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13 Of The Best Plants For Your Health (That Are Easy to Keep Alive)

Plants provide the necessary nutrients your body needs. However, it’s not the only way you can benefit from the positive effects of plants for your health.

According to a NASA, keeping plants inside your house can help remove at least 87 percent of toxins in the air. Studies have also shown that when you fill your house or office with indoor plants, you can experience a boost in productivity, energy, and mood by 15 percent.

Indoor plants, therefore, aren’t just for aesthetic and beautification, as it can impact your health and well-being. So, here are some of the best plants you should consider putting inside your home or workplace.

Here Are 13 Best Plants For Your Health That Are Easy To Keep Alive

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi

1.    Garden Mums

Garden mums or chrysanthemums usually bloom with colorful flowers in the fall season. They generally require low light in order to grow. However, if you want the flowers to bloom well, set the pots in the warmer parts of the room where there’s good light and circulation.

It’s crucial for garden mums to receive water regularly as they can easily fall prey to fungal issues if not nourished well. This plant also needs fertilization at least once a month but won’t require plant food during the winter season.

2.    Golden Pothos

The NASA clean air report from 1989 has this plant on its list of effective air purifiers. The golden pothos can help you sleep better if you place a pot in your bedroom. This is also perfect for newbies who are still discovering their green thumb, as this plant is hard to kill but easy to grow and maintain.

  • This plant typically grows in temperate climates, as well as tropical and sub-tropical regions.
  • Because of its large leaves and lovely shade of green, the golden pothos is often placed as decorations in public spaces where it can grow widely.
  • Indoors, this houseplant can grow to a maximum of two meters (six feet) in height but its leaves won’t spread out. It also doesn’t require direct natural sunlight.
  • It can thrive in a room with a temperature of 62 to 86°F (17 to 30°C) and it will remain healthy even with irregular watering.
  • Some people also put golden pothos inside aquariums. It may effectively remove air pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethene, toluene, and xylene, as per a study on the journal Atmospheric Environment.

3.    English Ivy

The English Ivy is commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant for covering walls in public buildings. It’s also great for indoor use. One of its positive effects is for purification, especially if you live with someone who is sensitive to cigarette smoke.

4.    Peace Lilies

Peace lilies absorb the toxic compounds in the air, such as the elements that computers and printers emit in your workplace. Known as the “closet plant,” they can thrive with little direct sunlight so it’s great for those who live in an apartment. You also don’t need to water this houseplant much. In fact, overwatering can kill it more quickly than under watering.

Its white flowers and dark green leaves can beautify any room in the house. However, since the leaves are wide, it may sometimes be a dust magnet. You can simply wipe the leaves with a damp cloth at least once a month or let water from the sink run over it at least once a year.

5.    Bromeliads

Bromeliads offer a bright and positive ambiance for any room. It grows blooms in different shades of pink, red and yellow. It also purifies the air as it absorbs 90 percent of benzene that’s found in paint, detergents, and glue.

These colorful plants require little maintenance and care, so it’s popular as a decorative element for the household or the office. Bromeliads also don’t need to be exposed to the sun directly. If you’d like it to bloom well, however, you can take its pot out in the sun for a few hours.

6.    Ferns

If you have a dry atmosphere inside your house or office, then bring in potted ferns to increase the humidity. Although this plant is tolerant of drought, it is better to regularly water ferns so that its leaves always look their best. Otherwise, it will grow to look ratty and pruned if it doesn’t get enough water. If possible, spray mist on the leaves every day.

Ferns also love to be partially exposed to the morning sun. These plants have been on Earth for over 70 million years and they are a vastly diversified species found nearly everywhere. The best types of ferns for indoor use are the Adiantum, Blechnum, Davallia, and Dryopteris.

7.    Snake Plant

The most ideal plant to put inside your bedroom is the snake plant.

  • While most plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide during the day, the snake plant uniquely does this at night so you get a clean air boost while you are sleeping.
  • You’ll need at least six to eight pots of these plants around your bedroom.
  • The snake plant is also called the mother-in-law’s tongue due to its shape.
  • It is decorative.
  • It also contributes to the humidity of the room, which benefits your skin and eyes.

8.    Red-Edged Dracaena

While the red-edged dracaena can grow up to 15 feet tall, it can still be an ideal indoor plant. If you have rooms with high ceilings, this can be the perfect decoration. This plant resembles a palm tree with its long and textured leaves. The red-edged dracaena lends a pop of color to any room and its ribbon-like leaves make it look very distinctive.

This houseplant also clears the air from formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

  • Place at least two or three pots for every 100 square feet of a room to help neutralize the air better.
  • Keep the red-edged dracaena’s soil fully moist with water and fertilize it once a month so that its leaves look healthy.

9.    Philodendron

The Philodendron’s deep green heart-shaped leaves make this plant a popular choice for indoor decoration. It can also make a difference in health, as it absorbs the xylene around the air that comes from gasoline or paint thinners.

This houseplant is fairly easy to grow and keep indoors without fail. It can thrive under well-lighted spots but it can also tolerate areas with low light. You will not need to fertilize this plant but you will have to water its soil now and then.

10. Spider Plant

Here’s another plant that’s great for fighting the pollutants in the air. Spider plants absorb 90 percent of carbon monoxide that’s emitted from the car engine or cigarette smoke.

Spider plants are also ideal for busy homeowners and beginners who might forget to water the plants, as this is tolerant and adaptable to different conditions.

  • The spider plant needs watering only once a week and won’t require direct sunlight.
  • Place its pot next to a window in the east or north side of a room so that it lasts longer.

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has a lot of positive medicinal properties, so it might be handy to grow the plants in your house. It can soothe burns and heals cuts or wounds when rubbed or applied.

