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Why You Should Wake Up Early Every Morning, According to Science

Waking up early is no easy task. Apart from those few lucky “morning people,” most individuals would probably agree they don’t like waking up early. And you might be one of these individuals.

But did you know that there are countless benefits to being an early riser? As it turns out, to wake up early is to do yourself a favor. There are almost no limits to the positive things it can do for your mind and body.

This isn’t just a random statement. Science has backed the act of rising early for years. Even if it makes you groan, try waking up early, and you might be surprised! Here’s why you should wake up early every morning, according to science.

10 Reasons Why You Should Wake Up Early Every Morning, According To Science

“Wake up early every day so that while others are dreaming, you can make your dreams come true.” – Hal Elrod

wake up early

1.    There’s peace, quiet, and silence

According to this study on NCBI, when you wake up early, you’re up before the rest of the world is. There are no honking horns from traffic. There are no sounds of music or loud voices. You have a nice, quiet moment–something valuable in our hectic lives.

You have this moment to really hear your thoughts. If you wake up early enough, you have the time to breathe and relax. Let yourself wake up as you read a book or simply sit in silence. Look out the window and admire the world, or use the time to meditate.

Having this moment of quiet solitude isn’t just about chilling out. Silent moments are highly beneficial for the brain and body. They help to:

  • Increase oxygen levels in the brain
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Lessen migraines
  • Boost mental health

Just a short amount of quiet can provide numerous positives to your overall health – a perfect reason to wake up early.

2.    You get to plan and organize your day

You constantly rush through the morning when you don’t wake up early. You barely have time to stop and think, much less draw out a daily plan or to-do list.

Being organized is important for productivity and stress management. If you know what you’re going to do for the rest of the day, you’ll be in the right headspace to accomplish these tasks. You’re also more likely to forget important things without a to-do list.

By waking up early, you’re setting aside time to write down daily tasks. This will allow you to approach them more efficiently and keep them in mind, even amidst tiring distractions. Set some daily goals or take ten minutes to scribble out a plan for errands. It’ll make you less stressed and more productive.

3.    When you wake up early, you have time for breakfast

You don’t have time to cook a nutritious breakfast when you get up late. Instead, you grab a sandwich, a cereal stuffed with sugar, or, worse still, settle for a quick drink.

Breakfast is a very important meal and should not be skipped or minimized with unhealthy food. Having a healthy meal first thing in the morning can set a precedent for your well-being the rest of the day. It can even stop you from eating junk food!

Here are all the positive effects of a good breakfast, thus why waking up early is essential:

  • Kick-starts your metabolism so you’re better at burning calories
  • Helps you focus
  • Provides much-needed energy
  • Lowers levels of negative cholesterol
  • Reduces risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Reduces chances of being overweight
  • Ensures healthy bodily rhythm
  • Provides better mood and positive thinking

The benefits of eating nutritiously from the get-go are unparalleled. You’d be surprised how much eating well first thing in the morning can improve your life!

4.    You’ll have better brain function

If you feel foggy throughout the day, you might need to set your alarm earlier. According to a biology professor named Christopher Randler, who works at Heidelberg, Germany’s University of Education, waking up early helps your brain function.

People who wake up earlier tend to be more critical thinkers and problem-solvers. They also tend to be more creative and funny and to engage more easily with work, thanks to a boost in concentration and memory.

This means you’ll perform better at work and maybe even act more outgoing. So, if you’ve been gunning for a promotion for a while, setting your alarm to ring earlier might get you where you want to go!

5.    Waking up early provides more energy

You might generally feel groggy when you wake up in the morning. All you have to do to change that is to shift your sleep and wake times earlier. It doesn’t sound like it’d work, but it definitely does!

Shifting these schedules earlier helps you sleep better, which we’ll discuss later. You need to know that entering deep-sleep cycles provides restorative benefits. Going to sleep and waking up earlier can help you to sink into these stages more quickly.

Here’s an idea of what happens in deep sleep cycles:

  • Increased blood supply in muscles
  • Tissue repair
  • Bone repair
  • Cellular corrections
  • Release of growth hormones to build muscle
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Relaxation of the body

These benefits are crucial to daily health. To feel refreshed and restored every morning, you need more deep sleep. For better deep sleep, you need to sleep and wake earlier – simple as that.

6.    There’s a chance it’ll make you more attractive

Looks aren’t everything. But if you care about that, you could improve your appearance if you sleep and wake up early. The more tired you appear, the less attractive you’ll be perceived, according to a study by the University of Stockholm. And of course, sleeping and waking late make you feel and look more tired.

There’s another factor that could contribute to this, too. Because the first few morning hours are so important, people who wake up early are likely to have lower body mass indices. Of course, people of all sizes can be attractive, but if you’re aiming to bust fat, waking up early may be the way to go.

7.    Waking up early has links to good grades

Still a student? Many students burn the midnight oil and sleep in for hours whenever they can. But reversing this and starting to wake up early can actually be better for your grades! At least, that’s what studies across Europe and America say in regard to students in the university.

These studies found that those who wake up earlier get consistently higher grades. They also tend to have a higher average GPA. This is likely due to better time management, but it can also be because early risers tend to have better concentration and focus.

As mentioned, those who wake up early tend to have better critical thinking skills, which is also crucial to college students.

8.    You’ll sleep better

People who need to get up early need to better plan their sleep routines. This allows them to have steady, reliable sleeping schedules that they follow to the letter. They often sleep at the same early time daily, then rise at the same time.

It seems like a logical conclusion: better sleep is on the horizon if you sleep early and wake up early. If you keep a good, steady sleep routine that doesn’t change often, you’re teaching your body’s internal clock to operate on specific times.

Once this internal clock is trained to your new routine, it will run in your favor. You’ll be sleepy when you want to be and wide awake when you need to be. You’ll also be able to wake up more naturally and without that groggy feeling. So skip sleeping in on weekends and stick to the same bed and wake times for best results.

