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How To Be Happy : 30 Ways To Be A Happy And Positive Person

When someone learns how to be happy, they tend to feel good about life and are experiencing pleasant emotions at the moment. They have an overall sense of joy and satisfaction and ecude contentment. Others can tell when a person is happy because they will smile and radiate self-confidence.

In Buddhist teachings, a person obtains the state of happiness when they reach nirvana. They learn how to be happy by achieving an unceasing state of inner peace that can only be reached by releasing mundane cravings. They also encourage people to cherish good friendships and share kindness and compassion throughout the world.

There are many ways to attain happiness, but it takes constant effort. Since being in a constant state of happiness can be difficult, you need to take steps to retrain your thought process. If you are having a difficult time achieving happiness in your life, here are 30 ways that can help you.

Here’s how to be happy:

Eliminate Negative Thoughts

Even though you may have experienced negative situations in your past, there is no reason to let them hinder your future. When you learn to let go of hurtful situations, you can become happier. Instead of ruminating on discouraging thoughts, create a positive one to change your point of view.

Use Deep Breathing

When you are feeling stressed out and under pressure, slowing down and focusing on your breathing helps tremendously. Taking time out to practice deep breathing techniques can help you become happier by relieving anxiety and lessening the chances of developing depression.

Relocate to Another Area

If you are not happy with the town you live in, moving to another town can help boost your mood. It is important for you to feel good about your surroundings when you walk out of your home. The neighborhood you live in can affect your mood and level of happiness.


Another way to learn how to be happy is to become physically active. When you exercise, your brain releases natural endorphins that increase your mood. These chemicals produce a pleasant sensation that can also improve confidence and ease stress.

Limit the Time You Spend on Social Media

When you spend too much time on social media, you become enthralled in other people’s lives. It gives you a distorted view of reality and can cause you to put yourself down. You may begin to compare yourself to your friends and feel inadequate.

Be Kind to Others

When you are kind to others, you make them happy and learn how to be happy with your life. The empathy that you portray towards people makes them feel respected and promotes a positive atmosphere.

Rise Above Bad Situations

Even though you may have to deal with tough situations in life, it is wise to not dwell on them. You should pay attention to good moments in your life and cherish these important times. When you are experiencing difficulties, look forward to the future and remember tomorrow is a new day.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Having positive friends in your life is imperative and can definitely teach you how to be happier. They can help improve your mood, assist with reaching your goals and offer support during difficult times. Good friends can also help you deal with stress and make you feel optimistic when you are down.

Treat Yourself Special

There is nothing wrong with doing something special on your own such as buying a gift or taking yourself out for dinner. When you do nice things for yourself, it reinforces positive experiences in your life. This can help you become more satisfied with life and become happier.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Instead of seeking instant gratification, you should strive to have more self-control. When you practice delayed gratification, you refocus your attention to achieve a positive outcome. You also develop more self-discipline and patience when trying to achieve long-term goals.

Change Your Perspective

Although life is not easy, learning how to be happy with your life will require a change in your attitude. You must avoid having a pessimistic view of life and search for ways to assist with improving your outlook. Do not let the negative stuff outweigh the good thoughts in your mind.

Stay Grateful

Having an attitude of gratitude is essential when you want to learn how to be happy with your life. A grateful attitude allows you to focus on the positives that you have in life. When you are grateful for what you have, your mental focus changes and you become happier.

how to be happy

Get Rid of Bad Habits

Bad habits can harm your health and mental well-being and can include eating too much junk food, smoking or staying up late on your cell phone. Even though they may seem harmless, bad habits can affect your quality of life. Replacing bad habits with good ones can help you become unstuck and assist with achieving your goals.

Speak Your Mind

When you speak up for what you believe in, you show others that your opinion counts. It is never a good idea to hold your feelings in or let others force their opinions on you. If you do not speak up for yourself, this can lead to your needs not being met in any given situation.

Find Your Purpose in Life

Your purpose in life is not just about finding happiness; it is becoming aware of what makes you come alive. It is imperative for you to learn how to be happy by determining the meaning of your life. Searching for meaning in your life may include doing some soul searching and developing a new skill or helping a community in need.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Let’s face it – when you do not get enough sleep, the next day, you probably feel groggy and tired. That is why it is important to get a good night’s sleep and go to bed at an early hour. When you do not sleep well, your body does not repair itself properly. This leaves you with the negative side effects that come along with fatigue, such as having less energy.

Practice Meditation

Meditation is another technique that you can use to learn how to be happy with your life. It helps you have a sharper memory, lessens anxiety and improves your mental clarity.

Make Time for Family

When you spend time with your family, you strengthen the bond and stave off loneliness. The social interaction acquired during family time can increase your self-esteem and relieve stress.

Spend Time in Nature

Taking the time out to spend time in nature is good for everyone. It not only eliminates stress, but grounds and keeps you centered. Your cortisol levels are lowered and the fresh air leaves you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

Help Those Less Fortunate

Performing good deeds for those less fortunate than you has a positive effect on the brain. Your internal reward system is stimulated and chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin are increased. These feel-good chemicals make you feel happier and give your self-confidence a boost.

Let Go of Anger

Holding onto a grudge is harmful to your health, and letting it go can improve your ability to live a happier life. If someone does make you angry, learning how to forgive them will provide you with a feeling of relief.

Take Control of Your Life

Taking control of your life can teach you how to be happy as well. Since it requires you to change and grow, your beliefs about the way you live are more positive and your outlook improves.

Master a New Skill

The process of mastering a new skill takes your mind away from the mundane. It awakens your mind and teaches you how to be happy in life because you stir up parts of yourself that were previously sleeping.

Don’t Give Up on Your Dream

If you have goals that you want to reach, find new ways to accomplish them. You should continue to pursue them without letting the fear of failure take over.