Aloe Vera also keeps the air quality of your indoor rooms in check. If there are too much pollutants, the leaves develop brown spots.

  • This plant loves bright light though it doesn’t need to be directly under the sun.
  • Some prefer to keep Aloe Vera indoors during the winter but take the pots out during the summer.

12. Bamboo

Most often associated with good luck and good fortune, the bamboo is also good for the health for its air cleansing properties.

It’s easy to grow bamboos indoors. You just need to cut its roots once in a while, especially if you notice the roots turning black. This plant grows in lots of water, which will require weekly replacement, as dirty water may kill the plant over time.

  • Use a dark vase or glass instead of a clear vase to place the bamboo so that the light won’t penetrate the water and encourage the growth of algae.
  • Bamboo may also grow in moist, potted soil. You’ll know its roots are healthy if its red, so don’t worry if you see these on your pot or vase.


13. Ficus

Ficus are great at absorbing odors and reducing the toxic substances in the air, which effectively promotes health. If you’ve got a room with a faint smell of cigarette smoke or smoke from cooking food, then a ficus plant will do wonders.

Place the plant in a room where there’s plenty of natural light and water it frequently so that its leaves will grow abundantly. This plant thrives better in rooms with higher temperatures and humidity level.

Final Thoughts On The Best Plants For Your Health

If you’re not so sure about the quality of natural light in your room then take note of the following: south-facing rooms always have high light coming from its windows. The rooms facing north, east or west, on the other hand, offer low light.

Carefully pick plants that are most ideal for the room’s condition. If the room has no windows at all, such as your office space, the indoor plants can still thrive under artificial light that has been turned on for at least 12 hours.

For the most part, all of these plants are easy to grow and care for. They also positively impact your health and the room’s air quality. It might also help to put an air purifier in the room to double the plants’ benefits. However, some plants can be toxic for house pets, so train your dogs not to chew on them.

10 Early Bipolar Disorder Symptoms To Never Ignore

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic-depressive disorder, is a serious condition that is often accompanied by self-harm and can even lead to suicide in severe cases. Bipolar is a mental illness which can cause dramatic shifts in a person’s mood and behaviors. It is characterized by periods of depression as well as elevated moods–known as mania–that could each last a week or more at a time.

Regarding the position of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on bipolar, “The condition affects men and women equally, with about 2.6% of the U.S. population diagnosed with bipolar disorder and nearly 83% of cases classified as severe.”

Because bipolar comes with many risk factors, including self-harm, it is important to notice early warning signs. The following are the top 10 bipolar disorder symptoms to never ignore. The earlier these symptoms are recognized, the more quickly the condition can be diagnosed by a doctor and treated properly to ensure a healthy life.

1. Depression

Depression is one of the leading causes of self-harm and suicidal ideation in bipolar patients. It is marked by low moods, low energy, lack of interest in usual activities, and loss of appetite or overeating. Bipolar is often mistaken and misdiagnosed as depression, so it is important to watch for other bipolar disorder symptoms as well. As many as 20% of people who tell their doctor they’ve been feeling depressed are actually undiagnosed bipolar.

If you find yourself feeling depressed, try reading through these ten things that can improve mental health.

2. Elevated Mood

The second most common of the bipolar disorder symptoms is mania or elevated mood. To be diagnosed, a person must have experienced at least one episode of mania. Some people with bipolar disorder will have many episodes of mania throughout their life while others may experience them rarely.

In the manic state, a person is more likely to have irrational thoughts and engage in unhealthy behaviors such as overspending, gambling, or drug use. The elevated moods of mania may feel appealing to the person experiencing them, especially after a bout of depression; but it’s important to learn to identify bouts of mania, as they can result in impaired judgment and reckless behavior.

3. Speaking Quickly

A bipolar patient who is in a manic episode can be known to speak very quickly. This usually coincides with erratic thoughts that the person is trying to convey to others, but the individual’s speech is so quick that they are often not understood by others. This is known as “pressured speech” and is the person’s attempt to try to convey their racing thoughts even though their words are not understood by others. It can be easy to tell when a bipolar person is talking fast as the conversation itself will most likely be one-sided.

4. Inflated Self-Esteem

Bipolar individuals often develop an inflated ego and feel like they are better than others. While most people have a moderate and healthy amount of self-esteem, people with bipolar may have an elevated sense of self and feel superior to others. This superior sense of self usually occurs in tandem with a manic phase. As a result, individuals are more likely to engage in social behaviors that would otherwise be overwhelming to them. The person may attempt to be the life of the party or go on a spending spree which may compound their existing anxieties and increase their risk of further manic episodes.

This phase can be difficult for friends and family as the individual may talk down to them or make them feel inferior. However, this phase usually declines into depression and self-loathing, leaving the person to regret the things they said and decisions they made.

5. Erratic Thoughts

While in the manic phase, many people may experience erratic thoughts. While most people are able to focus on a singular train of thought until a task is complete, sufferers of bipolar have difficulty concentrating on one thought for any length of time. Their minds are full of emotions and ideas that they find it hard to deal with. They jump from one topic to another and have trouble keeping one train of thought. During this phase it is hard for the person to speak in coherent sentences, and the individual may have difficulty keeping a conversation going for more than a minute or so.

Often their mind may make connections between subjects where there are none. The individual may also have disturbing thoughts and not understand why. Racing thoughts can be difficult to diagnose as sufferers of bipolar disorder symptoms are often not aware that their thoughts are erratic.