9.    You’re more productive when you wake up early

A study published in the Journal of General Psychology in 2008 revealed that those who wake up early procrastinate less than those who burn the midnight oil and wake up late. Many morning people tend to be more disciplined and focused, which contributes to this productivity.

wake up early

Plenty of studies detail how early risers tend to be more agreeable and cooperative. This can allow more work to be done since you’re a better team player. Those who wake up early also tend to be more persistent than others, so they are more determined to complete tasks.

Here are some of the other ways being an early riser can boost your overall productivity:

  • Your brain is recharged and primed for work
  • You start your day with less distractions, so you get more done
  • You can plan your day easily
  • You have more energy for tasks
  • You’ll be in a better mood

In short, if you have trouble hitting your daily goals, you might want to consider waking up early.

10. Your mental health and positive thinking will soar

Waking up early does you a lot of benefits, but the largest is probably on mental health. Sleeping too much by not waking up early can even put you at a higher risk for developing depression. The same goes for other mental illnesses and disorders.

A study published in the Cognitive Therapy and Research journal revealed that those who sleep later and wake up earlier are at risk of developing negative thoughts. These can often be overwhelming for those individuals.

If you lie awake at night with bad thoughts flooding your head, it may be time to readjust your sleeping patterns. Waking up early and sleeping earlier daily can provide the relief you need.

rising earlyFinal Thoughts On Why You Should Wake Up Early Every Morning

It isn’t easy to wake up early every single morning. But with science proving that it provides so many positive results, it can’t be all bad. As a matter of fact, it may completely transform your everyday life.

While not everyone can wake up early, if you can, it’s certainly worth giving a try. With a little effort and routine changes, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying these incredible, scientifically proven benefits of waking up early.

7 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before You Stop Birth Control

There are plenty of reasons someone would want to stop taking birth control. It could be because someone wants to get pregnant. It can be due to severe side effects. It could be the cost. It could be due to a lifestyle change.

Whatever the reason behind your decision to quit birth control, it’s important to know that it’s not as simple as just halting. There are plenty of things that will happen with this decision that you should know about. It’s crucial to be prepared, so here are 7 questions to ask your doctor before you stop birth control.

Here Are 7 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Stopping Birth Control

“The ideal time to discontinue birth control is following a hormone-free interval. So after having your period, you can simply stop taking the pills.” – Dr. Rebecca Nelken

1.    Is stopping birth control my best option?

There are many reasons that someone might be on birth control. It’s not done just to prevent pregnancy. For some, it’s a kind of treatment. According to the Center for Young Women’s Health, here are some medical reasons that might require a woman to take birth control:

  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
  • Amenorrhea (too few periods)
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (in young women)
  • Overly heavy periods or exceptional painful menstrual cramps
  • Acne

If you’ve been using birth control for one of these reasons, then stopping without a replacement treatment might not be your best bet. A doctor can help you figure out alternative treatment methods before you jump straight into stopping altogether.

Are you planning to stop due to side effects? Is the birth control giving you health problems? Emotional problems? Discussing the factors with a doctor can be very helpful. A medical professional can present you with alternative birth control methods that may be better suited to you.

If you’re quitting because you want to get pregnant, this won’t apply to you as much. However, you’ll still want to speak to your doctor about this. Do you have conditions that could make pregnancy risky? What phase of your cycle are you in?

Speaking to a doctor about your decision to quit birth control is paramount. It can help you see other options if needed. And of course, a doctor can show you ways to get the results you want with as little trouble as possible.

2.    What physical changes and side effects are normal when stopping birth control?

Anyone can rattle off a list of possible side effects, but the truth is that stopping birth control can have a variety of effects – both positive and negative. Talking to your doctor can give you a clearer idea of exactly what to expect.

According to WebMD, it all depends entirely on what type of birth control you’re using, as well as many other personal factors. As an example, those who have taken progestin-only forms of birth control would have different “side effects” from stopping than those who take other varieties.

Still, some form of side effects are a given with this type of change. Your body will need to adjust to the different volumes of hormones it is producing. This means you might face issues such as:

  • Thinning hair
  • Excessive hair growth all over the body
  • Minor weight loss
  • Acne and skin problems
  • Irregular or unusual periods
  • Mood swings and less positive thinking
  • Increased discharge
  • Increased (or decreased) libido

When you’re on birth control, the hormones you take in help manage possible hormonal imbalance within the body. Essentially, it can be a fix for a lot of hormone-related issues. This is why stopping often causes you to see symptoms of your hormones running wild and free.

Side effects after birth control vary. For some, they go away fairly quickly, and for others, they merely diminish but remain for a long period of time. It can also vary depending on your current diet, exercise levels, and state of health.

Luckily, side effects are normal, and for the most part, not too severe. If you have been off the birth control for over three months and continue to experience harsh side effects, you should schedule a visit with your doctor as soon as possible.

3.    Is there anything I can do to reduce these side effects?

Most people would probably say that they don’t want to deal with side effects. Unfortunately, with stopping birth control, these side effects are a given. But if you talk to your doctor, they may have some good advice to curb these negatives.

For many, switching up their diet can provide a good deal of assistance. Diets with more wholesome foods that are packed with nutrients are good options. Some types of birth control, especially the pill, can soak up a lot of components needed for gut health. For this reason, eating properly is crucial.

Opt for foods that are anti-inflammatory and whole. Additional vitamin D is a great option, too. This is because a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that many women who stop their birth control wind up with vitamin D deficiencies.

It is often also important to manage your stress levels in the months following this decision. Hormones can cause stress to increase. Exercising, taking up a new hobby, meditating, and ensuring you get proper sleep and me-time can be crucial in aiding your journey.

Discuss a good, healthy diet and exercise plan with your doctor if you can before you stop birth control. Your doctor may have some great ideas for you. They might also provide some other great methods to tackle specific side effects you might encounter.

4.    Will it be difficult for me to have kids?

One of the most common birth control misconceptions is that once you start, your fertility drops. This, however, is far from the truth. This is especially the case for those on the pill method of birth control. Approximately 96% of pill takers who stop are pregnant within a year.

According to Healthline, the fact is that pregnancy rates are often the exact same for those who stop birth control as for those who stop using condoms. Essentially, the pill has virtually no effect whatsoever on fertility after stopping.

