventure. In fact, being spontaneous every now and then is a fantastic way to live!

  • This will be excited to show you new things.
  • With someone born under this sign, you’ll learn new things and discover new worlds you would have never encountered without them.
  • In a sense, being with an Aries can be incredibly enriching, both physically and spiritually.
  • This means the Ram will also be happy to push you a little out of your comfort zone.
  • They will give you a tentative nudge in the right direction to help you overcome your nervousness.
  • Every moment will be interesting and you won’t be able to help wanting to come along!

An Aries will teach you that life is best lived when you’re willing to try new things. He’ll take you bungee jumping or skydiving. She’ll get you to watch that movie everyone says is the scariest of all time. They’ll teach you the joys of traveling, even on a backpacker’s budget. Sure, it’s a wild ride – but you’ll live your life to the fullest!

5.    An Aries is loyal

An Aries is fiercely loyal. They make incredibly best friends and secret-keepers. Despite their adherence to honesty, they would never reveal your secrets to anyone. If you whisper something to the Ram in confidence, their lips are sealed for life.

  • He would never dream of tearing you down to make themselves look better.
  • She will speak highly of you to others.
  • He will defend your good name and keep you out of trouble.
  • She will bring you home safely when you’re blackout drunk.
  • They’ll fight for you and always have your back, and they’ll expect you to have theirs.


An Aries will also be very trusting. They tend to see the best in others and will likely think highly of you until you give them a reason to believe otherwise. They will never doubt your honesty unless you betray them – so don’t!

An Aries will be one of the best friends you’ve ever had. They truly know what it means to be with someone through thick and thin. No matter what you do, you’ll always be confident that they have a special place for you in their heart.

Final Thoughts About Why Everyone Needs An Aries In Their Life

The fact is that everyone needs an Aries in their life. Sure, sometimes, they get a bad rep for being diva-ish, too direct, and a little selfish. But the truth is that no one will care for you as intensely as these special people do!

If you have a friend born under this sign, consider yourself lucky! There’s no limit to what could happen when they’re allowed to run wild and free. They’re fiery, fun, honest, adventurous, and passionate – what’s not to love?

5 Hidden Dangers of An Iodine Deficiency (And How to Fix It)

Over a hundred years ago, iodine was cited as the universal medicine that can treat different medical conditions. Its positive effects were hailed in tons of old journals and studies. But by the 1950s, iodine slowly lost its appeal following a report from doctors at the University of California that an excess of iodine deficiency in the body can lead to a disorder.

The medical community soon used less iodine and the fallout also impacted the food industry. Manufacturers began substituting its iodine ingredients with other substances. By the 1970s, worldwide iodine consumption dropped as much as 50 percent.

But decades later, different studies have linked iodine deficiency to conditions like breast or prostate cancer, as well as other chronic or life-threatening illnesses. It turns out that while there are consequences for having too much iodine, the lack of it also poses a lot of risks.

Here Are 5 Hidden Dangers Of An Iodine Deficiency And How To Fix It

“Iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient when it comes to thyroid disorders.” – Dr. David Brownstein

1.    You’re gaining weight even if you’re eating right

The human body needs iodine to help the thyroid gland produce triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormones.

  • These hormones have a vital role in how the body efficiently burns the calories. So, your metabolism may feel the effects if your body has an insufficient amount of iodine.
  • If your body’s metabolic function slows down, it is harder to convert the food you ate into energy.
  • As a result, you’re likely to store more fat in your cells than burn it. If you don’t take care of your iodine deficiency, the resultant weight gain can lead to a host of other chronic diseases that affect your heart, liver, and kidneys.

According to the American Thyroid Association, you need to source iodine from the food you eat since the body doesn’t produce this element on its own. If you have an iodine deficiency, your thyroid may grow into a goiter, otherwise known as an abnormally large thyroid gland, or you could develop hypothyroidism that can lead to weight gain.

Unlike other diseases, hypothyroidism does not have any significantly different symptoms that should cause an alarm. However, if you’ve been eating right and following a positive diet plan but you are still gaining weight, it might be best to get yourself checked.