6. Erratic Behavior

With erratic thoughts come erratic behavior. Normal routines are broken when accompanied by erratic thinking, and a person with bipolar can begin to display overindulgent behaviors. These may manifest through excessive consumption of drugs and alcohol, spending beyond their budget on unnecessary extravagances, or hyper-sexual activities such as engaging in affairs or unsafe sex. As a result of these behaviors the individual’s life can begin to break down when a bank account is drained or a relationship is abruptly ended. It is important to watch for any erratic behaviors to determine whether a person in your life may be bipolar. It’s important to remember that only a doctor can diagnose such symptoms, but spotting symptoms early can assist with finding treatment options while the condition is still manageable.

7. Substance Abuse

People with bipolar have a disproportionately higher chance of suffering from substance abuse problems. If they are not on medications prescribed to help their bipolar disorder symptoms they will use drugs and alcohol as a way to self-medicate.

During a manic phase, drugs and alcohol can be used to ease the symptoms of racing thoughts or inability to sleep. A bipolar person may use drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with their sad feelings or even as a way to escape self-harm or suicidal thoughts.

Unfortunately, these self-medicating measures tend to backfire as drugs and alcohol can often increase the feelings of mania or depression which can lead to reckless behavior or suicidal thoughts. Because of this, it is best to avoid drugs and alcohol or to use them in moderation if you have been diagnosed as bipolar.

8. Suicidal Thoughts

Because bipolar is often accompanied by depression, there is always the risk of suicidal thoughts. People in the depression phase of bipolar disorder often have thoughts of ending their lives. Even if the individual is properly diagnosed and on medication and regular therapy, suicidal thoughts are something that should be taken very seriously, as suicide is not uncommon for bipolar sufferers.

9. Overspending

Rational thought is often pushed aside during manic phases, and this can lead to reckless behaviors. Overspending, sometimes referred to as “retail therapy,” occurs with many people who exhibit bipolar tendencies. The erratic thoughts of a person in bipolar mania may prohibit them from recognizing that they are spending more money than they should. Overspending often leads to a drained savings account or excessive debt which can in turn trigger a sense of guilt for causing the situation in the first place.

bipolar disorder

10. Guilt

The final symptom to look for in a bipolar person is guilt. Because mania can lead to erratic thinking and behavior such as overspending, the individual often ends their period of mania with a sense of guilt toward how they treated themselves and others.

This sense of guilt is the catalyst for mania transitioning into depression. Often the feelings of guilt toward how the bipolar person treated someone else will lead to guilt which will lead to depression and before you know it, the person is deep into a depressive phase of their bipolar disorder.

With medication and therapy, the feelings of mania and depression can be reduced, meaning that the feeling of guilt will be less likely to occur as the mania will recur with less frequency. This may also diminish the risk of depressive episodes.

Final Thoughts

It is important to remember that sufferers of bipolar often have little or no control over their emotions. It can be frustrating to engage with a loved one who is bipolar, but they do not choose to have their mood swings and can often be as frustrated with themselves as any friend or family member could be. Here are ten common myth about bipolar disorder to help you get an understanding of many of the misconceptions around mental health issues.

It’s important to remember that despite the difficulty the symptoms may cause, bipolar is manageable. With proper lifestyle changes, regular therapy, and a strict diet and medication regimen most people are capable of living a healthy lifestyle with bipolar. Therapy can help to manage with erratic behaviors while doctor’s visits and medication are known to help with the drastic mood swings of the disorder.

If you believe that you or a loved one may be bipolar it is important to make an appointment with a mental health professional to receive a proper diagnosis. But remember that the diagnosis does not mean the end of the world. It means that a person will have to take extra care in their life.

10 Stories About People Who Weren’t Prepared For What Was About to Happen

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual or a blueprint. We just have to learn as we go and do the best we can. Though a lot of negative things happen in life, we want to bring you a few positive and/or funny stories about people who got a pleasant surprise by life.

 “To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.” – Oscar Wilde

The quote above doesn’t mean that people should always be on guard in case something happens; however, in general, it’s best to expect the unexpected so that you’re not taken by surprise. Nonetheless, we know that things happen all the time that people aren’t prepared for, because life doesn’t exactly come with a crystal ball that accurately predicts the future.

Fortunately, this sometimes means we can be surprised by joy when the unexpected takes our breath away. And other times, we can simply be shocked by the reactions or interactions between people.

10 Stories About Unexpected Things Happening to People

  1. It Could Have Been Worse

“I was hitchhiking to a neighboring town because there were no buses. A car stops, the driver says that he doesn’t need money from me as there is always a different way to pay. I calmly agree, take my purse and say, ‘Just let me get the protection.’ I take an Avar dagger that I was carrying as a present for my friend. The man goes pale and says, ‘I mean that sometimes it’s nice to do something free of charge…’ I totally agree with him. It’s great that there are so many good people around!”

This could’ve been a bad experience, and the woman was right to be prepared in case things went south. However, there are good people still out there who are willing to help you.

  1. Kiss from a Stranger

“When I was learning the driving rules, there was this rule: if the turn signals are broken, the driver should put their arm through the window and show the direction of movement to other drivers. I had a chance to use this rule [as] I was going to turn left on a busy road. I put my left arm through the window, as the rule says, and then a motorcyclist caught up with me (I didn’t notice him at first), kissed my hand and left...”

  1. True Love Stories

“Early on a Sunday morning, my husband rushed into the room, yelling that we had to pack and leave urgently. I panicked [but] I didn’t ask any questions, I put my clothes on and we got on a train. I didn’t know what was going on. But I saw that my husband was happy, so I was sure that nothing bad had happened.

Two hours later, we got off the train at a small station near the sea and my husband took me straight to an incredibly beautiful beach. He opened a bottle of wine and a pack of cheese. And then he said that it was time to go. He took me to a small local movie theater. We were the only ones in the movie theater so we spent the whole time kissing as if we’d just met … We went to a restaurant after that, ate dinner, and in the evening, we took a train back home. It was so unusual that I think it was the best day of my life.”