This is a bit different for those who use injection-based birth control methods. Those who use options like Depo-Provera might need to be more patient. It’s estimated that you would need to give your body up to six months to begin ovulating “normally” again.

That said, there’s nothing stopping you from having children after you stop birth control. Coupled with the fact that 15% of women report higher libido after stopping birth control, there’s a chance you could get pregnant sooner than you think.

Regardless, talk to your doctor if you’re planning to conceive. If you have a history of reproductive issues, such as PCOS, this conversation is even more important. Of course, if you’re quitting birth control but don’t want to get pregnant, speak to your doctor about an alternative form of protection.

5.    How long after stopping birth control will my periods regulate?

Periods are typically very irregular after one stops taking birth control. This happens regardless of how reliably regular they were before. Those who had wonky cycles will likely continue them after they quit birth control.

You may find that your periods are a lot heavier than they were before. You might also experience more severe cramps. This is likely to happen more severely if you’ve had these types of periods before. However, those who began birth control in their teens and are now middle-aged will probably not have this problem.

The rest of your menstrual cycle might be a little irregular, too. You might have obvious cramps during ovulation. You will likely notice that your PMS symptoms are worse than they were before. This is due to the change in hormonal balance in the body.

For those who have experienced a complete stop in periods, it will likely take some months for it to get back to normal. With additional reproductive issues, you might face irregular periods for a long, long time. Talk to your doctor so you know what to expect and can be prepared for it.

6.    Are there any supplements I should take?

For some, the body can react strongly to stopped birth control. All the aforementioned side effects can be pretty difficult to deal with. If you’re worried about them or are dealing with bad effects, a doctor can recommend safe supplements for you.

Some common supplements recommended to you may be:

  • Milk thistle (for the liver)
  • N-acetyl cysteine (for the liver)
  • Vitamin C (for the liver)
  • Chaste tree berry (for skin)
  • B-complex vitamins
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium (for mineral deficiency)
  • Iron (for mineral deficiency)

Remember that it is not recommended for you to take supplements without speaking to your doctor first. This is especially true during a transitional phase in your health. Taking the wrong supplements can cause a lot of trouble.

For the most positive effects, you’ll want to discuss all aspects of supplements with a doctor. How many should you take, and how much? How long will you take them for? Are there any specific brands? Don’t hesitate to speak to your doctor regarding all concerns.

7.    Am I truly ready to stop birth control?

Sometimes, your decision to stop birth control comes at the wrong time. Your body may need additional preparation before it is ready.

birth control

As a matter of fact, certified wellness and holistic health coach Nicole Granato recommends three months’ prep before making the change to no more birth control. This is how you can avert the worst results of suddenly quitting your birth control.

You can minimize your risks of developing side effects with a little hard work. Start by regulating your diet to be healthier and more nutritious. Work to add more exercise to your daily plans. Get your skincare routine in check. Practice meditation or relaxation techniques to boost your positive thinking.

Get the best advice on how to prevent negative effects from your doctors. They might have some great techniques to recommend that you won’t hear anywhere else!

Final Thoughts On The 7 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Stopping Birth Control

Stopping birth control comes with its fair share of positive sides and negative sides. As long as you’re aware of what will happen, you’ll be prepared to handle these effects. Speaking to a medical professional can certainly help your readiness for this change. Keep these 7 questions in mind during your next trip to the doctor’s and see what you can learn!

Researchers Reveal How Not Exercising Is Worse For You Than Smoking

Exercising is crucial for health, yet so few people do so regularly. The World Health Organization states that 1.4 billion people around the world are not physically active or exercising enough. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report revealed that in America, only 23% of the population get sufficient exercise.

The CDC recommends 150 minutes of mild to moderate weekly exercise, with some simple strength exercises two times every week. That’s only two and a half hours spread out over seven days! Still, we often find it difficult to make time for this important activity.

Further studies have revealed how shirking this small amount of recommended exercise is terrible for the body. In fact, recent research has revealed that a lack of exercise can be even more harmful to you than cigarettes! Let’s find out how not exercising is worse for you than smoking.

Researchers Reveal How Not Exercising Is Worse For You Than Smoking

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.” – Gene Tunney

1.    Exercising helps you age gracefully

Most people want to age well. You likely wouldn’t want your golden years to be full of hospital trips and sickness. With regular exercise, these are benefits you can actually enjoy. According to MedlinePlus, here’s how exercising helps better aging.

·         Reduced fall risk

Those who are older are more at risk of losing their balance and falling. The worst part is that the older you are, the more damaging these falls can be. Performing muscle training exercises with some mild balance and aerobic exercises are great for reducing the risk of this happening.

·         Greater strength

If not exercised, bones and muscles tend to waste away as one ages. Bone density decreases with age in the average individual. Regular exercise can slow down this decrease, allowing you to enjoy strength and good muscle mass when you’re old and gray.

·         Brain sharpness

When you exercise, your body releases special chemicals and proteins that help your brain stay healthy. Exercise can prevent brain and memory conditions. It can also help you to keep your thinking skills, cognitive function, and memory intact as you age.

·         Less chance of erectile dysfunction

While certainly not the most important of the positive effects of exercise on aging, lowering ED risk is important to many seniors. Exercise can help boost arousal in women and reduce the chance of ED in men. For those who already have ED, they might see their problems decrease!

2.    Exercise boosts positive thinking and helps mental disorders

According to WebMD, exercising causes the body to release chemical components known as endorphins. Endorphins are so powerful that they actually trigger a feeling similar to what you might get if you take morphine. You might feel “high”, light, and happy after exercising.

For this reason, exercise is also great for mental illnesses. Studies have shown that exercise can treat depression symptoms just as well as antidepressants, without all the side effects that may come with medication.

Exercising also relieves stress, so it can naturally alleviate tension that exacerbates anxiety disorders. Physical activity has been found to increase confidence and self-esteem, which can also help with disorders.

Given the fact that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in America, finding ways to treat or manage suicidal thoughts from mental illness is important. Although often not taken seriously, mental illnesses are no laughing matter. They deserve the same level of concern as physical illnesses.