The only way to tell if you have the condition is through blood tests, a thyroid-stimulating hormone test, and a physical examination with your doctor.

There is no known cure for hypothyroidism. The cause of the disorder cannot be eliminated but you can manage and control your weight gain – as well as symptoms like fatigue, constipation, and muscle spasms or aches – with medications and weight management.

2.    Your skin is dry and your hair is falling

Skin Care

Did you know that your skin stores 20 percent of the iodine you source from food? In particular, your sweat glands have a lot of iodine. If you are deficient of this nutrient then you may not be able to perspire well even if you’re soaking in the sauna.

  • When you can’t perspire, your skin won’t be sufficiently moisturized.
  • The hormones from your thyroid gland, which has the iodine, also aid in the regeneration of your skin cells, according to a study in Dermato Endocrinology.
  • If your skin cells cannot properly regenerate, you’ll develop dry and flaky skin.
  • Managing dry skin can be more than challenging since you’ll experience tightness that may also lead to peeling and itching.
  • In general, it’s unflattering to have dry skin and it can make you look older than your age. But you can do many things to turn this condition around.

For one thing, you have to moisturize, exfoliate and hydrate regularly. Fortunately, you have many choices for moisturizers, as there are hundreds of skin care products in the market. However, go for products that use natural ingredients as much as possible as harsh chemicals might irritate your dry skin further.

Every time you wash your face, apply the moisturizer to keep your skin softer. Once or twice a week, gently exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells that contribute to the dryness and skin blemishes.

Hair Growth

Meanwhile, iodine is also essential for hair growth. This is once again linked to the function of the thyroid gland. The hormones that this gland produces can dictate the quality and health of your hair. So, when it’s not working right, your hair can turn dry, brittle or rough just like the condition of your skin.

An iodine deficiency is one of the most common reasons many women suffer hair loss. This nutrient combats problems like premature graying and hair fall. It also contributes to the strength of your hair.

So, eat foods that are good for your skin or hair and great for your diet in general, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Avoid foods and drinks that can contribute to the dryness, such as coffee or alcohol, fried foods, packed and processed foods.

3.    You’re more prone to feel colder than other people

A study found in the journal Hippokratia cited that 80 percent of people who have been diagnosed with low thyroid hormone levels were also likely to be more sensitive to colder temperatures. Experts tied this to slow metabolism, which makes your body generate less heat.

A slow metabolism also prevents good circulation of the blood to your organs and your skin. As a result, you’re bound to bundle up more when in low temperatures compared to other people.

As mentioned, the T3 and T4 hormones contribute to your body’s metabolic rate and biochemical process. Aside from regulating your body temperature, it also influences your heart rate and blood pressure.

All these elements affect the way your body responds to the cold thus, it’s vital to keep your thyroid’s function in check because of the number of effects it has upon the body.

4.    You have signs of depression

Should you be taking a thyroid medication instead of an antidepressant when you have symptoms of depression? According to Harvard Health, this mental health concern might be linked to a disorder in the thyroid gland.

People typically regard depression as an emotional or biochemical problem of the brain. However, several studies have shown that diet and nutrition, particularly iodine deficiency, may also be important factors to a person’s depressive moods.

  • The thyroid gland that produces iodine takes cues from the pituitary gland near the brain.
  • When the levels of hormones on the thyroid gland falls, the pituitary gland receives less stimulation.
  • At the same time, other organs also slow down its function when the thyroid is not working right.
  • As a result, you experience different symptoms including depression and decreased cognitive function.

Your symptoms of depression might be tied to an iodine deficiency if you also have other signs related to the disease, such as constipation, fatigue, muscle aches, dryness of the skin, and sensitivity to the cold. To confirm this, consult an internist and get a blood test to determine if you have a thyroid disorder. If you’re positive for this condition, talk to your psychiatrist so that they can adjust your therapy and medications.

5.    Your menstrual period is highly irregular

An underactive thyroid gland can lead to amenorrhea or highly irregular periods. Your blood flow might also remain heavy, even on days when the period should be nearing the end of its cycle.