  1. This story comes from a Quora user named Bhavneet Kaur:

“This is a sweet unexpected experience.

I was all dolled-up. Ready to attend my cousin’s wedding, I got a new dress stitched for the occasion. I liked the dress but was a bit nervous about how I would look in it. I conquered all my insecurities and wore the dress.

All ready, we left in an auto rickshaw. Close to our destination, there was a traffic jam. Our auto was stuck. A small girl passed by the rickshaw. She must be around 10-11 years old. She peeped into the rickshaw and said, “Didi, tu iss dress mein bahut achi lagri hai.” (You look pretty in this dress).

And went away.

I couldn’t stop smiling. I was flattered.

Such an unexpected event. Made me feel special :)”

You hear stories about people receiving random compliments all the time, and they just prove that good, kind people do indeed exist in the world!

  1. Seeing is Believing

“When I was in 3rd grade, one of my classmates called me and said that he couldn’t come to school because snow had fallen from the roof and broken the awning, which fell down to the front door, and the latter got locked. His parents left for work through a window, but he had to stay at home because the window couldn’t be locked from the outside.

Our teacher gave him bad marks in each subject that day for such a dumb pretext for not coming to school. The next day his parents came to school and presented photos of the 3-m-wide ice lump and a completely broken awning.”

  1. We found another of these heartwarming stories from a Quora user named DT McCarthy:

“I was depressed from yet another disastrous relationship & hadn’t smiled in two weeks. While waiting for other people to meet up before we left for a concert, he walked in with another girl. She was cute, tiny, and petite. I am not. I was sitting on an ottoman in a yellow rubber raincoat (it was in New Jersey). The guy who was with her smiled at me and I thought, “He has the most innocent smile I’ve ever seen in a man.” There was nothing but complete joy in that smile. He said he looked at me and thought, “No one has the right to be that pretty.”

By the time we got to the concert, I was back to being a sourpuss. There was some sort of bazaar going on outside so we were all checking it out. This one vendor had the most bizarre figurines of animals. There was a toucan that had a beak larger than its body, and I heard whispered in my ear, “they could at least ask me before they use my image.” I started giggling. There was an owl with gigantic eyes and he again whispered, “There they go again.” I have a very strong intuition and bought both animals. We were married one year later.”

Now that is one of those love stories that you can’t help but smile at!

  1. It’s in the Bag

“Once, I overslept. I was running around my apartment worrying because there is nothing scarier for me than being late for work. I called a taxi, put on a dress, put all the necessary stuff into my bag, closed it without even looking into it, took my wallet, and ran out.

It didn’t take much time to get to work because I was hurrying the driver along at every traffic light. At last, I was in the office. Hurray! When I opened my bag, I saw the 2 yellow and scared eyes of my cat looking at me. She seemed to be just as shocked as I was.”

There was no way to really be prepared for that, but hopefully the woman’s boss let her keep her cat at work for the day!

  1. A Dream Job

“My mom’s friend has a son who is currently studying in China, and, just like many other students, he has a part-time job. Can you guess what kind of job it is? Drum roll, please! The requirements are the following: come to some new café or bar in the evening, eat the food (that’s the owner’s treat), and drink — all for free.

But the main requirement is to have fun, dance, and show everyone nearby that you really like this place. The payment is about $25 per evening … and he’s a foreigner. A FOREIGNER! The thing is that in China, the status of a place highly increases if it is visited by foreigners. That’s why the owners of newly opened restaurants use this trick, and foreigners enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, having fun, and getting money for it!”

How would you like to have this kind of job?

  1. Another Cat Story

“While falling asleep, my arm was hanging down on the sofa. I felt my cat touch it with his paw and start to lick me with his tongue (he does it sometimes). Turning to the other side, I saw my real cat peacefully sleeping near my feet! I suddenly woke up and looked under the sofa…where another cat was sitting. He had probably climbed the vines and entered the apartment. My childhood fear of having a monster under the bed was realized.”

Some cat stories aren’t so bad, right?


  1. The Winning Ticket

“There’s always one homeless guy hanging around near my house. He once came up to me and asked me for money for a lottery ticket. I didn’t believe that’s what he wanted it for, but I gave him some money. The next day he came back to me, gave me back my money, and said, “I’m indebted to you until I die! I bought a lottery ticket and won $250,000! Thank you!”

I actually almost started crying. It was so nice that by giving him such a small sum, I had in some way helped him get back on his feet.”

Final thoughts

We hope you enjoyed these heartwarming, sometimes funny stories about people who weren’t prepared for what was about to happen. Many times, unexpected things happen that aren’t so pleasant. Sometimes, however, life throws us a curveball and gives us something positive.

Whether you had a bad day or just want something to make you smile, we hope this article will help you remember that positive thinking can pay off, and miracles happen every day when you least expect them.

10 Early Warnings of A Bladder Infection (And 10 Remedies For It)

Bladder infections are the most common form of urinary tract infection (UTI), a bacterial infection of the urinary system which includes the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. Characterized by symptoms associated with urination, pain in the adjacent area, and in more severe cases fever and secondary infections, bladder infections should be taken seriously—even when symptoms are minor.

Bladder infection symptoms

Painful urination

One of the first and most obvious bladder infection symptoms is often painful urination, also known as dysuria. This can manifest as a stinging sensation, a burning sensation, or more vague discomfort. It’s particularly common as a warning of bladder or urethra infection, with other forms of UTI typically manifesting in other ways.

It’s important to react to this symptom early, as mild discomfort while urinating often gives way to more intense UTI symptoms over time.