Here are some neuro-atypical conditions that are helped by exercise:

  • Depressive disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • PTSD
  • C-PTSD
  • Other trauma-related conditions
  • ADHD
  • Stress disorders
  • Sleep disorders

Of course, the act of exercising can be difficult for those with mental health conditions. However, the extra effort to push yourself to undertake these activities can provide unparalleled benefits. You’ll feel proud of yourself for accomplishing something and doing good for your body – something you deserve!

It’s pretty obvious to see why failing to exercise can be worse than smoking. How else can you get a mood boost for free that does so much good to the body?

3.    Not exercising makes your life significantly shorter

If you didn’t have enough reasons to start exercising already, here’s a big one. Neglecting to exercise regularly can actually cause a higher mortality rate.

This is according to a study that placed more than 122,000 patients on observation through rigorous treadmill tests from the years 1991 to 2014. Researchers noted their findings and linked them, later, to mortality rates.

According to results, cardiovascular fitness has an incredibly strong link to longevity and total-body health. Essentially, exercising can determine whether or not you enjoy a long life. It can also determine if you develop life-threatening illnesses. So it doesn’t matter how thin or fat you are. If you don’t exercise, you’re at risk.

This study revealed that those who showed themselves to be unfit on a treadmill had a higher chance of developing life-threatening diseases or passing away early. As a matter of fact, these individuals wound up in worse states than smokers, people with diabetes, or those with hypertension who were relatively fit on a treadmill.

The findings of this study were so conclusive that researchers behind it sent out an urge to the population. They state that a lack of physical fitness should be treated as a disease. It should be placed on par with things like smoking, heart conditions, and diabetes. As the researchers said, physical unfitness is treatable with a simple prescription: exercise.

4.    Exercising prevents disease

Tying into our previous point about longevity, exercising regularly can actually prevent disease. Here is what it can do for different conditions.

·         Heart disease

Exercise helps the heart keep strong and healthy. This makes your circulation better. Good circulation can then aid in cholesterol level, blood pressure, and triglyceride balance. It can also prevent heart attacks and artery disease.

·         Diabetes and insulin resistance

Exercise can help regulate the levels of glucose, or blood sugar, in the body. This helps your insulin to function correctly. Incorrect insulin function puts you at risk for type 2 diabetes and even metabolic syndrome. If you currently have a condition that causes insulin resistance, such as PCOS, exercise can prevent it from worsening and make for positive change.

·         Obesity

Similar to the prior point, exercise helps you maintain your weight or lose weight if you so desire. It burns calories, keeps your metabolism running, and helps you work off fat. Different kinds of exercise promote different benefits, so look for ones that will help you shed pounds if you seek this positive effect.

·         Addiction

Yes, we’re talking about how not exercising is worse than smoking. But if you’re a smoker who wants to quit and you exercise, you’ll actually be doing yourself a favor. Exercise has been shown to ease withdrawal symptoms and aid in management of craving.

·         Cancer

There have been studies that suggest exercise helps prevent the development of a lot of different kinds of cancers. This includes lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and uterine cancer.

The best part? You don’t have to do much exercise for these benefits! Just putting in two days of physical activity every week can work wonders, according to a study in the Journal of Psychology.

5.    Exercising is something you can control

Exercise is versatile. You can do tons of different kinds of physical activities. There’s no shortage to choose from, so unless you have a disability that prevents it, there are few excuses not to perform physical activity every day.


Able-bodied? Take a walk, go for a swim, visit the gym, or dance your heart out. In a wheelchair? Wheel yourself around a mall or do some form of weight-lifting for your upper body or arms. Have pain issues? Opt for relaxed, slow, low-intensity physical activity in small amounts at a time. Here are some examples of ways you can exercise:

  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Dancing
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Weight training
  • Climbing stairs and/or hills
  • Playing a game (football, basketball, tennis, hockey, etc.)
  • Doing housework
  • Doing yardwork
  • Yoga
  • Martial arts

At the end of the day, if you are able to physically perform exercise, there is always an option for you. It’s something you’re able to choose and customize for your personal needs and free time. Essentially, this is certainly much easier than stopping smoking or managing diabetes.

Taking control of your daily life and creating a healthy exercise routine can provide you with a sense of purpose. It can show you that you are capable of making a good change in your life. This can do wonders for your self-esteem, positive thinking, and overall bodily health!

Final Thoughts On How Exercising Is Worse For You Than Smoking

Brushing off the need to exercise isn’t just bad for your fitness. It can lead to a shorter lifespan, higher risk for disease, and worsened mood. You don’t need to do all that much of it to make a difference. This makes the universal lack of physical activity even more disheartening.

Even if you’re not able to get in as much exercise as you like, make an effort to incorporate small amounts of exercise into your daily or weekly plan. You’d be surprised the benefits you can get out of this small change. With so many benefits backed by research, you know it’ll be good for you in the long run!

Science Explains 4 Things That Cause Moles And Skin Tags (And How to Avoid Them)

This fact might surprise you, but everyone has moles. In fact, every person has at least 10 to 40 moles in various places on their skin. These small, dark spots develop mostly during childhood but some people may find them growing on their skin until their 50s. Skin tags, on the other hand, are bumps that look like extra hanging skin. It’s a common skin growth among those in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Most moles and skin tags are generally harmless and the growth will not cause any pain or discomfort. So, you can leave these marks on your skin if the appearance does not bother you in any way. However, some mole growth may itch, burn, or cause an irritation. Skin tags might also become annoying when they stretch longer or start rubbing on your clothes.

If you’re bothered by these, you might need to get the condition checked thoroughly. This is because moles or skin tags might actually be a condition known as melanoma or basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS). These are types of skin cancers, according to a study in the Dermatology Online Journal.

But how do moles and skin tags grow? Here are some things that cause these skin conditions:

Science Explains 4 Things That Cause Moles And Skin Tags

“I have seven scars from having moles removed. One was melanoma, six were precancerous. Get your moles checked!” – Jennifer Morrison

1.    Moles grow as part of your biology and your environment

According to the Genetics Home Reference for the U.S. National Library of Medicine, moles seem to be a biological trait you inherit from your family. So, some people are born with prominent moles on their skin because it’s the positive predisposition of their blood chemistry.