Plan a Trip

Taking a trip to a new location and meeting new people is exciting and helps you feel good about yourself. When you visit a new destination, the new scenery and social interactions can revive your spirit.

Eat Healthier

Consuming more fruits and vegetables improves your physical and mental health. They are full of vitamins and minerals that increase serotonin levels and regulate your mood.

Keep a Journal

When you write down your fears, worries or gratitude list on paper, you see exactly what brings up negative feelings. You can reevaluate your frustrations and regrets and create solutions on how to deal with them.

Become Spiritual

When you are spiritual, you learn how to be happy with your life by becoming self-actualized. By practicing meditation and gratitude, you develop positive emotions and the ability to build healthy relationships.

Recite a Positive Mantra

A positive mantra can change the chemistry in the brain and affect the neural pathways. So, reciting an encouraging mantra replaces negative thoughts with positive ones.

how to be happy

Clean Your Home

Keeping your home clean and decluttered has a direct impact on the state of your well-being. A home that looks and smells clean can improve your mood and make you happier.

There is no reason to feel hopeless or gloomy when there are so many ways to achieve happiness. These techniques can improve the quality of your life and help you feel better.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

20 Easy Ways To Lose Belly Fat (Without Going to The Gym)

Ninety percent of fat in most of the population is present as a layer beneath the skin of your belly. The other 10% forms around your body organs like the intestines and liver. Belly fat is not only inconvenient when it comes to fitting your clothes, but it also has serious health issues. If you are familiar with exercise as the only way to lose belly fat, other habits can help you.

Take a look at other methods that can help you melt belly fat.

20 Ways You Can Lose Belly Fat, But Still Skip the Gym

Here are twenty incredible ways to lose belly fat naturally at home:

1. Drink Green Tea to Melt Belly Fat

Consuming green tea has multiple health advantages. It has antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and caffeine, which boost metabolism. Research has shown that EGCG, a catechin, helps in the loss of belly fat. When combined with exercise, the effects of green tea on weight loss become stronger.

get rid of belly fat

2. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is pretty popular when it comes to weight loss. This fasting diet consists of an eating pattern involving cycling between eating and fasting periods. A popular intermittent fasting method comprises 24-hour fasts twice or once a week. Another includes fasting each day for 16 hours and having all your meals within 8 hours. Research has shown that participants lose 4-7% of their fat when they fast within 6-24 hours.

3. Probiotic Supplement or Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are bacteria present in some supplements and foods. They have numerous health benefits, including enhanced immune function and better gut health. According to research, various bacteria types play a significant part in regulating weight. Hence, getting the proper balance of bacteria can assist you in losing belly fat.

Research has shown a reduction in belly fat in Lactobacillus family members like Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Lactobacillus amylovorus. Probiotic supplements usually have numerous bacteria types. Hence, ensure you buy supplements that offer one or more of these strains of bacteria.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Including apple cider vinegar in your diet will provide numerous health benefits. These include low blood pressure. Research has proved that acetic acid contained in apple cider vinegar can help you lose belly fat.

A three-month study showed that obese men who consumed one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar each day lost 1.4 cm of fat from their waists. Vinegar is safe when diluted with water since it can erode your teeth’s enamel when undiluted.

5. Avoid Fruit Juice (the hidden sugar increases belly fat!)

Fruit juice is rich in minerals and vitamins, but it has a lot of sugar, just like soda. Drinking lots of fruit juice has a similar risk of gaining abdominal fat as any other sweetened beverage. 8-ounce apple juice has 24 grams of sugar, 50% of which is fructose. To assist in the reduction of belly fat, use unsweetened iced tea, water, or lime in replacing fruit juice.

6. Eat Fatty Fish

Fatty fish have numerous health benefits. They have high-quality protein and disease-preventing omega-3 fats. Studies reveal that omega-3 fats may also assist in visceral fat reduction.
According to research, individuals with fatty liver disease show a significant reduction of fat in the abdomen and liver. Aim to obtain 2-3 servings of fatty fish each week. Excellent choices include anchovies, mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon.

7. Track Exercise and Food Intake

Numerous things can assist you in losing belly fat and weight. However, it is essential to eat fewer calories than required for your body to maintain weight. Using an online food app or tracker or managing a food diary can assist in monitoring your intake of calories.

Additionally, food-tracking tools assist you in seeing the consumption of micronutrients, fiber, carbs, and protein. The majority of them also let you record your physical activity and exercise.

8. Plenty of Restful Sleep

Sleep is essential in numerous health aspects, including weight loss. According to research, lack of enough sleep can result in weight gain.

A condition referred to as sleep apnea has been connected to excess visceral fat. The condition causes intermittent stopping of breathing at night. You not only need to sleep 7 hours or more per night, but you also require quality sleep.

Consult a doctor if you suspect that you are suffering from any sleep disorder.

9. Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Sugar-sweetened beverages are rich in liquid fructose that causes a gain in belly fat. Research has shown that sugary drinks produce increased fats in the liver. Sugary drinks have shown more adverse effects than sweet foods.

Because your brain fails to process liquid calories similar to solid ones, there is a high likelihood that you will consume more liquid calories and store them as belly fat. To lose belly fat, steer away from sugary beverages like sweet tea, punch, and soda together with sugary alcoholic mixtures.

10. Lifting Weights

Lifting weights is essential for gaining and preserving muscle mass. Research on individuals with fatty liver diseases and type 2 diabetes has revealed that resistance training assists in the loss of belly fat. One study carried out on obese teenagers resulted in the highest decrease in visceral fat after a combination of weight lifting and cardio. If you decide to go weightlifting, it is best to seek advice from a personal trainer.

11. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats for consumption. Research proves that coconut oil’s medium-chain fats boost metabolism and assist in the reduction of stored fats. Controlled studies have revealed a reduction of fat in the abdomen.

To boost belly fat loss, consider consuming two tablespoons of coconut oil each day. Coconut oil is still rich in calories. Since these are good calories, replace some fats you eat with coconut oil.

12. Reduce Refined Carbs

Reducing your carb consumption can be a crucial way to lose belly fat, especially in the abdomen. Diets with less than 50 grams of carbohydrates each day lead to the loss of belly fat in obese individuals. You need not follow a strict diet low on carbohydrates. You have to replace refined carbs like refined grains with unprocessed starchy carbs, like whole grains and vegetables. This will boost metabolism and decrease belly fat.

13. Do Cardio Exercise to Quickly Lose Belly Fat

Aerobic exercise or cardio is effective in burning calories. Research reveals that it is one of the forms that are most effective in decreasing belly fat. The duration and frequency of your cardio program are more vital than its intensity. A study proved that participants lost more fat from every body part when they did cardio for 300 minutes in a week than those who did cardio for 150 minutes.

14. Avoid a Lot of Sugary Foods

Sugar has fructose, a component associated with several chronic infections when taken in excess. These diseases include fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Observational studies have proved a relationship between high sugar consumption and high abdominal fat. It is essential to keep in mind that not only the refined sugars result in belly fat gain but also healthier sugars like natural honey.

15. Reduce Levels of Stress

Stress can lead to belly fat gain through the triggering of the adrenal glands to produce the stress hormone called cortisol. According to research, high cortisol levels increase appetite and increase fat storage in the abdomen. Moreover, women with a large waist produce more cortisol as a stress response, leading to more belly fat gain. To decrease belly fat, participate in exciting activities that reduce stress. Practical methods include meditation and yoga.

lose belly fat

16. Consume a High-Protein Diet

An essential nutrient of how to lose belly fat is protein. High consumption of protein increases the fullness hormone release. The hormone promotes fullness by reducing your appetite.
Additionally, protein raises the rate of your metabolism and assists in retaining muscle mass when you are losing weight. Studies have shown that individuals who consume a lot of protein have less fat in the abdomen than those who consume a diet low in protein. Try including excellent protein sources during every meal like beans, whey protein, dairy, eggs, fish, and meat.

17. Avoid Alcohol Consumption

Small amounts of alcohol can result in health benefits, but excessive consumption can have harmful effects. According to research, too much alcohol can lead to belly fat gain. Observational studies have shown that high use of alcohol can lead to a significant risk of central obesity; this means excess storage of fat around the waist. Reducing alcohol intake can help you lose belly fat. You don’t need to eliminate alcohol, but limiting the amount consumed per day can assist.

18. Avoid Trans Fat Foods

Trans fats form by pumping hydrogen into saturated fats like soybean oil. They are present in some spreads, packaged foods, and certain kinds of margarine. These fats are associated with abdominal fat gain, insulin resistance, inflammation, and heart disease. Avoiding them would aid you to lose belly fat.

19. Consume a Sufficient Amount of Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber takes in water and creates a gel, which assists in slowing down food as it goes down the gut. Research shows that this kind of fiber assists in weight loss by helping you feel full. It also reduces the number of calories absorbed by your body from food, allowing you to lose belly fat. Additionally, soluble fiber may assist in combating belly fat. Excellent soluble fiber sources include blackberries, legumes, Brussels sprouts, flaxseed, avocados, and shirataki noodles.

20. Commit to a Healthier Lifestyle and Mix Various Methods

Doing one of the things on this list will not have a significant effect. If you desire great results, mix various methods that have been proven beneficial. Lucky for you, a majority of these things point to healthy eating and a generally healthy lifestyle. Hence, adjusting your lifestyle, in the long run, is an important way how to lose your belly fat.

get rid of belly fat

Final Thoughts About Getting Rid of Belly Fat

It will take you more than a week or a month if you want to lose belly fat. So if you are still wondering how to lose belly fat, it takes months of hard work and commitment to execute the strategies that suit you. Whatever the chosen methods, the right combination will work like a charm.

Dietitian Explains Why 2pm Is The Best Time to Eat Dinner

Do you eat at the best time to eat dinner? If your answer is that you eat dinner very late at night, then that might be a factor if you deal with weight issues. The best time might be closer to 2pm than 7pm!

According to the World Health Organization, obesity rates all around the world have almost tripled since 1975. As of 2016, 39% of adults were considered overweight, with 13% being obese. That’s 1.9 billion overweight individuals above the age of 18! The worst part? Obesity is more deadly than being underweight.

So why have our obesity rates skyrocketed? The answer might be in the number of meals we eat, and what time we eat them. Back in the 1970’s, people only ate three meals a day. Snacking was unheard of; you ate an early dinner and were fine for the rest of the night. In today’s world, some people eat as many as six meals daily.

The truth is that the human body doesn’t need to consume nearly as much as we think. It doesn’t need to eat as late at night as we feed it, either. Here is how a dietitian explains why 2pm is the best time to eat dinner.

10 Reasons Why 2pm Is The Best Time To Eat Dinner, According To A Dietitian

“Early to bed has changed, but early dinner is always preferred.” – Sanjukta Dash

1.    It balances appetite levels

Research conducted by Courtney Peterson, Ph.D., at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center shows that restricting eating times helps keep the appetite at a good balance. In short:

  • Eating between the times of 8am and 2pm are best, meaning that 2pm is the best time to eat dinner.
  • The average American eats between the times of 8am and 8pm, meaning they do not eat for 12 hours daily. Instead, fasting for 18 hours and only eating within a 6-hour window can help balance one’s appetite.
  • Eating from 8am to 2pm, once you get used to it, will actually stop you from feeling randomly peckish. It will also allow you to focus more on your day, have more positive thinking, and be more productive.