A malfunctioning thyroid prevents a woman’s body from ovulating properly. It disturbs and impacts the functions of the pituitary hormones. In many cases, doctors don’t always determine the thyroid as the main cause of period problems.

iodine deficiency

Medical journals dating back to the 1840s had already identified an iodine deficiency’s links to an irregular menstrual cycle, according to a study in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.  If you think your unusual blood flow might be linked to a thyroid disorder, ask your doctor for some tests.

Hypothyroidism also impairs insulin production, therefore women diagnosed with this condition often receive treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). One of the symptoms of PCOS is irregular menstruation. Hypothyroidism may also increase estrogen exposure and decreases blood coagulation. Because of this, you experience heavy periods.

Treating Iodine Deficiency

According to the National Health Institutes, you need to take 150 mcg of iodine a day if you’re above 14 years old.  Breastfeeding and pregnant mothers need 290 mcg daily to meet the recommended allowance for this nutrient. This is because their hormone production is different during this phase.

  • Some of the foods that are rich in iodine include codfish, seaweed, and cranberries. Also, plain low-fat yogurt, potato (baked and not fried), shrimp, eggs, dried prunes, and beans have plenty of iodine.
  • You may also gain iodine from multivitamins and supplements or add iodized salt in your cooking.
  • You may like eating vegetables but if you’ve been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, take note of which veggies you eat. Try to reduce your consumption of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale. Although these foods are healthy, they contain elements that might make your thyroid condition worse, according to a study.
  • Make sure that you steam and thoroughly cook these vegetables if you would still like to include them in your daily meals.

A study published in the Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases found out that children in several villages in the Asian country had a lower IQ level because of iodine deficiency. Their water source apparently had high fluoride content. You lose significant iodine levels in your body if you smoke cigarettes or drink fluoridated water.

Final Thoughts On The Hidden Dangers Of An Iodine Deficiency

Since the noticeable decline in iodine consumption, many governments all over the world have adopted a salt iodization program for their respective countries to fight iodine deficiency. Today, you can find iodized salt in pretty much any kitchen.

However, an overdose of iodine may also be risky for those with health problems, such as a kidney disease. As with anything, the key is to strive for balance with your iodine intake. Follow your doctor’s orders carefully and take heed of prescribed doses.

7 Anger Management Tips That Make You Feel Calm (Even When It Seems Impossible)

While the slogan ‘keep calm and carry on’ is a popular mantra, it is much easier said than done. Everyone loses his or her cool once in a while; negative emotions are part of being human. Still, very few people can have angry outbursts without seeing some ramifications. Parents need to be especially diligent about anger management, as their children are constantly watching and absorbing the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The irony of anger management while parenting is that raising children is inherently taxing. Furthermore, children are experts at pushing their parents’ buttons, eliciting a highly charged response. What is a parent to do? These anger management tips might be all it takes to harness this stormy emotion.

Get perspective.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. However, this someone isn’t just anyone; it’s your child. Now imagine being yelled at. The person yelling at you is physically much, much bigger than you. Plus, you adore this screaming being. He or she is the center of your universe! You were trying your hardest and doing your best, but you made a mistake, a miscalculation. You haven’t yet learned these things and aren’t mature enough to behave differently. Before you tear into your child, imagine how you would feel.

Lighten up.

Find a way to laugh about the crazy situation you may find yourself in. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade as this dad did. His wife was hesitant to leave the house for an outing, as the young couple had recently had a baby, and the musician father hadn’t yet been alone with all three kids. She left a long list which included the task of feeding the baby finger foods. Easy, right? Nonetheless, this baby had quite an arm for slinging food around the room. Of course, this made the older kids laugh and join the fun. The oldest child shouted out to her father, “Dad, let’s write a song about this!” This wise dad possessed excellent anger management skills as he started singing and enlisting his family to help him clean up. Kids love experiences like this and will learn healthy anger management tips that will last a lifetime.

Dig deeper.