However, experts admit that they have never understood or probed deeper into the genetic factors that lead to mole development. Because this skin growth is not considered a threat to the health of humans, studies about its genetic patterns, formation, and development in the body have not been extensive.

Moles also grow on your skin depending on how much exposure you get from the sun and its ultraviolet radiation. So, your moles appear throughout your childhood and well into your early adulthood depending on how often you spend time outdoors. Fair-skinned people usually have more prominent moles on their skin.

You have a natural pigment within your system called melanin that, among other things, gives color to your skin. Melanin also causes the formation of a cluster of cells known as melanocytes. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, these clusters could be the result of sun damage.

2.    Moles appear due to hormonal changes in your body

It’s common for moles to change in color and appearance over time since the melanocytes are living cells, which means they are affected by what’s happening to your body.

  • Apart from sun exposure, moles might grow paler or darker and flat or raised due to your body’s hormonal changes.
  • Moles appear during a human’s teenage years when puberty hits and the hormones are on overdrive.
  • Moles also develop during pregnancy and menopause because these phases trigger major changes in the hormones.
  • The hormonal changes that affect the mole tend to appear gradually.
  • If your mark is rapidly growing, changing its color, or bleeding easily, get this checked as soon as possible to rule out any skin disease.

Melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, often starts off as a mole in the body. It might also spring and develop from an old mole as it spreads, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. This growth may also pop up in areas on your skin that are protected from the sun, such as the buttocks or the scalp.

Moles that might be indicative of melanoma have ragged and irregular shapes, edges, color and diameter. If left unchecked, this condition can quickly spread.

3.    Skin tags form due to underlying medical conditions

According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, skin tags have ties to health issues like hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. As much as 25 percent of people above the age of 50 develop skin tags as they also develop medical conditions.

For instance, people who are obese often encounter repetitive friction on their skin because they wear tight clothes. Skin tags develop as a result of this friction. If you are overweight, it’s better to avoid tight-fighting clothes to protect your skin. Also, strive to eat well, avoid saturated fats and sugar, and live a positive and healthier lifestyle.

Another study in the same journal has also linked skin tags to a low-risk infection of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Though HPV infections are not unusual, it’s still a sign that your body has a weakened immune system. If the skin formation due to this condition is causing discomfort, pain, and embarrassment, visit a doctor for treatment and relief.

4.    Skin tags might also be hormone related            

According to the Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal, hormone fluctuations may also trigger the growth of skin tags.

  • Women who are pregnantor going through menopause, or have been diagnosed with a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), have higher chances of developing a skin disorder because of the changes in their hormone levels.
  • Expectant moms might find skin tag growth during the second trimester. The positive thing, however, is that the skin tags often fall off on their own once the mom gives birth and her hormones normalize.
  • Menopausal women develop skin tags because their estrogen levels drop. Aging also contributes to the skin changes.
  • Women with PCOS, on the other hand, need to keep their endocrine system in check to manage the hormonal imbalance and avoid skin tags altogether.

Removing Moles and Skin Tags through Medical Procedures

You’re free to have a mole or skin tag removed if you don’t like how it looks or feels. There are people who are not comfortable with these skin growths and regard moles and skin tags as blemishes, so they would rather have them taken off. If these growths get in the way of your shaving or grooming, or if the friction with your clothes is bothersome, you can consult a doctor or a dermatologist for removal.

How Moles are Removed

  • In most cases, removing the mole might require a minor outpatient surgery.
  • This skin growth might either be shaved or excised surgically.
  • These procedures require minimal stitching or no stitches at all; it depends on the evaluation of the doctor.
  • At any rate, however, removing the mole with a surgical procedure might leave a scar, so you should take this into consideration.
  • You also have to carefully comply with the after-care of your surgical wound so it won’t get infected and lead to a complication.
  • If your mole is cancerous, you don’t have a choice but to go through the medical procedure.

According to statistics, one in five Americans is susceptible to some form of skin cancer by the time they are 70 years old. For this reason, you should never skip a doctor’s check-up if you think your mole’s growth isn’t normal.

How Skin Tags are Removed

Skin tags, on the other hand, are less sensitive to treat and remove than moles. These may be easily snipped at the doctor’s clinic using a special pair of scissors. The dermatologist might also use either a freeze or burn technique to kill the tissue around it and remove the skin growth.

skin tags

After the procedure, the skin tag will fall off naturally since there are no more living tissues. It takes about two weeks to complete this process.

A dermatologist may also wrap a thin string around the skin tag very tightly to kill the tissues. The growth will then turn black once the tissues are dead and the skin tag will naturally fall off within a week. This process is pretty painless.

Natural Ways for Removing Moles and Skin Tags

There are a number of suggestions on how to naturally remove moles on the Internet. However, most of these methods, which you can apparently do at home, have not been proven to have positive effects. Discuss these natural methods with a doctor before trying any of them.

  • If you try to remove the mole yourself, you could cause damage to your skin and develop keloids or thick scars. You might also risk an infection if you use tools that are not sanitized and unnecessarily wound yourself.
  • There are also mole removal creams widely sold in drugstores and online pharmacies. However, a study in the journal Pediatric Dermatology showed that these creams do not have effective results and may also cause keloids on your skin.

Removing skin tags naturally or through a home remedy does not pose as many risks as do-it-yourself mole removal. Most solutions involve drying out the skin that’s been hanging off until it shrinks and falls.

Some of the readily available natural ingredients you can use include banana peel, apple cider vinegar, or garlic. When you use any of these items, rub or dab it on the skin tag and cover the area with a bandage. Leave this overnight and repeat the process every day until the skin tag changes color, falls off, reduces in size, or disappears.

Always clean off the area with hydrogen peroxide before applying the natural ingredients. As a precaution, you can apply an antibiotic cream on the area to lower the infection risks until the skin completely heals. If you’re not sure about doing the natural process, consult a dermatologist.