2.    It’s good for the body’s internal clock

Everyone’s body has a specific internal clock that runs on specific times. Although some people are more likely to feel more energetic later in the day than earlier, there are some standard rules.

Having your last meal of the day at the best time to eat dinner can help keep your body’s internal clock in order, and this mission is more important than you might think. The entire body and a huge chunk of its systems run on this same internal clock. Our health depends on how well we follow it.

Ensuring that you’re running in line with that internal clock can improve your energy levels, mood, hunger, and even heart health. If all it takes is having an early dinner to help run on the right times, it’s definitely worth a shot, right?

3.    The best time to eat dinner is when metabolism is its best

The body’s metabolism is at its most active in the morning. As the day progresses, it gets slower and slower before reaching a crawl at night. But even more compelling is the fact that eating times have such a large impact on metabolism.

The same aforementioned study by Dr. Courtney Peterson, funded by an Early Career Research Grant from The Obesity Society, proves this fact. Although only conducted on a limited group of people, it shows that early, time-restricted feeding can have positive effects on metabolism.

4.    It’s better for sleep

Having meals later at night can result in digestion issues, so dining at the best time to eat dinner is important. While they might not feel major, these digestion problems can cause the sleep cycle to be negatively impacted. This can be so bad that it prevents you from getting REM sleep.

Eating too late might also cause the body to stay awake and on high alert due to the energy it has consumed. The body must also continue to work in order to digest and process the food. All of this will prevent you from getting that REM sleep that you need to function effectively.

When you don’t enter your deep sleep cycle, you’re not getting the rejuvenating rest that your body requires. This can affect your work by decreasing focus and efficiency. It can also affect your mood (by decreasing positive thinking), and your energy (simply because you’ll be very tired).

5.    It aids weight loss and fat burn

Eating early and restricting yourself to eating only during certain times can drastically decrease your overall calorie intake.

  • According to Dr. Rupali Dutta, a clinical nutritionist, eating early meals can boost digestion, which in turn boosts weight loss.
  • When you stop eating after 2pm, your body undergoes an intermittent fasting state, whereby it enters a state known as ketosis.
  • Ketosis works by burning the body’s fat stores for energy, thus helping you bust fat more quickly.

As a matter of fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg on the ways that eating early and early time-restricted feeding can help your weight loss efforts. Essentially, if you start moving your dinner times earlier, you’ll notice the pounds dropping off much more easily.

6.    Early dinner sets you up for the next day

This sort of goes without saying, but it is worth mentioning that if you’re eating earlier and therefore getting better sleep, the next day is going to be much better for you. You’ll have more energy, feel more fresh, and, all-in-all, just feel better.

  • If you’re not having your meal at the best time to eat dinner, you might actually be more likely to miss your breakfast the next morning.
  • Since breakfast is responsible for giving you energy and kick-starting your metabolism, that isn’t a meal you want to miss out on.
  • Eating dinner earlier will also help you wake up earlier in the morning.
  • This will give you more time to make a nutritious breakfast, exercise, and do other tasks before your day really begins. Sounds like a win-win to us!

7.    Reduced diabetes type 2 risk

There have been more cases than ever of type 2 diabetes in recent years. Between 1990 and 2010, cases of diabetes tripled, and each new year brings on even more cases than the previous one.

Eating dinner early and restricting food intake to before 2pm can have great positive effects on insulin resistance. It can also bring blood sugar levels down by up to 6%, and insulin levels down by up to 31%. So having dinner early can be great at lowering your chances of contracting this disease. If you feel you’re at risk, giving it a try might be a good idea.

8.    Early dinner is good for the heart

According to Meher Rajput, a certified nutritionist, eating light and early can have huge benefits on overall heart health. Because of the bloating and water retention caused by eating later at night, there’s a higher chance of developing high blood pressure.

This is why those who suffer from cardiovascular and thyroid conditions are often told by doctors to eat their last meal earlier in the day. The increase in blood pressure caused by late dinners can have extremely detrimental effects on these individuals.

This also means that if you tend to eat late, you’re raising your blood pressure inadvertently. This puts you more at risk for eventually developing heart conditions.

9.    Lowering cancer risk

As surprising as it is, eating an early dinner has actually been proven to lower one’s risk for prostate and breast cancers. This is likely because the sleep-wake cycle has been linked to cancer many times in the past. In fact, night-shift workers have been found to be at higher risk for cancer due to this fact.

lowering cancer risk - dinner

As mentioned previously, eating late disrupts the body’s natural internal clock, thus negatively affecting the Circadian rhythm. If sticking to the best time to eat dinner can lower your chances of contracting these potentially fatal diseases, it seems like a good choice to make.

10.  A longer lifespan

Early time-restricted feeding, otherwise known as intermittent fasting, is a bit of a hot topic. Although studies in humans are not entirely conclusive, preliminary and animal-based research suggests that this can expand one’s lifespan. In some tested animals, this increase could be up to 83%!

This shouldn’t be such a surprise. Restricting your dinner to early times also provides countless other benefits. It brings down inflammation, reduces oxidative stress, helps with cell repair, and improves brain function. So if you’re interested in living a longer life, eating dinner at 2pm might be the way to go.

Final Thoughts On Why 2pm Is The Best Time To Eat Dinner

There are plenty of reasons eating at 2pm might just be the best time to eat dinner. Let’s just say that the amount of food we’ve gotten used to eating today and the times we choose to eat them may not be the best options for our bodies.

Do these findings mean you should never eat dinner later than 2pm ever again? Not necessarily. But doesn’t it help to know that meal timing can have a huge effect on weight and overall health?