Child-rearing is wrought with unknowns that can cause worry and fear. Examine what the real emotion/problem is that you are feeling. Are you insecure about your parenting skills or afraid of how your child reflects on your skills as a mom or dad? Are you experiencing misplaced frustration that isn’t even related to your child? Has the baby kept you awake all night, and you just need some sleep? Maybe you are rushed, running late, or overbooked. Even if the real root of your anger is something that is in fact related to your child, it’s imperative that your have a healthy response.

anger management

Remove yourself.

Physically, mentally, and emotionally step away from your child if possible. Take a time out. Step into another room or outside if your kids are old enough. Break away for a minute to calm down. Anger management is about managing you, not about handling your children. Take breaks preemptively, before you are facing a nerve-wracking situation. This will help you be a healthier, happier parent. Treat yourself well so that you can treat your family well.

Express it.

Give a name to the emotions you are feeling. Are you furious or just upset? In a healthy way, use words that truly convey your point of view. Are you hurt, raging or scared? Your child will learn how to express his or her feelings more accurately from the good example that you set. Talk it through briefly, then move on; don’t dwell on it.

Let go.

Pick your battles. Don’t make a stand on every mountain. Sometimes it’s more important to communicate a message of love and mercy to your child. If you feel it’s necessary, tell them that you’re upset, but that you love them and expect them to make a change. It can be as simple as that. Other times, words aren’t needed; a hug will diffuse the situation.

Carry on.

So, keep calm and carry on! Be diligent, yet not too hard on yourself. Each child is different. Each situation is different. Each age is different. Sometimes anger management is a breeze. Other times, it will take every ounce of strength that you have! Continue to learn and practice new strategies. Be sure to take care of yourself and seek help when you need it. Help can be found from professional counselors. Maybe an occasional babysitter is all you need. Either way, your vitality is critical to the success of your family.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Beautiful Message For Anyone With Depression

If you or someone you know suffers from depression, you know how debilitating and lonely it can feel. Depression is more than just feeling sad; it’s a chronic, persistent feeling of despair, emptiness, and exhaustion. It’s going through the motions to try to make it to tomorrow.

Depression is that nagging voice in your head telling you that everything is pointless and that nothing you do will make a difference.

Sadly, millions of people worldwide suffer from this awful illness, and just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean the person isn’t in pain. While mental illnesses can and often do present with physical symptoms, most of the anguish people feel comes from their minds. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and affects more than 300 million people globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

I’m exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.” – Unknown

Symptoms of Depression

People can feel a variety of symptoms ranging in severity. We’ll go over some common symptoms of depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. If you experience more than five of these symptoms consistently for at least two weeks, you might suffer from depression.


  • Feeling sad, empty, or anxious for no reason
  • Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Feeling irritable and negative
  • Feeling guilty or worthless
  • Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
  • Low energy/ fatigued easily
  • Difficulty speaking or speaking more slowly
  • Restlessness and difficulty sitting still for long periods
  • Difficulty remembering things, focusing, and making decisions
  • Sleep problems such as oversleeping, difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, restless sleep, or sleeping too little
  • Loss or increase in appetite
  • Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
  • Body aches such as headaches, stomach aches, digestive problems, and muscle aches that don’t get better with treatment

Depression can present with other symptoms, but the ones listed above are the most common. Now that we’ve gone over the symptoms of depression, we’ll go over effective treatments for it.

Treatment for Depression

Remember that you can find dozens of different online remedies claiming to treat or cure depression; however, the ones listed below are scientifically proven to ease symptoms. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, here are the most common depression treatments:

Traditional Treatment


This includes therapy such as CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy), IPT (interpersonal therapy), or psychodynamic therapy.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy involves assessing and working to change negative thinking patterns associated with depression. It teaches patients valuable skills and coping strategies for negative thoughts and how to recognize them.
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy is a specific type of therapy that teaches skills such as mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. It was created initially to help chronically suicidal individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, research shows that it can treat a variety of other conditions, such as substance dependence, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and eating disorders.
  • Interpersonal therapy focuses on helping people improve their relationships with others and evaluate how they interact with others. If the main cause of depression in an individual is determined to be relationships with others, this type of therapy might be recommended.
  • Psychodynamic therapy involves looking into an individual’s past to recognize negative thinking patterns and behaviors associated with prior experiences. It helps the person work through those experiences and gain a new perspective. Also, unconscious thinking processes and behaviors are a key focus of this type of therapy.