Final Thoughts On Moles And Skin Tags

If your mole is not an issue, then it would be better to just leave it alone. But if you still want to have this skin mark removed even if the doctor has done tests and determined that it’s not cancerous, then it would be best to do it properly and safely under the hands of a professional. This way, you are ensured of a positive outcome instead of trying out home remedies that could worsen your skin.

Meanwhile, skin tags are generally harmless, and removing them tends to be fairly straightforward. You won’t need a medical procedure for this since the solutions are found at home. However, if you’ve tried a home treatment and there is bleeding or continued growth to your skin tag, it’s best to have it checked by a doctor.

10 Habits That Damage Your Kidneys (Most People Ignore)

The kidneys perform a lot of important functions for the body’s health. They filter your blood, release hormones that give nutrients, absorb the minerals from the food and supplements you take, and produce the liquid that removes toxins from your body.

The decline or damage to your kidneys might not manifest right away. In fact, according to the Cleveland Clinic, your kidneys can still function at 30 percent capacity. However, kidney damage can have serious consequences on your health. Here are some habits you need to watch out for or stop doing completely to prevent damaging your kidneys further.

10 Habits That Damage Your Kidneys That Most People Ignore

“Caffeine dehydrates the body and speeds up the aging of the skin and kidneys.” – Ann Louise Gittleman

1.    You are not drinking water enough

Keeping your body hydrated is important to the functions of your organs, especially the kidneys.

  • Water helps flush the toxins from your body, thus making it easier for the kidneys to clean your system.
  • You lessen your risks of developing UTI and kidney stones when you drink water regularly.
  • There is no magic number to how many glasses of water you should drink in a day. According to the National Kidney Foundation, men need at least three liters or about 13 cups of water daily. Women, on the other hand, need 2.2 liters or about nine cups every day.
  • However, it isn’t good to drink too much water. Athletes, for instance, may be in danger of overdiluting the sodium in their blood and develop a health problem called hyponatremia.

If you’ve been diagnosed with kidney problems, you might need to regulate your water intake as well.

2.    You’re not following medical prescriptions to the letter

You should always follow the exact prescription of medicines you need to take. Sticking to what the doctors have prescribed is necessary so that you won’t risk damaging your kidneys.

There are lots of medications that have kidney damage as a side effect. So, if the doctor specifically gave you a fixed duration, stick to it. Never attempt to make changes without consulting a doctor.

Even over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are harmful to the kidneys if taken every day. Don’t assume that because it’s easy to purchase at the drugstore, it’s less potent or dangerous for your health.

3.    You like to eat foods that are high in sodium

If you like foods with high sodium content, a change in your diet might be in order. If your kidney can’t properly flush this ingredient from your body, you could develop high blood pressure along with the swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles.

Before refrigerators were invented, people learned to add salt to food to preserve its freshness. Today, however, cooks use salt to make the food flavorful since people have become so used to its taste.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the daily value for sodium intake is 2,300 milligrams.  But it’s easy to exceed this recommendation because a lot of the foods you eat contain sodium, whether its home cooked, from the restaurant, packed, canned or processed.

The American Heart Association learned in a study that at least one-third of adults think their sodium intake is less than 2,000 mg a day. The agency recommends eating more fruits or vegetables and limiting sugary beverages, as these have high amounts of sodium as well.

4.    You’re not aware of your blood pressure

If you’ve never monitored your blood pressure before, it’s time to adopt the habit now. A study in the BMJ Journals linked kidney damage to hypertension. This is because the kidney uses your blood and blood vessels from the cardiovascular system to filter the toxins and distribute the nutrients.

A high blood pressure is usually an indication that something could be wrong with your cardiovascular system. The more the arteries become narrow, blocked or hardened by cholesterol and other toxins, the higher the risks are to kidney damage. When your organs can’t function well, your kidney tissues won’t get the nourishment needed.

If you have a history of hypertension in the family, make it a priority to monitor blood pressure. This way, you don’t just prevent kidney damage but also limit your risks of stroke or a heart attack and enjoy a more positive lifestyle.

5.    You hold your need to pee

Typically, a bladder can hold up to two cups of liquid for three to four hours. But some people might have a harder time peeing in a public bathroom, so they hold it in for more hours.

  • When you ignore nature’s call and delay going to the bathroom to relieve yourself, you’re not allowing your body to flush the toxins. If you make this into a habit, it could have unhealthy effects.
  • You could expose yourself to urinary tract infection (UTI) that will make peeing uncomfortable and even painful. If this occurs, you might find blood in your urine or the liquid could be cloudy with an unusual odor or color.
  • You could also damage your pelvic floor muscles that may result in urinary incontinence. Another risk is that of developing kidney stones that might require surgery in some cases.

If you find that your bladder feels full all the time even if you’ve already peed, it might be time to have a check-up to rule out any underlying condition. If you’re working out, also include pelvic floor exercises in your routines so that you can withstand delaying your bathroom breaks without any consequences to your health.

6.    You love your desserts and sweets

Are you a sweet tooth who just must have desserts all the time? Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can not only lead to the development of type 2 diabetes but you could also be in danger of kidney damage.

Sugar can spill over your urine if you have an excess of it due to diabetes. If you’re unable to control this condition, diabetes can eventually damage the blood vessels that the kidney uses to filter and transport nutrients. Hence, it becomes less effective at cleaning your body system.

Taking artificial sweeteners won’t help with issue. According to a study in the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology, those who use artificial sweeteners in excess raise their risk for kidney decline by two-folds. It should not be stressed enough that when it comes to food intake, everything should be in moderation – even for ingredients that are supposed to be the healthier option.

7.    You drink and smoke

You’ll make it harder for your kidneys to filter harmful substances when you ingest toxic chemicals and ingredients from drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. Many people enjoy these vices without realizing its grave impact on the body.

You might enjoy the occasional drink without a risk. However, it’s not healthy for your kidneys if you are a heavy drinker, binge drinker, or chronic drinker, according to a study published in the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

  • Alcohol causes dehydration that challenges your kidney’s ability to balance your bodily fluids.
  • Alcohol also raises your blood pressure, thus putting your kidneys to work even more than it’s supposed to do.
  • Beer or wine also disrupts the hormones that control kidney function.