So the next time you’re planning your dinner, plan to have that final meal early. Then keep yourself away from snacks for the rest of the night. You might be surprised by the positive impact on your health!

How to Unclog Your Lymph Glands Naturally

To unclog your lymph glands naturally, most might decide to visit the doctor. One prevalent misconception is that swollen lymph nodes mean cancer. But swollen lymph glands are usually far from a medical emergency.

Lymph nodes play a significant role in filtering lymph fluid through the body. This means they fight and eliminate all sorts of harmful microorganisms, which keeps the immune system healthy and functional! This also means you don’t want your lymph glands clogged. They are crucial for a healthy immune system.

If your lymph glands are not in working order, you could be more susceptible to illness and disease. So, yes, clogged lymph glands cause discomfort and should be fixed. The good news is that there are plenty of ways for you to free up your lymph nodes with good, old home remedies. In this article, we discuss some ways to unclog your lymph glands naturally!

Here Are 10 Ways To Unclog Your Lymph Glands Naturally

“The biggest drain we have in the body is the lymphatic system, which can stay clogged for many years. This forces us to adapt to an environment of toxins that stress and weaken immunity and other important pathways of detoxification.” – Dr. John Douillard

lymph glands

1. A warm compress is an old but gold tip

Warm compresses are well-known techniques to reduce lymph node swelling and clogging. They’ve been used for centuries for this very purpose! Warm compresses raise the temperature of the areas they are applied to. This, in turn, helps increase blood flow and circulation in that area. As a result, it may simultaneously relieve lymph swelling and pain.

In addition, studies have found that heat can lead to reversing viruses in the area. Essentially, this means those viruses are completely inactivated, reducing lymph swelling. This gives you a surefire way to unclog your lymph glands naturally!

All you have to do is gently dip some clean cloth in hot water. Wring away any excess, then gently place it over the swollen spots. Do this for 10 minutes at a time. You can repeat a few times every day until the swelling goes away. Optionally, just washing with warm water can work, too!

2. Garlic can unclog your lymph glands naturally

Garlic is one of those foods that has so many healing properties. As a matter of fact, there is scientific evidence that this plant helps the processes of antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antibacterial bodily processes. It even works for immunomodulatory and antithrombotic purposes. (This basically means it supports the immune system and reduces the risk of blood clotting.)

Garlic’s properties make it an undeniable asset to unclog your lymph glands. Just take a garlic supplement daily for about seven days. You could also massage garlic oil into swollen spots. Do this three times every day for five minutes each. If you’re courageous, you can eat two or three cloves of raw garlic daily!

3. Castor oil is a healing oil

According to physician William McGarey, castor oil can significantly improve immune system function. Different studies have revealed that it can boost the production of lymphocytes. This can flush out waste, toxins, and other buildup in the lymph glands.

All you have to do to enjoy the positive effects is to use a castor oil pack. Place it onto your lower abdominal area or around your liver. Leave on for as long as directions indicate.

4. Dry brushing unclogs your lymph glands naturally

Dry brushing is one of those holistic techniques that tend to raise eyebrows. Still, it is used in Ayurveda and is a traditional Chinese medicinal practice.

Dry skin uses a dry brush to brush different parts of the body on bare skin gently. It sounds iffy, but it can help stimulate the opening of pores, formulation of sweat, and expulsion of dead skin cells.

This practice also helps blood flow and circulation, and lymph circulation, too! It helps the bodily tissues and organs to expel toxins of all kinds. If you’d like to use this technique, practice dry brushing on areas like the torso and limbs with a fluid movement toward your heart. A few minutes daily is all it takes!

5.  Lemon water keeps you hydrated!

Dehydration is one of the many reasons lymphatic fluid may not be flowing correctly. This is because that fluid is typically 95% water. Without enough of it, it can become congested and stuck.

Water is pretty much the only thing you can ingest that provides much-needed hydration. Still, by adding a little lemon, you can unclog your lymph glands even more!

Because it is an acidic fruit that becomes alkaline as it metabolizes, lemon can mineralize the lymph glands and the rest of the body. It can make the rehydration process much faster in general. For best results, drink it warm throughout the day.

If you drink a lot of lemon water, make sure to use a straw. In the long run, lemon can damage tooth enamel, so you won’t want to drink it directly!

6. Honey heals wounds

Honey is one of the best natural ways to heal wounds. Science proves it is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Thus, it may bring down swelling and pain from lymph gland issues. It can also help to unclog your lymph glands naturally by fighting infections that cause that problem.

Mix two teaspoons of raw honey with a cup of water to use this method. Add some fresh lemon juice to the mixture to taste. Mix thoroughly, then enjoy! Drink two times daily for seven days for the best results.

Another way you can use honey to unclog your lymph glands is by directly applying raw honey to the affected area. Just leave this on for about 15 minutes before rinsing away with warm water. Do this thrice a day until you see results.

lymph glands

7.  Apple cider vinegar can unclog your lymph glands naturally

Apple cider vinegar has positive effects on many parts of the body. It helps maintain balanced pH levels. It is known to increase antioxidant enzymes within the body while boosting vitamin content. In fact, this product is so helpful it’s often known as a cure for everything!

Apple cider vinegar’s antimicrobial characteristics make it a great infection fighter. It works overtime to clear out those toxins that could be causing clogged lymph glands.

Mix an equal ratio of water and raw apple cider vinegar to enjoy this natural lymph gland unclogger. Dunk some clean cloth into it, soak up the liquid, and gently place it onto swollen spots. Leave for five minutes before washing with warm water. Pat the area dry, and do this twice daily.

If you’re okay with the taste, you can also mix a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and a bit of raw honey to taste. Mix together well. Drink the mix two times every day.