Immediate urgency

It’s not unusual to feel an urgent need to urinate, but it typically builds up over time as you put off the early sensations. When this buildup isn’t present, and instead you leap immediately to an urgent need to urinate, that’s often a warning symptom of a UTI. This can be closely associated with pain or discomfort in your bladder, and serves as a warning of a condition called interstitial cystitis, a variant of the more typical cystitis (bladder inflammation) seen as one of the common bladder infection symptoms.


Tenderness in your lower abdomen can be indicative of a UTI, especially in combination with other symptoms of a urinary tract infection. This can result from simple inflammation of the surrounding tissues due to the infection, pressure from swollen tissues placing extra pressure on your pelvis or other structures of the body, or simply due to excessive tension and urination over a period of time. This tenderness usually compounds the discomfort or pain of urinating with a UTI, and can warrant speedier treatment methods as a result.

Lower back pain

While it’s a symptom more common with UTIs effecting the kidneys and other portions of your upper urinary tract, bladder infections can nonetheless result in lower back pain. If you’re experiencing lower back pain in combination with other symptoms of a UTI, it’s often a sign of a serious infection which has had time to spread throughout your urinary tract. It can also simply be a result of the same inflammation and strain problems which cause tenderness in the lower abdomen.

Frequent urination

Another classic symptom of a bladder infection, or indeed any UTI, is frequent urination. If you’re urinating more than eight times a day, there’s a good chance there is a problem underlying your need to urinate. All the more so if your frequent urination is caused by the sensation that you haven’t quite finished eliminating, that there’s something still in your bladder even though nothing more is coming out. This sensation in particular is strongly associated with bladder infections rather than urethral infections or infections further up your urinary tract.

Bloody urine

Bloody urine can be one of the more frightening bladder infection symptoms, but under most circumstances it shouldn’t send you into a panic. Blood in urine comes in a huge number of permutations, so it’s important to identify the ‘type’ of bloody urine you’re experiencing so you can decide whether it’s time for a trip to the supermarket, the doctor, or the hospital.

Cloudy urine

Cloudy urine can be one of the earlier bladder infection symptoms, though many people only notice this symptom when they already suspect an infection and start paying closer attention. Urine can become cloudy due to the presence of any number of added substances, including pus, blood, proteins, and crystalline substances. Each of these in turn can arise due to a wide variety of conditions, including but not limited to bladder infections.

Strong smelling urine

If your urine starts to smell more intense or unpleasant than usual, it can be a warning sign of a UTI as well. Of course, there are other reasons to present this symptom, many of them simply a result of your diet, so look for other symptoms of a UTI before you jump to conclusions based purely on smell.


As with any infection, a UTI can present with fever as your body attempts to fight it off. The nature of UTIs means that this usually only occurs with more serious infections, however, so if you suspect a fever is stemming from an infection in your urinary tract it’s recommended you seek professional care, especially if it’s lasted for more than a few days and isn’t showing signs of improvement.


Alongside fever as a rare symptom often indicative of more serious infections, nausea sometimes indicates a UTI which has spread to the kidneys or even other portions of the body. Individuals with gentler stomachs may experience nausea even with milder infections for many of the same reasons you may experience abdominal tenderness; inflammation, pressure from swollen tissues, etc.

Nausea may also arise as a secondary symptom should you change your eating and drinking habits in response to a bladder infection, i.e. by avoiding liquids to prevent uncomfortable urination. Make sure you’re maintaining appropriate dietary habits even while sick, to avoid complications.


Up your water intake

Whether you’re dealing with a current UTI or just trying to prevent the next one, you should look first to your water intake. The simplest, most effective solution to UTIs of all sorts is fixing your water intake at a reasonably high level. Of course, some people already drink plenty of water and get UTIs nonetheless, but the majority of those who experience a UTI will find they need to drink more.

This is due to the relationships between urine concentration and UTIs, urinary frequency and UTIs, and general immune system health and UTIs. Thin out your urine, go more often, and keep your immune system functioning optimally.

Go often—and never hold it

Many bladder infections and other UTIs stem from a simple problem of holding it in. When you hold it in, you not only stress your body, you give any bacteria in your bladder or urethra more time to multiply and settle in as an infection. It’s far, far more difficult for bacteria to adhere to the urinary tract if you’re flushing the pipes on a regular basis. This makes it key to both prevention of infections and clearing out existing infections.

This is another reason you want to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water; without enough hydration, you may urinate infrequently enough to cause problems even if you don’t hold it in.


Much of the pain and symptoms associated with a UTI stem from inflammation of the surrounding tissues, so for minor UTIs which you expect to clear up on their own or with a bit of home remedy, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, foods, or supplements can work wonders. Furthermore, inflammation and stress from pain both serve to inhibit immune function, slowing your recovery.


While heat alone will rarely cause your UTI to heal itself, it can assist with the pains and discomforts of a bladder infection while encouraging a more rapid recovery. A heating pad set at a low to moderate temperature can relieve pain from inflammation, encourage reduced inflammation, and assist blood flow with benefits to immune function. Be careful not to burn yourself with high temperatures or lengthy sessions.

Vitamin C

While vitamin C has a reputation as a cure for any number of illnesses, a true mechanism of action for assisting in UTIs make this condition one for which it is uniquely suitable. Large doses of vitamin C serve to acidify your urine and interact with nitrites in the urine, making it an inhospitable environment to the various bacteria which cause your infections. This may not cure existing infections if they’re severe enough, but it will limit growth to prevent worsening of your condition or the development of additional infections in the future.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice contains a number of substances associated with recovery from and prevention of UTIs. While it’s easiest to simply drink cranberry juice regularly, you could also consider finding these compounds in supplement forms such as cranberry extract or or d-mannose, a type of sugar found in cranberries.

Cranberry extracts in particular are believed to act to prevent the adherence of bacteria to the urinary tract, while d-mannose has shown efficiency in studies in both preventing and treating bladder infection.