Meanwhile, experts are only slowly learning to understand the effects of smoking on the kidneys. This vice is generally known to raise the risks of lung cancer, lung diseases, heart diseases, and pancreatic cancer. Lesser known is that smoking impacts the kidneys because it can trigger high blood pressure. Smoking also blocks the proper flow of nutrients in the organs, thus impairing how the kidney works.

8.    You eat a lot of red meat

If you enjoy having red meat in your diet regularly, you also make your kidneys susceptible to damage. Animal meat or animal protein sources have toxins like ammonia and nitrogen. If you enjoy these often in your diet, you’ll send your kidneys into overdrive as they try to filter the toxins. Overworking your kidneys can lead to kidney damage.

Doctors suggest switching your diet to plant-based protein sources as red meat can be quite unhealthy and has been known to cause cancer. If this is not possible, choose other alternatives to rich protein, such as fish, shellfish, and, in some instances, poultry.

It’s important to note that while pork turns white when cooked, it is still considered red meat. People who consume too much red meat have a 40 percent increased risk of having kidney disease compared to those who occasionally indulge in this food.

9.    You don’t exercise and sit for long hours

Not exercising and sitting for long hours has been linked to a lot of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, and cancer. But experts now say that you are 30 percent likely to have kidney disease if you stay seated for more than eight hours and never do exercises.


In fact, one in 10 adults in the U.S. develop kidney problems because of a lack of exercise. When you exercise, you help your body’s circulation and improve your blood pressure level. Additionally, you keep yourself fit and maintain an ideal weight.

Exercise also keeps your cardiovascular muscles in good working order and this will benefit your kidney functions.

10. You’re not sleeping well

Sleep allows your body to renew. For organs constantly working, your kidneys need sleep to be able to heal as well. If you are sleep deprived, your body can’t recover well from stress and fatigue.

Lack of sleep also raises your blood pressure, which can affect the functions of your kidneys. Hence, it’s always important to get optimum sleep every night.

Final Thoughts On Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

To remain in good health and avoid kidney problems, apart from positive thinking, it is best to maintain a good diet, get sufficient exercise, and adopt a healthy lifestyle. These recommendations are nothing to new to health.

However, in case you have not noticed, kidney damage often results from other medical conditions. So, also make sure that you limit, if not completely eliminate any bad habits that can put more strain on your kidneys.

30 Realistic Ways To Earn Money Online At The Comfort Of Your Home

Whether you’re someone who’s looking to break free from your cubicle or start a part-time side hustle, it’s an excellent idea to consider ways you can earn money online. For many people, making money online seems like a concept that’s as imaginary as the tooth fairy. Thankfully, the internet has evolved tremendously. The barrier to entry isn’t high, and there are tons of tangible ways you can earn honest money through the internet. Consider these thirty ways you can earn money online.

1. Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) allows you to efficiently sell items with the use of their powerful platform. You can find discounted, unopened merchandise that’s typically sold on Amazon at a discounted rate. Once you’ve shipped them to an Amazon locker, they’ll hold the item until it sells.

2. YouTube content creator

Consistently create and publish quality, informative content on this platform to earn money. If you choose to do a sponsored post, you can earn a pre-determined amount of money. Many YouTube creators earn income by sharing the content and running YouTube ads throughout the duration of the video.

3. eBook Author

You don’t have to wait for a publisher to pick up your book in order for it to reach the masses. Write, edit and publish your own eBooks. You can use digital platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Nobles for sales. You can also sell the content as an audiobook or in physical form.

4. Course Creator

Think about your particular area of expertise. If you love to teach people about how to bend into challenging yoga poses or if you have a strong love for cooking thirty-minute meals, teach others what you know. Create courses with platforms like Teachable and Udemy. You can set the prices, and sell those courses to the masses.

5. Instagram influencer

This incredible platform is filled with millions of active users. Build a strong platform by producing beautiful content. Once you’re able to amass a following, promote products and services of various brands. Based on your engagement, brands will pay you lots of money for each post.

6. Online Shop Owner

If you’ve always wanted to sell your own merchandise, use sites like Squarespace and Shopify to open up your own online boutique. Determine what types of products or services you’d like to sell. Develop a marketing plan to help you gain a consistent flow of traffic to your website. Study the different ways on how to improve seo in shopfiy.

7. Blogger

Blogging started off as a mere hobby for many people. However, tons of people are experiencing six-figure months because of blogging. Earn money through sponsored posts, ads and affiliate links. Make sure that you’re consistent with your blogging efforts. Always find ways to get in front of new audiences who will love your content.

8. Freelance Writer

Whether you’d like to earn an extra $100 each month or replace your monthly income, it’s a good idea to utilize platforms that promote freelance writers. If you have a knack for writing and editing, you can pitch your talents to different companies. Get a few retainers over time as this will help you maintain financial stability.

9. Graphic Designer

In order to be an amazing graphic designer, you’ll need access to your digital and online tools. You can promote your services through freelance websites. You can also showcase your talents through the use of social media. As you develop a following, consider adding your designs to t-shirts, mugs and everything in between.

10. Social Media Manager

There are still tons of companies who don’t understand how to utilize social media to increase their profits. If you’re a whiz with Facebook, Pinterest or any other social media platform, consider making it a full-time job. Find ways to consistently hone in on your skills. Make sure that you’re always on trend with what’s changing in this fast-paced digital world.

11. Etsy seller

Etsy is the wonderland for those who love to produce handmade products. A few months ago, Etsy got rid of their wholesale program. However, there are still tons of opportunities to get discovered on this platform. Choose your niche, and create balance. If you love to sell printable calendars or handmade soaps, this is a great platform to consider.

12. Affiliate Marketing

There are so many ways you can actively use affiliate marketing. You can create your own email newsletter. Share the newsletter on a weekly basis. Within the newsletter, include helpful tips and tricks for a specific niche. Within those tips, share affiliate links to items that you’ve purchased and would recommend to others. As people purchase the items, you’ll earn a commission. This is a very innovative way to learn how to earn money.

13. Direct Sales

Whether you’d like to sell makeup with Mary Kay or credit repair services, there’s a direct sales company for almost every industry. You’ll be able to host parties, meet new people and sell your products and services. If you develop the right systems and network well, you can use the company’s platform to earn a significant amount of money.