8. Peppermint oil has cooling effects

Peppermint’s incredibly cooling properties make it a great way to unclog your lymph glands naturally. This is thanks to its ability to boost blood flow to applied areas while also helping to relieve pain and cool the skin.

On top of that, peppermint oil is packed with nutrients that make it fantastically antimicrobial. This means it’s excellent for clearing out infections and toxins from the lymphatic system, preventing clogging on the whole.

All you have to do is apply some drops of peppermint oil mixed with your favorite carrier oil to the swollen spots in your body. Massage into the skin for around five minutes, and repeat twice daily. Stop once the swelling dies down.

  • Take a few drops of peppermint oil
  • Mix the oil with a carrier oil – sunflower oil is an excellent option
  • Apply it to the affected area
  • Gently massage the area for five minutes
  • Do this twice daily till the swelling reduces

9. Massages unclog lymph glands naturally

Massages are great for stimulating proper flow in the lymphatic system. The contraction of muscles from the massage can help stimulate capillaries. And, of course, massages have tons of benefits, like relieving stress and boosting positive thinking.

But it’s not just any massage you want – it’s a special lymphatic massage. These massages are performed by placing pressure on specific body areas, and then pressing down as you stretch the skin. Stretch in a direction toward the heart, moving away from the affected glands.

These movements can drain out waste products and fluids. They are believed to help move 78% of stagnant lymphatic fluid and get it circulating correctly again. A massage therapist that specializes in this massage can perform it for you.

10. Staying active is a great health trick!

Staying physically active helps improve health in many ways. Regular exercise is a natural technique to unclog your lymph glands naturally. It sounds so simple that most people overlook it as an option!

If you can manage it, using a mini trampoline to perform an exercise called rebounding is even better. This physical activity is arguably the best for the lymphatic system. It reduces bloating and swelling all over the body while detoxing the lymph glands.

Still, plain regular exercise helps to flush out toxins. Go for a walk every day, and you might see some improvements in your lymph glands! With all the other positive effects of exercise, it’s worth trying.

lymph glands

Final Thoughts On How To Unclog Your Lymph Glands Naturally

Lymph glands are essential for overall health. They are situated all over the body, so you might notice lymph node swelling in many different places. But if you notice this, don’t panic! Stay calm, practice positive thinking, and use one of these techniques to unclog your lymph glands naturally!

Editor’s Note 09.27.2023: Added studies to support certain statements

20 Ways to Have More Control Of Your Finances

We don’t like to think that money rules the world, but in some ways, it actually does. This doesn’t mean that money should come before family, health, relationships, or personal happiness, but we should look after our finances. If we don’t control our money, it will start to control us, and that scenario doesn’t usually have a happy ending.

Truthfully, many people are afraid of money. They don’t know much about how finances really work, so they become lost in a system designed to keep us in the dark. Think about it – if everyone knew how to make their money work for them, we would have a lot more millionaires and billionaires in the world. People who have accumulated wealth (unless they inherited it) have to start off just like we do in the world.

The only difference between them and us is that they take the right kind of financial risks because they have immersed themselves in learning about money. So, in order to get on top of your finances, we will go over a few things you should get in the habit of doing with your money.

“If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.” —Edmund Burke

Here are 20 ways to have more control of your finances:

  1. Make a budget.

If you don’t know how much you’re spending each month, it’s next to impossible to track your finances. To make a budget, simply write down how much your fixed bills are and how much you’d like your variable bills to be (such as groceries, electricity, gas, etc.). Add it all up and keep it somewhere visible so you can reference it often.

Above all else, make sure you actually stick to your budget; it does no good to make one if you don’t follow it!

  1. Cut down on monthly bills.

One surefire way to gain control over your finances is to have more money in the bank. What’s the quickest way to do that? Other than winning the lottery, it boils down to cutting out unnecessary bills. If you’re serious about having more money, you’ll want to get rid of anything superfluous, such as cable.

Next, call your electric provider to see what you can do to lower that bill. Examine your home or auto insurance policy to see if you can save money somewhere or even switch providers if you have to. Then, call your cell phone company to see if they’re running any promotions. Perhaps you have an old plan and can upgrade to a newer, possibly cheaper one. It may take time and effort, but saving money on your monthly bills will be well worth it.

  1. Cook meals instead of eating out.

Avoiding cooking is easier than ever with all of the delivery services and fast-food restaurants available. However, what you gain in convenience by eating out, you lose in cash. In fact, according to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spends $3,008 per year on eating out. That amounts to a little over $250 per month, which is basically a week’s worth of groceries for a family of four.

According to a comparison of ordering delivery from a restaurant, cooking at home, and using a meal kit service, Forbes found that it’s almost five times more expensive to order take-out than cook at home, and almost three times more expensive to use a meal kit delivery service.

So, the clear winner here is learning to cook meals at home and saving thousands of dollars per year by doing so.

  1. Learn about investing to expand your finances.

Investing is another topic that scares people, but it shouldn’t. If you invest your money wisely and do adequate research beforehand, you shouldn’t feel threatened by the world of trading and investing. Options trading is the preferred way of investing with the help of the Medium @ platform.

Pick up a few books on the topic or, if you have extra money, hire an investment expert who will help guide you.

  1. Pay down debts.

Debt can cripple people, especially when they live beyond their means and rack up thousands in credit card debt. Unfortunately, that’s the exact scenario many Americans are finding themselves in.

The average American household carries a whopping $137,063 in debt, according to the Federal Reserve’s latest report. This is because many people live well beyond their means. So, if you have any debt at all, work on paying it down before adding to it.

  1. Avoid using your credit cards whenever possible.

As we stated above, credit card debt is out of control. In fact, according to an annual Experian report on the state of credit and debt in America, the average American has $6,375 in credit card debt, which is 3% higher than last year.

The solution? Pay down your credit cards, and don’t use them unless absolutely necessary.