Bolstering your immune system through the addition of probiotics to your diet via foods or supplements can quickly eradicate minor UTIs, improve your resistance to future infections, and ease symptoms while you wait for other treatments to work.

bladder infection


For mild cases of bladder infection stemming from bacteria travelling through the urethra, simply improving hygiene often allows your body to resolve the infection on its own. Notable hygiene issues associated with UTIs of all sorts include wiping back to front and failure to urinate after sexual activity. General cleanliness and special attention to these areas will minimize the amount of bacteria which can travel through your urethra and start infections.

Garlic extract

The antimicrobial properties of garlic make it a useful supplement in the treatment and prevention of any number of infections, including blocking the growth of the bacteria associated with UTIs. In addition to this direct benefit in managing the root cause of a UTI, garlic extract is noted for its value in treating inflammation, which means it can serve to reduce the pain associated with your infection while you wait for it to resolve.


When all else fails—or if you don’t mind a trip to the doctor right away—antibiotics will always serve as an effective treatment for bladder infections. Of course, this comes with its own set of limitations; chronic use of antibiotics offers its own set of problems, from incompatibility with other medications to growing resistance. Your doctor may prescribe a general antibiotic based on preference and specifics of your infection, or take a culture and recommend an antibiotic with a more specific aim.

Antibiotics serve to eliminate the current infection, but won’t serve to prevent recurrence, which means the other treatments discussed should be considered as a long-term solution. Patients who experience one infection of the urinary tract are far more likely to experience additional infections if they aren’t careful.

Parting thoughts

While any given bladder infection is a single infection which can be treated with antibiotics or resolve on its own given time, it’s often best to consider it a chronic problem; without ongoing maintenance of your urinary tract, it’s likely you’ll see recurring UTIs for years to come. Make sure you know the symptoms and know the best ways to prevent recurrence. It’s worth a bit more fluids and a few more trips to the bathroom each day.

Researchers Explain Why Volunteering Is The Best Kept Secret to Good Mental Health

Volunteering is the best secret to good mental health. Essentially, doing good for others does good for you. It’s not often talked about, but it’s one of the best ways to improve your psychological well-being.

Things you do that make a positive impact on the world are typically done as acts of selflessness. This means you rarely expect anything in return, and expecting such a thing rather defeats the purpose, anyway. But that doesn’t mean that volunteering doesn’t come with its share of benefits for the kind volunteers!

7 Reasons Why Volunteering Is The Best Kept Secret To Good Mental Health

“Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.” – Unknown

1.    Volunteering makes you feel happier

Many of us are familiar with the joyful feeling we get from doing a random act of kindness. As a matter of fact, the act of helping others, even in any small way, can promote happiness overall. Imagine what it’s like for people who volunteer regularly!

Studies have shown results that prove helping others can actually light up reward centers in the brain. And they’re not just any reward centers – they’re the ones associated with things like intimacy and food. This means that the brain gets a totally natural high from volunteering and providing assistance to others!

There is one slight caveat to this great way to promote positive thinking. A job where kindness and caring for others is required cannot produce the same results. Examples of this are in healthcare fields and similar aid work.

This means if you are seeking happiness from helping others, your best bet is to volunteer! Choose to put your effort into work that you personally find important and meaningful. The feeling you get from helping these causes and people in those situations will be phenomenal! No wonder volunteering is the best secret to good mental health!

2.    It leads to more oxytocin production

Those who volunteer regularly reportedly actually produce higher oxytocin levels. These spikes are characteristic in these individuals, according to a study in the Hormones and Behavior journal.

  • Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter responsible for the regulation of social interaction.
  • As such, volunteering can make you better at social interaction and help ease anxiety that some experience with that kind of pressure.
  • It might even have positive effects on those with more serious social anxiety, though this requires further research.
  • This boost in the neurotransmitter is great for mental health, as having a healthy amount of social activity in one’s life can make you feel happier overall.
  • People with depression would do well to take time out occasionally to try and participate in a social event.

Oxytocin is also known for its ability to abate stress levels, which we’ll discuss more in our next point. For now, it’s clear enough to see that the spike in levels of the neurotransmitter does wonders for mental health!

3.    It helps with stress management

When you’re stressed, distracting yourself from your problems for a while can help calm you down. That’s why volunteering works so well. You’re pushing your own worries aside temporarily in order to pour time into making an improvement in someone else’s life.

Even if all you’re doing is having a conversation with someone else, or interacting with a pet, you’re still building a meaningful connection with another individual. You are giving them your attention and engaging in social activities, which takes your mind off of stress.

According to a study by Rodlescia Sneed and Sheldon Cohen, published in the Psychology and Aging Journal, there might be a physical reason behind this benefit. Apparently, volunteering is capable of lowering blood pressure.

The study found that those who practice volunteering activities for around 200 hours a year are likely to have lower blood pressure. (Some other studies have placed this number at around 100 hours, too.) This means volunteering is not only the best secret to good mental health – it’s a secret to some aspects of physical health, too!

4.    It can provide a sense of purpose

Sometimes, this big world can make you feel like you’re not doing enough. You can feel small, or like your actions don’t matter. You might feel like you’re going nowhere in life, or that there’s no point because you’re just one person – what can you do, anyway?

  • When you volunteer, you learn the magic that comes with helping others and being selfless.
  • You’ll learn the impact you can have on someone with what seems, to you, like minimal effort.
  • You’ll learn that putting smiles on the faces of others is making a positive difference.
  • This can provide you with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.
  • Purpose is what motivates and drives many people. If you have a better sense of purpose from volunteering, it can do wonders for your mental health.