Whether you’re a freelance writer or a video editor, there’s a space for you on This is a website for freelancers who desire to sell their services. The starting price is $5. Based on the service you’re providing, you can charge more. Earn money by creating logos, building websites and more.

15. Building and Selling Websites

Build a website, add content to it and flip it for a profit. Understand that websites with a solid amount of SEO implementation can be very profitable. You can decide the topic you’d like to focus on. Create content, and run ads. Once you’ve built up the website, find different marketplaces that are willing to purchase it from you. Partnering with a trusted company like Fort Worth SEO can enhance your website’s visibility and attractiveness to potential buyers, as their expertise ensures that your site ranks well and appeals to a broader audience.

16. Selling Domains

You can also purchase domains to sell. There are so many experts who have amassed thousands because they purchased lucrative website names, and flipped the sites for a profit. All you’ll need to do is head over to websites that sell domains. Do some research to discover some domain names that’ll be potentially lucrative in the future. Purchase the names for as little as $12.99, and hold them. They can later sell for thousands.

17. Stock Photo Sales

Photography is a popular hobby for many people. At the same time, there are many who don’t see how to earn money outside of family photo shoots at Christmas time. Develop your photographic eye, edit the photos well and upload them to stock photo sites. Once you’ve sold the rights, you can make a consistent stream of income from your photos. Zenith Clipping is a clipping path service provider company in Bangladesh. We offer the best quality clipping paths. We are a well-reputed top-ranked image editing company serving since 2010.

18. Web Developer

The ability to understand HTML is such a special gift. There are tons of people who will quickly pay someone else to take care of the development of their website. If you’re an excellent web developer, promote your services. You can even manage the websites of large companies. Whenever they experience technical difficulties, you’ll be the one to take care of the problems from the comfort of your home office.

19. Web Designer

With so many bloggers and online entrepreneurs taking over the digital world, web design continues to be in demand. Build various templates to show your skill set. Use platforms like Etsy, Instagram and Upwork to pull in new clients or sell pre-made templates. Create designs for different platforms such as WordPress and Blogger to help you diversify your income. However when looking for web design experts that will work with your team to identify and achieve the unique goals for your business, it’s best to contact a reliable web design company for great help!

20. Dropshipping

If you want the flexibility of the laptop lifestyle, dropshipping is a great option to consider. When you open up an online shop, use dropshipping to fulfill the product. You promote the products on your site. A customer places their order. The fulfillment company packages and ships the product. You are serving as the middleman to earn your own profit. Dropshipping allows you to earn without touching any physical product.

21. eBay Sales

Think of eBay as an incredible online thrift store. As long as the items are in good condition, you can easily resell them on eBay. Visit local thrift stores to find good-quality jeans and designer brands. Once you’ve found a few deals, research how much those clothes sell for. Then, flip them in order to make a profit.

22. Podcasting

If you have a USB microphone and a small closet, you can host a podcast. Determine the niche you’d like to cover. There are podcasts that discuss how to make it in the music business and how to develop a strong side hustle. You can invite guests to make the conversations more diverse. As your audience grows, you’ll be able to get paid sponsorships from major companies.

23. Create and Manage a Network

There are many people who love producing new content, sharing wisdom and developing communities. If this is your desire, create and manage a network. Consider your target audience. If you desire to bring mothers together to support one another, create a website that also serves as a network. If you’d like to teach others how to earn money through eBook writing, you can do that here. There are many networks that operate for free but host a yearly conference to recoup the costs and profit.

24. Content Subscription Site

Take a look at your areas of expertise. If your specialty involves teaching others more about the stock market, you might want to go further than a few courses. You might decide to create a content subscription site. Each month, you can deliver new courses, lessons and resources that increase a person’s ability to learn about investing in the stock market. When you teach others how to earn money with the stock market, they’ll share your services with their friends. At the right price point, this can be an extremely lucrative endeavor for a number of niches.

25. Subscription Box Membership

Some people are passionate about beauty products. Others love the idea of receiving two new bottles of wine to try each month. Decide which niche you’d like to fill in the subscription box marketplace. Consider a dropshipping option that allows you to fulfill the order without touching the products. In order to build, it’s best to spend a lot of time promoting the subscription box online.

26. Virtual Assistant

Trade your time for dollars by becoming the virtual assistant to someone who has a budding business. Promote your services to friends, colleagues and an online audience. Make sure that you hone in on the ways you can serve as an efficient virtual assistant for a client.

earn money online

27. Call Center Associate

If you have a few hours each day to dedicate to customer service calls, there are plenty of Fortune 500 companies that are looking for associates who have access to WiFi and a phone line to take calls. Make sure that there’s no background noise while you take calls.

Professional call center and customer service representatives are crucial to keeping your customers satisfied. Candidates need to have the ability to multitask and manage high call volumes with exceptional customer service skills. Reliable recruitment specialists like customer service recruiter in Utah can help you find qualified call center and customer service staff to join your organization! You can also check out a good company that specializes in employment screening like this Certified Credit’s certified employee screening services here.

28. Data Entry Specialist

Work remotely for a company as a data entry specialist. Spend time each evening looking at online documents to enter the information into various systems. This work can be monotonous, but it’s an easy way to earn money online.

29. Accountant

You don’t have to work in a large corporate office to validate your abilities as a superb accountant. Develop a strong social media platform where you can teach people the benefits of hiring an accountant. Then, promote your services. When you need to meet with a client, they can come to your office.

30. Musician

It’s easier than ever to create your own music to share with the masses. You can also sell your music through various digital platforms, and earn money online. While it takes a lot of work to build an online audience, you can use the internet to increase your visibility in the music world and sell products.

If you’re nervous to take the leap at first, consider that there are thirty different options to choose from. Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, there’s something for you on this list to excel with to earn money online. You might even decide that you’d like to combine a few of these options to earn even more money. If you remain consistent with your online income efforts, before long, you’ll be able to replace your full-time income. Working from home means that you’ll be able to kiss that dreaded cubicle goodbye!

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