  1. To take control of finances, set aside money for savings each month.

In order to get a clear financial picture, you need to know how much you should have in savings. Too many people only think about the present and avoid thinking about the future, which means they won’t have much saved when they retire. So, start now and put aside whatever you can in a savings account. Try to look for a high-yield savings account so you can earn more interest.

  1. Buy used instead of new.

This goes for most things, but especially cars. Did you know that the average new car depreciates by 10% the moment you drive it off the lot? On average, a new car loses 60% of its value in the first five years of its life. Used cars depreciate as well, but typically at a much lower rate, making them a more financially sound option. Overall, you save a lot more money buying a used car than a new one. Many used car dealerships in Nova Scotia offer a wide range of high-quality vehicles, giving you the opportunity to find a reliable car at a fraction of the cost, without the rapid depreciation of a new model.

This goes for many other items as well, such as appliances, laptops, furniture, and more. When you need something, opt for the used version instead of the new. It may have a little wear and tear, but as long as it works well, it can save you thousands.

  1. Set up a financial plan.

Too many people live paycheck to paycheck instead of planning for the future. If you want to take control of your finances, you need a clear idea of how to utilize your money. Make a plan and include things like saving for retirement, buying a home (or paying off your mortgage), and any other big goals you have in the future.

  1. Stick to your grocery list.

Buying impulse items at the store week after week can really add up. Make sure you write down what you need at the store and stick to that list. That way, you know exactly how much you’ll be spending each week on groceries.

  1. Don’t buy anything you don’t need.

Furthermore, think about what you really need in life if you want to accumulate money. After all, many people are excellent at spending money but not so good at saving it. To combat this, analyze what you really need in life, which is the same for all of us: food, shelter, water, and clothing.

Once you have those basic needs met, try not to buy much else outside of that – at least not until you have met your financial goals.

  1. Challenge yourself to a “spending fast”.

A spending fast means going a week to a month without spending any money (aside from bills, of course). This will be a perfect practice to show you what you truly need.

  1. Have multiple sources of income.

It’s important to diversify your income in case you lose your job. For example, you could start an online business or invest in stocks in order to increase your financial security. (Source: is motley fool worth it?)

  1. Improve your job skills.

The job market is always changing, so you may need to go back to school for an advanced degree or get more certifications so you can continue to compete in the marketplace.

  1. Put money for groceries and other variable expenses on prepaid cards.

This way, you will only use the money on the cards and not fall victim to impulsive spending.

  1. Or, set aside cash each month for spending.

Alternatively, you can take out cash for spending each month. Once that’s gone, you’ll have to wait until next month to spend more of your disposable income.

  1. Save money for retirement.

Take whatever you can from each paycheck and put it in a separate retirement account. This way, you’ll have a nice little nest egg for the future and won’t have to worry about living expenses.


  1. Take advantage of coupons whenever possible.

Download apps like Groupon to take advantage of savings on everything from groceries to indoor golf. Check weekly grocery store ads in your mail to see if they offer any coupons. Basically, use any coupons you can find to save money!

  1. Make a dinner menu for the whole month.

This might seem tedious, but it works. You’ll be able to see what you’re eating for the whole month, which will make sticking to a grocery list a lot easier. You’ll end up saving money by not buying things you don’t need.

  1. Read books about finances.

To truly gain control of your finances, you need to fully immerse yourself in the world of money. Knowledge is power, so take courses, read books, and hire a financial advisor if you have the extra cash. The effort you put forth now will pay off exponentially in the future.

Final thoughts

Money is a daunting subject for most people, but it doesn’t have to be. As long as you are financially responsible, learn as much as you can about finance, and take advantage of resources available to you, you’ll probably do just fine.

15 Depression Symptoms People Often Ignore

Are you or your loved one suffering from unhappiness and despair? Many suffer in silence because they don’t truly understand what depression is and how it makes you feel. What you may think is a case of the blues may be a common medical problem that is faced by millions of people each year.

While going to the doctor and taking a prescribed medication is the most powerful way to combat a depressive state, you can also cure it naturally.

Uncommon Depression Symptoms

What is the constant feeling of angst that comes with a depressive mood? Well, it’s a health condition that affects both your physical and mental wellbeing. It’s more than just feeling blue. It’s a sudden loss in things that you once enjoyed, isolation, and being unable to shake the sad feelings that are ruling your life.

Quite simply, being in a depressive state changes the way you think, feel and operate. It’s a serious condition that cannot be ignored. There are various degrees of severity that can extend from slight to suicidal.[1]

While you may know the most common signs, here are fifteen depression symptoms that you may not realize you have:

1. Changes in Your Eating Habits

Most people have natural fluctuations in their eating habits. However, when you are eating too much or not enough, and a low time in your life follows it, it can be related to a depressive disorder. Many people will turn to food as a comfort when they are experiencing sad times.

In fact, it has become quite acceptable in society to eat emotionally. Others may be unable to eat because their stomach hurts and they lose their appetite. Mental health concerns can directly affect your palate, and an increase or decrease in weight should be observed.

2. Isolation

One common depressive symptom in isolation. Closing the world off and wanting to be alone is an alarming sign. Many people will lock themselves in their bedroom or another area of the house to avoid interaction with others. To isolate means to separate from friends and family.

This is a very common symptom that is associated with children. Wanting to lock yourself away and keeping everyone at arm’s length distance is a sign of trouble. It can be things like not answering the phone text, emails, or not updating social media, especially if they once made it a priority.

3. Change in Bowel Habits

Few people realize that their bowels can be directly affected by their mental health. People who are experiencing depressive problems often have diarrhea. While it’s not a pleasant symptom to talk about, it certainly one that is common. Have you ever heard the term that someone has a nervous stomach?