5.    It decreases the risk of depression

If you’re in a slump, consider volunteering. Not only is it a good distraction, but it can also combat certain destructive habits. This mainly applies to negative thinking and being self-critical to an extreme, transforming these into methods for positive thinking instead.

Helping others can open the mind to seeing that anything is possible. It can, therefore, provide motivation and inspiration to those who feel they are losing hope or feeling sad. If they are capable of making such a change in someone’s life, who’s to say they can’t do so for themselves?

In addition, seeing the hardships that others face can provide you with a sense of the bigger picture of the world. It can take your eyes off yourself and view your struggles in the grand scheme of things. Of course, misery is not a competition, and your feelings are valid. But sometimes, seeing what others go through can make you feel less alone or put your own issues into perspective.

Does this apply to those who already have been diagnosed with a depressive disorder? More research is needed. Still, people who have depression know how annoying it is to hear that all they need is some positive thinking to get over what they experience.

Depression is a complicated condition that has yet to be fully understood. But volunteering and helping others may help manage the symptoms experienced by those with depressive disorders. So if you’re looking for a natural way to combat these symptoms, it’s worth a shot!

6.    Volunteering provides better cognitive and brain function

Volunteering helps your brain to work better. When we say volunteering is the best secret to good mental health, it’s because it can directly improve your overall brain function. When your brain is healthy, it can better produce the correct hormones for mood regulation and other similar processes.

Researchers with Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health carried out a study that proved this point. The study revealed that adults who spent time volunteering with a youth mentoring program wound up with a visible improvement in cognitive ability.

mental health

As a matter of fact, magnetic resonance imaging determined that some regions of the test subjects’ brains – especially key spots that boost cognitive skill – made obvious gains. These areas were mainly ones involved with organization in daily life. There were even changes in the way that the activation patterns in the brain worked.

These results were so prominent that they showed a complete standstill in decreasing function previously present for those with degenerative conditions. For some, volunteering even completely reversed those effects. So it’s really no surprise that volunteering is fantastic for overall mental health!

7.    Altruism can be performed everywhere

It’s not just volunteering. Altruistic acts, in general, are known for their positive effects on one’s wellbeing.

Altruism refers to the act of putting the needs of others before your own needs. This can come in many shapes and forms. Because there are so many different ways you can be altruistic, it’s easy to help boost your mental health with small acts of kindness.

So while we certainly urge you to volunteer to help others and yourself, there may be some times when this isn’t possible. You might be ill, feel too exhausted, or have other commitments that week. So here are some other ways you can be altruistic in the meantime:

  • Make coffee or tea for a friend, family member, or colleague.
  • Give up a seat on public transportation to someone who needs it.
  • Mentor someone who needs assistance.
  • Be there for someone in their time of need.
  • Donate money or items to an organization you believe in.

Altruism is free, and it makes you feel great. And when you’re not free to volunteer, there are plenty of easy ways to do it without draining yourself out. This is one of the reasons altruism is a great way to improve your mental health while having a positive impact on the world!

Final Thoughts On Why Volunteering Is The Best Kept Secret To Good Mental Health

For now, volunteering is the best secret to good mental health – but don’t let it stay that way! The power found in being compassionate and kind speaks for itself. If you’ve been feeling down or struggling with issues in your personal life, focusing on others might just give you the kick you need.

Get involved in local animal shelters and rescue organizations. Help out at a care home or orphanage. Work at a soup kitchen. Participate in environmental efforts. Raise money for a charity. The possibilities are endless!

3 Behaviors That Make You Have Less Money (And How to Avoid Them)

Is having less money a constant struggle for you? Do you find it hard to save despite how much you earn at work? You might be embracing habits and behaviors that reduce money instead of growing it. You might be earning good money but your attitude towards your finances might need some fine-tuning if you find that you’re not spending it on (or setting it aside for) worthwhile things.

According to a study at George Washington University’s TIAA Institute and the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center, most people don’t have a firm grasp of their financial health. Some 1,043 adults were asked to answer 28 questions in a survey but only 49 percent of these questions were correctly answered. Less than 20 percent also got fewer than seven correct answers, which amounts to less than 25 percent.

To be financially healthy is not just about having a lot of money in your bank. It’s also about having positive habits with money. Here are some behaviors that you may be surprised to learn are actually affecting your financial wellness.

3 Behaviors That Make You Have Less Money (And How To Avoid Them)

“Living on less than you make is a matter of controlling yourself, not a matter of math.” – Dave Ramsey


1.    You don’t have a positive perspective when it comes to money

Having money to afford nice things is, well, a nice way to live. But if your motivation for having money is mostly because you want to maintain the status quo and make your life fulfilling, then you could easily fall into a trap.

If you lost all that money today, how much of your life would change? The truth is, only a few things should be different in your life whether you have more than enough or lack money.

Do you remember what it was like when you got your first paycheck? You were likely excited to spend it all on the things you wanted. But then you quickly realized you had very little money left once you paid your bills, rent, and loans.

Now, apply this situation to the way you handle your finances every month. Do you always get the surprise of your life whenever you open your credit card bills and realize you’ve spent more than you anticipated? You thought you would have enough to spend because you earn well, but you realize you already spent it on credit. This is the kind of perspective that ruins the financial health of most people.

A Healthy Versus Unhealthy Perspective on Money

Someone with a healthy financial perspective knows that they shouldn’t be spending beyond what they earn. These are the individuals who also know their numbers very well so they can keep their spending in check. These are the very people who, despite their wealth, still keep working and pushing themselves instead of growing complacent about how much they earn. It is not just money that drives their life.

It’s easy for people to lose their perspective about money, especially if they regularly earn a substantial amount. But do you ever notice how millionaires or billionaires enjoy their wealth? They have more than enough to live every day in luxury. They can enjoy their life as if they’re in on a constant holiday if they want to, but that’s not what they do.