Antidepressants such as Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs), and Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) can all aid in minimizing feelings of depression. Some antidepressants can take two to four weeks to begin working and up to 12 weeks to reach full effect. Many people will have to try out several different medications before finding one that works for them.

While there is still quite a stigma surrounding treating depression with medication, 40-60% of people taking an antidepressant see an improvement in their symptoms within six to eight weeks, according to research.

It’s been proven, however, that a combination of medication and psychotherapy is more effective in treating depression than either one on its own.

Natural/Alternative Treatment

Many people don’t want to take medication or go to therapy and would rather take a more natural approach. These are some of the most common, effective natural remedies to treat depression:

  • Exercise has been shown to help alleviate symptoms of depression. It releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, both of which are lacking in people with depression.
  • Eating healthy is also important for people with depression. Certain nutrients have been shown to help alleviate symptoms, including zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D.
  • Some people choose to take supplements such as St. John’s wort for depression. Other supplements for depression include 5-HTP, SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-Methionine), and folate (L-methylfolate). Consult with your doctor before taking these, however, because they can react negatively with antidepressants or other medications.
  • There are many studies on how meditation can positively impact depression. Because meditation helps you destress and literally rewires your brain, it can be a valuable tool in the fight against depression.

These are just a few methods that have been shown to help depression. Many others exist, but ultimately, you must do what feels right to you. People react differently to various treatments, so it’s often a process of trial and error. Remember that alternative therapies typically work best in conjunction with medication, therapy, or both.

Now you know about some effective treatments for depression, and we hope you find something that works for you. Since depression can affect anyone of any age or economic status, we thought we would give you advice from a big name in the celebrity world. Depression can feel like an uphill battle, but a message from this man will help you keep going when you feel like giving up.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Reaction to a Fan with Depression

A Reddit user named Ali, who suffers from depression, took to Reddit for advice about how to get back into working out. He posted on the /r/bodybuilding subreddit, where Arnold posts frequently, asking for advice from the Terminator himself.

“I know this is pandering but, I’ve been depressed for months and haven’t hit the gym during that time,” he wrote. “Mr. Schwarzenegger, can you please tell me to get off my lazy a** and hit the gym? I swear to everything I hold dear that I will snap out of it and go.”

Arnie actually replied to the fan, but instead of criticizing him, he empathized with him.

“I’m not going to be that hard on you,” he said. “Please don’t be that hard on yourself. We all go through challenges, we all go through failure. Sometimes life is a workout. But the key thing is you get up. Just move a little. Roll out of bed and do some pushups or go for a walk. Just do something. One step at a time, I hope you feel better and get back to the gym. But don’t beat yourself up, because that’s just useless talk. It doesn’t get you closer to the gym. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Good luck.”

Upon reading Arnie’s reply, Ali said that he “jumped out of bed” and went to the gym. Arnold checked on him the next day and was pleased to find out that his message motivated Ali to return to the gym. Other Reddit users commented on Arnold’s response, saying he’s an “amazing mentor” for checking in on the young man and offering sound advice.

Arnie even posted a video response, saying he was happy that Ali was feeling better.

This shows that advice and motivation go a long way, whether you’re a celebrity or not.

depressionFinal Thoughts on Help for Depression

Depression can take a toll on a person after a while, especially without proper treatment. However, there are effective treatments out there, such as self-care, exercise, eating healthy, meditation, therapy, and medication. Combining these may work best, but everyone is different and responds differently to treatment. It’s worth it to try out various methods to see what will work best for you personally.

We hope that you can take Arnold Schwarzenegger’s advice and remember not to be hard on yourself as you move through life. No matter if you suffer from mild or severe depression, all that really matters is that you keep going. Some days, you might only accomplish getting out of bed, while on another day, you might run a marathon. Remember that life isn’t about how fast you get to the finish line; it’s about your experiences along the way.