When your nerves are off-kilter, it can directly impact the need to go to the restroom more frequently. It can be caused by an increase in food if this is an issue. Consequently, anxiety-based diarrhea can occur all alone. In some cases, it gets so bad that people cannot leave their home.

4. Anger Outbursts

When the chemicals in your brain are not at sufficient levels, it can cause all sorts of emotional disturbances. One of the easiest emotions to show is anger. A person suffering from depression may be subject to anger outbursts.

They may do and say things that they usually wouldn’t. An excellent way to describe this person is they are easily irritated, and you must walk on eggshells around. They may have inner angst that cannot be calmed so they erupt on the outside.

5. Headaches

Tension and stress often come right along with depressive issues. If you have noticed an increase in headaches, then it may be because of a mental disturbance. Now, keep in mind all headaches are not from chemical imbalances. However, many do come from this origin.

Have you ever heard someone say they have a stress headache? The body doesn’t know what to do with all that angst that it feels, so it converts the stress into a physical symptom. Your muscles tighten, and this increased pressure can cause your head to throb.

6. Psychogenic Itch

A psychogenic itch can occur with any mental health disorder. It’s the constant need to pick at the skin. Some may feel spiders and other bugs crawling on them when there is nothing there. It has an anxiety base but can be directly linked to hypersensitivity during a depressive spell.

According to Current Psychiatry’s Shailesh Jain, it’s usually activated by emotional triggers.[2] There is a multi-factorial attribution behind this condition that cannot be denied.

7. Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations can be described in various ways. Everyone has a different feeling with these occurrences. Some say their heart is speeding up and racing at uncontrollable levels. Others feel that their heart is doing flip-flops inside their chest.

There are technical names for these palpitations, which is premature ventricular contractions. They are mainly when the heart does an extra beat. While they can be linked to a heart problem, they can also be caused by stress. Ever heard the term stress kills or that a heart attack was brought on by tension? Your heart can feel the angst of a depressive low and it reacts.

8. Flushing

Flushing is caused by hormones excreted during times of stress. Have you ever seen someone’s face turn beet red because they were embarrassed? Some are more prone to this problem than others.

Flushing and blushing are close but caused by different things. A simple blush doesn’t mean a hormonal overload. Flushing can occur with many medical issues, like Lupus, some of which include mental health. It happens at random times and without any cause. It’s just the body’s way of saying it’s on overload.

9. Exhaustion

One thing that inner angst does is zaps any energy that you may have. You may find yourself sleeping a lot more than you did before. You may also feel exhausted for no good reason. You need to make sure that it’s not from anemia or things like an iron deficiency.

Your routine may not have changed, and you may be doing the same thing day in and day out, yet you will feel so tired you cannot function. If you are sleeping more and cannot find the energy to do simple tasks like cleaning your house, then you may need to get help from a professional.

10. Hypersensitive to Sound

When the body is throwing around extra hormones and cortisol, it is considered hypersensitive. Do you notice that noises bother you more so than they did before? Some people cannot handle music, loud chewing, or kids playing in the house.

The very commotion seems piercing and sends them into a tailspin. Going to a concert or a venue with many people talking at once can be extreme torture when your senses are working overtime.[3]

11. Rashes

There are 101 causes for rashes, yet anxiety can make the underlying condition worse or cause a whole new problem. Issues like psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema, seem to be heightened by hopelessness and unease. Hives or shingles are one of the biggest skin disturbances caused by a mental imbalance.

Again, the body displays outward signs of an inward struggle. Think of your insides as a boiling pot of water on the stove. If it’s boiling inside, eventually it will spill over to the outside if you don’t turn down the fire. You must balance the chemicals in your brain to keep everything flowing in harmony.

12. Pseudo Seizures

We’ve spoken several times about the body taking turmoil and turning that angst into outward symptoms. However, this can be related to conversion disorder, which belongs to somatoform conditions.

It’s not uncommon to see these circumstances with despair. Seizures are often thought to be epileptic in nature. Consequently, a seizure can be pseudo too, which is not real. Constant angst makes changes in the brain that are often troublesome.

While this is not as common as a headache or vomiting from stress and depression symptoms, it does happen. The mind can short-circuit and cause seizures. They appear to be like the petit or grand mal varieties, but they are not caused by an electrical disturbance in the brain. Rather, they come from the brain shutting down because it cannot take the overload it’s feeling.

13. Memory Loss

Do you feel like your brain is in a fog? Do you forget things that you should be able to remember? Memory loss can come along with extended periods of inner turmoil.


The mind is just like any other part of your body that can get tired and run down. The lack of essential chemicals also doesn’t help matters much. If you feel like you are slipping and losing track of the daily grind, it may be caused by a depressive state.

14. Increased Sweating

The fight or flight mode is a state that the body goes into when it feels distressed. Having too much adrenaline pumping through your veins can cause all sorts of sensations.

One of the most commonly notated is sweating. Ever heard of the term hypochondriasis? Increased sweating can be caused by medications, hormones or being in a depressive state. This uncomfortable feeling can be accompanied by hot flashes or flushing too.

15. Acid Reflux

Lastly, one of the most commonly overlooked depression symptoms is acid reflux. GERD and gastritis are conditions where the stomach makes too much acid, and it shoots up into the throat area.

It can be caused by a malfunctioning epiglottis, which is the flap that closes off the stomach’s contents, or it can be caused by stress. The overproduction of acid can cause ulcers too.

Most people have heard that stress can cause ulcers and stomach difficulties, but constant belching and passing gas can also be a sign that the body is in duress.

Overcoming Depression Symptoms

Thankfully, by seeing your doctor and doing things to improve your mental health, you can combat depression and live a productive life. Mental health doesn’t have the stigma it once had, and people are reaching out for help.

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