Instead, they keep working and improving their business or company. Yes, they might take some vacations, yet they do not make that their lifestyle. Instead of thinking they can vacation for the rest of their life since they are super rich, they’re on the grind most days.

These multi-million business leaders have the right perspective about money. They maintain a balance in their earning and spending. Even if you earn in the high digits, you can still feel an imbalance and your life may still be incomplete if you consume more than you earn. Unfortunately, for most people, having a surplus of money feels like a license to spend with abandon.

So, how do you fix this perspective on money?

  • Keep track of your daily spending.
  • Know how much money you have left after paying off your obligations and living expenses.
  • Divide any surplus money to make it last for 30 days. Whatever you’ve got, that is your daily spending for the next month.
  • Every time you go out to dine, shop, or enjoy a leisure weekend, keep this amount in mind to keep a balanced perspective on your money.
  • If you’re about to buy a pair of shoes, think of how much its price would eat up your daily budget. If you indulge in the purchase, how much would you have leftover? Would you be spending into next week or next month? If so, put the item back on the shelf.

2.    You have an unhealthy attachment to what money can buy

How often do you dine out or buy an expensive latte? It might not seem harmful if you look at buying a Starbucks Grande as a reward. If you feel that you deserve to give yourself this treat after a long and challenging day at work, then the indulgence might not seem like a bad thing.

It might seem like a worthy expense if you dine at a fancy restaurant with your friends every weekend. You need to unwind at the end of the week and you feel you also deserve these simple pleasures in life. So, what better way to celebrate a tough work week than to try out the latest food craze with your group, right?

However, if you add up how much a daily Starbucks latte or a weekly dining splurge is costing you, you could be shocked to learn how it’s really affecting your financial wellness. This is not to say that you shouldn’t indulge. However, you might be manifesting addictive behavior if you place too much value on getting these pleasures. If your perspective is that you “need” to get a daily Starbucks fix, this could be an unhealthy attachment.

Now, these addictive behaviors do not have the same serious effects as an actual addiction or substance abuse problem but it might be causing your finances to spiral out of control. Assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University, Ryan T. Howell, Ph.D. says that at least 10 percent of adults have a compulsive buying or spending disorder. It’s how shopaholics end up with piling bills.

Points on Balanced Spending

The one trait common among compulsive spenders is that they feel better after rewarding themselves. They also think that their indulgences are good for their wellbeing. If you find yourself regularly spending beyond your means to “reward” yourself, keep these points in mind:

  • Experts say that it isn’t wrong to allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying what you earn. However, as you enjoy your money, you should also balance it out by controlling your spending.
  • Pay attention to your numbers and your credit card bills even if you feel good about having money.
  • Be realistic about your spending habits and regularly review your daily budget so your expenses don’t exceed the money you make.
  • Before paying for something, always ask yourself if you really need this item or service.

If you make it a habit to evaluate your budget and daily spending, you will likely find a way to curb your addictive personality and unhealthy attachments to money.

3.    You refuse to deal with your compulsive buying disorder

Oniomania or compulsive buying disorder (CBD) is an actual psychological condition. Experts have been looking into this disorder for years and have found that its rate is actually increasing every year.

When left unchecked and uncontrolled, CBD may be linked to mood and anxiety disorders, impulse control and eating disorders, as well as certain substance abuse problems. According to World Psychiatry, this condition has no standard treatment but some experts have tried to use psychotropic medication for their patients in the form of antidepressants. Others have also tried cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

However, the study also stated that medicating alone will not solve the problem. If a person has been diagnosed as a compulsive spender, the first step to curing this disorder is to actually acknowledge that he or she has a problem managing money.

  • Hiding your purchases from your spouse
  • Buying too many things you don’t really need
  • Spending a big chunk of your income on these items
  • Expecting these purchases to improve your life or give a false sense of security
  • Experiencing conflicts in your relationship due to the way you spend your money

Realize, however, that acknowledging you may have a problem with handling your money is not a sign of weakness. Admitting your mistake humanizes you in a way that can be humbling. It can teach you about being financially mature, too.

Four Steps to Curbing a Compulsive Spending Disorder

Refuse to Use Credit Cards

To be proactive about managing your finances, you might have to cancel your credit cards and stop issuing checks until you get your funds back on track. Cards and checks are tools that can fuel compulsive spending disorder. Credit cards, especially, make the freedom to buy things easier but the burden of paying off a debt a lot harder. So, you have to learn to let go of your dependency on this tool.

Consider Therapy

If your problems with money are still going haywire despite cutting your credit cards, then you might have to submit yourself to therapy and a treatment plan with a professional. You will recognize this need if your buying experience brings more negative than positive feelings in the long run.


As with recognizing you might have problems handling money, acknowledging that you may need a therapist doesn’t make you weak either. It takes a strong person to subject themselves to the process of therapy, as it’s never easy to examine what could be wrong with you to push you to spend unwisely.

Find a Support Group

If a therapist is not enough, you might also have to undergo a 12-step program, such as Debtors Anonymous. Or, you could look into a group on Facebook or message boards where you can discuss your difficulties. It should be helpful and therapeutic to open up to a support group that understands what you’re really going through.

Work with Collection Agencies

Also, try contacting a collection or consumer agency instead of avoiding these companies. Some of these agencies might offer credit counseling and debt management programs for free to help you get your finances back on track.

Final Thoughts Of Behaviors That Make You Have Less Money

It might seem challenging at first to overcome problems and behaviors that lessen money. But the more you ignore these, the longer it will take for you to get out of this rut.

Have a positive mindset, develop patience, and practice diligence. These will help you become more consistent in managing your finances. With determination, you can succeed in getting out debt.

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