Don’t be your worst enemy; nurture yourself and treat yourself compassionately. You, above everyone else, deserve your love and understanding. Depression is difficult to live with, so don’t make it harder by putting yourself down. You’re more than worth self-love and acceptance.

3 Foods That Are Bad For Digestion

Digestion is one of the most critical processes of the body. It allows us to properly process the yummy things we eat by breaking them down and converting them into nutrients. We get many positive benefits from a strong, healthy digestive system.

It’s safe to say that the end goal of eating any meal is to digest the food consumed successfully. This gives us energy, fullness, and the necessary components for better health. But what happens when your food is too difficult for the digestive system to handle?

Some foods aren’t made for an easy passage into and through the body. They might cause indigestion due to specific properties. They might result in tummy aches and gas. And, worst of all, they may cause serious harm to your digestive system. Here are some foods that are bad for digestion which you should avoid!

Here Are 3 Foods That Are Bad For Digestion

“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” – Robert Urich

1.    Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are everywhere. They’re in lots of candies and other items. And it’s not surprising – America has a huge sweet tooth! Most Americans consume approximately 20 teaspoons of sugar per day. Yikes!

That means sugar-free products are suitable for us, right? In fact, many products that claim to be sugar-free only rely on technicality. They might not have natural sugar, but they do contain artificial sweeteners.

But still, artificial sweeteners are much better than sugar, aren’t they? The American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association have both agreed that these are better than sugar in combating diabetes and obesity. Unfortunately, they’re still not great, especially regarding digestion.


How Digestive Bacteria Works

The gut is full of healthy bacteria that help the digestive system function better. There are between 300 and 500 kinds of them. Paired with other microorganisms, they line the digestive system in the colon and intestines.

These bacteria are responsible for many different functions, including metabolism, digestive processes, and even moods. Because the gut has a ton of nerve endings, issues in balance can lead to problems in the central nervous system and brain. This means bad gut bacteria levels can lead to stress, less positive thinking, and even developmental issues.

You need healthy balances of all these bacteria in order to remain healthy. Research suggests that gut bacteria balance and number are different in those with certain illnesses than those in healthy individuals. Digestion issues are especially common.

A too-high amount of gut bacteria is known to cause the metabolization of fiber into fatty acids, leading to excess liver fat. Too-low amounts of certain bacteria can result in other diseases, and unbalanced numbers are equally dangerous. Often, imbalanced gut bacteria can result in:

  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Colon cancer
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Autism

How Artificial Sweeteners Affect Gut Bacteria

Research published in the Molecules journal shows that artificial sweeteners can be toxic to our necessary gut bacteria and bad for digestion. The study, conducted by Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University and Negev, Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, tested the use of common sweeteners with mice. Here are the sweeteners they tested:

  • Aspartame
  • Sucralose
  • Saccharine
  • Neotame
  • Advantame
  • Acesulfame Potassium-K

When fed just 1 mg per milliliter of each sweetener, the mice experienced negative effects on their digestion. The bacteria within their digestive systems was discovered to have turned toxic. This serves as proof that sweeteners can negatively affect microbes within the digestive system.

Artificial sweeteners can cause glucose intolerance in consumers and severely affect the body’s health. Some individuals experience indigestion, diarrhea, and other adverse effects from excess sweetener consumption.

Does this mean you should never use artificial sweeteners? Not at all. They are effective alternatives to sugar and are healthier in some ways. However, as with anything else, consume in moderation!

2.    Fried food

Most of us already know that fried food is extremely unhealthy. But it’s not just because of its high calories, excessive fat, and oil content, or questionable nutritional content. It’s also bad for digestion.

This is especially true for noticeably fattier foods, such as certain cuts of meat and steak or french fries and chips. These foods are packed with saturated fat, which the body naturally has trouble digesting, to begin with.

This is especially dangerous for those who regularly suffer from heartburn. The valve to the stomach will become looser, allowing for the rise of stomach acid up into the esophagus. This means heartburn will be even more aggravated.

But that’s not the only way fried food is bad for digestion. Here are three more factors that make these tasty but unhealthy treats terrible for your gut.

It Causes Gut Bacteria Imbalance

As we mentioned earlier, the digestive system is full of healthy bacteria. These bacteria are needed in a specific balance in order to maintain healthy digestive function. Unfortunately, fried foods disrupt this careful balance.

The microbiome in your gut is always affected in some way by what you eat. Fatty, fried foods smothered in grease are decidedly not good for it. They can completely tip the needed balance of both these microorganisms and the fatty acids in the body. Potentially, this can lead to hormone imbalances, depleted positive thinking, and worsened immune system health.

If you’re looking for fats that are good for the gut, opt for more nourishing sources of fat that aren’t fried. These will provide more positive results.  Some examples include:

  • Fish (especially fatty fish)
  • Avocados
  • Butter
  • Extra virgin olive oil

Of course, keep in mind that fats should be consumed only in moderation. Unless you are on a specific diet, fats shouldn’t take up too much of your daily nutrition!

It’s Exhausting For The Digestive System

Fat is incredibly difficult to digest. It requires a mix of digestive juices, such as stomach acid and bile as well as enzymes to be fully broken down. This means digestion processes have to work overtime to even get the fat down in the first place.

Meanwhile, the needed digestive juices may not be available. If you’re under stress or taking medication, the volume of these juices you have can be much lower than what is needed. Many people crave junk food and fried food in times of stress. Unfortunately, caving into those cravings means your system will be struggling to digest any of it.

That’s not all. The addition of fat – including oils and grease – into a system with depleted digestive juices doesn’t just give you indigestion. It can also cause:

  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Stomach pain
  • Abdominal discomfort

To avoid these issues, opt for more wholesome foods when you’re feeling stressed. Although it can seem like the last thing you want to eat, you’ll feel much more positive when eating right.

It Makes You Need To Run Straight To The Bathroom

Since fried foods aren’t easy to digest, you might wind up with gross, greasy food sitting in your stomach. As they pass through your intestines, they still won’t be very well digested. This means you might wind up with oily or greasy stools. Yuck!

Some people even experience diarrhea from eating fried foods. So if you don’t want to do a number on your digestion and spend the day sitting on a porcelain throne, maybe skip the fried food during your next meal.



3.    Alcohol

There are a few ways that alcohol isn’t bad for you. A little bit now and then is alright, but an excess has plenty of damaging qualities. Mainly, it affects the kidney and livers, but it also affects the digestion.

Alcohol is not digested in the same way as most other foods. It swerves past typical digestive processes and enters the bloodstream directly. In fact, only 20% of the alcohol you drink will be absorbed in the stomach, while a huge 80% winds up being absorbed through the small intestine. Here are some of the ways this can be harmful to the digestive system.

It Changes The Way Stomach Acid Is Produced

Drinking alcohol can cause a huge increase in stomach acid. When more stomach acid is produced, the stomach can no longer efficiently destroy harmful bacteria. This means the small intestine could become infected with bad bacteria.

Many who drink too much alcohol also often experience intestinal sores, severe pain in the stomach, and other similar issues. According to a study by NCBI, not only is this dangerous and a cause for gastrointestinal tract disorders, it severely affects digestion.

It Damages Mucous Cells

The stomach lining is packed with mucous cells. These cells are responsible for preventing acid-based damage and any abuse from digestive enzymes.

Unfortunately, drinking too much, too quickly, can cause harm to these mucous cells. When these cells are damaged, nothing stands between the stomach lining and intense acids. This can lead to lesions in the stomach lining, discomfort, and inflammation.

It Stops The Stomach From Emptying Itself

This mainly applies to drinks with an alcohol content of higher than 15%. These consumables are capable of preventing the stomach from being able to empty itself. Essentially, it causes the food in the stomach to get stuck.

When kept in the stomach for too long, food degrade from bacteria. This robs you of precious nutrients. On top of that, it can also cause abdominal pain and nausea.

poor digestion

Final Thoughts On Foods That Are Bad For Digestion

Not all foods are great for digestion. There are plenty out there that cause a good deal more harm than good, hidden and waiting to spring! By steering clear of these 3 foods that are bad for digestion, you’ll keep your gut, your body, and yourself happy and healthy!

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